8221766: Load-reference barriers for Shenandoah

Reviewed-by: kvn, erikj, aph, shade
This commit is contained in:
Roman Kennke 2019-04-02 23:00:22 +02:00
parent 60e51498f2
commit 03ab1404f0
48 changed files with 1388 additions and 3260 deletions

@ -172,8 +172,6 @@ endif
ifneq ($(call check-jvm-feature, shenandoahgc), true)
JVM_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS += gc/shenandoah
ifneq ($(call check-jvm-feature, jfr), true)

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#define __ masm->
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::_shenandoah_wb = NULL;
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::_shenandoah_lrb = NULL;
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::arraycopy_prologue(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, bool is_oop,
Register addr, Register count, RegSet saved_regs) {
@ -198,60 +198,31 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::satb_write_barrier_pre(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ bind(done);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
read_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier || ShenandoahCASBarrier), "should be enabled");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::resolve_forward_pointer(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier || ShenandoahCASBarrier, "Should be enabled");
Label is_null;
__ cbz(dst, is_null);
read_barrier_not_null_impl(masm, dst);
resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(masm, dst);
__ bind(is_null);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
read_barrier_not_null_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier_not_null_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier || ShenandoahCASBarrier), "should be enabled");
// IMPORTANT: This must preserve all registers, even rscratch1 and rscratch2.
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier || ShenandoahCASBarrier, "Should be enabled");
__ ldr(dst, Address(dst, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
write_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier), "Should be enabled");
assert(dst != rscratch1, "need rscratch1");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::load_reference_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, "Should be enabled");
assert(dst != rscratch2, "need rscratch2");
Label done;
__ enter();
Address gc_state(rthread, in_bytes(ShenandoahThreadLocalData::gc_state_offset()));
__ ldrb(rscratch1, gc_state);
__ ldrb(rscratch2, gc_state);
// Check for heap stability
__ mov(rscratch2, ShenandoahHeap::HAS_FORWARDED | ShenandoahHeap::EVACUATION | ShenandoahHeap::TRAVERSAL);
__ tst(rscratch1, rscratch2);
__ br(Assembler::EQ, done);
// Heap is unstable, need to perform the read-barrier even if WB is inactive
__ ldr(dst, Address(dst, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
// Check for evacuation-in-progress and jump to WB slow-path if needed
__ mov(rscratch2, ShenandoahHeap::EVACUATION | ShenandoahHeap::TRAVERSAL);
__ tst(rscratch1, rscratch2);
__ br(Assembler::EQ, done);
__ tbz(rscratch2, ShenandoahHeap::HAS_FORWARDED_BITPOS, done);
RegSet to_save = RegSet::of(r0);
if (dst != r0) {
@ -259,7 +230,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Reg
__ mov(r0, dst);
__ far_call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_wb())));
__ far_call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_lrb())));
if (dst != r0) {
__ mov(dst, r0);
@ -267,14 +238,11 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Reg
__ bind(done);
__ leave();
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::storeval_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp) {
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
Label is_null;
__ cbz(dst, is_null);
write_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
__ bind(is_null);
// Save possibly live regs.
RegSet live_regs = RegSet::range(r0, r4) - dst;
__ push(live_regs, sp);
@ -286,44 +254,45 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::storeval_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Regis
__ ldrd(v0, __ post(sp, 2 * wordSize));
__ pop(live_regs, sp);
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
read_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::load_reference_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
Label is_null;
__ cbz(dst, is_null);
load_reference_barrier_not_null(masm, dst, tmp);
__ bind(is_null);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::load_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Register dst, Address src, Register tmp1, Register tmp_thread) {
bool on_oop = type == T_OBJECT || type == T_ARRAY;
bool in_heap = (decorators & IN_HEAP) != 0;
bool on_weak = (decorators & ON_WEAK_OOP_REF) != 0;
bool on_phantom = (decorators & ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF) != 0;
bool on_reference = on_weak || on_phantom;
if (in_heap) {
read_barrier_not_null(masm, src.base());
BarrierSetAssembler::load_at(masm, decorators, type, dst, src, tmp1, tmp_thread);
if (ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier && on_oop && on_reference) {
__ enter();
satb_write_barrier_pre(masm /* masm */,
noreg /* obj */,
dst /* pre_val */,
rthread /* thread */,
tmp1 /* tmp */,
true /* tosca_live */,
true /* expand_call */);
__ leave();
if (on_oop) {
load_reference_barrier(masm, dst, tmp1);
if (ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier && on_reference) {
__ enter();
satb_write_barrier_pre(masm /* masm */,
noreg /* obj */,
dst /* pre_val */,
rthread /* thread */,
tmp1 /* tmp */,
true /* tosca_live */,
true /* expand_call */);
__ leave();
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Address dst, Register val, Register tmp1, Register tmp2) {
bool on_oop = type == T_OBJECT || type == T_ARRAY;
bool in_heap = (decorators & IN_HEAP) != 0;
if (in_heap) {
write_barrier(masm, dst.base());
if (!on_oop) {
BarrierSetAssembler::store_at(masm, decorators, type, dst, val, tmp1, tmp2);
@ -361,21 +330,6 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register op1, Register op2) {
__ cmp(op1, op2);
if (ShenandoahAcmpBarrier) {
Label done;
__ br(Assembler::EQ, done);
// The object may have been evacuated, but we won't see it without a
// membar here.
__ membar(Assembler::LoadStore| Assembler::LoadLoad);
read_barrier(masm, op1);
read_barrier(masm, op2);
__ cmp(op1, op2);
__ bind(done);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::tlab_allocate(MacroAssembler* masm, Register obj,
Register var_size_in_bytes,
int con_size_in_bytes,
@ -410,27 +364,6 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::tlab_allocate(MacroAssembler* masm, Register
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::resolve(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, Register obj) {
bool oop_not_null = (decorators & IS_NOT_NULL) != 0;
bool is_write = (decorators & ACCESS_WRITE) != 0;
if (is_write) {
if (oop_not_null) {
write_barrier(masm, obj);
} else {
Label done;
__ cbz(obj, done);
write_barrier(masm, obj);
__ bind(done);
} else {
if (oop_not_null) {
read_barrier_not_null(masm, obj);
} else {
read_barrier(masm, obj);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm, Register addr, Register expected, Register new_val,
bool acquire, bool release, bool weak, bool is_cae,
Register result) {
@ -469,8 +402,8 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm, Register a
__ decode_heap_oop(tmp1, tmp1);
__ decode_heap_oop(tmp2, tmp2);
read_barrier_impl(masm, tmp1);
read_barrier_impl(masm, tmp2);
resolve_forward_pointer(masm, tmp1);
resolve_forward_pointer(masm, tmp2);
__ cmp(tmp1, tmp2);
// Retry with expected now being the value we just loaded from addr.
__ br(Assembler::EQ, retry);
@ -515,7 +448,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_pre_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, Shen
__ b(*stub->continuation());
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub* stub) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_load_reference_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub* stub) {
Register obj = stub->obj()->as_register();
Register res = stub->result()->as_register();
@ -532,7 +465,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, Sh
__ cbz(res, done);
write_barrier(ce->masm(), res);
load_reference_barrier_not_null(ce->masm(), res, rscratch1);
__ bind(done);
__ b(*stub->continuation());
@ -592,14 +525,14 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_c1_pre_barrier_runtime_stub(StubAss
#endif // COMPILER1
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_wb() {
assert(_shenandoah_wb != NULL, "need write barrier stub");
return _shenandoah_wb;
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_lrb() {
assert(_shenandoah_lrb != NULL, "need load reference barrier stub");
return _shenandoah_lrb;
#define __ cgen->assembler()->
// Shenandoah write barrier.
// Shenandoah load reference barrier.
// Input:
// r0: OOP to evacuate. Not null.
@ -608,13 +541,13 @@ address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_wb() {
// r0: Pointer to evacuated OOP.
// Trash rscratch1, rscratch2. Preserve everything else.
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen) {
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_lrb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen) {
__ align(6);
StubCodeMark mark(cgen, "StubRoutines", "shenandoah_wb");
StubCodeMark mark(cgen, "StubRoutines", "shenandoah_lrb");
address start = __ pc();
Label work;
Label work, done;
__ mov(rscratch2, ShenandoahHeap::in_cset_fast_test_addr());
__ lsr(rscratch1, r0, ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes_shift_jint());
__ ldrb(rscratch2, Address(rscratch2, rscratch1));
@ -622,19 +555,23 @@ address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator*
__ ret(lr);
__ bind(work);
Register obj = r0;
__ mov(rscratch2, r0);
resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(cgen->assembler(), r0);
__ cmp(rscratch2, r0);
__ br(Assembler::NE, done);
__ enter(); // required for proper stackwalking of RuntimeStub frame
__ push_call_clobbered_registers();
__ mov(lr, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahRuntime::write_barrier_JRT));
__ mov(lr, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahRuntime::load_reference_barrier_JRT));
__ blrt(lr, 1, 0, MacroAssembler::ret_type_integral);
__ mov(rscratch1, obj);
__ mov(rscratch1, r0);
__ pop_call_clobbered_registers();
__ mov(obj, rscratch1);
__ mov(r0, rscratch1);
__ leave(); // required for proper stackwalking of RuntimeStub frame
__ bind(done);
__ ret(lr);
return start;
@ -643,12 +580,12 @@ address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator*
#undef __
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::barrier_stubs_init() {
if (ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
int stub_code_size = 2048;
ResourceMark rm;
BufferBlob* bb = BufferBlob::create("shenandoah_barrier_stubs", stub_code_size);
CodeBuffer buf(bb);
StubCodeGenerator cgen(&buf);
_shenandoah_wb = generate_shenandoah_wb(&cgen);
_shenandoah_lrb = generate_shenandoah_lrb(&cgen);

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#ifdef COMPILER1
class LIR_Assembler;
class ShenandoahPreBarrierStub;
class ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub;
class ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub;
class StubAssembler;
class StubCodeGenerator;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class StubCodeGenerator;
class ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler: public BarrierSetAssembler {
static address _shenandoah_wb;
static address _shenandoah_lrb;
void satb_write_barrier_pre(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register obj,
@ -54,24 +54,21 @@ private:
bool tosca_live,
bool expand_call);
void read_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void read_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void read_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void read_barrier_not_null_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void write_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void asm_acmp_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register op1, Register op2);
void resolve_forward_pointer(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void load_reference_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp);
void load_reference_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp);
address generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen);
address generate_shenandoah_lrb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen);
static address shenandoah_wb();
static address shenandoah_lrb();
void storeval_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp);
#ifdef COMPILER1
void gen_pre_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahPreBarrierStub* stub);
void gen_write_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub* stub);
void gen_load_reference_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub* stub);
void generate_c1_pre_barrier_runtime_stub(StubAssembler* sasm);
@ -83,8 +80,6 @@ public:
Register dst, Address src, Register tmp1, Register tmp_thread);
virtual void store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Address dst, Register val, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
virtual void obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src1, Register src2);
virtual void resolve(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, Register obj);
virtual void tlab_allocate(MacroAssembler* masm, Register obj,
Register var_size_in_bytes,
int con_size_in_bytes,

@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIRIt
__ xchg(access.resolved_addr(), value_opr, result, tmp);
if (access.is_oop()) {
result = load_reference_barrier(access.gen(), result, access.access_emit_info(), true);
if (ShenandoahSATBBarrier) {
pre_barrier(access.gen(), access.access_emit_info(), access.decorators(), LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr,
result /* pre_val */);

@ -45,18 +45,6 @@ encode %{
instruct shenandoahRB(iRegPNoSp dst, iRegP src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
match(Set dst (ShenandoahReadBarrier src));
format %{ "shenandoah_rb $dst,$src" %}
ins_encode %{
Register s = $src$$Register;
Register d = $dst$$Register;
__ ldr(d, Address(s, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
instruct compareAndSwapP_shenandoah(iRegINoSp res, indirect mem, iRegP oldval, iRegP newval, iRegPNoSp tmp, rFlagsReg cr) %{
match(Set res (ShenandoahCompareAndSwapP mem (Binary oldval newval)));

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#define __ masm->
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::_shenandoah_wb = NULL;
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::_shenandoah_lrb = NULL;
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::arraycopy_prologue(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Register src, Register dst, Register count) {
@ -293,41 +293,23 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::satb_write_barrier_pre(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ bind(done);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
read_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier || ShenandoahCASBarrier), "should be enabled");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::resolve_forward_pointer(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(ShenandoahCASBarrier, "should be enabled");
Label is_null;
__ testptr(dst, dst);
__ jcc(Assembler::zero, is_null);
read_barrier_not_null_impl(masm, dst);
resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(masm, dst);
__ bind(is_null);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
read_barrier_not_null_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::read_barrier_not_null_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier || ShenandoahCASBarrier), "should be enabled");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(ShenandoahCASBarrier || ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, "should be enabled");
__ movptr(dst, Address(dst, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
write_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier), "Should be enabled");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::load_reference_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, "Should be enabled");
#ifdef _LP64
Label done;
@ -335,8 +317,8 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Reg
__ testb(gc_state, ShenandoahHeap::HAS_FORWARDED | ShenandoahHeap::EVACUATION | ShenandoahHeap::TRAVERSAL);
__ jccb(Assembler::zero, done);
// Heap is unstable, need to perform the read-barrier even if WB is inactive
read_barrier_not_null(masm, dst);
// Heap is unstable, need to perform the resolve even if LRB is inactive
resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(masm, dst);
__ testb(gc_state, ShenandoahHeap::EVACUATION | ShenandoahHeap::TRAVERSAL);
__ jccb(Assembler::zero, done);
@ -345,7 +327,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Reg
__ xchgptr(dst, rax); // Move obj into rax and save rax into obj.
__ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_wb())));
__ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_lrb())));
if (dst != rax) {
__ xchgptr(rax, dst); // Swap back obj with rax.
@ -358,24 +340,18 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Reg
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::storeval_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp) {
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
storeval_barrier_impl(masm, dst, tmp);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::storeval_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier), "should be enabled");
assert(ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, "should be enabled");
if (dst == noreg) return;
#ifdef _LP64
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
Label is_null;
__ testptr(dst, dst);
__ jcc(Assembler::zero, is_null);
write_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
__ bind(is_null);
// The set of registers to be saved+restored is the same as in the write-barrier above.
// Those are the commonly used registers in the interpreter.
__ pusha();
@ -389,50 +365,54 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::storeval_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm,
//__ pop_callee_saved_registers();
__ popa();
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
read_barrier_impl(masm, dst);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::load_reference_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
Label done;
__ testptr(dst, dst);
__ jcc(Assembler::zero, done);
load_reference_barrier_not_null(masm, dst);
__ bind(done);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::load_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Register dst, Address src, Register tmp1, Register tmp_thread) {
bool on_oop = type == T_OBJECT || type == T_ARRAY;
bool in_heap = (decorators & IN_HEAP) != 0;
bool on_weak = (decorators & ON_WEAK_OOP_REF) != 0;
bool on_phantom = (decorators & ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF) != 0;
bool on_reference = on_weak || on_phantom;
if (in_heap) {
read_barrier_not_null(masm, src.base());
BarrierSetAssembler::load_at(masm, decorators, type, dst, src, tmp1, tmp_thread);
if (ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier && on_oop && on_reference) {
const Register thread = NOT_LP64(tmp_thread) LP64_ONLY(r15_thread);
NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread));
BarrierSetAssembler::load_at(masm, decorators, type, dst, src, tmp1, tmp_thread);
if (on_oop) {
load_reference_barrier(masm, dst);
// Generate the SATB pre-barrier code to log the value of
// the referent field in an SATB buffer.
shenandoah_write_barrier_pre(masm /* masm */,
noreg /* obj */,
dst /* pre_val */,
thread /* thread */,
tmp1 /* tmp */,
true /* tosca_live */,
true /* expand_call */);
if (ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier && on_reference) {
const Register thread = NOT_LP64(tmp_thread) LP64_ONLY(r15_thread);
NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread));
// Generate the SATB pre-barrier code to log the value of
// the referent field in an SATB buffer.
shenandoah_write_barrier_pre(masm /* masm */,
noreg /* obj */,
dst /* pre_val */,
thread /* thread */,
tmp1 /* tmp */,
true /* tosca_live */,
true /* expand_call */);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Address dst, Register val, Register tmp1, Register tmp2) {
bool on_oop = type == T_OBJECT || type == T_ARRAY;
bool in_heap = (decorators & IN_HEAP) != 0;
bool as_normal = (decorators & AS_NORMAL) != 0;
if (in_heap) {
write_barrier(masm, dst.base());
if (type == T_OBJECT || type == T_ARRAY) {
if (on_oop && in_heap) {
bool needs_pre_barrier = as_normal;
Register tmp3 = LP64_ONLY(r8) NOT_LP64(rsi);
@ -475,44 +455,6 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet
#ifndef _LP64
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Address obj1, jobject obj2) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register obj1, jobject obj2) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register op1, Register op2) {
__ cmpptr(op1, op2);
if (ShenandoahAcmpBarrier) {
Label done;
__ jccb(Assembler::equal, done);
read_barrier(masm, op1);
read_barrier(masm, op2);
__ cmpptr(op1, op2);
__ bind(done);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src1, Address src2) {
__ cmpptr(src1, src2);
if (ShenandoahAcmpBarrier) {
Label done;
__ jccb(Assembler::equal, done);
__ movptr(rscratch2, src2);
read_barrier(masm, src1);
read_barrier(masm, rscratch2);
__ cmpptr(src1, rscratch2);
__ bind(done);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::tlab_allocate(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register thread, Register obj,
Register var_size_in_bytes,
@ -562,28 +504,6 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::tlab_allocate(MacroAssembler* masm,
__ verify_tlab();
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::resolve(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, Register obj) {
bool oop_not_null = (decorators & IS_NOT_NULL) != 0;
bool is_write = (decorators & ACCESS_WRITE) != 0;
if (is_write) {
if (oop_not_null) {
write_barrier(masm, obj);
} else {
Label done;
__ testptr(obj, obj);
__ jcc(Assembler::zero, done);
write_barrier(masm, obj);
__ bind(done);
} else {
if (oop_not_null) {
read_barrier_not_null(masm, obj);
} else {
read_barrier(masm, obj);
// Special Shenandoah CAS implementation that handles false negatives
// due to concurrent evacuation.
#ifndef _LP64
@ -622,14 +542,14 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm,
// Step 2. CAS had failed. This may be a false negative.
// The trouble comes when we compare the to-space pointer with the from-space
// pointer to the same object. To resolve this, it will suffice to read both
// oldval and the value from memory through the read barriers -- this will give
// both to-space pointers. If they mismatch, then it was a legitimate failure.
// pointer to the same object. To resolve this, it will suffice to resolve both
// oldval and the value from memory -- this will give both to-space pointers.
// If they mismatch, then it was a legitimate failure.
if (UseCompressedOops) {
__ decode_heap_oop(tmp1);
read_barrier_impl(masm, tmp1);
resolve_forward_pointer(masm, tmp1);
if (UseCompressedOops) {
__ movl(tmp2, oldval);
@ -637,7 +557,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm,
} else {
__ movptr(tmp2, oldval);
read_barrier_impl(masm, tmp2);
resolve_forward_pointer(masm, tmp2);
__ cmpptr(tmp1, tmp2);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, done, true);
@ -646,8 +566,8 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm,
// Corner case: it may happen that somebody stored the from-space pointer
// to memory while we were preparing for retry. Therefore, we can fail again
// on retry, and so need to do this in loop, always re-reading the failure
// witness through the read barrier.
// on retry, and so need to do this in loop, always resolving the failure
// witness.
__ bind(retry);
if (os::is_MP()) __ lock();
if (UseCompressedOops) {
@ -663,7 +583,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm,
} else {
__ movptr(tmp2, oldval);
read_barrier_impl(masm, tmp2);
resolve_forward_pointer(masm, tmp2);
__ cmpptr(tmp1, tmp2);
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, retry, true);
@ -811,7 +731,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_pre_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, Shen
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub* stub) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_load_reference_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub* stub) {
__ bind(*stub->entry());
Label done;
@ -828,7 +748,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, Sh
__ jcc(Assembler::zero, done);
write_barrier(ce->masm(), res);
load_reference_barrier_not_null(ce->masm(), res);
__ bind(done);
__ jmp(*stub->continuation());
@ -898,16 +818,16 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_c1_pre_barrier_runtime_stub(StubAss
#endif // COMPILER1
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_wb() {
assert(_shenandoah_wb != NULL, "need write barrier stub");
return _shenandoah_wb;
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::shenandoah_lrb() {
assert(_shenandoah_lrb != NULL, "need load reference barrier stub");
return _shenandoah_lrb;
#define __ cgen->assembler()->
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen) {
address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_lrb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen) {
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(cgen, "StubRoutines", "shenandoah_wb");
StubCodeMark mark(cgen, "StubRoutines", "shenandoah_lrb");
address start = __ pc();
#ifdef _LP64
@ -955,7 +875,7 @@ address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator*
__ push(r15);
__ movptr(rdi, rax);
__ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahRuntime::write_barrier_JRT), rdi);
__ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahRuntime::load_reference_barrier_JRT), rdi);
__ pop(r15);
__ pop(r14);
@ -982,12 +902,12 @@ address ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator*
#undef __
void ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::barrier_stubs_init() {
if (ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
int stub_code_size = 4096;
ResourceMark rm;
BufferBlob* bb = BufferBlob::create("shenandoah_barrier_stubs", stub_code_size);
CodeBuffer buf(bb);
StubCodeGenerator cgen(&buf);
_shenandoah_wb = generate_shenandoah_wb(&cgen);
_shenandoah_lrb = generate_shenandoah_lrb(&cgen);

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#ifdef COMPILER1
class LIR_Assembler;
class ShenandoahPreBarrierStub;
class ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub;
class ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub;
class StubAssembler;
class StubCodeGenerator;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class StubCodeGenerator;
class ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler: public BarrierSetAssembler {
static address _shenandoah_wb;
static address _shenandoah_lrb;
void satb_write_barrier_pre(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register obj,
@ -55,32 +55,30 @@ private:
bool tosca_live,
bool expand_call);
void read_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void read_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void resolve_forward_pointer(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void resolve_forward_pointer_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void read_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void read_barrier_not_null_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void write_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void write_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void load_reference_barrier_not_null(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void storeval_barrier_impl(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp);
address generate_shenandoah_wb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen);
address generate_shenandoah_lrb(StubCodeGenerator* cgen);
void save_vector_registers(MacroAssembler* masm);
void restore_vector_registers(MacroAssembler* masm);
static address shenandoah_wb();
static address shenandoah_lrb();
void storeval_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst, Register tmp);
#ifdef COMPILER1
void gen_pre_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahPreBarrierStub* stub);
void gen_write_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub* stub);
void gen_load_reference_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub* stub);
void generate_c1_pre_barrier_runtime_stub(StubAssembler* sasm);
void load_reference_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dst);
void cmpxchg_oop(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register res, Address addr, Register oldval, Register newval,
bool exchange, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
@ -93,16 +91,6 @@ public:
virtual void store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
Address dst, Register val, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
#ifndef _LP64
virtual void obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Address obj1, jobject obj2);
virtual void obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register obj1, jobject obj2);
virtual void obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src1, Register src2);
virtual void obj_equals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register src1, Address src2);
virtual void tlab_allocate(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register thread, Register obj,
Register var_size_in_bytes,
@ -110,8 +98,6 @@ public:
Register t1, Register t2,
Label& slow_case);
virtual void resolve(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, Register obj);
virtual void barrier_stubs_init();

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIRIt
__ xchg(access.resolved_addr(), result, result, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr);
if (access.is_oop()) {
result = load_reference_barrier(access.gen(), result, access.access_emit_info(), true);
if (ShenandoahSATBBarrier) {
pre_barrier(access.gen(), access.access_emit_info(), access.decorators(), LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr,
result /* pre_val */);

@ -23,47 +23,7 @@
source_hpp %{
#include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahBarrierSetAssembler.hpp"
instruct shenandoahRB(rRegP dst, rRegP src, rFlagsReg cr) %{
match(Set dst (ShenandoahReadBarrier src));
effect(DEF dst, USE src);
ins_cost(125); // XXX
format %{ "shenandoah_rb $dst, $src" %}
ins_encode %{
Register d = $dst$$Register;
Register s = $src$$Register;
__ movptr(d, Address(s, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
instruct shenandoahRBNarrow(rRegP dst, rRegN src) %{
predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() == 0));
match(Set dst (ShenandoahReadBarrier (DecodeN src)));
effect(DEF dst, USE src);
ins_cost(125); // XXX
format %{ "shenandoah_rb $dst, $src" %}
ins_encode %{
Register d = $dst$$Register;
Register s = $src$$Register;
__ movptr(d, Address(r12, s, Address::times_1, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
instruct shenandoahRBNarrowShift(rRegP dst, rRegN src) %{
predicate(UseCompressedOops && (Universe::narrow_oop_shift() == Address::times_8));
match(Set dst (ShenandoahReadBarrier (DecodeN src)));
effect(DEF dst, USE src);
ins_cost(125); // XXX
format %{ "shenandoah_rb $dst, $src" %}
ins_encode %{
Register d = $dst$$Register;
Register s = $src$$Register;
__ movptr(d, Address(r12, s, Address::times_8, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()));
#include "gc/shenandoah/c2/shenandoahSupport.hpp"
instruct compareAndSwapP_shenandoah(rRegI res,

@ -777,8 +777,7 @@ bool InstructForm::captures_bottom_type(FormDict &globals) const {
!strcmp(_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"CompareAndExchangeP") ||
!strcmp(_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"CompareAndExchangeN") ||
!strcmp(_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"ShenandoahCompareAndExchangeP") ||
!strcmp(_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"ShenandoahCompareAndExchangeN") ||
!strcmp(_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"ShenandoahReadBarrier"))) return true;
!strcmp(_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"ShenandoahCompareAndExchangeN"))) return true;
else if ( is_ideal_load() == Form::idealP ) return true;
else if ( is_ideal_store() != Form::none ) return true;
@ -3506,7 +3505,6 @@ int MatchNode::needs_ideal_memory_edge(FormDict &globals) const {
"GetAndSetB", "GetAndSetS", "GetAndAddI", "GetAndSetI", "GetAndSetP",
"GetAndAddB", "GetAndAddS", "GetAndAddL", "GetAndSetL", "GetAndSetN",
"LoadBarrierSlowReg", "LoadBarrierWeakSlowReg"
int cnt = sizeof(needs_ideal_memory_list)/sizeof(char*);

@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ void ShenandoahPreBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
bs->gen_pre_barrier_stub(ce, this);
void ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
void ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler* bs = (ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler*)BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
bs->gen_write_barrier_stub(ce, this);
bs->gen_load_reference_barrier_stub(ce, this);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::pre_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, CodeEmitInfo* info, DecoratorSet decorators, LIR_Opr addr_opr, LIR_Opr pre_val) {
@ -105,40 +105,16 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::pre_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, CodeEmitInfo* info,
__ branch_destination(slow->continuation());
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::read_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check) {
if (UseShenandoahGC && ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
return read_barrier_impl(gen, obj, info, need_null_check);
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::load_reference_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
return load_reference_barrier_impl(gen, obj, info, need_null_check);
} else {
return obj;
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::read_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier), "Should be enabled");
LabelObj* done = new LabelObj();
LIR_Opr result = gen->new_register(T_OBJECT);
__ move(obj, result);
if (need_null_check) {
__ cmp(lir_cond_equal, result, LIR_OprFact::oopConst(NULL));
__ branch(lir_cond_equal, T_LONG, done->label());
LIR_Address* brooks_ptr_address = gen->generate_address(result, ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset(), T_ADDRESS);
__ load(brooks_ptr_address, result, info ? new CodeEmitInfo(info) : NULL, lir_patch_none);
__ branch_destination(done->label());
return result;
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::write_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check) {
if (UseShenandoahGC && ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
return write_barrier_impl(gen, obj, info, need_null_check);
} else {
return obj;
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::write_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier), "Should be enabled");
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::load_reference_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, "Should be enabled");
obj = ensure_in_register(gen, obj);
assert(obj->is_register(), "must be a register at this point");
@ -168,7 +144,7 @@ LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::write_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr ob
__ cmp(lir_cond_notEqual, flag_val, LIR_OprFact::intConst(0));
CodeStub* slow = new ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub(obj, result, info ? new CodeEmitInfo(info) : NULL, need_null_check);
CodeStub* slow = new ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub(obj, result, info ? new CodeEmitInfo(info) : NULL, need_null_check);
__ branch(lir_cond_notEqual, T_INT, slow);
__ branch_destination(slow->continuation());
@ -189,58 +165,13 @@ LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::ensure_in_register(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr ob
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::storeval_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, DecoratorSet decorators) {
bool need_null_check = (decorators & IS_NOT_NULL) == 0;
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
obj = write_barrier_impl(gen, obj, info, need_null_check);
obj = ensure_in_register(gen, obj);
pre_barrier(gen, info, decorators, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, obj);
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
obj = read_barrier_impl(gen, obj, info, true /*need_null_check*/);
return obj;
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::resolve_address(LIRAccess& access, bool resolve_in_register) {
DecoratorSet decorators = access.decorators();
bool is_array = (decorators & IS_ARRAY) != 0;
bool needs_patching = (decorators & C1_NEEDS_PATCHING) != 0;
bool is_write = (decorators & ACCESS_WRITE) != 0;
bool needs_null_check = (decorators & IS_NOT_NULL) == 0;
LIR_Opr base = access.base().item().result();
LIR_Opr offset = access.offset().opr();
LIRGenerator* gen = access.gen();
if (is_write) {
base = write_barrier(gen, base, access.access_emit_info(), needs_null_check);
} else {
base = read_barrier(gen, base, access.access_emit_info(), needs_null_check);
LIR_Opr addr_opr;
if (is_array) {
addr_opr = LIR_OprFact::address(gen->emit_array_address(base, offset, access.type()));
} else if (needs_patching) {
// we need to patch the offset in the instruction so don't allow
// generate_address to try to be smart about emitting the -1.
// Otherwise the patching code won't know how to find the
// instruction to patch.
addr_opr = LIR_OprFact::address(new LIR_Address(base, PATCHED_ADDR, access.type()));
} else {
addr_opr = LIR_OprFact::address(gen->generate_address(base, offset, 0, 0, access.type()));
if (resolve_in_register) {
LIR_Opr resolved_addr = gen->new_pointer_register();
__ leal(addr_opr, resolved_addr);
resolved_addr = LIR_OprFact::address(new LIR_Address(resolved_addr, access.type()));
return resolved_addr;
} else {
return addr_opr;
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::store_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIR_Opr value) {
if (access.is_oop()) {
if (ShenandoahSATBBarrier) {
@ -252,15 +183,28 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::store_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIR_Opr value)
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::load_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIR_Opr result) {
BarrierSetC1::load_at_resolved(access, result);
if (!access.is_oop()) {
BarrierSetC1::load_at_resolved(access, result);
LIRGenerator *gen = access.gen();
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
LIR_Opr tmp = gen->new_register(T_OBJECT);
BarrierSetC1::load_at_resolved(access, tmp);
tmp = load_reference_barrier(access.gen(), tmp, access.access_emit_info(), true);
__ move(tmp, result);
} else {
BarrierSetC1::load_at_resolved(access, result);
if (ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier) {
DecoratorSet decorators = access.decorators();
bool is_weak = (decorators & ON_WEAK_OOP_REF) != 0;
bool is_phantom = (decorators & ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF) != 0;
bool is_anonymous = (decorators & ON_UNKNOWN_OOP_REF) != 0;
LIRGenerator *gen = access.gen();
if (access.is_oop() && (is_weak || is_phantom || is_anonymous)) {
if (is_weak || is_phantom || is_anonymous) {
// Register the value in the referent field with the pre-barrier
LabelObj *Lcont_anonymous;
if (is_anonymous) {
@ -276,19 +220,6 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::load_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIR_Opr result)
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::atomic_add_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIRItem& value) {
return BarrierSetC1::atomic_add_at_resolved(access, value);
LIR_Opr ShenandoahBarrierSetC1::resolve(LIRGenerator* gen, DecoratorSet decorators, LIR_Opr obj) {
bool is_write = decorators & ACCESS_WRITE;
if (is_write) {
return write_barrier(gen, obj, NULL, (decorators & IS_NOT_NULL) == 0);
} else {
return read_barrier(gen, obj, NULL, (decorators & IS_NOT_NULL) == 0);
class C1ShenandoahPreBarrierCodeGenClosure : public StubAssemblerCodeGenClosure {
virtual OopMapSet* generate_code(StubAssembler* sasm) {
ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler* bs = (ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler*)BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public:
#endif // PRODUCT
class ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub: public CodeStub {
class ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub: public CodeStub {
friend class ShenandoahBarrierSetC1;
LIR_Opr _obj;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ private:
bool _needs_null_check;
ShenandoahWriteBarrierStub(LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool needs_null_check) :
ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub(LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool needs_null_check) :
_obj(obj), _result(result), _info(info), _needs_null_check(needs_null_check)
assert(_obj->is_register(), "should be register");
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public:
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void print_name(outputStream* out) const { out->print("ShenandoahWritePreBarrierStub"); }
virtual void print_name(outputStream* out) const { out->print("ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierStub"); }
#endif // PRODUCT
@ -181,12 +181,10 @@ private:
void pre_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, CodeEmitInfo* info, DecoratorSet decorators, LIR_Opr addr_opr, LIR_Opr pre_val);
LIR_Opr read_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check);
LIR_Opr write_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check);
LIR_Opr load_reference_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check);
LIR_Opr storeval_barrier(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, DecoratorSet decorators);
LIR_Opr read_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check);
LIR_Opr write_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check);
LIR_Opr load_reference_barrier_impl(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool need_null_check);
LIR_Opr ensure_in_register(LIRGenerator* gen, LIR_Opr obj);
@ -194,7 +192,6 @@ public:
CodeBlob* pre_barrier_c1_runtime_code_blob() { return _pre_barrier_c1_runtime_code_blob; }
virtual LIR_Opr resolve_address(LIRAccess& access, bool resolve_in_register);
virtual void store_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIR_Opr value);
virtual void load_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIR_Opr result);
@ -202,10 +199,8 @@ protected:
virtual LIR_Opr atomic_cmpxchg_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIRItem& cmp_value, LIRItem& new_value);
virtual LIR_Opr atomic_xchg_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIRItem& value);
virtual LIR_Opr atomic_add_at_resolved(LIRAccess& access, LIRItem& value);
virtual LIR_Opr resolve(LIRGenerator* gen, DecoratorSet decorators, LIR_Opr obj);
virtual void generate_c1_runtime_stubs(BufferBlob* buffer_blob);

@ -43,121 +43,56 @@ ShenandoahBarrierSetC2* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::bsc2() {
ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State(Arena* comp_arena)
: _shenandoah_barriers(new (comp_arena) GrowableArray<ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode*>(comp_arena, 8, 0, NULL)) {
: _enqueue_barriers(new (comp_arena) GrowableArray<ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode*>(comp_arena, 8, 0, NULL)),
_load_reference_barriers(new (comp_arena) GrowableArray<ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode*>(comp_arena, 8, 0, NULL)) {
int ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::shenandoah_barriers_count() const {
return _shenandoah_barriers->length();
int ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::enqueue_barriers_count() const {
return _enqueue_barriers->length();
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::shenandoah_barrier(int idx) const {
return _shenandoah_barriers->at(idx);
ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::enqueue_barrier(int idx) const {
return _enqueue_barriers->at(idx);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::add_shenandoah_barrier(ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode * n) {
assert(!_shenandoah_barriers->contains(n), "duplicate entry in barrier list");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::add_enqueue_barrier(ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode * n) {
assert(!_enqueue_barriers->contains(n), "duplicate entry in barrier list");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::remove_shenandoah_barrier(ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode * n) {
if (_shenandoah_barriers->contains(n)) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::remove_enqueue_barrier(ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode * n) {
if (_enqueue_barriers->contains(n)) {
#define __ kit->
int ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::load_reference_barriers_count() const {
return _load_reference_barriers->length();
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_read_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const {
if (ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
obj = shenandoah_read_barrier_impl(kit, obj, false, true, true);
ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::load_reference_barrier(int idx) const {
return _load_reference_barriers->at(idx);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::add_load_reference_barrier(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode * n) {
assert(!_load_reference_barriers->contains(n), "duplicate entry in barrier list");
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State::remove_load_reference_barrier(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode * n) {
if (_load_reference_barriers->contains(n)) {
return obj;
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_storeval_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const {
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
obj = shenandoah_write_barrier(kit, obj);
obj = shenandoah_enqueue_barrier(kit, obj);
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
obj = shenandoah_read_barrier_impl(kit, obj, true, false, false);
return obj;
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_read_barrier_impl(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj, bool use_ctrl, bool use_mem, bool allow_fromspace) const {
const Type* obj_type = obj->bottom_type();
if (obj_type->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR)) {
return obj;
const TypePtr* adr_type = ShenandoahBarrierNode::brooks_pointer_type(obj_type);
Node* mem = use_mem ? __ memory(adr_type) : __ immutable_memory();
if (! ShenandoahBarrierNode::needs_barrier(&__ gvn(), NULL, obj, mem, allow_fromspace)) {
// We know it is null, no barrier needed.
return obj;
if (obj_type->meet(TypePtr::NULL_PTR) == obj_type->remove_speculative()) {
// We don't know if it's null or not. Need null-check.
enum { _not_null_path = 1, _null_path, PATH_LIMIT };
RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(PATH_LIMIT);
Node* phi = new PhiNode(region, obj_type);
Node* null_ctrl = __ top();
Node* not_null_obj = __ null_check_oop(obj, &null_ctrl);
region->init_req(_null_path, null_ctrl);
phi ->init_req(_null_path, __ zerocon(T_OBJECT));
Node* ctrl = use_ctrl ? __ control() : NULL;
ShenandoahReadBarrierNode* rb = new ShenandoahReadBarrierNode(ctrl, mem, not_null_obj, allow_fromspace);
Node* n = __ gvn().transform(rb);
region->init_req(_not_null_path, __ control());
phi ->init_req(_not_null_path, n);
__ set_control(__ gvn().transform(region));
__ record_for_igvn(region);
return __ gvn().transform(phi);
} else {
// We know it is not null. Simple barrier is sufficient.
Node* ctrl = use_ctrl ? __ control() : NULL;
ShenandoahReadBarrierNode* rb = new ShenandoahReadBarrierNode(ctrl, mem, obj, allow_fromspace);
Node* n = __ gvn().transform(rb);
__ record_for_igvn(n);
return n;
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_write_barrier_helper(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj, const TypePtr* adr_type) const {
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode* wb = new ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode(kit->C, kit->control(), kit->memory(adr_type), obj);
Node* n = __ gvn().transform(wb);
if (n == wb) { // New barrier needs memory projection.
Node* proj = __ gvn().transform(new ShenandoahWBMemProjNode(n));
__ set_memory(proj, adr_type);
return n;
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_write_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const {
if (ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
obj = shenandoah_write_barrier_impl(kit, obj);
return obj;
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_write_barrier_impl(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const {
if (! ShenandoahBarrierNode::needs_barrier(&__ gvn(), NULL, obj, NULL, true)) {
return obj;
const Type* obj_type = obj->bottom_type();
const TypePtr* adr_type = ShenandoahBarrierNode::brooks_pointer_type(obj_type);
Node* n = shenandoah_write_barrier_helper(kit, obj, adr_type);
__ record_for_igvn(n);
return n;
#define __ kit->
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::satb_can_remove_pre_barrier(GraphKit* kit, PhaseTransform* phase, Node* adr,
BasicType bt, uint adr_idx) const {
@ -304,7 +239,7 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::satb_write_barrier_pre(GraphKit* kit,
Node* gc_state = __ AddP(no_base, tls, __ ConX(in_bytes(ShenandoahThreadLocalData::gc_state_offset())));
Node* ld = __ load(__ ctrl(), gc_state, TypeInt::BYTE, T_BYTE, Compile::AliasIdxRaw);
marking = __ AndI(ld, __ ConI(ShenandoahHeap::MARKING));
assert(ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::is_gc_state_load(ld), "Should match the shape");
assert(ShenandoahBarrierC2Support::is_gc_state_load(ld), "Should match the shape");
// if (!marking)
__ if_then(marking, BoolTest::ne, zero, unlikely); {
@ -361,7 +296,7 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::is_shenandoah_wb_pre_call(Node* call) {
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::is_shenandoah_wb_call(Node* call) {
return call->is_CallLeaf() &&
call->as_CallLeaf()->entry_point() == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahRuntime::write_barrier_JRT);
call->as_CallLeaf()->entry_point() == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, ShenandoahRuntime::load_reference_barrier_JRT);
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::is_shenandoah_marking_if(PhaseTransform *phase, Node* n) {
@ -549,88 +484,6 @@ const TypeFunc* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::shenandoah_write_barrier_Type() {
return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::resolve_address(C2Access& access) const {
const TypePtr* adr_type = access.addr().type();
if ((access.decorators() & IN_NATIVE) == 0 && (adr_type->isa_instptr() || adr_type->isa_aryptr())) {
int off = adr_type->is_ptr()->offset();
int base_off = adr_type->isa_instptr() ? instanceOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes() :
assert(off != Type::OffsetTop, "unexpected offset");
if (off == Type::OffsetBot || off >= base_off) {
DecoratorSet decorators = access.decorators();
bool is_write = (decorators & C2_WRITE_ACCESS) != 0;
GraphKit* kit = NULL;
if (access.is_parse_access()) {
C2ParseAccess& parse_access = static_cast<C2ParseAccess&>(access);
kit = parse_access.kit();
Node* adr = access.addr().node();
assert(adr->is_AddP(), "unexpected address shape");
Node* base = adr->in(AddPNode::Base);
if (is_write) {
if (kit != NULL) {
base = shenandoah_write_barrier(kit, base);
} else {
assert(access.is_opt_access(), "either parse or opt access");
assert((access.decorators() & C2_ARRAY_COPY) != 0, "can be skipped for clone");
} else {
if (adr_type->isa_instptr()) {
Compile* C = access.gvn().C;
ciField* field = C->alias_type(adr_type)->field();
// Insert read barrier for Shenandoah.
if (field != NULL &&
((ShenandoahOptimizeStaticFinals && field->is_static() && field->is_final()) ||
(ShenandoahOptimizeInstanceFinals && !field->is_static() && field->is_final()) ||
(ShenandoahOptimizeStableFinals && field->is_stable()))) {
// Skip the barrier for special fields
} else {
if (kit != NULL) {
base = shenandoah_read_barrier(kit, base);
} else {
assert(access.is_opt_access(), "either parse or opt access");
assert((access.decorators() & C2_ARRAY_COPY) != 0, "can be skipped for arraycopy");
} else {
if (kit != NULL) {
base = shenandoah_read_barrier(kit, base);
} else {
assert(access.is_opt_access(), "either parse or opt access");
assert((access.decorators() & C2_ARRAY_COPY) != 0, "can be skipped for arraycopy");
if (base != adr->in(AddPNode::Base)) {
assert(kit != NULL, "no barrier should have been added");
Node* address = adr->in(AddPNode::Address);
if (address->is_AddP()) {
assert(address->in(AddPNode::Base) == adr->in(AddPNode::Base), "unexpected address shape");
assert(!address->in(AddPNode::Address)->is_AddP(), "unexpected address shape");
assert(address->in(AddPNode::Address) == adr->in(AddPNode::Base), "unexpected address shape");
address = address->clone();
address->set_req(AddPNode::Base, base);
address->set_req(AddPNode::Address, base);
address = kit->gvn().transform(address);
} else {
assert(address == adr->in(AddPNode::Base), "unexpected address shape");
address = base;
adr = adr->clone();
adr->set_req(AddPNode::Base, base);
adr->set_req(AddPNode::Address, address);
adr = kit->gvn().transform(adr);
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::store_at_resolved(C2Access& access, C2AccessValue& val) const {
DecoratorSet decorators = access.decorators();
@ -662,44 +515,8 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::store_at_resolved(C2Access& access, C2AccessValue&
PhaseGVN& gvn = opt_access.gvn();
MergeMemNode* mm = opt_access.mem();
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
const Type* v_t = gvn.type(val.node());
Node* phi = new PhiNode(region, v_t->isa_oopptr() ? v_t->is_oopptr()->cast_to_nonconst() : v_t);
Node* cmp = gvn.transform(new CmpPNode(val.node(), gvn.zerocon(T_OBJECT)));
Node* bol = gvn.transform(new BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::ne));
IfNode* iff = new IfNode(opt_access.ctl(), bol, PROB_LIKELY_MAG(3), COUNT_UNKNOWN);
if (gvn.is_IterGVN()) {
} else {
Node* null_true = gvn.transform(new IfFalseNode(iff));
Node* null_false = gvn.transform(new IfTrueNode(iff));
region->init_req(1, null_true);
region->init_req(2, null_false);
phi->init_req(1, gvn.zerocon(T_OBJECT));
Node* cast = new CastPPNode(val.node(), gvn.type(val.node())->join_speculative(TypePtr::NOTNULL));
cast->set_req(0, null_false);
cast = gvn.transform(cast);
Node* rb = gvn.transform(new ShenandoahReadBarrierNode(null_false, gvn.C->immutable_memory(), cast, false));
phi->init_req(2, rb);
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) {
const TypePtr* adr_type = ShenandoahBarrierNode::brooks_pointer_type(gvn.type(val.node()));
int alias = gvn.C->get_alias_index(adr_type);
Node* wb = new ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode(gvn.C, opt_access.ctl(), mm->memory_at(alias), val.node());
Node* wb_transformed = gvn.transform(wb);
Node* enqueue = gvn.transform(new ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode(wb_transformed));
if (wb_transformed == wb) {
Node* proj = gvn.transform(new ShenandoahWBMemProjNode(wb));
mm->set_memory_at(alias, proj);
Node* enqueue = gvn.transform(new ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode(val.node()));
@ -724,6 +541,17 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::load_at_resolved(C2Access& access, const Type* val
Node* offset = adr->is_AddP() ? adr->in(AddPNode::Offset) : top;
Node* load = BarrierSetC2::load_at_resolved(access, val_type);
if (access.is_oop()) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier) {
load = new ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode(NULL, load);
if (access.is_parse_access()) {
load = static_cast<C2ParseAccess &>(access).kit()->gvn().transform(load);
} else {
load = static_cast<C2OptAccess &>(access).gvn().transform(load);
// If we are reading the value of the referent field of a Reference
// object (either by using Unsafe directly or through reflection)
// then, if SATB is enabled, we need to record the referent in an
@ -797,9 +625,10 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::atomic_cmpxchg_val_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess
#ifdef _LP64
if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop()) {
return kit->gvn().transform(new DecodeNNode(load_store, load_store->get_ptr_type()));
load_store = kit->gvn().transform(new DecodeNNode(load_store, load_store->get_ptr_type()));
load_store = kit->gvn().transform(new ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode(NULL, load_store));
return load_store;
return BarrierSetC2::atomic_cmpxchg_val_at_resolved(access, expected_val, new_val, value_type);
@ -867,6 +696,7 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess& acces
Node* result = BarrierSetC2::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(access, val, value_type);
if (access.is_oop()) {
result = kit->gvn().transform(new ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode(NULL, result));
shenandoah_write_barrier_pre(kit, false /* do_load */,
NULL, NULL, max_juint, NULL, NULL,
result /* pre_val */, T_OBJECT);
@ -876,19 +706,9 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess& acces
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::clone(GraphKit* kit, Node* src, Node* dst, Node* size, bool is_array) const {
assert(!src->is_AddP(), "unexpected input");
src = shenandoah_read_barrier(kit, src);
BarrierSetC2::clone(kit, src, dst, size, is_array);
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::resolve(GraphKit* kit, Node* n, DecoratorSet decorators) const {
bool is_write = decorators & ACCESS_WRITE;
if (is_write) {
return shenandoah_write_barrier(kit, n);
} else {
return shenandoah_read_barrier(kit, n);
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::obj_allocate(PhaseMacroExpand* macro, Node* ctrl, Node* mem, Node* toobig_false, Node* size_in_bytes,
Node*& i_o, Node*& needgc_ctrl,
Node*& fast_oop_ctrl, Node*& fast_oop_rawmem,
@ -915,6 +735,7 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::obj_allocate(PhaseMacroExpand* macro, Node* ctrl,
// Support for GC barriers emitted during parsing
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::is_gc_barrier_node(Node* node) const {
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier) return true;
if (node->Opcode() != Op_CallLeaf && node->Opcode() != Op_CallLeafNoFP) {
return false;
@ -929,26 +750,30 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::is_gc_barrier_node(Node* node) const {
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::step_over_gc_barrier(Node* c) const {
return ShenandoahBarrierNode::skip_through_barrier(c);
if (c->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier) {
return c->in(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode::ValueIn);
if (c->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahEnqueueBarrier) {
c = c->in(1);
return c;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::expand_barriers(Compile* C, PhaseIterGVN& igvn) const {
return !ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::expand(C, igvn);
return !ShenandoahBarrierC2Support::expand(C, igvn);
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::optimize_loops(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, LoopOptsMode mode, VectorSet& visited, Node_Stack& nstack, Node_List& worklist) const {
if (mode == LoopOptsShenandoahExpand) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC, "only for shenandoah");
return true;
} else if (mode == LoopOptsShenandoahPostExpand) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC, "only for shenandoah");
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::optimize_after_expansion(visited, nstack, worklist, phase);
ShenandoahBarrierC2Support::optimize_after_expansion(visited, nstack, worklist, phase);
return true;
GrowableArray<MemoryGraphFixer*> memory_graph_fixers;
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::optimize_before_expansion(phase, memory_graph_fixers, false);
return false;
@ -957,7 +782,6 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::array_copy_requires_gc_barriers(bool tightly_couple
if (!is_oop) {
return false;
if (tightly_coupled_alloc) {
if (phase == Optimization) {
return false;
@ -985,7 +809,7 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::clone_needs_postbarrier(ArrayCopyNode *ac, PhaseIte
} else {
return true;
} else if (src_type->isa_aryptr()) {
BasicType src_elem = src_type->klass()->as_array_klass()->element_type()->basic_type();
if (src_elem == T_OBJECT || src_elem == T_ARRAY) {
@ -1038,14 +862,20 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::clone_barrier_at_expansion(ArrayCopyNode* ac, Node*
// Support for macro expanded GC barriers
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::register_potential_barrier_node(Node* node) const {
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
state()->add_shenandoah_barrier((ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode*) node);
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahEnqueueBarrier) {
state()->add_enqueue_barrier((ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode*) node);
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier) {
state()->add_load_reference_barrier((ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode*) node);
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::unregister_potential_barrier_node(Node* node) const {
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
state()->remove_shenandoah_barrier((ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode*) node);
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahEnqueueBarrier) {
state()->remove_enqueue_barrier((ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode*) node);
if (node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier) {
state()->remove_load_reference_barrier((ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode*) node);
@ -1091,19 +921,18 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::eliminate_useless_gc_barriers(Unique_Node_List &use
for (int i = state()->shenandoah_barriers_count()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode* n = state()->shenandoah_barrier(i);
for (int i = state()->enqueue_barriers_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode* n = state()->enqueue_barrier(i);
if (!useful.member(n)) {
for (int i = state()->load_reference_barriers_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode* n = state()->load_reference_barrier(i);
if (!useful.member(n)) {
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::has_special_unique_user(const Node* node) const {
assert(node->outcnt() == 1, "match only for unique out");
Node* n = node->unique_out();
return node->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier && n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWBMemProj;
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::add_users_to_worklist(Unique_Node_List* worklist) const {}
@ -1123,7 +952,7 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::expand_macro_nodes(PhaseMacroExpand* macro) const {
#ifdef ASSERT
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::verify_gc_barriers(Compile* compile, CompilePhase phase) const {
if (ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers && phase == BarrierSetC2::BeforeExpand) {
} else if (phase == BarrierSetC2::BeforeCodeGen) {
// Verify G1 pre-barriers
const int marking_offset = in_bytes(ShenandoahThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_active_offset());
@ -1229,7 +1058,7 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::ideal_node(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n, bool can_resh
} else if (can_reshape &&
n->Opcode() == Op_If &&
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::is_heap_stable_test(n) &&
ShenandoahBarrierC2Support::is_heap_stable_test(n) &&
n->in(0) != NULL) {
Node* dom = n->in(0);
Node* prev_dom = n;
@ -1237,7 +1066,7 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::ideal_node(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n, bool can_resh
int dist = 16;
// Search up the dominator tree for another heap stable test
while (dom->Opcode() != op || // Not same opcode?
!ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::is_heap_stable_test(dom) || // Not same input 1?
!ShenandoahBarrierC2Support::is_heap_stable_test(dom) || // Not same input 1?
prev_dom->in(0) != dom) { // One path of test does not dominate?
if (dist < 0) return NULL;
@ -1258,46 +1087,6 @@ Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::ideal_node(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n, bool can_resh
return NULL;
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::identity_node(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n) const {
if (n->is_Load()) {
Node *mem = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
Node *value = n->as_Load()->can_see_stored_value(mem, phase);
if (value) {
PhaseIterGVN *igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
if (igvn != NULL &&
value->is_Phi() &&
value->req() > 2 &&
value->in(1) != NULL &&
value->in(1)->is_ShenandoahBarrier()) {
if (igvn->_worklist.member(value) ||
igvn->_worklist.member(value->in(0)) ||
(value->in(0)->in(1) != NULL &&
value->in(0)->in(1)->is_IfProj() &&
(igvn->_worklist.member(value->in(0)->in(1)) ||
(value->in(0)->in(1)->in(0) != NULL &&
igvn->_worklist.member(value->in(0)->in(1)->in(0)))))) {
return n;
// (This works even when value is a Con, but LoadNode::Value
// usually runs first, producing the singleton type of the Con.)
Node *value_no_barrier = step_over_gc_barrier(value->Opcode() == Op_EncodeP ? value->in(1) : value);
if (value->Opcode() == Op_EncodeP) {
if (value_no_barrier != value->in(1)) {
Node *encode = value->clone();
encode->set_req(1, value_no_barrier);
encode = phase->transform(encode);
return encode;
} else {
return value_no_barrier;
return n;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::has_only_shenandoah_wb_pre_uses(Node* n) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* u = n->fast_out(i);
@ -1308,20 +1097,6 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::has_only_shenandoah_wb_pre_uses(Node* n) {
return n->outcnt() > 0;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::flatten_gc_alias_type(const TypePtr*& adr_type) const {
int offset = adr_type->offset();
if (offset == ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset()) {
if (adr_type->isa_aryptr()) {
adr_type = TypeAryPtr::make(adr_type->ptr(), adr_type->isa_aryptr()->ary(), adr_type->isa_aryptr()->klass(), false, offset);
} else if (adr_type->isa_instptr()) {
adr_type = TypeInstPtr::make(adr_type->ptr(), ciEnv::current()->Object_klass(), false, NULL, offset);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::final_graph_reshaping(Compile* compile, Node* n, uint opcode) const {
switch (opcode) {
case Op_CallLeaf:
@ -1356,9 +1131,7 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::final_graph_reshaping(Compile* compile, Node* n, ui
return true;
case Op_ShenandoahReadBarrier:
return true;
case Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier:
case Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier:
assert(false, "should have been expanded already");
return true;
@ -1366,17 +1139,6 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::final_graph_reshaping(Compile* compile, Node* n, ui
#ifdef ASSERT
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::verify_gc_alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type, int offset) const {
if (offset == ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset() &&
(adr_type->base() == Type::AryPtr || adr_type->base() == Type::OopPtr)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::escape_add_to_con_graph(ConnectionGraph* conn_graph, PhaseGVN* gvn, Unique_Node_List* delayed_worklist, Node* n, uint opcode) const {
switch (opcode) {
case Op_ShenandoahCompareAndExchangeP:
@ -1412,15 +1174,12 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::escape_add_to_con_graph(ConnectionGraph* conn_graph
return false;
case Op_ShenandoahReadBarrier:
case Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier:
// Barriers 'pass through' its arguments. I.e. what goes in, comes out.
// It doesn't escape.
conn_graph->add_local_var_and_edge(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, n->in(ShenandoahBarrierNode::ValueIn), delayed_worklist);
case Op_ShenandoahEnqueueBarrier:
conn_graph->add_local_var_and_edge(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, n->in(1), delayed_worklist);
case Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier:
conn_graph->add_local_var_and_edge(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, n->in(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode::ValueIn), delayed_worklist);
return true;
// Nothing
@ -1441,15 +1200,12 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::escape_add_final_edges(ConnectionGraph* conn_graph,
case Op_ShenandoahWeakCompareAndSwapP:
case Op_ShenandoahWeakCompareAndSwapN:
return conn_graph->add_final_edges_unsafe_access(n, opcode);
case Op_ShenandoahReadBarrier:
case Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier:
// Barriers 'pass through' its arguments. I.e. what goes in, comes out.
// It doesn't escape.
conn_graph->add_local_var_and_edge(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, n->in(ShenandoahBarrierNode::ValueIn), NULL);
return true;
case Op_ShenandoahEnqueueBarrier:
conn_graph->add_local_var_and_edge(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, n->in(1), NULL);
return true;
case Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier:
conn_graph->add_local_var_and_edge(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, n->in(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode::ValueIn), NULL);
return true;
// Nothing
@ -1464,21 +1220,7 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::escape_has_out_with_unsafe_object(Node* n) const {
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::escape_is_barrier_node(Node* n) const {
return n->is_ShenandoahBarrier();
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::matcher_find_shared_visit(Matcher* matcher, Matcher::MStack& mstack, Node* n, uint opcode, bool& mem_op, int& mem_addr_idx) const {
switch (opcode) {
case Op_ShenandoahReadBarrier:
if (n->in(ShenandoahBarrierNode::ValueIn)->is_DecodeNarrowPtr()) {
return true;
return false;
return n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::matcher_find_shared_post_visit(Matcher* matcher, Node* n, uint opcode) const {
@ -1510,62 +1252,3 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::matcher_is_store_load_barrier(Node* x, uint xop) co
xop == Op_ShenandoahCompareAndSwapN ||
xop == Op_ShenandoahCompareAndSwapP;
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::igvn_add_users_to_worklist(PhaseIterGVN* igvn, Node* use) const {
if (use->is_ShenandoahBarrier()) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* u = use->fast_out(i2);
Node* cmp = use->find_out_with(Op_CmpP);
if (u->Opcode() == Op_CmpP) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::ccp_analyze(PhaseCCP* ccp, Unique_Node_List& worklist, Node* use) const {
if (use->is_ShenandoahBarrier()) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* p = use->fast_out(i2);
if (p->Opcode() == Op_AddP) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i3max, i3 = p->fast_outs(i3max); i3 < i3max; i3++) {
Node* q = p->fast_out(i3);
if (q->is_Load()) {
if(q->bottom_type() != ccp->type(q)) {
Node* ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::split_if_pre(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n) const {
if (n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahReadBarrier) {
} else if (n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
return ((ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode*)n)->try_split_thru_phi(phase);
return NULL;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::build_loop_late_post(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n) const {
return ShenandoahBarrierNode::build_loop_late_post(phase, n);
bool ShenandoahBarrierSetC2::sink_node(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n, Node* x, Node* x_ctrl, Node* n_ctrl) const {
if (n->is_ShenandoahBarrier()) {
return x->as_ShenandoahBarrier()->sink_node(phase, x_ctrl, n_ctrl);
if (n->is_MergeMem()) {
// PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_post() would:
// _igvn._worklist.yank(x);
// which sometimes causes chains of MergeMem which some of
// shenandoah specific code doesn't support
phase->register_new_node(x, x_ctrl);
return true;
return false;

@ -30,14 +30,21 @@
class ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State : public ResourceObj {
GrowableArray<ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode*>* _shenandoah_barriers;
GrowableArray<ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode*>* _enqueue_barriers;
GrowableArray<ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode*>* _load_reference_barriers;
ShenandoahBarrierSetC2State(Arena* comp_arena);
int shenandoah_barriers_count() const;
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode* shenandoah_barrier(int idx) const;
void add_shenandoah_barrier(ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode * n);
void remove_shenandoah_barrier(ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode * n);
int enqueue_barriers_count() const;
ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode* enqueue_barrier(int idx) const;
void add_enqueue_barrier(ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode* n);
void remove_enqueue_barrier(ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode * n);
int load_reference_barriers_count() const;
ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode* load_reference_barrier(int idx) const;
void add_load_reference_barrier(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode* n);
void remove_load_reference_barrier(ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode * n);
class ShenandoahBarrierSetC2 : public BarrierSetC2 {
@ -66,12 +73,7 @@ private:
BasicType bt) const;
Node* shenandoah_enqueue_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* val) const;
Node* shenandoah_read_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const;
Node* shenandoah_storeval_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const;
Node* shenandoah_write_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const;
Node* shenandoah_read_barrier_impl(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj, bool use_ctrl, bool use_mem, bool allow_fromspace) const;
Node* shenandoah_write_barrier_impl(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj) const;
Node* shenandoah_write_barrier_helper(GraphKit* kit, Node* obj, const TypePtr* adr_type) const;
void insert_pre_barrier(GraphKit* kit, Node* base_oop, Node* offset,
Node* pre_val, bool need_mem_bar) const;
@ -79,7 +81,6 @@ private:
static bool clone_needs_postbarrier(ArrayCopyNode *ac, PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
virtual void resolve_address(C2Access& access) const;
virtual Node* load_at_resolved(C2Access& access, const Type* val_type) const;
virtual Node* store_at_resolved(C2Access& access, C2AccessValue& val) const;
virtual Node* atomic_cmpxchg_val_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess& access, Node* expected_val,
@ -102,12 +103,11 @@ public:
static const TypeFunc* write_ref_field_pre_entry_Type();
static const TypeFunc* shenandoah_clone_barrier_Type();
static const TypeFunc* shenandoah_write_barrier_Type();
virtual bool has_load_barriers() const { return true; }
// This is the entry-point for the backend to perform accesses through the Access API.
virtual void clone(GraphKit* kit, Node* src, Node* dst, Node* size, bool is_array) const;
virtual Node* resolve(GraphKit* kit, Node* n, DecoratorSet decorators) const;
virtual Node* obj_allocate(PhaseMacroExpand* macro, Node* ctrl, Node* mem, Node* toobig_false, Node* size_in_bytes,
Node*& i_o, Node*& needgc_ctrl,
Node*& fast_oop_ctrl, Node*& fast_oop_rawmem,
@ -144,13 +144,7 @@ public:
virtual void verify_gc_barriers(Compile* compile, CompilePhase phase) const;
virtual bool flatten_gc_alias_type(const TypePtr*& adr_type) const;
#ifdef ASSERT
virtual bool verify_gc_alias_type(const TypePtr* adr_type, int offset) const;
virtual Node* ideal_node(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n, bool can_reshape) const;
virtual Node* identity_node(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n) const;
virtual bool final_graph_reshaping(Compile* compile, Node* n, uint opcode) const;
virtual bool escape_add_to_con_graph(ConnectionGraph* conn_graph, PhaseGVN* gvn, Unique_Node_List* delayed_worklist, Node* n, uint opcode) const;
@ -158,17 +152,8 @@ public:
virtual bool escape_has_out_with_unsafe_object(Node* n) const;
virtual bool escape_is_barrier_node(Node* n) const;
virtual bool matcher_find_shared_visit(Matcher* matcher, Matcher::MStack& mstack, Node* n, uint opcode, bool& mem_op, int& mem_addr_idx) const;
virtual bool matcher_find_shared_post_visit(Matcher* matcher, Node* n, uint opcode) const;
virtual bool matcher_is_store_load_barrier(Node* x, uint xop) const;
virtual void igvn_add_users_to_worklist(PhaseIterGVN* igvn, Node* use) const;
virtual void ccp_analyze(PhaseCCP* ccp, Unique_Node_List& worklist, Node* use) const;
virtual bool has_special_unique_user(const Node* node) const;
virtual Node* split_if_pre(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n) const;
virtual bool build_loop_late_post(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n) const;
virtual bool sink_node(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n, Node* x, Node* x_ctrl, Node* n_ctrl) const;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -36,10 +36,8 @@
class PhaseGVN;
class MemoryGraphFixer;
class ShenandoahBarrierNode : public TypeNode {
class ShenandoahBarrierC2Support : public AllStatic {
bool _allow_fromspace;
#ifdef ASSERT
enum verify_type {
@ -50,204 +48,49 @@ private:
static bool verify_helper(Node* in, Node_Stack& phis, VectorSet& visited, verify_type t, bool trace, Unique_Node_List& barriers_used);
enum { Control,
ShenandoahBarrierNode(Node* ctrl, Node* mem, Node* obj, bool allow_fromspace)
: TypeNode(obj->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr() ? obj->bottom_type()->is_oopptr()->cast_to_nonconst() : obj->bottom_type(), 3),
_allow_fromspace(allow_fromspace) {
init_req(Control, ctrl);
init_req(Memory, mem);
init_req(ValueIn, obj);
static Node* skip_through_barrier(Node* n);
static const TypeOopPtr* brooks_pointer_type(const Type* t) {
return t->is_oopptr()->cast_to_nonconst()->add_offset(ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset())->is_oopptr();
virtual const TypePtr* adr_type() const {
if (bottom_type() == Type::TOP) {
return NULL;
//const TypePtr* adr_type = in(MemNode::Address)->bottom_type()->is_ptr();
const TypePtr* adr_type = brooks_pointer_type(bottom_type());
assert(adr_type->offset() == ShenandoahBrooksPointer::byte_offset(), "sane offset");
assert(Compile::current()->alias_type(adr_type)->is_rewritable(), "brooks ptr must be rewritable");
return adr_type;
virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegP; }
virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const {
return idx >= ValueIn;
Node* Identity_impl(PhaseGVN* phase);
virtual const Type* Value(PhaseGVN* phase) const;
virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const {
return true;
static bool needs_barrier(PhaseGVN* phase, ShenandoahBarrierNode* orig, Node* n, Node* rb_mem, bool allow_fromspace);
#ifdef ASSERT
static void report_verify_failure(const char* msg, Node* n1 = NULL, Node* n2 = NULL);
static void verify(RootNode* root);
static void verify_raw_mem(RootNode* root);
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
// protected:
static Node* dom_mem(Node* mem, Node*& mem_ctrl, Node* n, Node* rep_ctrl, int alias, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static Node* dom_mem(Node* mem, Node* ctrl, int alias, Node*& mem_ctrl, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static bool is_dominator(Node *d_c, Node *n_c, Node* d, Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static bool is_dominator_same_ctrl(Node* c, Node* d, Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static Node* no_branches(Node* c, Node* dom, bool allow_one_proj, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static bool build_loop_late_post(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* n);
bool sink_node(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, Node* ctrl, Node* n_ctrl);
uint hash() const;
bool cmp(const Node& n) const;
uint size_of() const;
static bool needs_barrier_impl(PhaseGVN* phase, ShenandoahBarrierNode* orig, Node* n, Node* rb_mem, bool allow_fromspace, Unique_Node_List &visited);
static bool dominates_memory(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* b1, Node* b2, bool linear);
static bool dominates_memory_impl(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* b1, Node* b2, Node* current, bool linear);
class ShenandoahReadBarrierNode : public ShenandoahBarrierNode {
ShenandoahReadBarrierNode(Node* ctrl, Node* mem, Node* obj)
: ShenandoahBarrierNode(ctrl, mem, obj, true) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier ||
ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahAcmpBarrier),
"should be enabled");
ShenandoahReadBarrierNode(Node* ctrl, Node* mem, Node* obj, bool allow_fromspace)
: ShenandoahBarrierNode(ctrl, mem, obj, allow_fromspace) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && (ShenandoahReadBarrier || ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier ||
ShenandoahWriteBarrier || ShenandoahAcmpBarrier),
"should be enabled");
virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
virtual Node* Identity(PhaseGVN* phase);
virtual int Opcode() const;
bool is_independent(Node* mem);
void try_move(PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static bool is_independent(const Type* in_type, const Type* this_type);
static bool dominates_memory_rb(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* b1, Node* b2, bool linear);
static bool dominates_memory_rb_impl(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* b1, Node* b2, Node* current, bool linear);
class ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode : public ShenandoahBarrierNode {
ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode(Compile* C, Node* ctrl, Node* mem, Node* obj);
virtual int Opcode() const;
virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
virtual Node* Identity(PhaseGVN* phase);
virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const { return false; }
static bool expand(Compile* C, PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
static bool is_gc_state_load(Node *n);
static bool is_heap_state_test(Node* iff, int mask);
static bool is_heap_stable_test(Node* iff);
static bool try_common_gc_state_load(Node *n, PhaseIdealLoop *phase);
static bool has_safepoint_between(Node* start, Node* stop, PhaseIdealLoop *phase);
static LoopNode* try_move_before_pre_loop(Node* c, Node* val_ctrl, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static Node* move_above_predicates(LoopNode* cl, Node* val_ctrl, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
#ifdef ASSERT
static bool memory_dominates_all_paths(Node* mem, Node* rep_ctrl, int alias, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void memory_dominates_all_paths_helper(Node* c, Node* rep_ctrl, Unique_Node_List& controls, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
void try_move_before_loop(GrowableArray<MemoryGraphFixer*>& memory_graph_fixers, PhaseIdealLoop* phase, bool include_lsm, Unique_Node_List& uses);
void try_move_before_loop_helper(LoopNode* cl, Node* val_ctrl, GrowableArray<MemoryGraphFixer*>& memory_graph_fixers, PhaseIdealLoop* phase, bool include_lsm, Unique_Node_List& uses);
static void pin_and_expand(PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
CallStaticJavaNode* pin_and_expand_null_check(PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
void pin_and_expand_move_barrier(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, GrowableArray<MemoryGraphFixer*>& memory_graph_fixers, Unique_Node_List& uses);
void pin_and_expand_helper(PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static Node* find_bottom_mem(Node* ctrl, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void follow_barrier_uses(Node* n, Node* ctrl, Unique_Node_List& uses, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void test_null(Node*& ctrl, Node* val, Node*& null_ctrl, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void test_heap_stable(Node*& ctrl, Node* raw_mem, Node*& heap_stable_ctrl,
PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void call_wb_stub(Node*& ctrl, Node*& val, Node*& result_mem,
Node* raw_mem, Node* wb_mem, int alias,
PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void call_lrb_stub(Node*& ctrl, Node*& val, Node*& result_mem, Node* raw_mem, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static Node* clone_null_check(Node*& c, Node* val, Node* unc_ctrl, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void fix_null_check(Node* unc, Node* unc_ctrl, Node* new_unc_ctrl, Unique_Node_List& uses,
PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void in_cset_fast_test(Node*& ctrl, Node*& not_cset_ctrl, Node* val, Node* raw_mem, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void move_heap_stable_test_out_of_loop(IfNode* iff, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void optimize_after_expansion(VectorSet &visited, Node_Stack &nstack, Node_List &old_new, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void merge_back_to_back_tests(Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static bool identical_backtoback_ifs(Node *n, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void fix_ctrl(Node* barrier, Node* region, const MemoryGraphFixer& fixer, Unique_Node_List& uses, Unique_Node_List& uses_to_ignore, uint last, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void optimize_before_expansion(PhaseIdealLoop* phase, GrowableArray<MemoryGraphFixer*> memory_graph_fixers, bool include_lsm);
Node* would_subsume(ShenandoahBarrierNode* other, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static IfNode* find_unswitching_candidate(const IdealLoopTree *loop, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
Node* try_split_thru_phi(PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
class ShenandoahWBMemProjNode : public Node {
enum { Control,
WriteBarrier };
static bool is_dominator(Node* d_c, Node* n_c, Node* d, Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static bool is_dominator_same_ctrl(Node* c, Node* d, Node* n, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
ShenandoahWBMemProjNode(Node *src) : Node(NULL, src) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && ShenandoahWriteBarrier, "should be enabled");
assert(src->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier || src->is_Mach(), "epxect wb");
virtual Node* Identity(PhaseGVN* phase);
static bool is_gc_state_load(Node* n);
static bool is_heap_stable_test(Node* iff);
virtual int Opcode() const;
virtual bool is_CFG() const { return false; }
virtual const Type *bottom_type() const {return Type::MEMORY;}
virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const {
Node* wb = in(WriteBarrier);
if (wb == NULL || wb->is_top()) return NULL; // node is dead
assert(wb->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier || (wb->is_Mach() && wb->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier) || wb->is_Phi(), "expect wb");
return ShenandoahBarrierNode::brooks_pointer_type(wb->bottom_type());
static bool expand(Compile* C, PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
static void pin_and_expand(PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
static void optimize_after_expansion(VectorSet& visited, Node_Stack& nstack, Node_List& old_new, PhaseIdealLoop* phase);
virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return 0;} // memory projections don't have a register
virtual const Type *Value(PhaseGVN* phase ) const {
return bottom_type();
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const {};
#ifdef ASSERT
static void verify(RootNode* root);
class ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode : public Node {
ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode(Node* val) : Node(NULL, val) {
ShenandoahEnqueueBarrierNode(Node* val);
const Type *bottom_type() const;
const Type* Value(PhaseGVN* phase) const;
@ -289,7 +132,6 @@ public:
Node* find_mem(Node* ctrl, Node* n) const;
void fix_mem(Node* ctrl, Node* region, Node* mem, Node* mem_for_ctrl, Node* mem_phi, Unique_Node_List& uses);
int alias() const { return _alias; }
void remove(Node* n);
class ShenandoahCompareAndSwapPNode : public CompareAndSwapPNode {
@ -382,4 +224,41 @@ public:
virtual int Opcode() const;
class ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode : public Node {
enum {
enum Strength {
ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode(Node* ctrl, Node* val);
virtual int Opcode() const;
virtual const Type* bottom_type() const;
virtual const Type* Value(PhaseGVN* phase) const;
virtual const class TypePtr *adr_type() const { return TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM; }
virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const {
return idx >= ValueIn;
virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegP; }
virtual Node* Identity(PhaseGVN* phase);
uint size_of() const {
return sizeof(*this);
Strength get_barrier_strength();
CallStaticJavaNode* pin_and_expand_null_check(PhaseIterGVN& igvn);
bool needs_barrier(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n);
bool needs_barrier_impl(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n, Unique_Node_List &visited);

@ -41,13 +41,10 @@ ShenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics::ShenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics() :
// Final configuration checks

@ -47,13 +47,10 @@ ShenandoahAggressiveHeuristics::ShenandoahAggressiveHeuristics() : ShenandoahHeu
// Final configuration checks

@ -42,13 +42,10 @@ ShenandoahCompactHeuristics::ShenandoahCompactHeuristics() : ShenandoahHeuristic
SHENANDOAH_ERGO_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT(ShenandoahGarbageThreshold, 10);
// Final configuration checks

@ -43,14 +43,11 @@ ShenandoahPassiveHeuristics::ShenandoahPassiveHeuristics() : ShenandoahHeuristic
// Disable known barriers by default.
// Final configuration checks

@ -40,13 +40,10 @@ ShenandoahStaticHeuristics::ShenandoahStaticHeuristics() : ShenandoahHeuristics(
// Final configuration checks

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ ShenandoahTraversalHeuristics::ShenandoahTraversalHeuristics() : ShenandoahHeuri
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahSATBBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, true);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahAllowMixedAllocs, false);
@ -53,11 +52,9 @@ ShenandoahTraversalHeuristics::ShenandoahTraversalHeuristics() : ShenandoahHeuri
// Final configuration checks

@ -46,12 +46,8 @@ void ShenandoahArguments::initialize() {
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahSATBBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahWriteBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahReadBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahCASBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahAcmpBarrier, false);
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahCloneBarrier, false);
@ -111,12 +107,8 @@ void ShenandoahArguments::initialize() {
if (ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers &&
(!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahSATBBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahWriteBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahReadBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahCASBarrier) ||
!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ShenandoahAcmpBarrier) ||
)) {
warning("Unusual barrier configuration, disabling C2 barrier verification");
@ -164,13 +156,6 @@ void ShenandoahArguments::initialize() {
// JNI fast get field stuff is not currently supported by Shenandoah.
// It would introduce another heap memory access for reading the forwarding
// pointer, which would have to be guarded by the signal handler machinery.
// See:
// http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-dev/2018-June/032763.html
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseFastJNIAccessors, false);
// TLAB sizing policy makes resizing decisions before each GC cycle. It averages
// historical data, assigning more recent data the weight according to TLABAllocationWeight.
// Current default is good for generational collectors that run frequent young GCs.

@ -218,31 +218,25 @@ void ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_region(MemRegion mr) {
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::read_barrier(oop src) {
// Check for forwarded objects, because on Full GC path we might deal with
// non-trivial fwdptrs that contain Full GC specific metadata. We could check
// for is_full_gc_in_progress(), but this also covers the case of stable heap,
// which provides a bit of performance improvement.
if (ShenandoahReadBarrier && _heap->has_forwarded_objects()) {
return ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_forwarded(src);
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::load_reference_barrier_not_null(oop obj) {
if (ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier && _heap->has_forwarded_objects()) {
return load_reference_barrier_impl(obj);
} else {
return src;
return obj;
bool ShenandoahBarrierSet::obj_equals(oop obj1, oop obj2) {
bool eq = oopDesc::equals_raw(obj1, obj2);
if (! eq && ShenandoahAcmpBarrier) {
obj1 = resolve_forwarded(obj1);
obj2 = resolve_forwarded(obj2);
eq = oopDesc::equals_raw(obj1, obj2);
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::load_reference_barrier(oop obj) {
if (obj != NULL) {
return load_reference_barrier_not_null(obj);
} else {
return obj;
return eq;
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_barrier_mutator(oop obj) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && ShenandoahWriteBarrier, "should be enabled");
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::load_reference_barrier_mutator(oop obj) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, "should be enabled");
assert(_heap->is_gc_in_progress_mask(ShenandoahHeap::EVACUATION | ShenandoahHeap::TRAVERSAL), "evac should be in progress");
shenandoah_assert_in_cset(NULL, obj);
@ -288,8 +282,8 @@ oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_barrier_mutator(oop obj) {
return fwd;
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_barrier_impl(oop obj) {
assert(UseShenandoahGC && ShenandoahWriteBarrier, "should be enabled");
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::load_reference_barrier_impl(oop obj) {
assert(ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, "should be enabled");
if (!CompressedOops::is_null(obj)) {
bool evac_in_progress = _heap->is_gc_in_progress_mask(ShenandoahHeap::EVACUATION | ShenandoahHeap::TRAVERSAL);
oop fwd = resolve_forwarded_not_null(obj);
@ -311,23 +305,10 @@ oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_barrier_impl(oop obj) {
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_barrier(oop obj) {
if (ShenandoahWriteBarrier && _heap->has_forwarded_objects()) {
return write_barrier_impl(obj);
} else {
return obj;
oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::storeval_barrier(oop obj) {
void ShenandoahBarrierSet::storeval_barrier(oop obj) {
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier && !CompressedOops::is_null(obj) && _heap->is_concurrent_traversal_in_progress()) {
obj = write_barrier(obj);
if (ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
obj = resolve_forwarded(obj);
return obj;
void ShenandoahBarrierSet::keep_alive_barrier(oop obj) {

@ -87,24 +87,15 @@ public:
virtual void on_thread_attach(Thread* thread);
virtual void on_thread_detach(Thread* thread);
virtual oop read_barrier(oop src);
static inline oop resolve_forwarded_not_null(oop p);
static inline oop resolve_forwarded(oop p);
virtual oop write_barrier(oop obj);
void storeval_barrier(oop obj);
void keep_alive_barrier(oop obj);
oop write_barrier_mutator(oop obj);
virtual oop storeval_barrier(oop obj);
virtual void keep_alive_barrier(oop obj);
bool obj_equals(oop obj1, oop obj2);
bool oop_equals_operator_allowed() { return !ShenandoahVerifyObjectEquals; }
oop load_reference_barrier(oop obj);
oop load_reference_barrier_mutator(oop obj);
oop load_reference_barrier_not_null(oop obj);
void enqueue(oop obj);
@ -114,7 +105,7 @@ private:
template <class T, bool STOREVAL_WRITE_BARRIER>
void write_ref_array_loop(HeapWord* start, size_t count);
oop write_barrier_impl(oop obj);
oop load_reference_barrier_impl(oop obj);
static void keep_alive_if_weak(DecoratorSet decorators, oop value) {
assert((decorators & ON_UNKNOWN_OOP_REF) == 0, "Reference strength must be known");
@ -149,114 +140,31 @@ public:
class AccessBarrier: public BarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT> {
typedef BarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT> Raw;
template <typename T>
static oop oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_impl(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value);
template <typename T>
static oop oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_impl(oop new_value, T* addr);
// Primitive heap accesses. These accessors get resolved when
// IN_HEAP is set (e.g. when using the HeapAccess API), it is
// not an oop_* overload, and the barrier strength is AS_NORMAL.
template <typename T>
static T load_in_heap(T* addr) {
return Raw::template load<T>(addr);
template <typename T>
static T load_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_forwarded(base);
return Raw::template load_at<T>(base, offset);
template <typename T>
static void store_in_heap(T* addr, T value) {
Raw::store(addr, value);
template <typename T>
static void store_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T value) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(base);
Raw::store_at(base, offset, value);
template <typename T>
static T atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap(T new_value, T* addr, T compare_value) {
return Raw::atomic_cmpxchg(new_value, addr, compare_value);
template <typename T>
static T atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T compare_value) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(base);
return Raw::atomic_cmpxchg_at(new_value, base, offset, compare_value);
template <typename T>
static T atomic_xchg_in_heap(T new_value, T* addr) {
return Raw::atomic_xchg(new_value, addr);
template <typename T>
static T atomic_xchg_in_heap_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(base);
return Raw::atomic_xchg_at(new_value, base, offset);
template <typename T>
static void arraycopy_in_heap(arrayOop src_obj, size_t src_offset_in_bytes, T* src_raw,
arrayOop dst_obj, size_t dst_offset_in_bytes, T* dst_raw,
size_t length);
// Heap oop accesses. These accessors get resolved when
// IN_HEAP is set (e.g. when using the HeapAccess API), it is
// an oop_* overload, and the barrier strength is AS_NORMAL.
template <typename T>
static oop oop_load_in_heap(T* addr) {
// ShouldNotReachHere();
oop value = Raw::template oop_load<oop>(addr);
keep_alive_if_weak(decorators, value);
return value;
static oop oop_load_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_forwarded(base);
oop value = Raw::template oop_load_at<oop>(base, offset);
keep_alive_if_weak(AccessBarrierSupport::resolve_possibly_unknown_oop_ref_strength<decorators>(base, offset), value);
return value;
static oop oop_load_in_heap(T* addr);
static oop oop_load_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset);
template <typename T>
static void oop_store_in_heap(T* addr, oop value) {
const bool keep_alive = (decorators & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) == 0;
if (keep_alive) {
ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_ref_field_pre_work(addr, value);
Raw::oop_store(addr, value);
static void oop_store_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, oop value) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(base);
value = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->storeval_barrier(value);
oop_store_in_heap(AccessInternal::oop_field_addr<decorators>(base, offset), value);
static void oop_store_in_heap(T* addr, oop value);
static void oop_store_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, oop value);
template <typename T>
static oop oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value);
static oop oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_at(oop new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, oop compare_value) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(base);
new_value = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->storeval_barrier(new_value);
return oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap(new_value, AccessInternal::oop_field_addr<decorators>(base, offset), compare_value);
static oop oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_at(oop new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, oop compare_value);
template <typename T>
static oop oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr);
static oop oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_at(oop new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
base = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(base);
new_value = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->storeval_barrier(new_value);
return oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap(new_value, AccessInternal::oop_field_addr<decorators>(base, offset));
static oop oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_at(oop new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset);
template <typename T>
static bool oop_arraycopy_in_heap(arrayOop src_obj, size_t src_offset_in_bytes, T* src_raw,
@ -268,19 +176,13 @@ public:
// Needed for loads on non-heap weak references
template <typename T>
static oop oop_load_not_in_heap(T* addr) {
oop value = Raw::oop_load_not_in_heap(addr);
keep_alive_if_weak(decorators, value);
return value;
static oop oop_load_not_in_heap(T* addr);
static oop resolve(oop obj) {
return ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(obj);
template <typename T>
static oop oop_atomic_cmpxchg_not_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value);
static bool equals(oop o1, oop o2) {
return ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->obj_equals(o1, o2);
template <typename T>
static oop oop_atomic_xchg_not_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr);

@ -52,7 +52,49 @@ inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_forwarded(oop p) {
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value) {
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_load_in_heap(T* addr) {
oop value = Raw::oop_load_in_heap(addr);
value = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->load_reference_barrier(value);
keep_alive_if_weak(decorators, value);
return value;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_load_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
oop value = Raw::oop_load_in_heap_at(base, offset);
value = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->load_reference_barrier(value);
keep_alive_if_weak(AccessBarrierSupport::resolve_possibly_unknown_oop_ref_strength<decorators>(base, offset), value);
return value;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_load_not_in_heap(T* addr) {
oop value = Raw::oop_load_not_in_heap(addr);
value = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->load_reference_barrier(value);
keep_alive_if_weak(decorators, value);
return value;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline void ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_store_in_heap(T* addr, oop value) {
const bool keep_alive = (decorators & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) == 0;
if (keep_alive) {
ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_ref_field_pre_work(addr, value);
Raw::oop_store_in_heap(addr, value);
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
inline void ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_store_in_heap_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, oop value) {
oop_store_in_heap(AccessInternal::oop_field_addr<decorators>(base, offset), value);
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_cmpxchg_not_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value) {
oop res;
oop expected = compare_value;
do {
@ -60,42 +102,79 @@ inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_ato
res = Raw::oop_atomic_cmpxchg(new_value, addr, compare_value);
expected = res;
} while ((! oopDesc::equals_raw(compare_value, expected)) && oopDesc::equals_raw(resolve_forwarded(compare_value), resolve_forwarded(expected)));
if (oopDesc::equals_raw(expected, compare_value)) {
const bool keep_alive = (decorators & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) == 0;
if (keep_alive && ShenandoahSATBBarrier && !CompressedOops::is_null(compare_value) &&
ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_concurrent_mark_in_progress()) {
if (res != NULL) {
return ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->load_reference_barrier_not_null(res);
} else {
return res;
return res;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_impl(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value) {
oop result = oop_atomic_cmpxchg_not_in_heap(new_value, addr, compare_value);
const bool keep_alive = (decorators & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) == 0;
if (keep_alive && ShenandoahSATBBarrier && !CompressedOops::is_null(result) &&
oopDesc::equals_raw(result, compare_value) &&
ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_concurrent_mark_in_progress()) {
return result;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr, oop compare_value) {
oop result = oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_impl(new_value, addr, compare_value);
keep_alive_if_weak(decorators, result);
return result;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_at(oop new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, oop compare_value) {
oop result = oop_atomic_cmpxchg_in_heap_impl(new_value, AccessInternal::oop_field_addr<decorators>(base, offset), compare_value);
keep_alive_if_weak(AccessBarrierSupport::resolve_possibly_unknown_oop_ref_strength<decorators>(base, offset), result);
return result;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_xchg_not_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr) {
oop previous = Raw::oop_atomic_xchg(new_value, addr);
if (previous != NULL) {
return ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->load_reference_barrier_not_null(previous);
} else {
return previous;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_impl(oop new_value, T* addr) {
oop result = oop_atomic_xchg_not_in_heap(new_value, addr);
const bool keep_alive = (decorators & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) == 0;
if (keep_alive && ShenandoahSATBBarrier && !CompressedOops::is_null(result) &&
ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_concurrent_mark_in_progress()) {
return result;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap(oop new_value, T* addr) {
oop previous = Raw::oop_atomic_xchg(new_value, addr);
if (ShenandoahSATBBarrier) {
const bool keep_alive = (decorators & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) == 0;
if (keep_alive && !CompressedOops::is_null(previous) &&
ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_concurrent_mark_in_progress()) {
return previous;
oop result = oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_impl(new_value, addr);
keep_alive_if_weak(addr, result);
return result;
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
template <typename T>
void ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::arraycopy_in_heap(arrayOop src_obj, size_t src_offset_in_bytes, T* src_raw,
arrayOop dst_obj, size_t dst_offset_in_bytes, T* dst_raw,
size_t length) {
if (!CompressedOops::is_null(src_obj)) {
src_obj = arrayOop(ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->read_barrier(src_obj));
if (!CompressedOops::is_null(dst_obj)) {
dst_obj = arrayOop(ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(dst_obj));
Raw::arraycopy(src_obj, src_offset_in_bytes, src_raw, dst_obj, dst_offset_in_bytes, dst_raw, length);
inline oop ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_at(oop new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
oop result = oop_atomic_xchg_in_heap_impl(new_value, AccessInternal::oop_field_addr<decorators>(base, offset));
keep_alive_if_weak(AccessBarrierSupport::resolve_possibly_unknown_oop_ref_strength<decorators>(base, offset), result);
return result;
template <typename T>
@ -248,8 +327,6 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSet::arraycopy_element(T* cur_src, T* cur_dst, Klass* boun
// Clone barrier support
template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename BarrierSetT>
void ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::clone_in_heap(oop src, oop dst, size_t size) {
src = arrayOop(ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->read_barrier(src));
dst = arrayOop(ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(dst));
Raw::clone(src, dst, size);
ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_region(MemRegion((HeapWord*) dst, size));
@ -260,13 +337,6 @@ bool ShenandoahBarrierSet::AccessBarrier<decorators, BarrierSetT>::oop_arraycopy
arrayOop dst_obj, size_t dst_offset_in_bytes, T* dst_raw,
size_t length) {
ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap();
if (!CompressedOops::is_null(src_obj)) {
src_obj = arrayOop(ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->read_barrier(src_obj));
if (!CompressedOops::is_null(dst_obj)) {
dst_obj = arrayOop(ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(dst_obj));
bool satb = ShenandoahSATBBarrier && heap->is_concurrent_mark_in_progress();
bool checkcast = HasDecorator<decorators, ARRAYCOPY_CHECKCAST>::value;
bool disjoint = HasDecorator<decorators, ARRAYCOPY_DISJOINT>::value;

@ -119,39 +119,6 @@ public:
class ShenandoahNMethodOopInitializer : public OopClosure {
ShenandoahHeap* const _heap;
ShenandoahNMethodOopInitializer() : _heap(ShenandoahHeap::heap()) {};
template <class T>
inline void do_oop_work(T* p) {
T o = RawAccess<>::oop_load(p);
if (! CompressedOops::is_null(o)) {
oop obj1 = CompressedOops::decode_not_null(o);
oop obj2 = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(obj1);
if (! oopDesc::equals_raw(obj1, obj2)) {
shenandoah_assert_not_in_cset(NULL, obj2);
RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, obj2);
if (_heap->is_concurrent_traversal_in_progress()) {
void do_oop(oop* o) {
void do_oop(narrowOop* o) {
ShenandoahCodeRoots::PaddedLock ShenandoahCodeRoots::_recorded_nms_lock;
GrowableArray<ShenandoahNMethod*>* ShenandoahCodeRoots::_recorded_nms;
@ -163,21 +130,13 @@ void ShenandoahCodeRoots::initialize() {
void ShenandoahCodeRoots::add_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
switch (ShenandoahCodeRootsStyle) {
case 0:
case 1: {
ShenandoahNMethodOopInitializer init;
case 1:
case 2: {
ShenandoahNMethodOopDetector detector;
if (detector.has_oops()) {
ShenandoahNMethodOopInitializer init;
ShenandoahNMethod* nmr = new ShenandoahNMethod(nm, detector.oops());

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
* Provides safe handling of out-of-memory situations during evacuation.
* When a Java thread encounters out-of-memory while evacuating an object in a
* write-barrier (i.e. it cannot copy the object to to-space), it does not necessarily
* follow we can return immediately from the WB (and store to from-space).
* load-reference-barrier (i.e. it cannot copy the object to to-space), it does not
* necessarily follow we can return immediately from the LRB (and store to from-space).
* In very basic case, on such failure we may wait until the the evacuation is over,
* and then resolve the forwarded copy, and to the store there. This is possible
@ -64,17 +64,17 @@
* - failure:
* - if offending value is a valid counter, then try again
* - if offending value is OOM-during-evac special value: loop until
* counter drops to 0, then exit with read-barrier
* counter drops to 0, then exit with resolving the ptr
* Upon exit, exiting thread will decrease the counter using atomic dec.
* Upon OOM-during-evac, any thread will attempt to CAS OOM-during-evac
* special value into the counter. Depending on result:
* - success: busy-loop until counter drops to zero, then exit with RB
* - success: busy-loop until counter drops to zero, then exit with resolve
* - failure:
* - offender is valid counter update: try again
* - offender is OOM-during-evac: busy loop until counter drops to
* zero, then exit with RB
* zero, then exit with resolve
class ShenandoahEvacOOMHandler {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public:
* When this returns true, it is safe to continue with normal evacuation.
* When this method returns false, evacuation must not be entered, and caller
* may safely continue with a read-barrier (if Java thread).
* may safely continue with a simple resolve (if Java thread).
void enter_evacuation();
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public:
* Signal out-of-memory during evacuation. It will prevent any other threads
* from entering the evacuation path, then wait until all threads have left the
* evacuation path, and then return. It is then safe to continue with a read-barrier.
* evacuation path, and then return. It is then safe to continue with a simple resolve.
void handle_out_of_memory_during_evacuation();

@ -389,10 +389,6 @@ void ShenandoahHeap::initialize_heuristics() {
err_msg("Heuristics \"%s\" is experimental, and must be enabled via -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions.",
if (ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier && ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier) {
vm_exit_during_initialization("Cannot use both ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier and ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier");
log_info(gc, init)("Shenandoah heuristics: %s",
} else {
@ -791,7 +787,7 @@ HeapWord* ShenandoahHeap::allocate_memory(ShenandoahAllocRequest& req) {
assert(req.is_gc_alloc(), "Can only accept GC allocs here");
result = allocate_memory_under_lock(req, in_new_region);
// Do not call handle_alloc_failure() here, because we cannot block.
// The allocation failure would be handled by the WB slowpath with handle_alloc_failure_evac().
// The allocation failure would be handled by the LRB slowpath with handle_alloc_failure_evac().
if (in_new_region) {
@ -1105,7 +1101,6 @@ public:
ShenandoahParallelWorkerSession worker_session(worker_id);
ShenandoahEvacOOMScope oom_evac_scope;
ShenandoahEvacuateUpdateRootsClosure cl;
MarkingCodeBlobClosure blobsCl(&cl, CodeBlobToOopClosure::FixRelocations);
_rp->process_evacuate_roots(&cl, &blobsCl, worker_id);
@ -2062,14 +2057,12 @@ void ShenandoahHeap::unregister_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
oop ShenandoahHeap::pin_object(JavaThread* thr, oop o) {
o = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier(o);
ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(lock());
return o;
void ShenandoahHeap::unpin_object(JavaThread* thr, oop o) {
o = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->read_barrier(o);
ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(lock());

@ -270,16 +270,16 @@ public:
enum GCStateBitPos {
// Heap has forwarded objects: need RB, ACMP, CAS barriers.
// Heap has forwarded objects: needs LRB barriers.
// Heap is under marking: needs SATB barriers.
// Heap is under evacuation: needs WB barriers. (Set together with UNSTABLE)
// Heap is under evacuation: needs LRB barriers. (Set together with HAS_FORWARDED)
// Heap is under updating: needs SVRB/SVWB barriers.
// Heap is under updating: needs no additional barriers.
// Heap is under traversal collection

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void ShenandoahMarkCompact::do_it(GCCause::Cause gc_cause) {
// Once marking is done, which may have fixed up forwarded objects, we can drop it.
// Coming out of Full GC, we would not have any forwarded objects.
// This also prevents read barrier from kicking in while adjusting pointers in phase3.
// This also prevents resolves with fwdptr from kicking in while adjusting pointers in phase3.

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
enum UpdateRefsMode {
NONE, // No reference updating
RESOLVE, // Only a read-barrier (no reference updating)
RESOLVE, // Only a resolve (no reference updating)
SIMPLE, // Reference updating using simple store
CONCURRENT // Reference updating using CAS

@ -242,13 +242,21 @@ ShenandoahRootEvacuator::ShenandoahRootEvacuator(ShenandoahHeap* heap, uint n_wo
_evacuation_tasks(new SubTasksDone(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_NumElements)),
if (ShenandoahStringDedup::is_enabled()) {
ShenandoahRootEvacuator::~ShenandoahRootEvacuator() {
delete _evacuation_tasks;
if (ShenandoahStringDedup::is_enabled()) {
@ -270,11 +278,38 @@ void ShenandoahRootEvacuator::process_evacuate_roots(OopClosure* oops,
if (_evacuation_tasks->try_claim_task(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_jvmti_oops_do)) {
if (ShenandoahStringDedup::is_enabled()) {
ShenandoahForwardedIsAliveClosure is_alive;
ShenandoahStringDedup::parallel_oops_do(&is_alive, oops, worker_id);
if (_evacuation_tasks->try_claim_task(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_Universe_oops_do)) {
ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker timer(worker_times, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::UniverseRoots, worker_id);
if (_evacuation_tasks->try_claim_task(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_Management_oops_do)) {
ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker timer(worker_times, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::ManagementRoots, worker_id);
if (_evacuation_tasks->try_claim_task(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_jvmti_oops_do)) {
ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker timer(worker_times, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::JVMTIRoots, worker_id);
ShenandoahForwardedIsAliveClosure is_alive;
JvmtiExport::weak_oops_do(&is_alive, oops);
if (_evacuation_tasks->try_claim_task(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_SystemDictionary_oops_do)) {
ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker timer(worker_times, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::SystemDictionaryRoots, worker_id);
if (_evacuation_tasks->try_claim_task(SHENANDOAH_EVAC_ObjectSynchronizer_oops_do)) {
ShenandoahWorkerTimingsTracker timer(worker_times, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::ObjectSynchronizerRoots, worker_id);
uint ShenandoahRootEvacuator::n_workers() const {

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class ShenandoahRootProcessor : public StackObj {
StrongRootsScope _srs;
OopStorage::ParState<false, false> _par_state_string;
ShenandoahPhaseTimings::Phase _phase;
ParallelCLDRootIterator _cld_iterator;
ParallelCLDRootIterator _cld_iterator;
ShenandoahAllCodeRootsIterator _coderoots_all_iterator;
CodeBlobClosure* _threads_nmethods_cl;
WeakProcessorPhaseTimes _weak_processor_timings;
@ -120,11 +120,16 @@ class ShenandoahRootEvacuator : public StackObj {
StrongRootsScope _srs;
ShenandoahPhaseTimings::Phase _phase;
ShenandoahCsetCodeRootsIterator _coderoots_cset_iterator;
OopStorage::ParState<false, false> _par_state_string;
enum Shenandoah_evacuate_roots_tasks {
// Leave this one last.
// Leave this one last.
ShenandoahRootEvacuator(ShenandoahHeap* heap, uint n_workers,

@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ JRT_LEAF(void, ShenandoahRuntime::write_ref_field_pre_entry(oopDesc* orig, JavaT
JRT_LEAF(oopDesc*, ShenandoahRuntime::write_barrier_JRT(oopDesc* src))
oop result = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->write_barrier_mutator(src);
JRT_LEAF(oopDesc*, ShenandoahRuntime::load_reference_barrier_JRT(oopDesc* src))
oop result = ShenandoahBarrierSet::barrier_set()->load_reference_barrier_mutator(src);
return (oopDesc*) result;

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
static void write_ref_array_post_entry(HeapWord* dst, size_t length);
static void write_ref_field_pre_entry(oopDesc* orig, JavaThread* thread);
static oopDesc* write_barrier_JRT(oopDesc* src);
static oopDesc* load_reference_barrier_JRT(oopDesc* src);
static void shenandoah_clone_barrier(oopDesc* obj);

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
"Time is in microseconds.") \
experimental(uintx, ShenandoahEvacAssist, 10, \
"How many objects to evacuate on WB assist path. " \
"How many objects to evacuate on LRB assist path. " \
"Use zero to disable.") \
experimental(bool, ShenandoahPacing, true, \
@ -352,27 +352,18 @@
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off keep alive barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahWriteBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off write barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahReadBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off read barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, false, \
"Turn on/off enqueuing of oops for storeval barriers") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off store val read barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCASBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off CAS barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAcmpBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off acmp barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCloneBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off clone barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier, true, \
"Turn on/off load-reference barriers in Shenandoah") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreCheck, false, \
"Emit additional code that checks objects are written to only" \
" in to-space") \
@ -401,20 +392,13 @@
"Turn it off for maximum compatibility with reflection or JNI " \
"code that manipulates final fields.") \
diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahDecreaseRegisterPressure, false, \
"Try to reuse after-barrier values to reduce register pressure") \
experimental(bool, ShenandoahCommonGCStateLoads, false, \
"Enable commonming for GC state loads in generated code.") \
develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers, false, \
"Verify no missing barriers in C2") \
experimental(bool, ShenandoahDontIncreaseWBFreq, true, \
"Common 2 WriteBarriers or WriteBarrier and a ReadBarrier only " \
"if the resulting WriteBarrier isn't executed more frequently") \
experimental(bool, ShenandoahLoopOptsAfterExpansion, true, \
"Attempt more loop opts after write barrier expansion") \
"Attempt more loop opts after barrier expansion") \

@ -281,9 +281,7 @@ shmacro(ShenandoahCompareAndSwapP)

@ -3070,7 +3070,7 @@ void Compile::final_graph_reshaping_main_switch(Node* n, Final_Reshape_Counts& f
Node *m = wq.at(next);
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = m->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* use = m->fast_out(i);
if (use->is_Mem() || use->is_EncodeNarrowPtr() || use->is_ShenandoahBarrier()) {
if (use->is_Mem() || use->is_EncodeNarrowPtr()) {
} else {
switch(use->Opcode()) {

@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ void PhaseCFG::implicit_null_check(Block* block, Node *proj, Node *val, int allo
case Op_LoadRange:
case Op_LoadD_unaligned:
case Op_LoadL_unaligned:
case Op_ShenandoahReadBarrier:
assert(mach->in(2) == val, "should be address");
case Op_StoreB:

@ -4485,7 +4485,7 @@ JVMState* LibraryCallKit::arraycopy_restore_alloc_state(AllocateArrayNode* alloc
for (MergeMemStream mms(merged_memory(), mem->as_MergeMem()); mms.next_non_empty2(); ) {
Node* n = mms.memory();
if (n != mms.memory2() && !(n->is_Proj() && n->in(0) == alloc->initialization())) {
assert(n->is_Store() || n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWBMemProj, "what else?");
assert(n->is_Store(), "what else?");
no_interfering_store = false;
@ -4494,7 +4494,7 @@ JVMState* LibraryCallKit::arraycopy_restore_alloc_state(AllocateArrayNode* alloc
for (MergeMemStream mms(merged_memory()); mms.next_non_empty(); ) {
Node* n = mms.memory();
if (n != mem && !(n->is_Proj() && n->in(0) == alloc->initialization())) {
assert(n->is_Store() || n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWBMemProj, "what else?");
assert(n->is_Store(), "what else?");
no_interfering_store = false;

@ -536,9 +536,6 @@ class Invariance : public StackObj {
if (_lpt->is_invariant(n)) { // known invariant
} else if (!n->is_CFG()) {
if (n->Opcode() == Op_ShenandoahWriteBarrier) {
Node *n_ctrl = _phase->ctrl_or_self(n);
Node *u_ctrl = _phase->ctrl_or_self(use); // self if use is a CFG
if (_phase->is_dominator(n_ctrl, u_ctrl)) {

@ -3971,7 +3971,7 @@ Node *PhaseIdealLoop::get_late_ctrl( Node *n, Node *early ) {
while(worklist.size() != 0 && LCA != early) {
Node* s = worklist.pop();
if (s->is_Load() || s->is_ShenandoahBarrier() || s->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint ||
if (s->is_Load() || s->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint ||
(s->is_CallStaticJava() && s->as_CallStaticJava()->uncommon_trap_request() != 0)) {
} else if (s->is_MergeMem()) {

@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ class IdealLoopTree;
class LoopNode;
class Node;
class OuterStripMinedLoopEndNode;
class ShenandoahBarrierNode;
class ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode;
class PathFrequency;
class PhaseIdealLoop;
class CountedLoopReserveKit;
@ -638,8 +636,7 @@ class PhaseIdealLoop : public PhaseTransform {
friend class IdealLoopTree;
friend class SuperWord;
friend class CountedLoopReserveKit;
friend class ShenandoahBarrierNode;
friend class ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode;
friend class ShenandoahBarrierC2Support;
// Pre-computed def-use info
PhaseIterGVN &_igvn;

@ -1082,11 +1082,6 @@ static bool merge_point_safe(Node* region) {
Node* m = n->fast_out(j);
if (m->is_FastLock())
return false;
if (m->is_ShenandoahBarrier() && m->has_out_with(Op_FastLock)) {
return false;
#ifdef _LP64
if (m->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L)
return false;
@ -3210,7 +3205,7 @@ bool PhaseIdealLoop::partial_peel( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new ) {
// if not pinned and not a load (which maybe anti-dependent on a store)
// and not a CMove (Matcher expects only bool->cmove).
if (n->in(0) == NULL && !n->is_Load() && !n->is_CMove() && n->Opcode() != Op_ShenandoahWBMemProj) {
if (n->in(0) == NULL && !n->is_Load() && !n->is_CMove()) {
cloned_for_outside_use += clone_for_use_outside_loop( loop, n, worklist );
peel >>= n->_idx; // delete n from peel set.

@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ class RegionNode;
class RootNode;
class SafePointNode;
class SafePointScalarObjectNode;
class ShenandoahBarrierNode;
class StartNode;
class State;
class StoreNode;
@ -676,7 +675,6 @@ public:
DEFINE_CLASS_ID(EncodeNarrowPtr, Type, 6)
DEFINE_CLASS_ID(EncodeP, EncodeNarrowPtr, 0)
DEFINE_CLASS_ID(EncodePKlass, EncodeNarrowPtr, 1)
DEFINE_CLASS_ID(ShenandoahBarrier, Type, 7)
DEFINE_CLASS_ID(Proj, Node, 3)
DEFINE_CLASS_ID(CatchProj, Proj, 0)
@ -875,7 +873,6 @@ public:

@ -43,13 +43,9 @@ public class TestSelectiveBarrierFlags {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[][] opts = {
new String[] { "ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahWriteBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahReadBarrier" },
// StoreValRead+SATB are actually compatible, but we need to protect against
// StorveValEnqueue+SATB. TODO: Make it better.
new String[] { "ShenandoahSATBBarrier", "ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier", "ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahLoadRefBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahSATBBarrier", "ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahCASBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahAcmpBarrier" },
new String[] { "ShenandoahCloneBarrier" },

@ -38,21 +38,16 @@ public class TestWrongBarrierDisable {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] concurrent = {
String[] traversal = {