8001110: method handles should have a collectArguments transform, generalizing asCollector
Promote an existing private method; make unit tests on all argument positions to arity 10 with mixed types Reviewed-by: twisti, vlivanov
This commit is contained in:
@ -2216,15 +2216,120 @@ assertEquals("XY", (String) f2.invokeExact("x", "y")); // XY
return MethodHandleImpl.makeCollectArguments(target, filter, pos, false);
// FIXME: Make this public in M1.
/*non-public*/ static
MethodHandle collectArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle collector) {
* Adapts a target method handle by pre-processing
* a sub-sequence of its arguments with a filter (another method handle).
* The pre-processed arguments are replaced by the result (if any) of the
* filter function.
* The target is then called on the modified (usually shortened) argument list.
* <p>
* If the filter returns a value, the target must accept that value as
* its argument in position {@code pos}, preceded and/or followed by
* any arguments not passed to the filter.
* If the filter returns void, the target must accept all arguments
* not passed to the filter.
* No arguments are reordered, and a result returned from the filter
* replaces (in order) the whole subsequence of arguments originally
* passed to the adapter.
* <p>
* The argument types (if any) of the filter
* replace zero or one argument types of the target, at position {@code pos},
* in the resulting adapted method handle.
* The return type of the filter (if any) must be identical to the
* argument type of the target at position {@code pos}, and that target argument
* is supplied by the return value of the filter.
* <p>
* In all cases, {@code pos} must be greater than or equal to zero, and
* {@code pos} must also be less than or equal to the target's arity.
* <p><b>Example:</b>
* <p><blockquote><pre>
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*;
MethodHandle deepToString = publicLookup()
.findStatic(Arrays.class, "deepToString", methodType(String.class, Object[].class));
MethodHandle ts1 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 1);
assertEquals("[strange]", (String) ts1.invokeExact("strange"));
MethodHandle ts2 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 2);
assertEquals("[up, down]", (String) ts2.invokeExact("up", "down"));
MethodHandle ts3 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 3);
MethodHandle ts3_ts2 = collectArguments(ts3, 1, ts2);
assertEquals("[top, [up, down], strange]",
(String) ts3_ts2.invokeExact("top", "up", "down", "strange"));
MethodHandle ts3_ts2_ts1 = collectArguments(ts3_ts2, 3, ts1);
assertEquals("[top, [up, down], [strange]]",
(String) ts3_ts2_ts1.invokeExact("top", "up", "down", "strange"));
MethodHandle ts3_ts2_ts3 = collectArguments(ts3_ts2, 1, ts3);
assertEquals("[top, [[up, down, strange], charm], bottom]",
(String) ts3_ts2_ts3.invokeExact("top", "up", "down", "strange", "charm", "bottom"));
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p> Here is pseudocode for the resulting adapter:
* <blockquote><pre>
* T target(A...,V,C...);
* V filter(B...);
* T adapter(A... a,B... b,C... c) {
* V v = filter(b...);
* return target(a...,v,c...);
* }
* // and if the filter has no arguments:
* T target2(A...,V,C...);
* V filter2();
* T adapter2(A... a,C... c) {
* V v = filter2();
* return target2(a...,v,c...);
* }
* // and if the filter has a void return:
* T target3(A...,C...);
* void filter3(B...);
* void adapter3(A... a,B... b,C... c) {
* filter3(b...);
* return target3(a...,c...);
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>
* A collection adapter {@code collectArguments(mh, 0, coll)} is equivalent to
* one which first "folds" the affected arguments, and then drops them, in separate
* steps as follows:
* <blockquote><pre>{@code
* mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(mh, 1, coll.type().parameterList()); //step 2
* mh = MethodHandles.foldArguments(mh, coll); //step 1
* }</pre></blockquote>
* If the target method handle consumes no arguments besides than the result
* (if any) of the filter {@code coll}, then {@code collectArguments(mh, 0, coll)}
* is equivalent to {@code filterReturnValue(coll, mh)}.
* If the filter method handle {@code coll} consumes one argument and produces
* a non-void result, then {@code collectArguments(mh, N, coll)}
* is equivalent to {@code filterArguments(mh, N, coll)}.
* Other equivalences are possible but would require argument permutation.
* @param target the method handle to invoke after filtering the subsequence of arguments
* @param pos the position of the first adapter argument to pass to the filter,
* and/or the target argument which receives the result of the filter
* @param filter method handle to call on the subsequence of arguments
* @return method handle which incorporates the specified argument subsequence filtering logic
* @throws NullPointerException if either argument is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the return type of {@code filter}
* is non-void and is not the same as the {@code pos} argument of the target,
* or if {@code pos} is not between 0 and the target's arity, inclusive,
* or if the resulting method handle's type would have
* <a href="MethodHandle.html#maxarity">too many parameters</a>
* @see MethodHandles#foldArguments
* @see MethodHandles#filterArguments
* @see MethodHandles#filterReturnValue
public static
MethodHandle collectArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle filter) {
MethodType targetType = target.type();
MethodType filterType = collector.type();
MethodType filterType = filter.type();
if (filterType.returnType() != void.class &&
filterType.returnType() != targetType.parameterType(pos))
throw newIllegalArgumentException("target and filter types do not match", targetType, filterType);
return MethodHandleImpl.makeCollectArguments(target, collector, pos, false);
return MethodHandleImpl.makeCollectArguments(target, filter, pos, false);
@ -502,51 +502,6 @@ public class ValueConversions {
static MethodHandle collectArguments(MethodHandle mh, int pos, MethodHandle collector) {
// FIXME: API needs public MHs.collectArguments.
// Should be:
// return MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, collector);
// The rest of this code is a workaround for not having that API.
if (COLLECT_ARGUMENTS != null) {
try {
return (MethodHandle)
COLLECT_ARGUMENTS.invokeExact(mh, pos, collector);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
if (ex instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) ex;
if (ex instanceof Error)
throw (Error) ex;
throw new Error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// Emulate MHs.collectArguments using fold + drop.
// This is slightly inefficient.
// More seriously, it can put a MH over the 255-argument limit.
mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(mh, 1, collector.type().parameterList());
mh = MethodHandles.foldArguments(mh, collector);
return mh;
private static final MethodHandle COLLECT_ARGUMENTS;
static {
MethodHandle mh = null;
try {
final java.lang.reflect.Method m = MethodHandles.class
MethodHandle.class, int.class, MethodHandle.class);
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
return null;
mh = IMPL_LOOKUP.unreflect(m);
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
throw newInternalError(ex);
private static final EnumMap<Wrapper, MethodHandle>[] WRAPPER_CASTS
= newWrapperCaches(1);
@ -1050,12 +1005,12 @@ public class ValueConversions {
mh = rightFiller;
mh = collectArguments(mh, 0, rightFiller);
mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, rightFiller);
mh = leftCollector;
mh = collectArguments(mh, 0, leftCollector);
mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, leftCollector);
return mh;
@ -1101,7 +1056,7 @@ public class ValueConversions {
if (midLen == LEFT_ARGS)
return rightFill;
return collectArguments(rightFill, 0, midFill);
return MethodHandles.collectArguments(rightFill, 0, midFill);
// Type-polymorphic version of varargs maker.
@ -281,6 +281,28 @@ assertEquals("XY", (String) f2.invokeExact("x", "y")); // XY
@Test public void testCollectArguments() throws Throwable {
{} /// JAVADOC
MethodHandle deepToString = publicLookup()
.findStatic(Arrays.class, "deepToString", methodType(String.class, Object[].class));
MethodHandle ts1 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 1);
assertEquals("[strange]", (String) ts1.invokeExact("strange"));
MethodHandle ts2 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 2);
assertEquals("[up, down]", (String) ts2.invokeExact("up", "down"));
MethodHandle ts3 = deepToString.asCollector(String[].class, 3);
MethodHandle ts3_ts2 = collectArguments(ts3, 1, ts2);
assertEquals("[top, [up, down], strange]",
(String) ts3_ts2.invokeExact("top", "up", "down", "strange"));
MethodHandle ts3_ts2_ts1 = collectArguments(ts3_ts2, 3, ts1);
assertEquals("[top, [up, down], [strange]]",
(String) ts3_ts2_ts1.invokeExact("top", "up", "down", "strange"));
MethodHandle ts3_ts2_ts3 = collectArguments(ts3_ts2, 1, ts3);
assertEquals("[top, [[up, down, strange], charm], bottom]",
(String) ts3_ts2_ts3.invokeExact("top", "up", "down", "strange", "charm", "bottom"));
@Test public void testFoldArguments() throws Throwable {
{} /// JAVADOC
@ -277,6 +277,9 @@ public class MethodHandlesTest {
args[i] = randomArg(param);
return args;
static Object[] randomArgs(List<Class<?>> params) {
return randomArgs(params.toArray(new Class<?>[params.size()]));
@SafeVarargs @SuppressWarnings("varargs")
static <T, E extends T> T[] array(Class<T[]> atype, E... a) {
@ -347,6 +350,11 @@ public class MethodHandlesTest {
return list.asType(listType);
/** Variation of varargsList, but with the given ptypes and rtype. */
static MethodHandle varargsList(List<Class<?>> ptypes, Class<?> rtype) {
MethodHandle list = varargsList(ptypes.size(), rtype);
return list.asType(MethodType.methodType(rtype, ptypes));
private static MethodHandle LIST_TO_STRING, LIST_TO_INT;
private static String listToString(List<?> x) { return x.toString(); }
private static int listToInt(List<?> x) { return x.toString().hashCode(); }
@ -1833,24 +1841,24 @@ public class MethodHandlesTest {
@Test // SLOW
public void testCollectArguments() throws Throwable {
public void testAsCollector() throws Throwable {
if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return;
for (Class<?> argType : new Class<?>[]{Object.class, Integer.class, int.class}) {
if (verbosity >= 3)
System.out.println("collectArguments "+argType);
System.out.println("asCollector "+argType);
for (int nargs = 0; nargs < 50; nargs++) {
if (CAN_TEST_LIGHTLY && nargs > 11) break;
for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) {
if (CAN_TEST_LIGHTLY && pos > 2 && pos < nargs-2) continue;
if (nargs > 10 && pos > 4 && pos < nargs-4 && pos % 10 != 3)
testCollectArguments(argType, pos, nargs);
testAsCollector(argType, pos, nargs);
public void testCollectArguments(Class<?> argType, int pos, int nargs) throws Throwable {
public void testAsCollector(Class<?> argType, int pos, int nargs) throws Throwable {
// fake up a MH with the same type as the desired adapter:
MethodHandle fake = varargsArray(nargs);
@ -1996,38 +2004,109 @@ public class MethodHandlesTest {
assertEquals(expected, result);
public void testCollectArguments() throws Throwable {
if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return;
public void testFoldArguments() throws Throwable {
if (CAN_SKIP_WORKING) return;
for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= 4; nargs++) {
for (int fold = 0; fold <= nargs; fold++) {
for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs; pos++) {
testFoldArguments(nargs, pos, fold);
void testFoldOrCollectArguments(boolean isCollect) throws Throwable {
for (Class<?> lastType : new Class<?>[]{ Object.class, String.class, int.class }) {
for (Class<?> collectType : new Class<?>[]{ Object.class, String.class, int.class, void.class }) {
int maxArity = 10;
if (collectType != String.class) maxArity = 5;
if (lastType != Object.class) maxArity = 4;
for (int nargs = 0; nargs <= maxArity; nargs++) {
ArrayList<Class<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(nargs, Object.class));
int maxMix = 20;
if (collectType != Object.class) maxMix = 0;
Map<Object,Integer> argTypesSeen = new HashMap<>();
for (int mix = 0; mix <= maxMix; mix++) {
if (!mixArgs(argTypes, mix, argTypesSeen)) continue;
for (int collect = 0; collect <= nargs; collect++) {
for (int pos = 0; pos <= nargs - collect; pos++) {
testFoldOrCollectArguments(argTypes, pos, collect, collectType, lastType, isCollect);
void testFoldArguments(int nargs, int pos, int fold) throws Throwable {
if (pos != 0) return; // can fold only at pos=0 for now
boolean mixArgs(List<Class<?>> argTypes, int mix, Map<Object,Integer> argTypesSeen) {
assert(mix >= 0);
if (mix == 0) return true; // no change
if ((mix >>> argTypes.size()) != 0) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.size(); i++) {
if (i >= 31) break;
boolean bit = (mix & (1 << i)) != 0;
if (bit) {
Class<?> type = argTypes.get(i);
if (type == Object.class)
type = String.class;
else if (type == String.class)
type = int.class;
type = Object.class;
argTypes.set(i, type);
Integer prev = argTypesSeen.put(new ArrayList<>(argTypes), mix);
if (prev != null) {
if (verbosity >= 4) System.out.println("mix "+prev+" repeated "+mix+": "+argTypes);
return false;
if (verbosity >= 3) System.out.println("mix "+mix+" = "+argTypes);
return true;
void testFoldOrCollectArguments(List<Class<?>> argTypes, // argument types minus the inserted combineType
int pos, int fold, // position and length of the folded arguments
Class<?> combineType, // type returned from the combiner
Class<?> lastType, // type returned from the target
boolean isCollect) throws Throwable {
int nargs = argTypes.size();
if (pos != 0 && !isCollect) return; // can fold only at pos=0 for now
MethodHandle target = varargsList(1 + nargs);
MethodHandle combine = varargsList(fold).asType(MethodType.genericMethodType(fold));
List<Object> argsToPass = Arrays.asList(randomArgs(nargs, Object.class));
List<Class<?>> combineArgTypes = argTypes.subList(pos, pos + fold);
List<Class<?>> targetArgTypes = new ArrayList<>(argTypes);
if (isCollect) // does targret see arg[pos..pos+cc-1]?
targetArgTypes.subList(pos, pos + fold).clear();
if (combineType != void.class)
targetArgTypes.add(pos, combineType);
MethodHandle target = varargsList(targetArgTypes, lastType);
MethodHandle combine = varargsList(combineArgTypes, combineType);
List<Object> argsToPass = Arrays.asList(randomArgs(argTypes));
if (verbosity >= 3)
System.out.println("fold "+target+" with "+combine);
MethodHandle target2 = MethodHandles.foldArguments(target, combine);
System.out.println((isCollect ? "collect" : "fold")+" "+target+" with "+combine);
MethodHandle target2;
if (isCollect)
target2 = MethodHandles.collectArguments(target, pos, combine);
target2 = MethodHandles.foldArguments(target, combine);
// Simulate expected effect of combiner on arglist:
List<Object> expected = new ArrayList<>(argsToPass);
List<Object> argsToFold = expected.subList(pos, pos + fold);
List<Object> expectedList = new ArrayList<>(argsToPass);
List<Object> argsToFold = expectedList.subList(pos, pos + fold);
if (verbosity >= 3)
System.out.println("fold: "+argsToFold+" into "+target2);
System.out.println((isCollect ? "collect" : "fold")+": "+argsToFold+" into "+target2);
Object foldedArgs = combine.invokeWithArguments(argsToFold);
argsToFold.add(0, foldedArgs);
if (isCollect)
if (combineType != void.class)
argsToFold.add(0, foldedArgs);
Object result = target2.invokeWithArguments(argsToPass);
if (verbosity >= 3)
System.out.println("result: "+result);
Object expected = target.invokeWithArguments(expectedList);
if (!expected.equals(result))
System.out.println("*** fail at n/p/f = "+nargs+"/"+pos+"/"+fold+": "+argsToPass+" => "+result+" != "+expected);
assertEquals(expected, result);
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