8079344: Allow custom or platform specific java source to automatically override shared source

Reviewed-by: ihse
This commit is contained in:
Erik Joelsson 2015-05-06 11:15:27 +02:00
parent 50d1f86836
commit 0cd8ff5e10
6 changed files with 181 additions and 38 deletions

@ -53,17 +53,7 @@ java.base_EXCLUDES += java/lang/doc-files
java.base_EXCLUDE_FILES += sun/text/resources/BreakIteratorRules.java
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx)
JAVA_BASE_UNIX_DIR := $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.base/unix/classes
# TODO: make JavaCompilation handle overrides automatically instead of excluding here
# These files are overridden in macosx
java.base_EXCLUDE_FILES += \
$(JAVA_BASE_UNIX_DIR)/sun/util/locale/provider/HostLocaleProviderAdapterImpl.java \
$(JAVA_BASE_UNIX_DIR)/java/net/DefaultInterface.java \
$(JAVA_BASE_UNIX_DIR)/java/lang/ClassLoaderHelper.java \
$(JAVA_BASE_UNIX_DIR)/sun/nio/ch/DefaultSelectorProvider.java \
# This is just skipped on macosx
java.base_EXCLUDE_FILES += $(JAVA_BASE_UNIX_DIR)/sun/nio/fs/GnomeFileTypeDetector.java
java.base_EXCLUDE_FILES += sun/nio/fs/GnomeFileTypeDetector.java
ifneq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), solaris)
@ -247,13 +237,6 @@ java.desktop_EXCLUDE_FILES += \
javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/TabbedPanePainter.java \
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx)
# These files are duplicated in MACOSX_SRC_DIRS
java.desktop_EXCLUDE_FILES += \
$(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/java2d/BackBufferCapsProvider.java \
java.scripting_ADD_JAVAC_FLAGS := -Xdoclint:all/protected '-Xdoclint/package:java.*,javax.*'
@ -418,7 +401,6 @@ ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx)
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS),aix)
# These files are duplicated in AIX_SRC_DIRS

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ define SetupArchiveBody
# If the vardeps file is part of the newer prereq list, it means that
# either the jar file does not exist, or we need to recreate it from
# from scratch anyway since a simple update will not catch all the
# from scratch anyway since a simple update will not catch all the
# potential changes.
$$(if $$(filter $$($1_VARDEPS_FILE) $$($1_MANIFEST), $$?), \
$$(if $$($1_MANIFEST), \
@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ define add_file_to_copy
$$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(eval $$(call remove_string,$$i,$2_TARGET)))
# To allow for automatic overrides, do not create a rule for a target file that
# already has one
ifeq ($$(findstring $$($2_TARGET), $$($1_COPY_LIST)), )
$1_COPY_LIST += $$($2_TARGET)
ifneq ($$($1_COPY_$$($2_TARGET)), 1)
$1_COPY_$$($2_TARGET) := 1
# Now we can setup the depency that will trigger the copying.
$$($1_BIN)$$($2_TARGET) : $2
$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
@ -365,7 +365,11 @@ define add_file_to_clean
# Remove the source prefix.
$$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(eval $$(call remove_string,$$i,$2_TARGET)))
# Now we can setup the depency that will trigger the copying.
$$($1_BIN)$$($2_TARGET) : $2
# To allow for automatic overrides, do not create a rule for a target file that
# already has one
ifneq ($$($1_CLEAN_$$($2_TARGET)), 1)
$1_CLEAN_$$($2_TARGET) := 1
$$($1_BIN)$$($1_MODULE_SUBDIR)$$($2_TARGET) : $2
$(MKDIR) -p $$(@D)
export LC_ALL=C ; ( $(CAT) $$< && $(ECHO) "" ) \
| $(SED) -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\\:/g' -e 's/\([^\\]\)=/\1\\=/g' \
@ -378,8 +382,9 @@ define add_file_to_clean
| $(SORT) > $$@
$(CHMOD) -f ug+w $$@
# And do not forget this target
# And do not forget this target
define remove_string
@ -396,7 +401,8 @@ endef
# SETUP:=must point to a previously setup java compiler, for example: SETUP:=BOOTJAVAC
# JVM:=path to ..bin/java
# ADD_JAVAC_FLAGS:=javac flags to append to the default ones.
# SRC:=one or more directories to search for sources
# SRC:=one or more directories to search for sources. The order of the source roots
# is significant. The first found file of a certain name has priority.
# BIN:=store classes here
# INCLUDES:=myapp.foo means will only compile java files in myapp.foo or any of its sub-packages.
# EXCLUDES:=myapp.foo means will do not compile java files in myapp.foo or any of its sub-packages.
@ -432,7 +438,7 @@ define SetupJavaCompilationBody
# Handle addons and overrides.
$1_SRC:=$$(call ADD_SRCS,$$($1_SRC))
# Make sure the dirs exist.
$$(foreach d,$$($1_SRC), $$(if $$(wildcard $$d),,$$(error SRC specified to SetupJavaCompilation $1 contains missing directory $$d)))
$$(foreach d,$$($1_SRC), $$(if $$(wildcard $$d),,$$(error SRC specified to SetupJavaCompilation $1 contains missing directory >$$d<)))
$$(call MakeDir,$$($1_BIN))
# Add all source roots to the find cache since we are likely going to run find
# on these more than once. The cache will only be updated if necessary.
@ -450,15 +456,6 @@ define SetupJavaCompilationBody
$1_SRCS := $$(filter $$($1_INCLUDE_FILES), $$($1_SRCS))
# Now we have a list of all java files to compile: $$($1_SRCS)
# Create the corresponding smart javac wrapper command line.
$1_SJAVAC_ARGS:=$$(addprefix -x ,$$(addsuffix /*,$$($1_EXCLUDES))) \
$$(addprefix -i ,$$(addsuffix /*,$$($1_INCLUDES))) \
$$(addprefix -xf *,$$(strip $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES))) \
$$(addprefix -if *,$$(strip $$($1_INCLUDE_FILES))) \
-src "$$(subst $$(SPACE),$$(PATH_SEP),$$(strip $$($1_SRC)))"
# Prepend the source/bin path to the filter expressions.
ifneq ($$($1_INCLUDES),)
$1_SRC_INCLUDES := $$(foreach i,$$($1_SRC),$$(addprefix $$i/,$$(addsuffix /%,$$($1_INCLUDES))))
@ -469,6 +466,25 @@ define SetupJavaCompilationBody
$1_SRCS := $$(filter-out $$($1_SRC_EXCLUDES),$$($1_SRCS))
# Remove duplicate source files by keeping the first found of each duplicate.
# This allows for automatic overrides with custom or platform specific versions
# source files.
# For the smart javac wrapper case, add each removed file to an extra exclude
# file list to prevent sjavac from finding duplicate sources.
$1_SRCS := $$(strip $$(foreach s, $$($1_SRCS), \
$$(eval relative_src := $$(call remove-prefixes, $$($1_SRC), $$(s))) \
$$(if $$($1_$$(relative_src)), \
$$(eval $1_SJAVAC_EXCLUDE_FILES += $$(s)), \
$$(eval $1_$$(relative_src) := 1) $$(s))))
# Create the corresponding smart javac wrapper command line.
$1_SJAVAC_ARGS:=$$(addprefix -x ,$$(addsuffix /*,$$($1_EXCLUDES))) \
$$(addprefix -i ,$$(addsuffix /*,$$($1_INCLUDES))) \
$$(addprefix -xf *,$$(strip $$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES) $$($1_SJAVAC_EXCLUDE_FILES))) \
$$(addprefix -if *,$$(strip $$($1_INCLUDE_FILES))) \
-src "$$(subst $$(SPACE),$$(PATH_SEP),$$(strip $$($1_SRC)))"
# All files below META-INF are always copied.
$1_ALL_COPIES := $$(filter $$(addsuffix /META-INF%,$$($1_SRC)),$$($1_ALL_SRCS))
# Find all files to be copied from source to bin.

@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ endif
# Functions
### Debug functions
# Prints the name and value of a variable
PrintVar = \
$(info $(strip $1) >$($(strip $1))<)
### Functions for timers
@ -558,6 +563,13 @@ equals = \
$(and $(findstring $(strip $1),$(strip $2)),\
$(findstring $(strip $2),$(strip $1)))
# Remove a whole list of prefixes
# $1 - List of prefixes
# $2 - List of elements to process
remove-prefixes = \
$(strip $(if $1,$(patsubst $(firstword $1)%,%,\
$(call remove-prefixes,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1),$2)),$2))
ifneq ($(DISABLE_CACHE_FIND), true)

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ALL_TOP_SRC_DIRS := \
# Find all modules with java sources by looking in the source dirs
define FindJavaModules
$(filter-out $(JAVA_MODULES_FILTER), $(sort $(notdir \
$(filter-out $(MODULES_FILTER), $(sort $(notdir \
$(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir \
$(wildcard $(patsubst %,%/*/share/classes/*, $(ALL_TOP_SRC_DIRS)) \
$(patsubst %,%/*/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/classes/*, $(ALL_TOP_SRC_DIRS)) \
@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ endef
# Find all modules with source for the target platform.
define FindAllModules
$(sort $(filter-out closed demo sample, $(notdir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir \
$(sort $(filter-out $(MODULES_FILTER) closed demo sample, \
$(notdir $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir \
$(wildcard $(patsubst %, %/*/share, $(ALL_TOP_SRC_DIRS)) \
$(patsubst %, %/*/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), $(ALL_TOP_SRC_DIRS)) \
$(patsubst %, %/*/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE), $(ALL_TOP_SRC_DIRS))))))))

@ -230,6 +230,117 @@ TEST_TARGETS += $(OUTPUT_DIR)/_jar3_updated
.PHONY: clean-jar3 create-jar3 update-jar3
# Test SetupJavaCompilation overrides of java files
$(eval $(call SetupJavaCompiler,BOOT_JAVAC, \
JAVAC := $(JAVAC), \
JAVA_SRC_ROOT1 := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/javaroot1
JAVA_SRC_ROOT2 := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/javaroot2
# Since this makefile calls itself a number of times, protect this macro from
# being executed more than once.
# Param 1 - File name
# Param 2 - Package name
# Param 3 - Class name
# Param 4 - Message
CreateJavaSrc = \
$(if $(wildcard $1),,$(shell \
$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $1); \
$(ECHO) "package $2;" > $1; \
$(ECHO) "public class $3 {" >> $1; \
$(ECHO) " public static void main(String[] args) {" >> $1; \
$(ECHO) " System.out.print(\"$4\");" >> $1; \
$(ECHO) " }" >> $1; \
$(ECHO) "}" >> $1; \
# Since this makefile calls itself a number of times, protect this macro from
# being executed more than once.
# Param 1 - File name
# Param 2 - Message
CreateTextFile = \
$(if $(wildcard $1),,$(shell \
$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $1); \
$(PRINTF) '$2' > $1; \
$(call CreateJavaSrc,$(JAVA_SRC_ROOT1)/a/A.java,a,A,javaroot1)
$(call CreateJavaSrc,$(JAVA_SRC_ROOT2)/a/A.java,a,A,javaroot2)
$(call CreateTextFile,$(JAVA_SRC_ROOT1)/a/b.txt,javaroot1\n)
$(call CreateTextFile,$(JAVA_SRC_ROOT2)/a/b.txt,javaroot2\n)
$(call CreateTextFile,$(JAVA_SRC_ROOT1)/a/c.properties,#javaroot1\nname=value1\n)
$(call CreateTextFile,$(JAVA_SRC_ROOT2)/a/c.properties,#javaroot2\nname=value2\n)
# Due to a bug in gnu make 3.81, need to add the src roots with trailing slash,
# otherwise $(wildcard ) will not find the directories and the sanity check in
# SetupJavaCompilation will fail.
$(eval $(call SetupJavaCompilation, BUILD_ROOT1_FIRST, \
COPY := .txt .java, \
CLEAN := .properties, \
BIN := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/, \
verify-root1-first: $(BUILD_ROOT1_FIRST)
$(JAVA_SMALL) -cp $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first a.A > $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first.output
if [ "`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first.output`" != "javaroot1" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "The wrong class was compiled. Expected >javaroot1<"; \
$(ECHO) "Got >`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first.output`<"; \
false; \
if [ "`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/a/b.txt`" != "javaroot1" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "The wrong file was copied. Expected >javaroot1<"; \
$(ECHO) "Got >`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/a/b.txt`<"; \
false; \
if [ ! -e "$(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/a/A.java" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "Missed copying $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/a/A.java"; \
false; \
if [ "`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/a/c.properties`" != "name=value1" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "The wrong file was cleaned. Expected >name=value1<"; \
$(ECHO) "Got >`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root1first/a/c.properties`<"; \
false; \
$(eval $(call SetupJavaCompilation, BUILD_ROOT2_FIRST, \
COPY := .txt, \
CLEAN := .properties, \
BIN := $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first/, \
verify-root2-first: $(BUILD_ROOT2_FIRST)
$(JAVA_SMALL) -cp $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first a.A > $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first.output
if [ "`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first.output`" != "javaroot2" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "The wrong class was compiled. Expected >javaroot2<"; \
$(ECHO) "Got >`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first.output`<"; \
false; \
if [ "`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first/a/b.txt`" != "javaroot2" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "The wrong file was cleaned. Expected >javaroot2<"; \
$(ECHO) "Got >`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first/a/b.txt`<"; \
false; \
if [ "`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first/a/c.properties`" != "name=value2" ]; then \
$(ECHO) "The wrong file was cleaned. Expected >name=value2<"; \
$(ECHO) "Got >`$(CAT) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/root2first/a/c.properties`<"; \
false; \
TEST_TARGETS += verify-root1-first verify-root2-first
.PHONY: verify-root1-first verify-root2-first

@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ DEPS := $(THIS_FILE) \
$(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/MakeBase.gmk \
# Assert two strings are equal
# 1 - Tested value
# 2 - Exepected value
# 3 - Error message
define assert-equals
ifneq ($$(strip $1),$$(strip $2))
$$(error $3 - Expected >$$(strip $2)< - Got >$$(strip $1)<)
# On macosx, file system timestamps only have 1 second resultion so must add
# sleeps to properly test dependencies.
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_BUILD_OS), macosx)
@ -76,6 +86,17 @@ ifeq ($(call equals, $(EQUALS_VALUE1), $(EQUALS_VALUE1)), )
$(error The strings >$(EQUALS_VALUE1)< and >$(EQUALS_VALUE1)< are not equal)
# Test remove-prefixes
$(eval $(call assert-equals, \
$(call remove-prefixes, pre, prefix postfix), fix postfix, \
Prefixes not properly removed))
$(eval $(call assert-equals, \
$(call remove-prefixes, pre post, prefix postfix), fix fix, \
Prefixes not properly removed))
# Test ShellQuote