This commit is contained in:
@ -279,7 +279,9 @@ SUNWprivate_1.1 {
# Needed because there is no JVM interface for this.
@ -274,7 +274,9 @@ SUNWprivate_1.1 {
# Needed because there is no JVM interface for this.
@ -2228,20 +2228,42 @@ bool os::commit_memory(char* addr, size_t size, size_t alignment_hint) {
void os::realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint) { }
void os::free_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes) { }
void os::free_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes) {
uncommit_memory(addr, bytes);
void os::numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes) { }
void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes) { }
bool os::numa_topology_changed() { return false; }
size_t os::numa_get_groups_num() { return 1; }
int os::numa_get_group_id() { return 0; }
size_t os::numa_get_leaf_groups(int *ids, size_t size) {
if (size > 0) {
ids[0] = 0;
return 1;
void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint) {
Linux::numa_tonode_memory(addr, bytes, lgrp_hint);
bool os::numa_topology_changed() { return false; }
size_t os::numa_get_groups_num() {
int max_node = Linux::numa_max_node();
return max_node > 0 ? max_node + 1 : 1;
int os::numa_get_group_id() {
int cpu_id = Linux::sched_getcpu();
if (cpu_id != -1) {
int lgrp_id = Linux::get_node_by_cpu(cpu_id);
if (lgrp_id != -1) {
return lgrp_id;
return 0;
size_t os::numa_get_leaf_groups(int *ids, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ids[i] = i;
return size;
bool os::get_page_info(char *start, page_info* info) {
return false;
@ -2250,6 +2272,74 @@ char *os::scan_pages(char *start, char* end, page_info* page_expected, page_info
return end;
extern "C" void numa_warn(int number, char *where, ...) { }
extern "C" void numa_error(char *where) { }
void os::Linux::libnuma_init() {
// sched_getcpu() should be in libc.
dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "sched_getcpu")));
if (sched_getcpu() != -1) { // Does it work?
void *handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (handle != NULL) {
dlsym(handle, "numa_node_to_cpus")));
dlsym(handle, "numa_max_node")));
dlsym(handle, "numa_available")));
dlsym(handle, "numa_tonode_memory")));
if (numa_available() != -1) {
// Create a cpu -> node mapping
_cpu_to_node = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP) GrowableArray<int>(0, true);
// rebuild_cpu_to_node_map() constructs a table mapping cpud id to node id.
// The table is later used in get_node_by_cpu().
void os::Linux::rebuild_cpu_to_node_map() {
int cpu_num = os::active_processor_count();
cpu_to_node()->at_grow(cpu_num - 1);
int node_num = numa_get_groups_num();
int cpu_map_size = (cpu_num + BitsPerLong - 1) / BitsPerLong;
unsigned long *cpu_map = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned long, cpu_map_size);
for (int i = 0; i < node_num; i++) {
if (numa_node_to_cpus(i, cpu_map, cpu_map_size * sizeof(unsigned long)) != -1) {
for (int j = 0; j < cpu_map_size; j++) {
if (cpu_map[j] != 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < BitsPerLong; k++) {
if (cpu_map[j] & (1UL << k)) {
cpu_to_node()->at_put(j * BitsPerLong + k, i);
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned long, cpu_map);
int os::Linux::get_node_by_cpu(int cpu_id) {
if (cpu_to_node() != NULL && cpu_id >= 0 && cpu_id < cpu_to_node()->length()) {
return cpu_to_node()->at(cpu_id);
return -1;
GrowableArray<int>* os::Linux::_cpu_to_node;
os::Linux::sched_getcpu_func_t os::Linux::_sched_getcpu;
os::Linux::numa_node_to_cpus_func_t os::Linux::_numa_node_to_cpus;
os::Linux::numa_max_node_func_t os::Linux::_numa_max_node;
os::Linux::numa_available_func_t os::Linux::_numa_available;
os::Linux::numa_tonode_memory_func_t os::Linux::_numa_tonode_memory;
bool os::uncommit_memory(char* addr, size_t size) {
return ::mmap(addr, size,
@ -3552,6 +3642,10 @@ jint os::init_2(void)
Linux::is_floating_stack() ? "floating stack" : "fixed stack");
if (UseNUMA) {
if (MaxFDLimit) {
// set the number of file descriptors to max. print out error
// if getrlimit/setrlimit fails but continue regardless.
@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ class Linux {
static bool _is_NPTL;
static bool _supports_fast_thread_cpu_time;
static GrowableArray<int>* _cpu_to_node;
static julong _physical_memory;
@ -79,8 +81,9 @@ class Linux {
static void set_is_LinuxThreads() { _is_NPTL = false; }
static void set_is_floating_stack() { _is_floating_stack = true; }
static void rebuild_cpu_to_node_map();
static GrowableArray<int>* cpu_to_node() { return _cpu_to_node; }
static void init_thread_fpu_state();
static int get_fpu_control_word();
static void set_fpu_control_word(int fpu_control);
@ -143,6 +146,7 @@ class Linux {
static bool is_floating_stack() { return _is_floating_stack; }
static void libpthread_init();
static void libnuma_init();
// Minimum stack size a thread can be created with (allowing
// the VM to completely create the thread and enter user code)
@ -229,6 +233,38 @@ class Linux {
typedef int (*sched_getcpu_func_t)(void);
typedef int (*numa_node_to_cpus_func_t)(int node, unsigned long *buffer, int bufferlen);
typedef int (*numa_max_node_func_t)(void);
typedef int (*numa_available_func_t)(void);
typedef int (*numa_tonode_memory_func_t)(void *start, size_t size, int node);
static sched_getcpu_func_t _sched_getcpu;
static numa_node_to_cpus_func_t _numa_node_to_cpus;
static numa_max_node_func_t _numa_max_node;
static numa_available_func_t _numa_available;
static numa_tonode_memory_func_t _numa_tonode_memory;
static void set_sched_getcpu(sched_getcpu_func_t func) { _sched_getcpu = func; }
static void set_numa_node_to_cpus(numa_node_to_cpus_func_t func) { _numa_node_to_cpus = func; }
static void set_numa_max_node(numa_max_node_func_t func) { _numa_max_node = func; }
static void set_numa_available(numa_available_func_t func) { _numa_available = func; }
static void set_numa_tonode_memory(numa_tonode_memory_func_t func) { _numa_tonode_memory = func; }
static int sched_getcpu() { return _sched_getcpu != NULL ? _sched_getcpu() : -1; }
static int numa_node_to_cpus(int node, unsigned long *buffer, int bufferlen) {
return _numa_node_to_cpus != NULL ? _numa_node_to_cpus(node, buffer, bufferlen) : -1;
static int numa_max_node() { return _numa_max_node != NULL ? _numa_max_node() : -1; }
static int numa_available() { return _numa_available != NULL ? _numa_available() : -1; }
static int numa_tonode_memory(void *start, size_t size, int node) {
return _numa_tonode_memory != NULL ? _numa_tonode_memory(start, size, node) : -1;
static int get_node_by_cpu(int cpu_id);
@ -120,3 +120,6 @@ inline int os::closedir(DIR *dirp)
RESTARTABLE(_cmd, _result); \
return _result; \
} while(false)
inline bool os::numa_has_static_binding() { return true; }
inline bool os::numa_has_group_homing() { return false; }
@ -2602,7 +2602,7 @@ void os::realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint) {
// Tell the OS to make the range local to the first-touching LWP
void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes) {
void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint) {
assert((intptr_t)addr % os::vm_page_size() == 0, "Address should be page-aligned.");
if (madvise(addr, bytes, MADV_ACCESS_LWP) < 0) {
debug_only(warning("MADV_ACCESS_LWP failed."));
@ -204,3 +204,6 @@ do { \
RESTARTABLE(_cmd, _result); \
return _result; \
} while(false)
inline bool os::numa_has_static_binding() { return false; }
inline bool os::numa_has_group_homing() { return true; }
@ -2581,7 +2581,7 @@ bool os::unguard_memory(char* addr, size_t bytes) {
void os::realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint) { }
void os::free_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes) { }
void os::numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes) { }
void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes) { }
void os::numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint) { }
bool os::numa_topology_changed() { return false; }
size_t os::numa_get_groups_num() { return 1; }
int os::numa_get_group_id() { return 0; }
@ -69,3 +69,6 @@ inline void os::bang_stack_shadow_pages() {
*((int *)(sp - (pages * vm_page_size()))) = 0;
inline bool os::numa_has_static_binding() { return true; }
inline bool os::numa_has_group_homing() { return false; }
@ -44,52 +44,12 @@ HeapWord* CMSPermGen::mem_allocate(size_t size) {
bool lock_owned = lock->owned_by_self();
if (lock_owned) {
MutexUnlocker mul(lock);
return mem_allocate_work(size);
return mem_allocate_in_gen(size, _gen);
} else {
return mem_allocate_work(size);
return mem_allocate_in_gen(size, _gen);
HeapWord* CMSPermGen::mem_allocate_work(size_t size) {
assert(!_gen->freelistLock()->owned_by_self(), "Potetntial deadlock");
MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
HeapWord* obj = NULL;
obj = _gen->allocate(size, false);
// Since we want to minimize pause times, we will prefer
// expanding the perm gen rather than doing a stop-world
// collection to satisfy the allocation request.
if (obj == NULL) {
// Try to expand the perm gen and allocate space.
obj = _gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false, false);
if (obj == NULL) {
// Let's see if a normal stop-world full collection will
// free up enough space.
obj = _gen->allocate(size, false);
if (obj == NULL) {
// The collection above may have shrunk the space, so try
// to expand again and allocate space.
obj = _gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false, false);
if (obj == NULL) {
// We have not been able to allocate space despite a
// full stop-world collection. We now make a last-ditch collection
// attempt (in which soft refs are all aggressively freed)
// that will try to reclaim as much space as possible.
obj = _gen->allocate(size, false);
if (obj == NULL) {
// Expand generation in case it was shrunk following the collection.
obj = _gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false, false);
return obj;
void CMSPermGen::compute_new_size() {
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ class ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration;
class CMSPermGen: public PermGen {
friend class VMStructs;
HeapWord* mem_allocate_work(size_t size);
// The "generation" view.
ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration* _gen;
@ -590,6 +590,31 @@ HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::permanent_mem_allocate(size_t size) {
full_gc_count = Universe::heap()->total_full_collections();
result = perm_gen()->allocate_permanent(size);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
if (GC_locker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
// If this thread is not in a jni critical section, we stall
// the requestor until the critical section has cleared and
// GC allowed. When the critical section clears, a GC is
// initiated by the last thread exiting the critical section; so
// we retry the allocation sequence from the beginning of the loop,
// rather than causing more, now probably unnecessary, GC attempts.
JavaThread* jthr = JavaThread::current();
if (!jthr->in_critical()) {
MutexUnlocker mul(Heap_lock);
} else {
if (CheckJNICalls) {
fatal("Possible deadlock due to allocating while"
" in jni critical section");
return NULL;
if (result == NULL) {
@ -622,6 +647,12 @@ HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::permanent_mem_allocate(size_t size) {
if (op.prologue_succeeded()) {
"result not in heap");
// If GC was locked out during VM operation then retry allocation
// and/or stall as necessary.
if (op.gc_locked()) {
assert(op.result() == NULL, "must be NULL if gc_locked() is true");
continue; // retry and/or stall as necessary
// If a NULL results is being returned, an out-of-memory
// will be thrown now. Clear the gc_time_limit_exceeded
// flag to avoid the following situation.
@ -169,8 +169,9 @@ class ParallelScavengeHeap : public CollectedHeap {
size_t large_typearray_limit() { return FastAllocateSizeLimit; }
bool supports_inline_contig_alloc() const { return !UseNUMA; }
HeapWord** top_addr() const { return !UseNUMA ? young_gen()->top_addr() : NULL; }
HeapWord** end_addr() const { return !UseNUMA ? young_gen()->end_addr() : NULL; }
HeapWord** top_addr() const { return !UseNUMA ? young_gen()->top_addr() : (HeapWord**)-1; }
HeapWord** end_addr() const { return !UseNUMA ? young_gen()->end_addr() : (HeapWord**)-1; }
void ensure_parsability(bool retire_tlabs);
void accumulate_statistics_all_tlabs();
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ void PSParallelCompact::pre_compact(PreGCValues* pre_gc_values)
DEBUG_ONLY(mark_bitmap_count = mark_bitmap_size = 0;)
// Increment the invocation count
// We need to track unique mark sweep invocations as well.
@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ void PSParallelCompact::invoke_no_policy(bool maximum_heap_compaction) {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at a safepoint");
assert(ref_processor() != NULL, "Sanity");
if (GC_locker::is_active()) {
if (GC_locker::check_active_before_gc()) {
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ void VM_ParallelGCFailedPermanentAllocation::doit() {
GCCauseSetter gccs(heap, _gc_cause);
_result = heap->failed_permanent_mem_allocate(_size);
if (_result == NULL && GC_locker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::mangle_unused_area() {
for (int i = 0; i < lgrp_spaces()->length(); i++) {
LGRPSpace *ls = lgrp_spaces()->at(i);
MutableSpace *s = ls->space();
HeapWord *top = MAX2((HeapWord*)round_down((intptr_t)s->top(), page_size()), s->bottom());
if (top < s->end()) {
ls->add_invalid_region(MemRegion(top, s->end()));
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
HeapWord *top = MAX2((HeapWord*)round_down((intptr_t)s->top(), page_size()), s->bottom());
if (top < s->end()) {
ls->add_invalid_region(MemRegion(top, s->end()));
@ -70,32 +72,36 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::ensure_parsability() {
MemRegion invalid;
HeapWord *crossing_start = (HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)s->top(), os::vm_page_size());
HeapWord *crossing_end = (HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)(s->top() + area_touched_words),
if (crossing_start != crossing_end) {
// If object header crossed a small page boundary we mark the area
// as invalid rounding it to a page_size().
HeapWord *start = MAX2((HeapWord*)round_down((intptr_t)s->top(), page_size()), s->bottom());
HeapWord *end = MIN2((HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)(s->top() + area_touched_words), page_size()),
invalid = MemRegion(start, end);
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
MemRegion invalid;
HeapWord *crossing_start = (HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)s->top(), os::vm_page_size());
HeapWord *crossing_end = (HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)(s->top() + area_touched_words),
if (crossing_start != crossing_end) {
// If object header crossed a small page boundary we mark the area
// as invalid rounding it to a page_size().
HeapWord *start = MAX2((HeapWord*)round_down((intptr_t)s->top(), page_size()), s->bottom());
HeapWord *end = MIN2((HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)(s->top() + area_touched_words), page_size()),
invalid = MemRegion(start, end);
} else {
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
MemRegion invalid(s->top(), s->end());
if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
MemRegion invalid(s->top(), s->end());
} else break;
if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
MemRegion invalid(s->top(), s->end());
} else break;
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ bool MutableNUMASpace::update_layout(bool force) {
// Bias region towards the first-touching lgrp. Set the right page sizes.
void MutableNUMASpace::bias_region(MemRegion mr) {
void MutableNUMASpace::bias_region(MemRegion mr, int lgrp_id) {
HeapWord *start = (HeapWord*)round_to((intptr_t)mr.start(), page_size());
HeapWord *end = (HeapWord*)round_down((intptr_t)mr.end(), page_size());
if (end > start) {
@ -202,9 +208,13 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::bias_region(MemRegion mr) {
assert((intptr_t)aligned_region.start() % page_size() == 0 &&
(intptr_t)aligned_region.byte_size() % page_size() == 0, "Bad alignment");
assert(region().contains(aligned_region), "Sanity");
os::free_memory((char*)aligned_region.start(), aligned_region.byte_size());
// First we tell the OS which page size we want in the given range. The underlying
// large page can be broken down if we require small pages.
os::realign_memory((char*)aligned_region.start(), aligned_region.byte_size(), page_size());
os::numa_make_local((char*)aligned_region.start(), aligned_region.byte_size());
// Then we uncommit the pages in the range.
os::free_memory((char*)aligned_region.start(), aligned_region.byte_size());
// And make them local/first-touch biased.
os::numa_make_local((char*)aligned_region.start(), aligned_region.byte_size(), lgrp_id);
@ -233,10 +243,12 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::update() {
initialize(region(), true);
} else {
bool should_initialize = false;
for (int i = 0; i < lgrp_spaces()->length(); i++) {
if (!lgrp_spaces()->at(i)->invalid_region().is_empty()) {
should_initialize = true;
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
for (int i = 0; i < lgrp_spaces()->length(); i++) {
if (!lgrp_spaces()->at(i)->invalid_region().is_empty()) {
should_initialize = true;
@ -472,8 +484,8 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::initialize(MemRegion mr, bool clear_space) {
intersection = MemRegion(new_region.start(), new_region.start());
select_tails(new_region, intersection, &bottom_region, &top_region);
bias_region(bottom_region, lgrp_spaces()->at(0)->lgrp_id());
bias_region(top_region, lgrp_spaces()->at(lgrp_spaces()->length() - 1)->lgrp_id());
// Check if the space layout has changed significantly?
@ -545,22 +557,37 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::initialize(MemRegion mr, bool clear_space) {
intersection = MemRegion(new_region.start(), new_region.start());
MemRegion invalid_region = ls->invalid_region().intersection(new_region);
if (!invalid_region.is_empty()) {
merge_regions(new_region, &intersection, &invalid_region);
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
MemRegion invalid_region = ls->invalid_region().intersection(new_region);
// Invalid region is a range of memory that could've possibly
// been allocated on the other node. That's relevant only on Solaris where
// there is no static memory binding.
if (!invalid_region.is_empty()) {
merge_regions(new_region, &intersection, &invalid_region);
select_tails(new_region, intersection, &bottom_region, &top_region);
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
// If that's a system with the first-touch policy then it's enough
// to free the pages.
} else {
// In a system with static binding we have to change the bias whenever
// we reshape the heap.
bias_region(bottom_region, ls->lgrp_id());
bias_region(top_region, ls->lgrp_id());
// If we clear the region, we would mangle it in debug. That would cause page
// allocation in a different place. Hence setting the top directly.
s->initialize(new_region, false);
@ -575,7 +602,7 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::set_top(HeapWord* value) {
HeapWord *top = MAX2((HeapWord*)round_down((intptr_t)s->top(), page_size()), s->bottom());
if (s->contains(value)) {
if (top < value && top < s->end()) {
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding() && top < value && top < s->end()) {
ls->add_invalid_region(MemRegion(top, value));
@ -584,10 +611,10 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::set_top(HeapWord* value) {
if (found_top) {
} else {
if (top < s->end()) {
ls->add_invalid_region(MemRegion(top, s->end()));
if (!os::numa_has_static_binding() && top < s->end()) {
ls->add_invalid_region(MemRegion(top, s->end()));
@ -601,11 +628,23 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::clear() {
Linux supports static memory binding, therefore the most part of the
logic dealing with the possible invalid page allocation is effectively
disabled. Besides there is no notion of the home node in Linux. A
thread is allowed to migrate freely. Although the scheduler is rather
reluctant to move threads between the nodes. We check for the current
node every allocation. And with a high probability a thread stays on
the same node for some time allowing local access to recently allocated
HeapWord* MutableNUMASpace::allocate(size_t size) {
int lgrp_id = Thread::current()->lgrp_id();
if (lgrp_id == -1) {
Thread* thr = Thread::current();
int lgrp_id = thr->lgrp_id();
if (lgrp_id == -1 || !os::numa_has_group_homing()) {
lgrp_id = os::numa_get_group_id();
int i = lgrp_spaces()->find(&lgrp_id, LGRPSpace::equals);
@ -628,22 +667,22 @@ HeapWord* MutableNUMASpace::allocate(size_t size) {
// Make the page allocation happen here.
if (p != NULL) {
// Make the page allocation happen here if there is no static binding..
if (p != NULL && !os::numa_has_static_binding()) {
for (HeapWord *i = p; i < p + size; i += os::vm_page_size() >> LogHeapWordSize) {
*(int*)i = 0;
return p;
// This version is lock-free.
HeapWord* MutableNUMASpace::cas_allocate(size_t size) {
int lgrp_id = Thread::current()->lgrp_id();
if (lgrp_id == -1) {
Thread* thr = Thread::current();
int lgrp_id = thr->lgrp_id();
if (lgrp_id == -1 || !os::numa_has_group_homing()) {
lgrp_id = os::numa_get_group_id();
int i = lgrp_spaces()->find(&lgrp_id, LGRPSpace::equals);
@ -670,8 +709,8 @@ HeapWord* MutableNUMASpace::cas_allocate(size_t size) {
// Make the page allocation happen here.
if (p != NULL) {
// Make the page allocation happen here if there is no static binding.
if (p != NULL && !os::numa_has_static_binding() ) {
for (HeapWord *i = p; i < p + size; i += os::vm_page_size() >> LogHeapWordSize) {
*(int*)i = 0;
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ class MutableNUMASpace : public MutableSpace {
// Check if the NUMA topology has changed. Add and remove spaces if needed.
// The update can be forced by setting the force parameter equal to true.
bool update_layout(bool force);
// Bias region towards the first-touching lgrp.
void bias_region(MemRegion mr);
// Bias region towards the lgrp.
void bias_region(MemRegion mr, int lgrp_id);
// Free pages in a given region.
void free_region(MemRegion mr);
// Get current chunk size.
@ -144,3 +144,18 @@ void VM_GenCollectFull::doit() {
gch->do_full_collection(gch->must_clear_all_soft_refs(), _max_level);
void VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation::doit() {
JvmtiGCForAllocationMarker jgcm;
GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
GCCauseSetter gccs(gch, _gc_cause);
gch->n_gens() - 1);
_res = gch->perm_gen()->allocate(_size, false);
assert(gch->is_in_reserved_or_null(_res), "result not in heap");
if (_res == NULL && GC_locker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
// is specified; and also the attach "inspectheap" operation
// VM_GenCollectForAllocation
// VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation
// VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation
// VM_ParallelGCFailedPermanentAllocation
// - this operation is invoked when allocation is failed;
@ -166,3 +167,23 @@ class VM_GenCollectFull: public VM_GC_Operation {
virtual VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GenCollectFull; }
virtual void doit();
class VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation: public VM_GC_Operation {
HeapWord* _res;
size_t _size; // size of object to be allocated
VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation(size_t size,
unsigned int gc_count_before,
unsigned int full_gc_count_before,
GCCause::Cause gc_cause)
: VM_GC_Operation(gc_count_before, full_gc_count_before, true),
_size(size) {
_res = NULL;
_gc_cause = gc_cause;
~VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation() {}
virtual VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation; }
virtual void doit();
HeapWord* result() const { return _res; }
@ -718,6 +718,11 @@ ciObjArray.cpp ciNullObject.hpp
ciObjArray.cpp ciUtilities.hpp
ciObjArray.cpp objArrayOop.hpp
ciObjArray.cpp ciObjArray.hpp
ciObjArray.cpp ciNullObject.hpp
ciObjArray.cpp ciUtilities.hpp
ciObjArray.cpp objArrayOop.hpp
ciObjArrayKlass.cpp ciInstanceKlass.hpp
ciObjArrayKlass.cpp ciObjArrayKlass.hpp
ciObjArrayKlass.cpp ciObjArrayKlassKlass.hpp
@ -1662,6 +1667,7 @@ frame_<arch>.inline.hpp generate_platform_dependent_include
gcLocker.cpp gcLocker.inline.hpp
gcLocker.cpp sharedHeap.hpp
gcLocker.cpp resourceArea.hpp
gcLocker.hpp collectedHeap.hpp
gcLocker.hpp genCollectedHeap.hpp
@ -3094,13 +3100,14 @@ oopMap.cpp scopeDesc.hpp
oopMap.cpp signature.hpp
oopMap.hpp allocation.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp jvmtiRedefineClassesTrace.hpp
oopMap.hpp compressedStream.hpp
oopMap.hpp growableArray.hpp
oopMap.hpp vmreg.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp allocation.inline.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp handles.inline.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp jvmtiRedefineClassesTrace.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp handles.inline.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp oop.inline.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp oopMapCache.hpp
oopMapCache.cpp resourceArea.hpp
@ -3207,6 +3214,7 @@ os_<os_family>.cpp events.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp extendedPC.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp filemap.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp globals.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp growableArray.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp hpi.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp icBuffer.hpp
os_<os_family>.cpp interfaceSupport.hpp
@ -3348,6 +3356,10 @@ permGen.cpp java.hpp
permGen.cpp oop.inline.hpp
permGen.cpp permGen.hpp
permGen.cpp universe.hpp
permGen.cpp gcLocker.hpp
permGen.cpp gcLocker.inline.hpp
permGen.cpp vmGCOperations.hpp
permGen.cpp vmThread.hpp
permGen.hpp gcCause.hpp
permGen.hpp generation.hpp
@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ volatile bool GC_locker::_doing_gc = false;
void GC_locker::stall_until_clear() {
assert(!JavaThread::current()->in_critical(), "Would deadlock");
if (PrintJNIGCStalls && PrintGCDetails) {
ResourceMark rm; // JavaThread::name() allocates to convert to UTF8
"Allocation failed. Thread \"%s\" is stalled by JNI critical section.",
MutexLocker ml(JNICritical_lock);
// Wait for _needs_gc to be cleared
while (GC_locker::needs_gc()) {
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class GenCollectedHeap : public SharedHeap {
friend class CMSCollector;
friend class GenMarkSweep;
friend class VM_GenCollectForAllocation;
friend class VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation;
friend class VM_GenCollectFull;
friend class VM_GenCollectFullConcurrent;
friend class VM_GC_HeapInspection;
@ -25,6 +25,70 @@
#include "incls/_precompiled.incl"
#include "incls/_permGen.cpp.incl"
HeapWord* PermGen::mem_allocate_in_gen(size_t size, Generation* gen) {
MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
GCCause::Cause next_cause = GCCause::_permanent_generation_full;
GCCause::Cause prev_cause = GCCause::_no_gc;
for (;;) {
HeapWord* obj = gen->allocate(size, false);
if (obj != NULL) {
return obj;
if (gen->capacity() < _capacity_expansion_limit ||
prev_cause != GCCause::_no_gc) {
obj = gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false);
if (obj == NULL && prev_cause != GCCause::_last_ditch_collection) {
if (GC_locker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
// If this thread is not in a jni critical section, we stall
// the requestor until the critical section has cleared and
// GC allowed. When the critical section clears, a GC is
// initiated by the last thread exiting the critical section; so
// we retry the allocation sequence from the beginning of the loop,
// rather than causing more, now probably unnecessary, GC attempts.
JavaThread* jthr = JavaThread::current();
if (!jthr->in_critical()) {
MutexUnlocker mul(Heap_lock);
// Wait for JNI critical section to be exited
} else {
if (CheckJNICalls) {
fatal("Possible deadlock due to allocating while"
" in jni critical section");
return NULL;
// Read the GC count while holding the Heap_lock
unsigned int gc_count_before = SharedHeap::heap()->total_collections();
unsigned int full_gc_count_before = SharedHeap::heap()->total_full_collections();
MutexUnlocker mu(Heap_lock); // give up heap lock, execute gets it back
VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation op(size, gc_count_before, full_gc_count_before,
if (!op.prologue_succeeded() || op.gc_locked()) {
assert(op.result() == NULL, "must be NULL if gc_locked() is true");
continue; // retry and/or stall as necessary
obj = op.result();
assert(obj == NULL || SharedHeap::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj),
"result not in heap");
if (obj != NULL) {
return obj;
prev_cause = next_cause;
next_cause = GCCause::_last_ditch_collection;
} else {
return obj;
CompactingPermGen::CompactingPermGen(ReservedSpace rs,
ReservedSpace shared_rs,
size_t initial_byte_size,
@ -44,40 +108,7 @@ CompactingPermGen::CompactingPermGen(ReservedSpace rs,
HeapWord* CompactingPermGen::mem_allocate(size_t size) {
MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
HeapWord* obj = _gen->allocate(size, false);
bool tried_collection = false;
bool tried_expansion = false;
while (obj == NULL) {
if (_gen->capacity() >= _capacity_expansion_limit || tried_expansion) {
// Expansion limit reached, try collection before expanding further
// For now we force a full collection, this could be changed
obj = _gen->allocate(size, false);
tried_collection = true;
tried_expansion = false; // ... following the collection:
// the collection may have shrunk the space.
if (obj == NULL && !tried_expansion) {
obj = _gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false);
tried_expansion = true;
if (obj == NULL && tried_collection && tried_expansion) {
// We have not been able to allocate despite a collection and
// an attempted space expansion. We now make a last-ditch collection
// attempt that will try to reclaim as much space as possible (for
// example by aggressively clearing all soft refs).
obj = _gen->allocate(size, false);
if (obj == NULL) {
// An expansion attempt is necessary since the previous
// collection may have shrunk the space.
obj = _gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false);
return obj;
return mem_allocate_in_gen(size, _gen);
void CompactingPermGen::compute_new_size() {
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ class PermGen : public CHeapObj {
size_t _capacity_expansion_limit; // maximum expansion allowed without a
// full gc occuring
HeapWord* mem_allocate_in_gen(size_t size, Generation* gen);
enum Name {
MarkSweepCompact, MarkSweep, ConcurrentMarkSweep
@ -1928,6 +1928,10 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
develop(bool, IgnoreLibthreadGPFault, false, \
"Suppress workaround for libthread GP fault") \
product(bool, PrintJNIGCStalls, false, \
"Print diagnostic message when GC is stalled" \
"by JNI critical section") \
/* JVMTI heap profiling */ \
diagnostic(bool, TraceJVMTIObjectTagging, false, \
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class JavaThread;
class Event;
class DLL;
class FileHandle;
template<class E> class GrowableArray;
// %%%%% Moved ThreadState, START_FN, OSThread to new osThread.hpp. -- Rose
@ -206,7 +207,9 @@ class os: AllStatic {
static void realign_memory(char *addr, size_t bytes, size_t alignment_hint);
// NUMA-specific interface
static void numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes);
static bool numa_has_static_binding();
static bool numa_has_group_homing();
static void numa_make_local(char *addr, size_t bytes, int lgrp_hint);
static void numa_make_global(char *addr, size_t bytes);
static size_t numa_get_groups_num();
static size_t numa_get_leaf_groups(int *ids, size_t size);
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
template(GenCollectFull) \
template(GenCollectFullConcurrent) \
template(GenCollectForAllocation) \
template(GenCollectForPermanentAllocation) \
template(ParallelGCFailedAllocation) \
template(ParallelGCFailedPermanentAllocation) \
template(ParallelGCSystemGC) \
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