diff --git a/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/module/ModuleArchive.java b/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/module/ModuleArchive.java index f05020b9842..716e8b99361 100644 --- a/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/module/ModuleArchive.java +++ b/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/module/ModuleArchive.java @@ -227,10 +227,12 @@ public class ModuleArchive implements Archive { private static String nativeDir(String filename) { if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) { - if (filename.endsWith(".dll")) + if (filename.endsWith(".dll") || filename.endsWith(".diz") + || filename.endsWith(".pdb") || filename.endsWith(".map")) { return "bin"; - else + } else { return "lib"; + } } else { return "lib"; } diff --git a/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/tzdb/TzdbZoneRulesProvider.java b/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/tzdb/TzdbZoneRulesProvider.java index a59ce61eff9..4c92ee9a8af 100644 --- a/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/tzdb/TzdbZoneRulesProvider.java +++ b/jdk/make/src/classes/build/tools/tzdb/TzdbZoneRulesProvider.java @@ -758,8 +758,8 @@ class TzdbZoneRulesProvider { if (endYear == Year.MAX_VALUE) { endYear = startYear; lastRules.add(new TransRule(endYear, rule)); - lastRulesStartYear = Math.max(startYear, lastRulesStartYear); } + lastRulesStartYear = Math.max(startYear, lastRulesStartYear); } else { if (endYear == Year.MAX_VALUE) { //endYear = zoneEnd.getYear(); diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/options/default.opt b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/options/default.opt index 0be137161c5..52cae6c31a7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/options/default.opt +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/options/default.opt @@ -5,33 +5,53 @@ global.env.outputheight=480 global.env.runcount=5 global.env.repcount=0 global.env.testtime=2500 +global.results.workunits=units +global.results.timeunits=sec +global.results.ratio=unitspersec global.dest.screen=disabled global.dest.offscreen=disabled global.dest.compatimg.compatimg=disabled global.dest.compatimg.opqcompatimg=disabled global.dest.compatimg.bmcompatimg=disabled global.dest.compatimg.transcompatimg=disabled -global.dest.volimg=enabled +global.dest.volimg.volimg=enabled +global.dest.volimg.opqvolimg=disabled +global.dest.volimg.bmvolimg=disabled +global.dest.volimg.transvolimg=disabled global.dest.bufimg.IntXrgb=disabled global.dest.bufimg.IntArgb=disabled +global.dest.bufimg.IntArgbPre=disabled +global.dest.bufimg.3ByteBgr=disabled global.dest.bufimg.ByteIndexed=disabled global.dest.bufimg.ByteGray=disabled +global.dest.bufimg.4ByteAbgr=disabled +global.dest.bufimg.4ByteAbgrPre=disabled +global.dest.bufimg.custom=disabled graphics.opts.anim=2 graphics.opts.sizes=20,250 graphics.opts.alpharule=SrcOver +graphics.opts.transform=ident graphics.opts.extraalpha=Both graphics.opts.xormode=Off graphics.opts.clip=Both graphics.opts.renderhint=Default -graphics.render.opts.randomcolor=Both +graphics.render.opts.paint=single,random graphics.render.opts.alphacolor=Off graphics.render.opts.antialias=Both +graphics.render.opts.stroke=width1 graphics.render.tests.drawLine=enabled +graphics.render.tests.drawLineHoriz=disabled +graphics.render.tests.drawLineVert=disabled graphics.render.tests.fillRect=enabled +graphics.render.tests.drawRect=disabled graphics.render.tests.fillOval=enabled +graphics.render.tests.drawOval=disabled graphics.render.tests.fillPoly=disabled graphics.render.tests.drawPoly=disabled graphics.render.tests.shape.fillCubic=enabled +graphics.render.tests.shape.drawCubic=disabled +graphics.render.tests.shape.fillEllipse2D=disabled +graphics.render.tests.shape.drawEllipse2D=disabled graphics.imaging.src.offscr.opaque=disabled graphics.imaging.src.offscr.bitmask=disabled graphics.imaging.src.offscr.translucent=disabled @@ -44,33 +64,98 @@ graphics.imaging.src.bmcompatimg.translucent=disabled graphics.imaging.src.transcompatimg.opaque=disabled graphics.imaging.src.transcompatimg.bitmask=disabled graphics.imaging.src.transcompatimg.translucent=enabled -graphics.imaging.src.volimg.opaque=disabled -graphics.imaging.src.volimg.bitmask=disabled -graphics.imaging.src.volimg.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.opqvolimg.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.opqvolimg.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.opqvolimg.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bmvolimg.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bmvolimg.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bmvolimg.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.transvolimg.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.transvolimg.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.transvolimg.translucent=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntXrgb.opaque=enabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntXrgb.bitmask=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntXrgb.translucent=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntArgb.opaque=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntArgb.bitmask=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntArgb.translucent=enabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntArgbPre.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntArgbPre.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.IntArgbPre.translucent=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.ByteGray.opaque=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.ByteGray.bitmask=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.ByteGray.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.3ByteBgr.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.3ByteBgr.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.3ByteBgr.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.4ByteAbgr.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.4ByteAbgr.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.4ByteAbgr.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.4ByteAbgrPre.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.4ByteAbgrPre.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.4ByteAbgrPre.translucent=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.ByteIndexedBm.opaque=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.ByteIndexedBm.bitmask=disabled graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.ByteIndexedBm.translucent=disabled -graphics.imaging.tests.drawimage=enabled -graphics.imaging.tests.drawimagebg=disabled -graphics.imaging.tests.drawimagescaleup=enabled -graphics.imaging.tests.drawimagescaledown=disabled -graphics.imaging.tests.drawimagetxform=enabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntXrgb.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntXrgb.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntXrgb.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntArgb.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntArgb.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntArgb.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntArgbPre.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntArgbPre.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanagedIntArgbPre.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanaged3ByteBgr.opaque=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanaged3ByteBgr.bitmask=disabled +graphics.imaging.src.bufimg.unmanaged3ByteBgr.translucent=disabled +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.opts.interpolation=Nearest neighbor +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.opts.touchsrc=Off +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.tests.drawimage=enabled +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.tests.drawimagebg=disabled +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.tests.drawimagescaleup=enabled +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.tests.drawimagescaledown=disabled +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.tests.drawimagescalesplit=disabled +graphics.imaging.benchmarks.tests.drawimagetxform=enabled +graphics.imaging.imageops.opts.op=convolve3x3zero +graphics.imaging.imageops.tests.graphics2d.drawimageop=disabled +graphics.imaging.imageops.tests.bufimgop.filternull=disabled +graphics.imaging.imageops.tests.bufimgop.filtercached=disabled +graphics.imaging.imageops.tests.rasterop.filternull=disabled +graphics.imaging.imageops.tests.rasterop.filtercached=disabled +graphics.misc.copytests.copyAreaVert=disabled +graphics.misc.copytests.copyAreaHoriz=disabled +graphics.misc.copytests.copyAreaDiag=disabled +pixel.opts.renderto=Off +pixel.opts.renderfrom=Off +pixel.src.1BitBinary=disabled +pixel.src.2BitBinary=disabled +pixel.src.4BitBinary=disabled +pixel.src.ByteIndexed=disabled +pixel.src.ByteGray=disabled +pixel.src.Short555=disabled +pixel.src.Short565=disabled +pixel.src.ShortGray=disabled +pixel.src.3ByteBgr=disabled +pixel.src.4ByteAbgr=disabled +pixel.src.IntXrgb=disabled +pixel.src.IntXbgr=disabled +pixel.src.IntArgb=disabled +pixel.bimgtests.getrgb=disabled +pixel.bimgtests.setrgb=disabled +pixel.rastests.getdataelem=disabled +pixel.rastests.setdataelem=disabled +pixel.rastests.getpixel=disabled +pixel.rastests.setpixel=disabled +pixel.dbtests.getelem=disabled +pixel.dbtests.setelem=disabled text.opts.data.tlength=32 text.opts.data.tscript=english text.opts.font.fname=lucida text.opts.font.fstyle=0 text.opts.font.fsize=13.0 text.opts.font.ftx=Identity -text.opts.graphics.taa=Both +text.opts.graphics.textaa=Off,On text.opts.graphics.tfm=Off text.opts.graphics.gaa=Off text.opts.graphics.gtx=Identity @@ -114,3 +199,66 @@ text.construction.tests.gvfromfontglyphs=disabled text.construction.tests.gvfromfontlayout=disabled text.construction.tests.tlfromfont=disabled text.construction.tests.tlfrommap=disabled +imageio.opts.size=250 +imageio.opts.content=photo +imageio.input.opts.general.source.file=disabled +imageio.input.opts.general.source.url=disabled +imageio.input.opts.general.source.byteArray=disabled +imageio.input.opts.imageio.useCache=Off +imageio.input.image.toolkit.opts.format= +imageio.input.image.toolkit.tests.createImage=disabled +imageio.input.image.imageio.opts.format= +imageio.input.image.imageio.tests.imageioRead=disabled +imageio.input.image.imageio.reader.opts.seekForwardOnly=On +imageio.input.image.imageio.reader.opts.ignoreMetadata=On +imageio.input.image.imageio.reader.opts.installListener=Off +imageio.input.image.imageio.reader.tests.read=disabled +imageio.input.image.imageio.reader.tests.getImageMetadata=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.construct=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.read=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readByteArray=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readFullyByteArray=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readBit=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readByte=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readUnsignedByte=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readShort=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readUnsignedShort=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readInt=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readUnsignedInt=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readFloat=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readLong=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.readDouble=disabled +imageio.input.stream.tests.skipBytes=disabled +imageio.output.opts.general.dest.file=disabled +imageio.output.opts.general.dest.byteArray=disabled +imageio.output.opts.imageio.useCache=Off +imageio.output.image.imageio.opts.format= +imageio.output.image.imageio.tests.imageioWrite=disabled +imageio.output.image.imageio.writer.opts.installListener=Off +imageio.output.image.imageio.writer.tests.write=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.construct=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.write=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeByteArray=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeBit=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeByte=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeShort=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeInt=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeFloat=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeLong=disabled +imageio.output.stream.tests.writeDouble=disabled +cmm.opts.profiles=1001 +cmm.colorconv.data.fromRGB=disabled +cmm.colorconv.data.toRGB=disabled +cmm.colorconv.data.fromCIEXYZ=disabled +cmm.colorconv.data.toCIEXYZ=disabled +cmm.colorconv.ccop.ccopOptions.size=250 +cmm.colorconv.ccop.ccopOptions.content=photo +cmm.colorconv.ccop.ccopOptions.srcType=INT_ARGB +cmm.colorconv.ccop.ccopOptions.dstType=INT_ARGB +cmm.colorconv.ccop.op_img=disabled +cmm.colorconv.ccop.op_rst=disabled +cmm.colorconv.ccop.op_draw=disabled +cmm.colorconv.embed.embedOptions.Images=512x512 +cmm.colorconv.embed.embd_img_read=disabled +cmm.profiles.getHeader=disabled +cmm.profiles.getNumComponents=disabled diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Destinations.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Destinations.java index 33bc6da83b2..5cc3c56ba45 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Destinations.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Destinations.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ public abstract class Destinations extends Option.Enable { public static Group.EnableSet destroot; public static Group bufimgdestroot; public static Group compatimgdestroot; + public static Group volimgdestroot; public static void init() { destroot = new Group.EnableSet(TestEnvironment.globaloptroot, @@ -79,7 +80,16 @@ public abstract class Destinations extends Option.Enable { } if (ImageTests.hasVolatileImage) { + volimgdestroot = new Group.EnableSet(destroot, "volimg", + "Output to Volatile Image"); + + volimgdestroot.setHorizontal(); new VolatileImg(); + if (ImageTests.hasTransparentVolatileImage) { + new VolatileImg(Transparency.OPAQUE); + new VolatileImg(Transparency.BITMASK); + new VolatileImg(Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); + } } bufimgdestroot = new Group.EnableSet(destroot, "bufimg", @@ -91,6 +101,8 @@ public abstract class Destinations extends Option.Enable { new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); + new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); + new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE); new CustomImg(); } } @@ -206,18 +218,62 @@ public abstract class Destinations extends Option.Enable { } public static class VolatileImg extends Destinations { + private final int transparency; + + public static final String[] ShortNames = { + "volimg", + "opqvolimg", + "bmvolimg", + "transvolimg", + }; + + public static final String[] ShortDescriptions = { + "Default", + "Opaque", + "Bitmask", + "Translucent", + }; + + public static final String[] LongDescriptions = { + "Default VolatileImg Image", + "Opaque VolatileImg Image", + "Bitmask VolatileImg Image", + "Translucent VolatileImg Image", + }; + + public static final String[] ModifierNames = { + "VolatileImg()", + "VolatileImg(Opaque)", + "VolatileImg(Bitmask)", + "VolatileImg(Translucent)", + }; + public VolatileImg() { - super(destroot, "volimg", "Output to Volatile Image", false); + this(0); } - public String getModifierValueName(Object val) { - return "VolatileImg"; + public VolatileImg(final int transparency) { + super(volimgdestroot, + ShortNames[transparency], + ShortDescriptions[transparency], + false); + this.transparency = transparency; } - public void setDestination(TestEnvironment env) { + public String getModifierValueName(final Object val) { + return ModifierNames[transparency]; + } + + public void setDestination(final TestEnvironment env) { Component c = env.getCanvas(); - env.setTestImage(c.createVolatileImage(env.getWidth(), - env.getHeight())); + GraphicsConfiguration gc = c.getGraphicsConfiguration(); + int w = env.getWidth(); + int h = env.getHeight(); + if (transparency == 0) { + env.setTestImage(gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h)); + } else { + env.setTestImage(gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h, transparency)); + } } } diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Group.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Group.java index af1f9381592..e4e4fea2c46 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Group.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/Group.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import java.io.PrintWriter; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JPanel; +import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; @@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ public class Group extends Node { p.add(comp); } } - return p; + return new JScrollPane(p); } } diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/J2DBench.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/J2DBench.java index 18124e52ce4..2294e7f01be 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/J2DBench.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/J2DBench.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2002, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; +import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; + import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; @@ -376,7 +378,11 @@ public class J2DBench { } if (gui) { - startGUI(); + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + startGUI(); + } + }); } else { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); @@ -772,6 +778,7 @@ public class J2DBench { f.getContentPane().add(p, BorderLayout.SOUTH); f.pack(); + f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.show(); } diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/GraphicsTests.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/GraphicsTests.java index b114820f832..5eab68bce2c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/GraphicsTests.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/GraphicsTests.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions @@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ public abstract class GraphicsTests extends Test { sizeList = new Option.IntList(groptroot, "sizes", "Size of Operations to perform", - new int[] {1, 20, 100, 250, 1000}, + new int[] {1, 20, 100, 250, 1000, 4000}, new String[] { "1x1", "20x20", "100x100", "250x250", - "1000x1000", + "1000x1000", "4000x4000", }, new String[] { "Tiny Shapes (1x1)", @@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ public abstract class GraphicsTests extends Test { "Medium Shapes (100x100)", "Large Shapes (250x250)", "X-Large Shapes (1000x1000)", + "Huge Shapes (4000x4000)", }, 0xa); if (hasGraphics2D) { String rulenames[] = { diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/ImageTests.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/ImageTests.java index 654835c82ca..47cb8d7db32 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/ImageTests.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/ImageTests.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; +import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp; import java.awt.image.ByteLookupTable; @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ import javax.swing.JComponent; public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { public static boolean hasVolatileImage; + public static boolean hasTransparentVolatileImage; public static boolean hasCompatImage; static { @@ -89,14 +91,20 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { hasCompatImage = true; } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { } + try { + new Canvas().getMousePosition(); + hasTransparentVolatileImage = true; + } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { + } } static Group imageroot; static Group.EnableSet imgsrcroot; static Group.EnableSet bufimgsrcroot; + static Group imgbenchroot; static Group imgtestroot; - static Group imgoptionsroot; + static Group imgtestOptRoot; static Group imageOpRoot; static Group imageOpOptRoot; @@ -106,6 +114,7 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { static Group rasterOpTestRoot; static Option opList; static Option doTouchSrc; + static Option interpolation; static String transNodeNames[] = { null, "opaque", "bitmask", "translucent", @@ -122,19 +131,9 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { imgsrcroot = new Group.EnableSet(imageroot, "src", "Image Rendering Sources"); - imgsrcroot.setBordered(true); - - imgoptionsroot = new Group(imgsrcroot, "options", - "Image Source Options"); - imgoptionsroot.setBordered(true); - doTouchSrc = - new Option.Toggle(imgoptionsroot, "touchsrc", - "Touch src image before every operation", - Option.Toggle.Off); - - imgtestroot = new Group(imageroot, "tests", - "Image Rendering Tests"); - imgtestroot.setBordered(true); + imgbenchroot = new Group(imageroot, "benchmarks", + "Image Rendering Benchmarks"); + imgtestOptRoot = new Group(imgbenchroot, "opts", "Options"); new OffScreen(); @@ -144,9 +143,14 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { new CompatImg(Transparency.BITMASK); new CompatImg(Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); } - if (hasVolatileImage) { - new VolatileImg(); + if (hasTransparentVolatileImage) { + new VolatileImg(Transparency.OPAQUE); + new VolatileImg(Transparency.BITMASK); + new VolatileImg(Transparency.TRANSLUCENT); + } else { + new VolatileImg(); + } } bufimgsrcroot = @@ -154,11 +158,15 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { "BufferedImage Rendering Sources"); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); + new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); + new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); + new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE); new BmByteIndexBufImg(); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB, true); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB, true); + new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE, true); new BufImg(BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR, true); imageOpRoot = new Group(imageroot, "imageops", @@ -211,12 +219,31 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { new BufImgOpFilter(true); new RasterOpFilter(false); new RasterOpFilter(true); + + String interpolationnames[] = {"Nearest neighbor", "Bilinear", + "Bicubic",}; + interpolation = + new ObjectList(imgtestOptRoot, "interpolation", + "Interpolation", + interpolationnames, new Object[] { + RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, + RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, + RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC, + }, interpolationnames, interpolationnames, 1); } + doTouchSrc = + new Option.Toggle(imgtestOptRoot, "touchsrc", + "Touch source image before every operation", + Option.Toggle.Off); + + imgtestroot = new Group(imgbenchroot, "tests", "Image Rendering Tests"); + new DrawImage(); new DrawImageBg(); new DrawImageScale("up", 1.5f); new DrawImageScale("down", .75f); + new DrawImageScale("split", .5f); new DrawImageTransform(); } @@ -236,6 +263,7 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { super(parent, nodeName, description); addDependency(imgsrcroot, srcFilter); addDependency(doTouchSrc); + addDependency(interpolation); } public GraphicsTests.Context createContext() { @@ -248,6 +276,11 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { ictx.src = env.getSrcImage(); ictx.touchSrc = env.isEnabled(doTouchSrc); + if (hasGraphics2D) { + Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) ctx.graphics; + final Object modifier = env.getModifier(interpolation); + g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, modifier); + } } public abstract static class TriStateImageType extends Group { @@ -290,13 +323,27 @@ public abstract class ImageTests extends GraphicsTests { } public static class VolatileImg extends TriStateImageType { + private final int transparency; + public VolatileImg() { - super(imgsrcroot, "volimg", "Volatile Image", Transparency.OPAQUE); + this(0); + } + + public VolatileImg(int transparency) { + super(imgsrcroot, Destinations.VolatileImg.ShortNames[transparency], + Destinations.VolatileImg.LongDescriptions[transparency], + transparency); + this.transparency = transparency; } public Image makeImage(TestEnvironment env, int w, int h) { Canvas c = env.getCanvas(); - return c.createVolatileImage(w, h); + GraphicsConfiguration gc = c.getGraphicsConfiguration(); + if (transparency == 0) { + return gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h); + } else { + return gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h, transparency); + } } } diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/ColorConvertOpTests.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/ColorConvertOpTests.java index 1817c89d105..e8983b4ec96 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/ColorConvertOpTests.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/ColorConvertOpTests.java @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import j2dbench.tests.iio.IIOTests; public class ColorConvertOpTests extends ColorConversionTests { private static class ImageContent { - static ImageContent BLANK = new ImageContent("bank", "Blank (opaque black)"); + static ImageContent BLANK = new ImageContent("blank", "Blank (opaque black)"); static ImageContent RANDOM = new ImageContent("random", "Random"); static ImageContent VECTOR = new ImageContent("vector", "Vector Art"); static ImageContent PHOTO= new ImageContent("photo", "Photograph"); @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public class ColorConvertOpTests extends ColorConversionTests { static ImageType INT_RGB = new ImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB, "INT_RGB", "TYPE_INT_RGB"); static ImageType INT_BGR = new ImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR, "INT_BGR", "TYPE_INT_BGR"); static ImageType BYTE_3BYTE_BGR = new ImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR, "3BYTE_BGR", "TYPE_3BYTE_BGR"); - static ImageType BYTE_4BYTE_ABGR = new ImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR, "4BYTE_BGR", "TYPE_4BYTE_BGR"); + static ImageType BYTE_4BYTE_ABGR = new ImageType(BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR, "4BYTE_ABGR", "TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR"); static ImageType COMPATIBLE_DST = new ImageType(0, "Compatible", "Compatible destination"); private ImageType(int type, String abbr, String descr) { @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class ColorConvertOpTests extends ColorConversionTests { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { t[i] = allTypes[i]; - names[i] = t[i].toString(); + names[i] = t[i].abbrev; abbrev[i] = t[i].abbrev; descr[i] = t[i].descr; } diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/EmbeddedProfileTests.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/EmbeddedProfileTests.java index 0ab02164a9d..0dbe6edeef9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/EmbeddedProfileTests.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/java2d/J2DBench/src/j2dbench/tests/cmm/EmbeddedProfileTests.java @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class EmbeddedProfileTests extends ColorConversionTests { String[] descr = new String[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { - names[i] = images[i].toString(); + names[i] = images[i].abbrev; abbrev[i] = images[i].abbrev; descr[i] = images[i].description; } @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public class EmbeddedProfileTests extends ColorConversionTests { iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(url.openStream()); reader = (ImageReader) ImageIO.getImageReaders(iis).next(); } catch (IOException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Unable to run the becnhmark", e); + throw new RuntimeException("Unable to run the benchmark", e); } do { diff --git a/jdk/src/demo/share/jfc/TableExample/TableSorter.java b/jdk/src/demo/share/jfc/TableExample/TableSorter.java index 0ec49b714e2..479e70e7934 100644 --- a/jdk/src/demo/share/jfc/TableExample/TableSorter.java +++ b/jdk/src/demo/share/jfc/TableExample/TableSorter.java @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ public final class TableSorter extends TableMap { than assigned otherwise sister calls in the recursion might get out of sinc. When the number of elements is three they are partitioned so that the first set, [low, mid), has one - element and and the second, [mid, high), has two. We skip the + element and the second, [mid, high), has two. We skip the optimisation when the number of elements is three or less as the first compare in the normal merge will produce the same sequence of steps. This optimisation seems to be worthwhile diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/ClassReader.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/ClassReader.java index 3da159f6e29..b459ba023d1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/ClassReader.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/ClassReader.java @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ class ClassReader { code.max_locals >= TOO_BIG || code.getLength() >= TOO_BIG || name.endsWith("X")) { - // No, we don't really know what to do this this one. + // No, we don't really know what to do with this one. // Do not compress the rare and strange "u4" and "X" cases. a = null; } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/Coding.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/Coding.java index 29dcb83d36a..d334af4bd67 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/Coding.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/Coding.java @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Coding implements Comparable, CodingMethod, Histogram.BitMetric { If S>0, the unsigned value of a byte sequence is regarded as a binary integer. If any of the S low-order bits are zero, the corresponding signed value will be non-negative. If all of the S low-order bits - (S>0) are one, the the corresponding signed value will be negative. + (S>0) are one, the corresponding signed value will be negative. The non-negative signed values are compact and monotonically increasing (from 0) in the ordering of the corresponding unsigned values. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileInputStream.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileInputStream.java index b501b45707f..cc77e5bd7c4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileInputStream.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileInputStream.java @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ package java.io; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl; @@ -57,10 +58,9 @@ class FileInputStream extends InputStream */ private final String path; - private FileChannel channel = null; + private volatile FileChannel channel; - private final Object closeLock = new Object(); - private volatile boolean closed = false; + private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Creates a FileInputStream by @@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ class FileInputStream extends InputStream * @spec JSR-51 */ public void close() throws IOException { - synchronized (closeLock) { - if (closed) { - return; - } - closed = true; + if (!closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { + // if compareAndSet() returns false closed was already true + return; } - if (channel != null) { - channel.close(); + + FileChannel fc = channel; + if (fc != null) { + fc.close(); } fd.closeAll(new Closeable() { @@ -364,12 +364,23 @@ class FileInputStream extends InputStream * @spec JSR-51 */ public FileChannel getChannel() { - synchronized (this) { - if (channel == null) { - channel = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, true, false, this); + FileChannel fc = this.channel; + if (fc == null) { + synchronized (this) { + fc = this.channel; + if (fc == null) { + this.channel = fc = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, true, false, this); + if (closed.get()) { + try { + fc.close(); + } catch (IOException ioe) { + throw new InternalError(ioe); // should not happen + } + } + } } - return channel; } + return fc; } private static native void initIDs(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileOutputStream.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileOutputStream.java index 43a7d053bbb..3c28433d15e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileOutputStream.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/FileOutputStream.java @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ package java.io; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import sun.misc.SharedSecrets; import sun.misc.JavaIOFileDescriptorAccess; import sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl; @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream /** * The associated channel, initialized lazily. */ - private FileChannel channel; + private volatile FileChannel channel; /** * The path of the referenced file @@ -76,8 +77,7 @@ class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream */ private final String path; - private final Object closeLock = new Object(); - private volatile boolean closed = false; + private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Creates a file output stream to write to the file with the @@ -341,15 +341,14 @@ class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream * @spec JSR-51 */ public void close() throws IOException { - synchronized (closeLock) { - if (closed) { - return; - } - closed = true; + if (!closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { + // if compareAndSet() returns false closed was already true + return; } - if (channel != null) { - channel.close(); + FileChannel fc = channel; + if (fc != null) { + fc.close(); } fd.closeAll(new Closeable() { @@ -394,12 +393,23 @@ class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream * @spec JSR-51 */ public FileChannel getChannel() { - synchronized (this) { - if (channel == null) { - channel = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, false, true, this); + FileChannel fc = this.channel; + if (fc == null) { + synchronized (this) { + fc = this.channel; + if (fc == null) { + this.channel = fc = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, false, true, this); + if (closed.get()) { + try { + fc.close(); + } catch (IOException ioe) { + throw new InternalError(ioe); // should not happen + } + } + } } - return channel; } + return fc; } /** diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/InputStream.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/InputStream.java index 06634ae21b0..bdb4ea5e8ee 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/InputStream.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/InputStream.java @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ package java.io; +import java.util.Objects; + /** * This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing * an input stream of bytes. @@ -48,6 +50,8 @@ public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable { // use when skipping. private static final int MAX_SKIP_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; + private static final int TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; + /** * Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is * returned as an int in the range 0 to @@ -364,4 +368,40 @@ public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable { return false; } + /** + * Reads all bytes from this input stream and writes the bytes to the + * given output stream in the order that they are read. On return, this + * input stream will be at end of stream. This method does not close either + * stream. + *

+ * This method may block indefinitely reading from the input stream, or + * writing to the output stream. The behavior for the case where the input + * and/or output stream is asynchronously closed, or the thread + * interrupted during the transfer, is highly input and output stream + * specific, and therefore not specified. + *

+ * If an I/O error occurs reading from the input stream or writing to the + * output stream, then it may do so after some bytes have been read or + * written. Consequently the input stream may not be at end of stream and + * one, or both, streams may be in an inconsistent state. It is strongly + * recommended that both streams be promptly closed if an I/O error occurs. + * + * @param out the output stream, non-null + * @return the number of bytes transferred + * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when reading or writing + * @throws NullPointerException if {@code out} is {@code null} + * + * @since 1.9 + */ + public long transferTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { + Objects.requireNonNull(out, "out"); + long transferred = 0; + byte[] buffer = new byte[TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE]; + int read; + while ((read = this.read(buffer, 0, TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE)) >= 0) { + out.write(buffer, 0, read); + transferred += read; + } + return transferred; + } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java index e65c8ae316a..fca32fb4daf 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java @@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ public class ObjectInputStream skipped++; n--; } - return skipped + skip(n); + return skipped + in.skip(n); } public int available() throws IOException { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java index d6b79b245cd..ef5e76aea76 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ package java.io; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl; @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ import sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl; public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable { private FileDescriptor fd; - private FileChannel channel = null; + private volatile FileChannel channel; private boolean rw; /** @@ -68,8 +69,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable { */ private final String path; - private Object closeLock = new Object(); - private volatile boolean closed = false; + private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static final int O_RDONLY = 1; private static final int O_RDWR = 2; @@ -276,13 +276,24 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable { * @since 1.4 * @spec JSR-51 */ - public final FileChannel getChannel() { - synchronized (this) { - if (channel == null) { - channel = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, true, rw, this); + public FileChannel getChannel() { + FileChannel fc = this.channel; + if (fc == null) { + synchronized (this) { + fc = this.channel; + if (fc == null) { + this.channel = fc = FileChannelImpl.open(fd, path, true, rw, this); + if (closed.get()) { + try { + fc.close(); + } catch (IOException ioe) { + throw new InternalError(ioe); // should not happen + } + } + } } - return channel; } + return fc; } /** @@ -604,14 +615,14 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable { * @spec JSR-51 */ public void close() throws IOException { - synchronized (closeLock) { - if (closed) { - return; - } - closed = true; + if (!closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { + // if compareAndSet() returns false closed was already true + return; } - if (channel != null) { - channel.close(); + + FileChannel fc = channel; + if (fc != null) { + fc.close(); } fd.closeAll(new Closeable() { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Class.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Class.java index 25ed5c47fec..0fb2ef19a05 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Class.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Class.java @@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ public final class Class implements java.io.Serializable, * the accessible public fields of the class or interface represented by * this {@code Class} object. * - *

If this {@code Class} object represents a class or interface with no + *

If this {@code Class} object represents a class or interface with * no accessible public fields, then this method returns an array of length * 0. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ClassValue.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ClassValue.java index 4fc33d355bd..1b4c114a8ac 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ClassValue.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ClassValue.java @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public abstract class ClassValue { * observe the time-dependent states as it computes {@code V1}, etc. * This does not remove the threat of a stale value, since there is a window of time * between the return of {@code computeValue} in {@code T} and the installation - * of the the new value. No user synchronization is possible during this time. + * of the new value. No user synchronization is possible during this time. * * @param type the type whose class value must be removed * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ public abstract class ClassValue { * will receive the notification without delay. *

* If version were not volatile, one thread T1 could persistently hold onto - * a stale value this.value == V1, while while another thread T2 advances + * a stale value this.value == V1, while another thread T2 advances * (under a lock) to this.value == V2. This will typically be harmless, * but if T1 and T2 interact causally via some other channel, such that * T1's further actions are constrained (in the JMM) to happen after diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Integer.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Integer.java index d22ce9bef35..35079175e1d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Integer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Integer.java @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ public final class Integer extends Number implements Comparable { /** * Parses the string argument as an unsigned decimal integer. The * characters in the string must all be decimal digits, except - * that the first character may be an an ASCII plus sign {@code + * that the first character may be an ASCII plus sign {@code * '+'} ({@code '\u005Cu002B'}). The resulting integer value * is returned, exactly as if the argument and the radix 10 were * given as arguments to the {@link diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Long.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Long.java index bcf33fccff8..9382a2df1e9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Long.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Long.java @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ public final class Long extends Number implements Comparable { /** * Parses the string argument as an unsigned decimal {@code long}. The * characters in the string must all be decimal digits, except - * that the first character may be an an ASCII plus sign {@code + * that the first character may be an ASCII plus sign {@code * '+'} ({@code '\u005Cu002B'}). The resulting integer value * is returned, exactly as if the argument and the radix 10 were * given as arguments to the {@link diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Math.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Math.java index 6606ac07c83..bc54bef83ea 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Math.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Math.java @@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ public final class Math { * multiply-store result is subnormal, the next multiply will * round it away to zero. This is done by first multiplying * by 2 ^ (scaleFactor % n) and then multiplying several - * times by by 2^n as needed where n is the exponent of number + * times by 2^n as needed where n is the exponent of number * that is a covenient power of two. In this way, at most one * real rounding error occurs. If the double value set is * being used exclusively, the rounding will occur on a @@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ public final class Math { // magnitude of a power of two so large that scaling a finite // nonzero value by it would be guaranteed to over or - // underflow; due to rounding, scaling down takes takes an + // underflow; due to rounding, scaling down takes an // additional power of two which is reflected here final int MAX_SCALE = DoubleConsts.MAX_EXPONENT + -DoubleConsts.MIN_EXPONENT + DoubleConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH + 1; @@ -2318,7 +2318,7 @@ public final class Math { public static float scalb(float f, int scaleFactor) { // magnitude of a power of two so large that scaling a finite // nonzero value by it would be guaranteed to over or - // underflow; due to rounding, scaling down takes takes an + // underflow; due to rounding, scaling down takes an // additional power of two which is reflected here final int MAX_SCALE = FloatConsts.MAX_EXPONENT + -FloatConsts.MIN_EXPONENT + FloatConsts.SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH + 1; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessBuilder.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessBuilder.java index 4e606d58d6c..8d4576bd40c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessBuilder.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessBuilder.java @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ public final class ProcessBuilder * {@link Process#getErrorStream()} will return a * null input stream. * - *

If the {@link #redirectErrorStream redirectErrorStream} + *

If the {@link #redirectErrorStream() redirectErrorStream} * attribute has been set {@code true}, then the redirection set * by this method has no effect. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Throwable.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Throwable.java index d71f9ecdf0d..f86ee0df424 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Throwable.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/Throwable.java @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public class Throwable implements Serializable { * The field is initialized to a zero-length array. A {@code * null} value of this field indicates subsequent calls to {@link * #setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[])} and {@link - * #fillInStackTrace()} will be be no-ops. + * #fillInStackTrace()} will be no-ops. * * @serial * @since 1.4 diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodType.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodType.java index b15c188d72b..2d1df3a5353 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodType.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodType.java @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class MethodType implements java.io.Serializable { /** * Construct a temporary unchecked instance of MethodType for use only as a key to the intern table. * Does not check the given parameters for validity, and must be discarded after it is used as a searching key. - * The parameters are reversed for this constructor, so that is is not accidentally used. + * The parameters are reversed for this constructor, so that it is not accidentally used. */ private MethodType(Class[] ptypes, Class rtype) { this.rtype = rtype; @@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ class MethodType implements java.io.Serializable { * Therefore, the number returned is the number of arguments * including and after the given parameter, * plus the number of long or double arguments - * at or after after the argument for the given parameter. + * at or after the argument for the given parameter. *

* This method is included for the benefit of applications that must * generate bytecodes that process method handles and invokedynamic. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/DomainCombiner.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/DomainCombiner.java index 7aadc7e7b2f..4785df4cd80 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/DomainCombiner.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/DomainCombiner.java @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public interface DomainCombiner { * @param currentDomains the ProtectionDomains associated with the * current execution Thread, up to the most recent * privileged {@code ProtectionDomain}. - * The ProtectionDomains are are listed in order of execution, + * The ProtectionDomains are listed in order of execution, * with the most recently executing {@code ProtectionDomain} * residing at the beginning of the array. This parameter may * be {@code null} if the current execution Thread diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Provider.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Provider.java index 2584528a464..fa20e072d5f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Provider.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Provider.java @@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ public abstract class Provider extends Properties { * * @param parameter the parameter to test * - * @return false if this this service cannot use the specified + * @return false if this service cannot use the specified * parameter; true if it can possibly use the parameter * * @throws InvalidParameterException if the value of parameter is diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Signature.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Signature.java index 738cf84ef5e..bb2e75dd1ac 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Signature.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Signature.java @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ public abstract class Signature extends SignatureSpi { /** * Updates the data to be signed or verified using the specified * ByteBuffer. Processes the {@code data.remaining()} bytes - * starting at at {@code data.position()}. + * starting at {@code data.position()}. * Upon return, the buffer's position will be equal to its limit; * its limit will not have changed. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/SignatureSpi.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/SignatureSpi.java index d6d2bc39b5e..7e78726f3b8 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/SignatureSpi.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/SignatureSpi.java @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public abstract class SignatureSpi { /** * Updates the data to be signed or verified using the specified * ByteBuffer. Processes the {@code data.remaining()} bytes - * starting at at {@code data.position()}. + * starting at {@code data.position()}. * Upon return, the buffer's position will be equal to its limit; * its limit will not have changed. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/interfaces/DSAKeyPairGenerator.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/interfaces/DSAKeyPairGenerator.java index e50cfd24c4b..558ac4419c2 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/interfaces/DSAKeyPairGenerator.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/interfaces/DSAKeyPairGenerator.java @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import java.security.*; * * * - *

Note: it is not always necessary to do do algorithm-specific + *

Note: it is not always necessary to do algorithm-specific * initialization for a DSA key pair generator. That is, it is not always * necessary to call an {@code initialize} method in this interface. * Algorithm-independent initialization using the {@code initialize} method diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.java index 661d81de0e1..02994ad5042 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.java @@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter { * This returns an immutable formatter capable of formatting and parsing * the ISO-8601 instant format. * When formatting, the second-of-minute is always output. - * The nano-of-second outputs zero, three, six or nine digits digits as necessary. + * The nano-of-second outputs zero, three, six or nine digits as necessary. * When parsing, time to at least the seconds field is required. * Fractional seconds from zero to nine are parsed. * The localized decimal style is not used. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatterBuilder.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatterBuilder.java index f2fce14586e..4616017c8e1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatterBuilder.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatterBuilder.java @@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder { * They are converted to a date-time with a zone-offset of UTC and formatted * using the standard ISO-8601 format. * With this method, formatting nano-of-second outputs zero, three, six - * or nine digits digits as necessary. + * or nine digits as necessary. * The localized decimal style is not used. *

* The instant is obtained using {@link ChronoField#INSTANT_SECONDS INSTANT_SECONDS} diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Arrays.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Arrays.java index 628ce831ab6..a7d9dccd7a5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Arrays.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Arrays.java @@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ public class Arrays { * *

The implementation takes equal advantage of ascending and * descending order in its input array, and can take advantage of - * ascending and descending order in different parts of the the same + * ascending and descending order in different parts of the same * input array. It is well-suited to merging two or more sorted arrays: * simply concatenate the arrays and sort the resulting array. * @@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ public class Arrays { * *

The implementation takes equal advantage of ascending and * descending order in its input array, and can take advantage of - * ascending and descending order in different parts of the the same + * ascending and descending order in different parts of the same * input array. It is well-suited to merging two or more sorted arrays: * simply concatenate the arrays and sort the resulting array. * @@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ public class Arrays { * *

The implementation takes equal advantage of ascending and * descending order in its input array, and can take advantage of - * ascending and descending order in different parts of the the same + * ascending and descending order in different parts of the same * input array. It is well-suited to merging two or more sorted arrays: * simply concatenate the arrays and sort the resulting array. * @@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ public class Arrays { * *

The implementation takes equal advantage of ascending and * descending order in its input array, and can take advantage of - * ascending and descending order in different parts of the the same + * ascending and descending order in different parts of the same * input array. It is well-suited to merging two or more sorted arrays: * simply concatenate the arrays and sort the resulting array. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Base64.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Base64.java index 172acbeab58..2ccfdec9f60 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Base64.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Base64.java @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ public class Base64 { * *

It is the responsibility of the invoker of this method to make * sure the output byte array {@code dst} has enough space for decoding - * all bytes from the input byte array. No bytes will be be written to + * all bytes from the input byte array. No bytes will be written to * the output byte array if the output byte array is not big enough. * *

If the input byte array is not in valid Base64 encoding scheme diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Calendar.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Calendar.java index 8ad1aa47ff0..ff0f2f7cb13 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Calendar.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Calendar.java @@ -2993,7 +2993,7 @@ public abstract class Calendar implements Serializable, Cloneable, ComparableUnlike the {@code set} method, all of the calendar fields diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Locale.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Locale.java index cf29686e693..ffea237b34a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Locale.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Locale.java @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ import sun.util.locale.provider.ResourceBundleBasedAdapter; * Locale always canonicalizes to lower case. * *

Well-formed language values have the form - * [a-zA-Z]{2,8}. Note that this is not the the full + * [a-zA-Z]{2,8}. Note that this is not the full * BCP47 language production, since it excludes extlang. They are * not needed since modern three-letter language codes replace * them.
@@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ public final class Locale implements Cloneable, Serializable { } /** - * Returns a name for the the locale's script that is appropriate for display to + * Returns a name for the locale's script that is appropriate for display to * the user. If possible, the name will be localized for the default * {@link Locale.Category#DISPLAY DISPLAY} locale. Returns * the empty string if this locale doesn't specify a script code. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ResourceBundle.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ResourceBundle.java index 3b8d06e01a7..1b55a97b6ad 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ResourceBundle.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/ResourceBundle.java @@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ public abstract class ResourceBundle { * bundle is found, the default control's {@link Control#getFallbackLocale * getFallbackLocale} method is called, which returns the current default * locale. A new sequence of candidate locale names is generated using this - * locale and and searched again, as above. + * locale and searched again, as above. * *

If still no result bundle is found, the base name alone is looked up. If * this still fails, a MissingResourceException is thrown. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterator.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterator.java index 18cb082cf38..fb110d4428a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterator.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterator.java @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ import java.util.function.LongConsumer; * via the {@link #estimateSize} method. Ideally, as reflected in characteristic * {@link #SIZED}, this value corresponds exactly to the number of elements * that would be encountered in a successful traversal. However, even when not - * exactly known, an estimated value value may still be useful to operations + * exactly known, an estimated value may still be useful to operations * being performed on the source, such as helping to determine whether it is * preferable to split further or traverse the remaining elements sequentially. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterators.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterators.java index 79c0ef3efde..31c79cb8447 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterators.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Spliterators.java @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array The array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @see Arrays#spliterator(Object[]) @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param toIndex One past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} is negative, @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array The array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @see Arrays#spliterator(int[]) @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param toIndex One past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} is negative, @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array The array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @see Arrays#spliterator(long[]) @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * {@code SIZED} and {@code SUBSIZED}. The caller may provide additional * characteristics for the spliterator to report. (For example, if it is * known the array will not be further modified, specify {@code IMMUTABLE}; - * if the array data is considered to have an an encounter order, specify + * if the array data is considered to have an encounter order, specify * {@code ORDERED}). The method {@link Arrays#spliterator(long[], int, int)} can * often be used instead, which returns a spliterator that reports * {@code SIZED}, {@code SUBSIZED}, {@code IMMUTABLE}, and {@code ORDERED}. @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param toIndex One past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} is negative, @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array The array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @see Arrays#spliterator(double[]) @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * {@code SIZED} and {@code SUBSIZED}. The caller may provide additional * characteristics for the spliterator to report. (For example, if it is * known the array will not be further modified, specify {@code IMMUTABLE}; - * if the array data is considered to have an an encounter order, specify + * if the array data is considered to have an encounter order, specify * {@code ORDERED}). The method {@link Arrays#spliterator(long[], int, int)} can * often be used instead, which returns a spliterator that reports * {@code SIZED}, {@code SUBSIZED}, {@code IMMUTABLE}, and {@code ORDERED}. @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param toIndex One past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported * @return A spliterator for an array * @throws NullPointerException if the given array is {@code null} * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} is negative, @@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array the array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public ArraySpliterator(Object[] array, int additionalCharacteristics) { this(array, 0, array.length, additionalCharacteristics); @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param fence one past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public ArraySpliterator(Object[] array, int origin, int fence, int additionalCharacteristics) { this.array = array; @@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array the array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public IntArraySpliterator(int[] array, int additionalCharacteristics) { this(array, 0, array.length, additionalCharacteristics); @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param fence one past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public IntArraySpliterator(int[] array, int origin, int fence, int additionalCharacteristics) { this.array = array; @@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array the array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public LongArraySpliterator(long[] array, int additionalCharacteristics) { this(array, 0, array.length, additionalCharacteristics); @@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param fence one past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public LongArraySpliterator(long[] array, int origin, int fence, int additionalCharacteristics) { this.array = array; @@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param array the array, assumed to be unmodified during use * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public DoubleArraySpliterator(double[] array, int additionalCharacteristics) { this(array, 0, array.length, additionalCharacteristics); @@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { * @param fence one past the greatest index to cover * @param additionalCharacteristics Additional spliterator characteristics * of this spliterator's source or elements beyond {@code SIZED} and - * {@code SUBSIZED} which are are always reported + * {@code SUBSIZED} which are always reported */ public DoubleArraySpliterator(double[] array, int origin, int fence, int additionalCharacteristics) { this.array = array; @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ public final class Spliterators { private int batch; // batch size for splits /** - * Creates a spliterator using the given given + * Creates a spliterator using the given * collection's {@link java.util.Collection#iterator()) for traversal, * and reporting its {@link java.util.Collection#size()) as its initial * size. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider.java index 5e3b5080cf8..3b2cb534bad 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider.java @@ -43,9 +43,8 @@ import java.util.Locale; * supported by the Java runtime environment itself. * *

Packaging of Locale Sensitive Service Provider Implementations

- * Implementations of these locale sensitive services are packaged using the - * Java Extension Mechanism - * as installed extensions. A provider identifies itself with a + * Implementations of these locale sensitive services can be made available + * by adding them to the application's class path. A provider identifies itself with a * provider-configuration file in the resource directory META-INF/services, * using the fully qualified provider interface class name as the file name. * The file should contain a list of fully-qualified concrete provider class names, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/CRC32C.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/CRC32C.java index f7e9773e0ea..ee690ac1bbd 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/CRC32C.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/zip/CRC32C.java @@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ public final class CRC32C implements Checksum { /** * Updates the CRC-32C checksum with the specified array of bytes. */ - @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Unsafe.{getInt, getLong} private static int updateBytes(int crc, byte[] b, int off, int end) { // Do only byte reads for arrays so short they can't be aligned @@ -228,11 +227,11 @@ public final class CRC32C implements Checksum { int secondHalf; if (Unsafe.ADDRESS_SIZE == 4) { // On 32 bit platforms read two ints instead of a single 64bit long - firstHalf = UNSAFE.getInt(b, Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + off); - secondHalf = UNSAFE.getInt(b, Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + off + firstHalf = UNSAFE.getInt(b, (long)Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + off); + secondHalf = UNSAFE.getInt(b, (long)Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + off + Integer.BYTES); } else { - long value = UNSAFE.getLong(b, Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + off); + long value = UNSAFE.getLong(b, (long)Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + off); if (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) { firstHalf = (int) value; secondHalf = (int) (value >>> 32); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/Policy.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/Policy.java index 97d08a7ccc0..3536d743aed 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/Policy.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/Policy.java @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import sun.security.util.Debug; * * * The CodeBase and Signedby components of the triplet name/value pairs - * are optional. If they are not present, then any any codebase will match, + * are optional. If they are not present, then any codebase will match, * and any signer (including unsigned code) will match. * For Example, * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/SubjectDomainCombiner.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/SubjectDomainCombiner.java index da75d683425..187c8c7156f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/SubjectDomainCombiner.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/javax/security/auth/SubjectDomainCombiner.java @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class SubjectDomainCombiner implements java.security.DomainCombiner { * @param currentDomains the ProtectionDomains associated with the * current execution Thread, up to the most recent * privileged {@code ProtectionDomain}. - * The ProtectionDomains are are listed in order of execution, + * The ProtectionDomains are listed in order of execution, * with the most recently executing {@code ProtectionDomain} * residing at the beginning of the array. This parameter may * be {@code null} if the current execution Thread diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm/Frame.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm/Frame.java index 811b74c7242..bb7ff8f5147 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm/Frame.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/org/objectweb/asm/Frame.java @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ final class Frame { private static final int LOCAL = 0x2000000; /** - * Kind of the the types that are relative to the stack of an input stack + * Kind of the types that are relative to the stack of an input stack * map frame. The value of such types is a position relatively to the top of * this stack. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/util/xml/XMLStreamWriter.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/util/xml/XMLStreamWriter.java index e67933b4d8d..0478420c9fa 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/util/xml/XMLStreamWriter.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/util/xml/XMLStreamWriter.java @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public interface XMLStreamWriter { public void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException; /** - * Write the XML Declaration. Defaults the the encoding to utf-8 + * Write the XML Declaration. Defaults the encoding to utf-8 * @param version version of the xml document * @throws XMLStreamException */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/invoke/util/VerifyAccess.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/invoke/util/VerifyAccess.java index fc870fc9403..e10d2e1117f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/invoke/util/VerifyAccess.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/invoke/util/VerifyAccess.java @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class VerifyAccess { * @param defc the class in which the proposed member is actually defined * @param mods modifier flags for the proposed member * @param lookupClass the class for which the access check is being made - * @return true iff the the accessing class can access such a member + * @return true iff the accessing class can access such a member */ public static boolean isMemberAccessible(Class refc, // symbolic ref class Class defc, // actual def class diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/launcher/resources/launcher.properties b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/launcher/resources/launcher.properties index cfdf9a9c7a5..03ee5c62629 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/launcher/resources/launcher.properties +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/launcher/resources/launcher.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # -# Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -46,11 +46,7 @@ java.launcher.opt.footer =\ -cp \n\ -\ require the specified version to run\n\ \ -showversion print product version and continue\n\ -\ -jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search\n\ -\ include/exclude user private JREs in the version search\n\ \ -? -help print this help message\n\ \ -X print help on non-standard options\n\ \ -ea[:...|:]\n\ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/JavaNioAccess.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/JavaNioAccess.java index e4f0a781290..8a1d68d0473 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/JavaNioAccess.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/JavaNioAccess.java @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public interface JavaNioAccess { /** * Constructs a direct ByteBuffer referring to the block of memory starting - * at the given memory address and and extending {@code cap} bytes. + * at the given memory address and extending {@code cap} bytes. * The {@code ob} parameter is an arbitrary object that is attached * to the resulting buffer. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/Unsafe.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/Unsafe.java index 1a2e9155e1d..08d04fde377 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/Unsafe.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/Unsafe.java @@ -958,6 +958,8 @@ public final class Unsafe { * other threads. This method is generally only useful if the * underlying field is a Java volatile (or if an array cell, one * that is otherwise only accessed using volatile accesses). + * + * Corresponds to C11 atomic_store_explicit(..., memory_order_release). */ public native void putOrderedObject(Object o, long offset, Object x); @@ -1111,22 +1113,40 @@ public final class Unsafe { /** - * Ensures lack of reordering of loads before the fence - * with loads or stores after the fence. + * Ensures that loads before the fence will not be reordered with loads and + * stores after the fence; a "LoadLoad plus LoadStore barrier". + * + * Corresponds to C11 atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_acquire) + * (an "acquire fence"). + * + * A pure LoadLoad fence is not provided, since the addition of LoadStore + * is almost always desired, and most current hardware instructions that + * provide a LoadLoad barrier also provide a LoadStore barrier for free. * @since 1.8 */ public native void loadFence(); /** - * Ensures lack of reordering of stores before the fence - * with loads or stores after the fence. + * Ensures that loads and stores before the fence will not be reordered with + * stores after the fence; a "StoreStore plus LoadStore barrier". + * + * Corresponds to C11 atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_release) + * (a "release fence"). + * + * A pure StoreStore fence is not provided, since the addition of LoadStore + * is almost always desired, and most current hardware instructions that + * provide a StoreStore barrier also provide a LoadStore barrier for free. * @since 1.8 */ public native void storeFence(); /** - * Ensures lack of reordering of loads or stores before the fence - * with loads or stores after the fence. + * Ensures that loads and stores before the fence will not be reordered + * with loads and stores after the fence. Implies the effects of both + * loadFence() and storeFence(), and in addition, the effect of a StoreLoad + * barrier. + * + * Corresponds to C11 atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst). * @since 1.8 */ public native void fullFence(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/VM.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/VM.java index 9ddff0e2f87..c877e40446f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/VM.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/misc/VM.java @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class VM { private static volatile boolean booted = false; private static final Object lock = new Object(); - // Invoked by by System.initializeSystemClass just before returning. + // Invoked by System.initializeSystemClass just before returning. // Subsystems that are invoked during initialization can check this // property in order to avoid doing things that should wait until the // application class loader has been set up. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/net/ftp/impl/FtpClient.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/net/ftp/impl/FtpClient.java index 61ab2fbb9d3..47aabf5cbf2 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/net/ftp/impl/FtpClient.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/net/ftp/impl/FtpClient.java @@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ public class FtpClient extends sun.net.ftp.FtpClient { return resp.get(0).substring(4); } // on multiple lines answers, like the ones above, remove 1st and last - // line, concat the the others. + // line, concat the others. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < resp.size() - 1; i++) { sb.append(resp.get(i).substring(3)); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl.java index 8f18d44d63e..5981fd883db 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl.java @@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ public class FileChannelImpl // -- Standard channel operations -- protected void implCloseChannel() throws IOException { + if (!fd.valid()) + return; // nothing to do + // Release and invalidate any locks that we still hold if (fileLockTable != null) { for (FileLock fl: fileLockTable.removeAll()) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/Label.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/Label.java index 4caa3b40a83..bac62793bde 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/Label.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/Label.java @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class Label { final short patchBCI; final int stackDepth; } - private List patches = new ArrayList<>(); + private final List patches = new ArrayList<>(); public Label() { } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory.java index dc26fab816b..34c1da25908 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/ReflectionFactory.java @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class ReflectionFactory { * be initialized and therefore must not be called until the * first get/set of this field. * @param field the field - * @param override true if caller has overridden aaccessibility + * @param override true if caller has overridden accessibility */ public FieldAccessor newFieldAccessor(Field field, boolean override) { checkInitted(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java index 120fe7aac16..da509b6081a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java @@ -280,19 +280,25 @@ class AnnotationInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler, Serializable { * be rare). */ private Method[] getMemberMethods() { - if (memberMethods == null) { - memberMethods = AccessController.doPrivileged( - new PrivilegedAction() { - public Method[] run() { - final Method[] mm = type.getDeclaredMethods(); - validateAnnotationMethods(mm); - AccessibleObject.setAccessible(mm, true); - return mm; - } - }); + Method[] value = memberMethods; + if (value == null) { + value = computeMemberMethods(); + memberMethods = value; } - return memberMethods; + return value; } + + private Method[] computeMemberMethods() { + return AccessController.doPrivileged( + new PrivilegedAction() { + public Method[] run() { + final Method[] methods = type.getDeclaredMethods(); + validateAnnotationMethods(methods); + AccessibleObject.setAccessible(methods, true); + return methods; + }}); + } + private transient volatile Method[] memberMethods = null; /** diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationParser.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationParser.java index 2dc978a4dea..32eb02f72eb 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationParser.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationParser.java @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ public class AnnotationParser { } /** - * Return an appropriate exception proxy for a mismatching array + * Returns an appropriate exception proxy for a mismatching array * annotation where the erroneous array has the specified tag. */ private static ExceptionProxy exceptionProxy(int tag) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationSupport.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationSupport.java index 604e19574f9..f4ef3dc38eb 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationSupport.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationSupport.java @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public final class AnnotationSupport { /** - * Figures out if conatiner class comes before containee class among the + * Figures out if container class comes before containee class among the * keys of the given map. * * @return true if container class is found before containee class when diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType.java index aa0cbe9f7cf..669099019f1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType.java @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class AnnotationType { private final Map memberDefaults; /** - * Member name -> Method object mapping. This (and its assoicated + * Member name -> Method object mapping. This (and its associated * accessor) are used only to generate AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptions. */ private final Map members; @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class AnnotationType { memberDefaults = new HashMap(0); members = new HashMap(methods.length+1, 1.0f); - for (Method method : methods) { + for (Method method : methods) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(method + " has params"); String name = method.getName(); @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public class AnnotationType { } /** - * Returns true if this this annotation type is inherited. + * Returns true if this annotation type is inherited. */ public boolean isInherited() { return inherited; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptionProxy.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptionProxy.java index c69fe484630..76fce91e88c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptionProxy.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptionProxy.java @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Method; class AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptionProxy extends ExceptionProxy { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7844069490309503934L; private Method member; - private String foundType; + private final String foundType; /** * It turns out to be convenient to construct these proxies in diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy.java index b229c0041e7..1cd640de293 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy.java @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ package sun.reflect.annotation; */ public class EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy extends ExceptionProxy { private static final long serialVersionUID = -604662101303187330L; - Class> enumType; - String constName; + final Class> enumType; + final String constName; public EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy(Class> enumType, String constName) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy.java index 76cba1dcb72..5d0fde21af6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/annotation/TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy.java @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ import java.lang.annotation.*; */ public class TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy extends ExceptionProxy { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5565925172427947573L; - String typeName; - Throwable cause; + final String typeName; + final Throwable cause; public TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy(String typeName, Throwable cause) { this.typeName = typeName; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/CoreReflectionFactory.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/CoreReflectionFactory.java index fb939f415c9..f0531e60c36 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/CoreReflectionFactory.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/CoreReflectionFactory.java @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ public class CoreReflectionFactory implements GenericsFactory { * kind. Classes produced will be those that would be loaded by the * defining class loader of the declaration d (if d * is a type declaration, or by the defining loader of the declaring - * class of d otherwise. + * class of d otherwise. *

Type variables will be created or lookup as necessary in the * scope s. * @param d - the generic declaration (class, interface, method or - * constructor) that thsi factory services + * constructor) that this factory services * @param s the scope in which the factory will allocate and search for * type variables * @return an instance of CoreReflectionFactory diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/GenericsFactory.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/GenericsFactory.java index 9f32d3d9fb1..b3ed7b4ec48 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/GenericsFactory.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/factory/GenericsFactory.java @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import sun.reflect.generics.tree.FieldTypeSignature; * of a specific implementation by using this interface. For example, * repositories of generic type information are initialized with a * factory conforming to this interface, and use it to generate the - * tpe information they are required to provide. As a result, such + * type information they are required to provide. As a result, such * repository code can be shared across different reflective systems. */ public interface GenericsFactory { @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public interface GenericsFactory { TypeVariable makeTypeVariable(String name, FieldTypeSignature[] bounds); /** - * Return an instance of the ParameterizedType interface + * Returns an instance of the ParameterizedType interface * that corresponds to a generic type instantiation of the * generic declaration declaration with actual type arguments * typeArgs. @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public interface GenericsFactory { /** * Returns a (possibly generic) array type. * If the component type is a parameterized type, it must - * only have unbounded wildcard arguemnts, otherwise + * only have unbounded wildcard arguments, otherwise * a MalformedParameterizedTypeException is thrown. * @param componentType - the component type of the array * @return a (possibly generic) array type. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/parser/SignatureParser.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/parser/SignatureParser.java index 16a7f0a69f1..2202d2b99f4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/parser/SignatureParser.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/parser/SignatureParser.java @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public class SignatureParser { * "<" FormalTypeParameter+ ">" */ private FormalTypeParameter[] parseFormalTypeParameters(){ - List ftps = new ArrayList<>(3); + List ftps = new ArrayList<>(3); assert(current() == '<'); // should not have been called at all if (current() != '<') { throw error("expected '<'");} advance(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/GenericArrayTypeImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/GenericArrayTypeImpl.java index 7520403ffdb..f15bc7a5492 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/GenericArrayTypeImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/GenericArrayTypeImpl.java @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ public class GenericArrayTypeImpl /** - * Returns a Type object representing the component type + * Returns a Type object representing the component type * of this array. * - * @return a Type object representing the component type + * @return a Type object representing the component type * of this array * @since 1.5 */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator.java index 0bc6f608811..3b78f7b1d9b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator.java @@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ package sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects; +import java.lang.reflect.Type; import sun.reflect.generics.factory.GenericsFactory; +import sun.reflect.generics.tree.FieldTypeSignature; import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.Reifier; @@ -54,4 +56,16 @@ public abstract class LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator { // produce a reifying visitor (could this be typed as a TypeTreeVisitor? protected Reifier getReifier(){return Reifier.make(getFactory());} + Type[] reifyBounds(FieldTypeSignature[] boundASTs) { + final int length = boundASTs.length; + final Type[] bounds = new Type[length]; + // iterate over bound trees, reifying each in turn + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + Reifier r = getReifier(); + boundASTs[i].accept(r); + bounds[i] = r.getResult(); + } + return bounds; + } + } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/TypeVariableImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/TypeVariableImpl.java index e5d05205dff..2d117ee437f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/TypeVariableImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/TypeVariableImpl.java @@ -51,17 +51,16 @@ import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil; */ public class TypeVariableImpl extends LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator implements TypeVariable { - D genericDeclaration; - private String name; - // upper bounds - evaluated lazily - private Type[] bounds; + private final D genericDeclaration; + private final String name; - // The ASTs for the bounds. We are required to evaluate the bounds - // lazily, so we store these at least until we are first asked - // for the bounds. This also neatly solves the - // problem with F-bounds - you can't reify them before the formal - // is defined. - private FieldTypeSignature[] boundASTs; + /** + * The upper bounds. Lazily converted from FieldTypeSignature[] to Type[]. + * We are required to evaluate the bounds lazily, so we store them as ASTs + * until we are first asked for them. This also neatly solves the problem + * with F-bounds - you can't reify them before the formal is defined. + */ + private volatile Object[] bounds; // constructor is private to enforce access through static factory private TypeVariableImpl(D decl, String n, FieldTypeSignature[] bs, @@ -69,18 +68,7 @@ public class TypeVariableImpl super(f); genericDeclaration = decl; name = n; - boundASTs = bs; - } - - // Accessors - - // accessor for ASTs for bounds. Must not be called after - // bounds have been evaluated, because we might throw the ASTs - // away (but that is not thread-safe, is it?) - private FieldTypeSignature[] getBoundASTs() { - // check that bounds were not evaluated yet - assert(bounds == null); - return boundASTs; + bounds = bs; } /** @@ -123,7 +111,7 @@ public class TypeVariableImpl *

  • Otherwise, B is resolved. * * - * @throws TypeNotPresentException if any of the + * @throws TypeNotPresentException if any of the * bounds refers to a non-existent type declaration * @throws MalformedParameterizedTypeException if any of the * bounds refer to a parameterized type that cannot be instantiated @@ -132,34 +120,23 @@ public class TypeVariableImpl * type variable */ public Type[] getBounds() { - // lazily initialize bounds if necessary - if (bounds == null) { - FieldTypeSignature[] fts = getBoundASTs(); // get AST - // allocate result array; note that - // keeping ts and bounds separate helps with threads - Type[] ts = new Type[fts.length]; - // iterate over bound trees, reifying each in turn - for ( int j = 0; j < fts.length; j++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); - fts[j].accept(r); - ts[j] = r.getResult(); - } - // cache result - bounds = ts; - // could throw away bound ASTs here; thread safety? + Object[] value = bounds; + if (value instanceof FieldTypeSignature[]) { + value = reifyBounds((FieldTypeSignature[])value); + bounds = value; } - return bounds.clone(); // return cached bounds + return (Type[])value.clone(); } /** - * Returns the GenericDeclaration object representing the + * Returns the GenericDeclaration object representing the * generic declaration that declared this type variable. * * @return the generic declaration that declared this type variable. * * @since 1.5 */ - public D getGenericDeclaration(){ + public D getGenericDeclaration() { if (genericDeclaration instanceof Class) ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess((Class)genericDeclaration); else if ((genericDeclaration instanceof Method) || diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/WildcardTypeImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/WildcardTypeImpl.java index dbb0406dc71..174f0cc6854 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/WildcardTypeImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/reflectiveObjects/WildcardTypeImpl.java @@ -39,25 +39,26 @@ import java.util.Arrays; */ public class WildcardTypeImpl extends LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator implements WildcardType { - // upper bounds - evaluated lazily - private Type[] upperBounds; - // lower bounds - evaluated lazily - private Type[] lowerBounds; - // The ASTs for the bounds. We are required to evaluate the bounds - // lazily, so we store these at least until we are first asked - // for the bounds. This also neatly solves the - // problem with F-bounds - you can't reify them before the formal - // is defined. - private FieldTypeSignature[] upperBoundASTs; - private FieldTypeSignature[] lowerBoundASTs; + + /* + * We are required to evaluate the bounds lazily, so we store them as ASTs + * until we are first asked for them. This also neatly solves the problem + * with F-bounds - you can't reify them before the formal is defined. + */ + + /** The upper bounds. Lazily converted from FieldTypeSignature[] to Type[]. */ + private volatile Object[] upperBounds; + + /** The lower bounds. Lazily converted from FieldTypeSignature[] to Type[]. */ + private volatile Object[] lowerBounds; // constructor is private to enforce access through static factory private WildcardTypeImpl(FieldTypeSignature[] ubs, FieldTypeSignature[] lbs, GenericsFactory f) { super(f); - upperBoundASTs = ubs; - lowerBoundASTs = lbs; + upperBounds = ubs; + lowerBounds = lbs; } /** @@ -76,27 +77,8 @@ public class WildcardTypeImpl extends LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator return new WildcardTypeImpl(ubs, lbs, f); } - // Accessors - - // accessor for ASTs for upper bounds. Must not be called after upper - // bounds have been evaluated, because we might throw the ASTs - // away (but that is not thread-safe, is it?) - private FieldTypeSignature[] getUpperBoundASTs() { - // check that upper bounds were not evaluated yet - assert(upperBounds == null); - return upperBoundASTs; - } - // accessor for ASTs for lower bounds. Must not be called after lower - // bounds have been evaluated, because we might throw the ASTs - // away (but that is not thread-safe, is it?) - private FieldTypeSignature[] getLowerBoundASTs() { - // check that lower bounds were not evaluated yet - assert(lowerBounds == null); - return lowerBoundASTs; - } - /** - * Returns an array of Type objects representing the upper + * Returns an array of Type objects representing the upper * bound(s) of this type variable. Note that if no upper bound is * explicitly declared, the upper bound is Object. * @@ -117,24 +99,12 @@ public class WildcardTypeImpl extends LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator * for any reason */ public Type[] getUpperBounds() { - // lazily initialize bounds if necessary - if (upperBounds == null) { - FieldTypeSignature[] fts = getUpperBoundASTs(); // get AST - - // allocate result array; note that - // keeping ts and bounds separate helps with threads - Type[] ts = new Type[fts.length]; - // iterate over bound trees, reifying each in turn - for ( int j = 0; j < fts.length; j++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); - fts[j].accept(r); - ts[j] = r.getResult(); - } - // cache result - upperBounds = ts; - // could throw away upper bound ASTs here; thread safety? + Object[] value = upperBounds; + if (value instanceof FieldTypeSignature[]) { + value = reifyBounds((FieldTypeSignature[])value); + upperBounds = value; } - return upperBounds.clone(); // return cached bounds + return (Type[])value.clone(); } /** @@ -160,23 +130,12 @@ public class WildcardTypeImpl extends LazyReflectiveObjectGenerator * for any reason */ public Type[] getLowerBounds() { - // lazily initialize bounds if necessary - if (lowerBounds == null) { - FieldTypeSignature[] fts = getLowerBoundASTs(); // get AST - // allocate result array; note that - // keeping ts and bounds separate helps with threads - Type[] ts = new Type[fts.length]; - // iterate over bound trees, reifying each in turn - for ( int j = 0; j < fts.length; j++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); - fts[j].accept(r); - ts[j] = r.getResult(); - } - // cache result - lowerBounds = ts; - // could throw away lower bound ASTs here; thread safety? + Object[] value = lowerBounds; + if (value instanceof FieldTypeSignature[]) { + value = reifyBounds((FieldTypeSignature[])value); + lowerBounds = value; } - return lowerBounds.clone(); // return cached bounds + return (Type[])value.clone(); } public String toString() { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/AbstractRepository.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/AbstractRepository.java index 42f9446c33a..a5fab3b2883 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/AbstractRepository.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/AbstractRepository.java @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractRepository { /** * Returns a Reifier used to convert parts of the * AST into reflective objects. - * @return a Reifier used to convert parts of the + * @return a Reifier used to convert parts of the * AST into reflective objects */ protected Reifier getReifier(){return Reifier.make(getFactory());} @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractRepository { } /** - * Returns the AST for the genric type info of this entity. + * Returns the AST for the generic type info of this entity. * @param s - a string representing the generic signature of this * entity * @return the AST for the generic type info of this entity. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ClassRepository.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ClassRepository.java index edcdc865889..d5226bb0e33 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ClassRepository.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ClassRepository.java @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ package sun.reflect.generics.repository; +import java.lang.reflect.Type; import sun.reflect.generics.factory.GenericsFactory; import sun.reflect.generics.tree.ClassSignature; import sun.reflect.generics.tree.TypeTree; import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.Reifier; import sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser; -import java.lang.reflect.Type; /** @@ -70,47 +70,54 @@ public class ClassRepository extends GenericDeclRepository { return new ClassRepository(rawSig, f); } - // public API /* * When queried for a particular piece of type information, the * general pattern is to consult the corresponding cached value. * If the corresponding field is non-null, it is returned. * If not, it is created lazily. This is done by selecting the appropriate * part of the tree and transforming it into a reflective object - * using a visitor. - * a visitor, which is created by feeding it the factory + * using a visitor, which is created by feeding it the factory * with which the repository was created. */ public Type getSuperclass() { - Type superclass = this.superclass; - if (superclass == null) { // lazily initialize superclass - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - // Extract superclass subtree from AST and reify - getTree().getSuperclass().accept(r); - // extract result from visitor and cache it - superclass = r.getResult(); - this.superclass = superclass; + Type value = superclass; + if (value == null) { + value = computeSuperclass(); + superclass = value; } - return superclass; // return cached result + return value; } public Type[] getSuperInterfaces() { - Type[] superInterfaces = this.superInterfaces; - if (superInterfaces == null) { // lazily initialize super interfaces - // first, extract super interface subtree(s) from AST - TypeTree[] ts = getTree().getSuperInterfaces(); - // create array to store reified subtree(s) - superInterfaces = new Type[ts.length]; - // reify all subtrees - for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - ts[i].accept(r);// reify subtree - // extract result from visitor and store it - superInterfaces[i] = r.getResult(); - } - this.superInterfaces = superInterfaces; + Type[] value = superInterfaces; + if (value == null) { + value = computeSuperInterfaces(); + superInterfaces = value; } - return superInterfaces.clone(); // return cached result + return value.clone(); + } + + private Type computeSuperclass() { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + // Extract superclass subtree from AST and reify + getTree().getSuperclass().accept(r); + return r.getResult(); + } + + private Type[] computeSuperInterfaces() { + // first, extract super interface subtree(s) from AST + TypeTree[] ts = getTree().getSuperInterfaces(); + // create array to store reified subtree(s) + int length = ts.length; + Type[] superInterfaces = new Type[length]; + // reify all subtrees + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + ts[i].accept(r);// reify subtree + // extract result from visitor and store it + superInterfaces[i] = r.getResult(); + } + return superInterfaces; } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ConstructorRepository.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ConstructorRepository.java index a47a0f160df..1f29cd8d413 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ConstructorRepository.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/ConstructorRepository.java @@ -43,8 +43,11 @@ import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.Reifier; public class ConstructorRepository extends GenericDeclRepository { - private Type[] paramTypes; // caches the generic parameter types info - private Type[] exceptionTypes; // caches the generic exception types info + /** The generic parameter types. Lazily initialized. */ + private volatile Type[] parameterTypes; + + /** The generic exception types. Lazily initialized. */ + private volatile Type[] exceptionTypes; // protected, to enforce use of static factory yet allow subclassing protected ConstructorRepository(String rawSig, GenericsFactory f) { @@ -64,57 +67,67 @@ public class ConstructorRepository * @return a ConstructorRepository that manages the generic type * information represented in the signature rawSig */ - public static ConstructorRepository make(String rawSig, - GenericsFactory f) { + public static ConstructorRepository make(String rawSig, GenericsFactory f) { return new ConstructorRepository(rawSig, f); } - // public API - /* * When queried for a particular piece of type information, the * general pattern is to consult the corresponding cached value. * If the corresponding field is non-null, it is returned. * If not, it is created lazily. This is done by selecting the appropriate * part of the tree and transforming it into a reflective object - * using a visitor. - * a visitor, which is created by feeding it the factory + * using a visitor, which is created by feeding it the factory * with which the repository was created. */ - public Type[] getParameterTypes(){ - if (paramTypes == null) { // lazily initialize parameter types - // first, extract parameter type subtree(s) from AST - TypeSignature[] pts = getTree().getParameterTypes(); - // create array to store reified subtree(s) - Type[] ps = new Type[pts.length]; - // reify all subtrees - for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - pts[i].accept(r); // reify subtree - // extract result from visitor and store it - ps[i] = r.getResult(); - } - paramTypes = ps; // cache overall result + public Type[] getParameterTypes() { + Type[] value = parameterTypes; + if (value == null) { + value = computeParameterTypes(); + parameterTypes = value; } - return paramTypes.clone(); // return cached result + return value.clone(); } - public Type[] getExceptionTypes(){ - if (exceptionTypes == null) { // lazily initialize exception types - // first, extract exception type subtree(s) from AST - FieldTypeSignature[] ets = getTree().getExceptionTypes(); - // create array to store reified subtree(s) - Type[] es = new Type[ets.length]; - // reify all subtrees - for (int i = 0; i < ets.length; i++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - ets[i].accept(r); // reify subtree - // extract result from visitor and store it - es[i] = r.getResult(); - } - exceptionTypes = es; // cache overall result + public Type[] getExceptionTypes() { + Type[] value = exceptionTypes; + if (value == null) { + value = computeExceptionTypes(); + exceptionTypes = value; } - return exceptionTypes.clone(); // return cached result + return value.clone(); + } + + private Type[] computeParameterTypes() { + // first, extract parameter type subtree(s) from AST + TypeSignature[] pts = getTree().getParameterTypes(); + // create array to store reified subtree(s) + int length = pts.length; + Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[length]; + // reify all subtrees + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + pts[i].accept(r); // reify subtree + // extract result from visitor and store it + parameterTypes[i] = r.getResult(); + } + return parameterTypes; + } + + private Type[] computeExceptionTypes() { + // first, extract exception type subtree(s) from AST + FieldTypeSignature[] ets = getTree().getExceptionTypes(); + // create array to store reified subtree(s) + int length = ets.length; + Type[] exceptionTypes = new Type[length]; + // reify all subtrees + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + ets[i].accept(r); // reify subtree + // extract result from visitor and store it + exceptionTypes[i] = r.getResult(); + } + return exceptionTypes; } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/FieldRepository.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/FieldRepository.java index dc74ac5579b..fae5946e590 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/FieldRepository.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/FieldRepository.java @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.Reifier; */ public class FieldRepository extends AbstractRepository { - private Type genericType; // caches the generic type info + /** The generic type info. Lazily initialized. */ + private volatile Type genericType; // protected, to enforce use of static factory yet allow subclassing protected FieldRepository(String rawSig, GenericsFactory f) { @@ -61,31 +62,32 @@ public class FieldRepository extends AbstractRepository { * @return a FieldRepository that manages the generic type * information represented in the signature rawSig */ - public static FieldRepository make(String rawSig, - GenericsFactory f) { + public static FieldRepository make(String rawSig, GenericsFactory f) { return new FieldRepository(rawSig, f); } - // public API - /* * When queried for a particular piece of type information, the * general pattern is to consult the corresponding cached value. * If the corresponding field is non-null, it is returned. * If not, it is created lazily. This is done by selecting the appropriate * part of the tree and transforming it into a reflective object - * using a visitor. - * a visitor, which is created by feeding it the factory + * using a visitor, which is created by feeding it the factory * with which the repository was created. */ - public Type getGenericType(){ - if (genericType == null) { // lazily initialize generic type - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - getTree().accept(r); // reify subtree - // extract result from visitor and cache it - genericType = r.getResult(); + public Type getGenericType() { + Type value = genericType; + if (value == null) { + value = computeGenericType(); + genericType = value; } - return genericType; // return cached result + return value; + } + + private Type computeGenericType() { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + getTree().accept(r); // reify subtree + return r.getResult(); // extract result from visitor } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/GenericDeclRepository.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/GenericDeclRepository.java index e530d573d84..277951bf3d9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/GenericDeclRepository.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/GenericDeclRepository.java @@ -43,13 +43,12 @@ public abstract class GenericDeclRepository extends AbstractRepository { /** The formal type parameters. Lazily initialized. */ - private volatile TypeVariable[] typeParams; + private volatile TypeVariable[] typeParameters; protected GenericDeclRepository(String rawSig, GenericsFactory f) { super(rawSig, f); } - // public API /* * When queried for a particular piece of type information, the * general pattern is to consult the corresponding cached value. @@ -61,25 +60,31 @@ public abstract class GenericDeclRepository */ /** - * Return the formal type parameters of this generic declaration. + * Returns the formal type parameters of this generic declaration. * @return the formal type parameters of this generic declaration */ public TypeVariable[] getTypeParameters() { - TypeVariable[] typeParams = this.typeParams; - if (typeParams == null) { // lazily initialize type parameters - // first, extract type parameter subtree(s) from AST - FormalTypeParameter[] ftps = getTree().getFormalTypeParameters(); - // create array to store reified subtree(s) - typeParams = new TypeVariable[ftps.length]; - // reify all subtrees - for (int i = 0; i < ftps.length; i++) { - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - ftps[i].accept(r); // reify subtree - // extract result from visitor and store it - typeParams[i] = (TypeVariable) r.getResult(); - } - this.typeParams = typeParams; // cache overall result + TypeVariable[] value = typeParameters; + if (value == null) { + value = computeTypeParameters(); + typeParameters = value; } - return typeParams.clone(); // return cached result + return value.clone(); + } + + private TypeVariable[] computeTypeParameters() { + // first, extract type parameter subtree(s) from AST + FormalTypeParameter[] ftps = getTree().getFormalTypeParameters(); + // create array to store reified subtree(s) + int length = ftps.length; + TypeVariable[] typeParameters = new TypeVariable[length]; + // reify all subtrees + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + ftps[i].accept(r); // reify subtree + // extract result from visitor and store it + typeParameters[i] = (TypeVariable) r.getResult(); + } + return typeParameters; } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/MethodRepository.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/MethodRepository.java index 54221c60860..0df3f5d786d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/MethodRepository.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/repository/MethodRepository.java @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.Reifier; */ public class MethodRepository extends ConstructorRepository { - private Type returnType; // caches the generic return type info + /** The generic return type info. Lazily initialized. */ + private volatile Type returnType; // private, to enforce use of static factory private MethodRepository(String rawSig, GenericsFactory f) { @@ -59,18 +60,21 @@ public class MethodRepository extends ConstructorRepository { return new MethodRepository(rawSig, f); } - // public API - public Type getReturnType() { - if (returnType == null) { // lazily initialize return type - Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor - // Extract return type subtree from AST and reify - getTree().getReturnType().accept(r); - // extract result from visitor and cache it - returnType = r.getResult(); - } - return returnType; // return cached result + Type value = returnType; + if (value == null) { + value = computeReturnType(); + returnType = value; + } + return value; } + private Type computeReturnType() { + Reifier r = getReifier(); // obtain visitor + // Extract return type subtree from AST and reify + getTree().getReturnType().accept(r); + // extract result from visitor and cache it + return r.getResult(); + } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/scope/AbstractScope.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/scope/AbstractScope.java index 6a1827144aa..18e5dd4277f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/scope/AbstractScope.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/scope/AbstractScope.java @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; - /** * Abstract superclass for lazy scope objects, used when building * factories for generic information repositories. @@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractScope /** * Constructor. Takes a reflective object whose scope the newly * constructed instance will represent. - * @param D - A generic declaration whose scope the newly + * @param decl - A generic declaration whose scope the newly * constructed instance will represent */ protected AbstractScope(D decl){ recvr = decl;} @@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractScope /** This method must be implemented by any concrete subclass. * It must return the enclosing scope of this scope. If this scope - * is a top-level scope, an instance of DummyScope must be returned. + * is a top-level scope, an instance of DummyScope must be returned. * @return The enclosing scope of this scope */ protected abstract Scope computeEnclosingScope(); @@ -72,13 +71,13 @@ public abstract class AbstractScope * Accessor for the enclosing scope, which is computed lazily and cached. * @return the enclosing scope */ - protected Scope getEnclosingScope(){ - Scope enclosingScope = this.enclosingScope; - if (enclosingScope == null) { - enclosingScope = computeEnclosingScope(); - this.enclosingScope = enclosingScope; + protected Scope getEnclosingScope() { + Scope value = enclosingScope; + if (value == null) { + value = computeEnclosingScope(); + enclosingScope = value; } - return enclosingScope; + return value; } /** diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Signature.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Signature.java index f4a54f82fa6..ed5d2ce7d73 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Signature.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Signature.java @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ package sun.reflect.generics.tree; /** * Common superinterface for generic signatures. These are the signatures - * of complete class and method/constructor delcarations. + * of complete class and method/constructor declarations. */ public interface Signature extends Tree{ FormalTypeParameter[] getFormalTypeParameters(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Wildcard.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Wildcard.java index 5e3b6b842de..d09e2153799 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Wildcard.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/tree/Wildcard.java @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ package sun.reflect.generics.tree; import sun.reflect.generics.visitor.TypeTreeVisitor; public class Wildcard implements TypeArgument { - private FieldTypeSignature[] upperBounds; - private FieldTypeSignature[] lowerBounds; + private final FieldTypeSignature[] upperBounds; + private final FieldTypeSignature[] lowerBounds; private Wildcard(FieldTypeSignature[] ubs, FieldTypeSignature[] lbs) { upperBounds = ubs; @@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ public class Wildcard implements TypeArgument { return new Wildcard(ubs, lbs); } - public FieldTypeSignature[] getUpperBounds(){ + public FieldTypeSignature[] getUpperBounds() { return upperBounds; } - public FieldTypeSignature[] getLowerBounds(){ + public FieldTypeSignature[] getLowerBounds() { if (lowerBounds.length == 1 && lowerBounds[0] == BottomSignature.make()) return emptyBounds; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/visitor/Reifier.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/visitor/Reifier.java index b0a4557af08..ada00e09848 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/visitor/Reifier.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/generics/visitor/Reifier.java @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import sun.reflect.generics.factory.*; */ public class Reifier implements TypeTreeVisitor { private Type resultType; - private GenericsFactory factory; + private final GenericsFactory factory; private Reifier(GenericsFactory f){ factory = f; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/MethodUtil.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/MethodUtil.java index ebe802b60a2..964991bf932 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/MethodUtil.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/MethodUtil.java @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; +import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import sun.misc.IOUtils; @@ -216,17 +217,21 @@ public final class MethodUtil extends SecureClassLoader { * key in the method cache. */ private static class Signature { - private String methodName; - private Class[] argClasses; - - private volatile int hashCode = 0; + private final String methodName; + private final Class[] argClasses; + private final int hashCode; Signature(Method m) { this.methodName = m.getName(); this.argClasses = m.getParameterTypes(); + this.hashCode = methodName.hashCode() + Arrays.hashCode(argClasses); } - public boolean equals(Object o2) { + @Override public int hashCode() { + return hashCode; + } + + @Override public boolean equals(Object o2) { if (this == o2) { return true; } @@ -244,25 +249,6 @@ public final class MethodUtil extends SecureClassLoader { } return true; } - - /** - * Hash code computed using algorithm suggested in - * Effective Java, Item 8. - */ - public int hashCode() { - if (hashCode == 0) { - int result = 17; - result = 37 * result + methodName.hashCode(); - if (argClasses != null) { - for (int i = 0; i < argClasses.length; i++) { - result = 37 * result + ((argClasses[i] == null) ? 0 : - argClasses[i].hashCode()); - } - } - hashCode = result; - } - return hashCode; - } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/ReflectUtil.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/ReflectUtil.java index aa41880319b..cee12a029ea 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/ReflectUtil.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/reflect/misc/ReflectUtil.java @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ public final class ReflectUtil { return; } - // disallow any method not declared in one of the proxy intefaces + // disallow any method not declared in one of the proxy interfaces throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle: " + method); } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/PolicyFile.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/PolicyFile.java index ccc8847b300..b59c4794fda 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/PolicyFile.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/provider/PolicyFile.java @@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ public class PolicyFile extends java.security.Policy { } /** - * Evaluates the the global policy for the permissions granted to + * Evaluates the global policy for the permissions granted to * the ProtectionDomain and tests whether the permission is * granted. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/EphemeralKeyManager.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/EphemeralKeyManager.java index 47dba955e84..25fd4754a91 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/EphemeralKeyManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/EphemeralKeyManager.java @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ final class EphemeralKeyManager { /* * Current cached RSA KeyPairs. Elements are never null. - * Indexed via the the constants above. + * Indexed via the constants above. */ private final EphemeralKeyPair[] keys = new EphemeralKeyPair[] { new EphemeralKeyPair(null), diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/MAC.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/MAC.java index 75dba7e1f90..dc03a3a2bb0 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/MAC.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/MAC.java @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ final class MAC extends Authenticator { * @param buf compressed record on which the MAC is computed * @param offset start of compressed record data * @param len the size of the compressed record - * @param isSimulated if true, simulate the the MAC computation + * @param isSimulated if true, simulate the MAC computation */ final byte[] compute(byte type, byte buf[], int offset, int len, boolean isSimulated) { @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ final class MAC extends Authenticator { * @param type record type * @param bb a ByteBuffer in which the position and limit * demarcate the data to be MAC'd. - * @param isSimulated if true, simulate the the MAC computation + * @param isSimulated if true, simulate the MAC computation */ final byte[] compute(byte type, ByteBuffer bb, boolean isSimulated) { if (macAlg.size == 0) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLEngineImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLEngineImpl.java index 7a71a0ecab1..50e2aeb1367 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLEngineImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLEngineImpl.java @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngineResult.*; * All data is routed through * EngineInputRecord/EngineOutputRecord. However, all handshake * data (ct_alert/ct_change_cipher_spec/ct_handshake) are passed - * through to the the underlying InputRecord/OutputRecord, and + * through to the underlying InputRecord/OutputRecord, and * the data uses the internal buffers. * * Application data is handled slightly different, we copy the data @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ final public class SSLEngineImpl extends SSLEngine { * v | * ERROR>------>----->CLOSED<--------<----+ * - * ALSO, note that the the purpose of handshaking (renegotiation is + * ALSO, note that the purpose of handshaking (renegotiation is * included) is to assign a different, and perhaps new, session to * the connection. The SSLv3 spec is a bit confusing on that new * protocol feature. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl.java index 5001cdd1d05..aae9bcf34eb 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl.java @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ final public class SSLSocketImpl extends BaseSSLSocketImpl { * v * APP_CLOSED * - * ALSO, note that the the purpose of handshaking (renegotiation is + * ALSO, note that the purpose of handshaking (renegotiation is * included) is to assign a different, and perhaps new, session to * the connection. The SSLv3 spec is a bit confusing on that new * protocol feature. @@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@ final public class SSLSocketImpl extends BaseSSLSocketImpl { } /** - * Returns the the SSL Session in use by this connection. These can + * Returns the SSL Session in use by this connection. These can * be long lived, and frequently correspond to an entire login session * for some user. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker.java index 85c1b4d56f3..f042b7e2067 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ServerHandshaker.java @@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ final class ServerHandshaker extends Handshaker { if (serverPrincipal != null) { // When service is bound, we check ASAP. Otherwise, // will check after client request is received - // in in Kerberos ClientKeyExchange + // in Kerberos ClientKeyExchange SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); try { if (sm != null) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/AlgorithmId.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/AlgorithmId.java index f34d973fc73..68068e6f3f1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/AlgorithmId.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/AlgorithmId.java @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import sun.security.util.*; * algorithm type, and may also be used in other cases. Equivalence is * defined according to OID and (where relevant) parameters. * - *

    Subclasses may be used, for example when when the algorithm ID has + *

    Subclasses may be used, for example when the algorithm ID has * associated parameters which some code (e.g. code using public keys) needs * to have parsed. Two examples of such algorithms are Diffie-Hellman key * exchange, and the Digital Signature Standard Algorithm (DSS/DSA). diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/GeneralName.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/GeneralName.java index e9b69f0b3e9..0c03fa3167d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/GeneralName.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/GeneralName.java @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public class GeneralName { /** * Encode the name to the specified DerOutputStream. * - * @param out the DerOutputStream to encode the the GeneralName to. + * @param out the DerOutputStream to encode the GeneralName to. * @exception IOException on encoding errors. */ public void encode(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/URIName.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/URIName.java index a1eef610b67..4331461f1b9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/URIName.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/URIName.java @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public class URIName implements GeneralNameInterface { *

    * RFC5280: For URIs, the constraint applies to the host part of the name. * The constraint may specify a host or a domain. Examples would be - * "foo.bar.com"; and ".xyz.com". When the the constraint begins with + * "foo.bar.com"; and ".xyz.com". When the constraint begins with * a period, it may be expanded with one or more subdomains. That is, * the constraint ".xyz.com" is satisfied by both abc.xyz.com and * abc.def.xyz.com. However, the constraint ".xyz.com" is not satisfied diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/X500Name.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/X500Name.java index 8caef8c0820..1b786063172 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/X500Name.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/X500Name.java @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ public class X500Name implements GeneralNameInterface, Principal { } /** - * Return an immutable List of the the AVAs contained in all the + * Return an immutable List of the AVAs contained in all the * RDNs of this X500Name. */ public List allAvas() { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/NormalizerBase.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/NormalizerBase.java index aadbb13ec08..b49db438449 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/NormalizerBase.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/NormalizerBase.java @@ -646,9 +646,9 @@ public final class NormalizerBase implements Cloneable { /** * Compose a string. - * The string will be composed to according the the specified mode. + * The string will be composed according to the specified mode. * @param str The string to compose. - * @param compat If true the string will be composed accoding to + * @param compat If true the string will be composed according to * NFKC rules and if false will be composed according to * NFC rules. * @param options The only recognized option is UNICODE_3_2 @@ -694,9 +694,9 @@ public final class NormalizerBase implements Cloneable { /** * Decompose a string. - * The string will be decomposed to according the the specified mode. + * The string will be decomposed according to the specified mode. * @param str The string to decompose. - * @param compat If true the string will be decomposed accoding to NFKD + * @param compat If true the string will be decomposed according to NFKD * rules and if false will be decomposed according to NFD * rules. * @return String The decomposed string @@ -708,9 +708,9 @@ public final class NormalizerBase implements Cloneable { /** * Decompose a string. - * The string will be decomposed to according the the specified mode. + * The string will be decomposed according to the specified mode. * @param str The string to decompose. - * @param compat If true the string will be decomposed accoding to NFKD + * @param compat If true the string will be decomposed according to NFKD * rules and if false will be decomposed according to NFD * rules. * @param options The normalization options, ORed together (0 for no options). @@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ public final class NormalizerBase implements Cloneable { /** * Normalize a string. - * The string will be normalized according the the specified normalization + * The string will be normalized according to the specified normalization * mode and options. * @param src The char array to compose. * @param srcStart Start index of the source diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UCharacterIterator.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UCharacterIterator.java index df1d4aedecb..e5059d7b8ee 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UCharacterIterator.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UCharacterIterator.java @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ public abstract class UCharacterIterator //// for StringPrep /** - * Convenience method for returning the underlying text storage as as string + * Convenience method for returning the underlying text storage as a string * @return the underlying text storage in the iterator as a string * @stable ICU 2.4 */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UTF16.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UTF16.java index 0a66f8f9434..0342a55648c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UTF16.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/UTF16.java @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ package sun.text.normalizer; *

  • *
  • * Exceptions: The error checking will throw an exception - * if indices are out of bounds. Other than than that, all methods will + * if indices are out of bounds. Other than that, all methods will * behave reasonably, even if unmatched surrogates or out-of-bounds UTF-32 * values are present. UCharacter.isLegal() can be used to check * for validity if desired. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/util/locale/provider/SPILocaleProviderAdapter.java b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/util/locale/provider/SPILocaleProviderAdapter.java index 59de0e2a629..be87f042e77 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/util/locale/provider/SPILocaleProviderAdapter.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes/sun/util/locale/provider/SPILocaleProviderAdapter.java @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ public class SPILocaleProviderAdapter extends AuxLocaleProviderAdapter { public P run() { P delegate = null; - for (LocaleServiceProvider provider : ServiceLoader.loadInstalled(c)) { + for (LocaleServiceProvider provider : + ServiceLoader.load(c, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())) { if (delegate == null) { try { delegate = diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c b/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c index becd6cbf749..2f1e7e17971 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/native/libjli/java.c @@ -168,6 +168,13 @@ static jlong threadStackSize = 0; /* stack size of the new thread */ static jlong maxHeapSize = 0; /* max heap size */ static jlong initialHeapSize = 0; /* inital heap size */ +/* + * A minimum -Xss stack size suitable for all platforms. + */ +#ifndef STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM +#define STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM (32 * KB) +#endif + /* * Entry point. */ @@ -737,7 +744,7 @@ parse_size(const char *s, jlong *result) { } /* - * Adds a new VM option with the given given name and value. + * Adds a new VM option with the given name and value. */ void AddOption(char *str, void *info) @@ -766,6 +773,14 @@ AddOption(char *str, void *info) jlong tmp; if (parse_size(str + 4, &tmp)) { threadStackSize = tmp; + /* + * Make sure the thread stack size is big enough that we won't get a stack + * overflow before the JVM startup code can check to make sure the stack + * is big enough. + */ + if (threadStackSize < STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM) { + threadStackSize = STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM; + } } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java index 50abd3077b0..0c3111464d7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java @@ -38,13 +38,9 @@ public class FileKey { private FileKey() { } - public static FileKey create(FileDescriptor fd) { + public static FileKey create(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException { FileKey fk = new FileKey(); - try { - fk.init(fd); - } catch (IOException ioe) { - throw new Error(ioe); - } + fk.init(fd); return fk; } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md_solinux.c b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md_solinux.c index 77a36890a25..c453276b458 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md_solinux.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md_solinux.c @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ * * However, if the environment contains a LD_LIBRARY_PATH, this will cause the * launcher to inspect the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The launcher will check - * a. if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH's first component is the the path to the desired + * a. if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH's first component is the path to the desired * libjvm.so * b. if any other libjvm.so is found in any of the paths. * If case b is true, then the launcher will set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c index 587ce7117b9..5a42e32911c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c @@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ static void mcast_join_leave(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, * so we switch to IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP socket option. * As of 2.4.7 kernel IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP can't handle IPv4-mapped * addresses so we have to use IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP for IPv4 multicast - * groups. However if the socket is an IPv6 socket then then setsockopt + * groups. However if the socket is an IPv6 socket then setsockopt * should return ENOPROTOOPT. We assume this will be fixed in Linux * at some stage. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainSocketImpl.c b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainSocketImpl.c index 4cdeba0fa2d..491bcea6f3b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainSocketImpl.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/PlainSocketImpl.c @@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketSendUrgentData(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, } else { fd = (*env)->GetIntField(env, fdObj, IO_fd_fdID); /* Bug 4086704 - If the Socket associated with this file descriptor - * was closed (sysCloseFD), the the file descriptor is set to -1. + * was closed (sysCloseFD), the file descriptor is set to -1. */ if (fd == -1) { JNU_ThrowByName(env, "java/net/SocketException", "Socket closed"); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/SocketOutputStream.c b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/SocketOutputStream.c index 52f06e9d554..5d40bd83df3 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/SocketOutputStream.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/SocketOutputStream.c @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Java_java_net_SocketOutputStream_socketWrite0(JNIEnv *env, jobject this, } else { fd = (*env)->GetIntField(env, fdObj, IO_fd_fdID); /* Bug 4086704 - If the Socket associated with this file descriptor - * was closed (sysCloseFD), the the file descriptor is set to -1. + * was closed (sysCloseFD), the file descriptor is set to -1. */ if (fd == -1) { JNU_ThrowByName(env, "java/net/SocketException", "Socket closed"); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/net_util_md.c b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/net_util_md.c index ad9655452e4..6454b6256f7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/net_util_md.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/unix/native/libnet/net_util_md.c @@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ NET_SetSockOpt(int fd, int level, int opt, const void *arg, /* * On Linux the receive buffer is used for both socket - * structures and the the packet payload. The implication + * structures and the packet payload. The implication * is that if SO_RCVBUF is too small then small packets * must be discard. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/windows/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java b/jdk/src/java.base/windows/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java index 95f78d406e7..a3fe2550232 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/windows/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/windows/classes/sun/nio/ch/FileKey.java @@ -39,13 +39,9 @@ public class FileKey { private FileKey() { } - public static FileKey create(FileDescriptor fd) { + public static FileKey create(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException { FileKey fk = new FileKey(); - try { - fk.init(fd); - } catch (IOException ioe) { - throw new Error(ioe); - } + fk.init(fd); return fk; } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libjli/cmdtoargs.c b/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libjli/cmdtoargs.c index 352b1553a08..f4f893825ec 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libjli/cmdtoargs.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libjli/cmdtoargs.c @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ /* * Converts a single string command line to the traditional argc, argv. - * There are rules which govern the breaking of the the arguments, and + * There are rules which govern the breaking of the arguments, and * these rules are embodied in the regression tests below, and duplicated * in the jdk regression tests. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libnet/TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.c b/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libnet/TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.c index facab5923f9..c4686e0fe78 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libnet/TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.base/windows/native/libnet/TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl.c @@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl_socketSendUrgentData(JNIEnv *env, jobject } else { fd = (*env)->GetIntField(env, fdObj, IO_fd_fdID); /* Bug 4086704 - If the Socket associated with this file descriptor - * was closed (sysCloseFD), the the file descriptor is set to -1. + * was closed (sysCloseFD), the file descriptor is set to -1. */ if (fd == -1) { JNU_ThrowByName(env, "java/net/SocketException", "Socket closed"); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaComboBoxUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaComboBoxUI.java index 80ca6ff5b49..73d19025f53 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaComboBoxUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaComboBoxUI.java @@ -496,10 +496,15 @@ public class AquaComboBoxUI extends BasicComboBoxUI implements Sizeable { // This is somewhat messy. The difference here from BasicComboBoxUI.EnterAction is that // arrow up or down does not automatically select the @SuppressWarnings("serial") // anonymous class - private static final Action triggerSelectionAction = new AbstractAction() { + private final Action triggerSelectionAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { triggerSelectionEvent((JComboBox)e.getSource(), e); } + + @Override + public boolean isEnabled() { + return comboBox.isPopupVisible() && super.isEnabled(); + } }; @SuppressWarnings("serial") // anonymous class diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaFileChooserUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaFileChooserUI.java index ebb3b4b6433..9a7ae4059cd 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaFileChooserUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaFileChooserUI.java @@ -1300,12 +1300,12 @@ public class AquaFileChooserUI extends FileChooserUI { filters = (FileFilter[]) e.getNewValue(); fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1); } else if (prop == JFileChooser.FILE_FILTER_CHANGED_PROPERTY) { - fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1); + setSelectedItem(e.getNewValue()); } } public void setSelectedItem(Object filter) { - if(filter != null) { + if (filter != null && !containsFileFilter(filter)) { getFileChooser().setFileFilter((FileFilter) filter); fireContentsChanged(this, -1, -1); } @@ -1353,6 +1353,10 @@ public class AquaFileChooserUI extends FileChooserUI { } } + private boolean containsFileFilter(Object fileFilter) { + return Objects.equals(fileFilter, getFileChooser().getFileFilter()); + } + /** * Acts when FilterComboBox has changed the selected item. */ @@ -1363,7 +1367,10 @@ public class AquaFileChooserUI extends FileChooserUI { } public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { - getFileChooser().setFileFilter((FileFilter) filterComboBox.getSelectedItem()); + Object selectedFilter = filterComboBox.getSelectedItem(); + if (!containsFileFilter(selectedFilter)) { + getFileChooser().setFileFilter((FileFilter) selectedFilter); + } } } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaScrollPaneUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaScrollPaneUI.java index 3241ab19150..ee0bf7cdf54 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaScrollPaneUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/com/apple/laf/AquaScrollPaneUI.java @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class AquaScrollPaneUI extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI { // This is a grody hack to trick BasicScrollPaneUI into scrolling horizontally // when we notice that the shift key is down. This should be removed when AWT/Swing - // becomes aware of of multi-axis scroll wheels. + // becomes aware of multi-axis scroll wheels. protected class XYMouseWheelHandler extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.MouseWheelHandler { public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseWheelEvent e) { JScrollBar vScrollBar = null; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/java2d/OSXSurfaceData.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/java2d/OSXSurfaceData.java index 2592b6524f0..a2a6c67d9bd 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/java2d/OSXSurfaceData.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/java2d/OSXSurfaceData.java @@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ public abstract class OSXSurfaceData extends BufImgSurfaceData { } /** - * Clips the copy area to the heavywieght bounds and returns the cliped rectangle. The tricky part here is the the + * Clips the copy area to the heavywieght bounds and returns the cliped rectangle. The tricky part here is the * passed arguments x, y are in the coordinate space of the sg2d/lightweight comp. In order to do the clipping we * translate them to the coordinate space of the surface, and the returned clipped rectangle is in the coordinate * space of the surface. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/ImageSurfaceData.m b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/ImageSurfaceData.m index 82ee1f09488..fb2e2172b57 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/ImageSurfaceData.m +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/ImageSurfaceData.m @@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ static void ImageSD_Unlock(JNIEnv *env, SurfaceDataOps *ops, SurfaceDataRasInfo { ImageSDOps *isdo = (ImageSDOps*)ops; - // For every ImageSD_Unlock, we need to be be conservative and mark the pixels + // For every ImageSD_Unlock, we need to be conservative and mark the pixels // as modified by the Sun2D renderer. isdo->javaImageInfo[sun_java2d_OSXOffScreenSurfaceData_kNeedToSyncFromJavaPixelsIndex] = 1; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/QuartzSurfaceData.m b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/QuartzSurfaceData.m index 131dc1e0d6f..81441f4a327 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/QuartzSurfaceData.m +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/QuartzSurfaceData.m @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static pthread_mutex_t gColorCacheLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // given a UInt32 color, it tries to find that find the corresponding CGColorRef in the hash cache. If the CGColorRef // doesn't exist or there is a collision, it creates a new one CGColorRef and put's in the cache. Then, -// it sets with current fill/stroke color for the the CGContext passed in (qsdo->cgRef). +// it sets with current fill/stroke color for the CGContext passed in (qsdo->cgRef). void setCachedColor(QuartzSDOps *qsdo, UInt32 color) { static const CGFloat kColorConversionMultiplier = 1.0f/255.0f; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKColorChooserPanel.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKColorChooserPanel.java index 348c0a64e9a..77c0e65dabc 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKColorChooserPanel.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKColorChooserPanel.java @@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ class GTKColorChooserPanel extends AbstractColorChooserPanel implements y > innerR)) { return false; } - // Rotate to origin and and verify x is valid. + // Rotate to origin and verify x is valid. int triangleSize = innerR * 3 / 2; double x1 = Math.cos(angle) * x - Math.sin(angle) * y; double y1 = Math.sin(angle) * x + Math.cos(angle) * y; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKFileChooserUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKFileChooserUI.java index 63792413671..e30d48c7f32 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKFileChooserUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/GTKFileChooserUI.java @@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ class GTKFileChooserUI extends SynthFileChooserUI { * Render different filters */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not serializable across versions - public class FilterComboBoxRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer implements UIResource { + public class FilterComboBoxRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer { public String getName() { // As SynthComboBoxRenderer's are asked for a size BEFORE they // are parented getName is overriden to force the name to be diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/media/sound/AbstractMidiDevice.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/media/sound/AbstractMidiDevice.java index 93c3926aaed..007d4a41aec 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/media/sound/AbstractMidiDevice.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/com/sun/media/sound/AbstractMidiDevice.java @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ abstract class AbstractMidiDevice implements MidiDevice, ReferenceCountingDevice * @param info the description of the device */ /* - * The initial mode and and only supported mode default to OMNI_ON_POLY. + * The initial mode and only supported mode default to OMNI_ON_POLY. */ protected AbstractMidiDevice(MidiDevice.Info info) { @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ abstract class AbstractMidiDevice implements MidiDevice, ReferenceCountingDevice /** Open the device from an application program. * Setting the open reference count to -1 here prevents Transmitters and Receivers that - * opened the the device implicitly from closing it. The only way to close the device after + * opened the device implicitly from closing it. The only way to close the device after * this call is a call to close(). */ public final void open() throws MidiUnavailableException { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Button.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Button.java index cc01947a9f1..0db4edff694 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Button.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Button.java @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public class Button extends Component implements Accessible { * Perform the specified Action on the object * * @param i zero-based index of actions - * @return true if the the action was performed; else false. + * @return true if the action was performed; else false. */ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int i) { if (i == 0) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Checkbox.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Checkbox.java index 021b2fcebaa..7c64086bc89 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Checkbox.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Checkbox.java @@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ public class Checkbox extends Component implements ItemSelectable, Accessible { * Perform the specified Action on the object * * @param i zero-based index of actions - * @return true if the the action was performed; else false. + * @return true if the action was performed; else false. */ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int i) { return false; // To be fully implemented in a future release diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Component.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Component.java index 95e5d094b01..42288ce216f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Component.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Component.java @@ -4281,7 +4281,7 @@ public abstract class Component implements ImageObserver, MenuContainer, } /** - * Makes specified region of the the next available buffer visible + * Makes specified region of the next available buffer visible * by either blitting or flipping. */ void showSubRegion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { @@ -7431,7 +7431,7 @@ public abstract class Component implements ImageObserver, MenuContainer, * @param id one of KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, * KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, or * KeyboardFocusManager.UP_CYCLE_TRAVERSAL_KEYS - * @return true if the the Set of focus traversal keys for the + * @return true if the Set of focus traversal keys for the * given focus traversal operation has been explicitly defined for * this Component; false otherwise. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id is not one of diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Container.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Container.java index abe6bff20f5..cb5be767a79 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Container.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/Container.java @@ -3193,7 +3193,7 @@ public class Container extends Component { * KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, * KeyboardFocusManager.UP_CYCLE_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, or * KeyboardFocusManager.DOWN_CYCLE_TRAVERSAL_KEYS - * @return true if the the Set of focus traversal keys for the + * @return true if the Set of focus traversal keys for the * given focus traversal operation has been explicitly defined for * this Component; false otherwise. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id is not one of diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/EventQueue.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/EventQueue.java index 58e31332298..c398db77fdc 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/EventQueue.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/EventQueue.java @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ public class EventQueue { } /** - * Returns the the event currently being dispatched by the + * Returns the event currently being dispatched by the * EventQueue associated with the calling thread. This is * useful if a method needs access to the event, but was not designed to * receive a reference to it as an argument. Note that this method should diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/FlowLayout.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/FlowLayout.java index 14142cafc39..4405620de13 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/FlowLayout.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/FlowLayout.java @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ public class FlowLayout implements LayoutManager, java.io.Serializable { * @param width the width dimensions * @param height the height dimensions * @param rowStart the beginning of the row - * @param rowEnd the the ending of the row + * @param rowEnd the ending of the row * @param useBaseline Whether or not to align on baseline. * @param ascent Ascent for the components. This is only valid if * useBaseline is true. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java index 531d7ba4744..21e1c7968a5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java @@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ public abstract class KeyboardFocusManager * will be notified in the order in which they were added; the current * KeyboardFocusManager will be notified last. Notifications will halt * as soon as one KeyEventPostProcessor returns true from its - * postProcessKeyEvent method. There is no limit to the the + * postProcessKeyEvent method. There is no limit to the * total number of KeyEventPostProcessors that can be added, nor to the * number of times that a particular KeyEventPostProcessor instance can be * added. @@ -2666,7 +2666,7 @@ public abstract class KeyboardFocusManager * We allow to trigger restoreFocus() in the dispatching process * only if we have the last request to dispatch. If the last request * fails, focus will be restored to either the component of the last - * previously succeeded request, or to to the focus owner that was + * previously succeeded request, or to the focus owner that was * before this clearing process. */ if (!iter.hasNext()) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/List.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/List.java index bf9287b3372..301245978e5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/List.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/List.java @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ public class List extends Component implements ItemSelectable, Accessible { } /** - * Adds the specified item to the the scrolling list + * Adds the specified item to the scrolling list * at the position indicated by the index. The index is * zero-based. If the value of the index is less than zero, * or if the value of the index is greater than or equal to @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public class List extends Component implements ItemSelectable, Accessible { } /** - * Adds the specified item to the the list + * Adds the specified item to the list * at the position indicated by the index. * * @param item the item to be added diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/MultipleGradientPaintContext.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/MultipleGradientPaintContext.java index f9bfe04c094..54c6c196823 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/MultipleGradientPaintContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/MultipleGradientPaintContext.java @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ abstract class MultipleGradientPaintContext implements PaintContext { // each interval gradients[i] = new int[GRADIENT_SIZE]; - // get the the 2 colors + // get the 2 colors rgb1 = colors[i].getRGB(); rgb2 = colors[i+1].getRGB(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/RadialGradientPaint.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/RadialGradientPaint.java index 0f4c8dea1a7..a58fdf6b8ad 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/RadialGradientPaint.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/RadialGradientPaint.java @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import java.beans.ConstructorProperties; * Note that some minor variations in distances may occur due to sampling at * the granularity of a pixel. * If no cycle method is specified, {@code NO_CYCLE} will be chosen by - * default, which means the the last keyframe color will be used to fill the + * default, which means the last keyframe color will be used to fill the * remaining area. *

    * The colorSpace parameter allows the user to specify in which colorspace diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/WaitDispatchSupport.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/WaitDispatchSupport.java index a504252be6a..15129a457ea 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/WaitDispatchSupport.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/WaitDispatchSupport.java @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class WaitDispatchSupport implements SecondaryLoop { } }, interval); } - // Dispose SequencedEvent we are dispatching on the the current + // Dispose SequencedEvent we are dispatching on the current // AppContext, to prevent us from hang - see 4531693 for details SequencedEvent currentSE = KeyboardFocusManager. getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getCurrentSequencedEvent(); @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class WaitDispatchSupport implements SecondaryLoop { } // In case the exit() method is called before starting // new event pump it will post the waking event to EDT. - // The event will be handled after the the new event pump + // The event will be handled after the new event pump // starts. Thus, the enter() method will not hang. // // Event pump should be privileged. See 6300270. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor.java index 84b18fc332a..7d215445447 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor.java @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ public class DataFlavor implements Externalizable, Cloneable { * @param representationClass the class used to transfer data in this flavor * @param humanPresentableName the human-readable string used to identify * this flavor; if this parameter is null - * then the value of the the MIME Content Type is used + * then the value of the MIME Content Type is used * @exception NullPointerException if representationClass is null */ public DataFlavor(Class representationClass, String humanPresentableName) { @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ public class DataFlavor implements Externalizable, Cloneable { * is thrown * @param humanPresentableName the human-readable string used to identify * this flavor; if this parameter is null - * then the value of the the MIME Content Type is used + * then the value of the MIME Content Type is used * @exception IllegalArgumentException if mimeType is * invalid or if the class is not successfully loaded * @exception NullPointerException if mimeType is null diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java index a29ba86c291..b8cbea6052e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java @@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ public class KeyEvent extends InputEvent { /** * Set the keyChar value to indicate a logical character. * - * @param keyChar a char corresponding to to the combination of keystrokes + * @param keyChar a char corresponding to the combination of keystrokes * that make up this event. */ public void setKeyChar(char keyChar) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyListener.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyListener.java index b0c6abf128d..1a8ba31bae0 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyListener.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/event/KeyListener.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1996, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 1996, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import java.util.EventListener; * * @see KeyAdapter * @see KeyEvent - * @see Tutorial: Writing a Key Listener + * @see Tutorial: Writing a Key Listener * * @since 1.1 */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/GlyphVector.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/GlyphVector.java index dd77e4d9ae2..da81237f3a0 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/GlyphVector.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/GlyphVector.java @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ public abstract class GlyphVector implements Cloneable { /** * Returns the position of the specified glyph relative to the * origin of this GlyphVector. - * If glyphIndex equals the number of of glyphs in + * If glyphIndex equals the number of glyphs in * this GlyphVector, this method returns the position after * the last glyph. This position is used to define the advance of * the entire GlyphVector. @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public abstract class GlyphVector implements Cloneable { /** * Sets the position of the specified glyph within this * GlyphVector. - * If glyphIndex equals the number of of glyphs in + * If glyphIndex equals the number of glyphs in * this GlyphVector, this method sets the position after * the last glyph. This position is used to define the advance of * the entire GlyphVector. @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ public abstract class GlyphVector implements Cloneable { * coordinates of the glyph numbered beginGlyphIndex + position/2. * Odd numbered array entries beginning with position one are the Y * coordinates of the glyph numbered beginGlyphIndex + (position-1)/2. - * If beginGlyphIndex equals the number of of glyphs in + * If beginGlyphIndex equals the number of glyphs in * this GlyphVector, this method gets the position after * the last glyph and this position is used to define the advance of * the entire GlyphVector. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/TextAttribute.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/TextAttribute.java index fdaa2da1c7e..aaac5cc5d1c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/TextAttribute.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/font/TextAttribute.java @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ public final class TextAttribute extends Attribute { /** * Attribute key for the embedding level of the text. Values are * instances of Integer. The default value is - * null, indicating that the the Bidirectional + * null, indicating that the Bidirectional * algorithm should run without explicit embeddings. * *

    Positive values 1 through 61 are embedding levels, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/im/spi/package.html b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/im/spi/package.html index 11d28e6686d..2e63c9297cd 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/im/spi/package.html +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/im/spi/package.html @@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ recognition.

    Packaging Input Methods


    Input methods are packaged as installed extensions, as specified -by the Extension -Mechanism. The main JAR file of an input method must contain the +

    Input methods can be made available by adding them to the application's +class path. The main JAR file of an input method must contain the file:

    diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.java index 7c188871cfc..72093e31f54 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.java @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ public class ColorConvertOp implements BufferedImageOp, RasterOp { /** * Returns the bounding box of the destination, given this source. - * Note that this will be the same as the the bounding box of the + * Note that this will be the same as the bounding box of the * source. * @param src the source BufferedImage * @return a Rectangle2D that is the bounding box @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ public class ColorConvertOp implements BufferedImageOp, RasterOp { /** * Returns the bounding box of the destination, given this source. - * Note that this will be the same as the the bounding box of the + * Note that this will be the same as the bounding box of the * source. * @param src the source Raster * @return a Rectangle2D that is the bounding box diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel.java index e2fe5e13eb4..b03110f736d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel.java @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ import java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace; *

    * For instances with unsigned sample values, * the unnormalized color/alpha component representation is only - * supported if two conditions hold. First, sample value value 0 must + * supported if two conditions hold. First, sample value 0 must * map to normalized component value 0.0 and sample value 2n - 1 * to 1.0. Second the min/max range of all color components of the * ColorSpace must be 0.0 to 1.0. In this case, the diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/print/PrinterIOException.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/print/PrinterIOException.java index 16463270231..840854a2c32 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/print/PrinterIOException.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/awt/print/PrinterIOException.java @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class PrinterIOException extends PrinterException { } /** - * Returns the the cause of this exception (the IOException + * Returns the cause of this exception (the IOException * that terminated the print job). * * @return the cause of this exception. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Encoder.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Encoder.java index 48292d04b99..2901afd3ea7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Encoder.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Encoder.java @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class Encoder { * it is returned. *

  • * A persistence delegate is then looked up by the name - * composed of the the fully qualified name of the given type + * composed of the fully qualified name of the given type * and the "PersistenceDelegate" postfix. * For example, a persistence delegate for the {@code Bean} class * should be named {@code BeanPersistenceDelegate} diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Transient.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Transient.java index 165621b39fd..d5eab857d1b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Transient.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/java/beans/Transient.java @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME; * indicates to encoders derived from {@link Encoder} * that this feature should be ignored. *

    - * The {@code Transient} annotation may be be used + * The {@code Transient} annotation may be used * in any of the methods that are involved * in a {@link FeatureDescriptor} subclass * to identify the transient feature in the annotated class and its subclasses. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/IIOParam.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/IIOParam.java index ca73f6acbd9..d60407918c1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/IIOParam.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/IIOParam.java @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ public abstract class IIOParam { } /** - * Returns the set of of source bands to be used. The returned + * Returns the set of source bands to be used. The returned * value is that set by the most recent call to * setSourceBands, or null if there have * been no calls to setSourceBands. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.java index 48e03e6244f..76a93452afc 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.java @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public interface IIOReadUpdateListener extends EventListener { * a value of 1 means no gaps. * @param periodY the vertical spacing between updated pixels; * a value of 1 means no gaps. - * @param bands an array of ints indicating the the + * @param bands an array of ints indicating the * set bands that may be updated. */ void passStarted(ImageReader source, @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public interface IIOReadUpdateListener extends EventListener { * a value of 1 means no gaps. * @param periodY the vertical spacing between updated pixels; * a value of 1 means no gaps. - * @param bands an array of ints indicating the the + * @param bands an array of ints indicating the * set bands that may be updated. * * @see #passStarted diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGQTable.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGQTable.java index 97b975b2152..40680b5e58d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGQTable.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGQTable.java @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public class JPEGQTable { /** * Constructs a quantization table from the argument, which must * contain 64 elements in natural order (not zig-zag order). - * A copy is made of the the input array. + * A copy is made of the input array. * @param table the quantization table, as an int array. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if table is * null or table.length is not equal to 64. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.java index 0633c32f72b..bc018758c68 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.java @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ package javax.sound.midi; * API uses integers instead of bytes when expressing MIDI data. For example, * the {@link #getStatus()} method of {@code MidiMessage} returns MIDI status * bytes as integers. If you are processing MIDI data that originated outside - * Java Sound and now is encoded as signed bytes, the bytes can can be + * Java Sound and now is encoded as signed bytes, the bytes can be * converted to integers using this conversion: * *

    {@code int i = (int)(byte & 0xFF)}
    diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.java index 8dcf92f9552..782d9588de1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.java @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ public class ShortMessage extends MidiMessage { * @param status the MIDI status byte * @param data1 the first data byte * @param data2 the second data byte - * @throws InvalidMidiDataException if the the status byte, or all data + * @throws InvalidMidiDataException if the status byte, or all data * bytes belonging to the message, do not specify a valid MIDI * message * @see #setMessage(int, int, int, int) diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.java index 5ed01df832c..2592c32911d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/sound/sampled/Clip.java @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public interface Clip extends DataLine { /** * Sets the first and last sample frames that will be played in the loop. * The ending point must be greater than or equal to the starting point, and - * both must fall within the the size of the loaded media. A value of 0 for + * both must fall within the size of the loaded media. A value of 0 for * the starting point means the beginning of the loaded media. Similarly, a * value of -1 for the ending point indicates the last frame of the media. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java index 49cfa3f7a9d..0ef73c831cb 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java @@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractButton extends JComponent implements ItemSelectabl * area. If you wish to have a transparent button, such as * an icon only button, for example, then you should set * this to false. Do not call setOpaque(false). - * The default value for the the contentAreaFilled + * The default value for the contentAreaFilled * property is true. *

    * This function may cause the component's opaque property to change. @@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractButton extends JComponent implements ItemSelectabl } /** - * Returns the keyboard mnemonic from the the current model. + * Returns the keyboard mnemonic from the current model. * @return the keyboard mnemonic from the model */ public int getMnemonic() { @@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractButton extends JComponent implements ItemSelectabl * Perform the specified Action on the object * * @param i zero-based index of actions - * @return true if the the action was performed; else false. + * @return true if the action was performed; else false. */ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int i) { if (i == 0) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ArrayTable.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ArrayTable.java index ff4c18a5865..477a6545b29 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ArrayTable.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ArrayTable.java @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class ArrayTable implements Cloneable { /** * Writes the passed in ArrayTable to the passed in ObjectOutputStream. * The data is saved as an integer indicating how many key/value - * pairs are being archived, followed by the the key/value pairs. If + * pairs are being archived, followed by the key/value pairs. If * table is null, 0 will be written to s. *

    * This is a convenience method that ActionMap/InputMap and diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/Box.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/Box.java index d332214a3c5..73588b3cda6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/Box.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/Box.java @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class Box extends JComponent implements Accessible { /** * Creates a Box that displays its components - * along the the specified axis. + * along the specified axis. * * @param axis can be {@link BoxLayout#X_AXIS}, * {@link BoxLayout#Y_AXIS}, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/GroupLayout.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/GroupLayout.java index 45b25845674..bf3b53cd515 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/GroupLayout.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/GroupLayout.java @@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ public class GroupLayout implements LayoutManager2 { * {@code CONSTANT_DESCENT}; otherwise the baseline is anchored to the top * of the group. *

    - * Elements aligned to the baseline are resizable if they have have + * Elements aligned to the baseline are resizable if they have * a baseline resize behavior of {@code CONSTANT_ASCENT} or * {@code CONSTANT_DESCENT}. Elements with a baseline resize * behavior of {@code OTHER} or {@code CENTER_OFFSET} are not resizable. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComboBox.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComboBox.java index 15e96468f4a..4fc2b054d26 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComboBox.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComboBox.java @@ -1320,8 +1320,8 @@ implements ItemSelectable,ListDataListener,ActionListener, Accessible { */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ComboBoxEditor editor = getEditor(); - if ((editor != null) && (e != null) - && (editor.getEditorComponent() == e.getSource())) { + if ((editor != null) && (e != null) && (editor == e.getSource() + || editor.getEditorComponent() == e.getSource())) { setPopupVisible(false); getModel().setSelectedItem(editor.getItem()); String oldCommand = getActionCommand(); @@ -1919,7 +1919,7 @@ implements ItemSelectable,ListDataListener,ActionListener, Accessible { * Perform the specified Action on the object * * @param i zero-based index of actions - * @return true if the the action was performed; else false. + * @return true if the action was performed; else false. */ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int i) { if (i == 0) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java index c5d230f01b3..9f9c30865b4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JComponent.java @@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ public abstract class JComponent extends Container implements Serializable, } /** - * Sets the the horizontal alignment. + * Sets the horizontal alignment. * * @param alignmentY the new horizontal alignment * @see #getAlignmentY @@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ public abstract class JComponent extends Container implements Serializable, } /** - * Sets the the vertical alignment. + * Sets the vertical alignment. * * @param alignmentX the new vertical alignment * @see #getAlignmentX @@ -4799,7 +4799,7 @@ public abstract class JComponent extends Container implements Serializable, /** * Notifies this component that it no longer has a parent component. * When this method is invoked, any KeyboardActions - * set up in the the chain of parent components are removed. + * set up in the chain of parent components are removed. * This method is called by the toolkit internally and should * not be called directly by programs. * @@ -5575,7 +5575,7 @@ public abstract class JComponent extends Container implements Serializable, * the UI before any of the JComponent's children * (or its LayoutManager etc.) are written, * and we don't want to restore the UI until the most derived - * JComponent subclass has been been stored. + * JComponent subclass has been stored. * * @param s the ObjectOutputStream in which to write */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JEditorPane.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JEditorPane.java index 8319987ebdd..3cf186574ca 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JEditorPane.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JEditorPane.java @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ public class JEditorPane extends JTextComponent { * like fetch the stream from a cache, monitor the progress * of the stream, etc. *

    - * This method is expected to have the the side effect of + * This method is expected to have the side effect of * establishing the content type, and therefore setting the * appropriate EditorKit to use for loading the stream. *

    @@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ public class JEditorPane extends JTextComponent { * Perform the specified Action on the object * * @param i zero-based index of actions - * @return true if the the action was performed; else false. + * @return true if the action was performed; else false. * @see #getAccessibleActionCount */ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int i) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JLayer.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JLayer.java index a4a2aaa5268..9c22489f5b6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JLayer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JLayer.java @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ import java.security.PrivilegedAction; *

  • {@link Container#add(java.awt.Component, Object)}
  • *
  • {@link Container#add(java.awt.Component, Object, int)}
  • * - * using any of of them will cause {@code UnsupportedOperationException} to be thrown, + * using any of them will cause {@code UnsupportedOperationException} to be thrown, * to add a component to {@code JLayer} * use {@link #setView(Component)} or {@link #setGlassPane(JPanel)}. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JList.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JList.java index 808f9780c3f..1324b3dbd31 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JList.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JList.java @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ import static sun.swing.SwingUtilities2.Section.*; *

    * The preferred way to listen for changes in list selection is to add * {@code ListSelectionListener}s directly to the {@code JList}. {@code JList} - * then takes care of listening to the the selection model and notifying your + * then takes care of listening to the selection model and notifying your * listeners of change. *

    * Responsibility for listening to selection changes in order to keep the list's @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ public class JList extends JComponent implements Scrollable, Accessible *

    * This is a JavaBeans bound property. * - * @param height the height to be used for for all cells in the list + * @param height the height to be used for all cells in the list * @see #setPrototypeCellValue * @see #setFixedCellWidth * @see JComponent#addPropertyChangeListener diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JMenuItem.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JMenuItem.java index f63dd709a3e..7af01881951 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JMenuItem.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JMenuItem.java @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public class JMenuItem extends AbstractButton implements Accessible,MenuElement } /** - * Inititalizes the focusability of the the JMenuItem. + * Inititalizes the focusability of the JMenuItem. * JMenuItem's are focusable, but subclasses may * want to be, this provides them the opportunity to override this * and invoke something else, or nothing at all. Refer to diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JProgressBar.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JProgressBar.java index 5a3611131b8..4026cb84879 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JProgressBar.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JProgressBar.java @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ public class JProgressBar extends JComponent implements SwingConstants, Accessib public JProgressBar(int orient, int min, int max) { // Creating the model this way is a bit simplistic, but - // I believe that it is the the most common usage of this + // I believe that it is the most common usage of this // component - it's what people will expect. setModel(new DefaultBoundedRangeModel(min, 0, min, max)); updateUI(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JSpinner.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JSpinner.java index 2e51212ff3a..81ef955dee4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JSpinner.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JSpinner.java @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ public class JSpinner extends JComponent implements Accessible * Sends a ChangeEvent, whose source is this * JSpinner, to each ChangeListener. * When a ChangeListener has been added - * to the spinner, this method method is called each time + * to the spinner, this method is called each time * a ChangeEvent is received from the model. * * @see #addChangeListener @@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ public class JSpinner extends JComponent implements Accessible Rectangle editorRect = at.getCharacterBounds(i); if (editorRect != null && sameWindowAncestor(JSpinner.this, editor)) { - // return rectangle in the the JSpinner bounds + // return rectangle in the JSpinner bounds return SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(editor, editorRect, JSpinner.this); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTree.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTree.java index 6d50f6f653a..e6e4defe711 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTree.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/JTree.java @@ -5575,7 +5575,7 @@ public class JTree extends JComponent implements Scrollable, Accessible * object behind the TreeCellRenderer. * * @param i zero-based index of actions - * @return true if the the action was performed; else false. + * @return true if the action was performed; else false. */ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= getAccessibleActionCount()) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/OverlayLayout.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/OverlayLayout.java index b62bb5faf17..4d3891ae19d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/OverlayLayout.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/OverlayLayout.java @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public class OverlayLayout implements LayoutManager2,Serializable { * this class to know when to invalidate layout. * * @param name the name of the component - * @param comp the the component to be added + * @param comp the component to be added */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { invalidateLayout(comp.getParent()); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ScrollPaneLayout.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ScrollPaneLayout.java index 7903b85958b..1d499be1b6d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ScrollPaneLayout.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ScrollPaneLayout.java @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public class ScrollPaneLayout * * * @param s the component identifier - * @param c the the component to be added + * @param c the component to be added * @exception IllegalArgumentException if s is an invalid key */ public void addLayoutComponent(String s, Component c) diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/SpinnerModel.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/SpinnerModel.java index 57af106271f..6e4a4b9ed2a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/SpinnerModel.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/SpinnerModel.java @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import javax.swing.event.*; *

    The preceding element or null if value is the * first element of the sequence. * - * When the the value property changes, + * When the value property changes, * ChangeListeners are notified. SpinnerModel may * choose to notify the ChangeListeners under other circumstances. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/UIDefaults.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/UIDefaults.java index 143995c91b8..82e4e2e5103 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/UIDefaults.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/UIDefaults.java @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class UIDefaults extends Hashtable } /** - * Looks up up the given key in our Hashtable and resolves LazyValues + * Looks up the given key in our Hashtable and resolves LazyValues * or ActiveValues. */ private Object getFromHashtable(Object key) { @@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ public class UIDefaults extends Hashtable /** * LazyInputMap will create a InputMap * in its createValue - * method. The bindings are passed in in the constructor. + * method. The bindings are passed in the constructor. * The bindings are an array with * the even number entries being string KeyStrokes * (eg "alt SPACE") and diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ViewportLayout.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ViewportLayout.java index f2a01f0771b..7ed68ea48b9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ViewportLayout.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/ViewportLayout.java @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class ViewportLayout implements LayoutManager, Serializable /** * Adds the specified component to the layout. Not used by this class. * @param name the name of the component - * @param c the the component to be added + * @param c the component to be added */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup.java index 9e06857d4b3..26724c4b6e7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicComboPopup.java @@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ public class BasicComboPopup extends JPopupMenu implements ComboPopup { /** - * This is is a utility method that helps event handlers figure out where to + * This is a utility method that helps event handlers figure out where to * send the focus when the popup is brought up. The standard implementation * delegates the focus to the editor (if the combo box is editable) or to * the JComboBox if it is not editable. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicSliderUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicSliderUI.java index 433cb16b687..1d1b57c5e8f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicSliderUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicSliderUI.java @@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ public class BasicSliderUI extends SliderUI{ /** * Returns the value at the y position. If {@code yPos} is beyond the - * track at the the bottom or the top, this method sets the value to either + * track at the bottom or the top, this method sets the value to either * the minimum or maximum value of the slider, depending on if the slider * is inverted or not. * @@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ public class BasicSliderUI extends SliderUI{ * The recommended approach to creating bindings is to use a * combination of an ActionMap, to contain the action, * and an InputMap to contain the mapping from KeyStroke - * to action description. The InputMap is is usually described in the + * to action description. The InputMap is usually described in the * LookAndFeel tables. *

    * Please refer to the key bindings specification for further details. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTableUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTableUI.java index bff514b57ff..f88d8a5cd21 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTableUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTableUI.java @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ public class BasicTableUI extends TableUI } // In cases where the lead is not within the search range, - // we need to bring it within one cell for the the search + // we need to bring it within one cell for the search // to work properly. Check these here. leadRow = Math.min(Math.max(leadRow, minY - 1), maxY + 1); leadColumn = Math.min(Math.max(leadColumn, minX - 1), maxX + 1); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI.java index 961400948c3..04fd8e986d8 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI.java @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public abstract class BasicTextUI extends TextUI implements ViewFactory { /** * Fetches the name of the keymap that will be installed/used * by default for this UI. This is implemented to create a - * name based upon the classname. The name is the the name + * name based upon the classname. The name is the name * of the class with the package prefix removed. * * @return the name diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthGraphicsUtils.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthGraphicsUtils.java index 8464dd25e49..bf66cee2bcb 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthGraphicsUtils.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthGraphicsUtils.java @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public class SynthGraphicsUtils { } /** - * Returns the maximum height of the the Font from the passed in + * Returns the maximum height of the Font from the passed in * SynthContext. * * @param context SynthContext used to determine font. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/JTableHeader.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/JTableHeader.java index 5e923b1356d..1c2e8fa3a5f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/JTableHeader.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/JTableHeader.java @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public class JTableHeader extends JComponent implements TableColumnModelListener } /** - * Returns the the dragged column, if and only if, a drag is in + * Returns the dragged column, if and only if, a drag is in * process, otherwise returns null. * * @return the dragged column, if a drag is in diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/TableColumn.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/TableColumn.java index 1f116c47832..a2d8f1eac20 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/TableColumn.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/table/TableColumn.java @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class TableColumn extends Object implements Serializable { /** * This object is not used internally by the drawing machinery of * the JTable; identifiers may be set in the - * TableColumn as as an + * TableColumn as an * optional way to tag and locate table columns. The table package does * not modify or invoke any methods in these identifier objects other * than the equals method which is used in the diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/BoxView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/BoxView.java index ba43516eac0..570082b1fb4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/BoxView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/BoxView.java @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ public class BoxView extends CompositeView { * indicating the Views are layed out in ascending order. *

    * If the receiver is laying its Views along the - * Y_AXIS, this will will return the value from + * Y_AXIS, this will return the value from * invoking the same method on the View * responsible for rendering position and * bias. Otherwise this will return false. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/DefaultStyledDocument.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/DefaultStyledDocument.java index 09faa5671cb..ff2e275400b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/DefaultStyledDocument.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/DefaultStyledDocument.java @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ public class DefaultStyledDocument extends AbstractDocument implements StyledDoc /** - * Fetches the list of of style names. + * Fetches the list of style names. * * @return all the style names */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ElementIterator.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ElementIterator.java index ae6b99ab0d7..3c1f58fcfa8 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ElementIterator.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ElementIterator.java @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class ElementIterator implements Cloneable { * as well as a child index. If the * index is -1, then the element represented * on the stack is the element itself. - * Otherwise, the index functions as as index + * Otherwise, the index functions as an index * into the vector of children of the element. * In this case, the item on the stack * represents the "index"th child of the element diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ParagraphView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ParagraphView.java index 01818e9a289..efc462bcfdb 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ParagraphView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ParagraphView.java @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ public class ParagraphView extends FlowView implements TabExpander { * This is implemented to try and locate a TabSet * in the paragraph element's attribute set. If one can be * found, its settings will be used, otherwise a default expansion - * will be provided. The base location for for tab expansion + * will be provided. The base location for tab expansion * is the left inset from the paragraphs most recent allocation * (which is what the layout of the children is based upon). * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/PlainView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/PlainView.java index 3d91d86e42a..5ae7eaccf0c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/PlainView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/PlainView.java @@ -385,11 +385,11 @@ public class PlainView extends View implements TabExpander { int x = (int) fx; int y = (int) fy; if (y < alloc.y) { - // above the area covered by this icon, so the the position + // above the area covered by this icon, so the position // is assumed to be the start of the coverage for this view. return getStartOffset(); } else if (y > alloc.y + alloc.height) { - // below the area covered by this icon, so the the position + // below the area covered by this icon, so the position // is assumed to be the end of the coverage for this view. return getEndOffset() - 1; } else { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/WrappedPlainView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/WrappedPlainView.java index c9b7a788f25..52e675ca29e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/WrappedPlainView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/WrappedPlainView.java @@ -668,11 +668,11 @@ public class WrappedPlainView extends BoxView implements TabExpander { int x = (int) fx; int y = (int) fy; if (y < alloc.y) { - // above the area covered by this icon, so the the position + // above the area covered by this icon, so the position // is assumed to be the start of the coverage for this view. return getStartOffset(); } else if (y > alloc.y + alloc.height) { - // below the area covered by this icon, so the the position + // below the area covered by this icon, so the position // is assumed to be the end of the coverage for this view. return getEndOffset() - 1; } else { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/CSS.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/CSS.java index cdd28963be1..46fce89a2d1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/CSS.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/CSS.java @@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ public class CSS implements Serializable { /* * HTML.Attribute.ALIGN needs special processing. - * It can map to to 1 of many(3) possible CSS attributes + * It can map to 1 of many(3) possible CSS attributes * depending on the nature of the tag the attribute is * part off and depending on the value of the attribute. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/FormView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/FormView.java index b6de2950d4b..216ecf91125 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/FormView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/FormView.java @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import javax.swing.text.*; * Component decorator that implements the view interface * for form elements, <input>, <textarea>, * and <select>. The model for the component is stored - * as an attribute of the the element (using StyleConstants.ModelAttribute), + * as an attribute of the element (using StyleConstants.ModelAttribute), * and is used to build the component of the view. The type * of the model is assumed to of the type that would be set by * HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.FormAction. If there are diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLDocument.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLDocument.java index a981e87f304..ec3fe0f5c15 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLDocument.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLDocument.java @@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ public class HTMLDocument extends DefaultStyledDocument { } /** - * Inserts the HTML specified as a string after the the end of the + * Inserts the HTML specified as a string after the end of the * given element. * *

    Consider the following structure (the elem diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/IsindexView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/IsindexView.java index 047476fb9bb..0182ae4de24 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/IsindexView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/IsindexView.java @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class IsindexView extends ComponentView implements ActionListener { } /** - * Creates the components necessary to to implement + * Creates the components necessary to implement * this view. The component returned is a JPanel, * that contains the PROMPT to the left and JTextField * to the right. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/LineView.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/LineView.java index b778d25f3d7..b16fb6e4c08 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/LineView.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/LineView.java @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class LineView extends ParagraphView { * This is implemented to try and locate a TabSet * in the paragraph element's attribute set. If one can be * found, its settings will be used, otherwise a default expansion - * will be provided. The base location for for tab expansion + * will be provided. The base location for tab expansion * is the left inset from the paragraphs most recent allocation * (which is what the layout of the children is based upon). * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/DTDConstants.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/DTDConstants.java index 88980b42f91..058a2ba13c8 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/DTDConstants.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/DTDConstants.java @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ package javax.swing.text.html.parser; /** * SGML constants used in a DTD. The names of the - * constants correspond the the equivalent SGML constructs + * constants correspond to the equivalent SGML constructs * as described in "The SGML Handbook" by Charles F. Goldfarb. * * @see DTD diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Entity.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Entity.java index db1cea291e0..b4fdc7ff481 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Entity.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Entity.java @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import java.net.URL; /** * An entity is described in a DTD using the ENTITY construct. - * It defines the type and value of the the entity. + * It defines the type and value of the entity. * * @see DTD * @author Arthur van Hoff diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser.java index 66685c0d965..5379d632230 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser.java @@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ class Parser implements DTDConstants { if (unknown) { // we will not see a corresponding start tag - // on the the stack. If we are seeing an + // on the stack. If we are seeing an // end tag, lets send this on as an empty // tag with the end tag attribute set to // true. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.java index 8f141e1d932..782dd3b3356 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.java @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public class UndoManager extends CompoundEdit implements UndoableEditListener { /** - * Returns the the next significant edit to be undone if undo + * Returns the next significant edit to be undone if undo * is invoked. This returns null if there are no edits * to be undone. * @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public class UndoManager extends CompoundEdit implements UndoableEditListener { } /** - * Returns the the next significant edit to be redone if redo + * Returns the next significant edit to be redone if redo * is invoked. This returns null if there are no edits * to be redone. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/datatransfer/DataTransferer.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/datatransfer/DataTransferer.java index 963ca5c553b..c914966ce2d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/datatransfer/DataTransferer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/datatransfer/DataTransferer.java @@ -926,6 +926,15 @@ search: // bytes and dump them into a byte array. For text flavors, decode back // to a String and recur to reencode according to the requested format. } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream()) { + + // Workaround to JDK-8024061: Exception thrown when drag and drop + // between two components is executed quickly. + // and JDK-8065098: JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop + // between two JVM instances + if (!(obj instanceof InputStream)) { + return new byte[0]; + } + try (ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { try (InputStream is = (InputStream)obj) { boolean eof = false; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/dnd/SunDropTargetContextPeer.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/dnd/SunDropTargetContextPeer.java index dbb17e9f4be..26f3cdc0fb3 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/dnd/SunDropTargetContextPeer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/dnd/SunDropTargetContextPeer.java @@ -239,13 +239,6 @@ public abstract class SunDropTargetContextPeer implements DropTargetContextPeer, if (localTransferable != null) { return localTransferable.getTransferData(df); - } else if (df.isMimeTypeEqual(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType)) { - // Workaround to JDK-8024061: Exception thrown when drag and drop - // between two components is executed quickly. - // It is expected localTransferable is not null if javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType - // is used. Executing further results in ClassCastException, so null is - // returned here as no transfer data is available in this case. - return null; } if (dropStatus != STATUS_ACCEPT || dropComplete) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/im/ExecutableInputMethodManager.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/im/ExecutableInputMethodManager.java index d974cdec24a..11619ba453d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/im/ExecutableInputMethodManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/im/ExecutableInputMethodManager.java @@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ class ExecutableInputMethodManager extends InputMethodManager AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Object run() { for (InputMethodDescriptor descriptor : - ServiceLoader.loadInstalled(InputMethodDescriptor.class)) { + ServiceLoader.load(InputMethodDescriptor.class, + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())) { ClassLoader cl = descriptor.getClass().getClassLoader(); javaInputMethodLocatorList.add(new InputMethodLocator(descriptor, cl, null)); } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/BidiUtils.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/BidiUtils.java index 41d6acd02b9..45dcf92aef5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/BidiUtils.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/BidiUtils.java @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public final class BidiUtils { * array instead of iterating over the runs. * * @param levels the array to receive the character levels - * @param start the starting offset into the the array + * @param start the starting offset into the array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if start is less than 0 or * start + getLength() is greater than levels.length. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/Decoration.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/Decoration.java index cf3f25bfcfa..36adaa8f2e4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/Decoration.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/Decoration.java @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class Decoration { } /** - * Return a Decoration appropriate for the the given Map. + * Return a Decoration appropriate for the given Map. * @param attributes the Map used to determine the Decoration */ public static Decoration getDecoration(Map attributes) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FileFontStrike.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FileFontStrike.java index 06654b3d312..7fb9f65c7ab 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FileFontStrike.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FileFontStrike.java @@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ public class FileFontStrike extends PhysicalStrike { /* The caller of this can be trusted to return a copy of this * return value rectangle to public API. In fact frequently it - * can't use use this return value directly anyway. + * can't use this return value directly anyway. * This returns bounds in device space. Currently the only * caller is SGV and it converts back to user space. * We could change things so that this code does the conversion so diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FontUtilities.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FontUtilities.java index 11731fd4339..377433617ac 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FontUtilities.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/FontUtilities.java @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public final class FontUtilities { * char which means it may include undecoded surrogate pairs. * The distinction is made so that code which needs to identify all * cases in which we do not have a simple mapping from - * char->unicode character->glyph can be be identified. + * char->unicode character->glyph can be identified. * For example measurement cannot simply sum advances of 'chars', * the caret in editable text cannot advance one 'char' at a time, etc. * These callers really are asking for more than whether 'layout' diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunFontManager.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunFontManager.java index f92eba8fbaa..274ec690ef9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunFontManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunFontManager.java @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ public abstract class SunFontManager implements FontSupport, FontManagerForSGE { * that claims to support the Microsoft Windows encoding corresponding to * the default file.encoding property of this JRE instance. * This narrow value is useful for Swing to decide if the font is useful - * for the the Windows Look and Feel, or, if a composite font should be + * for the Windows Look and Feel, or, if a composite font should be * used instead. * The information used to make the decision is obtained from * the ulCodePageRange fields in the font. @@ -1611,7 +1611,7 @@ public abstract class SunFontManager implements FontSupport, FontManagerForSGE { * all non-null file names first. * They are added in to a map with nominally the first * word in the name of the family as the key. In all the cases - * we are using the the family name is a single word, and as is + * we are using the family name is a single word, and as is * more or less required the family name is the initial sequence * in a full name. So lookup first finds the matching description, * then registers the whole family, returning the right font. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunLayoutEngine.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunLayoutEngine.java index 0927d246625..47f0022a443 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunLayoutEngine.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/SunLayoutEngine.java @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ import java.util.Locale; * font tables (the selector indicates which). Then layout is called, * the contents are copied (or not), and the stack is destroyed on * exit. So the association is between the font/script (layout engine - * desc) and and one of a few permanent engine objects, which are + * desc) and one of a few permanent engine objects, which are * handed the key when they need to process something. In the native * case, the engine holds an index, and just passes it together with * the key info down to native. Some default cases are the 'default diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/TrueTypeFont.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/TrueTypeFont.java index e2a88df6e86..047a9309095 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/TrueTypeFont.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/font/TrueTypeFont.java @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class TrueTypeFont extends FileFont { /* number of table entries in the directory/offsets table */ int numTables; - /* The contents of the the directory/offsets table */ + /* The contents of the directory/offsets table */ DirectoryEntry []tableDirectory; // protected byte []gposTable = null; @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public class TrueTypeFont extends FileFont { return false; /* useNatives is false */ } else if (nativeNames instanceof String) { String name = (String)nativeNames; - /* Don't do do this for Latin fonts */ + /* Don't do this for Latin fonts */ if (name.indexOf("8859") > 0) { checkedNatives = true; return false; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.java index 4ee5abb85c3..3ed651e5089 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.java @@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ public class ProcessPath { */ ); } else { - /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the the processed + /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the processed * segment * * CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, res); @@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ public class ProcessPath { return; } - /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the the processed + /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the processed * segment * * CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, res); @@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ public class ProcessPath { if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return; lastClipped = IS_CLIPPED(res); - /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the the processed + /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the processed * segment * * CLIPCLAMP(outXMin, outXMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, res); @@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ public class ProcessPath { return; } - /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the the processed + /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the processed * segment * * CLIPCLAMP(outXMin, outXMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, res); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/BufferedContext.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/BufferedContext.java index 4513c670900..85301c27bdd 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/BufferedContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/BufferedContext.java @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ public abstract class BufferedContext { public abstract RenderQueue getRenderQueue(); /** - * Saves the the state of this context. + * Saves the state of this context. * It may reset the current context. * * Note: must be called while the RenderQueue lock is held. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/DrawImage.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/DrawImage.java index 6b10d247e43..cfa130b8199 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/DrawImage.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/DrawImage.java @@ -364,8 +364,53 @@ public class DrawImage implements DrawImagePipe int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, Color bgColor) { + final AffineTransform itx; + try { + itx = tx.createInverse(); + } catch (final NoninvertibleTransformException ignored) { + // Non-invertible transform means no output + return; + } + + /* + * Find the maximum bounds on the destination that will be + * affected by the transformed source. First, transform all + * four corners of the source and then min and max the resulting + * destination coordinates of the transformed corners. + * Note that tx already has the offset to sx1,sy1 accounted + * for so we use the box (0, 0, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1) as the + * source coordinates. + */ + final double[] coords = new double[8]; + /* corner: UL UR LL LR */ + /* index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ + /* coord: (0, 0), (w, 0), (0, h), (w, h) */ + coords[2] = coords[6] = sx2 - sx1; + coords[5] = coords[7] = sy2 - sy1; + tx.transform(coords, 0, coords, 0, 4); + double ddx1, ddy1, ddx2, ddy2; + ddx1 = ddx2 = coords[0]; + ddy1 = ddy2 = coords[1]; + for (int i = 2; i < coords.length; i += 2) { + double d = coords[i]; + if (ddx1 > d) ddx1 = d; + else if (ddx2 < d) ddx2 = d; + d = coords[i+1]; + if (ddy1 > d) ddy1 = d; + else if (ddy2 < d) ddy2 = d; + } + Region clip = sg.getCompClip(); - SurfaceData dstData = sg.surfaceData; + final int dx1 = Math.max((int) Math.floor(ddx1), clip.lox); + final int dy1 = Math.max((int) Math.floor(ddy1), clip.loy); + final int dx2 = Math.min((int) Math.ceil(ddx2), clip.hix); + final int dy2 = Math.min((int) Math.ceil(ddy2), clip.hiy); + if (dx2 <= dx1 || dy2 <= dy1) { + // empty destination means no output + return; + } + + final SurfaceData dstData = sg.surfaceData; SurfaceData srcData = dstData.getSourceSurfaceData(img, SunGraphics2D.TRANSFORM_GENERIC, sg.imageComp, @@ -429,56 +474,13 @@ public class DrawImage implements DrawImagePipe // assert(helper != null); } - AffineTransform itx; - try { - itx = tx.createInverse(); - } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { - // Non-invertible transform means no output - return; - } - - /* - * Find the maximum bounds on the destination that will be - * affected by the transformed source. First, transform all - * four corners of the source and then min and max the resulting - * destination coordinates of the transformed corners. - * Note that tx already has the offset to sx1,sy1 accounted - * for so we use the box (0, 0, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1) as the - * source coordinates. - */ - double coords[] = new double[8]; - /* corner: UL UR LL LR */ - /* index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ - /* coord: (0, 0), (w, 0), (0, h), (w, h) */ - coords[2] = coords[6] = sx2 - sx1; - coords[5] = coords[7] = sy2 - sy1; - tx.transform(coords, 0, coords, 0, 4); - double ddx1, ddy1, ddx2, ddy2; - ddx1 = ddx2 = coords[0]; - ddy1 = ddy2 = coords[1]; - for (int i = 2; i < coords.length; i += 2) { - double d = coords[i]; - if (ddx1 > d) ddx1 = d; - else if (ddx2 < d) ddx2 = d; - d = coords[i+1]; - if (ddy1 > d) ddy1 = d; - else if (ddy2 < d) ddy2 = d; - } - int dx1 = (int) Math.floor(ddx1); - int dy1 = (int) Math.floor(ddy1); - int dx2 = (int) Math.ceil(ddx2); - int dy2 = (int) Math.ceil(ddy2); - SurfaceType dstType = dstData.getSurfaceType(); - MaskBlit maskblit; - Blit blit; if (sg.compositeState <= SunGraphics2D.COMP_ALPHA) { /* NOTE: We either have, or we can make, * a MaskBlit for any alpha composite type */ - maskblit = MaskBlit.getFromCache(SurfaceType.IntArgbPre, - sg.imageComp, - dstType); + MaskBlit maskblit = MaskBlit.getFromCache(SurfaceType.IntArgbPre, + sg.imageComp, dstType); /* NOTE: We can only use the native TransformHelper * func to go directly to the dest if both the helper @@ -496,27 +498,19 @@ public class DrawImage implements DrawImagePipe null, 0, 0); return; } - blit = null; - } else { - /* NOTE: We either have, or we can make, - * a Blit for any composite type, even Custom - */ - maskblit = null; - blit = Blit.getFromCache(SurfaceType.IntArgbPre, - sg.imageComp, - dstType); } // We need to transform to a temp image and then copy // just the pieces that are valid data to the dest. - BufferedImage tmpimg = new BufferedImage(dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1, + final int w = dx2 - dx1; + final int h = dy2 - dy1; + BufferedImage tmpimg = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); SurfaceData tmpData = SurfaceData.getPrimarySurfaceData(tmpimg); SurfaceType tmpType = tmpData.getSurfaceType(); - MaskBlit tmpmaskblit = - MaskBlit.getFromCache(SurfaceType.IntArgbPre, - CompositeType.SrcNoEa, - tmpType); + MaskBlit tmpmaskblit = MaskBlit.getFromCache(SurfaceType.IntArgbPre, + CompositeType.SrcNoEa, + tmpType); /* * The helper function fills a temporary edges buffer * for us with the bounding coordinates of each scanline @@ -531,7 +525,7 @@ public class DrawImage implements DrawImagePipe * * edges thus has to be h*2+2 in length */ - int edges[] = new int[(dy2-dy1)*2+2]; + final int[] edges = new int[h * 2 + 2]; // It is important that edges[0]=edges[1]=0 when we call // Transform in case it must return early and we would // not want to render anything on an error condition. @@ -539,35 +533,17 @@ public class DrawImage implements DrawImagePipe AlphaComposite.Src, null, itx, interpType, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, - 0, 0, dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1, + 0, 0, w, h, edges, dx1, dy1); - /* - * Now copy the results, scanline by scanline, into the dest. - * The edges array helps us minimize the work. + final Region region = Region.getInstance(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, edges); + clip = clip.getIntersection(region); + + /* NOTE: We either have, or we can make, + * a Blit for any composite type, even Custom */ - int index = 2; - for (int y = edges[0]; y < edges[1]; y++) { - int relx1 = edges[index++]; - int relx2 = edges[index++]; - if (relx1 >= relx2) { - continue; - } - if (maskblit != null) { - maskblit.MaskBlit(tmpData, dstData, - sg.composite, clip, - relx1, y, - dx1+relx1, dy1+y, - relx2 - relx1, 1, - null, 0, 0); - } else { - blit.Blit(tmpData, dstData, - sg.composite, clip, - relx1, y, - dx1+relx1, dy1+y, - relx2 - relx1, 1); - } - } + final Blit blit = Blit.getFromCache(tmpType, sg.imageComp, dstType); + blit.Blit(tmpData, dstData, sg.composite, clip, 0, 0, dx1, dy1, w, h); } // Render an image using only integer translation diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/Region.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/Region.java index 55bb0a43cc1..723fdaaf97e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/Region.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/Region.java @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape; +import sun.java2d.loops.TransformHelper; + /** * This class encapsulates a definition of a two dimensional region which * consists of a number of Y ranges each containing multiple X bands. @@ -160,6 +162,15 @@ public class Region { this.hiy = hiy; } + private Region(int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy, int[] bands, int end) { + this.lox = lox; + this.loy = loy; + this.hix = hix; + this.hiy = hiy; + this.bands = bands; + this.endIndex = end; + } + /** * Returns a Region object covering the pixels which would be * touched by a fill or clip operation on a Graphics implementation @@ -255,6 +266,44 @@ public class Region { } } + /** + * Returns a Region object with a rectangle of interest specified by the + * indicated rectangular area in lox, loy, hix, hiy and edges array, which + * is located relative to the rectangular area. Edges array - 0,1 are y + * range, 2N,2N+1 are x ranges, 1 per y range. + * + * @see TransformHelper + */ + static Region getInstance(final int lox, final int loy, final int hix, + final int hiy, final int[] edges) { + final int y1 = edges[0]; + final int y2 = edges[1]; + if (hiy <= loy || hix <= lox || y2 <= y1) { + return EMPTY_REGION; + } + // rowsNum * (3 + 1 * 2) + final int[] bands = new int[(y2 - y1) * 5]; + int end = 0; + int index = 2; + for (int y = y1; y < y2; ++y) { + final int spanlox = Math.max(clipAdd(lox, edges[index++]), lox); + final int spanhix = Math.min(clipAdd(lox, edges[index++]), hix); + if (spanlox < spanhix) { + final int spanloy = Math.max(clipAdd(loy, y), loy); + final int spanhiy = Math.min(clipAdd(spanloy, 1), hiy); + if (spanloy < spanhiy) { + bands[end++] = spanloy; + bands[end++] = spanhiy; + bands[end++] = 1; // 1 span per row + bands[end++] = spanlox; + bands[end++] = spanhix; + } + } + } + return end != 0 ? new Region(lox, loy, hix, hiy, bands, end) + : EMPTY_REGION; + } + /** * Returns a Region object with a rectangle of interest specified * by the indicated Rectangle object. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PathGraphics.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PathGraphics.java index c7aa913acf0..467ed39fe9d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PathGraphics.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PathGraphics.java @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ public abstract class PathGraphics extends ProxyGraphics2D { * since it doesn't actually require "layout" (even though its * considered a layout attribute), it just requires a fractional * tweak to the[default]advances. So we need to specifically - * check for tracking until such time as as we can trust + * check for tracking until such time as we can trust * the GlyphVector.FLAG_HAS_POSITION_ADJUSTMENTS bit. */ Map map = font.getAttributes(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PeekGraphics.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PeekGraphics.java index 32d882e2efa..dd6e0e7472c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PeekGraphics.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PeekGraphics.java @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ public class PeekGraphics extends Graphics2D * paint or color, and composite attributes. * For characters in script systems such as Hebrew and Arabic, * the glyphs may be draw from right to left, in which case the - * coordinate supplied is the the location of the leftmost character + * coordinate supplied is the location of the leftmost character * on the baseline. * @param iterator the iterator whose text is to be drawn * @param x,y the coordinates where the iterator's text should be drawn. @@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ public class PeekGraphics extends Graphics2D * paint or color, and composite attributes. * For characters in script systems such as Hebrew and Arabic, * the glyphs may be draw from right to left, in which case the - * coordinate supplied is the the location of the leftmost character + * coordinate supplied is the location of the leftmost character * on the baseline. * @param iterator the iterator whose text is to be drawn * @param x,y the coordinates where the iterator's text should be drawn. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PrintJob2D.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PrintJob2D.java index 22f21fc34cd..23e4ed4d64d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PrintJob2D.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/PrintJob2D.java @@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ public class PrintJob2D extends PrintJob implements Printable, Runnable { * The resolution of the page is chosen so that it * is similar to the screen resolution. * Except (since 1.3) when the application specifies a resolution. - * In that case it it scaled accordingly. + * In that case it is scaled accordingly. */ public Dimension getPageDimension() { double wid, hgt, scale; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/ProxyGraphics2D.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/ProxyGraphics2D.java index 5a4b3845a13..6187e639b69 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/ProxyGraphics2D.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/print/ProxyGraphics2D.java @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ public class ProxyGraphics2D extends Graphics2D implements PrinterGraphics { * paint or color, and composite attributes. * For characters in script systems such as Hebrew and Arabic, * the glyphs may be draw from right to left, in which case the - * coordinate supplied is the the location of the leftmost character + * coordinate supplied is the location of the leftmost character * on the baseline. * @param iterator the iterator whose text is to be drawn * @param x,y the coordinates where the iterator's text should be drawn. @@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ public class ProxyGraphics2D extends Graphics2D implements PrinterGraphics { * paint or color, and composite attributes. * For characters in script systems such as Hebrew and Arabic, * the glyphs may be draw from right to left, in which case the - * coordinate supplied is the the location of the leftmost character + * coordinate supplied is the location of the leftmost character * on the baseline. * @param iterator the iterator whose text is to be drawn * @param x,y the coordinates where the iterator's text should be drawn. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/AccumulativeRunnable.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/AccumulativeRunnable.java index ac57e6d2115..8dd6e5eeede 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/AccumulativeRunnable.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/AccumulativeRunnable.java @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; * * *

    - * Say we want want to implement addDirtyRegion(Rectangle rect) + * Say we want to implement addDirtyRegion(Rectangle rect) * which sends this region to the * handleDirtyRegions(List regiouns) on the EDT. * addDirtyRegions better be accumulated before handling on the EDT. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/CachedPainter.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/CachedPainter.java index defc35f2543..dedee99cc27 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/CachedPainter.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/classes/sun/swing/CachedPainter.java @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public abstract class CachedPainter { } /** - * Renders the cached image to the the passed in Graphic. + * Renders the cached image to the passed in Graphic. * If there is no cached image paintToImage will be invoked. * paintImage is invoked to paint the cached image. * diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/font/fontscalerdefs.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/font/fontscalerdefs.h index 5ffabbbe6e4..2a53cd13c18 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/font/fontscalerdefs.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/font/fontscalerdefs.h @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ typedef float t2kScalar; #define t2kScalarAverage(a, b) (((a) + (b)) / (t2kScalar)(2)) /* managed: 1 means the glyph has a hardware cached - * copy, and its freeing is managed by the the usual + * copy, and its freeing is managed by the usual * 2D disposer code. * A value of 0 means its either unaccelerated (and so has no cellInfos) * or we want to free this in a different way. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLBlitLoops.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLBlitLoops.c index fa9a2fe34a5..c96791f76cc 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLBlitLoops.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLBlitLoops.c @@ -674,6 +674,9 @@ OGLBlitLoops_Blit(JNIEnv *env, viaTexture = JNI_TRUE; break; #endif + case OGLC_VENDOR_INTEL: + viaTexture = JNI_TRUE; + break; default: // just use the glDrawPixels() codepath viaTexture = JNI_FALSE; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.c index ed179f64369..a33e201a39a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.c @@ -919,8 +919,8 @@ OGLContext_GetExtensionInfo(JNIEnv *env, jint *caps) vcap = OGLC_VENDOR_ATI; } else if (strncmp(vendor, "NVIDIA", 6) == 0) { vcap = OGLC_VENDOR_NVIDIA; - } else if (strncmp(vendor, "Sun", 3) == 0) { - vcap = OGLC_VENDOR_SUN; + } else if (strncmp(vendor, "Intel", 5) == 0) { + vcap = OGLC_VENDOR_INTEL; } // REMIND: new in 7 - check if needs fixing *caps |= ((vcap & OGLC_VCAP_MASK) << OGLC_VCAP_OFFSET); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.h index 0f44232f316..27c5cec5909 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/common/java2d/opengl/OGLContext.h @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ typedef struct { #define OGLC_VENDOR_OTHER 0 #define OGLC_VENDOR_ATI 1 #define OGLC_VENDOR_NVIDIA 2 -#define OGLC_VENDOR_SUN 3 +#define OGLC_VENDOR_INTEL 3 #define OGLC_VCAP_MASK 0x3 #define OGLC_VCAP_OFFSET 24 diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/awt/image/gif/gifdecoder.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/awt/image/gif/gifdecoder.c index e93feb6c8e9..b62c02777ce 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/awt/image/gif/gifdecoder.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/awt/image/gif/gifdecoder.c @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Java_sun_awt_image_GifImageDecoder_parseImage(JNIEnv *env, * and therefore we have to continue looping through data * but skip internal output loop. * - * In particular this is is possible when + * In particular this is possible when * width of the frame is set to zero. If * global width (i.e. width of the logical screen) * is zero too then zero-length scanline buffer diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.c index 07eb3468926..4ba85035bb2 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libawt/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.c @@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ static void ProcessLine(ProcessHandler* hnd, */ ); } else { - /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the the processed segment + /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the processed segment */ CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, jfloat, res); X1 = (jint)(x1*MDP_MULT); @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ static void ProcessLine(ProcessHandler* hnd, return; } - /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the the processed segment + /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the processed segment */ CLIPCLAMP(xMin, xMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, jfloat, res); @@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ void StoreFixedLine(ProcessHandler* hnd,jint x1,jint y1,jint x2,jint y2, if (res == CRES_INVISIBLE) return; lastClipped = IS_CLIPPED(res); - /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the the processed segment */ + /* Clamping starting from first vertex of the processed segment */ CLIPCLAMP(outXMin, outXMax, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, jint, res); /* Clamping only by left boundary */ @@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ void StoreFixedLine(ProcessHandler* hnd,jint x1,jint y1,jint x2,jint y2, return; } - /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the the processed segment */ + /* Clamping starting from last vertex of the processed segment */ CLIPCLAMP(outXMin, outXMax, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, jint, res); /* Checking if there was a clip by right boundary */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/freetypeScaler.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/freetypeScaler.c index af5b76e5381..8586984ee02 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/freetypeScaler.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/freetypeScaler.c @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static unsigned long ReadTTFontFileFunc(FT_Stream stream, bBuffer, offset, numBytes); return bread; } else { - /* We probably hit bug bug 4845371. For reasons that + /* We probably hit bug 4845371. For reasons that * are currently unclear, the call stacks after the initial * createScaler call that read large amounts of data seem to * be OK and can create the byte buffer above, but this code @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Java_sun_font_FreetypeFontScaler_initNativeScaler( We can consider sharing freetype library between different scalers. However, Freetype docs suggest to use different libraries for different threads. Also, our architecture implies that single - FontScaler object is shared for for different sizes/transforms/styles + FontScaler object is shared for different sizes/transforms/styles of the same font. On other hand these methods can not be concurrently executed diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/layout/LayoutEngine.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/layout/LayoutEngine.h index 0d4e1c7f504..9a04832c18b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/layout/LayoutEngine.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/layout/LayoutEngine.h @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ protected: * This method does character to glyph mapping. The default implementation * uses the font instance to do the mapping. It will allocate the glyph and * character index arrays if they're not already allocated. If it allocates the - * character index array, it will fill it it. + * character index array, it will fill it. * * This method supports right to left * text with the ability to store the glyphs in reverse order, and by supporting @@ -537,4 +537,3 @@ public: U_NAMESPACE_END #endif - diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/liblcms/LCMS.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/liblcms/LCMS.c index 0939b00a761..4391c4b8ef1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/liblcms/LCMS.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/share/native/liblcms/LCMS.c @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ static cmsHPROFILE _writeCookedTag(const cmsHPROFILE pfTarget, cmsCloseProfile(p); p = NULL; } else { - // do final check whether we can read and handle the the target tag. + // do final check whether we can read and handle the target tag. const void* pTag = cmsReadTag(pfSanity, sig); if (pTag == NULL) { // the tag can not be cooked diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/ListHelper.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/ListHelper.java index 5ed8161ed84..bc17cd27ef1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/ListHelper.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/ListHelper.java @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ final class ListHelper implements XScrollbarClient { private final int BORDER_WIDTH; // Width of border drawn around the list // of items private final int ITEM_MARGIN; // Margin between the border of the list - // of items and and item's bg, and between + // of items and item's bg, and between // items private final int TEXT_SPACE; // Space between the edge of an item and // the text diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XEmbeddedFramePeer.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XEmbeddedFramePeer.java index e9b365b1c2a..72f0bc658b5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XEmbeddedFramePeer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XEmbeddedFramePeer.java @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ public class XEmbeddedFramePeer extends XFramePeer { embedder.registerAccelerator(iter.next(), i++); } } - // Now we know that the the embedder is an XEmbed server, so we + // Now we know that the embedder is an XEmbed server, so we // reregister the drop target to enable XDnD protocol support via // XEmbed. updateDropTarget(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XScrollPanePeer.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XScrollPanePeer.java index c20597402b9..af573a469fa 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XScrollPanePeer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XScrollPanePeer.java @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class XScrollPanePeer extends XComponentPeer implements ScrollPanePeer, XScrollb // Check to see if we hid either of the scrollbars but left // ourselves scrolled off of the top and/or right of the pane. - // If we did, we need to scroll to the top and/or right of of + // If we did, we need to scroll to the top and/or right of // the pane to make it visible. // // Reminder: see if there is a better place to put this code. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XTextFieldPeer.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XTextFieldPeer.java index aeee2a022a4..dd7eddc610c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XTextFieldPeer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XTextFieldPeer.java @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ final class XTextFieldPeer extends XComponentPeer implements TextFieldPeer { } /** - * Deselects the the highlighted text. + * Deselects the highlighted text. */ public void deselect() { int selStart=xtext.getSelectionStart(); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XToolkit.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XToolkit.java index 4ed9439bb03..4ecc144880d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XToolkit.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/XToolkit.java @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ public final class XToolkit extends UNIXToolkit implements Runnable { static TreeMap winMap = new TreeMap<>(); static HashMap specialPeerMap = new HashMap<>(); static HashMap> winToDispatcher = new HashMap<>(); - private static long _display; static UIDefaults uidefaults; - static X11GraphicsEnvironment localEnv; - static X11GraphicsDevice device; - static final X11GraphicsConfig config; + static final X11GraphicsEnvironment localEnv; + private static final X11GraphicsDevice device; + private static final X11GraphicsConfig config; + private static final long display; static int awt_multiclick_time; static boolean securityWarningEnabled; @@ -118,15 +118,16 @@ public final class XToolkit extends UNIXToolkit implements Runnable { static { initSecurityWarning(); if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { + localEnv = null; + device = null; config = null; + display = 0; } else { localEnv = (X11GraphicsEnvironment) GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); device = (X11GraphicsDevice) localEnv.getDefaultScreenDevice(); - config = (X11GraphicsConfig) (device.getDefaultConfiguration()); - if (device != null) { - _display = device.getDisplay(); - } + config = (X11GraphicsConfig) device.getDefaultConfiguration(); + display = device.getDisplay(); setupModifierMap(); initIDs(); setBackingStoreType(); @@ -197,10 +198,18 @@ public final class XToolkit extends UNIXToolkit implements Runnable { } } - static Object displayLock = new Object(); - + /** + * Returns the X11 Display of the default screen device. + * + * @return X11 Display + * @throws AWTError thrown if local GraphicsEnvironment is null, which + * means we are in the headless environment + */ public static long getDisplay() { - return _display; + if (localEnv == null) { + throw new AWTError("Local GraphicsEnvironment must not be null"); + } + return display; } public static long getDefaultRootWindow() { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/font/NativeFont.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/font/NativeFont.java index bc39f743a91..ca225f6df5a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/font/NativeFont.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/font/NativeFont.java @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ public class NativeFont extends PhysicalFont { */ // sb.replace(hPos[6]+1, hPos[7], "0"); - /* comment out this block to the the 1.4.2 behaviour */ + /* comment out this block to the 1.4.2 behaviour */ if (hPos[0] == 0 && hPos[1] == 1) { /* null foundry name : some linux font configuration files have * symbol font entries like this and its just plain wrong. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/awt_Font.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/awt_Font.c index 016048ec4e8..b68e0ede641 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/awt_Font.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/awt_Font.c @@ -587,6 +587,7 @@ awtJNI_GetFontData(JNIEnv * env, jobject font, char **errmsg) Disposer_AddRecord(env, font, pDataDisposeMethod, ptr_to_jlong(fdata)); return fdata; } else { + JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, NULL); Display *display = NULL; struct FontData *fdata = NULL; char fontSpec[1024]; @@ -722,7 +723,7 @@ static void pDataDisposeMethod(JNIEnv *env, jlong pData) } /* AWT fonts are always "multifonts" and probably have been in - * all post 1.0 releases, so this test test for multi fonts is + * all post 1.0 releases, so this test for multi fonts is * probably not needed, and the singleton xfont is probably never used. */ if (fdata->charset_num > 0) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/medialib/mlib_v_ImageCopy_f.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/medialib/mlib_v_ImageCopy_f.c index 30bf14368de..7b4bd8c3c13 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/medialib/mlib_v_ImageCopy_f.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/medialib/mlib_v_ImageCopy_f.c @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void mlib_ImageCopy_bit_al(const mlib_u8 *sa, /***************************************************************/ /* * Either source or destination data are not 8-byte aligned. - * And size is is in bytes. + * And size is in bytes. */ void mlib_ImageCopy_na(const mlib_u8 *sa, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_Event.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_Event.c index e1b48d5bb23..6442469713b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_Event.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_Event.c @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ struct EventIDs eventIDs; JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_awt_Event_initIDs(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) { - eventIDs.data = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "data", "J"); - eventIDs.consumed = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "consumed", "Z"); - eventIDs.id = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "id", "I"); + CHECK_NULL(eventIDs.data = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "data", "J")); + CHECK_NULL(eventIDs.consumed = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "consumed", "Z")); + CHECK_NULL(eventIDs.id = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "id", "I")); } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c index f142c866463..0e2d15d0466 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ * questions. */ +#include "jni_util.h" #include "awt_p.h" #include "awt.h" #include "color.h" @@ -763,6 +764,7 @@ awt_init_Display(JNIEnv *env, jobject this) XSetIOErrorHandler(xioerror_handler); JNU_CallStaticMethodByName(env, NULL, "sun/awt/X11/XErrorHandlerUtil", "init", "(J)V", ptr_to_jlong(awt_display)); + JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, NULL); /* set awt_numScreens, and whether or not we're using Xinerama */ xineramaInit(); @@ -789,6 +791,7 @@ awt_init_Display(JNIEnv *env, jobject this) x11Screens[i].root = RootWindow(awt_display, i); } x11Screens[i].defaultConfig = makeDefaultConfig(env, i); + JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(env, NULL); } return dpy; @@ -1495,7 +1498,7 @@ Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsConfig_isTranslucencyCapable if (aData == NULL) { return JNI_FALSE; } - return (jboolean)aData->isTranslucencySupported; + return aData->isTranslucencySupported ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; #endif } @@ -1575,9 +1578,9 @@ Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsEnvironment_pRunningXinerama(JNIEnv *env, jobject this) { #ifdef HEADLESS - return false; + return JNI_FALSE; #else - return usingXinerama; + return usingXinerama ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; #endif /* HEADLESS */ } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/multiVis.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/multiVis.c index 92a9401e523..6fe8e3fcdb3 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/multiVis.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/multiVis.c @@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ int32_t GetXVisualInfo(display, screen, transparentOverlays, * of those supports a transparent * pixel. */ int32_t *numVisuals; /* Number of XVisualInfo struct's - * pointed to to by pVisuals. */ + * pointed to by pVisuals. */ XVisualInfo **pVisuals; /* All of the device's visuals. */ int32_t *numOverlayVisuals; /* Number of OverlayInfo's pointed * to by pOverlayVisuals. If this diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/sun_awt_X11_GtkFileDialogPeer.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/sun_awt_X11_GtkFileDialogPeer.c index 1c040e0a1cf..68019269031 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/sun_awt_X11_GtkFileDialogPeer.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/sun_awt_X11_GtkFileDialogPeer.c @@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ static gboolean filenameFilterCallback(const GtkFileFilterInfo * filter_info, gp static void quit(JNIEnv * env, jobject jpeer, gboolean isSignalHandler) { + jthrowable pendingException; + if (pendingException = (*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) { + (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); + } + GtkWidget * dialog = (GtkWidget*)jlong_to_ptr( (*env)->GetLongField(env, jpeer, widgetFieldID)); @@ -95,6 +100,10 @@ static void quit(JNIEnv * env, jobject jpeer, gboolean isSignalHandler) fp_gdk_threads_leave(); } } + + if (pendingException) { + (*env)->Throw(env, pendingException); + } } /* diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/wsutils.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/wsutils.h index 9ff6c5d23e8..5903e1696e0 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/wsutils.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/wsutils.h @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ extern int32_t GetXVisualInfo( * of those supports a transparent * pixel. */ int32_t *numVisuals, /* Number of XVisualInfo struct's - * pointed to to by pVisuals. */ + * pointed to by pVisuals. */ XVisualInfo **pVisuals, /* All of the device's visuals. */ int32_t *numOverlayVisuals, /* Number of OverlayInfo's pointed * to by pOverlayVisuals. If this diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/xawt/XToolkit.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/xawt/XToolkit.c index 91e795c58ff..1aaa1eddc63 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/xawt/XToolkit.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/xawt/XToolkit.c @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ struct MenuComponentIDs menuComponentIDs; #ifndef HEADLESS extern Display* awt_init_Display(JNIEnv *env, jobject this); -extern void freeNativeStringArray(char **array, long length); +extern void freeNativeStringArray(char **array, jsize length); extern char** stringArrayToNative(JNIEnv *env, jobjectArray array, jsize * ret_length); struct XFontPeerIDs xFontPeerIDs; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libmlib_image/mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_43.c b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libmlib_image/mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_43.c index ea8781e2857..cf6ec42372e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libmlib_image/mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_43.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libmlib_image/mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_43.c @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ void mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_U8_43R_A8D2X8(const mlib_u8 *src, /***************************************************************/ /* * Either source or destination data are not 8-byte aligned. - * And dsize is is in pixels. + * And dsize is in pixels. */ void mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_U8_43R_D1(const mlib_u8 *src, @@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ void mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_S16_43L_A8D2X4(const mlib_s16 *src, /***************************************************************/ /* * Either source or destination data are not 8-byte aligned. - * And size is is in pixels. + * And size is in pixels. */ void mlib_v_ImageChannelExtract_S16_43L_D1(const mlib_s16 *src, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/shell/Win32ShellFolder2.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/shell/Win32ShellFolder2.java index ed3478d0be3..5fd7c34cad5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/shell/Win32ShellFolder2.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/shell/Win32ShellFolder2.java @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ final class Win32ShellFolder2 extends ShellFolder { // Get a child pidl relative to 'parent' long childPIDL = copyFirstPIDLEntry(pIDL); if (childPIDL != 0) { - // Get a handle to the the rest of the ID list + // Get a handle to the rest of the ID list // i,e, parent's grandchilren and down pIDL = getNextPIDLEntry(pIDL); if (pIDL != 0) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/TranslucentWindowPainter.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/TranslucentWindowPainter.java index ff06aa50f94..e57ce205a74 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/TranslucentWindowPainter.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/TranslucentWindowPainter.java @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ abstract class TranslucentWindowPainter { protected abstract Image getBackBuffer(boolean clear); /** - * Updates the the window associated with this painter with the contents + * Updates the window associated with this painter with the contents * of the passed image. * The image can not be null, and NPE will be thrown if it is. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/WToolkit.java b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/WToolkit.java index efd8517a9f7..7915982c95a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/WToolkit.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/WToolkit.java @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public final class WToolkit extends SunToolkit implements Runnable { /** * Initializes the Toolkit for use in an embedded environment. * - * @return true if the the initialization succeeded; false if it failed. + * @return true if the initialization succeeded; false if it failed. * The function will fail if the Toolkit was already initialized. * @since 1.3 */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/java2d/windows/GDIWindowSurfaceData.cpp b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/java2d/windows/GDIWindowSurfaceData.cpp index 5afb5b3229e..b52dce038a0 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/java2d/windows/GDIWindowSurfaceData.cpp +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/java2d/windows/GDIWindowSurfaceData.cpp @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void SetupThreadGraphicsInfo(JNIEnv *env, GDIWinSDOps *wsdo) { ZeroMemory(info, sizeof(ThreadGraphicsInfo)); TlsSetValue(threadInfoIndex, (LPVOID)info); J2dTraceLn2(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, - " current batch limit for for thread 0x%x is %d", + " current batch limit for thread 0x%x is %d", GetCurrentThreadId(), ::GdiGetBatchLimit()); J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_VERBOSE, " setting to the limit to 1"); // Fix for bug 4374079 diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Debug.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Debug.h index fb67ea6ab74..6e99799541f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Debug.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Debug.h @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static void AssertCallback(const char * expr, const char * file, int line); - /* This method signals that the VM is exiting cleanly, and thus the + /* This method signals that the VM is exiting cleanly, and thus the debug memory manager should dump a leaks report when the VM has finished exiting. This method should not be called for termination exits (such as -C) */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Frame.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Frame.h index eac23e92948..fe0e1f86606 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Frame.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Frame.h @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ private: * Hashtable - a table that contains all the * information about non-toolkit threads with modal blocked embedded * frames. This information includes: number of blocked embedded frames - * created on the the thread, and mouse and modal hooks installed for + * created on the thread, and mouse and modal hooks installed for * that thread. For every thread each hook is installed only once */ static Hashtable sm_BlockedThreads; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Palette.cpp b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Palette.cpp index cd38ca5e558..51b51a0e36e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Palette.cpp +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Palette.cpp @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ AwtPalette::AwtPalette(AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device) } /** - * Retrieves system palette entries. Includes a workaround for for some + * Retrieves system palette entries. Includes a workaround for some * video drivers which may not support the GSPE call but may return * valid values from this procedure. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Toolkit.h b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Toolkit.h index 3782aac8cf7..56b723211a6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Toolkit.h +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Toolkit.h @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ public: bool Terminate(bool wrongThread); bool InvokeAndTerminate(void(_cdecl *fn)(void *), void *param); - // waits for the the thread completion; + // waits for the thread completion; // use the method after Terminate() only if Terminate() returned true INLINE void Wait4Finish() { ::WaitForSingleObject(hFinished, INFINITE); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libjsound/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_MidiIn.cpp b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libjsound/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_MidiIn.cpp index e9d4e200636..c4e5e65864a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libjsound/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_MidiIn.cpp +++ b/jdk/src/java.desktop/windows/native/libjsound/PLATFORM_API_WinOS_MidiIn.cpp @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ INT32 MIDI_IN_StartDevice(MidiDeviceHandle* handle) { err = midiInStart((HMIDIIN) handle->deviceHandle); /* $$mp 200308-11: This method is already called in ...open(). It is - unclear why is is called again. The specification says that + unclear why it is called again. The specification says that MidiDevice.getMicrosecondPosition() returns the time since the device was opened (the spec doesn't know about start/stop). So I guess this call is obsolete. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.instrument/share/native/libinstrument/InvocationAdapter.c b/jdk/src/java.instrument/share/native/libinstrument/InvocationAdapter.c index 3626647060c..06e0a0e5f44 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.instrument/share/native/libinstrument/InvocationAdapter.c +++ b/jdk/src/java.instrument/share/native/libinstrument/InvocationAdapter.c @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ decodeByte(char c1, char c2) { /* * Evaluates all escapes in s. Assumes that escapes are well-formed * syntactically, i.e., of the form %XX. - * If the path does not require decoding the the original path is + * If the path does not require decoding the original path is * returned. Otherwise the decoded path (heap allocated) is returned, * along with the length of the decoded path. Note that the return * string will not be null terminated after decoding. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/mbeanserver/JmxMBeanServer.java b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/mbeanserver/JmxMBeanServer.java index 88bb5708996..b7f1444acaf 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/mbeanserver/JmxMBeanServer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/mbeanserver/JmxMBeanServer.java @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ public final class JmxMBeanServer * the selected MBeans. * * @param name The object name pattern identifying the MBeans to - * be retrieved. If null or or no domain and key properties + * be retrieved. If null or no domain and key properties * are specified, all the MBeans registered will be retrieved. * @param query The query expression to be applied for selecting * MBeans. If null no query expression will be applied for @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ public final class JmxMBeanServer * the names of a set of MBeans specified by pattern matching on the * ObjectName and/or a Query expression, a specific * MBean name (equivalent to testing whether an MBean is registered). - * When the object name is null or or no domain and key properties are + * When the object name is null or no domain and key properties are * specified, all objects are selected (and filtered if a query is * specified). It returns the set of ObjectNames for the MBeans * selected. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/remote/internal/ClientNotifForwarder.java b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/remote/internal/ClientNotifForwarder.java index e5245fea816..122095b372d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/remote/internal/ClientNotifForwarder.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/jmx/remote/internal/ClientNotifForwarder.java @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public abstract class ClientNotifForwarder { } /** - * Called to to fetch notifications from a server. + * Called to fetch notifications from a server. */ abstract protected NotificationResult fetchNotifs(long clientSequenceNumber, int maxNotifications, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.java b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.java index 467fb0cf204..5546f55d05e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo.java @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import sun.management.GarbageCollectionNotifInfoCompositeData; * The notification emitted will contain the garbage collection notification * information about the status of the memory: * - *

  • The name of the garbage collector used perform the collection.
  • + *
  • The name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection.
  • *
  • The action performed by the garbage collector.
  • *
  • The cause of the garbage collection action.
  • *
  • A {@link GcInfo} object containing some statistics about the GC cycle @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public class GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo implements CompositeDataView { * * @param gcName The name of the garbage collector used to perform the collection * @param gcAction The name of the action performed by the garbage collector - * @param gcCause The cause the garbage collection action + * @param gcCause The cause of the garbage collection action * @param gcInfo a GcInfo object providing statistics about the GC cycle */ public GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo(String gcName, @@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ public class GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo implements CompositeDataView { } /** - * Returns the action of the performed by the garbage collector + * Returns the action performed by the garbage collector * - * @return the the action of the performed by the garbage collector + * @return the action performed by the garbage collector */ public String getGcAction() { return gcAction; } /** - * Returns the cause the garbage collection + * Returns the cause of the garbage collection * - * @return the the cause the garbage collection + * @return the cause of the garbage collection */ public String getGcCause() { return gcCause; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.java b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.java index 6c49e09f663..2d12347044a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.java @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ public class ArrayType extends OpenType { // In case this ArrayType instance describes an array of classes implementing the TabularData or CompositeData interface, // we first check for the assignability of obj to such an array of TabularData or CompositeData, // which ensures that: - // . obj is of the the same dimension as this ArrayType instance, + // . obj is of the same dimension as this ArrayType instance, // . it is declared as an array of elements which are either all TabularData or all CompositeData. // // If the assignment check is positive, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.java b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.java index 89e233fef8d..f17d82cc231 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.java @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ public final class SimpleType extends OpenType { /** * Returns the hash code value for this SimpleType instance. - * The hash code of a SimpleType instance is the the hash code of + * The hash code of a SimpleType instance is the hash code of * the string value returned by the {@link OpenType#getClassName() getClassName} method. *

    * As SimpleType instances are immutable, the hash code for this instance is calculated once, diff --git a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.java b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.java index 5740c79e6d8..74ff7523268 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.management/share/classes/javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.java @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public class TabularDataSupport /** * Returns true if and only if this TabularData instance contains a CompositeData value * (ie a row) whose index is the specified key. If key cannot be cast to a one dimension array - * of Object instances, this method simply returns false; otherwise it returns the the result of the call to + * of Object instances, this method simply returns false; otherwise it returns the result of the call to * this.containsKey((Object[]) key). * * @param key the index value whose presence in this TabularData instance is to be tested. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/EventSupport.java b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/EventSupport.java index 86006ff714b..5edf4eaadd6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/EventSupport.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/EventSupport.java @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ final class EventSupport { if (unsolicited == null || unsolicited.size() == 0) { // This shouldn't really happen, but might in case // there is a timing problem that removes a listener - // before a fired event event reaches here. + // before a fired event reaches here. return; } diff --git a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapCtx.java b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapCtx.java index c163dce796a..d8bf38be60a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapCtx.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapCtx.java @@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ final public class LdapCtx extends ComponentDirContext } /* - * Append the the second Vector onto the first Vector + * Append the second Vector onto the first Vector * (v2 must be non-null) */ private static Vector appendVector(Vector v1, Vector v2) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapReferralException.java b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapReferralException.java index 53783adace4..5adffa441d9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapReferralException.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapReferralException.java @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import java.util.Vector; * objects. *

    * If an exception was recorded while processing a chain of - * LdapReferralException objects then is is throw once + * LdapReferralException objects then it is throw once * processing has completed. * * @author Vincent Ryan diff --git a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/toolkit/ctx/AtomicContext.java b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/toolkit/ctx/AtomicContext.java index 606f38005cf..3be067b9491 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/toolkit/ctx/AtomicContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/toolkit/ctx/AtomicContext.java @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ public abstract class AtomicContext extends ComponentContext { * This function is used when implementing a naming system that * supports junctions. For example, when the a_list_nns(newobj) * method is invoked, that means the caller is attempting to list the - * the nns context of of this context. For a context that supports + * the nns context of this context. For a context that supports * junctions, it by default does not have any nns. Consequently, * a NameNotFoundException is thrown. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/ldap/Rdn.java b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/ldap/Rdn.java index dc001705bdd..aa22285de23 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/ldap/Rdn.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.naming/share/classes/javax/naming/ldap/Rdn.java @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ public class Rdn implements Serializable, Comparable { * * @param val The non-null object to be escaped. * @return Escaped string value. - * @throws ClassCastException if val is is not a String or byte array. + * @throws ClassCastException if val is not a String or byte array. */ public static String escapeValue(Object val) { return (val instanceof byte[]) diff --git a/jdk/src/java.prefs/unix/classes/java/util/prefs/FileSystemPreferences.java b/jdk/src/java.prefs/unix/classes/java/util/prefs/FileSystemPreferences.java index 37c4458f6e4..ebbca48a255 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.prefs/unix/classes/java/util/prefs/FileSystemPreferences.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.prefs/unix/classes/java/util/prefs/FileSystemPreferences.java @@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ class FileSystemPreferences extends AbstractPreferences { private static int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; /** - * Release the the appropriate file lock (user or system). + * Release the appropriate file lock (user or system). * @throws SecurityException if file access denied. */ private void unlockFile() { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.java b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.java index 98d134ee602..e881556f939 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.java @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public final class LocateRegistry { private LocateRegistry() {} /** - * Returns a reference to the the remote object Registry for + * Returns a reference to the remote object Registry for * the local host on the default registry port of 1099. * * @return reference (a stub) to the remote object registry @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public final class LocateRegistry { } /** - * Returns a reference to the the remote object Registry for + * Returns a reference to the remote object Registry for * the local host on the specified port. * * @param port port on which the registry accepts requests diff --git a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java index 37451a36eaf..7fd4d5b55ad 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java @@ -336,13 +336,12 @@ public class RegistryImpl extends java.rmi.server.RemoteServer * Main program to start a registry.
    * The port number can be specified on the command line. */ - @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void main(String args[]) { // Create and install the security manager if one is not installed // already. if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { - System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); + System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); } try { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/MarshalOutputStream.java b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/MarshalOutputStream.java index 33d216b09a2..f007e607e69 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/MarshalOutputStream.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/MarshalOutputStream.java @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class MarshalOutputStream extends ObjectOutputStream } /** - * Serializes a location from which to load the the specified class. + * Serializes a location from which to load the specified class. */ protected void annotateClass(Class cl) throws IOException { writeLocation(java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader.getClassAnnotation(cl)); diff --git a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/transport/tcp/ConnectionMultiplexer.java b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/transport/tcp/ConnectionMultiplexer.java index f47f3fe704e..fae0e36570b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/transport/tcp/ConnectionMultiplexer.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/transport/tcp/ConnectionMultiplexer.java @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import sun.rmi.runtime.Log; * ConnectionMultiplexer manages the transparent multiplexing of * multiple virtual connections from one endpoint to another through * one given real connection to that endpoint. The input and output - * streams for the the underlying real connection must be supplied. + * streams for the underlying real connection must be supplied. * A callback object is also supplied to be informed of new virtual * connections opened by the remote endpoint. After creation, the * run() method must be called in a thread created for demultiplexing diff --git a/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptContext.java b/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptContext.java index 8d1076b6d9f..c283a39d3d7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptContext.java @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public interface ScriptContext { * is determined by the numeric value of the scope parameter (lowest * scope values first.) * - * @param name The name of the the attribute to retrieve. + * @param name The name of the attribute to retrieve. * @return The value of the attribute in the lowest scope for * which an attribute with the given name is defined. Returns * null if no attribute with the name exists in any scope. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptEngineManager.java b/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptEngineManager.java index e4d75c6a1fe..9423bec47a6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptEngineManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/ScriptEngineManager.java @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ public class ScriptEngineManager { /** Map of script file extension to script engine factory. */ private HashMap extensionAssociations; - /** Map of script script MIME type to script engine factory. */ + /** Map of script MIME type to script engine factory. */ private HashMap mimeTypeAssociations; /** Global bindings associated with script engines created by this manager. */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/SimpleScriptContext.java b/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/SimpleScriptContext.java index a5bf12f9a22..3cd3cbe0344 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/SimpleScriptContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.scripting/share/classes/javax/script/SimpleScriptContext.java @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class SimpleScriptContext implements ScriptContext { * is determined by the numeric value of the scope parameter (lowest * scope values first.) * - * @param name The name of the the attribute to retrieve. + * @param name The name of the attribute to retrieve. * @return The value of the attribute in the lowest scope for * which an attribute with the given name is defined. Returns * null if no attribute with the name exists in any scope. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.java b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.java index 2be499ff80b..54b838c5fa9 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.java @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ public class KerberosTicket implements Destroyable, Refreshable, * allowable renew time has passed. Any other error returned by the * KDC will also cause this method to fail. * - * Note: This method is not synchronized with the the accessor + * Note: This method is not synchronized with the accessor * methods of this object. Hence callers need to be aware of multiple * threads that might access this and try to renew it at the same * time. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/org/ietf/jgss/GSSContext.java b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/org/ietf/jgss/GSSContext.java index 48c77e6988e..8c55da5fa98 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/org/ietf/jgss/GSSContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/org/ietf/jgss/GSSContext.java @@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ public interface GSSContext { * @param msgProp instance of MessageProp that is used by the * application to set the desired QOP and privacy state. Set the * desired QOP to 0 to request the default QOP. Upon return from this - * method, this object will contain the the actual privacy state that + * method, this object will contain the actual privacy state that * was applied to the message by the underlying mechanism. * @return a byte[] containing the token to be sent to the peer. * @@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ public interface GSSContext { * @param msgProp instance of MessageProp that is used by the * application to set the desired QOP and privacy state. Set the * desired QOP to 0 to request the default QOP. Upon return from this - * method, this object will contain the the actual privacy state that + * method, this object will contain the actual privacy state that * was applied to the message by the underlying mechanism. * * @throws GSSException containing the following diff --git a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/TokenTracker.java b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/TokenTracker.java index 5302289a153..5ce25f8711a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/TokenTracker.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/jgss/TokenTracker.java @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ public class TokenTracker { /** * Returns -1 if this interval represented by this entry precedes - * the number, 0 if the the number is contained in the interval, + * the number, 0 if the number is contained in the interval, * and -1 if the interval occurs after the number. */ final int compareTo(int number) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/KrbApReq.java b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/KrbApReq.java index 92331431da3..a7361abdec1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/KrbApReq.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/KrbApReq.java @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public class KrbApReq { * @param useSubkey Whether the subkey is to be used to protect this * specific application session. If this is not set then the * session key from the ticket will be used. - * @param checksum checksum of the the application data that accompanies + * @param checksum checksum of the application data that accompanies * the KRB_AP_REQ. * @throws KrbException for any Kerberos protocol specific error * @throws IOException for any IO related errors diff --git a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ccache/FileCredentialsCache.java b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ccache/FileCredentialsCache.java index 2335cc23eb9..ec68febd659 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ccache/FileCredentialsCache.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.security.jgss/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ccache/FileCredentialsCache.java @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public class FileCredentialsCache extends CredentialsCache * /tmp/krb5cc_uid ; for all other platforms we use * {user_home}/krb5cc_{user_name} * Please note that for Windows we will use LSA to get - * the TGT from the the default cache even before we come here; + * the TGT from the default cache even before we come here; * however when we create cache we will create a cache under * {user_home}/krb5cc_{user_name} for non-Unix platforms including * Windows. diff --git a/jdk/src/java.security.sasl/share/classes/com/sun/security/sasl/PlainClient.java b/jdk/src/java.security.sasl/share/classes/com/sun/security/sasl/PlainClient.java index 43c67fdf481..8bb3f3ef764 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.security.sasl/share/classes/com/sun/security/sasl/PlainClient.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.security.sasl/share/classes/com/sun/security/sasl/PlainClient.java @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ final class PlainClient implements SaslClient { * for which authorization is being granted; if null, same as * authenticationID * @param authenticationID A non-null string representing the principal - * being authenticated. pw is associated with with this principal. + * being authenticated. pw is associated with this principal. * @param pw A non-null byte[] containing the password. */ PlainClient(String authorizationID, String authenticationID, byte[] pw) diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/CachedRowSetImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/CachedRowSetImpl.java index eee6d430247..8fb0b5be9e2 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/CachedRowSetImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/CachedRowSetImpl.java @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ public class CachedRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements RowSet, RowSetIntern * provider to assist in determining the choice of the synchronizaton * provider such as: *
      - *
    • ROWSET_SYNC_PROVIDER - the property specifying the the + *
    • ROWSET_SYNC_PROVIDER - the property specifying the * SyncProvider class name to be instantiated by the * SyncFacttory *
    • ROWSET_SYNC_VENDOR - the property specifying the software @@ -3727,7 +3727,7 @@ public class CachedRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements RowSet, RowSetIntern /* * Each call to internalPrevious may move the cursor - * over multiple rows, the absolute position moves one one row + * over multiple rows, the absolute position moves one row */ if (ret == true) --absolutePos; diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JdbcRowSetImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JdbcRowSetImpl.java index 890baf6e942..0b74bfea80d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JdbcRowSetImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JdbcRowSetImpl.java @@ -3993,7 +3993,7 @@ public class JdbcRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements JdbcRowSet, Joinable { /** * Retrieves the DatabaseMetaData associated with - * the connection handle associated this this + * the connection handle associated with this * JdbcRowSet object. * * @return the DatabaseMetadata associated @@ -4007,7 +4007,7 @@ public class JdbcRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements JdbcRowSet, Joinable { /** * Retrieves the ParameterMetaData associated with - * the connection handle associated this this + * the connection handle associated with this * JdbcRowSet object. * * @return the ParameterMetadata associated @@ -4325,7 +4325,7 @@ public class JdbcRowSetImpl extends BaseRowSet implements JdbcRowSet, Joinable { * the connection is created using a JDBC technology-enabled driver * ("JDBC driver") and the DriverManager. * The correct JDBC URL for the specific driver to be used can be found - * in the driver documentation. Although there are guidelines for for how + * in the driver documentation. Although there are guidelines for how * a JDBC URL is formed, * a driver vendor can specify any String object except * one with a length of 0 (an empty string). diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JoinRowSetImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JoinRowSetImpl.java index ef281db9b10..93386b1ea30 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JoinRowSetImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/JoinRowSetImpl.java @@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ public class JoinRowSetImpl extends WebRowSetImpl implements JoinRowSet { * @return the column value; if the value is SQL NULL, the * result is null * @throws SQLException if the given column index is out of bounds, - * the cursor is not on a valid row, or the the value to be + * the cursor is not on a valid row, or the value to be * retrieved is not binary */ public byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex) throws SQLException { @@ -4129,7 +4129,7 @@ public class JoinRowSetImpl extends WebRowSetImpl implements JoinRowSet { } /** - * Creates an an output stream of the internal state and contents of a + * Creates an output stream of the internal state and contents of a * WebRowSet for XML proceessing * * @throws SQLException if a datasource access occurs diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/WebRowSetImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/WebRowSetImpl.java index db7bb7f51a6..78e723352c4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/WebRowSetImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/WebRowSetImpl.java @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class WebRowSetImpl extends CachedRowSetImpl implements WebRowSet { } /** - * Constructs a new WebRowSet object initialized with the the + * Constructs a new WebRowSet object initialized with the * synchronization SPI provider properties as specified in the Hashtable. If * this hashtable is empty or is null the default constructor is invoked. * @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public class WebRowSetImpl extends CachedRowSetImpl implements WebRowSet { /** * Writes this WebRowSet object to the given OutputStream * object in XML format. - * Creates an an output stream of the internal state and contents of a + * Creates an output stream of the internal state and contents of a * WebRowSet for XML proceessing * * @throws SQLException if a datasource access error occurs diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/CachedRowSetWriter.java b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/CachedRowSetWriter.java index 60a50ff8af2..79c3e78fc00 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/CachedRowSetWriter.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/CachedRowSetWriter.java @@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ public class CachedRowSetWriter implements TransactionalWriter, Serializable { for (String pkName : primaryKeys) { if (!isPKNameValid(pkName, rsmd)) { - /* We came here as one of the the primary keys + /* We came here as one of the primary keys * of the table is not present in the cached * rowset object, it should be an autoincrement column * and not included while creating CachedRowSet diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/SyncResolverImpl.java b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/SyncResolverImpl.java index 40907684a45..92bd594c484 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/SyncResolverImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/internal/SyncResolverImpl.java @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ public class SyncResolverImpl extends CachedRowSetImpl implements SyncResolver { } /** - * This passes a CachedRowSet as a row the the CachedRowSetWriter + * This passes a CachedRowSet as a row to the CachedRowSetWriter * after the values have been resolved, back to the datasource. * * @param row a CachedRowSet object which will hold the diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/providers/package.html b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/providers/package.html index f75681fa7de..7e7ff315b52 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/providers/package.html +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql.rowset/share/classes/com/sun/rowset/providers/package.html @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ changed to something completely new to get a new result set. inserted or deleted. Any method that causes a change in the rowset's values or cursor position also notifies any object that has been registered as a listener with the rowset. So, for example, a table that displays the rowset's - data in an applet can can be notified of changes and make updates as they + data in an applet can be notified of changes and make updates as they occur.

      The changes made to a rowset can be propagated back to the original data diff --git a/jdk/src/java.sql/share/classes/java/sql/DriverManager.java b/jdk/src/java.sql/share/classes/java/sql/DriverManager.java index bd24b3dfbb1..d5d5d43bfc2 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.sql/share/classes/java/sql/DriverManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.sql/share/classes/java/sql/DriverManager.java @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; -import java.util.PropertyPermission; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import sun.reflect.CallerSensitive; import sun.reflect.Reflection; @@ -89,6 +88,8 @@ public class DriverManager { private static volatile java.io.PrintStream logStream = null; // Used in println() to synchronize logWriter private final static Object logSync = new Object(); + // Used in ensureDriversInitialized() to synchronize driversInitialized + private final static Object lockForInitDrivers = new Object(); private static volatile boolean driversInitialized; private static final String JDBC_DRIVERS_PROPERTY = "jdbc.drivers"; @@ -280,11 +281,13 @@ public class DriverManager { println("DriverManager.getDriver(\"" + url + "\")"); + ensureDriversInitialized(); + Class callerClass = Reflection.getCallerClass(); // Walk through the loaded registeredDrivers attempting to locate someone // who understands the given URL. - for (DriverInfo aDriver : getRegisteredDrivers()) { + for (DriverInfo aDriver : registeredDrivers) { // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then // skip it. if (isDriverAllowed(aDriver.driver, callerClass)) { @@ -384,8 +387,7 @@ public class DriverManager { * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission */ @CallerSensitive - public static synchronized void deregisterDriver(Driver driver) - throws SQLException { + public static void deregisterDriver(Driver driver) throws SQLException { if (driver == null) { return; } @@ -398,22 +400,24 @@ public class DriverManager { println("DriverManager.deregisterDriver: " + driver); DriverInfo aDriver = new DriverInfo(driver, null); - if (registeredDrivers.contains(aDriver)) { - if (isDriverAllowed(driver, Reflection.getCallerClass())) { - DriverInfo di = registeredDrivers.get(registeredDrivers.indexOf(aDriver)); - // If a DriverAction was specified, Call it to notify the - // driver that it has been deregistered - if (di.action() != null) { - di.action().deregister(); - } - registeredDrivers.remove(aDriver); + synchronized (lockForInitDrivers) { + if (registeredDrivers.contains(aDriver)) { + if (isDriverAllowed(driver, Reflection.getCallerClass())) { + DriverInfo di = registeredDrivers.get(registeredDrivers.indexOf(aDriver)); + // If a DriverAction was specified, Call it to notify the + // driver that it has been deregistered + if (di.action() != null) { + di.action().deregister(); + } + registeredDrivers.remove(aDriver); + } else { + // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then + // throw a SecurityException. + throw new SecurityException(); + } } else { - // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then - // throw a SecurityException. - throw new SecurityException(); + println(" couldn't find driver to unload"); } - } else { - println(" couldn't find driver to unload"); } } @@ -430,10 +434,12 @@ public class DriverManager { public static java.util.Enumeration getDrivers() { java.util.Vector result = new java.util.Vector<>(); + ensureDriversInitialized(); + Class callerClass = Reflection.getCallerClass(); // Walk through the loaded registeredDrivers. - for (DriverInfo aDriver : getRegisteredDrivers()) { + for (DriverInfo aDriver : registeredDrivers) { // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then // skip it. if (isDriverAllowed(aDriver.driver, callerClass)) { @@ -557,92 +563,82 @@ public class DriverManager { return result; } - /* - * Return the registered java.sql.Drivers and call loadInitialDrivers - * if needed - */ - private static CopyOnWriteArrayList getRegisteredDrivers() { - // Check to see if we need to load the initial drivers - if (!driversInitialized) { - loadInitialDrivers(); - } - return registeredDrivers; - - } - /* * Load the initial JDBC drivers by checking the System property - * jdbc.properties and then use the {@code ServiceLoader} mechanism + * jdbc.drivers and then use the {@code ServiceLoader} mechanism */ - private synchronized static void loadInitialDrivers() { - String drivers; - + private static void ensureDriversInitialized() { if (driversInitialized) { return; } - try { - drivers = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { - public String run() { - return System.getProperty(JDBC_DRIVERS_PROPERTY); + synchronized (lockForInitDrivers) { + if (driversInitialized) { + return; + } + String drivers; + try { + drivers = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { + public String run() { + return System.getProperty(JDBC_DRIVERS_PROPERTY); + } + }); + } catch (Exception ex) { + drivers = null; + } + // If the driver is packaged as a Service Provider, load it. + // Get all the drivers through the classloader + // exposed as a java.sql.Driver.class service. + // ServiceLoader.load() replaces the sun.misc.Providers() + + AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { + public Void run() { + + ServiceLoader loadedDrivers = ServiceLoader.load(Driver.class); + Iterator driversIterator = loadedDrivers.iterator(); + + /* Load these drivers, so that they can be instantiated. + * It may be the case that the driver class may not be there + * i.e. there may be a packaged driver with the service class + * as implementation of java.sql.Driver but the actual class + * may be missing. In that case a java.util.ServiceConfigurationError + * will be thrown at runtime by the VM trying to locate + * and load the service. + * + * Adding a try catch block to catch those runtime errors + * if driver not available in classpath but it's + * packaged as service and that service is there in classpath. + */ + try { + while (driversIterator.hasNext()) { + driversIterator.next(); + } + } catch (Throwable t) { + // Do nothing + } + return null; } }); - } catch (Exception ex) { - drivers = null; - } - // If the driver is packaged as a Service Provider, load it. - // Get all the drivers through the classloader - // exposed as a java.sql.Driver.class service. - // ServiceLoader.load() replaces the sun.misc.Providers() - AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { - public Void run() { + println("DriverManager.initialize: jdbc.drivers = " + drivers); - ServiceLoader loadedDrivers = ServiceLoader.load(Driver.class); - Iterator driversIterator = loadedDrivers.iterator(); - - /* Load these drivers, so that they can be instantiated. - * It may be the case that the driver class may not be there - * i.e. there may be a packaged driver with the service class - * as implementation of java.sql.Driver but the actual class - * may be missing. In that case a java.util.ServiceConfigurationError - * will be thrown at runtime by the VM trying to locate - * and load the service. - * - * Adding a try catch block to catch those runtime errors - * if driver not available in classpath but it's - * packaged as service and that service is there in classpath. - */ - try{ - while(driversIterator.hasNext()) { - driversIterator.next(); + if (drivers != null && !drivers.equals("")) { + String[] driversList = drivers.split(":"); + println("number of Drivers:" + driversList.length); + for (String aDriver : driversList) { + try { + println("DriverManager.Initialize: loading " + aDriver); + Class.forName(aDriver, true, + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); + } catch (Exception ex) { + println("DriverManager.Initialize: load failed: " + ex); } - } catch(Throwable t) { - // Do nothing } - return null; } - }); - println("DriverManager.initialize: jdbc.drivers = " + drivers); - - if (drivers == null || drivers.equals("")) { - return; + driversInitialized = true; + println("JDBC DriverManager initialized"); } - String[] driversList = drivers.split(":"); - println("number of Drivers:" + driversList.length); - for (String aDriver : driversList) { - try { - println("DriverManager.Initialize: loading " + aDriver); - Class.forName(aDriver, true, - ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); - } catch (Exception ex) { - println("DriverManager.Initialize: load failed: " + ex); - } - } - - driversInitialized = true; - println("JDBC DriverManager initialized"); } @@ -666,11 +662,13 @@ public class DriverManager { println("DriverManager.getConnection(\"" + url + "\")"); + ensureDriversInitialized(); + // Walk through the loaded registeredDrivers attempting to make a connection. // Remember the first exception that gets raised so we can reraise it. SQLException reason = null; - for (DriverInfo aDriver : getRegisteredDrivers()) { + for (DriverInfo aDriver : registeredDrivers) { // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then // skip it. if (isDriverAllowed(aDriver.driver, callerCL)) { diff --git a/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/encryption/EncryptionMethod.java b/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/encryption/EncryptionMethod.java index 3f64cb3a41d..b7fedd2572e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/encryption/EncryptionMethod.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/encryption/EncryptionMethod.java @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public interface EncryptionMethod { void setKeySize(int size); /** - * Returns the OAEP parameters of the algorithm applied applied to the + * Returns the OAEP parameters of the algorithm applied to the * cipher data. * * @return the OAEP parameters. @@ -130,4 +130,3 @@ public interface EncryptionMethod { */ void removeEncryptionMethodInformation(Element information); } - diff --git a/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/keys/KeyUtils.java b/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/keys/KeyUtils.java index 8613c8197b7..6e1c62e307d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/keys/KeyUtils.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/keys/KeyUtils.java @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.keys.content.MgmtData; import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.keys.content.X509Data; /** - * Utility class for for com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.keys package. + * Utility class for the com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.keys package. * * @author $Author: coheigea $ */ diff --git a/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/signature/Reference.java b/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/signature/Reference.java index ec0e2880ff3..fa895706c0d 100644 --- a/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/signature/Reference.java +++ b/jdk/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/signature/Reference.java @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ public class Reference extends SignatureElementProxy { } /** - * This method only works works after a call to verify. + * This method only works after a call to verify. * @return the transformed output(i.e. what is going to be digested). */ public XMLSignatureInput getTransformsOutput() { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.attach/solaris/native/libattach/VirtualMachineImpl.c b/jdk/src/jdk.attach/solaris/native/libattach/VirtualMachineImpl.c index 7f0f0e37560..4633789709e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.attach/solaris/native/libattach/VirtualMachineImpl.c +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.attach/solaris/native/libattach/VirtualMachineImpl.c @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_tools_attach_VirtualMachineImpl_enqueue JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError(env, "door_call"); } else { /* - * door_call succeeded but the call didn't return the the expected jint. + * door_call succeeded but the call didn't return the expected jint. */ if (door_args.data_size < sizeof(jint)) { JNU_ThrowIOException(env, "Enqueue error - reason unknown as result is truncated!"); diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.mscapi/windows/classes/sun/security/mscapi/RSACipher.java b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.mscapi/windows/classes/sun/security/mscapi/RSACipher.java index 023725b6205..f6f91106c94 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.mscapi/windows/classes/sun/security/mscapi/RSACipher.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.mscapi/windows/classes/sun/security/mscapi/RSACipher.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ public final class RSACipher extends CipherSpi { } // see JCE spec + @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void engineInit(int opmode, Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { @@ -369,6 +370,7 @@ public final class RSACipher extends CipherSpi { } // see JCE spec + @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected java.security.Key engineUnwrap(byte[] wrappedKey, String algorithm, int type) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/Config.java b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/Config.java index f4bcc589131..01d3b3752d6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/Config.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/Config.java @@ -584,16 +584,24 @@ final class Config { } private String parseLine() throws IOException { - String s = parseWord(); + // allow quoted string as part of line + String s = null; while (true) { int token = nextToken(); if ((token == TT_EOL) || (token == TT_EOF)) { break; } - if (token != TT_WORD) { + if (token != TT_WORD && token != '\"') { throw excToken("Unexpected value"); } - s = s + " " + st.sval; + if (s == null) { + s = st.sval; + } else { + s = s + " " + st.sval; + } + } + if (s == null) { + throw excToken("Unexpected empty line"); } return s; } @@ -653,7 +661,9 @@ final class Config { // private String parseLibrary(String keyword) throws IOException { - String lib = parseStringEntry(keyword); + checkDup(keyword); + parseEquals(); + String lib = parseLine(); lib = expand(lib); int i = lib.indexOf("/$ISA/"); if (i != -1) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11KeyStore.java b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11KeyStore.java index 436613c1602..aac76f3e6ab 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11KeyStore.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.pkcs11/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11KeyStore.java @@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ final class P11KeyStore extends KeyStoreSpi { // If the key is a token object on this token, update it instead // of creating a duplicate key object. - // Otherwise, treat a P11Key like any other key, if is is extractable. + // Otherwise, treat a P11Key like any other key, if it is extractable. if (key instanceof P11Key) { P11Key p11Key = (P11Key)key; if (p11Key.tokenObject && (p11Key.token == this.token)) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.java b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.java index fdd1c3ebb7e..f2d097bf8b4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeCipherWithJavaPadding.java @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class NativeCipherWithJavaPadding extends CipherSpi { private static class PKCS5Padding implements Padding { private final int blockSize; - // buffer for storing the the potential padding bytes + // buffer for storing the potential padding bytes private ByteBuffer trailingBytes = null; PKCS5Padding(int blockSize) diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeRSACipher.java b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeRSACipher.java index 813da731c06..a9ff2f02f86 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeRSACipher.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.crypto.ucrypto/solaris/classes/com/oracle/security/ucrypto/NativeRSACipher.java @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ public class NativeRSACipher extends CipherSpi { // see JCE spec @Override + @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected synchronized void engineInit(int opmode, Key newKey, AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { @@ -331,6 +332,7 @@ public class NativeRSACipher extends CipherSpi { // see JCE spec @Override + @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected synchronized Key engineUnwrap(byte[] wrappedKey, String wrappedKeyAlgorithm, int wrappedKeyType) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/Arguments.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/Arguments.java index 523bc504de7..a2e9813274c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/Arguments.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/Arguments.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -141,8 +141,9 @@ public class Arguments { public Arguments(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException { int argc = 0; - if (args.length < 1) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid argument count"); + if (args.length == 0) { + help = true; + return; } if ((args[0].compareTo("-?") == 0) diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/Plotter.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/Plotter.java index acfd005dd0b..a0b6ba9ea69 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/Plotter.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/Plotter.java @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ public class Plotter extends JComponent private static class TimeStamps { // Time stamps (long) are split into offsets (long) and a // series of times from the offsets (int). A new offset is - // stored when the the time value doesn't fit in an int + // stored when the time value doesn't fit in an int // (approx every 24 days). An array of indices is used to // define the starting point for each offset in the times // array. diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/inspector/XObject.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/inspector/XObject.java index b74f2066a5f..e56d6ef25e4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/inspector/XObject.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/inspector/XObject.java @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class XObject extends JLabel { return object; } - //if true the the object.hashcode is added to the label + //if true the object.hashcode is added to the label public static void useHashCodeRepresentation(boolean useHashCodeRepresentation) { XObject.useHashCodeRepresentation = useHashCodeRepresentation; diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachineManager.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachineManager.java index 5b59db575c2..bb24b72faf8 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachineManager.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/VirtualMachineManager.java @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ import java.io.IOException; * file contains a provider configuration file named * com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService in the resource * directory META-INF/services, and the provider - * configuration file lists the the full-qualified class name of the + * configuration file lists the full-qualified class name of the * TransportService implementation. A TransportService is a concrete * sub-class of {@link com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService * TransportService}. The format of the provider configuration file diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/connect/AttachingConnector.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/connect/AttachingConnector.java index 80bf5a0644c..a4409c6ded4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/connect/AttachingConnector.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/jdi/connect/AttachingConnector.java @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import java.io.IOException; @jdk.Exported public interface AttachingConnector extends Connector { /** - * Attaches to a running application and and returns a + * Attaches to a running application and returns a * mirror of its VM. *

      * The connector uses the given argument map in diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ThreadReferenceImpl.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ThreadReferenceImpl.java index 903477118a9..308148f3f90 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ThreadReferenceImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/ThreadReferenceImpl.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public class ThreadReferenceImpl extends ObjectReferenceImpl } public void stop(ObjectReference throwable) throws InvalidTypeException { - validateMirror(throwable); + validateMirrorOrNull(throwable); // Verify that the given object is a Throwable instance List list = vm.classesByName("java.lang.Throwable"); ClassTypeImpl throwableClass = (ClassTypeImpl)list.get(0); @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ public class ThreadReferenceImpl extends ObjectReferenceImpl } /** - * Propagate the the thread state change information + * Propagate the thread state change information * to registered listeners. * Must be entered while synchronized on vm.state() */ diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/VirtualMachineImpl.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/VirtualMachineImpl.java index 6a0eeb688be..adc9adf3ca5 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/VirtualMachineImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdi/VirtualMachineImpl.java @@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ class VirtualMachineImpl extends MirrorImpl Long key = id; /* - * Attempt to retrieve an existing object object reference + * Attempt to retrieve an existing object reference */ SoftObjectReference ref = objectsByID.get(key); if (ref != null) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/eventHandler.c b/jdk/src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/eventHandler.c index 82911fdb66b..f78232e1229 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/eventHandler.c +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/eventHandler.c @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ reportEvents(JNIEnv *env, jbyte sessionID, jthread thread, EventIndex ei, do { /* The events have been reported and this * thread is about to continue, but it may - * have been started up up just to perform a + * have been started up just to perform a * requested method invocation. If so, we do * the invoke now and then stop again waiting * for another continue. By then another diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/BufferedMonitoredVm.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/BufferedMonitoredVm.java index 56e9b16aadd..7930d601ce7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/BufferedMonitoredVm.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/BufferedMonitoredVm.java @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public interface BufferedMonitoredVm extends MonitoredVm { byte[] getBytes(); /** - * Interface to get the the size of the instrumentation buffer + * Interface to get the size of the instrumentation buffer * for the target Java Virtual Machine. * * @return int - the size of the instrumentation buffer for the diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/HostIdentifier.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/HostIdentifier.java index 508597229db..31f37d9e6c4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/HostIdentifier.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/HostIdentifier.java @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public class HostIdentifier { * * The necessary components of the VmIdentifier are extracted and * reassembled into a HostIdentifier. If a "file:" scheme (protocol) - * is specified, the the returned HostIdentifier will always be + * is specified, the returned HostIdentifier will always be * equivalent to HostIdentifier("file://localhost"). * * @param vmid the VmIdentifier use to construct the HostIdentifier. diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm.java index bf067e9df34..c72e9c4d011 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm.java @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public interface MonitoredVm { * * @param name the name of the Instrumentation object to find. * @return Monitor - the {@link Monitor} object that can be used to - * monitor the the named instrumentation object, or + * monitor the named instrumentation object, or * null if the named object doesn't exist. * @throws MonitorException Thrown if an error occurs while communicating * with the target Java Virtual Machine. diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVmUtil.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVmUtil.java index 625b3a8684f..f2b6cd18684 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVmUtil.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVmUtil.java @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class MonitoredVmUtil { * * @param vm the target MonitoredVm * @return String - contains the command line of the target Java - * application or the the string "Unknown" if the + * application or the string "Unknown" if the * command line cannot be determined. */ public static String commandLine(MonitoredVm vm) throws MonitorException { @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class MonitoredVmUtil { * * @param vm the target MonitoredVm * @return String - contains the arguments to the main class for the - * target Java application or the the string "Unknown" + * target Java application or the string "Unknown" * if the command line cannot be determined. */ public static String mainArgs(MonitoredVm vm) throws MonitorException { @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public class MonitoredVmUtil { * @param vm the target MonitoredVm * @param fullPath include the full path to Jar file, where applicable * @return String - contains the main class of the target Java - * application or the the string "Unknown" if the + * application or the string "Unknown" if the * command line cannot be determined. */ public static String mainClass(MonitoredVm vm, boolean fullPath) @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class MonitoredVmUtil { * * @param vm the target MonitoredVm * @return String - contains the arguments passed to the JVM for the - * target Java application or the the string "Unknown" + * target Java application or the string "Unknown" * if the command line cannot be determined. */ public static String jvmArgs(MonitoredVm vm) throws MonitorException { @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class MonitoredVmUtil { * * @param vm the target MonitoredVm * @return String - contains the flags passed to the JVM for the - * target Java application or the the string "Unknown" + * target Java application or the string "Unknown" * if the command line cannot be determined. */ public static String jvmFlags(MonitoredVm vm) throws MonitorException { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/remote/RemoteVm.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/remote/RemoteVm.java index 846e5d8c151..d7844932f3e 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/remote/RemoteVm.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/monitor/remote/RemoteVm.java @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public interface RemoteVm extends Remote { byte[] getBytes() throws RemoteException; /** - * Interface to get the the size of the instrumentation buffer + * Interface to get the size of the instrumentation buffer * for the target Java Virtual Machine. * * @return int - the size of the instrumentation buffer for the diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/AbstractPerfDataBuffer.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/AbstractPerfDataBuffer.java index a07ce33c429..7b316d3d8b7 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/AbstractPerfDataBuffer.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/AbstractPerfDataBuffer.java @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractPerfDataBuffer { * * @param name the name of the Instrumentation object to find. * @return Monitor - the {@link Monitor} object that can be used to - * monitor the the named instrumentation object, or + * monitor the named instrumentation object, or * null if the named object doesn't exist. * @throws MonitorException Thrown if an error occurs while communicating * with the target Java Virtual Machine. diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfDataBufferImpl.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfDataBufferImpl.java index db72e654735..d5476aa7c8b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfDataBufferImpl.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfDataBufferImpl.java @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public abstract class PerfDataBufferImpl { * * @param name the name of the Instrumentation object to find. * @return Monitor - the {@link Monitor} object that can be used to - * monitor the the named instrumentation object, or + * monitor the named instrumentation object, or * null if the named object doesn't exist. * @throws MonitorException Thrown if an error occurs while communicating * with the target Java Virtual Machine. diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfIntegerMonitor.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfIntegerMonitor.java index 98c7f60fca6..6e0c2f5409c 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfIntegerMonitor.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfIntegerMonitor.java @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class PerfIntegerMonitor extends AbstractMonitor * The object returned contains an Integer object containing the * current value of the IntegerInstrument. * - * @return Object - the current value of the the IntegerInstrument. The + * @return Object - the current value of the IntegerInstrument. The * return type is guaranteed to be of type Integer. */ public Object getValue() { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfLongMonitor.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfLongMonitor.java index 27d5431b1bf..5f416a95f73 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfLongMonitor.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/PerfLongMonitor.java @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class PerfLongMonitor extends AbstractMonitor implements LongMonitor { * The object returned contains a Long object containing the * current value of the LongInstrument. * - * @return Object - the current value of the the LongInstrument. The + * @return Object - the current value of the LongInstrument. The * return type is guaranteed to be of type Long. */ public Object getValue() { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/v1_0/PerfDataBuffer.java b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/v1_0/PerfDataBuffer.java index a6eafba6954..567a2c5d705 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/v1_0/PerfDataBuffer.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.jvmstat/share/classes/sun/jvmstat/perfdata/monitor/v1_0/PerfDataBuffer.java @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public class PerfDataBuffer extends PerfDataBufferImpl { /* * replace the real counters with pseudo counters that are - * initialized to to the correct values. The maximum size of + * initialized to the correct values. The maximum size of * the eden and survivor spaces are supposed to be: * max_eden_size = new_size - (2*alignment). * max_survivor_size = new_size - (2*alignment). diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.naming.dns/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/dns/ResourceRecord.java b/jdk/src/jdk.naming.dns/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/dns/ResourceRecord.java index c34bd680983..d155696bfce 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.naming.dns/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/dns/ResourceRecord.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.naming.dns/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/dns/ResourceRecord.java @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class ResourceRecord { int rrlen; // number of octets in encoded RR DnsName name; // name field of RR, including root label int rrtype; // type field of RR - String rrtypeName; // name of of rrtype + String rrtypeName; // name of rrtype int rrclass; // class field of RR String rrclassName; // name of rrclass int ttl = 0; // ttl field of RR diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.naming.rmi/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext.java b/jdk/src/jdk.naming.rmi/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext.java index cf3de07fe79..720a1ff940f 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.naming.rmi/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.naming.rmi/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext.java @@ -353,7 +353,6 @@ public class RegistryContext implements Context, Referenceable { /** * Wrap a RemoteException inside a NamingException. */ - @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static NamingException wrapRemoteException(RemoteException re) { NamingException ne; @@ -365,8 +364,7 @@ public class RegistryContext implements Context, Referenceable { ne = new NoPermissionException(); } else if (re instanceof StubNotFoundException || - re instanceof UnknownHostException || - re instanceof SocketSecurityException) { + re instanceof UnknownHostException) { ne = new ConfigurationException(); } else if (re instanceof ExportException || @@ -414,11 +412,10 @@ public class RegistryContext implements Context, Referenceable { * Attempts to install a security manager if none is currently in * place. */ - @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static void installSecurityMgr() { try { - System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); + System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); } catch (Exception e) { } } diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.rmic/share/classes/sun/tools/java/ClassDefinition.java b/jdk/src/jdk.rmic/share/classes/sun/tools/java/ClassDefinition.java index 47a163235d5..f096205c0f4 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.rmic/share/classes/sun/tools/java/ClassDefinition.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.rmic/share/classes/sun/tools/java/ClassDefinition.java @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class ClassDefinition implements Constants { } /** - * Tell if the class is local or or anonymous class, or inside + * Tell if the class is local or anonymous class, or inside * such a class, which means it cannot be mentioned outside of * its file. */ @@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ class ClassDefinition implements Constants { } /** - * We know the the field is marked protected (and not public) and that + * We know the field is marked protected (and not public) and that * the field is visible (as per canAccess). Can we access the field as * ., where has the type ? * diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel.java b/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel.java index 169243d21c8..aa32a7468a2 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel.java @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public abstract class SctpMultiChannel * bind the socket to an automatically assigned socket address * * @param backlog - * The maximum number number of pending connections + * The maximum number of pending connections * * @return This channel * @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ public abstract class SctpMultiChannel * * @throws SecurityException * If a security manager has been installed and it does not permit - * new associations to be setup with the the messages's address + * new associations to be setup with the messages's address * * @throws IOException * If some other I/O error occurs diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpServerChannel.java b/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpServerChannel.java index 899a2f6f407..0e9b9c35f68 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpServerChannel.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/share/classes/com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpServerChannel.java @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public abstract class SctpServerChannel * bind the socket to an automatically assigned socket address * * @param backlog - * The maximum number number of pending associations + * The maximum number of pending associations * * @return This channel * diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpChannelImpl.c b/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpChannelImpl.c index c74af9607f1..2e8d1f9a59a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpChannelImpl.c +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpChannelImpl.c @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_nio_ch_sctp_SctpChannelImpl_receive0 if (handleNotification(env, fd, resultContainerObj, snp, rv, (msg->msg_flags & MSG_EOR), (struct sockaddr*)&sa ) == JNI_TRUE) { - /* We have received a notification that is of interest to + /* We have received a notification that is of interest to the Java API. The appropriate notification will be set in the result container. */ if (allocated == JNI_TRUE) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTDomainPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTDomainPrincipal.java index eb7730cd5ad..e3a46debeed 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTDomainPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTDomainPrincipal.java @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class NTDomainPrincipal implements Principal, java.io.Serializable { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTDomainPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTDomainPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTNumericCredential.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTNumericCredential.java index 9bda9c9e84c..59208603c19 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTNumericCredential.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTNumericCredential.java @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class NTNumericCredential { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTNumericCredential. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTNumericCredential. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidDomainPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidDomainPrincipal.java index d3f34f9689a..e065ea49a08 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidDomainPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidDomainPrincipal.java @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class NTSidDomainPrincipal extends NTSid { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTSidDomainPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTSidDomainPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidGroupPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidGroupPrincipal.java index 6b599454603..5f509e22ec3 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidGroupPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidGroupPrincipal.java @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class NTSidGroupPrincipal extends NTSid { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTSidGroupPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTSidGroupPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal.java index 5928dce3dc0..4578f271df6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal.java @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal extends NTSid { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidUserPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidUserPrincipal.java index 9265f54751f..98b318d4f4a 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidUserPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTSidUserPrincipal.java @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class NTSidUserPrincipal extends NTSid { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTSidUserPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTSidUserPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTUserPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTUserPrincipal.java index 91be069aa10..55e88e17625 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTUserPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/NTUserPrincipal.java @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class NTUserPrincipal implements Principal, java.io.Serializable { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * NTPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * NTPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal.java index 04229eaab9c..27e77307703 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal.java @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal implements * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericUserPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericUserPrincipal.java index d7ba9c038d7..0369a7830f6 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericUserPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisNumericUserPrincipal.java @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class SolarisNumericUserPrincipal implements * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * SolarisNumericUserPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * SolarisNumericUserPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisPrincipal.java index 69ece714774..6fd78fa5cb1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/SolarisPrincipal.java @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class SolarisPrincipal implements Principal, java.io.Serializable { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * SolarisPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * SolarisPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericGroupPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericGroupPrincipal.java index 63c9d28c34d..5edb8d2a4ec 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericGroupPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericGroupPrincipal.java @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public class UnixNumericGroupPrincipal implements * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * UnixNumericGroupPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * UnixNumericGroupPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericUserPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericUserPrincipal.java index e2016efe77d..bb45c642459 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericUserPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixNumericUserPrincipal.java @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public class UnixNumericUserPrincipal implements * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * UnixNumericUserPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * UnixNumericUserPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixPrincipal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixPrincipal.java index 4aefaf9b7f2..140bd8ffcd8 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixPrincipal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/UnixPrincipal.java @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public class UnixPrincipal implements Principal, java.io.Serializable { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * UnixPrincipal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * UnixPrincipal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/X500Principal.java b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/X500Principal.java index ae3e4cb5548..c4b12bdb28b 100644 --- a/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/X500Principal.java +++ b/jdk/src/jdk.security.auth/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/X500Principal.java @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class X500Principal implements Principal, java.io.Serializable { * @param o Object to be compared for equality with this * X500Principal. * - * @return true if the specified Object is equal equal to this + * @return true if the specified Object is equal to this * X500Principal. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { diff --git a/jdk/src/sample/share/nio/server/ChannelIOSecure.java b/jdk/src/sample/share/nio/server/ChannelIOSecure.java index 7508966f3dc..74bf652b7f1 100644 --- a/jdk/src/sample/share/nio/server/ChannelIOSecure.java +++ b/jdk/src/sample/share/nio/server/ChannelIOSecure.java @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ needIO: /* * We ignore the return value here, we return the - * number of bytes actually consumed from the the file. + * number of bytes actually consumed from the file. * We'll flush the output buffer before we start shutting down. */ doWrite(fileChannelBB); diff --git a/jdk/src/sample/solaris/dtrace/hotspot/gc_time_stat.d b/jdk/src/sample/solaris/dtrace/hotspot/gc_time_stat.d index c35b87d8ac0..eb6f8665608 100644 --- a/jdk/src/sample/solaris/dtrace/hotspot/gc_time_stat.d +++ b/jdk/src/sample/solaris/dtrace/hotspot/gc_time_stat.d @@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ hotspot$target:::gc-end * arg4: uintptr_t, the initial size of the memory pool (in bytes) * arg5: uintptr_t, the amount of memory in use in the memory pool * (in bytes) - * arg6: uintptr_t, the the number of committed pages in the memory pool - * arg7: uintptr_t, the the maximum size of the memory pool + * arg6: uintptr_t, the number of committed pages in the memory pool + * arg7: uintptr_t, the maximum size of the memory pool */ hotspot$target:::mem-pool-gc-begin { diff --git a/jdk/test/ProblemList.txt b/jdk/test/ProblemList.txt index b6a77f79fea..fd8fa56579b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/ProblemList.txt +++ b/jdk/test/ProblemList.txt @@ -135,10 +135,6 @@ java/lang/instrument/RetransformBigClass.sh generic-all # jdk_management -# 8044591 -com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest.java generic-all -com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationTest.java generic-all - # 8058492 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/FindDeadlocks.java generic-all @@ -303,25 +299,6 @@ com/sun/jdi/RedefinePop.sh generic-all # jdk_util -# 8051641 -sun/util/calendar/zi/TestZoneInfo310.java generic-all - -# 8062588 -java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/BreakIteratorProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarDataProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarNameProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/CollatorProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/CurrencyNameProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/GenericTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/LocaleNameProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/NumberFormatProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/PluggableLocale/TimeZoneNameProviderTest.sh generic-all -java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug6299235Test.sh generic-all - # 8062512 java/util/spi/ResourceBundleControlProvider/UserDefaultControlTest.java generic-all diff --git a/jdk/test/com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyAgreement/SameDHKeyStressTest.java b/jdk/test/com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyAgreement/SameDHKeyStressTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f0067da5439 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyAgreement/SameDHKeyStressTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8048819 + * @summary This test stressful verifies the assertion of "The secret keys generated + * by all involved parties should be the same." for javax.crypto.KeyAgreement + * @run main SameDHKeyStressTest + */ +import java.security.AlgorithmParameterGenerator; +import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException; +import java.security.InvalidKeyException; +import java.security.Key; +import java.security.KeyPair; +import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; +import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; +import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; +import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec; +import java.util.Arrays; +import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement; +import javax.crypto.SecretKey; +import javax.crypto.spec.DHGenParameterSpec; +import javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec; + +public class SameDHKeyStressTest { + + static final String[] ALGORITHMS = {"DH", "DiffieHellman", "dh", "diffieHELLMAN"}; + static final String[] SECRET_ALOGRITHMS = {"DES", "DESede", "blowfish"}; + static final int[] NUMBER_OF_PARTIES = {2, 3, 4}; + static final String[] PA_NAMES = {"Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "David"}; + + public static void main(String args[]) { + int failedCnt = 0; + StringBuilder failedList = new StringBuilder("Failed List:"); + + for (String algorithm : ALGORITHMS) { + for (int numOfParties : NUMBER_OF_PARTIES) { + for (String secretAlgorithm : SECRET_ALOGRITHMS) { + if (!runTest(algorithm, numOfParties, secretAlgorithm)) { + failedCnt++; + failedList.append("\n Altorightm = ").append(algorithm). + append(" Number of Parties = ").append(numOfParties). + append(" Secret Algorithm = ").append(secretAlgorithm); + } + } + } + } //end of for loop + + if (failedCnt > 0) { + System.out.println(failedList); + throw new RuntimeException("SameDHKeyStressTest Failed"); + } + } + + public static boolean runTest(String algo, int numParties, String secretAlgo) { + KAParticipant[] parties = new KAParticipant[numParties]; + Key[] keyArchives = new Key[numParties]; + try { + // generate AlogirhtmParameterSpec + AlgorithmParameterGenerator apg = AlgorithmParameterGenerator.getInstance("DH","SunJCE"); + AlgorithmParameterSpec aps = new DHGenParameterSpec(512, 64); + apg.init(aps); + DHParameterSpec spec = apg.generateParameters(). + getParameterSpec(DHParameterSpec.class); + + //initilize all KeyAgreement participants + for (int i = 0; i < numParties; i++) { + parties[i] = new KAParticipant(PA_NAMES[i], algo); + parties[i].initialize(spec); + keyArchives[i] = parties[i].getPublicKey(); + } + + // Do all phases in the KeyAgreement for all participants + Key[] keyBuffer = new Key[numParties]; + boolean lastPhase = false; + for (int j = 0; j < numParties - 1; j++) { + if (j == numParties - 2) { + lastPhase = true; + } + for (int k = 0; k < numParties; k++) { + if (k == numParties - 1) { + keyBuffer[k] = parties[k].doPhase(keyArchives[0], lastPhase); + } else { + keyBuffer[k] = parties[k].doPhase(keyArchives[k + 1], lastPhase); + } + } + System.arraycopy(keyBuffer, 0, keyArchives, 0, numParties); + } + + //Comparison: The secret keys generated by all involved parties should be the same + SecretKey[] sKeys = new SecretKey[numParties]; + for (int n = 0; n < numParties; n++) { + sKeys[n] = parties[n].generateSecret(secretAlgo); + } + for (int q = 0; q < numParties - 1; q++) { + if (!Arrays.equals(sKeys[q].getEncoded(), sKeys[q + 1].getEncoded())) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } catch (Exception ex) { + ex.printStackTrace(); + return false; + } + + } + +} + +class KAParticipant { + + private String name = null; + private String algorithm = null; + private KeyPairGenerator keyGen = null; + private KeyPair keys = null; + private KeyAgreement ka = null; + + public KAParticipant(String pName, String algo) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException { + name = pName; + algorithm = algo; + keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algo,"SunJCE"); + ka = KeyAgreement.getInstance(algo,"SunJCE"); + } + + public void initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec spec) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException { + keyGen.initialize(spec); + keys = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); + ka.init(keys.getPrivate()); + } + + public Key doPhase(Key key, boolean lastPhase) throws InvalidKeyException { + return ka.doPhase(key, lastPhase); + } + + public Key getPublicKey() { + return keys.getPublic(); + } + + public byte[] generateSecret() { + return ka.generateSecret(); + } + + public SecretKey generateSecret(String algo) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException, + java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException, + java.security.InvalidKeyException { + return ka.generateSecret(algo); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest.java b/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest.java index 6d3386b0905..e823f3108b8 100644 --- a/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest.java @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ * @bug 7036199 * @summary Check that GarbageCollectionNotification contents are reasonable * @author Frederic Parain + * @requires vm.opt.ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent == null | vm.opt.ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent == false * @run main/othervm GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest */ diff --git a/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationTest.java b/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationTest.java index bad4e4076b0..da8082ed2ad 100644 --- a/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotificationTest.java @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ * @bug 7036199 * @summary Check that GarbageCollection notification are thrown by every GarbageCollectorMXBean * @author Frederic Parain + * @requires vm.opt.ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent == null | vm.opt.ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent == false * @run main/othervm GarbageCollectionNotificationTest */ diff --git a/jdk/test/com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java b/jdk/test/com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java index b2ee68d01b0..9d367c04186 100644 --- a/jdk/test/com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java +++ b/jdk/test/com/sun/tools/attach/StartManagementAgent.java @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import jdk.testlibrary.Utils; * @summary Test for VirtualMachine.startManagementAgent and VirtualMachine.startLocalManagementAgent * @library /lib/testlibrary * @run build Application SimpleProvider jdk.testlibrary.* - * @run main StartManagementAgent + * @run main/timeout=300 StartManagementAgent */ /* diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/DragMouseOutAndRelease/DragMouseOutAndRelease.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/DragMouseOutAndRelease/DragMouseOutAndRelease.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..272b30ddc6d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/DragMouseOutAndRelease/DragMouseOutAndRelease.java @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + @test + @bug 6322625 + @summary REG:Choice does not trigger MouseReleased when dragging and releasing the mouse outside choice, XAWT + @author andrei.dmitriev area=awt.choice + @run main DragMouseOutAndRelease +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +public class DragMouseOutAndRelease +{ + static Frame frame = new Frame("Test Frame"); + static Choice choice1 = new Choice(); + static Robot robot; + static Point pt; + static volatile boolean mousePressed = false; + static volatile boolean mouseReleased = false; + + private static void init() + { + String[] instructions = + { + "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", + "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", + "message window below." + }; + Sysout.createDialog( ); + Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); + + frame.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); + for (int i = 1; i<10;i++){ + choice1.add("item "+i); + } + frame.add(choice1); + + choice1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { + mousePressed = true; + System.out.println(me); + } + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { + mouseReleased = true; + System.out.println(me); + } + }); + + frame.pack(); + frame.setVisible(true); + frame.validate(); + + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testMouseDrag(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + new RuntimeException("Test failed. Exception thrown: "+e); + } + DragMouseOutAndRelease.pass(); + }//End init() + + public static void testMouseDrag(){ + mousePressed = false; + mouseReleased = false; + + pt = choice1.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, pt.y + choice1.getHeight()/2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + + //move mouse outside Choice + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, pt.y - choice1.getHeight()); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (!mousePressed || !mouseReleased) + { + System.out.println("ERROR: "+ mousePressed+","+mouseReleased); + // close the choice + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + DragMouseOutAndRelease.fail("Test failed. Choice should generate PRESSED, RELEASED events outside if pressed on Choice "); + } else{ + // close the choice + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + System.out.println("Choice did generated PRESSED and RELEASED after Drag outside the Choice "); + } + } + + + + /***************************************************** + * Standard Test Machinery Section + * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a + * standard chunk of code which has all of the + * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. + * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier + * to read and understand someone else's test, as + * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly + * with the test harness. + * There is a section following this for test- + * classes + ******************************************************/ + private static boolean theTestPassed = false; + private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + private static String failureMessage = ""; + + private static Thread mainThread = null; + + private static int sleepTime = 300000; + + // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are + // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using + // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about + // it for now. + public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + { + mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try + { + init(); + } + catch( TestPassedException e ) + { + //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will + // interepret this return as a pass + return; + } + //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been + // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the + // test, so we know we have multiple threads. + + //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to + // called pass() or fail() + try + { + Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); + //Timed out, so fail the test + throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception + // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. + if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; + + //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) + testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + + if ( theTestPassed == false ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); + } + } + + }//main + + public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) + { + sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + } + + public static synchronized void pass() + { + Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //first check if this is executing in main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, + // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught + // and end the test. + theTestPassed = true; + throw new TestPassedException(); + } + theTestPassed = true; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//pass() + + public static synchronized void fail() + { + //test writer didn't specify why test failed, so give generic + fail( "it just plain failed! :-)" ); + } + + public static synchronized void fail( String whyFailed ) + { + Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //check if this called from main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping + throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); + } + theTestPassed = false; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + failureMessage = whyFailed; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//fail() + +}// class DragMouseOutAndRelease + +//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting +// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately +// end the test. +class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException +{ +} + +//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** + + +//************ Begin classes defined for the test **************** + +// if want to make listeners, here is the recommended place for them, then instantiate +// them in init() + +/* Example of a class which may be written as part of a test +class NewClass implements anInterface + { + static int newVar = 0; + + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) + { + //Counting events to see if we get enough + eventCount++; + + if( eventCount == 20 ) + { + //got enough events, so pass + + DragMouseOutAndRelease.pass(); + } + else if( tries == 20 ) + { + //tried too many times without getting enough events so fail + + DragMouseOutAndRelease.fail(); + } + + }// eventDispatched() + + }// NewClass class + +*/ + + +//************** End classes defined for the test ******************* + + + + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/GetSizeTest/GetSizeTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/GetSizeTest/GetSizeTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..583763331d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/GetSizeTest/GetSizeTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 1999, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + @test + @bug 4255631 + @summary Solaris: Size returned by Choice.getSize() does not match actual size + @author Andrei Dmitriev : area=Choice + run main GetSizeTest.html +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +public class GetSizeTest { + + static String []s = {"Choice 1", + "Choice 2", + "unselected choices", + "what choices do I have?", + "Will I pick the same thing in the future?", + }; + static boolean passed = false; + static Robot robot = null; + + public static void main(String args[]) + { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + + Frame f = new Frame("choice test"); + + Panel p = new Panel(); + p.setLayout(null); + + Choice c = new Choice(); + for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) + c.addItem(s[i]); + + c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { + System.err.println("Test passed"); + passed = true; + } + }); + + p.add(c); + + f.add(p); + + f.setSize(300, 300); + + f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { + public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { + System.err.println("Test passed"); + passed = true; + } + }); + + f.setVisible(true); + + c.setSize(200, 200); + f.validate(); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + Point pt = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + c.getWidth() - 10, pt.y + c.getHeight() / 2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + if (robot == null){ + throw new RuntimeException( "Test failed.Unable to initialize Robot "+e); + } + throw new RuntimeException( "Test failed due to thrown exception "+e); + } + if (!passed) { + throw new RuntimeException( "Timeout. Choice component size is not actual size." ); + } + System.err.println("Test passed."); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/GrabLockTest/GrabLockTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/GrabLockTest/GrabLockTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b84ae0b0dc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/GrabLockTest/GrabLockTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + @test + @bug 4800638 + @summary Tests that Choice does not lock the Desktop + @run main GrabLockTest +*/ +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +public class GrabLockTest +{ + public static void main (String args[]) + { + Frame frame = new TestFrame(); + } +} + +class TestFrame extends Frame implements MouseListener { + public TestFrame() { + Choice choice = new Choice(); + choice.addItem("Fist Item"); + choice.addItem("Second Item"); + add(choice,BorderLayout.NORTH); + Panel panel = new Panel(); + panel.addMouseListener(this); + panel.setBackground(Color.RED); + add(panel); + setSize(200, 200); + setVisible(true); + toFront(); + + try { + Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + Point pt = choice.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice.getWidth() - choice.getHeight()/2, + pt.y + choice.getHeight()/2); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice.getWidth()/2, + pt.y + choice.getHeight()*2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point pt1 = panel.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt1.x + panel.getWidth()/2, + pt1.y + panel.getHeight()/2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(30); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (nPressed == 0) { + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + throw new RuntimeException("GrabLockTest failed." + nPressed); + } + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException("The test was not completed.\n\n" + e); + } + + } + + public int nPressed = 0; + + public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { + } + + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { + nPressed++; + System.out.println("Pressed!"); + } + + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { + } + + public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} + public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} +}// class TestFrame diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8c52e480bae --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + + + PopupPosTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 5044150

      + +

      This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait for completion

      + + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0ebf6e18866 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 5044150 + @summary Tests that pupup doesn't popdown if no space to display under + @author andrei.dmitriev area=awt.choice + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run applet PopupPosTest.html +*/ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + +public class PopupPosTest extends Applet +{ + public void start () + { + if(OSInfo.getOSType().equals(OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX)) { + // On OS X, popup isn't under the mouse + return; + } + Frame frame = new TestFrame(); + } +} + +class TestFrame extends Frame implements ItemListener { + Robot robot; + Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); + Choice choice = new Choice(); + boolean indexChanged = false; + final static int INITIAL_ITEM = 99; + volatile boolean stateChanged; + + public TestFrame() { + for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { + choice.addItem("Item Item Item " + i); + } + choice.addItemListener(this); + + choice.select(INITIAL_ITEM); + choice.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC, 100)); + + add(choice, BorderLayout.CENTER); + Dimension screen = tk.getScreenSize(); + setSize(screen.width - 10, screen.height - 70); + setVisible(true); + toFront(); + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); + // fix for 6175418. When we take "choice.getHeight()/2" + // divider 2 is not sufficiently big to hit into the + // small box Choice. We should use bigger divider to get + // smaller value choice.getHeight()/i. 4 is sufficient. + Point pt = choice.getLocationOnScreen(); + // click on 1/4 of Choice's height + mouseMoveAndPressOnChoice(pt.x + choice.getWidth()/2, + pt.y + choice.getHeight()/4); + + // click on center of Choice's height + mouseMoveAndPressOnChoice(pt.x + choice.getWidth()/2, + pt.y + choice.getHeight()/2); + + // click on 3/4 of Choice's height + mouseMoveAndPressOnChoice(pt.x + choice.getWidth()/2, + pt.y + choice.getHeight()*3/4); + // testing that ItemEvent doesn't generated on a simple + // mouse click when the dropdown appears under mouse : 6425067 + stateChanged = false; + openChoice(); + closeChoice(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + throw new RuntimeException("The test was not completed.\n\n" + e); + } + + if (!indexChanged){ + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed. Another item wasn't selected."); + } + + if(stateChanged){ + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed. ItemEvent was generated on a simple mouse click when the dropdown appears under mouse"); + } + }// start() + + public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) { + System.out.println("choice.stateChanged = "+ ie); + stateChanged = true; + } + + public void mouseMoveAndPressOnChoice(int x, int y){ + openChoice(); + robot.mouseMove(x, y); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(30); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + //should close choice after each test stage + closeChoice(); + checkSelectedIndex(); + } + + public void openChoice(){ + Point pt = choice.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice.getWidth() - choice.getHeight()/4, + pt.y + choice.getHeight()/2); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(30); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } + public void closeChoice(){ + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } + + public void checkSelectedIndex(){ + if (choice.getSelectedIndex() != INITIAL_ITEM) { + System.out.println("choice.getSelectedIndex = "+ choice.getSelectedIndex()); + indexChanged = true; + } + } +}// class TestFrame diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/ResizeAutoClosesChoice/ResizeAutoClosesChoice.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/ResizeAutoClosesChoice/ResizeAutoClosesChoice.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..26e05aa69cb --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/ResizeAutoClosesChoice/ResizeAutoClosesChoice.java @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + @test + @bug 6399679 + @summary Choice is not invalidated when the frame gets resized programmatically when the drop-down is visible + @author andrei.dmitriev area=awt.choice + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run main ResizeAutoClosesChoice +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + +public class ResizeAutoClosesChoice +{ + static Frame frame = new Frame("Test Frame"); + static Choice choice1 = new Choice(); + static Robot robot; + static Point pt; + static String passed = null; + static Button button = new Button("This button causes Frame to be resized on pack()"); + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception + { + if(OSInfo.getOSType().equals(OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX)) { + System.out.println("Not for OS OX"); + return; + } + + choice1.setForeground(Color.red); + choice1.setBackground(Color.red); + + frame.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + for (int i = 1; i<10;i++){ + choice1.add("item "+i); + } + frame.setSize(300, 300); + choice1.setLocation(50, 50); + choice1.setSize(70, 20); + + button.setLocation(150, 100); + button.setSize(150, 20); + frame.add(choice1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + frame.pack(); + + frame.validate(); + frame.setVisible(true); + + robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + pt = choice1.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/10*9, pt.y + choice1.getHeight()/2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(1000); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + Color color = robot.getPixelColor(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, + pt.y + 3 * choice1.getHeight()); + //should take a color on the point on the choice's menu + System.out.println("Choice opened. Color got : "+color); + if ( !color.equals(Color.red) ){ + passed = "Choice wasn't opened with the mouse"; + } + + Rectangle oldBounds = choice1.getBounds(); + System.out.println("Choice's old bounds : "+oldBounds); + + frame.add(button, BorderLayout.NORTH); + // frame.setSize(500, 500); + frame.pack(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + System.out.println("Choice's new bounds : "+choice1.getBounds()); + + if (!choice1.getBounds().equals(oldBounds)){ + pt = choice1.getLocationOnScreen(); + color = robot.getPixelColor(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, + pt.y + 3 * choice1.getHeight()); + System.out.println("Choice opened. Color got : "+color); + if (color.equals(Color.red) ){ + passed = "Choice wasn't closed when toplevel repacked."; + } + } else { + System.out.println("frame.pack didn't changed Choice's size - dropdown menu should remain the same. Test passed."); + } + if (passed != null){ + throw new RuntimeException(passed); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d6c8158aff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + + + + + +

      Bug ID: 9999999 XXX_CHANGE_THIS

      + +

      This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait for completion

      + + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d60707c7c3b --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + test 1.3 02/06/25 + @bug 4902933 + @summary Test that selecting the current item sends an ItemEvent + @author bchristi : area= Choice + @run applet SelectCurrentItemTest.html +*/ + +// Note there is no @ in front of test above. This is so that the +// harness will not mistake this file as a test file. It should +// only see the html file as a test file. (the harness runs all +// valid test files, so it would run this test twice if this file +// were valid as well as the html file.) +// Also, note the area= after Your Name in the author tag. Here, you +// should put which functional area the test falls in. See the +// AWT-core home page -> test areas and/or -> AWT team for a list of +// areas. +// Note also the 'SelectCurrentItemTest.html' in the run tag. This should +// be changed to the name of the test. + + +/** + * SelectCurrentItemTest.java + * + * summary: + */ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +//Automated tests should run as applet tests if possible because they +// get their environments cleaned up, including AWT threads, any +// test created threads, and any system resources used by the test +// such as file descriptors. (This is normally not a problem as +// main tests usually run in a separate VM, however on some platforms +// such as the Mac, separate VMs are not possible and non-applet +// tests will cause problems). Also, you don't have to worry about +// synchronisation stuff in Applet tests they way you do in main +// tests... + + +public class SelectCurrentItemTest extends Applet implements ItemListener, + WindowListener, Runnable +{ + //Declare things used in the test, like buttons and labels here + Frame frame; + Choice theChoice; + Robot robot; + + Object lock = new Object(); + boolean passed = false; + + public void init() + { + //Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + + String[] instructions = + { + "This is an AUTOMATIC test", + "simply wait until it is done" + }; + Sysout.createDialog( ); + Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); + + frame = new Frame("SelectCurrentItemTest"); + theChoice = new Choice(); + for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + theChoice.add(new String("Choice Item " + i)); + } + theChoice.addItemListener(this); + frame.add(theChoice); + frame.addWindowListener(this); + + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(500); + } + catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create Robot. Test fails."); + } + + }//End init() + + public void start () + { + //Get things going. Request focus, set size, et cetera + setSize (200,200); + setVisible(true); + validate(); + + //What would normally go into main() will probably go here. + //Use System.out.println for diagnostic messages that you want + //to read after the test is done. + //Use Sysout.println for messages you want the tester to read. + + frame.setLocation(1,20); + robot.mouseMove(10, 30); + frame.pack(); + frame.setVisible(true); + synchronized(lock) { + try { + lock.wait(120000); + } + catch(InterruptedException e) {} + } + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (!passed) { + throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED!"); + } + + // wait to make sure ItemEvent has been processed + +// try {Thread.sleep(10000);} catch (InterruptedException e){} + }// start() + + public void run() { + try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e){} + // get loc of Choice on screen + Point loc = theChoice.getLocationOnScreen(); + // get bounds of Choice + Dimension size = theChoice.getSize(); + robot.mouseMove(loc.x + size.width - 10, loc.y + size.height / 2); + + robot.setAutoDelay(250); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + robot.setAutoDelay(1000); + robot.mouseMove(loc.x + size.width / 2, loc.y + size.height + size.height / 2); + robot.setAutoDelay(250); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + synchronized(lock) { + lock.notify(); + } + } + + public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { + Sysout.println("ItemEvent received. Test passes"); + passed = true; + } + + public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { + Sysout.println("windowActivated()"); + Thread testThread = new Thread(this); + testThread.start(); + } + public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { + } + public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {} + public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {} + public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {} + public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {} + public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {} + +}// class SelectCurrentItemTest + + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setLocation(0, 400); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + show(); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/UnfocusableCB_ERR/UnfocusableCB_ERR.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/UnfocusableCB_ERR/UnfocusableCB_ERR.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..322e3584260 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Choice/UnfocusableCB_ERR/UnfocusableCB_ERR.java @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + @test + @bug 6390103 + @summary Non-Focusable choice throws exception when selecting an item, Win32 + @author andrei.dmitriev area=awt.choice + @run main UnfocusableCB_ERR +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +public class UnfocusableCB_ERR +{ + static final int delay = 100; + static Frame frame = new Frame("Test Frame"); + static Choice choice1 = new Choice(); + static Button button = new Button("Test"); + + static Robot robot; + static Point pt; + static String failed = ""; + + private static void init() + { + String[] instructions = + { + "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", + "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", + "message window below." + }; + Sysout.createDialog( ); + Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); + + EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler( + new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler(){ + public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable exc){ + failed = exc.toString(); + } + }); + } + }); + + frame.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); + for (int i = 1; i<10;i++){ + choice1.add("item "+i); + } + frame.add(button); + frame.add(choice1); + + choice1.setFocusable(false); + + frame.pack(); + frame.setVisible(true); + frame.validate(); + + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testSpacePress(); + } catch (Throwable e) { + UnfocusableCB_ERR.fail("Test failed. Exception thrown: "+e); + } + if (failed.equals("")){ + UnfocusableCB_ERR.pass(); + } else { + UnfocusableCB_ERR.fail("Test failed:"); + } + }//End init() + + public static void testSpacePress(){ + + pt = choice1.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, pt.y + choice1.getHeight()/2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + //position mouse cursor over dropdown menu + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, pt.y + 2 * choice1.getHeight()); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + //move mouse outside Choice + robot.mouseMove(pt.x + choice1.getWidth()/2, pt.y - choice1.getHeight()); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } + + + + /***************************************************** + * Standard Test Machinery Section + * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a + * standard chunk of code which has all of the + * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. + * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier + * to read and understand someone else's test, as + * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly + * with the test harness. + * There is a section following this for test- + * classes + ******************************************************/ + private static boolean theTestPassed = false; + private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + private static String failureMessage = ""; + + private static Thread mainThread = null; + + private static int sleepTime = 300000; + + // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are + // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using + // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about + // it for now. + public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + { + mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try + { + init(); + } + catch( TestPassedException e ) + { + //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will + // interepret this return as a pass + return; + } + //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been + // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the + // test, so we know we have multiple threads. + + //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to + // called pass() or fail() + try + { + Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); + //Timed out, so fail the test + throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception + // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. + if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; + + //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) + testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + + if ( theTestPassed == false ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); + } + } + + }//main + + public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) + { + sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + } + + public static synchronized void pass() + { + Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //first check if this is executing in main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, + // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught + // and end the test. + theTestPassed = true; + throw new TestPassedException(); + } + theTestPassed = true; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//pass() + + public static synchronized void fail() + { + //test writer didn't specify why test failed, so give generic + fail( "it just plain failed! :-)" ); + } + + public static synchronized void fail( String whyFailed ) + { + Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //check if this called from main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping + throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); + } + theTestPassed = false; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + failureMessage = whyFailed; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//fail() + +}// class UnfocusableCB_ERR + +//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting +// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately +// end the test. +class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException +{ +} + +//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** + + +//************ Begin classes defined for the test **************** + +// if want to make listeners, here is the recommended place for them, then instantiate +// them in init() + +/* Example of a class which may be written as part of a test +class NewClass implements anInterface + { + static int newVar = 0; + + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) + { + //Counting events to see if we get enough + eventCount++; + + if( eventCount == 20 ) + { + //got enough events, so pass + + UnfocusableCB_ERR.pass(); + } + else if( tries == 20 ) + { + //tried too many times without getting enough events so fail + + UnfocusableCB_ERR.fail(); + } + + }// eventDispatched() + + }// NewClass class + +*/ + + +//************** End classes defined for the test ******************* + + + + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/7097771/bug7097771.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/7097771/bug7097771.java index 54b9cf8c965..1cae4954498 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/7097771/bug7097771.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/7097771/bug7097771.java @@ -21,14 +21,12 @@ * questions. */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Button; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; @@ -53,13 +51,14 @@ public final class bug7097771 extends Frame implements ActionListener { button.addActionListener(frame); frame.add(button); frame.setVisible(true); - sleep(); + Robot robot = new Robot(); + sleep(robot); frame.setEnabled(false); button.setEnabled(false); button.setEnabled(true); - sleep(); - Util.clickOnComp(button, new Robot()); - sleep(); + sleep(robot); + Util.clickOnComp(button, robot); + sleep(robot); frame.dispose(); if (action) { throw new RuntimeException("Button is not disabled."); @@ -71,8 +70,8 @@ public final class bug7097771 extends Frame implements ActionListener { action = true; } - private static void sleep() { - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + private static void sleep(Robot robot) { + robot.waitForIdle(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/F10TopToplevel/F10TopToplevel.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/F10TopToplevel/F10TopToplevel.java index 806d2409cff..719b157a7d4 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/F10TopToplevel/F10TopToplevel.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/F10TopToplevel/F10TopToplevel.java @@ -90,29 +90,26 @@ public class F10TopToplevel extends Applet Robot robot; try { robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(5); } catch(AWTException e){ throw new RuntimeException("cannot create robot.", e); } - ((sun.awt.SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mouseMove(dialog.getLocationOnScreen().x + dialog.getWidth()/2, dialog.getLocationOnScreen().y + dialog.getHeight()/2 ); - robot.delay(5); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - robot.delay(5); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - robot.delay(5); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_F10); - robot.delay(5); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_F10); - robot.delay(5); robot.delay(10); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - robot.delay(5); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - robot.delay(5); - ((sun.awt.SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if(menuToggled) { throw new RuntimeException("Oops! Menu should not open."); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/NativeInLightShow/NativeInLightShow.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/NativeInLightShow/NativeInLightShow.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c5e556577d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Component/NativeInLightShow/NativeInLightShow.java @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test 1.0 04/05/20 + @bug 4140484 + @summary Heavyweight components inside invisible lightweight containers still show + @author Your Name: art@sparc.spb.su + @run main NativeInLightShow +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + + +// The test verifies that the mixing code correctly handles COMPONENT_SHOWN events +// while the top-level container is invisible. + +public class NativeInLightShow +{ + //Declare things used in the test, like buttons and labels here + static boolean buttonPressed = false; + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { + Frame f = new Frame("Test"); + + Robot robot = null; + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + + Container c = new Container(); + c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + Button b = new Button("I'm should be visible!"); + b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() + { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + System.out.println("Test PASSED"); + buttonPressed = true; + } + }); + c.add(b); + + f.add(c); + + f.pack(); + + c.setVisible(false); + c.setVisible(true); + + // Wait for a while for COMPONENT_SHOW event to be dispatched + robot.waitForIdle(); + + f.setVisible(true); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + Point buttonLocation = b.getLocationOnScreen(); + + robot.mouseMove(buttonLocation.x + 5, buttonLocation.y + 5); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + // Wait for a while for ACTION event to be dispatched + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(100); + + if (!buttonPressed) { + System.out.println("Test FAILED"); + throw new RuntimeException("Button was not pressed"); + } + } + +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/FileDialog/ISCthrownByFileListTest/ISCthrownByFileListTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/FileDialog/ISCthrownByFileListTest/ISCthrownByFileListTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f58f8e87ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/FileDialog/ISCthrownByFileListTest/ISCthrownByFileListTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test + @bug 6304979 + @summary REG: File Dialog throws ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception on XToolkit with b45 + @author Dmitry Cherepanov: area=awt.filedialog + @run main/othervm -Dsun.awt.disableGtkFileDialogs=true ISCthrownByFileListTest +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.lang.reflect.*; + +/* + Since the "sun.awt.exception.handler" property will be removed in a future release + this test will be rewritten using new future API. (<<< Done). + It's important that the bug 6304979 is reproducible if the bug 6299853 is reproducible. +*/ + +public class ISCthrownByFileListTest +{ + private static Frame frame = null; + private static FileDialog fd = null; + + // The handler load the class and instantiate this class + // so the 'passed' variable is static + static boolean passed = true; + + public static final void main(String args[]) { + // It's not true that the native file dialog will be focused on Motif & Windows + boolean isXToolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getClass().getName().equals("sun.awt.X11.XToolkit"); + if (!isXToolkit){ + return; + } + + frame = new Frame("frame"); + frame.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); + frame.setBounds(100, 100, 100, 100); + frame.setVisible(true); + + fd = new FileDialog(frame, "file dialog", FileDialog.LOAD); + + // In order to handle all uncaught exceptions in the EDT + final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler eh = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() + { + @Override + public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) + { + e.printStackTrace(); + ISCthrownByFileListTest.passed = false; + } + }; + + test(); + }// start() + + private static void test (){ + Robot r; + + try { + r = new Robot(); + } catch(AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); + } + + r.delay(500); + new Thread(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + // The bug 6299853 is reproducible only if the file list is not empty + // since else the focus will be set to the directory list. + // But the focus index of the directory list equals 0. + // So goto the source directory (the file list is non empty) + fd.setDirectory(System.getProperty("test.src", ".")); + fd.setVisible(true); + } + }).start(); + r.delay(2000); + r.waitForIdle(); + + Component focusedWindow = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow(); + if (focusedWindow != fd) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed - the file dialog isn't focused window, owner: " + focusedWindow); + } + r.waitForIdle(); + + r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + r.delay(50); + r.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + r.delay(1000); + fd.setVisible(false); + r.delay(1000); + r.waitForIdle(); + + if (!ISCthrownByFileListTest.passed){ + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); + } + + }// test() +}// class ISCthrownByFileListTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..25daa26ef51 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test + @bug 6378278 + @summary Apparent missing key events causing Bugster to break + @author oleg.sukhodolsky: area=awt.focus + @run main InputVerifierTest +*/ + +/** + * InputVerifierTest.java + * + * summary: Apparent missing key events causing Bugster to break + */ + +import java.awt.AWTException; +import java.awt.BorderLayout; +import java.awt.Component; +import java.awt.Dialog; +import java.awt.Frame; +import java.awt.Point; +import java.awt.Robot; +import java.awt.TextArea; + +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +import javax.swing.InputVerifier; +import javax.swing.JComponent; +import javax.swing.JFrame; +import javax.swing.JTextField; + +public class InputVerifierTest +{ + + //*** test-writer defined static variables go here *** + static volatile boolean ivWasCalled = false; + + private static void init() + { + //*** Create instructions for the user here *** + String[] instructions = + { + "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", + "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", + "message window below." + }; + Sysout.createDialog( ); + Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); + + JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + JTextField t1 = new JTextField(); + t1.setInputVerifier(new InputVerifier() { + public boolean verify(JComponent input) { + Sysout.println("verify(" + input + ")"); + ivWasCalled = true; + return true; + } + }); + JTextField t2 = new JTextField(); + + frame.getContentPane().add(t1, BorderLayout.NORTH); + frame.getContentPane().add(t2, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setVisible(true); + + Robot r = null; + try { + r = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + InputVerifierTest.fail(e.toString()); + } + + try { + r.waitForIdle(); + + mouseClickOnComp(r, t1); + r.waitForIdle(); + + if (!t1.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("t1 is not a focus owner"); + } + ivWasCalled = false; + r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + r.delay(10); + r.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + r.waitForIdle(); + + if (!t2.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("t2 is not a focus owner"); + } + if (!ivWasCalled) { + throw new RuntimeException("InputVerifier was not called after tabbing"); + } + + mouseClickOnComp(r, t1); + r.waitForIdle(); + + if (!t1.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("t1 is not a focus owner"); + } + + ivWasCalled = false; + mouseClickOnComp(r, t2); + r.waitForIdle(); + if (!t2.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("t2 is not a focus owner"); + } + if (!ivWasCalled) { + throw new RuntimeException("InputVErifier was not called after mouse press"); + } + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + InputVerifierTest.fail(e.toString()); + } + + InputVerifierTest.pass(); + + }//End init() + + static void mouseClickOnComp(Robot r, Component comp) { + Point loc = comp.getLocationOnScreen(); + loc.x += comp.getWidth() / 2; + loc.y += comp.getHeight() / 2; + r.mouseMove(loc.x, loc.y); + r.delay(10); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.delay(10); + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + } + + /***************************************************** + * Standard Test Machinery Section + * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a + * standard chunk of code which has all of the + * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. + * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier + * to read and understand someone else's test, as + * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly + * with the test harness. + * There is a section following this for test- + * classes + ******************************************************/ + private static boolean theTestPassed = false; + private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + private static String failureMessage = ""; + + private static Thread mainThread = null; + + private static int sleepTime = 300000; + + // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are + // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using + // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about + // it for now. + public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + { + mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try + { + init(); + } + catch( TestPassedException e ) + { + //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will + // interepret this return as a pass + return; + } + //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been + // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the + // test, so we know we have multiple threads. + + //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to + // called pass() or fail() + try + { + Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); + //Timed out, so fail the test + throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception + // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. + if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; + + //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) + testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + + if ( theTestPassed == false ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); + } + } + + }//main + + public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) + { + sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + } + + public static synchronized void pass() + { + Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //first check if this is executing in main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, + // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught + // and end the test. + theTestPassed = true; + throw new TestPassedException(); + } + theTestPassed = true; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//pass() + + public static synchronized void fail() + { + //test writer didn't specify why test failed, so give generic + fail( "it just plain failed! :-)" ); + } + + public static synchronized void fail( String whyFailed ) + { + Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //check if this called from main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping + throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); + } + theTestPassed = false; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + failureMessage = whyFailed; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//fail() + +}// class InputVerifierTest + +//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting +// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately +// end the test. +class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException +{ +} + +//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6382144/EndlessLoopTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6382144/EndlessLoopTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9d1719bc7d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6382144/EndlessLoopTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,409 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test + @bug 6382144 + @summary REGRESSION: InputVerifier and JOptionPane + @author oleg.sukhodolsky: area=awt.focus + @run main EndlessLoopTest +*/ + +/** + * EndlessLoopTest.java + * + * summary: REGRESSION: InputVerifier and JOptionPane + */ + +import java.awt.AWTException; +import java.awt.BorderLayout; +import java.awt.Component; +import java.awt.Dialog; +import java.awt.Frame; +import java.awt.Point; +import java.awt.Robot; +import java.awt.TextArea; +import java.awt.Toolkit; + +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; +import java.awt.event.ActionListener; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +import javax.swing.InputVerifier; +import javax.swing.JButton; +import javax.swing.JComponent; +import javax.swing.JDialog; +import javax.swing.JFrame; +import javax.swing.JTextField; + +public class EndlessLoopTest +{ + + //*** test-writer defined static variables go here *** + static volatile int n_iv_calls; + + + private static void init() + { + //*** Create instructions for the user here *** + + String[] instructions = + { + "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", + "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", + "message window below." + }; + Sysout.createDialog( ); + Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); + + JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(frame, true); + JButton button = new JButton("press me"); + button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { + dialog.dispose(); + } + }); + dialog.getContentPane().add(button); + dialog.pack(); + + JTextField t1 = new JTextField(); + t1.setInputVerifier(new InputVerifier() { + public boolean verify(JComponent input) { + n_iv_calls++; + if (n_iv_calls == 1) { + dialog.setVisible(true); + } + return true; + } + }); + JTextField t2 = new JTextField(); + + + frame.getContentPane().add(t1, BorderLayout.NORTH); + frame.getContentPane().add(t2, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setVisible(true); + + Robot r = null; + try { + r = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + EndlessLoopTest.fail(e); + } + + try { + r.waitForIdle(); + + mouseClickOnComp(r, t1); + r.waitForIdle(); + + if (!t1.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("t1 is not a focus owner"); + } + n_iv_calls = 0; + r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + r.delay(10); + r.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + r.waitForIdle(); + + mouseClickOnComp(r, button); + r.waitForIdle(); + } catch (Exception e) { + EndlessLoopTest.fail(e); + } + + if (n_iv_calls != 1) { + EndlessLoopTest.fail(new RuntimeException("InputVerifier was called " + n_iv_calls + " times")); + } + + EndlessLoopTest.pass(); + + }//End init() + + + static void mouseClickOnComp(Robot r, Component comp) { + Point loc = comp.getLocationOnScreen(); + loc.x += comp.getWidth() / 2; + loc.y += comp.getHeight() / 2; + r.mouseMove(loc.x, loc.y); + r.delay(10); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.delay(10); + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + } + + /***************************************************** + * Standard Test Machinery Section + * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a + * standard chunk of code which has all of the + * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. + * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier + * to read and understand someone else's test, as + * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly + * with the test harness. + * There is a section following this for test- + * classes + ******************************************************/ + private static boolean theTestPassed = false; + private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + private static String failureMessage = ""; + + private static Thread mainThread = null; + + private static int sleepTime = 300000; + + // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are + // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using + // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about + // it for now. + public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + { + mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try + { + init(); + } + catch( TestPassedException e ) + { + //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will + // interepret this return as a pass + return; + } + //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been + // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the + // test, so we know we have multiple threads. + + //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to + // called pass() or fail() + try + { + Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); + //Timed out, so fail the test + throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception + // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. + if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; + + //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) + testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + + if ( theTestPassed == false ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); + } + } + + }//main + + public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) + { + sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + } + + public static synchronized void pass() + { + Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //first check if this is executing in main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, + // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught + // and end the test. + theTestPassed = true; + throw new TestPassedException(); + } + theTestPassed = true; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//pass() + + public static synchronized void fail( Exception whyFailed ) + { + Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //check if this called from main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping + throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); + } + theTestPassed = false; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + failureMessage = whyFailed.toString(); + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//fail() + +}// class EndlessLoopTest + +//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting +// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately +// end the test. +class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException +{ +} + +//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6401036/InputVerifierTest2.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6401036/InputVerifierTest2.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6ee00496b02 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/6401036/InputVerifierTest2.java @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test + @bug 6401036 + @summary InputVerifier shouldn't be called when requestFocus() is called on comp from another toplevel + @author oleg.sukhodolsky: area=awt.focus + @run main InputVerifierTest2 +*/ + +/** + * InputVerifierTest2.java + * + * summary: REGRESSION: InputVerifier and JOptionPane + */ + +import java.awt.AWTException; +import java.awt.BorderLayout; +import java.awt.Component; +import java.awt.Dialog; +import java.awt.Frame; +import java.awt.Point; +import java.awt.Robot; +import java.awt.TextArea; + +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; + +import javax.swing.InputVerifier; +import javax.swing.JButton; +import javax.swing.JComponent; +import javax.swing.JFrame; +import javax.swing.JTextField; +import javax.swing.JWindow; + +public class InputVerifierTest2 +{ + + private static void init() + { + //*** Create instructions for the user here *** + + String[] instructions = + { + "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", + "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", + "message window below." + }; + Sysout.createDialog( ); + Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); + + JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + JTextField tf = new JTextField(10); + frame.getContentPane().add(tf); + + final JWindow w = new JWindow(frame); + JButton btn1 = new JButton("window"); + btn1.setName("bnt1"); + w.getContentPane().add(btn1); + w.pack(); + w.setVisible(true); + + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setVisible(true); + + + Robot r = null; + try { + r = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + InputVerifierTest2.fail(e); + } + + + try { + r.waitForIdle(); + mouseClickOnComp(r, tf); + r.waitForIdle(); + + if (!tf.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("t1 is not a focus owner"); + } + + tf.setInputVerifier(new InputVerifier() { + public boolean verify(JComponent input) { + System.err.println("verify on " + input); + throw new RuntimeException("InputVerifier should not be called"); + } + }); + btn1.requestFocus(); + } catch (Exception e) { + InputVerifierTest2.fail(e); + } + + InputVerifierTest2.pass(); + + }//End init() + + + static void mouseClickOnComp(Robot r, Component comp) { + Point loc = comp.getLocationOnScreen(); + loc.x += comp.getWidth() / 2; + loc.y += comp.getHeight() / 2; + r.mouseMove(loc.x, loc.y); + r.delay(10); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.delay(10); + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + } + + /***************************************************** + * Standard Test Machinery Section + * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a + * standard chunk of code which has all of the + * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. + * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier + * to read and understand someone else's test, as + * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly + * with the test harness. + * There is a section following this for test- + * classes + ******************************************************/ + private static boolean theTestPassed = false; + private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + private static String failureMessage = ""; + + private static Thread mainThread = null; + + private static int sleepTime = 300000; + + // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are + // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using + // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about + // it for now. + public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + { + mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try + { + init(); + } + catch( TestPassedException e ) + { + //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will + // interepret this return as a pass + return; + } + //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been + // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the + // test, so we know we have multiple threads. + + //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to + // called pass() or fail() + try + { + Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); + //Timed out, so fail the test + throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception + // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. + if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; + + //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) + testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + + if ( theTestPassed == false ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); + } + } + + }//main + + public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) + { + sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + } + + public static synchronized void pass() + { + Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //first check if this is executing in main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, + // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught + // and end the test. + theTestPassed = true; + throw new TestPassedException(); + } + theTestPassed = true; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//pass() + + public static synchronized void fail( Exception whyFailed ) + { + Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); + Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); + //check if this called from main thread + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping + throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); + } + theTestPassed = false; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + failureMessage = whyFailed.toString(); + mainThread.interrupt(); + }//fail() + +}// class InputVerifierTest2 + +//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting +// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately +// end the test. +class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException +{ +} + +//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3964d76015b --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + + + +ChildWindowFocusTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 5090325

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..15060dcde7d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ChildWindowFocusTest/ChildWindowFocusTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 5090325 + @summary Tests that Window's child can be focused on XAWT. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com: area=awt.focus + @run applet ChildWindowFocusTest.html +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.lang.reflect.*; + +public class ChildWindowFocusTest extends Applet { + Robot robot; + Frame frame = new Frame("Owner"); + Button button0 = new Button("button-0"); + TextField text0 = new TextField("text-0"); + TextField text1 = new TextField("text-1"); + Window win1 = new TestWindow(frame, text0, 110); + Window win2 = new TestWindow(win1, text1, 220); + Frame outerFrame = new Frame("Outer"); + Button button1 = new Button("button-1"); + int shift; + + public void init() { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + // Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[] + {"This is an AUTOMATIC test", "simply wait until it is done"}); + + Rectangle bounds = Sysout.dialog.getBounds(); + shift = (int)(bounds.x + bounds.width + 10); + } + + public void start() { + + frame.setBounds(0, 50, 400, 100); + frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + frame.add(button0); + + outerFrame.setBounds(0, 390, 400, 100); + outerFrame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + outerFrame.add(button1); + + adjustAndShow(new Component[] {frame, win1, win2, outerFrame}); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + test(); + } + + void adjustAndShow(Component[] comps) { + for (Component comp: comps) { + comp.setLocation(shift, (int)comp.getLocation().getY()); + comp.setVisible(true); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } + } + + void test() { + clickOnCheckFocusOwner(button0); + clickOnCheckFocusOwner(text1); + clickOnCheckFocusOwner(button1); + clickOn(frame); + checkFocusOwner(text1); + clickOnCheckFocusOwner(text0); + clickOnCheckFocusOwner(button1); + clickOn(frame); + checkFocusOwner(text0); + + Sysout.println("Test passed."); + } + + void clickOnCheckFocusOwner(Component c) { + clickOn(c); + if (!checkFocusOwner(c)) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: couldn't focus <" + c + "> by mouse click!"); + } + } + + boolean checkFocusOwner(Component comp) { + return (comp == KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + } + + void clickOn(Component c) { + Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension d = c.getSize(); + + Sysout.println("Clicking " + c); + + if (c instanceof Frame) { + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + ((Frame)c).getInsets().top/2); + } else { + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + (int)(d.getHeight()/2)); + } + robot.delay(50); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(50); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } + +} + +class TestWindow extends Window { + TestWindow(Window owner, Component comp, int x) { + super(owner); + setBackground(Color.blue); + setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + add(comp); + comp.setBackground(Color.yellow); + setBounds(0, x, 100, 100); + } +} + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..81fcd676957 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + + + +DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 6386592

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4ccb28d433f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 6386592 + @summary Tests that disposing a dialog doesn't activate its invisible owner. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com: area=awt.focus + @run applet DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.html +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.applet.Applet; + +public class DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest extends Applet { + Robot robot; + + Frame frame = new Frame("Owner Frame"); + Dialog dialog = new Dialog(new Frame(), "Owned Dialog"); + Button frameButton = new Button("button"); + + static boolean passed = false; + + public static void main(String[] args) { + DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest app = new DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest(); + app.init(); + app.start(); + } + + public void init() { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + // Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[] + {"This is automatic test. Simply wait until it is done." + }); + + frame.setBounds(800, 50, 200, 100); + frame.add(frameButton); + dialog.setBounds(800, 300, 200, 100); + } + + public void start() { + + frameButton.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { + passed = true; + } + }); + + frame.setVisible(true); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + // make sure the frame is focused + clickOn(frame); + if (!frame.isFocused()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: a frame didn't get initial focus."); + } + + dialog.setVisible(true); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + // make sure the dialog is focused + if (!dialog.isFocused()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: a dialog didn't get initial focus."); + } + + dialog.dispose(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (passed) { + Sysout.println("Test passed."); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: a dialog activates invisible owner when disposed!"); + } + } + + void clickOn(Component c) { + Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension d = c.getSize(); + + if (c instanceof Frame) { + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + ((Frame)c).getInsets().top/2); + } else { + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + (int)(d.getHeight()/2)); + } + + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(20); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + } +} + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest.java index 390f732bab1..999d9ac3320 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest/FocusEmbeddedFrameTest.java @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ @summary Tests that EmbeddedFrame can be focused. @author anton.tarasov: area=awt-focus @library ../../regtesthelpers - @build Util + @build Util UtilInternal @run main FocusEmbeddedFrameTest */ @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import java.applet.Applet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; +import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.UtilInternal; public class FocusEmbeddedFrameTest extends Applet { static Frame embedder = new Frame("Embedder"); @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ public class FocusEmbeddedFrameTest extends Applet { embedder.addNotify(); try { - ef = Util.createEmbeddedFrame(embedder); + ef = UtilInternal.createEmbeddedFrame(embedder); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw new Error("Test error: couldn't create an EmbeddedFrame!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusSubRequestTest/FocusSubRequestTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusSubRequestTest/FocusSubRequestTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9de74fff90f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusSubRequestTest/FocusSubRequestTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + + + +FocusSubRequestTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 5082319

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusSubRequestTest/FocusSubRequestTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusSubRequestTest/FocusSubRequestTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9fb93a061b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/FocusSubRequestTest/FocusSubRequestTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 5082319 + @summary Tests that focus request for already focused component doesn't block key events. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com + @run applet FocusSubRequestTest.html +*/ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +public class FocusSubRequestTest extends Applet { + Frame frame = new Frame("Test Frame"); + Button button = new Button("button"); + boolean passed = false; + Robot robot; + + public void init() { + frame.add(button); + button.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { + System.out.println("FocusSubRequestTest: focusGained for: " + e.getSource()); + ((Component)e.getSource()).requestFocus(); + } + }); + + button.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { + public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { + System.out.println("FocusSubRequestTest: keyPressed for: " + e.getSource()); + passed = true; + } + }); + + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch(Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + } + + public void start() { + frame.pack(); + frame.setLocation(getLocation().x + getSize().width + 20, 0); + frame.setVisible(true); + + waitTillShown(button); + frame.toFront(); + + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_K); + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_K); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if(passed) { + System.out.println("Test passed."); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); + } + } + + private void waitTillShown(Component component) { + while (true) { + try { + Thread.sleep(100); + component.getLocationOnScreen(); + break; + } catch(InterruptedException ie) { + throw new RuntimeException(ie); + } catch(IllegalComponentStateException icse) {} + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest.java index d0280374879..cfeba585fd4 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest.java @@ -38,13 +38,11 @@ import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest { final static String ITEM_ONE_TEXT = "one"; @@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ public class KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest { volatile static boolean unexpectedItemSelected = false; static Robot robot; - static SunToolkit toolkit; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -122,16 +119,15 @@ public class KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest { } }); - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_O); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_T); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); // workaround for MacOS if (unexpectedItemSelected) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9be061695a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + + + +ModalDialogInitialFocusTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 6382750

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1e675075933 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest/ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 6382750 + @summary Tests that modal dialog doesn't request extra initial focus on show. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com: area=awt.focus + @run applet ModalDialogInitialFocusTest.html +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; +import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; + +public class ModalDialogInitialFocusTest extends Applet { + Robot robot; + + Dialog dialog = new Dialog((Window)null, "Test Dialog", Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL); + Button button = new Button("button"); + + volatile static boolean passed = true; + + public static void main(String[] args) { + ModalDialogInitialFocusTest app = new ModalDialogInitialFocusTest(); + app.init(); + app.start(); + } + + public void init() { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + // Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[] + {"This is automatic test. Simply wait until it is done." + }); + } + + public void start() { + + dialog.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + dialog.add(button); + dialog.setBounds(800, 0, 100, 100); + + dialog.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { + // The only expected FOCUS_GAINED is on the button. + public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { + passed = false; + } + }); + + test(); + } + + void test() { + new Thread(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + dialog.setVisible(true); + } + }).start(); + + waitTillShown(dialog); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + dialog.dispose(); + + if (passed) { + Sysout.println("Test passed."); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: dialog requests extra focus on show!"); + } + } + + void waitTillShown(Component c) { + while (true) { + try { + Thread.sleep(100); + c.getLocationOnScreen(); + break; + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + break; + } catch (IllegalComponentStateException e) { + } + } + } +} + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7aeced5cfc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + + + +MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 5028014

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f3a9d8f61ee --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 5028014 + @summary Focus request & mouse click performed nearly synchronously shouldn't lead to a focus race. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com: area=awt-focus + @run applet MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.html +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.applet.Applet; + +public class MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest extends Applet { + Robot robot; + JFrame frame1 = new JFrame("Frame-1") { + public String toString() { return "Frame-1";} + }; + JFrame frame2 = new JFrame("Frame-2") { + public String toString() { return "Frame-2";} + }; + JButton button1 = new JButton("button-1") { + public String toString() { return "button-1";} + }; + JButton button2 = new JButton("button-2") { + public String toString() { return "button-2";} + }; + JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); + + public static void main(String[] args) { + MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest app = new MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest(); + app.init(); + app.start(); + } + + public void init() { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + // Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[] + {"Automatic test. Simply wait until it is done." + }); + } + + public void start() { + frame1.add(button1); + frame2.add(button2); + frame1.setBounds(0, 0, 200, 300); + frame2.setBounds(300, 0, 200, 300); + frame1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + frame2.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + + popup.add(new JMenuItem("black")); + popup.add(new JMenuItem("yellow")); + popup.add(new JMenuItem("white")); + + frame1.add(popup); + + frame1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { + void popup(MouseEvent e) { + if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { + Point loc = button1.getLocation(); + popup.show(button1, e.getX() - loc.x, e.getY() - loc.y); + } + } + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { + popup(e); + } + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { + popup(e); + } + }); + + frame2.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { + button1.requestFocusInWindow(); + } + }); + + frame2.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + + frame1.setVisible(true); + frame2.setVisible(true); +// ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.delay(1000); + + test(); + } + + public void test() { + // Right click Frame-1 + robot.mouseMove(frame1.getLocation().x + 100, frame1.getLocation().y + 200); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.delay(100); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + +// ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.delay(1000); + + // Left click Frame-2 + robot.mouseMove(frame2.getLocation().x + 100, frame1.getLocation().y + 200); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(100); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + +// ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.delay(1000); + + JComponent focusOwner = (JComponent)KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); + JFrame focusedWindow = (JFrame)KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow(); + + Sysout.println("focus owner: " + focusOwner); + Sysout.println("focused window: " + focusedWindow); + + // Verify that the focused window is the ancestor of the focus owner + if (!focusedWindow.isAncestorOf(focusOwner)) { + throw new TestFailedException("The focus owner is not in the focused window!"); + } + + // Try to close native focused window + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_F4); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_F4); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + +// ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.delay(1000); + + // Verify that the Java focused window really mapped the native focused window. + if (focusedWindow.isVisible()) { + throw new TestFailedException("The focused window is different on Java and on the native level."); + } + } + + class TestFailedException extends RuntimeException { + public TestFailedException(String cause) { + super("Test failed."); + Sysout.println(cause); + } + } +} + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); +// dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); +// dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + +// setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/SimpleWindowActivationTest/SimpleWindowActivationTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/SimpleWindowActivationTest/SimpleWindowActivationTest.java index 95c9db66af0..fde5797aa0e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/SimpleWindowActivationTest/SimpleWindowActivationTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Focus/SimpleWindowActivationTest/SimpleWindowActivationTest.java @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; public class SimpleWindowActivationTest { @@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ public class SimpleWindowActivationTest { private static Button wbutton; private static Label label; private static Robot robot; - private static SunToolkit toolkit; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { @@ -54,7 +52,6 @@ public class SimpleWindowActivationTest { return; } - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -66,10 +63,10 @@ public class SimpleWindowActivationTest { }, FocusEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK | WindowEvent.WINDOW_FOCUS_EVENT_MASK); createAndShowWindow(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); createAndShowFrame(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // click on Frame clickOn(getClickPoint(frame)); @@ -96,7 +93,7 @@ public class SimpleWindowActivationTest { // won't activate it. window.setFocusableWindowState(false); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickOn(getClickPoint(label)); @@ -136,11 +133,12 @@ public class SimpleWindowActivationTest { static void clickOn(Point point) { robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } static Point getClickPoint(Component c) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Frame/GetBoundsResizeTest/GetBoundsResizeTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Frame/GetBoundsResizeTest/GetBoundsResizeTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9dad65ddd2c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Frame/GetBoundsResizeTest/GetBoundsResizeTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* @test + @bug 4103095 + @summary Test for getBounds() after a Frame resize. + @author andrei.dmitriev : area=awt.toplevel + @run main/manual GetBoundsResizeTest +*/ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.lang.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +class Globals { + static boolean testPassed=false; + static Thread mainThread=null; +} + +public class GetBoundsResizeTest extends Applet { + + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { + GetBoundsResizeTest app = new GetBoundsResizeTest(); + app.start(); + Globals.mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try { + Thread.sleep(300000); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + if (!Globals.testPassed) + throw new Exception("GetBoundsResizeTest failed."); + } + } + + public void start() + { + String[] message = { + "Resize the window using the upper left corner.", + "Press the button to print the result of getBounds() to the terminal.", + "If getBounds() prints the correct values for the window", + "then click Pass, else click Fail." + }; + new TestDialog(new Frame(), "GetBoundsResizeTest", message).start(); + new GetBoundsResizeTester("GetBoundsResizeTester").start(); + } +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Test Dialog +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +class TestDialog extends Dialog + implements ActionListener { + + static TextArea output; + Button passButton; + Button failButton; + String name; + + public TestDialog(Frame frame, String name, String[] message) + { + super(frame, name + " Pass/Fail Dialog"); + this.name = name; + int maxStringLength = 0; + for (int i=0; i + + + + +ConsumeForModalDialogTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 6391688

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeForModalDialogTest/ConsumeForModalDialogTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeForModalDialogTest/ConsumeForModalDialogTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aefebcb9473 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeForModalDialogTest/ConsumeForModalDialogTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + test + @bug 6391688 + @summary Tests that next mnemonic KeyTyped is consumed for a modal dialog. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com: area=awt.focus + @run applet ConsumeForModalDialogTest.html +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; +import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; + +public class ConsumeForModalDialogTest extends Applet { + Robot robot; + JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Frame"); + JDialog dialog = new JDialog((Window)null, "Test Dialog", Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL); + JTextField text = new JTextField(); + static boolean passed = true; + + public static void main(String[] args) { + ConsumeForModalDialogTest app = new ConsumeForModalDialogTest(); + app.init(); + app.start(); + } + + public void init() { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + } catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + // Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[] + {"This is automatic test. Simply wait until it is done." + }); + } + + public void start() { + + text.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { + public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { + Sysout.println(e.toString()); + passed = false; + } + }); + + JMenuItem testItem = new JMenuItem(); + testItem.setMnemonic('s'); + testItem.setText("Test"); + + testItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { + dialog.setVisible(true); + } + }); + + JMenu menu = new JMenu(); + menu.setMnemonic('f'); + menu.setText("File"); + menu.add(testItem); + + JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); + menuBar.add(menu); + + dialog.setSize(100, 100); + dialog.add(text); + + frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); + frame.setSize(100, 100); + frame.setVisible(true); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (!frame.isFocusOwner()) { + Point loc = frame.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension size = frame.getSize(); + robot.mouseMove(loc.x + size.width/2, loc.y + size.height/2); + robot.delay(10); + robot.mousePress(MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(10); + robot.mouseRelease(MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + int iter = 10; + while (!frame.isFocusOwner() && iter-- > 0) { + robot.delay(200); + } + if (iter <= 0) { + Sysout.println("Test: the frame couldn't be focused!"); + return; + } + } + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_F); + robot.delay(10); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_F); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_S); + robot.delay(10); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_S); + + robot.delay(1000); + + if (passed) { + Sysout.println("Test passed."); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed! Enexpected KeyTyped came into the JTextField."); + } + } +} + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1533c64aa4b --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + + + + + +ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest + + + +

      Bug ID: 6346690

      + +

      See the dialog box (usually in upper left corner) for instructions

      + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..03d6d2dc119 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest/ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 6346690 + @summary Tests that key_typed is consumed after mnemonic key_pressed is handled for a menu item. + @author anton.tarasov@sun.com: area=awt-focus + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run applet ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest.html +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.applet.Applet; + + +public class ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest extends Applet { + Robot robot; + JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Frame"); + JTextField text = new JTextField(); + JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); + JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu"); + JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("item"); + + public static void main(String[] args) { + ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest app = new ConsumeNextMnemonicKeyTypedTest(); + app.init(); + app.start(); + } + + public void init() { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + } catch (AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Error: unable to create robot", e); + } + // Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[] + {"Automatic test. Simply wait until it's done."}); + } + + public void start() { + menu.setMnemonic('f'); + item.setMnemonic('i'); + menu.add(item); + bar.add(menu); + + frame.add(text); + frame.setJMenuBar(bar); + frame.pack(); + + frame.setLocation(800, 0); + frame.setVisible(true); + + test(); + } + + void test() { + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (!text.isFocusOwner()) { + robot.mouseMove(text.getLocationOnScreen().x + 5, text.getLocationOnScreen().y + 5); + robot.delay(100); + robot.mousePress(MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(100); + robot.mouseRelease(MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + int iter = 10; + while (!text.isFocusOwner() && iter-- > 0) { + robot.delay(200); + } + if (iter <= 0) { + Sysout.println("Test: text field couldn't be focused!"); + return; + } + } + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + String charA = text.getText(); + System.err.println("Test: character typed with VK_A: " + charA); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo.getOSType() == jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); + } + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_F); + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_F); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + if (jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo.getOSType() == jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); + } + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + String string = text.getText(); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_I); + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_I); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + Sysout.println("Test: character typed after mnemonic key press: " + text.getText()); + + if (!text.getText().equals(string)) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed!"); + } + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); + robot.delay(100); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + System.err.println("Test: chracter typed with VK_A: " + text.getText()); + + if (!charA.equals(text.getText())) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed!"); + } + + Sysout.println("Test passed."); + } +} + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + setVisible(true); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6b15e5b23c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* +@test +@bug 4799136 +@summary Tests that type-ahead for dialog works and doesn't block program +@author Dmitry.Cherepanov@SUN.COM area=awt.focus +@run main EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; +import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; + +/* + * Tests that type-ahead works correctly. That means + * that the key events are not delivered until a focus + * transfer is completed. + * There is another pretty similar test EnqueueWithDialogTest + * written in time before 6347235 resolution. We'll keep it + * to track quite unrelated suspicious waitForIdle behavior. + */ + +public class EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest +{ + static Frame f; + static Button b; + static Dialog d; + static Button ok; + static CountDownLatch pressLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); + static CountDownLatch robotLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); + static volatile boolean gotFocus = false; + static Robot robot; + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { + EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest test = new EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest(); + test.init(); + test.start(); + } + public void init() + { + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() { + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) { + if (e instanceof InputEvent){ + System.err.println(e.toString()+","+((InputEvent)e).getWhen()); + }else{ + System.err.println(e.toString()); + } + } + }, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK); + + + f = new Frame("frame"); + f.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,100)); + f.setLocation(100,50); + b = new Button("press"); + d = new Dialog(f, "dialog", true); + d.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70,70)); + ok = new Button("ok"); + d.add(ok); + d.pack(); + ok.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { + public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { + System.err.println("OK pressed: should arrive after got focus"); + d.dispose(); + f.dispose(); + // Typed-ahead key events should only be accepted if + // they arrive after FOCUS_GAINED + if (gotFocus) { + pressLatch.countDown(); + } + } + }); + ok.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { + gotFocus = true; + System.err.println("OK got focus"); + } + }); + f.add(b); + f.pack(); + b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + System.err.println(e.toString()+","+e.getWhen()); + System.err.println("B pressed"); + robotLatch.countDown(); + + EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + waitTillShown(d); + EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.this.d.toFront(); + EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.this.moveMouseOver(d); + } + }); + + // This will cause enqueue the following key events + d.setVisible(true); + } + }); + + }//End init() + + public void start () throws Exception + { + + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + + f.setVisible(true); + waitTillShown(b); + System.err.println("b is shown"); + f.toFront(); + moveMouseOver(f); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(100); + makeFocused(b); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(100); + System.err.println("b is focused"); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + boolean ok = robotLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); + if(!ok) { + throw new RuntimeException("Was B button pressed?"); + } + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.delay(500); + ok = pressLatch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); + if(!ok) { + throw new RuntimeException("Type-ahead doesn't work"); + } + + }// start() + + private void moveMouseOver(Container c) { + Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension d = c.getSize(); + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + (int)(d.getHeight()/2)); + } + + private void waitTillShown(Component c) { + while (true) { + try { + Thread.sleep(100); + c.getLocationOnScreen(); + break; + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + break; + } catch (Exception e) { + } + } + } + private void makeFocused(Component comp) { + if (comp.isFocusOwner()) { + return; + } + final Semaphore sema = new Semaphore(); + final FocusAdapter fa = new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) { + sema.raise(); + } + }; + comp.addFocusListener(fa); + comp.requestFocusInWindow(); + if (comp.isFocusOwner()) { + return; + } + try { + sema.doWait(3000); + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + } + comp.removeFocusListener(fa); + if (!comp.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Can't make " + comp + " focused, current owner is " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + } + } + +static class Semaphore { + boolean state = false; + int waiting = 0; + public Semaphore() { + } + public synchronized void doWait() throws InterruptedException { + if (state) { + return; + } + waiting++; + wait(); + waiting--; + } + public synchronized void doWait(int timeout) throws InterruptedException { + if (state) { + return; + } + waiting++; + wait(timeout); + waiting--; + } + public synchronized void raise() { + state = true; + if (waiting > 0) { + notifyAll(); + } + } + public synchronized boolean getState() { + return state; + } +} +}// class TestDialogTypeAhead + + +/**************************************************** + Standard Test Machinery + DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard + chunk of code whose purpose is to make user + interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler + to read and understand someone else's test. + ****************************************************/ + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. + It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface + for sending text messages to the user. + To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog + WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. + To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println + with the string to be displayed. + This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well + as standalone. + */ + +class Sysout +{ + private static TestDialog dialog; + + public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + public static void createDialog( ) + { + dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); + String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; + dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); + dialog.setVisible(true); + println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); + } + + + public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); + } + + + public static void println( String messageIn ) + { + dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); + } + +}// Sysout class + +/** + This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the + test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages + to the user to be displayed. + To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. + To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. + Do not call anything in this dialog directly. + */ +class TestDialog extends Dialog +{ + + TextArea instructionsText; + TextArea messageText; + int maxStringLength = 80; + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) + { + super( frame, name ); + int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; + instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add( "North", instructionsText ); + + messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); + add("Center", messageText); + + pack(); + + show(); + }// TestDialog() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) + { + //Clear out any current instructions + instructionsText.setText( "" ); + + //Go down array of instruction strings + + String printStr, remainingStr; + for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) + { + //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long + remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; + while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) + { + //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print + if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) + { + //Try to chop on a word boundary + int posOfSpace = remainingStr. + lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); + + if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; + + printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); + remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); + } + //else just print + else + { + printStr = remainingStr; + remainingStr = ""; + } + + instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); + + }// while + + }// for + + }//printInstructions() + + //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout + public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) + { + messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); + System.out.println(messageIn); + } + +}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogTest/EnqueueWithDialogTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogTest/EnqueueWithDialogTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a194cc314fd --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogTest/EnqueueWithDialogTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* +@test +@bug 4799136 +@summary Tests that type-ahead for dialog works and doesn't block program +@author Dmitry.Cherepanov@SUN.COM area=awt.focus +@run main EnqueueWithDialogTest +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; +import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; + +/* + * The purpose of this test is check that the type-head + * works correctly on Windows. That means that the key + * events are not delivered until a focus transfer is + * completed. Another regression test EnqueueWithDialogButton + * doesn't work on Windows because of the bug 6347235. + * This test workaround the bug by means of the removing + * button from the dialog. + */ + +public class EnqueueWithDialogTest +{ + static Frame f; + static Button b; + static Dialog d; + static CountDownLatch pressLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); + static CountDownLatch robotLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); + static volatile boolean gotFocus = false; + static Robot robot; + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { + EnqueueWithDialogTest test = new EnqueueWithDialogTest(); + test.init(); + test.start(); + } + public void init() + { + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() { + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) { + if (e instanceof InputEvent){ + System.err.println(e.toString()+","+((InputEvent)e).getWhen()); + }else{ + System.err.println(e.toString()); + } + } + }, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK); + + + f = new Frame("frame"); + f.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,100)); + f.setLocation(100,50); + b = new Button("press"); + d = new Dialog(f, "dialog", true); + d.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70,70)); + d.pack(); + d.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { + public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { + System.err.println("DIALOG pressed: should arrive after got focus"); + d.dispose(); + f.dispose(); + // Typed-ahead key events should only be accepted if + // they arrive after FOCUS_GAINED + if (gotFocus) { + pressLatch.countDown(); + } + } + }); + d.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { + gotFocus = true; + System.err.println("DIALOG got focus"); + } + }); + f.add(b); + f.pack(); + b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + System.err.println(e.toString()+","+e.getWhen()); + System.err.println("B pressed"); + robotLatch.countDown(); + + EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + waitTillShown(d); + EnqueueWithDialogTest.this.d.toFront(); + EnqueueWithDialogTest.this.moveMouseOver(d); + } + }); + + // This will cause enqueue the following key events + d.setVisible(true); + } + }); + + }//End init() + + public void start () throws Exception + { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + //robot.setAutoDelay(50); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException("Can't create robot:" + e); + } + + f.setVisible(true); + waitTillShown(b); + System.err.println("b is shown"); + f.toFront(); + moveMouseOver(f); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(100); + makeFocused(b); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(100); + System.err.println("b is focused"); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + System.err.println("space typed once"); + boolean ok = robotLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); + if(!ok) { + throw new RuntimeException("Was B button pressed?"); + } + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + System.err.println("space typed twice"); + robot.delay(500); + ok = pressLatch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); + if(!ok) { + throw new RuntimeException("Type-ahead doesn't work"); + } + + }// start() + + private void moveMouseOver(Container c) { + Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension d = c.getSize(); + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + (int)(d.getHeight()/2)); + } + + private void waitTillShown(Component c) { + while (true) { + try { + Thread.sleep(100); + c.getLocationOnScreen(); + break; + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + break; + } catch (Exception e) { + } + } + } + private void makeFocused(Component comp) { + if (comp.isFocusOwner()) { + return; + } + final Semaphore sema = new Semaphore(); + final FocusAdapter fa = new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) { + sema.raise(); + } + }; + comp.addFocusListener(fa); + comp.requestFocusInWindow(); + if (comp.isFocusOwner()) { + return; + } + try { + sema.doWait(3000); + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + } + comp.removeFocusListener(fa); + if (!comp.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Can't make " + comp + " focused, current owner is " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + } + } + +static class Semaphore { + boolean state = false; + int waiting = 0; + public Semaphore() { + } + public synchronized void doWait() throws InterruptedException { + if (state) { + return; + } + waiting++; + wait(); + waiting--; + } + public synchronized void doWait(int timeout) throws InterruptedException { + if (state) { + return; + } + waiting++; + wait(timeout); + waiting--; + } + public synchronized void raise() { + state = true; + if (waiting > 0) { + notifyAll(); + } + } + public synchronized boolean getState() { + return state; + } +} +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/FreezeTest/FreezeTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/FreezeTest/FreezeTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8db5358777a --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/FreezeTest/FreezeTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* +@test +@bug 4799136 +@summary Tests that type-ahead for dialog works and doesn't block program +@author Dmitry.Cherepanov@SUN.COM area=awt.focus +@run main FreezeTest +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; +import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; + +/* + * Tests that type-ahead doesn't block program. + */ + +public class FreezeTest +{ + static Frame f; + static Button b; + static Dialog d; + static TextField tf; + static CountDownLatch robotLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); + static Robot robot; + static int click_count = 100; + static int deliver_count = 0; + + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { + FreezeTest test = new FreezeTest(); + test.init(); + test.start(); + } + public void init() + { + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() { + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) { + if (e instanceof KeyEvent){ + deliver_count++; + System.err.println("key_event# "+deliver_count); + } + + if (e instanceof InputEvent){ + System.err.println(e.toString()+","+((InputEvent)e).getWhen()); + }else{ + System.err.println(e.toString()); + } + } + }, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK); + + + f = new Frame("frame"); + b = new Button("press"); + d = new Dialog(f, "dialog", true); + tf = new TextField(""); + d.add(tf); + d.pack(); + + f.add(b); + f.pack(); + b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + System.err.println(e.toString()+","+e.getWhen()); + System.err.println("B pressed"); + robotLatch.countDown(); + + EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + waitTillShown(d); + FreezeTest.this.d.toFront(); + FreezeTest.this.moveMouseOver(d); + } + }); + d.setVisible(true); + } + }); + + }//End init() + + public void start () throws Exception + { + robot = new Robot(); + + f.setVisible(true); + waitTillShown(b); + System.err.println("b is shown"); + f.toFront(); + moveMouseOver(f); + robot.waitForIdle(); + makeFocused(b); + robot.waitForIdle(); + System.err.println("b is focused"); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + boolean ok = robotLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); + if(!ok) { + throw new RuntimeException("Was B button pressed?"); + } + + for (int i = 0; i < click_count; i++){ + System.err.println("click# "+(i+1)); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.delay(10); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.delay(50); + } + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + int deliver_count = this.deliver_count; + int expected_count = (click_count + 1) * 3; + + if (deliver_count != expected_count){ + System.err.println("deliver_count = "+deliver_count+" (!="+expected_count+")"); + throw new RuntimeException("incorrect behaviour"); + } + }// start() + + private void moveMouseOver(Container c) { + Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension d = c.getSize(); + robot.mouseMove(p.x + (int)(d.getWidth()/2), p.y + (int)(d.getHeight()/2)); + } + + private void waitTillShown(Component c) { + while (true) { + try { + Thread.sleep(100); + c.getLocationOnScreen(); + break; + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + break; + } catch (Exception e) { + } + } + } + private void makeFocused(Component comp) { + if (comp.isFocusOwner()) { + return; + } + final Semaphore sema = new Semaphore(); + final FocusAdapter fa = new FocusAdapter() { + public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) { + sema.raise(); + } + }; + comp.addFocusListener(fa); + comp.requestFocusInWindow(); + if (comp.isFocusOwner()) { + return; + } + try { + sema.doWait(3000); + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + ie.printStackTrace(); + } + comp.removeFocusListener(fa); + if (!comp.isFocusOwner()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Can't make " + comp + " focused, current owner is " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + } + } + +static class Semaphore { + boolean state = false; + int waiting = 0; + public Semaphore() { + } + public synchronized void doWait() throws InterruptedException { + if (state) { + return; + } + waiting++; + wait(); + waiting--; + } + public synchronized void doWait(int timeout) throws InterruptedException { + if (state) { + return; + } + waiting++; + wait(timeout); + waiting--; + } + public synchronized void raise() { + state = true; + if (waiting > 0) { + notifyAll(); + } + } + public synchronized boolean getState() { + return state; + } +} +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ActionAfterRemove/ActionAfterRemove.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ActionAfterRemove/ActionAfterRemove.java index 3d956c01c8a..221f7696c12 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ActionAfterRemove/ActionAfterRemove.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ActionAfterRemove/ActionAfterRemove.java @@ -33,27 +33,29 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; public class ActionAfterRemove { private static volatile boolean passed = true; - // handle the uncaught exception - public void handle(Throwable e) { - e.printStackTrace(); - passed = false; - } - public static final void main(String args[]) { + // In order to handle all uncaught exceptions in the EDT + final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler eh = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() + { + @Override + public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) + { + e.printStackTrace(); + passed = false; + } + }; + final Frame frame = new Frame(); final List list = new List(); Robot robot = null; - // In order to handle all uncaught exceptions in the EDT - System.setProperty("sun.awt.exception.handler", "ActionAfterRemove"); list.add("will be removed"); frame.add(list); @@ -72,9 +74,9 @@ public class ActionAfterRemove } Util.clickOnComp(list, robot); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.clickOnComp(list, robot); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!passed){ throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: exception was thrown on EDT."); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/EmptyListEventTest/EmptyListEventTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/EmptyListEventTest/EmptyListEventTest.java index c5515afa6b2..81f5378fb27 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/EmptyListEventTest/EmptyListEventTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/EmptyListEventTest/EmptyListEventTest.java @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class EmptyListEventTest { @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ public class EmptyListEventTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ public class EmptyListEventTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // press mouse -> ItemEvent Point point = getClickPoint(); @@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ public class EmptyListEventTest { robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ public class EmptyListEventTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner() != list) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed - list isn't focus owner."); @@ -80,12 +78,12 @@ public class EmptyListEventTest { // press key ENTER -> ActionEvent robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // press key SPACE -> ItemEvent robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // mouse double click -> ActionEvent robot.setAutoDelay(10); @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ public class EmptyListEventTest { robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private static Point getClickPoint() throws Exception { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/KeyEventsTest/KeyEventsTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/KeyEventsTest/KeyEventsTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..255fc9e5e0a --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/KeyEventsTest/KeyEventsTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + + + + + + +

      Bug ID: 6190768 6190778

      + +

      This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait for completion

      + + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/KeyEventsTest/KeyEventsTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/KeyEventsTest/KeyEventsTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..64a55120c85 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/KeyEventsTest/KeyEventsTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + test + @bug 6190768 6190778 + @summary Tests that triggering events on AWT list by pressing CTRL + HOME, CTRL + END, PG-UP, PG-DOWN similar Motif behavior + @author Dmitry.Cherepanov@SUN.COM area=awt.list + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run applet KeyEventsTest.html +*/ + +/** + * KeyEventsTest.html + * + * summary: + */ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.util.Set; +import java.lang.reflect.*; + +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + +public class KeyEventsTest extends Applet implements ItemListener, FocusListener, KeyListener +{ + TestState currentState; + final Object LOCK = new Object(); + final int ACTION_TIMEOUT = 500; + + List single = new List(3, false); + List multiple = new List(3, true); + + Panel p1 = new Panel (); + Panel p2 = new Panel (); + + public void init() + { + setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + + single.add("0"); + single.add("1"); + single.add("2"); + single.add("3"); + single.add("4"); + single.add("5"); + single.add("6"); + single.add("7"); + single.add("8"); + + multiple.add("0"); + multiple.add("1"); + multiple.add("2"); + multiple.add("3"); + multiple.add("4"); + multiple.add("5"); + multiple.add("6"); + multiple.add("7"); + multiple.add("8"); + + single.addKeyListener(this); + single.addItemListener(this); + single.addFocusListener(this); + p1.add(single); + add("North", p1); + + multiple.addKeyListener(this); + multiple.addItemListener(this); + multiple.addFocusListener(this); + p2.add(multiple); + add("South", p2); + + }//End init() + + public void start () + { + + try{ + setSize (200,200); + setVisible(true); + validate(); + + main(null); + + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException("The test failed."); + } + + }// start() + + private void main(String[] args) + throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { + + doTest(); + + System.out.println("Test passed."); + } + + public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent ie) { + System.out.println("itemStateChanged-"+ie); + this.currentState.setAction(true); + } + + public void focusGained(FocusEvent e){ + + synchronized (LOCK) { + LOCK.notifyAll(); + } + + } + + public void focusLost(FocusEvent e){ + } + + public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ + System.out.println("keyPressed-"+e); + } + + public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ + System.out.println("keyReleased-"+e); + } + + public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){ + System.out.println("keyTyped-"+e); + } + + private void test(TestState currentState) + throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { + + synchronized (LOCK) { + + this.currentState = currentState; + System.out.println(this.currentState); + + List list; + if (currentState.getMultiple()){ + list = multiple; + }else{ + list = single; + } + + Robot r; + try { + r = new Robot(); + } catch(AWTException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); + } + + r.delay(10); + Point loc = this.getLocationOnScreen(); + + r.mouseMove(loc.x+10, loc.y+10); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.delay(10); + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.delay(10); + + list.requestFocusInWindow(); + LOCK.wait(ACTION_TIMEOUT); + if (KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner() != list){ + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed - list isn't focus owner."); + } + + list.deselect(0); + list.deselect(1); + list.deselect(2); + list.deselect(3); + list.deselect(4); + list.deselect(5); + list.deselect(6); + list.deselect(7); + list.deselect(8); + + int selectIndex = 0; + int visibleIndex = 0; + + if (currentState.getScrollMoved()){ + + if (currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP || + currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME){ + selectIndex = 8; + visibleIndex = 8; + }else if (currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN || + currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_END){ + selectIndex = 0; + visibleIndex = 0; + } + + }else{ + + if (currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP || + currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME){ + + if (currentState.getSelectedMoved()){ + selectIndex = 1; + visibleIndex = 0; + }else{ + selectIndex = 0; + visibleIndex = 0; + } + + }else if (currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN || + currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_END){ + + if (currentState.getSelectedMoved()){ + selectIndex = 7; + visibleIndex = 8; + }else{ + selectIndex = 8; + visibleIndex = 8; + } + + } + + } + + list.select(selectIndex); + list.makeVisible(visibleIndex); + + r.delay(10); + + if (currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME || + currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_END){ + r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); + } + + r.delay(10); + r.keyPress(currentState.getKeyID()); + r.delay(10); + r.keyRelease(currentState.getKeyID()); + r.delay(10); + + if (currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME || + currentState.getKeyID() == KeyEvent.VK_END){ + r.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); + } + + r.waitForIdle(); + r.delay(200); + + if (currentState.getTemplate() != currentState.getAction()) + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); + + } + + } + + private void doTest() + throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { + + boolean isWin = false; + if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.WINDOWS) { + isWin = true; + }else if(OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + System.out.println("Not for OS X"); + return; + } + + System.out.println("multiple? selectedMoved? ?scrollMoved keyID? template? action?"); + test(new TestState(false, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?false:false)); + // SelectedMoved (false) != ScrollMoved (true) for single list not emulated + test(new TestState(false, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(false, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?true:true)); + test(new TestState(true, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, false, true, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, isWin?true:false)); + + test(new TestState(false, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?false:false)); + test(new TestState(false, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(false, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?true:true)); + test(new TestState(true, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, false, true, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, isWin?true:false)); + + test(new TestState(false, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?false:true)); + test(new TestState(false, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?true:true)); + test(new TestState(false, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?true:true)); + test(new TestState(true, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, false, true, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_HOME, isWin?true:false)); + + test(new TestState(false, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?false:true)); + test(new TestState(false, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?true:true)); + test(new TestState(false, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?true:true)); + test(new TestState(true, false, false, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, false, true, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, false, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?true:false)); + test(new TestState(true, true, true, KeyEvent.VK_END, isWin?true:false)); + + } +}// class KeyEventsTest + +class TestState{ + + private boolean multiple; + // after key pressing selected item moved + private final boolean selectedMoved; + // after key pressing scroll moved + private final boolean scrollMoved; + private final int keyID; + private final boolean template; + private boolean action; + + public TestState(boolean multiple, boolean selectedMoved, boolean scrollMoved, int keyID, boolean template){ + this.multiple = multiple; + this.selectedMoved = selectedMoved; + this.scrollMoved = scrollMoved; + this.keyID = keyID; + this.template = template; + this.action = false; + } + + public boolean getMultiple(){ + return multiple; + } + public boolean getSelectedMoved(){ + return selectedMoved; + } + + public boolean getScrollMoved(){ + return scrollMoved; + } + + public int getKeyID(){ + return keyID; + } + + public boolean getTemplate(){ + return template; + } + + public boolean getAction(){ + return action; + } + + public void setAction(boolean action){ + this.action = action; + } + + public String toString(){ + return multiple + "," + selectedMoved + "," + scrollMoved + "," + keyID + "," + template + "," + action; + } +}// TestState diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/NofocusListDblClickTest/NofocusListDblClickTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/NofocusListDblClickTest/NofocusListDblClickTest.java index 6215ccb4007..02448b24f60 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/NofocusListDblClickTest/NofocusListDblClickTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/NofocusListDblClickTest/NofocusListDblClickTest.java @@ -32,14 +32,12 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class NofocusListDblClickTest { static final int EXPECTED_ACTION_COUNT = 2; static Robot robot; static final AtomicInteger actionPerformed = new AtomicInteger(0); static List lst; - private static final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -47,16 +45,16 @@ public class NofocusListDblClickTest { createAndShowGUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); - Thread.sleep(1000); - robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Thread.sleep(1000); + // ACTION_PERFORMED event happens only on even clicks clickTwiceOn(lst); Thread.sleep(500); clickTwiceOn(lst); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); synchronized (actionPerformed) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ScrollOutside/ScrollOut.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ScrollOutside/ScrollOut.java index dcfb9c6c939..6873dcfeefd 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ScrollOutside/ScrollOut.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/ScrollOutside/ScrollOut.java @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; public class ScrollOut @@ -54,13 +53,13 @@ public class ScrollOut frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); try{ robot = new Robot(); }catch(AWTException e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } + robot.waitForIdle(); //Drag from center to the outside on left Point from = new Point(list.getLocationOnScreen().x + list.getWidth()/2, @@ -68,16 +67,16 @@ public class ScrollOut Point to = new Point(list.getLocationOnScreen().x - 30, from.y); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.drag(robot, from, to, InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); //Drag from center to the outside on up to = new Point(from.x, list.getLocationOnScreen().y - 50); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.drag(robot, from, to, InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); }//End init() diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/SetBackgroundTest/SetBackgroundTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/SetBackgroundTest/SetBackgroundTest.java index 0e5c2438b58..31eb140d314 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/List/SetBackgroundTest/SetBackgroundTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/List/SetBackgroundTest/SetBackgroundTest.java @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ @bug 6246467 @summary List does not honor user specified background, foreground colors on XToolkit @author Dmitry Cherepanov area=awt.list + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot @run main SetBackgroundTest */ @@ -37,29 +39,12 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class SetBackgroundTest { - private static void init() - { - String[] instructions = - { - "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", - "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", - "message window below." - }; - Sysout.createDialog( ); - Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); - - test(); - - SetBackgroundTest.pass(); - }//End init() - private static boolean isXAWT = (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getClass().getName().equals("sun.awt.X11.XToolkit")); - private static Robot robot = null; + private static ExtendedRobot robot = null; private static Frame frame = null; private static final Color color = Color.red; @@ -71,24 +56,24 @@ public class SetBackgroundTest canvas.setBackground(color); frame.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.validate(); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); Point loc = canvas.getLocationOnScreen(); Color robotColor = robot.getPixelColor(loc.x + canvas.getWidth()/2, loc.y + canvas.getHeight()/2); roughColor = robotColor; - Sysout.println(" --- init rough color ... "); - Sysout.println(" color = "+color); - Sysout.println(" roughColor = "+roughColor); + System.out.println(" --- init rough color ... "); + System.out.println(" color = "+color); + System.out.println(" roughColor = "+roughColor); frame.remove(canvas); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); } private static void test() { if (!isXAWT){ - Sysout.println(" this is XAWT-only test. "); + System.out.println(" this is XAWT-only test. "); return; } @@ -97,14 +82,15 @@ public class SetBackgroundTest frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.setVisible(true); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); try{ - robot = new Robot(); + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); }catch(AWTException e){ throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } + robot.waitForIdle(500); + initRoughColor(); Component[] components = new Component[] { new Button(), new Checkbox(), new Label(), new List(3, false), @@ -115,6 +101,7 @@ public class SetBackgroundTest testComponent(new Panel(), component, color); } + robot.waitForIdle(1500); frame.dispose(); } @@ -127,327 +114,31 @@ public class SetBackgroundTest frame.add(container, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.add("Center", container); frame.validate(); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); Point loc = component.getLocationOnScreen(); Color robotColor = robot.getPixelColor(loc.x + component.getWidth()/2, loc.y + component.getHeight()/2); - Sysout.println(" --- test ... "); - Sysout.println(" container = "+container); - Sysout.println(" component = "+component); - Sysout.println(" color = "+color); - Sysout.println(" roughColor = "+roughColor); - Sysout.println(" robotColor = "+robotColor); + System.out.println(" --- test ... "); + System.out.println(" container = "+container); + System.out.println(" component = "+component); + System.out.println(" color = "+color); + System.out.println(" roughColor = "+roughColor); + System.out.println(" robotColor = "+robotColor); if(robotColor.getRGB() != roughColor.getRGB()){ throw new RuntimeException(" the case failed. "); } else { - Sysout.println(" the case passed. "); + System.out.println(" the case passed. "); } container.remove(component); frame.remove(container); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); } - - - /***************************************************** - * Standard Test Machinery Section - * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a - * standard chunk of code which has all of the - * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. - * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier - * to read and understand someone else's test, as - * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly - * with the test harness. - * There is a section following this for test- - * classes - ******************************************************/ - private static boolean theTestPassed = false; - private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; - private static String failureMessage = ""; - - private static Thread mainThread = null; - - private static int sleepTime = 300000; - - // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are - // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using - // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about - // it for now. - public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception { - mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); - try - { - init(); - } - catch( TestPassedException e ) - { - //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will - // interepret this return as a pass - return; - } - //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been - // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the - // test, so we know we have multiple threads. - - //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to - // called pass() or fail() - try - { - Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); - //Timed out, so fail the test - throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); - } - catch (InterruptedException e) - { - //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception - // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. - if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; - - //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) - testGeneratedInterrupt = false; - - if ( theTestPassed == false ) - { - throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); - } - } - - }//main - - public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) - { - sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + test(); } - - public static synchronized void pass() - { - Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); - Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); - //first check if this is executing in main thread - if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) - { - //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, - // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught - // and end the test. - theTestPassed = true; - throw new TestPassedException(); - } - theTestPassed = true; - testGeneratedInterrupt = true; - mainThread.interrupt(); - }//pass() - - public static synchronized void fail() - { - //test writer didn't specify why test failed, so give generic - fail( "it just plain failed! :-)" ); - } - - public static synchronized void fail( String whyFailed ) - { - Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); - Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); - //check if this called from main thread - if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) - { - //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping - throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); - } - theTestPassed = false; - testGeneratedInterrupt = true; - failureMessage = whyFailed; - mainThread.interrupt(); - }//fail() - -}// class AutomaticMainTest - -//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting -// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately -// end the test. -class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException -{ } -//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** - - -//************ Begin classes defined for the test **************** - -// if want to make listeners, here is the recommended place for them, then instantiate -// them in init() - -/* Example of a class which may be written as part of a test -class NewClass implements anInterface - { - static int newVar = 0; - - public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) - { - //Counting events to see if we get enough - eventCount++; - - if( eventCount == 20 ) - { - //got enough events, so pass - - AutomaticMainTest.pass(); - } - else if( tries == 20 ) - { - //tried too many times without getting enough events so fail - - AutomaticMainTest.fail(); - } - - }// eventDispatched() - - }// NewClass class - -*/ - - -//************** End classes defined for the test ******************* - - - - -/**************************************************** - Standard Test Machinery - DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard - chunk of code whose purpose is to make user - interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler - to read and understand someone else's test. - ****************************************************/ - -/** - This is part of the standard test machinery. - It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface - for sending text messages to the user. - To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog - WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. - To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println - with the string to be displayed. - This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well - as standalone. - */ - -class Sysout -{ - private static TestDialog dialog; - - public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) - { - dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); - dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); - dialog.setVisible(true); - println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); - } - - public static void createDialog( ) - { - dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); - String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; - dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); - dialog.setVisible(true); - println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); - } - - - public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) - { - dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); - } - - - public static void println( String messageIn ) - { - dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); - System.out.println(messageIn); - } - -}// Sysout class - -/** - This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the - test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages - to the user to be displayed. - To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. - To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. - Do not call anything in this dialog directly. - */ -class TestDialog extends Dialog -{ - - TextArea instructionsText; - TextArea messageText; - int maxStringLength = 80; - - //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout - public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) - { - super( frame, name ); - int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; - instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); - add( "North", instructionsText ); - - messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); - add("Center", messageText); - - pack(); - - setVisible(true); - }// TestDialog() - - //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout - public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) - { - //Clear out any current instructions - instructionsText.setText( "" ); - - //Go down array of instruction strings - - String printStr, remainingStr; - for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) - { - //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long - remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; - while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) - { - //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print - if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) - { - //Try to chop on a word boundary - int posOfSpace = remainingStr. - lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); - - if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; - - printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); - remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); - } - //else just print - else - { - printStr = remainingStr; - remainingStr = ""; - } - - instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); - - }// while - - }// for - - }//printInstructions() - - //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout - public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) - { - messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); - System.out.println(messageIn); - } - -}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/8007006/bug8007006.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/8007006/bug8007006.java index 3e7270d4c36..c443336195b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/8007006/bug8007006.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/8007006/bug8007006.java @@ -26,35 +26,38 @@ * @bug 8007006 * @summary [macosx] Closing subwindow loses main window menus. * @author Leonid Romanov + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main bug8007006 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + public class bug8007006 { private static Frame frame1; private static Frame frame2; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - if (sun.awt.OSInfo.getOSType() != sun.awt.OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { System.out.println("This test is for MacOS only. Automatically passed on other platforms."); return; } System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true"); + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + createAndShowGUI(); - sleep(1500); + robot.waitForIdle(1500); frame2.dispose(); - sleep(1500); - SunToolkit tk = (SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); + robot.waitForIdle(1500); - Robot robot = new Robot(); - robot.setAutoDelay(50); // open "Apple" menu (the leftmost one) robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_META); @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ public class bug8007006 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - sleep(0); + robot.waitForIdle(); MenuBar mbar = frame1.getMenuBar(); Menu menu = mbar.getMenu(0); @@ -112,13 +115,4 @@ public class bug8007006 { return mbar; } - private static void sleep(int ms) { - SunToolkit tk = (SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - tk.realSync(); - - try { - Thread.sleep(ms); - } catch (Exception ignore) { - } - } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarSetFont/MenuBarSetFont.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarSetFont/MenuBarSetFont.java index 8ac68d040d5..9199c7a03b2 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarSetFont/MenuBarSetFont.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarSetFont/MenuBarSetFont.java @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ * questions. */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.Button; import java.awt.CardLayout; import java.awt.Font; @@ -31,16 +29,19 @@ import java.awt.Menu; import java.awt.MenuBar; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + /** * @test * @bug 6263470 * @summary Tries to change font of MenuBar. Test passes if the font has changed * fails otherwise. + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @author Vyacheslav.Baranov: area=menu * @run main MenuBarSetFont */ @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ public final class MenuBarSetFont { public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { - if (sun.awt.OSInfo.getOSType() == sun.awt.OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { System.err.println("This test is not for OS X. Menu.setFont() is not supported on OS X."); return; } @@ -75,13 +76,16 @@ public final class MenuBarSetFont { frame.setMenuBar(mb); mb.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.ITALIC, 5)); + final Robot r = new Robot(); + r.setAutoDelay(200); + final Button button = new Button("Click Me"); button.addActionListener(new Listener()); frame.setLayout(new CardLayout()); frame.add(button, "First"); frame.setSize(400, 400); frame.setVisible(true); - sleep(); + sleep(r); final int fInsets = frame.getInsets().top; //Frame insets without menu. addMenu(); @@ -96,24 +100,23 @@ public final class MenuBarSetFont { mb.remove(0); frame.validate(); - sleep(); + sleep(r); // Test execution. // On XToolkit, menubar font should be changed to 60. // On WToolkit, menubar font should be changed to default and menubar // should be splitted in 2 rows. mb.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.ITALIC, 60)); - sleep(); - final Robot r = new Robot(); - r.setAutoDelay(200); + sleep(r); + final Point pt = frame.getLocation(); r.mouseMove(pt.x + frame.getWidth() / 2, pt.y + fMenuInsets + menuBarHeight / 2); r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - sleep(); + sleep(r); frame.dispose(); if (clicked) { @@ -121,8 +124,8 @@ public final class MenuBarSetFont { } } - private static void sleep() { - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + private static void sleep(Robot robot) { + robot.waitForIdle(); try { Thread.sleep(500L); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/OverlappingTestBase.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/OverlappingTestBase.java index fd72ddac80f..c74a8e63cf7 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/OverlappingTestBase.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/OverlappingTestBase.java @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.*; +import sun.awt.EmbeddedFrame; import java.io.*; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; @@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ public abstract class OverlappingTestBase { public void getVerifyColor() { try { final int size = 200; - final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); final Point[] p = new Point[1]; SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run(){ @@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ public abstract class OverlappingTestBase { } }); Robot robot = new Robot(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(ROBOT_DELAY); AWT_VERIFY_COLOR = robot.getPixelColor(p[0].x+size/2, p[0].y+size/2); System.out.println("Color will be compared with " + AWT_VERIFY_COLOR + " instead of " + AWT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); @@ -434,6 +433,11 @@ public abstract class OverlappingTestBase { protected Component currentAwtControl; private void testComponent(Component component) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { + Robot robot = null; + try { + robot = new Robot(); + }catch(Exception ignorex) { + } currentAwtControl = component; System.out.println("Testing " + currentAwtControl.getClass().getSimpleName()); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -444,7 +448,7 @@ public abstract class OverlappingTestBase { if (component != null) { Util.waitTillShown(component); } - Util.waitForIdle(null); + Util.waitForIdle(robot); try { Thread.sleep(500); // wait for graphic effects on systems like Win7 } catch (InterruptedException ex) { @@ -461,6 +465,11 @@ public abstract class OverlappingTestBase { } private void testEmbeddedFrame() throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { + Robot robot = null; + try { + robot = new Robot(); + }catch(Exception ignorex) { + } System.out.println("Testing EmbeddedFrame"); currentAwtControl = null; SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -468,7 +477,7 @@ public abstract class OverlappingTestBase { prepareControls(); } }); - Util.waitForIdle(null); + Util.waitForIdle(robot); try { Thread.sleep(500); // wait for graphic effects on systems like Win7 } catch (InterruptedException ex) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/SimpleOverlappingTestBase.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/SimpleOverlappingTestBase.java index fb79a0a2ba7..ac31ed05d74 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/SimpleOverlappingTestBase.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/SimpleOverlappingTestBase.java @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public abstract class SimpleOverlappingTestBase extends OverlappingTestBase { // get coord Point lLoc = !debug ? testedComponent.getLocationOnScreen() : new Point(70, 30); - Util.waitForIdle(null); + Util.waitForIdle(robot); /* this is a workaround for certain jtreg(?) focus issue: tests fail starting after failing mixing tests but always pass alone. */ @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public abstract class SimpleOverlappingTestBase extends OverlappingTestBase { } clickAndBlink(robot, lLoc); - Util.waitForIdle(null); + Util.waitForIdle(robot); return wasLWClicked; } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d2a21a9a93d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog + * created with a null Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogAppModal1Test + */ + +public class FileDialogAppModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e9d2b1591ee --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog + * created with a null Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogAppModal2Test + */ + +public class FileDialogAppModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..adc9709d928 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogAppModal3Test + */ + +public class FileDialogAppModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9dc6149beb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogAppModal4Test + */ + +public class FileDialogAppModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3bb80e399da --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog + * created with a visible Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogAppModal5Test + */ + +public class FileDialogAppModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..16f03f7d7d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog + * created with a visible Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogAppModal6Test + */ + +public class FileDialogAppModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogDWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDWDTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDWDTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..045c7e5ad49 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDWDTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +import java.awt.*; + + +// DWD: Dialog, Window, Dialog + +public class FileDialogDWDTest { + + private volatile FileDialog fileDialog; + private volatile ParentDialog parent; + private volatile CustomDialog dialog; + private volatile TestWindow window; + + private static final int delay = 500; + private final ExtendedRobot robot; + + boolean setModal; + + Dialog.ModalityType modalityType; + + private FileDialogDWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType modType, + boolean modal) throws Exception { + modalityType = modType; + setModal = modal; + + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + EventQueue.invokeLater(this::createGUI); + } + + public FileDialogDWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType modalityType) throws Exception { + this(modalityType, false); + } + + public FileDialogDWDTest() throws Exception { + this(null, true); + } + + private void createGUI() { + + parent = new ParentDialog(); + dialog = new CustomDialog(parent); + + if (setModal) { + dialog.setModal(true); + modalityType = dialog.getModalityType(); + } else if (modalityType != null) { + dialog.setModalityType(modalityType); + } + + window = new CustomWindow(parent); + + int x = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - + parent.getWidth() - 50; + int y = 50; + parent.setLocation(x, y); + y += (parent.getHeight() + 50); + window.setLocation(x, y); + y += (window.getHeight() + 50); + dialog.setLocation(x, y); + + parent.setVisible(true); + } + + private void openAll() throws Exception { + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + parent.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void checkBlockedWindows() throws Exception { + + String msg = "FileDialog should block this "; + parent.checkBlockedDialog(robot, msg + "Dialog."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkBlockedWindow(robot, msg + "Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.checkBlockedDialog(robot, msg + "Dialog."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void checkUnblockedWindows() throws Exception { + + String msg = "Blocking dialogs were closed."; + parent.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, msg + "Frame."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkUnblockedWindow(robot, msg + "Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + + private void modalTest(String type) throws Exception { + + checkBlockedWindows(); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { fileDialog.dispose(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + String msg = "FileDialog was closed, " + + "but the " + type + " modal dialog should block this "; + + parent.checkBlockedDialog(robot, msg + "Dialog."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + window.checkBlockedWindow(robot, msg + "Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, "FileDialog was closed."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickCloseButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + checkUnblockedWindows(); + } + + private void nonModalTest() throws Exception { + + checkBlockedWindows(); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { fileDialog.dispose(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, "FileDialog was closed."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + checkUnblockedWindows(); + } + + public void doTest() throws Exception { + + try { + + openAll(); + + if (modalityType == null) { + nonModalTest(); + return; + } + + switch (modalityType) { + case APPLICATION_MODAL: + modalTest("application"); + break; + case DOCUMENT_MODAL: + modalTest("document"); + break; + case TOOLKIT_MODAL: + modalTest("toolkit"); + break; + case MODELESS: + nonModalTest(); + break; + } + + } finally { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(this::closeAll); + } + } + + private void closeAll() { + if (parent != null) { parent.dispose(); } + if (dialog != null) { dialog.dispose(); } + if (window != null) { window.dispose(); } + if (fileDialog != null) { fileDialog.dispose(); } + + } + + class ParentDialog extends TestDialog { + + public ParentDialog() { super((Frame) null); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (window != null) { window.setVisible(true); } + } + + } + + + class CustomDialog extends TestDialog { + + public CustomDialog(Dialog d) { super(d); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + fileDialog = new FileDialog((Frame) null); + fileDialog.setLocation(50, 50); + fileDialog.setVisible(true); + } + + @Override + public void doCloseAction() { + this.dispose(); + } + } + + class CustomWindow extends TestWindow { + + public CustomWindow(Dialog d) { super(d); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(true); } + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4ff0bcef4dc --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog + * created with a null Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal1Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a8179c133aa --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog + * created with a null Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal2Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5b95dbc00dc --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal3Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0c5de04e49e --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal4Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e27c97c5db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog + * created with a visible Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal5Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9aa2f2ac311 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog + * created with a visible Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal6Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogDWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal7Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal7Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d3c0a687213 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal7Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * @summary Check whether a FileDialog set to document modality behaves as expected. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogDocModal7Test + */ + +public class FileDialogDocModal7Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogFWDTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogFWDTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0026c0da50f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogFWDTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.*; + + + +// FWD: Frame, Window, Dialog + +public class FileDialogFWDTest { + + private volatile FileDialog fileDialog; + private volatile CustomDialog dialog; + private volatile TestFrame frame; + private volatile TestWindow window; + + private static final int delay = 500; + private final ExtendedRobot robot; + + private volatile Dialog hiddenDialog; + private volatile Frame hiddenFrame; + + public enum DialogOwner { + HIDDEN_DIALOG, NULL_DIALOG, HIDDEN_FRAME, NULL_FRAME, FRAME}; + + private DialogOwner owner; + boolean setModal; + + Dialog.ModalityType modalityType; + + private FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType modType, + boolean modal, + DialogOwner o) throws Exception { + modalityType = modType; + setModal = modal; + owner = o; + + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + EventQueue.invokeLater(this::createGUI); + } + + public FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType modalityType, + DialogOwner o) throws Exception { + this(modalityType, false, o); + } + + public FileDialogFWDTest(DialogOwner o) throws Exception { + this(null, true, o); + } + + private void createGUI() { + + frame = new CustomFrame(); + + switch (owner) { + case HIDDEN_DIALOG: + hiddenDialog = new Dialog((Frame) null); + dialog = new CustomDialog(hiddenDialog); + break; + case NULL_DIALOG: + dialog = new CustomDialog((Dialog) null); + break; + case HIDDEN_FRAME: + hiddenFrame = new Frame(); + dialog = new CustomDialog(hiddenFrame); + break; + case NULL_FRAME: + dialog = new CustomDialog((Frame) null); + break; + case FRAME: + dialog = new CustomDialog(frame); + break; + } + + if (setModal) { + dialog.setModal(true); + modalityType = dialog.getModalityType(); + } else if (modalityType != null) { + dialog.setModalityType(modalityType); + } + + window = new CustomWindow(frame); + + int x = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - + frame.getWidth() - 50; + int y = 50; + frame.setLocation(x, y); + y += (frame.getHeight() + 50); + window.setLocation(x, y); + y += (window.getHeight() + 50); + dialog.setLocation(x, y); + + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + private void openAll() throws Exception { + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + frame.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void checkBlockedWindows() throws Exception { + + String msg = "FileDialog should block this "; + frame.checkBlockedFrame(robot, msg + "Frame."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkBlockedWindow(robot, msg + "Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.checkBlockedDialog(robot, msg + "Dialog."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void checkUnblockedWindows() throws Exception { + + String msg = "Blocking dialogs were closed."; + frame.checkUnblockedFrame(robot, msg + "Frame."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkUnblockedWindow(robot, msg + "Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void modalTest(String type) throws Exception { + + checkBlockedWindows(); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { fileDialog.dispose(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + String msg = "FileDialog was closed, " + + "but the " + type + " modal dialog should block this "; + + frame.checkBlockedFrame(robot, msg + "Frame."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + window.checkBlockedWindow(robot, msg + "Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, "FileDialog was closed."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickCloseButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + checkUnblockedWindows(); + } + + private void docModalTest() throws Exception { + + if (owner == DialogOwner.FRAME) { + + checkBlockedWindows(); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { fileDialog.dispose(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + String msg = "FileDialog was closed."; + + dialog.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + msg += " But the blocking document modal dialog is still open."; + + frame.checkBlockedFrame(robot, msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + window.checkBlockedWindow(robot, msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickCloseButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + checkUnblockedWindows(); + + } else { + nonModalTest(); + } + } + + private void nonModalTest() throws Exception { + + checkBlockedWindows(); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { fileDialog.dispose(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, "FileDialog was closed."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + checkUnblockedWindows(); + } + + public void doTest() throws Exception { + + try { + openAll(); + + if (modalityType == null) { + nonModalTest(); + return; + } + + switch (modalityType) { + case APPLICATION_MODAL: + modalTest("application"); + break; + case DOCUMENT_MODAL: + docModalTest(); + break; + case TOOLKIT_MODAL: + modalTest("toolkit"); + break; + case MODELESS: + nonModalTest(); + break; + } + + } finally { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(this::closeAll); + } + } + + private void closeAll() { + if (dialog != null) { dialog.dispose(); } + if (frame != null) { frame.dispose(); } + if (window != null) { window.dispose(); } + if (fileDialog != null) { fileDialog.dispose(); } + if (hiddenDialog != null) { hiddenDialog.dispose(); } + if (hiddenFrame != null) { hiddenFrame.dispose(); } + } + + + class CustomDialog extends TestDialog { + + public CustomDialog(Dialog d) { super(d); } + public CustomDialog(Frame f) { super(f); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + fileDialog = new FileDialog((Frame) null); + fileDialog.setLocation(50, 50); + fileDialog.setVisible(true); + } + + @Override + public void doCloseAction() { + this.dispose(); + } + } + + class CustomFrame extends TestFrame { + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (window != null) { window.setVisible(true); } + } + } + + class CustomWindow extends TestWindow { + + public CustomWindow(Frame f) { super(f); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(true); } + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f9cae23b85e --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog + * created with a null Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogModal1Test + */ + +public class FileDialogModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest( + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..037f5969081 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog + * created with a null Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogModal2Test + */ + +public class FileDialogModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest( + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b2423e35827 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogModal3Test + */ + +public class FileDialogModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest( + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0899eb39d4d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogModal4Test + */ + +public class FileDialogModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest( + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d2940397a69 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog + * created with a visible Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogModal5Test + */ + +public class FileDialogModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest( + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8cbee49e871 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog + * created with a visible Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogModal6Test + */ + +public class FileDialogModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogDWDTest()).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModalityTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModalityTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7f69d6176d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModalityTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.*; + +public class FileDialogModalityTest { + + private volatile TestDialog dialog; + private volatile ParentFrame parent; + private volatile TestWindow window; + private volatile FileDialog fileDialog; + + private static final int delay = 500; + private final ExtendedRobot robot; + + private final Dialog.ModalityType modalityType; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL)).doTest(); + (new FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL)).doTest(); + (new FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS)).doTest(); + } + + public FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType t) throws Exception { + modalityType = t; + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + } + + private void createGUI() { + + parent = new ParentFrame(); + dialog = new CustomDialog((Frame) null); + window = new CustomWindow(parent); + + int x = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - + parent.getWidth() - 50; + int y = 50; + + parent.setLocation(x, y); + y += (parent.getHeight() + 50); + window.setLocation(x, y); + y += (window.getHeight() + 50); + dialog.setLocation(x, y); + + parent.setVisible(true); + } + + private void startTest() throws Exception { + + EventQueue.invokeLater(this::createGUI); + + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + parent.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void checkUnblockedWindows() throws Exception { + + String msg = " should not be blocked."; + parent.checkUnblockedFrame (robot, "This frame" + msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkUnblockedWindow(robot, "This window" + msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.checkUnblockedDialog(robot, "This dialog" + msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void checkBlockedWindows() throws Exception { + + String msg = " should be blocked by the FileDialog."; + parent.checkBlockedFrame (robot, "This Frame" + msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkBlockedWindow(robot, "This Window" + msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.checkBlockedDialog(robot, "This Dialog" + msg); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + private void docModalTest() throws Exception { + + String msg = "Document modal FileDialog should "; + parent.checkUnblockedFrame (robot, msg + "not block this Frame."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + window.checkUnblockedWindow(robot, msg + "not block this Window."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + dialog.checkBlockedDialog(robot, msg + "block its parent Dialog."); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + } + + public void doTest() throws Exception { + + try { + startTest(); + + switch (modalityType) { + case APPLICATION_MODAL: + case TOOLKIT_MODAL: + checkBlockedWindows(); + break; + case DOCUMENT_MODAL: + docModalTest(); + break; + case MODELESS: + checkUnblockedWindows(); + break; + } + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { fileDialog.dispose(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + if (modalityType != Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS) { + checkUnblockedWindows(); + } + } finally { + EventQueue.invokeLater(this::closeAll); + } + } + + private void closeAll() { + if (parent != null) { parent.dispose(); } + if (dialog != null) { dialog.dispose(); } + if (window != null) { window.dispose(); } + if (fileDialog != null) { fileDialog.dispose(); } + } + + class ParentFrame extends TestFrame { + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (window != null) { window.setVisible(true); } + } + } + + class CustomDialog extends TestDialog { + + public CustomDialog(Frame f) { super(f); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + fileDialog = new FileDialog(this); + fileDialog.setModalityType(modalityType); + fileDialog.setLocation(50, 50); + fileDialog.setVisible(true); + } + } + + class CustomWindow extends TestWindow { + + public CustomWindow(TestFrame f) { super(f); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(true); } + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b941c09865d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog + * created with a null Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal1Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(null, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a35d39f5252 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog + * created with a null Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal2Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(null, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..83b7a468a21 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal3Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(null, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b7d1641132f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal4Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(null, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d2ff38ade9a --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog + * created with a visible Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal5Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(null, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..49b5ce07dac --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog + * created with a visible Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal6Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogDWDTest(null)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal7Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal7Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3712112dd3c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal7Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 + * @summary Check whether a modeless FileDialog behaves as expected. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogNonModal7Test + */ + +public class FileDialogNonModal7Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b9c6e05284c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 8055752 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a toolkit modal Dialog + * created with a null Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal1Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..36db1d01775 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 8055752 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a toolkit modal Dialog + * created with a null Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal2Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..99a177aa386 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 8055752 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a toolkit modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal3Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..abc6cb60232 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 8055752 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a toolkit modal Dialog + * created with a hidden Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal4Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8e84650dd29 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 8055752 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a toolkit modal Dialog + * created with a visible Frame constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal5Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogFWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + FileDialogFWDTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4e0d1d1b481 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 8055752 + * + * @summary Check whether FileDialog blocks a toolkit modal Dialog + * created with a visible Dialog constructor. Also check if other + * windows are blocked by the FileDialog too. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal6Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogDWDTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal7Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal7Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f4a2ac34692 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal7Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054359 7186009 + * @summary Check whether a FileDialog set to toolkit modality behaves as expected. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @build TestWindow + * @run main FileDialogTKModal7Test + */ + +public class FileDialogTKModal7Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new FileDialogModalityTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalDialogOrderingTest/ModalDialogOrderingTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalDialogOrderingTest/ModalDialogOrderingTest.java index eceec4b2509..6370d14bd2f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalDialogOrderingTest/ModalDialogOrderingTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalDialogOrderingTest/ModalDialogOrderingTest.java @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - /** * @test * @bug 8008728 * @summary [macosx] Swing. JDialog. Modal dialog goes to background * @author Alexandr Scherbatiy + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot * @run main ModalDialogOrderingTest */ public class ModalDialogOrderingTest { @@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ public class ModalDialogOrderingTest { private static void runTest(Dialog dialog, Frame frame) { try { - Robot robot = new Robot(); + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); robot.mouseMove(300, 300); while (!dialog.isVisible()) { - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); } Rectangle dialogBounds = dialog.getBounds(); @@ -89,30 +89,23 @@ public class ModalDialogOrderingTest { robot.mouseMove(clickX, clickY); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); int colorX = dialogBounds.x + dialogBounds.width / 2; int colorY = dialogBounds.y + dialogBounds.height / 2; Color color = robot.getPixelColor(colorX, colorY); - dialog.dispose(); - frame.dispose(); if (!DIALOG_COLOR.equals(color)) { throw new RuntimeException("The frame is on top" + " of the modal dialog!"); + }else{ + frame.dispose(); + dialog.dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } - - private static void sleep() { - try { - Thread.sleep(1000); - } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { - } - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalInternalFrameTest/ModalInternalFrameTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalInternalFrameTest/ModalInternalFrameTest.java index c8c35179877..10d445a196d 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalInternalFrameTest/ModalInternalFrameTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ModalInternalFrameTest/ModalInternalFrameTest.java @@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.*; - public class ModalInternalFrameTest { private boolean passed = true; + private static Robot r; private JDesktopPane pane1; private JDesktopPane pane2; @@ -139,13 +138,12 @@ public class ModalInternalFrameTest r.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + r.waitForIdle(); } private void start() throws Exception { - Robot r = new Robot(); r.setAutoDelay(200); unblocked1 = false; @@ -193,6 +191,7 @@ public class ModalInternalFrameTest public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + r = new Robot(); test = new ModalInternalFrameTest(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ public class ModalInternalFrameTest test.init(); } }); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + r.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/PrintDialogsTest.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/PrintDialogsTest.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a562b886ab0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/PrintDialogsTest.html @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + PrintDialogsTest + + + + +Please select dialog modality type and parent; also select +the print auxiliary dialog to be displayed (Page Setup or Print dialog). +Then click "Start test" button. + +When the windows will appear check if modal blocking for Dialog works as expected. +Then push "Open" button on the Dialog to show the auxiliary dialog and check +if it blocks the rest of the application. Then close it and check correctness +of modal blocking behavior for the Dialog again. To close all the test +windows please push "Finish" button. + +To finish the overall test push "Pass" or "Fail" button depending on result. + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/PrintDialogsTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/PrintDialogsTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..989c48295b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/PrintDialogsTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8055836 8057694 8055752 + * @summary Check if Print and Page Setup dialogs lock other windows; + * check also correctness of modal behavior for other dialogs. + * + * @run applet/manual=yesno PrintDialogsTest.html + */ + + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.*; + +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; +import java.awt.event.ActionListener; + + +public class PrintDialogsTest extends Applet implements ActionListener { + + private Button btnTest; + private Checkbox cbPage, cbPrint, + cbNullDlg, cbNullFrm, cbHiddDlg, cbHiddFrm, cbDlg, cbFrm, + cbModal, cbAppModal, cbTKModal, cbDocModal, cbModeless, cbNonModal; + + private CheckboxGroup groupDialog, groupParent, groupModType; + + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + + if (!btnTest.equals(e.getSource())) { return; } + + boolean isPrintDlg = groupDialog.getSelectedCheckbox().equals(cbPrint); + + Test.DialogParent p = null; + Checkbox cbParent = groupParent.getSelectedCheckbox(); + if (cbParent.equals(cbNullDlg)) { + p = Test.DialogParent.NULL_DIALOG; + } else if (cbParent.equals(cbNullFrm)) { + p = Test.DialogParent.NULL_FRAME; + } else if (cbParent.equals(cbHiddDlg)) { + p = Test.DialogParent.HIDDEN_DIALOG; + } else if (cbParent.equals(cbHiddFrm)) { + p = Test.DialogParent.HIDDEN_FRAME; + } else if (cbParent.equals(cbDlg)) { + p = Test.DialogParent.DIALOG; + } else if (cbParent.equals(cbFrm)) { + p = Test.DialogParent.FRAME; + } + + boolean modal = false; + Dialog.ModalityType type = null; + Checkbox cbModType = groupModType.getSelectedCheckbox(); + if (cbModType.equals(cbModal)) { + modal = true; + } else if (cbModType.equals(cbNonModal)) { + modal = false; + } else if (cbModType.equals(cbAppModal)) { + type = Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL; + } else if (cbModType.equals(cbDocModal)) { + type = Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL; + } else if (cbModType.equals(cbTKModal)) { + type = Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL; + } else if (cbModType.equals(cbModeless)) { + type = Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS; + } + + if (type == null) { + (new Test(isPrintDlg, modal, p)).start(); + } else { + (new Test(isPrintDlg, type, p)).start(); + } + } + + private void createGUI() { + + setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + + setSize(350, 200); + Panel panel = new Panel(); + panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(18, 1)); + + btnTest = new Button("Start test"); + btnTest.addActionListener(this); + panel.add(btnTest); + + + panel.add(new Label("Dialog parent:")); + groupParent = new CheckboxGroup(); + cbNullDlg = new Checkbox("NULL Dialog" , groupParent, true ); + cbNullFrm = new Checkbox("NULL Frame" , groupParent, false); + cbHiddDlg = new Checkbox("Hidden Dialog", groupParent, false); + cbHiddFrm = new Checkbox("Hidden Frame" , groupParent, false); + cbDlg = new Checkbox("Dialog" , groupParent, false); + cbFrm = new Checkbox("Frame" , groupParent, false); + + panel.add(cbNullDlg); + panel.add(cbNullFrm); + panel.add(cbHiddDlg); + panel.add(cbHiddFrm); + panel.add(cbDlg); + panel.add(cbFrm); + + panel.add(new Label("Dialog modality type:")); + groupModType = new CheckboxGroup(); + cbModal = new Checkbox("Modal" , groupModType, true ); + cbNonModal = new Checkbox("Non-modal" , groupModType, false); + cbAppModal = new Checkbox("Application modal", groupModType, false); + cbDocModal = new Checkbox("Document modal" , groupModType, false); + cbTKModal = new Checkbox("Toolkit modal" , groupModType, false); + cbModeless = new Checkbox("Modeless" , groupModType, false); + + panel.add(cbModal); + panel.add(cbNonModal); + panel.add(cbAppModal); + panel.add(cbDocModal); + panel.add(cbTKModal); + panel.add(cbModeless); + add(panel); + + panel.add(new Label("Print dialog type:")); + groupDialog = new CheckboxGroup(); + cbPage = new Checkbox("Page Setup", groupDialog, true); + cbPrint = new Checkbox("Print", groupDialog, false); + panel.add(cbPage); + panel.add(cbPrint); + + validate(); + setVisible(true); + } + + public void start() { + try { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(this::createGUI); + } catch (Exception e) {} + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3c8faceb3a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/PrintDialogsTest/Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; +import java.awt.event.ActionListener; +import java.awt.print.*; + + +public class Test { + + class CustomFrame extends Frame { + public CustomFrame() { + super(); + setTitle("Frame"); + setSize(150, 100); + Button dummy = new Button("Dummy"); + add(dummy); + } + } + + class CustomWindow extends Window { + + private void GUI() { + setSize(150, 100); + Button dummy = new Button("Dummy"); + add(dummy); + } + + public CustomWindow(Dialog d) { + super(d); + GUI(); + } + + public CustomWindow(Frame f) { + super(f); + GUI(); + } + } + + private class CustomDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener { + + private Button open, close; + + private void GUI() { + setTitle("Dialog"); + setSize(150, 100); + + Panel p = new Panel(); + p.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); + open = new Button("Open"); + open.addActionListener(this); + p.add(open); + close = new Button("Finish"); + close.addActionListener(this); + p.add(close); + add(p); + } + + public CustomDialog(Dialog d) { + super(d); + GUI(); + } + + public CustomDialog(Frame f) { + super(f); + GUI(); + } + + @Override + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + if (open.equals(e.getSource())) { + if (isPrintDialog) { + PrinterJob.getPrinterJob().printDialog(); + } else { + PrinterJob.getPrinterJob().pageDialog(new PageFormat()); + } + } else if (close.equals(e.getSource())) { + if (parentDialog != null) { parentDialog.dispose(); } + if ( parentFrame != null) { parentFrame.dispose(); } + if (parent != null) { parent.dispose(); } + if (dialog != null) { dialog.dispose(); } + if ( frame != null) { frame.dispose(); } + if (window != null) { window.dispose(); } + } + } + } + + class ParentDialog extends Dialog { + public ParentDialog() { + super((Frame) null); + setTitle("Dialog"); + setSize(150, 100); + Button dummy = new Button("Dummy"); + add(dummy); + } + } + + private CustomFrame frame; + private CustomWindow window; + private CustomDialog dialog; + private ParentDialog parent; + + private boolean isPrintDialog; + + private final Dialog.ModalityType modalityType; + private final boolean setModal; + + public enum DialogParent + {NULL_FRAME, HIDDEN_FRAME, NULL_DIALOG, HIDDEN_DIALOG, FRAME, DIALOG}; + private final DialogParent dialogParent; + + private Dialog parentDialog; + private Frame parentFrame; + + public Test(boolean isPrintDlg, + Dialog.ModalityType type, + DialogParent p){ + isPrintDialog = isPrintDlg; + modalityType = type; + setModal = false; + dialogParent = p; + EventQueue.invokeLater( this::createGUI ); + } + + public Test(boolean isPrintDlg, + boolean modal, + DialogParent p) { + isPrintDialog = isPrintDlg; + modalityType = null; + setModal = modal; + dialogParent = p; + EventQueue.invokeLater( this::createGUI ); + } + + private void createGUI() { + + Window p; + + if (dialogParent == DialogParent.DIALOG) { + parent = new ParentDialog(); + window = new CustomWindow(parent); + p = parent; + } else { + frame = new CustomFrame(); + window = new CustomWindow(frame); + p = frame; + } + + int x = 50, y = 50; + p.setLocation(x, y); + + y += (50 + p.getHeight()); + window.setLocation(x, y); + + switch (dialogParent) { + case NULL_DIALOG: + dialog = new CustomDialog((Dialog) null); + break; + case NULL_FRAME: + dialog = new CustomDialog((Frame) null); + break; + case HIDDEN_DIALOG: + parentDialog = new Dialog((Frame) null); + dialog = new CustomDialog(parentDialog); + break; + case HIDDEN_FRAME: + parentFrame = new Frame(); + dialog = new CustomDialog(parentFrame); + break; + case DIALOG: + dialog = new CustomDialog(parent); + case FRAME: + dialog = new CustomDialog(frame); + break; + } + + y += (50 + dialog.getHeight()); + dialog.setLocation(x, y); + + if (modalityType == null) { + dialog.setModal(setModal); + } else { + dialog.setModalityType(modalityType); + } + } + + public void start() { + EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> { + if (parent != null) { parent.setVisible(true); } + else if (frame != null) { frame.setVisible(true); } + }); + EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> { window.setVisible(true); }); + EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> { dialog.setVisible(true); }); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9d60a6d15bf --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether an application modal dialog having a null Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackAppModal1Test + */ + +public class ToBackAppModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d6915355e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether an application modal dialog having a null Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackAppModal2Test + */ + +public class ToBackAppModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9db72a778bc --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether an application modal dialog having a hidden Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackAppModal3Test + */ + +public class ToBackAppModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eef0e92fa21 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether an application modal dialog having a hidden Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackAppModal4Test + */ + +public class ToBackAppModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a1b845a8340 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether an application modal dialog having a visible Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackAppModal5Test + */ + +public class ToBackAppModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fccb53cf267 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackAppModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether an application modal dialog having a visible Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackAppModal6Test + */ + +public class ToBackAppModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackDDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDDFTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDDFTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a865522fd74 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDDFTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.*; +import static jdk.testlibrary.Asserts.*; + + +// DDF: Dialog->Dialog->Frame + +public class ToBackDDFTest { + + private volatile TestDialog leftDialog; + private volatile TestFrame rightFrame; + private volatile CustomDialog dialog; + + private static final int delay = 500; + private final ExtendedRobot robot; + + private Frame hiddenFrame; + + private volatile boolean setModal; + + private Dialog.ModalityType modalityType; + + private ToBackDDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType modType, + boolean modal) throws Exception { + modalityType = modType; + setModal = modal; + + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + EventQueue.invokeLater(this::createGUI); + } + + public ToBackDDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType modalityType) throws Exception { + this(modalityType, false); + } + + public ToBackDDFTest(boolean modal) throws Exception { this(null, modal); } + + private void createGUI() { + + hiddenFrame = new Frame(); + leftDialog = new TestDialog(hiddenFrame); + leftDialog.setLocation(50, 50); + leftDialog.setBackground(Color.BLUE); + leftDialog.setVisible(true); + + dialog = new CustomDialog(leftDialog); + + if (modalityType == null) { + dialog.setModal(setModal); + modalityType = dialog.getModalityType(); + } else if (modalityType != null) { + dialog.setModalityType(modalityType); + } + + dialog.setBackground(Color.WHITE); + dialog.setLocation(150, 50); + + rightFrame = new TestFrame(); + rightFrame.setLocation(250, 50); + rightFrame.setBackground(Color.RED); + + if (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL) { + rightFrame.setModalExclusionType( + Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE); + } else if (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL) { + rightFrame.setModalExclusionType( + Dialog.ModalExclusionType.TOOLKIT_EXCLUDE); + } + + dialog.setVisible(true); + } + + private void checkLeftDialogIsOverlapped(String msg) { + + Point p = leftDialog.getLocationOnScreen(); + int x = p.x + (int)(leftDialog.getWidth() * 0.9); + int y = p.y + (int)(leftDialog.getHeight() * 0.9); + boolean f = robot.getPixelColor(x, y).equals(leftDialog.getBackground()); + assertFalse(f, msg); + } + + private void checkRightFrameIsOverlaped(String msg) { + + Point p = rightFrame.getLocationOnScreen(); + int x = p.x + (int)(rightFrame.getWidth() * 0.1); + int y = p.y + (int)(rightFrame.getHeight() * 0.9); + boolean f = robot.getPixelColor(x, y).equals(rightFrame.getBackground()); + assertFalse(f, msg); + } + + public void doTest() throws Exception { + + try { + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickCloseButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { dialog.toBack(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + String type = modalityType.toString().toLowerCase().replace('_', ' '); + + boolean isModeless = (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS); + + final String msg1; + if (isModeless) { + msg1 = "The modeless dialog was overlapped by the " + + "parent dialog after calling toBack method."; + } else { + msg1 = "The " + type + " dialog was overlapped by the blocked dialog."; + } + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkLeftDialogIsOverlapped(msg1); }); + + if (isModeless) { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { dialog.toFront(); }); + } else { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { leftDialog.toFront(); }); + } + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg2 = "The dialog is still behind the right frame after " + + "calling toFront method for " + (isModeless ? "it." : "its parent."); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkRightFrameIsOverlaped(msg2); }); + + final String msg3; + if (isModeless) { + msg3 = "The modeless dialog is still behind the parent dialog."; + } else { + msg3 = "The " + type + " dialog was overlapped by the blocked " + + "dialog after calling toFront method for the blocked dialog."; + } + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkLeftDialogIsOverlapped(msg3); }); + + } finally { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(this::closeAll); + } + } + + private void closeAll() { + if (dialog != null) { dialog.dispose(); } + if (leftDialog != null) { leftDialog.dispose(); } + if (rightFrame != null) { rightFrame.dispose(); } + if (hiddenFrame != null) { hiddenFrame.dispose(); } + } + + + class CustomDialog extends TestDialog { + + public CustomDialog(Dialog d) { super(d); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (rightFrame != null) { rightFrame.setVisible(true); } + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..27efa65d88d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for + * a document modal dialog with null Frame parent. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackDocModal1Test + */ + +public class ToBackDocModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..646b5ef2a22 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for + * a document modal dialog with null Dialog parent. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackDocModal2Test + */ + +public class ToBackDocModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d79387f3eaa --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for + * a document modal dialog with hidden Frame parent. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackDocModal3Test + */ + +public class ToBackDocModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2ace15343e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for + * a document modal dialog with hidden Dialog parent. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackDocModal4Test + */ + +public class ToBackDocModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b2925ea06d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a document modal dialog having a visible Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackDocModal5Test + */ + +public class ToBackDocModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6dfc7fbc3d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackDocModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a document modal dialog having a visible Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackDocModal6Test + */ + +public class ToBackDocModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackDDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackFDFTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackFDFTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..61b1acb5fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackFDFTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +import java.awt.*; +import static jdk.testlibrary.Asserts.*; + + +// FDF: Frame->Dialog->Frame + +public class ToBackFDFTest { + + private volatile CustomDialog dialog; + private volatile TestFrame leftFrame, rightFrame; + + private static final int delay = 500; + private final ExtendedRobot robot; + + private Dialog hiddenDialog; + private Frame hiddenFrame; + + public enum DialogOwner {HIDDEN_DIALOG, NULL_DIALOG, HIDDEN_FRAME, NULL_FRAME, FRAME}; + + private DialogOwner owner; + private volatile boolean setModal; + + private Dialog.ModalityType modalityType; + + private ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType modType, + boolean modal, + DialogOwner o) throws Exception { + modalityType = modType; + setModal = modal; + owner = o; + + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + EventQueue.invokeLater(this::createGUI); + } + + public ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType modalityType, + DialogOwner o) throws Exception { + this(modalityType, false, o); + } + + public ToBackFDFTest(boolean modal, DialogOwner o) throws Exception { + this(null, modal, o); + } + + private void createGUI() { + + leftFrame = new TestFrame(); + leftFrame.setLocation(50, 50); + leftFrame.setBackground(Color.BLUE); + leftFrame.setVisible(true); + + switch (owner) { + case HIDDEN_DIALOG: + hiddenDialog = new Dialog((Frame) null); + dialog = new CustomDialog(hiddenDialog); + break; + case NULL_DIALOG: + dialog = new CustomDialog((Dialog) null); + break; + case HIDDEN_FRAME: + hiddenFrame = new Frame(); + dialog = new CustomDialog(hiddenFrame); + break; + case NULL_FRAME: + dialog = new CustomDialog((Frame) null); + break; + case FRAME: + dialog = new CustomDialog(leftFrame); + break; + } + + if (modalityType == null) { + dialog.setModal(setModal); + modalityType = dialog.getModalityType(); + } else if (modalityType != null) { + dialog.setModalityType(modalityType); + } + + dialog.setBackground(Color.WHITE); + dialog.setLocation(150, 50); + + rightFrame = new TestFrame(); + rightFrame.setLocation(250, 50); + rightFrame.setBackground(Color.RED); + + if (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL) { + rightFrame.setModalExclusionType( + Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE); + } else if (modalityType == Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL) { + rightFrame.setModalExclusionType( + Dialog.ModalExclusionType.TOOLKIT_EXCLUDE); + } + + dialog.setVisible(true); + } + + private void checkIfLeftOnTop(boolean refState, String msg) { + + Point p = leftFrame.getLocationOnScreen(); + int x = p.x + (int)(leftFrame.getWidth() * 0.9); + int y = p.y + (int)(leftFrame.getHeight() * 0.9); + boolean f = robot.getPixelColor(x, y).equals(leftFrame.getBackground()); + assertEQ(refState, f, msg); + } + + private void checkIfRightOnTop(boolean refState, String msg) { + + Point p = rightFrame.getLocationOnScreen(); + int x = p.x + (int)(rightFrame.getWidth() * 0.1); + int y = p.y + (int)(rightFrame.getHeight() * 0.9); + boolean f = robot.getPixelColor(x, y).equals(rightFrame.getBackground()); + assertEQ(refState, f, msg); + } + + private void Test() throws Exception { + + String type = + dialog.getModalityType().toString().toLowerCase().replace('_', ' '); + + final String msg1 = "The " + type + "dialog was " + + "overlapped by the blocked frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg1); }); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { leftFrame.toFront(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg2 = "The dialog is still overlapped by the right frame" + + " after calling toFront method for the blocked (left) frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg2); }); + + final String msg3 = "The " + type + " dialog was overlapped by the " + + "blocked frame after calling toFront method for the blocked frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg3); }); + + + if (owner == DialogOwner.FRAME) { return; } + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { leftFrame.toBack(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg4 = "Calling toBack " + + "for the blocked frame pushed the blocking dialog to back."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg4); }); + + final String msg5 = "The " + type + " dialog was overlapped " + + "by the blocked frame after toBack was called for the left frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg5); }); + } + + private void docTest() throws Exception { + + if (owner == DialogOwner.FRAME) { Test(); } + else { + + final String msg1 = "toBack was called for the dialog."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(true, msg1); }); + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(true, msg1); }); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { dialog.toFront(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg2 = "Dialog still behind " + + "the right frame even after calling toFront method."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg2); }); + final String msg3 = "The document modal dialog " + + "gone behind the blocked left frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg3); }); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { leftFrame.toBack(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg4 = "Calling toBack for the left " + + "frame pushed the document modal dialog to back."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg4); }); + final String msg5 = "The document modal dialog " + + "was pushed behind the left frame when toBack called for the frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg5); }); + } + } + + private void modelessTest() throws Exception { + + if (owner == DialogOwner.FRAME) { + final String msg = "The modeless dialog was " + + "pushed behind the parent left frame after toBack call."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg); }); + } else { + final String msg = + "Dialog should not overlap the frame after calling toBack."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(true, msg); }); + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(true, msg); }); + } + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { dialog.toFront(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg1 = "The frames should not overlap the dialog " + + "after calling toFront for it."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg1); }); + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg1); }); + + if (owner == DialogOwner.FRAME) { return; } + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { leftFrame.toBack(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + final String msg2 = "Calling toBack method for the " + + "left frame pushed the modeless dialog to back."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfRightOnTop(false, msg2); }); + final String msg3 = "The modeless dialog was pushed " + + "behind the left frame after toBack was called for the frame."; + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { checkIfLeftOnTop(false, msg3); }); + } + + public void doTest() throws Exception { + + try { + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickOpenButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + dialog.clickCloseButton(robot); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { dialog.toBack(); }); + robot.waitForIdle(delay); + + switch (modalityType) { + case APPLICATION_MODAL: + case TOOLKIT_MODAL: + Test(); + break; + case DOCUMENT_MODAL: + docTest(); + break; + case MODELESS: + modelessTest(); + break; + } + } finally { + EventQueue.invokeAndWait(this::closeAll); + } + } + + private void closeAll() { + if (dialog != null) { dialog.dispose(); } + if (leftFrame != null) { leftFrame.dispose(); } + if (rightFrame != null) { rightFrame.dispose(); } + if (hiddenDialog != null) { hiddenDialog.dispose(); } + if (hiddenFrame != null) { hiddenFrame.dispose(); } + } + + + class CustomDialog extends TestDialog { + + public CustomDialog(Dialog d) { super(d); } + public CustomDialog(Frame f) { super(f); } + + @Override + public void doOpenAction() { + if (rightFrame != null) { + rightFrame.setVisible(true); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f0c4b3751a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modal dialog having a null Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModal1Test + */ + +public class ToBackModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + true, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..15a45e2c517 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modal dialog having a null Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModal2Test + */ + +public class ToBackModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + true, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dea6a8a6e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modal dialog having a hidden Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModal3Test + */ + +public class ToBackModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + true, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d9e8577ef45 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modal dialog having a hidden Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModal4Test + */ + +public class ToBackModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + true, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..caf58ee60d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modal dialog having a visible Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModal5Test + */ + +public class ToBackModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + true, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..692f90428b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modal dialog having a visible Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModal6Test + */ + +public class ToBackModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackDDFTest(true)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..18562547ced --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modeless dialog having a null Frame constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModeless1Test + */ + +public class ToBackModeless1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b9b0356d77c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modeless dialog having a null Dialog constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModeless2Test + */ + +public class ToBackModeless2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b6a93800036 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modeless dialog having a hidden Frame constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModeless3Test + */ + +public class ToBackModeless3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..282b509ff37 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a modeless dialog having a hidden Dialog constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModeless4Test + */ + +public class ToBackModeless4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1c38e21b875 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for a modeless dialog + * having a visible Frame constructor. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModeless5Test + */ + +public class ToBackModeless5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c5c53059dda --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackModeless6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for a modeless dialog + * having a visible Dialog constructor. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackModeless6Test + */ + +public class ToBackModeless6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackDDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..12ea002a1d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a non-modal dialog having a null Frame constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackNonModal1Test + */ + +public class ToBackNonModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + false, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5ccf7a71743 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a non-modal dialog having a null Dialog constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackNonModal2Test + */ + +public class ToBackNonModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + false, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7bb68293543 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a non-modal dialog having a hidden Frame constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackNonModal3Test + */ + +public class ToBackNonModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + false, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d2efc41b7ef --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a non-modal dialog having a hidden Dialog constructor + * goes behind other windows when toBack is called for it. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackNonModal4Test + */ + +public class ToBackNonModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + false, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ad1646d1943 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for a non-modal dialog + * having a visible Frame constructor. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackNonModal5Test + */ + +public class ToBackNonModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest( + false, ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b8204da2991 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackNonModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check if toBack method works correctly for a non-modal dialog + * having a visible Dialog constructor. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackNonModal6Test + */ + +public class ToBackNonModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackDDFTest(false)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal1Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal1Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..80520537b25 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal1Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a null Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackTKModal1Test + */ + +public class ToBackTKModal1Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal2Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal2Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f2ffdaa941f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal2Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a null Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackTKModal2Test + */ + +public class ToBackTKModal2Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.NULL_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal3Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal3Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..675fb24b9b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal3Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a hidden Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackTKModal3Test + */ + +public class ToBackTKModal3Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal4Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal4Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c78e26d5358 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal4Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a hidden Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackTKModal4Test + */ + +public class ToBackTKModal4Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.HIDDEN_DIALOG)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal5Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal5Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5aa519c892c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal5Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a visible Frame + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackTKModal5Test + */ + +public class ToBackTKModal5Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackFDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL, + ToBackFDFTest.DialogOwner.FRAME)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal6Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal6Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6e373a937c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Modal/ToBack/ToBackTKModal6Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.Dialog; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8054143 + * @summary Check whether a toolkit modal dialog having a visible Dialog + * constructor still stays on top of the blocked windows even + * after calling toBack for the dialog. + * + * @library ../helpers ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @build Flag + * @build TestDialog + * @build TestFrame + * @run main ToBackTKModal6Test + */ + +public class ToBackTKModal6Test { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + (new ToBackDDFTest(Dialog.ModalityType.TOOLKIT_MODAL)).doTest(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowOutOfFrameTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowOutOfFrameTest.java index 9885e8e7dd8..8f386fa136a 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowOutOfFrameTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowOutOfFrameTest.java @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; @@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point pointToClick = Util.invokeOnEDT(new Callable() { @@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { robot.mouseMove(pointToClick.x, pointToClick.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (dragWindowMouseEnteredCount != 1 && dragWindowMouseExitedCount != 0) { throw new RuntimeException( @@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { }); robot.mouseMove(450, pointToClick.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (labelMouseEnteredCount != 0 && labelMouseExitedCount != 1) { throw new RuntimeException( @@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { } robot.mouseMove(450, pointToDrag.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (labelMouseEnteredCount != 0 && labelMouseExitedCount != 1) { throw new RuntimeException( @@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { } robot.mouseMove(pointToDrag.y, pointToDrag.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (buttonMouseEnteredCount != 1 && buttonMouseExitedCount != 0) { throw new RuntimeException( @@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ public class DragWindowOutOfFrameTest { } robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (labelMouseReleasedCount != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("No MouseReleased event on label!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowTest.java index 9ea9b77aab4..909559a5f92 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowTest.java @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ public class DragWindowTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -66,7 +64,7 @@ public class DragWindowTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point pointToClick = Util.invokeOnEDT(new Callable() { @@ -79,7 +77,7 @@ public class DragWindowTest { robot.mouseMove(pointToClick.x, pointToClick.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (dragWindowMouseEnteredCount != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("No MouseEntered event on Drag Window!"); @@ -95,14 +93,14 @@ public class DragWindowTest { }); robot.mouseMove(pointToDrag.x, pointToDrag.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (buttonMouseEnteredCount != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Extra MouseEntered event on button!"); } robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (labelMouseReleasedCount != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("No MouseReleased event on label!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java index 9a9042b1a70..2591b390611 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java @@ -28,15 +28,10 @@ * @author alexandr.scherbatiy area=awt.event * @run main ResizingFrameTest */ -/* - * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates - * and open the template in the editor. - */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class ResizingFrameTest { @@ -46,10 +41,10 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); robot.mouseMove(100, 100); + robot.delay(200); // create a frame under the mouse cursor SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -61,7 +56,8 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 1 || mouseExitedCount != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); @@ -76,11 +72,11 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); - robot.delay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 1 || mouseExitedCount != 1) { - throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); + throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events! "+mouseEnteredCount+", "+mouseExitedCount); } // deiconify frame @@ -92,8 +88,8 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); - robot.delay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 2 || mouseExitedCount != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); @@ -101,8 +97,8 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { // move the mouse out of the frame robot.mouseMove(500, 500); - toolkit.realSync(); - robot.delay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 2 || mouseExitedCount != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); @@ -117,8 +113,8 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); - robot.delay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 3 || mouseExitedCount != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); @@ -134,8 +130,8 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); - robot.delay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 3 || mouseExitedCount != 3) { throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); @@ -151,8 +147,8 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); - robot.delay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (mouseEnteredCount != 4 || mouseExitedCount != 3) { throw new RuntimeException("No Mouse Entered/Exited events!"); @@ -167,7 +163,7 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.delay(400); if (mouseEnteredCount != 4 || mouseExitedCount != 4) { @@ -183,7 +179,7 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.delay(200); if (mouseEnteredCount != 5 || mouseExitedCount != 4) { @@ -199,7 +195,7 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.delay(400); @@ -229,4 +225,4 @@ public class ResizingFrameTest { frame.setVisible(true); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/MouseComboBoxTest/MouseComboBoxTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/MouseComboBoxTest/MouseComboBoxTest.java index c032d7ac072..07b798f91d0 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/MouseComboBoxTest/MouseComboBoxTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Mouse/MouseComboBoxTest/MouseComboBoxTest.java @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * @summary Tests JComboBox selection via the mouse * @author Dmitry Markov */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.ComboPopup; @@ -41,14 +39,12 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; public class MouseComboBoxTest { private static final String[] items = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"}; - private static SunToolkit toolkit = null; private static Robot robot = null; private static JFrame frame = null; private static JComboBox comboBox = null; private static MyComboBoxUI comboBoxUI = null; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -59,19 +55,19 @@ public class MouseComboBoxTest { createAndShowGUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // Open popup robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getItemPointToClick(i); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (i != getSelectedIndex()) { throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed! Incorrect value of selected index = " + getSelectedIndex() + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Multiscreen/MouseEventTest/MouseEventTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Multiscreen/MouseEventTest/MouseEventTest.java index ea20ccfd2f0..361d01b2404 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Multiscreen/MouseEventTest/MouseEventTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Multiscreen/MouseEventTest/MouseEventTest.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main MouseEventTest */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; @@ -37,8 +35,8 @@ import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; public class MouseEventTest { static volatile boolean crossed = false; - static void sleep() throws InterruptedException { - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + static void sleep(Robot robot) throws InterruptedException { + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(500); } @@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ public class MouseEventTest { frame.setLocation(screen.x + 200, screen.y + 200); frame.setBackground(Color.YELLOW); frame.setVisible(true); - sleep(); + sleep(robot); Point loc = frame.getLocationOnScreen(); Dimension size = frame.getSize(); @@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ public class MouseEventTest { robot.mouseMove(point.x - 1, point.y - 1); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); - sleep(); + sleep(robot); frame.dispose(); if (!crossed) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Paint/PaintNativeOnUpdate.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Paint/PaintNativeOnUpdate.java index 56e45aa03f8..6036cd5c54c 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Paint/PaintNativeOnUpdate.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Paint/PaintNativeOnUpdate.java @@ -28,21 +28,22 @@ import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Point; -import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; - -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test * @bug 7157680 + * @library ../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot * @author Sergey Bylokhov + @ @run main PaintNativeOnUpdate */ public final class PaintNativeOnUpdate extends Label { private boolean fullUpdate = true; public static void main(final String[] args) throws AWTException { + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); final Frame frame = new Frame(); final Component label = new PaintNativeOnUpdate(); frame.setBackground(Color.RED); @@ -51,14 +52,12 @@ public final class PaintNativeOnUpdate extends Label { frame.setUndecorated(true); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); label.repaint();// first paint - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); label.repaint();// incremental paint - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); - Robot robot = new Robot(); - robot.setAutoDelay(50); Point point = label.getLocationOnScreen(); Color color = robot.getPixelColor(point.x + label.getWidth() / 2, point.y + label.getHeight() / 2); @@ -87,12 +86,4 @@ public final class PaintNativeOnUpdate extends Label { public void paint(final Graphics g) { // Do nothing } - - private static void sleep() { - try { - ((SunToolkit) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit())).realSync(); - Thread.sleep(1000); - } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { - } - } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Robot/CtorTest/CtorTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Robot/CtorTest/CtorTest.java index 5e72a04da9c..8a02441124f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Robot/CtorTest/CtorTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Robot/CtorTest/CtorTest.java @@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - public class CtorTest { public static void main(String []s) throws Exception @@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ public class CtorTest frame.setBounds(100, 100, 100, 100); frame.setVisible(true); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // click in the middle of the frame robot.mouseMove(150, 150); @@ -66,6 +64,6 @@ public class CtorTest robot.delay(50); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/TextArea/ScrollbarIntersectionTest/ScrollbarIntersectionTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/TextArea/ScrollbarIntersectionTest/ScrollbarIntersectionTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2be31712fab --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/TextArea/ScrollbarIntersectionTest/ScrollbarIntersectionTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test + @bug 6429174 + @summary Tests that mouse click at the are of intersection of two + scrollbars for text area doesn't trigger any scrolling + @author artem.ananiev@sun.com: area=awt.text + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run main ScrollbarIntersectionTest +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + + +public class ScrollbarIntersectionTest +{ + private static void init() + { + + Frame f = new Frame("F"); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 480, 360); + f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + + TextArea ta = new TextArea(null, 8, 24, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH); + // append several lines to show vertical scrollbar + for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) + { + ta.append("" + i + "\n"); + } + // and some characters into the last line for horizontal scrollbar + for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) + { + ta.append("" + i); + } + ta.append("\n"); + f.add(ta); + + f.setVisible(true); + + Robot r = null; + try + { + r = new Robot(); + r.setAutoDelay(20); + } + catch (Exception z) + { + z.printStackTrace(System.err); + fail(z.getMessage()); + return; + } + r.waitForIdle(); + + ta.setCaretPosition(0); + r.waitForIdle(); + + Point p = ta.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension d = ta.getSize(); + + int fh = 8; + Graphics g = ta.getGraphics(); + try + { + FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); + fh = fm.getHeight(); + } + finally + { + if (g != null) + { + g.dispose(); + } + }; + + r.mouseMove(p.x + d.width - 2, p.y + d.height - 2); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.waitForIdle(); + + // select 1st line in the text area + r.mouseMove(p.x + 2, p.y + 2 + fh / 2); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + for (int i = 0; i < d.width - 4; i += 4) + { + r.mouseMove(p.x + 2 + i, p.y + 2 + fh / 2); + } + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.waitForIdle(); + + String sel = ta.getSelectedText(); + System.err.println("Selected text: " + sel); + if ((sel == null) || !sel.startsWith("0")) + { + fail("Test FAILED: TextArea is scrolled"); + return; + } + + pass(); + } + + private static boolean theTestPassed = false; + private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + private static String failureMessage = ""; + + private static Thread mainThread = null; + + private static int sleepTime = 300000; + + public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException + { + if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + // On OS X, this area is commandeered by the system, + // and frame would be wildly resized + System.out.println("Not for OS X"); + return; + } + mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); + try + { + init(); + } + catch( TestPassedException e ) + { + return; + } + + try + { + Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); + throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); + } + catch (InterruptedException e) + { + if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; + + testGeneratedInterrupt = false; + + if ( theTestPassed == false ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); + } + } + } + + public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) + { + sleepTime = seconds * 1000; + } + + public static synchronized void pass() + { + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + theTestPassed = true; + throw new TestPassedException(); + } + theTestPassed = true; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + mainThread.interrupt(); + } + + public static synchronized void fail() + { + fail( "it just plain failed! :-)" ); + } + + public static synchronized void fail( String whyFailed ) + { + if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) + { + throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); + } + theTestPassed = false; + testGeneratedInterrupt = true; + failureMessage = whyFailed; + mainThread.interrupt(); + } +} + +class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException +{ +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/TextField/SelectionInvisibleTest/SelectionInvisibleTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/TextField/SelectionInvisibleTest/SelectionInvisibleTest.java index be451285b97..973e1df3a5e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/TextField/SelectionInvisibleTest/SelectionInvisibleTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/TextField/SelectionInvisibleTest/SelectionInvisibleTest.java @@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.TextField; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -54,19 +52,18 @@ public class SelectionInvisibleTest { frame.add(panel); frame.setVisible(true); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point point = textField.getLocationOnScreen(); int x = point.x + textField.getWidth() / 2; int y = point.y + textField.getHeight() / 2; robot.mouseMove(x, y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); int N = 10; @@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ public class SelectionInvisibleTest { robot.mouseMove(x, y); } robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!textField.getSelectedText().endsWith(LAST_WORD)) { throw new RuntimeException("Last word is not selected!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Toolkit/RealSync/Test.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Toolkit/RealSync/Test.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9bf6faabbef --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Toolkit/RealSync/Test.java @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test + @bug 6252005 + @summary Tests that realSync feature works + @author denis.mikhalkin: area=awt.toolkit + @run main/timeout=6000 Test +*/ + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.util.LinkedList; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.lang.reflect.Method; +import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.image.*; +import javax.imageio.*; +import java.io.*; + +/** + * Tests various problematic areas and how they are fixed using real-sync API: + * - requesting focus + * - showing and robot mouse pressing + * - showing and getting location on screen + * - showing and typing + */ + +public class Test { + private static boolean doRealSync = true; + private static boolean someFailed = false; + private static Robot robot; + public static void main(String[] args) { + installListeners(); + + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return; + } + + + int count = 100; + String method = null; + if (args.length != 0) { + try { + count = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); + } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { + method = args[0]; + count = 1; + } + } + while (count > 0 && !someFailed) { + run(method); + gc(); + count--; + } + + System.err.println("Total results: " + (someFailed? ("some tests failed (" + count + ")"): "ALL TESTS PASSED!!!")); + } + + private static void gc() { + System.gc(); + sleep(50); + System.gc(); + Thread.yield(); + System.gc(); + } + + private static void sleep(int time) { + try { + Thread.sleep(time); + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + } + } + + private static java.util.List events = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList()); + + private static class TestFailureException extends RuntimeException { + } + + public static void run(String method) { + Class cl = Test.class; + for (Method m : cl.getMethods()) { + if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) && m.getName().startsWith("test") && method == null || + (method != null && method.equals(m.getName()))) { + realSync(null); + events.clear(); + try { + m.invoke(null); + } catch (TestFailureException e) { + // Do nothing + } catch (Exception e) { + fail(e); + } + reportErrors(m); + } + } + } + + private static java.util.List errors = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList()); + public static void reportErrors(Method m) { + realSync(null); + if (errors.size() == 0) { +// System.err.println("Test passed: " + m.getName()); +// System.err.println("------------------------------------------------------\nEvents for " + m.getName()); +// for (Object e : events) { +// System.err.println(e); +// } + return; + } + + someFailed = true; + System.err.println("Test failed: " + m.getName()); + for (Object error : errors) { + if (error instanceof Throwable) { + ((Throwable)error).printStackTrace(); + } else { + System.err.println("Cause: " + error); + } + } + System.err.println("Events:"); + synchronized(events) { + for (Object e : events) { + System.err.println(e); + } + } + errors.clear(); + System.exit(1); + } + + public static void asser(boolean value) { + if (!value) { + fail("Test failed"); + } + } + public static void asser(boolean value, String msg) { + if (!value) { + fail(msg); + } + } + static int screenNum = 0; + public static void fail(Object cause) { + synchronized (events) { + events.add("FAILURE MOMENT"); + } + errors.add(cause); + errors.add("- Focus owner: " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + errors.add("- Focused window: " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow()); +// try { +// Robot r = new Robot(); +// BufferedImage image = r.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 768)); +// ImageIO.write(image, "GIF", new File("/tmp/screen" + screenNum + ".gif")); +// screenNum++; +// image.flush(); +// } catch (Exception e) { +// } + } + + public static void _test1() { + Frame f = new Frame(); + f.setLocation(100, 100); + + f.setVisible(true); + + Point loc = new Point(100, 100); + robot.mouseMove(loc.x+30, loc.y+40); + + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + try { + Thread.sleep(3000); + } catch (InterruptedException ie) { + } + } + + public static void testType() { + Frame f = new Frame("testType"); + f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + TextField b = new TextField(); + f.add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + + f.toFront(); + realSync(f); + b.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + asser(b.isFocusOwner(), "Couldn't focus text field"); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); + realSync(f); + asser("a".equals(b.getText()), "Wrong text: " + b.getText()); + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void testTypeSwing() { + JFrame f = new JFrame("testTypeSwing"); + f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + JTextField b = new JTextField(); + f.add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + + f.toFront(); + realSync(f); + b.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + asser(b.isFocusOwner(), "Couldn't focus text field"); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); + realSync(f); + asser("a".equals(b.getText()), "Wrong text: " + b.getText()); + f.dispose(); + } + + private static boolean pressed; + public static void testPress() { + Frame f = new Frame("testPress"); + f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + Button b = new Button("b"); + b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + pressed = true; + } + }); + f.add(b); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + + Point loc = b.getLocationOnScreen(); + events.add("Pressing at " + loc); + robot.mouseMove(loc.x+3, loc.y+3); + pressed = false; + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + realSync(f); + asser(pressed, "Not pressed"); + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void testPressSwing() { + JFrame f = new JFrame("testPressSwing"); + f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + JButton b = new JButton("b"); + b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + pressed = true; + } + }); + f.add(b); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + + Point loc = b.getLocationOnScreen(); + events.add("Pressing at " + loc); + robot.mouseMove(loc.x+3, loc.y+3); + pressed = false; + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + realSync(f); + asser(pressed, "Not pressed"); + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void testFocus0() { + Frame f = new Frame("testFocus0"); + f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + Button b1 = new Button("b1"); + Button b2 = new Button("b2"); + f.add(b1); + f.add(b2); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + f.toFront(); + realSync(f); + asser(b1.isFocusOwner(), "B1 didn't get focus"); + b2.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + asser(b2.isFocusOwner(), "Couldn't focus b2"); + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void testFocus1() { + Frame f = new Frame("testFocus1"); + f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + Button b1 = new Button("b1"); + f.add(b1); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + f.toFront(); + realSync(f); + asser(b1.isFocusOwner(), "B1 didn't get focus"); + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void testFocus2() { + Frame f = new Frame("testFocus2"); + f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + Button b1 = new Button("b1"); + Button b2 = new Button("b2"); + f.add(b1); + f.add(b2); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + f.toFront(); + realSync(f); + b2.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + if (!b2.isFocusOwner()) { + fail("1: " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + } else { + // Half passed + b1.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + asser(b1.isFocusOwner(), "B1 couldn't get focus"); + } + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void testFocus2Swing() { + JFrame f = new JFrame("testFocus2Swing"); + f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + JButton b1 = new JButton("b1"); + JButton b2 = new JButton("b2"); + f.add(b1); + f.add(b2); + f.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200); + f.setVisible(true); + realSync(f); + f.toFront(); + realSync(f); + b2.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + if (!b2.isFocusOwner()) { + fail("1: " + KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner()); + } else { + // Half passed + b1.requestFocus(); + realSync(f); + asser(b1.isFocusOwner(), "B1 couldn't get focus"); + } + f.dispose(); + } + + public static void realSync(Window w) { + if (doRealSync) { + ((sun.awt.SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + } + } + + public static void installListeners() { + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() { + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent e) { + synchronized(events) { + events.add(e); + } + } + }, 0xffff & ~AWTEvent.HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK); +// ((XToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).addXEventListener(new XToolkit.XEventListener() { +// public void eventProcessed(IXAnyEvent e) { +// synchronized(events) { +// events.add(e); +// } +// } +// }); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/AlwaysOnTop/TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/AlwaysOnTop/TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow.java index 21ddb231b9f..e250f07e466 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/AlwaysOnTop/TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/AlwaysOnTop/TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow.java @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; //*** global search and replace TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow with name of the test *** @@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ public class TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow private static AtomicBoolean focused = new AtomicBoolean(); private static AtomicBoolean pressed = new AtomicBoolean(); private static volatile Object pressedTarget; + private static Robot robot = null; private static void init() { //*** Create instructions for the user here *** @@ -123,10 +123,13 @@ public class TestAlwaysOnTopBeforeShow }//End init() private static void waitForIdle(int mls) { - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); try { + if(robot == null) { + robot = new Robot(); + } + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(mls); - } catch (InterruptedException e) { + } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/BackgroundIsNotUpdated/BackgroundIsNotUpdated.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/BackgroundIsNotUpdated/BackgroundIsNotUpdated.java index 003c0932b03..a68439ac576 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/BackgroundIsNotUpdated/BackgroundIsNotUpdated.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/BackgroundIsNotUpdated/BackgroundIsNotUpdated.java @@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Window; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - /** * @test * @bug 8001472 * @summary Background of the window should not depend from the paint()/update() * @author Sergey Bylokhov + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @run main BackgroundIsNotUpdated */ public final class BackgroundIsNotUpdated extends Window { @@ -59,11 +59,12 @@ public final class BackgroundIsNotUpdated extends Window { window.setSize(300, 300); window.setLocationRelativeTo(null); window.setVisible(true); - sleep(); - window.setBackground(Color.GREEN); - sleep(); - final Robot robot = new Robot(); + window.requestFocus(); + final ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); robot.setAutoDelay(200); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); + window.setBackground(Color.GREEN); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); Point point = window.getLocationOnScreen(); Color color = robot.getPixelColor(point.x + window.getWidth() / 2, point.y + window.getHeight() / 2); @@ -73,12 +74,4 @@ public final class BackgroundIsNotUpdated extends Window { "Expected: " + Color.GREEN + " , Actual: " + color); } } - - private static void sleep() { - try { - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - Thread.sleep(1000); - } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { - } - } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/TranslucentJAppletTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/TranslucentJAppletTest.java index 2a649951a97..330a08e92fe 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/TranslucentJAppletTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/TranslucentJAppletTest.java @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ public class TranslucentJAppletTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - sun.awt.SunToolkit tk = (sun.awt.SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); final GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); for (GraphicsDevice gd : ge.getScreenDevices()) { @@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ public class TranslucentJAppletTest { initAndShowGUI(); } }); - tk.realSync(); + r.waitForIdle(); if (!paintComponentCalled) { throw new RuntimeException("Test FAILED: panel's paintComponent() method is not called"); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.java index 491d35fab9b..3de23e032b5 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.java @@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ @test @bug 4397404 4720930 @summary tests that images of all supported native image formats are transfered properly + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary @library ../../regtesthelpers/process/ - @build ProcessResults ProcessCommunicator + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo ProcessResults ProcessCommunicator @author gas@sparc.spb.su area=Clipboard @run main ImageTransferTest */ -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.process.ProcessCommunicator; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.process.ProcessResults; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; @@ -105,11 +105,15 @@ public class ImageTransferTest { class Util { + private static Robot srobot = null; public static void sync() { - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); try { + if(srobot == null) { + srobot = new Robot(); + } + srobot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(500); - } catch (InterruptedException e) { + } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/MissingDragExitEventTest/MissingDragExitEventTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/MissingDragExitEventTest/MissingDragExitEventTest.java index 5a6a3ecffe0..8854c7d74a5 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/MissingDragExitEventTest/MissingDragExitEventTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/dnd/MissingDragExitEventTest/MissingDragExitEventTest.java @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants; import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter; @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; public class MissingDragExitEventTest { @@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ public class MissingDragExitEventTest { } finally { r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); } - sleep(); + sleep(r); if (FAILED || !MOUSE_ENTERED || !MOUSE_ENTERED_DT || !MOUSE_EXIT || !MOUSE_EXIT_TD) { @@ -121,12 +119,12 @@ public class MissingDragExitEventTest { } } - private static void sleep() { + private static void sleep(Robot robot) { try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } static class TestdropTargetListener extends DropTargetAdapter { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/InputEvent/EventWhenTest/EventWhenTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/InputEvent/EventWhenTest/EventWhenTest.java index 2c07f313ca5..4cf9f5245c8 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/InputEvent/EventWhenTest/EventWhenTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/InputEvent/EventWhenTest/EventWhenTest.java @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ * questions. */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; @@ -71,7 +69,6 @@ public class EventWhenTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Frame frame = new Frame(); try { @@ -79,9 +76,9 @@ public class EventWhenTest { frame.setBounds(300, 300, 300, 300); frame.add(b); frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mouseMove((int)frame.getLocationOnScreen().getX() + 150, (int)frame.getLocationOnScreen().getY() + 150); @@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ public class EventWhenTest { System.out.println("Clicking mouse done: " + eventsCount + " events."); b.requestFocusInWindow(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); eventsCount = 0; System.out.println("Typing a key..."); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/8020209/bug8020209.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/8020209/bug8020209.java index 4ef8572408a..21426bdf96b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/8020209/bug8020209.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/8020209/bug8020209.java @@ -26,13 +26,16 @@ * @bug 8020209 * @summary [macosx] Mac OS X key event confusion for "COMMAND PLUS" * @author leonid.romanov@oracle.com + * @library ../../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main bug8020209 */ -import sun.awt.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + public class bug8020209 { static volatile int listenerCallCounter = 0; @@ -43,19 +46,18 @@ public class bug8020209 { }; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - if (sun.awt.OSInfo.getOSType() != sun.awt.OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { System.out.println("This test is for MacOS only. Automatically passed on other platforms."); return; } System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true"); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); createAndShowGUI(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < keyStrokes.length; ++i) { AWTKeyStroke ks = keyStrokes[i]; @@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ public class bug8020209 { robot.keyRelease(modKeyCode); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (listenerCallCounter != 4) { throw new Exception("Test failed: KeyListener for '" + ks.toString() + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeyMacOSXInputText.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeyMacOSXInputText.java index 3ae73c6e684..1a42a6e9199 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeyMacOSXInputText.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeyMacOSXInputText.java @@ -26,18 +26,19 @@ * @bug 7199180 * @summary [macosx] Dead keys handling for input methods * @author alexandr.scherbatiy area=awt.event + * @library ../../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main DeadKeyMacOSXInputText */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JTextField; -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; + +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class DeadKeyMacOSXInputText { - private static SunToolkit toolkit; private static volatile int state = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { @@ -46,11 +47,10 @@ public class DeadKeyMacOSXInputText { return; } - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); - createAndShowGUI(); + createAndShowGUI(robot); // Pressed keys: Alt + E + A // Results: ALT + VK_DEAD_ACUTE + a with accute accent @@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ public class DeadKeyMacOSXInputText { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (state != 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong number of key events."); } } - static void createAndShowGUI() { + static void createAndShowGUI(Robot robot) { Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setSize(300, 300); Panel panel = new Panel(new BorderLayout()); @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ public class DeadKeyMacOSXInputText { panel.add(textField, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.add(panel); frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); textField.requestFocusInWindow(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeySystemAssertionDialog.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeySystemAssertionDialog.java index cd89be40948..c4448f0cda0 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeySystemAssertionDialog.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/DeadKeySystemAssertionDialog.java @@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.TextField; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /* * @test * @bug 8013849 @@ -39,25 +37,25 @@ public class DeadKeySystemAssertionDialog { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setSize(300, 200); TextField textField = new TextField(); frame.add(textField); - frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); - - textField.requestFocus(); - toolkit.realSync(); - - // Check that the system assertion dialog does not block Java Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); + + frame.setVisible(true); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + textField.requestFocus(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + // Check that the system assertion dialog does not block Java robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); frame.setVisible(false); frame.dispose(); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/deadKeyMacOSX.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/deadKeyMacOSX.java index 020b987a8c6..f5b9a96115c 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/deadKeyMacOSX.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/DeadKey/deadKeyMacOSX.java @@ -26,18 +26,19 @@ * @bug 7196547 * @summary Dead Key implementation for KeyEvent on Mac OS X * @author alexandr.scherbatiy area=awt.event + * @library ../../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main deadKeyMacOSX */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; + +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class deadKeyMacOSX { - private static SunToolkit toolkit; private static volatile int state = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { @@ -46,11 +47,10 @@ public class deadKeyMacOSX { return; } - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); - createAndShowGUI(); + createAndShowGUI(robot); // Pressed keys: Alt + E + A // Results: ALT + VK_DEAD_ACUTE + a with accute accent @@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ public class deadKeyMacOSX { } } - static void createAndShowGUI() { + static void createAndShowGUI(Robot robot) { Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setSize(300, 300); Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.addKeyListener(new DeadKeyListener()); frame.add(panel); frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); panel.requestFocusInWindow(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } static class DeadKeyListener extends KeyAdapter { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/ExtendedKeyCode/ExtendedKeyCodeTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/ExtendedKeyCode/ExtendedKeyCodeTest.java index 8a7fb16c6a9..8acf2e44afe 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/ExtendedKeyCode/ExtendedKeyCodeTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/ExtendedKeyCode/ExtendedKeyCodeTest.java @@ -23,17 +23,16 @@ import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; -import sun.awt.ExtendedKeyCodes; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /* * @test * @bug 8007156 8025126 * @summary Extended key code is not set for a key event * @author Alexandr Scherbatiy + * @library ../../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot * @run main ExtendedKeyCodeTest */ public class ExtendedKeyCodeTest { @@ -42,8 +41,7 @@ public class ExtendedKeyCodeTest { private static volatile int eventsCount = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); Frame frame = new Frame(); @@ -55,23 +53,23 @@ public class ExtendedKeyCodeTest { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { eventsCount++; setExtendedKeyCode = setExtendedKeyCode && (e.getExtendedKeyCode() - == ExtendedKeyCodes.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(e.getKeyChar())); + == KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(e.getKeyChar())); } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { eventsCount++; setExtendedKeyCode = setExtendedKeyCode && (e.getExtendedKeyCode() - == ExtendedKeyCodes.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(e.getKeyChar())); + == KeyEvent.getExtendedKeyCodeForChar(e.getKeyChar())); } }); frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_D); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_D); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); frame.dispose(); @@ -92,11 +90,11 @@ public class ExtendedKeyCodeTest { }); frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); frame.dispose(); if (!setExtendedKeyCode) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyChar/KeyCharTest.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyChar/KeyCharTest.java index a482cea61dd..f369cf569b9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyChar/KeyCharTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyChar/KeyCharTest.java @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.Locale; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /* * @test @@ -59,18 +58,18 @@ public class KeyCharTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Frame frame = new Frame(); frame.setSize(300, 300); frame.setVisible(true); - toolkit.realSync(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); frame.dispose(); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseEvent/ClickDuringKeypress/ClickDuringKeypress.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseEvent/ClickDuringKeypress/ClickDuringKeypress.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c1bb8875265 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseEvent/ClickDuringKeypress/ClickDuringKeypress.java @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + @test 1.2 98/08/05 + @bug 4515763 + @summary Tests that clicking mouse and pressing keys generates correct amount of click-counts + @author andrei.dmitriev: area=awt.mouse + @run main ClickDuringKeypress +*/ + +/** + * ClickDuringKeypress.java + * + * summary: + */ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +public class ClickDuringKeypress implements MouseListener + { + //Declare things used in the test, like buttons and labels here + final static int CLICKCOUNT = 10; + final static int DOUBLE_CLICK_AUTO_DELAY = 10; + volatile int lastClickCount = 0; + volatile boolean clicked = false; + volatile boolean ready = false; + + Frame frame; + Robot robot; + + public void init() + { + //Create instructions for the user here, as well as set up + // the environment -- set the layout manager, add buttons, + // etc. + + frame = new Frame("ClickDuringKeypress"); + frame.addMouseListener(this); + frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { + public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { + synchronized(ClickDuringKeypress.this) { + ready = true; + ClickDuringKeypress.this.notifyAll(); + } + } + }); + frame.setBounds(0, 0, 400, 400); + + start(); + + }//End init() + + public void start () + { + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException e) { + System.out.println("Could not create Robot."); + throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create Robot. Test fails"); + } + + robot.mouseMove(200, 200); + frame.show(); + + synchronized(this) { + try { + if (!ready) { + wait(10000); + } + } catch (InterruptedException ex) { + } + if (!ready) { + System.out.println("Not Activated. Test fails"); + throw new RuntimeException("Not Activated. Test fails"); + } + } + + doTest(); + + //What would normally go into main() will probably go here. + //Use System.out.println for diagnostic messages that you want + //to read after the test is done. + //Use Sysout.println for messages you want the tester to read. + + }// start() + + // Mouse should be over the Frame by this point + private void doTest() { + robot.setAutoDelay(2000); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_B); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(10); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + // Should trigger mouseClicked + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_B); + robot.delay(1000); + + robot.setAutoDelay(DOUBLE_CLICK_AUTO_DELAY); + for (int i = 0; i < CLICKCOUNT / 2; i++) { + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(10); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_B); + robot.delay(10); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_B); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.delay(10); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + } + robot.waitForIdle(); + // check results + robot.delay(200); + if (!clicked) { + System.out.println("No MOUSE_CLICKED events received. Test fails."); + throw new RuntimeException("No MOUSE_CLICKED events received. Test fails."); + } + if (lastClickCount != CLICKCOUNT) { + System.out.println("Actual click count: " + lastClickCount + " does not match expected click count: " + CLICKCOUNT + ". Test fails"); + throw new RuntimeException("Actual click count: " + lastClickCount + " does not match expected click count: " + CLICKCOUNT + ". Test fails"); + + } + // else test passes. + } + + public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} + public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} + public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { + System.out.println(e.toString()); + clicked = true; + lastClickCount = e.getClickCount(); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) { + new ClickDuringKeypress().init(); + } + + }// class ClickDuringKeypress diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/DisabledComponent/DisabledComponent.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/DisabledComponent/DisabledComponent.java index 8799984402f..4d245224a30 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/DisabledComponent/DisabledComponent.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent/DisabledComponent/DisabledComponent.java @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ /* @test @bug 6847958 - @library ../../../regtesthelpers @summary MouseWheel event is getting triggered for the disabled Textarea in jdk7 b60 pit build. @author Dmitry Cherepanov: area=awt.event + @library ../../../regtesthelpers @build Util @run main DisabledComponent */ @@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; public class DisabledComponent @@ -72,21 +70,21 @@ public class DisabledComponent } }; + Robot robot = new Robot(); + list.addMouseWheelListener(listener); textArea.addMouseWheelListener(listener); frame.setVisible(true); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - - Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // point and wheel on the list Util.pointOnComp(list, robot); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mouseWheel(2); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // disable the text area System.err.println(" disable text area "); @@ -95,10 +93,10 @@ public class DisabledComponent // point and wheel on the text area Util.pointOnComp(textArea, robot); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mouseWheel(2); - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!passed) { throw new RuntimeException(" wrong wheel events "); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/EmbeddedFrameTest1/EmbeddedFrameTest1.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/EmbeddedFrameTest1/EmbeddedFrameTest1.java index 9c720291f15..4a8d3c5e14a 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/EmbeddedFrameTest1/EmbeddedFrameTest1.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/EmbeddedFrameTest1/EmbeddedFrameTest1.java @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ @summary REGRESSION: Popup menus dont respond to selections when extend outside Applet @author oleg.sukhodolsky area=awt.grab @library ../../regtesthelpers - @build Util + @build Util UtilInternal @run main EmbeddedFrameTest1 */ @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.TextArea; import java.awt.Toolkit; +import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; @@ -51,40 +52,21 @@ import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util; +import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.UtilInternal; public class EmbeddedFrameTest1 { - private static void init() + public static void main( String args[] ) throws AWTException { - //*** Create instructions for the user here *** - - String[] instructions = { - "This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait until it is done.", - "The result (passed or failed) will be shown in the", - "message window below." - }; - - Sysout.createDialog( ); - Sysout.printInstructions( instructions ); - - SunToolkit tk = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - if ("sun.awt.motif.MToolkit".equals(tk.getClass().getName())) { - System.out.println("We shouldn't test MToolkit."); - EmbeddedFrameTest1.pass(); - return; - } - try { final Frame frame = new Frame("AWT Frame"); frame.pack(); frame.setSize(200,200); - final Frame embedded_frame = Util.createEmbeddedFrame(frame); + final Frame embedded_frame = UtilInternal.createEmbeddedFrame(frame); embedded_frame.setSize(200, 200); - Sysout.println("embedded_frame = " + embedded_frame); + System.out.println("embedded_frame = " + embedded_frame); final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); JButton item = new JButton("A button in popup"); @@ -110,12 +92,12 @@ public class EmbeddedFrameTest1 p.validate(); frame.setVisible(true); Robot robot = new Robot(); - tk.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.clickOnComp(btn, robot); - tk.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.clickOnComp(item, robot); - tk.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (item.getMousePosition() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Popup was not closed (mouse above it)"); } @@ -124,268 +106,7 @@ public class EmbeddedFrameTest1 frame.dispose(); } catch (Throwable thr) { thr.printStackTrace(); - EmbeddedFrameTest1.fail("TEST FAILED: " + thr); + throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + thr); } - EmbeddedFrameTest1.pass(); - }//End init() - - /***************************************************** - * Standard Test Machinery Section - * DO NOT modify anything in this section -- it's a - * standard chunk of code which has all of the - * synchronisation necessary for the test harness. - * By keeping it the same in all tests, it is easier - * to read and understand someone else's test, as - * well as insuring that all tests behave correctly - * with the test harness. - * There is a section following this for test- - * classes - ******************************************************/ - private static boolean theTestPassed = false; - private static boolean testGeneratedInterrupt = false; - private static String failureMessage = ""; - - private static Thread mainThread = null; - - private static int sleepTime = 300000; - - // Not sure about what happens if multiple of this test are - // instantiated in the same VM. Being static (and using - // static vars), it aint gonna work. Not worrying about - // it for now. - public static void main( String args[] ) throws InterruptedException - { - mainThread = Thread.currentThread(); - try - { - init(); - } - catch( TestPassedException e ) - { - //The test passed, so just return from main and harness will - // interepret this return as a pass - return; - } - //At this point, neither test pass nor test fail has been - // called -- either would have thrown an exception and ended the - // test, so we know we have multiple threads. - - //Test involves other threads, so sleep and wait for them to - // called pass() or fail() - try - { - Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); - //Timed out, so fail the test - throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out after " + sleepTime/1000 + " seconds" ); - } - catch (InterruptedException e) - { - //The test harness may have interrupted the test. If so, rethrow the exception - // so that the harness gets it and deals with it. - if( ! testGeneratedInterrupt ) throw e; - - //reset flag in case hit this code more than once for some reason (just safety) - testGeneratedInterrupt = false; - - if ( theTestPassed == false ) - { - throw new RuntimeException( failureMessage ); - } - } - - }//main - - public static synchronized void setTimeoutTo( int seconds ) - { - sleepTime = seconds * 1000; } - - public static synchronized void pass() - { - Sysout.println( "The test passed." ); - Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); - //first check if this is executing in main thread - if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) - { - //Still in the main thread, so set the flag just for kicks, - // and throw a test passed exception which will be caught - // and end the test. - theTestPassed = true; - throw new TestPassedException(); - } - theTestPassed = true; - testGeneratedInterrupt = true; - mainThread.interrupt(); - }//pass() - - public static synchronized void fail() - { - //test writer didn't specify why test failed, so give generic - fail( "it just plain failed! :-)" ); - } - - public static synchronized void fail( String whyFailed ) - { - Sysout.println( "The test failed: " + whyFailed ); - Sysout.println( "The test is over, hit Ctl-C to stop Java VM" ); - //check if this called from main thread - if ( mainThread == Thread.currentThread() ) - { - //If main thread, fail now 'cause not sleeping - throw new RuntimeException( whyFailed ); - } - theTestPassed = false; - testGeneratedInterrupt = true; - failureMessage = whyFailed; - mainThread.interrupt(); - }//fail() - -}// class EmbeddedFrameTest1 - -//This exception is used to exit from any level of call nesting -// when it's determined that the test has passed, and immediately -// end the test. -class TestPassedException extends RuntimeException -{ } - -//*********** End Standard Test Machinery Section ********** - - -/**************************************************** - Standard Test Machinery - DO NOT modify anything below -- it's a standard - chunk of code whose purpose is to make user - interaction uniform, and thereby make it simpler - to read and understand someone else's test. - ****************************************************/ - -/** - This is part of the standard test machinery. - It creates a dialog (with the instructions), and is the interface - for sending text messages to the user. - To print the instructions, send an array of strings to Sysout.createDialog - WithInstructions method. Put one line of instructions per array entry. - To display a message for the tester to see, simply call Sysout.println - with the string to be displayed. - This mimics System.out.println but works within the test harness as well - as standalone. - */ - -class Sysout -{ - private static TestDialog dialog; - - public static void createDialogWithInstructions( String[] instructions ) - { - dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); - dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); - dialog.setVisible(true); - println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); - } - - public static void createDialog( ) - { - dialog = new TestDialog( new Frame(), "Instructions" ); - String[] defInstr = { "Instructions will appear here. ", "" } ; - dialog.printInstructions( defInstr ); - dialog.setVisible(true); - println( "Any messages for the tester will display here." ); - } - - - public static void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) - { - dialog.printInstructions( instructions ); - } - - - public static void println( String messageIn ) - { - dialog.displayMessage( messageIn ); - System.out.println(messageIn); - } - -}// Sysout class - -/** - This is part of the standard test machinery. It provides a place for the - test instructions to be displayed, and a place for interactive messages - to the user to be displayed. - To have the test instructions displayed, see Sysout. - To have a message to the user be displayed, see Sysout. - Do not call anything in this dialog directly. - */ -class TestDialog extends Dialog -{ - - TextArea instructionsText; - TextArea messageText; - int maxStringLength = 80; - - //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout - public TestDialog( Frame frame, String name ) - { - super( frame, name ); - int scrollBoth = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; - instructionsText = new TextArea( "", 15, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); - add( "North", instructionsText ); - - messageText = new TextArea( "", 5, maxStringLength, scrollBoth ); - add("Center", messageText); - - pack(); - - setVisible(true); - }// TestDialog() - - //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout - public void printInstructions( String[] instructions ) - { - //Clear out any current instructions - instructionsText.setText( "" ); - - //Go down array of instruction strings - - String printStr, remainingStr; - for( int i=0; i < instructions.length; i++ ) - { - //chop up each into pieces maxSringLength long - remainingStr = instructions[ i ]; - while( remainingStr.length() > 0 ) - { - //if longer than max then chop off first max chars to print - if( remainingStr.length() >= maxStringLength ) - { - //Try to chop on a word boundary - int posOfSpace = remainingStr. - lastIndexOf( ' ', maxStringLength - 1 ); - - if( posOfSpace <= 0 ) posOfSpace = maxStringLength - 1; - - printStr = remainingStr.substring( 0, posOfSpace + 1 ); - remainingStr = remainingStr.substring( posOfSpace + 1 ); - } - //else just print - else - { - printStr = remainingStr; - remainingStr = ""; - } - - instructionsText.append( printStr + "\n" ); - - }// while - - }// for - - }//printInstructions() - - //DO NOT call this directly, go through Sysout - public void displayMessage( String messageIn ) - { - messageText.append( messageIn + "\n" ); - System.out.println(messageIn); - } - -}// TestDialog class diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/MenuDragEvents/MenuDragEvents.html b/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/MenuDragEvents/MenuDragEvents.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4d612af53f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/MenuDragEvents/MenuDragEvents.html @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + + + + + +

      Bug ID: 6390326

      + +

      This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait for completion

      + + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/MenuDragEvents/MenuDragEvents.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/MenuDragEvents/MenuDragEvents.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f1c97318aeb --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/grab/MenuDragEvents/MenuDragEvents.java @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + test + @bug 6390326 + @summary REGRESSION: Broken mouse behaviour of menus partially outside the main window. + @author oleg.sukhodolsky: area=awt-drab + @run applet AutomaticAppletTest.html +*/ + +/** + * MenuDragEvents.java + * + * summary: REGRESSION: Broken mouse behaviour of menus partially outside the main window. + */ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.awt.AWTEvent; +import java.awt.AWTException; +import java.awt.BorderLayout; +import java.awt.Point; +import java.awt.Robot; +import java.awt.Toolkit; + +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; +import java.awt.event.ActionListener; +import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; +import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; + +import javax.swing.JFrame; +import javax.swing.JMenu; +import javax.swing.JMenuBar; +import javax.swing.JMenuItem; +import javax.swing.WindowConstants; + +import javax.swing.event.MenuDragMouseEvent; +import javax.swing.event.MenuDragMouseListener; + +public class MenuDragEvents extends Applet +{ + //Declare things used in the test, like buttons and labels here + boolean mouseDragged = false; + boolean mouseEntered = false; + boolean mouseReleased = false; + boolean actionReceived = false; + + public void init() + { + // Set up the environment -- set the layout manager, add + // buttons, etc. + + setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); + + }//End init() + + public void start () + { + //Get things going. Request focus, set size, et cetera + setSize (200,200); + setVisible(true); + validate(); + + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() { + public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) { + int id = event.getID(); + if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED || id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED) { + System.err.println(event); + } + } + }, AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK); + JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); + + JMenu m = new JMenu("A Menu"); + mb.add(m); + + JMenuItem i = new JMenuItem("A menu item",KeyEvent.VK_A); + m.add(i); + + m = new JMenu("Another Menu"); + mb.add(m); + i = new JMenuItem("Yet another menu item",KeyEvent.VK_Y); + m.add(i); + i.addMenuDragMouseListener(new MenuDragMouseListener() { + public void menuDragMouseDragged(MenuDragMouseEvent e) { + System.err.println(e); + mouseDragged = true; + } + public void menuDragMouseEntered(MenuDragMouseEvent e) { + System.err.println(e); + mouseEntered = true; + } + public void menuDragMouseReleased(MenuDragMouseEvent e) { + System.err.println(e); + mouseReleased = true; + } + // perhaps we need to test mouse exited too + // but this doesn't work even with tiger + public void menuDragMouseExited(MenuDragMouseEvent e) { + System.err.println(e); + } + }); + + i.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { + System.err.println(ae); + actionReceived = true; + } + }); + + JFrame frame = new JFrame("Menu"); + frame.setJMenuBar(mb); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + frame.setVisible(true); + + Robot r = null; + try { + r = new Robot(); + r.setAutoDelay(50); + } + catch (AWTException ae) { + throw new RuntimeException(ae); + } + + r.waitForIdle(); + + Point loc = m.getLocationOnScreen(); + loc.x += m.getWidth() / 2; + loc.y += m.getHeight() / 2; + r.mouseMove(loc.x, loc.y); + r.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + r.waitForIdle(); + r.delay(1000); + + Point loc2 = i.getLocationOnScreen(); + loc2.x += i.getWidth() / 2; + loc2.y += i.getHeight() / 2; + + // move from menu on menubar to menu item + dragMouse(r, loc, loc2); + r.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + r.waitForIdle(); + r.delay(1000); + + if (!mouseEntered || !mouseDragged || !mouseReleased || !actionReceived) { + throw new RuntimeException("we expected to receive both mouseEntered and MouseDragged (" + + mouseEntered + ", " + mouseDragged + ", " + mouseReleased + + ", " + actionReceived + ")"); + } + + System.out.println("Test passed"); + }// start() + + void dragMouse(Robot r, Point from, Point to) { + final int n_step = 10; + int step_x = (to.x - from.x) / n_step; + int step_y = (to.y - from.y) / n_step; + int x = from.x; + int y = from.y; + for (int idx = 0; idx < n_step; idx++) { + x += step_x; + y += step_y; + r.mouseMove(x, y); + r.delay(10); + } + if (x != to.x || y != to.y) { + r.mouseMove(to.x, to.y); + r.delay(10); + } + } + +}// class MenuDragEvents diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/image/DrawImage/IncorrectUnmanagedImageRotatedClip.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/image/DrawImage/IncorrectUnmanagedImageRotatedClip.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..faaf767d15c --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/image/DrawImage/IncorrectUnmanagedImageRotatedClip.java @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.AlphaComposite; +import java.awt.Color; +import java.awt.Graphics2D; +import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; +import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; +import java.awt.Image; +import java.awt.Rectangle; +import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; +import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; +import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte; +import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; +import java.awt.image.DataBufferShort; +import java.awt.image.VolatileImage; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; + +import javax.imageio.ImageIO; + +import static java.awt.Transparency.TRANSLUCENT; +import static java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB; + +/** + * @test + * @bug 8059942 + * @summary Tests rotated clip when unmanaged image is drawn to VI. + * Results of the blit to compatibleImage are used for comparison. + * @author Sergey Bylokhov + */ +public final class IncorrectUnmanagedImageRotatedClip { + + public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { + BufferedImage bi = makeUnmanagedBI(); + fill(bi); + test(bi); + } + + private static void test(final BufferedImage bi) throws IOException { + GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment + .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); + GraphicsConfiguration gc = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice() + .getDefaultConfiguration(); + VolatileImage vi = gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(500, 200, + TRANSLUCENT); + BufferedImage gold = gc.createCompatibleImage(500, 200, TRANSLUCENT); + // draw to compatible Image + draw(bi, gold); + // draw to volatile image + int attempt = 0; + BufferedImage snapshot; + while (true) { + if (++attempt > 10) { + throw new RuntimeException("Too many attempts: " + attempt); + } + vi.validate(gc); + if (vi.validate(gc) != VolatileImage.IMAGE_OK) { + continue; + } + draw(bi, vi); + snapshot = vi.getSnapshot(); + if (vi.contentsLost()) { + continue; + } + break; + } + // validate images + for (int x = 0; x < gold.getWidth(); ++x) { + for (int y = 0; y < gold.getHeight(); ++y) { + if (gold.getRGB(x, y) != snapshot.getRGB(x, y)) { + ImageIO.write(gold, "png", new File("gold.png")); + ImageIO.write(snapshot, "png", new File("bi.png")); + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); + } + } + } + } + + private static void draw(final BufferedImage from,final Image to) { + final Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) to.getGraphics(); + g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); + g2d.setColor(Color.ORANGE); + g2d.fillRect(0, 0, to.getWidth(null), to.getHeight(null)); + g2d.rotate(Math.toRadians(45)); + g2d.clip(new Rectangle(41, 42, 43, 44)); + g2d.drawImage(from, 50, 50, Color.blue, null); + g2d.dispose(); + } + + private static BufferedImage makeUnmanagedBI() { + final BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(500, 200, TYPE_INT_ARGB); + final DataBuffer db = bi.getRaster().getDataBuffer(); + if (db instanceof DataBufferInt) { + ((DataBufferInt) db).getData(); + } else if (db instanceof DataBufferShort) { + ((DataBufferShort) db).getData(); + } else if (db instanceof DataBufferByte) { + ((DataBufferByte) db).getData(); + } else { + try { + bi.setAccelerationPriority(0.0f); + } catch (final Throwable ignored) { + } + } + return bi; + } + + private static void fill(final Image image) { + final Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); + graphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); + for (int i = 0; i < image.getHeight(null); ++i) { + graphics.setColor(new Color(i, 0, 0)); + graphics.fillRect(0, i, image.getWidth(null), 1); + } + graphics.dispose(); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/Util.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/Util.java index 95ad563f328..b325220aa72 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/Util.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/Util.java @@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; -import java.awt.peer.FramePeer; - import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; @@ -89,40 +87,6 @@ public final class Util { } } - public static Frame createEmbeddedFrame(final Frame embedder) - throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, - InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException - { - Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - FramePeer frame_peer = (FramePeer) embedder.getPeer(); - System.out.println("frame's peer = " + frame_peer); - if ("sun.awt.windows.WToolkit".equals(tk.getClass().getName())) { - Class comp_peer_class = - Class.forName("sun.awt.windows.WComponentPeer"); - System.out.println("comp peer class = " + comp_peer_class); - Field hwnd_field = comp_peer_class.getDeclaredField("hwnd"); - hwnd_field.setAccessible(true); - System.out.println("hwnd_field =" + hwnd_field); - long hwnd = hwnd_field.getLong(frame_peer); - System.out.println("hwnd = " + hwnd); - - Class clazz = Class.forName("sun.awt.windows.WEmbeddedFrame"); - Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor (new Class [] {Long.TYPE}); - return (Frame) constructor.newInstance (new Object[] {hwnd}); - } else if ("sun.awt.X11.XToolkit".equals(tk.getClass().getName())) { - Class x_base_window_class = Class.forName("sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow"); - System.out.println("x_base_window_class = " + x_base_window_class); - Method get_window = x_base_window_class.getMethod("getWindow", new Class[0]); - System.out.println("get_window = " + get_window); - long window = (Long) get_window.invoke(frame_peer, new Object[0]); - System.out.println("window = " + window); - Class clazz = Class.forName("sun.awt.X11.XEmbeddedFrame"); - Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor (new Class [] {Long.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE}); - return (Frame) constructor.newInstance (new Object[] {window, true}); - } - - throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected toolkit - " + tk); - } /** * Makes the window visible and waits until it's shown. @@ -237,8 +201,7 @@ public final class Util { } public static void waitForIdle(final Robot robot) { - // we do not use robot for now, use SunToolkit.realSync() instead - ((sun.awt.SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } public static Field getField(final Class klass, final String fieldName) { diff --git a/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/UtilInternal.java b/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/UtilInternal.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4b5a41bca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/awt/regtesthelpers/UtilInternal.java @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +package test.java.awt.regtesthelpers; + +import java.awt.peer.FramePeer; +import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; +import java.lang.reflect.Field; +import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; +import java.lang.reflect.Method; +import java.awt.Toolkit; +import java.awt.Frame; + + + +/** + Class with static methods using internal/proprietary API by necessity. +*/ +public final class UtilInternal { + + private UtilInternal () {} // this is a helper class with static methods :) + + public static Frame createEmbeddedFrame(final Frame embedder) + throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, + InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException + { + Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); + FramePeer frame_peer = (FramePeer) embedder.getPeer(); + System.out.println("frame's peer = " + frame_peer); + if ("sun.awt.windows.WToolkit".equals(tk.getClass().getName())) { + Class comp_peer_class = + Class.forName("sun.awt.windows.WComponentPeer"); + System.out.println("comp peer class = " + comp_peer_class); + Field hwnd_field = comp_peer_class.getDeclaredField("hwnd"); + hwnd_field.setAccessible(true); + System.out.println("hwnd_field =" + hwnd_field); + long hwnd = hwnd_field.getLong(frame_peer); + System.out.println("hwnd = " + hwnd); + + Class clazz = Class.forName("sun.awt.windows.WEmbeddedFrame"); + Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor (new Class [] {Long.TYPE}); + return (Frame) constructor.newInstance (new Object[] {hwnd}); + } else if ("sun.awt.X11.XToolkit".equals(tk.getClass().getName())) { + Class x_base_window_class = Class.forName("sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow"); + System.out.println("x_base_window_class = " + x_base_window_class); + Method get_window = x_base_window_class.getMethod("getWindow", new Class[0]); + System.out.println("get_window = " + get_window); + long window = (Long) get_window.invoke(frame_peer, new Object[0]); + System.out.println("window = " + window); + Class clazz = Class.forName("sun.awt.X11.XEmbeddedFrame"); + Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor (new Class [] {Long.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE}); + return (Frame) constructor.newInstance (new Object[] {window, true}); + } + + throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected toolkit - " + tk); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/io/InputStream/TransferTo.java b/jdk/test/java/io/InputStream/TransferTo.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a32df7a62a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/io/InputStream/TransferTo.java @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; +import java.io.FilterInputStream; +import java.io.FilterOutputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.OutputStream; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.Random; + +import static java.lang.String.format; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8066867 + * @summary tests whether java.io.InputStream.transferTo conforms to its + * contract defined in the javadoc + */ +public class TransferTo { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { + ifOutIsNullThenNpeIsThrown(); + ifExceptionInInputNeitherStreamIsClosed(); + ifExceptionInOutputNeitherStreamIsClosed(); + onReturnNeitherStreamIsClosed(); + onReturnInputIsAtEnd(); + contents(); + } + + private static void ifOutIsNullThenNpeIsThrown() throws IOException { + try (InputStream in = input()) { + assertThrowsNPE(() -> in.transferTo(null), "out"); + } + + try (InputStream in = input((byte) 1)) { + assertThrowsNPE(() -> in.transferTo(null), "out"); + } + + try (InputStream in = input((byte) 1, (byte) 2)) { + assertThrowsNPE(() -> in.transferTo(null), "out"); + } + + InputStream in = null; + try { + InputStream fin = in = new ThrowingInputStream(); + // null check should precede everything else: + // InputStream shouldn't be touched if OutputStream is null + assertThrowsNPE(() -> fin.transferTo(null), "out"); + } finally { + if (in != null) + try { + in.close(); + } catch (IOException ignored) { } + } + } + + private static void ifExceptionInInputNeitherStreamIsClosed() + throws IOException { + transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(input(0, new byte[]{1, 2, 3}), output()); + transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(input(1, new byte[]{1, 2, 3}), output()); + transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(input(2, new byte[]{1, 2, 3}), output()); + } + + private static void ifExceptionInOutputNeitherStreamIsClosed() + throws IOException { + transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(input(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}), output(0)); + transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(input(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}), output(1)); + transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(input(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}), output(2)); + } + + private static void transferToThenCheckIfAnyClosed(InputStream input, + OutputStream output) + throws IOException { + try (CloseLoggingInputStream in = new CloseLoggingInputStream(input); + CloseLoggingOutputStream out = + new CloseLoggingOutputStream(output)) { + boolean thrown = false; + try { + in.transferTo(out); + } catch (IOException ignored) { + thrown = true; + } + if (!thrown) + throw new AssertionError(); + + if (in.wasClosed() || out.wasClosed()) { + throw new AssertionError(); + } + } + } + + private static void onReturnNeitherStreamIsClosed() + throws IOException { + try (CloseLoggingInputStream in = + new CloseLoggingInputStream(input(new byte[]{1, 2, 3})); + CloseLoggingOutputStream out = + new CloseLoggingOutputStream(output())) { + + in.transferTo(out); + + if (in.wasClosed() || out.wasClosed()) { + throw new AssertionError(); + } + } + } + + private static void onReturnInputIsAtEnd() throws IOException { + try (InputStream in = input(new byte[]{1, 2, 3}); + OutputStream out = output()) { + + in.transferTo(out); + + if (in.read() != -1) { + throw new AssertionError(); + } + } + } + + private static void contents() throws IOException { + checkTransferredContents(new byte[0]); + checkTransferredContents(createRandomBytes(1024, 4096)); + // to span through several batches + checkTransferredContents(createRandomBytes(16384, 16384)); + } + + private static void checkTransferredContents(byte[] bytes) + throws IOException { + try (InputStream in = input(bytes); + ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { + in.transferTo(out); + + byte[] outBytes = out.toByteArray(); + if (!Arrays.equals(bytes, outBytes)) { + throw new AssertionError( + format("bytes.length=%s, outBytes.length=%s", + bytes.length, outBytes.length)); + } + } + } + + private static byte[] createRandomBytes(int min, int maxRandomAdditive) { + Random rnd = new Random(); + byte[] bytes = new byte[min + rnd.nextInt(maxRandomAdditive)]; + rnd.nextBytes(bytes); + return bytes; + } + + private static OutputStream output() { + return output(-1); + } + + private static OutputStream output(int exceptionPosition) { + return new OutputStream() { + + int pos; + + @Override + public void write(int b) throws IOException { + if (pos++ == exceptionPosition) + throw new IOException(); + } + }; + } + + private static InputStream input(byte... bytes) { + return input(-1, bytes); + } + + private static InputStream input(int exceptionPosition, byte... bytes) { + return new InputStream() { + + int pos; + + @Override + public int read() throws IOException { + if (pos == exceptionPosition) { + // because of the pesky IOException swallowing in + // java.io.InputStream.read(byte[], int, int) + // pos++; + throw new IOException(); + } + + if (pos >= bytes.length) + return -1; + return bytes[pos++] & 0xff; + } + }; + } + + private static class ThrowingInputStream extends InputStream { + + boolean closed; + + @Override + public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { + throw new IOException(); + } + + @Override + public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { + throw new IOException(); + } + + @Override + public long skip(long n) throws IOException { + throw new IOException(); + } + + @Override + public int available() throws IOException { + throw new IOException(); + } + + @Override + public void close() throws IOException { + if (!closed) { + closed = true; + throw new IOException(); + } + } + + @Override + public void reset() throws IOException { + throw new IOException(); + } + + @Override + public int read() throws IOException { + throw new IOException(); + } + } + + private static class CloseLoggingInputStream extends FilterInputStream { + + boolean closed; + + CloseLoggingInputStream(InputStream in) { + super(in); + } + + @Override + public void close() throws IOException { + closed = true; + super.close(); + } + + boolean wasClosed() { + return closed; + } + } + + private static class CloseLoggingOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { + + boolean closed; + + CloseLoggingOutputStream(OutputStream out) { + super(out); + } + + @Override + public void close() throws IOException { + closed = true; + super.close(); + } + + boolean wasClosed() { + return closed; + } + } + + public interface Thrower { + public void run() throws Throwable; + } + + public static void assertThrowsNPE(Thrower thrower, String message) { + assertThrows(thrower, NullPointerException.class, message); + } + + public static void assertThrows(Thrower thrower, + Class throwable, + String message) { + Throwable thrown; + try { + thrower.run(); + thrown = null; + } catch (Throwable caught) { + thrown = caught; + } + + if (!throwable.isInstance(thrown)) { + String caught = thrown == null ? + "nothing" : thrown.getClass().getCanonicalName(); + throw new AssertionError( + format("Expected to catch %s, but caught %s", + throwable, caught), thrown); + } + + if (thrown != null && !message.equals(thrown.getMessage())) { + throw new AssertionError( + format("Expected exception message to be '%s', but it's '%s'", + message, thrown.getMessage())); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/io/ObjectInputStream/PeekInputStreamTest.java b/jdk/test/java/io/ObjectInputStream/PeekInputStreamTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..86e8001a63e --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/io/ObjectInputStream/PeekInputStreamTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; +import java.lang.reflect.Method; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8067870 + * @summary verifies java.io.ObjectInputStream.PeekInputStream.skip works + * as intended + */ +public class PeekInputStreamTest { + + public static void main(String[] args) throws ReflectiveOperationException, + IOException { + + InputStream pin = createPeekInputStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4})); + peek(pin); + if (pin.skip(1) != 1 || pin.read() != 2) + throw new AssertionError(); + + InputStream pin1 = createPeekInputStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4})); + if (pin1.skip(1) != 1 || pin1.read() != 2) + throw new AssertionError(); + + InputStream pin2 = createPeekInputStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4})); + if (pin2.skip(0) != 0 || pin2.read() != 1) + throw new AssertionError(); + + InputStream pin3 = createPeekInputStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4})); + if (pin3.skip(2) != 2 || pin3.read() != 3) + throw new AssertionError(); + + InputStream pin4 = createPeekInputStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4})); + if (pin4.skip(3) != 3 || pin4.read() != 4) + throw new AssertionError(); + + InputStream pin5 = createPeekInputStream( + new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4})); + if (pin5.skip(16) != 4 || pin5.read() != -1) + throw new AssertionError(); + } + + private static InputStream createPeekInputStream(InputStream underlying) + throws ReflectiveOperationException { + Class clazz = + Class.forName("java.io.ObjectInputStream$PeekInputStream") + .asSubclass(InputStream.class); + + Constructor ctr = + clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(InputStream.class); + ctr.setAccessible(true); + return ctr.newInstance(underlying); + } + + private static void peek(InputStream pin) + throws ReflectiveOperationException { + Method p = pin.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("peek"); + p.setAccessible(true); + p.invoke(pin); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/FieldSetAccessibleTest.java b/jdk/test/java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/FieldSetAccessibleTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8df27ef7f04 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/FieldSetAccessibleTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.io.FilePermission; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.lang.reflect.Field; +import java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission; +import java.net.URI; +import java.nio.file.FileSystem; +import java.nio.file.FileSystems; +import java.nio.file.Files; +import java.nio.file.Path; +import java.security.CodeSource; +import java.security.Permission; +import java.security.PermissionCollection; +import java.security.Permissions; +import java.security.Policy; +import java.security.ProtectionDomain; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.Enumeration; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.PropertyPermission; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; +import java.util.stream.Stream; + +/** + * @test + * @bug 8065552 + * @summary test that all fields returned by getDeclaredFields() can be + * set accessible if the right permission is granted; this test + * loads all the classes in the BCL, get their declared fields, + * and call setAccessible(false) followed by setAccessible(true); + * @run main/othervm FieldSetAccessibleTest UNSECURE + * @run main/othervm FieldSetAccessibleTest SECURE + * + * @author danielfuchs + */ +public class FieldSetAccessibleTest { + + static final List skipped = new ArrayList<>(); + static final List cantread = new ArrayList<>(); + static final List failed = new ArrayList<>(); + static final AtomicLong classCount = new AtomicLong(); + static final AtomicLong fieldCount = new AtomicLong(); + static long startIndex = 0; + static long maxSize = Long.MAX_VALUE; + static long maxIndex = Long.MAX_VALUE; + static final ClassLoader systemClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); + + + // Test that all fields for any given class can be made accessibles + static void testSetFieldsAccessible(Class c) { + for (Field f : c.getDeclaredFields()) { + fieldCount.incrementAndGet(); + f.setAccessible(false); + f.setAccessible(true); + } + } + + // Performs a series of test on the given class. + // At this time, we only call testSetFieldsAccessible(c) + public static boolean test(Class c) { + //System.out.println(c.getName()); + classCount.incrementAndGet(); + + // Call getDeclaredFields() and try to set their accessible flag. + testSetFieldsAccessible(c); + + // add more tests here... + + return c == Class.class; + } + + // Prints a summary at the end of the test. + static void printSummary(long secs, long millis, long nanos) { + System.out.println("Tested " + fieldCount.get() + " fields of " + + classCount.get() + " classes in " + + secs + "s " + millis + "ms " + nanos + "ns"); + } + + + /** + * @param args the command line arguments: + * + * SECURE|UNSECURE [startIndex (default=0)] [maxSize (default=Long.MAX_VALUE)] + * + * @throws java.lang.Exception if the test fails + */ + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + if (args == null || args.length == 0) { + args = new String[] {"SECURE", "0"}; + } else if (args.length > 3) { + throw new RuntimeException("Expected at most one argument. Found " + + Arrays.asList(args)); + } + try { + if (args.length > 1) { + startIndex = Long.parseLong(args[1]); + if (startIndex < 0) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("startIndex args[1]: " + + startIndex); + } + } + if (args.length > 2) { + maxSize = Long.parseLong(args[2]); + if (maxSize <= 0) { + maxSize = Long.MAX_VALUE; + } + maxIndex = (Long.MAX_VALUE - startIndex) < maxSize + ? Long.MAX_VALUE : startIndex + maxSize; + } + TestCase.valueOf(args[0]).run(); + } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { + System.err.println(classCount.get()); + throw oome; + } + } + + public static void run(TestCase test) { + System.out.println("Testing " + test); + test(listAllClassNames()); + System.out.println("Passed " + test); + } + + static Iterable listAllClassNames() { + return new ClassNameJrtStreamBuilder(); + } + + static void test(Iterable iterable) { + final long start = System.nanoTime(); + boolean classFound = false; + int index = 0; + for (String s: iterable) { + if (index == maxIndex) break; + try { + if (index < startIndex) continue; + if (test(s)) { + classFound = true; + } + } finally { + index++; + } + } + long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start; + long secs = elapsed / 1000_000_000; + long millis = (elapsed % 1000_000_000) / 1000_000; + long nanos = elapsed % 1000_000; + System.out.println("Unreadable path elements: " + cantread); + System.out.println("Skipped path elements: " + skipped); + System.out.println("Failed path elements: " + failed); + printSummary(secs, millis, nanos); + + if (!failed.isEmpty()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed for the following classes: " + failed); + } + if (!classFound && startIndex == 0 && index < maxIndex) { + // this is just to verify that we have indeed parsed rt.jar + // (or the java.base module) + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: Class.class not found..."); + } + if (classCount.get() == 0 && startIndex == 0) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed: no class found?"); + } + } + + static boolean test(String s) { + try { + if (s.startsWith("WrapperGenerator")) { + System.out.println("Skipping "+ s); + return false; + } + final Class c = Class.forName( + s.replace('/', '.').substring(0, s.length() - 6), + false, + systemClassLoader); + return test(c); + } catch (Exception t) { + t.printStackTrace(System.err); + failed.add(s); + } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { + e.printStackTrace(System.err); + failed.add(s); + } + return false; + } + + static class ClassNameJrtStreamBuilder implements Iterable{ + + final FileSystem jrt; + final List roots = new ArrayList<>(); + ClassNameJrtStreamBuilder() { + jrt = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/")); + for (Path root : jrt.getRootDirectories()) { + roots.add(root); + } + } + + Stream build() { + return roots.stream().flatMap(this::toStream) + .filter(x -> x.getNameCount() > 1) + .map( x-> x.subpath(1, x.getNameCount())) + .map( x -> x.toString()) + .filter(s -> s.endsWith(".class")); + } + + @Override + public Iterator iterator() { + return build().iterator(); + } + + private Stream toStream(Path root) { + try { + return Files.walk(root); + } catch(IOException x) { + x.printStackTrace(System.err); + skipped.add(root.toString()); + } + return Collections.emptyList().stream(); + } + + } + + // Test with or without a security manager + public static enum TestCase { + UNSECURE, SECURE; + public void run() throws Exception { + System.out.println("Running test case: " + name()); + Configure.setUp(this); + FieldSetAccessibleTest.run(this); + } + } + + // A helper class to configure the security manager for the test, + // and bypass it when needed. + static class Configure { + static Policy policy = null; + static final ThreadLocal allowAll = new ThreadLocal() { + @Override + protected AtomicBoolean initialValue() { + return new AtomicBoolean(false); + } + }; + static void setUp(TestCase test) { + switch (test) { + case SECURE: + if (policy == null && System.getSecurityManager() != null) { + throw new IllegalStateException("SecurityManager already set"); + } else if (policy == null) { + policy = new SimplePolicy(TestCase.SECURE, allowAll); + Policy.setPolicy(policy); + System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); + } + if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { + throw new IllegalStateException("No SecurityManager."); + } + if (policy == null) { + throw new IllegalStateException("policy not configured"); + } + break; + case UNSECURE: + if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { + throw new IllegalStateException("SecurityManager already set"); + } + break; + default: + throw new InternalError("No such testcase: " + test); + } + } + static void doPrivileged(Runnable run) { + allowAll.get().set(true); + try { + run.run(); + } finally { + allowAll.get().set(false); + } + } + } + + // A Helper class to build a set of permissions. + final static class PermissionsBuilder { + final Permissions perms; + public PermissionsBuilder() { + this(new Permissions()); + } + public PermissionsBuilder(Permissions perms) { + this.perms = perms; + } + public PermissionsBuilder add(Permission p) { + perms.add(p); + return this; + } + public PermissionsBuilder addAll(PermissionCollection col) { + if (col != null) { + for (Enumeration e = col.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { + perms.add(e.nextElement()); + } + } + return this; + } + public Permissions toPermissions() { + final PermissionsBuilder builder = new PermissionsBuilder(); + builder.addAll(perms); + return builder.perms; + } + } + + // Policy for the test... + public static class SimplePolicy extends Policy { + + final Permissions permissions; + final Permissions allPermissions; + final ThreadLocal allowAll; + public SimplePolicy(TestCase test, ThreadLocal allowAll) { + this.allowAll = allowAll; + + // Permission needed by the tested code exercised in the test + permissions = new Permissions(); + permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("fileSystemProvider")); + permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("createClassLoader")); + permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("closeClassLoader")); + permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")); + permissions.add(new RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers")); + permissions.add(new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks")); + permissions.add(new PropertyPermission("*", "read")); + permissions.add(new FilePermission("<>", "read")); + + // these are used for configuring the test itself... + allPermissions = new Permissions(); + allPermissions.add(new java.security.AllPermission()); + } + + @Override + public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain domain, Permission permission) { + if (allowAll.get().get()) return allPermissions.implies(permission); + if (permissions.implies(permission)) return true; + if (permission instanceof java.lang.RuntimePermission) { + if (permission.getName().startsWith("accessClassInPackage.")) { + // add these along to the set of permission we have, when we + // discover that we need them. + permissions.add(permission); + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + @Override + public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) { + return new PermissionsBuilder().addAll(allowAll.get().get() + ? allPermissions : permissions).toPermissions(); + } + + @Override + public PermissionCollection getPermissions(ProtectionDomain domain) { + return new PermissionsBuilder().addAll(allowAll.get().get() + ? allPermissions : permissions).toPermissions(); + } + } + +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/lang/Runtime/exec/SleepyCat.java b/jdk/test/java/lang/Runtime/exec/SleepyCat.java index 6c5b41b649d..7d2ea0661bc 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/lang/Runtime/exec/SleepyCat.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/Runtime/exec/SleepyCat.java @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ */ /* @test - @bug 4843136 4763384 + @bug 4843136 4763384 8044841 @summary Various race conditions caused exec'ed processes to have extra unused file descriptors, which caused hard-to-reproduce hangs. @author Martin Buchholz @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ public class SleepyCat { } public void run() { + dumpState(deathRow); // before killing the processes dump all the state + timedOut = true; destroy(deathRow); } @@ -59,6 +61,37 @@ public class SleepyCat { } } + /** + * Temporary debugging code for intermittent failures. + * @param pids the processes to dump status for + */ + static void dumpState(Process... pids) { + if (!System.getProperty("os.name").contains("SunOS")) { + return; + } + try { + String[] psArgs = {"ps", "-elf"}; + Process ps = new ProcessBuilder(psArgs).inheritIO().start(); + ps.waitFor(); + String[] sfiles = {"pfiles", "self"}; + Process fds = new ProcessBuilder(sfiles).inheritIO().start(); + fds.waitFor(); + + for (Process p : pids) { + if (p == null) + continue; + String[] pfiles = {"pfiles", Long.toString(p.getPid())}; + fds = new ProcessBuilder(pfiles).inheritIO().start(); + fds.waitFor(); + String[] pstack = {"pstack", Long.toString(p.getPid())}; + fds = new ProcessBuilder(pstack).inheritIO().start(); + fds.waitFor(); + } + } catch (IOException | InterruptedException i) { + i.printStackTrace(); + } + } + private static boolean hang1() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Time out was reproducible on Solaris 50% of the time; // on Linux 80% of the time. diff --git a/jdk/test/java/lang/instrument/ParallelTransformerLoaderAgent.java b/jdk/test/java/lang/instrument/ParallelTransformerLoaderAgent.java index 96f4900b6d7..26a5801a908 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/lang/instrument/ParallelTransformerLoaderAgent.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/instrument/ParallelTransformerLoaderAgent.java @@ -79,24 +79,15 @@ public class ParallelTransformerLoaderAgent throws IllegalClassFormatException { String tName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); - // In 160_03 and older, transform() is called - // with the "system_loader_lock" held and that - // prevents the bootstrap class loaded from - // running in parallel. If we add a slight sleep - // delay here when the transform() call is not - // main or TestThread, then the deadlock in - // 160_03 and older is much more reproducible. - if (!tName.equals("main") && !tName.equals("TestThread")) { - System.out.println("Thread '" + tName + - "' has called transform()"); - try { - Thread.sleep(500); - } catch (InterruptedException ie) { - } - } - // load additional classes when called from other threads - if (!tName.equals("main")) + // Load additional classes when called from thread 'TestThread' + // When a class is loaded during a callback handling the boot loader, we can + // run into ClassCircularityError if the ClassFileLoadHook is set early enough + // to catch classes needed during class loading, e.g. + // sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader$2. + // The goal of the test is to stress class loading on the test class loaders. + + if (tName.equals("TestThread") && loader != null) { loadClasses(3); } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/Locks.java b/jdk/test/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/Locks.java index 14273b5fdc5..1c8da469289 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/Locks.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/Locks.java @@ -29,17 +29,21 @@ * @author Mandy Chung * @author Jaroslav Bachorik * + * @library /lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.* * @run main/othervm Locks */ import java.lang.management.*; import java.util.concurrent.Phaser; +import jdk.testlibrary.LockFreeLogManager; public class Locks { private static final Object objA = new Object(); private static final Object objB = new Object(); private static final Object objC = new Object(); private static final ThreadMXBean tm = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); + private static final LockFreeLogManager logger = new LockFreeLogManager(); private static boolean testFailed = false; @@ -126,14 +130,14 @@ public class Locks { public void run() { synchronized(objA) { // stop here for LockBThread to hold objB - System.out.println("LockAThread about to block on objB"); + log("LockAThread about to block on objB"); p.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Phase 1 (blocking) synchronized(objB) { dummyCounter++; }; } p.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Phase 2 (blocking) - System.out.println("LockAThread about to exit"); + log("LockAThread about to exit"); // Make sure the current thread is not holding any lock assertNoLock(this); } @@ -147,7 +151,7 @@ public class Locks { } public void run() { synchronized(objB) { - System.out.println("LockBThread about to block on objC"); + log("LockBThread about to block on objC"); p.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Phase 1 (blocking) // Signal main thread about to block on objC synchronized(objC) { @@ -155,14 +159,14 @@ public class Locks { }; } p.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Phase 2 (blocking) - System.out.println("LockBThread about to exit"); + log("LockBThread about to exit"); // Make sure the current thread is not holding any lock assertNoLock(this); } } private static WaitingThread waiter; - private static Object ready = new Object(); + private static final Object ready = new Object(); private static CheckerThread checker; static class WaitingThread extends Thread { private final Phaser p; @@ -173,9 +177,10 @@ public class Locks { super("WaitingThread"); this.p = p; } + @Override public void run() { synchronized(objC) { - System.out.println("WaitingThread about to wait on objC"); + log("WaitingThread about to wait on objC"); try { // Signal checker thread, about to wait on objC. waiting = false; @@ -188,13 +193,13 @@ public class Locks { } // block until CheckerThread finishes checking - System.out.println("WaitingThread about to block on ready"); + log("WaitingThread about to block on ready"); // signal checker thread that it is about acquire // object ready. p.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); // Phase 2 (waiting) synchronized(ready) { dummyCounter++; - }; + } } synchronized(objC) { try { @@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ public class Locks { testFailed = true; } } - System.out.println("WaitingThread about to exit waiting on objC 2"); + log("WaitingThread about to exit waiting on objC 2"); } public void waitForWaiting() { @@ -321,10 +326,10 @@ public class Locks { private static ThreadInfo findOwnerInfo(ThreadInfo[] infos, String lock) throws Exception { ThreadInfo ownerInfo = null; - for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { - String blockedLock = infos[i].getLockName(); + for (ThreadInfo info : infos) { + String blockedLock = info.getLockName(); if (lock.equals(blockedLock)) { - long threadId = infos[i].getLockOwnerId(); + long threadId = info.getLockOwnerId(); if (threadId == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + lock + " expected to have owner"); @@ -355,14 +360,17 @@ public class Locks { throws Exception { ThreadInfo ownerInfo = null; // Find the thread who is blocking on lock - for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { - String blockedLock = infos[i].getLockName(); + for (ThreadInfo info : infos) { + String blockedLock = info.getLockName(); if (lock.equals(blockedLock)) { - System.out.print(infos[i].getThreadName() + - " blocked on " + blockedLock); - ownerInfo = infos[i]; + log("%s blocked on %s", info.getThreadName(), blockedLock); + ownerInfo = info; } } + if (ownerInfo == null) { + throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + + "Can't retrieve ThreadInfo for the blocked thread"); + } long[] threads = new long[10]; int count = 0; @@ -370,14 +378,18 @@ public class Locks { while (ownerInfo != null && ownerInfo.getThreadState() == Thread.State.BLOCKED) { ownerInfo = findOwnerInfo(infos, lock); threads[count++] = ownerInfo.getThreadId(); - System.out.println(" Owner = " + ownerInfo.getThreadName() + - " id = " + ownerInfo.getThreadId()); + log(" Owner = %s id = %d", + ownerInfo.getThreadName(), + ownerInfo.getThreadId() + ); lock = ownerInfo.getLockName(); - System.out.print(ownerInfo.getThreadName() + " Id = " + - ownerInfo.getThreadId() + - " blocked on " + lock); + log("%s Id = %d blocked on %s", + ownerInfo.getThreadName(), + ownerInfo.getThreadId(), + lock + ); } - System.out.println(); + log(""); if (count != expectedThreads.length) { throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED: " + @@ -385,10 +397,15 @@ public class Locks { } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (threads[i] != expectedThreads[i]) { - System.out.println("TEST FAILED: " + - "Unexpected thread in the chain " + threads[i] + - " expected to be " + expectedThreads[i]); + log("TEST FAILED: Unexpected thread in the chain %s expected to be %s", + threads[i], + expectedThreads[i] + ); } } } + + private static void log(String format, Object ... args) { + logger.log(format + "%n", args); + } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/nio/channels/FileChannel/GetClosedChannel.java b/jdk/test/java/nio/channels/FileChannel/GetClosedChannel.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2c9947174fb --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/java/nio/channels/FileChannel/GetClosedChannel.java @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8025619 + * @summary Verify that a channel obtained from a closed stream is truly closed. + */ +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileInputStream; +import java.io.FileOutputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.RandomAccessFile; +import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; +import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; + +public class GetClosedChannel { + private static final int NUM_CHANNELS = 3; + private static final int NUM_EXCEPTIONS = 2*NUM_CHANNELS; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { + int exceptions = 0; + int openChannels = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { + File f = File.createTempFile("fcbug", ".tmp"); + f.deleteOnExit(); + + FileChannel fc = null; + boolean shared = false; + switch (i) { + case 0: + System.out.print("FileInputStream..."); + FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); + fis.close(); + fc = fis.getChannel(); + if (fc.isOpen()) { + System.err.println("FileInputStream channel should not be open"); + openChannels++; + } + shared = true; + break; + case 1: + System.out.print("FileOutputStream..."); + FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); + fos.close(); + fc = fos.getChannel(); + if (fc.isOpen()) { + System.err.println("FileOutputStream channel should not be open"); + openChannels++; + } + break; + case 2: + System.out.print("RandomAccessFile..."); + RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw"); + raf.close(); + fc = raf.getChannel(); + if (fc.isOpen()) { + System.err.println("RandomAccessFile channel should not be open"); + openChannels++; + } + break; + default: + assert false : "Should not get here"; + } + + try { + long position = fc.position(); + System.err.println("Channel "+i+" position is "+position); + } catch (ClosedChannelException cce) { + exceptions++; + } + + try { + fc.tryLock(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, shared); + } catch (ClosedChannelException e) { + System.out.println("OK"); + exceptions++; + } catch (Error err) { + System.err.println(err); + } + } + + if (exceptions != NUM_EXCEPTIONS || openChannels != 0) { + throw new RuntimeException("FAILED:" + + " ClosedChannelExceptions: expected: " + NUM_EXCEPTIONS + + " actual: " + exceptions + ";" + System.lineSeparator() + + " number of open channels: expected: 0 " + + " actual: " + openChannels + "."); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/rmi/server/RemoteObject/notExtending/NotExtending.java b/jdk/test/java/rmi/server/RemoteObject/notExtending/NotExtending.java index fd5ef1eacce..5b6aae6ac26 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/rmi/server/RemoteObject/notExtending/NotExtending.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/rmi/server/RemoteObject/notExtending/NotExtending.java @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * @author Peter Jones * * @build NotExtending_Stub NotExtending_Skel - * @run main/othervm/timeout=240 NotExtending + * @run main/othervm NotExtending */ @@ -46,9 +46,16 @@ public class NotExtending implements Remote { /** true if the hashValue field has been initialized */ private boolean hashValueInitialized = false; - public NotExtending() throws RemoteException { + // no declared constructor - rely on implicit no-arg contructor + + public Remote export() throws RemoteException { stub = UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this); setHashValue(stub.hashCode()); + return stub; + } + + public void unexport() throws RemoteException { + UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(this, true); } private void setHashValue(int value) { @@ -58,12 +65,11 @@ public class NotExtending implements Remote { public int hashCode() { /* - * Test fails with a RuntimeException if the hashCode() method is - * called (during the export procedure) before the correct hash - * value has been initialized. + * Test fails if the hashCode() method is called (during export) + * before the correct hash value has been initialized. */ if (!hashValueInitialized) { - throw new RuntimeException( + throw new AssertionError( "hashCode() invoked before hashValue initialized"); } return hashValue; @@ -74,69 +80,40 @@ public class NotExtending implements Remote { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - /* - * The following line is required with the JDK 1.2 VM so that the - * VM can exit gracefully when this test completes. Otherwise, the - * conservative garbage collector will find a handle to the server - * object on the native stack and not clear the weak reference to - * it in the RMI runtime's object table. - */ - Object dummy = new Object(); + NotExtending server = null; - NotExtending server; try { /* * Verify that hashCode() is not invoked before it is * initialized. Tests bugid 4102938. */ server = new NotExtending(); + Remote stub = server.export(); System.err.println("Server exported without invoking hashCode()."); /* * Verify that passing stub to server's equals() method * returns true. */ - if (server.equals(server.stub)) { - System.err.println( - "Passing stub to server's equals() method succeeded."); + if (server.equals(stub)) { + System.err.println("server.equals(stub) returns true"); } else { - throw new RuntimeException( - "passing stub to server's equals() method failed"); + throw new AssertionError("server.equals(stub) returns false"); } /* * Verify that passing server to stub's equals() method * returns true. Tests bugid 4099660. */ - if (server.stub.equals(server)) { - System.err.println( - "Passing server to stub's equals() method succeeded."); + if (stub.equals(server)) { + System.err.println("stub.equals(server) returns true"); } else { - throw new RuntimeException( - "passing server to stub's equals() method failed"); + throw new AssertionError("stub.equals(server) returns false"); } - } finally { - server = null; - flushCachedRefs(); - } - } - - /** - * Force desperate garbage collection so that soft references - * will be cleared. - * - * This method is required with the JDK 1.1.x RMI runtime so that the - * VM can exit gracefully when this test completes. See bugid 4006356. - */ - public static void flushCachedRefs() { - java.util.Vector chain = new java.util.Vector(); - try { - while (true) { - int[] hungry = new int[65536]; - chain.addElement(hungry); + if (server != null) { + server.unexport(); } - } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { } } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/Collections/EmptyIterator.java b/jdk/test/java/util/Collections/EmptyIterator.java index 2f221366535..016e12fde0f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/Collections/EmptyIterator.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/Collections/EmptyIterator.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -33,40 +33,35 @@ import java.util.*; public class EmptyIterator { void test(String[] args) throws Throwable { - testEmptyCollection(Collections.emptyList()); - testEmptyCollection(Collections.emptySet()); + testEmptyCollection(emptyList()); + testEmptyCollection(emptySet()); - testEmptyMap(Collections.emptyMap()); + testEmptyMap(emptyMap()); - Hashtable emptyTable = new Hashtable(); + Hashtable emptyTable = new Hashtable<>(); testEmptyEnumeration(emptyTable.keys()); testEmptyEnumeration(emptyTable.elements()); testEmptyIterator(emptyTable.keySet().iterator()); testEmptyIterator(emptyTable.values().iterator()); testEmptyIterator(emptyTable.entrySet().iterator()); - final Enumeration finalEmptyTyped = - Collections.emptyEnumeration(); + final Enumeration finalEmptyTyped = emptyEnumeration(); testEmptyEnumeration(finalEmptyTyped); - final Enumeration finalEmptyAbstract = - Collections.emptyEnumeration(); + final Enumeration finalEmptyAbstract = emptyEnumeration(); testEmptyEnumeration(finalEmptyAbstract); - @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator x = - new sun.tools.java.MethodSet() - .lookupName(sun.tools.java.Identifier.lookup("")); - testEmptyIterator(x); + testEmptyIterator(emptyIterator()); } - void testEmptyEnumeration(final Enumeration e) { + void testEmptyEnumeration(final Enumeration e) { check(e == emptyEnumeration()); - check(! e.hasMoreElements()); + check(!e.hasMoreElements()); THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, new F(){void f(){ e.nextElement(); }}); } - void testEmptyIterator(final Iterator it) { + void testEmptyIterator(final Iterator it) { check(it == emptyIterator()); check(! it.hasNext()); THROWS(NoSuchElementException.class, @@ -75,10 +70,10 @@ public class EmptyIterator { new F(){void f(){ it.remove(); }}); } - void testEmptyMap(Map m) { + void testEmptyMap(Map m) { check(m == emptyMap()); check(m.entrySet().iterator() == - Collections.>emptyIterator()); + Collections.>emptyIterator()); check(m.values().iterator() == emptyIterator()); check(m.keySet().iterator() == emptyIterator()); equal(m, unmodifiableMap(m)); @@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ public class EmptyIterator { testEmptyCollection(m.values()); } - void testToArray(final Collection c) { + void testToArray(final Collection c) { Object[] a = c.toArray(); equal(a.length, 0); equal(a.getClass().getComponentType(), Object.class); @@ -109,7 +104,7 @@ public class EmptyIterator { } } - void testEmptyCollection(final Collection c) { + void testEmptyCollection(final Collection c) { testEmptyIterator(c.iterator()); check(c.iterator() == emptyIterator()); diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh index df3a75f8082..5d0c074e9cf 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/Locale/LocaleProviders.sh @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ echo "DEFFMTCTRY=${DEFFMTCTRY}" runTest() { - RUNCMD="${TESTJAVA}${FS}bin${FS}java ${TESTVMOPTS} -classpath ${TESTCLASSES} -Djava.locale.providers=$PREFLIST LocaleProviders $METHODNAME $PARAM1 $PARAM2 $PARAM3" + RUNCMD="${TESTJAVA}${FS}bin${FS}java ${TESTVMOPTS} -classpath ${TESTCLASSES}${PS}${SPICLASSES} -Djava.locale.providers=$PREFLIST LocaleProviders $METHODNAME $PARAM1 $PARAM2 $PARAM3" echo ${RUNCMD} ${RUNCMD} result=$? @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ else PARAM2=zh PARAM3=CN fi +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing SPI is NOT selected, as there is none. @@ -197,6 +198,7 @@ PREFLIST=SPI,JRE PARAM1=JRE PARAM2=en PARAM3=US +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing the order, variaton #1. This assumes en_GB DateFormat data are available both in JRE & CLDR @@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ PREFLIST=CLDR,JRE PARAM1=CLDR PARAM2=en PARAM3=GB +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing the order, variaton #2. This assumes en_GB DateFormat data are available both in JRE & CLDR @@ -213,6 +216,7 @@ PREFLIST=JRE,CLDR PARAM1=JRE PARAM2=en PARAM3=GB +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing the order, variaton #3 for non-existent locale in JRE assuming "haw" is not in JRE. @@ -221,6 +225,7 @@ PREFLIST=JRE,CLDR PARAM1=CLDR PARAM2=haw PARAM3=GB +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing the order, variaton #4 for the bug 7196799. CLDR's "zh" data should be used in "zh_CN" @@ -229,6 +234,7 @@ PREFLIST=CLDR PARAM1=CLDR PARAM2=zh PARAM3=CN +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing FALLBACK provider. SPI and invalid one cases. @@ -237,16 +243,19 @@ PREFLIST=SPI PARAM1=FALLBACK PARAM2=en PARAM3=US +SPICLASSES= runTest PREFLIST=FOO PARAM1=JRE PARAM2=en PARAM3=US +SPICLASSES= runTest PREFLIST=BAR,SPI PARAM1=FALLBACK PARAM2=en PARAM3=US +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing 7198834 fix. Only works on Windows Vista or upper. @@ -255,22 +264,25 @@ PREFLIST=HOST PARAM1= PARAM2= PARAM3= +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing 8000245 fix. METHODNAME=tzNameTest -PREFLIST="JRE -Djava.ext.dirs=${SPIDIR}" +PREFLIST=JRE PARAM1=Europe/Moscow PARAM2= PARAM3= +SPICLASSES=${SPIDIR} runTest # testing 8000615 fix. METHODNAME=tzNameTest -PREFLIST="JRE -Djava.ext.dirs=${SPIDIR}" +PREFLIST=JRE PARAM1=America/Los_Angeles PARAM2= PARAM3= +SPICLASSES=${SPIDIR} runTest # testing 8001440 fix. @@ -279,6 +291,7 @@ PREFLIST=CLDR PARAM1= PARAM2= PARAM3= +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing 8010666 fix. @@ -289,15 +302,17 @@ then PARAM1= PARAM2= PARAM3= + SPICLASSES= runTest fi # testing 8013086 fix. METHODNAME=bug8013086Test -PREFLIST="JRE,SPI -Djava.ext.dirs=${SPIDIR}" +PREFLIST=JRE,SPI PARAM1=ja PARAM2=JP PARAM3= +SPICLASSES=${SPIDIR} runTest # testing 8013903 fix. (Windows only) @@ -306,12 +321,14 @@ PREFLIST=HOST,JRE PARAM1= PARAM2= PARAM3= +SPICLASSES= runTest METHODNAME=bug8013903Test PREFLIST=HOST PARAM1= PARAM2= PARAM3= +SPICLASSES= runTest # testing 8027289 fix, if the platform format default is zh_CN @@ -323,12 +340,14 @@ if [ "${DEFFMTLANG}" = "zh" ] && [ "${DEFFMTCTRY}" = "CN" ]; then PARAM1=FFE5 PARAM2= PARAM3= + SPICLASSES= runTest METHODNAME=bug8027289Test PREFLIST=HOST PARAM1=00A5 PARAM2= PARAM3= + SPICLASSES= runTest fi diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/BreakIteratorProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/BreakIteratorProviderTest.sh index 050d422324b..f927fb16811 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/BreakIteratorProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/BreakIteratorProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 +# @bug 4052440 8062588 # @summary BreakIteratorProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo BreakIteratorProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo BreakIteratorProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarDataProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarDataProviderTest.sh index 36234d7cdc7..186f0b4b8f1 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarDataProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarDataProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 7058207 8000986 +# @bug 7058207 8000986 8062588 # @summary CalendarDataProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar CalendarDataProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar CalendarDataProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarNameProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarNameProviderTest.sh index a772292b936..8883c31871b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarNameProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CalendarNameProviderTest.sh @@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ # # @test -# @bug 8000986 +# @bug 8000986 8062588 # @summary CalendarNameProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar CalendarNameProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar CalendarNameProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.java b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.java index 2c73a3cef47..54df0491250 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.java @@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ public class ClasspathTest { ClasspathTest() { /* - * Since providers can only be loaded from the extension directory, - * this test will fail if they are loaded from classpath. + * Since providers can be loaded from the application's classpath, + * this test will fail if they are NOT loaded from classpath. */ Locale OSAKA = new Locale("ja", "JP", "osaka"); List availableLocales = Arrays.asList(Locale.getAvailableLocales()); - if (availableLocales.contains(OSAKA)) { - throw new RuntimeException("LSS providers were loaded from the class path."); + if (!availableLocales.contains(OSAKA)) { + throw new RuntimeException("LSS providers were NOT loaded from the class path."); } } } diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.sh index 99749540553..f19d1f928dd 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ClasspathTest.sh @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 6388652 -# @summary Checks whether providers can only be loaded from extension directories, -# not from classpath. -# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar ClasspathTest false +# @bug 6388652 8062588 +# @summary Checks whether providers can be loaded from classpath. +# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar ClasspathTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CollatorProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CollatorProviderTest.sh index 01e1b277f5b..01b6fa6191b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CollatorProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CollatorProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 +# @bug 4052440 8062588 # @summary CollatorProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo CollatorProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo CollatorProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CurrencyNameProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CurrencyNameProviderTest.sh index 9e8d4f90d61..2684767ce94 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CurrencyNameProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/CurrencyNameProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 7199750 8000997 +# @bug 4052440 7199750 8000997 8062588 # @summary CurrencyNameProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar CurrencyNameProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar CurrencyNameProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatProviderTest.sh index d8a9a288854..0d1be46b6d0 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 7003643 +# @bug 4052440 7003643 8062588 # @summary DateFormatProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo DateFormatProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo DateFormatProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh index 51ebe6fa630..e4191f01eaf 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 7200341 +# @bug 4052440 7200341 8062588 # @summary DateFormatSymbolsProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo DateFormatSymbolsProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh index 7d6e9bf8ada..e4dc5864768 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 +# @bug 4052440 8062588 # @summary DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo DecimalFormatSymbolsProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ExecTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ExecTest.sh index a30d70312d2..7e8a5365f45 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ExecTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/ExecTest.sh @@ -76,14 +76,6 @@ case "$OS" in ;; esac -# set classpath and extension directory variables -if [ -d ${TESTJAVA}${FS}lib${FS}ext ] -then - EXTDIRS="${TESTJAVA}${FS}lib${FS}ext${PS}${TESTCLASSES}" -else - EXTDIRS="${TESTJAVA}${FS}jre${FS}lib${FS}ext${PS}${TESTCLASSES}" -fi - case "$1" in "foo" ) cp ${TESTSRC}${FS}fooprovider.jar ${TESTCLASSES} @@ -122,12 +114,7 @@ else fi # run -if [ "$3" = "true" ] -then - RUNCMD="${TESTJAVA}${FS}bin${FS}java ${TESTVMOPTS} -Djava.ext.dirs=${EXTDIRS} $2 " -else - RUNCMD="${TESTJAVA}${FS}bin${FS}java ${TESTVMOPTS} -classpath ${CLASSPATHARG} $2 " -fi +RUNCMD="${TESTJAVA}${FS}bin${FS}java ${TESTVMOPTS} -classpath ${CLASSPATHARG} $2 " echo ${RUNCMD} ${RUNCMD} diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/GenericTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/GenericTest.sh index 0d53be11c3e..d1906e1c61f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/GenericTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/GenericTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 +# @bug 4052440 8062588 # @summary Generic tests for the pluggable locales feature -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foobar GenericTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foobar GenericTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/LocaleNameProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/LocaleNameProviderTest.sh index 489c92c779e..3619533c0a3 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/LocaleNameProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/LocaleNameProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 8000273 +# @bug 4052440 8000273 8062588 # @summary LocaleNameProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar LocaleNameProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar LocaleNameProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/NumberFormatProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/NumberFormatProviderTest.sh index 1c952e84de8..e38b9563deb 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/NumberFormatProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/NumberFormatProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 7003643 +# @bug 4052440 7003643 8062588 # @summary NumberFormatProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo NumberFormatProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh foo NumberFormatProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/TimeZoneNameProviderTest.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/TimeZoneNameProviderTest.sh index 88f05c498d3..f80874b68fe 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/TimeZoneNameProviderTest.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/PluggableLocale/TimeZoneNameProviderTest.sh @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ # # # @test -# @bug 4052440 8003267 +# @bug 4052440 8003267 8062588 # @summary TimeZoneNameProvider tests -# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar TimeZoneNameProviderTest true +# @run shell ExecTest.sh bar TimeZoneNameProviderTest diff --git a/jdk/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug6299235Test.sh b/jdk/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug6299235Test.sh index 7d1d256a0e6..a29c7444ecb 100644 --- a/jdk/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug6299235Test.sh +++ b/jdk/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug6299235Test.sh @@ -55,27 +55,14 @@ if [ -z "${TESTJAVA}" ]; then exit 1 fi -# See if TESTJAVA points to JRE or JDK -if [ -d "${TESTJAVA}${FILESEP}jre" ]; then - JRE_EXT_DIR=${TESTJAVA}${FILESEP}jre${FILESEP}lib${FILESEP}ext -else - JRE_EXT_DIR=${TESTJAVA}${FILESEP}lib${FILESEP}ext -fi - -if [ -d "${JRE_EXT_DIR}" ]; then - NEW_EXT_DIR="${JRE_EXT_DIR}${PATHSEP}${TESTSRC}" -else - NEW_EXT_DIR=${TESTSRC} -fi - echo "TESTJAVA=${TESTJAVA}" echo "TESTSRC=${TESTSRC}" echo "TESTCLASSES=${TESTCLASSES}" echo "NEW_EXT_DIR=${NEW_EXT_DIR}" cd ${TESTSRC} - -${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -cp ${TESTCLASSES} -Djava.ext.dirs=${NEW_EXT_DIR} Bug6299235Test +echo +${TESTJAVA}/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -cp ${TESTCLASSES}${PATHSEP}${TESTSRC}${FILESEP}awtres.jar Bug6299235Test if [ $? -ne 0 ] then diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java index 939f1ece0df..be58f31e983 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class CounterMonitorTest implements NotificationListener { observedValue = count; CounterMonitorTest.class.notifyAll(); } - return count; + return observedValue; } public void setNbObjects(Object n) { echo(">>> StdObservedObject.setNbObjects: " + n); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/management/standardmbean/DeadlockTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/management/standardmbean/DeadlockTest.java index a7d3b89b3e7..4d5f72df10e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/management/standardmbean/DeadlockTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/management/standardmbean/DeadlockTest.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ /* * @test * @bug 6331746 - * @summary Deadlock on synchronization problem + * @summary Test a deadlock and will be blocked forever if the deadlock is present. * @author Shanliang JIANG * @run main DeadlockTest */ @@ -55,43 +55,25 @@ public class DeadlockTest extends StandardMBean { BadBoy bb = new BadBoy(dt); bb.start(); - final long timeout = 2000; - long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; - long timeToWait = timeout; synchronized(bb) { - while(!bb.gotLock || timeToWait > 0) { - bb.wait(timeToWait); - - timeToWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); + while(!bb.gotLock) { + bb.wait(); // if blocked here, means failing to get lock, impossible. } } - if (!bb.gotLock) { - throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get lock, impossible!"); - } - System.out.println("main: The BadBay is holding the lock forever."); System.out.println("main: Create a WorkingBoy to see blocking ..."); WorkingBoy wb = new WorkingBoy(dt); - stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; - timeToWait = timeout; - synchronized(wb) { wb.start(); - while(!wb.done || timeToWait > 0) { - wb.wait(timeToWait); - - timeToWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); + while(!wb.done) { + wb.wait(); // if blocked here, the deadlock happends } } - if (!wb.done) { - throw new RuntimeException("It is blocked!"); - } - System.out.println("main: OK, bye bye."); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/AbstractButton/6711682/bug6711682.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/AbstractButton/6711682/bug6711682.java index bc6b36b1f14..3e1553799a8 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/AbstractButton/6711682/bug6711682.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/AbstractButton/6711682/bug6711682.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main bug6711682 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.CellEditorListener; import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor; @@ -47,13 +45,12 @@ public class bug6711682 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point l = table.getLocationOnScreen(); int h = table.getRowHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JButton/4368790/bug4368790.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JButton/4368790/bug4368790.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9a90fb7ab05 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JButton/4368790/bug4368790.java @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* @test + @bug 4368790 + @summary JButton stays pressed when focus stolen + @author Alexander Potochkin + @run main bug4368790 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug4368790 { + private static JButton b1; + + private static void createGui() { + final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); + + b1 = new JButton("Button1"); + frame.add(b1); + frame.add(new JButton("Button2")); + + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + b1.requestFocus(); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bug4368790.createGui(); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (b1.getModel().isPressed()) { + throw new RuntimeException("The button is unexpectedly pressed"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/JColorChooserDnDTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/JColorChooserDnDTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fdd66248c18 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/JColorChooserDnDTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +import javax.swing.BorderFactory; +import javax.swing.JColorChooser; +import javax.swing.JFrame; +import javax.swing.JPanel; +import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; + +/* + * @bug 8065098 + * @summary JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop + * between two JVM instances + */ +public class JColorChooserDnDTest { + + public static void main(String[] args) { + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + + @Override + public void run() { + JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + JPanel panel = new JPanel(); + JColorChooser colorChooser = new JColorChooser(); + colorChooser.setDragEnabled(true); + panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("JColorChoosers")); + panel.add(colorChooser); + frame.setContentPane(panel); + frame.pack(); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + }); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/bug8065098.html b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/bug8065098.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2543255d012 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/bug8065098.html @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + 1. Compile the java test JColorChooserDnDTest.java: + > /bin/javac JColorChooserDnDTest.java + 2. Run the first instance of the java test: + > /bin/java JColorChooserDnDTest + 3. Select a color in the color chooser + 4. Run the second instance of the java test: + > /bin/java JColorChooserDnDTest + 5. Drag and drop the selected color from the first color chooser + preview panel to the second color chooser preview panel + 6. If the color is dragged to the second color chooser then the test passes. + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/bug8065098.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/bug8065098.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0fadffc4247 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/8065098/bug8065098.java @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +import javax.swing.JApplet; + +/* + * @test + * @bug 8065098 + * @summary JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop + * between two JVM instances + * @run applet/manual=yesno bug8065098.html + */ +public class bug8065098 extends JApplet { + +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6541987.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6541987.java index 6a8f67ccb74..7a946e1b25d 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6541987.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6541987.java @@ -39,10 +39,7 @@ import javax.swing.JColorChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - public class Test6541987 implements Runnable { - private static final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException { @@ -50,14 +47,14 @@ public class Test6541987 implements Runnable { // test escape after selection start(); click(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // test double escape after editing start(); click(KeyEvent.VK_1); click(KeyEvent.VK_0); click(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); click(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // all windows should be closed for (Window window : Window.getWindows()) { if (window.isVisible()) { @@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ public class Test6541987 implements Runnable { } private static void click(int...keys) { - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int key : keys) { robot.keyPress(key); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6827032.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6827032.java index 0cb82347bfd..4d8998793e9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6827032.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6827032.java @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ * @library ../regtesthelpers */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; @@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ public class Test6827032 { Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ public class Test6827032 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test7194184.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test7194184.java index 97599b12696..70201764032 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test7194184.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test7194184.java @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JColorChooser; @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class Test7194184 implements Runnable { private static JFrame frame; @@ -60,10 +58,9 @@ public class Test7194184 implements Runnable { private static void testKeyBoardAccess() throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Test7194184()); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override @@ -78,7 +75,7 @@ public class Test7194184 implements Runnable { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Tab to move the focus to MainSwatch Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT, KeyEvent.VK_TAB); @@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ public class Test7194184 implements Runnable { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/bug4199622.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/bug4199622.java index 2c7deddb31b..83392bae45b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/bug4199622.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/bug4199622.java @@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ @bug 4199622 @summary RFE: JComboBox shouldn't send ActionEvents for keyboard navigation @author Vladislav Karnaukhov + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo @run main bug4199622 */ import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel; -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel; @@ -74,7 +75,6 @@ public class bug4199622 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { } static Robot robot = null; - static SunToolkit toolkit = null; static void doTest() { if (robot == null) { @@ -86,11 +86,7 @@ public class bug4199622 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { } } - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - if (toolkit == null) { - throw new RuntimeException("Can't get the toolkit. Test failed"); - } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); doActualTest(); @@ -109,7 +105,7 @@ public class bug4199622 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed", e); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); doActualTest(); } @@ -144,12 +140,14 @@ public class bug4199622 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed", e); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_END); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_END); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_HOME); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_HOME); + robot.waitForIdle(); } static void doTestUpDown() { @@ -166,16 +164,18 @@ public class bug4199622 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed", e); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < nElems; i++) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); } for (int i = 0; i < nElems; i++) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_UP); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_UP); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } @@ -193,17 +193,19 @@ public class bug4199622 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed", e); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); int listHeight = cb.getMaximumRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nElems; i += listHeight) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); } for (int i = 0; i < nElems; i += listHeight) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4515752/DefaultButtonTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4515752/DefaultButtonTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..88abb7b574b --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4515752/DefaultButtonTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; + +import javax.swing.*; + +/** + * @test + * @bug 4515752 4337071 + * @author Mark Davidson + * @summary Tests the invocation of the default button within the JComboBox. + */ +public class DefaultButtonTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { + + private static boolean defaultButtonPressed = false; + private static boolean editChanged = false; + + private static String[] strData = { + "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" + }; + + private static String[] strData2 = { + "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven" + }; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable(){ + public void run() { + new DefaultButtonTest(); + } + }); + test(); + System.out.println("Test Passed"); + } + + public DefaultButtonTest() { + getContentPane().add(new DefaultPanel(this)); + pack(); + setVisible(true); + } + + public static void test() { + // Use Robot to automate the test + Robot robot = null; + try { + robot = new Robot(); + } catch (Exception ex) { + ex.printStackTrace(); + } + robot.setAutoDelay(125); + + for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + // Test ENTER press on the non editable combo. + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testDefaultButton(true); + + // Test the ENTER press on the editable combo box + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testDefaultButton(true); + + // Change the value, should generate a change but not a Default Button press. + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_D); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_D); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testEditChange(true); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testDefaultButton(true); + + // Change value, changing focus should fire an ActionEvent. + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testEditChange(true); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testDefaultButton(false); + } + } + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { + String cmd = evt.getActionCommand(); + System.out.println("ActionEvent: " + cmd); + + if (cmd.equals("OK")) { + defaultButtonPressed = true; + } + + if (cmd.equals("comboBoxChanged")) { + editChanged = true; + } + } + + public static void testDefaultButton(boolean flag) { + if (defaultButtonPressed != flag) { + new RuntimeException("defaultButtonPressed unexpectedly = " + defaultButtonPressed); + } + // reset + defaultButtonPressed = false; + } + + public static void testEditChange(boolean flag) { + if (editChanged != flag) { + new RuntimeException("editChanged unexpectedly = " + editChanged); + } + // reset + editChanged = false; + } + + class DefaultPanel extends JPanel { + + public JComboBox combo; + public JComboBox combo2; + + private JButton okButton = new JButton("OK"); + private JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); + + public DefaultPanel(JFrame root) { + setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + add(createPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH); + add(createInfoPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); + add(createButtonPanel(root), BorderLayout.SOUTH); + } + + private JPanel createPanel() { + combo = new JComboBox(strData); + combo.addActionListener(DefaultButtonTest.this); + combo2 = new JComboBox(strData2); + combo2.setEditable(true); + combo2.addActionListener(DefaultButtonTest.this); + + JPanel panel = new JPanel(); + + panel.add(combo); + panel.add(combo2); + + return panel; + } + + private JScrollPane createInfoPanel() { + StringBuffer txt = new StringBuffer("Test for 4337071:\n"); + txt.append("ENTER pressed in NON-EDITABLE combo box should be passed to the OK button.\n"); + txt.append("For an EDITABLE combo box, the combo box should fire an action event."); + txt.append("\n\nTest for 4515752:\n"); + txt.append("ENTER on an EDITABLE combo box in which the contents has not changed\n"); + txt.append("should be passed to the default button"); + + JTextArea text = new JTextArea(txt.toString()); + text.setEditable(false); + + return new JScrollPane(text); + } + + + private JPanel createButtonPanel(JFrame frame) { + frame.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); + + // This is just to check when the OK Button was pressed. + okButton.addActionListener(DefaultButtonTest.this); + + JPanel panel = new JPanel(); + panel.add(okButton); + panel.add(cancelButton); + return panel; + } + } + +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4743225/bug4743225.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4743225/bug4743225.java index 2a41b3075ac..76c2f1cea27 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4743225/bug4743225.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/4743225/bug4743225.java @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ * @author Alexander Potochkin */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; @@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; public class bug4743225 extends JFrame { @@ -80,21 +77,20 @@ public class bug4743225 extends JFrame { Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(20); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { new bug4743225().setVisible(true); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // calling this method from main thread is ok Point point = cb.getLocationOnScreen(); robot.mouseMove(point.x + 10, point.y + 10); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6236162/bug6236162.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6236162/bug6236162.java index 6e0ad44e734..66d6cb73282 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6236162/bug6236162.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6236162/bug6236162.java @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ @run main bug6236162 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxUI; @@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; public class bug6236162 { - private static final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); private static JFrame frame; private static JComboBox combo; private static MyComboUI comboUI; @@ -52,7 +49,6 @@ public class bug6236162 { createAndShowGUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); test(); System.out.println("Test passed"); } @@ -78,11 +74,11 @@ public class bug6236162 { robot.setAutoDelay(50); // Open popup menu - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); // Move mouse to the first popup menu item - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point p = combo.getLocationOnScreen(); Dimension size = combo.getSize(); p.x += size.width / 2; @@ -94,10 +90,10 @@ public class bug6236162 { } // Select the second popup menu item - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); JList list = comboUI.getComboPopup().getList(); if (list.getSelectedIndex() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("There is an inconsistence in combo box " + @@ -106,9 +102,6 @@ public class bug6236162 { } } - private static void realSync() { - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - } // Gives access to BasicComboBoxUI.popup field private static class MyComboUI extends MetalComboBoxUI { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6559152/bug6559152.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6559152/bug6559152.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d04e6004a8f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6559152/bug6559152.java @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6559152 + @summary Checks that you can select an item in JComboBox with keyboard + when it is a JTable cell editor. + @author Mikhail Lapshin + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @run main bug6559152 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6559152 { + private JFrame frame; + private JComboBox cb; + private ExtendedRobot robot; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + final bug6559152 test = new bug6559152(); + try { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + test.setupUI(); + } + }); + test.test(); + } finally { + if (test.frame != null) { + test.frame.dispose(); + } + } + } + + private void setupUI() { + frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(1, 1); + JTable table = new JTable(model); + + cb = new JComboBox(new String[]{"one", "two", "three"}); + cb.setEditable(true); + table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(cb)); + frame.add(cb); + + frame.pack(); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + private void test() throws Exception { + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + testImpl(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + checkResult(); + } + + private void testImpl() throws Exception { + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + } + + private void checkResult() { + if (cb.getSelectedItem().equals("two")) { + System.out.println("Test passed"); + } else { + System.out.println("Test failed"); + throw new RuntimeException("Cannot select an item " + + "from popup with the ENTER key."); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6607130/bug6607130.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6607130/bug6607130.java index 77587852af2..86850f308b7 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6607130/bug6607130.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/6607130/bug6607130.java @@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ * @author Mikhail Lapshin */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import java.awt.*; @@ -79,44 +77,44 @@ public class bug6607130 { } private void test() throws Exception { - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); test1(); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkResult("First test"); test2(); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkResult("Second test"); } private void test1() throws Exception { // Select 'one' hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_F2); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Select 'one' again hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_F2); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private void test2() throws Exception { // Press F2 and then press ENTER // Editor should be shown and then closed hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_F2); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private void checkResult(String testName) { @@ -129,10 +127,6 @@ public class bug6607130 { } } - private static void realSync() { - ((SunToolkit) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit())).realSync(); - } - public void hitKey(int keycode) { robot.keyPress(keycode); robot.keyRelease(keycode); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/bug8032878.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/bug8032878.java index f5c9c88ca63..32db0d8666f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/bug8032878.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/bug8032878.java @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ * @library ../../regtesthelpers * @build Util * @author Alexey Ivanov + * @run main bug8032878 */ import java.awt.*; @@ -36,8 +37,6 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - public class bug8032878 implements Runnable { private static final String ONE = "one"; private static final String TWO = "two"; @@ -99,15 +98,15 @@ public class bug8032878 implements Runnable { } private void runTest() throws Exception { - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Select 'one' Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_TAB); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_1); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_2); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_3); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private void checkResult() throws Exception { @@ -125,9 +124,6 @@ public class bug8032878 implements Runnable { } } - private static void realSync() { - ((SunToolkit) (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit())).realSync(); - } @Override public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8057893/bug8057893.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8057893/bug8057893.java index 5f58d3dd664..76944ed902c 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8057893/bug8057893.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/8057893/bug8057893.java @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ public class bug8057893 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); @@ -69,13 +67,13 @@ public class bug8057893 { comboBox.requestFocusInWindow(); }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if(!isComboBoxEdited){ throw new RuntimeException("ComboBoxEdited event is not fired!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/ConsumedEscTest/ConsumedEscTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/ConsumedKeyTest/ConsumedKeyTest.java similarity index 81% rename from jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/ConsumedEscTest/ConsumedEscTest.java rename to jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/ConsumedKeyTest/ConsumedKeyTest.java index 2828d7af864..12128cdea77 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/ConsumedEscTest/ConsumedEscTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComboBox/ConsumedKeyTest/ConsumedKeyTest.java @@ -27,18 +27,24 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; /* @test - @bug 8031485 + @bug 8031485 8058193 @summary Combo box consuming escape and enter key events @author Petr Pchelko @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ @build ExtendedRobot - @run main ConsumedEscTest + @run main ConsumedKeyTest */ -public class ConsumedEscTest { +public class ConsumedKeyTest { private static volatile JFrame frame; - private static volatile boolean passed = false; + private static volatile boolean passed; public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { + test(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + test(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + } + + private static void test(final int key) throws Exception { + passed = false; try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { frame = new JFrame(); @@ -47,27 +53,28 @@ public class ConsumedEscTest { panel.add(combo); combo.requestFocusInWindow(); frame.setBounds(100, 150, 300, 100); - addAction(panel); + addAction(panel, key); frame.add(panel); frame.setVisible(true); }); ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); robot.waitForIdle(); - robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.type(key); robot.waitForIdle(); if (!passed) { - throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: ESC was consumed by combo box"); + throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: " + KeyEvent.getKeyText(key) + " was consumed by combo box"); } } finally { if (frame != null) { frame.dispose(); } } + } - private static void addAction(JComponent comp) { - KeyStroke k = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0); + private static void addAction(JComponent comp, final int key) { + KeyStroke k = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key, 0); Object actionKey = "cancel"; comp.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put(k, actionKey); Action cancelAction = new AbstractAction() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/6683775/bug6683775.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/6683775/bug6683775.java index 9b1178d69fc..190d0463e21 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/6683775/bug6683775.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/6683775/bug6683775.java @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class bug6683775 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGC(); - if (!AWTUtilities.isTranslucencySupported( - AWTUtilities.Translucency.PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT) + if (!AWTUtilities.isTranslucencySupported( + AWTUtilities.Translucency.PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT) || gc == null) { return; } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/bug7154030.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/bug7154030.java index ade828061ff..dab2d3c9ba9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/bug7154030.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/bug7154030.java @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDesktopPane; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; @@ -46,7 +45,9 @@ import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; * @summary Swing components fail to hide after calling hide() * @author Jonathan Lu * @library ../../regtesthelpers/ + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary/ * @build Util + * @build ExtendedRobot * @run main bug7154030 */ @@ -61,9 +62,7 @@ public class bug7154030 { BufferedImage imageHide = null; - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - - Robot robot = new Robot(); + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ public class bug7154030 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); imageInit = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -100,13 +99,13 @@ public class bug7154030 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); imageShow = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)); if (Util.compareBufferedImages(imageInit, imageShow)) { throw new Exception("Failed to show opaque button"); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ public class bug7154030 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); imageHide = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)); if (!Util.compareBufferedImages(imageInit, imageHide)) { @@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ public class bug7154030 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); imageInit = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ public class bug7154030 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); imageShow = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ public class bug7154030 { throw new Exception("Failed to show non-opaque button"); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); imageHide = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)); if (!Util.compareBufferedImages(imageInit, imageHide)) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/bug6917744.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/bug6917744.java index eec3946e36c..75af9834b91 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/bug6917744.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/bug6917744.java @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.io.IOException; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - public class bug6917744 { private static JFrame frame; @@ -45,7 +43,6 @@ public class bug6917744 { private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -70,13 +67,14 @@ public class bug6917744 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Check that we at the end of document SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -89,13 +87,14 @@ public class bug6917744 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Check that we at the begin of document SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/bug4524490.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/bug4524490.java index aedfdc1f9c1..81a5259e420 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/bug4524490.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/bug4524490.java @@ -25,24 +25,23 @@ * @test * @bug 4524490 * @summary Tests if in JFileChooser, ALT+L does not bring focus to 'Files' selection list in Motif LAF - * @library ../../regtesthelpers - * @build Util * @author Konstantin Eremin + * @library ../../regtesthelpers + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build Util jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main bug4524490 */ import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class bug4524490 { private static JFileChooser fileChooser; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ public class bug4524490 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX.equals(OSInfo.getOSType())) { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_ALT, KeyEvent.VK_L); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/7199708/bug7199708.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/7199708/bug7199708.java index 339c6553a18..2b10137366a 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/7199708/bug7199708.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/7199708/bug7199708.java @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import java.nio.file.Files; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.UIManager; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ public class bug7199708 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ public class bug7199708 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -108,14 +106,14 @@ public class bug7199708 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); int d = 25; for (int i = 0; i < width / d; i++) { robot.mouseMove(locationX + i * d, locationY + 5); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/bug8002077.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/bug8002077.java index ea1470d4ed5..47ab24a57b8 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/bug8002077.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/bug8002077.java @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ public class bug8002077 { } private static void runTest() throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -63,17 +61,17 @@ public class bug8002077 { fileChooserState = new JFileChooser().showSaveDialog(null); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_N); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (fileChooserState != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { throw new RuntimeException("Save button is not pressed!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8021253/bug8021253.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8021253/bug8021253.java index 5e833926a00..3839c5abf9e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8021253/bug8021253.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/8021253/bug8021253.java @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ public class bug8021253 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ public class bug8021253 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -68,11 +66,11 @@ public class bug8021253 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!defaultKeyPressed) { throw new RuntimeException("Default button is not pressed"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileFilterDescription/FileFilterDescription.html b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileFilterDescription/FileFilterDescription.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..99133770bff --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileFilterDescription/FileFilterDescription.html @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + + + +Follow the instructions below. +1) Check that current filter in the opened JFileChooser is a "CustomFileFilter". +2) Close the JFileChooser. +3) Test will repeat steps 1 - 2 for all supported look and feels. +4) If it's true for all look and feels then the test passed, otherwise it failed. + + diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileFilterDescription/FileFilterDescription.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileFilterDescription/FileFilterDescription.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..00345e9df82 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileFilterDescription/FileFilterDescription.java @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.applet.Applet; +import java.io.File; + +import javax.swing.JFileChooser; +import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; +import javax.swing.UIManager; +import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException; +import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; + +public final class FileFilterDescription extends Applet { + + @Override + public void init() { + } + + @Override + public void start() { + try { + test(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } + + + public static void test() throws Exception { + final UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] infos = UIManager + .getInstalledLookAndFeels(); + for (final UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : infos) { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { + final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); + setLookAndFeel(info); + chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); + chooser.setFileFilter(new CustomFileFilter()); + SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(chooser); + chooser.showDialog(null, "Open"); + }); + } + } + + private static void setLookAndFeel(final UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info) { + try { + UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName()); + } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | + UnsupportedLookAndFeelException | IllegalAccessException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } + + private static class CustomFileFilter extends FileFilter { + + @Override + public boolean accept(final File f) { + return false; + } + + @Override + public String getDescription() { + return "CustomFileFilter"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534.java index 4b50a06e44d..ebf96201037 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534.java @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4962534 extends Applet { @@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ public class bug4962534 extends Applet { Component titleComponent; JLayeredPane lPane; volatile boolean titleFound = false; - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); public static Object LOCK = new Object(); @Override @@ -91,13 +89,13 @@ public class bug4962534 extends Applet { robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(70); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mouseMove(framePosition.x + getJFrameWidthEDT() / 2, framePosition.y + titleComponent.getHeight() / 2); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); gcBounds = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()[0].getConfigurations()[0].getBounds(); @@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ public class bug4962534 extends Applet { robot.mouseMove(framePosition.x + getJFrameWidthEDT() / 2, framePosition.y + titleComponent.getHeight() / 2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); int multier = gcBounds.height / 2 - 10; //we will not go out the borders for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { @@ -113,7 +111,7 @@ public class bug4962534 extends Applet { } robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } catch (AWTException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed. AWTException thrown." + e.getMessage()); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/NSTexturedJFrame.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/NSTexturedJFrame.java index f3dd87cb335..79cc40e5a7e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/NSTexturedJFrame.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/NSTexturedJFrame.java @@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ */ import java.awt.Rectangle; -import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; - -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; /** * @test * @bug 7124513 * @summary We should support NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask style on OSX. * @author Sergey Bylokhov + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + * @run main NSTexturedJFrame */ public final class NSTexturedJFrame { @@ -46,12 +46,15 @@ public final class NSTexturedJFrame { private static Rectangle bounds; private static volatile int step; private static JFrame frame; + private static ExtendedRobot robot; public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { System.out.println("This test is for OSX, considered passed."); return; } + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); // Default window appearance showFrame(); step++; @@ -84,12 +87,10 @@ public final class NSTexturedJFrame { } private static void showFrame() throws Exception { - final Robot robot = new Robot(); - robot.setAutoDelay(50); createUI(); images[step] = robot.createScreenCapture(bounds); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(frame::dispose); - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); } private static void createUI() throws Exception { @@ -107,15 +108,11 @@ public final class NSTexturedJFrame { } frame.setVisible(true); }); - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { bounds = frame.getBounds(); }); - sleep(); + robot.waitForIdle(1000); } - private static void sleep() throws InterruptedException { - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - Thread.sleep(1000); - } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/5066752/bug5066752.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/5066752/bug5066752.java index 09a8a7bd28f..3ed42fc59ec 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/5066752/bug5066752.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/5066752/bug5066752.java @@ -32,21 +32,19 @@ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.*; public class bug5066752 { private static JFrame frame; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit tk = (SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot r = new Robot(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); - tk.realSync(); + r.waitForIdle(); r.delay(600); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8020708/bug8020708.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8020708/bug8020708.java index c40678d88bf..9aaa5afe2e0 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8020708/bug8020708.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8020708/bug8020708.java @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ public class bug8020708 { } static void testInternalFrameMnemonic() throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -103,25 +101,26 @@ public class bug8020708 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point clickPoint = Util.getCenterPoint(internalFrame); robot.mouseMove(clickPoint.x, clickPoint.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_C); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(500); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (internalFrame.isVisible()) { - throw new RuntimeException("Close mnemonic does not work"); + throw new RuntimeException("Close mnemonic does not work in "+UIManager.getLookAndFeel()); } frame.dispose(); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest.java index fff9c8e1d94..a00812602fd 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JInternalFrame/InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest.java @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ @author mcherkas @run main InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; @@ -41,12 +39,6 @@ public class InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest { private static Robot robot; private static CustomInternalFrame iFrame; - public static void sync() { - - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); - } - public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { initRobot(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -60,7 +52,7 @@ public class InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest { } } }); - sync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); invokeGC(); System.runFinalization(); Thread.sleep(1000); // it's better to wait 1 sec now then 10 sec later @@ -134,4 +126,4 @@ public class InternalFrameIsNotCollectedTest { waiter.notifyAll(); } } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/bug6596966.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/bug6596966.java index 361cebcd24f..d28551be0b1 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/bug6596966.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/bug6596966.java @@ -25,16 +25,19 @@ @bug 6596966 @summary Some JFileChooser mnemonics do not work with sticky keys @library ../../regtesthelpers - @build Util + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build Util jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo @run main bug6596966 @author Pavel Porvatov */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; + +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class bug6596966 { private static JFrame frame; @@ -45,7 +48,6 @@ public class bug6596966 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) SunToolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -70,20 +72,25 @@ public class bug6596966 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); - ArrayList keys = Util.getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes(); + + int keyMask = InputEvent.ALT_MASK; + if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + keyMask = InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK; + } + ArrayList keys = Util.getKeyCodesFromKeyMask(keyMask); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { robot.keyPress(keys.get(i)); } robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_L); - toolkit.realSync(); - toolkit.getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(new KeyEvent(label, KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, + robot.waitForIdle(); + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(new KeyEvent(label, KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, EventQueue.getMostRecentEventTime(), 0, KeyEvent.VK_L, 'L')); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ public class bug6596966 { for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { robot.keyRelease(keys.get(i)); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6462008/bug6462008.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6462008/bug6462008.java index 12adaed9bb6..9ecd674b0ce 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6462008/bug6462008.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6462008/bug6462008.java @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6462008 { @@ -41,11 +40,9 @@ public class bug6462008 { private static boolean isAquaLAF; private static int controlKey; private static JList list; - private static SunToolkit toolkit; private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -60,15 +57,15 @@ public class bug6462008 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); setAnchorLead(-1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); testListSelection(); setAnchorLead(100); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); testListSelection(); } @@ -79,10 +76,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + Space robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); @@ -90,10 +87,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Shift + Space robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); @@ -101,10 +98,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + Shift + Space robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); @@ -114,10 +111,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + A Multiple Selection @@ -127,11 +124,11 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(controlKey); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(-1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); resetList(); setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + A Single Selection robot.keyPress(controlKey); @@ -139,12 +136,12 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(controlKey); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(0, 0, 0); resetList(); setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); setSelectionInterval(5, 5); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + A Selection interval (5, 5) @@ -153,10 +150,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(controlKey); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(5); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Page Down // Not applicable for the Aqua L&F @@ -164,10 +161,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(9, 9, 9); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } // Shift + Page Down @@ -184,28 +181,28 @@ public class bug6462008 { scrollDownExtendSelection(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelection(0, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Down robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(0, 0, 0); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // L robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_L); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_L); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(0, 0, 0); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Click item 4 Point p = clickItem4(); @@ -214,10 +211,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(4, 4, 4); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + Click item 4 @@ -229,10 +226,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(controlKey); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(4, 4, 4); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Shift + Click item 4 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); @@ -243,10 +240,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(0, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Control + Shift + Click item 4 @@ -259,10 +256,10 @@ public class bug6462008 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); robot.keyRelease(controlKey); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectionAL(0, 4); resetList(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private static DefaultListModel getModel() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6510999/bug6510999.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6510999/bug6510999.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..76c871b158d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JList/6510999/bug6510999.java @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6510999 + @summary Selection in a JList with both scrollbars visible jumps on arrowkey-down + @author Alexander Potochkin + @run main bug6510999 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6510999 { + private static JScrollPane s; + + private static void createGui() { + final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + DefaultListModel dlm = new DefaultListModel(); + for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) + dlm + .addElement(i + " listItemlistItemlistItemlistItemItem"); + JList l = new JList(); + l.setModel(dlm); + s = new JScrollPane(l); + l.setSelectedIndex(50); + l.ensureIndexIsVisible(50); + + frame.add(s); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bug6510999.createGui(); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point viewPosition = s.getViewport().getViewPosition(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (!s.getViewport().getViewPosition().equals(viewPosition)) { + throw new RuntimeException("JScrollPane was unexpectedly scrolled"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4417601/bug4417601.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4417601/bug4417601.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..44c10f80ab0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4417601/bug4417601.java @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 4417601 + @summary JMenus with no items paint a tiny menu. + @author Alexander Potochkin + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @run main bug4417601 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.awt.*; + +public class bug4417601 { + static JMenu menu; + static volatile boolean flag; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + menu = new JMenu("Menu"); + JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); + bar.add(menu); + frame.setJMenuBar(bar); + + frame.getLayeredPane().addContainerListener(new ContainerAdapter() { + public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e) { + flag = true; + } + }); + + frame.pack(); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point p = menu.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension size = menu.getSize(); + p.x += size.width / 2; + p.y += size.height / 2; + robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (flag) { + throw new RuntimeException("Empty popup was shown"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/bug4515762.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/bug4515762.java index cb86ac168fa..8b0cae273a4 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/bug4515762.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/bug4515762.java @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -107,7 +106,6 @@ public class bug4515762 { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(250); @@ -123,17 +121,17 @@ public class bug4515762 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_D); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Press the S key many times (should not cause an action peformed) int TIMES = 5; for (int i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Unique menu items. actionExpected = true; @@ -141,31 +139,31 @@ public class bug4515762 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_S); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_S); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_M); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_M); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_T); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_W); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4692443/bug4692443.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4692443/bug4692443.java index 6032287e534..ac61b72899b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4692443/bug4692443.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/4692443/bug4692443.java @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4692443 { @@ -56,29 +55,23 @@ public class bug4692443 { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); - try { - robo = new Robot(); - } catch (AWTException e) { - throw new RuntimeException("Robot could not be created"); - } - int altKey = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ALT; - robo.setAutoDelay(100); - Util.hitMnemonics(robo, KeyEvent.VK_F); // Enter File menu - robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_S); // Enter submenu - robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_S); - robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_O); // Launch "One" action - robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_O); - robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_M); // Launch "One" action - robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_M); + int altKey = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ALT; + robo.setAutoDelay(100); + Util.hitMnemonics(robo, KeyEvent.VK_F); // Enter File menu + robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_S); // Enter submenu + robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_S); + robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_O); // Launch "One" action + robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_O); + robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_M); // Launch "One" action + robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_M); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); - if (!passed) { - throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); - } + if (!passed) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); + } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6359669/bug6359669.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6359669/bug6359669.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1dc562eb706 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6359669/bug6359669.java @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6359669 + @summary REGRESSION: Submenu does not work if populated in PopupMenuListener.popupMenuWillBecomeVisible + @author Alexander Potochkin + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @run main bug6359669 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener; +import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; + +public class bug6359669 { + static JMenu menu; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + JFrame f = new JFrame(); + JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); + menu = new JMenu("Test"); + menu.getPopupMenu().addPopupMenuListener(new PopupMenuListener() { + public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { + } + + public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { + } + + public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { + menu.add(new JMenuItem("An item")); + } + }); + + menuBar.add(menu); + f.setJMenuBar(menuBar); + + f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + f.setSize(200, 200); + f.setVisible(true); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point p = menu.getLocationOnScreen(); + Dimension size = menu.getSize(); + p.x += size.width / 2; + p.y += size.height / 2; + robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (menu.getPopupMenu().getComponentCount() == 0) { + throw new RuntimeException("Where is a menuItem ?"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6470128/bug6470128.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6470128/bug6470128.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..20a298dbed2 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6470128/bug6470128.java @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6470128 + @summary Escape Key causes JMenu Selection to Disappear + @author Alexander Potochkin + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run main bug6470128 +*/ +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + +public class bug6470128 { + static JFrame frame; + static JMenu subMenu; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); + JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu"); + menu.setMnemonic('m'); + subMenu = new JMenu("SubMenu"); + JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("Item"); + + frame.setJMenuBar(bar); + bar.add(menu); + menu.add(subMenu); + subMenu.add(item); + + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + }); + Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); + } + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_M); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_M); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); + if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); + } + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (!subMenu.isSelected()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Submenu is unexpectedly unselected"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6538132/bug6538132.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6538132/bug6538132.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..73a61eaa6c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenu/6538132/bug6538132.java @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6538132 + @summary Regression: Pressing Escape key don't close the menu items from jdk7.0 b07 onwards + @author Alexander Potochkin + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @run main bug6538132 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6538132 { + private static JMenu menu1; + private static JMenu menu2; + private static volatile boolean isWinLaf; + + private static void createGui() { + try { + UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel"); + isWinLaf = true; + } catch (Exception e) { + // If we can't set WinLaf it means we are not under Windows + // make the test pass + isWinLaf = false; + return; + } + JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); + menu1 = createMenu(); + menuBar.add(menu1); + menu2 = createMenu(); + menuBar.add(menu2); + frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); + + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + static JMenu createMenu() { + JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu"); + menu.add(new JMenuItem("MenuItem")); + menu.add(new JMenuItem("MenuItem")); + menu.add(new JMenuItem("MenuItem")); + return menu; + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bug6538132.createGui(); + } + }); + if(isWinLaf) { + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point p1 = menu1.getLocationOnScreen(); + final int x1 = p1.x + menu1.getWidth() / 2; + final int y1 = p1.y + menu1.getHeight() / 2; + robot.glide(0, 0, x1, y1); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + assertPopupOpen(); + Point p2 = menu2.getLocationOnScreen(); + final int x2 = p2.x + menu2.getWidth() / 2; + final int y2 = p2.y + menu2.getHeight() / 2; + robot.glide(x1, y1, x2, y2); + assertPopupOpen(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + assertPopupNotOpen(); + robot.glide(x2, y2, x1, y1); + assertPopupNotOpen(); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + assertPopupOpen(); + } + } + + static void assertPopupOpen() { + if (getLastPopup() == null) { + throw new RuntimeException("PopupMenu is not open"); + } + } + + static void assertPopupNotOpen() { + if (getLastPopup() != null) { + throw new RuntimeException("PopupMenu is unexpectedly open"); + } + } + + // copied from BasicPopupMenuUI + static JPopupMenu getLastPopup() { + MenuSelectionManager msm = MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager(); + MenuElement[] p = msm.getSelectedPath(); + JPopupMenu popup = null; + + for (int i = p.length - 1; popup == null && i >= 0; i--) { + if (p[i] instanceof JPopupMenu) + popup = (JPopupMenu) p[i]; + } + return popup; + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuBar/4750590/bug4750590.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuBar/4750590/bug4750590.java index 2ba8a51ebae..7e249d3737d 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuBar/4750590/bug4750590.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuBar/4750590/bug4750590.java @@ -48,16 +48,15 @@ public class bug4750590 { } }); - sun.awt.SunToolkit toolkit = (sun.awt.SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); - Robot robo = new Robot(); robo.setAutoDelay(500); + robo.waitForIdle(); + Util.hitMnemonics(robo, KeyEvent.VK_F); robo.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_M); robo.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_M); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); if (passed) { System.out.println("Test passed!"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4171437/bug4171437.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4171437/bug4171437.java index 378bd2a3c66..29d1736b783 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4171437/bug4171437.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4171437/bug4171437.java @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4171437 { static volatile boolean closeActivated = false; @@ -45,16 +44,14 @@ public class bug4171437 { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_F); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_C); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); if (!closeActivated || customActivated) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/bug4654927.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/bug4654927.java index cac3386567a..34abf3ffd40 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/bug4654927.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/bug4654927.java @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4654927 { @@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ public class bug4654927 { } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(systemLAF); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(10); @@ -61,20 +59,20 @@ public class bug4654927 { createAndShowUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // test mouse press Point point = Util.getCenterPoint(menu); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); point = Util.getCenterPoint(menuItem); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!isMenuItemShowing()) { throw new RuntimeException("Popup is unexpectedly closed"); @@ -107,12 +105,12 @@ public class bug4654927 { // close menu robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); Util.glide(robot, x0, y0, x1, y1); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!isMenuItemShowing()) { throw new RuntimeException("Popup is unexpectedly closed"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/bug6209975.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/bug6209975.java index fc75658fb5f..a2f13ab6433 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/bug6209975.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6209975/bug6209975.java @@ -25,15 +25,12 @@ * @test * @bug 6209975 * @summary regression: JMenuItem icons overimposed on JMenuItem labels under Metal LAF - * @library ../../regtesthelpers - * @build Util * @author Alexander Zuev * @run main bug6209975 */ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6209975 { @@ -45,7 +42,6 @@ public class bug6209975 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(500); @@ -58,19 +54,19 @@ public class bug6209975 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point clickPoint = getButtonClickPoint(); robot.mouseMove(clickPoint.x, clickPoint.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickPoint = getMenuClickPoint(); robot.mouseMove(clickPoint.x, clickPoint.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (RO1.itsValue <= RO2.itsValue) { throw new RuntimeException("Offset if the second icon is invalid."); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6249972/bug6249972.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6249972/bug6249972.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5139e26c600 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6249972/bug6249972.java @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6249972 + @summary Tests that JMenuItem(String,int) handles lower-case mnemonics properly. + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @author Mikhail Lapshin + @run main bug6249972 + */ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.ActionListener; +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6249972 implements ActionListener { + + + private JFrame frame; + private JMenu menu; + private volatile boolean testPassed = false; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + bug6249972 bugTest = new bug6249972(); + bugTest.test(); + } + + public bug6249972() throws Exception { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( + new Runnable() { + public void run() { + frame = new JFrame("bug6249972"); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); + frame.setJMenuBar(bar); + + menu = new JMenu("Problem"); + bar.add(menu); + + JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("JMenuItem(String,'z')", 'z'); + item.addActionListener(bug6249972.this); + menu.add(item); + + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.pack(); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + } + ); + } + + + private void test() throws Exception { + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + java.awt.Point p = menu.getLocationOnScreen(); + java.awt.Dimension size = menu.getSize(); + p.x += size.width / 2; + p.y += size.height / 2; + robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); + robot.click(); + robot.delay(100); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_Z); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + frame.dispose(); // Try to stop the event dispatch thread + + if (!testPassed) { + throw new RuntimeException("JMenuItem(String,int) does not handle " + + "lower-case mnemonics properly."); + } + + System.out.println("Test passed"); + } + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + // We are in the actionPerformed() method - + // JMenuItem(String,int) handles lower-case mnemonics properly + testPassed = true; + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/ActionListenerCalledTwice/ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/ActionListenerCalledTwice/ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest.java index c2af8c0751a..1a9f42120e2 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/ActionListenerCalledTwice/ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JMenuItem/ActionListenerCalledTwice/ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest.java @@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ * @bug 7160951 * @summary [macosx] ActionListener called twice for JMenuItem using ScreenMenuBar * @author vera.akulova@oracle.com + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest */ -import sun.awt.*; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; @@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ public class ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest { static volatile int listenerCallCounter = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - if (sun.awt.OSInfo.getOSType() != sun.awt.OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { + if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { System.out.println("This test is for MacOS only. Automatically passed on other platforms."); return; } @@ -59,7 +61,6 @@ public class ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ public class ActionListenerCalledTwiceTest { robot.keyRelease(modKeyCode); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (listenerCallCounter != 1) { throw new Exception("Test failed: ActionListener for " + menuItems[i] + diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/6428694/bug6428694.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/6428694/bug6428694.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fa065af15e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/6428694/bug6428694.java @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* +@test +@bug 6428694 +@summary Checks that double click closes JOptionPane's input dialog. +@library ../../../../lib/testlibrary +@build ExtendedRobot +@author Mikhail Lapshin +@run main bug6428694 +*/ + +import javax.swing.JFrame; +import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; +import javax.swing.JOptionPane; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; + +public class bug6428694 { + private static JFrame frame; + private static boolean mainIsWaitingForDialogClosing; + private static ExtendedRobot robot; + private static volatile boolean testPassed; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + try { + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bug6428694.setupUI(); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + test(); + } finally { + stopEDT(); + } + + if (testPassed) { + System.out.println("Test passed"); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("JOptionPane doesn't close input dialog " + + "by double click!"); + } + } + + private static void setupUI() { + frame = new JFrame("bug6428694 test"); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + frame.setVisible(true); + + Object[] selectedItems = new Object[40]; + for (int i = 0; i < 39; i++) { + selectedItems[i] = ("item: " + i); + } + JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame, + "Double click on selected item then click cancel", + "Test Option Dialog", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, + selectedItems, selectedItems[0]); + + // We are here if double click has closed the dialog + // or when the EDT is stopping + testPassed = mainIsWaitingForDialogClosing; + } + + private static void test() { + + mainIsWaitingForDialogClosing = true; + + // Perform double click on an item + int frameLeftX = frame.getLocationOnScreen().x; + int frameUpperY = frame.getLocationOnScreen().y; + robot.mouseMove(frameLeftX + 150, frameUpperY + 120); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(100); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + // Wait for the input dialog closing + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(2000); + + mainIsWaitingForDialogClosing = false; + } + + private static void stopEDT() { + if (frame != null) { + frame.dispose(); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/7138665/bug7138665.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/7138665/bug7138665.java index 44d4084536b..16b4228cdfe 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/7138665/bug7138665.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JOptionPane/7138665/bug7138665.java @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ @author Pavel Porvatov */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; @@ -55,16 +53,14 @@ public class bug7138665 { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - - toolkit.realSync(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.setAutoDelay(100); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4458079/bug4458079.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4458079/bug4458079.java index a9807d316c1..3dc95fcfa4b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4458079/bug4458079.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4458079/bug4458079.java @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4458079 extends JFrame implements PopupMenuListener { public JMenu menu; @@ -47,21 +46,20 @@ public class bug4458079 extends JFrame implements PopupMenuListener { new bug4458079().createAndShowGUI(); } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.setAutoDelay(50); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_M); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); if (!itemASelected) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/bug4634626.html b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/bug4634626.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3fd4703cb2f --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/bug4634626.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/bug4634626.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/bug4634626.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ead465a8eca --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/bug4634626.java @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 4634626 + @summary Implement context popup menus for components + @author Alexander Zuev + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @run applet bug4634626.html +*/ +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.awt.*; + +public class bug4634626 extends JApplet { + + public boolean passed = true; + public boolean done = false; + + public JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame("Bug4634626"); + public JRootPane rootPane = mainFrame.getRootPane(); + public JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(); + public JButton nopButton = new JButton("No popup button"); + public JTextArea someText = new JTextArea("Some text here", 20, 10); + public JButton popButton = new JButton("Button with the popup"); + + public JPopupMenu btnPopup = new JPopupMenu(); + public JPopupMenu commonPopup = new JPopupMenu(); + static public Error toBeThrown = null; + static int popTrig = MouseEvent.BUTTON3_MASK; + static boolean popt = false; + + public static class MouseWatcher extends MouseAdapter { + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { + if(e.isPopupTrigger()) popt = true; + if(e.getComponent() != null && + e.getComponent() instanceof JComponent && + e.isPopupTrigger() && + ((JComponent)e.getComponent()).getComponentPopupMenu() != null) { + toBeThrown = + new Error("The event got thru the component with popup: " + + e); + } + } + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { + if(e.isPopupTrigger()) popt = true; + if(e.getComponent() != null && + e.getComponent() instanceof JComponent && + e.isPopupTrigger() && + ((JComponent)e.getComponent()).getComponentPopupMenu() != null) { + toBeThrown = + new Error("The event got thru the component with popup: " + + e); + } + if(toBeThrown != null) { + throw(toBeThrown); + } + } + } + + public static MouseWatcher mouser = new MouseWatcher(); + + public void init() { + + try { + popButton.setComponentPopupMenu(null); + popButton.setComponentPopupMenu(null); + popButton.setComponentPopupMenu(btnPopup); + popButton.setComponentPopupMenu(null); + } catch(Exception ex) { + System.err.println("Unexpected exception was thrown by " + + "setComponentPopupMenu() method: " + ex); + } + btnPopup.add("Button 1"); + btnPopup.add("Button 2"); + btnPopup.add("Button 3"); + popButton.setComponentPopupMenu(btnPopup); + popButton.addMouseListener(mouser); + commonPopup.add("One"); + commonPopup.add("Two"); + commonPopup.add("Three"); + + contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + contentPane.setComponentPopupMenu(commonPopup); + contentPane.addMouseListener(mouser); + contentPane.add(nopButton, BorderLayout.NORTH); + nopButton.addMouseListener(mouser); + contentPane.add(popButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + someText.addMouseListener(mouser); + contentPane.add(someText, BorderLayout.CENTER); + mainFrame.setContentPane(contentPane); + + mainFrame.pack(); + mainFrame.setLocation(50, 50); + + mainFrame.addWindowListener(new TestStateListener()); + mainFrame.setVisible(true); + + while(!done) Thread.yield(); + + if(!passed) { + throw new RuntimeException("Test failed"); + } + + } + + public class TestStateListener extends WindowAdapter { + public void windowOpened(WindowEvent ev) { + try { + ev.getWindow().toFront(); + ev.getWindow().requestFocus(); + new Thread(new RobotThread()).start(); + } catch (Exception ex) { + throw new RuntimeException("Thread Exception"); + } + } + } + + class RobotThread implements Runnable { + public void run() { + ExtendedRobot robo; + try { + robo = new ExtendedRobot(); + }catch(Exception ex) { + ex.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create Robot"); + } + robo.setAutoDelay(100); + robo.waitForIdle(); + + // Determine working popup trigger event + clickMouseOn(robo, nopButton, popTrig); + robo.waitForIdle(); + robo.delay(500); + if(!popt) popTrig = MouseEvent.BUTTON2_MASK; + + // Inheritance is OFF by default. Popup should not appear. + clickMouseOn(robo, someText, popTrig); + + // Set inheritance ON watch for popup. + someText.setInheritsPopupMenu(true); + clickMouseOn(robo, someText, popTrig); + robo.waitForIdle(); + robo.delay(500); + if(!commonPopup.isVisible()) { + toBeThrown = new Error("Popup should be visible"); + passed = false; + } + // Dispose popup. + robo.type(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robo.waitForIdle(); + someText.setInheritsPopupMenu(false); + + // Button with popup assigned. Wathch for popup. + clickMouseOn(robo, popButton, popTrig); + robo.waitForIdle(); + robo.delay(500); + if(!btnPopup.isVisible()) { + toBeThrown = new Error("Popup should be visible"); + passed = false; + } + // Dispose popup. + robo.type(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + // Test finished. + done = true; + } + } + + + + public void destroy() { + if(!passed) { + throw(toBeThrown); + } + } + private void clickMouseOn(ExtendedRobot robot, Component c, int button) { + java.awt.Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + java.awt.Dimension size = c.getSize(); + p.x += size.width / 2; + p.y += size.height / 2; + robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); + robot.delay(100); + robot.click(button); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java index 0852b6d5f56..3d1727400a2 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener; import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4966112 { @@ -50,19 +49,18 @@ public class bug4966112 { private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); createAndShowButton(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); setClickPoint(testButton); clickMouse(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); clickMouse(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); clickMouse(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); closeFrame(); if (popupButton == NO_MOUSE_BUTTON) { @@ -74,10 +72,10 @@ public class bug4966112 { // Test Split Pane createAndShowSplitPane(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(jsp); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); closeFrame(); if (!shown) { @@ -86,10 +84,10 @@ public class bug4966112 { // Test Spinner createAndShowSpinner(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(spin); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); closeFrame(); if (!shown) { @@ -98,16 +96,16 @@ public class bug4966112 { // Test File Chooser createAndShowFileChooser(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(filec); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); closeFrame(); if (!shown) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6217905/bug6217905.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6217905/bug6217905.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dcfab1da775 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6217905/bug6217905.java @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* +@test +@bug 6217905 +@summary JPopupMenu keyboard navigation stops working +@author Alexander Potochkin +@library ../../../../lib/testlibrary +@build ExtendedRobot +@run main bug6217905 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6217905 { + private static JPanel popupPanel; + private static JMenuItem firstItem; + private static JMenuItem lastItem; + + private static void createGui() { + final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu("Menu"); + firstItem = new JMenuItem("MenuItem"); + popup.add(firstItem); + popup.add(new JMenuItem("MenuItem")); + lastItem = new JMenuItem("MenuItem"); + popup.add(lastItem); + + popupPanel = new JPanel(); + popupPanel.setComponentPopupMenu(popup); + frame.add(popupPanel); + frame.setSize(100, 100); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + try { + UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel"); + } catch (Exception e) { + // This test is for WinLaf only + System.out.println("This test is for Windows LaF only."); + return; + } + + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bug6217905.createGui(); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + Point loc = popupPanel.getLocationOnScreen(); + int x = loc.x + popupPanel.getWidth()/2; + int y = loc.y + popupPanel.getHeight()/2; + robot.glide(0, 0, x, y); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (getSelectedPathLength() != 1) { + throw new RuntimeException("Only popup must be selected"); + } + robot.glide(x, y, 0, 0); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (getSelectedPathLength() != 2 || !firstItem.isArmed()) { + throw new RuntimeException("First item must be selected"); + } + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (getSelectedPathLength() != 0) { + throw new RuntimeException("There must be no selected items"); + } + robot.glide(0, 0, x, y); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.glide(x, y, 0, 0); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_UP); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (getSelectedPathLength() != 2 || !lastItem.isArmed()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Last item must be selected"); + } + } + + private static int getSelectedPathLength() { + return MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager().getSelectedPath().length; + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6415145/bug6415145.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6415145/bug6415145.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c288300e94d --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6415145/bug6415145.java @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* +@test +@bug 6415145 +@summary REGRESSION: Selected item is not being updated while dragging above popup menu +@library ../../../../lib/testlibrary +@build ExtendedRobot +@author Mikhail Lapshin +@run main bug6415145 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.awt.AWTException; +import java.awt.Component; + +public class bug6415145 { + private JFrame frame; + private JButton button; + private JPopupMenu popupMenu; + private JMenuItem item1; + private JMenuItem item2; + private static ExtendedRobot robot; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + final bug6415145 bugTest = new bug6415145(); + try { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bugTest.init(); + } + }); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + bugTest.test(); + } finally { + bugTest.stopEDT(); + } + } + + private void stopEDT() { + if (frame != null) { + frame.dispose(); + } + } + + private void init() { + popupMenu = new JPopupMenu("test menu"); + item1 = new JMenuItem("item 1"); + item2 = new JMenuItem("item 2"); + popupMenu.add(item1); + popupMenu.add(item2); + + button = new JButton("test button"); + button.addMouseListener(new MouseListener()); + + frame = new JFrame("test frame"); + frame.add(popupMenu); + frame.add(button); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + private class MouseListener extends MouseAdapter { + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { + popupMenu.show(button, e.getX(), e.getY()); + } + } + + private void test() throws AWTException { + try { + moveMouseTo(robot, button); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + moveMouseTo(robot, item1); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + moveMouseTo(robot, item2); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if ( (item1.isArmed()) || (!item2.isArmed()) ) { + throw new RuntimeException("Selected item is not being updated" + + " while dragging above popup menu."); + } + } finally { + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + } + } + private void moveMouseTo(ExtendedRobot robot, Component c) { + java.awt.Point p = c.getLocationOnScreen(); + java.awt.Dimension size = c.getSize(); + p.x += size.width / 2; + p.y += size.height / 2; + robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); + robot.delay(100); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6515446/bug6515446.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6515446/bug6515446.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b26aa0395a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6515446/bug6515446.java @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* +@test +@bug 6515446 +@summary JMenuItems in JPopupMenus not receiving ActionEvents - incompat with 1.5 +@author Alexander Potochkin +@library ../../../../lib/testlibrary +@build ExtendedRobot +@run main bug6515446 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.awt.*; + +public class bug6515446 { + private static JPanel panel; + private static volatile boolean flag; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu("Menu"); + JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("MenuItem"); + item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + flag = true; + } + }); + popup.add(item); + + panel = new JPanel(); + panel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { + public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { + popup.show(panel, e.getX(), e.getY()); + } + + public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { + popup.setVisible(false); + } + }); + frame.add(panel); + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + }); + + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + Point l = panel.getLocationOnScreen(); + + int x = l.x + panel.getWidth() / 2; + int y = l.y + panel.getHeight() / 2; + robot.mouseMove(x, y); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.glide(x, y, x + 10, y + 10); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (!flag) { + throw new RuntimeException("ActionEvent wasn't fired"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6544309/bug6544309.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6544309/bug6544309.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ee30642f069 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6544309/bug6544309.java @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6544309 + @summary Checks that 'Select Input Method' popup menu allows to select + items with keyboard. + @author Mikhail Lapshin + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @run main bug6544309 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import java.awt.*; + +public class bug6544309 { + private JDialog dialog; + private boolean passed; + private static ExtendedRobot robot; + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + final bug6544309 test = new bug6544309(); + try { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + test.setupUI(); + } + }); + test.test(); + System.out.println("Test passed"); + } finally { + if (test.dialog != null) { + test.dialog.dispose(); + } + } + } + + private void setupUI() { + dialog = new JDialog(); + dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + dialog.setSize(200, 100); + dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + dialog.setVisible(true); + + JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); + popup.add(new JMenuItem("one")); + JMenuItem two = new JMenuItem("two"); + two.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { + passed = true; + } + }); + popup.add(two); + popup.add(new JMenuItem("three")); + popup.show(dialog, 50, 50); + } + + private void test() throws Exception { + testImpl(); + checkResult(); + } + + + private void testImpl() throws Exception { + robot.waitForIdle(); + System.out.println("Pressing DOWN ARROW"); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); + System.out.println("Pressing DOWN ARROW"); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); + robot.waitForIdle(); + System.out.println("Pressing SPACE"); + robot.type(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + } + + private void checkResult() { + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (!passed) { + throw new RuntimeException("If a JDialog is invoker for JPopupMenu, " + + "the menu cannot be handled by keyboard."); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6580930/bug6580930.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6580930/bug6580930.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cbc805c01c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6580930/bug6580930.java @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2007, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* +@test +@bug 6580930 7184956 +@summary Swing Popups should overlap taskbar +@author Alexander Potochkin +@library ../../../../lib/testlibrary +@build ExtendedRobot +@run main bug6580930 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6580930 { + private static ExtendedRobot robot; + private static JFrame frame; + private static JPopupMenu popup; + private static Toolkit toolkit; + private static volatile boolean skipTest = false; + + private static void createGui() { + frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + frame.setUndecorated(true); + + popup = new JPopupMenu("Menu"); + for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { + popup.add(new JMenuItem("MenuItem")); + } + JPanel panel = new JPanel(); + panel.setComponentPopupMenu(popup); + frame.add(panel); + + frame.setSize(200, 200); + } + + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(true); + bug6580930.createGui(); + } + }); + + toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); + robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + Insets insets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(frame.getGraphicsConfiguration()); + if (insets.bottom == 0) { + System.out.println("This test is only for configurations with taskbar on the bottom"); + + skipTest = true; + } + + Dimension screenSize = toolkit.getScreenSize(); + frame.setLocation(screenSize.width/2, screenSize.height - frame.getHeight() - insets.bottom + 10); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + }); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if(skipTest) { + return; + } + Point loc = frame.getLocationOnScreen(); + + robot.mouseMove(loc.x, loc.y); + showPopup(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (isHeavyWeightMenuVisible()) { + throw new RuntimeException("HeavyWeightPopup is unexpectedly visible"); + } + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); + + int x = loc.x; + int y = loc.y + (frame.getHeight() - popup.getPreferredSize().height) + 1; + robot.mouseMove(x, y); + + showPopup(); + + if (!popup.getLocationOnScreen().equals(new Point(x, y))) { + throw new RuntimeException("Popup is unexpectedly shifted"); + } + + if (!isHeavyWeightMenuVisible()) { + throw new RuntimeException("HeavyWeightPopup is unexpectedly hidden"); + } + } + + private static void showPopup() { + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (!popup.isShowing()) { + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + if (!popup.isShowing()) { + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); + robot.waitForIdle(); + } + } + } + + private static boolean isHeavyWeightMenuVisible() { + Window[] windows = Window.getWindows(); + for (Window window : windows) { + if (window.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("HeavyWeightWindow") + && window.isVisible()) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6800513/bug6800513.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6800513/bug6800513.java index c44e0584fde..097e28ddd9a 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6800513/bug6800513.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6800513/bug6800513.java @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ * @run main bug6800513 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; @@ -47,10 +45,10 @@ public class bug6800513 { private static JPopupMenu popupMenu; private static JMenu menu; private static JFrame frame; + private static Robot robot; public static void testFrame(final boolean defaultLightWeightPopupEnabled, String expectedPopupClass) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -59,11 +57,11 @@ public class bug6800513 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickOnMenu(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Field getPopup = JPopupMenu.class.getDeclaredField("popup"); getPopup.setAccessible(true); @@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ public class bug6800513 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } @@ -99,7 +97,6 @@ public class bug6800513 { } }); - Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); robot.mouseMove(bounds.x + bounds.width / 2, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); @@ -140,6 +137,7 @@ public class bug6800513 { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + robot = new Robot(); testFrame(false, "javax.swing.PopupFactory$HeavyWeightPopup"); testFrame(true, "javax.swing.PopupFactory$LightWeightPopup"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/bug6827786.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/bug6827786.java index 075f60032c2..77c05fe206e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/bug6827786.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/bug6827786.java @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6827786 { @@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ public class bug6827786 { private static Component focusable; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ public class bug6827786 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ public class bug6827786 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkfocus(); // select menu @@ -72,17 +70,17 @@ public class bug6827786 { } // select submenu Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // verify submenu is selected verify(1); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // verify last item is selected verify(2); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // selection should wrap to first item verify(0); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6987844/bug6987844.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6987844/bug6987844.java index d8802351bcb..2fd16e214db 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6987844/bug6987844.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6987844/bug6987844.java @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ * @run main bug6987844 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; @@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ public class bug6987844 { static JMenu menu2; public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(200); @@ -64,7 +61,7 @@ public class bug6987844 { frame.setVisible(true); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point1 = menu1.getLocationOnScreen(); Point point2 = menu2.getLocationOnScreen(); @@ -79,7 +76,7 @@ public class bug6987844 { robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseMove(point1.x + 1, point1.y + 1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/bug7154841.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/bug7154841.java index c1e6ac86e3a..e6cd6e1b843 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/bug7154841.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/bug7154841.java @@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ @bug 7154841 @summary JPopupMenu is overlapped by a Dock on Mac OS X @author Petr Pchelko + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + @run main bug7154841 */ -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class bug7154841 { @@ -71,20 +72,20 @@ public class bug7154841 { } try { - Robot r = new Robot(); + ExtendedRobot r = new ExtendedRobot(); r.setAutoDelay(100); r.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); r.mouseMove(0, 0); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(bug7154841::initAndShowUI); - sleep(); + r.waitForIdle(200); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { popupMenu.show(frame, frame.getX() + frame.getWidth() / 2, frame.getY() + frame.getHeight() / 2); }); - sleep(); + r.waitForIdle(200); int y = (int)screenBounds.get().getY() + (int)screenBounds.get().getHeight() - 10; int center = (int)(screenBounds.get().getX() + screenBounds.get().getWidth() / 2); @@ -112,10 +113,4 @@ public class bug7154841 { .getBounds(); } - private static void sleep() { - ((SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - try { - Thread.sleep(200); - } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } - } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8033699/bug8033699.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8033699/bug8033699.java index 63409dead6d..212b442b9ab 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8033699/bug8033699.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8033699/bug8033699.java @@ -35,11 +35,9 @@ import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug8033699 { private static Robot robot; - private static SunToolkit toolkit; private static JButton btnStart; private static ButtonGroup btnGrp; @@ -61,7 +59,6 @@ public class bug8033699 { Thread.sleep(100); robot.setAutoDelay(100); - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); // tab key test grouped radio button runTest1(); @@ -242,7 +239,7 @@ public class bug8033699 { private static void hitKey(Robot robot, int keycode) { robot.keyPress(keycode); robot.keyRelease(keycode); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private static void hitKey(Robot robot, int mode, int keycode) { @@ -250,6 +247,6 @@ public class bug8033699 { robot.keyPress(keycode); robot.keyRelease(mode); robot.keyRelease(keycode); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8041561/bug8041561.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8041561/bug8041561.java index 79f737ba248..9a7e3bd2d0b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8041561/bug8041561.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8041561/bug8041561.java @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; @@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.DefaultMetalTheme; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -62,7 +60,7 @@ public class bug8041561 { } }); - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + new Robot().waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(500); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRootPane/4670486/bug4670486.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRootPane/4670486/bug4670486.java index 6682f8afccf..d967d4527df 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRootPane/4670486/bug4670486.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JRootPane/4670486/bug4670486.java @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ public class bug4670486 { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(250); @@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ public class bug4670486 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Change the default button to // force a call to BasicRootPaneUI.updateDefaultButtonBindings() @@ -131,14 +129,14 @@ public class bug4670486 { // effect. Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_U); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkAction(); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4708809/bug4708809.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4708809/bug4708809.java index d8d34ec001e..144b22881ee 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4708809/bug4708809.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4708809/bug4708809.java @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4708809 { @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public class bug4708809 { private static JScrollBar sbar; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(350); @@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ public class bug4708809 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -63,13 +61,13 @@ public class bug4708809 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getClickPoint(0.5, 0.5); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -88,12 +86,12 @@ public class bug4708809 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); point = getClickPoint(0.5, 0.2); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!do_test || !passed) { throw new Exception("The scrollbar moved with incorrect direction"); @@ -131,4 +129,4 @@ public class bug4708809 { fr.setSize(200, 200); fr.setVisible(true); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/6542335/bug6542335.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/6542335/bug6542335.java index 1aa5ba18ad9..2f0346390d9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/6542335/bug6542335.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/6542335/bug6542335.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main bug6542335 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI; import java.awt.*; @@ -43,8 +41,6 @@ public class bug6542335 { final Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(10); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - final Rectangle[] thumbBounds = new Rectangle[1]; SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -72,7 +68,7 @@ public class bug6542335 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -86,7 +82,7 @@ public class bug6542335 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/7163696/Test7163696.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/7163696/Test7163696.java index 759012ebe74..2ca34b52136 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/7163696/Test7163696.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/7163696/Test7163696.java @@ -28,12 +28,9 @@ * @author Sergey Malenkov */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; @@ -54,12 +51,11 @@ public class Test7163696 implements Runnable { private void test() throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); for (LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName()); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(this); - toolkit.realSync(); // after creation + robot.waitForIdle(); // after creation Thread.sleep(1000); Point point = this.bar.getLocation(); @@ -70,7 +66,7 @@ public class Test7163696 implements Runnable { robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); // before validation + robot.waitForIdle(); // before validation Thread.sleep(1000); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(this); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/bug4202954/bug4202954.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/bug4202954/bug4202954.java index cf5b572906e..07f5988556b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/bug4202954/bug4202954.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JScrollBar/bug4202954/bug4202954.java @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ */ /* @test @bug 4202954 + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary @library ../../regtesthelpers - @build Util + @build Util jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo @author Michael C. Albers @run main bug4202954 */ @@ -31,11 +32,10 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.*; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class bug4202954 { static JScrollPane buttonScrollPane; - private static final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { @@ -138,13 +138,17 @@ public class bug4202954 { } }; Integer oldHValue = Util.invokeOnEDT(horizontalValue); + robot.waitForIdle(); Integer oldVValue = Util.invokeOnEDT(verticalValue); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouseOnComponent(scrollButton, buttons); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); int newHValue = Util.invokeOnEDT(horizontalValue); + robot.waitForIdle(); int newVValue = Util.invokeOnEDT(verticalValue); + robot.waitForIdle(); return (oldHValue != newHValue || oldVValue != newVValue) == expectScroll; } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6348946/bug6348946.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6348946/bug6348946.java index 7183debcb5e..588097a1a87 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6348946/bug6348946.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6348946/bug6348946.java @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ * @author Mikhail Lapshin */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.*; @@ -42,13 +40,16 @@ public class bug6348946 { private static JFrame frame; private static JPanel panel; + private static Robot robot; private static volatile boolean passed = false; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + String lf = "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lf); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -56,9 +57,9 @@ public class bug6348946 { setupUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickOnSlider(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkResult(); } finally { stopEDT(); @@ -79,9 +80,6 @@ public class bug6348946 { } private static void clickOnSlider() throws Exception { - Robot robot = new Robot(); - robot.setAutoDelay(10); - Rectangle rect = getPanelRectangle(); double clickX = rect.getX() + rect.getWidth() / 4; diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6401380/bug6401380.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6401380/bug6401380.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8cb70db5f93 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6401380/bug6401380.java @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* @test + @bug 6401380 + @summary JSlider - mouse click ont the left side of the knob is ignored. + @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + @build ExtendedRobot + @author Alexander Potochkin + @run main bug6401380 +*/ + +import javax.swing.*; +import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.InputEvent; + +public class bug6401380 extends JFrame { + private static JSlider slider; + + public bug6401380() { + setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + slider = new JSlider(); + slider.setMajorTickSpacing(0); + slider.setMaximum(50); + slider.setMinorTickSpacing(10); + slider.setPaintLabels(true); + slider.setPaintTicks(true); + slider.setSnapToTicks(true); + + // MetalSliderUI overrides scrollDueToClickInTrack() method + // so this test doens't work for Metal + slider.setUI(new BasicSliderUI(slider)); + + add(slider); + setSize(200, 200); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + new bug6401380().setVisible(true); + } + }); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + Point l = slider.getLocationOnScreen(); + robot.glide(0, 0, l.x + slider.getWidth() / 2, l.y + slider.getHeight() / 2); + robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + if (slider.getValue() == slider.getMaximum()) { + throw new RuntimeException("Slider value unchanged"); + } + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6848475/bug6848475.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6848475/bug6848475.java index dd8995152a0..a27f02499fa 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6848475/bug6848475.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSlider/6848475/bug6848475.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ * @run main bug6848475 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.SliderUI; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI; @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ public class bug6848475 { private static int thumbRectX; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ public class bug6848475 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -80,7 +77,7 @@ public class bug6848475 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ public class bug6848475 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/4973721/bug4973721.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/4973721/bug4973721.java index f94ce860eed..9bbc381d568 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/4973721/bug4973721.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/4973721/bug4973721.java @@ -30,21 +30,18 @@ */ import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4973721 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { static volatile boolean bStateChanged = false; static volatile boolean bFocusGained = false; static JSpinner spinner; static final Object listener = new bug4973721(); - private static final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {} @@ -100,7 +97,7 @@ public class bug4973721 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { robot.setAutoDelay(50); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_UP); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); if (!bStateChanged) { @@ -110,7 +107,7 @@ public class bug4973721 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { bStateChanged = false; Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); if (!bStateChanged) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/5012888/bug5012888.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/5012888/bug5012888.java index 7898de4382c..c98b46a1a41 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/5012888/bug5012888.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSpinner/5012888/bug5012888.java @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ public class bug5012888 extends JFrame { pane.add(spinner2, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } public void doTest() throws Exception { - ((sun.awt.SunToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point p = spinner2.getLocationOnScreen(); Rectangle rect = spinner2.getBounds(); - Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.mouseMove(p.x+rect.width-5, p.y+5); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); Thread.sleep(1000); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/bug4885629.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/bug4885629.java index f3348d0f3b1..97fc5c7beb5 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/bug4885629.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/bug4885629.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ * @author Andrey Pikalev */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; @@ -91,9 +89,8 @@ public class bug4885629 { } }); - ((SunToolkit) SunToolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); - final Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.delay(1000); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4361477/bug4361477.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4361477/bug4361477.java index f41d240c5bc..a617ccccd11 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4361477/bug4361477.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4361477/bug4361477.java @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /* * @test @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public class bug4361477 { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ public class bug4361477 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4624207/bug4624207.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4624207/bug4624207.java index d8bf8f621ba..9476df05902 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4624207/bug4624207.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4624207/bug4624207.java @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ * @bug 4624207 * @summary JTabbedPane mnemonics don't work from outside the tabbed pane * @author Oleg Mokhovikov + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary * @library ../../regtesthelpers - * @build Util + * @build Util jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo * @run main bug4624207 */ import javax.swing.*; @@ -38,8 +39,7 @@ import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; public class bug4624207 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ public class bug4624207 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ public class bug4624207 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ public class bug4624207 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!focusGained) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't gain focus for text field"); @@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ public class bug4624207 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (OSInfo.getOSType() == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_ALT, KeyEvent.VK_B); @@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ public class bug4624207 implements ChangeListener, FocusListener { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_ALT, KeyEvent.VK_B); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!stateChanged || tab.getSelectedIndex() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("JTabbedPane mnemonics don't work from outside the tabbed pane"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/6495408/bug6495408.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/6495408/bug6495408.java index 40f69d53fe9..8f7f6678827 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/6495408/bug6495408.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/6495408/bug6495408.java @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /* * @test * @bug 6495408 @@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ public class bug6495408 { static JTabbedPane tabbedPane; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); final Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ public class bug6495408 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); final Rectangle d = new Rectangle(); final Point p = new Point(); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/7161568/bug7161568.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/7161568/bug7161568.java index 73ecbf9ddc9..46571abd93a 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/7161568/bug7161568.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/7161568/bug7161568.java @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; /** * @test @@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ public class bug7161568 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { UIManager.put("TabbedPane.selectionFollowsFocus", Boolean.FALSE); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ public class bug7161568 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -62,12 +60,12 @@ public class bug7161568 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/bug4220171.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/bug4220171.java index acaf05ee696..2b4ecb5baa6 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/bug4220171.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/4220171/bug4220171.java @@ -34,12 +34,10 @@ import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4220171 { @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ public class bug4220171 { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -58,26 +55,26 @@ public class bug4220171 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(robot, 0, 0); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_A, KeyEvent.VK_B, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkCell(0, 0); clickMouse(robot, 0, 1); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_D, KeyEvent.VK_E, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkCell(0, 1); clickMouse(robot, 1, 0); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_1, KeyEvent.VK_2, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkCell(1, 0); clickMouse(robot, 1, 1); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_4, KeyEvent.VK_5, KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkCell(1, 1); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6263446/bug6263446.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6263446/bug6263446.java index 6d4c235dfff..9089e3f1c5e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6263446/bug6263446.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6263446/bug6263446.java @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6263446 { @@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ public class bug6263446 { private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -55,63 +53,63 @@ public class bug6263446 { }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getClickPoint(); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); click(1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); assertEditing(false); click(2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(null); click(3); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(FIRST); click(4); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(ALL); setClickCountToStart(1); click(1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(null); click(2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(FIRST); click(3); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(ALL); setClickCountToStart(3); click(1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); assertEditing(false); click(2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); assertEditing(false); click(3); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(null); click(4); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(FIRST); click(5); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(ALL); @@ -123,11 +121,11 @@ public class bug6263446 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); assertEditing(true); click(2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkSelectedText(FIRST); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6777378/bug6777378.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6777378/bug6777378.java index dc0230c1187..973da5af995 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6777378/bug6777378.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/6777378/bug6777378.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main bug6777378 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; @@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ public class bug6777378 { private static JTableHeader header; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(20); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -78,7 +75,7 @@ public class bug6777378 { frame.setVisible(true); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = header.getLocationOnScreen(); robot.mouseMove(point.x + 20, point.y + 50); robot.mouseMove(point.x + 30, point.y + 50); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7055065/bug7055065.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7055065/bug7055065.java index 0e611e42a56..4b589715bdf 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7055065/bug7055065.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7055065/bug7055065.java @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; public class bug7055065 { @@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ public class bug7055065 { private static JTable table; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -67,15 +64,15 @@ public class bug7055065 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickCell(robot, 1, 1); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickColumnHeader(robot, 1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickColumnHeader(robot, 1); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7068740/bug7068740.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7068740/bug7068740.java index 4dac9cd288c..d0c8fbd814f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7068740/bug7068740.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTable/7068740/bug7068740.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main bug7068740 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.LayerUI; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel; @@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ public class bug7068740 extends JFrame { private static Robot robot = null; private static JTable table = null; - private static SunToolkit toolkit = null; bug7068740() { super(); @@ -83,10 +80,6 @@ public class bug7068740 extends JFrame { robot.setAutoDelay(50); } - if (toolkit == null) { - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - } - SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { @@ -118,11 +111,11 @@ public class bug7068740 extends JFrame { } private static void doTest() throws Exception { - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (getSelectedRow() != 19) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed"); @@ -130,7 +123,7 @@ public class bug7068740 extends JFrame { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (getSelectedRow() != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed"); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6884066/bug6884066.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6884066/bug6884066.java index 1b9ee135c67..3e1fe84c1d5 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6884066/bug6884066.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6884066/bug6884066.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main bug6884066 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel; @@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ public class bug6884066 { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(20); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ public class bug6884066 { frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = header.getLocationOnScreen(); robot.mouseMove(point.x + 3, point.y + 3); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/bug6889007.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/bug6889007.java index f9ee4850377..c416d634472 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/bug6889007.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/bug6889007.java @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ @author Alexander Potochkin */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableHeaderUI; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; @@ -37,7 +35,6 @@ import java.awt.*; public class bug6889007 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(20); @@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ public class bug6889007 { frame.setVisible(true); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = frame.getLocationOnScreen(); int shift = 10; int x = point.x; @@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ public class bug6889007 { for(int i = -shift; i < frame.getWidth() + 2*shift; i++) { robot.mouseMove(x++, y); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // 9 is a magic test number if (MyTableHeaderUI.getTestValue() != 9) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected test number " diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextArea/4697612/bug4697612.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextArea/4697612/bug4697612.java index 54cd12cb225..715da745071 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextArea/4697612/bug4697612.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextArea/4697612/bug4697612.java @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4697612 { @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ public class bug4697612 { private static JScrollPane scroller; public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ public class bug4697612 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ public class bug4697612 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // 4697612: pressing PgDn + PgUp should not alter caret position Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_HOME); @@ -102,11 +100,11 @@ public class bug4697612 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); int pos = getTextCaretPosition(); if (pos0 != pos) { @@ -126,11 +124,11 @@ public class bug4697612 { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_END); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); pos0 = getScrollerViewPosition(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); int pos = getScrollerViewPosition(); @@ -187,6 +185,7 @@ public class bug4697612 { private static void createAndShowGUI() { frame = new JFrame(); frame.setSize(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); + frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT)); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); text = new JTextArea(); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextField/8036819/bug8036819.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextField/8036819/bug8036819.java index 558be4c9769..214f13cd19b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextField/8036819/bug8036819.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTextField/8036819/bug8036819.java @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import javax.accessibility.*; public class bug8036819 { @@ -49,15 +48,14 @@ public class bug8036819 { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); Robot robo = new Robot(); robo.setAutoDelay(300); + robo.waitForIdle(); // Using mnemonic key to focus on the textfield Util.hitMnemonics(robo, KeyEvent.VK_P); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); if (!passed){ throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/bug4247996.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/bug4247996.java index e389a4b5dc4..63eaccbac99 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/bug4247996.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolBar/4247996/bug4247996.java @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4247996 { @@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ public class bug4247996 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -51,11 +49,11 @@ public class bug4247996 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getButtonCenter(); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); checkButtonsSize(); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/bug4846413.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/bug4846413.java index 3195e919fc4..a18b2bee37b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/bug4846413.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JToolTip/4846413/bug4846413.java @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import java.awt.Toolkit; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToolTipUI; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4846413 { @@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ public class bug4846413 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -59,11 +57,11 @@ public class bug4846413 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point movePoint = getButtonPoint(); robot.mouseMove(movePoint.x, movePoint.y); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + 9000; while (!isTooltipAdded && (System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout)) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/bug4330357.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/bug4330357.java index 599706be055..810c88666fb 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/bug4330357.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4330357/bug4330357.java @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4330357 { @@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ public class bug4330357 { private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -56,12 +54,12 @@ public class bug4330357 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(getTreeRowClickPoint(1)); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_F2); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_A, KeyEvent.VK_B, KeyEvent.VK_C); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!hasComponent(JTextField.class)) { throw new RuntimeException("Cell editor is missed for path: color"); @@ -69,11 +67,11 @@ public class bug4330357 { clickMouse(getButtonClickPoint()); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(getTreeRowClickPoint(2)); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_F2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!hasComponent(JComboBox.class)) { throw new RuntimeException("Cell editor is missed for path: sports"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4908142/bug4908142.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4908142/bug4908142.java index df18d0801b5..2b6fbd7a8b3 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4908142/bug4908142.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4908142/bug4908142.java @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import javax.swing.tree.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4908142 { @@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ public class bug4908142 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ public class bug4908142 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ public class bug4908142 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); @@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ public class bug4908142 { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_D); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_D); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); String sel = Util.invokeOnEDT(new Callable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4927934/bug4927934.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4927934/bug4927934.java index b242e57ce46..c4f739e6bdd 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4927934/bug4927934.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/4927934/bug4927934.java @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import javax.swing.tree.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; -import sun.awt.*; public class bug4927934 implements TreeSelectionListener, TreeExpansionListener, FocusListener { @@ -73,8 +72,7 @@ public class bug4927934 implements TreeSelectionListener, TreeExpansionListener, } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(1000); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @@ -97,35 +95,35 @@ public class bug4927934 implements TreeSelectionListener, TreeExpansionListener, // GO TO RIGHT selectionChanged = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!checkSelectionChanged(tree, 0)) { throw new RuntimeException("Root should be selected"); } selectionChanged = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!checkSelectionChanged(tree, 1)) { throw new RuntimeException("Node should be selected"); } treeExpanded = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!isTreeExpanded()) { throw new RuntimeException("Node should be expanded"); } selectionChanged = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!checkSelectionChanged(tree, 2)) { throw new RuntimeException("Leaf1 should be selected"); } selectionChanged = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!checkSelectionChanged(tree, 2)) { throw new RuntimeException("Leaf1 should be selected"); } @@ -133,7 +131,7 @@ public class bug4927934 implements TreeSelectionListener, TreeExpansionListener, // GO TO LEFT selectionChanged = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!checkSelectionChanged(tree, 1)) { throw new RuntimeException("Node should be selected"); } @@ -146,14 +144,14 @@ public class bug4927934 implements TreeSelectionListener, TreeExpansionListener, selectionChanged = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!checkSelectionChanged(tree, 0)) { throw new RuntimeException("Root should be selected"); } treeCollapsed = false; hitKey(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!isTreeCollapsed()) { throw new RuntimeException("Root should be collapsed"); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6263446/bug6263446.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6263446/bug6263446.java index b8e0dee4c6d..2e13599b540 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6263446/bug6263446.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6263446/bug6263446.java @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6263446 { @@ -42,10 +41,8 @@ public class bug6263446 { private static final String ALL = FIRST + " " + SECOND; private static JTree tree; private static Robot robot; - private static SunToolkit toolkit; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ public class bug6263446 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getClickPoint(); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); @@ -182,7 +179,7 @@ public class bug6263446 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } @@ -252,7 +249,7 @@ public class bug6263446 { } private static void assertEditingNoTreeLock(final boolean editing) throws Exception { - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6505523/bug6505523.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6505523/bug6505523.java index 40357dee6c9..21a1043257f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6505523/bug6505523.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6505523/bug6505523.java @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; @@ -42,14 +41,12 @@ import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6505523 { private static JTree tree; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -61,14 +58,14 @@ public class bug6505523 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getRowPointToClick(2); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } @@ -129,4 +126,4 @@ public class bug6505523 { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6578666/bug6578666.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6578666/bug6578666.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..708ce548ebb --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/6578666/bug6578666.java @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ +/* + * @test + * @bug 6578666 + * @summary REGRESSION: Exception occurs when updateUI for JTree is triggered by KeyEvent + * @run main bug6578666 + * @author Alexander Potochkin + */ + +import javax.swing.*; +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; + +public class bug6578666 { + + private static JTree tree; + + private static void createGui() { + final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); + frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); + + tree = new JTree(); + frame.add(tree); + + tree.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { + public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { + tree.updateUI(); + } + }); + + frame.setSize(200, 200); + frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + frame.setVisible(true); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { + Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.setAutoDelay(10); + + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { + public void run() { + bug6578666.createGui(); + } + }); + + robot.waitForIdle(); + + tree.requestFocus(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); + + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8003400/Test8003400.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8003400/Test8003400.java index f2102f8b1e4..7f09751b4d3 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8003400/Test8003400.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8003400/Test8003400.java @@ -26,17 +26,16 @@ * @bug 8003400 * @summary Tests that JTree shows the last row * @author Sergey Malenkov + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build ExtendedRobot * @run main/othervm Test8003400 * @run main/othervm Test8003400 reverse * @run main/othervm Test8003400 system * @run main/othervm Test8003400 system reverse */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Robot; -import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; @@ -85,10 +84,12 @@ public class Test8003400 { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(500); - new Robot().keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_END); - toolkit.realSync(500); + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.waitForIdle(500); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_END); + robot.waitForIdle(500); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_END); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java index bafdee7d3e3..ae2251ced5e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel; import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsTreeUI; @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ public class bug8004298 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new WindowsLookAndFeel()); } catch (javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ulafe) { @@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ public class bug8004298 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = Util.invokeOnEDT(new Callable() { @@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ public class bug8004298 { robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/Popup/TaskbarPositionTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/Popup/TaskbarPositionTest.java index b4f8989c9db..0f30c2ae745 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/Popup/TaskbarPositionTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/Popup/TaskbarPositionTest.java @@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ public class TaskbarPositionTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { - sun.awt.SunToolkit toolkit = (sun.awt.SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ public class TaskbarPositionTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { // 1 - menu Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); isPopupOnScreen(menu1.getPopupMenu(), screenBounds); // 2 menu with sub menu @@ -283,14 +282,14 @@ public class TaskbarPositionTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_S); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); isPopupOnScreen(menu2.getPopupMenu(), screenBounds); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); // Focus should go to non editable combo box - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(500); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN); @@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ public class TaskbarPositionTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { test.setLocation(-30, 100); @@ -334,7 +333,7 @@ public class TaskbarPositionTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Thread.sleep(500); } } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/PopupFactory/6276087/NonOpaquePopupMenuTest.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/PopupFactory/6276087/NonOpaquePopupMenuTest.java index 467aee5fc54..256ad4ef818 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/PopupFactory/6276087/NonOpaquePopupMenuTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/PopupFactory/6276087/NonOpaquePopupMenuTest.java @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class NonOpaquePopupMenuTest extends JFrame { @@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ public class NonOpaquePopupMenuTest extends JFrame { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(250); @@ -65,14 +63,14 @@ public class NonOpaquePopupMenuTest extends JFrame { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point p = getMenuClickPoint(); robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (isParentOpaque()) { throw new RuntimeException("Popup menu parent is opaque"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/4917669/bug4917669.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/4917669/bug4917669.java index fcfbb1715d7..ed438928be4 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/4917669/bug4917669.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/4917669/bug4917669.java @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4917669 { @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ public class bug4917669 { private static JFrame mainFrame; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(500); @@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ public class bug4917669 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -64,10 +62,10 @@ public class bug4917669 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_O); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!passed) { throw new RuntimeException("Action did not received by menu item."); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7146377/bug7146377.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7146377/bug7146377.java index 5b5c2b19049..5114b77e079 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7146377/bug7146377.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7146377/bug7146377.java @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ @author Pavel Porvatov */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; @@ -82,9 +80,9 @@ public class bug7146377 { } }); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); + Robot robot = new Robot(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // On Linux platforms realSync doesn't guaranties setSize completion Thread.sleep(1000); @@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ public class bug7146377 { } }); - Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(200); @@ -117,7 +114,7 @@ public class bug7146377 { robot.mouseRelease(button); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/ToolTipManager/Test6256140.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/ToolTipManager/Test6256140.java index 12d5df8be03..ca90d815a79 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/ToolTipManager/Test6256140.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/ToolTipManager/Test6256140.java @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ * @run main Test6256140 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; @@ -46,14 +44,13 @@ public class Test6256140 { Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(10); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = ft.getLocationOnScreen(); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); @@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ public class Test6256140 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_A); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!isTooltipShowning()) { throw new RuntimeException("Tooltip is not shown"); @@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ public class Test6256140 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (isTooltipShowning()) { throw new RuntimeException("Tooltip must be hidden now"); @@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ public class Test6256140 { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!isTextEqual()) { throw new RuntimeException("FormattedTextField must cancel the updated value"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/dnd/7171812/bug7171812.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/dnd/7171812/bug7171812.java index a550d5e3cf9..8de55bd701f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/dnd/7171812/bug7171812.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/dnd/7171812/bug7171812.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main bug7171812 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import java.awt.dnd.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; @@ -45,7 +43,6 @@ public class bug7171812 { * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override @@ -53,10 +50,10 @@ public class bug7171812 { setupGUI(); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(10); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mouseMove(scrollPane.getLocationOnScreen().x + 5, scrollPane.getLocationOnScreen().y + 5); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); for(int offset = 5; offset < scrollPane.getHeight()-20; offset++) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java index 2069995928f..8aa96aea0ff 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java @@ -32,14 +32,11 @@ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - public class bug4251579 { private static JLabel htmlComponent; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); final Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ public class bug4251579 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/4983388/bug4983388.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/4983388/bug4983388.java index a09a3480f6d..666f0be73b2 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/4983388/bug4983388.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/4983388/bug4983388.java @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ @run main bug4983388 */ -import sun.awt.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.MenuListener; @@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ public class bug4983388 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel"); } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { @@ -78,9 +76,10 @@ public class bug4983388 { }); Robot robot = new Robot(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitMnemonics(robot, KeyEvent.VK_F); - - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(1000); if (!bMenuSelected) { throw new RuntimeException("shortcuts on menus do not work"); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTreeUI/8023474/bug8023474.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTreeUI/8023474/bug8023474.java index 6802db66945..1095aced9f9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTreeUI/8023474/bug8023474.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTreeUI/8023474/bug8023474.java @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ * @run main bug8023474 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.CellEditorListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; @@ -45,7 +43,6 @@ public class bug8023474 { private static JTree tree; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -55,14 +52,14 @@ public class bug8023474 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point point = getRowPointToClick(1); robot.mouseMove(point.x, point.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Boolean result = (Boolean)tree.getCellEditor().getCellEditorValue(); if (!result) { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/7158712/bug7158712.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/7158712/bug7158712.java index a0311bced03..06653628905 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/7158712/bug7158712.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/7158712/bug7158712.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @author Pavel Porvatov */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup; import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel; @@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ public class bug7158712 { } }); - ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point comboBoxLocation = Util.invokeOnEDT(new Callable() { @Override diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthButtonUI/6276188/bug6276188.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthButtonUI/6276188/bug6276188.java index 7d6d8ea616f..1031e5ef4fa 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthButtonUI/6276188/bug6276188.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthButtonUI/6276188/bug6276188.java @@ -35,13 +35,11 @@ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.synth.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6276188 extends JFrame { private static JButton button; private static Point p; - private static final SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { SynthLookAndFeel lookAndFeel = new SynthLookAndFeel(); @@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ public class bug6276188 extends JFrame { robot.mouseMove(p.x , p.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.delay(1000); Color color = robot.getPixelColor(p.x, p.y); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/WrongAltProcessing.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/WrongAltProcessing.java index ba810238284..a13a1bea798 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/WrongAltProcessing.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/WrongAltProcessing.java @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ @run main WrongAltProcessing */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; @@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ public class WrongAltProcessing { createWindows(); } }); - sync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); initRobot(); runScript(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @@ -75,11 +73,6 @@ public class WrongAltProcessing { } } - public static void sync() { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); - } - public static void initRobot() throws AWTException { robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -101,7 +94,7 @@ public class WrongAltProcessing { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); clickWindowsTitle(firstFrame); - sync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } private static void pressTab() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/regtesthelpers/Util.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/regtesthelpers/Util.java index 33460714003..d4290b16778 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/regtesthelpers/Util.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/regtesthelpers/Util.java @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; -import sun.swing.*; +//import sun.swing.*; /** *

      This class contains utilities useful for regression testing. @@ -231,13 +231,6 @@ public class Util { return result.get(0); } - /** - * Gets key codes from system mnemonic key mask - * @return key codes list - */ - public static ArrayList getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes() { - return Util.getKeyCodesFromKeyMask(SwingUtilities2.getSystemMnemonicKeyMask()); - } /** * Gets the key codes list from modifiers diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/Test6968363.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/Test6968363.java index 624a2522356..333bfeddb94 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/Test6968363.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/Test6968363.java @@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.Robot; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; @@ -47,17 +45,22 @@ import static javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait; * @bug 6968363 * @summary Ensures that a custom document may not extend AbstractDocument * @author Sergey Malenkov + * @library ../../../../../lib/testlibrary/ + * @build ExtendedRobot + * @run main Test6968363 */ public class Test6968363 implements Runnable, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { private JFrame frame; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) getDefaultToolkit(); Runnable task = new Test6968363(); invokeAndWait(task); - toolkit.realSync(100); - new Robot().keyPress(VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(100); + ExtendedRobot robot = new ExtendedRobot(); + robot.waitForIdle(100); + robot.keyPress(VK_LEFT); + robot.waitForIdle(100); + robot.keyRelease(VK_LEFT); + robot.waitForIdle(100); invokeAndWait(task); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/bug6796710.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/bug6796710.java index dd8508b3997..46cfd90980f 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/bug6796710.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/bug6796710.java @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug6796710 { // The page is inlined because we want to be sure that the JEditorPane filled synchronously @@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ public class bug6796710 { } }); - ((SunToolkit) SunToolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // This delay should be added for MacOSX, realSync is not enough Thread.sleep(1000); @@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ public class bug6796710 { } }); - ((SunToolkit) SunToolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // On Linux platforms realSync doesn't guaranties setSize completion Thread.sleep(1000); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/DefaultEditorKit/4278839/bug4278839.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/DefaultEditorKit/4278839/bug4278839.java index 9dbae2be9c8..07b79d641b9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/DefaultEditorKit/4278839/bug4278839.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/DefaultEditorKit/4278839/bug4278839.java @@ -33,19 +33,16 @@ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4278839 extends JFrame { private static boolean passed = true; private static JTextArea area; private static Robot robo; - private static SunToolkit toolkit; public static void main(String[] args) { try { - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robo = new Robot(); robo.setAutoDelay(100); @@ -56,10 +53,10 @@ public class bug4278839 extends JFrame { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); clickMouse(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); if ("Aqua".equals(UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getID())) { @@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ public class bug4278839 extends JFrame { } else { Util.hitKeys(robo, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL, KeyEvent.VK_HOME); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); passed &= moveCaret(true) == 1; passed &= moveCaret(true) == 5; @@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ public class bug4278839 extends JFrame { private static int moveCaret(boolean right) throws Exception { Util.hitKeys(robo, getCtrlKey(), right ? KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT : KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robo.waitForIdle(); final int[] result = new int[1]; @@ -127,6 +124,7 @@ public class bug4278839 extends JFrame { robo.mouseMove(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.width / 2); robo.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robo.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); } /** diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/JTextComponent/5074573/bug5074573.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/JTextComponent/5074573/bug5074573.java index 579d471c5fa..a2067bbacf9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/JTextComponent/5074573/bug5074573.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/JTextComponent/5074573/bug5074573.java @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug5074573 { @@ -60,11 +59,11 @@ public class bug5074573 { } static boolean test(final Class textComponentClass) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); robot.setAutoDelay(50); + SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override @@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ public class bug5074573 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); // Remove selection from JTextField components for the Aqua Look & Feel if (textComponent instanceof JTextField && "Aqua".equals(UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getID())) { @@ -87,14 +86,14 @@ public class bug5074573 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); } robot.keyPress(getCtrlKey()); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE); robot.keyRelease(getCtrlKey()); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -104,13 +103,13 @@ public class bug5074573 { caret.setDot(0); } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.keyPress(getCtrlKey()); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE); robot.keyRelease(getCtrlKey()); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); return resultString.equals(getText()); } diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit/4506788/bug4506788.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit/4506788/bug4506788.java index b5e0f9eb973..8e9186db46b 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit/4506788/bug4506788.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit/4506788/bug4506788.java @@ -33,13 +33,11 @@ import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug4506788 extends JApplet { private volatile boolean passed = false; private JEditorPane jep; - private SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); @Override public void init() { @@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ public class bug4506788 extends JApplet { throw new RuntimeException("Robot could not be created"); } - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Point p; try { @@ -78,6 +76,8 @@ public class bug4506788 extends JApplet { robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); + robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_HOME); + robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_HOME); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_X); @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class bug4506788 extends JApplet { robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); if (!passed) { throw new RuntimeException("Test failed."); diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/View/8014863/bug8014863.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/View/8014863/bug8014863.java index 8618ec4eba7..892d5aaec5d 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/View/8014863/bug8014863.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/View/8014863/bug8014863.java @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ * @run main bug8014863 */ -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.GlyphView; import javax.swing.text.View; @@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ public class bug8014863 { private static JEditorPane editorPane; private static JFrame frame; private static Robot robot; - private static SunToolkit toolkit; private static String text1 = "

      one two qqqq this is a test sentence qqqq pp qqqq pp " + "qqqq pp qqqq pp qqqq pp qqqq pp qqqq pp qqqq pp qqqq

      "; @@ -59,14 +56,13 @@ public class bug8014863 { private static ArrayList glyphViews; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); glyphViews = new ArrayList(); createAndShowGUI(text1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { @@ -80,10 +76,10 @@ public class bug8014863 { createAndShowGUI(text2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_HOME); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_O); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_N); @@ -94,7 +90,7 @@ public class bug8014863 { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_O); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_SPACE); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/CSS/4530474/bug4530474.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/CSS/4530474/bug4530474.java index 8242c14f64a..4f23b2848f2 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/CSS/4530474/bug4530474.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/CSS/4530474/bug4530474.java @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - public class bug4530474 { private static final Color TEST_COLOR = Color.BLUE; @@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ public class bug4530474 { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); final Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(50); @@ -55,7 +52,8 @@ public class bug4530474 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); + robot.delay(500); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { diff --git a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit/5043626/bug5043626.java b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit/5043626/bug5043626.java index 7de86792082..de4019cdf32 100644 --- a/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit/5043626/bug5043626.java +++ b/jdk/test/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit/5043626/bug5043626.java @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; public class bug5043626 { @@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ public class bug5043626 { private static Robot robot; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); robot = new Robot(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @@ -54,12 +52,12 @@ public class bug5043626 { } }); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_HOME); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_1); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); String test = getText(); @@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ public class bug5043626 { Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_HOME); Util.hitKeys(robot, KeyEvent.VK_2); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); test = getText(); diff --git a/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzerTest.java b/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzerTest.java index af2b8f6b14a..cb251b37964 100644 --- a/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzerTest.java +++ b/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzerTest.java @@ -112,8 +112,10 @@ public class OutputAnalyzerTest { } String stdoutPattern = "[a]"; + String stdoutByLinePattern = "a*"; String stderrPattern = "[b]"; String nonExistingPattern = "[c]"; + String byLinePattern = "[ab]*"; // Should match try { @@ -148,6 +150,19 @@ public class OutputAnalyzerTest { // expected } + if (output.shouldMatchByLine(byLinePattern) != 1) { + throw new Exception("shouldMatchByLine() should find one line"); + } + try { + output.shouldMatchByLine(nonExistingPattern); + throw new Exception("shouldMatchByLine() failed to throw exception"); + } catch (RuntimeException e) { + // expected + } + if (output.stdoutShouldMatchByLine(stdoutByLinePattern) != 1) { + throw new Exception("stdoutShouldMatchByLine() should find one line"); + } + // Should not match try { output.shouldNotMatch(nonExistingPattern); diff --git a/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzer.java b/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzer.java index ad1d2ab8ea3..88819e4d594 100644 --- a/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzer.java +++ b/jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/OutputAnalyzer.java @@ -25,13 +25,9 @@ package jdk.testlibrary; import static jdk.testlibrary.Asserts.*; -import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; - import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; -import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; -import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @@ -414,8 +410,12 @@ public final class OutputAnalyzer { * @return Contents of the output buffer as list of strings */ public List asLines() { + return asLines(getOutput()); + } + + private List asLines(String buffer) { List l = new ArrayList<>(); - String[] a = getOutput().split(Utils.NEW_LINE); + String[] a = buffer.split(Utils.NEW_LINE); for (String string : a) { l.add(string); } @@ -444,6 +444,13 @@ public final class OutputAnalyzer { return shouldMatchByLine(null, null, pattern); } + /** + * @see #stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) + */ + public int stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String pattern) { + return stdoutShouldMatchByLine(null, null, pattern); + } + /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ @@ -474,7 +481,30 @@ public final class OutputAnalyzer { * @return Count of lines which match the {@code pattern} */ public int shouldMatchByLine(String from, String to, String pattern) { - List lines = asLines(); + return shouldMatchByLine(getOutput(), from, to, pattern); + } + + /** + * Verify that the stdout contents of output buffer matches the + * {@code pattern} line by line. The whole stdout could be matched or + * just a subset of it. + * + * @param from + * The line from where stdout will be matched. + * Set {@code from} to null for matching from the first line. + * @param to + * The line until where stdout will be matched. + * Set {@code to} to null for matching until the last line. + * @param pattern + * Matching pattern + * @return Count of lines which match the {@code pattern} + */ + public int stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String from, String to, String pattern) { + return shouldMatchByLine(getStdout(), from, to, pattern); + } + + private int shouldMatchByLine(String buffer, String from, String to, String pattern) { + List lines = asLines(buffer); int fromIndex = 0; if (from != null) { @@ -500,4 +530,5 @@ public final class OutputAnalyzer { return matchedCount; } + } diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/awt/dnd/8024061/bug8024061.java b/jdk/test/sun/awt/dnd/8024061/bug8024061.java index 07165c09a61..3be4f6ccbda 100644 --- a/jdk/test/sun/awt/dnd/8024061/bug8024061.java +++ b/jdk/test/sun/awt/dnd/8024061/bug8024061.java @@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ * @bug 8024061 * @summary Checks that no exception is thrown if dragGestureRecognized * takes a while to complete. + * @library ../../../../lib/testlibrary + * @build jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo + * @run main bug8024061 */ -import sun.awt.OSInfo; -import sun.awt.OSInfo.OSType; -import sun.awt.SunToolkit; - import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; @@ -55,6 +54,8 @@ import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.swing.*; +import jdk.testlibrary.OSInfo; + /** * If dragGestureRecognized() takes a while to complete and if user performs a drag quickly, @@ -106,8 +107,8 @@ public class bug8024061 { } public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException, InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { - OSType type = OSInfo.getOSType(); - if (type != OSType.LINUX && type != OSType.SOLARIS) { + OSInfo.OSType type = OSInfo.getOSType(); + if (type != OSInfo.OSType.LINUX && type != OSInfo.OSType.SOLARIS) { System.out.println("This test is for Linux and Solaris only... " + "skipping!"); return; @@ -122,8 +123,7 @@ public class bug8024061 { }); final Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setAutoDelay(10); - SunToolkit toolkit = (SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); JFrame frame = dnd[0].frame; Point point = frame.getLocationOnScreen(); @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class bug8024061 { System.out.println("x = " + here.x); } robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); - toolkit.realSync(); + robot.waitForIdle(); robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); System.out.println("finished"); diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/java2d/SunGraphics2D/EmptyClipRenderingTest.java b/jdk/test/sun/java2d/SunGraphics2D/EmptyClipRenderingTest.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cae43d6a835 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/sun/java2d/SunGraphics2D/EmptyClipRenderingTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +import java.awt.AWTException; +import java.awt.Canvas; +import java.awt.Color; +import java.awt.Component; +import java.awt.Dimension; +import java.awt.Frame; +import java.awt.Graphics; +import java.awt.Graphics2D; +import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; +import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; +import java.awt.HeadlessException; +import java.awt.Rectangle; +import java.awt.Robot; +import java.awt.Toolkit; +import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; +import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; +import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; +import java.awt.image.VolatileImage; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.HashSet; +import javax.imageio.ImageIO; +import sun.awt.ConstrainableGraphics; + +/** + * @test + * @bug 6335200 6419610 + * @summary Tests that we don't render anything if specific empty clip is set + * @author Dmitri.Trembovetski@Sun.COM: area=Graphics + * @run main EmptyClipRenderingTest + * @run main/othervm -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true EmptyClipRenderingTest + * @run main/othervm -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=true EmptyClipRenderingTest + * @run main/othervm -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true EmptyClipRenderingTest + */ +public class EmptyClipRenderingTest { + static final int IMG_W = 400; + static final int IMG_H = 400; + + // generated rectangles + static HashSet rects; + + volatile boolean isActivated = false; + volatile boolean isPainted; + private static boolean showErrors = false; + + public EmptyClipRenderingTest() { + // initialize clip/render region rectangles + initClips(); + + HashSet errors = new HashSet(); + + BufferedImage screenResult = testOnscreen(); + try { + testResult(screenResult, "Screen"); + } catch (RuntimeException e) { + errors.add(e); + } + + BufferedImage destBI = + new BufferedImage(IMG_W, IMG_H, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); + runTest((Graphics2D)destBI.getGraphics()); + try { + testResult(destBI, "BufferedImage"); + } catch (RuntimeException e) { + errors.add(e); + } + + GraphicsConfiguration gc = + GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(). + getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration(); + VolatileImage destVI = gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(IMG_W, IMG_H); + destVI.validate(gc); + runTest((Graphics2D)destVI.getGraphics()); + try { + testResult(destVI.getSnapshot(), "VolatileImage"); + } catch (RuntimeException e) { + errors.add(e); + } + + if (errors.isEmpty()) { + System.err.println("Test PASSED."); + } else { + for (RuntimeException re : errors) { + re.printStackTrace(); + } + if (showErrors) { + System.err.println("Test FAILED: "+ errors.size() + + " subtest failures."); + } else { + throw new RuntimeException("Test FAILED: "+ errors.size() + + " subtest failures."); + } + } + } + + /** + * Recursively adds 4 new rectangles: two vertical and two horizontal + * based on the passed rectangle area. The area is then shrunk and the + * process repeated for smaller area. + */ + private static void add4Rects(HashSet rects, Rectangle area) { + if (area.width < 10 || area.height < 10) { + rects.add(area); + return; + } + // two vertical rects + rects.add(new Rectangle(area.x, area.y, 5, area.height)); + rects.add(new Rectangle(area.x + area.width - 5, area.y, 5, area.height)); + // two horizontal rects + int width = area.width - 2*(5 + 1); + rects.add(new Rectangle(area.x+6, area.y, width, 5)); + rects.add(new Rectangle(area.x+6, area.y + area.height - 5, width, 5)); + // reduce the area and repeat + area.grow(-6, -6); + add4Rects(rects, area); + } + + /** + * Generate a bunch of non-intersecting rectangles + */ + private static void initClips() { + rects = new HashSet(); + add4Rects(rects, new Rectangle(0, 0, IMG_W, IMG_H)); + System.err.println("Total number of test rects: " + rects.size()); + } + + /** + * Render the pattern to the screen, capture the output with robot and + * return it. + */ + private BufferedImage testOnscreen() throws HeadlessException { + final Canvas destComponent; + final Object lock = new Object(); + Frame f = new Frame("Test Frame"); + f.setUndecorated(true); + f.add(destComponent = new Canvas() { + public void paint(Graphics g) { + isPainted = true; + } + public Dimension getPreferredSize() { + return new Dimension(IMG_W, IMG_H); + } + }); + f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { + public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { + if (!isActivated) { + synchronized (lock) { + isActivated = true; + lock.notify(); + } + } + } + }); + f.pack(); + f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); + f.setVisible(true); + synchronized(lock) { + while (!isActivated) { + try { + lock.wait(100); + } catch (InterruptedException ex) { + ex.printStackTrace(); + } + } + } + Robot r; + try { + r = new Robot(); + } catch (AWTException ex) { + throw new RuntimeException("Can't create Robot"); + } + BufferedImage bi; + int attempt = 0; + do { + if (++attempt > 10) { + throw new RuntimeException("Too many attempts: " + attempt); + } + isPainted = false; + runTest((Graphics2D) destComponent.getGraphics()); + r.waitForIdle(); + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync(); + bi = r.createScreenCapture( + new Rectangle(destComponent.getLocationOnScreen().x, + destComponent.getLocationOnScreen().y, + destComponent.getWidth(), + destComponent.getHeight())); + } while (isPainted); + f.setVisible(false); + f.dispose(); + return bi; + } + + /** + * Run the test: cycle through all the rectangles, use one as clip and + * another as the area to render to. + * Set the clip in the same way Swing does it when repainting: + * first constrain the graphics to the damaged area, and repaint everything + */ + void runTest(Graphics2D destGraphics) { + destGraphics.setColor(Color.black); + destGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, IMG_W, IMG_H); + + destGraphics.setColor(Color.red); + for (Rectangle clip : rects) { + Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)destGraphics.create(); + g2d.setColor(Color.red); + // mimic what swing does in BufferStrategyPaintManager + if (g2d instanceof ConstrainableGraphics) { + ((ConstrainableGraphics)g2d).constrain(clip.x, clip.y, + clip.width, clip.height); + } + g2d.setClip(clip); + + for (Rectangle renderRegion : rects) { + if (renderRegion != clip) { + // from CellRendererPane's paintComponent + Graphics2D rG = (Graphics2D) + g2d.create(renderRegion.x, renderRegion.y, + renderRegion.width, renderRegion.height); + rG.fillRect(0,0, renderRegion.width, renderRegion.height); + } + } + } + } + + void testResult(final BufferedImage bi, final String desc) { + for (int y = 0; y < bi.getHeight(); y++) { + for (int x = 0; x < bi.getWidth(); x++) { + if (bi.getRGB(x, y) != Color.black.getRGB()) { + if (showErrors) { + Frame f = new Frame("Error: " + desc); + f.add(new Component() { + public void paint(Graphics g) { + g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null); + } + public Dimension getPreferredSize() { + return new Dimension(bi.getWidth(), + bi.getHeight()); + } + }); + f.pack(); + f.setVisible(true); + } + try { + String fileName = + "EmptyClipRenderingTest_"+desc+"_res.png"; + System.out.println("Writing resulting image: "+fileName); + ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File(fileName)); + } catch (IOException ex) { + ex.printStackTrace(); + } + throw new RuntimeException("Dest: "+desc+ + " was rendered to at x="+ + x + " y=" + y + + " pixel="+Integer.toHexString(bi.getRGB(x,y))); + } + } + } + } + + public static void main(String argv[]) { + for (String arg : argv) { + if (arg.equals("-show")) { + showErrors = true; + } else { + usage("Incorrect argument:" + arg); + } + } + new EmptyClipRenderingTest(); + } + + private static void usage(String string) { + System.out.println(string); + System.out.println("Usage: EmptyClipRenderingTest [-show]"); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ConfigShortPath.java b/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ConfigShortPath.java index 030e420890c..a4d29e9a9f4 100644 --- a/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ConfigShortPath.java +++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ConfigShortPath.java @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ */ /** * @test - * @bug 6581254 6986789 7196009 - * @summary Allow '~', '+' and quoted paths in config file + * @bug 6581254 6986789 7196009 8062170 + * @summary Allow '~', '+', and quoted paths in config file * @author Valerie Peng */ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.*; public class ConfigShortPath { private static final String[] configNames = { - "csp.cfg", "cspPlus.cfg", "cspQuotedPath.cfg" + "csp.cfg", "cspPlus.cfg", "cspSpace.cfg", "cspQuotedPath.cfg" }; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/cspSpace.cfg b/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/cspSpace.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..da55f9dc5ba --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/cspSpace.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +showInfo = false +name = test +library = C:\pki DLL\x64\acpkcs211.dll + + diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/tools/jps/JpsHelper.java b/jdk/test/sun/tools/jps/JpsHelper.java index 407f0416c34..079ae03d67e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/sun/tools/jps/JpsHelper.java +++ b/jdk/test/sun/tools/jps/JpsHelper.java @@ -168,10 +168,8 @@ public final class JpsHelper { } /** - * Verify jps output contains pids and programs' name information. - * The function will discard any lines that come before the first line with pid. - * This can happen if the JVM outputs a warning message for some reason - * before running jps. + * Verify jps stdout contains only pids and programs' name information. + * jps stderr may contain VM warning messages which will be ignored. * * The output can look like: * 35536 Jps @@ -180,8 +178,10 @@ public final class JpsHelper { */ public static void verifyJpsOutput(OutputAnalyzer output, String regex) throws Exception { output.shouldHaveExitValue(0); - int matchedCount = output.shouldMatchByLineFrom(regex, regex); + int matchedCount = output.stdoutShouldMatchByLine(regex); assertGreaterThan(matchedCount , 0, "Found no lines matching pattern: " + regex); + output.stderrShouldNotMatch("[E|e]xception"); + output.stderrShouldNotMatch("[E|e]rror"); } /** diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/tools/jstat/jstatHelp.sh b/jdk/test/sun/tools/jstat/jstatHelp.sh index 3dac1ae407f..37c094f4cf3 100644 --- a/jdk/test/sun/tools/jstat/jstatHelp.sh +++ b/jdk/test/sun/tools/jstat/jstatHelp.sh @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # -# Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# Copyright (c) 2004, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ # # @test -# @bug 4990825 +# @bug 4990825 6364329 # @run shell jstatHelp.sh -# @summary Test that output of 'jstat -?' matches the usage.out file +# @summary Test that output of 'jstat -?', 'jstat -help' and 'jstat' matches the usage.out file . ${TESTSRC-.}/../../jvmstat/testlibrary/utils.sh @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ${JSTAT} -J-XX:+UsePerfData -? > jstat.out 2>&1 diff -w jstat.out ${TESTSRC}/usage.out if [ $? != 0 ] then - echo "Output of jstat -? differ from expected output. Failed." + echo "Output of jstat -? differs from expected output. Failed." exit 1 fi @@ -48,7 +48,17 @@ ${JSTAT} -J-XX:+UsePerfData -help > jstat.out 2>&1 diff -w jstat.out ${TESTSRC}/usage.out if [ $? != 0 ] then - echo "Output of jstat -help differ from expected output. Failed." + echo "Output of jstat -help differs from expected output. Failed." + exit 1 +fi + +rm -f jstat.out 2>/dev/null +${JSTAT} -J-XX:+UsePerfData > jstat.out 2>&1 + +diff -w jstat.out ${TESTSRC}/usage.out +if [ $? != 0 ] +then + echo "Output of jstat differs from expected output. Failed." exit 1 fi diff --git a/jdk/test/sun/util/calendar/zi/Rule.java b/jdk/test/sun/util/calendar/zi/Rule.java index ee4df5b228c..a30f2c04e28 100644 --- a/jdk/test/sun/util/calendar/zi/Rule.java +++ b/jdk/test/sun/util/calendar/zi/Rule.java @@ -126,6 +126,14 @@ class Rule { }); rules.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + if (i != 0 && recs[i -1].getSave() == recs[i].getSave()) { + // we have two recs back to back with same saving for the same year. + if (recs[i].isLastRule()) { + continue; + } else if (recs[i - 1].isLastRule()) { + rules.remove(rules.size() - 1); + } + } rules.add(recs[i]); } return rules; diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java b/jdk/test/tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java index f266a511306..4f29b8e7a63 100644 --- a/jdk/test/tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java +++ b/jdk/test/tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2006, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2006, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ public class JarEntryTime { static void extractJar(File jarFile, boolean useExtractionTime) throws Throwable { String javahome = System.getProperty("java.home"); - if (javahome.endsWith("jre")) { - javahome = javahome.substring(0, javahome.length() - 4); - } String jarcmd = javahome + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "jar"; String[] args; if (useExtractionTime) { diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/ExecutionEnvironment.java b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/ExecutionEnvironment.java index f78649f364c..894c9a252fa 100644 --- a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/ExecutionEnvironment.java +++ b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/ExecutionEnvironment.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ * a. if LD_LIBRARY_PATH64 is set it will override LD_LIBRARY_PATH * b. LD_LIBRARY_PATH32 is ignored if set * 5. no extra symlink exists on Solaris ie. - * jre/lib/$arch/libjvm.so -> client/libjvm.so + * lib/$arch/libjvm.so -> client/libjvm.so * TODO: * a. perhaps we need to add a test to audit all environment variables are * in pristine condition after the launch, there may be a few that the @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ public class ExecutionEnvironment extends TestHelper { } File symLink = null; - String libPathPrefix = isSDK ? "jre/lib" : "/lib"; + String libPathPrefix = "/lib"; symLink = new File(JAVAHOME, libPathPrefix + getJreArch() + "/" + LIBJVM); if (symLink.exists()) { diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/MultipleJRE.sh b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/MultipleJRE.sh index 61cac1b3eb9..a0576b2288c 100644 --- a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/MultipleJRE.sh +++ b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/MultipleJRE.sh @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ #!/bin/sh # @test MultipleJRE.sh -# @bug 4811102 4953711 4955505 4956301 4991229 4998210 5018605 6387069 6733959 +# @bug 4811102 4953711 4955505 4956301 4991229 4998210 5018605 6387069 6733959 8058407 8067421 # @build PrintVersion # @build UglyPrintVersion # @build ZipMeUp # @run shell MultipleJRE.sh # @summary Verify Multiple JRE version support has been removed # @author Joseph E. Kowalski - # -# Copyright (c) 2003, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +# Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -90,6 +89,36 @@ TestSyntax() { fi } +# +# Shell routine to ensure help page does not include mjre options +# +TestHelp() { + mess="`$JAVA -help 2>&1`" + # make sure it worked + if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then + echo "java -help failed ????" + exit 1 + fi + + echo $mess | grep '\-version:' > /dev/null 2>&1 + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "help message contains obsolete option version:" + exit 1 + fi + + echo $mess | grep '\-jre-restrict-search' > /dev/null 2>&1 + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "help message contains obsolete option jre-restrict-search" + exit 1 + fi + + echo $mess | grep '\-no-jre-restrict-search' > /dev/null 2>&1 + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "help message contains obsolete option no-jre-restrict-search" + exit 1 + fi +} + # # Just as the name says. We sprinkle these in the appropriate location # in the test file system and they just say who they are pretending to be. @@ -457,7 +486,8 @@ fi LaunchVM "" "${RELEASE}" # Going to silently ignore JRE-Version setting in jar file manifest #LaunchVM "" "warning: The jarfile JRE-Version" - + + # Verify help does not contain obsolete options + TestHelp exit 0 - diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/PrintVersion.java b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/PrintVersion.java index 3f9f05d4b84..424e98e3f53 100644 --- a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/PrintVersion.java +++ b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/PrintVersion.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -27,12 +27,9 @@ * This stub simply prints out the java version string. It is used * by MultipleJRE.sh. */ -import sun.misc.Version; public class PrintVersion { - - public static void main(String argv[]) { - Version.print(); - } - + public static void main(String argv[]) { + System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.version")); + } } diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TestHelper.java b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TestHelper.java index 840e67ead20..9a37c5a536e 100644 --- a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TestHelper.java +++ b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TestHelper.java @@ -67,10 +67,7 @@ public class TestHelper { static final String JAVAHOME = System.getProperty("java.home"); static final String JAVA_BIN; - static final String JAVA_JRE_BIN; static final String JAVA_LIB; - static final String JAVA_JRE_LIB; - static final boolean isSDK = JAVAHOME.endsWith("jre"); static final String javaCmd; static final String javawCmd; static final String javacCmd; @@ -135,17 +132,10 @@ public class TestHelper { } compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); - File binDir = (isSDK) - ? new File((new File(JAVAHOME)).getParentFile(), "bin") - : new File(JAVAHOME, "bin"); + File binDir = new File(JAVAHOME, "bin"); JAVA_BIN = binDir.getAbsolutePath(); - JAVA_JRE_BIN = new File(JAVAHOME, "bin").getAbsolutePath(); - - File libDir = (isSDK) - ? new File((new File(JAVAHOME)).getParentFile(), "lib") - : new File(JAVAHOME, "lib"); + File libDir = new File(JAVAHOME, "lib"); JAVA_LIB = libDir.getAbsolutePath(); - JAVA_JRE_LIB = new File(JAVAHOME, "lib").getAbsolutePath(); File javaCmdFile = (isWindows) ? new File(binDir, "java.exe") @@ -191,11 +181,11 @@ public class TestHelper { } private static boolean haveVmVariant(String type) { if (isWindows) { - File vmDir = new File(JAVA_JRE_BIN, type); + File vmDir = new File(JAVA_BIN, type); File jvmFile = new File(vmDir, LIBJVM); return jvmFile.exists(); } else { - File vmDir = new File(JAVA_JRE_LIB, type); + File vmDir = new File(JAVA_LIB, type); File vmArchDir = new File(vmDir, getJreArch()); File jvmFile = new File(vmArchDir, LIBJVM); return jvmFile.exists(); diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TooSmallStackSize.java b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TooSmallStackSize.java new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dac1c7f0325 --- /dev/null +++ b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/TooSmallStackSize.java @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. + * + * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that + * accompanied this code). + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version + * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + * + * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA + * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any + * questions. + */ + +/* + * @test + * @bug 6762191 + * @summary Setting stack size to 16K causes segmentation fault + * @compile TooSmallStackSize.java + * @run main TooSmallStackSize + */ + +/* + * The primary purpose of this test is to make sure we can run with a 16k stack + * size without crashing. Also this test will determine the minimum allowed + * stack size for the platform (as provided by the JVM error message when a very + * small stack is used), and then verify that the JVM can be launched with that stack + * size without a crash or any error messages. + */ + +public class TooSmallStackSize extends TestHelper { + /* for debugging. Normally false. */ + static final boolean verbose = false; + + static void printTestOutput(TestResult tr) { + System.out.println("*** exitValue = " + tr.exitValue); + for (String x : tr.testOutput) { + System.out.println(x); + } + } + + /* + * Returns the minimum stack size this platform will allowed based on the + * contents of the error message the JVM outputs when too small of a + * -Xss size was used. + * + * The TestResult argument must contain the result of having already run + * the JVM with too small of a stack size. + */ + static String getMinStackAllowed(TestResult tr) { + /* + * The JVM output will contain in one of the lines: + * "The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 100k" + * Although the actual size will vary. We need to extract this size + * string from the output and return it. + */ + String matchStr = "Specify at least "; + for (String x : tr.testOutput) { + int match_idx = x.indexOf(matchStr); + if (match_idx >= 0) { + int size_start_idx = match_idx + matchStr.length(); + int k_start_idx = x.indexOf("k", size_start_idx); + return x.substring(size_start_idx, k_start_idx + 1); // include the "k" + } + } + + System.out.println("FAILED: Could not get the stack size from the output"); + throw new RuntimeException("test fails"); + } + + /* + * Run the JVM with the specified stack size. + * + * Returns the minimum allowed stack size gleaned from the error message, + * if there is an error message. Otherwise returns the stack size passed in. + */ + static String checkStack(String stackSize) { + String min_stack_allowed; + TestResult tr; + + if (verbose) + System.out.println("*** Testing " + stackSize); + tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-Xss" + stackSize, "-version"); + if (verbose) + printTestOutput(tr); + + if (tr.isOK()) { + System.out.println("PASSED: got no error message with stack size of " + stackSize); + min_stack_allowed = stackSize; + } else { + if (tr.contains("The stack size specified is too small")) { + System.out.println("PASSED: got expected error message with stack size of " + stackSize); + min_stack_allowed = getMinStackAllowed(tr); + } else { + // Likely a crash + System.out.println("FAILED: Did not get expected error message with stack size of " + stackSize); + throw new RuntimeException("test fails"); + } + } + + return min_stack_allowed; + } + + /* + * Run the JVM with the minimum allowed stack size. This should always succeed. + */ + static void checkMinStackAllowed(String stackSize) { + TestResult tr = null; + + if (verbose) + System.out.println("*** Testing " + stackSize); + tr = doExec(javaCmd, "-Xss" + stackSize, "-version"); + if (verbose) + printTestOutput(tr); + + if (tr.isOK()) { + System.out.println("PASSED: VM launched with minimum allowed stack size of " + stackSize); + } else { + // Likely a crash + System.out.println("FAILED: VM failed to launch with minimum allowed stack size of " + stackSize); + throw new RuntimeException("test fails"); + } + } + + public static void main(String... args) { + /* + * The result of a 16k stack size should be a quick exit with a complaint + * that the stack size is too small. However, for some win32 builds, the + * stack is always at least 64k, and this also sometimes is the minimum + * allowed size, so we won't see an error in this case. + * + * This test case will also produce a crash on some platforms if the fix + * for 6762191 is not yet in place. + */ + checkStack("16k"); + + /* + * Try with a 32k stack size, which is the size that the launcher will + * set to if you try setting to anything smaller. This should produce the same + * result as setting to 16k if the fix for 6762191 is in place. + */ + String min_stack_allowed = checkStack("32k"); + + /* + * Try again with a the minimum stack size that was given in the error message + */ + checkMinStackAllowed(min_stack_allowed); + } +} diff --git a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/UglyPrintVersion.java b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/UglyPrintVersion.java index fa0ebed68ed..c61e7c4cdd9 100644 --- a/jdk/test/tools/launcher/UglyPrintVersion.java +++ b/jdk/test/tools/launcher/UglyPrintVersion.java @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. + * Copyright (c) 2003, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -30,12 +30,8 @@ */ package reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallylongpackagename; -import sun.misc.Version; - public class UglyPrintVersion { - - public static void main(String argv[]) { - Version.print(); - } - + public static void main(String argv[]) { + System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.version")); + } }