8217330: Split G1CollectionSetChooser into collection set candidate container and the chooser algorithm

Reviewed-by: lkorinth, kbarrett
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Schatzl 2019-02-08 12:55:20 +01:00
parent 32016662c9
commit 13256c7908
9 changed files with 444 additions and 422 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -25,20 +25,21 @@
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/collectionSetChooser.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSetCandidates.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/heapRegionRemSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/space.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "utilities/quickSort.hpp"
// Even though we don't use the GC efficiency in our heuristics as
// much as we used to, we still order according to GC efficiency. This
// will cause regions with a lot of live objects and large RSets to
// end up at the end of the array. Given that we might skip collecting
// the last few old regions, if after a few mixed GCs the remaining
// have reclaimable bytes under a certain threshold, the hope is that
// the ones we'll skip are ones with both large RSets and a lot of
// live objects, not the ones with just a lot of live objects if we
// Order regions according to GC efficiency. This will cause regions with a lot
// of live objects and large remembered sets to end up at the end of the array.
// Given that we might skip collecting the last few old regions, if after a few
// mixed GCs the remaining have reclaimable bytes under a certain threshold, the
// hope is that the ones we'll skip are ones with both large remembered sets and
// a lot of live objects, not the ones with just a lot of live objects if we
// ordered according to the amount of reclaimable bytes per region.
static int order_regions(HeapRegion* hr1, HeapRegion* hr2) {
// Make sure that NULL entries are moved to the end.
if (hr1 == NULL) {
if (hr2 == NULL) {
return 0;
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ static int order_regions(HeapRegion* hr1, HeapRegion* hr2) {
double gc_eff1 = hr1->gc_efficiency();
double gc_eff2 = hr2->gc_efficiency();
if (gc_eff1 > gc_eff2) {
return -1;
} if (gc_eff1 < gc_eff2) {
@ -60,243 +62,209 @@ static int order_regions(HeapRegion* hr1, HeapRegion* hr2) {
static int order_regions(HeapRegion** hr1p, HeapRegion** hr2p) {
return order_regions(*hr1p, *hr2p);
// Determine collection set candidates: For all regions determine whether they
// should be a collection set candidates, calculate their efficiency, sort and
// return them as G1CollectionSetCandidates instance.
// Threads calculate the GC efficiency of the regions they get to process, and
// put them into some work area unsorted. At the end the array is sorted and
// copied into the G1CollectionSetCandidates instance; the caller will be the new
// owner of this object.
class G1BuildCandidateRegionsTask : public AbstractGangTask {
CollectionSetChooser::CollectionSetChooser() :
// The line below is the worst bit of C++ hackery I've ever written
// (Detlefs, 11/23). You should think of it as equivalent to
// "_regions(100, true)": initialize the growable array and inform it
// that it should allocate its elem array(s) on the C heap.
// The first argument, however, is actually a comma expression
// (set_allocation_type(this, C_HEAP), 100). The purpose of the
// set_allocation_type() call is to replace the default allocation
// type for embedded objects STACK_OR_EMBEDDED with C_HEAP. It will
// allow to pass the assert in GenericGrowableArray() which checks
// that a growable array object must be on C heap if elements are.
// Note: containing object is allocated on C heap since it is CHeapObj.
_regions((ResourceObj::set_allocation_type((address) &_regions,
100), true /* C_Heap */),
_front(0), _end(0), _first_par_unreserved_idx(0),
_region_live_threshold_bytes(0), _remaining_reclaimable_bytes(0) {
_region_live_threshold_bytes = mixed_gc_live_threshold_bytes();
// Work area for building the set of collection set candidates. Contains references
// to heap regions with their GC efficiencies calculated. To reduce contention
// on claiming array elements, worker threads claim parts of this array in chunks;
// Array elements may be NULL as threads might not get enough regions to fill
// up their chunks completely.
// Final sorting will remove them.
class G1BuildCandidateArray : public StackObj {
#ifndef PRODUCT
void CollectionSetChooser::verify() {
guarantee(_end <= regions_length(), "_end: %u regions length: %u", _end, regions_length());
guarantee(_front <= _end, "_front: %u _end: %u", _front, _end);
uint index = 0;
size_t sum_of_reclaimable_bytes = 0;
while (index < _front) {
guarantee(regions_at(index) == NULL,
"all entries before _front should be NULL");
index += 1;
HeapRegion *prev = NULL;
while (index < _end) {
HeapRegion *curr = regions_at(index++);
guarantee(curr != NULL, "Regions in _regions array cannot be NULL");
guarantee(!curr->is_young(), "should not be young!");
"Pinned region should not be in collection set (index %u)", curr->hrm_index());
if (prev != NULL) {
guarantee(order_regions(prev, curr) != 1,
"GC eff prev: %1.4f GC eff curr: %1.4f",
prev->gc_efficiency(), curr->gc_efficiency());
uint const _max_size;
uint const _chunk_size;
HeapRegion** _data;
uint volatile _cur_claim_idx;
// Calculates the maximum array size that will be used.
static uint required_array_size(uint num_regions, uint num_workers, uint chunk_size) {
uint const max_waste = num_workers * chunk_size;
// The array should be aligned with respect to chunk_size.
uint const aligned_num_regions = ((num_regions + chunk_size - 1) / chunk_size) * chunk_size;
return aligned_num_regions + max_waste;
sum_of_reclaimable_bytes += curr->reclaimable_bytes();
prev = curr;
guarantee(sum_of_reclaimable_bytes == _remaining_reclaimable_bytes,
"reclaimable bytes inconsistent, "
"remaining: " SIZE_FORMAT " sum: " SIZE_FORMAT,
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes, sum_of_reclaimable_bytes);
#endif // !PRODUCT
void CollectionSetChooser::sort_regions() {
// First trim any unused portion of the top in the parallel case.
if (_first_par_unreserved_idx > 0) {
assert(_first_par_unreserved_idx <= regions_length(),
"Or we didn't reserved enough length");
assert(_end <= regions_length(), "Requirement");
#ifdef ASSERT
for (uint i = 0; i < _end; i++) {
assert(regions_at(i) != NULL, "Should be true by sorting!");
#endif // ASSERT
if (log_is_enabled(Trace, gc, liveness)) {
G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure cl("Post-Sorting");
for (uint i = 0; i < _end; ++i) {
HeapRegion* r = regions_at(i);
G1BuildCandidateArray(uint max_num_regions, uint num_workers, uint chunk_size) :
_max_size(required_array_size(max_num_regions, num_workers, chunk_size)),
_data(NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HeapRegion*, _max_size, mtGC)),
_cur_claim_idx(0) {
for (uint i = 0; i < _max_size; i++) {
_data[i] = NULL;
void CollectionSetChooser::add_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
"Pinned region shouldn't be added to the collection set (index %u)", hr->hrm_index());
assert(hr->is_old(), "should be old but is %s", hr->get_type_str());
"Trying to add region %u to the collection set with incomplete remembered set", hr->hrm_index());
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
void CollectionSetChooser::push(HeapRegion* hr) {
assert(hr != NULL, "Can't put back a NULL region");
assert(_front >= 1, "Too many regions have been put back");
regions_at_put(_front, hr);
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
void CollectionSetChooser::prepare_for_par_region_addition(uint n_threads,
uint n_regions,
uint chunk_size) {
_first_par_unreserved_idx = 0;
uint max_waste = n_threads * chunk_size;
// it should be aligned with respect to chunk_size
uint aligned_n_regions = (n_regions + chunk_size - 1) / chunk_size * chunk_size;
assert(aligned_n_regions % chunk_size == 0, "should be aligned");
regions_at_put_grow(aligned_n_regions + max_waste - 1, NULL);
uint CollectionSetChooser::claim_array_chunk(uint chunk_size) {
uint res = (uint) Atomic::add((jint) chunk_size,
(volatile jint*) &_first_par_unreserved_idx);
assert(regions_length() > res + chunk_size - 1,
"Should already have been expanded");
return res - chunk_size;
void CollectionSetChooser::set_region(uint index, HeapRegion* hr) {
assert(regions_at(index) == NULL, "precondition");
assert(hr->is_old(), "should be old but is %s", hr->get_type_str());
regions_at_put(index, hr);
void CollectionSetChooser::update_totals(uint region_num,
size_t reclaimable_bytes) {
// Only take the lock if we actually need to update the totals.
if (region_num > 0) {
assert(reclaimable_bytes > 0, "invariant");
// We could have just used atomics instead of taking the
// lock. However, we currently don't have an atomic add for size_t.
MutexLockerEx x(ParGCRareEvent_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
_end += region_num;
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes += reclaimable_bytes;
} else {
assert(reclaimable_bytes == 0, "invariant");
void CollectionSetChooser::iterate(HeapRegionClosure* cl) {
for (uint i = _front; i < _end; i++) {
HeapRegion* r = regions_at(i);
if (cl->do_heap_region(r)) {
~G1BuildCandidateArray() {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HeapRegion*, _data);
void CollectionSetChooser::clear() {
_front = 0;
_end = 0;
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes = 0;
class ParKnownGarbageHRClosure: public HeapRegionClosure {
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
CSetChooserParUpdater _cset_updater;
ParKnownGarbageHRClosure(CollectionSetChooser* hrSorted,
uint chunk_size) :
_cset_updater(hrSorted, true /* parallel */, chunk_size) { }
bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r) {
// We will skip any region that's currently used as an old GC
// alloc region (we should not consider those for collection
// before we fill them up).
if (_cset_updater.should_add(r) && !_g1h->is_old_gc_alloc_region(r)) {
} else if (r->is_old()) {
// Keep remembered sets for humongous regions, otherwise clean out remembered
// sets for old regions.
r->rem_set()->clear(true /* only_cardset */);
} else {
assert(r->is_archive() || !r->is_old() || !r->rem_set()->is_tracked(),
"Missed to clear unused remembered set of region %u (%s) that is %s",
r->hrm_index(), r->get_type_str(), r->rem_set()->get_state_str());
// Claim a new chunk, returning its bounds [from, to[.
void claim_chunk(uint& from, uint& to) {
uint result = Atomic::add(_chunk_size, &_cur_claim_idx);
assert(_max_size > result - 1,
"Array too small, is %u should be %u with chunk size %u.",
_max_size, result, _chunk_size);
from = result - _chunk_size;
to = result;
return false;
class ParKnownGarbageTask: public AbstractGangTask {
CollectionSetChooser* _hrSorted;
uint _chunk_size;
// Set element in array.
void set(uint idx, HeapRegion* hr) {
assert(idx < _max_size, "Index %u out of bounds %u", idx, _max_size);
assert(_data[idx] == NULL, "Value must not have been set.");
_data[idx] = hr;
void sort_and_copy_into(HeapRegion** dest, uint num_regions) {
if (_cur_claim_idx == 0) {
for (uint i = _cur_claim_idx; i < _max_size; i++) {
assert(_data[i] == NULL, "must be");
QuickSort::sort(_data, _cur_claim_idx, order_regions, true);
for (uint i = num_regions; i < _max_size; i++) {
assert(_data[i] == NULL, "must be");
for (uint i = 0; i < num_regions; i++) {
dest[i] = _data[i];
// Per-region closure. In addition to determining whether a region should be
// added to the candidates, and calculating those regions' gc efficiencies, also
// gather additional statistics.
class G1BuildCandidateRegionsClosure : public HeapRegionClosure {
G1BuildCandidateArray* _array;
uint _cur_chunk_idx;
uint _cur_chunk_end;
uint _regions_added;
size_t _reclaimable_bytes_added;
void add_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
if (_cur_chunk_idx == _cur_chunk_end) {
_array->claim_chunk(_cur_chunk_idx, _cur_chunk_end);
assert(_cur_chunk_idx < _cur_chunk_end, "Must be");
_array->set(_cur_chunk_idx, hr);
_reclaimable_bytes_added += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
bool should_add(HeapRegion* hr) { return CollectionSetChooser::should_add(hr); }
G1BuildCandidateRegionsClosure(G1BuildCandidateArray* array) :
_reclaimable_bytes_added(0) { }
bool do_heap_region(HeapRegion* r) {
// We will skip any region that's currently used as an old GC
// alloc region (we should not consider those for collection
// before we fill them up).
if (should_add(r) && !G1CollectedHeap::heap()->is_old_gc_alloc_region(r)) {
} else if (r->is_old()) {
// Keep remembered sets for humongous regions, otherwise clean out remembered
// sets for old regions.
r->rem_set()->clear(true /* only_cardset */);
} else {
assert(r->is_archive() || !r->is_old() || !r->rem_set()->is_tracked(),
"Missed to clear unused remembered set of region %u (%s) that is %s",
r->hrm_index(), r->get_type_str(), r->rem_set()->get_state_str());
return false;
uint regions_added() const { return _regions_added; }
size_t reclaimable_bytes_added() const { return _reclaimable_bytes_added; }
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
HeapRegionClaimer _hrclaimer;
uint volatile _num_regions_added;
size_t volatile _reclaimable_bytes_added;
G1BuildCandidateArray _result;
void update_totals(uint num_regions, size_t reclaimable_bytes) {
if (num_regions > 0) {
assert(reclaimable_bytes > 0, "invariant");
Atomic::add(num_regions, &_num_regions_added);
Atomic::add(reclaimable_bytes, &_reclaimable_bytes_added);
} else {
assert(reclaimable_bytes == 0, "invariant");
ParKnownGarbageTask(CollectionSetChooser* hrSorted, uint chunk_size, uint n_workers) :
_hrSorted(hrSorted), _chunk_size(chunk_size),
_g1h(G1CollectedHeap::heap()), _hrclaimer(n_workers) {}
G1BuildCandidateRegionsTask(uint max_num_regions, uint chunk_size, uint num_workers) :
AbstractGangTask("G1 Build Candidate Regions"),
_result(max_num_regions, chunk_size, num_workers) { }
void work(uint worker_id) {
ParKnownGarbageHRClosure par_known_garbage_cl(_hrSorted, _chunk_size);
_g1h->heap_region_par_iterate_from_worker_offset(&par_known_garbage_cl, &_hrclaimer, worker_id);
G1BuildCandidateRegionsClosure cl(&_result);
_g1h->heap_region_par_iterate_from_worker_offset(&cl, &_hrclaimer, worker_id);
update_totals(cl.regions_added(), cl.reclaimable_bytes_added());
G1CollectionSetCandidates* get_sorted_candidates() {
HeapRegion** regions = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HeapRegion*, _num_regions_added, mtGC);
_result.sort_and_copy_into(regions, _num_regions_added);
return new G1CollectionSetCandidates(regions,
uint CollectionSetChooser::calculate_parallel_work_chunk_size(uint n_workers, uint n_regions) const {
assert(n_workers > 0, "Active gc workers should be greater than 0");
const uint overpartition_factor = 4;
const uint min_chunk_size = MAX2(n_regions / n_workers, 1U);
return MAX2(n_regions / (n_workers * overpartition_factor), min_chunk_size);
uint CollectionSetChooser::calculate_work_chunk_size(uint num_workers, uint num_regions) {
assert(num_workers > 0, "Active gc workers should be greater than 0");
return MAX2(num_regions / num_workers, 1U);
bool CollectionSetChooser::region_occupancy_low_enough_for_evac(size_t live_bytes) {
return live_bytes < mixed_gc_live_threshold_bytes();
bool CollectionSetChooser::should_add(HeapRegion* hr) const {
bool CollectionSetChooser::should_add(HeapRegion* hr) {
return !hr->is_young() &&
!hr->is_pinned() &&
region_occupancy_low_enough_for_evac(hr->live_bytes()) &&
void CollectionSetChooser::rebuild(WorkGang* workers, uint n_regions) {
G1CollectionSetCandidates* CollectionSetChooser::build(WorkGang* workers, uint max_num_regions) {
uint num_workers = workers->active_workers();
uint chunk_size = calculate_work_chunk_size(num_workers, max_num_regions);
uint n_workers = workers->active_workers();
G1BuildCandidateRegionsTask cl(max_num_regions, chunk_size, num_workers);
workers->run_task(&cl, num_workers);
uint chunk_size = calculate_parallel_work_chunk_size(n_workers, n_regions);
prepare_for_par_region_addition(n_workers, n_regions, chunk_size);
ParKnownGarbageTask par_known_garbage_task(this, chunk_size, n_workers);
G1CollectionSetCandidates* result = cl.get_sorted_candidates();
return result;

@ -26,177 +26,35 @@
#include "gc/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
class CollectionSetChooser: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
class G1CollectionSetCandidates;
class WorkGang;
GrowableArray<HeapRegion*> _regions;
// Unfortunately, GrowableArray uses ints for length and indexes. To
// avoid excessive casting in the rest of the class the following
// wrapper methods are provided that use uints.
uint regions_length() { return (uint) _regions.length(); }
HeapRegion* regions_at(uint i) { return _regions.at((int) i); }
void regions_at_put(uint i, HeapRegion* hr) {
_regions.at_put((int) i, hr);
void regions_at_put_grow(uint i, HeapRegion* hr) {
_regions.at_put_grow((int) i, hr);
void regions_trunc_to(uint i) { _regions.trunc_to((uint) i); }
// The index of the next candidate old region to be considered for
// addition to the CSet.
uint _front;
// The index of the last candidate old region
uint _end;
// Keeps track of the start of the next array chunk to be claimed by
// parallel GC workers.
uint _first_par_unreserved_idx;
// If a region has more live bytes than this threshold, it will not
// be added to the CSet chooser and will not be a candidate for
// collection.
size_t _region_live_threshold_bytes;
// The sum of reclaimable bytes over all the regions in the CSet chooser.
size_t _remaining_reclaimable_bytes;
// Calculate and return chunk size (in number of regions) for parallel
// addition of regions
uint calculate_parallel_work_chunk_size(uint n_workers, uint n_regions) const;
// Helper class to calculate collection set candidates, and containing some related
// methods.
class CollectionSetChooser : public AllStatic {
static uint calculate_work_chunk_size(uint num_workers, uint num_regions);
// Return the current candidate region to be considered for
// collection without removing it from the CSet chooser.
HeapRegion* peek() {
HeapRegion* res = NULL;
if (_front < _end) {
res = regions_at(_front);
assert(res != NULL, "Unexpected NULL hr in _regions at index %u", _front);
return res;
// Remove the given region from the CSet chooser and move to the
// next one.
HeapRegion* pop() {
HeapRegion* hr = regions_at(_front);
assert(hr != NULL, "pre-condition");
assert(_front < _end, "pre-condition");
regions_at_put(_front, NULL);
assert(hr->reclaimable_bytes() <= _remaining_reclaimable_bytes,
"remaining reclaimable bytes inconsistent "
"from region: " SIZE_FORMAT " remaining: " SIZE_FORMAT,
hr->reclaimable_bytes(), _remaining_reclaimable_bytes);
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes -= hr->reclaimable_bytes();
_front += 1;
return hr;
void push(HeapRegion* hr);
static size_t mixed_gc_live_threshold_bytes() {
return HeapRegion::GrainBytes * (size_t) G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent / 100;
static bool region_occupancy_low_enough_for_evac(size_t live_bytes);
static bool region_occupancy_low_enough_for_evac(size_t live_bytes) {
return live_bytes < mixed_gc_live_threshold_bytes();
void sort_regions();
// Determine whether to add the given region to the CSet chooser or
// Determine whether to add the given region to the collection set candidates or
// not. Currently, we skip pinned regions and regions whose live
// bytes are over the threshold. Humongous regions may be reclaimed during cleanup.
// Regions also need a complete remembered set to be a candidate.
bool should_add(HeapRegion* hr) const;
static bool should_add(HeapRegion* hr);
// Returns the number candidate old regions added
uint length() { return _end; }
// Serial version.
void add_region(HeapRegion *hr);
// Must be called before calls to claim_array_chunk().
// n_regions is the number of regions, chunk_size the chunk size.
void prepare_for_par_region_addition(uint n_threads, uint n_regions, uint chunk_size);
// Returns the first index in a contiguous chunk of chunk_size indexes
// that the calling thread has reserved. These must be set by the
// calling thread using set_region() (to NULL if necessary).
uint claim_array_chunk(uint chunk_size);
// Set the marked array entry at index to hr. Careful to claim the index
// first if in parallel.
void set_region(uint index, HeapRegion* hr);
// Atomically increment the number of added regions by region_num
// and the amount of reclaimable bytes by reclaimable_bytes.
void update_totals(uint region_num, size_t reclaimable_bytes);
// Iterate over all collection set candidate regions.
void iterate(HeapRegionClosure* cl);
void clear();
void rebuild(WorkGang* workers, uint n_regions);
// Return the number of candidate regions that remain to be collected.
uint remaining_regions() { return _end - _front; }
// Determine whether the CSet chooser has more candidate regions or not.
bool is_empty() { return remaining_regions() == 0; }
// Return the reclaimable bytes that remain to be collected on
// all the candidate regions in the CSet chooser.
size_t remaining_reclaimable_bytes() { return _remaining_reclaimable_bytes; }
// Returns true if the used portion of "_regions" is properly
// sorted, otherwise asserts false.
void verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
class CSetChooserParUpdater : public StackObj {
CollectionSetChooser* _chooser;
bool _parallel;
uint _chunk_size;
uint _cur_chunk_idx;
uint _cur_chunk_end;
uint _regions_added;
size_t _reclaimable_bytes_added;
CSetChooserParUpdater(CollectionSetChooser* chooser,
bool parallel, uint chunk_size) :
_chooser(chooser), _parallel(parallel), _chunk_size(chunk_size),
_cur_chunk_idx(0), _cur_chunk_end(0),
_regions_added(0), _reclaimable_bytes_added(0) { }
~CSetChooserParUpdater() {
if (_parallel && _regions_added > 0) {
_chooser->update_totals(_regions_added, _reclaimable_bytes_added);
void add_region(HeapRegion* hr) {
if (_parallel) {
if (_cur_chunk_idx == _cur_chunk_end) {
_cur_chunk_idx = _chooser->claim_array_chunk(_chunk_size);
_cur_chunk_end = _cur_chunk_idx + _chunk_size;
assert(_cur_chunk_idx < _cur_chunk_end, "invariant");
_chooser->set_region(_cur_chunk_idx, hr);
_cur_chunk_idx += 1;
} else {
_regions_added += 1;
_reclaimable_bytes_added += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
bool should_add(HeapRegion* hr) { return _chooser->should_add(hr); }
// Build and return set of collection set candidates sorted by decreasing gc
// efficiency.
static G1CollectionSetCandidates* build(WorkGang* workers, uint max_num_regions);

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSet.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSetCandidates.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectorState.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1ParScanThreadState.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1Policy.hpp"
@ -44,10 +45,6 @@ G1GCPhaseTimes* G1CollectionSet::phase_times() {
return _policy->phase_times();
CollectionSetChooser* G1CollectionSet::cset_chooser() {
return _cset_chooser;
double G1CollectionSet::predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(HeapRegion* hr) {
return _policy->predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(hr, collector_state()->in_young_only_phase());
@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ double G1CollectionSet::predict_region_elapsed_time_ms(HeapRegion* hr) {
G1CollectionSet::G1CollectionSet(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, G1Policy* policy) :
_cset_chooser(new CollectionSetChooser()),
@ -80,7 +77,7 @@ G1CollectionSet::~G1CollectionSet() {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(uint, _collection_set_regions);
delete _cset_chooser;
void G1CollectionSet::init_region_lengths(uint eden_cset_region_length,
@ -120,6 +117,11 @@ void G1CollectionSet::free_optional_regions() {
void G1CollectionSet::clear_candidates() {
delete _candidates;
_candidates = NULL;
void G1CollectionSet::set_recorded_rs_lengths(size_t rs_lengths) {
_recorded_rs_lengths = rs_lengths;
@ -439,14 +441,14 @@ double G1CollectionSet::finalize_young_part(double target_pause_time_ms, G1Survi
void G1CollectionSet::add_as_old(HeapRegion* hr) {
cset_chooser()->pop(); // already have region via peek()
candidates()->pop_front(); // already have region via peek()
void G1CollectionSet::add_as_optional(HeapRegion* hr) {
assert(_optional_regions != NULL, "Must not be called before array is allocated");
cset_chooser()->pop(); // already have region via peek()
candidates()->pop_front(); // already have region via peek()
@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ void G1CollectionSet::finalize_old_part(double time_remaining_ms) {
uint expensive_region_num = 0;
if (collector_state()->in_mixed_phase()) {
const uint min_old_cset_length = _policy->calc_min_old_cset_length();
const uint max_old_cset_length = MAX2(min_old_cset_length, _policy->calc_max_old_cset_length());
bool check_time_remaining = _policy->adaptive_young_list_length();
@ -490,7 +492,7 @@ void G1CollectionSet::finalize_old_part(double time_remaining_ms) {
"time remaining %1.2fms, optional threshold %1.2fms",
min_old_cset_length, max_old_cset_length, time_remaining_ms, optional_threshold_ms);
HeapRegion* hr = cset_chooser()->peek();
HeapRegion* hr = candidates()->peek_front();
while (hr != NULL) {
if (old_region_length() + optional_region_length() >= max_old_cset_length) {
// Added maximum number of old regions to the CSet.
@ -502,7 +504,7 @@ void G1CollectionSet::finalize_old_part(double time_remaining_ms) {
// Stop adding regions if the remaining reclaimable space is
// not above G1HeapWastePercent.
size_t reclaimable_bytes = cset_chooser()->remaining_reclaimable_bytes();
size_t reclaimable_bytes = candidates()->remaining_reclaimable_bytes();
double reclaimable_percent = _policy->reclaimable_bytes_percent(reclaimable_bytes);
double threshold = (double) G1HeapWastePercent;
if (reclaimable_percent <= threshold) {
@ -551,13 +553,13 @@ void G1CollectionSet::finalize_old_part(double time_remaining_ms) {
hr = cset_chooser()->peek();
hr = candidates()->peek_front();
if (hr == NULL) {
log_debug(gc, ergo, cset)("Finish adding old regions to CSet (candidate old regions not available)");
@ -630,15 +632,15 @@ bool G1OptionalCSet::evacuation_failed() {
G1OptionalCSet::~G1OptionalCSet() {
G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
while (!is_empty()) {
// We want to return regions not evacuated to the
// chooser in reverse order to maintain the old order.
// We want to return regions not evacuated to the collection set candidates
// in reverse order to maintain the old order.
HeapRegion* hr = _cset->remove_last_optional_region();
assert(hr != NULL, "Should be valid region left");

@ -25,23 +25,25 @@
#include "gc/g1/collectionSetChooser.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
class G1CollectedHeap;
class G1CollectionSetCandidates;
class G1CollectorState;
class G1GCPhaseTimes;
class G1ParScanThreadStateSet;
class G1Policy;
class G1SurvivorRegions;
class HeapRegion;
class HeapRegionClosure;
class G1CollectionSet {
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
G1Policy* _policy;
CollectionSetChooser* _cset_chooser;
// All old gen collection set candidate regions for the current mixed gc phase.
G1CollectionSetCandidates* _candidates;
uint _eden_region_length;
uint _survivor_region_length;
@ -128,7 +130,13 @@ public:
void initialize_optional(uint max_length);
void free_optional_regions();
CollectionSetChooser* cset_chooser();
void clear_candidates();
void set_candidates(G1CollectionSetCandidates* candidates) {
assert(_candidates == NULL, "Trying to replace collection set candidates.");
_candidates = candidates;
G1CollectionSetCandidates* candidates() { return _candidates; }
void init_region_lengths(uint eden_cset_region_length,
uint survivor_cset_region_length);
@ -253,8 +261,8 @@ public:
_evacuation_failed(false) { }
// The destructor returns regions to the cset-chooser and
// frees the optional structure in the cset.
// The destructor returns regions to the collection set candidates set and
// frees the optional structure in the collection set.
uint current_index() { return _current_index; }

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/collectionSetChooser.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSetCandidates.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/heapRegion.inline.hpp"
HeapRegion* G1CollectionSetCandidates::pop_front() {
assert(_front_idx < _num_regions, "pre-condition");
HeapRegion* hr = _regions[_front_idx];
assert(hr != NULL, "pre-condition");
_regions[_front_idx] = NULL;
assert(hr->reclaimable_bytes() <= _remaining_reclaimable_bytes,
"Remaining reclaimable bytes inconsistent "
"from region: " SIZE_FORMAT " remaining: " SIZE_FORMAT,
hr->reclaimable_bytes(), _remaining_reclaimable_bytes);
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes -= hr->reclaimable_bytes();
return hr;
void G1CollectionSetCandidates::push_front(HeapRegion* hr) {
assert(hr != NULL, "Can't put back a NULL region");
assert(_front_idx >= 1, "Too many regions have been put back.");
_regions[_front_idx] = hr;
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes += hr->reclaimable_bytes();
void G1CollectionSetCandidates::iterate(HeapRegionClosure* cl) {
for (uint i = _front_idx; i < _num_regions; i++) {
HeapRegion* r = _regions[i];
if (cl->do_heap_region(r)) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
void G1CollectionSetCandidates::verify() const {
guarantee(_front_idx <= _num_regions, "Index: %u Num_regions: %u", _front_idx, _num_regions);
uint idx = 0;
size_t sum_of_reclaimable_bytes = 0;
while (idx < _front_idx) {
guarantee(_regions[idx] == NULL, "All entries before _front_idx %u should be NULL, but %u is not",
_front_idx, idx);
HeapRegion *prev = NULL;
for (; idx < _num_regions; idx++) {
HeapRegion *cur = _regions[idx];
guarantee(cur != NULL, "Regions after _front_idx %u cannot be NULL but %u is", _front_idx, idx);
guarantee(CollectionSetChooser::should_add(cur), "Region %u should be eligible for addition.", cur->hrm_index());
if (prev != NULL) {
guarantee(prev->gc_efficiency() >= cur->gc_efficiency(),
"GC efficiency for region %u: %1.4f smaller than for region %u: %1.4f",
prev->hrm_index(), prev->gc_efficiency(), cur->hrm_index(), cur->gc_efficiency());
sum_of_reclaimable_bytes += cur->reclaimable_bytes();
prev = cur;
guarantee(sum_of_reclaimable_bytes == _remaining_reclaimable_bytes,
"Inconsistent remaining_reclaimable bytes, remaining " SIZE_FORMAT " calculated " SIZE_FORMAT,
_remaining_reclaimable_bytes, sum_of_reclaimable_bytes);
#endif // !PRODUCT

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSetCandidates.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/workgroup.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
class HeapRegion;
class HeapRegionClosure;
// Set of collection set candidates, i.e. all old gen regions we consider worth
// collecting in the remainder of the current mixed phase. Regions are sorted by decreasing
// gc efficiency.
// Maintains a cursor into the list that specifies the next collection set candidate
// to put into the current collection set.
class G1CollectionSetCandidates : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
HeapRegion** _regions;
uint _num_regions; // Total number of regions in the collection set candidate set.
// The sum of bytes that can be reclaimed in the remaining set of collection
// set candidates.
size_t _remaining_reclaimable_bytes;
// The index of the next candidate old region to be considered for
// addition to the current collection set.
uint _front_idx;
G1CollectionSetCandidates(HeapRegion** regions, uint num_regions, size_t remaining_reclaimable_bytes) :
_front_idx(0) { }
~G1CollectionSetCandidates() {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(HeapRegion*, _regions);
// Returns the total number of collection set candidate old regions added.
uint num_regions() { return _num_regions; }
// Return the candidate region at the cursor position to be considered for collection without
// removing it.
HeapRegion* peek_front() {
HeapRegion* res = NULL;
if (_front_idx < _num_regions) {
res = _regions[_front_idx];
assert(res != NULL, "Unexpected NULL HeapRegion at index %u", _front_idx);
return res;
// Remove the given region from the candidates set and move the cursor to the next one.
HeapRegion* pop_front();
// Add the given HeapRegion to the front of the collection set candidate set again.
void push_front(HeapRegion* hr);
// Iterate over all remaining collection set candidate regions.
void iterate(HeapRegionClosure* cl);
// Return the number of candidate regions remaining.
uint num_remaining() { return _num_regions - _front_idx; }
bool is_empty() { return num_remaining() == 0; }
// Return the amount of reclaimable bytes that may be collected by the remaining
// candidate regions.
size_t remaining_reclaimable_bytes() { return _remaining_reclaimable_bytes; }
void verify() const PRODUCT_RETURN;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/collectionSetChooser.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1Analytics.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSet.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1CollectionSetCandidates.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentMark.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentMarkThread.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/g1/g1ConcurrentRefine.hpp"
@ -438,7 +440,7 @@ void G1Policy::record_full_collection_start() {
// Release the future to-space so that it is available for compaction into.
void G1Policy::record_full_collection_end() {
@ -546,10 +548,6 @@ double G1Policy::constant_other_time_ms(double pause_time_ms) const {
return other_time_ms(pause_time_ms) - phase_times()->total_free_cset_time_ms();
CollectionSetChooser* G1Policy::cset_chooser() const {
return _collection_set->cset_chooser();
bool G1Policy::about_to_start_mixed_phase() const {
return _g1h->concurrent_mark()->cm_thread()->during_cycle() || collector_state()->in_young_gc_before_mixed();
@ -773,8 +771,6 @@ void G1Policy::record_collection_pause_end(double pause_time_ms, size_t cards_sc
G1IHOPControl* G1Policy::create_ihop_control(const G1Predictions* predictor){
@ -1032,7 +1028,8 @@ void G1Policy::decide_on_conc_mark_initiation() {
void G1Policy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end() {
cset_chooser()->rebuild(_g1h->workers(), _g1h->num_regions());
G1CollectionSetCandidates* candidates = CollectionSetChooser::build(_g1h->workers(), _g1h->num_regions());
bool mixed_gc_pending = next_gc_should_be_mixed("request mixed gcs", "request young-only gcs");
if (!mixed_gc_pending) {
@ -1063,10 +1060,10 @@ class G1ClearCollectionSetCandidateRemSets : public HeapRegionClosure {
void G1Policy::clear_collection_set_candidates() {
// Clear remembered sets of remaining candidate regions and the actual candidate
// list.
// set.
G1ClearCollectionSetCandidateRemSets cl;
void G1Policy::maybe_start_marking() {
@ -1132,22 +1129,24 @@ void G1Policy::abort_time_to_mixed_tracking() {
bool G1Policy::next_gc_should_be_mixed(const char* true_action_str,
const char* false_action_str) const {
if (cset_chooser()->is_empty()) {
G1CollectionSetCandidates* candidates = _collection_set->candidates();
if (candidates->is_empty()) {
log_debug(gc, ergo)("%s (candidate old regions not available)", false_action_str);
return false;
// Is the amount of uncollected reclaimable space above G1HeapWastePercent?
size_t reclaimable_bytes = cset_chooser()->remaining_reclaimable_bytes();
size_t reclaimable_bytes = candidates->remaining_reclaimable_bytes();
double reclaimable_percent = reclaimable_bytes_percent(reclaimable_bytes);
double threshold = (double) G1HeapWastePercent;
if (reclaimable_percent <= threshold) {
log_debug(gc, ergo)("%s (reclaimable percentage not over threshold). candidate old regions: %u reclaimable: " SIZE_FORMAT " (%1.2f) threshold: " UINTX_FORMAT,
false_action_str, cset_chooser()->remaining_regions(), reclaimable_bytes, reclaimable_percent, G1HeapWastePercent);
false_action_str, candidates->num_remaining(), reclaimable_bytes, reclaimable_percent, G1HeapWastePercent);
return false;
log_debug(gc, ergo)("%s (candidate old regions available). candidate old regions: %u reclaimable: " SIZE_FORMAT " (%1.2f) threshold: " UINTX_FORMAT,
true_action_str, cset_chooser()->remaining_regions(), reclaimable_bytes, reclaimable_percent, G1HeapWastePercent);
true_action_str, candidates->num_remaining(), reclaimable_bytes, reclaimable_percent, G1HeapWastePercent);
return true;
@ -1159,10 +1158,10 @@ uint G1Policy::calc_min_old_cset_length() const {
// maximum desired number of mixed GCs.
// The calculation is based on the number of marked regions we added
// to the CSet chooser in the first place, not how many remain, so
// to the CSet candidates in the first place, not how many remain, so
// that the result is the same during all mixed GCs that follow a cycle.
const size_t region_num = (size_t) cset_chooser()->length();
const size_t region_num = _collection_set->candidates()->num_regions();
const size_t gc_num = (size_t) MAX2(G1MixedGCCountTarget, (uintx) 1);
size_t result = region_num / gc_num;
// emulate ceiling

@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ class HeapRegion: public G1ContiguousSpace {
void calc_gc_efficiency(void);
double gc_efficiency() { return _gc_efficiency;}
double gc_efficiency() const { return _gc_efficiency;}
uint index_in_opt_cset() const { return _index_in_opt_cset; }
void set_index_in_opt_cset(uint index) { _index_in_opt_cset = index; }
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ class HeapRegion: public G1ContiguousSpace {
class HeapRegionClosure : public StackObj {
friend class HeapRegionManager;
friend class G1CollectionSet;
friend class CollectionSetChooser;
friend class G1CollectionSetCandidates;
bool _is_complete;
void set_incomplete() { _is_complete = false; }

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ void ResourceObj::set_allocation_type(address res, allocation_type type) {
ResourceObj* resobj = (ResourceObj *)res;
resobj->_allocation_t[0] = ~(allocation + type);
if (type != STACK_OR_EMBEDDED) {
// Called from operator new() and CollectionSetChooser(),
// set verification value.
// Called from operator new(), set verification value.
resobj->_allocation_t[1] = (uintptr_t)&(resobj->_allocation_t[1]) + type;