8013730: JSR 310 DateTime API Updates III

Integration of JSR310 Date/Time API update III

Co-authored-by: Roger Riggs <roger.riggs@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Masayoshi Okutsu <masayoshi.okutsu@oracle.com>
Co-authored-by: Patrick Zhang <patrick.zhang@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: naoto
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Colebourne 2013-05-15 07:48:57 -07:00 committed by Xueming Shen
parent 527399b98c
commit 48fc4f5552
109 changed files with 3355 additions and 955 deletions

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@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ import java.util.TimeZone;
* system clock This may use {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}, or a higher
* resolution clock if one is available.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This abstract class must be implemented with care to ensure other operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* <p>
@ -112,13 +112,23 @@ import java.util.TimeZone;
* obtain the time from a central time server across the network. Obviously, in this case the
* lookup could fail, and so the method is permitted to throw an exception.
* <p>
* The returned instants from {@code Clock} work on a time-scale that ignores leap seconds.
* If the implementation wraps a source that provides leap second information, then a mechanism
* should be used to "smooth" the leap second, such as UTC-SLS.
* The returned instants from {@code Clock} work on a time-scale that ignores leap seconds,
* as described in {@link Instant}. If the implementation wraps a source that provides leap
* second information, then a mechanism should be used to "smooth" the leap second.
* The Java Time-Scale mandates the use of UTC-SLS, however clock implementations may choose
* how accurate they are with the time-scale so long as they document how they work.
* Implementations are therefore not required to actually perform the UTC-SLS slew or to
* otherwise be aware of leap seconds.
* <p>
* Implementations should implement {@code Serializable} wherever possible and must
* document whether or not they do support serialization.
* @implNote
* The clock implementation provided here is based on {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
* That method provides little to no guarantee about the accuracy of the clock.
* Applications requiring a more accurate clock must implement this abstract class
* themselves using a different external clock, such as an NTP server.
* @since 1.8
public abstract class Clock {
@ -370,7 +380,7 @@ public abstract class Clock {
* Gets the current millisecond instant of the clock.
* <p>
* This returns the millisecond-based instant, measured from 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC.
* This returns the millisecond-based instant, measured from 1970-01-01T00:00Z (UTC).
* This is equivalent to the definition of {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
* <p>
* Most applications should avoid this method and use {@link Instant} to represent
@ -381,7 +391,7 @@ public abstract class Clock {
* The default implementation currently calls {@link #instant}.
* @return the current millisecond instant from this clock, measured from
* the Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC, not null
* the Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00Z (UTC), not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the instant cannot be obtained, not thrown by most implementations
public long millis() {

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ package java.time;
* This exception is used to indicate problems with creating, querying
* and manipulating date-time objects.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is intended for use in a single thread.
* @since 1.8

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@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* As such, this enum may be used by any calendar system that has the day-of-week
* concept defined exactly equivalent to the ISO calendar system.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

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@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* most applications.
* See {@link Instant} for a discussion as to the meaning of the second and time-scales.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

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@ -142,47 +142,60 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* introduce other changes.
* <p>
* Given the complexity of accurate timekeeping described above, this Java API defines
* its own time-scale with a simplification. The Java time-scale is defined as follows:
* its own time-scale, the <i>Java Time-Scale</i>.
* <p>
* The Java Time-Scale divides each calendar day into exactly 86400
* subdivisions, known as seconds. These seconds may differ from the
* SI second. It closely matches the de facto international civil time
* scale, the definition of which changes from time to time.
* <p>
* The Java Time-Scale has slightly different definitions for different
* segments of the time-line, each based on the consensus international
* time scale that is used as the basis for civil time. Whenever the
* internationally-agreed time scale is modified or replaced, a new
* segment of the Java Time-Scale must be defined for it. Each segment
* must meet these requirements:
* <p><ul>
* <li>midday will always be exactly as defined by the agreed international civil time</li>
* <li>other times during the day will be broadly in line with the agreed international civil time</li>
* <li>the day will be divided into exactly 86400 subdivisions, referred to as "seconds"</li>
* <li>the Java "second" may differ from an SI second</li>
* <li>a well-defined algorithm must be specified to map each second in the accurate agreed
* international civil time to each "second" in this time-scale</li>
* <li>the Java Time-Scale shall closely match the underlying international
* civil time scale;</li>
* <li>the Java Time-Scale shall exactly match the international civil
* time scale at noon each day;</li>
* <li>the Java Time-Scale shall have a precisely-defined relationship to
* the international civil time scale.</li>
* </ul><p>
* Agreed international civil time is the base time-scale agreed by international convention,
* which in 2012 is UTC (with leap-seconds).
* There are currently, as of 2013, two segments in the Java time-scale.
* <p>
* In 2012, the definition of the Java time-scale is the same as UTC for all days except
* those where a leap-second occurs. On days where a leap-second does occur, the time-scale
* effectively eliminates the leap-second, maintaining the fiction of 86400 seconds in the day.
* The approved well-defined algorithm to eliminate leap-seconds is specified as
* For the segment from 1972-11-03 (exact boundary discussed below) until
* further notice, the consensus international time scale is UTC (with
* leap seconds). In this segment, the Java Time-Scale is identical to
* <a href="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/time/utc-sls/">UTC-SLS</a>.
* This is identical to UTC on days that do not have a leap second.
* On days that do have a leap second, the leap second is spread equally
* over the last 1000 seconds of the day, maintaining the appearance of
* exactly 86400 seconds per day.
* <p>
* UTC-SLS is a simple algorithm that smoothes the leap-second over the last 1000 seconds of
* the day, making each of the last 1000 seconds 1/1000th longer or shorter than an SI second.
* Implementations built on an accurate leap-second aware time source should use UTC-SLS.
* Use of a different algorithm risks confusion and misinterpretation of instants around a
* leap-second and is discouraged.
* For the segment prior to 1972-11-03, extending back arbitrarily far,
* the consensus international time scale is defined to be UT1, applied
* proleptically, which is equivalent to the (mean) solar time on the
* prime meridian (Greenwich). In this segment, the Java Time-Scale is
* identical to the consensus international time scale. The exact
* boundary between the two segments is the instant where UT1 = UTC
* between 1972-11-03T00:00 and 1972-11-04T12:00.
* <p>
* The main benefit of always dividing the day into 86400 subdivisions is that it matches the
* expectations of most users of the API. The alternative is to force every user to understand
* what a leap second is and to force them to have special logic to handle them.
* Most applications do not have access to a clock that is accurate enough to record leap-seconds.
* Most applications also do not have a problem with a second being a very small amount longer or
* shorter than a real SI second during a leap-second.
* <p>
* One final problem is the definition of the agreed international civil time before the
* introduction of modern UTC in 1972. This includes the Java epoch of {@code 1970-01-01}.
* It is intended that instants before 1972 be interpreted based on the solar day divided
* into 86400 subdivisions, as per the principles of UT1.
* Implementations of the Java time-scale using the JSR-310 API are not
* required to provide any clock that is sub-second accurate, or that
* progresses monotonically or smoothly. Implementations are therefore
* not required to actually perform the UTC-SLS slew or to otherwise be
* aware of leap seconds. JSR-310 does, however, require that
* implementations must document the approach they use when defining a
* clock representing the current instant.
* See {@link Clock} for details on the available clocks.
* <p>
* The Java time-scale is used for all date-time classes.
* This includes {@code Instant}, {@code LocalDate}, {@code LocalTime}, {@code OffsetDateTime},
* {@code ZonedDateTime} and {@code Duration}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -1030,16 +1043,16 @@ public final class Instant
* Calculates the period between this instant and another instant in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another instant in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two instants in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code Instant}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified instant.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
* complete units between the two instants.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be an {@code Instant}.
* For example, the period in days between two dates can be calculated
* For example, the amount in days between two dates can be calculated
* using {@code startInstant.periodUntil(endInstant, SECONDS)}.
* <p>
* There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
@ -1064,10 +1077,10 @@ public final class Instant
* <p>
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endInstant the end date, which must be a {@code LocalDate}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this date and the end date
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param endInstant the end date, which must be an {@code Instant}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this instant and the end instant
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -1075,7 +1088,7 @@ public final class Instant
public long periodUntil(Temporal endInstant, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endInstant instanceof Instant == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endInstant, "endInstant");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
Instant end = (Instant) endInstant;
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* However, any application that makes use of historical dates, and requires them
* to be accurate will find the ISO-8601 approach unsuitable.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -1489,19 +1489,19 @@ public final class LocalDate
* Calculates the period between this date and another date in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another date in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two dates in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code LocalDate}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be a {@code LocalDate}.
* For example, the period in days between two dates can be calculated
* For example, the amount in days between two dates can be calculated
* using {@code startDate.periodUntil(endDate, DAYS)}.
* <p>
* The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
* complete units between the two dates.
* For example, the period in months between 2012-06-15 and 2012-08-14
* For example, the amount in months between 2012-06-15 and 2012-08-14
* will only be one month as it is one day short of two months.
* <p>
* There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
@ -1527,9 +1527,9 @@ public final class LocalDate
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endDate the end date, which must be a {@code LocalDate}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this date and the end date
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this date and the end date
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ public final class LocalDate
Objects.requireNonNull(unit, "unit");
if (endDate instanceof LocalDate == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endDate, "endDate");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
LocalDate end = (LocalDate) endDate;
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* However, any application that makes use of historical dates, and requires them
* to be accurate will find the ISO-8601 approach unsuitable.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -1562,19 +1562,19 @@ public final class LocalDateTime
* Calculates the period between this date-time and another date-time in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another date-time in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two date-times in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code LocalDateTime}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date-time.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be a {@code LocalDateTime}.
* For example, the period in days between two date-times can be calculated
* For example, the amount in days between two date-times can be calculated
* using {@code startDateTime.periodUntil(endDateTime, DAYS)}.
* <p>
* The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
* complete units between the two date-times.
* For example, the period in months between 2012-06-15T00:00 and 2012-08-14T23:59
* For example, the amount in months between 2012-06-15T00:00 and 2012-08-14T23:59
* will only be one month as it is one minute short of two months.
* <p>
* There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
@ -1602,9 +1602,9 @@ public final class LocalDateTime
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endDateTime the end date-time, which must be a {@code LocalDateTime}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this date-time and the end date-time
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this date-time and the end date-time
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ public final class LocalDateTime
public long periodUntil(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endDateTime instanceof LocalDateTime == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endDateTime, "endDateTime");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
LocalDateTime end = (LocalDateTime) endDateTime;
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {

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@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* in most of the world. This API assumes that all calendar systems use the same
* representation, this class, for time-of-day.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -974,9 +974,6 @@ public final class LocalTime
* Returns a {@code LocalTime} with the specified number of half-days added.
* This is equivalent to {@link #plusHours(long)} with the amount
* multiplied by 12.
* <li>{@code DAYS} -
* Returns a {@code LocalTime} with the specified number of days added.
* This returns {@code this} time.
* </ul>
* <p>
* All other {@code ChronoUnit} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}.
@ -1007,7 +1004,6 @@ public final class LocalTime
case MINUTES: return plusMinutes(amountToAdd);
case HOURS: return plusHours(amountToAdd);
case HALF_DAYS: return plusHours((amountToAdd % 2) * 12);
case DAYS: return this;
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " + unit.getName());
@ -1291,19 +1287,19 @@ public final class LocalTime
* Calculates the period between this time and another time in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another time in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two times in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code LocalTime}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified time.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be a {@code LocalTime}.
* For example, the period in hours between two times can be calculated
* For example, the amount in hours between two times can be calculated
* using {@code startTime.periodUntil(endTime, HOURS)}.
* <p>
* The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
* complete units between the two times.
* For example, the period in hours between 11:30 and 13:29 will only
* For example, the amount in hours between 11:30 and 13:29 will only
* be one hour as it is one minute short of two hours.
* <p>
* There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
@ -1329,9 +1325,9 @@ public final class LocalTime
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endTime the end time, which must be a {@code LocalTime}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this time and the end time
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this time and the end time
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -1339,7 +1335,7 @@ public final class LocalTime
public long periodUntil(Temporal endTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endTime instanceof LocalTime == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endTime, "endTime");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
LocalTime end = (LocalTime) endTime;
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* As such, this enum may be used by any calendar system that has the month-of-year
* concept defined exactly equivalent to the ISO-8601 calendar system.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* However, any application that makes use of historical dates, and requires them
* to be accurate will find the ISO-8601 approach unsuitable.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* in simpler applications. This class may be used when modeling date-time concepts in
* more detail, or when communicating to a database or in a network protocol.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -1521,10 +1521,10 @@ public final class OffsetDateTime
* Calculates the period between this date-time and another date-time in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another date-time in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two date-times in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code OffsetDateTime}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date-time.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* For example, the period in days between two date-times can be calculated
@ -1564,9 +1564,9 @@ public final class OffsetDateTime
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endDateTime the end date-time, which must be an {@code OffsetDateTime}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this date-time and the end date-time
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this date-time and the end date-time
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ public final class OffsetDateTime
public long periodUntil(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endDateTime instanceof OffsetDateTime == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endDateTime, "endDateTime");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
OffsetDateTime end = (OffsetDateTime) endDateTime;

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* For example, the value "13:45.30.123456789+02:00" can be stored
* in an {@code OffsetTime}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -1077,10 +1077,10 @@ public final class OffsetTime
* Calculates the period between this time and another time in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another time in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two times in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code OffsetTime}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified time.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* For example, the period in hours between two times can be calculated
@ -1118,9 +1118,9 @@ public final class OffsetTime
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endTime the end time, which must be an {@code OffsetTime}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this time and the end time
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this time and the end time
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ public final class OffsetTime
public long periodUntil(Temporal endTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endTime instanceof OffsetTime == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endTime, "endTime");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
OffsetTime end = (OffsetTime) endTime;

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* The months and years fields may be {@linkplain #normalized() normalized}.
* The normalization assumes a 12 month year, so is not appropriate for all calendar systems.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import java.io.StreamCorruptedException;
* The shared serialization delegate for this package.
* <h3>Implementation notes</h3>
* @implNote
* This class wraps the object being serialized, and takes a byte representing the type of the class to
* be serialized. This byte can also be used for versioning the serialization format. In this case another
* byte flag would be used in order to specify an alternative version of the type format.

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* However, any application that makes use of historical dates, and requires them
* to be accurate will find the ISO-8601 approach unsuitable.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -813,10 +813,10 @@ public final class Year
* Calculates the period between this year and another year in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another year in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two years in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code Year}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified year.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be a {@code Year}.
@ -851,9 +851,9 @@ public final class Year
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endYear the end year, which must be a {@code Year}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this year and the end year
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this year and the end year
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ public final class Year
public long periodUntil(Temporal endYear, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endYear instanceof Year == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endYear, "endYear");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
Year end = (Year) endYear;
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* However, any application that makes use of historical dates, and requires them
* to be accurate will find the ISO-8601 approach unsuitable.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -944,10 +944,10 @@ public final class YearMonth
* Calculates the period between this year-month and another year-month in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another year-month in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two year-months in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code YearMonth}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified year-month.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be a {@code YearMonth}.
@ -982,9 +982,9 @@ public final class YearMonth
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endYearMonth the end year-month, which must be a {@code YearMonth}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this year-month and the end year-month
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this year-month and the end year-month
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ public final class YearMonth
public long periodUntil(Temporal endYearMonth, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endYearMonth instanceof YearMonth == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endYearMonth, "endYearMonth");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
YearMonth end = (YearMonth) endYearMonth;
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {

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@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ import java.util.TimeZone;
* This approach is designed to allow a {@link ZonedDateTime} to be loaded and
* queried, but not modified, on a Java Runtime with incomplete time-zone information.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This abstract class has two implementations, both of which are immutable and thread-safe.
* One implementation models region-based IDs, the other is {@code ZoneOffset} modelling
* offset-based IDs. This difference is visible in serialization.

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* Implementations may choose to cache certain common offsets, however
* applications must not rely on such caching.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* By contrast, the region identifier is well-defined and long-lived.
* This separation also allows rules to be shared between regions if appropriate.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* a vital, but secondary, piece of information, used to ensure that the class
* represents an instant, especially during a daylight savings overlap.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* A {@code ZonedDateTime} holds state equivalent to three separate objects,
* a {@code LocalDateTime}, a {@code ZoneId} and the resolved {@code ZoneOffset}.
* The offset and local date-time are used to define an instant when necessary.
@ -1983,10 +1983,10 @@ public final class ZonedDateTime
* Calculates the period between this date-time and another date-time in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another date-time in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two date-times in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code ZonedDateTime}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date-time.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* For example, the period in days between two date-times can be calculated
@ -2040,9 +2040,9 @@ public final class ZonedDateTime
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param endDateTime the end date-time, which must be a {@code ZonedDateTime}, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this date-time and the end date-time
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this date-time and the end date-time
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ public final class ZonedDateTime
public long periodUntil(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endDateTime instanceof ZonedDateTime == false) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endDateTime, "endDateTime");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
ZonedDateTime end = (ZonedDateTime) endDateTime;

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@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* The subclass must function according to the {@code Chronology} class description and must provide its
* {@link java.time.chrono.Chronology#getId() chronlogy ID} and {@link Chronology#getCalendarType() calendar type}. </p>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This abstract class must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* Subclasses should be Serializable wherever possible.
@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ abstract class ChronoDateImpl<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
Objects.requireNonNull(endDateTime, "endDateTime");
Objects.requireNonNull(unit, "unit");
if (endDateTime instanceof ChronoLocalDate == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
ChronoLocalDate<?> end = (ChronoLocalDate<?>) endDateTime;
if (getChronology().equals(end.getChronology()) == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between two different chronologies");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects have different chronologies");
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
switch ((ChronoUnit) unit) {

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@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* Use {@link TemporalAccessor} if read-only access is required, or use {@link Temporal}
* if read-write access is required.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* Subclasses should be Serializable wherever possible.
@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ public interface ChronoLocalDate<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
* This allows dates in different calendar systems to be compared based
* on the position of the date on the local time-line.
* The underlying comparison is equivalent to comparing the epoch-day.
* @return a comparator that compares in time-line order ignoring the chronology
* @see #isAfter
* @see #isBefore
@ -510,17 +511,17 @@ public interface ChronoLocalDate<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
* Calculates the period between this date and another date in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another date in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two dates in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two {@code ChronoLocalDate}
* objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* The {@code Temporal} passed to this method must be a
* {@code ChronoLocalDate} in the same chronology.
* The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
* complete units between the two dates.
* For example, the period in days between two dates can be calculated
* For example, the amount in days between two dates can be calculated
* using {@code startDate.periodUntil(endDate, DAYS)}.
* <p>
* There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
@ -548,9 +549,9 @@ public interface ChronoLocalDate<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
* @param endDate the end date, which must be a {@code ChronoLocalDate}
* in the same chronology, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the amount of the period between this date and the end date
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this date and the end date
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
@Override // override for Javadoc

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* Ensure that the discussion in {@code ChronoLocalDate} has been read and understood
* before using this interface.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* Subclasses should be Serializable wherever possible.
@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ public interface ChronoLocalDateTime<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
* on the position of the date-time on the local time-line.
* The underlying comparison is equivalent to comparing the epoch-day and nano-of-day.
* @return a comparator that compares in time-line order ignoring the chronology
* @see #isAfter
* @see #isBefore
* @see #isEqual

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* It does not store or represent a time-zone. For example, the value
* "2nd October 2007 at 13:45.30.123456789" can be stored in an {@code ChronoLocalDateTime}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @param <D> the concrete type for the date of this date-time
@ -353,12 +353,12 @@ final class ChronoLocalDateTimeImpl<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
public long periodUntil(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endDateTime instanceof ChronoLocalDateTime == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
ChronoLocalDateTime<D> end = (ChronoLocalDateTime<D>) endDateTime;
if (toLocalDate().getChronology().equals(end.toLocalDate().getChronology()) == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between two different chronologies");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects have different chronologies");
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
ChronoUnit f = (ChronoUnit) unit;

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* Ensure that the discussion in {@code ChronoLocalDate} has been read and understood
* before using this interface.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* Subclasses should be Serializable wherever possible.
@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ public interface ChronoZonedDateTime<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
* on the position of the date-time on the instant time-line.
* The underlying comparison is equivalent to comparing the epoch-second and nano-of-second.
* @return a comparator that compares in time-line order ignoring the chronology
* @see #isAfter
* @see #isBefore
* @see #isEqual

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* the local time-line overlaps, typically as a result of the end of daylight time.
* Information about the local-time can be obtained using methods on the time-zone.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @param <D> the concrete type for the date of this date-time
@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ final class ChronoZonedDateTimeImpl<D extends ChronoLocalDate<D>>
public long periodUntil(Temporal endDateTime, TemporalUnit unit) {
if (endDateTime instanceof ChronoZonedDateTime == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between objects of two different types");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects are of two different types");
ChronoZonedDateTime<D> end = (ChronoZonedDateTime<D>) endDateTime;
if (toLocalDate().getChronology().equals(end.toLocalDate().getChronology()) == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate period between two different chronologies");
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to calculate amount as objects have different chronologies");
if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
end = end.withZoneSameInstant(offset);

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@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
* CLDR specification then the calendar type is the concatenation of the
* CLDR type and, if applicable, the CLDR variant,
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* Subclasses should be Serializable wherever possible.
@ -338,16 +338,13 @@ public abstract class Chronology implements Comparable<Chronology> {
* <p>
* The {@code Locale} class also supports an extension mechanism that
* can be used to identify a calendar system. The mechanism is a form
* of key-value pairs, where the calendar system has the key "ca"
* and an optional variant key "cv".
* of key-value pairs, where the calendar system has the key "ca".
* For example, the locale "en-JP-u-ca-japanese" represents the English
* language as used in Japan with the Japanese calendar system.
* <p>
* This method finds the desired calendar system by in a manner equivalent
* to passing "ca" to {@link Locale#getUnicodeLocaleType(String)}.
* If the "ca" key is not present, then {@code IsoChronology} is returned.
* The variant, if present, is appended to the "ca" value separated by "-"
* and the concatenated value is used to find the calendar system by type.
* <p>
* Note that the behavior of this method differs from the older
* {@link java.util.Calendar#getInstance(Locale)} method.
@ -374,10 +371,6 @@ public abstract class Chronology implements Comparable<Chronology> {
if (type == null || "iso".equals(type) || "iso8601".equals(type)) {
return IsoChronology.INSTANCE;
String variant = locale.getUnicodeLocaleType("cv");
if (variant != null && !variant.isEmpty()) {
type = type + '-' + variant;
// Not pre-defined; lookup by the type
do {
Chronology chrono = CHRONOS_BY_TYPE.get(type);
@ -563,7 +556,7 @@ public abstract class Chronology implements Comparable<Chronology> {
* and the variant, if applicable, is appended separated by "-".
* The calendar type is used to lookup the {@code Chronology} using {@link #of(String)}.
* @return the calendar system type, null if the calendar is not defined
* @return the calendar system type, null if the calendar is not defined by CLDR/LDML
* @see #getId()
public abstract String getCalendarType();

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* <p>
* Instances of {@code Era} may be compared using the {@code ==} operator.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations must be singletons - final, immutable and thread-safe.
* It is recommended to use an enum whenever possible.

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@ -133,9 +133,10 @@ import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
* Chronology chrono = Chronology.ofLocale(locale);
* </pre>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* <h3>Implementation Note for Hijrah Calendar Variant Configuration</h3>
* @implNote
* Each Hijrah variant is configured individually. Each variant is defined by a
* property resource that defines the {@code ID}, the {@code calendar type},
* the start of the calendar, the alignment with the
@ -229,6 +230,11 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
* {@link Chronology#getAvailableChronologies}.
public static final HijrahChronology INSTANCE;
* Flag to indicate the initialization of configuration data is complete.
* @see #checkCalendarInit()
private volatile boolean initComplete;
* Array of epoch days indexed by Hijrah Epoch month.
* Computed by {@link #loadCalendarData}.
@ -285,7 +291,8 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
private static final String PROP_TYPE_SUFFIX = ".type";
* Name data.
* Static initialization of the predefined calendars found in the
* lib/calendars.properties file.
static {
try {
@ -299,8 +306,7 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
// Register it by its aliases
Chronology.registerChrono(INSTANCE, "Hijrah");
Chronology.registerChrono(INSTANCE, "islamic");
} catch (Exception ex) {
} catch (DateTimeException ex) {
// Absence of Hijrah calendar is fatal to initializing this class.
PlatformLogger logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("java.time.chrono");
logger.severe("Unable to initialize Hijrah calendar: Hijrah-umalqura", ex);
@ -327,7 +333,7 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
// Create and register the variant
HijrahChronology chrono = new HijrahChronology(id);
} catch (Exception ex) {
} catch (DateTimeException ex) {
// Log error and continue
PlatformLogger logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("java.time.chrono");
logger.severe("Unable to initialize Hijrah calendar: " + id, ex);
@ -343,22 +349,39 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
* The property names are {@code "calendar.hijrah." + id}
* and {@code "calendar.hijrah." + id + ".type"}
* @param id the id of the calendar
* @throws Exception if the resource can not be accessed or
* the format is invalid
* @throws DateTimeException if the calendar type is missing from the properties file.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the id is empty
private HijrahChronology(String id) throws Exception {
private HijrahChronology(String id) throws DateTimeException {
if (id.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("calendar id is empty");
String propName = PROP_PREFIX + id + PROP_TYPE_SUFFIX;
String calType = calendarProperties.getProperty(propName);
if (calType == null || calType.isEmpty()) {
throw new DateTimeException("calendarType is missing or empty for: " + propName);
this.typeId = id;
this.calendarType = calendarProperties.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + id + PROP_TYPE_SUFFIX);
this.calendarType = calType;
try {
String resource = calendarProperties.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + id);
Objects.requireNonNull(resource, "Resource missing for calendar");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception("Unable to initialize HijrahCalendar: " + id, ex);
* Check and ensure that the calendar data has been initialized.
* The initialization check is performed at the boundary between
* public and package methods. If a public calls another public method
* a check is not necessary in the caller.
* The constructors of HijrahDate call {@link #getEpochDay} or
* {@link #getHijrahDateInfo} so every call from HijrahDate to a
* HijrahChronology via package private methods has been checked.
* @throws DateTimeException if the calendar data configuration is
* malformed or IOExceptions occur loading the data
private void checkCalendarInit() {
// Keep this short so it can be inlined for performance
if (initComplete == false) {
initComplete = true;
@ -509,6 +532,7 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
public boolean isLeapYear(long prolepticYear) {
int epochMonth = yearToEpochMonth((int) prolepticYear);
if (epochMonth < 0 || epochMonth > maxEpochDay) {
throw new DateTimeException("Hijrah date out of range");
@ -543,6 +567,7 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
public ValueRange range(ChronoField field) {
if (field instanceof ChronoField) {
ChronoField f = field;
switch (f) {
@ -595,6 +620,7 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
* @return int[0] = YEAR, int[1] = MONTH, int[2] = DATE
int[] getHijrahDateInfo(int epochDay) {
checkCalendarInit(); // ensure that the chronology is initialized
if (epochDay < minEpochDay || epochDay >= maxEpochDay) {
throw new DateTimeException("Hijrah date out of range");
@ -621,6 +647,7 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
* @return the epoch day
long getEpochDay(int prolepticYear, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
checkCalendarInit(); // ensure that the chronology is initialized
int epochMonth = yearToEpochMonth(prolepticYear) + (monthOfYear - 1);
if (epochMonth < 0 || epochMonth >= hijrahEpochMonthStartDays.length) {
@ -846,20 +873,20 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
* Loads and processes the Hijrah calendar properties file.
* Loads and processes the Hijrah calendar properties file for this calendarType.
* The starting Hijrah date and the corresponding ISO date are
* extracted and used to calculate the epochDate offset.
* The version number is identified and ignored.
* Everything else is the data for a year with containing the length of each
* of 12 months.
* @param resourceName containing the properties defining the calendar, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the values are malformed
* @throws NumberFormatException if numbers, including properties that should
* be years are invalid
* @throws IOException if access to the property resource fails.
* @throws DateTimeException if initialization of the calendar data from the
* resource fails
private void loadCalendarData(String resourceName) throws Exception {
private void loadCalendarData() {
try {
String resourceName = calendarProperties.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + typeId);
Objects.requireNonNull(resourceName, "Resource missing for calendar: " + PROP_PREFIX + typeId);
Properties props = readConfigProperties(resourceName);
Map<Integer, int[]> years = new HashMap<>();
@ -925,6 +952,12 @@ public final class HijrahChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
minYearLength = Math.min(minYearLength, length);
maxYearLength = Math.max(maxYearLength, length);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Log error and throw a DateTimeException
PlatformLogger logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("java.time.chrono");
logger.severe("Unable to initialize Hijrah calendar proxy: " + typeId, ex);
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to initialize HijrahCalendar: " + typeId, ex);

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@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ import java.time.temporal.ValueRange;
* to create new HijrahDate instances.
* Alternatively, the {@link #withVariant} method can be used to convert
* to a new HijrahChronology.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import java.time.temporal.ValueRange;
* <b>Do not use {@code ordinal()} to obtain the numeric representation of {@code HijrahEra}.
* Use {@code getValue()} instead.</b>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* <li>leap-year - Leap years occur every 4 years, except where the year is divisble by 100 and not divisble by 400.
* </ul><p>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -588,7 +588,12 @@ public final class IsoChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable {
int moy = MONTH_OF_YEAR.checkValidIntValue(fieldValues.remove(MONTH_OF_YEAR));
int dom = DAY_OF_MONTH.checkValidIntValue(fieldValues.remove(DAY_OF_MONTH));
if (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.SMART) { // previous valid
dom = Math.min(dom, Month.of(moy).length(Year.isLeap(y)));
if (moy == 4 || moy == 6 || moy == 9 || moy == 11) {
dom = Math.min(dom, 30);
} else if (moy == 2) {
dom = Math.min(dom, Month.FEBRUARY.length(Year.isLeap(y)));
return LocalDate.of(y, moy, dom);

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* <b>Do not use {@code ordinal()} to obtain the numeric representation of {@code IsoEra}.
* Use {@code getValue()} instead.</b>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ import sun.util.calendar.LocalGregorianCalendar;
* Only Meiji (1865-04-07 - 1868-09-07) and later eras are supported.
* Older eras are handled as an unknown era where the year-of-era is the ISO year.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public final class JapaneseChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable
public JapaneseDate dateYearDay(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear) {
return dateYearDay(prolepticYear(era, yearOfEra), dayOfYear);
return JapaneseDate.ofYearDay((JapaneseEra) era, yearOfEra, dayOfYear);
@ -251,16 +251,19 @@ public final class JapaneseChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable
public ChronoLocalDateTime<JapaneseDate> localDateTime(TemporalAccessor temporal) {
return (ChronoLocalDateTime<JapaneseDate>)super.localDateTime(temporal);
public ChronoZonedDateTime<JapaneseDate> zonedDateTime(TemporalAccessor temporal) {
return (ChronoZonedDateTime<JapaneseDate>)super.zonedDateTime(temporal);
public ChronoZonedDateTime<JapaneseDate> zonedDateTime(Instant instant, ZoneId zone) {
return (ChronoZonedDateTime<JapaneseDate>)super.zonedDateTime(instant, zone);
@ -286,20 +289,28 @@ public final class JapaneseChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable
if (era instanceof JapaneseEra == false) {
throw new ClassCastException("Era must be JapaneseEra");
if (era == JapaneseEra.SEIREKI) {
JapaneseEra nextEra = JapaneseEra.values()[1];
int nextEraYear = nextEra.getPrivateEra().getSinceDate().getYear();
if (yearOfEra >= nextEraYear || yearOfEra < Year.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new DateTimeException("Invalid yearOfEra value");
return yearOfEra;
JapaneseEra jera = (JapaneseEra) era;
int gregorianYear = jera.getPrivateEra().getSinceDate().getYear() + yearOfEra - 1;
if (yearOfEra == 1) {
return gregorianYear;
if (gregorianYear >= Year.MIN_VALUE && gregorianYear <= Year.MAX_VALUE) {
LocalGregorianCalendar.Date jdate = JCAL.newCalendarDate(null);
jdate.setEra(jera.getPrivateEra()).setDate(yearOfEra, 1, 1);
if (!JapaneseChronology.JCAL.validate(jdate)) {
throw new DateTimeException("Invalid yearOfEra value");
if (jdate.getNormalizedYear() == gregorianYear) {
if (JapaneseChronology.JCAL.validate(jdate)) {
return gregorianYear;
throw new DateTimeException("Invalid yearOfEra value");
@ -322,13 +333,20 @@ public final class JapaneseChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable
public List<Era> eras() {
return Arrays.asList(JapaneseEra.values());
return Arrays.<Era>asList(JapaneseEra.values());
JapaneseEra getCurrentEra() {
// Assume that the last JapaneseEra is the current one.
JapaneseEra[] eras = JapaneseEra.values();
return eras[eras.length - 1];
public ValueRange range(ChronoField field) {
switch (field) {
case YEAR:
@ -345,27 +363,23 @@ public final class JapaneseChronology extends Chronology implements Serializable
case EPOCH_DAY: // TODO: if year is restricted, then so is epoch-day
return field.range();
case ERA:
return ValueRange.of(JapaneseEra.SEIREKI.getValue(),
Calendar jcal = Calendar.getInstance(LOCALE);
int fieldIndex;
switch (field) {
case ERA:
return ValueRange.of(JapaneseEra.SEIREKI.getValue(),
jcal.getMaximum(Calendar.ERA) - JapaneseEra.ERA_OFFSET);
case YEAR:
// TODO: this is not right
case YEAR_OF_ERA: {
int startYear = getCurrentEra().getPrivateEra().getSinceDate().getYear();
return ValueRange.of(Year.MIN_VALUE, jcal.getGreatestMinimum(Calendar.YEAR),
jcal.getLeastMaximum(Calendar.YEAR), Year.MAX_VALUE);
// TODO: should be the range of months bound by the valid range of years
return ValueRange.of((jcal.getGreatestMinimum(Calendar.YEAR) - 1) * 12,
(jcal.getLeastMaximum(Calendar.YEAR)) * 12);
return ValueRange.of(jcal.getMinimum(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, jcal.getGreatestMinimum(Calendar.MONTH) + 1,
jcal.getLeastMaximum(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, jcal.getMaximum(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
jcal.getLeastMaximum(Calendar.YEAR) + 1, // +1 due to the different definitions
Year.MAX_VALUE - startYear);
fieldIndex = Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR;

View File

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import java.time.temporal.ValueRange;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Objects;
import sun.util.calendar.CalendarDate;
import sun.util.calendar.LocalGregorianCalendar;
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ import sun.util.calendar.LocalGregorianCalendar;
* Calling {@code japaneseDate.get(ERA)} will return 2, corresponding to
* {@code JapaneseChronology.ERA_HEISEI}.<br>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -234,6 +235,24 @@ public final class JapaneseDate
return of(prolepticYear, date.getMonthValue(), date.getDayOfMonth());
static JapaneseDate ofYearDay(JapaneseEra era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear) {
CalendarDate firstDay = era.getPrivateEra().getSinceDate();
LocalGregorianCalendar.Date jdate = JapaneseChronology.JCAL.newCalendarDate(null);
if (yearOfEra == 1) {
jdate.setDate(yearOfEra, firstDay.getMonth(), firstDay.getDayOfMonth() + dayOfYear - 1);
} else {
jdate.setDate(yearOfEra, 1, dayOfYear);
if (era.getPrivateEra() != jdate.getEra() || yearOfEra != jdate.getYear()) {
throw new DateTimeException("Invalid parameters");
LocalDate localdate = LocalDate.of(jdate.getNormalizedYear(),
jdate.getMonth(), jdate.getDayOfMonth());
return new JapaneseDate(era, yearOfEra, localdate);
* Obtains a {@code JapaneseDate} representing a date in the Japanese calendar
* system from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ import sun.util.calendar.CalendarDate;
* and the year of era of Seireki is proleptic Gregorian year.
* (The Julian to Gregorian transition is not supported.)
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* are never out of step.
* </ul><p>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* This calendar system is primarily used in the Republic of China, often known as Taiwan.
* Dates are aligned such that {@code 0001-01-01 (Minguo)} is {@code 1912-01-01 (ISO)}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* <b>Do not use {@code ordinal()} to obtain the numeric representation of {@code MinguoEra}.
* Use {@code getValue()} instead.</b>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* The shared serialization delegate for this package.
* <h3>Implementation notes</h3>
* @implNote
* This class wraps the object being serialized, and takes a byte representing the type of the class to
* be serialized. This byte can also be used for versioning the serialization format. In this case another
* byte flag would be used in order to specify an alternative version of the type format.

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* are never out of step.
* </ul><p>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* This calendar system is primarily used in Thailand.
* Dates are aligned such that {@code 2484-01-01 (Buddhist)} is {@code 1941-01-01 (ISO)}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* <b>Do not use {@code ordinal()} to obtain the numeric representation of {@code ThaiBuddhistEra}.
* Use {@code getValue()} instead.</b>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>
* In addition to the format, formatters can be created with desired Locale,
* Chronology, ZoneId, and formatting symbols.
* Chronology, ZoneId, and DecimalStyle.
* <p>
* The {@link #withLocale withLocale} method returns a new formatter that
* overrides the locale. The locale affects some aspects of formatting and
@ -138,8 +139,8 @@ import java.util.Set;
* with the requested ZoneId before formatting. During parsing the ZoneId is
* applied before the value is returned.
* <p>
* The {@link #withSymbols withSymbols} method returns a new formatter that
* overrides the {@link DateTimeFormatSymbols}. The symbols are used for
* The {@link #withDecimalStyle withDecimalStyle} method returns a new formatter that
* overrides the {@link DecimalStyle}. The DecimalStyle symbols are used for
* formatting and parsing.
* <p>
* Some applications may need to use the older {@link Format java.text.Format}
@ -417,7 +418,65 @@ import java.util.Set;
* that you want to output directly to ensure that future changes do not break
* your application.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* <h3 id="resolving">Resolving</h3>
* Parsing is implemented as a two-phase operation.
* First, the text is parsed using the layout defined by the formatter, producing
* a {@code Map} of field to value, a {@code ZoneId} and a {@code Chronology}.
* Second, the parsed data is <em>resolved</em>, by validating, combining and
* simplifying the various fields into more useful ones.
* <p>
* Five parsing methods are supplied by this class.
* Four of these perform both the parse and resolve phases.
* The fifth method, {@link #parseUnresolved(CharSequence, ParsePosition)},
* only performs the first phase, leaving the result unresolved.
* As such, it is essentially a low-level operation.
* <p>
* The resolve phase is controlled by two parameters, set on this class.
* <p>
* The {@link ResolverStyle} is an enum that offers three different approaches,
* strict, smart and lenient. The smart option is the default.
* It can be set using {@link #withResolverStyle(ResolverStyle)}.
* <p>
* The {@link #withResolverFields(TemporalField...)} parameter allows the
* set of fields that will be resolved to be filtered before resolving starts.
* For example, if the formatter has parsed a year, month, day-of-month
* and day-of-year, then there are two approaches to resolve a date:
* (year + month + day-of-month) and (year + day-of-year).
* The resolver fields allows one of the two approaches to be selected.
* If no resolver fields are set then both approaches must result in the same date.
* <p>
* Resolving separate fields to form a complete date and time is a complex
* process with behaviour distributed across a number of classes.
* It follows these steps:
* <ol>
* <li>The chronology is determined.
* The chronology of the result is either the chronology that was parsed,
* or if no chronology was parsed, it is the chronology set on this class,
* or if that is null, it is {@code IsoChronology}.
* <li>The {@code ChronoField} date fields are resolved.
* This is achieved using {@link Chronology#resolveDate(Map, ResolverStyle)}.
* Documentation about field resolution is located in the implementation
* of {@code Chronology}.
* <li>The {@code ChronoField} time fields are resolved.
* This is documented on {@link ChronoField} and is the same for all chronologies.
* <li>Any fields that are not {@code ChronoField} are processed.
* This is achieved using {@link TemporalField#resolve(TemporalAccessor, long, ResolverStyle)}.
* Documentation about field resolution is located in the implementation
* of {@code TemporalField}.
* <li>The {@code ChronoField} date and time fields are re-resolved.
* This allows fields in step four to produce {@code ChronoField} values
* and have them be processed into dates and times.
* <li>A {@code LocalTime} is formed if there is at least an hour-of-day available.
* This involves providing default values for minute, second and fraction of second.
* <li>Any remaining unresolved fields are cross-checked against any
* date and/or time that was resolved. Thus, an earlier stage would resolve
* (year + month + day-of-month) to a date, and this stage would check that
* day-of-week was valid for the date.
* <li>If an {@linkplain #parsedExcessDays() excess number of days}
* was parsed then it is added to the date if a date is available.
* </ol>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -435,7 +494,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
* The symbols to use for formatting, not null.
private final DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols;
private final DecimalStyle decimalStyle;
* The resolver style to use, not null.
@ -1040,6 +1099,11 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
* <p>
* This returns an immutable formatter capable of formatting and parsing
* the ISO-8601 instant format.
* When formatting, the second-of-minute is always output.
* The nano-of-second outputs zero, three, six or nine digits digits as necessary.
* When parsing, time to at least the seconds field is required.
* Fractional seconds from zero to nine are parsed.
* The localized decimal style is not used.
* <p>
* This is a special case formatter intended to allow a human readable form
* of an {@link java.time.Instant}. The {@code Instant} class is designed to
@ -1201,25 +1265,117 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
.toFormatter(ResolverStyle.SMART, IsoChronology.INSTANCE);
* A query that provides access to the excess days that were parsed.
* <p>
* This returns a singleton {@linkplain TemporalQuery query} that provides
* access to additional information from the parse. The query always returns
* a non-null period, with a zero period returned instead of null.
* <p>
* There are two situations where this query may return a non-zero period.
* <p><ul>
* <li>If the {@code ResolverStyle} is {@code LENIENT} and a time is parsed
* without a date, then the complete result of the parse consists of a
* {@code LocalTime} and an excess {@code Period} in days.
* <p>
* <li>If the {@code ResolverStyle} is {@code SMART} and a time is parsed
* without a date where the time is 24:00:00, then the complete result of
* the parse consists of a {@code LocalTime} of 00:00:00 and an excess
* {@code Period} of one day.
* </ul>
* <p>
* In both cases, if a complete {@code ChronoLocalDateTime} or {@code Instant}
* is parsed, then the excess days are added to the date part.
* As a result, this query will return a zero period.
* <p>
* The {@code SMART} behaviour handles the common "end of day" 24:00 value.
* Processing in {@code LENIENT} mode also produces the same result:
* <pre>
* Text to parse Parsed object Excess days
* "2012-12-03T00:00" LocalDateTime.of(2012, 12, 3, 0, 0) ZERO
* "2012-12-03T24:00" LocalDateTime.of(2012, 12, 4, 0, 0) ZERO
* "00:00" LocalTime.of(0, 0) ZERO
* "24:00" LocalTime.of(0, 0) Period.ofDays(1)
* </pre>
* The query can be used as follows:
* <pre>
* TemporalAccessor parsed = formatter.parse(str);
* LocalTime time = parsed.query(LocalTime::from);
* Period extraDays = parsed.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays());
* </pre>
public static final TemporalQuery<Period> parsedExcessDays() {
private static final TemporalQuery<Period> PARSED_EXCESS_DAYS = t -> {
if (t instanceof Parsed) {
return ((Parsed) t).excessDays;
} else {
return Period.ZERO;
* A query that provides access to whether a leap-second was parsed.
* <p>
* This returns a singleton {@linkplain TemporalQuery query} that provides
* access to additional information from the parse. The query always returns
* a non-null boolean, true if parsing saw a leap-second, false if not.
* <p>
* Instant parsing handles the special "leap second" time of '23:59:60'.
* Leap seconds occur at '23:59:60' in the UTC time-zone, but at other
* local times in different time-zones. To avoid this potential ambiguity,
* the handling of leap-seconds is limited to
* {@link DateTimeFormatterBuilder#appendInstant()}, as that method
* always parses the instant with the UTC zone offset.
* <p>
* If the time '23:59:60' is received, then a simple conversion is applied,
* replacing the second-of-minute of 60 with 59. This query can be used
* on the parse result to determine if the leap-second adjustment was made.
* The query will return one second of excess if it did adjust to remove
* the leap-second, and zero if not. Note that applying a leap-second
* smoothing mechanism, such as UTC-SLS, is the responsibility of the
* application, as follows:
* <pre>
* TemporalAccessor parsed = formatter.parse(str);
* Instant instant = parsed.query(Instant::from);
* if (parsed.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedLeapSecond())) {
* // validate leap-second is correct and apply correct smoothing
* }
* </pre>
public static final TemporalQuery<Boolean> parsedLeapSecond() {
private static final TemporalQuery<Boolean> PARSED_LEAP_SECOND = t -> {
if (t instanceof Parsed) {
return ((Parsed) t).leapSecond;
} else {
return Boolean.FALSE;
* Constructor.
* @param printerParser the printer/parser to use, not null
* @param locale the locale to use, not null
* @param symbols the symbols to use, not null
* @param decimalStyle the DecimalStyle to use, not null
* @param resolverStyle the resolver style to use, not null
* @param resolverFields the fields to use during resolving, null for all fields
* @param chrono the chronology to use, null for no override
* @param zone the zone to use, null for no override
DateTimeFormatter(CompositePrinterParser printerParser,
Locale locale, DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols,
Locale locale, DecimalStyle decimalStyle,
ResolverStyle resolverStyle, Set<TemporalField> resolverFields,
Chronology chrono, ZoneId zone) {
this.printerParser = Objects.requireNonNull(printerParser, "printerParser");
this.resolverFields = resolverFields;
this.locale = Objects.requireNonNull(locale, "locale");
this.symbols = Objects.requireNonNull(symbols, "symbols");
this.decimalStyle = Objects.requireNonNull(decimalStyle, "decimalStyle");
this.resolverStyle = Objects.requireNonNull(resolverStyle, "resolverStyle");
this.chrono = chrono;
this.zone = zone;
@ -1253,32 +1409,32 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
if (this.locale.equals(locale)) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
* Gets the set of symbols to be used during formatting.
* Gets the DecimalStyle to be used during formatting.
* @return the locale of this formatter, not null
public DateTimeFormatSymbols getSymbols() {
return symbols;
public DecimalStyle getDecimalStyle() {
return decimalStyle;
* Returns a copy of this formatter with a new set of symbols.
* Returns a copy of this formatter with a new DecimalStyle.
* <p>
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param symbols the new symbols, not null
* @return a formatter based on this formatter with the requested symbols, not null
* @param decimalStyle the new DecimalStyle, not null
* @return a formatter based on this formatter with the requested DecimalStyle, not null
public DateTimeFormatter withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols) {
if (this.symbols.equals(symbols)) {
public DateTimeFormatter withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle decimalStyle) {
if (this.decimalStyle.equals(decimalStyle)) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
@ -1332,7 +1488,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
if (Objects.equals(this.chrono, chrono)) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
@ -1389,7 +1545,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
if (Objects.equals(this.zone, zone)) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
@ -1431,7 +1587,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
if (Objects.equals(this.resolverStyle, resolverStyle)) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
@ -1495,7 +1651,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
return this;
fields = Collections.unmodifiableSet(fields);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, fields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, fields, chrono, zone);
@ -1543,7 +1699,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatter {
return this;
resolverFields = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(resolverFields));
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, symbols, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);
return new DateTimeFormatter(printerParser, locale, decimalStyle, resolverStyle, resolverFields, chrono, zone);

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ import sun.util.locale.provider.TimeZoneNameUtility;
* can be used, see {@link #appendPattern(String)}.
* In practice, this simply parses the pattern and calls other methods on the builder.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is a mutable builder intended for use from a single thread.
* @since 1.8
@ -186,6 +187,44 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
private int valueParserIndex = -1;
* Gets the formatting pattern for date and time styles for a locale and chronology.
* The locale and chronology are used to lookup the locale specific format
* for the requested dateStyle and/or timeStyle.
* @param dateStyle the FormatStyle for the date
* @param timeStyle the FormatStyle for the time
* @param chrono the Chronology, non-null
* @param locale the locale, non-null
* @return the locale and Chronology specific formatting pattern
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if both dateStyle and timeStyle are null
public static String getLocalizedDateTimePattern(FormatStyle dateStyle, FormatStyle timeStyle,
Chronology chrono, Locale locale) {
Objects.requireNonNull(locale, "locale");
Objects.requireNonNull(chrono, "chrono");
if (dateStyle == null && timeStyle == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either dateStyle or timeStyle must be non-null");
LocaleResources lr = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased().getLocaleResources(locale);
String pattern = lr.getJavaTimeDateTimePattern(
convertStyle(timeStyle), convertStyle(dateStyle), chrono.getCalendarType());
return pattern;
* Converts the given FormatStyle to the java.text.DateFormat style.
* @param style the FormatStyle style
* @return the int style, or -1 if style is null, indicating un-required
private static int convertStyle(FormatStyle style) {
if (style == null) {
return -1;
return style.ordinal(); // indices happen to align
* Constructs a new instance of the builder.
@ -344,7 +383,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
public DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendValue(TemporalField field) {
Objects.requireNonNull(field, "field");
active.valueParserIndex = appendInternal(new NumberPrinterParser(field, 1, 19, SignStyle.NORMAL));
appendValue(new NumberPrinterParser(field, 1, 19, SignStyle.NORMAL));
return this;
@ -360,15 +399,15 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* If the value of the field is negative then an exception is thrown during formatting.
* <p>
* This method supports a special technique of parsing known as 'adjacent value parsing'.
* This technique solves the problem where a variable length value is followed by one or more
* This technique solves the problem where a value, variable or fixed width, is followed by one or more
* fixed length values. The standard parser is greedy, and thus it would normally
* steal the digits that are needed by the fixed width value parsers that follow the
* variable width one.
* <p>
* No action is required to initiate 'adjacent value parsing'.
* When a call to {@code appendValue} with a variable width is made, the builder
* When a call to {@code appendValue} is made, the builder
* enters adjacent value parsing setup mode. If the immediately subsequent method
* call or calls on the same builder are to this method, then the parser will reserve
* call or calls on the same builder are for a fixed width value, then the parser will reserve
* space so that the fixed width values can be parsed.
* <p>
* For example, consider {@code builder.appendValue(YEAR).appendValue(MONTH_OF_YEAR, 2);}
@ -381,7 +420,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* nothing for the month.
* <p>
* Adjacent value parsing applies to each set of fixed width not-negative values in the parser
* that immediately follow any kind of variable width value.
* that immediately follow any kind of value, variable or fixed width.
* Calling any other append method will end the setup of adjacent value parsing.
* Thus, in the unlikely event that you need to avoid adjacent value parsing behavior,
* simply add the {@code appendValue} to another {@code DateTimeFormatterBuilder}
@ -402,7 +441,8 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The width must be from 1 to 19 inclusive but was " + width);
NumberPrinterParser pp = new NumberPrinterParser(field, width, width, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE);
return appendFixedWidth(width, pp);
return this;
@ -420,8 +460,10 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* This behavior can be affected by 'adjacent value parsing'.
* See {@link #appendValue(java.time.temporal.TemporalField, int)} for full details.
* <p>
* In strict parsing mode, the minimum number of parsed digits is {@code minWidth}.
* In lenient parsing mode, the minimum number of parsed digits is one.
* In strict parsing mode, the minimum number of parsed digits is {@code minWidth}
* and the maximum is {@code maxWidth}.
* In lenient parsing mode, the minimum number of parsed digits is one
* and the maximum is 19 (except as limited by adjacent value parsing).
* <p>
* If this method is invoked with equal minimum and maximum widths and a sign style of
* {@code NOT_NEGATIVE} then it delegates to {@code appendValue(TemporalField,int)}.
@ -452,17 +494,13 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
maxWidth + " < " + minWidth);
NumberPrinterParser pp = new NumberPrinterParser(field, minWidth, maxWidth, signStyle);
if (minWidth == maxWidth) {
} else {
active.valueParserIndex = appendInternal(pp);
return this;
* Appends the reduced value of a date-time field to the formatter.
* Appends the reduced value of a date-time field with fixed width to the formatter.
* <p>
* This is typically used for formatting and parsing a two digit year.
* The {@code width} is the printed and parsed width.
@ -471,51 +509,116 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* For formatting, the width is used to determine the number of characters to format.
* The rightmost characters are output to match the width, left padding with zero.
* <p>
* For parsing, exactly the number of characters specified by the width are parsed.
* This is incomplete information however, so the base value is used to complete the parse.
* The base value is the first valid value in a range of ten to the power of width.
* For strict parsing, the number of characters allowed by the width are parsed.
* For lenient parsing, the number of characters must be at least 1 and less than 10.
* If the number of digits parsed is equal to {@code width} and the value is positive,
* the value of the field is computed to be the first number greater than
* or equal to the {@code baseValue} with the same least significant characters,
* otherwise the value parsed is the field value.
* This allows a reduced value to be entered for values in range of the baseValue
* and width and absolute values can be entered for values outside the range.
* <p>
* For example, a base value of {@code 1980} and a width of {@code 2} will have
* valid values from {@code 1980} to {@code 2079}.
* During parsing, the text {@code "12"} will result in the value {@code 2012} as that
* is the value within the range where the last two digits are "12".
* <p>
* This is a fixed width parser operating using 'adjacent value parsing'.
* See {@link #appendValue(java.time.temporal.TemporalField, int)} for full details.
* is the value within the range where the last two characters are "12".
* Compare with lenient parsing the text {@code "1915"} that will result in the
* value {@code 1915}.
* @param field the field to append, not null
* @param width the width of the printed and parsed field, from 1 to 18
* @param width the field width of the printed and parsed field, from 1 to 10
* @param baseValue the base value of the range of valid values
* @return this, for chaining, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or base value is invalid
* @see #appendValueReduced(java.time.temporal.TemporalField, int, int, int)
public DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendValueReduced(TemporalField field,
int width, int baseValue) {
return appendValueReduced(field, width, width, baseValue);
* Appends the reduced value of a date-time field with a flexible width to the formatter.
* <p>
* This is typically used for formatting and parsing a two digit year
* but allowing for the year value to be up to maxWidth.
* <p>
* For formatting, the {@code width} and {@code maxWidth} are used to
* determine the number of characters to format.
* If the value of the field is within the range of the {@code baseValue} using
* {@code width} characters then the reduced value is formatted otherwise the value is
* truncated to fit {@code maxWidth}.
* The rightmost characters are output to match the width, left padding with zero.
* <p>
* For strict parsing, the number of characters allowed by {@code width} to {@code maxWidth} are parsed.
* For lenient parsing, the number of characters must be at least 1 and less than 10.
* If the number of digits parsed is equal to {@code width} and the value is positive,
* the value of the field is computed to be the first number greater than
* or equal to the {@code baseValue} with the same least significant characters,
* otherwise the value parsed is the field value.
* This allows a reduced value to be entered for values in range of the baseValue
* and width and absolute values can be entered for values outside the range.
* <p>
* For example, a base value of {@code 1980} and a width of {@code 2} will have
* valid values from {@code 1980} to {@code 2079}.
* During parsing, the text {@code "12"} will result in the value {@code 2012} as that
* is the value within the range where the last two characters are "12".
* Compare with parsing the text {@code "1915"} that will result in the
* value {@code 1915}.
* @param field the field to append, not null
* @param width the field width of the printed and parsed field, from 1 to 10
* @param maxWidth the maximum field width of the printed field, from 1 to 10
* @param baseValue the base value of the range of valid values
* @return this, for chaining, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or base value is invalid
public DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendValueReduced(
TemporalField field, int width, int baseValue) {
public DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendValueReduced(TemporalField field,
int width, int maxWidth, int baseValue) {
Objects.requireNonNull(field, "field");
ReducedPrinterParser pp = new ReducedPrinterParser(field, width, baseValue);
appendFixedWidth(width, pp);
ReducedPrinterParser pp = new ReducedPrinterParser(field, width, maxWidth, baseValue);
return this;
* Appends a fixed width printer-parser.
* Appends a fixed or variable width printer-parser handling adjacent value mode.
* If a PrinterParser is not active then the new PrinterParser becomes
* the active PrinterParser.
* Otherwise, the active PrinterParser is modified depending on the new PrinterParser.
* If the new PrinterParser is fixed width and has sign style {@code NOT_NEGATIVE}
* then its width is added to the active PP and
* the new PrinterParser is forced to be fixed width.
* If the new PrinterParser is variable width, the active PrinterParser is changed
* to be fixed width and the new PrinterParser becomes the active PP.
* @param width the width
* @param pp the printer-parser, not null
* @return this, for chaining, not null
private DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendFixedWidth(int width, NumberPrinterParser pp) {
private DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendValue(NumberPrinterParser pp) {
if (active.valueParserIndex >= 0) {
final int activeValueParser = active.valueParserIndex;
// adjacent parsing mode, update setting in previous parsers
NumberPrinterParser basePP = (NumberPrinterParser) active.printerParsers.get(active.valueParserIndex);
basePP = basePP.withSubsequentWidth(width);
int activeValueParser = active.valueParserIndex;
active.printerParsers.set(active.valueParserIndex, basePP);
NumberPrinterParser basePP = (NumberPrinterParser) active.printerParsers.get(activeValueParser);
if (pp.minWidth == pp.maxWidth && pp.signStyle == SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE) {
// Append the width to the subsequentWidth of the active parser
basePP = basePP.withSubsequentWidth(pp.maxWidth);
// Append the new parser as a fixed width
// Retain the previous active parser
active.valueParserIndex = activeValueParser;
} else {
// not adjacent parsing
// Modify the active parser to be fixed width
basePP = basePP.withFixedWidth();
// The new parser becomes the mew active parser
active.valueParserIndex = appendInternal(pp);
// Replace the modified parser with the updated one
active.printerParsers.set(activeValueParser, basePP);
} else {
// The new Parser becomes the active parser
active.valueParserIndex = appendInternal(pp);
return this;
@ -657,11 +760,24 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* Appends an instant using ISO-8601 to the formatter.
* Appends an instant using ISO-8601 to the formatter, formatting fractional
* digits in groups of three.
* <p>
* Instants have a fixed output format.
* They are converted to a date-time with a zone-offset of UTC and printed
* They are converted to a date-time with a zone-offset of UTC and formatted
* using the standard ISO-8601 format.
* With this method, formatting nano-of-second outputs zero, three, six
* or nine digits digits as necessary.
* The localized decimal style is not used.
* <p>
* The instant is obtained using {@link ChronoField#INSTANT_SECONDS INSTANT_SECONDS}
* and optionally (@code NANO_OF_SECOND). The value of {@code INSTANT_SECONDS}
* may be outside the maximum range of {@code LocalDateTime}.
* <p>
* The {@linkplain ResolverStyle resolver style} has no effect on instant parsing.
* The end-of-day time of '24:00' is handled as midnight at the start of the following day.
* The leap-second time of '23:59:59' is handled to some degree, see
* {@link DateTimeFormatter#parsedLeapSecond()} for full details.
* <p>
* An alternative to this method is to format/parse the instant as a single
* epoch-seconds value. That is achieved using {@code appendValue(INSTANT_SECONDS)}.
@ -669,10 +785,54 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* @return this, for chaining, not null
public DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendInstant() {
appendInternal(new InstantPrinterParser());
appendInternal(new InstantPrinterParser(-2));
return this;
* Appends an instant using ISO-8601 to the formatter with control over
* the number of fractional digits.
* <p>
* Instants have a fixed output format, although this method provides some
* control over the fractional digits. They are converted to a date-time
* with a zone-offset of UTC and printed using the standard ISO-8601 format.
* The localized decimal style is not used.
* <p>
* The {@code fractionalDigits} parameter allows the output of the fractional
* second to be controlled. Specifying zero will cause no fractional digits
* to be output. From 1 to 9 will output an increasing number of digits, using
* zero right-padding if necessary. The special value -1 is used to output as
* many digits as necessary to avoid any trailing zeroes.
* <p>
* When parsing in strict mode, the number of parsed digits must match the
* fractional digits. When parsing in lenient mode, any number of fractional
* digits from zero to nine are accepted.
* <p>
* The instant is obtained using {@link ChronoField#INSTANT_SECONDS INSTANT_SECONDS}
* and optionally (@code NANO_OF_SECOND). The value of {@code INSTANT_SECONDS}
* may be outside the maximum range of {@code LocalDateTime}.
* <p>
* The {@linkplain ResolverStyle resolver style} has no effect on instant parsing.
* The end-of-day time of '24:00' is handled as midnight at the start of the following day.
* The leap-second time of '23:59:59' is handled to some degree, see
* {@link DateTimeFormatter#parsedLeapSecond()} for full details.
* <p>
* An alternative to this method is to format/parse the instant as a single
* epoch-seconds value. That is achieved using {@code appendValue(INSTANT_SECONDS)}.
* @param fractionalDigits the number of fractional second digits to format with,
* from 0 to 9, or -1 to use as many digits as necessary
* @return this, for chaining, not null
public DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendInstant(int fractionalDigits) {
if (fractionalDigits < -1 || fractionalDigits > 9) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fractional digits must be from -1 to 9 inclusive but was " + fractionalDigits);
appendInternal(new InstantPrinterParser(fractionalDigits));
return this;
* Appends the zone offset, such as '+01:00', to the formatter.
* <p>
@ -1049,7 +1209,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* <p>
* The calendar system name will be output during a format.
* If the chronology cannot be obtained then an exception will be thrown.
* The calendar system name is obtained from the formatting symbols.
* The calendar system name is obtained from the Chronology.
* @param textStyle the text style to use, not null
* @return this, for chaining, not null
@ -1838,7 +1998,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* using the default locale.
* <p>
* This will create a formatter with the {@linkplain Locale#getDefault(Locale.Category) default FORMAT locale}.
* Numbers will be printed and parsed using the standard non-localized set of symbols.
* Numbers will be printed and parsed using the standard DecimalStyle.
* The resolver style will be {@link ResolverStyle#SMART SMART}.
* <p>
* Calling this method will end any open optional sections by repeatedly
@ -1858,7 +2018,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* using the specified locale.
* <p>
* This will create a formatter with the specified locale.
* Numbers will be printed and parsed using the standard non-localized set of symbols.
* Numbers will be printed and parsed using the standard DecimalStyle.
* The resolver style will be {@link ResolverStyle#SMART SMART}.
* <p>
* Calling this method will end any open optional sections by repeatedly
@ -1898,7 +2058,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
CompositePrinterParser pp = new CompositePrinterParser(printerParsers, false);
return new DateTimeFormatter(pp, locale, DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD,
return new DateTimeFormatter(pp, locale, DecimalStyle.STANDARD,
resolverStyle, null, chrono, null);
@ -1921,7 +2081,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* for the next parser. If an error occurs, the returned index will be negative
* and will have the error position encoded using the complement operator.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* <p>
@ -2282,24 +2442,25 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* Array of 10 to the power of n.
static final int[] EXCEED_POINTS = new int[] {
static final long[] EXCEED_POINTS = new long[] {
final TemporalField field;
final int minWidth;
private final int maxWidth;
final int maxWidth;
private final SignStyle signStyle;
private final int subsequentWidth;
final int subsequentWidth;
* Constructor.
@ -2328,7 +2489,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* @param subsequentWidth the width of subsequent non-negative numbers, 0 or greater,
* -1 if fixed width due to active adjacent parsing
private NumberPrinterParser(TemporalField field, int minWidth, int maxWidth, SignStyle signStyle, int subsequentWidth) {
protected NumberPrinterParser(TemporalField field, int minWidth, int maxWidth, SignStyle signStyle, int subsequentWidth) {
// validated by caller
this.field = field;
this.minWidth = minWidth;
@ -2343,6 +2504,9 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
* @return a new updated printer-parser, not null
NumberPrinterParser withFixedWidth() {
if (subsequentWidth == -1) {
return this;
return new NumberPrinterParser(field, minWidth, maxWidth, signStyle, -1);
@ -2363,24 +2527,24 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
return false;
long value = getValue(valueLong);
DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols = context.getSymbols();
DecimalStyle decimalStyle = context.getDecimalStyle();
String str = (value == Long.MIN_VALUE ? "9223372036854775808" : Long.toString(Math.abs(value)));
if (str.length() > maxWidth) {
throw new DateTimeException("Field " + field.getName() +
" cannot be printed as the value " + value +
" exceeds the maximum print width of " + maxWidth);
str = symbols.convertNumberToI18N(str);
str = decimalStyle.convertNumberToI18N(str);
if (value >= 0) {
switch (signStyle) {
if (minWidth < 19 && value >= EXCEED_POINTS[minWidth]) {
case ALWAYS:
} else {
@ -2388,7 +2552,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
case NORMAL:
case ALWAYS:
throw new DateTimeException("Field " + field.getName() +
@ -2397,7 +2561,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
for (int i = 0; i < minWidth - str.length(); i++) {
return true;
@ -2426,13 +2590,13 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
char sign = text.charAt(position); // IOOBE if invalid position
boolean negative = false;
boolean positive = false;
if (sign == context.getSymbols().getPositiveSign()) {
if (sign == context.getDecimalStyle().getPositiveSign()) {
if (signStyle.parse(true, context.isStrict(), minWidth == maxWidth) == false) {
return ~position;
positive = true;
} else if (sign == context.getSymbols().getNegativeSign()) {
} else if (sign == context.getDecimalStyle().getNegativeSign()) {
if (signStyle.parse(false, context.isStrict(), minWidth == maxWidth) == false) {
return ~position;
@ -2448,7 +2612,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
if (minEndPos > length) {
return ~position;
int effMaxWidth = maxWidth + Math.max(subsequentWidth, 0);
int effMaxWidth = (context.isStrict() || isFixedWidth() ? maxWidth : 9) + Math.max(subsequentWidth, 0);
long total = 0;
BigInteger totalBig = null;
int pos = position;
@ -2456,7 +2620,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
int maxEndPos = Math.min(pos + effMaxWidth, length);
while (pos < maxEndPos) {
char ch = text.charAt(pos++);
int digit = context.getSymbols().convertToDigit(ch);
int digit = context.getDecimalStyle().convertToDigit(ch);
if (digit < 0) {
if (pos < minEndPos) {
@ -2550,62 +2714,110 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
static final class ReducedPrinterParser extends NumberPrinterParser {
private final int baseValue;
private final int range;
* Constructor.
* @param field the field to format, validated not null
* @param width the field width, from 1 to 18
* @param minWidth the minimum field width, from 1 to 10
* @param maxWidth the maximum field width, from 1 to 10
* @param baseValue the base value
ReducedPrinterParser(TemporalField field, int width, int baseValue) {
super(field, width, width, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE);
if (width < 1 || width > 18) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The width must be from 1 to 18 inclusive but was " + width);
ReducedPrinterParser(TemporalField field, int minWidth, int maxWidth,
int baseValue) {
this(field, minWidth, maxWidth, baseValue, 0);
if (minWidth < 1 || minWidth > 10) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The minWidth must be from 1 to 10 inclusive but was " + minWidth);
if (maxWidth < 1 || maxWidth > 10) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The maxWidth must be from 1 to 10 inclusive but was " + minWidth);
if (maxWidth < minWidth) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum width must exceed or equal the minimum width but " +
maxWidth + " < " + minWidth);
if (field.range().isValidValue(baseValue) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The base value must be within the range of the field");
this.baseValue = baseValue;
this.range = EXCEED_POINTS[width];
if ((((long) baseValue) + range) > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if ((((long) baseValue) + EXCEED_POINTS[maxWidth]) > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to add printer-parser as the range exceeds the capacity of an int");
* Constructor.
* The arguments have already been checked.
* @param field the field to format, validated not null
* @param minWidth the minimum field width, from 1 to 10
* @param maxWidth the maximum field width, from 1 to 10
* @param baseValue the base value
* @param subsequentWidth the subsequentWidth for this instance
private ReducedPrinterParser(TemporalField field, int minWidth, int maxWidth,
int baseValue, int subsequentWidth) {
super(field, minWidth, maxWidth, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE, subsequentWidth);
this.baseValue = baseValue;
long getValue(long value) {
return Math.abs(value % range);
long absValue = Math.abs(value);
if (value >= baseValue && value < baseValue + EXCEED_POINTS[minWidth]) {
// Use the reduced value if it fits in minWidth
return absValue % EXCEED_POINTS[minWidth];
// Otherwise truncate to fit in maxWidth
return absValue % EXCEED_POINTS[maxWidth];
int setValue(DateTimeParseContext context, long value, int errorPos, int successPos) {
int lastPart = baseValue % range;
int parseLen = successPos - errorPos;
if (parseLen == minWidth && value >= 0) {
long range = EXCEED_POINTS[minWidth];
long lastPart = baseValue % range;
long basePart = baseValue - lastPart;
if (baseValue > 0) {
value = baseValue - lastPart + value;
value = basePart + value;
} else {
value = baseValue - lastPart - value;
value = basePart - value;
if (value < baseValue) {
if (basePart != 0 && value < baseValue) {
value += range;
return context.setParsedField(field, value, errorPos, successPos);
* Returns a new instance with fixed width flag set.
* @return a new updated printer-parser, not null
NumberPrinterParser withFixedWidth() {
ReducedPrinterParser withFixedWidth() {
if (subsequentWidth == -1) {
return this;
return new ReducedPrinterParser(field, minWidth, maxWidth, baseValue, -1);
* Returns a new instance with an updated subsequent width.
* @param subsequentWidth the width of subsequent non-negative numbers, 0 or greater
* @return a new updated printer-parser, not null
boolean isFixedWidth() {
return true;
ReducedPrinterParser withSubsequentWidth(int subsequentWidth) {
return new ReducedPrinterParser(field, minWidth, maxWidth, baseValue,
this.subsequentWidth + subsequentWidth);
public String toString() {
return "ReducedValue(" + field.getName() + "," + minWidth + "," + baseValue + ")";
return "ReducedValue(" + field.getName() + "," + minWidth + "," + maxWidth + "," + baseValue + ")";
@ -2654,24 +2866,24 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
if (value == null) {
return false;
DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols = context.getSymbols();
DecimalStyle decimalStyle = context.getDecimalStyle();
BigDecimal fraction = convertToFraction(value);
if (fraction.scale() == 0) { // scale is zero if value is zero
if (minWidth > 0) {
if (decimalPoint) {
for (int i = 0; i < minWidth; i++) {
} else {
int outputScale = Math.min(Math.max(fraction.scale(), minWidth), maxWidth);
fraction = fraction.setScale(outputScale, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
String str = fraction.toPlainString().substring(2);
str = symbols.convertNumberToI18N(str);
str = decimalStyle.convertNumberToI18N(str);
if (decimalPoint) {
@ -2688,7 +2900,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
return (effectiveMin > 0 ? ~position : position);
if (decimalPoint) {
if (text.charAt(position) != context.getSymbols().getDecimalSeparator()) {
if (text.charAt(position) != context.getDecimalStyle().getDecimalSeparator()) {
// valid if whole field is optional, invalid if minimum width
return (effectiveMin > 0 ? ~position : position);
@ -2703,7 +2915,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
int pos = position;
while (pos < maxEndPos) {
char ch = text.charAt(pos++);
int digit = context.getSymbols().convertToDigit(ch);
int digit = context.getDecimalStyle().convertToDigit(ch);
if (digit < 0) {
if (pos < minEndPos) {
return ~position; // need at least min width digits
@ -2883,43 +3095,50 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
// seconds per day = 86400
private static final long SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS = 146097L * 25L * 86400L;
private static final long SECONDS_0000_TO_1970 = ((146097L * 5L) - (30L * 365L + 7L)) * 86400L;
private static final CompositePrinterParser PARSER = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
private final int fractionalDigits;
InstantPrinterParser() {
InstantPrinterParser(int fractionalDigits) {
this.fractionalDigits = fractionalDigits;
public boolean format(DateTimePrintContext context, StringBuilder buf) {
// use INSTANT_SECONDS, thus this code is not bound by Instant.MAX
Long inSecs = context.getValue(INSTANT_SECONDS);
Long inNanos = context.getValue(NANO_OF_SECOND);
if (inSecs == null || inNanos == null) {
Long inNanos = null;
if (context.getTemporal().isSupported(NANO_OF_SECOND)) {
inNanos = context.getTemporal().getLong(NANO_OF_SECOND);
if (inSecs == null) {
return false;
long inSec = inSecs;
int inNano = NANO_OF_SECOND.checkValidIntValue(inNanos);
int inNano = NANO_OF_SECOND.checkValidIntValue(inNanos != null ? inNanos : 0);
// format mostly using LocalDateTime.toString
if (inSec >= -SECONDS_0000_TO_1970) {
// current era
long zeroSecs = inSec - SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS + SECONDS_0000_TO_1970;
long hi = Math.floorDiv(zeroSecs, SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS) + 1;
long lo = Math.floorMod(zeroSecs, SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS);
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(lo - SECONDS_0000_TO_1970, inNano, ZoneOffset.UTC);
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(lo - SECONDS_0000_TO_1970, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC);
if (hi > 0) {
if (ldt.getSecond() == 0) {
} else {
// before current era
long zeroSecs = inSec + SECONDS_0000_TO_1970;
long hi = zeroSecs / SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS;
long lo = zeroSecs % SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS;
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(lo - SECONDS_0000_TO_1970, inNano, ZoneOffset.UTC);
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(lo - SECONDS_0000_TO_1970, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC);
int pos = buf.length();
if (ldt.getSecond() == 0) {
if (hi < 0) {
if (ldt.getYear() == -10_000) {
buf.replace(pos, pos + 2, Long.toString(hi - 1));
@ -2930,14 +3149,38 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
// add fraction
if ((fractionalDigits < 0 && inNano > 0) || fractionalDigits > 0) {
int div = 100_000_000;
for (int i = 0; ((fractionalDigits == -1 && inNano > 0) ||
(fractionalDigits == -2 && (inNano > 0 || (i % 3) != 0)) ||
i < fractionalDigits); i++) {
int digit = inNano / div;
buf.append((char) (digit + '0'));
inNano = inNano - (digit * div);
div = div / 10;
return true;
public int parse(DateTimeParseContext context, CharSequence text, int position) {
// new context to avoid overwriting fields like year/month/day
int minDigits = (fractionalDigits < 0 ? 0 : fractionalDigits);
int maxDigits = (fractionalDigits < 0 ? 9 : fractionalDigits);
CompositePrinterParser parser = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.appendValue(HOUR_OF_DAY, 2).appendLiteral(':')
.appendValue(MINUTE_OF_HOUR, 2).appendLiteral(':')
.appendValue(SECOND_OF_MINUTE, 2)
.appendFraction(NANO_OF_SECOND, minDigits, maxDigits, true)
DateTimeParseContext newContext = context.copy();
int pos = PARSER.parse(newContext, text, position);
int pos = parser.parse(newContext, text, position);
if (pos < 0) {
return pos;
@ -2952,10 +3195,18 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
Long nanoVal = newContext.getParsed(NANO_OF_SECOND);
int sec = (secVal != null ? secVal.intValue() : 0);
int nano = (nanoVal != null ? nanoVal.intValue() : 0);
int days = 0;
if (hour == 24 && min == 0 && sec == 0 && nano == 0) {
hour = 0;
days = 1;
} else if (hour == 23 && min == 59 && sec == 60) {
sec = 59;
int year = (int) yearParsed % 10_000;
long instantSecs;
try {
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, 0);
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, 0).plusDays(days);
instantSecs = ldt.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC);
instantSecs += Math.multiplyExact(yearParsed / 10_000L, SECONDS_PER_10000_YEARS);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
@ -4017,9 +4268,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
String key = chrono.getId() + '|' + locale.toString() + '|' + dateStyle + timeStyle;
DateTimeFormatter formatter = FORMATTER_CACHE.get(key);
if (formatter == null) {
LocaleResources lr = LocaleProviderAdapter.getResourceBundleBased().getLocaleResources(locale);
String pattern = lr.getJavaTimeDateTimePattern(
convertStyle(timeStyle), convertStyle(dateStyle), chrono.getCalendarType());
String pattern = getLocalizedDateTimePattern(dateStyle, timeStyle, chrono, locale);
formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern(pattern).toFormatter(locale);
DateTimeFormatter old = FORMATTER_CACHE.putIfAbsent(key, formatter);
if (old != null) {
@ -4029,19 +4278,6 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
return formatter;
* Converts the given FormatStyle to the java.text.DateFormat style.
* @param style the FormatStyle style
* @return the int style, or -1 if style is null, indicating unrequired
private int convertStyle(FormatStyle style) {
if (style == null) {
return -1;
return style.ordinal(); // indices happen to align
public String toString() {
return "Localized(" + (dateStyle != null ? dateStyle : "") + "," +
@ -4096,7 +4332,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatterBuilder {
case 'Y':
field = weekDef.weekBasedYear();
if (count == 2) {
return new ReducedPrinterParser(field, 2, 2000);
return new ReducedPrinterParser(field, 2, 2, 2000, 0);
} else {
return new NumberPrinterParser(field, count, 19,
(count < 4) ? SignStyle.NORMAL : SignStyle.EXCEEDS_PAD, -1);

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
package java.time.format;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology;
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* Once parsing is complete, the {@link #toParsed()} is used to obtain the data.
* It contains a method to resolve the separate parsed fields into meaningful values.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is a mutable context intended for use from a single thread.
* Usage of the class is thread-safe within standard parsing as a new instance of this class
* is automatically created for each parse and parsing is single-threaded
@ -118,9 +119,13 @@ final class DateTimeParseContext {
* Creates a copy of this context.
* This retains the case sensitive and strict flags.
DateTimeParseContext copy() {
return new DateTimeParseContext(formatter);
DateTimeParseContext newContext = new DateTimeParseContext(formatter);
newContext.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
newContext.strict = strict;
return newContext;
@ -128,7 +133,7 @@ final class DateTimeParseContext {
* Gets the locale.
* <p>
* This locale is used to control localization in the parse except
* where localization is controlled by the symbols.
* where localization is controlled by the DecimalStyle.
* @return the locale, not null
@ -137,14 +142,14 @@ final class DateTimeParseContext {
* Gets the formatting symbols.
* Gets the DecimalStyle.
* <p>
* The symbols control the localization of numeric parsing.
* The DecimalStyle controls the numeric parsing.
* @return the formatting symbols, not null
* @return the DecimalStyle, not null
DateTimeFormatSymbols getSymbols() {
return formatter.getSymbols();
DecimalStyle getDecimalStyle() {
return formatter.getDecimalStyle();
@ -370,6 +375,13 @@ final class DateTimeParseContext {
currentParsed().zone = zone;
* Stores the parsed leap second.
void setParsedLeapSecond() {
currentParsed().leapSecond = true;
* Returns a string version of the context for debugging.

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* <p>
* This exception includes the text being parsed and the error index.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is intended for use in a single thread.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* <p>
* This class provides a single wrapper to items used in the format.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is a mutable context intended for use from a single thread.
* Usage of the class is thread-safe within standard printing as the framework creates
* a new instance of the class for each format and printing is single-threaded.
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ final class DateTimePrintContext {
* Gets the locale.
* <p>
* This locale is used to control localization in the format output except
* where localization is controlled by the symbols.
* where localization is controlled by the DecimalStyle.
* @return the locale, not null
@ -243,14 +243,14 @@ final class DateTimePrintContext {
* Gets the formatting symbols.
* Gets the DecimalStyle.
* <p>
* The symbols control the localization of numeric output.
* The DecimalStyle controls the localization of numeric output.
* @return the formatting symbols, not null
* @return the DecimalStyle, not null
DateTimeFormatSymbols getSymbols() {
return formatter.getSymbols();
DecimalStyle getDecimalStyle() {
return formatter.getDecimalStyle();

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleResources;
* A provider to obtain the textual form of a date-time field.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must be thread-safe.
* Implementations should cache the textual information.

View File

@ -62,34 +62,38 @@
package java.time.format;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* Localized symbols used in date and time formatting.
* Localized decimal style used in date and time formatting.
* <p>
* A significant part of dealing with dates and times is the localization.
* This class acts as a central point for accessing the information.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
public final class DecimalStyle {
* The standard set of non-localized symbols.
* The standard set of non-localized decimal style symbols.
* <p>
* This uses standard ASCII characters for zero, positive, negative and a dot for the decimal point.
public static final DateTimeFormatSymbols STANDARD = new DateTimeFormatSymbols('0', '+', '-', '.');
public static final DecimalStyle STANDARD = new DecimalStyle('0', '+', '-', '.');
* The cache of symbols instances.
* The cache of DecimalStyle instances.
private static final ConcurrentMap<Locale, DateTimeFormatSymbols> CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16, 0.75f, 2);
private static final ConcurrentMap<Locale, DecimalStyle> CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(16, 0.75f, 2);
* The zero digit.
@ -114,17 +118,20 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* <p>
* The locale 'en_US' will always be present.
* @return an array of locales for which localization is supported
* @return a Set of Locales for which localization is supported
public static Locale[] getAvailableLocales() {
return DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales();
public static Set<Locale> getAvailableLocales() {
Locale[] l = DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales();
Set<Locale> locales = new HashSet<>(l.length);
Collections.addAll(locales, l);
return locales;
* Obtains symbols for the default
* Obtains the DecimalStyle for the default
* {@link java.util.Locale.Category#FORMAT FORMAT} locale.
* <p>
* This method provides access to locale sensitive symbols.
* This method provides access to locale sensitive decimal style symbols.
* <p>
* This is equivalent to calling
* {@link #of(Locale)
@ -133,21 +140,21 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* @see java.util.Locale.Category#FORMAT
* @return the info, not null
public static DateTimeFormatSymbols ofDefaultLocale() {
public static DecimalStyle ofDefaultLocale() {
return of(Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT));
* Obtains symbols for the specified locale.
* Obtains the DecimalStyle for the specified locale.
* <p>
* This method provides access to locale sensitive symbols.
* This method provides access to locale sensitive decimal style symbols.
* @param locale the locale, not null
* @return the info, not null
public static DateTimeFormatSymbols of(Locale locale) {
public static DecimalStyle of(Locale locale) {
Objects.requireNonNull(locale, "locale");
DateTimeFormatSymbols info = CACHE.get(locale);
DecimalStyle info = CACHE.get(locale);
if (info == null) {
info = create(locale);
CACHE.putIfAbsent(locale, info);
@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
return info;
private static DateTimeFormatSymbols create(Locale locale) {
private static DecimalStyle create(Locale locale) {
DecimalFormatSymbols oldSymbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
char zeroDigit = oldSymbols.getZeroDigit();
char positiveSign = '+';
@ -165,7 +172,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
if (zeroDigit == '0' && negativeSign == '-' && decimalSeparator == '.') {
return STANDARD;
return new DateTimeFormatSymbols(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
return new DecimalStyle(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
@ -177,7 +184,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* @param negativeSignChar the character to use for the negative sign
* @param decimalPointChar the character to use for the decimal point
private DateTimeFormatSymbols(char zeroChar, char positiveSignChar, char negativeSignChar, char decimalPointChar) {
private DecimalStyle(char zeroChar, char positiveSignChar, char negativeSignChar, char decimalPointChar) {
this.zeroDigit = zeroChar;
this.positiveSign = positiveSignChar;
this.negativeSign = negativeSignChar;
@ -207,11 +214,11 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* @return a copy with a new character that represents zero, not null
public DateTimeFormatSymbols withZeroDigit(char zeroDigit) {
public DecimalStyle withZeroDigit(char zeroDigit) {
if (zeroDigit == this.zeroDigit) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatSymbols(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
return new DecimalStyle(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
@ -236,11 +243,11 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* @param positiveSign the character for the positive sign
* @return a copy with a new character that represents the positive sign, not null
public DateTimeFormatSymbols withPositiveSign(char positiveSign) {
public DecimalStyle withPositiveSign(char positiveSign) {
if (positiveSign == this.positiveSign) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatSymbols(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
return new DecimalStyle(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
@ -265,11 +272,11 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* @param negativeSign the character for the negative sign
* @return a copy with a new character that represents the negative sign, not null
public DateTimeFormatSymbols withNegativeSign(char negativeSign) {
public DecimalStyle withNegativeSign(char negativeSign) {
if (negativeSign == this.negativeSign) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatSymbols(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
return new DecimalStyle(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
@ -294,11 +301,11 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* @param decimalSeparator the character for the decimal point
* @return a copy with a new character that represents the decimal point, not null
public DateTimeFormatSymbols withDecimalSeparator(char decimalSeparator) {
public DecimalStyle withDecimalSeparator(char decimalSeparator) {
if (decimalSeparator == this.decimalSeparator) {
return this;
return new DateTimeFormatSymbols(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
return new DecimalStyle(zeroDigit, positiveSign, negativeSign, decimalSeparator);
@ -333,7 +340,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* Checks if these symbols equal another set of symbols.
* Checks if this DecimalStyle is equal another DecimalStyle.
* @param obj the object to check, null returns false
* @return true if this is equal to the other date
@ -343,8 +350,8 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof DateTimeFormatSymbols) {
DateTimeFormatSymbols other = (DateTimeFormatSymbols) obj;
if (obj instanceof DecimalStyle) {
DecimalStyle other = (DecimalStyle) obj;
return (zeroDigit == other.zeroDigit && positiveSign == other.positiveSign &&
negativeSign == other.negativeSign && decimalSeparator == other.decimalSeparator);
@ -352,7 +359,7 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* A hash code for these symbols.
* A hash code for this DecimalStyle.
* @return a suitable hash code
@ -363,13 +370,13 @@ public final class DateTimeFormatSymbols {
* Returns a string describing these symbols.
* Returns a string describing this DecimalStyle.
* @return a string description, not null
public String toString() {
return "Symbols[" + zeroDigit + positiveSign + negativeSign + decimalSeparator + "]";
return "DecimalStyle[" + zeroDigit + positiveSign + negativeSign + decimalSeparator + "]";

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ package java.time.format;
* These styles are used when obtaining a date-time style from configuration.
* See {@link DateTimeFormatter} and {@link DateTimeFormatterBuilder} for usage.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
* Once parsing is completed, this class can be used as the resultant {@code TemporalAccessor}.
* In most cases, it is only exposed once the fields have been resolved.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is a mutable context intended for use from a single thread.
* Usage of the class is thread-safe within standard parsing as a new instance of this class
* is automatically created for each parse and parsing is single-threaded
@ -127,6 +128,10 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
* The parsed chronology.
Chronology chrono;
* Whether a leap-second is parsed.
boolean leapSecond;
* The effective chronology.
@ -143,6 +148,10 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
* The resolved time.
private LocalTime time;
* The excess period from time-only parsing.
Period excessDays = Period.ZERO;
* Creates an instance.
@ -159,6 +168,7 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
cloned.zone = this.zone;
cloned.chrono = this.chrono;
cloned.leapSecond = this.leapSecond;
return cloned;
@ -232,6 +242,7 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
return this;
@ -308,36 +319,72 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
private void resolveTimeFields() {
// simplify fields
if (fieldValues.containsKey(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY)) {
// lenient allows anything, smart allows 0-24, strict allows 1-24
long ch = fieldValues.remove(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY);
if (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.STRICT || (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.SMART && ch != 0)) {
updateCheckConflict(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY, HOUR_OF_DAY, ch == 24 ? 0 : ch);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM)) {
// lenient allows anything, smart allows 0-12, strict allows 1-12
long ch = fieldValues.remove(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM);
if (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.STRICT || (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.SMART && ch != 0)) {
updateCheckConflict(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM, HOUR_OF_AMPM, ch == 12 ? 0 : ch);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(AMPM_OF_DAY) && fieldValues.containsKey(HOUR_OF_AMPM)) {
long ap = fieldValues.remove(AMPM_OF_DAY);
long hap = fieldValues.remove(HOUR_OF_AMPM);
if (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(AMPM_OF_DAY, HOUR_OF_DAY, Math.addExact(Math.multiplyExact(ap, 12), hap));
} else { // STRICT or SMART
updateCheckConflict(AMPM_OF_DAY, HOUR_OF_DAY, ap * 12 + hap);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(NANO_OF_DAY)) {
long nod = fieldValues.remove(NANO_OF_DAY);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(NANO_OF_DAY, HOUR_OF_DAY, nod / 3600_000_000_000L);
updateCheckConflict(NANO_OF_DAY, MINUTE_OF_HOUR, (nod / 60_000_000_000L) % 60);
updateCheckConflict(NANO_OF_DAY, SECOND_OF_MINUTE, (nod / 1_000_000_000L) % 60);
updateCheckConflict(NANO_OF_DAY, NANO_OF_SECOND, nod % 1_000_000_000L);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MICRO_OF_DAY)) {
long cod = fieldValues.remove(MICRO_OF_DAY);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(MICRO_OF_DAY, SECOND_OF_DAY, cod / 1_000_000L);
updateCheckConflict(MICRO_OF_DAY, MICRO_OF_SECOND, cod % 1_000_000L);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MILLI_OF_DAY)) {
long lod = fieldValues.remove(MILLI_OF_DAY);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(MILLI_OF_DAY, SECOND_OF_DAY, lod / 1_000);
updateCheckConflict(MILLI_OF_DAY, MILLI_OF_SECOND, lod % 1_000);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(SECOND_OF_DAY)) {
long sod = fieldValues.remove(SECOND_OF_DAY);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(SECOND_OF_DAY, HOUR_OF_DAY, sod / 3600);
updateCheckConflict(SECOND_OF_DAY, MINUTE_OF_HOUR, (sod / 60) % 60);
updateCheckConflict(SECOND_OF_DAY, SECOND_OF_MINUTE, sod % 60);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MINUTE_OF_DAY)) {
long mod = fieldValues.remove(MINUTE_OF_DAY);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(MINUTE_OF_DAY, HOUR_OF_DAY, mod / 60);
updateCheckConflict(MINUTE_OF_DAY, MINUTE_OF_HOUR, mod % 60);
@ -345,29 +392,34 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
// combine partial second fields strictly, leaving lenient expansion to later
if (fieldValues.containsKey(NANO_OF_SECOND)) {
long nos = fieldValues.get(NANO_OF_SECOND);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MICRO_OF_SECOND)) {
long cos = fieldValues.remove(MICRO_OF_SECOND);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
nos = cos * 1000 + (nos % 1000);
updateCheckConflict(MICRO_OF_SECOND, NANO_OF_SECOND, nos);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MILLI_OF_SECOND)) {
long los = fieldValues.remove(MILLI_OF_SECOND);
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
updateCheckConflict(MILLI_OF_SECOND, NANO_OF_SECOND, los * 1_000_000L + (nos % 1_000_000L));
// convert to time if possible
if (fieldValues.containsKey(NANO_OF_DAY)) {
long nod = fieldValues.remove(NANO_OF_DAY);
// convert to time if all four fields available (optimization)
if (fieldValues.containsKey(HOUR_OF_DAY) && fieldValues.containsKey(MINUTE_OF_HOUR) &&
fieldValues.containsKey(SECOND_OF_MINUTE) && fieldValues.containsKey(NANO_OF_SECOND)) {
int hodVal = HOUR_OF_DAY.checkValidIntValue(fieldValues.remove(HOUR_OF_DAY));
int mohVal = MINUTE_OF_HOUR.checkValidIntValue(fieldValues.remove(MINUTE_OF_HOUR));
int somVal = SECOND_OF_MINUTE.checkValidIntValue(fieldValues.remove(SECOND_OF_MINUTE));
int nosVal = NANO_OF_SECOND.checkValidIntValue(fieldValues.remove(NANO_OF_SECOND));
updateCheckConflict(LocalTime.of(hodVal, mohVal, somVal, nosVal));
long hod = fieldValues.remove(HOUR_OF_DAY);
long moh = fieldValues.remove(MINUTE_OF_HOUR);
long som = fieldValues.remove(SECOND_OF_MINUTE);
long nos = fieldValues.remove(NANO_OF_SECOND);
resolveTime(hod, moh, som, nos);
@ -377,7 +429,7 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
// which would break updateCheckConflict(field)
if (time == null) {
// can only get here if NANO_OF_SECOND not present
// NANO_OF_SECOND merged with MILLI/MICRO above
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MILLI_OF_SECOND)) {
long los = fieldValues.remove(MILLI_OF_SECOND);
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MICRO_OF_SECOND)) {
@ -395,29 +447,25 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
long cos = fieldValues.remove(MICRO_OF_SECOND);
fieldValues.put(NANO_OF_SECOND, cos * 1_000L);
// merge hour/minute/second/nano leniently
Long hod = fieldValues.get(HOUR_OF_DAY);
if (hod != null) {
int hodVal = HOUR_OF_DAY.checkValidIntValue(hod);
Long moh = fieldValues.get(MINUTE_OF_HOUR);
Long som = fieldValues.get(SECOND_OF_MINUTE);
Long nos = fieldValues.get(NANO_OF_SECOND);
// check for invalid combinations that cannot be defaulted
if (time == null) {
if ((moh == null && (som != null || nos != null)) ||
(moh != null && som == null && nos != null)) {
// default as necessary and build time
int mohVal = (moh != null ? MINUTE_OF_HOUR.checkValidIntValue(moh) : (time != null ? time.getMinute() : 0));
int somVal = (som != null ? SECOND_OF_MINUTE.checkValidIntValue(som) : (time != null ? time.getSecond() : 0));
int nosVal = (nos != null ? NANO_OF_SECOND.checkValidIntValue(nos) : (time != null ? time.getNano() : 0));
updateCheckConflict(LocalTime.of(hodVal, mohVal, somVal, nosVal));
long mohVal = (moh != null ? moh : 0);
long somVal = (som != null ? som : 0);
long nosVal = (nos != null ? nos : 0);
resolveTime(hod, mohVal, somVal, nosVal);
@ -425,13 +473,61 @@ final class Parsed implements TemporalAccessor {
private void updateCheckConflict(LocalTime lt) {
// validate remaining
if (resolverStyle != ResolverStyle.LENIENT && fieldValues.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<TemporalField, Long> entry : fieldValues.entrySet()) {
TemporalField field = entry.getKey();
if (field instanceof ChronoField && field.isTimeBased()) {
((ChronoField) field).checkValidValue(entry.getValue());
private void resolveTime(long hod, long moh, long som, long nos) {
if (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.LENIENT) {
long totalNanos = Math.multiplyExact(hod, 3600_000_000_000L);
totalNanos = Math.addExact(totalNanos, Math.multiplyExact(moh, 60_000_000_000L));
totalNanos = Math.addExact(totalNanos, Math.multiplyExact(som, 1_000_000_000L));
totalNanos = Math.addExact(totalNanos, nos);
int excessDays = (int) Math.floorDiv(totalNanos, 86400_000_000_000L); // safe int cast
long nod = Math.floorMod(totalNanos, 86400_000_000_000L);
updateCheckConflict(LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(nod), Period.ofDays(excessDays));
} else { // STRICT or SMART
int mohVal = MINUTE_OF_HOUR.checkValidIntValue(moh);
int nosVal = NANO_OF_SECOND.checkValidIntValue(nos);
// handle 24:00 end of day
if (resolverStyle == ResolverStyle.SMART && hod == 24 && mohVal == 0 && som == 0 && nosVal == 0) {
updateCheckConflict(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT, Period.ofDays(1));
} else {
int hodVal = HOUR_OF_DAY.checkValidIntValue(hod);
int somVal = SECOND_OF_MINUTE.checkValidIntValue(som);
updateCheckConflict(LocalTime.of(hodVal, mohVal, somVal, nosVal), Period.ZERO);
private void resolvePeriod() {
// add whole days if we have both date and time
if (date != null && time != null && excessDays.isZero() == false) {
date = date.plus(excessDays);
excessDays = Period.ZERO;
private void updateCheckConflict(LocalTime timeToSet, Period periodToSet) {
if (time != null) {
if (lt != null && time.equals(lt) == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Conflict found: Fields resolved to two different times: " + time + " " + lt);
if (time.equals(timeToSet) == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Conflict found: Fields resolved to different times: " + time + " " + timeToSet);
if (excessDays.isZero() == false && periodToSet.isZero() == false && excessDays.equals(periodToSet) == false) {
throw new DateTimeException("Conflict found: Fields resolved to different excess periods: " + excessDays + " " + periodToSet);
} else {
excessDays = periodToSet;
} else {
time = lt;
time = timeToSet;
excessDays = periodToSet;

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ package java.time.format;
* Phase 2 resolves the parsed field-value pairs into date and/or time objects.
* This style is used to control how phase 2, resolving, happens.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8
@ -96,10 +96,9 @@ public enum ResolverStyle {
* behavior. Individual fields will interpret this differently.
* <p>
* For example, resolving year-month and day-of-month in the ISO calendar
* system using smart mode will ensure that the day-of-month is valid
* for the year-month, rejecting invalid values, with the exception that
* February 29th in a year other than a leap year will be converted to
* February 28th.
* system using smart mode will ensure that the day-of-month is from
* 1 to 31, converting any value beyond the last valid day-of-month to be
* the last valid day-of-month.
@ -110,6 +109,7 @@ public enum ResolverStyle {
* <p>
* For example, lenient mode allows the month in the ISO calendar system
* to be outside the range 1 to 12.
* For example, month 15 is treated as being 3 months after month 12.

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ package java.time.format;
* to be controlled using this enum.
* See {@link DateTimeFormatterBuilder} for usage.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ import java.util.Calendar;
* For example, the word used for a month when used alone in a date picker is different
* to the word used for month in association with a day and year in a date.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is immutable and thread-safe enum.
public enum TextStyle {

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
* Localization occurs by calling
* {@link java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#withLocale(java.util.Locale) withLocale(Locale)}
* on the formatter. Further customization is possible using
* {@link java.time.format.DateTimeFormatSymbols DateTimeFormatSymbols}.
* {@link java.time.format.DecimalStyle DecimalStyle}.
* </p>
* <h3>Package specification</h3>

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleResources;
* just with slightly different rules.
* The documentation of each field explains how it operates.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is a final, immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8
@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* object stores, using integer division to remove excess precision.
* For example, if the {@code TemporalAccessor} stores time to millisecond precision,
* then the nano-of-second must be divided by 1,000,000 before replacing the milli-of-second.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The field is resolved in combination with {@code MILLI_OF_SECOND} and {@code MICRO_OF_SECOND}.
NANO_OF_SECOND("NanoOfSecond", NANOS, SECONDS, ValueRange.of(0, 999_999_999)),
@ -126,6 +130,11 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* This field is used to represent the nano-of-day handling any fraction of the second.
* Implementations of {@code TemporalAccessor} should provide a value for this field if
* they can return a value for {@link #SECOND_OF_DAY} filling unknown precision with zero.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The value is split to form {@code NANO_OF_SECOND}, {@code SECOND_OF_MINUTE},
* {@code MINUTE_OF_HOUR} and {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} fields.
NANO_OF_DAY("NanoOfDay", NANOS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 86400L * 1000_000_000L - 1)),
@ -141,6 +150,11 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* When this field is used for setting a value, it should behave in the same way as
* setting {@link #NANO_OF_SECOND} with the value multiplied by 1,000.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The field is resolved in combination with {@code MILLI_OF_SECOND} to produce
* {@code NANO_OF_SECOND}.
MICRO_OF_SECOND("MicroOfSecond", MICROS, SECONDS, ValueRange.of(0, 999_999)),
@ -155,6 +169,11 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* When this field is used for setting a value, it should behave in the same way as
* setting {@link #NANO_OF_DAY} with the value multiplied by 1,000.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The value is split to form {@code MICRO_OF_SECOND}, {@code SECOND_OF_MINUTE},
* {@code MINUTE_OF_HOUR} and {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} fields.
MICRO_OF_DAY("MicroOfDay", MICROS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 86400L * 1000_000L - 1)),
@ -170,6 +189,11 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* When this field is used for setting a value, it should behave in the same way as
* setting {@link #NANO_OF_SECOND} with the value multiplied by 1,000,000.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The field is resolved in combination with {@code MICRO_OF_SECOND} to produce
* {@code NANO_OF_SECOND}.
MILLI_OF_SECOND("MilliOfSecond", MILLIS, SECONDS, ValueRange.of(0, 999)),
@ -184,6 +208,11 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* When this field is used for setting a value, it should behave in the same way as
* setting {@link #NANO_OF_DAY} with the value multiplied by 1,000,000.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The value is split to form {@code MILLI_OF_SECOND}, {@code SECOND_OF_MINUTE},
* {@code MINUTE_OF_HOUR} and {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} fields.
MILLI_OF_DAY("MilliOfDay", MILLIS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 86400L * 1000L - 1)),
@ -191,6 +220,9 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* This counts the second within the minute, from 0 to 59.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
SECOND_OF_MINUTE("SecondOfMinute", SECONDS, MINUTES, ValueRange.of(0, 59), "second"),
@ -198,6 +230,11 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* This counts the second within the day, from 0 to (24 * 60 * 60) - 1.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The value is split to form {@code SECOND_OF_MINUTE}, {@code MINUTE_OF_HOUR}
* and {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} fields.
SECOND_OF_DAY("SecondOfDay", SECONDS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 86400L - 1)),
@ -205,6 +242,9 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* This counts the minute within the hour, from 0 to 59.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
MINUTE_OF_HOUR("MinuteOfHour", MINUTES, HOURS, ValueRange.of(0, 59), "minute"),
@ -212,6 +252,10 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* This counts the minute within the day, from 0 to (24 * 60) - 1.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The value is split to form {@code MINUTE_OF_HOUR} and {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} fields.
MINUTE_OF_DAY("MinuteOfDay", MINUTES, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, (24 * 60) - 1)),
@ -220,6 +264,12 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* This counts the hour within the AM/PM, from 0 to 11.
* This is the hour that would be observed on a standard 12-hour digital clock.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated from 0 to 11 in strict and smart mode.
* In lenient mode the value is not validated. It is combined with
* {@code AMPM_OF_DAY} to form {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} by multiplying
* the {AMPM_OF_DAY} value by 12.
HOUR_OF_AMPM("HourOfAmPm", HOURS, HALF_DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 11)),
@ -228,6 +278,12 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* This counts the hour within the AM/PM, from 1 to 12.
* This is the hour that would be observed on a standard 12-hour analog wall clock.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated from 1 to 12 in strict mode and from
* 0 to 12 in smart mode. In lenient mode the value is not validated.
* The field is converted to an {@code HOUR_OF_AMPM} with the same value,
* unless the value is 12, in which case it is converted to 0.
CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM("ClockHourOfAmPm", HOURS, HALF_DAYS, ValueRange.of(1, 12)),
@ -236,6 +292,13 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* This counts the hour within the day, from 0 to 23.
* This is the hour that would be observed on a standard 24-hour digital clock.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated in strict and smart mode but not in lenient mode.
* The field is combined with {@code MINUTE_OF_HOUR}, {@code SECOND_OF_MINUTE} and
* {@code NANO_OF_SECOND} to produce a {@code LocalTime}.
* In lenient mode, any excess days are added to the parsed date, or
* made available via {@link java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#parsedExcessDays()}.
HOUR_OF_DAY("HourOfDay", HOURS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 23), "hour"),
@ -244,6 +307,12 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* This counts the hour within the AM/PM, from 1 to 24.
* This is the hour that would be observed on a 24-hour analog wall clock.
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated from 1 to 24 in strict mode and from
* 0 to 24 in smart mode. In lenient mode the value is not validated.
* The field is converted to an {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} with the same value,
* unless the value is 24, in which case it is converted to 0.
CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY("ClockHourOfDay", HOURS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(1, 24)),
@ -251,6 +320,12 @@ public enum ChronoField implements TemporalField {
* <p>
* This counts the AM/PM within the day, from 0 (AM) to 1 (PM).
* This field has the same meaning for all calendar systems.
* <p>
* When parsing this field it behaves equivalent to the following:
* The value is validated from 0 to 1 in strict and smart mode.
* In lenient mode the value is not validated. It is combined with
* {@code HOUR_OF_AMPM} to form {@code HOUR_OF_DAY} by multiplying
* the {AMPM_OF_DAY} value by 12.
AMPM_OF_DAY("AmPmOfDay", HALF_DAYS, DAYS, ValueRange.of(0, 1), "dayperiod"),

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ import java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime;
* just with slightly different rules.
* The documentation of each unit explains how it operates.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is a final, immutable and thread-safe enum.
* @since 1.8

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleResources;
* <tr><th>2009-01-05</th><td>Monday</td><td>Week 2 of week-based-year 2009</td></tr>
* </table>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* <p>
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.

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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
* The fields are supported, and can be queried and set if {@code EPOCH_DAY} is available.
* The fields work with all chronologies.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This is an immutable and thread-safe class.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ import java.time.ZoneId;
* days to months.
* </ul><p>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface places no restrictions on the mutability of implementations,
* however immutability is strongly recommended.
* All implementations must be {@link Comparable}.
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* date = date.with(next(WEDNESDAY)); // static import from Adjusters and DayOfWeek
* </pre>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must not alter either this object.
* Instead, an adjusted copy of the original must be returned.
* This provides equivalent, safe behavior for immutable and mutable implementations.
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* In cases like this, the field is responsible for resolving the result. Typically it will choose
* the previous valid date, which would be the last valid day of February in this example.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must check and handle all fields defined in {@link ChronoField}.
* If the field is supported, then the adjustment must be performed.
* If unsupported, then an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException} must be thrown.
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* Note that calling {@code plus} followed by {@code minus} is not guaranteed to
* return the same date-time.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must not alter either this object.
* Instead, an adjusted copy of the original must be returned.
* This provides equivalent, safe behavior for immutable and mutable implementations.
@ -247,12 +247,8 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* a date representing the 31st January, then adding one month would be unclear.
* In cases like this, the field is responsible for resolving the result. Typically it will choose
* the previous valid date, which would be the last valid day of February in this example.
* <p>
* If the implementation represents a date-time that has boundaries, such as {@code LocalTime},
* then the permitted units must include the boundary unit, but no multiples of the boundary unit.
* For example, {@code LocalTime} must accept {@code DAYS} but not {@code WEEKS} or {@code MONTHS}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must check and handle all units defined in {@link ChronoUnit}.
* If the unit is supported, then the addition must be performed.
* If unsupported, then an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException} must be thrown.
@ -292,7 +288,7 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* Note that calling {@code plus} followed by {@code minus} is not guaranteed to
* return the same date-time.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must not alter either this object.
* Instead, an adjusted copy of the original must be returned.
* This provides equivalent, safe behavior for immutable and mutable implementations.
@ -322,12 +318,8 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* a date representing the 31st March, then subtracting one month would be unclear.
* In cases like this, the field is responsible for resolving the result. Typically it will choose
* the previous valid date, which would be the last valid day of February in this example.
* <p>
* If the implementation represents a date-time that has boundaries, such as {@code LocalTime},
* then the permitted units must include the boundary unit, but no multiples of the boundary unit.
* For example, {@code LocalTime} must accept {@code DAYS} but not {@code WEEKS} or {@code MONTHS}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must behave in a manor equivalent to the default method behavior.
* <p>
* Implementations must not alter either this object or the specified temporal object.
@ -353,10 +345,10 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* Calculates the period between this temporal and another temporal in
* terms of the specified unit.
* Calculates the amount of time until another temporal in terms of the specified unit.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two temporals in terms of a single unit.
* This calculates the amount of time between two temporal objects
* of the same type in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
* The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified temporal.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* For example, the period in hours between two temporal objects can be
@ -385,7 +377,7 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* long daysBetween = DAYS.between(start, end);
* </pre>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must begin by checking to ensure that the input temporal
* object is of the same observable type as the implementation.
* They must then perform the calculation for all instances of {@link ChronoUnit}.
@ -410,11 +402,11 @@ public interface Temporal extends TemporalAccessor {
* Neither this object, nor the specified temporal, may be altered.
* @param endTemporal the end temporal, of the same type as this object, not null
* @param unit the unit to measure the period in, not null
* @return the period between this temporal object and the specified one in terms of
* the unit; positive if the specified object is later than this one, negative if
* it is earlier than this one
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @param unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
* @return the amount of time between this temporal object and the specified one
* in terms of the unit; positive if the specified object is later than this one,
* negative if it is earlier than this one
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs

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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* of this interface may be in calendar systems other than ISO.
* See {@link java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate} for a fuller discussion of the issues.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface places no restrictions on the mutability of implementations,
* however immutability is strongly recommended.
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public interface TemporalAccessor {
* If false, then calling the {@link #range(TemporalField) range} and {@link #get(TemporalField) get}
* methods will throw an exception.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must check and handle all fields defined in {@link ChronoField}.
* If the field is supported, then true is returned, otherwise false
* <p>
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public interface TemporalAccessor {
* and it is important not to read too much into them. For example, there
* could be values within the range that are invalid for the field.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must check and handle all fields defined in {@link ChronoField}.
* If the field is supported, then the range of the field must be returned.
* If unsupported, then an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException} must be thrown.
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public interface TemporalAccessor {
* If the date-time cannot return the value, because the field is unsupported or for
* some other reason, an exception will be thrown.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must check and handle all fields defined in {@link ChronoField}.
* If the field is supported and has an {@code int} range, then the value of
* the field must be returned.
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public interface TemporalAccessor {
* If the date-time cannot return the value, because the field is unsupported or for
* some other reason, an exception will be thrown.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations must check and handle all fields defined in {@link ChronoField}.
* If the field is supported, then the value of the field must be returned.
* If unsupported, then an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException} must be thrown.
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ public interface TemporalAccessor {
* {@code LocalDate::from} and {@code ZoneId::from}.
* Additional implementations are provided as static methods on {@link TemporalQuery}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* The default implementation must behave equivalent to this code:
* <pre>
* if (query == TemporalQuery.zoneId() ||

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* <li>finding the next or previous day-of-week, such as "next Thursday"
* </ul>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface places no restrictions on the mutability of implementations,
* however immutability is strongly recommended.
* <p>
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public interface TemporalAdjuster {
* It is recommended to use the second approach, {@code with(TemporalAdjuster)},
* as it is a lot clearer to read in code.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* The implementation must take the input object and adjust it.
* The implementation defines the logic of the adjustment and is responsible for
* documenting that logic. It may use any method on {@code Temporal} to
@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ public interface TemporalAdjuster {
* This is provided for convenience to make user-written adjusters simpler.
* <p>
* In general, user-written adjusters should be static constants:
* <pre>
* <pre>{@code
* static TemporalAdjuster TWO_DAYS_LATER = TemporalAdjuster.ofDateAdjuster(
* date -> date.plusDays(2));
* </pre>
* }</pre>
* @param dateBasedAdjuster the date-based adjuster, not null
* @return the temporal adjuster wrapping on the date adjuster, not null

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import java.util.List;
* used in application code. Instead, applications should create and pass
* around instances of concrete types, such as {@code Period} and {@code Duration}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface places no restrictions on the mutability of implementations,
* however immutability is strongly recommended.
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public interface TemporalAmount {
* value of the {@code TemporalAmount}. A value must be returned
* for each unit listed in {@code getUnits}.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* Implementations may declare support for units not listed by {@link #getUnits()}.
* Typically, the implementation would define additional units
* as conversions for the convenience of developers.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public interface TemporalAmount {
* The units are ordered from longest duration to the shortest duration
* of the unit.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* The list of units completely and uniquely represents the
* state of the object without omissions, overlaps or duplication.
* The units are in order from longest duration to shortest.
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public interface TemporalAmount {
* It is recommended to use the second approach, {@code plus(TemporalAmount)},
* as it is a lot clearer to read in code.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* The implementation must take the input object and add to it.
* The implementation defines the logic of the addition and is responsible for
* documenting that logic. It may use any method on {@code Temporal} to
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public interface TemporalAmount {
* It is recommended to use the second approach, {@code minus(TemporalAmount)},
* as it is a lot clearer to read in code.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* The implementation must take the input object and subtract from it.
* The implementation defines the logic of the subtraction and is responsible for
* documenting that logic. It may use any method on {@code Temporal} to

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* If it is, then the date-time must handle it.
* Otherwise, the method call is re-dispatched to the matching method in this interface.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* Implementations should be {@code Serializable} where possible.

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
* {@code LocalDate::from} and {@code ZoneId::from}.
* Additional common implementations are provided on this interface as static methods.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface places no restrictions on the mutability of implementations,
* however immutability is strongly recommended.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public interface TemporalQuery<R> {
* It is recommended to use the second approach, {@code query(TemporalQuery)},
* as it is a lot clearer to read in code.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* The implementation must take the input object and query it.
* The implementation defines the logic of the query and is responsible for
* documenting that logic.

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ import java.time.Period;
* If it is, then the date-time must handle it.
* Otherwise, the method call is re-dispatched to the matching method in this interface.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface must be implemented with care to ensure other classes operate correctly.
* All implementations that can be instantiated must be final, immutable and thread-safe.
* It is recommended to use an enum where possible.
@ -197,19 +197,17 @@ public interface TemporalUnit {
* Calculates the period in terms of this unit between two temporal objects
* of the same type.
* Calculates the amount of time between two temporal objects.
* <p>
* This calculates the period between two temporals in terms of this unit.
* The start and end points are supplied as temporal objects and must be
* of the same type.
* This calculates the amount in terms of this unit. The start and end
* points are supplied as temporal objects and must be of the same type.
* The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
* For example, the period in hours between two temporal objects can be
* For example, the amount in hours between two temporal objects can be
* calculated using {@code HOURS.between(startTime, endTime)}.
* <p>
* The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
* complete units between the two temporals.
* For example, the period in hours between the times 11:30 and 13:29
* For example, the amount in hours between the times 11:30 and 13:29
* will only be one hour as it is one minute short of two hours.
* <p>
* There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
@ -237,9 +235,9 @@ public interface TemporalUnit {
* @param temporal1 the base temporal object, not null
* @param temporal2 the other temporal object, not null
* @return the period between temporal1 and temporal2 in terms of this unit;
* @return the amount of time between temporal1 and temporal2 in terms of this unit;
* positive if temporal2 is later than temporal1, negative if earlier
* @throws DateTimeException if the period cannot be calculated
* @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated
* @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported by the temporal
* @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* UnsupportedTemporalTypeException indicates that a ChronoField or ChronoUnit is
* not supported for a Temporal class.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is intended for use in a single thread.
* @since 1.8

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* <p>
* Instances of this class are not tied to a specific field.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ import sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleResources;
* <tr><th>2009-01-05</th><td>Monday</td>
* <td>Week 2 of 2009</td><td>Week 1 of 2009</td></tr>
* </table>
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8
@ -200,8 +201,6 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* Note that the first week may start in the previous calendar year.
* Note also that the first few days of a calendar year may be in the
* week-based-year corresponding to the previous calendar year.
* <p>
* This field is an immutable and thread-safe singleton.
public static final WeekFields ISO = new WeekFields(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, 4);
@ -211,8 +210,6 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* <p>
* Defined as starting on Sunday and with a minimum of 1 day in the month.
* This week definition is in use in the US and other European countries.
* <p>
* This field is an immutable and thread-safe singleton.
public static final WeekFields SUNDAY_START = WeekFields.of(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY, 1);
@ -230,7 +227,7 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* In that case, the week is set to the last week of the year
* with the same day-of-week.
* <p>
* This field is an immutable and thread-safe singleton.
* This unit is an immutable and thread-safe singleton.
public static final TemporalUnit WEEK_BASED_YEARS = IsoFields.WEEK_BASED_YEARS;
@ -247,22 +244,18 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* The minimal number of days in the first week.
private final int minimalDays;
* The field used to access the computed DayOfWeek.
private transient final TemporalField dayOfWeek = ComputedDayOfField.ofDayOfWeekField(this);
* The field used to access the computed WeekOfMonth.
private transient final TemporalField weekOfMonth = ComputedDayOfField.ofWeekOfMonthField(this);
* The field used to access the computed WeekOfYear.
private transient final TemporalField weekOfYear = ComputedDayOfField.ofWeekOfYearField(this);
* The field that represents the week-of-week-based-year.
* <p>
@ -271,7 +264,6 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* This unit is an immutable and thread-safe singleton.
private transient final TemporalField weekOfWeekBasedYear = ComputedDayOfField.ofWeekOfWeekBasedYearField(this);
* The field that represents the week-based-year.
* <p>
@ -281,6 +273,7 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
private transient final TemporalField weekBasedYear = ComputedDayOfField.ofWeekBasedYearField(this);
* Obtains an instance of {@code WeekFields} appropriate for a locale.
* <p>
@ -359,8 +352,7 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
try {
return WeekFields.of(firstDayOfWeek, minimalDays);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("Invalid serialized WeekFields: "
+ iae.getMessage());
throw new InvalidObjectException("Invalid serialized WeekFields: " + iae.getMessage());
@ -394,21 +386,24 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* Returns a field to access the day of week,
* computed based on this WeekFields.
* Returns a field to access the day of week based on this {@code WeekFields}.
* <p>
* The days of week are numbered from 1 to 7.
* Day number 1 is the {@link #getFirstDayOfWeek() first day-of-week}.
* This is similar to {@link ChronoField#DAY_OF_WEEK} but uses values for
* the day-of-week based on this {@code WeekFields}.
* The days are numbered from 1 to 7 where the
* {@link #getFirstDayOfWeek() first day-of-week} is assigned the value 1.
* <p>
* For example, if the first day-of-week is Sunday, then that will have the
* value 1, with other days ranging from Monday as 2 to Saturday as 7.
* @return the field for day-of-week using this week definition, not null
* @return a field providing access to the day-of-week with localized numbering, not null
public TemporalField dayOfWeek() {
return dayOfWeek;
* Returns a field to access the week of month,
* computed based on this WeekFields.
* Returns a field to access the week of month based on this {@code WeekFields}.
* <p>
* This represents the concept of the count of weeks within the month where weeks
* start on a fixed day-of-week, such as Monday.
@ -426,15 +421,15 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* - if the 5th day of the month is a Monday, week two starts on the 5th and the 1st to 4th is in week one<br>
* <p>
* This field can be used with any calendar system.
* @return a TemporalField to access the WeekOfMonth, not null
* @return a field providing access to the week-of-month, not null
public TemporalField weekOfMonth() {
return weekOfMonth;
* Returns a field to access the week of year,
* computed based on this WeekFields.
* Returns a field to access the week of year based on this {@code WeekFields}.
* <p>
* This represents the concept of the count of weeks within the year where weeks
* start on a fixed day-of-week, such as Monday.
@ -452,15 +447,15 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* - if the 5th day of the year is a Monday, week two starts on the 5th and the 1st to 4th is in week one<br>
* <p>
* This field can be used with any calendar system.
* @return a TemporalField to access the WeekOfYear, not null
* @return a field providing access to the week-of-year, not null
public TemporalField weekOfYear() {
return weekOfYear;
* Returns a field to access the week of a week-based-year,
* computed based on this WeekFields.
* Returns a field to access the week of a week-based-year based on this {@code WeekFields}.
* <p>
* This represents the concept of the count of weeks within the year where weeks
* start on a fixed day-of-week, such as Monday and each week belongs to exactly one year.
@ -482,15 +477,15 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* the 1st to 4th is in week one<br>
* <p>
* This field can be used with any calendar system.
* @return a TemporalField to access the week of week-based-year, not null
* @return a field providing access to the week-of-week-based-year, not null
public TemporalField weekOfWeekBasedYear() {
return weekOfWeekBasedYear;
* Returns a field to access the year of a week-based-year,
* computed based on this WeekFields.
* Returns a field to access the year of a week-based-year based on this {@code WeekFields}.
* <p>
* This represents the concept of the year where weeks start on a fixed day-of-week,
* such as Monday and each week belongs to exactly one year.
@ -504,14 +499,16 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* is in the last week of the previous year.
* <p>
* This field can be used with any calendar system.
* @return a TemporalField to access the year of week-based-year, not null
* @return a field providing access to the week-based-year, not null
public TemporalField weekBasedYear() {
return weekBasedYear;
* Checks if this WeekFields is equal to the specified object.
* Checks if this {@code WeekFields} is equal to the specified object.
* <p>
* The comparison is based on the entire state of the rules, which is
* the first day-of-week and minimal days.
@ -531,7 +528,7 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* A hash code for these rules.
* A hash code for this {@code WeekFields}.
* @return a suitable hash code
@ -542,7 +539,7 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* A string representation of this definition.
* A string representation of this {@code WeekFields} instance.
* @return the string representation, not null
@ -957,7 +954,6 @@ public final class WeekFields implements Serializable {
* Map the field range to a week range of a week year.
* @param temporal the temporal
* @param field the field to get the range of
* @return the ValueRange with the range adjusted to weeks.
private ValueRange rangeWeekOfWeekBasedYear(TemporalAccessor temporal) {

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ import java.time.ZoneOffset;
* The shared serialization delegate for this package.
* <h3>Implementation notes</h3>
* @implNote
* This class is mutable and should be created once per serialization.
* @serial include

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* An example would be when the offset changes from {@code +04:00} to {@code +03:00}.
* This might be described as 'the clocks will move back one hour tonight at 2am'.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* </ul><p>
* These different rule types can be expressed and queried.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* Applications should treat the data provided as representing the best information
* available to the implementation of this rule.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is immutable and thread-safe.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
* This exception is used to indicate a problems with the configured
* time-zone rules.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This class is intended for use in a single thread.
* @since 1.8

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
* Each provider will provide the latest rules for each zone ID, but they
* may also provide the history of how the rules changed.
* <h3>Specification for implementors</h3>
* @implSpec
* This interface is a service provider that can be called by multiple threads.
* Implementations must be immutable and thread-safe.
* <p>

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@ -249,11 +249,14 @@ class JapaneseImperialCalendar extends Calendar {
CalendarDate transitionDate = eras[i].getSinceDate();
date.setDate(transitionDate.getYear(), BaseCalendar.JANUARY, 1);
long fdd = gcal.getFixedDate(date);
dayOfYear = Math.min((int)(fdd - fd), dayOfYear);
if (fd != fdd) {
dayOfYear = Math.min((int)(fd - fdd) + 1, dayOfYear);
date.setDate(transitionDate.getYear(), BaseCalendar.DECEMBER, 31);
fdd = gcal.getFixedDate(date) + 1;
dayOfYear = Math.min((int)(fd - fdd), dayOfYear);
fdd = gcal.getFixedDate(date);
if (fd != fdd) {
dayOfYear = Math.min((int)(fdd - fd) + 1, dayOfYear);
LocalGregorianCalendar.Date lgd = getCalendarDate(fd - 1);
int y = lgd.getYear();
// Unless the first year starts from January 1, the actual

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@ -246,16 +246,16 @@ public class LocalGregorianCalendar extends BaseCalendar {
return false;
ldate.setNormalizedYear(era.getSinceDate().getYear() + ldate.getYear() - 1);
// If it's not the last Era, validate the date.
if (era != eras[eras.length - 1]) {
Date tmp = newCalendarDate(date.getZone());
tmp.setEra(era).setDate(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDayOfMonth());
if (tmp.getEra() != era) {
return false;
} else {
if (date.getYear() >= eras[0].getSinceDate().getYear()) {
return false;
return super.validate(ldate);

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@ -370,6 +370,8 @@ public class TCKInstant extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
@ -2045,60 +2047,64 @@ public class TCKInstant extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
Object[][] data_toString() {
return new Object[][] {
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(65L, 567), "1970-01-01T00:01:05.000000567Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(65L, 560), "1970-01-01T00:01:05.000000560Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(65L, 560000), "1970-01-01T00:01:05.000560Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(65L, 560000000), "1970-01-01T00:01:05.560Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(1, 0), "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(60, 0), "1970-01-01T00:01Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(3600, 0), "1970-01-01T01:00Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(60, 0), "1970-01-01T00:01:00Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(3600, 0), "1970-01-01T01:00:00Z"},
{Instant.ofEpochSecond(-1, 0), "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 2, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-02T00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-01T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 2, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-02T00:00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-01T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-01T00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "0000-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-1, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-0001-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-1, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-0001-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-1, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-0001-12-30T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-1, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-0001-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-1, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-0001-12-30T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-9999, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-9999-01-02T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-9999, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-9999-01-01T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-9999, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-9999-01-01T00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-9999, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-9999-01-02T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-9999, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-9999-01-01T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-9999, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-9999-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-10000, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-10000-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-10000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-10000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-10000, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-10000-12-30T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-15000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-15000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-10000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-10000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-10000, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-10000-12-30T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-15000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-15000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-19999, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-19999-01-02T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-19999, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-19999-01-01T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-19999, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-19999-01-01T00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-19999, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-19999-01-02T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-19999, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-19999-01-01T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-19999, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-19999-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-20000, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-20000-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-20000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-20000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-20000, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-20000-12-30T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-25000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-25000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-20000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-20000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-20000, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-20000-12-30T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-25000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "-25000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(9999, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "9999-12-30T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(9999, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "9999-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(9999, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "9999-12-30T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(9999, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "9999-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(10000, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+10000-01-01T00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(10000, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+10000-01-01T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(10000, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+10000-01-02T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(15000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+15000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(10000, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+10000-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(10000, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+10000-01-01T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(10000, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+10000-01-02T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(15000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+15000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(19999, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+19999-12-30T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(19999, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+19999-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(19999, 12, 30, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+19999-12-30T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(19999, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+19999-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(19999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+19999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(20000, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+20000-01-01T00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(20000, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+20000-01-01T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(20000, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+20000-01-02T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(25000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+25000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(20000, 1, 1, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+20000-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(20000, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+20000-01-01T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(20000, 1, 2, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+20000-01-02T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(25000, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), "+25000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-999_999_999, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).minus(1, DAYS), "-1000000000-12-31T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(999_999_999, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).plus(1, DAYS), "+1000000000-01-01T12:30Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(-999_999_999, 1, 1, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).minus(1, DAYS), "-1000000000-12-31T12:30:00Z"},
{LocalDateTime.of(999_999_999, 12, 31, 12, 30).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).plus(1, DAYS), "+1000000000-01-01T12:30:00Z"},
{Instant.MIN, "-1000000000-01-01T00:00Z"},
{Instant.MIN, "-1000000000-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{Instant.MAX, "+1000000000-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},

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@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class TCKLocalTime extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
private static final TemporalUnit[] INVALID_UNITS;
static {
EnumSet<ChronoUnit> set = EnumSet.range(WEEKS, FOREVER);
EnumSet<ChronoUnit> set = EnumSet.range(DAYS, FOREVER);
INVALID_UNITS = (TemporalUnit[]) set.toArray(new TemporalUnit[set.size()]);
@ -1122,14 +1122,6 @@ public class TCKLocalTime extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
public void test_plus_longTemporalUnit_multiples() {
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.plus(0, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.plus(1, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.plus(2, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.plus(-3, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
public void test_plus_longTemporalUnit_null() {
TEST_12_30_40_987654321.plus(1, (TemporalUnit) null);
@ -1556,14 +1548,6 @@ public class TCKLocalTime extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
public void test_minus_longTemporalUnit_long_multiples() {
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.minus(0, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.minus(1, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.minus(2, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
assertEquals(TEST_12_30_40_987654321.minus(-3, DAYS), TEST_12_30_40_987654321);
public void test_minus_longTemporalUnit_null() {
TEST_12_30_40_987654321.minus(1, (TemporalUnit) null);

View File

@ -75,7 +75,13 @@ import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.OFFSET_SECONDS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.SECOND_OF_DAY;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MONTHS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.DAYS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.HOURS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MINUTES;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MICROS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MILLIS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.HALF_DAYS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.NANOS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
@ -110,6 +116,7 @@ import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalField;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
@ -1030,6 +1037,56 @@ public class TCKOffsetTime extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
assertEquals(test, base);
// periodUntil(Temporal, TemporalUnit)
Object[][] data_periodUntilUnit() {
return new Object[][] {
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(13, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), HALF_DAYS, 1},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), HOURS, 1},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), MINUTES, 60},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), SECONDS, 3600},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), MILLIS, 3600*1000},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), MICROS, 3600*1000*1000L},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), NANOS, 3600*1000*1000L*1000},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(14, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), HALF_DAYS, 1},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(3, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), HOURS, 1},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(3, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), MINUTES, 60},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(3, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), SECONDS, 3600},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(3, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), MILLIS, 3600*1000},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(3, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), MICROS, 3600*1000*1000L},
{OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1)), OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(3, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(2)), NANOS, 3600*1000*1000L*1000},
public void test_periodUntil_TemporalUnit(OffsetTime offsetTime1, OffsetTime offsetTime2, TemporalUnit unit, long expected) {
long amount = offsetTime1.periodUntil(offsetTime2, unit);
assertEquals(amount, expected);
public void test_periodUntil_TemporalUnit_negated(OffsetTime offsetTime1, OffsetTime offsetTime2, TemporalUnit unit, long expected) {
long amount = offsetTime2.periodUntil(offsetTime1, unit);
assertEquals(amount, -expected);
public void test_periodUntil_InvalidType() {
OffsetTime offsetTime = OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1));
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = offsetTime.atDate(LocalDate.of(1980, 2, 10));
offsetTime.periodUntil(offsetDateTime, SECONDS);
public void test_periodUntil_InvalidTemporalUnit() {
OffsetTime offsetTime1 = OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(1, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1));
OffsetTime offsetTime2 = OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(2, 1, 1), ZoneOffset.ofHours(1));
offsetTime1.periodUntil(offsetTime2, MONTHS);
// format(DateTimeFormatter)

View File

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.MONTHS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.WEEKS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.YEARS;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ import java.time.Year;
import java.time.YearMonth;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.chrono.IsoEra;
import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
@ -525,6 +527,47 @@ public class TCKYear extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
// plus(long, TemporalUnit)
Object[][] data_plus_long_TemporalUnit() {
return new Object[][] {
{Year.of(1), 1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(2), null},
{Year.of(1), -12, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(-11), null},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(1), null},
{Year.of(999999999), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(999999999), null},
{Year.of(-999999999), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(-999999999), null},
{Year.of(0), -999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(-999999999), null},
{Year.of(0), 999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(999999999), null},
{Year.of(-1), 1, ChronoUnit.ERAS, Year.of(2), null},
{Year.of(5), 1, ChronoUnit.CENTURIES, Year.of(105), null},
{Year.of(5), 1, ChronoUnit.DECADES, Year.of(15), null},
{Year.of(999999999), 1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(-999999999), -1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.DAYS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.WEEKS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, null, DateTimeException.class},
@Test(groups={"tck"}, dataProvider="plus_long_TemporalUnit")
public void test_plus_long_TemporalUnit(Year base, long amount, TemporalUnit unit, Year expectedYear, Class expectedEx) {
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(base.plus(amount, unit), expectedYear);
} else {
try {
Year result = base.plus(amount, unit);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// minus(Period)
@ -616,6 +659,47 @@ public class TCKYear extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
// minus(long, TemporalUnit)
Object[][] data_minus_long_TemporalUnit() {
return new Object[][] {
{Year.of(1), 1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(0), null},
{Year.of(1), -12, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(13), null},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(1), null},
{Year.of(999999999), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(999999999), null},
{Year.of(-999999999), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(-999999999), null},
{Year.of(0), -999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(999999999), null},
{Year.of(0), 999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, Year.of(-999999999), null},
{Year.of(999999999), 1, ChronoUnit.ERAS, Year.of(-999999999 + 1), null},
{Year.of(105), 1, ChronoUnit.CENTURIES, Year.of(5), null},
{Year.of(15), 1, ChronoUnit.DECADES, Year.of(5), null},
{Year.of(-999999999), 1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), -999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.DAYS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.WEEKS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{Year.of(1), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, null, DateTimeException.class},
@Test(groups={"tck"}, dataProvider="minus_long_TemporalUnit")
public void test_minus_long_TemporalUnit(Year base, long amount, TemporalUnit unit, Year expectedYear, Class expectedEx) {
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(base.minus(amount, unit), expectedYear);
} else {
try {
Year result = base.minus(amount, unit);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// adjustInto()
@ -640,6 +724,49 @@ public class TCKYear extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
test.adjustInto((LocalDate) null);
// with(TemporalAdjuster)
public void test_with_TemporalAdjuster() {
Year base = Year.of(-10);
for (int i = -4; i <= 2104; i++) {
Temporal result = base.with(Year.of(i));
assertEquals(result, Year.of(i));
public void test_with_BadTemporalAdjuster() {
Year test = Year.of(1);
test.with(LocalTime.of(18, 1, 2));
// with(TemporalField, long)
public void test_with() {
Year base = Year.of(5);
Year result = base.with(ChronoField.ERA, 0);
assertEquals(result, base.with(IsoEra.of(0)));
int prolepticYear = IsoChronology.INSTANCE.prolepticYear(IsoEra.of(0), 5);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.ERA), 0);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.YEAR), prolepticYear);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA), 5);
result = base.with(ChronoField.YEAR, 10);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.ERA), base.get(ChronoField.ERA));
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.YEAR), 10);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA), 10);
result = base.with(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA, 20);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.ERA), base.get(ChronoField.ERA));
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.YEAR), 20);
assertEquals(result.get(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA), 20);
// length()

View File

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.time.temporal.JulianFields;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalField;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit;
@ -688,6 +690,106 @@ public class TCKYearMonth extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
// plus(long, TemporalUnit)
Object[][] data_plus_long_TemporalUnit() {
return new Object[][] {
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(2, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), -12, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(-11, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(1, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 1), -999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 12), 999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(1, 11), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), -12, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(0, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(1, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 2), -1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 3), 9, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-1, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.ERAS, YearMonth.of(2, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(5, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.CENTURIES, YearMonth.of(105, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(5, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.DECADES, YearMonth.of(15, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), -1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.DAYS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.WEEKS, null, DateTimeException.class},
@Test(groups={"tck"}, dataProvider="plus_long_TemporalUnit")
public void test_plus_long_TemporalUnit(YearMonth base, long amount, TemporalUnit unit, YearMonth expectedYearMonth, Class expectedEx) {
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(base.plus(amount, unit), expectedYearMonth);
} else {
try {
YearMonth result = base.plus(amount, unit);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// plus(TemporalAmount)
Object[][] data_plus_TemporalAmount() {
return new Object[][] {
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(1), YearMonth.of(2, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(-12), YearMonth.of(-11, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(0), YearMonth.of(1, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), Period.ofYears(0), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), Period.ofYears(0), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 1), Period.ofYears(-999999999), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 12), Period.ofYears(999999999), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(1), YearMonth.of(1, 2), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(-12), YearMonth.of(0, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(121), YearMonth.of(11, 2), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(0), YearMonth.of(1, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), Period.ofMonths(0), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), Period.ofMonths(0), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 2), Period.ofMonths(-1), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 11), Period.ofMonths(1), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(1).withMonths(2), YearMonth.of(2, 3), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(-12).withMonths(-1), YearMonth.of(-12, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(2).withYears(1), YearMonth.of(2, 3), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(-1).withYears(-12), YearMonth.of(-12, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofDays(365), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofDays(365), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofHours(365*24), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofMinutes(365*24*60), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofSeconds(365*24*3600), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofNanos(365*24*3600*1000000000), null, DateTimeException.class},
@Test(groups={"tck"}, dataProvider="plus_TemporalAmount")
public void test_plus_TemporalAmount(YearMonth base, TemporalAmount temporalAmount, YearMonth expectedYearMonth, Class expectedEx) {
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(base.plus(temporalAmount), expectedYearMonth);
} else {
try {
YearMonth result = base.plus(temporalAmount);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// minusYears()
@ -803,6 +905,106 @@ public class TCKYearMonth extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
// minus(long, TemporalUnit)
Object[][] data_minus_long_TemporalUnit() {
return new Object[][] {
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(0, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 12, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(-11, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(1, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 1), 999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 12), -999999999, ChronoUnit.YEARS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(1, 9), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 12, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(0, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(1, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 2), 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 11), -1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.ERAS, YearMonth.of(0, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(5, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.CENTURIES, YearMonth.of(-95, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(5, 10), 1, ChronoUnit.DECADES, YearMonth.of(-5, 10), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), -1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), 1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.DAYS, null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), 0, ChronoUnit.WEEKS, null, DateTimeException.class},
@Test(groups={"tck"}, dataProvider="minus_long_TemporalUnit")
public void test_minus_long_TemporalUnit(YearMonth base, long amount, TemporalUnit unit, YearMonth expectedYearMonth, Class expectedEx) {
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(base.minus(amount, unit), expectedYearMonth);
} else {
try {
YearMonth result = base.minus(amount, unit);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// minus(TemporalAmount)
Object[][] data_minus_TemporalAmount() {
return new Object[][] {
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(1), YearMonth.of(0, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(-12), YearMonth.of(13, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(0), YearMonth.of(1, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), Period.ofYears(0), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), Period.ofYears(0), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 1), Period.ofYears(999999999), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(0, 12), Period.ofYears(-999999999), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(1), YearMonth.of(0, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(-12), YearMonth.of(2, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(121), YearMonth.of(-10, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(0), YearMonth.of(1, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), Period.ofMonths(0), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), Period.ofMonths(0), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(-999999999, 2), Period.ofMonths(1), YearMonth.of(-999999999, 1), null},
{YearMonth.of(999999999, 11), Period.ofMonths(-1), YearMonth.of(999999999, 12), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(1).withMonths(2), YearMonth.of(-1, 11), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofYears(-12).withMonths(-1), YearMonth.of(13, 2), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(2).withYears(1), YearMonth.of(-1, 11), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofMonths(-1).withYears(-12), YearMonth.of(13, 2), null},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Period.ofDays(365), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofDays(365), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofHours(365*24), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofMinutes(365*24*60), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofSeconds(365*24*3600), null, DateTimeException.class},
{YearMonth.of(1, 1), Duration.ofNanos(365*24*3600*1000000000), null, DateTimeException.class},
@Test(groups={"tck"}, dataProvider="minus_TemporalAmount")
public void test_minus_TemporalAmount(YearMonth base, TemporalAmount temporalAmount, YearMonth expectedYearMonth, Class expectedEx) {
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(base.minus(temporalAmount), expectedYearMonth);
} else {
try {
YearMonth result = base.minus(temporalAmount);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// adjustInto()

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@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.JulianFields;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
@ -619,6 +621,45 @@ public class TCKZoneOffset extends AbstractDateTimeTest {
assertEquals(offset2.hashCode() == offset2b.hashCode(), true);
// adjustInto()
public void test_adjustInto_ZonedDateTime() {
ZoneOffset base = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(1, 1, 1);
for (String zoneId : ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds()) {
//Do not change offset of ZonedDateTime after adjustInto()
ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime_target = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1909, 2, 2), LocalTime.of(10, 10, 10), ZoneId.of(zoneId));
ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime_result = (ZonedDateTime)(base.adjustInto(zonedDateTime_target));
assertEquals(zonedDateTime_target.getOffset(), zonedDateTime_result.getOffset());
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime_target = zonedDateTime_target.toOffsetDateTime();
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime_result = (OffsetDateTime)(base.adjustInto(offsetDateTime_target));
assertEquals(base, offsetDateTime_result.getOffset());
public void test_adjustInto_OffsetDateTime() {
ZoneOffset base = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(1, 1, 1);
for (int i=-18; i<=18; i++) {
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime_target = OffsetDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(1909, 2, 2), LocalTime.of(10, 10, 10), ZoneOffset.ofHours(i));
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime_result = (OffsetDateTime)base.adjustInto(offsetDateTime_target);
assertEquals(base, offsetDateTime_result.getOffset());
//Do not change offset of ZonedDateTime after adjustInto()
ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime_target = offsetDateTime_target.toZonedDateTime();
ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime_result = (ZonedDateTime)(base.adjustInto(zonedDateTime_target));
assertEquals(zonedDateTime_target.getOffset(), zonedDateTime_result.getOffset());
public void test_adjustInto_dateOnly() {
ZoneOffset base = ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(1, 1, 1);
base.adjustInto((LocalDate.of(1909, 2, 2)));
// toString()

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@ -162,39 +162,30 @@ public class TCKChronology {
@DataProvider(name = "calendarsystemtype")
Object[][] data_CalendarType() {
return new Object[][] {
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE, "islamic", "umalqura"},
{IsoChronology.INSTANCE, "iso8601", null},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE, "japanese", null},
{MinguoChronology.INSTANCE, "roc", null},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE, "buddhist", null},
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE, "islamic-umalqura"},
{IsoChronology.INSTANCE, "iso8601"},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE, "japanese"},
{MinguoChronology.INSTANCE, "roc"},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE, "buddhist"},
@Test(dataProvider = "calendarsystemtype")
public void test_getCalendarType(Chronology chrono, String calendarType, String variant) {
public void test_getCalendarType(Chronology chrono, String calendarType) {
String type = calendarType;
if (variant != null) {
type += '-';
type += variant;
assertEquals(chrono.getCalendarType(), type);
@Test(dataProvider = "calendarsystemtype")
public void test_lookupLocale(Chronology chrono, String calendarType, String variant) {
public void test_lookupLocale(Chronology chrono, String calendarType) {
Locale.Builder builder = new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("en").setRegion("CA");
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("ca", calendarType);
if (variant != null) {
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("cv", variant);
Locale locale = builder.build();
assertEquals(Chronology.ofLocale(locale), chrono);
* Test lookup by calendarType of each chronology.
* The calendarType is split on "-" to separate the calendar and variant.
* Verify that the calendar can be found by {@link java.time.chrono.Chronology#ofLocale}.
@ -202,15 +193,10 @@ public class TCKChronology {
// Test that all available chronologies can be successfully found using ofLocale
Set<Chronology> chronos = Chronology.getAvailableChronologies();
for (Chronology chrono : chronos) {
String[] split = chrono.getCalendarType().split("-");
Locale.Builder builder = new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("en").setRegion("CA");
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("ca", split[0]);
if (split.length > 1) {
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("cv", split[1]);
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("ca", chrono.getCalendarType());
Locale locale = builder.build();
assertEquals(Chronology.ofLocale(locale), chrono, "Lookup by type and variant");
assertEquals(Chronology.ofLocale(locale), chrono, "Lookup by type");
@ -218,7 +204,6 @@ public class TCKChronology {
public void test_lookupLocale() {
Locale.Builder builder = new Locale.Builder().setLanguage("en").setRegion("CA");
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("ca", "xxx");
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("cv", "yyy");
Locale locale = builder.build();

View File

@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ public class TCKChronologySerialization {
public void test_ChronoSerialization(Chronology chrono) throws Exception {
System.out.printf(" ChronoSerialization: %s%n", chrono);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);

View File

@ -62,16 +62,20 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.Era;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahDate;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahEra;
import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology;
import java.time.chrono.MinguoChronology;
import java.time.chrono.MinguoDate;
@ -119,8 +123,11 @@ public class TCKHijrahChronology {
//{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1324, 7, 3), LocalDate.of(1906, 8, 23)},
//{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1324, 7, 4), LocalDate.of(1906, 8, 24)},
//{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1325, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(1907, 2, 13)},
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1434, 7, 1), LocalDate.of(2013, 5, 11)},
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1434, 7, 1), LocalDate.of(2013, 5, 11)},
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(HijrahEra.AH, 1434, 7, 1), LocalDate.of(2013, 5, 11)},
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(HijrahEra.AH, 1434, 178), LocalDate.of(2013, 5, 11)},
{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(1434, 178), LocalDate.of(2013, 5, 11)},
//{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1500, 3, 3), LocalDate.of(2079, 1, 5)},
//{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1500, 10, 28), LocalDate.of(2079, 8, 25)},
//{HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1500, 10, 29), LocalDate.of(2079, 8, 26)},
@ -142,6 +149,26 @@ public class TCKHijrahChronology {
assertEquals(hijrahDate.get(DAY_OF_WEEK), iso.get(DAY_OF_WEEK), "Hijrah day of week should be same as ISO day of week");
public void test_dateNow(){
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahDate.now()) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahDate.now(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris");
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId))) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), HijrahDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId))) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), HijrahDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ;
assertEquals(HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.of(ZoneOffset.UTC.getId())), HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemUTC())) ;
Object[][] data_badDates() {
return new Object[][] {

View File

@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.Year;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.Era;
@ -182,6 +185,16 @@ public class TCKJapaneseChronology {
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(1868, 60), LocalDate.of(1868, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(1928, 60), LocalDate.of(1928, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(1912, 60), LocalDate.of(1912, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseDate.ofYearDay(1996, 60), LocalDate.of(1996, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseDate.ofYearDay(1868, 60), LocalDate.of(1868, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseDate.ofYearDay(1928, 60), LocalDate.of(1928, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseDate.ofYearDay(1912, 60), LocalDate.of(1912, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1996 - YDIFF_HEISEI, 60), LocalDate.of(1996, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 1868 - YDIFF_MEIJI, 60), LocalDate.of(1868, 2, 29)},
{JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 1928 - YDIFF_SHOWA, 60), LocalDate.of(1928, 2, 29)},
// {JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 1916 - YDIFF_TAISHO, 60), LocalDate.of(1912, 2, 29)},
@ -195,6 +208,26 @@ public class TCKJapaneseChronology {
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.date(iso), jdate);
public void test_dateNow(){
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseDate.now()) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseDate.now(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris");
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId))) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), JapaneseDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId))) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), JapaneseDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ;
assertEquals(JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.of(ZoneOffset.UTC.getId())), JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemUTC())) ;
Object[][] data_badDates() {
return new Object[][] {
@ -232,8 +265,6 @@ public class TCKJapaneseChronology {
return new Object[][] {
{2, JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1, 1 + YDIFF_HEISEI, false},
{2, JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 100, 100 + YDIFF_HEISEI, true},
{2, JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 0, YDIFF_HEISEI, true},
{2, JapaneseEra.HEISEI, -10, -10 + YDIFF_HEISEI, false},
{-1, JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 1, 1 + YDIFF_MEIJI, true},
{-1, JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 4, 4 + YDIFF_MEIJI, false},

View File

@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.Year;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.Era;
@ -177,6 +180,15 @@ public class TCKThaiBuddhistChronology {
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(400 + YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(400, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(2000 + YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2000, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(ThaiBuddhistEra.BE, 1916 + YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(1916, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(ThaiBuddhistEra.BEFORE_BE, -1907 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(1908, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(ThaiBuddhistEra.BE, 2000 + YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2000, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(ThaiBuddhistEra.BE, 2400 + YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2400, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.date(ThaiBuddhistEra.BE, 1916 + YDIFF, 2, 29 ), LocalDate.of(1916, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.date(ThaiBuddhistEra.BEFORE_BE, -1907 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalDate.of(1908, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.date(ThaiBuddhistEra.BE, 2000 + YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalDate.of(2000, 2, 29)},
{ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.date(ThaiBuddhistEra.BE, 2400 + YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalDate.of(2400, 2, 29)},
@ -190,6 +202,26 @@ public class TCKThaiBuddhistChronology {
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.date(iso), jdate);
public void test_dateNow(){
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistDate.now()) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistDate.now(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris");
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId))) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), ThaiBuddhistDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId))) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), ThaiBuddhistDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ;
assertEquals(ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.of(ZoneOffset.UTC.getId())), ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemUTC())) ;
Object[][] data_badDates() {
return new Object[][] {

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology;
import java.time.chrono.ThaiBuddhistChronology;
import java.time.chrono.ThaiBuddhistDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatSymbols;
import java.time.format.DecimalStyle;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_withLocale() {
DateTimeFormatter base = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter base = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = base.withLocale(Locale.GERMAN);
assertEquals(test.getLocale(), Locale.GERMAN);
public void test_withLocale_null() {
DateTimeFormatter base = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter base = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
base.withLocale((Locale) null);
@ -192,7 +192,9 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
DateTimeFormatter f = base.withResolverFields(YEAR, DAY_OF_YEAR);
assertEquals(f.getResolverFields(), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(YEAR, DAY_OF_YEAR)));
Set<TemporalField> expected = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(YEAR, DAY_OF_YEAR));
// Use set.equals(); testNG comparison of Collections is ordered
assertTrue(f.getResolverFields().equals(expected), "ResolveFields: " + f.getResolverFields());
try {
base.parse("2012-6-30-321", LocalDate::from); // wrong month/day-of-month
@ -392,27 +394,27 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_format_TemporalAccessor_simple() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
String result = test.format(LocalDate.of(2008, 6, 30));
assertEquals(result, "ONE30");
@Test(expectedExceptions = DateTimeException.class)
public void test_format_TemporalAccessor_noSuchField() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.format(LocalTime.of(11, 30));
@Test(expectedExceptions = NullPointerException.class)
public void test_format_TemporalAccessor_null() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.format((TemporalAccessor) null);
public void test_print_TemporalAppendable() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
test.formatTo(LocalDate.of(2008, 6, 30), buf);
assertEquals(buf.toString(), "ONE30");
@ -420,21 +422,21 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_print_TemporalAppendable_noSuchField() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
test.formatTo(LocalTime.of(11, 30), buf);
public void test_print_TemporalAppendable_nullTemporal() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
test.formatTo((TemporalAccessor) null, buf);
public void test_print_TemporalAppendable_nullAppendable() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.formatTo(LocalDate.of(2008, 6, 30), (Appendable) null);
@ -443,7 +445,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parse_CharSequence() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
TemporalAccessor result = test.parse("ONE30");
assertEquals(result.isSupported(DAY_OF_MONTH), true);
assertEquals(result.getLong(DAY_OF_MONTH), 30L);
@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parse_CharSequence_null() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parse((String) null);
@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parse_CharSequence_ParsePosition() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(3);
TemporalAccessor result = test.parse("XXXONE30XXX", pos);
assertEquals(pos.getIndex(), 8);
@ -523,13 +525,13 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parse_CharSequence_ParsePosition_nullText() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parse((CharSequence) null, new ParsePosition(0));
public void test_parse_CharSequence_ParsePosition_nullParsePosition() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parse("Text", (ParsePosition) null);
@ -594,7 +596,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parse_Query_String_nullRule() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parse("30", (TemporalQuery<?>) null);
@ -630,7 +632,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parseBest_String_parseErrorLongText() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
try {
test.parseBest("ONEXXX67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789", ZonedDateTime::from, LocalDate::from);
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parseBest_String_parseIncomplete() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
try {
test.parseBest("ONE30SomethingElse", ZonedDateTime::from, LocalDate::from);
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
@ -658,32 +660,32 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parseBest_String_nullText() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parseBest((String) null, ZonedDateTime::from, LocalDate::from);
public void test_parseBest_String_nullRules() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parseBest("30", (TemporalQuery<?>[]) null);
public void test_parseBest_String_zeroRules() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parseBest("30", new TemporalQuery<?>[0]);
public void test_parseBest_String_oneRule() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parseBest("30", LocalDate::from);
public void test_parseUnresolved_StringParsePosition() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
TemporalAccessor result = test.parseUnresolved("ONE30XXX", pos);
assertEquals(pos.getIndex(), 5);
@ -693,7 +695,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parseUnresolved_StringParsePosition_parseError() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
TemporalAccessor result = test.parseUnresolved("ONEXXX", pos);
assertEquals(pos.getIndex(), 0);
@ -725,20 +727,20 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_parseUnresolved_StringParsePosition_nullString() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
test.parseUnresolved((String) null, pos);
public void test_parseUnresolved_StringParsePosition_nullParsePosition() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
test.parseUnresolved("ONE30", (ParsePosition) null);
public void test_parseUnresolved_StringParsePosition_invalidPosition() {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(6);
test.parseUnresolved("ONE30", pos);
@ -747,7 +749,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_format() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
String result = format.format(LocalDate.of(2008, 6, 30));
assertEquals(result, "ONE30");
@ -755,14 +757,14 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_format_null() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
public void test_toFormat_format_notTemporal() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
format.format("Not a Temporal");
@ -770,7 +772,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_String() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
TemporalAccessor result = (TemporalAccessor) format.parseObject("ONE30");
assertEquals(result.isSupported(DAY_OF_MONTH), true);
@ -779,7 +781,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_String_parseError() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
try {
@ -792,7 +794,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_String_parseErrorLongText() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
try {
@ -806,7 +808,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_String_null() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
format.parseObject((String) null);
@ -814,7 +816,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_StringParsePosition() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
TemporalAccessor result = (TemporalAccessor) format.parseObject("ONE30XXX", pos);
@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_StringParsePosition_parseError() throws Exception {
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
TemporalAccessor result = (TemporalAccessor) format.parseObject("ONEXXX", pos);
@ -838,7 +840,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_StringParsePosition_nullString() throws Exception {
// SimpleDateFormat has this behavior
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
format.parseObject((String) null, pos);
@ -847,7 +849,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_StringParsePosition_nullParsePosition() throws Exception {
// SimpleDateFormat has this behavior
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter test = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
Format format = test.toFormat();
format.parseObject("ONE30", (ParsePosition) null);
@ -855,7 +857,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_StringParsePosition_invalidPosition_tooBig() throws Exception {
// SimpleDateFormat has this behavior
DateTimeFormatter dtf = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter dtf = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(6);
Format test = dtf.toFormat();
assertNull(test.parseObject("ONE30", pos));
@ -865,7 +867,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatter {
public void test_toFormat_parseObject_StringParsePosition_invalidPosition_tooSmall() throws Exception {
// SimpleDateFormat throws StringIndexOutOfBoundException
DateTimeFormatter dtf = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withSymbols(DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD);
DateTimeFormatter dtf = fmt.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH).withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.STANDARD);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(-1);
Format test = dtf.toFormat();
assertNull(test.parseObject("ONE30", pos));

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_WEEK;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.INSTANT_SECONDS;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND;
@ -1180,6 +1181,52 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatters {
Object[][] provider_sample_isoInstant() {
return new Object[][]{
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", null},
{0, null, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", null},
{0, -1, null, DateTimeException.class},
{-1, 0, "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z", null},
{1, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z", null},
{60, 0, "1970-01-01T00:01:00Z", null},
{3600, 0, "1970-01-01T01:00:00Z", null},
{86400, 0, "1970-01-02T00:00:00Z", null},
{0, 1, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z", null},
{0, 2, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000002Z", null},
{0, 10, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000010Z", null},
{0, 100, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000100Z", null},
public void test_print_isoInstant(
long instantSecs, Integer nano, String expected, Class<?> expectedEx) {
TemporalAccessor test = buildAccessorInstant(instantSecs, nano);
if (expectedEx == null) {
assertEquals(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(test), expected);
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
public void test_parse_isoInstant(
long instantSecs, Integer nano, String input, Class<?> invalid) {
if (input != null) {
TemporalAccessor parsed = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.parseUnresolved(input, new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals(parsed.getLong(INSTANT_SECONDS), instantSecs);
assertEquals(parsed.getLong(NANO_OF_SECOND), (nano == null ? 0 : nano));
public void test_isoInstant_basics() {
assertEquals(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.getChronology(), null);
@ -1334,6 +1381,15 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatters {
return mock;
private TemporalAccessor buildAccessorInstant(long instantSecs, Integer nano) {
MockAccessor mock = new MockAccessor();
mock.fields.put(INSTANT_SECONDS, instantSecs);
if (nano != null) {
mock.fields.put(NANO_OF_SECOND, (long) nano);
return mock;
private void buildCalendrical(Expected expected, String offsetId, String zoneId) {
if (offsetId != null) {

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@ -59,6 +59,9 @@
package tck.java.time.format;
import static java.time.format.ResolverStyle.LENIENT;
import static java.time.format.ResolverStyle.SMART;
import static java.time.format.ResolverStyle.STRICT;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH;
@ -88,11 +91,15 @@ import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR;
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.time.format.ResolverStyle;
import java.time.temporal.IsoFields;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalField;
@ -519,4 +526,350 @@ public class TCKDateTimeParseResolver {
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), null);
Object[][] data_resolveFourToTime() {
return new Object[][]{
// merge
{null, 0, 0, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0), Period.ZERO},
{null, 1, 0, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(1, 0, 0, 0), Period.ZERO},
{null, 0, 2, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(0, 2, 0, 0), Period.ZERO},
{null, 0, 0, 3, 0, LocalTime.of(0, 0, 3, 0), Period.ZERO},
{null, 0, 0, 0, 4, LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 4), Period.ZERO},
{null, 1, 2, 3, 4, LocalTime.of(1, 2, 3, 4), Period.ZERO},
{null, 23, 59, 59, 123456789, LocalTime.of(23, 59, 59, 123456789), Period.ZERO},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 14, 59, 60, 123456789, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 14, 59, 60, 123456789, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 14, 59, 60, 123456789, LocalTime.of(15, 0, 0, 123456789), Period.ZERO},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 23, 59, 60, 123456789, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 23, 59, 60, 123456789, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 23, 59, 60, 123456789, LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 123456789), Period.ofDays(1)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 24, 0, 0, 0, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 24, 0, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0), Period.ofDays(1)},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 24, 0, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 0), Period.ofDays(1)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 24, 1, 0, 0, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 24, 1, 0, 0, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 24, 1, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(0, 1, 0, 0), Period.ofDays(1)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 25, 0, 0, 0, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 25, 0, 0, 0, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 25, 0, 0, 0, LocalTime.of(1, 0, 0, 0), Period.ofDays(1)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 49, 2, 3, 4, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 49, 2, 3, 4, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 49, 2, 3, 4, LocalTime.of(1, 2, 3, 4), Period.ofDays(2)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, -1, 2, 3, 4, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, -1, 2, 3, 4, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, -1, 2, 3, 4, LocalTime.of(23, 2, 3, 4), Period.ofDays(-1)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, -6, 2, 3, 4, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, -6, 2, 3, 4, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, -6, 2, 3, 4, LocalTime.of(18, 2, 3, 4), Period.ofDays(-1)},
{ResolverStyle.STRICT, 25, 61, 61, 1_123456789, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.SMART, 25, 61, 61, 1_123456789, null, null},
{ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 25, 61, 61, 1_123456789, LocalTime.of(2, 2, 2, 123456789), Period.ofDays(1)},
public void test_resolveFourToTime(ResolverStyle style,
long hour, long min, long sec, long nano, LocalTime expectedTime, Period excessPeriod) {
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.parseDefaulting(HOUR_OF_DAY, hour)
.parseDefaulting(MINUTE_OF_HOUR, min)
.parseDefaulting(SECOND_OF_MINUTE, sec)
.parseDefaulting(NANO_OF_SECOND, nano).toFormatter();
ResolverStyle[] styles = (style != null ? new ResolverStyle[] {style} : ResolverStyle.values());
for (ResolverStyle s : styles) {
if (expectedTime != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(s).parse("");
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), expectedTime, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
assertEquals(accessor.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), excessPeriod, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected
public void test_resolveThreeToTime(ResolverStyle style,
long hour, long min, long sec, long nano, LocalTime expectedTime, Period excessPeriod) {
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.parseDefaulting(HOUR_OF_DAY, hour)
.parseDefaulting(MINUTE_OF_HOUR, min)
.parseDefaulting(SECOND_OF_MINUTE, sec).toFormatter();
ResolverStyle[] styles = (style != null ? new ResolverStyle[] {style} : ResolverStyle.values());
for (ResolverStyle s : styles) {
if (expectedTime != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(s).parse("");
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), expectedTime.minusNanos(nano), "ResolverStyle: " + s);
assertEquals(accessor.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), excessPeriod, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected
public void test_resolveFourToDateTime(ResolverStyle style,
long hour, long min, long sec, long nano, LocalTime expectedTime, Period excessPeriod) {
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.parseDefaulting(YEAR, 2012).parseDefaulting(MONTH_OF_YEAR, 6).parseDefaulting(DAY_OF_MONTH, 30)
.parseDefaulting(HOUR_OF_DAY, hour)
.parseDefaulting(MINUTE_OF_HOUR, min)
.parseDefaulting(SECOND_OF_MINUTE, sec)
.parseDefaulting(NANO_OF_SECOND, nano).toFormatter();
ResolverStyle[] styles = (style != null ? new ResolverStyle[] {style} : ResolverStyle.values());
if (expectedTime != null && excessPeriod != null) {
LocalDate expectedDate = LocalDate.of(2012, 6, 30).plus(excessPeriod);
for (ResolverStyle s : styles) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(s).parse("");
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), expectedDate, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), expectedTime, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
assertEquals(accessor.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ZERO, "ResolverStyle: " + s);
Object[][] data_resolveSecondOfDay() {
return new Object[][]{
{STRICT, 0, 0, 0},
{STRICT, 1, 1, 0},
{STRICT, 86399, 86399, 0},
{STRICT, -1, null, 0},
{STRICT, 86400, null, 0},
{SMART, 0, 0, 0},
{SMART, 1, 1, 0},
{SMART, 86399, 86399, 0},
{SMART, -1, null, 0},
{SMART, 86400, null, 0},
{LENIENT, 0, 0, 0},
{LENIENT, 1, 1, 0},
{LENIENT, 86399, 86399, 0},
{LENIENT, -1, 86399, -1},
{LENIENT, 86400, 0, 1},
public void test_resolveSecondOfDay(ResolverStyle style, long value, Integer expectedSecond, int expectedDays) {
String str = Long.toString(value);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendValue(SECOND_OF_DAY).toFormatter();
if (expectedSecond != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse(str);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(expectedSecond));
assertEquals(accessor.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ofDays(expectedDays));
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected
Object[][] data_resolveMinuteOfDay() {
return new Object[][]{
{STRICT, 0, 0, 0},
{STRICT, 1, 1, 0},
{STRICT, 1439, 1439, 0},
{STRICT, -1, null, 0},
{STRICT, 1440, null, 0},
{SMART, 0, 0, 0},
{SMART, 1, 1, 0},
{SMART, 1439, 1439, 0},
{SMART, -1, null, 0},
{SMART, 1440, null, 0},
{LENIENT, 0, 0, 0},
{LENIENT, 1, 1, 0},
{LENIENT, 1439, 1439, 0},
{LENIENT, -1, 1439, -1},
{LENIENT, 1440, 0, 1},
public void test_resolveMinuteOfDay(ResolverStyle style, long value, Integer expectedMinute, int expectedDays) {
String str = Long.toString(value);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendValue(MINUTE_OF_DAY).toFormatter();
if (expectedMinute != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse(str);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(expectedMinute * 60));
assertEquals(accessor.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ofDays(expectedDays));
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected
Object[][] data_resolveClockHourOfDay() {
return new Object[][]{
{STRICT, 1, 1, 0},
{STRICT, 24, 0, 0},
{STRICT, 0, null, 0},
{STRICT, -1, null, 0},
{STRICT, 25, null, 0},
{SMART, 1, 1, 0},
{SMART, 24, 0, 0},
{SMART, 0, 0, 0},
{SMART, -1, null, 0},
{SMART, 25, null, 0},
{LENIENT, 1, 1, 0},
{LENIENT, 24, 0, 0},
{LENIENT, 0, 0, 0},
{LENIENT, -1, 23, -1},
{LENIENT, 25, 1, 1},
public void test_resolveClockHourOfDay(ResolverStyle style, long value, Integer expectedHour, int expectedDays) {
String str = Long.toString(value);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendValue(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY).toFormatter();
if (expectedHour != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse(str);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), LocalTime.of(expectedHour, 0));
assertEquals(accessor.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ofDays(expectedDays));
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected
Object[][] data_resolveClockHourOfAmPm() {
return new Object[][]{
{STRICT, 1, 1},
{STRICT, 12, 0},
{STRICT, 0, null},
{STRICT, -1, null},
{STRICT, 13, null},
{SMART, 1, 1},
{SMART, 12, 0},
{SMART, 0, 0},
{SMART, -1, null},
{SMART, 13, null},
{LENIENT, 1, 1},
{LENIENT, 12, 0},
{LENIENT, 0, 0},
{LENIENT, -1, -1},
{LENIENT, 13, 13},
public void test_resolveClockHourOfAmPm(ResolverStyle style, long value, Integer expectedValue) {
String str = Long.toString(value);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendValue(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM).toFormatter();
if (expectedValue != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse(str);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.isSupported(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM), false);
assertEquals(accessor.isSupported(HOUR_OF_AMPM), true);
assertEquals(accessor.getLong(HOUR_OF_AMPM), expectedValue.longValue());
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected
Object[][] data_resolveAmPm() {
return new Object[][]{
{STRICT, 0, 0},
{STRICT, 1, 1},
{STRICT, -1, null},
{STRICT, 2, null},
{SMART, 0, 0},
{SMART, 1, 1},
{SMART, -1, null},
{SMART, 2, null},
{LENIENT, 0, 0},
{LENIENT, 1, 1},
{LENIENT, -1, -1},
{LENIENT, 2, 2},
public void test_resolveAmPm(ResolverStyle style, long value, Integer expectedValue) {
String str = Long.toString(value);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendValue(AMPM_OF_DAY).toFormatter();
if (expectedValue != null) {
TemporalAccessor accessor = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse(str);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localDate()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.query(TemporalQuery.localTime()), null);
assertEquals(accessor.isSupported(AMPM_OF_DAY), true);
assertEquals(accessor.getLong(AMPM_OF_DAY), expectedValue.longValue());
} else {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// expected

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@ -61,29 +61,30 @@ package tck.java.time.format;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatSymbols;
import java.time.format.DecimalStyle;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Test DateTimeFormatSymbols.
* Test DecimalStyle.
public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public class TCKDecimalStyle {
public void test_getAvailableLocales() {
Locale[] locales = DateTimeFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales();
assertEquals(locales.length > 0, true);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(locales).contains(Locale.US), true);
Set<Locale> locales = DecimalStyle.getAvailableLocales();
assertEquals(locales.size() > 0, true, "locales: " + locales);
assertEquals(locales.contains(Locale.US), true, "Locale.US not found in available Locales");
public void test_of_Locale() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols loc1 = DateTimeFormatSymbols.of(Locale.CANADA);
DecimalStyle loc1 = DecimalStyle.of(Locale.CANADA);
assertEquals(loc1.getZeroDigit(), '0');
assertEquals(loc1.getPositiveSign(), '+');
assertEquals(loc1.getNegativeSign(), '-');
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_STANDARD() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols loc1 = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle loc1 = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(loc1.getZeroDigit(), '0');
assertEquals(loc1.getPositiveSign(), '+');
assertEquals(loc1.getNegativeSign(), '-');
@ -103,25 +104,25 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_zeroDigit() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.withZeroDigit('A').getZeroDigit(), 'A');
public void test_positiveSign() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.withPositiveSign('A').getPositiveSign(), 'A');
public void test_negativeSign() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.withNegativeSign('A').getNegativeSign(), 'A');
public void test_decimalSeparator() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.withDecimalSeparator('A').getDecimalSeparator(), 'A');
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
/* TBD: convertToDigit and convertNumberToI18N are package-private methods
public void test_convertToDigit_base() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.convertToDigit('0'), 0);
assertEquals(base.convertToDigit('1'), 1);
assertEquals(base.convertToDigit('9'), 9);
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_convertToDigit_altered() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
assertEquals(base.convertToDigit('A'), 0);
assertEquals(base.convertToDigit('B'), 1);
assertEquals(base.convertToDigit('J'), 9);
@ -150,21 +151,21 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_convertNumberToI18N_base() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.convertNumberToI18N("134"), "134");
public void test_convertNumberToI18N_altered() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
assertEquals(base.convertNumberToI18N("134"), "BDE");
public void test_equalsHashCode1() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols a = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DateTimeFormatSymbols b = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle a = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle b = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(a.equals(b), true);
assertEquals(b.equals(a), true);
assertEquals(a.hashCode(), b.hashCode());
@ -172,8 +173,8 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_equalsHashCode2() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols a = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DateTimeFormatSymbols b = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DecimalStyle a = DecimalStyle.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DecimalStyle b = DecimalStyle.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
assertEquals(a.equals(b), true);
assertEquals(b.equals(a), true);
assertEquals(a.hashCode(), b.hashCode());
@ -181,15 +182,15 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_equalsHashCode3() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols a = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DateTimeFormatSymbols b = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD.withDecimalSeparator('A');
DecimalStyle a = DecimalStyle.STANDARD.withZeroDigit('A');
DecimalStyle b = DecimalStyle.STANDARD.withDecimalSeparator('A');
assertEquals(a.equals(b), false);
assertEquals(b.equals(a), false);
public void test_equalsHashCode_bad() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols a = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
DecimalStyle a = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(a.equals(""), false);
assertEquals(a.equals(null), false);
@ -197,14 +198,14 @@ public class TCKDateTimeFormatSymbols {
public void test_toString_base() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.toString(), "Symbols[0+-.]");
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
assertEquals(base.toString(), "DecimalStyle[0+-.]");
public void test_toString_altered() {
DateTimeFormatSymbols base = DateTimeFormatSymbols.of(Locale.US).withZeroDigit('A').withDecimalSeparator('@');
assertEquals(base.toString(), "Symbols[A+-@]");
DecimalStyle base = DecimalStyle.of(Locale.US).withZeroDigit('A').withDecimalSeparator('@');
assertEquals(base.toString(), "DecimalStyle[A+-@]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* This file is available under and governed by the GNU General Public
* License version 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* However, the following notice accompanied the original version of this
* file:
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Stephen Colebourne & Michael Nascimento Santos
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of JSR-310 nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
package tck.java.time.format;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.format.ResolverStyle;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Test DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendInstant().
public class TCKInstantPrinterParser {
Object[][] data_printGrouped() {
return new Object[][] {
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{-1, 0, "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"},
{1, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"},
{60, 0, "1970-01-01T00:01:00Z"},
{3600, 0, "1970-01-01T01:00:00Z"},
{86400, 0, "1970-01-02T00:00:00Z"},
{182, 2, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000002Z"},
{182, 20, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000020Z"},
{182, 200, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000200Z"},
{182, 2000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000002Z"},
{182, 20000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000020Z"},
{182, 200000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000200Z"},
{182, 2000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.002Z"},
{182, 20000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.020Z"},
{182, 200000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.200Z"},
{Instant.MAX.getEpochSecond(), 999999999, "+1000000000-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{Instant.MIN.getEpochSecond(), 0, "-1000000000-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
public void test_print_grouped(long instantSecs, int nano, String expected) {
Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(instantSecs, nano);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant().toFormatter();
assertEquals(f.format(instant), expected);
Object[][] data_printDigits() {
return new Object[][] {
{-1, 0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{0, 0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{1, 0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z"},
{3, 0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},
{9, 0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z"},
{-1, -1, 0, "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"},
{-1, 1, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"},
{-1, 60, 0, "1970-01-01T00:01:00Z"},
{-1, 3600, 0, "1970-01-01T01:00:00Z"},
{-1, 86400, 0, "1970-01-02T00:00:00Z"},
{-1, 182, 2, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000002Z"},
{-1, 182, 20, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.00000002Z"},
{-1, 182, 200, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0000002Z"},
{-1, 182, 2000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000002Z"},
{-1, 182, 20000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.00002Z"},
{-1, 182, 200000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0002Z"},
{-1, 182, 2000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.002Z"},
{-1, 182, 20000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.02Z"},
{-1, 182, 200000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.2Z"},
{0, 182, 2, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 20, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 200, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 2000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 20000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 200000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 2000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 20000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{0, 182, 200000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02Z"},
{1, 182, 2, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 20, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 200, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 2000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 20000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 200000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 2000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 20000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.0Z"},
{1, 182, 200000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.2Z"},
{3, 182, 2, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000Z"},
{3, 182, 20, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000Z"},
{3, 182, 200, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000Z"},
{3, 182, 2000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000Z"},
{3, 182, 20000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000Z"},
{3, 182, 200000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000Z"},
{3, 182, 2000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.002Z"},
{3, 182, 20000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.020Z"},
{3, 182, 200000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.200Z"},
{9, 182, 2, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000002Z"},
{9, 182, 20, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000020Z"},
{9, 182, 200, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000000200Z"},
{9, 182, 2000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000002000Z"},
{9, 182, 20000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000020000Z"},
{9, 182, 200000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.000200000Z"},
{9, 182, 2000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.002000000Z"},
{9, 182, 20000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.020000000Z"},
{9, 182, 200000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.200000000Z"},
{9, Instant.MAX.getEpochSecond(), 999999999, "+1000000000-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{9, Instant.MIN.getEpochSecond(), 0, "-1000000000-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z"},
public void test_print_digits(int fractionalDigits, long instantSecs, int nano, String expected) {
Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(instantSecs, nano);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(fractionalDigits).toFormatter();
assertEquals(f.format(instant), expected);
Object[][] data_parse_digits() {
return new Object[][] {
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"},
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z"},
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},
{0, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z"},
{-1, 0, "1969-12-31T23:59:59Z"},
{1, 0, "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z"},
{60, 0, "1970-01-01T00:01:00Z"},
{3600, 0, "1970-01-01T01:00:00Z"},
{86400, 0, "1970-01-02T00:00:00Z"},
{182, 234000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.234Z"},
{182, 234000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.2340Z"},
{182, 234000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.23400Z"},
{182, 234000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.234000Z"},
{182, 234000000, "1970-01-01T00:03:02.234000000Z"},
{((23 * 60) + 59) * 60 + 59, 123456789, "1970-01-01T23:59:59.123456789Z"},
{Instant.MAX.getEpochSecond(), 999999999, "+1000000000-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z"},
{Instant.MIN.getEpochSecond(), 0, "-1000000000-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z"},
public void test_parse_digitsMinusOne(long instantSecs, int nano, String input) {
Instant expected = Instant.ofEpochSecond(instantSecs, nano);
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(-1).toFormatter();
assertEquals(f.parse(input, Instant::from), expected);
assertEquals(f.parse(input).query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ZERO);
assertEquals(f.parse(input).query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedLeapSecond()), Boolean.FALSE);
public void test_parse_digitsNine(long instantSecs, int nano, String input) {
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(9).toFormatter();
if (input.charAt(input.length() - 11) == '.') {
Instant expected = Instant.ofEpochSecond(instantSecs, nano);
assertEquals(f.parse(input, Instant::from), expected);
assertEquals(f.parse(input).query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ZERO);
assertEquals(f.parse(input).query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedLeapSecond()), Boolean.FALSE);
} else {
try {
f.parse(input, Instant::from);
} catch (DateTimeException ex) {
// expected
public void test_parse_endOfDay() {
Instant expected = OffsetDateTime.of(1970, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC).toInstant();
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(-1).toFormatter();
for (ResolverStyle style : ResolverStyle.values()) {
TemporalAccessor parsed = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse("1970-02-03T24:00:00Z");
assertEquals(parsed.query(Instant::from), expected);
assertEquals(parsed.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ZERO);
assertEquals(parsed.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedLeapSecond()), Boolean.FALSE);
public void test_parse_leapSecond() {
Instant expected = OffsetDateTime.of(1970, 2, 3, 23, 59, 59, 123456789, ZoneOffset.UTC).toInstant();
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(-1).toFormatter();
for (ResolverStyle style : ResolverStyle.values()) {
TemporalAccessor parsed = f.withResolverStyle(style).parse("1970-02-03T23:59:60.123456789Z");
assertEquals(parsed.query(Instant::from), expected);
assertEquals(parsed.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedExcessDays()), Period.ZERO);
assertEquals(parsed.query(DateTimeFormatter.parsedLeapSecond()), Boolean.TRUE);
public void test_appendInstant_tooSmall() {
new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(-2);
public void test_appendInstant_tooBig() {
new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendInstant(10);

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ import java.time.format.TextStyle;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Test DateTimeFormatSymbols.
* Test DecimalStyle.
public class TCKTextStyle {

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.time.temporal.JulianFields;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalField;
import java.time.temporal.ValueRange;
import java.time.temporal.WeekFields;
@ -161,9 +160,6 @@ public class TCKWeekFields extends AbstractTCKTest {
TemporalField dowField = week.dayOfWeek();
TemporalField womField = week.weekOfMonth();
DayOfWeek isoDOW = day.getDayOfWeek();
int dow = (7 + isoDOW.getValue() - firstDayOfWeek.getValue()) % 7 + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) {
int actualDOW = day.get(dowField);
int actualWOM = day.get(womField);
@ -197,9 +193,6 @@ public class TCKWeekFields extends AbstractTCKTest {
TemporalField dowField = week.dayOfWeek();
TemporalField woyField = week.weekOfYear();
DayOfWeek isoDOW = day.getDayOfWeek();
int dow = (7 + isoDOW.getValue() - firstDayOfWeek.getValue()) % 7 + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) {
int actualDOW = day.get(dowField);
int actualWOY = day.get(woyField);
@ -468,6 +461,28 @@ public class TCKWeekFields extends AbstractTCKTest {
public void test_parse_resolve_localizedWoWBY(DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek, int minDays) {
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2012, 12, 31);
WeekFields week = WeekFields.of(firstDayOfWeek, minDays);
TemporalField wowbyField = week.weekOfWeekBasedYear();
TemporalField yowbyField = week.weekBasedYear();
for (int i = 1; i <= 60; i++) {
// Test that with dayOfWeek, week of year and year of week-based-year it computes the date
DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
String str = date.get(yowbyField) + "-" + date.get(wowbyField) + "-" +
LocalDate parsed = LocalDate.parse(str, f);
assertEquals(parsed, date, " :: " + str + " " + i);
date = date.plusDays(1);
public void test_parse_resolve_localizedWoWBYDow(DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek, int minDays) {
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2012, 12, 31);
WeekFields week = WeekFields.of(firstDayOfWeek, minDays);
TemporalField dowField = week.dayOfWeek();

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@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ package test.java.time.chrono;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.chrono.Chronology;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology;
import java.time.chrono.HijrahDate;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Set;
@ -42,7 +44,19 @@ public class TestChronologyPerf {
Set<Chronology> chronos = Chronology.getAvailableChronologies();
long end = System.nanoTime();
Duration d = Duration.of(end - start, ChronoUnit.NANOS);
System.out.printf(" Duration of Chronology.getAvailableChronologies(): %s%n", d);
System.out.printf(" Cold Duration of Chronology.getAvailableChronologies(): %s%n", d);
start = System.nanoTime();
chronos = Chronology.getAvailableChronologies();
end = System.nanoTime();
d = Duration.of(end - start, ChronoUnit.NANOS);
System.out.printf(" Warm Duration of Chronology.getAvailableChronologies(): %s%n", d);
start = System.nanoTime();
HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.date(1434, 1, 1);
end = System.nanoTime();
d = Duration.of(end - start, ChronoUnit.NANOS);
System.out.printf(" Warm Duration of HijrahDate.date(1434, 1, 1): %s%n", d);

View File

@ -109,21 +109,20 @@ public class TestExampleCode {
// Data provider for Hijrah Variant names
// Data provider for Hijrah Type names
@DataProvider(name = "HijrahVariantNames")
@DataProvider(name = "HijrahTypeNames")
Object[][] data_of_ummalqura() {
return new Object[][]{
{ "Hijrah-umalqura", "islamic", "umalqura"},
{ "Hijrah-umalqura", "islamic-umalqura"},
@Test(dataProvider= "HijrahVariantNames")
public void test_HijrahVariantViaLocale(String calendarId, String calendarType, String variant) {
@Test(dataProvider= "HijrahTypeNames")
public void test_HijrahTypeViaLocale(String calendarId, String calendarType) {
Locale.Builder builder = new Locale.Builder();
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("ca", calendarType);
builder.setUnicodeLocaleKeyword("cv", variant);
Locale locale = builder.build();
Chronology chrono = Chronology.ofLocale(locale);
System.out.printf(" Locale language tag: %s, Chronology ID: %s, type: %s%n",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package test.java.time.chrono;
import java.time.*;
import java.time.chrono.*;
import java.time.temporal.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
* Tests for the Japanese chronology
public class TestJapaneseChronology {
private static final JapaneseChronology JAPANESE = JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE;
private static final Locale jaJPJP = Locale.forLanguageTag("ja-JP-u-ca-japanese");
Object[][] transitionData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Japanese era, yearOfEra, month, dayOfMonth, gregorianYear
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, Year.MIN_VALUE, 1, 1, Year.MIN_VALUE },
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, 1867, 12, 31, 1867 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 1, 1, 25, 1868 }, // Note: the dates of Meiji 1 to 5 are incorrect
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 6, 1, 1, 1873 },
// Meiji-Taisho transition isn't accurate. 1912-07-30 is the last day of Meiji
// and the first day of Taisho.
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 45, 7, 29, 1912 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 1, 7, 30, 1912 },
// Same for Taisho-Showa transition. 1926-12-25 is the last day of Taisho
// and the first day of Showa.
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 15, 12, 24, 1926 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 1, 12, 25, 1926 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 64, 1, 7, 1989 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1, 1, 8, 1989 },
Object[][] dayYearData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Japanese era, yearOfEra, dayOfYear, month, dayOfMonth
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 45, 211, 7, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 1, 1, 7, 30 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 2, 60, 3, 1 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 15, 358, 12, 24 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 1, 1, 12, 25 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 2, 8, 1, 8 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 64, 7, 1, 7 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1, 1, 1, 8 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 2, 8, 1, 8 },
Object[][] rangeData() {
return new Object[][] {
// field, minSmallest, minLargest, maxSmallest, maxLargest
{ ChronoField.ERA, -999, -999, 2, 2},
{ ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA, -999999999, 1, 15, 999999999-1989 }, // depends on the current era
{ ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1, 1, 7, 366},
Object[][] invalidDatesData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Japanese era, yearOfEra, month, dayOfMonth
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, Year.MIN_VALUE - 1, 1, 1 },
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, 1855, 2, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, 1868, 1, 25 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 6, 2, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 45, 7, 30 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 46, 1, 1 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 1, 7, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 2, 2, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 15, 12, 25 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 16, 1, 1 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 1, 12, 24 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 2, 2, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 64, 1, 8 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 65, 1, 1 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1, 1, 7 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1, 2, 29 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, Year.MAX_VALUE, 12, 31 },
Object[][] invalidEraYearData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Japanese era, yearOfEra
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, Year.MIN_VALUE - 1 },
{ JapaneseEra.SEIREKI, 2012 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, -1 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 0 },
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 46 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, -1 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 0 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 16 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, -1 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 0 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 65 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, -1 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 0 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, Year.MAX_VALUE },
Object[][] invalidDayYearData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Japanese era, yearOfEra, dayOfYear
{ JapaneseEra.MEIJI, 45, 240 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 1, 365 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 2, 366 },
{ JapaneseEra.TAISHO, 15, 359 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 1, 8 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 2, 366 },
{ JapaneseEra.SHOWA, 64, 8 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 1, 360 },
{ JapaneseEra.HEISEI, 2, 366 },
public void test_ofLocale() {
// must be a singleton
assertEquals(Chronology.ofLocale(jaJPJP) == JAPANESE, true);
public void test_transitions(JapaneseEra era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth, int gregorianYear) {
assertEquals(JAPANESE.prolepticYear(era, yearOfEra), gregorianYear);
JapaneseDate jdate1 = JapaneseDate.of(era, yearOfEra, month, dayOfMonth);
JapaneseDate jdate2 = JapaneseDate.of(gregorianYear, month, dayOfMonth);
assertEquals(jdate1, jdate2);
public void test_range(ChronoField field, int minSmallest, int minLargest, int maxSmallest, int maxLargest) {
ValueRange range = JAPANESE.range(field);
assertEquals(range.getMinimum(), minSmallest);
assertEquals(range.getLargestMinimum(), minLargest);
assertEquals(range.getSmallestMaximum(), maxSmallest);
assertEquals(range.getMaximum(), maxLargest);
public void test_firstDayOfEra(JapaneseEra era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear, int month, int dayOfMonth) {
JapaneseDate date1 = JAPANESE.dateYearDay(era, yearOfEra, dayOfYear);
JapaneseDate date2 = JAPANESE.date(era, yearOfEra, month, dayOfMonth);
assertEquals(date1, date2);
@Test(dataProvider="invalid_dates", expectedExceptions=DateTimeException.class)
public void test_invalidDate(JapaneseEra era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth) {
JapaneseDate jdate = JapaneseDate.of(era, yearOfEra, month, dayOfMonth);
System.out.printf("No DateTimeException with %s %d.%02d.%02d%n", era, yearOfEra, month, dayOfMonth);
@Test(dataProvider="invalid_eraYear", expectedExceptions=DateTimeException.class)
public void test_invalidEraYear(JapaneseEra era, int yearOfEra) {
int year = JAPANESE.prolepticYear(era, yearOfEra);
System.out.printf("No DateTimeException with era=%s, year=%d%n", era, yearOfEra);
@Test(dataProvider="invalid_day_year_data", expectedExceptions=DateTimeException.class)
public void test_invalidDayYear(JapaneseEra era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear) {
JapaneseDate date = JAPANESE.dateYearDay(era, yearOfEra, dayOfYear);
System.out.printf("No DateTimeException with era=%s, year=%d, dayOfYear=%d%n", era, yearOfEra, dayOfYear);

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatSymbols;
import java.time.format.DecimalStyle;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.format.SignStyle;
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class AbstractTestPrinterParser {
protected DateTimeFormatterBuilder builder;
protected TemporalAccessor dta;
protected Locale locale;
protected DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols;
protected DecimalStyle decimalStyle;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class AbstractTestPrinterParser {
builder = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder();
dta = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2011, 6, 30, 12, 30, 40, 0), ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris"));
locale = Locale.ENGLISH;
symbols = DateTimeFormatSymbols.STANDARD;
decimalStyle = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
protected void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) {
@ -114,35 +114,35 @@ public class AbstractTestPrinterParser {
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter() {
return builder.toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(char c) {
return builder.appendLiteral(c).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendLiteral(c).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(String s) {
return builder.appendLiteral(s).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendLiteral(s).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(TemporalField field) {
return builder.appendText(field).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendText(field).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(TemporalField field, TextStyle style) {
return builder.appendText(field, style).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendText(field, style).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(TemporalField field, int minWidth, int maxWidth, SignStyle signStyle) {
return builder.appendValue(field, minWidth, maxWidth, signStyle).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendValue(field, minWidth, maxWidth, signStyle).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(String pattern, String noOffsetText) {
return builder.appendOffset(pattern, noOffsetText).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendOffset(pattern, noOffsetText).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected DateTimeFormatter getPatternFormatter(String pattern) {
return builder.appendPattern(pattern).toFormatter(locale).withSymbols(symbols);
return builder.appendPattern(pattern).toFormatter(locale).withDecimalStyle(decimalStyle);
protected static final TemporalAccessor EMPTY_DTA = new TemporalAccessor() {

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