8330388: Remove invokedynamic cache index encoding
Reviewed-by: cjplummer, dlong, coleenp
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,11 +190,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index,
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
// assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "giant index used only for JSR 292");
ldrw(index, Address(rbcp, bcp_offset));
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the
// plain index.
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
eonw(index, index, zr); // convert to plain index
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u1)) {
load_unsigned_byte(index, Address(rbcp, bcp_offset));
} else {
@ -211,11 +211,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_index_at_bcp(Register index, int bcp_offset,
orr(index, tmp_reg, AsmOperand(index, lsl, BitsPerByte));
ldrb(tmp_reg, Address(Rbcp, bcp_offset));
orr(index, tmp_reg, AsmOperand(index, lsl, BitsPerByte));
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the
// plain index.
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
mvn_32(index, index); // convert to plain index
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u1)) {
ldrb(index, Address(Rbcp, bcp_offset));
} else {
@ -444,8 +444,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register Rdst, int bcp_of
} else {
lwa(Rdst, bcp_offset, R14_bcp);
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
nand(Rdst, Rdst, Rdst); // convert to plain index
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u1)) {
lbz(Rdst, bcp_offset, R14_bcp);
} else {
@ -216,13 +216,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index,
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
load_int_misaligned(index, Address(xbcp, bcp_offset), tmp, false);
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the
// plain index.
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
xori(index, index, -1);
sign_extend(index, index, 32);
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u1)) {
load_unsigned_byte(index, Address(xbcp, bcp_offset));
} else {
@ -324,12 +324,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index, int bcp_o
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
load_sized_value(index, param, 4, false);
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the
// plain index.
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
not_(index); // Convert to plain index.
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u1)) {
z_llgc(index, param);
} else {
@ -463,11 +463,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index,
load_unsigned_short(index, Address(_bcp_register, bcp_offset));
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
movl(index, Address(_bcp_register, bcp_offset));
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the
// plain index.
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
notl(index); // convert to plain index
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u1)) {
load_unsigned_byte(index, Address(_bcp_register, bcp_offset));
} else {
@ -1059,8 +1059,7 @@ JRT_ENTRY(void, Runtime1::patch_code(JavaThread* current, Runtime1::StubID stub_
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: {
int indy_index = pool->decode_invokedynamic_index(index);
appendix = Handle(current, pool->cache()->set_dynamic_call(info, indy_index));
appendix = Handle(current, pool->cache()->set_dynamic_call(info, index));
default: fatal("unexpected bytecode for load_appendix_patching_id");
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void ClassListParser::resolve_indy_impl(Symbol* class_name_symbol, TRAPS) {
Bytecodes::_invokedynamic, CHECK);
@ -869,10 +869,8 @@ ciMethod* ciEnv::get_method_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
// Jump through a patchable call site, which is initially a deopt routine.
// Patch the call site to the nmethod entry point of the static compiled lambda form.
// As with other two-component call sites, both values must be independently verified.
int indy_index = cpool->decode_invokedynamic_index(index);
assert (indy_index >= 0, "should be");
assert(indy_index < cpool->cache()->resolved_indy_entries_length(), "impossible");
Method* adapter = cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->method();
assert(index < cpool->cache()->resolved_indy_entries_length(), "impossible");
Method* adapter = cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(index)->method();
// Resolved if the adapter is non null.
if (adapter != nullptr) {
return get_method(adapter);
@ -1499,21 +1497,20 @@ void ciEnv::record_call_site_method(Thread* thread, Method* adapter) {
// Process an invokedynamic call site and record any dynamic locations.
void ciEnv::process_invokedynamic(const constantPoolHandle &cp, int indy_index, JavaThread* thread) {
int index = cp->decode_invokedynamic_index(indy_index);
ResolvedIndyEntry* indy_info = cp->resolved_indy_entry_at(index);
ResolvedIndyEntry* indy_info = cp->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index);
if (indy_info->method() != nullptr) {
// process the adapter
Method* adapter = indy_info->method();
record_call_site_method(thread, adapter);
// process the appendix
oop appendix = cp->resolved_reference_from_indy(index);
oop appendix = cp->resolved_reference_from_indy(indy_index);
RecordLocation fp(this, "<appendix>");
record_call_site_obj(thread, appendix);
// process the BSM
int pool_index = indy_info->constant_pool_index();
BootstrapInfo bootstrap_specifier(cp, pool_index, index);
BootstrapInfo bootstrap_specifier(cp, pool_index, indy_index);
oop bsm = cp->resolve_possibly_cached_constant_at(bootstrap_specifier.bsm_index(), thread);
RecordLocation fp(this, "<bsm>");
@ -416,7 +416,6 @@ class CompileReplay : public StackObj {
int pool_index = 0;
if (bytecode.is_invokedynamic()) {
index = cp->decode_invokedynamic_index(index);
cp->cache()->set_dynamic_call(callInfo, index);
appendix = cp->resolved_reference_from_indy(index);
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ ciMethod* ciBytecodeStream::get_method(bool& will_link, ciSignature* *declared_s
bool ciBytecodeStream::has_appendix() {
constantPoolHandle cpool(THREAD, _method->get_Method()->constants());
return ConstantPool::has_appendix_at_if_loaded(cpool, get_method_index());
return ConstantPool::has_appendix_at_if_loaded(cpool, get_method_index(), cur_bc());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ bool ciBytecodeStream::has_appendix() {
ciObject* ciBytecodeStream::get_appendix() {
constantPoolHandle cpool(THREAD, _method->get_Method()->constants());
oop appendix_oop = ConstantPool::appendix_at_if_loaded(cpool, get_method_index());
oop appendix_oop = ConstantPool::appendix_at_if_loaded(cpool, get_method_index(), cur_bc());
return CURRENT_ENV->get_object(appendix_oop);
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ ciObject* ciBytecodeStream::get_appendix() {
bool ciBytecodeStream::has_local_signature() {
constantPoolHandle cpool(Thread::current(), _method->get_Method()->constants());
return ConstantPool::has_local_signature_at_if_loaded(cpool, get_method_index());
return ConstantPool::has_local_signature_at_if_loaded(cpool, get_method_index(), cur_bc());
@ -543,4 +543,3 @@ int ciBytecodeStream::get_method_signature_index(const constantPoolHandle& cpool
return cpool->signature_ref_index_at(name_and_type_index);
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ public:
static const int CPCACHE_INDEX_MANGLE_VALUE = 1000000;
// This function is used to encode an invokedynamic index to differentiate it from a
// constant pool index. It assumes it is being called with a index that is less than 0
// constant pool index.
static int encode_indy_index(int index) {
assert(index < 0, "Unexpected non-negative cpCache index");
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ bool AbstractInterpreter::is_not_reached(const methodHandle& method, int bci) {
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: {
assert(invoke_bc.has_index_u4(code), "sanity");
int method_index = cpool->decode_invokedynamic_index(invoke_bc.get_index_u4(code));
int method_index = invoke_bc.get_index_u4(code);
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(method_index)->is_resolved();
case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual: // fall-through
@ -394,8 +394,7 @@ address AbstractInterpreter::deopt_continue_after_entry(Method* method, address
// (NOT needed for the old calling convention)
if (!is_top_frame) {
int index = Bytes::get_native_u4(bcp+1);
int indy_index = method->constants()->decode_invokedynamic_index(index);
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ bool BootstrapInfo::resolve_previously_linked_invokedynamic(CallInfo& result, TR
Exceptions::wrap_dynamic_exception(/* is_indy */ true, CHECK_false);
return true;
} else if (indy_entry->resolution_failed()) {
int encoded_index = ResolutionErrorTable::encode_indy_index(ConstantPool::encode_invokedynamic_index(_indy_index));
int encoded_index = ResolutionErrorTable::encode_indy_index(_indy_index);
ConstantPool::throw_resolution_error(_pool, encoded_index, CHECK_false); // Doesn't necessarily need to be resolved yet
return true;
} else {
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ class BootstrapInfo : public StackObj {
// derived accessors
InstanceKlass* caller() const { return _pool->pool_holder(); }
oop caller_mirror() const { return caller()->java_mirror(); }
int decode_indy_index() const { return ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(_indy_index); }
int bsms_attr_index() const { return _pool->bootstrap_methods_attribute_index(_bss_index); }
int bsm_index() const { return _pool->bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(_bss_index); }
//int argc() is eagerly cached in _argc
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ int Bytecode_member_ref::pool_index() const {
ResolvedIndyEntry* Bytecode_member_ref::resolved_indy_entry() const {
int index = this->index();
assert(invoke_code() == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic, "should not call this");
return cpcache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(index));
return cpcache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(index);
ResolvedMethodEntry* Bytecode_member_ref::resolved_method_entry() const {
@ -555,8 +555,7 @@ void BytecodePrinter::print_attributes(int bci, outputStream* st) {
int indy_index;
int cp_index;
if (is_linked()) {
int i = get_native_index_u4();
indy_index = ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(i);
indy_index = get_native_index_u4();
cp_index = constants()->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->constant_pool_index();
} else {
indy_index = -1;
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ void InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invokedynamic(JavaThread* current) {
index, bytecode, CHECK);
} // end JvmtiHideSingleStepping
pool->cache()->set_dynamic_call(info, pool->decode_invokedynamic_index(index));
pool->cache()->set_dynamic_call(info, index);
// This function is the interface to the assembly code. It returns the resolved
@ -1779,11 +1779,10 @@ void LinkResolver::resolve_handle_call(CallInfo& result,
void LinkResolver::resolve_invokedynamic(CallInfo& result, const constantPoolHandle& pool, int indy_index, TRAPS) {
int index = pool->decode_invokedynamic_index(indy_index);
int pool_index = pool->resolved_indy_entry_at(index)->constant_pool_index();
int pool_index = pool->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->constant_pool_index();
// Resolve the bootstrap specifier (BSM + optional arguments).
BootstrapInfo bootstrap_specifier(pool, pool_index, index);
BootstrapInfo bootstrap_specifier(pool, pool_index, indy_index);
// Check if CallSite has been bound already or failed already, and short circuit:
@ -305,15 +305,14 @@ void Rewriter::rewrite_invokedynamic(address bcp, int offset, bool reverse) {
// must have a five-byte instruction format. (Of course, other JVM
// implementations can use the bytes for other purposes.)
// Note: We use native_u4 format exclusively for 4-byte indexes.
Bytes::put_native_u4(p, ConstantPool::encode_invokedynamic_index(_invokedynamic_index));
Bytes::put_native_u4(p, (u2)_invokedynamic_index);
// Collect invokedynamic information before creating ResolvedInvokeDynamicInfo array
_initialized_indy_entries.push(ResolvedIndyEntry((u2)resolved_index, (u2)cp_index));
} else {
// Should do nothing since we are not patching this bytecode
int cache_index = ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(
int cache_index = Bytes::get_native_u4(p);
int cp_index = _initialized_indy_entries.at(cache_index).constant_pool_index();
assert(_pool->tag_at(cp_index).is_invoke_dynamic(), "wrong index");
// zero out 4 bytes
@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ run:
CASE(_invokedynamic): {
u4 index = cp->constant_pool()->decode_invokedynamic_index(Bytes::get_native_u4(pc+1)); // index is originally negative
u4 index = Bytes::get_native_u4(pc+1);
ResolvedIndyEntry* indy_info = cp->resolved_indy_entry_at(index);
if (!indy_info->is_resolved()) {
CALL_VM(InterpreterRuntime::resolve_from_cache(THREAD, (Bytecodes::Code)opcode),
@ -910,9 +910,9 @@ C2V_VMENTRY_NULL(jobject, lookupKlassInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAI
return JVMCIENV->get_jobject(result);
C2V_VMENTRY_NULL(jobject, lookupAppendixInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAIR(cp), jint which))
C2V_VMENTRY_NULL(jobject, lookupAppendixInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAIR(cp), jint which, jint opcode))
constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, UNPACK_PAIR(ConstantPool, cp));
oop appendix_oop = ConstantPool::appendix_at_if_loaded(cp, which);
oop appendix_oop = ConstantPool::appendix_at_if_loaded(cp, which, Bytecodes::Code(opcode));
return JVMCIENV->get_jobject(JVMCIENV->get_object_constant(appendix_oop));
@ -1629,16 +1629,11 @@ C2V_VMENTRY_NULL(jobject, iterateFrames, (JNIEnv* env, jobject compilerToVM, job
return nullptr;
C2V_VMENTRY_0(int, decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAIR(cp), jint encoded_indy_index, jboolean resolve))
if (!ConstantPool::is_invokedynamic_index(encoded_indy_index)) {
JVMCI_THROW_MSG_0(IllegalStateException, err_msg("not an encoded indy index %d", encoded_indy_index));
C2V_VMENTRY_0(int, decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAIR(cp), jint indy_index, jboolean resolve))
constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, UNPACK_PAIR(ConstantPool, cp));
CallInfo callInfo;
int indy_index = cp->decode_invokedynamic_index(encoded_indy_index);
if (resolve) {
LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callInfo, Handle(), cp, encoded_indy_index, Bytecodes::_invokedynamic, CHECK_0);
LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callInfo, Handle(), cp, indy_index, Bytecodes::_invokedynamic, CHECK_0);
cp->cache()->set_dynamic_call(callInfo, indy_index);
return cp->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->constant_pool_index();
@ -1671,7 +1666,7 @@ C2V_VMENTRY(void, resolveInvokeHandleInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAI
C2V_VMENTRY_0(jint, isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAIR(cp), jint index))
C2V_VMENTRY_0(jint, isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMENT_PAIR(cp), jint index, jint opcode))
constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, UNPACK_PAIR(ConstantPool, cp));
ResolvedMethodEntry* entry = cp->cache()->resolved_method_entry_at(index);
if (entry->is_resolved(Bytecodes::_invokehandle)) {
@ -1705,8 +1700,8 @@ C2V_VMENTRY_0(jint, isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool, (JNIEnv* env, jobject, ARGUMEN
return Bytecodes::_invokevirtual;
if (cp->is_invokedynamic_index(index)) {
if (cp->resolved_indy_entry_at(cp->decode_invokedynamic_index(index))->is_resolved()) {
if ((Bytecodes::Code)opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
if (cp->resolved_indy_entry_at(index)->is_resolved()) {
return Bytecodes::_invokedynamic;
@ -3228,7 +3223,7 @@ JNINativeMethod CompilerToVM::methods[] = {
{CC "lookupSignatureInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "II)" STRING, FN_PTR(lookupSignatureInPool)},
{CC "lookupKlassRefIndexInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "II)I", FN_PTR(lookupKlassRefIndexInPool)},
{CC "lookupKlassInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "I)Ljava/lang/Object;", FN_PTR(lookupKlassInPool)},
{CC "lookupAppendixInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "I)" OBJECTCONSTANT, FN_PTR(lookupAppendixInPool)},
{CC "lookupAppendixInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "II)" OBJECTCONSTANT, FN_PTR(lookupAppendixInPool)},
{CC "lookupMethodInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "IB" HS_METHOD2 ")" HS_METHOD, FN_PTR(lookupMethodInPool)},
{CC "lookupConstantInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "IZ)" JAVACONSTANT, FN_PTR(lookupConstantInPool)},
{CC "resolveBootstrapMethod", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "I)[" OBJECT, FN_PTR(resolveBootstrapMethod)},
@ -3240,7 +3235,7 @@ JNINativeMethod CompilerToVM::methods[] = {
{CC "decodeMethodIndexToCPIndex", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "I)I", FN_PTR(decodeMethodIndexToCPIndex)},
{CC "decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "IZ)I", FN_PTR(decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex)},
{CC "resolveInvokeHandleInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "I)V", FN_PTR(resolveInvokeHandleInPool)},
{CC "isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "I)I", FN_PTR(isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool)},
{CC "isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool", CC "(" HS_CONSTANT_POOL2 "II)I", FN_PTR(isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool)},
{CC "resolveMethod", CC "(" HS_KLASS2 HS_METHOD2 HS_KLASS2 ")" HS_METHOD, FN_PTR(resolveMethod)},
{CC "getSignaturePolymorphicHolders", CC "()[" STRING, FN_PTR(getSignaturePolymorphicHolders)},
{CC "getVtableIndexForInterfaceMethod", CC "(" HS_KLASS2 HS_METHOD2 ")I", FN_PTR(getVtableIndexForInterfaceMethod)},
@ -1856,9 +1856,8 @@ Method* JVMCIRuntime::get_method_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
int index, Bytecodes::Code bc,
InstanceKlass* accessor) {
if (bc == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
int indy_index = cpool->decode_invokedynamic_index(index);
if (cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->is_resolved()) {
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->method();
if (cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(index)->is_resolved()) {
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(index)->method();
return nullptr;
@ -652,32 +652,29 @@ Method* ConstantPool::method_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
bool ConstantPool::has_appendix_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int which) {
bool ConstantPool::has_appendix_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int which, Bytecodes::Code code) {
if (cpool->cache() == nullptr) return false; // nothing to load yet
if (is_invokedynamic_index(which)) {
int indy_index = decode_invokedynamic_index(which);
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->has_appendix();
if (code == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(which)->has_appendix();
} else {
return cpool->resolved_method_entry_at(which)->has_appendix();
oop ConstantPool::appendix_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int which) {
oop ConstantPool::appendix_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int which, Bytecodes::Code code) {
if (cpool->cache() == nullptr) return nullptr; // nothing to load yet
if (is_invokedynamic_index(which)) {
int indy_index = decode_invokedynamic_index(which);
return cpool->resolved_reference_from_indy(indy_index);
if (code == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
return cpool->resolved_reference_from_indy(which);
} else {
return cpool->cache()->appendix_if_resolved(which);
bool ConstantPool::has_local_signature_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int which) {
bool ConstantPool::has_local_signature_at_if_loaded(const constantPoolHandle& cpool, int which, Bytecodes::Code code) {
if (cpool->cache() == nullptr) return false; // nothing to load yet
if (is_invokedynamic_index(which)) {
int indy_index = decode_invokedynamic_index(which);
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->has_local_signature();
if (code == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
return cpool->resolved_indy_entry_at(which)->has_local_signature();
} else {
return cpool->resolved_method_entry_at(which)->has_local_signature();
@ -739,8 +736,6 @@ u2 ConstantPool::uncached_klass_ref_index_at(int cp_index) {
u2 ConstantPool::klass_ref_index_at(int index, Bytecodes::Code code) {
"an invokedynamic instruction does not have a klass");
assert(code != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic,
"an invokedynamic instruction does not have a klass");
return uncached_klass_ref_index_at(to_cp_index(index, code));
@ -248,14 +248,6 @@ class ConstantPool : public Metadata {
void allocate_resolved_klasses(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, int num_klasses, TRAPS);
void initialize_unresolved_klasses(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, TRAPS);
// Invokedynamic indexes.
// They must look completely different from normal indexes.
// The main reason is that byte swapping is sometimes done on normal indexes.
// Finally, it is helpful for debugging to tell the two apart.
static bool is_invokedynamic_index(int i) { return (i < 0); }
static int decode_invokedynamic_index(int i) { assert(is_invokedynamic_index(i), ""); return ~i; }
static int encode_invokedynamic_index(int i) { assert(!is_invokedynamic_index(i), ""); return ~i; }
// Given the per-instruction index of an indy instruction, report the
// main constant pool entry for its bootstrap specifier.
// From there, uncached_name/signature_ref_at will get the name/type.
@ -761,9 +753,9 @@ class ConstantPool : public Metadata {
// Used by compiler to prevent classloading.
static Method* method_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which);
static bool has_appendix_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which);
static oop appendix_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which);
static bool has_local_signature_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which);
static bool has_appendix_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which, Bytecodes::Code code);
static oop appendix_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which, Bytecodes::Code code);
static bool has_local_signature_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which, Bytecodes::Code code);
static Klass* klass_at_if_loaded (const constantPoolHandle& this_cp, int which);
// Routines currently used for annotations (only called by jvm.cpp) but which might be used in the
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ inline oop ConstantPool::appendix_if_resolved(int method_index) const {
inline u2 ConstantPool::invokedynamic_bootstrap_ref_index_at(int indy_index) const {
return cache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(decode_invokedynamic_index(indy_index))->constant_pool_index();
return cache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index)->constant_pool_index();
inline ResolvedIndyEntry* ConstantPool::resolved_indy_entry_at(int index) {
@ -570,8 +570,7 @@ bool ConstantPoolCache::save_and_throw_indy_exc(
Symbol* error = PENDING_EXCEPTION->klass()->name();
const char* message = java_lang_Throwable::message_as_utf8(PENDING_EXCEPTION);
int encoded_index = ResolutionErrorTable::encode_indy_index(
int encoded_index = ResolutionErrorTable::encode_indy_index(index);
SystemDictionary::add_resolution_error(cpool, encoded_index, error, message);
return true;
@ -590,8 +589,7 @@ oop ConstantPoolCache::set_dynamic_call(const CallInfo &call_info, int index) {
// Before we got here, another thread got a LinkageError exception during
// resolution. Ignore our success and throw their exception.
guarantee(index >= 0, "Invalid indy index");
int encoded_index = ResolutionErrorTable::encode_indy_index(
int encoded_index = ResolutionErrorTable::encode_indy_index(index);
JavaThread* THREAD = JavaThread::current(); // For exception macros.
constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, constant_pool());
ConstantPool::throw_resolution_error(cp, encoded_index, THREAD);
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ void JvmtiClassFileReconstituter::copy_bytecodes(const methodHandle& mh,
int pool_index;
if (is_invokedynamic) {
cpci = Bytes::get_native_u4(bcp+1);
pool_index = mh->constants()->resolved_indy_entry_at(mh->constants()->decode_invokedynamic_index(cpci))->constant_pool_index();
pool_index = mh->constants()->resolved_indy_entry_at(cpci)->constant_pool_index();
} else {
// cache cannot be pre-fetched since some classes won't have it yet
pool_index = mh->constants()->resolved_method_entry_at(cpci)->constant_pool_index();
@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ bool MethodComparator::args_same(Bytecodes::Code const c_old, Bytecodes::Code c
int index_old = s_old->get_index_u4();
int index_new = s_new->get_index_u4();
int indy_index_old = old_cp->decode_invokedynamic_index(index_old);
int indy_index_new = new_cp->decode_invokedynamic_index(index_new);
// Check if the names of classes, field/method names and signatures at these indexes
// are the same. Indices which are really into constantpool cache (rather than constant
// pool itself) are accepted by the constantpool query routines below.
@ -131,8 +128,8 @@ bool MethodComparator::args_same(Bytecodes::Code const c_old, Bytecodes::Code c
(old_cp->signature_ref_at(index_old, c_old) != new_cp->signature_ref_at(index_new, c_old)))
return false;
int cpi_old = old_cp->cache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index_old)->constant_pool_index();
int cpi_new = new_cp->cache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index_new)->constant_pool_index();
int cpi_old = old_cp->cache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(index_old)->constant_pool_index();
int cpi_new = new_cp->cache()->resolved_indy_entry_at(index_new)->constant_pool_index();
if ((old_cp->uncached_name_ref_at(cpi_old) != new_cp->uncached_name_ref_at(cpi_new)) ||
(old_cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(cpi_old) != new_cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(cpi_new)))
return false;
@ -1884,10 +1884,6 @@ WB_ENTRY(jobjectArray, WB_GetResolvedReferences(JNIEnv* env, jobject wb, jclass
return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(THREAD, resolved_refs);
WB_ENTRY(jint, WB_ConstantPoolEncodeIndyIndex(JNIEnv* env, jobject wb, jint index))
return ConstantPool::encode_invokedynamic_index(index);
WB_ENTRY(jint, WB_getFieldEntriesLength(JNIEnv* env, jobject wb, jclass klass))
InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve(klass)));
ConstantPool* cp = ik->constants();
@ -2845,8 +2841,6 @@ static JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
{CC"forceClassLoaderStatsSafepoint", CC"()V", (void*)&WB_ForceClassLoaderStatsSafepoint },
{CC"getConstantPool0", CC"(Ljava/lang/Class;)J", (void*)&WB_GetConstantPool },
{CC"getResolvedReferences0", CC"(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/Object;", (void*)&WB_GetResolvedReferences},
CC"(I)I", (void*)&WB_ConstantPoolEncodeIndyIndex},
{CC"getFieldEntriesLength0", CC"(Ljava/lang/Class;)I", (void*)&WB_getFieldEntriesLength},
{CC"getFieldCPIndex0", CC"(Ljava/lang/Class;I)I", (void*)&WB_getFieldCPIndex},
{CC"getMethodEntriesLength0", CC"(Ljava/lang/Class;)I", (void*)&WB_getMethodEntriesLength},
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
package sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ConstantPoolCache;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.Method;
// any bytecode with constant pool index
@ -37,12 +37,7 @@ public abstract class BytecodeWithCPIndex extends Bytecode {
// the constant pool index for this bytecode
public int index() {
if (code() == Bytecodes._invokedynamic) {
int index = getIndexU4();
if (ConstantPool.isInvokedynamicIndex(index)) {
return ConstantPool.decodeInvokedynamicIndex(index);
} else {
return index;
return getIndexU4();
} else {
return getIndexU2(code(), false);
@ -306,18 +306,6 @@ public class ConstantPool extends Metadata implements ClassConstants {
return getSymbolAt(signatureIndex);
public static boolean isInvokedynamicIndex(int i) { return (i < 0); }
public static int decodeInvokedynamicIndex(int i) { Assert.that(isInvokedynamicIndex(i), ""); return ~i; }
// The invokedynamic points at a CP cache entry. This entry points back
// at the original CP entry (CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic) and also (via f2) at an entry
// in the resolved_references array (which provides the appendix argument).
public int invokedynamicCPCacheIndex(int index) {
Assert.that(isInvokedynamicIndex(index), "should be a invokedynamic index");
return decodeInvokedynamicIndex(index);
public int uncachedGetNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(int cp_index) {
if (getTagAt(cp_index).isInvokeDynamic() || getTagAt(cp_index).isDynamicConstant()) {
int poolIndex = invokeDynamicNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(cp_index);
@ -24,13 +24,17 @@
package sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.jcore;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter.Bytecodes;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ConstantPool;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ConstantPoolCache;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.Method;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.Bytes;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Assert;
public class ByteCodeRewriter
private Method method;
@ -133,8 +137,8 @@ public class ByteCodeRewriter
case Bytecodes._invokedynamic: {
int cpci = method.getNativeIntArg(bci + 1);
cpoolIndex = (short) cpCache.getIndyEntryAt(~cpci).getConstantPoolIndex();
int indy_index = method.getNativeIntArg(bci + 1);
cpoolIndex = (short) cpCache.getIndyEntryAt(indy_index).getConstantPoolIndex();
writeShort(code, bci + 1, cpoolIndex);
writeShort(code, bci + 3, (short)0); // clear out trailing bytes
@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
package jdk.vm.ci.hotspot;
import static jdk.vm.ci.common.InitTimer.timer;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
@ -35,8 +32,10 @@ import jdk.vm.ci.code.InstalledCode;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.InvalidInstalledCodeException;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.stack.InspectedFrameVisitor;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.InitTimer;
import static jdk.vm.ci.common.InitTimer.timer;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.JVMCIError;
import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.Option;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantReflectionProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
@ -429,11 +428,10 @@ final class CompilerToVM {
long callerMethodPointer);
* Converts the encoded indy index operand of an invokedynamic instruction
* Converts the indy index operand of an invokedynamic instruction
* to an index directly into {@code constantPool}.
* @param resolve if {@true}, then resolve the entry (which may call a bootstrap method)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code encoded_indy_index} is not an encoded indy index
* @return {@code JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic} constant pool entry index for the invokedynamic
int decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, int encoded_indy_index, boolean resolve) {
@ -535,11 +533,11 @@ final class CompilerToVM {
* opcode of the instruction for which the resolution was performed ({@code invokedynamic} or
* {@code invokevirtual}), or {@code -1} otherwise.
int isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, int cpi) {
return isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool(constantPool, constantPool.getConstantPoolPointer(), cpi);
int isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, int cpi, int opcode) {
return isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool(constantPool, constantPool.getConstantPoolPointer(), cpi, opcode);
private native int isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, long constantPoolPointer, int cpi);
private native int isResolvedInvokeHandleInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, long constantPoolPointer, int cpi, int opcode);
* Gets the list of type names (in the format of {@link JavaType#getName()}) denoting the
@ -596,11 +594,11 @@ final class CompilerToVM {
* Otherwise, it's treated as a constant pool cache index
HotSpotObjectConstantImpl lookupAppendixInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, int which) {
return lookupAppendixInPool(constantPool, constantPool.getConstantPoolPointer(), which);
HotSpotObjectConstantImpl lookupAppendixInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, int which, int opcode) {
return lookupAppendixInPool(constantPool, constantPool.getConstantPoolPointer(), which, opcode);
private native HotSpotObjectConstantImpl lookupAppendixInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, long constantPoolPointer, int which);
private native HotSpotObjectConstantImpl lookupAppendixInPool(HotSpotConstantPool constantPool, long constantPoolPointer, int which, int opcode);
* Installs the result of a compilation into the code cache.
@ -22,19 +22,16 @@
package jdk.vm.ci.hotspot;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVM.compilerToVM;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotVMConfig.config;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.JVMCIError;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.NativeImageReinitialize;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVM.compilerToVM;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotVMConfig.config;
import static jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantPool;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaField;
@ -259,13 +256,6 @@ public final class HotSpotConstantPool implements ConstantPool, MetaspaceHandleO
return holder;
* See {@code ConstantPool::is_invokedynamic_index}.
private static boolean isInvokedynamicIndex(int index) {
return index < 0;
* Gets the raw {@code ConstantPool*} value for the this constant pool.
@ -708,15 +698,7 @@ public final class HotSpotConstantPool implements ConstantPool, MetaspaceHandleO
if (!Bytecodes.isInvoke(opcode)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected an invoke bytecode for " + rawIndex + ", got " + opcode);
if (opcode == Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
if (!isInvokedynamicIndex(rawIndex)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected a raw index for INVOKEDYNAMIC but got " + rawIndex);
return compilerToVM().lookupAppendixInPool(this, rawIndex);
} else {
return compilerToVM().lookupAppendixInPool(this, rawIndex);
return compilerToVM().lookupAppendixInPool(this, rawIndex, opcode);
@ -735,26 +717,17 @@ public final class HotSpotConstantPool implements ConstantPool, MetaspaceHandleO
public JavaMethod lookupMethod(int rawIndex, int opcode, ResolvedJavaMethod caller) {
int which; // interpretation depends on opcode
if (opcode == Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
if (!isInvokedynamicIndex(rawIndex)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected a raw index for INVOKEDYNAMIC but got " + rawIndex);
which = rawIndex;
} else {
which = rawIndex;
final HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod method = compilerToVM().lookupMethodInPool(this, which, (byte) opcode, (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl) caller);
final HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod method = compilerToVM().lookupMethodInPool(this, rawIndex, (byte) opcode, (HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl) caller);
if (method != null) {
return method;
} else {
// Get the method's name and signature.
String name = compilerToVM().lookupNameInPool(this, which, opcode);
HotSpotSignature signature = new HotSpotSignature(runtime(), compilerToVM().lookupSignatureInPool(this, which, opcode));
String name = compilerToVM().lookupNameInPool(this, rawIndex, opcode);
HotSpotSignature signature = new HotSpotSignature(runtime(), compilerToVM().lookupSignatureInPool(this, rawIndex, opcode));
if (opcode == Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
return new UnresolvedJavaMethod(name, signature, runtime().getMethodHandleClass());
} else {
final int klassIndex = getKlassRefIndexAt(which, opcode);
final int klassIndex = getKlassRefIndexAt(rawIndex, opcode);
final Object type = compilerToVM().lookupKlassInPool(this, klassIndex);
return new UnresolvedJavaMethod(name, signature, getJavaType(type));
@ -853,14 +826,10 @@ public final class HotSpotConstantPool implements ConstantPool, MetaspaceHandleO
* @return constant pool index
private int indyIndexConstantPoolIndex(int rawIndex, int opcode) {
if (isInvokedynamicIndex(rawIndex)) {
if (opcode != Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected INVOKEDYNAMIC at " + rawIndex + ", got " + opcode);
return compilerToVM().decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex(this, rawIndex, false);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected a raw index for INVOKEDYNAMIC but got " + rawIndex);
if (opcode != Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected INVOKEDYNAMIC at " + rawIndex + ", got " + opcode);
return compilerToVM().decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex(this, rawIndex, false);
@ -884,10 +853,6 @@ public final class HotSpotConstantPool implements ConstantPool, MetaspaceHandleO
cpi = rawIndex;
case Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC: {
// invokedynamic indices are different from constant pool cache indices
if (!isInvokedynamicIndex(rawIndex)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must use invokedynamic index but got " + rawIndex);
cpi = compilerToVM().decodeIndyIndexToCPIndex(this, rawIndex, true);
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ public class CompilerToVMHelper {
public static Object lookupAppendixInPool(
ConstantPool constantPool, int cpi) {
return CTVM.lookupAppendixInPool((HotSpotConstantPool) constantPool, cpi);
ConstantPool constantPool, int cpi, int opcode) {
return CTVM.lookupAppendixInPool((HotSpotConstantPool) constantPool, cpi, opcode);
public static int installCode(TargetDescription target,
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class ConstantPoolTestsHelper {
if (constantPoolSS.getTagAt(cpi).equals(Tag.INVOKEDYNAMIC)) {
for (int indy_index = 0; indy_index < WB.getIndyInfoLength(this.klass); indy_index++) {
if (WB.getIndyCPIndex(this.klass, indy_index) == cpi) {
return ~indy_index;
return indy_index;
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