8304759: Add BitMap iterators
Reviewed-by: stefank, aboldtch, tschatzl
This commit is contained in:
@ -654,6 +654,12 @@ void BitMap::write_to(bm_word_t* buffer, size_t buffer_size_in_bytes) const {
memcpy(buffer, _map, size_in_bytes());
#ifdef ASSERT
void BitMap::IteratorImpl::assert_not_empty() const {
assert(!is_empty(), "empty iterator");
#ifndef PRODUCT
void BitMap::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ class BitMap {
template<typename ReturnType> struct IterateInvoker;
struct IteratorImpl;
// Threshold for performing small range operation, even when large range
// operation was requested. Measured in words.
static const size_t small_range_words = 32;
@ -279,6 +281,8 @@ class BitMap {
// greater than (less than for reverse iteration) the current index will
// affect which further indices the operation will be applied to.
// See also the Iterator and ReverseIterator classes.
// precondition: beg and end form a valid range for the bitmap.
template<typename Function>
bool iterate(Function function, idx_t beg, idx_t end) const;
@ -312,6 +316,11 @@ class BitMap {
return reverse_iterate(cl, 0, size());
class Iterator;
class ReverseIterator;
class RBFIterator;
class ReverseRBFIterator;
// Return the index of the first set (or clear) bit in the range [beg, end),
// or end if none found.
// precondition: beg and end form a valid range for the bitmap.
@ -385,6 +394,167 @@ class BitMap {
// Implementation support for bitmap iteration. While it could be used to
// support bi-directional iteration, it is only intended to be used for
// uni-directional iteration. The directionality is determined by the using
// class.
struct BitMap::IteratorImpl {
const BitMap* _map;
idx_t _cur_beg;
idx_t _cur_end;
void assert_not_empty() const NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
// Constructs an empty iterator.
// Constructs an iterator for map, over the range [beg, end).
// May be constructed for one of forward or reverse iteration.
// precondition: beg and end form a valid range for map.
// precondition: either beg == end or
// (1) if for forward iteration, then beg must designate a set bit,
// (2) if for reverse iteration, then end-1 must designate a set bit.
IteratorImpl(const BitMap* map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
// Returns true if the remaining iteration range is empty.
bool is_empty() const;
// Returns the index of the first set bit in the remaining iteration range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
// precondition: constructed for forward iteration.
idx_t first() const;
// Returns the index of the last set bit in the remaining iteration range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
// precondition: constructed for reverse iteration.
idx_t last() const;
// Updates first() to the position of the first set bit in the range
// [first() + 1, last()]. The iterator instead becomes empty if there
// aren't any set bits in that range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
// precondition: constructed for forward iteration.
void step_first();
// Updates last() to the position of the last set bit in the range
// [first(), last()). The iterator instead becomes empty if there aren't
// any set bits in that range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
// precondition: constructed for reverse iteration.
void step_last();
// Provides iteration over the indices of the set bits in a range of a bitmap,
// in increasing order. This is an alternative to the iterate() function.
class BitMap::Iterator {
IteratorImpl _impl;
// Constructs an empty iterator.
// Constructs an iterator for map, over the range [0, map.size()).
explicit Iterator(const BitMap& map);
// Constructs an iterator for map, over the range [beg, end).
// If there are no set bits in that range, the resulting iterator is empty.
// Otherwise, index() is initially the position of the first set bit in
// that range.
// precondition: beg and end form a valid range for map.
Iterator(const BitMap& map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
// Returns true if the remaining iteration range is empty.
bool is_empty() const;
// Returns the index of the first set bit in the remaining iteration range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
idx_t index() const;
// Updates index() to the position of the first set bit in the range
// [index(), end), where end was the corresponding constructor argument.
// The iterator instead becomes empty if there aren't any set bits in
// that range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
void step();
// Range-based for loop support.
RBFIterator begin() const;
RBFIterator end() const;
// Provides iteration over the indices of the set bits in a range of a bitmap,
// in decreasing order. This is an alternative to the reverse_iterate() function.
class BitMap::ReverseIterator {
IteratorImpl _impl;
static idx_t initial_end(const BitMap& map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
// Constructs an empty iterator.
// Constructs a reverse iterator for map, over the range [0, map.size()).
explicit ReverseIterator(const BitMap& map);
// Constructs a reverse iterator for map, over the range [beg, end).
// If there are no set bits in that range, the resulting iterator is empty.
// Otherwise, index() is initially the position of the last set bit in
// that range.
// precondition: beg and end form a valid range for map.
ReverseIterator(const BitMap& map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
// Returns true if the remaining iteration range is empty.
bool is_empty() const;
// Returns the index of the last set bit in the remaining iteration range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
idx_t index() const;
// Updates index() to the position of the last set bit in the range
// [beg, index()), where beg was the corresponding constructor argument.
// The iterator instead becomes empty if there aren't any set bits in
// that range.
// precondition: !is_empty()
void step();
// Range-based for loop support.
ReverseRBFIterator begin() const;
ReverseRBFIterator end() const;
// Provides range-based for loop iteration support. This class is not
// intended for direct use by an application. It provides the functionality
// required by a range-based for loop with an Iterator as the range.
class BitMap::RBFIterator {
friend class Iterator;
IteratorImpl _impl;
RBFIterator(const BitMap* map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
bool operator!=(const RBFIterator& i) const;
idx_t operator*() const;
RBFIterator& operator++();
// Provides range-based for loop reverse iteration support. This class is
// not intended for direct use by an application. It provides the
// functionality required by a range-based for loop with a ReverseIterator
// as the range.
class BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator {
friend class ReverseIterator;
IteratorImpl _impl;
ReverseRBFIterator(const BitMap* map, idx_t beg, idx_t end);
bool operator!=(const ReverseRBFIterator& i) const;
idx_t operator*() const;
ReverseRBFIterator& operator++();
// CRTP: BitmapWithAllocator exposes the following Allocator interfaces upward to GrowableBitMap.
// bm_word_t* allocate(idx_t size_in_words) const;
@ -370,6 +370,161 @@ inline bool BitMap::reverse_iterate(BitMapClosureType* cl, idx_t beg, idx_t end)
return reverse_iterate(function, beg, end);
/// BitMap::IteratorImpl
inline BitMap::IteratorImpl::IteratorImpl()
: _map(nullptr), _cur_beg(0), _cur_end(0)
inline BitMap::IteratorImpl::IteratorImpl(const BitMap* map, idx_t beg, idx_t end)
: _map(map), _cur_beg(beg), _cur_end(end)
inline bool BitMap::IteratorImpl::is_empty() const {
return _cur_beg == _cur_end;
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::IteratorImpl::first() const {
return _cur_beg;
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::IteratorImpl::last() const {
return _cur_end - 1;
inline void BitMap::IteratorImpl::step_first() {
_cur_beg = _map->find_first_set_bit(_cur_beg + 1, _cur_end);
inline void BitMap::IteratorImpl::step_last() {
idx_t lastpos = last();
idx_t pos = _map->find_last_set_bit(_cur_beg, lastpos);
_cur_end = (pos < lastpos) ? (pos + 1) : _cur_beg;
/// BitMap::Iterator
inline BitMap::Iterator::Iterator() : _impl() {}
inline BitMap::Iterator::Iterator(const BitMap& map)
: Iterator(map, 0, map.size())
inline BitMap::Iterator::Iterator(const BitMap& map, idx_t beg, idx_t end)
: _impl(&map, map.find_first_set_bit(beg, end), end)
inline bool BitMap::Iterator::is_empty() const {
return _impl.is_empty();
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::Iterator::index() const {
return _impl.first();
inline void BitMap::Iterator::step() {
inline BitMap::RBFIterator BitMap::Iterator::begin() const {
return RBFIterator(_impl._map, _impl._cur_beg, _impl._cur_end);
inline BitMap::RBFIterator BitMap::Iterator::end() const {
return RBFIterator(_impl._map, _impl._cur_end, _impl._cur_end);
/// BitMap::ReverseIterator
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::ReverseIterator::initial_end(const BitMap& map,
idx_t beg,
idx_t end) {
idx_t pos = map.find_last_set_bit(beg, end);
return (pos < end) ? (pos + 1) : beg;
inline BitMap::ReverseIterator::ReverseIterator() : _impl() {}
inline BitMap::ReverseIterator::ReverseIterator(const BitMap& map)
: ReverseIterator(map, 0, map.size())
inline BitMap::ReverseIterator::ReverseIterator(const BitMap& map,
idx_t beg,
idx_t end)
: _impl(&map, beg, initial_end(map, beg, end))
inline bool BitMap::ReverseIterator::is_empty() const {
return _impl.is_empty();
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::ReverseIterator::index() const {
return _impl.last();
inline void BitMap::ReverseIterator::step() {
inline BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator BitMap::ReverseIterator::begin() const {
return ReverseRBFIterator(_impl._map, _impl._cur_beg, _impl._cur_end);
inline BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator BitMap::ReverseIterator::end() const {
return ReverseRBFIterator(_impl._map, _impl._cur_beg, _impl._cur_beg);
/// BitMap::RBFIterator
inline BitMap::RBFIterator::RBFIterator(const BitMap* map, idx_t beg, idx_t end)
: _impl(map, beg, end)
inline bool BitMap::RBFIterator::operator!=(const RBFIterator& i) const {
// Shouldn't be comparing RBF iterators from different contexts.
assert(_impl._map == i._impl._map, "mismatched range-based for iterators");
assert(_impl._cur_end == i._impl._cur_end, "mismatched range-based for iterators");
return _impl._cur_beg != i._impl._cur_beg;
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::RBFIterator::operator*() const {
return _impl.first();
inline BitMap::RBFIterator& BitMap::RBFIterator::operator++() {
return *this;
/// BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator
inline BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator::ReverseRBFIterator(const BitMap* map,
idx_t beg,
idx_t end)
: _impl(map, beg, end)
inline bool BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator::operator!=(const ReverseRBFIterator& i) const {
// Shouldn't be comparing RBF iterators from different contexts.
assert(_impl._map == i._impl._map, "mismatched range-based for iterators");
assert(_impl._cur_beg == i._impl._cur_beg, "mismatched range-based for iterators");
return _impl._cur_end != i._impl._cur_end;
inline BitMap::idx_t BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator::operator*() const {
return _impl.last();
inline BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator& BitMap::ReverseRBFIterator::operator++() {
return *this;
// Returns a bit mask for a range of bits [beg, end) within a single word. Each
// bit in the mask is 0 if the bit is in the range, 1 if not in the range. The
// returned mask can be used directly to clear the range, or inverted to set the
@ -175,6 +175,50 @@ static void test_reverse_iterate_non_closure(const BitMap& map,
ASSERT_EQ(closure._data._positions_index, 0u);
static void test_iterator(const BitMap& map,
const idx_t* positions,
size_t positions_size) {
SCOPED_TRACE("iterate with Iterator");
size_t positions_index = 0;
for (BitMap::Iterator it{map}; !it.is_empty(); it.step()) {
test_iterate_step(map, it.index(), positions, positions_index++, positions_size);
ASSERT_EQ(positions_index, positions_size);
static void test_reverse_iterator(const BitMap& map,
const idx_t* positions,
size_t positions_size) {
SCOPED_TRACE("reverse iterate with Iterator");
size_t positions_index = positions_size;
for (BitMap::ReverseIterator it{map}; !it.is_empty(); it.step()) {
test_iterate_step(map, it.index(), positions, --positions_index, positions_size);
ASSERT_EQ(positions_index, 0u);
static void test_for_loop_iterator(const BitMap& map,
const idx_t* positions,
size_t positions_size) {
SCOPED_TRACE("iterate with range-based for loop");
size_t positions_index = 0;
for (idx_t index : BitMap::Iterator(map)) {
test_iterate_step(map, index, positions, positions_index++, positions_size);
ASSERT_EQ(positions_index, positions_size);
static void test_for_loop_reverse_iterator(const BitMap& map,
const idx_t* positions,
size_t positions_size) {
SCOPED_TRACE("reverse iterate with range-based for loop");
size_t positions_index = positions_size;
for (idx_t index : BitMap::ReverseIterator(map)) {
test_iterate_step(map, index, positions, --positions_index, positions_size);
ASSERT_EQ(positions_index, 0u);
static void fill_iterate_map(BitMap& map,
const idx_t* positions,
size_t positions_size) {
@ -196,6 +240,12 @@ static void test_iterate(BitMap& map,
test_reverse_iterate_lambda(map, positions, positions_size);
test_reverse_iterate_closure(map, positions, positions_size);
test_reverse_iterate_non_closure(map, positions, positions_size);
test_iterator(map, positions, positions_size);
test_reverse_iterator(map, positions, positions_size);
test_for_loop_iterator(map, positions, positions_size);
test_for_loop_reverse_iterator(map, positions, positions_size);
TEST(BitMap, iterate_empty) {
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