8173709: Fix VerifyLoopOptimizations - step 1 - minimal infrastructure

Reviewed-by: kvn, chagedorn, thartmann
This commit is contained in:
Emanuel Peter 2023-04-04 06:28:57 +00:00
parent a7546b3a16
commit 24c6af0637
4 changed files with 244 additions and 130 deletions

@ -4447,7 +4447,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize() {
assert(C->unique() == unique, "non-optimize _mode made Nodes? ? ?");
if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) verify();
DEBUG_ONLY( if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) { verify(); } );
if (TraceLoopOpts && C->has_loops()) {
@ -4519,7 +4519,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize() {
if (!C->major_progress() && SplitIfBlocks && do_split_ifs) {
split_if_with_blocks( visited, nstack);
NOT_PRODUCT( if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify(); );
DEBUG_ONLY( if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) { verify(); } );
if (!C->major_progress() && do_expensive_nodes && process_expensive_nodes()) {
@ -4642,43 +4642,126 @@ volatile int PhaseIdealLoop::_long_loop_counted_loops=0; // Number of long loops
void PhaseIdealLoop::print_statistics() {
tty->print_cr("PhaseIdealLoop=%d, sum _unique=%d, long loops=%d/%d/%d", _loop_invokes, _loop_work, _long_loop_counted_loops, _long_loop_nests, _long_loop_candidates);
// Build a verify-only PhaseIdealLoop, and see that it agrees with me.
static int fail; // debug only, so its multi-thread dont care
#ifdef ASSERT
// Build a verify-only PhaseIdealLoop, and see that it agrees with "this".
void PhaseIdealLoop::verify() const {
int old_progress = C->major_progress();
ResourceMark rm;
PhaseIdealLoop loop_verify(_igvn, this);
VectorSet visited;
int old_progress = C->major_progress();
bool success = true;
fail = 0;
verify_compare(C->root(), &loop_verify, visited);
assert(fail == 0, "verify loops failed");
// Verify loop structure is the same
_ltree_root->verify_tree(loop_verify._ltree_root, nullptr);
// Reset major-progress. It was cleared by creating a verify version of
// PhaseIdealLoop.
PhaseIdealLoop phase_verify(_igvn, this);
// Verify ctrl and idom of every node.
success &= verify_idom_and_nodes(C->root(), &phase_verify);
// Verify loop-tree.
success &= _ltree_root->verify_tree(phase_verify._ltree_root);
assert(success, "VerifyLoopOptimizations failed");
// Major progress was cleared by creating a verify version of PhaseIdealLoop.
// Make sure me and the given PhaseIdealLoop agree on key data structures
void PhaseIdealLoop::verify_compare( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *loop_verify, VectorSet &visited ) const {
if( !n ) return;
if( visited.test_set( n->_idx ) ) return;
if( !_nodes[n->_idx] ) { // Unreachable
assert( !loop_verify->_nodes[n->_idx], "both should be unreachable" );
// Perform a BFS starting at n, through all inputs.
// Call verify_idom and verify_node on all nodes of BFS traversal.
bool PhaseIdealLoop::verify_idom_and_nodes(Node* root, const PhaseIdealLoop* phase_verify) const {
Unique_Node_List worklist;
bool success = true;
for (uint i = 0; i < worklist.size(); i++) {
Node* n = worklist.at(i);
// process node
success &= verify_idom(n, phase_verify);
success &= verify_nodes(n, phase_verify);
// visit inputs
for (uint j = 0; j < n->req(); j++) {
if (n->in(j) != nullptr) {
return success;
// Verify dominator structure (IDOM).
bool PhaseIdealLoop::verify_idom(Node* n, const PhaseIdealLoop* phase_verify) const {
// Verify IDOM for all CFG nodes (except root).
if (!n->is_CFG() || n->is_Root()) {
return true; // pass
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < n->req(); i++ )
verify_compare( n->in(i), loop_verify, visited );
if (n->_idx >= _idom_size) {
tty->print("CFG Node with no idom: ");
return false; // fail
// Check the '_nodes' block/loop structure
i = n->_idx;
if( has_ctrl(n) ) { // We have control; verify has loop or ctrl
// Broken part of VerifyLoopOptimizations (C)
// Reason:
// Idom not always set correctly, for example BUG in
// PhaseIdealLoop::create_new_if_for_predicate
// at "set_idom(rgn, nrdom, dom_depth(rgn));"
Node *id = idom_no_update(n);
if( id != loop_verify->idom_no_update(n) ) {
tty->print("Unequals idoms for: ");
if( fail++ > 10 ) return;
tty->print("We have it as: ");
tty->print("Verify thinks: ");
return true; // pass
// Verify "_nodes": control and loop membership.
// (0) _nodes[i] == nullptr -> node not reachable.
// (1) has_ctrl -> check lowest bit. 1 -> data node. 0 -> ctrl node.
// (2) has_ctrl true: get_ctrl_no_update returns ctrl of data node.
// (3) has_ctrl false: get_loop_idx returns IdealLoopTree for ctrl node.
bool PhaseIdealLoop::verify_nodes(Node* n, const PhaseIdealLoop* phase_verify) const {
const uint i = n->_idx;
// The loop-tree was built from def to use (top-down).
// The verification happens from use to def (bottom-up).
// We may thus find nodes during verification that are not in the loop-tree.
if (_nodes[i] == nullptr || phase_verify->_nodes[i] == nullptr) {
if (_nodes[i] != nullptr || phase_verify->_nodes[i] != nullptr) {
tty->print_cr("Was reachable in only one. this %d, verify %d.",
_nodes[i] != nullptr, phase_verify->_nodes[i] != nullptr);
return false; // fail
// Not reachable for both.
return true; // pass
if (n->is_CFG() == has_ctrl(n)) {
tty->print_cr("Exactly one should be true: %d for is_CFG, %d for has_ctrl.", n->is_CFG(), has_ctrl(n));
return false; // fail
if (has_ctrl(n) != phase_verify->has_ctrl(n)) {
tty->print_cr("Mismatch has_ctrl: %d for this, %d for verify.", has_ctrl(n), phase_verify->has_ctrl(n));
return false; // fail
} else if (has_ctrl(n)) {
assert(phase_verify->has_ctrl(n), "sanity");
// n is a data node.
// Verify that its ctrl is the same.
// Broken part of VerifyLoopOptimizations (A)
// Reason:
// BUG, wrong control set for example in
// PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks
// at "set_ctrl(x, new_ctrl);"
if( _nodes[i] != loop_verify->_nodes[i] &&
get_ctrl_no_update(n) != loop_verify->get_ctrl_no_update(n) ) {
tty->print("Mismatched control setting for: ");
@ -4695,20 +4778,22 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::verify_compare( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *loop_verify,
} else { // We have a loop
IdealLoopTree *us = get_loop_idx(n);
if( loop_verify->has_ctrl(n) ) {
tty->print("Mismatched loop setting for: ");
if( fail++ > 10 ) return;
tty->print("We have it as: ");
tty->print("Verify thinks: ");
} else if (!C->major_progress()) {
return true; // pass
} else {
assert(!phase_verify->has_ctrl(n), "sanity");
// n is a ctrl node.
// Verify that not has_ctrl, and that get_loop_idx is the same.
// Broken part of VerifyLoopOptimizations (B)
// Reason:
// NeverBranch node for example is added to loop outside its scope.
// Once we run build_loop_tree again, it is added to the correct loop.
if (!C->major_progress()) {
// Loop selection can be messed up if we did a major progress
// operation, like split-if. Do not verify in that case.
IdealLoopTree *us = get_loop_idx(n);
IdealLoopTree *them = loop_verify->get_loop_idx(n);
if( us->_head != them->_head || us->_tail != them->_tail ) {
tty->print("Unequals loops for: ");
@ -4721,102 +4806,120 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::verify_compare( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *loop_verify,
return true; // pass
// Check for immediate dominators being equal
if( i >= _idom_size ) {
if( !n->is_CFG() ) return;
tty->print("CFG Node with no idom: ");
if( !n->is_CFG() ) return;
if( n == C->root() ) return; // No IDOM here
assert(n->_idx == i, "sanity");
Node *id = idom_no_update(n);
if( id != loop_verify->idom_no_update(n) ) {
tty->print("Unequals idoms for: ");
if( fail++ > 10 ) return;
tty->print("We have it as: ");
tty->print("Verify thinks: ");
// Verify that tree structures match. Because the CFG can change, siblings
// within the loop tree can be reordered. We attempt to deal with that by
int compare_tree(IdealLoopTree* const& a, IdealLoopTree* const& b) {
assert(a != nullptr && b != nullptr, "must be");
return a->_head->_idx - b->_head->_idx;
GrowableArray<IdealLoopTree*> IdealLoopTree::collect_sorted_children() const {
GrowableArray<IdealLoopTree*> children;
IdealLoopTree* child = _child;
while (child != nullptr) {
assert(child->_parent == this, "all must be children of this");
child = child->_next;
return children;
// Verify that tree structures match. Because the CFG can change, siblings
// within the loop tree can be reordered. We attempt to deal with that by
// reordering the verify's loop tree if possible.
void IdealLoopTree::verify_tree(IdealLoopTree *loop, const IdealLoopTree *parent) const {
assert( _parent == parent, "Badly formed loop tree" );
bool IdealLoopTree::verify_tree(IdealLoopTree* loop_verify) const {
assert(_head == loop_verify->_head, "mismatched loop head");
assert(this->_parent != nullptr || this->_next == nullptr, "is_root_loop implies has_no_sibling");
// Siblings not in same order? Attempt to re-order.
if( _head != loop->_head ) {
// Find _next pointer to update
IdealLoopTree **pp = &loop->_parent->_child;
while( *pp != loop )
pp = &((*pp)->_next);
// Find proper sibling to be next
IdealLoopTree **nn = &loop->_next;
while( (*nn) && (*nn)->_head != _head )
nn = &((*nn)->_next);
// Collect the children
GrowableArray<IdealLoopTree*> children = collect_sorted_children();
GrowableArray<IdealLoopTree*> children_verify = loop_verify->collect_sorted_children();
// Check for no match.
if( !(*nn) ) {
// Annoyingly, irreducible loops can pick different headers
// after a major_progress operation, so the rest of the loop
// tree cannot be matched.
if (_irreducible && Compile::current()->major_progress()) return;
assert( 0, "failed to match loop tree" );
bool success = true;
// Compare the two children lists
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < children.length() || j < children_verify.length(); ) {
IdealLoopTree* child = nullptr;
IdealLoopTree* child_verify = nullptr;
// Read from both lists, if possible.
if (i < children.length()) {
child = children.at(i);
if (j < children_verify.length()) {
child_verify = children_verify.at(j);
assert(child != nullptr || child_verify != nullptr, "must find at least one");
if (child != nullptr && child_verify != nullptr && child->_head != child_verify->_head) {
// We found two non-equal children. Select the smaller one.
if (child->_head->_idx < child_verify->_head->_idx) {
child_verify = nullptr;
} else {
child = nullptr;
// Process the two children, or potentially log the failure if we only found one.
if (child_verify == nullptr) {
if (child->_irreducible && Compile::current()->major_progress()) {
// Irreducible loops can pick a different header (one of its entries).
} else {
tty->print_cr("We have a loop that verify does not have");
success = false;
i++; // step for this
} else if (child == nullptr) {
if (child_verify->_irreducible && Compile::current()->major_progress()) {
// Irreducible loops can pick a different header (one of its entries).
} else if (child_verify->_head->as_Region()->is_in_infinite_subgraph()) {
// Infinite loops do not get attached to the loop-tree on their first visit.
// "this" runs before "loop_verify". It is thus possible that we find the
// infinite loop only for "child_verify". Only finding it with "child" would
// mean that we lost it, which is not ok.
} else {
tty->print_cr("Verify has a loop that we do not have");
success = false;
j++; // step for verify
} else {
assert(child->_head == child_verify->_head, "We have both and they are equal");
success &= child->verify_tree(child_verify); // Recursion
i++; // step for this
j++; // step for verify
// Move (*nn) to (*pp)
IdealLoopTree *hit = *nn;
*nn = hit->_next;
hit->_next = loop;
*pp = loop;
loop = hit;
// Now try again to verify
assert( _head == loop->_head , "mismatched loop head" );
// Broken part of VerifyLoopOptimizations (D)
// Reason:
// split_if has to update the _tail, if it is modified. But that is done by
// checking to what loop the iff belongs to. That info can be wrong, and then
// we do not update the _tail correctly.
Node *tail = _tail; // Inline a non-updating version of
while( !tail->in(0) ) // the 'tail()' call.
tail = tail->in(1);
assert( tail == loop->_tail, "mismatched loop tail" );
// Counted loops that are guarded should be able to find their guards
if( _head->is_CountedLoop() && _head->as_CountedLoop()->is_main_loop() ) {
if (_head->is_CountedLoop()) {
CountedLoopNode *cl = _head->as_CountedLoop();
Node *init = cl->init_trip();
Node *ctrl = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
assert( ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue || ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse, "" );
Node *iff = ctrl->in(0);
assert( iff->Opcode() == Op_If, "" );
Node *bol = iff->in(1);
assert( bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool, "" );
Node *cmp = bol->in(1);
assert( cmp->Opcode() == Op_CmpI, "" );
Node *add = cmp->in(1);
Node *opaq;
if( add->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1 ) {
opaq = add;
} else {
assert( add->Opcode() == Op_AddI || add->Opcode() == Op_ConI , "" );
assert( add == init, "" );
opaq = cmp->in(2);
assert( opaq->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1, "" );
Node* ctrl = cl->init_control();
Node* back = cl->back_control();
assert(ctrl != nullptr && ctrl->is_CFG(), "sane loop in-ctrl");
assert(back != nullptr && back->is_CFG(), "sane loop backedge");
cl->loopexit(); // assert implied
if (_child != nullptr) _child->verify_tree(loop->_child, this);
if (_next != nullptr) _next ->verify_tree(loop->_next, parent);
// Broken part of VerifyLoopOptimizations (E)
// Reason:
// PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_region creates new nodes for loop that are not added
// to the loop body. Or maybe they are not added to the correct loop.
// at "Node* x = n->clone();"
// Innermost loops need to verify loop bodies,
// but only if no 'major_progress'
int fail = 0;
@ -4859,8 +4962,9 @@ void IdealLoopTree::verify_tree(IdealLoopTree *loop, const IdealLoopTree *parent
assert( !fail, "loop body mismatch" );
return success;
@ -6015,6 +6119,10 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work(Node *n, bool pinned) {
#ifdef ASSERT
// Broken part of VerifyLoopOptimizations (F)
// Reason:
// _verify_me->get_ctrl_no_update(n) seems to return wrong result
// If verifying, verify that 'verify_me' has a legal location
// and choose it as our location.
if( _verify_me ) {
@ -6027,6 +6135,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work(Node *n, bool pinned) {
// Check for prior good location
if( legal == v_ctrl ) least = legal; // Keep prior if found
// Assign discovered "here or above" point

@ -791,7 +791,11 @@ public:
#ifndef PRODUCT
void dump_head(); // Dump loop head only
void dump(); // Dump this loop recursively
void verify_tree(IdealLoopTree *loop, const IdealLoopTree *parent) const;
#ifdef ASSERT
GrowableArray<IdealLoopTree*> collect_sorted_children() const;
bool verify_tree(IdealLoopTree* loop_verify) const;
@ -1697,8 +1701,6 @@ public:
void dump_idom(Node* n, uint count) const;
void get_idoms(Node* n, uint count, Unique_Node_List& idoms) const;
void dump(IdealLoopTree* loop, uint rpo_idx, Node_List &rpo_list) const;
void verify() const; // Major slow :-)
void verify_compare(Node* n, const PhaseIdealLoop* loop_verify, VectorSet &visited) const;
IdealLoopTree* get_loop_idx(Node* n) const {
// Dead nodes have no loop, so return the top level loop instead
return _nodes[n->_idx] ? (IdealLoopTree*)_nodes[n->_idx] : _ltree_root;
@ -1712,6 +1714,13 @@ public:
static volatile int _long_loop_counted_loops;
#ifdef ASSERT
void verify() const;
bool verify_idom_and_nodes(Node* root, const PhaseIdealLoop* phase_verify) const;
bool verify_idom(Node* n, const PhaseIdealLoop* phase_verify) const;
bool verify_nodes(Node* n, const PhaseIdealLoop* phase_verify) const;
void rpo(Node* start, Node_Stack &stk, VectorSet &visited, Node_List &rpo_list) const;
void check_counted_loop_shape(IdealLoopTree* loop, Node* x, BasicType bt) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;

@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ Node *PhaseIdealLoop::conditional_move( Node *region ) {
if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) verify();
DEBUG_ONLY( if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) { verify(); } );
@ -1436,9 +1436,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_post(Node *n) {
// Place it on the IGVN worklist for later cleanup.
dominated_by(prevdom->as_IfProj(), n->as_If(), false, true);
#ifndef PRODUCT
if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
DEBUG_ONLY( if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) { verify(); } );
prevdom = dom;

@ -742,7 +742,5 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::do_split_if(Node* iff, RegionNode** new_false_region, Regio
*new_true_region = new_true;
#ifndef PRODUCT
if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
DEBUG_ONLY( if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) { verify(); } );