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Once published, it is impossible to add methods to an interface without
breaking existing implementations (specifically, adding a method to an
interface is not a source-compatible change). The longer the time since a
library has been published, the more likely it is that this restriction will
cause grief for its maintainers.
The addition of closures to the Java language in JDK 8 place additional stress
on the aging Collection interfaces; one of the most significant benefits of
closures is that it enables the development of more powerful libraries. It
would be disappointing to add a language feature that enables better libraries
while at the same time not extending the core libraries to take advantage of
that feature.
A mechanism for adding new methods to existing interfaces is proposed, which is
called virtual extension (or default) methods. Existing interfaces can be
augmented without compromising backward compatibility by adding extension
methods to the interface, whose declaration would contain instructions for
finding the default implementation in the event that implementers do not
provide a method body. A key characteristic of extension methods is that they
are virtual methods just like other interface methods, but provide a default
implementation in the event that the implementing class does not provide a
method body.
VM support is necessary to implement virtual extension methods.
The test suite is organized in the following manner.
The tests rely on a framework to generate class hierarchies and tests
directly in bytecode from a pseudo-code in Java. Pseudo-code is written
using builder pattern and fluent coding style.
The framework is located in src/vm/runtime/defmeth/shared and divided into
/data and /builder sections.
As an example, the following code:
TestBuilder b = factory.getBuilder();
Interface I = b.intf("I")
.defaultMethod("m", "()I").returns(1).build()
ConcreteClass C = b.clazz("C").implement(I)
.concreteMethod("m", "()I").returns(2).build()
b.test().callSite(I, C, "m", "()I").returns(2).done()
.test().callSite(C, C, "m", "()I").returns(2).done()
translates into bytecode equivalent of:
2-class hierarchy:
interface I {
int m() default { return 1; }
class C implements I {
public int m() { return 2; }
and 2 tests:
Test1_I_C_m {
static void test() {
I i = new C();
if (i.m() != 2) throw new TestFailure();
Test2_C_C_m {
static void test() {
C c = new C();
if (c.m() != 2) throw new TestFailure();
TestBuilder.run() calls Test1_I_C_m.test() and Test2_C_C_m.test() and
performs failure reporting, if necessary.
All tests are located in src/vm/runtime/defmeth and are grouped according
to the area they excercise. The test groups are:
- AccessibilityFlagsTest
- BasicTest
- ConflictingDefaultsTest
- DefaultVsAbstractTest
- MethodResolutionTest
- ObjectMethodOverridesTest
- PrivateMethodsTest
- RedefineTest
- StaticMethodsTest
- StressTest
- SuperCallTest
Each test group can be executed in different modes. For each mode there's a
corresponding scenario in src/vm/runtime/defmeth/scenarios.
Scenarios are organized in the following manner:
majorVer - major version of class files for generated concrete classes
values: ver49, ver50, ver51, ver52
methodFlags - additional access flags for methods in generated classes
none == no additional flags
strict == ACC_STRICT
invocationType - how methods in test hiearchies are invoked during testing
direct - using invoke* bytecodes
reflect - using Reflection API
invoke - using invokedynamic & java.lang.invoke API (MethodHandles/JSR292)
redefine - whether to preload and redefine classes before running individual tests
values: redefine, noredefine
testGroup - name of test group being used
values: BasicTests/BridgeMethod/etc
Stress test differs from other scenarios - it has only 2 modes: redefine and noredefine.
Stress scenario is the following:
- in multiple threads (5 by default)...
- ... continuously run random vm.runtime.defmeth.* tests ...
- ... in random configurations ...
- ... until predefined period of time is over...
- ... or any failures occured.
Directly from command-line:
$ java -cp ${VMTESTBASE}/bin/classes vm.runtime.defmeth.shared.DefMethTest
Specify testing mode:
-flags <int>
additional access flags on default methods (default: 0)
-ver <int>
class file major version (default: 52)
-redefine <boolean>
redefine classes during execution (default: false)
-mode [direct|reflect|invoke]
specify method invocation mechanism (default: direct):
- direct - invoke* instructions in bytecode
- reflect - Reflection API
- invoke - invokedynamic & MethodHandle.invoke*
specify concrete execution mode
Execution-specific flags:
-list <boolean>
list available tests
-filter <regex>
filter tests by name
(default: .* )
If you run tests directly from command line, in order to make "-redefine true",
StressTest or RedefineTest work, additional steps are necessary:
add -agentlib:redefineClasses to JVM options
set correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
Also, it is possible to run any test group directly:
$ java -cp ${VMTESTBASE}/bin/classes vm.runtime.defmeth.BasicTest
StressTest has some specific options:
-stressTime <long>
Stress execution time in seconds (default: 60)
-stressThreadsFactor <int>
Stress threads factor (default: 1)
-seed <int>
force deterministic behavior (default: 0)
-redefine <boolean>
use scenarios w/ class redefinition (default: false)
-ver <int>
minimum class file version to be used in the tests (default: 49)
ignore failures of individual tests
To simplify failure analysis, the framework has some additional flags to produce
diagnostics output:
print pseudo-code for each test;
print bytecode assembly for all generated class files;
print "asmified" version of generated class files;
very useful when preparing reduced test cases.
dump class files under DUMP_CLASS_FILES in <test_name> folder
print full stack traces for all errors and test failures
trace class redefinition during testing
[1] "Design and Implementation of Default Methods in Hotspot JVM", by Keith McGuigan, 09/18/2012
[2] "Featherweight Defenders: A formal model for virtual extension methods in Java", by Brian Goetz, Robert Field, 03/27/2012
[3] "Interface evolution via virtual extension methods", by Brian Goetz, 4th draft, 06/2011