2018-05-05 09:24:29 -07:00
2019-02-21 05:06:41 -05:00
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
2018-05-05 09:24:29 -07:00
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package nsk.jdi.LocalVariable.isVisible;
import nsk.share.*;
import nsk.share.jpda.*;
import nsk.share.jdi.*;
import com.sun.jdi.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
* The test for the implementation of an object of the type <BR>
* LocalVariable. <BR>
* <BR>
* The test checks up that results of the method <BR>
* <code>com.sun.jdi.LocalVariable.isVisible()</code> <BR>
* complies with its spec in case when a tested program <BR>
* is prepared with full information, <BR>
* hence, AbsentInformationException is not expected to happen. <BR>
* <BR>
* The cases for testing are as follows. <BR>
* After being started up, <BR>
* a debuggee creates a 'lockingObject' for synchronizing threads, <BR>
* enters a synchronized block in which it creates new thread, thread2, <BR>
* informs a debugger of the thread2 creation, and is waiting for reply.<BR>
* Since the thread2 uses the same locking object as main one <BR>
* it is locked up until the main thread leaves the synchronized block. <BR>
* Upon the receiption a message from the debuggee, the debugger <BR>
* sets up a breakpoint, instructs the debuggee to leave synchronized <BR>
* block, and after getting the thread2 suspended at breakpoint, <BR>
* StackFrame.variablesByName() is used to form LocalVariable <BR>
* objects for the following method variables: <BR>
* - visible i0 and invisible i2 within the method run <BR>
* whose StackFrame # = 1; <BR>
* - visible i2 and invisible i3 within the method runt <BR>
* whose StackFrame # = 0. <BR>
* Then a debugger checks up whether the LocalVariable objects <BR>
* are visible or not for corresponding StackFrames. <BR>
* <BR>
public class isvisible001 {
//----------------------------------------------------- templete section
static final int PASSED = 0;
static final int FAILED = 2;
static final int PASS_BASE = 95;
//----------------------------------------------------- templete parameters
static final String
sHeader1 = "\n==> nsk/jdi/LocalVariable/isVisible/isvisible001 ",
sHeader2 = "--> debugger: ",
sHeader3 = "##> debugger: ";
//----------------------------------------------------- main method
public static void main (String argv[]) {
int result = run(argv, System.out);
System.exit(result + PASS_BASE);
public static int run (String argv[], PrintStream out) {
return new isvisible001().runThis(argv, out);
//-------------------------------------------------- log procedures
//private static boolean verbMode = false;
private static Log logHandler;
private static void log1(String message) {
logHandler.display(sHeader1 + message);
private static void log2(String message) {
logHandler.display(sHeader2 + message);
private static void log3(String message) {
logHandler.complain(sHeader3 + message);
// ************************************************ test parameters
private String debuggeeName =
private String testedClassName =
String mName = "nsk.jdi.LocalVariable.isVisible";
//====================================================== test program
//------------------------------------------------------ common section
static ArgumentHandler argsHandler;
static int waitTime;
static VirtualMachine vm = null;
static EventRequestManager eventRManager = null;
static EventQueue eventQueue = null;
static EventSet eventSet = null;
ReferenceType testedclass = null;
ThreadReference thread2 = null;
ThreadReference mainThread = null;
static int testExitCode = PASSED;
static final int returnCode0 = 0;
static final int returnCode1 = 1;
static final int returnCode2 = 2;
static final int returnCode3 = 3;
static final int returnCode4 = 4;
//------------------------------------------------------ methods
private int runThis (String argv[], PrintStream out) {
Debugee debuggee;
argsHandler = new ArgumentHandler(argv);
logHandler = new Log(out, argsHandler);
Binder binder = new Binder(argsHandler, logHandler);
if (argsHandler.verbose()) {
debuggee = binder.bindToDebugee(debuggeeName + " -vbs"); // *** tp
} else {
debuggee = binder.bindToDebugee(debuggeeName); // *** tp
waitTime = argsHandler.getWaitTime();
IOPipe pipe = new IOPipe(debuggee);
2019-02-21 05:06:41 -05:00
log2(debuggeeName + " debuggee launched");
2018-05-05 09:24:29 -07:00
String line = pipe.readln();
if ((line == null) || !line.equals("ready")) {
log3("signal received is not 'ready' but: " + line);
return FAILED;
} else {
log2("'ready' recieved");
VirtualMachine vm = debuggee.VM();
//------------------------------------------------------ testing section
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
line = pipe.readln();
if (line.equals("checkend")) {
log2(" : returned string is 'checkend'");
break ;
} else if (!line.equals("checkready")) {
log3("ERROR: returned string is not 'checkready'");
testExitCode = FAILED;
break ;
log1("new check: #" + i);
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ variable part
eventRManager = vm.eventRequestManager();
eventQueue = vm.eventQueue();
String threadName = "Thread2";
String breakpointMethod1 = "runt1";
String bpLine1 = "breakpointLineNumber1";
BreakpointRequest breakpRequest1 = null;
List allThreads = null;
ListIterator listIterator = null;
List classes = null;
StackFrame stackFrame = null;
StackFrame stackFrame1 = null;
List methods = null;
Method runmethod = null;
Method runt1method = null;
List lVars = null;
LocalVariable l_i0 = null;
LocalVariable l_i1 = null;
LocalVariable l_i2 = null;
LocalVariable l_i3 = null;
int expresult = returnCode0;
label0: {
log2("getting ThreadReference object");
try {
allThreads = vm.allThreads();
classes = vm.classesByName(testedClassName);
testedclass = (ReferenceType) classes.get(0);
} catch ( Exception e) {
log3("ERROR: Exception at very beginning !? : " + e);
expresult = returnCode1;
break label0;
listIterator = allThreads.listIterator();
for (;;) {
try {
thread2 = (ThreadReference) listIterator.next();
if (thread2.name().equals(threadName))
break ;
} catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) {
log3("ERROR: NoSuchElementException for listIterator.next()");
log3("ERROR: NO THREAD2 ?????????!!!!!!!");
expresult = returnCode1;
break label0;
log2("setting up breakpoint");
breakpRequest1 = settingBreakpoint(breakpointMethod1, bpLine1, "one");
if (breakpRequest1 == null) {
expresult = returnCode1;
break label0;
label1: {
if (expresult != returnCode0)
break label1;
log2(" enabling breakpRequest1");
log2(" forcing the main thread to leave synchronized block");
line = pipe.readln();
if (!line.equals("docontinue")) {
log3("ERROR: returned string is not 'docontinue'");
expresult = returnCode4;
break label1;
log2(" getting a breakpoint event");
expresult = breakpoint();
if (expresult != returnCode0)
break label1;
log2(" getting StackFrame");
try {
stackFrame = thread2.frame(0);
stackFrame1 = thread2.frame(1);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log3("ERROR: Exception for stackFrame = thread2.frame(0) :" + e);
expresult = returnCode1;
break label1;
label2: {
if (expresult != returnCode0)
break label2;
methods = ((ReferenceType) classes.get(0)).methodsByName("run");
runmethod = (Method) methods.get(0);
methods = ((ReferenceType) classes.get(0)).methodsByName("runt1");
runt1method = (Method) methods.get(0);
try {
log2(" lVars = runmethod.variablesByName('i0');");
lVars = runmethod.variablesByName("i0");
if (lVars.size() != 1) {
log3("ERROR: lVars.size() != 1");
expresult = returnCode1;
l_i0 = (LocalVariable) lVars.get(0);
log2(" lVars = runmethod.variablesByName('i1');");
lVars = runmethod.variablesByName("i1");
if (lVars.size() != 1) {
log3("ERROR: lVars.size() != 1");
expresult = returnCode1;
l_i1 = (LocalVariable) lVars.get(0);
log2(" lVars = runmethod.variablesByName('i2');");
lVars = runt1method.variablesByName("i2");
if (lVars.size() != 1) {
log3("ERROR: lVars.size() != 1");
expresult = returnCode1;
l_i2 = (LocalVariable) lVars.get(0);
log2(" lVars = runmethod.variablesByName('i3');");
lVars = runt1method.variablesByName("i3");
if (lVars.size() != 1) {
log3("ERROR: lVars.size() != 1");
expresult = returnCode1;
l_i3 = (LocalVariable) lVars.get(0);
} catch ( AbsentInformationException e ) {
log3("ERROR: AbsentInformationException");
expresult = returnCode1;
if (expresult != returnCode0)
break label2;
log2(" checkin up: l_i0.isVisible(stackFrame1); expected: true");
try {
if (!l_i0.isVisible(stackFrame1)) {
log3("ERROR: !l_i0.isVisible(stackFrame1)");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log3("ERROR: IllegalArgumentException");
expresult = returnCode1;
log2(" checkin up: l_i1.isVisible(stackFrame1); expected: false");
try {
if (l_i1.isVisible(stackFrame1)) {
log3("ERROR: l_i1.isVisible(stackFrame1)");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log3("ERROR: IllegalArgumentException");
expresult = returnCode1;
log2(" checkin up: l_i2.isVisible(stackFrame1); expected: IllegalArgumentException");
try {
if (l_i2.isVisible(stackFrame1)) {
log3("ERROR: no IllegalArgumentException");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log2(" : IllegalArgumentException");
log2(" checkin up: l_i3.isVisible(stackFrame1); expected: IllegalArgumentException");
try {
if (l_i3.isVisible(stackFrame1)) {
log3("ERROR: no IllegalArgumentException");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log2(" : IllegalArgumentException");
log2(" checkin up: l_i1.isVisible(stackFrame); expected: IllegalArgumentException");
try {
if (l_i1.isVisible(stackFrame)) {
log3("ERROR: no IllegalArgumentException");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log2(" : IllegalArgumentException");
log2(" checkin up: l_i2.isVisible(stackFrame); expected: true");
try {
if (!l_i2.isVisible(stackFrame)) {
log3("ERROR: !l_i2.isVisible(stackFrame)");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log3("ERROR: IllegalArgumentException for i2 in stackFrame");
expresult = returnCode1;
log2(" checkin up: l_i3.isVisible(stackFrame); expected: false");
try {
if (l_i3.isVisible(stackFrame)) {
log3("ERROR: l_i3.isVisible(stackFrame)");
expresult = returnCode1;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) {
log3("ERROR: IllegalArgumentException for i3 in stackFrame");;
expresult = returnCode1;
log2(" resuming the thread2 for case it was suspended but not resumed yet");
log2(" the end of testing");
if (expresult != returnCode0)
testExitCode = FAILED;
log1(" TESTING ENDS");
//-------------------------------------------------- test summary section
//------------------------------------------------- standard end section
log2("waiting for the debuggee to finish ...");
int status = debuggee.getStatus();
if (status != PASSED + PASS_BASE) {
log3("debuggee returned UNEXPECTED exit status: " +
status + " != PASS_BASE");
testExitCode = FAILED;
} else {
log2("debuggee returned expected exit status: " +
status + " == PASS_BASE");
if (testExitCode != PASSED) {
logHandler.complain("TEST FAILED");
return testExitCode;
* private BreakpointRequest settingBreakpoint(String, String, String)
* It sets up a breakpoint within a given method at given line number
* for the thread2 only.
* Third parameter is required for any case in future debugging, as if.
* Return codes:
* = BreakpointRequest object in case of success
* = null in case of an Exception thrown within the method
private BreakpointRequest settingBreakpoint ( String methodName,
String bpLine,
String property) {
log2("setting up a breakpoint: method: '" + methodName + "' line: " + bpLine );
List alllineLocations = null;
Location lineLocation = null;
BreakpointRequest breakpRequest = null;
try {
Method method = (Method) testedclass.methodsByName(methodName).get(0);
alllineLocations = method.allLineLocations();
int n =
( (IntegerValue) testedclass.getValue(testedclass.fieldByName(bpLine) ) ).value();
if (n > alllineLocations.size()) {
log3("ERROR: TEST_ERROR_IN_settingBreakpoint(): number is out of bound of method's lines");
} else {
lineLocation = (Location) alllineLocations.get(n);
try {
breakpRequest = eventRManager.createBreakpointRequest(lineLocation);
breakpRequest.putProperty("number", property);
breakpRequest.setSuspendPolicy( EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD);
} catch ( Exception e1 ) {
log3("ERROR: inner Exception within settingBreakpoint() : " + e1);
breakpRequest = null;
} catch ( Exception e2 ) {
log3("ERROR: ATTENTION: outer Exception within settingBreakpoint() : " + e2);
breakpRequest = null;
if (breakpRequest == null)
log2(" a breakpoint has been set up");
return breakpRequest;
* private int breakpoint ()
* It removes events from EventQueue until gets first BreakpointEvent.
* To get next EventSet value, it uses the method
* EventQueue.remove(int timeout)
* The timeout argument passed to the method, is "waitTime*60000".
* Note: the value of waitTime is set up with
* the method ArgumentHandler.getWaitTime() at the beginning of the test.
* Return codes:
* = returnCode0 - success;
* = returnCode2 - Exception when "eventSet = eventQueue.remove()" is executed
* = returnCode3 - default case when loop of processing an event, that is,
* an unspecified event was taken from the EventQueue
private int breakpoint () {
int returnCode = returnCode0;
log2(" waiting for BreakpointEvent");
for (;;) {
log2(" new: eventSet = eventQueue.remove();");
try {
eventSet = eventQueue.remove(waitTime*60000);
if (eventSet == null) {
log3("ERROR: timeout for waiting for a BreakpintEvent");
returnCode = returnCode3;
break labelBP;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log3("ERROR: Exception for eventSet = eventQueue.remove(); : " + e);
returnCode = 1;
break labelBP;
if (eventSet != null) {
log2(" : eventSet != null; size == " + eventSet.size());
EventIterator eIter = eventSet.eventIterator();
Event ev = null;
for (; eIter.hasNext(); ) {
if (returnCode != returnCode0)
ev = eIter.nextEvent();
ll: for (int ifor =0; ; ifor++) {
try {
switch (ifor) {
case 0: AccessWatchpointEvent awe = (AccessWatchpointEvent) ev;
log2(" AccessWatchpointEvent removed");
break ll;
case 1: BreakpointEvent be = (BreakpointEvent) ev;
log2(" BreakpointEvent removed");
break labelBP;
case 2: ClassPrepareEvent cpe = (ClassPrepareEvent) ev;
log2(" ClassPreparEvent removed");
break ll;
case 3: ClassUnloadEvent cue = (ClassUnloadEvent) ev;
log2(" ClassUnloadEvent removed");
break ll;
case 4: ExceptionEvent ee = (ExceptionEvent) ev;
log2(" ExceptionEvent removed");
break ll;
case 5: MethodEntryEvent mene = (MethodEntryEvent) ev;
log2(" MethodEntryEvent removed");
break ll;
case 6: MethodExitEvent mexe = (MethodExitEvent) ev;
log2(" MethodExiEvent removed");
break ll;
case 7: ModificationWatchpointEvent mwe = (ModificationWatchpointEvent) ev;
log2(" ModificationWatchpointEvent removed");
break ll;
case 8: StepEvent se = (StepEvent) ev;
log2(" StepEvent removed");
break ll;
case 9: ThreadDeathEvent tde = (ThreadDeathEvent) ev;
log2(" ThreadDeathEvent removed");
break ll;
case 10: ThreadStartEvent tse = (ThreadStartEvent) ev;
log2(" ThreadStartEvent removed");
break ll;
case 11: VMDeathEvent vmde = (VMDeathEvent) ev;
log2(" VMDeathEvent removed");
break ll;
case 12: VMStartEvent vmse = (VMStartEvent) ev;
log2(" VMStartEvent removed");
break ll;
case 13: WatchpointEvent we = (WatchpointEvent) ev;
log2(" WatchpointEvent removed");
break ll;
default: log3("ERROR: default case for casting event");
returnCode = returnCode3;
break ll;
} // switch
} catch ( ClassCastException e ) {
} // try
} // ll: for (int ifor =0; ; ifor++)
} // for (; ev.hasNext(); )
if (returnCode == returnCode0)
log2(" : eventSet == null: EventQueue is empty");
return returnCode;