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2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00
* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 4094658 4277300 4785453
* @summary Test enforcement of JLS 6.6.1 and 6.6.2 rules requiring that
* the type to which a component member belongs be accessible in qualified
* names.
* @compile pack1/P1.java
* @compile pack1/P2.java
* @compile/fail/ref=QualifiedAccess_2.out -XDdev -XDrawDiagnostics QualifiedAccess_2.java
2007-12-01 00:00:00 +00:00
import pack1.P1;
class A {
private static class B {
static class Inner {}
class X extends pack1.P1 {
X() { super("bar"); }
void foo() {
// BOGUS: Reports matching constructor not found.
// OK if 'Q' is made a public constructor.
Object y = new Q("foo");// ERROR - protected constructor Q inaccessible
// Reports 'P1.R.S' not found at all. (private)
Object z = new R.S.T(); // ERROR - S is inaccessible
class Y {
class Foo {
class Bar {}
class C extends A.B {} // ERROR - B is inaccessible
class D extends A.B.Inner {} // ERROR - B is inaccessible
static class Quux {
private static class Quem {
P1.Foo.Bar x; // ERROR - Foo is inaccessible
static class MyError extends Error {}
class Z {
void foo() throws Y.Quux.Quem.MyError {
// ERROR - type of Quux not accesible (private)
throw new Y.Quux.Quem.MyError();
// ERROR - type of Quux not accesible (private)