8144095: jshell tool: normalize command parameter handling
8140265: jshell tool: /save saves rejected input Reviewed-by: jlahoda
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,10 +86,11 @@ import jdk.jshell.JShell.Subscription;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.CREATE;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.WRITE;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
@ -600,6 +601,7 @@ public class JShellTool {
private static final CompletionProvider EMPTY_COMPLETION_PROVIDER = new FixedCompletionProvider();
private static final CompletionProvider KEYWORD_COMPLETION_PROVIDER = new FixedCompletionProvider("all ", "start ", "history ");
private static final CompletionProvider FILE_COMPLETION_PROVIDER = fileCompletions(p -> true);
private final Map<String, Command> commands = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private void registerCommand(Command cmd) {
@ -650,13 +652,21 @@ public class JShellTool {
private CompletionProvider editKeywordCompletion() {
return (code, cursor, anchor) -> {
List<Suggestion> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.addAll(KEYWORD_COMPLETION_PROVIDER.completionSuggestions(code, cursor, anchor));
result.addAll(editCompletion().completionSuggestions(code, cursor, anchor));
return result;
private static CompletionProvider saveCompletion() {
CompletionProvider keyCompletion = new FixedCompletionProvider("all ", "history ", "start ");
return (code, cursor, anchor) -> {
List<Suggestion> result = new ArrayList<>();
int space = code.indexOf(' ');
if (space == (-1)) {
result.addAll(keyCompletion.completionSuggestions(code, cursor, anchor));
result.addAll(KEYWORD_COMPLETION_PROVIDER.completionSuggestions(code, cursor, anchor));
result.addAll(FILE_COMPLETION_PROVIDER.completionSuggestions(code.substring(space + 1), cursor - space - 1, anchor));
anchor[0] += space + 1;
@ -667,9 +677,9 @@ public class JShellTool {
// Table of commands -- with command forms, argument kinds, help message, implementation, ...
registerCommand(new Command("/list", "[all]", "list the source you have typed",
registerCommand(new Command("/list", "[all|start|history|<name or id>]", "list the source you have typed",
arg -> cmdList(arg),
new FixedCompletionProvider("all")));
registerCommand(new Command("/seteditor", "<executable>", "set the external editor command to use",
arg -> cmdSetEditor(arg),
@ -937,49 +947,67 @@ public class JShellTool {
* Convert a user argument to a list of snippets referenced by that
* argument (or lack of argument).
* @param arg The user's argument to the command
* @return a list of referenced snippets
* Avoid parameterized varargs possible heap pollution warning.
private List<Snippet> argToSnippets(String arg) {
List<Snippet> snippets = new ArrayList<>();
if (arg.isEmpty()) {
// Default is all user snippets
for (Snippet sn : state.snippets()) {
if (notInStartUp(sn)) {
} else {
// Look for all declarations with matching names
for (Snippet key : state.snippets()) {
switch (key.kind()) {
case METHOD:
case VAR:
if (((DeclarationSnippet) key).name().equals(arg)) {
// If no declarations found, look for an id of this name
if (snippets.isEmpty()) {
for (Snippet sn : state.snippets()) {
if (sn.id().equals(arg)) {
// If still no matches found, give an error
if (snippets.isEmpty()) {
hard("No definition or id named %s found. See /classes /methods /vars or /list", arg);
return null;
private interface SnippetPredicate extends Predicate<Snippet> { }
* Apply filters to a stream until one that is non-empty is found.
* Adapted from Stuart Marks
* @param supplier Supply the Snippet stream to filter
* @param filters Filters to attempt
* @return The non-empty filtered Stream, or null
private static Stream<Snippet> nonEmptyStream(Supplier<Stream<Snippet>> supplier,
SnippetPredicate... filters) {
for (SnippetPredicate filt : filters) {
Iterator<Snippet> iterator = supplier.get().filter(filt).iterator();
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, 0), false);
return snippets;
return null;
private boolean mainActive(Snippet sn) {
return notInStartUp(sn) && state.status(sn).isActive;
private boolean matchingDeclaration(Snippet sn, String name) {
return sn instanceof DeclarationSnippet
&& ((DeclarationSnippet) sn).name().equals(name);
* Convert a user argument to a Stream of snippets referenced by that argument
* (or lack of argument).
* @param arg The user's argument to the command, maybe be the empty string
* @return a Stream of referenced snippets or null if no matches to specific arg
private Stream<Snippet> argToSnippets(String arg, boolean allowAll) {
List<Snippet> snippets = state.snippets();
if (allowAll && arg.equals("all")) {
// all snippets including start-up, failed, and overwritten
return snippets.stream();
} else if (arg.isEmpty()) {
// Default is all active user snippets
return snippets.stream()
} else {
Stream<Snippet> result =
() -> snippets.stream(),
// look for active user declarations matching the name
sn -> mainActive(sn) && matchingDeclaration(sn, arg),
// else, look for any declarations matching the name
sn -> matchingDeclaration(sn, arg),
// else, look for an id of this name
sn -> sn.id().equals(arg)
return result;
private void cmdDrop(String arg) {
@ -988,39 +1016,40 @@ public class JShellTool {
hard("Specify by id or name. Use /list to see ids. Use /reset to reset all state.");
List<Snippet> snippetSet = argToSnippets(arg);
if (snippetSet == null) {
Stream<Snippet> stream = argToSnippets(arg, false);
if (stream == null) {
hard("No definition or id named %s found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list", arg);
snippetSet = snippetSet.stream()
.filter(sn -> state.status(sn).isActive)
List<Snippet> snippets = stream
.filter(sn -> state.status(sn).isActive && sn instanceof PersistentSnippet)
snippetSet.removeIf(sn -> !(sn instanceof PersistentSnippet));
if (snippetSet.isEmpty()) {
hard("The argument did not specify an import, variable, method, or class to drop.");
if (snippets.isEmpty()) {
hard("The argument did not specify an active import, variable, method, or class to drop.");
if (snippetSet.size() > 1) {
if (snippets.size() > 1) {
hard("The argument references more than one import, variable, method, or class.");
hard("Try again with one of the ids below:");
for (Snippet sn : snippetSet) {
for (Snippet sn : snippets) {
cmdout.printf("%4s : %s\n", sn.id(), sn.source().replace("\n", "\n "));
PersistentSnippet psn = (PersistentSnippet) snippetSet.iterator().next();
PersistentSnippet psn = (PersistentSnippet) snippets.get(0);
private void cmdEdit(String arg) {
List<Snippet> snippetSet = argToSnippets(arg);
if (snippetSet == null) {
Stream<Snippet> stream = argToSnippets(arg, true);
if (stream == null) {
hard("No definition or id named %s found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list", arg);
Set<String> srcSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Snippet key : snippetSet) {
String src = key.source();
switch (key.subKind()) {
stream.forEachOrdered(sn -> {
String src = sn.source();
switch (sn.subKind()) {
@ -1035,7 +1064,7 @@ public class JShellTool {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : srcSet) {
@ -1107,31 +1136,30 @@ public class JShellTool {
private void cmdList(String arg) {
boolean all = false;
switch (arg) {
case "all":
all = true;
case "history":
case "":
hard("Invalid /list argument: %s", arg);
if (arg.equals("history")) {
boolean hasOutput = false;
for (Snippet sn : state.snippets()) {
if (all || (notInStartUp(sn) && state.status(sn).isActive)) {
if (!hasOutput) {
hasOutput = true;
cmdout.printf("%4s : %s\n", sn.id(), sn.source().replace("\n", "\n "));
Stream<Snippet> stream = argToSnippets(arg, true);
if (stream == null) {
// Check if there are any definitions at all
if (argToSnippets("", false).iterator().hasNext()) {
hard("No definition or id named %s found. Try /list without arguments.", arg);
} else {
hard("No definition or id named %s found. There are no active definitions.", arg);
// prevent double newline on empty list
boolean[] hasOutput = new boolean[1];
stream.forEachOrdered(sn -> {
if (!hasOutput[0]) {
hasOutput[0] = true;
cmdout.printf("%4s : %s\n", sn.id(), sn.source().replace("\n", "\n "));
private void cmdOpen(String filename) {
@ -1166,12 +1194,12 @@ public class JShellTool {
boolean useHistory = false;
boolean saveAll = false;
String saveAll = "";
boolean saveStart = false;
String cmd = mat.group("cmd");
if (cmd != null) switch (cmd) {
case "all":
saveAll = true;
saveAll = "all";
case "history":
useHistory = true;
@ -1196,8 +1224,9 @@ public class JShellTool {
} else if (saveStart) {
} else {
for (Snippet sn : state.snippets()) {
if (saveAll || notInStartUp(sn)) {
Stream<Snippet> stream = argToSnippets(saveAll, true);
if (stream != null) {
for (Snippet sn : stream.collect(toList())) {
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
* @test
* @bug 8144095
* @summary Test Command Completion
* @library /tools/lib
* @build ReplToolTesting TestingInputStream Compiler ToolBox
@ -56,15 +57,20 @@ public class CommandCompletionTest extends ReplToolTesting {
public void testList() {
assertCompletion("/l|", false, "/list ");
assertCompletion("/list |", false, "all");
assertCompletion("/list q|", false);
test(false, new String[] {"-nostartup"},
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/l|", false, "/list "),
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list |", false, "all ", "history ", "start "),
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list h|", false, "history "),
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list q|", false),
a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "xray"),
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list |", false, "1", "all ", "history ", "start ", "xray"),
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list x|", false, "xray")
public void testDrop() {
assertCompletion("/d|", false, "/drop ");
test(false, new String[] {"-nostartup"},
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/d|", false, "/drop "),
a -> assertClass(a, "class cTest {}", "class", "cTest"),
a -> assertMethod(a, "int mTest() { return 0; }", "()I", "mTest"),
a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "fTest"),
@ -74,10 +80,9 @@ public class CommandCompletionTest extends ReplToolTesting {
public void testEdit() {
assertCompletion("/e|", false, "/edit ", "/exit ");
assertCompletion("/ed|", false, "/edit ");
test(false, new String[]{"-nostartup"},
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/e|", false, "/edit ", "/exit "),
a -> assertCompletion(a, "/ed|", false, "/edit "),
a -> assertClass(a, "class cTest {}", "class", "cTest"),
a -> assertMethod(a, "int mTest() { return 0; }", "()I", "mTest"),
a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "fTest"),
@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ public abstract class EditorTestBase extends ReplToolTesting {
for (String edit : new String[] {"/e", "/edit"}) {
test(new String[]{"-nostartup"},
a -> assertCommand(a, edit + " 1",
"| No definition or id named 1 found. See /classes /methods /vars or /list\n"),
"| No definition or id named 1 found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list\n"),
a -> assertCommand(a, edit + " -1",
"| No definition or id named -1 found. See /classes /methods /vars or /list\n"),
"| No definition or id named -1 found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list\n"),
a -> assertCommand(a, edit + " unknown",
"| No definition or id named unknown found. See /classes /methods /vars or /list\n")
"| No definition or id named unknown found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list\n")
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ import java.util.stream.Stream;
import jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellTool;
import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
@ -48,6 +50,24 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
public class ReplToolTesting {
private final static String DEFAULT_STARTUP_MESSAGE = "| Welcome to";
final static List<ImportInfo> START_UP_IMPORTS = Stream.of(
.map(s -> new ImportInfo("import " + s + ";", "", s))
final static List<MethodInfo> START_UP_METHODS = Stream.of(
new MethodInfo("void printf(String format, Object... args) { System.out.printf(format, args); }",
"(String,Object...)void", "printf"))
final static List<String> START_UP = Collections.unmodifiableList(
Stream.concat(START_UP_IMPORTS.stream(), START_UP_METHODS.stream())
.map(s -> s.getSource())
private WaitingTestingInputStream cmdin = null;
private ByteArrayOutputStream cmdout = null;
@ -190,18 +210,11 @@ public class ReplToolTesting {
classes = new HashMap<>();
imports = new HashMap<>();
if (isDefaultStartUp) {
methods.put("printf (String,Object...)void",
new MethodInfo("", "(String,Object...)void", "printf"));
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Object::toString, Function.identity())));
.map(s -> new ImportInfo("", "", s))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Object::toString, Function.identity())));
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
* @test
* @bug 8143037 8142447
* @bug 8143037 8142447 8144095 8140265
* @summary Tests for Basic tests for REPL tool
* @ignore 8139873
* @library /tools/lib
* @ignore 8139873
* @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream ToolBox Compiler
* @run testng ToolBasicTest
@ -529,6 +529,7 @@ public class ToolBasicTest extends ReplToolTesting {
(a) -> assertVariable(a, "int", "a"),
(a) -> assertCommand(a, "()", null, null, null, "", ""),
(a) -> assertClass(a, "class A { public String toString() { return \"A\"; } }", "class", "A"),
(a) -> assertCommand(a, "/save " + path.toString(), "")
@ -537,6 +538,7 @@ public class ToolBasicTest extends ReplToolTesting {
List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
(a) -> assertCommand(a, "int a;", null),
(a) -> assertCommand(a, "()", null, null, null, "", ""),
(a) -> assertClass(a, "class A { public String toString() { return \"A\"; } }", "class", "A"),
(a) -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list all", (out) ->
@ -551,6 +553,7 @@ public class ToolBasicTest extends ReplToolTesting {
List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
(a) -> assertVariable(a, "int", "a"),
(a) -> assertCommand(a, "()", null, null, null, "", ""),
(a) -> assertClass(a, "class A { public String toString() { return \"A\"; } }", "class", "A"),
(a) -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/history", (out) ->
@ -632,15 +635,7 @@ public class ToolBasicTest extends ReplToolTesting {
List<String> lines = Files.lines(startSave)
.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())
assertEquals(lines, Arrays.asList(
"import java.util.*;",
"import java.io.*;",
"import java.math.*;",
"import java.net.*;",
"import java.util.concurrent.*;",
"import java.util.prefs.*;",
"import java.util.regex.*;",
"void printf(String format, Object... args) { System.out.printf(format, args); }"));
assertEquals(lines, START_UP);
public void testConstrainedUpdates() {
@ -665,15 +660,35 @@ public class ToolBasicTest extends ReplToolTesting {
// Check that each line of output contains the corresponding string from the list
private void checkLineToList(String in, List<String> match) {
String[] res = in.trim().split("\n");
assertEquals(res.length, match.size(), "Got: " + Arrays.asList(res));
for (int i = 0; i < match.size(); ++i) {
public void testListArgs() {
Consumer<String> assertList = s -> assertTrue(s.split("\n").length >= 4, s);
String arg = "qqqq";
Consumer<String> assertError = s -> assertEquals(s, "| Invalid /list argument: " + arg + "\n");
List<String> startVarList = new ArrayList<>(START_UP);
startVarList.add("int aardvark");
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list all", assertList),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list " + arg, assertError),
a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "a"),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list history", assertList)
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list all",
s -> checkLineToList(s, START_UP)),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list " + arg,
s -> assertEquals(s, "| No definition or id named " + arg +
" found. There are no active definitions.\n")),
a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "aardvark"),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list aardvark",
s -> assertTrue(s.contains("aardvark"))),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list all",
s -> checkLineToList(s, startVarList)),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list history",
s -> assertTrue(s.split("\n").length >= 4, s)),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/list " + arg,
s -> assertEquals(s, "| No definition or id named " + arg +
" found. Try /list without arguments.\n"))
@ -806,13 +821,13 @@ public class ToolBasicTest extends ReplToolTesting {
public void testDropNegative() {
test(false, new String[]{"-nostartup"},
a -> assertCommand(a, "/drop 0", "| No definition or id named 0 found. See /classes /methods /vars or /list\n"),
a -> assertCommand(a, "/drop a", "| No definition or id named a found. See /classes /methods /vars or /list\n"),
a -> assertCommand(a, "/drop 0", "| No definition or id named 0 found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list\n"),
a -> assertCommand(a, "/drop a", "| No definition or id named a found. See /classes, /methods, /vars, or /list\n"),
a -> assertCommandCheckOutput(a, "/drop",
assertStartsWith("| In the /drop argument, please specify an import, variable, method, or class to drop.")),
a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "a"),
a -> assertCommand(a, "a", "| Variable a of type int has value 0\n"),
a -> assertCommand(a, "/drop 2", "| The argument did not specify an import, variable, method, or class to drop.\n")
a -> assertCommand(a, "/drop 2", "| The argument did not specify an active import, variable, method, or class to drop.\n")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user