8268564: mark hotspot serviceability/attach tests which ignore external VM flags

Reviewed-by: sspitsyn
This commit is contained in:
Igor Ignatyev 2021-06-18 10:06:12 +00:00
parent f83c6b8a6a
commit 21abcc4a5a
2 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
* @test
* @bug 8054823
* @summary Tests the setFlag and printFlag attach command
* @requires vm.flagless
* @library /test/lib
* @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc
* java.compiler

@ -25,11 +25,12 @@
* @test
* @bug 7162400
* @summary Regression test for attach issue where stale pid files in /tmp lead to connection issues
* @requires os.family != "windows"
* @requires vm.flagless
* @modules java.base/jdk.internal.misc:open
* @modules java.base/java.lang:open
* @modules jdk.attach/sun.tools.attach
* @library /test/lib
* @requires os.family != "windows"
* @run driver AttachWithStalePidFile