8159172: Update usage of jlink/jimage/jmod to show option patterns

Reviewed-by: mchung, alanb
This commit is contained in:
Jim Laskey 2016-06-24 11:20:24 -03:00
parent d90e966a97
commit 2146bab54f
7 changed files with 63 additions and 32 deletions

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class JImageTask {
}, "--dir"),
new Option<JImageTask>(true, (task, option, arg) -> {
task.options.filters = arg;
}, "--filter"),
task.options.include = arg;
}, "--include"),
new Option<JImageTask>(false, (task, option, arg) -> {
task.options.fullVersion = true;
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ class JImageTask {
private static final FileSystem JRT_FILE_SYSTEM = Utils.jrtFileSystem();
private final OptionsValues options;
private final List<Predicate<String>> filterPredicates;
private final List<Predicate<String>> includePredicates;
private PrintWriter log;
JImageTask() {
this.options = new OptionsValues();
this.filterPredicates = new ArrayList<>();
this.includePredicates = new ArrayList<>();
log = null;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class JImageTask {
static class OptionsValues {
Task task = Task.LIST;
String directory = ".";
String filters = "";
String include = "";
boolean fullVersion;
boolean help;
boolean verbose;
@ -200,6 +200,8 @@ class JImageTask {
log.println(TASK_HELPER.getMessage("main.opt." + name));
} else {
try {
log.println(TASK_HELPER.getMessage("main.usage." +
@ -219,7 +221,7 @@ class JImageTask {
return run() ? EXIT_OK : EXIT_ERROR;
} catch (BadArgs e) {
@ -239,15 +241,15 @@ class JImageTask {
private void processFilter(String filters) {
if (filters.isEmpty()) {
private void processInclude(String include) {
if (include.isEmpty()) {
for (String filter : filters.split(",")) {
for (String filter : include.split(",")) {
final PathMatcher matcher = Utils.getPathMatcher(JRT_FILE_SYSTEM, filter);
Predicate<String> predicate = (path) -> matcher.matches(JRT_FILE_SYSTEM.getPath(path));
@ -388,9 +390,9 @@ class JImageTask {
String oldModule = "";
for (String name : entryNames) {
boolean match = filterPredicates.isEmpty();
boolean match = includePredicates.isEmpty();
for (Predicate<String> predicate : filterPredicates) {
for (Predicate<String> predicate : includePredicates) {
if (predicate.test(name)) {
match = true;

@ -62,9 +62,19 @@ warn.prefix=Warning:
\ --dir Target directory for extract directive
\ --filter Filter entries for list or extract\n\
\ Ex. /java.base/*, */module-info.class
\ --include <pattern-list> Pattern list for filtering list or extract entries.
\For options requiring a <pattern-list>, the value will be a comma\
\ separated list of elements each using one the following forms:\n\
\ <glob-pattern>\n\
\ glob:<glob-pattern>\n\
\ regex:<regex-pattern>\n\
\ @<filename> where filename is the name of a file containing patterns to be\
\ used, one pattern per line\n\
\ --fullversion Print full version information

@ -584,6 +584,8 @@ public final class TaskHelper {
showPlugin(plugin, log, showsImageBuilder);
log.println("\n" + bundleHelper.getMessage("main.extended.help.footer"));
private void showPlugin(Plugin plugin, PrintWriter log, boolean showsImageBuilder) {

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ use --help for a list of possible options
Usage: {0} <options> --modulepath <modulepath> --addmods <mods> --output <path>\n\
Possible options include:
\Possible options include:
@ -68,7 +68,18 @@ after checking the database for duplicates. \
Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
List of available plugins:
\List of available plugins:
\For options requiring a <pattern-list>, the value will be a comma\
\ separated list of elements each using one the following forms:\n\
\ <glob-pattern>\n\
\ glob:<glob-pattern>\n\
\ regex:<regex-pattern>\n\
\ @<filename> where filename is the name of a file containing patterns to be\
\ used, one pattern per line\n\
err.unknown.byte.order:unknown byte order {0}
err.output.must.be.specified:--output must be specified

@ -37,15 +37,16 @@ class-optim.description=\
Class optimization. Warning: This plugin is experimental.\n\
An optional <log file> can be specified to log applied optimizations.
Compress all resources in the output image.\n\
Level 0: constant string sharing\n\
Level 1: ZIP\n\
Level 2: both.\n\
An optional filter can be specified to list the pattern of files to be filtered.\n\
Use ^ for negation. e.g.: *Exception.class,*Error.class,^/java.base/java/lang/*
An optional <pattern-list> filter can be specified to list the pattern of\n\
files to be included.
compact-cp.argument=<resource paths>
@ -59,15 +60,15 @@ copy-files.description=\
If files to copy are not absolute path, JDK home dir is used.\n\
e.g.: jrt-fs.jar,LICENSE,/home/me/myfile.txt=somewehere/conf.txt
exclude-files.argument=<files to exclude | files of excluded files>
exclude-files.argument=<pattern-list> of files to exclude
Specify files to exclude. e.g.: *.diz, /java.base/native/client/*
Specify files to exclude. e.g.: **.java,glob:/java.base/native/client/**
exclude-resources.argument=<resources to exclude | file of excluded resources>
exclude-resources.argument=<pattern-list> resources to exclude
Specify resources to exclude. e.g.: *.jcov, */META-INF/*
Specify resources to exclude. e.g.: **.jcov,glob:**/META-INF/**
@ -78,10 +79,11 @@ installed-modules.description=Fast loading of module descriptors (always enabled
order-resources.argument=<paths in priority order | file with resource paths>
order-resources.argument=<pattern-list> of paths in priority order. If a @file\n\
is specified, then each line should be an exact match for the path to be ordered
Order resources. e.g.: */module-info.class,/java.base/java/lang/*
Order resources. e.g.: **/module-info.class,@classlist,/java.base/java/lang/**
Strip debug information from the output image

@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ public class JmodTask {
@Override public Class<Pattern> valueType() { return Pattern.class; }
@Override public String valuePattern() { return "pattern"; }
@Override public String valuePattern() { return "regex-pattern"; }
static class PathMatcherConverter implements ValueConverter<PathMatcher> {
@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ public class JmodTask {
@Override public Class<PathMatcher> valueType() { return PathMatcher.class; }
@Override public String valuePattern() { return "pattern"; }
@Override public String valuePattern() { return "pattern-list"; }
/* Support for @<file> in jmod help */
@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ public class JmodTask {
String content = super.format(all);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("\n").append(" Main operation modes:\n ");
builder.append(getMessage("main.opt.mode")).append("\n ");
builder.append(getMessage("main.opt.mode.create")).append("\n ");
builder.append(getMessage("main.opt.mode.list")).append("\n ");
builder.append(getMessage("main.opt.mode.describe")).append("\n ");

@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ Usage: {0} (create|list|describe|hash) <OPTIONS> <jmod-file>\n\
use --help for a list of possible options
Usage: {0} (create|list|describe|hash) <OPTIONS> <jmod-file>
Usage: {0} (create|list|describe|hash) <OPTIONS> <jmod-file>\n\
\Main operation modes:
\create - Creates a new jmod archive
@ -49,7 +51,9 @@ main.opt.libs=Location of native libraries
main.opt.cmds=Location of native commands
main.opt.config=Location of user-editable config files
main.opt.dry-run=Dry run of hash mode
main.opt.exclude=Exclude files, given as a PATTERN
main.opt.exclude=Exclude files matching the supplied comma separated pattern\
\ list, each element using one the following forms: <glob-pattern>,\
\ glob:<glob-pattern> or regex:<regex-pattern>
main.opt.module-version= Module version
main.opt.main-class=Main class
@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ main.opt.os-version=Operating system version
main.opt.modulepath=Module path
main.opt.hash-modules=Compute and record hashes to tie a packaged module\
\ with modules matching the given pattern and depending upon it directly\
\ with modules matching the given <regex-pattern> and depending upon it directly\
\ or indirectly. The hashes are recorded in the JMOD file being created, or\
\ a JMOD file or modular JAR on the module path specified the jmod hash command.