diff --git a/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ByteArrayChannel.java b/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ByteArrayChannel.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..db053280076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ByteArrayChannel.java
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package jdk.nio.zipfs;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
+import java.nio.channels.NonWritableChannelException;
+import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
+public class ByteArrayChannel implements SeekableByteChannel {
+    private final ReadWriteLock rwlock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
+    private byte buf[];
+    /*
+     * The current position of this channel.
+     */
+    private int pos;
+    /*
+     * The index that is one greater than the last valid byte in the channel.
+     */
+    private int last;
+    private boolean closed;
+    private boolean readonly;
+    /*
+     * Creates a {@code ByteArrayChannel} with size {@code sz}.
+     */
+    ByteArrayChannel(int sz, boolean readonly) {
+        this.buf = new byte[sz];
+        this.pos = this.last = 0;
+        this.readonly = readonly;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Creates a ByteArrayChannel with its 'pos' at 0 and its 'last' at buf's end.
+     * Note: no defensive copy of the 'buf', used directly.
+     */
+    ByteArrayChannel(byte[] buf, boolean readonly) {
+        this.buf = buf;
+        this.pos = 0;
+        this.last = buf.length;
+        this.readonly = readonly;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean isOpen() {
+        return !closed;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public long position() throws IOException {
+        beginRead();
+        try {
+            ensureOpen();
+            return pos;
+        } finally {
+            endRead();
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public SeekableByteChannel position(long pos) throws IOException {
+        beginWrite();
+        try {
+            ensureOpen();
+            if (pos < 0 || pos >= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal position " + pos);
+            this.pos = Math.min((int)pos, last);
+            return this;
+        } finally {
+            endWrite();
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
+        beginWrite();
+        try {
+            ensureOpen();
+            if (pos == last)
+                return -1;
+            int n = Math.min(dst.remaining(), last - pos);
+            dst.put(buf, pos, n);
+            pos += n;
+            return n;
+        } finally {
+            endWrite();
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public SeekableByteChannel truncate(long size) throws IOException {
+        if (readonly)
+            throw new NonWritableChannelException();
+        ensureOpen();
+        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
+        if (readonly)
+            throw new NonWritableChannelException();
+        beginWrite();
+        try {
+            ensureOpen();
+            int n = src.remaining();
+            ensureCapacity(pos + n);
+            src.get(buf, pos, n);
+            pos += n;
+            if (pos > last) {
+                last = pos;
+            }
+            return n;
+        } finally {
+            endWrite();
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public long size() throws IOException {
+        beginRead();
+        try {
+            ensureOpen();
+            return last;
+        } finally {
+            endRead();
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void close() throws IOException {
+        if (closed)
+            return;
+        beginWrite();
+        try {
+            closed = true;
+            buf = null;
+            pos = 0;
+            last = 0;
+        } finally {
+            endWrite();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a newly allocated byte array. Its size is the current
+     * size of this channel and the valid contents of the buffer
+     * have been copied into it.
+     *
+     * @return the current contents of this channel, as a byte array.
+     */
+    public byte[] toByteArray() {
+        beginRead();
+        try {
+            // avoid copy if last == bytes.length?
+            return Arrays.copyOf(buf, last);
+        } finally {
+            endRead();
+        }
+    }
+    private void ensureOpen() throws IOException {
+        if (closed)
+            throw new ClosedChannelException();
+    }
+    private final void beginWrite() {
+        rwlock.writeLock().lock();
+    }
+    private final void endWrite() {
+        rwlock.writeLock().unlock();
+    }
+    private final void beginRead() {
+        rwlock.readLock().lock();
+    }
+    private final void endRead() {
+        rwlock.readLock().unlock();
+    }
+    private void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
+        // overflow-conscious code
+        if (minCapacity - buf.length > 0) {
+            grow(minCapacity);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * The maximum size of array to allocate.
+     * Some VMs reserve some header words in an array.
+     * Attempts to allocate larger arrays may result in
+     * OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
+     */
+    private static final int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;
+    /**
+     * Increases the capacity to ensure that it can hold at least the
+     * number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument.
+     *
+     * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity
+     */
+    private void grow(int minCapacity) {
+        // overflow-conscious code
+        int oldCapacity = buf.length;
+        int newCapacity = oldCapacity << 1;
+        if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0)
+            newCapacity = minCapacity;
+        if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0)
+            newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity);
+        buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, newCapacity);
+    }
+    private static int hugeCapacity(int minCapacity) {
+        if (minCapacity < 0) // overflow
+            throw new OutOfMemoryError();
+        return (minCapacity > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ?
+            Integer.MAX_VALUE :
+            MAX_ARRAY_SIZE;
+    }
diff --git a/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystem.java b/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystem.java
index 98f46a2d7c0..8d398da1241 100644
--- a/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystem.java
+++ b/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystem.java
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
 import java.io.EOFException;
 import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.InputStream;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
@@ -70,33 +71,34 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
     private final ZipFileSystemProvider provider;
     private final Path zfpath;
     final ZipCoder zc;
-    private final boolean noExtt;        // see readExtra()
     private final ZipPath rootdir;
+    private boolean readOnly = false;    // readonly file system
     // configurable by env map
+    private final boolean noExtt;        // see readExtra()
     private final boolean useTempFile;   // use a temp file for newOS, default
                                          // is to use BAOS for better performance
-    private boolean readOnly = false;    // readonly file system
     private static final boolean isWindows = AccessController.doPrivileged(
             (PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> System.getProperty("os.name")
     private final boolean forceEnd64;
+    private final int defaultMethod;     // METHOD_STORED if "noCompression=true"
+                                         // METHOD_DEFLATED otherwise
     ZipFileSystem(ZipFileSystemProvider provider,
                   Path zfpath,
                   Map<String, ?> env)  throws IOException
-        // create a new zip if not exists
-        boolean createNew = "true".equals(env.get("create"));
         // default encoding for name/comment
         String nameEncoding = env.containsKey("encoding") ?
                               (String)env.get("encoding") : "UTF-8";
         this.noExtt = "false".equals(env.get("zipinfo-time"));
-        this.useTempFile  = TRUE.equals(env.get("useTempFile"));
-        this.forceEnd64 = "true".equals(env.get("forceZIP64End"));
-        this.provider = provider;
-        this.zfpath = zfpath;
+        this.useTempFile  = isTrue(env, "useTempFile");
+        this.forceEnd64 = isTrue(env, "forceZIP64End");
+        this.defaultMethod = isTrue(env, "noCompression") ? METHOD_STORED: METHOD_DEFLATED;
         if (Files.notExists(zfpath)) {
-            if (createNew) {
+            // create a new zip if not exists
+            if (isTrue(env, "create")) {
                 try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(zfpath, CREATE_NEW, WRITE)) {
                     new END().write(os, 0, forceEnd64);
@@ -122,6 +124,13 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
             throw x;
+        this.provider = provider;
+        this.zfpath = zfpath;
+    }
+    // returns true if there is a name=true/"true" setting in env
+    private static boolean isTrue(Map<String, ?> env, String name) {
+        return "true".equals(env.get(name)) || TRUE.equals(env.get(name));
@@ -254,22 +263,23 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         try {
             if (!isOpen)
-            isOpen = false;             // set closed
+            isOpen = false;          // set closed
         } finally {
-        if (!streams.isEmpty()) {       // unlock and close all remaining streams
+        if (!streams.isEmpty()) {    // unlock and close all remaining streams
             Set<InputStream> copy = new HashSet<>(streams);
             for (InputStream is: copy)
-        beginWrite();                   // lock and sync
+        beginWrite();                // lock and sync
         try {
             AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>) () -> {
                 sync(); return null;
-            ch.close();                          // close the ch just in case no update
-        } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {  // and sync dose not close the ch
+            ch.close();              // close the ch just in case no update
+                                     // and sync didn't close the ch
+        } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
             throw (IOException)e.getException();
         } finally {
@@ -316,8 +326,8 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
                 IndexNode inode = getInode(path);
                 if (inode == null)
                     return null;
-                e = new Entry(inode.name, inode.isdir);  // pseudo directory
-                e.method = METHOD_STORED;                // STORED for dir
+                // pseudo directory, uses METHOD_STORED
+                e = new Entry(inode.name, inode.isdir, METHOD_STORED);
                 e.mtime = e.atime = e.ctime = zfsDefaultTimeStamp;
         } finally {
@@ -425,8 +435,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
             if (dir.length == 0 || exists(dir))  // root dir, or exiting dir
                 throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(getString(dir));
-            Entry e = new Entry(dir, Entry.NEW, true);
-            e.method = METHOD_STORED;            // STORED for dir
+            Entry e = new Entry(dir, Entry.NEW, true, METHOD_STORED);
         } finally {
@@ -467,7 +476,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
             Entry u = new Entry(eSrc, Entry.COPY);  // copy eSrc entry
-            u.name(dst);                              // change name
+            u.name(dst);                            // change name
             if (eSrc.type == Entry.NEW || eSrc.type == Entry.FILECH)
                 u.type = eSrc.type;    // make it the same type
@@ -527,7 +536,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
                 if (hasAppend) {
                     InputStream is = getInputStream(e);
                     OutputStream os = getOutputStream(new Entry(e, Entry.NEW));
-                    copyStream(is, os);
+                    is.transferTo(os);
                     return os;
@@ -536,7 +545,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
                 if (!hasCreate && !hasCreateNew)
                     throw new NoSuchFileException(getString(path));
-                return getOutputStream(new Entry(path, Entry.NEW, false));
+                return getOutputStream(new Entry(path, Entry.NEW, false, defaultMethod));
         } finally {
@@ -572,6 +581,37 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("APPEND + TRUNCATE_EXISTING not allowed");
+    // Returns an output SeekableByteChannel for either
+    // (1) writing the contents of a new entry, if the entry doesn't exit, or
+    // (2) updating/replacing the contents of an existing entry.
+    // Note: The content is not compressed.
+    private class EntryOutputChannel extends ByteArrayChannel {
+        Entry e;
+        EntryOutputChannel(Entry e) throws IOException {
+            super(e.size > 0? (int)e.size : 8192, false);
+            this.e = e;
+            if (e.mtime == -1)
+                e.mtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+            if (e.method == -1)
+                e.method = defaultMethod;
+            // store size, compressed size, and crc-32 in datadescriptor
+            e.flag = FLAG_DATADESCR;
+            if (zc.isUTF8())
+                e.flag |= FLAG_USE_UTF8;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void close() throws IOException {
+            e.bytes = toByteArray();
+            e.size = e.bytes.length;
+            e.crc = -1;
+            super.close();
+            update(e);
+        }
+    }
     // Returns a Writable/ReadByteChannel for now. Might consdier to use
     // newFileChannel() instead, which dump the entry data into a regular
     // file on the default file system and create a FileChannel on top of
@@ -585,57 +625,36 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         if (options.contains(StandardOpenOption.WRITE) ||
             options.contains(StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
-            beginRead();
+            beginRead();    // only need a readlock, the "update()" will obtain
+                            // thewritelock when the channel is closed
             try {
-                final WritableByteChannel wbc = Channels.newChannel(
-                    newOutputStream(path, options.toArray(new OpenOption[0])));
-                long leftover = 0;
-                if (options.contains(StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
-                    Entry e = getEntry(path);
-                    if (e != null && e.size >= 0)
-                        leftover = e.size;
+                ensureOpen();
+                Entry e = getEntry(path);
+                if (e != null) {
+                    if (e.isDir() || options.contains(CREATE_NEW))
+                        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(getString(path));
+                    SeekableByteChannel sbc =
+                            new EntryOutputChannel(new Entry(e, Entry.NEW));
+                    if (options.contains(APPEND)) {
+                        try (InputStream is = getInputStream(e)) {  // copyover
+                            byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
+                            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
+                            int n;
+                            while ((n = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
+                                bb.position(0);
+                                bb.limit(n);
+                                sbc.write(bb);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return sbc;
-                final long offset = leftover;
-                return new SeekableByteChannel() {
-                    long written = offset;
-                    public boolean isOpen() {
-                        return wbc.isOpen();
-                    }
+                if (!options.contains(CREATE) && !options.contains(CREATE_NEW))
+                    throw new NoSuchFileException(getString(path));
+                checkParents(path);
+                return new EntryOutputChannel(
+                    new Entry(path, Entry.NEW, false, defaultMethod));
-                    public long position() throws IOException {
-                        return written;
-                    }
-                    public SeekableByteChannel position(long pos)
-                        throws IOException
-                    {
-                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-                    }
-                    public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
-                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-                    }
-                    public SeekableByteChannel truncate(long size)
-                        throws IOException
-                    {
-                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-                    }
-                    public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
-                        int n = wbc.write(src);
-                        written += n;
-                        return n;
-                    }
-                    public long size() throws IOException {
-                        return written;
-                    }
-                    public void close() throws IOException {
-                        wbc.close();
-                    }
-                };
             } finally {
@@ -646,51 +665,10 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
                 Entry e = getEntry(path);
                 if (e == null || e.isDir())
                     throw new NoSuchFileException(getString(path));
-                final ReadableByteChannel rbc =
-                    Channels.newChannel(getInputStream(e));
-                final long size = e.size;
-                return new SeekableByteChannel() {
-                    long read = 0;
-                    public boolean isOpen() {
-                        return rbc.isOpen();
-                    }
-                    public long position() throws IOException {
-                        return read;
-                    }
-                    public SeekableByteChannel position(long pos)
-                        throws IOException
-                    {
-                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-                    }
-                    public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
-                        int n = rbc.read(dst);
-                        if (n > 0) {
-                            read += n;
-                        }
-                        return n;
-                    }
-                    public SeekableByteChannel truncate(long size)
-                        throws IOException
-                    {
-                        throw new NonWritableChannelException();
-                    }
-                    public int write (ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
-                        throw new NonWritableChannelException();
-                    }
-                    public long size() throws IOException {
-                        return size;
-                    }
-                    public void close() throws IOException {
-                        rbc.close();
-                    }
-                };
+                try (InputStream is = getInputStream(e)) {
+                    // TBD: if (e.size < NNNNN);
+                    return new ByteArrayChannel(is.readAllBytes(), true);
+                }
             } finally {
@@ -846,10 +824,6 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
     private Set<InputStream> streams =
         Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<InputStream>());
-    // the ex-channel and ex-path that need to close when their outstanding
-    // input streams are all closed by the obtainers.
-    private Set<ExChannelCloser> exChClosers = new HashSet<>();
     private Set<Path> tmppaths = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Path>());
     private Path getTempPathForEntry(byte[] path) throws IOException {
         Path tmpPath = createTempFileInSameDirectoryAs(zfpath);
@@ -1087,8 +1061,9 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
             if (pos + CENHDR + nlen > limit) {
                 zerror("invalid CEN header (bad header size)");
-            IndexNode inode = new IndexNode(cen, nlen, pos);
+            IndexNode inode = new IndexNode(cen, pos, nlen);
             inodes.put(inode, inode);
             // skip ext and comment
             pos += (CENHDR + nlen + elen + clen);
@@ -1205,19 +1180,37 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         return written;
-    // sync the zip file system, if there is any udpate
-    private void sync() throws IOException {
-        // System.out.printf("->sync(%s) starting....!%n", toString());
-        // check ex-closer
-        if (!exChClosers.isEmpty()) {
-            for (ExChannelCloser ecc : exChClosers) {
-                if (ecc.streams.isEmpty()) {
-                    ecc.ch.close();
-                    Files.delete(ecc.path);
-                    exChClosers.remove(ecc);
+    private long writeEntry(Entry e, OutputStream os, byte[] buf)
+        throws IOException {
+        if (e.bytes == null && e.file == null)    // dir, 0-length data
+            return 0;
+        long written = 0;
+        try (OutputStream os2 = e.method == METHOD_STORED ?
+            new EntryOutputStreamCRC32(e, os) : new EntryOutputStreamDef(e, os)) {
+            if (e.bytes != null) {                 // in-memory
+                os2.write(e.bytes, 0, e.bytes.length);
+            } else if (e.file != null) {           // tmp file
+                if (e.type == Entry.NEW || e.type == Entry.FILECH) {
+                    try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(e.file)) {
+                        is.transferTo(os2);
+                    }
+                Files.delete(e.file);
+                tmppaths.remove(e.file);
+        written += e.csize;
+        if ((e.flag & FLAG_DATADESCR) != 0) {
+            written += e.writeEXT(os);
+        }
+        return written;
+    }
+    // sync the zip file system, if there is any udpate
+    private void sync() throws IOException {
         if (!hasUpdate)
         Path tmpFile = createTempFileInSameDirectoryAs(zfpath);
@@ -1243,34 +1236,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
                         } else {                          // NEW, FILECH or CEN
                             e.locoff = written;
                             written += e.writeLOC(os);    // write loc header
-                            if (e.bytes != null) {        // in-memory, deflated
-                                os.write(e.bytes);        // already
-                                written += e.bytes.length;
-                            } else if (e.file != null) {  // tmp file
-                                try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(e.file)) {
-                                    int n;
-                                    if (e.type == Entry.NEW) {  // deflated already
-                                        while ((n = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
-                                            os.write(buf, 0, n);
-                                            written += n;
-                                        }
-                                    } else if (e.type == Entry.FILECH) {
-                                        // the data are not deflated, use ZEOS
-                                        try (OutputStream os2 = new EntryOutputStream(e, os)) {
-                                            while ((n = is.read(buf)) != -1) {
-                                                os2.write(buf, 0, n);
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                        written += e.csize;
-                                        if ((e.flag & FLAG_DATADESCR) != 0)
-                                            written += e.writeEXT(os);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                Files.delete(e.file);
-                                tmppaths.remove(e.file);
-                            } else {
-                                // dir, 0-length data
-                            }
+                            written += writeEntry(e, os, buf);
                     } catch (IOException x) {
@@ -1303,27 +1269,9 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
             end.cenlen = written - end.cenoff;
             end.write(os, written, forceEnd64);
-        if (!streams.isEmpty()) {
-            //
-            // TBD: ExChannelCloser should not be necessary if we only
-            // sync when being closed, all streams should have been
-            // closed already. Keep the logic here for now.
-            //
-            // There are outstanding input streams open on existing "ch",
-            // so, don't close the "cha" and delete the "file for now, let
-            // the "ex-channel-closer" to handle them
-            ExChannelCloser ecc = new ExChannelCloser(
-                                      createTempFileInSameDirectoryAs(zfpath),
-                                      ch,
-                                      streams);
-            Files.move(zfpath, ecc.path, REPLACE_EXISTING);
-            exChClosers.add(ecc);
-            streams = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<InputStream>());
-        } else {
-            ch.close();
-            Files.delete(zfpath);
-        }
+        ch.close();
+        Files.delete(zfpath);
         Files.move(tmpFile, zfpath, REPLACE_EXISTING);
         hasUpdate = false;    // clear
@@ -1361,16 +1309,6 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
-    private static void copyStream(InputStream is, OutputStream os)
-        throws IOException
-    {
-        byte[] copyBuf = new byte[8192];
-        int n;
-        while ((n = is.read(copyBuf)) != -1) {
-            os.write(copyBuf, 0, n);
-        }
-    }
     // Returns an out stream for either
     // (1) writing the contents of a new entry, if the entry exits, or
     // (2) updating/replacing the contents of the specified existing entry.
@@ -1379,9 +1317,9 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         if (e.mtime == -1)
             e.mtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         if (e.method == -1)
-            e.method = METHOD_DEFLATED;  // TBD:  use default method
-        // store size, compressed size, and crc-32 in LOC header
-        e.flag = 0;
+            e.method = defaultMethod;
+        // store size, compressed size, and crc-32 in datadescr
+        e.flag = FLAG_DATADESCR;
         if (zc.isUTF8())
             e.flag |= FLAG_USE_UTF8;
         OutputStream os;
@@ -1394,16 +1332,130 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         return new EntryOutputStream(e, os);
+    private class EntryOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream {
+        private Entry e;
+        private long written;
+        private boolean isClosed;
+        EntryOutputStream(Entry e, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
+            super(os);
+            this.e =  Objects.requireNonNull(e, "Zip entry is null");
+            // this.written = 0;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public synchronized void write(int b) throws IOException {
+            out.write(b);
+            written += 1;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len)
+                throws IOException {
+            out.write(b, off, len);
+            written += len;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
+            if (isClosed) {
+                return;
+            }
+            isClosed = true;
+            e.size = written;
+            if (out instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream)
+                e.bytes = ((ByteArrayOutputStream)out).toByteArray();
+            super.close();
+            update(e);
+        }
+    }
+    // Wrapper output stream class to write out a "stored" entry.
+    // (1) this class does not close the underlying out stream when
+    //     being closed.
+    // (2) no need to be "synchronized", only used by sync()
+    private class EntryOutputStreamCRC32 extends FilterOutputStream {
+        private Entry e;
+        private CRC32 crc;
+        private long written;
+        private boolean isClosed;
+        EntryOutputStreamCRC32(Entry e, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
+            super(os);
+            this.e =  Objects.requireNonNull(e, "Zip entry is null");
+            this.crc = new CRC32();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
+            out.write(b);
+            crc.update(b);
+            written += 1;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void write(byte b[], int off, int len)
+                throws IOException {
+            out.write(b, off, len);
+            crc.update(b, off, len);
+            written += len;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void close() throws IOException {
+            if (isClosed)
+                return;
+            isClosed = true;
+            e.size = e.csize = written;
+            e.size = crc.getValue();
+        }
+    }
+    // Wrapper output stream class to write out a "deflated" entry.
+    // (1) this class does not close the underlying out stream when
+    //     being closed.
+    // (2) no need to be "synchronized", only used by sync()
+    private class EntryOutputStreamDef extends DeflaterOutputStream {
+        private CRC32 crc;
+        private Entry e;
+        private boolean isClosed;
+        EntryOutputStreamDef(Entry e, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
+            super(os, getDeflater());
+            this.e =  Objects.requireNonNull(e, "Zip entry is null");
+            this.crc = new CRC32();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void write(byte b[], int off, int len)
+                throws IOException {
+            super.write(b, off, len);
+            crc.update(b, off, len);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void close() throws IOException {
+            if (isClosed)
+                return;
+            isClosed = true;
+            finish();
+            e.size  = def.getBytesRead();
+            e.csize = def.getBytesWritten();
+            e.crc = crc.getValue();
+        }
+    }
     private InputStream getInputStream(Entry e)
         throws IOException
         InputStream eis = null;
         if (e.type == Entry.NEW) {
+            // now bytes & file is uncompressed.
             if (e.bytes != null)
-                eis = new ByteArrayInputStream(e.bytes);
+                return new ByteArrayInputStream(e.bytes);
             else if (e.file != null)
-                eis = Files.newInputStream(e.file);
+                return Files.newInputStream(e.file);
                 throw new ZipException("update entry data is missing");
         } else if (e.type == Entry.FILECH) {
@@ -1569,87 +1621,6 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
-    class EntryOutputStream extends DeflaterOutputStream
-    {
-        private CRC32 crc;
-        private Entry e;
-        private long written;
-        private boolean isClosed = false;
-        EntryOutputStream(Entry e, OutputStream os)
-            throws IOException
-        {
-            super(os, getDeflater());
-            if (e == null)
-                throw new NullPointerException("Zip entry is null");
-            this.e = e;
-            crc = new CRC32();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len)
-            throws IOException
-        {
-            if (e.type != Entry.FILECH)    // only from sync
-                ensureOpen();
-            if (isClosed) {
-                throw new IOException("Stream closed");
-            }
-            if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off > b.length - len) {
-                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
-            } else if (len == 0) {
-                return;
-            }
-            switch (e.method) {
-            case METHOD_DEFLATED:
-                super.write(b, off, len);
-                break;
-            case METHOD_STORED:
-                written += len;
-                out.write(b, off, len);
-                break;
-            default:
-                throw new ZipException("invalid compression method");
-            }
-            crc.update(b, off, len);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
-            if (isClosed) {
-                return;
-            }
-            isClosed = true;
-            // TBD ensureOpen();
-            switch (e.method) {
-            case METHOD_DEFLATED:
-                finish();
-                e.size  = def.getBytesRead();
-                e.csize = def.getBytesWritten();
-                e.crc = crc.getValue();
-                break;
-            case METHOD_STORED:
-                // we already know that both e.size and e.csize are the same
-                e.size = e.csize = written;
-                e.crc = crc.getValue();
-                break;
-            default:
-                throw new ZipException("invalid compression method");
-            }
-            //crc.reset();
-            if (out instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream)
-                e.bytes = ((ByteArrayOutputStream)out).toByteArray();
-            if (e.type == Entry.FILECH) {
-                releaseDeflater(def);
-                return;
-            }
-            super.close();
-            releaseDeflater(def);
-            update(e);
-        }
-    }
     static void zerror(String msg) throws ZipException {
         throw new ZipException(msg);
@@ -1806,7 +1777,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         // constructor for cenInit() (1) remove tailing '/' (2) pad leading '/'
-        IndexNode(byte[] cen, int nlen, int pos) {
+        IndexNode(byte[] cen, int pos, int nlen) {
             int noff = pos + CENHDR;
             if (cen[noff + nlen - 1] == '/') {
                 isdir = true;
@@ -1902,18 +1873,18 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         Entry() {}
-        Entry(byte[] name, boolean isdir) {
+        Entry(byte[] name, boolean isdir, int method) {
             this.isdir = isdir;
             this.mtime  = this.ctime = this.atime = System.currentTimeMillis();
             this.crc    = 0;
             this.size   = 0;
             this.csize  = 0;
-            this.method = METHOD_DEFLATED;
+            this.method = method;
-        Entry(byte[] name, int type, boolean isdir) {
-            this(name, isdir);
+        Entry(byte[] name, int type, boolean isdir, int method) {
+            this(name, isdir, method);
             this.type = type;
@@ -1941,9 +1912,8 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         Entry (byte[] name, Path file, int type) {
-            this(name, type, false);
+            this(name, type, false, METHOD_STORED);
             this.file = file;
-            this.method = METHOD_STORED;
         int version() throws ZipException {
@@ -2422,6 +2392,7 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
         public String toString() {
             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
             Formatter fm = new Formatter(sb);
+            fm.format("    name            : %s%n", new String(name));
             fm.format("    creationTime    : %tc%n", creationTime().toMillis());
             fm.format("    lastAccessTime  : %tc%n", lastAccessTime().toMillis());
             fm.format("    lastModifiedTime: %tc%n", lastModifiedTime().toMillis());
@@ -2439,20 +2410,6 @@ class ZipFileSystem extends FileSystem {
-    private static class ExChannelCloser  {
-        Path path;
-        SeekableByteChannel ch;
-        Set<InputStream> streams;
-        ExChannelCloser(Path path,
-                        SeekableByteChannel ch,
-                        Set<InputStream> streams)
-        {
-            this.path = path;
-            this.ch = ch;
-            this.streams = streams;
-        }
-    }
     // ZIP directory has two issues:
     // (1) ZIP spec does not require the ZIP file to include
     //     directory entry
diff --git a/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystemProvider.java b/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystemProvider.java
index c721c2fe175..fbac86510ad 100644
--- a/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystemProvider.java
+++ b/src/jdk.zipfs/share/classes/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystemProvider.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -124,9 +124,6 @@ public class ZipFileSystemProvider extends FileSystemProvider {
     public FileSystem newFileSystem(Path path, Map<String, ?> env)
         throws IOException
-        if (path.getFileSystem() != FileSystems.getDefault()) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-        }
          try {
              ZipFileSystem zipfs;
diff --git a/test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java b/test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java
index b6438fc9729..430afbf479f 100644
--- a/test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java
+++ b/test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import java.io.OutputStream;
 import java.net.URI;
 import java.net.URLDecoder;
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.Channels;
 import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
 import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
 import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
@@ -58,8 +59,10 @@ import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Random;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.zip.CRC32;
 import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
 import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
+import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
 import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;
 import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.*;
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.*;
  * @test
  * @bug 6990846 7009092 7009085 7015391 7014948 7005986 7017840 7007596
  *      7157656 8002390 7012868 7012856 8015728 8038500 8040059 8069211
- *      8131067
+ *      8131067 8034802
  * @summary Test Zip filesystem provider
  * @modules jdk.zipfs
  * @run main ZipFSTester
@@ -80,23 +83,27 @@ import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.*;
 public class ZipFSTester {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         // create JAR file for test, actual contents don't matter
         Path jarFile = Utils.createJarFile("tester.jar",
-                "dir2/bar");
+                "dir2/bar",
+                "dir1/dir3/fooo");
         try (FileSystem fs = newZipFileSystem(jarFile, Collections.emptyMap())) {
             test2(fs);   // more tests
+        testStreamChannel();
+    private static Random rdm = new Random();
     static void test0(FileSystem fs)
         throws Exception
@@ -121,13 +128,28 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
     static void test1(FileSystem fs0)
         throws Exception
-        Random rdm = new Random();
-        // clone a fs and test on it
+        // prepare a src for testing
+        Path src = getTempPath();
+        String tmpName = src.toString();
+        try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(src)) {
+            byte[] bits = new byte[12345];
+            rdm.nextBytes(bits);
+            os.write(bits);
+        }
+        // clone a fs from fs0 and test on it
         Path tmpfsPath = getTempPath();
         Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         env.put("create", "true");
         try (FileSystem copy = newZipFileSystem(tmpfsPath, env)) {
             z2zcopy(fs0, copy, "/", 0);
+            // copy the test jar itself in
+            Files.copy(Paths.get(fs0.toString()), copy.getPath("/foo.jar"));
+            Path zpath = copy.getPath("/foo.jar");
+            try (FileSystem zzfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(zpath, null)) {
+                Files.copy(src, zzfs.getPath("/srcInjarjar"));
+            }
         try (FileSystem fs = newZipFileSystem(tmpfsPath, new HashMap<String, Object>())) {
@@ -142,15 +164,6 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
                 throw new RuntimeException("newFileSystem(URI...) does not throw exception");
             } catch (FileSystemAlreadyExistsException fsaee) {}
-            // prepare a src
-            Path src = getTempPath();
-            String tmpName = src.toString();
-            OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(src);
-            byte[] bits = new byte[12345];
-            rdm.nextBytes(bits);
-            os.write(bits);
-            os.close();
             try {
                 provider.newFileSystem(new File(System.getProperty("test.src", ".")).toPath(),
                                        new HashMap<String, Object>());
@@ -162,6 +175,8 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
                 throw new RuntimeException("newFileSystem() opens a non-zip file as zipfs");
             } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {}
+            // walk
+            walk(fs.getPath("/"));
             // copyin
             Path dst = getPathWithParents(fs, tmpName);
@@ -236,10 +251,29 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
             // test channels
             channel(fs, dst);
-            Files.delete(src);
+            // test foo.jar in jar/zipfs #8034802
+            Path jpath = fs.getPath("/foo.jar");
+            System.out.println("walking: " + jpath);
+            try (FileSystem zzfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(jpath, null)) {
+                walk(zzfs.getPath("/"));
+                // foojar:/srcInjarjar
+                checkEqual(src, zzfs.getPath("/srcInjarjar"));
+                dst = getPathWithParents(zzfs, tmpName);
+                fchCopy(src, dst);
+                checkEqual(src, dst);
+                tmp = Paths.get(tmpName + "_Tmp");
+                fchCopy(dst, tmp);   //  out
+                checkEqual(src, tmp);
+                Files.delete(tmp);
+                channel(zzfs, dst);
+                Files.delete(dst);
+            }
         } finally {
-            if (Files.exists(tmpfsPath))
-                Files.delete(tmpfsPath);
+            Files.deleteIfExists(tmpfsPath);
+            Files.deleteIfExists(src);
@@ -383,6 +417,158 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
+    static final int METHOD_STORED     = 0;
+    static final int METHOD_DEFLATED   = 8;
+    static Object[][] getEntries() {
+        Object[][] entries = new Object[10 + rdm.nextInt(20)][3];
+        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+            entries[i][0] = "entries" + i;
+            entries[i][1] = rdm.nextInt(10) % 2 == 0 ?
+            entries[i][2] = new byte[rdm.nextInt(8192)];
+            rdm.nextBytes((byte[])entries[i][2]);
+        }
+        return entries;
+    }
+    // check the content of read from zipfs is equal to the "bytes"
+    private static void checkRead(Path path, byte[] expected) throws IOException {
+        //streams
+        try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path)) {
+            if (!Arrays.equals(is.readAllBytes(), expected)) {
+                System.out.printf(" newInputStream <%s> failed...%n", path.toString());
+                throw new RuntimeException("CHECK FAILED!");
+            }
+        }
+        // channels -- via sun.nio.ch.ChannelInputStream
+        try (SeekableByteChannel sbc = Files.newByteChannel(path);
+            InputStream is = Channels.newInputStream(sbc)) {
+            // check all bytes match
+            if (!Arrays.equals(is.readAllBytes(), expected)) {
+                System.out.printf(" newByteChannel <%s> failed...%n", path.toString());
+                throw new RuntimeException("CHECK FAILED!");
+            }
+            // Check if read position is at the end
+            if (sbc.position() != expected.length) {
+                System.out.printf("pos [%s]: size=%d, position=%d%n",
+                                  path.toString(), expected.length, sbc.position());
+                throw new RuntimeException("CHECK FAILED!");
+            }
+            // Check position(x) + read() at the random/specific pos/len
+            byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
+            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                int pos = rdm.nextInt((int)sbc.size());
+                int len = rdm.nextInt(Math.min(buf.length, expected.length - pos));
+                // System.out.printf("  --> %d, %d%n", pos, len);
+                bb.position(0).limit(len);    // bb.flip().limit(len);
+                if (sbc.position(pos).position() != pos ||
+                    sbc.read(bb) != len ||
+                    !Arrays.equals(buf, 0, bb.position(), expected, pos, pos + len)) {
+                    System.out.printf("read()/position() failed%n");
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (IOException x) {
+            x.printStackTrace();
+            throw new RuntimeException("CHECK FAILED!");
+        }
+    }
+    // test entry stream/channel reading
+    static void testStreamChannel() throws Exception {
+        Path zpath = getTempPath();
+        try {
+            var crc = new CRC32();
+            Object[][] entries = getEntries();
+            // [1] create zip via ZipOutputStream
+            try (var os = Files.newOutputStream(zpath);
+                 var zos = new ZipOutputStream(os)) {
+                for (Object[] entry : entries) {
+                   var ze = new ZipEntry((String)entry[0]);
+                   int method = (int)entry[1];
+                   byte[] bytes = (byte[])entry[2];
+                   if (method == METHOD_STORED) {
+                       ze.setSize(bytes.length);
+                       crc.reset();
+                       crc.update(bytes);
+                       ze.setCrc(crc.getValue());
+                   }
+                   ze.setMethod(method);
+                   zos.putNextEntry(ze);
+                   zos.write(bytes);
+                   zos.closeEntry();
+                }
+            }
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath, Collections.emptyMap())) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    Path path = zfs.getPath((String)e[0]);
+                    int method = (int)e[1];
+                    byte[] bytes = (byte[])e[2];
+                    // System.out.printf("checking read [%s, %d, %d]%n",
+                    //                   path.toString(), bytes.length, method);
+                    checkRead(path, bytes);
+                }
+            }
+            Files.deleteIfExists(zpath);
+            // [2] create zip via zfs.newByteChannel
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath, Map.of("create", "true"))) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    //  tbd: method is not used
+                    try (var sbc = Files.newByteChannel(zfs.getPath((String)e[0]),
+                                                        CREATE_NEW, WRITE)) {
+                        sbc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[])e[2]));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath, Collections.emptyMap())) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    checkRead(zfs.getPath((String)e[0]), (byte[])e[2]);
+                }
+            }
+            Files.deleteIfExists(zpath);
+            // [3] create zip via Files.write()/newoutputStream/
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath, Map.of("create", "true"))) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    Files.write(zfs.getPath((String)e[0]), (byte[])e[2]);
+                }
+            }
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath, Collections.emptyMap())) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    checkRead(zfs.getPath((String)e[0]), (byte[])e[2]);
+                }
+            }
+            Files.deleteIfExists(zpath);
+            // [4] create zip via zfs.newByteChannel, with "method_stored"
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath,
+                    Map.of("create", true, "noCompression", true))) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    try (var sbc = Files.newByteChannel(zfs.getPath((String)e[0]),
+                                                        CREATE_NEW, WRITE)) {
+                        sbc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[])e[2]));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            try (var zfs = newZipFileSystem(zpath, Collections.emptyMap())) {
+                for (Object[] e : entries) {
+                    checkRead(zfs.getPath((String)e[0]), (byte[])e[2]);
+                }
+            }
+            Files.deleteIfExists(zpath);
+        } finally {
+            Files.deleteIfExists(zpath);
+        }
+    }
     // test file stamp
     static void testTime(Path src) throws Exception {
         BasicFileAttributes attrs = Files
@@ -392,34 +578,35 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
         Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         env.put("create", "true");
         Path fsPath = getTempPath();
-        FileSystem fs = newZipFileSystem(fsPath, env);
+        try (FileSystem fs = newZipFileSystem(fsPath, env)) {
+            System.out.println("test copy with timestamps...");
+            // copyin
+            Path dst = getPathWithParents(fs, "me");
+            Files.copy(src, dst, COPY_ATTRIBUTES);
+            checkEqual(src, dst);
+            System.out.println("mtime: " + attrs.lastModifiedTime());
+            System.out.println("ctime: " + attrs.creationTime());
+            System.out.println("atime: " + attrs.lastAccessTime());
+            System.out.println(" ==============>");
+            BasicFileAttributes dstAttrs = Files
+                            .getFileAttributeView(dst, BasicFileAttributeView.class)
+                            .readAttributes();
+            System.out.println("mtime: " + dstAttrs.lastModifiedTime());
+            System.out.println("ctime: " + dstAttrs.creationTime());
+            System.out.println("atime: " + dstAttrs.lastAccessTime());
-        System.out.println("test copy with timestamps...");
-        // copyin
-        Path dst = getPathWithParents(fs, "me");
-        Files.copy(src, dst, COPY_ATTRIBUTES);
-        checkEqual(src, dst);
-        System.out.println("mtime: " + attrs.lastModifiedTime());
-        System.out.println("ctime: " + attrs.creationTime());
-        System.out.println("atime: " + attrs.lastAccessTime());
-        System.out.println(" ==============>");
-        BasicFileAttributes dstAttrs = Files
-                        .getFileAttributeView(dst, BasicFileAttributeView.class)
-                        .readAttributes();
-        System.out.println("mtime: " + dstAttrs.lastModifiedTime());
-        System.out.println("ctime: " + dstAttrs.creationTime());
-        System.out.println("atime: " + dstAttrs.lastAccessTime());
-        // 1-second granularity
-        if (attrs.lastModifiedTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) !=
-            dstAttrs.lastModifiedTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) ||
-            attrs.lastAccessTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) !=
-            dstAttrs.lastAccessTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) ||
-            attrs.creationTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) !=
-            dstAttrs.creationTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Timestamp Copy Failed!");
+            // 1-second granularity
+            if (attrs.lastModifiedTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) !=
+                dstAttrs.lastModifiedTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) ||
+                attrs.lastAccessTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) !=
+                dstAttrs.lastAccessTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) ||
+                attrs.creationTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS) !=
+                dstAttrs.creationTime().to(TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Timestamp Copy Failed!");
+            }
+        } finally {
+            Files.delete(fsPath);
-        Files.delete(fsPath);
     static void test8069211() throws Exception {
@@ -624,8 +811,8 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
     // check the content of two paths are equal
     private static void checkEqual(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException
-        //System.out.printf("checking <%s> vs <%s>...%n",
-        //                  src.toString(), dst.toString());
+        System.out.printf("checking <%s> vs <%s>...%n",
+                          src.toString(), dst.toString());
         byte[] bufSrc = new byte[8192];
@@ -702,6 +889,21 @@ public class ZipFSTester {
                                   chDst.toString(), chDst.size(), chDst.position());
                 throw new RuntimeException("CHECK FAILED!");
+            // Check position(x) + read() at the specific pos/len
+            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                int pos = rdm.nextInt((int)chSrc.size());
+                int limit = rdm.nextInt(1024);
+                if (chSrc.position(pos).position() != chDst.position(pos).position()) {
+                    System.out.printf("dst/src.position(pos failed%n");
+                }
+                bbSrc.clear().limit(limit);
+                bbDst.clear().limit(limit);
+                if (chSrc.read(bbSrc) != chDst.read(bbDst) ||
+                    !bbSrc.flip().equals(bbDst.flip())) {
+                    System.out.printf("dst/src.read() failed%n");
+                }
+            }
         } catch (IOException x) {