8007961: javax.lang.model tests for repeating annotations fail in getAnnotationsByType
Reviewed-by: jjg
This commit is contained in:
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Element {
// This method is part of the javax.lang.model API, do not use this in javac code.
public <A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> A[] getAnnotationsByType(Class<A> annoType) {
return JavacAnnoConstructs.getAnnotations(this, annoType);
return JavacAnnoConstructs.getAnnotationsByType(this, annoType);
// TODO: getEnclosedElements should return a javac List, fix in FilteredMemberList
@ -108,20 +108,38 @@ public class JavacAnnoConstructs {
// Helper to getAnnotation[s]
private static <A extends Annotation> Attribute.Compound getAttributeOnClass(ClassSymbol annotated,
Class<A> annoType) {
private static <A extends Annotation> Attribute.Compound getAttributeOnClass(
ClassSymbol annotated,
final Class<A> annoType)
boolean inherited = annoType.isAnnotationPresent(Inherited.class);
Attribute.Compound result = null;
while (annotated.name != annotated.name.table.names.java_lang_Object) {
result = getAttribute(annotated, annoType);
if (result != null || !inherited)
return result;
while ((annotated = nextSupertypeToSearch(annotated)) != null) {
result = getAttribute(annotated, annoType);
if (result != null || !inherited)
Type sup = annotated.getSuperclass();
if (!sup.hasTag(CLASS) || sup.isErroneous())
annotated = (ClassSymbol) sup.tsym;
if (result != null)
return result;
return result;
return null; // no more supertypes to search
* Returns the next type to search for inherited annotations or {@code null}
* if the next type can't be found.
private static ClassSymbol nextSupertypeToSearch(ClassSymbol annotated) {
if (annotated.name == annotated.name.table.names.java_lang_Object)
return null;
Type sup = annotated.getSuperclass();
if (!sup.hasTag(CLASS) || sup.isErroneous())
return null;
return (ClassSymbol) sup.tsym;
@ -129,8 +147,9 @@ public class JavacAnnoConstructs {
* annotations. This is the implementation of
* Element.getAnnotations(Class).
public static <A extends Annotation> A[] getAnnotations(Symbol annotated,
Class<A> annoType) {
public static <A extends Annotation> A[] getAnnotationsByType(Symbol annotated,
Class<A> annoType)
if (!annoType.isAnnotation())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an annotation type: "
+ annoType);
@ -153,62 +172,48 @@ public class JavacAnnoConstructs {
// So we have a containing type
String name = annoType.getName();
String annoTypeName = annoType.getSimpleName();
String containerTypeName = containerType.getSimpleName();
int directIndex = -1, containerIndex = -1;
Attribute.Compound direct = null, container = null;
Attribute.Compound[] rawAttributes = annotated.getRawAttributes().toArray(new Attribute.Compound[0]);
// Find directly present annotations
for (int i = 0; i < rawAttributes.length; i++) {
if (annoTypeName.equals(rawAttributes[i].type.tsym.flatName().toString())) {
directIndex = i;
direct = rawAttributes[i];
// Find directly (explicit or implicit) present annotations
int index = -1;
for (List<Attribute.Compound> list = annotated.getAnnotationMirrors();
list = list.tail) {
Attribute.Compound attribute = list.head;
if (attribute.type.tsym.flatName().contentEquals(annoTypeName)) {
directIndex = index;
direct = attribute;
} else if(containerTypeName != null &&
containerTypeName.equals(rawAttributes[i].type.tsym.flatName().toString())) {
containerIndex = i;
container = rawAttributes[i];
attribute.type.tsym.flatName().contentEquals(containerTypeName)) {
containerIndex = index;
container = attribute;
// Deal with inherited annotations
if (annotated.kind == Kinds.TYP &&
(annotated instanceof ClassSymbol)) {
ClassSymbol s = (ClassSymbol)annotated;
if (direct == null && container == null) {
direct = getAttributeOnClass(s, annoType);
container = getAttributeOnClass(s, containerType);
// both are inherited and found, put container last
if (direct != null && container != null) {
directIndex = 0;
containerIndex = 1;
} else if (direct != null) {
directIndex = 0;
} else {
containerIndex = 0;
} else if (direct == null) {
direct = getAttributeOnClass(s, annoType);
if (direct != null)
directIndex = containerIndex + 1;
} else if (container == null) {
container = getAttributeOnClass(s, containerType);
if (container != null)
containerIndex = directIndex + 1;
if (direct == null && container == null) {
if (annotated.kind == Kinds.TYP &&
(annotated instanceof ClassSymbol)) {
ClassSymbol s = nextSupertypeToSearch((ClassSymbol)annotated);
if (s != null)
return getAnnotationsByType(s, annoType);
// Pack them in an array
Attribute[] contained0 = new Attribute[0];
Attribute[] contained0 = null;
if (container != null)
contained0 = unpackAttributes(container);
ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound> compounds = ListBuffer.lb();
for (Attribute a : contained0)
if (a instanceof Attribute.Compound)
compounds = compounds.append((Attribute.Compound)a);
Attribute.Compound[] contained = compounds.toArray(new Attribute.Compound[0]);
if (contained0 != null) {
for (Attribute a : contained0)
if (a instanceof Attribute.Compound)
compounds = compounds.append((Attribute.Compound)a);
Attribute.Compound[] contained = compounds.toArray(new Attribute.Compound[compounds.size()]);
int size = (direct == null ? 0 : 1) + contained.length;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // annoType is the Class for A
@ -298,35 +303,38 @@ public class JavacAnnoConstructs {
// So we have a containing type
String name = annoType.getName();
String annoTypeName = annoType.getSimpleName();
String containerTypeName = containerType.getSimpleName();
int directIndex = -1, containerIndex = -1;
Attribute.Compound direct = null, container = null;
Attribute.Compound[] rawAttributes = annotated.getAnnotationMirrors().toArray(new Attribute.Compound[0]);
// Find directly present annotations
for (int i = 0; i < rawAttributes.length; i++) {
if (annoTypeName.equals(rawAttributes[i].type.tsym.flatName().toString())) {
directIndex = i;
direct = rawAttributes[i];
// Find directly (explicit or implicit) present annotations
int index = -1;
for (List<? extends Attribute.Compound> list = annotated.getAnnotationMirrors();
list = list.tail) {
Attribute.Compound attribute = list.head;
if (attribute.type.tsym.flatName().contentEquals(annoTypeName)) {
directIndex = index;
direct = attribute;
} else if(containerTypeName != null &&
containerTypeName.equals(rawAttributes[i].type.tsym.flatName().toString())) {
containerIndex = i;
container = rawAttributes[i];
attribute.type.tsym.flatName().contentEquals(containerTypeName)) {
containerIndex = index;
container = attribute;
// Pack them in an array
Attribute[] contained0 = new Attribute[0];
Attribute[] contained0 = null;
if (container != null)
contained0 = unpackAttributes(container);
ListBuffer<Attribute.Compound> compounds = ListBuffer.lb();
for (Attribute a : contained0) {
if (a instanceof Attribute.Compound)
compounds = compounds.append((Attribute.Compound)a);
if (contained0 != null) {
for (Attribute a : contained0)
if (a instanceof Attribute.Compound)
compounds = compounds.append((Attribute.Compound)a);
Attribute.Compound[] contained = compounds.toArray(new Attribute.Compound[0]);
Attribute.Compound[] contained = compounds.toArray(new Attribute.Compound[compounds.size()]);
int size = (direct == null ? 0 : 1) + contained.length;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // annoType is the Class for A
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
* @test
* @bug 8004822
* @bug 8004822 8007961
* @author mnunez
* @summary Language model api test basics for repeating annotations
* @library /tools/javac/lib
* @library supportingAnnotations
* @ignore 8013407: test failures for repeating annotations
* @build JavacTestingAbstractProcessor ElementRepAnnoTester
* @compile -processor ElementRepAnnoTester -proc:only
* MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedA1Test.java
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
* @test
* @bug 8004822
* @bug 8004822 8007961
* @author mnunez
* @summary Language model api test basics for repeating annotations
* @library /tools/javac/lib
* @library supportingAnnotations
* @ignore 8013407: test failures for repeating annotations
* @build JavacTestingAbstractProcessor ElementRepAnnoTester
* @compile -processor ElementRepAnnoTester -proc:only
* MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedB1Test.java
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
* @test
* @bug 8004822
* @bug 8004822 8007961
* @author mnunez
* @summary Language model api test basics for repeating annotations
* @library /tools/javac/lib
* @library supportingAnnotations
* @ignore 8013407: test failures for repeating annotations
* @build JavacTestingAbstractProcessor ElementRepAnnoTester
* @compile -processor ElementRepAnnoTester -proc:only
* MixRepeatableAndOfficialContainerInheritedB2Test.java
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
* @test
* @bug 8004822
* @bug 8004822 8007961
* @author mnunez
* @summary Language model api test basics for repeating annotations
* @library /tools/javac/lib
* @library supportingAnnotations
* @ignore 8013407: test failures for repeating annotations
* @build JavacTestingAbstractProcessor ElementRepAnnoTester
* @compile -processor ElementRepAnnoTester -proc:only RepeatableOverrideATest.java
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
* @test
* @bug 8004822
* @bug 8004822 8007961
* @author mnunez
* @summary Language model api test basics for repeating annotations
* @library /tools/javac/lib
* @library supportingAnnotations
* @ignore 8013407: test failures for repeating annotations
* @build JavacTestingAbstractProcessor ElementRepAnnoTester
* @compile -processor ElementRepAnnoTester -proc:only RepeatableOverrideBTest.java
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @summary test that order is respected when inheriting both legacy container and single anno
* @bug 8007961
* @library /tools/javac/lib
* @build JavacTestingAbstractProcessor EnsureOrder
* @compile -processor EnsureOrder -proc:only EnsureOrder.java
import java.util.Set;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.*;
import static javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter.*;
import static javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind.*;
import static javax.tools.StandardLocation.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert;
@Target({ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE})
@interface Foo {
int value();
@Target({ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE})
@interface Foos {
Foo[] value();
@Foos({@Foo(0), @Foo(1)}) @Foo(2)
class Base {}
class Sub extends Base {}
public class EnsureOrder<@Foos({@Foo(0), @Foo(1)}) @Foo(2)T> extends JavacTestingAbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (!roundEnv.processingOver()) {
int hasRun = 0;
for (Element element : roundEnv.getRootElements()) {
Name elemName = element.getSimpleName();
if (elemName.contentEquals("Base")) {
Foo[] foos = element.getAnnotationsByType(Foo.class);
Assert.check(foos.length == 3);
Assert.check(foos[0].value() == 0);
Assert.check(foos[1].value() == 1);
Assert.check(foos[2].value() == 2);
if (elemName.contentEquals("Sub")) {
Foo[] foos = element.getAnnotationsByType(Foo.class);
Assert.check(foos.length == 3);
Assert.check(foos[0].value() == 0);
Assert.check(foos[1].value() == 1);
Assert.check(foos[2].value() == 2);
if (elemName.contentEquals("EnsureOrder")) {
for (TypeParameterElement t : ((TypeElement)element).getTypeParameters()) {
if (t.getSimpleName().contentEquals("T")) {
Foo[] foos = t.getAnnotationsByType(Foo.class);
Assert.check(foos.length == 3);
Assert.check(foos[0].value() == 0);
Assert.check(foos[1].value() == 1);
Assert.check(foos[2].value() == 2);
if (hasRun != 3)
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find elements");
return true;
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