This commit is contained in:
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ public class ConstantPool extends Oop implements ClassConstants {
case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType: return "JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType";
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle: return "JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle";
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: return "JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType";
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: return "JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic";
case JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid: return "JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid";
case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass: return "JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass";
case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError: return "JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError";
@ -355,6 +356,7 @@ public class ConstantPool extends Oop implements ClassConstants {
case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType:
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle:
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType:
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
visitor.doInt(new IntField(new NamedFieldIdentifier(nameForTag(ctag)), indexOffset(index), true), true);
@ -517,6 +519,18 @@ public class ConstantPool extends Oop implements ClassConstants {
+ ", type = " + signatureIndex);
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: {
int value = getIntAt(ci);
short bootstrapMethodIndex = (short) extractLowShortFromInt(value);
short nameAndTypeIndex = (short) extractHighShortFromInt(value);
if (DEBUG) debugMessage("CP[" + ci + "] = indy BSM = " + bootstrapMethodIndex
+ ", N&T = " + nameAndTypeIndex);
throw new InternalError("unknown tag: " + cpConstType);
} // switch
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public interface ClassConstants
public static final int JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12;
public static final int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15;
public static final int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType = 16;
public static final int JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 17;
// JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle subtypes
public static final int JVM_REF_getField = 1;
@ -303,12 +303,12 @@ public class ClassWriter implements /* imports */ ClassConstants
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle: {
int value = cpool.getIntAt(ci);
short refIndex = (short) extractHighShortFromInt(value);
byte refKind = (byte) extractLowShortFromInt(value);
if (DEBUG) debugMessage("CP[" + ci + "] = MH index = " + refIndex
+ ", kind = " + refKind);
short bootstrapMethodIndex = (short) extractLowShortFromInt(value);
short nameAndTypeIndex = (short) extractHighShortFromInt(value);
if (DEBUG) debugMessage("CP[" + ci + "] = indy BSM = " +
bootstrapMethodIndex + ", N&T = " + nameAndTypeIndex);
@ -321,6 +321,15 @@ public class ClassWriter implements /* imports */ ClassConstants
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: {
int value = cpool.getIntAt(ci);
short refIndex = (short) value;
if (DEBUG) debugMessage("CP[" + ci + "] = MT index = " + refIndex);
throw new InternalError("Unknown tag: " + cpConstType);
} // switch
@ -582,6 +582,11 @@ public class HTMLGenerator implements /* imports */ ClassConstants {
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
throw new InternalError("unknown tag: " + ctag);
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ public class ConstantTag {
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12;
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15; // JSR 292
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType = 16; // JSR 292
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 17; // JSR 292
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid = 0; // For bad value initialization
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass = 100; // Temporary tag until actual use
private static int JVM_CONSTANT_ClassIndex = 101; // Temporary tag while constructing constant pool
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ public class ConstantTag {
public boolean isUtf8() { return tag == JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8; }
public boolean isMethodHandle() { return tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle; }
public boolean isMethodType() { return tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType; }
public boolean isInvokeDynamic() { return tag == JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic; }
public boolean isInvalid() { return tag == JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid; }
@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ ciMethod* ciEnv::get_fake_invokedynamic_method_impl(constantPoolHandle cpool,
// Get the invoker methodOop from the constant pool.
intptr_t f2_value = cpool->cache()->main_entry_at(index)->f2();
methodOop signature_invoker = methodOop(f2_value);
oop f1_value = cpool->cache()->main_entry_at(index)->f1();
methodOop signature_invoker = methodOop(f1_value);
assert(signature_invoker != NULL && signature_invoker->is_method() && signature_invoker->is_method_handle_invoke(),
"correct result from LinkResolver::resolve_invokedynamic");
@ -694,30 +694,21 @@ int ciMethod::scale_count(int count, float prof_factor) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciMethod::is_method_handle_invoke
// Return true if the method is a MethodHandle target.
// Return true if the method is an instance of one of the two
// signature-polymorphic MethodHandle methods, invokeExact or invokeGeneric.
bool ciMethod::is_method_handle_invoke() const {
bool flag = (holder()->name() == ciSymbol::java_dyn_MethodHandle() &&
#ifdef ASSERT
if (is_loaded()) {
bool flag2 = ((flags().as_int() & JVM_MH_INVOKE_BITS) == JVM_MH_INVOKE_BITS);
if (!is_loaded()) return false;
bool flag3 = get_methodOop()->is_method_handle_invoke();
assert(flag2 == flag3, "consistent");
assert(flag == flag3, "consistent");
#endif //ASSERT
return flag;
return get_methodOop()->is_method_handle_invoke();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciMethod::is_method_handle_adapter
// Return true if the method is a generated MethodHandle adapter.
// These are built by MethodHandleCompiler.
bool ciMethod::is_method_handle_adapter() const {
if (!is_loaded()) return false;
return get_methodOop()->is_method_handle_adapter();
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool_entries(constantPoolHandle cp, int len
if (!EnableMethodHandles ||
_major_version < Verifier::INVOKEDYNAMIC_MAJOR_VERSION) {
(!EnableInvokeDynamic ?
(!EnableMethodHandles ?
"This JVM does not support constant tag %u in class file %s" :
"Class file version does not support constant tag %u in class file %s"),
tag, CHECK);
@ -140,6 +140,22 @@ void ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool_entries(constantPoolHandle cp, int len
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic ||
_major_version < Verifier::INVOKEDYNAMIC_MAJOR_VERSION) {
(!EnableInvokeDynamic ?
"This JVM does not support constant tag %u in class file %s" :
"Class file version does not support constant tag %u in class file %s"),
tag, CHECK);
cfs->guarantee_more(5, CHECK); // bsm_index, name_and_type_index, tag/access_flags
u2 bootstrap_method_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
u2 name_and_type_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
cp->invoke_dynamic_at_put(index, bootstrap_method_index, name_and_type_index);
case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer :
cfs->guarantee_more(5, CHECK); // bytes, tag/access_flags
@ -414,6 +430,24 @@ constantPoolHandle ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool(TRAPS) {
ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
int bootstrap_method_ref_index = cp->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index);
int name_and_type_ref_index = cp->invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index);
check_property((bootstrap_method_ref_index == 0 && AllowTransitionalJSR292)
(valid_cp_range(bootstrap_method_ref_index, length) &&
"Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
check_property(valid_cp_range(name_and_type_ref_index, length) &&
"Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
fatal(err_msg("bad constant pool tag value %u",
@ -2507,6 +2507,10 @@ Handle SystemDictionary::make_dynamic_call_site(Handle bootstrap_method,
int caller_bci,
Handle empty;
guarantee(bootstrap_method.not_null() &&
"caller must supply a valid BSM");
Handle caller_mname = MethodHandles::new_MemberName(CHECK_(empty));
MethodHandles::init_MemberName(caller_mname(), caller_method());
@ -2537,20 +2541,61 @@ Handle SystemDictionary::make_dynamic_call_site(Handle bootstrap_method,
return call_site_oop;
Handle SystemDictionary::find_bootstrap_method(KlassHandle caller, TRAPS) {
Handle SystemDictionary::find_bootstrap_method(methodHandle caller_method, int caller_bci,
int cache_index, TRAPS) {
Handle empty;
if (!caller->oop_is_instance()) return empty;
instanceKlassHandle ik(THREAD, caller());
oop boot_method_oop = ik->bootstrap_method();
if (boot_method_oop != NULL) {
if (TraceMethodHandles) {
tty->print_cr("bootstrap method for "PTR_FORMAT" cached as "PTR_FORMAT":", ik(), boot_method_oop);
constantPoolHandle pool;
klassOop caller = caller_method->method_holder();
if (!Klass::cast(caller)->oop_is_instance()) return empty;
pool = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, instanceKlass::cast(caller)->constants());
&& java_dyn_MethodHandle::is_instance(boot_method_oop), "must be sane");
return Handle(THREAD, boot_method_oop);
int constant_pool_index = pool->cache()->entry_at(cache_index)->constant_pool_index();
constantTag tag = pool->tag_at(constant_pool_index);
if (tag.is_invoke_dynamic()) {
// JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic is an ordered pair of [bootm, name&type]
// The bootm, being a JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle, has its own cache entry.
int bsm_index = pool->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(constant_pool_index);
if (bsm_index != 0) {
int bsm_index_in_cache = pool->cache()->entry_at(cache_index)->bootstrap_method_index_in_cache();
DEBUG_ONLY(int bsm_index_2 = pool->cache()->entry_at(bsm_index_in_cache)->constant_pool_index());
assert(bsm_index == bsm_index_2, "BSM constant lifted to cache");
if (TraceMethodHandles) {
tty->print_cr("resolving bootstrap method for "PTR_FORMAT" at %d at cache[%d]CP[%d]...",
(intptr_t) caller_method(), caller_bci, cache_index, constant_pool_index);
oop bsm_oop = pool->resolve_cached_constant_at(bsm_index_in_cache, CHECK_(empty));
if (TraceMethodHandles) {
tty->print_cr("bootstrap method for "PTR_FORMAT" at %d retrieved as "PTR_FORMAT":",
(intptr_t) caller_method(), caller_bci, (intptr_t) bsm_oop);
&& java_dyn_MethodHandle::is_instance(bsm_oop), "must be sane");
return Handle(THREAD, bsm_oop);
// else null BSM; fall through
} else if (tag.is_name_and_type()) {
// JSR 292 EDR does not have JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic
// a bare name&type defaults its BSM to null, so fall through...
} else {
ShouldNotReachHere(); // verifier does not allow this
// Fall through to pick up the per-class bootstrap method.
// This mechanism may go away in the PFD.
assert(AllowTransitionalJSR292, "else the verifier should have stopped us already");
oop bsm_oop = instanceKlass::cast(caller_method->method_holder())->bootstrap_method();
if (bsm_oop != NULL) {
if (TraceMethodHandles) {
tty->print_cr("bootstrap method for "PTR_FORMAT" registered as "PTR_FORMAT":",
(intptr_t) caller_method(), (intptr_t) bsm_oop);
&& java_dyn_MethodHandle::is_instance(bsm_oop), "must be sane");
return Handle(THREAD, bsm_oop);
return empty;
@ -492,7 +492,10 @@ public:
// coordinate with Java about bootstrap methods
static Handle find_bootstrap_method(KlassHandle caller, TRAPS);
static Handle find_bootstrap_method(methodHandle caller_method,
int caller_bci, // N.B. must be an invokedynamic
int cache_index, // must be corresponding main_entry
// Utility for printing loader "name" as part of tracing constraints
static const char* loader_name(oop loader) {
@ -1913,7 +1913,8 @@ void ClassVerifier::verify_invoke_instructions(
unsigned int types = (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface
? 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref
: opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic
? 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType
? (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType
|1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic)
: 1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref);
verify_cp_type(index, cp, types, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
@ -202,6 +202,11 @@ void BufferBlob::free( BufferBlob *blob ) {
// Implementation of AdapterBlob
AdapterBlob::AdapterBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb) :
BufferBlob("I2C/C2I adapters", size, cb) {
AdapterBlob* AdapterBlob::create(CodeBuffer* cb) {
ThreadInVMfromUnknown __tiv; // get to VM state in case we block on CodeCache_lock
@ -210,7 +215,6 @@ AdapterBlob* AdapterBlob::create(CodeBuffer* cb) {
MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
blob = new (size) AdapterBlob(size, cb);
// Track memory usage statistic after releasing CodeCache_lock
@ -219,8 +219,7 @@ class BufferBlob: public CodeBlob {
class AdapterBlob: public BufferBlob {
AdapterBlob(int size) : BufferBlob("I2C/C2I adapters", size) {}
AdapterBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb) : BufferBlob("I2C/C2I adapters", size, cb) {}
AdapterBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb);
// Creation
@ -328,24 +328,35 @@ void BytecodePrinter::print_field_or_method(int orig_i, int i, outputStream* st)
constantPoolOop constants = method()->constants();
constantTag tag = constants->tag_at(i);
int nt_index = -1;
bool has_klass = true;
switch (tag.value()) {
case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref:
case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType:
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
has_klass = false;
st->print_cr(" bad tag=%d at %d", tag.value(), i);
symbolOop klass = constants->klass_name_at(constants->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(i));
symbolOop name = constants->uncached_name_ref_at(i);
symbolOop signature = constants->uncached_signature_ref_at(i);
const char* sep = (tag.is_field() ? "/" : "");
if (has_klass) {
symbolOop klass = constants->klass_name_at(constants->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(i));
st->print_cr(" %d <%s.%s%s%s> ", i, klass->as_C_string(), name->as_C_string(), sep, signature->as_C_string());
} else {
if (tag.is_invoke_dynamic()) {
int bsm = constants->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(i);
st->print(" bsm=%d", bsm);
st->print_cr(" %d <%s%s%s>", i, name->as_C_string(), sep, signature->as_C_string());
@ -702,10 +702,6 @@ IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invokedynamic(JavaThread* thread)) {
methodHandle caller_method(thread, method(thread));
// first find the bootstrap method
KlassHandle caller_klass(thread, caller_method->method_holder());
Handle bootm = SystemDictionary::find_bootstrap_method(caller_klass, CHECK);
constantPoolHandle pool(thread, caller_method->constants());
pool->set_invokedynamic(); // mark header to flag active call sites
@ -726,7 +722,7 @@ IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invokedynamic(JavaThread* thread)) {
CallInfo info;
LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(info, Handle(), pool,
site_index, bytecode, CHECK);
// The main entry corresponds to a JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType, and serves
// The main entry corresponds to a JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic, and serves
// as a common reference point for all invokedynamic call sites with
// that exact call descriptor. We will link it in the CP cache exactly
// as if it were an invokevirtual of MethodHandle.invoke.
@ -734,23 +730,30 @@ IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invokedynamic(JavaThread* thread)) {
assert(pool->cache()->entry_at(main_index)->is_vfinal(), "f2 must be a methodOop");
// The method (f2 entry) of the main entry is the MH.invoke for the
// invokedynamic target call signature.
intptr_t f2_value = pool->cache()->entry_at(main_index)->f2();
methodHandle signature_invoker(THREAD, (methodOop) f2_value);
oop f1_value = pool->cache()->entry_at(main_index)->f1();
methodHandle signature_invoker(THREAD, (methodOop) f1_value);
assert(signature_invoker.not_null() && signature_invoker->is_method() && signature_invoker->is_method_handle_invoke(),
"correct result from LinkResolver::resolve_invokedynamic");
Handle bootm = SystemDictionary::find_bootstrap_method(caller_method, caller_bci,
main_index, CHECK);
if (bootm.is_null()) {
"no bootstrap method found for invokedynamic");
// Short circuit if CallSite has been bound already:
if (!pool->cache()->secondary_entry_at(site_index)->is_f1_null())
symbolHandle call_site_name(THREAD, pool->name_ref_at(site_index));
Handle info; // NYI: Other metadata from a new kind of CP entry. (Annotations?)
// this is the index which gets stored on the CallSite object (as "callerPosition"):
int call_site_position = constantPoolCacheOopDesc::decode_secondary_index(site_index);
Handle call_site
= SystemDictionary::make_dynamic_call_site(bootm,
// Callee information:
@ -67,6 +67,15 @@ void CallInfo::set_virtual(KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klas
set_common(resolved_klass, selected_klass, resolved_method, selected_method, vtable_index, CHECK);
void CallInfo::set_dynamic(methodHandle resolved_method, TRAPS) {
assert(resolved_method->is_method_handle_invoke(), "");
KlassHandle resolved_klass = SystemDictionaryHandles::MethodHandle_klass();
assert(resolved_klass == resolved_method->method_holder(), "");
int vtable_index = methodOopDesc::nonvirtual_vtable_index;
assert(resolved_method->vtable_index() == vtable_index, "");
set_common(resolved_klass, KlassHandle(), resolved_method, resolved_method, vtable_index, CHECK);
void CallInfo::set_common(KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method, int vtable_index, TRAPS) {
assert(resolved_method->signature() == selected_method->signature(), "signatures must correspond");
_resolved_klass = resolved_klass;
@ -176,9 +185,20 @@ void LinkResolver::lookup_implicit_method(methodHandle& result,
KlassHandle klass, symbolHandle name, symbolHandle signature,
KlassHandle current_klass,
if (EnableMethodHandles && MethodHandles::enabled() &&
if (EnableMethodHandles &&
klass() == SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass() &&
methodOopDesc::is_method_handle_invoke_name(name())) {
if (!MethodHandles::enabled()) {
// Make sure the Java part of the runtime has been booted up.
klassOop natives = SystemDictionary::MethodHandleNatives_klass();
if (natives == NULL || instanceKlass::cast(natives)->is_not_initialized()) {
methodOop result_oop = SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoke(name,
@ -1065,7 +1085,7 @@ void LinkResolver::resolve_invokedynamic(CallInfo& result, constantPoolHandle po
if (resolved_method.is_null()) {
result.set_virtual(resolved_klass, KlassHandle(), resolved_method, resolved_method, resolved_method->vtable_index(), CHECK);
result.set_dynamic(resolved_method, CHECK);
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class CallInfo: public LinkInfo {
void set_static( KlassHandle resolved_klass, methodHandle resolved_method , TRAPS);
void set_interface(KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method , TRAPS);
void set_virtual( KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method, int vtable_index, TRAPS);
void set_dynamic( methodHandle resolved_method, TRAPS);
void set_common( KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass, methodHandle resolved_method, methodHandle selected_method, int vtable_index, TRAPS);
friend class LinkResolver;
@ -32,14 +32,17 @@
void Rewriter::compute_index_maps() {
const int length = _pool->length();
jint tag_mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int tag = _pool->tag_at(i).value();
tag_mask |= (1 << tag);
switch (tag) {
case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref : // fall through
case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref : // fall through
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle : // fall through
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType : // fall through
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic : // fall through
@ -47,6 +50,8 @@ void Rewriter::compute_index_maps() {
guarantee((int)_cp_cache_map.length()-1 <= (int)((u2)-1),
"all cp cache indexes fit in a u2");
_have_invoke_dynamic = ((tag_mask & (1 << JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic)) != 0);
@ -59,6 +64,28 @@ void Rewriter::make_constant_pool_cache(TRAPS) {
constantPoolCacheOop cache =
oopFactory::new_constantPoolCache(length, methodOopDesc::IsUnsafeConc, CHECK);
// Don't bother to the next pass if there is no JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic.
if (_have_invoke_dynamic) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int pool_index = cp_cache_entry_pool_index(i);
if (pool_index >= 0 &&
_pool->tag_at(pool_index).is_invoke_dynamic()) {
int bsm_index = _pool->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(pool_index);
if (bsm_index != 0) {
assert(_pool->tag_at(bsm_index).is_method_handle(), "must be a MH constant");
// There is a CP cache entry holding the BSM for these calls.
int bsm_cache_index = cp_entry_to_cp_cache(bsm_index);
} else {
// There is no CP cache entry holding the BSM for these calls.
// We will need to look for a class-global BSM, later.
guarantee(AllowTransitionalJSR292, "");
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class Rewriter: public StackObj {
objArrayHandle _methods;
intArray _cp_map;
intStack _cp_cache_map;
bool _have_invoke_dynamic;
void init_cp_map(int length) {
_cp_map.initialize(length, -1);
@ -56,6 +57,22 @@ class Rewriter: public StackObj {
return cache_index;
// Access the contents of _cp_cache_map to determine CP cache layout.
int cp_cache_entry_pool_index(int cache_index) {
int cp_index = _cp_cache_map[cache_index];
if ((cp_index & _secondary_entry_tag) != 0)
return -1;
return cp_index;
int cp_cache_secondary_entry_main_index(int cache_index) {
int cp_index = _cp_cache_map[cache_index];
if ((cp_index & _secondary_entry_tag) == 0)
return -1;
return (cp_index - _secondary_entry_tag);
// All the work goes in here:
Rewriter(instanceKlassHandle klass, constantPoolHandle cpool, objArrayHandle methods, TRAPS);
@ -379,6 +379,10 @@ void constantPoolKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
st->print("signature_index=%d", cp->method_type_index_at(index));
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
st->print("bootstrap_method_index=%d", cp->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index));
st->print(" name_and_type_index=%d", cp->invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index));
@ -264,10 +264,15 @@ symbolOop constantPoolOopDesc::impl_signature_ref_at(int which, bool uncached) {
int constantPoolOopDesc::impl_name_and_type_ref_index_at(int which, bool uncached) {
int i = which;
if (!uncached && cache() != NULL) {
if (constantPoolCacheOopDesc::is_secondary_index(which))
if (constantPoolCacheOopDesc::is_secondary_index(which)) {
// Invokedynamic indexes are always processed in native order
// so there is no question of reading a native u2 in Java order here.
return cache()->main_entry_at(which)->constant_pool_index();
int pool_index = cache()->main_entry_at(which)->constant_pool_index();
if (tag_at(pool_index).is_invoke_dynamic())
pool_index = invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(pool_index);
assert(tag_at(pool_index).is_name_and_type(), "");
return pool_index;
// change byte-ordering and go via cache
i = remap_instruction_operand_from_cache(which);
} else {
@ -830,6 +835,19 @@ bool constantPoolOopDesc::compare_entry_to(int index1, constantPoolHandle cp2,
} break;
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
int k1 = invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index1);
int k2 = cp2->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index2);
if (k1 == k2) {
int i1 = invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index1);
int i2 = cp2->invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index2);
if (i1 == i2) {
return true;
} break;
case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString:
symbolOop s1 = unresolved_string_at(index1);
@ -1016,6 +1034,13 @@ void constantPoolOopDesc::copy_entry_to(int from_i, constantPoolHandle to_cp,
to_cp->method_handle_index_at_put(to_i, k1, k2);
} break;
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
int k1 = invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(from_i);
int k2 = invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(from_i);
to_cp->invoke_dynamic_at_put(to_i, k1, k2);
} break;
// Invalid is used as the tag for the second constant pool entry
// occupied by JVM_CONSTANT_Double or JVM_CONSTANT_Long. It should
// not be seen by itself.
@ -1231,6 +1256,7 @@ jint constantPoolOopDesc::cpool_entry_size(jint idx) {
case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType:
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
return 5;
@ -1444,6 +1470,15 @@ int constantPoolOopDesc::copy_cpool_bytes(int cpool_size,
DBG(printf("JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType: %hd", idx1));
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: {
*bytes = JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic;
idx1 = invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(idx);
idx2 = invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx);
Bytes::put_Java_u2((address) (bytes+1), idx1);
Bytes::put_Java_u2((address) (bytes+3), idx2);
DBG(printf("JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic: %hd %hd", idx1, idx2));
bytes += ent_size;
@ -156,6 +156,11 @@ class constantPoolOopDesc : public oopDesc {
*int_at_addr(which) = ref_index;
void invoke_dynamic_at_put(int which, int bootstrap_method_index, int name_and_type_index) {
tag_at_put(which, JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic);
*int_at_addr(which) = ((jint) name_and_type_index<<16) | bootstrap_method_index;
// Temporary until actual use
void unresolved_string_at_put(int which, symbolOop s) {
*obj_at_addr(which) = NULL;
@ -396,6 +401,16 @@ class constantPoolOopDesc : public oopDesc {
int sym = method_type_index_at(which);
return symbol_at(sym);
int invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(int which) {
assert(tag_at(which).is_invoke_dynamic(), "Corrupted constant pool");
jint ref_index = *int_at_addr(which);
return extract_low_short_from_int(ref_index);
int invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(int which) {
assert(tag_at(which).is_invoke_dynamic(), "Corrupted constant pool");
jint ref_index = *int_at_addr(which);
return extract_high_short_from_int(ref_index);
// The following methods (name/signature/klass_ref_at, klass_ref_at_noresolve,
// name_and_type_ref_index_at) all expect to be passed indices obtained
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ int ConstantPoolCacheEntry::field_index() const {
void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_method(Bytecodes::Code invoke_code,
methodHandle method,
int vtable_index) {
assert(!is_secondary_entry(), "");
assert(method->interpreter_entry() != NULL, "should have been set at this point");
assert(!method->is_obsolete(), "attempt to write obsolete method to cpCache");
bool change_to_virtual = (invoke_code == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface);
@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_method(Bytecodes::Code invoke_code,
int byte_no = -1;
bool needs_vfinal_flag = false;
switch (invoke_code) {
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: {
if (method->can_be_statically_bound()) {
@ -155,6 +154,23 @@ void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_method(Bytecodes::Code invoke_code,
byte_no = 2;
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: // similar to _invokevirtual
if (TraceInvokeDynamic) {
tty->print_cr("InvokeDynamic set_method%s method="PTR_FORMAT" index=%d",
(is_secondary_entry() ? " secondary" : ""),
(intptr_t)method(), vtable_index);
this->print(tty, 0);
assert(method->can_be_statically_bound(), "must be a MH invoker method");
assert(AllowTransitionalJSR292 || _f2 >= constantPoolOopDesc::CPCACHE_INDEX_TAG, "BSM index initialized");
needs_vfinal_flag = false; // _f2 is not an oop
assert(!is_vfinal(), "f2 not an oop");
byte_no = 1; // coordinate this with bytecode_number & is_resolved
case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
// Preserve the value of the vfinal flag on invokevirtual bytecode
// which may be shared with this constant pool cache entry.
@ -209,6 +225,7 @@ void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_method(Bytecodes::Code invoke_code,
void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_interface_call(methodHandle method, int index) {
assert(!is_secondary_entry(), "");
klassOop interf = method->method_holder();
assert(instanceKlass::cast(interf)->is_interface(), "must be an interface");
@ -218,8 +235,23 @@ void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_interface_call(methodHandle method, int index)
void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::initialize_bootstrap_method_index_in_cache(int bsm_cache_index) {
assert(!is_secondary_entry(), "only for JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic main entry");
assert(_f2 == 0, "initialize once");
assert(bsm_cache_index == (int)(u2)bsm_cache_index, "oob");
set_f2(bsm_cache_index + constantPoolOopDesc::CPCACHE_INDEX_TAG);
int ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bootstrap_method_index_in_cache() {
assert(!is_secondary_entry(), "only for JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic main entry");
intptr_t bsm_cache_index = (intptr_t) _f2 - constantPoolOopDesc::CPCACHE_INDEX_TAG;
assert(bsm_cache_index == (intptr_t)(u2)bsm_cache_index, "oob");
return (int) bsm_cache_index;
void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_dynamic_call(Handle call_site,
methodHandle signature_invoker) {
assert(is_secondary_entry(), "");
int param_size = signature_invoker->size_of_parameters();
assert(param_size >= 1, "method argument size must include MH.this");
param_size -= 1; // do not count MH.this; it is not stacked for invokedynamic
@ -227,7 +259,6 @@ void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_dynamic_call(Handle call_site,
// racing threads might be trying to install their own favorites
bool is_final = true;
assert(signature_invoker->is_final_method(), "is_final");
set_flags(as_flags(as_TosState(signature_invoker->result_type()), is_final, false, false, false, true) | param_size);
@ -417,14 +448,14 @@ void ConstantPoolCacheEntry::print(outputStream* st, int index) const {
// print separator
if (index == 0) tty->print_cr(" -------------");
// print entry
tty->print_cr("%3d (%08x) ", index, this);
tty->print("%3d ("PTR_FORMAT") ", index, (intptr_t)this);
if (is_secondary_entry())
tty->print_cr("[%5d|secondary]", main_entry_index());
tty->print_cr("[%02x|%02x|%5d]", bytecode_2(), bytecode_1(), constant_pool_index());
tty->print_cr(" [ %08x]", (address)(oop)_f1);
tty->print_cr(" [ %08x]", _f2);
tty->print_cr(" [ %08x]", _flags);
tty->print_cr(" [ "PTR_FORMAT"]", (intptr_t)(oop)_f1);
tty->print_cr(" [ "PTR_FORMAT"]", (intptr_t)_f2);
tty->print_cr(" [ "PTR_FORMAT"]", (intptr_t)_flags);
tty->print_cr(" -------------");
@ -185,6 +185,10 @@ class ConstantPoolCacheEntry VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
methodHandle signature_invoker // determines signature information
// For JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic cache entries:
void initialize_bootstrap_method_index_in_cache(int bsm_cache_index);
int bootstrap_method_index_in_cache();
void set_parameter_size(int value) {
assert(parameter_size() == 0 || parameter_size() == value,
"size must not change");
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ class ConstantPoolCacheEntry VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
case Bytecodes::_getfield : // fall through
case Bytecodes::_invokespecial : // fall through
case Bytecodes::_invokestatic : // fall through
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic : // fall through
case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface : return 1;
case Bytecodes::_putstatic : // fall through
case Bytecodes::_putfield : // fall through
@ -234,6 +239,7 @@ class ConstantPoolCacheEntry VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
Bytecodes::Code bytecode_1() const { return Bytecodes::cast((_indices >> 16) & 0xFF); }
Bytecodes::Code bytecode_2() const { return Bytecodes::cast((_indices >> 24) & 0xFF); }
volatile oop f1() const { return _f1; }
bool is_f1_null() const { return (oop)_f1 == NULL; } // classifies a CPC entry as unbound
intx f2() const { return _f2; }
int field_index() const;
int parameter_size() const { return _flags & 0xFF; }
@ -851,9 +851,15 @@ jint* methodOopDesc::method_type_offsets_chain() {
// MethodHandleCompiler.
// Must be consistent with MethodHandleCompiler::get_method_oop().
bool methodOopDesc::is_method_handle_adapter() const {
return (is_method_handle_invoke_name(name()) &&
is_synthetic() &&
if (is_synthetic() &&
!is_native() && // has code from MethodHandleCompiler
is_method_handle_invoke_name(name()) &&
MethodHandleCompiler::klass_is_method_handle_adapter_holder(method_holder())) {
assert(!is_method_handle_invoke(), "disjoint");
return true;
} else {
return false;
methodHandle methodOopDesc::make_invoke_method(KlassHandle holder,
@ -1046,7 +1046,8 @@ enum {
JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15, // JSR 292
JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType = 16 // JSR 292
JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType = 16, // JSR 292
JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 17 // JSR 292
/* JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle subtypes */
@ -738,6 +738,12 @@ void MethodHandleCompiler::emit_bc(Bytecodes::Code op, int index) {
// bi
case Bytecodes::_ldc:
assert(Bytecodes::format_bits(op, false) == (Bytecodes::_fmt_b|Bytecodes::_fmt_has_k), "wrong bytecode format");
assert((char) index == index, "index does not fit in 8-bit");
case Bytecodes::_iload:
case Bytecodes::_lload:
case Bytecodes::_fload:
@ -754,7 +760,8 @@ void MethodHandleCompiler::emit_bc(Bytecodes::Code op, int index) {
// bii
// bkk
case Bytecodes::_ldc_w:
case Bytecodes::_ldc2_w:
case Bytecodes::_checkcast:
assert(Bytecodes::format_bits(op, false) == Bytecodes::_fmt_bkk, "wrong bytecode format");
@ -2475,6 +2475,10 @@ JVM_END
JVM_ENTRY(void, MHI_registerBootstrap(JNIEnv *env, jobject igcls, jclass caller_jh, jobject bsm_jh)) {
instanceKlassHandle ik = MethodHandles::resolve_instance_klass(caller_jh, THREAD);
if (!AllowTransitionalJSR292) {
"registerBootstrapMethod is only supported in JSR 292 EDR");
if (!java_dyn_MethodHandle::is_instance(JNIHandles::resolve(bsm_jh))) {
THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "method handle");
@ -3517,6 +3517,9 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
experimental(bool, EnableInvokeDynamic, false, \
"recognize the invokedynamic instruction") \
experimental(bool, AllowTransitionalJSR292, true, \
"recognize pre-PFD formats of invokedynamic") \
develop(bool, TraceInvokeDynamic, false, \
"trace internal invoke dynamic operations") \
@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ const char* constantTag::internal_name() const {
return "MethodHandle";
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
return "MethodType";
case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
return "InvokeDynamic";
case JVM_CONSTANT_Object :
return "Object";
case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 :
@ -80,13 +80,14 @@ class constantTag VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
bool is_method_type() const { return _tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType; }
bool is_method_handle() const { return _tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle; }
bool is_invoke_dynamic() const { return _tag == JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic; }
constantTag() {
_tag = JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid;
constantTag(jbyte tag) {
assert((tag >= 0 && tag <= JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType) ||
(tag >= JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle && tag <= JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType) ||
(tag >= JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle && tag <= JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic) ||
(tag >= JVM_CONSTANT_InternalMin && tag <= JVM_CONSTANT_InternalMax), "Invalid constant tag");
_tag = tag;
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