8029186: regression-hotspot nightly failure: assert(FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxNewSize) || MaxNewSize < MaxHeapSize) failed

Cleaned up the collector policy and added more asserts to enforce that the heap is correctly setup.

Reviewed-by: jwilhelm, jmasa
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Johansson 2014-03-19 17:08:03 +01:00
parent a52fd3388d
commit 1ed5b22d6e
3 changed files with 188 additions and 139 deletions

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@ -257,6 +257,12 @@ void GenCollectorPolicy::assert_size_info() {
assert(_min_gen0_size % _gen_alignment == 0, "_min_gen0_size alignment");
assert(_initial_gen0_size % _gen_alignment == 0, "_initial_gen0_size alignment");
assert(_max_gen0_size % _gen_alignment == 0, "_max_gen0_size alignment");
assert(_min_gen0_size <= bound_minus_alignment(_min_gen0_size, _min_heap_byte_size),
"Ergonomics made minimum young generation larger than minimum heap");
assert(_initial_gen0_size <= bound_minus_alignment(_initial_gen0_size, _initial_heap_byte_size),
"Ergonomics made initial young generation larger than initial heap");
assert(_max_gen0_size <= bound_minus_alignment(_max_gen0_size, _max_heap_byte_size),
"Ergonomics made maximum young generation lager than maximum heap");
void TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::assert_size_info() {
@ -267,6 +273,9 @@ void TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::assert_size_info() {
assert(_max_gen1_size % _gen_alignment == 0, "_max_gen1_size alignment");
assert(_initial_gen1_size % _gen_alignment == 0, "_initial_gen1_size alignment");
assert(_max_heap_byte_size <= (_max_gen0_size + _max_gen1_size), "Total maximum heap sizes must be sum of generation maximum sizes");
assert(_min_gen0_size + _min_gen1_size <= _min_heap_byte_size, "Minimum generation sizes exceed minimum heap size");
assert(_initial_gen0_size + _initial_gen1_size == _initial_heap_byte_size, "Initial generation sizes should match initial heap size");
assert(_max_gen0_size + _max_gen1_size == _max_heap_byte_size, "Maximum generation sizes should match maximum heap size");
#endif // ASSERT
@ -303,20 +312,26 @@ void GenCollectorPolicy::initialize_flags() {
// Make sure NewSize allows an old generation to fit even if set on the command line
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize) && NewSize >= _initial_heap_byte_size) {
warning("NewSize was set larger than initial heap size, will use initial heap size.");
NewSize = bound_minus_alignment(NewSize, _initial_heap_byte_size);
// Now take the actual NewSize into account. We will silently increase NewSize
// if the user specified a smaller or unaligned value.
smallest_new_size = MAX2(smallest_new_size, (uintx)align_size_down(NewSize, _gen_alignment));
if (smallest_new_size != NewSize) {
uintx bounded_new_size = bound_minus_alignment(NewSize, MaxHeapSize);
bounded_new_size = MAX2(smallest_new_size, (uintx)align_size_down(bounded_new_size, _gen_alignment));
if (bounded_new_size != NewSize) {
// Do not use FLAG_SET_ERGO to update NewSize here, since this will override
// if NewSize was set on the command line or not. This information is needed
// later when setting the initial and minimum young generation size.
NewSize = smallest_new_size;
NewSize = bounded_new_size;
_min_gen0_size = smallest_new_size;
_initial_gen0_size = NewSize;
if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxNewSize)) {
uintx min_new_size = MAX2(_gen_alignment, _min_gen0_size);
if (MaxNewSize >= MaxHeapSize) {
// Make sure there is room for an old generation
uintx smaller_max_new_size = MaxHeapSize - _gen_alignment;
@ -330,8 +345,8 @@ void GenCollectorPolicy::initialize_flags() {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, MaxNewSize);
_initial_gen0_size = NewSize;
} else if (MaxNewSize < min_new_size) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxNewSize, min_new_size);
} else if (MaxNewSize < _initial_gen0_size) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxNewSize, _initial_gen0_size);
} else if (!is_size_aligned(MaxNewSize, _gen_alignment)) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxNewSize, align_size_down(MaxNewSize, _gen_alignment));
@ -361,7 +376,9 @@ void TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::initialize_flags() {
if (!is_size_aligned(OldSize, _gen_alignment)) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, align_size_down(OldSize, _gen_alignment));
// Setting OldSize directly to preserve information about the possible
// setting of OldSize on the command line.
OldSize = align_size_down(OldSize, _gen_alignment);
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(OldSize) && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxHeapSize)) {
@ -400,6 +417,20 @@ void TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::initialize_flags() {
// Update NewSize, if possible, to avoid sizing gen0 to small when only
// OldSize is set on the command line.
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(OldSize) && !FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
if (OldSize < _initial_heap_byte_size) {
size_t new_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - OldSize;
// Need to compare against the flag value for max since _max_gen0_size
// might not have been set yet.
if (new_size >= _min_gen0_size && new_size <= MaxNewSize) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, new_size);
_initial_gen0_size = NewSize;
always_do_update_barrier = UseConcMarkSweepGC;
@ -441,57 +472,37 @@ void GenCollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info() {
// Given the maximum gen0 size, determine the initial and
// minimum gen0 sizes.
if (_max_heap_byte_size == _initial_heap_byte_size) {
// The maxium and initial heap sizes are the same so the generation's
// initial size must be the same as it maximum size. Use NewSize as the
// size if set on command line.
size_t fixed_young_size = FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize) ? NewSize : max_new_size;
_initial_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
_max_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
// Also update the minimum size if min == initial == max.
if (_max_heap_byte_size == _min_heap_byte_size) {
// The maximum and minimum heap sizes are the same so the generations
// minimum and initial must be the same as its maximum.
_min_gen0_size = max_new_size;
_initial_gen0_size = max_new_size;
_max_gen0_size = max_new_size;
_min_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
} else {
size_t desired_new_size = 0;
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
// If NewSize is set on the command line, we must use it as
// the initial size and it also makes sense to use it as the
// lower limit.
_min_gen0_size = NewSize;
desired_new_size = NewSize;
max_new_size = MAX2(max_new_size, NewSize);
} else if (FLAG_IS_ERGO(NewSize)) {
// If NewSize is set ergonomically, we should use it as a lower
// limit, but use NewRatio to calculate the initial size.
_min_gen0_size = NewSize;
// If NewSize is set on the command line, we should use it as
// the initial size, but make sure it is within the heap bounds.
desired_new_size =
MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_initial_heap_byte_size), NewSize);
max_new_size = MAX2(max_new_size, NewSize);
MIN2(max_new_size, bound_minus_alignment(NewSize, _initial_heap_byte_size));
_min_gen0_size = bound_minus_alignment(desired_new_size, _min_heap_byte_size);
} else {
// For the case where NewSize is the default, use NewRatio
// to size the minimum and initial generation sizes.
// Use the default NewSize as the floor for these values. If
// NewRatio is overly large, the resulting sizes can be too small.
_min_gen0_size = MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_min_heap_byte_size), NewSize);
// For the case where NewSize is not set on the command line, use
// NewRatio to size the initial generation size. Use the current
// NewSize as the floor, because if NewRatio is overly large, the resulting
// size can be too small.
desired_new_size =
MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_initial_heap_byte_size), NewSize);
MIN2(max_new_size, MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_initial_heap_byte_size), NewSize));
assert(_min_gen0_size > 0, "Sanity check");
_initial_gen0_size = desired_new_size;
_max_gen0_size = max_new_size;
// At this point the desirable initial and minimum sizes have been
// determined without regard to the maximum sizes.
// Bound the sizes by the corresponding overall heap sizes.
_min_gen0_size = bound_minus_alignment(_min_gen0_size, _min_heap_byte_size);
_initial_gen0_size = bound_minus_alignment(_initial_gen0_size, _initial_heap_byte_size);
_max_gen0_size = bound_minus_alignment(_max_gen0_size, _max_heap_byte_size);
// At this point all three sizes have been checked against the
// maximum sizes but have not been checked for consistency among the three.
// Final check min <= initial <= max
_min_gen0_size = MIN2(_min_gen0_size, _max_gen0_size);
_initial_gen0_size = MAX2(MIN2(_initial_gen0_size, _max_gen0_size), _min_gen0_size);
_min_gen0_size = MIN2(_min_gen0_size, _initial_gen0_size);
// Write back to flags if necessary.
@ -512,33 +523,6 @@ void GenCollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info() {
// Call this method during the sizing of the gen1 to make
// adjustments to gen0 because of gen1 sizing policy. gen0 initially has
// the most freedom in sizing because it is done before the
// policy for gen1 is applied. Once gen1 policies have been applied,
// there may be conflicts in the shape of the heap and this method
// is used to make the needed adjustments. The application of the
// policies could be more sophisticated (iterative for example) but
// keeping it simple also seems a worthwhile goal.
bool TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::adjust_gen0_sizes(size_t* gen0_size_ptr,
size_t* gen1_size_ptr,
const size_t heap_size) {
bool result = false;
if ((*gen0_size_ptr + *gen1_size_ptr) > heap_size) {
uintx smallest_new_size = young_gen_size_lower_bound();
if ((heap_size < (*gen0_size_ptr + _min_gen1_size)) &&
(heap_size >= _min_gen1_size + smallest_new_size)) {
// Adjust gen0 down to accommodate _min_gen1_size
*gen0_size_ptr = align_size_down_bounded(heap_size - _min_gen1_size, _gen_alignment);
result = true;
} else {
*gen1_size_ptr = align_size_down_bounded(heap_size - *gen0_size_ptr, _gen_alignment);
return result;
// Minimum sizes of the generations may be different than
// the initial sizes. An inconsistency is permitted here
// in the total size that can be specified explicitly by
@ -564,56 +548,63 @@ void TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info() {
// with the overall heap size). In either case make
// the minimum, maximum and initial sizes consistent
// with the gen0 sizes and the overall heap sizes.
_min_gen1_size = MAX2(_min_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size, _gen_alignment);
_initial_gen1_size = MAX2(_initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen0_size, _gen_alignment);
_min_gen1_size = _gen_alignment;
_initial_gen1_size = MIN2(_max_gen1_size, MAX2(_initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen0_size, _min_gen1_size));
// _max_gen1_size has already been made consistent above
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, _initial_gen1_size);
} else {
// OldSize has been explicitly set on the command line. Use the
// OldSize and then determine the consequences.
_min_gen1_size = MIN2(OldSize, _min_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size);
_initial_gen1_size = OldSize;
// OldSize has been explicitly set on the command line. Use it
// for the initial size but make sure the minimum allow a young
// generation to fit as well.
// If the user has explicitly set an OldSize that is inconsistent
// with other command line flags, issue a warning.
// The generation minimums and the overall heap minimum should
// be within one generation alignment.
if ((_min_gen1_size + _min_gen0_size + _gen_alignment) < _min_heap_byte_size) {
warning("Inconsistency between minimum heap size and minimum "
"generation sizes: using minimum heap = " SIZE_FORMAT,
if (OldSize > _max_gen1_size) {
warning("Inconsistency between maximum heap size and maximum "
"generation sizes: using maximum heap = " SIZE_FORMAT
" -XX:OldSize flag is being ignored",
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, _max_gen1_size);
// If there is an inconsistency between the OldSize and the minimum and/or
// initial size of gen0, since OldSize was explicitly set, OldSize wins.
if (adjust_gen0_sizes(&_min_gen0_size, &_min_gen1_size, _min_heap_byte_size)) {
_min_gen1_size = MIN2(OldSize, _min_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size);
_initial_gen1_size = OldSize;
// The initial generation sizes should match the initial heap size,
// if not issue a warning and resize the generations. This behavior
// differs from JDK8 where the generation sizes have higher priority
// than the initial heap size.
if ((_initial_gen1_size + _initial_gen0_size) != _initial_heap_byte_size) {
warning("Inconsistency between generation sizes and heap size, resizing "
"the generations to fit the heap.");
size_t desired_gen0_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen1_size;
if (_initial_heap_byte_size < _initial_gen1_size) {
// Old want all memory, use minimum for young and rest for old
_initial_gen0_size = _min_gen0_size;
_initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size;
} else if (desired_gen0_size > _max_gen0_size) {
// Need to increase both young and old generation
_initial_gen0_size = _max_gen0_size;
_initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _max_gen0_size;
} else if (desired_gen0_size < _min_gen0_size) {
// Need to decrease both young and old generation
_initial_gen0_size = _min_gen0_size;
_initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size;
} else {
// The young generation boundaries allow us to only update the
// young generation.
_initial_gen0_size = desired_gen0_size;
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("2: Minimum gen0 " SIZE_FORMAT " Initial gen0 "
_min_gen0_size, _initial_gen0_size, _max_gen0_size);
// The same as above for the old gen initial size.
if (adjust_gen0_sizes(&_initial_gen0_size, &_initial_gen1_size,
_initial_heap_byte_size)) {
if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("3: Minimum gen0 " SIZE_FORMAT " Initial gen0 "
_min_gen0_size, _initial_gen0_size, _max_gen0_size);
_min_gen1_size = MIN2(_min_gen1_size, _max_gen1_size);
// Make sure that min gen1 <= initial gen1 <= max gen1.
_initial_gen1_size = MAX2(_initial_gen1_size, _min_gen1_size);
_initial_gen1_size = MIN2(_initial_gen1_size, _max_gen1_size);
// Write back to flags if necessary
if (NewSize != _initial_gen0_size) {
@ -994,56 +985,88 @@ void MarkSweepPolicy::initialize_gc_policy_counters() {
// verify that there are some basic rules for NewSize honored by the policies.
class TestGenCollectorPolicy {
static void test() {
static void test_new_size() {
size_t flag_value;
// Set some limits that makes the math simple.
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, 180 * M);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, InitialHeapSize, 120 * M);
Arguments::set_min_heap_size(40 * M);
// If NewSize is set on the command line, it should be used
// for both min and initial young size if less than min heap.
flag_value = 20 * M;
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, NewSize, flag_value);
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, NewSize, flag_value);
// If NewSize is set on command line, but is larger than the min
// heap size, it should only be used for initial young size.
flag_value = 80 * M;
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, NewSize, flag_value);
// If NewSize has been ergonomically set, the collector policy
// should use it for min but calculate the initial young size
// using NewRatio.
flag_value = 20 * M;
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, flag_value);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, flag_value);
static void test_old_size() {
size_t flag_value;
// If OldSize is set on the command line, it should be used
// for both min and initial old size if less than min heap.
flag_value = 20 * M;
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, OldSize, flag_value);
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, OldSize, flag_value);
// If MaxNewSize is large, the maximum OldSize will be less than
// what's requested on the command line and it should be reset
// ergonomically.
flag_value = 30 * M;
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, OldSize, flag_value);
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, MaxNewSize, 170*M);
// Calculate what we expect the flag to be.
flag_value = MaxHeapSize - MaxNewSize;
static void verify_min(size_t expected) {
static void verify_gen0_min(size_t expected) {
MarkSweepPolicy msp;
assert(msp.min_gen0_size() <= expected, err_msg("%zu > %zu", msp.min_gen0_size(), expected));
static void verify_initial(size_t expected) {
static void verify_gen0_initial(size_t expected) {
MarkSweepPolicy msp;
assert(msp.initial_gen0_size() == expected, err_msg("%zu != %zu", msp.initial_gen0_size(), expected));
static void verify_scaled_initial(size_t initial_heap_size) {
static void verify_scaled_gen0_initial(size_t initial_heap_size) {
MarkSweepPolicy msp;
@ -1053,6 +1076,21 @@ public:
err_msg("NewSize should have been set ergonomically to %zu, but was %zu", expected, NewSize));
static void verify_gen1_min(size_t expected) {
MarkSweepPolicy msp;
assert(msp.min_gen1_size() <= expected, err_msg("%zu > %zu", msp.min_gen1_size(), expected));
static void verify_gen1_initial(size_t expected) {
MarkSweepPolicy msp;
assert(msp.initial_gen1_size() == expected, err_msg("%zu != %zu", msp.initial_gen1_size(), expected));
static size_t original_InitialHeapSize;
static size_t original_MaxHeapSize;
@ -1061,6 +1099,15 @@ private:
static size_t original_NewSize;
static size_t original_OldSize;
static void set_basic_flag_values() {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, 180 * M);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, InitialHeapSize, 100 * M);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, 4 * M);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, 1 * M);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxNewSize, 80 * M);
Arguments::set_min_heap_size(40 * M);
static void save_flags() {
original_InitialHeapSize = InitialHeapSize;
original_MaxHeapSize = MaxHeapSize;
@ -1088,7 +1135,11 @@ size_t TestGenCollectorPolicy::original_NewSize = 0;
size_t TestGenCollectorPolicy::original_OldSize = 0;
void TestNewSize_test() {
void TestOldSize_test() {

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@ -335,10 +335,6 @@ class TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy : public GenCollectorPolicy {
virtual CollectorPolicy::Name kind() {
return CollectorPolicy::TwoGenerationCollectorPolicyKind;
// Returns true if gen0 sizes were adjusted
bool adjust_gen0_sizes(size_t* gen0_size_ptr, size_t* gen1_size_ptr,
const size_t heap_size);
class MarkSweepPolicy : public TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy {

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@ -3877,6 +3877,7 @@ void TestMetaspaceAux_test();
void TestMetachunk_test();
void TestVirtualSpaceNode_test();
void TestNewSize_test();
void TestOldSize_test();
void TestKlass_test();
void TestBitMap_test();
@ -3903,6 +3904,7 @@ void execute_internal_vm_tests() {