diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopPredicate.cpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopPredicate.cpp
index 1378f80331f..8b590511f67 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopPredicate.cpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopPredicate.cpp
@@ -341,9 +341,9 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicates_to_unswitched_loop(IdealLoopTree*
     assert(predicate->is_Proj() && predicate->as_Proj()->is_IfProj(), "predicate must be a projection of an if node");
     IfProjNode* predicate_proj = predicate->as_IfProj();
-    ProjNode* fast_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(iff, predicate_proj, uncommon_proj, reason, iffast_pred, loop);
+    ProjNode* fast_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(iff, predicate_proj, reason, iffast_pred);
     assert(skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(fast_proj->in(0)->as_If()), "must find skeleton predicate for fast loop");
-    ProjNode* slow_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(iff, predicate_proj, uncommon_proj, reason, ifslow_pred, loop);
+    ProjNode* slow_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(iff, predicate_proj, reason, ifslow_pred);
     assert(skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(slow_proj->in(0)->as_If()), "must find skeleton predicate for slow loop");
     // Update control dependent data nodes.
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::get_skeleton_predicates(Node* predicate, Unique_Node_List&
 // Clone a skeleton predicate for an unswitched loop. OpaqueLoopInit and OpaqueLoopStride nodes are cloned and uncommon
 // traps are kept for the predicate (a Halt node is used later when creating pre/main/post loops and copying this cloned
 // predicate again).
-ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(Node* iff, ProjNode* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj,
-                                                                    Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason, ProjNode* output_proj,
-                                                                    IdealLoopTree* loop) {
-  Node* bol = clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(iff, NULL, NULL, predicate, uncommon_proj, output_proj, loop);
+ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(Node* iff, ProjNode* predicate,
+                                                                        Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
+                                                                        ProjNode* output_proj) {
+  Node* bol = clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(iff, NULL, NULL, output_proj);
   ProjNode* proj = create_new_if_for_predicate(output_proj, NULL, reason, iff->Opcode(), predicate->is_IfTrue());
   _igvn.replace_input_of(proj->in(0), 1, bol);
   _igvn.replace_input_of(output_proj->in(0), 0, proj);
diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopTransform.cpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopTransform.cpp
index bbfb5b12d08..00147d54ec7 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopTransform.cpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopTransform.cpp
@@ -1287,10 +1287,12 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::copy_skeleton_predicates_to_main_loop_helper(Node* predicat
         // Clone the skeleton predicate twice and initialize one with the initial
         // value of the loop induction variable. Leave the other predicate
         // to be initialized when increasing the stride during loop unrolling.
-        prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_loop(iff, opaque_init, NULL, predicate, uncommon_proj, current_proj, outer_loop, prev_proj);
+        prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_or_post_loop(iff, opaque_init, NULL, predicate, uncommon_proj,
+                                                                   current_proj, outer_loop, prev_proj);
         assert(skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(prev_proj->in(0)->as_If()), "");
-        prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_loop(iff, init, stride, predicate, uncommon_proj, current_proj, outer_loop, prev_proj);
+        prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_or_post_loop(iff, init, stride, predicate, uncommon_proj,
+                                                                   current_proj, outer_loop, prev_proj);
         assert(!skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(prev_proj->in(0)->as_If()), "");
         // Rewire any control inputs from the cloned skeleton predicates down to the main and post loop for data nodes that are part of the
@@ -1367,8 +1369,7 @@ bool PhaseIdealLoop::skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(IfNode* iff) {
 // Clone the skeleton predicate bool for a main or unswitched loop:
 // Main loop: Set new_init and new_stride nodes as new inputs.
 // Unswitched loop: new_init and new_stride are both NULL. Clone OpaqueLoopInit and OpaqueLoopStride instead.
-Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj,
-                                                    Node* control, IdealLoopTree* outer_loop) {
+Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* control) {
   Node_Stack to_clone(2);
   to_clone.push(iff->in(1), 1);
   uint current = C->unique();
@@ -1444,9 +1445,9 @@ Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(Node* iff, Node* new_init, N
 // Clone a skeleton predicate for the main loop. new_init and new_stride are set as new inputs. Since the predicates cannot fail at runtime,
 // Halt nodes are inserted instead of uncommon traps.
-Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_loop(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj,
-                                                             Node* control, IdealLoopTree* outer_loop, Node* input_proj) {
-  Node* result = clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(iff, new_init, new_stride, predicate, uncommon_proj, control, outer_loop);
+Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_or_post_loop(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj,
+                                                                     Node* control, IdealLoopTree* outer_loop, Node* input_proj) {
+  Node* result = clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(iff, new_init, new_stride, control);
   Node* proj = predicate->clone();
   Node* other_proj = uncommon_proj->clone();
   Node* new_iff = iff->clone();
@@ -1460,8 +1461,8 @@ Node* PhaseIdealLoop::clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_loop(Node* iff, Node* ne
   new_iff->set_req(0, input_proj);
-  register_control(new_iff, outer_loop->_parent, input_proj);
-  register_control(proj, outer_loop->_parent, new_iff);
+  register_control(new_iff, outer_loop == _ltree_root ? _ltree_root : outer_loop->_parent, input_proj);
+  register_control(proj, outer_loop == _ltree_root ? _ltree_root : outer_loop->_parent, new_iff);
   register_control(other_proj, _ltree_root, new_iff);
   register_control(halt, _ltree_root, other_proj);
   return proj;
@@ -1544,7 +1545,8 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::insert_pre_post_loops(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_n
   // Add the post loop
   const uint idx_before_pre_post = Compile::current()->unique();
   CountedLoopNode *post_head = NULL;
-  Node *main_exit = insert_post_loop(loop, old_new, main_head, main_end, incr, limit, post_head);
+  Node* post_incr = incr;
+  Node* main_exit = insert_post_loop(loop, old_new, main_head, main_end, post_incr, limit, post_head);
   const uint idx_after_post_before_pre = Compile::current()->unique();
@@ -1643,6 +1645,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::insert_pre_post_loops(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_n
   assert(post_head->in(1)->is_IfProj(), "must be zero-trip guard If node projection of the post loop");
   copy_skeleton_predicates_to_main_loop(pre_head, castii, stride, outer_loop, outer_main_head, dd_main_head,
                                         idx_before_pre_post, idx_after_post_before_pre, min_taken, post_head->in(1), old_new);
+  copy_skeleton_predicates_to_post_loop(outer_main_head, post_head, post_incr, stride);
   // Step B4: Shorten the pre-loop to run only 1 iteration (for now).
   // RCE and alignment may change this later.
@@ -1765,6 +1768,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::insert_vector_post_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old
   // In this case we throw away the result as we are not using it to connect anything else.
   CountedLoopNode *post_head = NULL;
   insert_post_loop(loop, old_new, main_head, main_end, incr, limit, post_head);
+  copy_skeleton_predicates_to_post_loop(main_head->skip_strip_mined(), post_head, incr, main_head->stride());
   // It's difficult to be precise about the trip-counts
   // for post loops.  They are usually very short,
@@ -1811,6 +1815,7 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::insert_scalar_rced_post_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List
   // In this case we throw away the result as we are not using it to connect anything else.
   CountedLoopNode *post_head = NULL;
   insert_post_loop(loop, old_new, main_head, main_end, incr, limit, post_head);
+  copy_skeleton_predicates_to_post_loop(main_head->skip_strip_mined(), post_head, incr, main_head->stride());
   // It's difficult to be precise about the trip-counts
   // for post loops.  They are usually very short,
@@ -1827,9 +1832,9 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::insert_scalar_rced_post_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List
 // Insert post loops.  Add a post loop to the given loop passed.
-Node *PhaseIdealLoop::insert_post_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new,
-                                       CountedLoopNode *main_head, CountedLoopEndNode *main_end,
-                                       Node *incr, Node *limit, CountedLoopNode *&post_head) {
+Node *PhaseIdealLoop::insert_post_loop(IdealLoopTree* loop, Node_List& old_new,
+                                       CountedLoopNode* main_head, CountedLoopEndNode* main_end,
+                                       Node*& incr, Node* limit, CountedLoopNode*& post_head) {
   IfNode* outer_main_end = main_end;
   IdealLoopTree* outer_loop = loop;
   if (main_head->is_strip_mined()) {
@@ -1913,8 +1918,8 @@ Node *PhaseIdealLoop::insert_post_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new,
   // CastII for the new post loop:
-  Node* castii = cast_incr_before_loop(zer_opaq->in(1), zer_taken, post_head);
-  assert(castii != NULL, "no castII inserted");
+  incr = cast_incr_before_loop(zer_opaq->in(1), zer_taken, post_head);
+  assert(incr != NULL, "no castII inserted");
   return new_main_exit;
@@ -1956,7 +1961,8 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::update_main_loop_skeleton_predicates(Node* ctrl, CountedLoo
         _igvn.replace_input_of(iff, 1, iff->in(1)->in(2));
       } else {
         // Add back predicates updated for the new stride.
-        prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_loop(iff, init, max_value, entry, proj, ctrl, outer_loop, prev_proj);
+        prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_or_post_loop(iff, init, max_value, entry, proj, ctrl, outer_loop,
+                                                                   prev_proj);
         assert(!skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(prev_proj->in(0)->as_If()), "unexpected");
@@ -1968,6 +1974,34 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::update_main_loop_skeleton_predicates(Node* ctrl, CountedLoo
+void PhaseIdealLoop::copy_skeleton_predicates_to_post_loop(LoopNode* main_loop_head, CountedLoopNode* post_loop_head, Node* init, Node* stride) {
+  // Go over the skeleton predicates of the main loop and make a copy for the post loop with its initial iv value and
+  // stride as inputs.
+  Node* post_loop_entry = post_loop_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
+  Node* main_loop_entry = main_loop_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
+  IdealLoopTree* post_loop = get_loop(post_loop_head);
+  Node* ctrl = main_loop_entry;
+  Node* prev_proj = post_loop_entry;
+  while (ctrl != NULL && ctrl->is_Proj() && ctrl->in(0)->is_If()) {
+    IfNode* iff = ctrl->in(0)->as_If();
+    ProjNode* proj = iff->proj_out(1 - ctrl->as_Proj()->_con);
+    if (proj->unique_ctrl_out()->Opcode() != Op_Halt) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (iff->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_Opaque4 && skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(iff)) {
+      prev_proj = clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_or_post_loop(iff, init, stride, ctrl, proj, post_loop_entry,
+                                                                 post_loop, prev_proj);
+      assert(!skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(prev_proj->in(0)->as_If()), "unexpected");
+    }
+    ctrl = ctrl->in(0)->in(0);
+  }
+  if (prev_proj != post_loop_entry) {
+    _igvn.replace_input_of(post_loop_head, LoopNode::EntryControl, prev_proj);
+    set_idom(post_loop_head, prev_proj, dom_depth(post_loop_head));
+  }
 // Unroll the loop body one step - make each trip do 2 iterations.
 void PhaseIdealLoop::do_unroll(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, bool adjust_min_trip) {
diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.cpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.cpp
index f77ddeea4ba..3e150b9cb94 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.cpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.cpp
@@ -2389,12 +2389,14 @@ Node* CountedLoopNode::skip_predicates_from_entry(Node* ctrl) {
 Node* CountedLoopNode::skip_predicates() {
+  Node* ctrl = in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
   if (is_main_loop()) {
-    Node* ctrl = skip_strip_mined()->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
+    ctrl = skip_strip_mined()->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
+  }
+  if (is_main_loop() || is_post_loop()) {
     return skip_predicates_from_entry(ctrl);
-  return in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
+  return ctrl;
diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.hpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.hpp
index 35db18e0b6e..1fee41ba62a 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.hpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.hpp
@@ -917,13 +917,13 @@ private:
   void copy_skeleton_predicates_to_main_loop(CountedLoopNode* pre_head, Node* init, Node* stride, IdealLoopTree* outer_loop, LoopNode* outer_main_head,
                                              uint dd_main_head, const uint idx_before_pre_post, const uint idx_after_post_before_pre,
                                              Node* zero_trip_guard_proj_main, Node* zero_trip_guard_proj_post, const Node_List &old_new);
-  Node* clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_loop(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj, Node* control,
-                                               IdealLoopTree* outer_loop, Node* input_proj);
-  Node* clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj, Node* control,
-                                      IdealLoopTree* outer_loop);
+  Node* clone_skeleton_predicate_for_main_or_post_loop(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj, Node* control,
+                                                       IdealLoopTree* outer_loop, Node* input_proj);
+  Node* clone_skeleton_predicate_bool(Node* iff, Node* new_init, Node* new_stride, Node* control);
   static bool skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(IfNode* iff);
   static void get_skeleton_predicates(Node* predicate, Unique_Node_List& list, bool get_opaque = false);
   void update_main_loop_skeleton_predicates(Node* ctrl, CountedLoopNode* loop_head, Node* init, int stride_con);
+  void copy_skeleton_predicates_to_post_loop(LoopNode* main_loop_head, CountedLoopNode* post_loop_head, Node* init, Node* stride);
   void insert_loop_limit_check(ProjNode* limit_check_proj, Node* cmp_limit, Node* bol);
 #ifdef ASSERT
   bool only_has_infinite_loops();
@@ -1246,9 +1246,9 @@ public:
   void insert_pre_post_loops( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, bool peel_only );
   // Add post loop after the given loop.
-  Node *insert_post_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new,
-                         CountedLoopNode *main_head, CountedLoopEndNode *main_end,
-                         Node *incr, Node *limit, CountedLoopNode *&post_head);
+  Node *insert_post_loop(IdealLoopTree* loop, Node_List& old_new,
+                         CountedLoopNode* main_head, CountedLoopEndNode* main_end,
+                         Node*& incr, Node* limit, CountedLoopNode*& post_head);
   // Add an RCE'd post loop which we will multi-version adapt for run time test path usage
   void insert_scalar_rced_post_loop( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new );
@@ -1593,8 +1593,9 @@ private:
                                                Node_List* old_new = NULL);
   void clone_skeleton_predicates_to_unswitched_loop(IdealLoopTree* loop, const Node_List& old_new, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
                                                     ProjNode* old_predicate_proj, ProjNode* iffast_pred, ProjNode* ifslow_pred);
-  ProjNode* clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(Node* iff, ProjNode* predicate, Node* uncommon_proj, Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
-                                                          ProjNode* output_proj, IdealLoopTree* loop);
+  ProjNode* clone_skeleton_predicate_for_unswitched_loops(Node* iff, ProjNode* predicate,
+                                                          Deoptimization::DeoptReason reason,
+                                                          ProjNode* output_proj);
   static void check_created_predicate_for_unswitching(const Node* new_entry) PRODUCT_RETURN;
   bool _created_loop_node;
diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp
index f7b6a9ea66b..1205d2007d7 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/macro.cpp
@@ -2366,6 +2366,7 @@ void PhaseMacroExpand::eliminate_macro_nodes() {
         assert(n->Opcode() == Op_LoopLimit ||
                n->Opcode() == Op_Opaque2   ||
                n->Opcode() == Op_Opaque3   ||
+               n->Opcode() == Op_Opaque4   ||
                "unknown node type in macro list");
@@ -2427,6 +2428,19 @@ bool PhaseMacroExpand::expand_macro_nodes() {
         _igvn.replace_node(n, repl);
         success = true;
+      } else if (n->Opcode() == Op_Opaque4) {
+        // With Opaque4 nodes, the expectation is that the test of input 1
+        // is always equal to the constant value of input 2. So we can
+        // remove the Opaque4 and replace it by input 2. In debug builds,
+        // leave the non constant test in instead to sanity check that it
+        // never fails (if it does, that subgraph was constructed so, at
+        // runtime, a Halt node is executed).
+#ifdef ASSERT
+        _igvn.replace_node(n, n->in(1));
+        _igvn.replace_node(n, n->in(2));
+        success = true;
       } else if (n->Opcode() == Op_OuterStripMinedLoop) {
diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.cpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.cpp
index c1b769e2370..c66df16b2d0 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.cpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.cpp
@@ -60,25 +60,6 @@ bool Opaque2Node::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
   return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
-Node* Opaque4Node::Identity(PhaseGVN* phase) {
-  if (phase->C->post_loop_opts_phase()) {
-    // With Opaque4 nodes, the expectation is that the test of input 1
-    // is always equal to the constant value of input 2. So we can
-    // remove the Opaque4 and replace it by input 2. In debug builds,
-    // leave the non constant test in instead to sanity check that it
-    // never fails (if it does, that subgraph was constructed so, at
-    // runtime, a Halt node is executed).
-#ifdef ASSERT
-    return this->in(1);
-    return this->in(2);
-  } else {
-    phase->C->record_for_post_loop_opts_igvn(this);
-  }
-  return this;
 const Type* Opaque4Node::Value(PhaseGVN* phase) const {
   return phase->type(in(1));
diff --git a/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.hpp b/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.hpp
index 160f814fd2d..cb7ff23764b 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.hpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/share/opto/opaquenode.hpp
@@ -114,11 +114,13 @@ class Opaque3Node : public Opaque2Node {
 // GraphKit::must_be_not_null().
 class Opaque4Node : public Node {
-  Opaque4Node(Compile* C, Node *tst, Node* final_tst) : Node(NULL, tst, final_tst) {}
+  Opaque4Node(Compile* C, Node *tst, Node* final_tst) : Node(NULL, tst, final_tst) {
+    init_flags(Flag_is_macro);
+    C->add_macro_node(this);
+  }
   virtual int Opcode() const;
   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::BOOL; }
-  virtual Node* Identity(PhaseGVN* phase);
   virtual const Type* Value(PhaseGVN* phase) const;
diff --git a/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.java b/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..719de54204f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.java
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * @test
+ * @bug 8275330
+ * @summary C2: assert(n->is_Root() || n->is_Region() || n->is_Phi() || n->is_MachMerge() || def_block->dominates(block)) failed: uses must be dominated by definitions
+ *
+ * @run main/othervm -Xmx512m -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -Xcomp -XX:CompileOnly=TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate
+ *
+ */
+public class TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate {
+    public static final int N = 400;
+    public static int iFld=54270;
+    public static int iFld1=-4;
+    public int iFld2=201;
+    public int mainTest(String[] strArr1) {
+        int i=0, i17=8052, i19=22380, i20=60894, iArr[]=new int[N];
+        init(iArr, 4);
+        i = 1;
+        do {
+            for (i17 = 5; i17 < 114; i17++) {
+                switch ((i17 % 7) + 126) {
+                case 126:
+                    for (i19 = 2; i19 > i; i19 -= 3) {
+                        try {
+                            i20 = (iFld2 % TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.iFld1);
+                            i20 = (iArr[i19 - 1] % TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.iFld);
+                            TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.iFld = (TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate.iFld1 % iArr[i19]);
+                        } catch (ArithmeticException a_e) {}
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        } while (++i < 220);
+        return i20;
+    }
+    public static void init(int[] a, int seed) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
+            a[j] = (j % 2 == 0) ? seed + j : seed - j;
+        }
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] strArr) {
+        TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate _instance = new TestDeadPostLoopBecausePredicate();
+        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
+            _instance.mainTest(strArr);
+        }
+    }