This commit is contained in:
Lana Steuck 2016-04-07 11:04:36 -07:00
commit 50d3fe6b48
156 changed files with 4080 additions and 795 deletions

@ -32,24 +32,9 @@ suite = {
"libraries" : {
"HCFDIS" : {
"urls" : [""],
"sha1" : "a71247c6ddb90aad4abf7c77e501acc60674ef57",
"urls" : [""],
"sha1" : "7ead6b2f7ed4643ef4d3343a5562e3d3f39564ac",
"urls" : [""],
"sha1" : "508bcd26a4d7c4c44048990c6ea789a3b11a62dc",
"BATIK" : {
"sha1" : "122b87ca88e41a415cf8b523fd3d03b4325134a3",
"urls" : [""],
"TESTNG" : {
"urls" : [""],
"sha1" : "6feb3e964aeb7097aff30c372aac3ec0f8d87ede",
# Stubs for classes introduced in JDK9 that allow compilation with a JDK8 javac and Eclipse.
@ -175,6 +160,18 @@ suite = {
"workingSets" : "JVMCI",
"" : {
"subDir" : "test/compiler/jvmci",
"sourceDirs" : ["src"],
"dependencies" : [
"checkstyle" : "",
"javaCompliance" : "1.8",
"workingSets" : "API,JVMCI",
"" : {
"subDir" : "src/",
"sourceDirs" : ["src"],

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void CodeInstaller::pd_patch_MetaspaceConstant(int pc_offset, Handle constant, T
} else {
NativeMovConstReg* move = nativeMovConstReg_at(pc);
Metadata* reference = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK);
void* reference = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK);
move->set_data((intptr_t) reference);
TRACE_jvmci_3("relocating (metaspace constant) at " PTR_FORMAT "/" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc), p2i(reference));

@ -211,10 +211,6 @@ static int reg2offset_out(VMReg r) {
return (r->reg2stack() + SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots()) * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size;
template <class T> static const T& min (const T& a, const T& b) {
return (a > b) ? b : a;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read the array of BasicTypes from a signature, and compute where the
// arguments should go. Values in the VMRegPair regs array refer to 4-byte

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void CodeInstaller::pd_patch_MetaspaceConstant(int pc_offset, Handle constant, T
} else {
NativeMovConstReg* move = nativeMovConstReg_at(pc);
Metadata* reference = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK);
void* reference = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK);
TRACE_jvmci_3("relocating (metaspace constant) at " PTR_FORMAT "/" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc), p2i(reference));

@ -4666,8 +4666,109 @@ void MacroAssembler::array_equals(bool is_array_equ, Register ary1, Register ary
void MacroAssembler::has_negatives(Register inp, Register size, Register result, Register t2, Register t3, Register t4, Register t5) {
// test for negative bytes in input string of a given size
// result 1 if found, 0 otherwise.
Label Lcore, Ltail, Lreturn, Lcore_rpt;
assert_different_registers(inp, size, t2, t3, t4, t5, result);
Register i = result; // result used as integer index i until very end
Register lmask = t2; // t2 is aliased to lmask
// ===========================================================
// initialize highbits mask -> lmask = 0x8080808080808080 (8B/64b)
// compute unaligned offset -> i
// compute core end index -> t5
Assembler::sethi(0x80808000, t2); //! sethi macro fails to emit optimal
add(t2, 0x80, t2);
sllx(t2, 32, t3);
or3(t3, t2, lmask); // 0x8080808080808080 -> lmask
andcc(inp, 0x7, i); // unaligned offset -> i
br(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pn, Lcore); // starts 8B aligned?
delayed()->add(size, -8, t5); // (annuled) core end index -> t5
// ===========================================================
// ===========================================================
// * unaligned head handling: grab aligned 8B containing unaligned inp(ut)
// * obliterate (ignore) bytes outside string by shifting off reg ends
// * compare with bitmask, short circuit return true if one or more high
// bits set.
cmp(size, 0);
br(Assembler::zero, true, Assembler::pn, Lreturn); // short-circuit?
delayed()->mov(0,result); // annuled so i not clobbered for following
neg(i, t4);
add(i, size, t5);
ldx(inp, t4, t3); // raw aligned 8B containing unaligned head -> t3
mov(8, t4);
sub(t4, t5, t4);
sra(t4, 31, t5);
andn(t4, t5, t5);
add(i, t5, t4);
sll(t5, 3, t5);
sll(t4, 3, t4); // # bits to shift right, left -> t5,t4
srlx(t3, t5, t3);
sllx(t3, t4, t3); // bytes outside string in 8B header obliterated -> t3
andcc(lmask, t3, G0);
brx(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, Lreturn); // short circuit?
delayed()->mov(1,result); // annuled so i not clobbered for following
add(size, -8, t5); // core end index -> t5
mov(8, t4);
sub(t4, i, i); // # bytes examined in unalgn head (<8) -> i
// ===========================================================
// ===========================================================
// * iterate index i over aligned 8B sections of core, comparing with
// bitmask, short circuit return true if one or more high bits set
// t5 contains core end index/loop limit which is the index
// of the MSB of last (unaligned) 8B fully contained in the string.
// inp contains address of first byte in string/array
// lmask contains 8B high bit mask for comparison
// i contains next index to be processed (adr. inp+i is on 8B boundary)
cmp_and_br_short(i, t5, Assembler::greater, Assembler::pn, Ltail);
ldx(inp, i, t3);
andcc(t3, lmask, G0);
brx(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, Lreturn);
delayed()->mov(1, result); // annuled so i not clobbered for following
add(i, 8, i);
cmp_and_br_short(i, t5, Assembler::lessEqual, Assembler::pn, Lcore_rpt);
// ===========================================================
// ===========================================================
// handle aligned tail of 7B or less as complete 8B, obliterating end of
// string bytes by shifting them off end, compare what's left with bitmask
// inp contains address of first byte in string/array
// lmask contains 8B high bit mask for comparison
// i contains next index to be processed (adr. inp+i is on 8B boundary)
subcc(size, i, t4); // # of remaining bytes in string -> t4
// return 0 if no more remaining bytes
br(Assembler::lessEqual, true, Assembler::pn, Lreturn);
delayed()->mov(0, result); // annuled so i not clobbered for following
ldx(inp, i, t3); // load final 8B (aligned) containing tail -> t3
mov(8, t5);
sub(t5, t4, t4);
mov(0, result); // ** i clobbered at this point
sll(t4, 3, t4); // bits beyond end of string -> t4
srlx(t3, t4, t3); // bytes beyond end now obliterated -> t3
andcc(lmask, t3, G0);
movcc(Assembler::notZero, false, xcc, 1, result);
// Use BIS for zeroing (count is in bytes).
void MacroAssembler::bis_zeroing(Register to, Register count, Register temp, Label& Ldone) {
assert(UseBlockZeroing && VM_Version::has_block_zeroing(), "only works with BIS zeroing");

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -1392,6 +1392,11 @@ public:
void array_equals(bool is_array_equ, Register ary1, Register ary2,
Register limit, Register tmp, Register result, bool is_byte);
// test for negative bytes in input string of a given size, result 0 if none
void has_negatives(Register inp, Register size, Register result,
Register t2, Register t3, Register t4,
Register t5);
// Use BIS for zeroing

@ -10168,6 +10168,22 @@ instruct array_equalsC(o0RegP ary1, o1RegP ary2, g3RegI tmp1, notemp_iRegI resul
instruct has_negatives(o0RegP pAryR, g3RegI iSizeR, notemp_iRegI resultR,
iRegL tmp1L, iRegL tmp2L, iRegL tmp3L, iRegL tmp4L,
flagsReg ccr)
match(Set resultR (HasNegatives pAryR iSizeR));
effect(TEMP resultR, TEMP tmp1L, TEMP tmp2L, TEMP tmp3L, TEMP tmp4L, USE pAryR, USE iSizeR, KILL ccr);
format %{ "has negatives byte[] $pAryR,$iSizeR -> $resultR // KILL $tmp1L,$tmp2L,$tmp3L,$tmp4L" %}
ins_encode %{
__ has_negatives($pAryR$$Register, $iSizeR$$Register,
$tmp1L$$Register, $tmp2L$$Register,
$tmp3L$$Register, $tmp4L$$Register);
// char[] to byte[] compression
instruct string_compress(o0RegP src, o1RegP dst, g3RegI len, notemp_iRegI result, iRegL tmp, flagsReg ccr) %{
predicate(UseVIS < 3);

@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ bool Assembler::emit_compressed_disp_byte(int &disp) {
int mod_idx = 0;
// We will test if the displacement fits the compressed format and if so
// apply the compression to the displacment iff the result is8bit.
if (VM_Version::supports_evex() && (_attributes != NULL) && _attributes->is_evex_instruction()) {
if (VM_Version::supports_evex() && _attributes && _attributes->is_evex_instruction()) {
int evex_encoding = _attributes->get_evex_encoding();
int tuple_type = _attributes->get_tuple_type();
switch (tuple_type) {
@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ void Assembler::movb(Register dst, Address src) {
void Assembler::movddup(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src) {
NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse3(), ""));
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_128bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_128bit;
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ VM_Version::supports_evex(), /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = simd_prefix_and_encode(dst, xnoreg, src, VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -2423,7 +2423,8 @@ void Assembler::vmovdqu(Address dst, XMMRegister src) {
void Assembler::evmovdqub(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
int prefix = (_legacy_mode_bw) ? VEX_SIMD_F2 : VEX_SIMD_F3;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), (Assembler::VexSimdPrefix)prefix, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -2432,8 +2433,9 @@ void Assembler::evmovdqub(XMMRegister dst, Address src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int prefix = (_legacy_mode_bw) ? VEX_SIMD_F2 : VEX_SIMD_F3;
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(src, 0, dst->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
vex_prefix(src, 0, dst->encoding(), (Assembler::VexSimdPrefix)prefix, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_operand(dst, src);
@ -2443,8 +2445,9 @@ void Assembler::evmovdqub(Address dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(src != xnoreg, "sanity");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int prefix = (_legacy_mode_bw) ? VEX_SIMD_F2 : VEX_SIMD_F3;
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(dst, 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
vex_prefix(dst, 0, src->encoding(), (Assembler::VexSimdPrefix)prefix, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_operand(src, dst);
@ -2452,7 +2455,8 @@ void Assembler::evmovdqub(Address dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
void Assembler::evmovdquw(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
int prefix = (_legacy_mode_bw) ? VEX_SIMD_F2 : VEX_SIMD_F3;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), (Assembler::VexSimdPrefix)prefix, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -2462,7 +2466,8 @@ void Assembler::evmovdquw(XMMRegister dst, Address src, int vector_len) {
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(src, 0, dst->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
int prefix = (_legacy_mode_bw) ? VEX_SIMD_F2 : VEX_SIMD_F3;
vex_prefix(src, 0, dst->encoding(), (Assembler::VexSimdPrefix)prefix, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_operand(dst, src);
@ -2473,13 +2478,16 @@ void Assembler::evmovdquw(Address dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(dst, 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F2, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
int prefix = (_legacy_mode_bw) ? VEX_SIMD_F2 : VEX_SIMD_F3;
vex_prefix(dst, 0, src->encoding(), (Assembler::VexSimdPrefix)prefix, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_operand(src, dst);
void Assembler::evmovdqul(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F3, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -2490,6 +2498,7 @@ void Assembler::evmovdqul(XMMRegister dst, Address src, int vector_len) {
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false , /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(src, 0, dst->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F3, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_operand(dst, src);
@ -2500,6 +2509,7 @@ void Assembler::evmovdqul(Address dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(src != xnoreg, "sanity");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(dst, 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F3, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -2509,6 +2519,7 @@ void Assembler::evmovdqul(Address dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
void Assembler::evmovdquq(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F3, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -2518,6 +2529,7 @@ void Assembler::evmovdquq(XMMRegister dst, Address src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(src, 0, dst->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F3, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -2529,6 +2541,7 @@ void Assembler::evmovdquq(Address dst, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(src != xnoreg, "sanity");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
vex_prefix(dst, 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_F3, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -3196,6 +3209,7 @@ void Assembler::vpcmpeqb(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int
void Assembler::evpcmpeqb(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx512bw(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(kdst->encoding(), nds_enc, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -3206,6 +3220,7 @@ void Assembler::evpcmpeqb(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, int vect
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx512bw(), "");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int dst_enc = kdst->encoding();
@ -3237,6 +3252,7 @@ void Assembler::vpcmpeqw(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int
void Assembler::evpcmpeqw(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx512bw(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(kdst->encoding(), nds_enc, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -3248,6 +3264,7 @@ void Assembler::evpcmpeqw(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, int vect
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FVM, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_NObit);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int dst_enc = kdst->encoding();
vex_prefix(src, nds_enc, dst_enc, VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -3278,6 +3295,7 @@ void Assembler::vpcmpeqd(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int
void Assembler::evpcmpeqd(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(kdst->encoding(), nds_enc, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -3289,6 +3307,7 @@ void Assembler::evpcmpeqd(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, int vect
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FV, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_32bit);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int dst_enc = kdst->encoding();
vex_prefix(src, nds_enc, dst_enc, VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -3319,6 +3338,7 @@ void Assembler::vpcmpeqq(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int
void Assembler::evpcmpeqq(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(kdst->encoding(), nds_enc, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_38, &attributes);
@ -3330,6 +3350,7 @@ void Assembler::evpcmpeqq(KRegister kdst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, int vect
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_FV, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_64bit);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int dst_enc = kdst->encoding();
@ -3634,7 +3655,7 @@ void Assembler::pshufb(XMMRegister dst, Address src) {
void Assembler::pshufd(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, int mode) {
assert(isByte(mode), "invalid value");
NOT_LP64(assert(VM_Version::supports_sse2(), ""));
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_128bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_128bit;
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* rex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = simd_prefix_and_encode(dst, xnoreg, src, VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F, &attributes);
@ -5702,7 +5723,7 @@ void Assembler::vpxor(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, int vector_
void Assembler::vinsertf128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx(), "");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), nds_enc, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_3A, &attributes);
@ -5782,7 +5803,7 @@ void Assembler::vinsertf128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, uint8
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx(), "");
assert(dst != xnoreg, "sanity");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
@ -5799,7 +5820,7 @@ void Assembler::vinsertf128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, uint8
void Assembler::vextractf128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx(), "");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(src->encoding(), 0, dst->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_3A, &attributes);
@ -5813,7 +5834,7 @@ void Assembler::vextractf128(Address dst, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx(), "");
assert(src != xnoreg, "sanity");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_T4, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_32bit);
@ -5828,7 +5849,7 @@ void Assembler::vextractf128(Address dst, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
void Assembler::vinserti128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx2(), "");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), nds_enc, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_3A, &attributes);
@ -5856,7 +5877,7 @@ void Assembler::vinserti128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, uint8
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx2(), "");
assert(dst != xnoreg, "sanity");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int nds_enc = nds->is_valid() ? nds->encoding() : 0;
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
@ -5873,7 +5894,7 @@ void Assembler::vinserti128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister nds, Address src, uint8
void Assembler::vextracti128(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx(), "");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(src->encoding(), 0, dst->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_3A, &attributes);
@ -5887,7 +5908,7 @@ void Assembler::vextracti128(Address dst, XMMRegister src, uint8_t imm8) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_avx2(), "");
assert(src != xnoreg, "sanity");
assert(imm8 <= 0x01, "imm8: %u", imm8);
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_evex() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
int vector_len = VM_Version::supports_avx512novl() ? AVX_512bit : AVX_256bit;
InstructionMark im(this);
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ false);
attributes.set_address_attributes(/* tuple_type */ EVEX_T4, /* input_size_in_bits */ EVEX_32bit);
@ -6147,7 +6168,11 @@ void Assembler::evpbroadcastb(XMMRegister dst, Register src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_38, &attributes);
if (attributes.is_evex_instruction()) {
} else {
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -6156,7 +6181,11 @@ void Assembler::evpbroadcastw(XMMRegister dst, Register src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ _legacy_mode_bw, /* no_mask_reg */ true, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_38, &attributes);
if (attributes.is_evex_instruction()) {
} else {
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -6165,7 +6194,11 @@ void Assembler::evpbroadcastd(XMMRegister dst, Register src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ false, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_38, &attributes);
if (attributes.is_evex_instruction()) {
} else {
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -6174,7 +6207,11 @@ void Assembler::evpbroadcastq(XMMRegister dst, Register src, int vector_len) {
assert(VM_Version::supports_evex(), "");
InstructionAttr attributes(vector_len, /* vex_w */ true, /* legacy_mode */ false, /* no_mask_reg */ false, /* uses_vl */ true);
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst->encoding(), 0, src->encoding(), VEX_SIMD_66, VEX_OPCODE_0F_38, &attributes);
if (attributes.is_evex_instruction()) {
} else {
emit_int8((unsigned char)(0xC0 | encode));
@ -6793,7 +6830,7 @@ void Assembler::vex_prefix(Address adr, int nds_enc, int xreg_enc, VexSimdPrefix
// if vector length is turned off, revert to AVX for vectors smaller than 512-bit
if ((UseAVX > 2) && _legacy_mode_vl && attributes->uses_vl()) {
if (UseAVX > 2 && _legacy_mode_vl && attributes->uses_vl()) {
switch (attributes->get_vector_len()) {
case AVX_128bit:
case AVX_256bit:
@ -6802,7 +6839,27 @@ void Assembler::vex_prefix(Address adr, int nds_enc, int xreg_enc, VexSimdPrefix
if ((UseAVX > 2) && !attributes->is_legacy_mode())
// For pure EVEX check and see if this instruction
// is allowed in legacy mode and has resources which will
// fit in it. Pure EVEX instructions will use set_is_evex_instruction in their definition,
// else that field is set when we encode to EVEX
if (UseAVX > 2 && !attributes->is_legacy_mode() &&
!_is_managed && !attributes->is_evex_instruction()) {
if (!_legacy_mode_vl && attributes->get_vector_len() != AVX_512bit) {
bool check_register_bank = NOT_IA32(true) IA32_ONLY(false);
if (check_register_bank) {
// check nds_enc and xreg_enc for upper bank usage
if (nds_enc < 16 && xreg_enc < 16) {
} else {
_is_managed = false;
if (UseAVX > 2 && !attributes->is_legacy_mode())
bool evex_r = (xreg_enc >= 16);
bool evex_v = (nds_enc >= 16);
@ -6819,15 +6876,20 @@ int Assembler::vex_prefix_and_encode(int dst_enc, int nds_enc, int src_enc, VexS
bool vex_x = false;
bool check_register_bank = NOT_IA32(true) IA32_ONLY(false);
// if vector length is turned off, revert to AVX for vectors smaller than 512-bit
if ((UseAVX > 2) && _legacy_mode_vl && attributes->uses_vl()) {
if (UseAVX > 2 && _legacy_mode_vl && attributes->uses_vl()) {
switch (attributes->get_vector_len()) {
case AVX_128bit:
case AVX_256bit:
if ((dst_enc >= 16) | (nds_enc >= 16) | (src_enc >= 16)) {
// up propagate arithmetic instructions to meet RA requirements
if (check_register_bank) {
if (dst_enc >= 16 || nds_enc >= 16 || src_enc >= 16) {
// up propagate arithmetic instructions to meet RA requirements
} else {
} else {
@ -6835,7 +6897,26 @@ int Assembler::vex_prefix_and_encode(int dst_enc, int nds_enc, int src_enc, VexS
if ((UseAVX > 2) && !attributes->is_legacy_mode())
// For pure EVEX check and see if this instruction
// is allowed in legacy mode and has resources which will
// fit in it. Pure EVEX instructions will use set_is_evex_instruction in their definition,
// else that field is set when we encode to EVEX
if (UseAVX > 2 && !attributes->is_legacy_mode() &&
!_is_managed && !attributes->is_evex_instruction()) {
if (!_legacy_mode_vl && attributes->get_vector_len() != AVX_512bit) {
if (check_register_bank) {
// check dst_enc, nds_enc and src_enc for upper bank usage
if (dst_enc < 16 && nds_enc < 16 && src_enc < 16) {
} else {
_is_managed = false;
if (UseAVX > 2 && !attributes->is_legacy_mode())
bool evex_r = (dst_enc >= 16);
bool evex_v = (nds_enc >= 16);

@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ private:
bool _legacy_mode_dq;
bool _legacy_mode_vl;
bool _legacy_mode_vlbw;
bool _is_managed;
class InstructionAttr *_attributes;
@ -811,12 +812,17 @@ private:
_legacy_mode_dq = (VM_Version::supports_avx512dq() == false);
_legacy_mode_vl = (VM_Version::supports_avx512vl() == false);
_legacy_mode_vlbw = (VM_Version::supports_avx512vlbw() == false);
_is_managed = false;
_attributes = NULL;
void set_attributes(InstructionAttr *attributes) { _attributes = attributes; }
void clear_attributes(void) { _attributes = NULL; }
void set_managed(void) { _is_managed = true; }
void clear_managed(void) { _is_managed = false; }
bool is_managed(void) { return _is_managed; }
void lea(Register dst, Address src);
void mov(Register dst, Register src);

@ -1646,31 +1646,15 @@ OopMapSet* Runtime1::generate_code_for(StubID id, StubAssembler* sasm) {
__ jmp(done);
__ bind(runtime);
__ push(rcx);
#ifdef _LP64
__ push(r8);
__ push(r9);
__ push(r10);
__ push(r11);
# ifndef _WIN64
__ push(rdi);
__ push(rsi);
# endif
save_live_registers(sasm, 3);
// load the pre-value
f.load_argument(0, rcx);
__ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::g1_wb_pre), rcx, thread);
#ifdef _LP64
# ifndef _WIN64
__ pop(rsi);
__ pop(rdi);
# endif
__ pop(r11);
__ pop(r10);
__ pop(r9);
__ pop(r8);
__ pop(rcx);
__ bind(done);
__ pop(rdx);
@ -1744,27 +1728,13 @@ OopMapSet* Runtime1::generate_code_for(StubID id, StubAssembler* sasm) {
__ jmp(enqueued);
__ bind(runtime);
#ifdef _LP64
__ push(r8);
__ push(r9);
__ push(r10);
__ push(r11);
# ifndef _WIN64
__ push(rdi);
__ push(rsi);
# endif
save_live_registers(sasm, 3);
__ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::g1_wb_post), card_addr, thread);
#ifdef _LP64
# ifndef _WIN64
__ pop(rsi);
__ pop(rdi);
# endif
__ pop(r11);
__ pop(r10);
__ pop(r9);
__ pop(r8);
__ bind(enqueued);
__ pop(rdx);

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void CodeInstaller::pd_patch_MetaspaceConstant(int pc_offset, Handle constant, T
} else {
address operand = Assembler::locate_operand(pc, Assembler::imm_operand);
*((Metadata**) operand) = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK);
*((void**) operand) = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK);
TRACE_jvmci_3("relocating (metaspace constant) at " PTR_FORMAT "/" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(pc), p2i(operand));

@ -2600,15 +2600,12 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// rax - input length
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt() {
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt_Parallel() {
assert(UseAES, "need AES instructions and misaligned SSE support");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt");
address start = __ pc();
Label L_exit, L_key_192_256, L_key_256;
Label L_singleBlock_loopTop_128;
Label L_singleBlock_loopTop_192, L_singleBlock_loopTop_256;
const Register from = rsi; // source array address
const Register to = rdx; // destination array address
const Register key = rcx; // key array address
@ -2617,14 +2614,24 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
const Register len_reg = rbx; // src len (must be multiple of blocksize 16)
const Register pos = rax;
// xmm register assignments for the loops below
const XMMRegister xmm_result = xmm0;
const XMMRegister xmm_temp = xmm1;
// first 6 keys preloaded into xmm2-xmm7
const int XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST = 2;
const int XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST = 7;
const int FIRST_NON_REG_KEY_offset = 0x70;
const XMMRegister xmm_key_first = as_XMMRegister(XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST);
const int PARALLEL_FACTOR = 4;
const int ROUNDS[3] = { 10, 12, 14 }; //aes rounds for key128, key192, key256
Label L_exit;
Label L_singleBlock_loopTop[3]; //128, 192, 256
Label L_multiBlock_loopTop[3]; //128, 192, 256
const XMMRegister xmm_prev_block_cipher = xmm0; // holds cipher of previous block
const XMMRegister xmm_key_shuf_mask = xmm1;
const XMMRegister xmm_key_tmp0 = xmm2;
const XMMRegister xmm_key_tmp1 = xmm3;
// registers holding the six results in the parallelized loop
const XMMRegister xmm_result0 = xmm4;
const XMMRegister xmm_result1 = xmm5;
const XMMRegister xmm_result2 = xmm6;
const XMMRegister xmm_result3 = xmm7;
__ enter(); // required for proper stackwalking of RuntimeStub frame
handleSOERegisters(true /*saving*/);
@ -2643,126 +2650,123 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
const Address key_param (rbp, 8+8);
const Address rvec_param (rbp, 8+12);
const Address len_param (rbp, 8+16);
__ movptr(from , from_param);
__ movptr(to , to_param);
__ movptr(key , key_param);
__ movptr(rvec , rvec_param);
__ movptr(len_reg , len_param);
// the java expanded key ordering is rotated one position from what we want
// so we start from 0x10 here and hit 0x00 last
const XMMRegister xmm_key_shuf_mask = xmm1; // used temporarily to swap key bytes up front
__ movdqu(xmm_key_shuf_mask, ExternalAddress(StubRoutines::x86::key_shuffle_mask_addr()));
// load up xmm regs 2 thru 6 with first 5 keys
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST, offset = 0x10; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST; rnum++) {
load_key(as_XMMRegister(rnum), key, offset, xmm_key_shuf_mask);
offset += 0x10;
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(rvec, 0x00)); // initialize with initial rvec
// inside here, use the rvec register to point to previous block cipher
// with which we xor at the end of each newly decrypted block
const Register prev_block_cipher_ptr = rvec;
__ xorptr(pos, pos);
// now split to different paths depending on the keylen (len in ints of AESCrypt.KLE array (52=192, or 60=256))
__ movl(rax, Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)));
__ cmpl(rax, 44);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_key_192_256);
// rvec is reused
__ movl(rvec, Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)));
__ cmpl(rvec, 52);
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_multiBlock_loopTop[1]);
__ cmpl(rvec, 60);
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_multiBlock_loopTop[2]);
#define DoFour(opc, src_reg) \
__ opc(xmm_result0, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result1, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result2, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result3, src_reg); \
// 128-bit code follows here, parallelized
__ movl(pos, 0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop_128);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, 0); // any blocks left??
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_exit);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
for (int key_offset = FIRST_NON_REG_KEY_offset; key_offset <= 0xa0; key_offset += 0x10) { // 128-bit runs up to key offset a0
aes_dec_key(xmm_result, xmm_temp, key, key_offset);
load_key(xmm_temp, key, 0x00); // final key is stored in java expanded array at offset 0
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_temp);
__ movdqu(xmm_temp, Address(prev_block_cipher_ptr, 0x00));
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_temp); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ lea(prev_block_cipher_ptr, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // set up new ptr
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jmp(L_singleBlock_loopTop_128);
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_multiBlock_loopTop[k]);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, PARALLEL_FACTOR * AESBlockSize); // see if at least 4 blocks left
__ jcc(Assembler::less, L_singleBlock_loopTop[k]);
__ movdqu(xmm_result0, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0 * AESBlockSize)); // get next 4 blocks into xmmresult registers
__ movdqu(xmm_result1, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 1 * AESBlockSize));
__ movdqu(xmm_result2, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 2 * AESBlockSize));
__ movdqu(xmm_result3, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 3 * AESBlockSize));
// the java expanded key ordering is rotated one position from what we want
// so we start from 0x10 here and hit 0x00 last
load_key(xmm_key_tmp0, key, 0x10, xmm_key_shuf_mask);
DoFour(pxor, xmm_key_tmp0); //xor with first key
// do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = 1; rnum <= ROUNDS[k];) {
//load two keys at a time
//k1->0x20, ..., k9->0xa0, k10->0x00
load_key(xmm_key_tmp1, key, (rnum + 1) * 0x10, xmm_key_shuf_mask);
load_key(xmm_key_tmp0, key, ((rnum + 2) % (ROUNDS[k] + 1)) * 0x10, xmm_key_shuf_mask); // hit 0x00 last!
DoFour(aesdec, xmm_key_tmp1);
if (rnum != ROUNDS[k]) {
DoFour(aesdec, xmm_key_tmp0);
else {
DoFour(aesdeclast, xmm_key_tmp0);
// for each result, xor with the r vector of previous cipher block
__ pxor(xmm_result0, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0 * AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result1, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 1 * AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result2, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 2 * AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result3, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 3 * AESBlockSize)); // this will carry over to next set of blocks
// store 4 results into the next 64 bytes of output
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result0);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 1 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result1);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 2 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result2);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 3 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result3);
__ addptr(pos, 4 * AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, 4 * AESBlockSize);
__ jmp(L_multiBlock_loopTop[k]);
//singleBlock starts here
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop[k]);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, 0); // any blocks left?
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_exit);
__ movdqu(xmm_result0, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ movdqa(xmm_result1, xmm_result0);
load_key(xmm_key_tmp0, key, 0x10, xmm_key_shuf_mask);
__ pxor(xmm_result0, xmm_key_tmp0);
// do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = 1; rnum < ROUNDS[k]; rnum++) {
// the java expanded key ordering is rotated one position from what we want
load_key(xmm_key_tmp0, key, (rnum + 1) * 0x10, xmm_key_shuf_mask);
__ aesdec(xmm_result0, xmm_key_tmp0);
load_key(xmm_key_tmp0, key, 0x00, xmm_key_shuf_mask);
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result0, xmm_key_tmp0);
__ pxor(xmm_result0, xmm_prev_block_cipher); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result0); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher, xmm_result1); // set up next r vector with cipher input from this block
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jmp(L_singleBlock_loopTop[k]);
}//for 128/192/256
__ BIND(L_exit);
__ movdqu(xmm_temp, Address(prev_block_cipher_ptr, 0x00));
__ movptr(rvec , rvec_param); // restore this since used in loop
__ movdqu(Address(rvec, 0), xmm_temp); // final value of r stored in rvec of CipherBlockChaining object
__ movptr(rvec, rvec_param); // restore this since reused earlier
__ movdqu(Address(rvec, 0), xmm_prev_block_cipher); // final value of r stored in rvec of CipherBlockChaining object
handleSOERegisters(false /*restoring*/);
__ movptr(rax, len_param); // return length
__ leave(); // required for proper stackwalking of RuntimeStub frame
__ movptr(rax, len_param); // return length
__ leave(); // required for proper stackwalking of RuntimeStub frame
__ ret(0);
__ BIND(L_key_192_256);
// here rax = len in ints of AESCrypt.KLE array (52=192, or 60=256)
__ cmpl(rax, 52);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_key_256);
// 192-bit code follows here (could be optimized to use parallelism)
__ movl(pos, 0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop_192);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
for (int key_offset = FIRST_NON_REG_KEY_offset; key_offset <= 0xc0; key_offset += 0x10) { // 192-bit runs up to key offset c0
aes_dec_key(xmm_result, xmm_temp, key, key_offset);
load_key(xmm_temp, key, 0x00); // final key is stored in java expanded array at offset 0
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_temp);
__ movdqu(xmm_temp, Address(prev_block_cipher_ptr, 0x00));
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_temp); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ lea(prev_block_cipher_ptr, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // set up new ptr
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual,L_singleBlock_loopTop_192);
__ jmp(L_exit);
__ BIND(L_key_256);
// 256-bit code follows here (could be optimized to use parallelism)
__ movl(pos, 0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop_256);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
for (int key_offset = FIRST_NON_REG_KEY_offset; key_offset <= 0xe0; key_offset += 0x10) { // 256-bit runs up to key offset e0
aes_dec_key(xmm_result, xmm_temp, key, key_offset);
load_key(xmm_temp, key, 0x00); // final key is stored in java expanded array at offset 0
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_temp);
__ movdqu(xmm_temp, Address(prev_block_cipher_ptr, 0x00));
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_temp); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ lea(prev_block_cipher_ptr, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // set up new ptr
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual,L_singleBlock_loopTop_256);
__ jmp(L_exit);
return start;
// CTR AES crypt.
// In 32-bit stub, parallelize 4 blocks at a time
// Arguments:
@ -3894,7 +3898,7 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
StubRoutines::_aescrypt_encryptBlock = generate_aescrypt_encryptBlock();
StubRoutines::_aescrypt_decryptBlock = generate_aescrypt_decryptBlock();
StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt = generate_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt();
StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt = generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt();
StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt = generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt_Parallel();
if (UseAESCTRIntrinsics) {

@ -3469,16 +3469,12 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// Output:
// rax - input length
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt_Parallel() {
assert(UseAES, "need AES instructions and misaligned SSE support");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt");
address start = __ pc();
Label L_exit, L_key_192_256, L_key_256;
Label L_singleBlock_loopTop_128, L_multiBlock_loopTop_128;
Label L_singleBlock_loopTop_192, L_singleBlock_loopTop_256;
const Register from = c_rarg0; // source array address
const Register to = c_rarg1; // destination array address
const Register key = c_rarg2; // key array address
@ -3492,7 +3488,17 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
const Register pos = rax;
// keys 0-10 preloaded into xmm2-xmm12
const int PARALLEL_FACTOR = 4;
const int ROUNDS[3] = { 10, 12, 14 }; // aes rounds for key128, key192, key256
Label L_exit;
Label L_singleBlock_loopTopHead[3]; // 128, 192, 256
Label L_singleBlock_loopTopHead2[3]; // 128, 192, 256
Label L_singleBlock_loopTop[3]; // 128, 192, 256
Label L_multiBlock_loopTopHead[3]; // 128, 192, 256
Label L_multiBlock_loopTop[3]; // 128, 192, 256
// keys 0-10 preloaded into xmm5-xmm15
const int XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST = 5;
const int XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST = 15;
const XMMRegister xmm_key_first = as_XMMRegister(XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST);
@ -3519,7 +3525,7 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ push(len_reg); // Save
__ push(rbx);
// the java expanded key ordering is rotated one position from what we want
// so we start from 0x10 here and hit 0x00 last
const XMMRegister xmm_key_shuf_mask = xmm1; // used temporarily to swap key bytes up front
@ -3541,85 +3547,173 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(rvec, 0x00)); // initialize with initial rvec
__ xorptr(pos, pos);
// now split to different paths depending on the keylen (len in ints of AESCrypt.KLE array (52=192, or 60=256))
__ movl(rax, Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)));
__ cmpl(rax, 44);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_key_192_256);
__ movl(rbx, Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)));
__ cmpl(rbx, 52);
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_multiBlock_loopTopHead[1]);
__ cmpl(rbx, 60);
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_multiBlock_loopTopHead[2]);
#define DoFour(opc, src_reg) \
__ opc(xmm_result0, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result1, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result2, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result3, src_reg); \
// 128-bit code follows here, parallelized
__ movptr(pos, 0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_multiBlock_loopTop_128);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, 4*AESBlockSize); // see if at least 4 blocks left
__ jcc(Assembler::less, L_singleBlock_loopTop_128);
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
__ BIND(L_multiBlock_loopTopHead[k]);
if (k != 0) {
__ cmpptr(len_reg, PARALLEL_FACTOR * AESBlockSize); // see if at least 4 blocks left
__ jcc(Assembler::less, L_singleBlock_loopTopHead2[k]);
if (k == 1) {
__ subptr(rsp, 6 * wordSize);
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 0), xmm15); //save last_key from xmm15
load_key(xmm15, key, 0xb0); // 0xb0; 192-bit key goes up to 0xc0
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 2 * wordSize), xmm15);
load_key(xmm1, key, 0xc0); // 0xc0;
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 4 * wordSize), xmm1);
} else if (k == 2) {
__ subptr(rsp, 10 * wordSize);
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 0), xmm15); //save last_key from xmm15
load_key(xmm15, key, 0xd0); // 0xd0; 256-bit key goes upto 0xe0
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 6 * wordSize), xmm15);
load_key(xmm1, key, 0xe0); // 0xe0;
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 8 * wordSize), xmm1);
load_key(xmm15, key, 0xb0); // 0xb0;
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 2 * wordSize), xmm15);
load_key(xmm1, key, 0xc0); // 0xc0;
__ movdqu(Address(rsp, 4 * wordSize), xmm1);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_multiBlock_loopTop[k]);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, PARALLEL_FACTOR * AESBlockSize); // see if at least 4 blocks left
__ jcc(Assembler::less, L_singleBlock_loopTopHead[k]);
__ movdqu(xmm_result0, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0*AESBlockSize)); // get next 4 blocks into xmmresult registers
__ movdqu(xmm_result1, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 1*AESBlockSize));
__ movdqu(xmm_result2, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 2*AESBlockSize));
__ movdqu(xmm_result3, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 3*AESBlockSize));
if (k != 0) {
__ movdqu(xmm15, Address(rsp, 2 * wordSize));
__ movdqu(xmm1, Address(rsp, 4 * wordSize));
#define DoFour(opc, src_reg) \
__ opc(xmm_result0, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result1, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result2, src_reg); \
__ opc(xmm_result3, src_reg);
__ movdqu(xmm_result0, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0 * AESBlockSize)); // get next 4 blocks into xmmresult registers
__ movdqu(xmm_result1, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 1 * AESBlockSize));
__ movdqu(xmm_result2, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 2 * AESBlockSize));
__ movdqu(xmm_result3, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 3 * AESBlockSize));
DoFour(pxor, xmm_key_first);
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST - 1; rnum++) {
DoFour(aesdec, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
DoFour(aesdeclast, xmm_key_last);
// for each result, xor with the r vector of previous cipher block
__ pxor(xmm_result0, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0*AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result1, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 1*AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result2, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 2*AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result3, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 3*AESBlockSize)); // this will carry over to next set of blocks
DoFour(pxor, xmm_key_first);
if (k == 0) {
for (int rnum = 1; rnum < ROUNDS[k]; rnum++) {
DoFour(aesdec, as_XMMRegister(rnum + XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST));
DoFour(aesdeclast, xmm_key_last);
} else if (k == 1) {
for (int rnum = 1; rnum <= ROUNDS[k]-2; rnum++) {
DoFour(aesdec, as_XMMRegister(rnum + XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST));
__ movdqu(xmm_key_last, Address(rsp, 0)); // xmm15 needs to be loaded again.
DoFour(aesdec, xmm1); // key : 0xc0
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(rvec, 0x00)); // xmm1 needs to be loaded again
DoFour(aesdeclast, xmm_key_last);
} else if (k == 2) {
for (int rnum = 1; rnum <= ROUNDS[k] - 4; rnum++) {
DoFour(aesdec, as_XMMRegister(rnum + XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST));
DoFour(aesdec, xmm1); // key : 0xc0
__ movdqu(xmm15, Address(rsp, 6 * wordSize));
__ movdqu(xmm1, Address(rsp, 8 * wordSize));
DoFour(aesdec, xmm15); // key : 0xd0
__ movdqu(xmm_key_last, Address(rsp, 0)); // xmm15 needs to be loaded again.
DoFour(aesdec, xmm1); // key : 0xe0
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(rvec, 0x00)); // xmm1 needs to be loaded again
DoFour(aesdeclast, xmm_key_last);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0*AESBlockSize), xmm_result0); // store 4 results into the next 64 bytes of output
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 1*AESBlockSize), xmm_result1);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 2*AESBlockSize), xmm_result2);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 3*AESBlockSize), xmm_result3);
// for each result, xor with the r vector of previous cipher block
__ pxor(xmm_result0, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0 * AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result1, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 1 * AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result2, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 2 * AESBlockSize));
__ pxor(xmm_result3, xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ movdqu(xmm_prev_block_cipher, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 3 * AESBlockSize)); // this will carry over to next set of blocks
if (k != 0) {
__ movdqu(Address(rvec, 0x00), xmm_prev_block_cipher);
__ addptr(pos, 4*AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, 4*AESBlockSize);
__ jmp(L_multiBlock_loopTop_128);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result0); // store 4 results into the next 64 bytes of output
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 1 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result1);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 2 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result2);
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 3 * AESBlockSize), xmm_result3);
// registers used in the non-parallelized loops
// xmm register assignments for the loops below
const XMMRegister xmm_result = xmm0;
const XMMRegister xmm_prev_block_cipher_save = xmm2;
const XMMRegister xmm_key11 = xmm3;
const XMMRegister xmm_key12 = xmm4;
const XMMRegister xmm_temp = xmm4;
__ addptr(pos, PARALLEL_FACTOR * AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, PARALLEL_FACTOR * AESBlockSize);
__ jmp(L_multiBlock_loopTop[k]);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop_128);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, 0); // any blocks left??
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_exit);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher_save, xmm_result); // save for next r vector
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST - 1; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_key_last);
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_prev_block_cipher); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher, xmm_prev_block_cipher_save); // set up next r vector with cipher input from this block
// registers used in the non-parallelized loops
// xmm register assignments for the loops below
const XMMRegister xmm_result = xmm0;
const XMMRegister xmm_prev_block_cipher_save = xmm2;
const XMMRegister xmm_key11 = xmm3;
const XMMRegister xmm_key12 = xmm4;
const XMMRegister key_tmp = xmm4;
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jmp(L_singleBlock_loopTop_128);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTopHead[k]);
if (k == 1) {
__ addptr(rsp, 6 * wordSize);
} else if (k == 2) {
__ addptr(rsp, 10 * wordSize);
__ cmpptr(len_reg, 0); // any blocks left??
__ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_exit);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTopHead2[k]);
if (k == 1) {
load_key(xmm_key11, key, 0xb0); // 0xb0; 192-bit key goes upto 0xc0
load_key(xmm_key12, key, 0xc0); // 0xc0; 192-bit key goes upto 0xc0
if (k == 2) {
load_key(xmm_key11, key, 0xb0); // 0xb0; 256-bit key goes upto 0xe0
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop[k]);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher_save, xmm_result); // save for next r vector
__ pxor(xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = 1; rnum <= 9 ; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum + XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST));
if (k == 1) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_key11);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_key12);
if (k == 2) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_key11);
load_key(key_tmp, key, 0xc0);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, key_tmp);
load_key(key_tmp, key, 0xd0);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, key_tmp);
load_key(key_tmp, key, 0xe0);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, key_tmp);
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_key_last); // xmm15 always came from key+0
__ pxor(xmm_result, xmm_prev_block_cipher); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher, xmm_prev_block_cipher_save); // set up next r vector with cipher input from this block
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_singleBlock_loopTop[k]);
if (k != 2) {
__ jmp(L_exit);
} //for 128/192/256
__ BIND(L_exit);
__ movdqu(Address(rvec, 0), xmm_prev_block_cipher); // final value of r stored in rvec of CipherBlockChaining object
__ pop(rbx);
#ifdef _WIN64
// restore regs belonging to calling function
for (int i = 6; i <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST; i++) {
@ -3631,69 +3725,8 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ leave(); // required for proper stackwalking of RuntimeStub frame
__ ret(0);
__ BIND(L_key_192_256);
// here rax = len in ints of AESCrypt.KLE array (52=192, or 60=256)
load_key(xmm_key11, key, 0xb0);
__ cmpl(rax, 52);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L_key_256);
// 192-bit code follows here (could be optimized to use parallelism)
load_key(xmm_key12, key, 0xc0); // 192-bit key goes up to c0
__ movptr(pos, 0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop_192);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher_save, xmm_result); // save for next r vector
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST - 1; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_key11);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_key12);
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_key_last); // xmm15 always came from key+0
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_prev_block_cipher); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher, xmm_prev_block_cipher_save); // set up next r vector with cipher input from this block
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual,L_singleBlock_loopTop_192);
__ jmp(L_exit);
__ BIND(L_key_256);
// 256-bit code follows here (could be optimized to use parallelism)
__ movptr(pos, 0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_singleBlock_loopTop_256);
__ movdqu(xmm_result, Address(from, pos, Address::times_1, 0)); // get next 16 bytes of cipher input
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher_save, xmm_result); // save for next r vector
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_key_first); // do the aes dec rounds
for (int rnum = XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_FIRST + 1; rnum <= XMM_REG_NUM_KEY_LAST - 1; rnum++) {
__ aesdec(xmm_result, as_XMMRegister(rnum));
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_key11);
load_key(xmm_temp, key, 0xc0);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_temp);
load_key(xmm_temp, key, 0xd0);
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_temp);
load_key(xmm_temp, key, 0xe0); // 256-bit key goes up to e0
__ aesdec(xmm_result, xmm_temp);
__ aesdeclast(xmm_result, xmm_key_last); // xmm15 came from key+0
__ pxor (xmm_result, xmm_prev_block_cipher); // xor with the current r vector
__ movdqu(Address(to, pos, Address::times_1, 0), xmm_result); // store into the next 16 bytes of output
// no need to store r to memory until we exit
__ movdqa(xmm_prev_block_cipher, xmm_prev_block_cipher_save); // set up next r vector with cipher input from this block
__ addptr(pos, AESBlockSize);
__ subptr(len_reg, AESBlockSize);
__ jcc(Assembler::notEqual,L_singleBlock_loopTop_256);
__ jmp(L_exit);
return start;
address generate_upper_word_mask() {
__ align(64);

@ -795,6 +795,9 @@ static int impl_x_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, bool is_load,
if (cbuf) {
MacroAssembler _masm(cbuf);
// EVEX spills remain EVEX: Compressed displacemement is better than AVX on spill mem operations,
// it maps more cases to single byte displacement
if (reg_lo+1 == reg_hi) { // double move?
if (is_load) {
__ movdbl(as_XMMRegister(Matcher::_regEncode[reg_lo]), Address(rsp, offset));
@ -845,6 +848,8 @@ static int impl_movx_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src_lo, int dst
int src_hi, int dst_hi, int size, outputStream* st ) {
if (cbuf) {
MacroAssembler _masm(cbuf);
// EVEX spills remain EVEX: logic complex between full EVEX, partial and AVX, manage EVEX spill code one way.
if (src_lo+1 == src_hi && dst_lo+1 == dst_hi) { // double move?
__ movdbl(as_XMMRegister(Matcher::_regEncode[dst_lo]),
@ -883,6 +888,8 @@ static int impl_movgpr2x_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src_lo, int
// 32-bit
if (cbuf) {
MacroAssembler _masm(cbuf);
// EVEX spills remain EVEX: logic complex between full EVEX, partial and AVX, manage EVEX spill code one way.
__ movdl(as_XMMRegister(Matcher::_regEncode[dst_lo]),
#ifndef PRODUCT
@ -899,6 +906,8 @@ static int impl_movx2gpr_helper( CodeBuffer *cbuf, bool do_size, int src_lo, int
// 32-bit
if (cbuf) {
MacroAssembler _masm(cbuf);
// EVEX spills remain EVEX: logic complex between full EVEX, partial and AVX, manage EVEX spill code one way.
__ movdl(as_Register(Matcher::_regEncode[dst_lo]),
#ifndef PRODUCT

@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ define_pd_global(bool, UncommonNullCast, true);
define_pd_global(intx, CodeEntryAlignment, 32);
define_pd_global(intx, OptoLoopAlignment, 16);
define_pd_global(intx, InlineFrequencyCount, 100);
define_pd_global(intx, InlineSmallCode, 1000 );
define_pd_global(intx, InlineSmallCode, 1000);
define_pd_global(intx, InitArrayShortSize, -1); // not used

@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ public class NMethod extends CodeBlob {
// public int age();
// public boolean isMarkedForDeoptimization();
// public boolean isMarkedForUnloading();
// public boolean isMarkedForReclamation();
// public int level();
// public int version();

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -479,6 +479,11 @@ final class CompilerToVM {
native String getSymbol(long metaspaceSymbol);
* Lookup a VMSymbol from a String.
native long lookupSymbol(String symbol);
* Looks for the next Java stack frame matching an entry in {@code methods}.

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -39,4 +39,6 @@ public interface HotSpotMemoryAccessProvider extends MemoryAccessProvider {
Constant readNarrowKlassPointerConstant(Constant base, long displacement, CompressEncoding encoding);
Constant readMethodPointerConstant(Constant base, long displacement);
Constant readSymbolConstant(Constant base, long displacement);

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ class HotSpotMemoryAccessProviderImpl implements HotSpotMemoryAccessProvider, Ho
Object base = asObject(baseConstant);
if (base != null) {
switch (bits) {
case 8:
case Byte.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getByte(base, displacement);
case 16:
case Short.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getShort(base, displacement);
case 32:
case Integer.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getInt(base, displacement);
case 64:
case Long.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getLong(base, displacement);
throw new JVMCIError("%d", bits);
@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ class HotSpotMemoryAccessProviderImpl implements HotSpotMemoryAccessProvider, Ho
} else {
long pointer = asRawPointer(baseConstant);
switch (bits) {
case 8:
case Byte.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getByte(pointer + displacement);
case 16:
case Short.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getShort(pointer + displacement);
case 32:
case Integer.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getInt(pointer + displacement);
case 64:
case Long.SIZE:
return UNSAFE.getLong(pointer + displacement);
throw new JVMCIError("%d", bits);
@ -151,7 +151,8 @@ class HotSpotMemoryAccessProviderImpl implements HotSpotMemoryAccessProvider, Ho
Object o = readRawObject(baseConstant, displacement, runtime.getConfig().useCompressedOops);
return HotSpotObjectConstantImpl.forObject(o);
} else {
return readPrimitiveConstant(kind, baseConstant, displacement, kind.getByteCount() * 8);
int bits = kind.getByteCount() * Byte.SIZE;
return readPrimitiveConstant(kind, baseConstant, displacement, bits);
@ -229,4 +230,16 @@ class HotSpotMemoryAccessProviderImpl implements HotSpotMemoryAccessProvider, Ho
HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl method = runtime.getCompilerToVM().getResolvedJavaMethod(baseObject, displacement);
return HotSpotMetaspaceConstantImpl.forMetaspaceObject(method, false);
public Constant readSymbolConstant(Constant base, long displacement) {
int bits = runtime.getConfig().symbolPointerSize * Byte.SIZE;
long pointer = readRawValue(base, displacement, bits);
if (pointer == 0) {
return JavaConstant.NULL_POINTER;
} else {
String symbol = runtime.getCompilerToVM().getSymbol(pointer);
return new HotSpotSymbol(symbol, pointer).asConstant();

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -78,6 +78,15 @@ public class HotSpotMetaAccessProvider implements MetaAccessProvider, HotSpotPro
return new HotSpotSignature(runtime, signature);
public HotSpotSymbol lookupSymbol(String symbol) {
long pointer = runtime.getCompilerToVM().lookupSymbol(symbol);
if (pointer == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return new HotSpotSymbol(symbol, pointer);
* {@link Field} object of {@link Method#slot}.

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -29,4 +29,6 @@ public interface HotSpotMetaspaceConstant extends HotSpotConstant, VMConstant {
HotSpotResolvedObjectType asResolvedJavaType();
HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod asResolvedJavaMethod();
HotSpotSymbol asSymbol();

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -108,4 +108,11 @@ final class HotSpotMetaspaceConstantImpl implements HotSpotMetaspaceConstant, VM
return null;
public HotSpotSymbol asSymbol() {
if (metaspaceObject instanceof HotSpotSymbol) {
return (HotSpotSymbol) metaspaceObject;
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* Class to access the C++ {@code vmSymbols} table.
public final class HotSpotSymbol implements MetaspaceWrapperObject {
private final String symbol;
private final long pointer;
HotSpotSymbol(String symbol, long pointer) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.pointer = pointer;
public String getSymbol() {
return symbol;
public Constant asConstant() {
return HotSpotMetaspaceConstantImpl.forMetaspaceObject(this, false);
public long getMetaspacePointer() {
return pointer;
public String toString() {
return "Symbol<" + symbol + ">";

@ -1001,6 +1001,7 @@ public class HotSpotVMConfig {
@HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_modifier_flags", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassModifierFlagsOffset;
@HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_access_flags", type = "AccessFlags", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassAccessFlagsOffset;
@HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_layout_helper", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassLayoutHelperOffset;
@HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_name", type = "Symbol*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassNameOffset;
@HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_neutral_value") @Stable public int klassLayoutHelperNeutralValue;
@HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_instance_slow_path_bit") @Stable public int klassLayoutHelperInstanceSlowPathBit;
@ -1536,8 +1537,9 @@ public class HotSpotVMConfig {
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::exception_handler_for_pc") @Stable public long exceptionHandlerForPcAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::monitorenter") @Stable public long monitorenterAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::monitorexit") @Stable public long monitorexitAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::create_null_exception") @Stable public long createNullPointerExceptionAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::create_out_of_bounds_exception") @Stable public long createOutOfBoundsExceptionAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception") @Stable public long throwAndPostJvmtiExceptionAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::throw_klass_external_name_exception") @Stable public long throwKlassExternalNameExceptionAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::throw_class_cast_exception") @Stable public long throwClassCastExceptionAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::log_primitive") @Stable public long logPrimitiveAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::log_object") @Stable public long logObjectAddress;
@HotSpotVMAddress(name = "JVMCIRuntime::log_printf") @Stable public long logPrintfAddress;

@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ package;
public interface JVMCICompilerFactory {
* Get the name of this compiler. The compiler will be selected when the jvmci.compiler system
* property is equal to this name.
* Get the name of this compiler.
String getCompilerName();

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ bool os::Solaris::get_frame_at_stack_banging_point(JavaThread* thread, ucontext_
return false;
} else {
*fr = os::fetch_frame_from_ucontext(thread, uc);
*fr = frame(fr->sender_sp(), frame::unpatchable, fr->sender_pc());
*fr = frame(fr->sender_sp(), fr->sp());
if (!fr->is_java_frame()) {
assert(fr->safe_for_sender(thread), "Safety check");
*fr = fr->java_sender();

@ -209,9 +209,6 @@ bool Compiler::is_intrinsic_supported(const methodHandle& method) {
case vmIntrinsics::_putLong_raw:
case vmIntrinsics::_putFloat_raw:
case vmIntrinsics::_putDouble_raw:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedObject:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedInt:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedLong:
case vmIntrinsics::_getShortUnaligned:
case vmIntrinsics::_getCharUnaligned:
case vmIntrinsics::_getIntUnaligned:

@ -3450,9 +3450,6 @@ void GraphBuilder::build_graph_for_intrinsic(ciMethod* callee) {
case vmIntrinsics::_putLong_raw : append_unsafe_put_raw(callee, T_LONG ); return;
case vmIntrinsics::_putFloat_raw : append_unsafe_put_raw(callee, T_FLOAT ); return;
case vmIntrinsics::_putDouble_raw : append_unsafe_put_raw(callee, T_DOUBLE); return;
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedObject : append_unsafe_put_obj(callee, T_OBJECT, true); return;
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedInt : append_unsafe_put_obj(callee, T_INT, true); return;
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedLong : append_unsafe_put_obj(callee, T_LONG, true); return;
case vmIntrinsics::_compareAndSwapLong:
case vmIntrinsics::_compareAndSwapInt:
case vmIntrinsics::_compareAndSwapObject: append_unsafe_CAS(callee); return;

@ -999,8 +999,16 @@ void LIRGenerator::move_to_phi(PhiResolver* resolver, Value cur_val, Value sux_v
Phi* phi = sux_val->as_Phi();
// cur_val can be null without phi being null in conjunction with inlining
if (phi != NULL && cur_val != NULL && cur_val != phi && !phi->is_illegal()) {
Phi* cur_phi = cur_val->as_Phi();
if (cur_phi != NULL && cur_phi->is_illegal()) {
// Phi and local would need to get invalidated
// (which is unexpected for Linear Scan).
// But this case is very rare so we simply bail out.
bailout("propagation of illegal phi");
LIR_Opr operand = cur_val->operand();
if (cur_val->operand()->is_illegal()) {
if (operand->is_illegal()) {
assert(cur_val->as_Constant() != NULL || cur_val->as_Local() != NULL,
"these can be produced lazily");
operand = operand_for_instruction(cur_val);

@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ class ValueStack: public CompilationResourceObj {
void clear_locals(); // sets all locals to NULL;
void invalidate_local(int i) {
assert(>type()->is_single_word() ||
assert(!>type()->is_double_word() || + 1) == NULL, "hi-word of doubleword value must be NULL");
_locals.at_put(i, NULL);
Value local_at(int i) const {
Value x =;
assert(x == NULL || x->type()->is_single_word() ||
assert(x == NULL || !x->type()->is_double_word() || + 1) == NULL, "hi-word of doubleword value must be NULL");
return x;
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class ValueStack: public CompilationResourceObj {
// stack access
Value stack_at(int i) const {
Value x =;
assert(x->type()->is_single_word() ||
assert(!x->type()->is_double_word() || + 1) == NULL, "hi-word of doubleword value must be NULL");
return x;

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
product(bool, InlineSynchronizedMethods, true, \
"Inline synchronized methods") \
develop(bool, InlineNIOCheckIndex, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineNIOCheckIndex, true, \
"Intrinsify java.nio.Buffer.checkIndex") \
develop(bool, CanonicalizeNodes, true, \

@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ ciMethod* ciEnv::get_method_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
Symbol* sig_sym = cpool->signature_ref_at(index);
if (cpool->has_preresolution()
|| (holder == ciEnv::MethodHandle_klass() &&
|| ((holder == ciEnv::MethodHandle_klass() || holder == ciEnv::VarHandle_klass()) &&
MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_name(holder->get_Klass(), name_sym))) {
// Short-circuit lookups for JSR 292-related call sites.
// That is, do not rely only on name-based lookups, because they may fail

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -1057,8 +1057,6 @@ void* ciReplay::load_inline_data(ciMethod* method, int entry_bci, int comp_level
int ciReplay::replay_impl(TRAPS) {
HandleMark hm;
ResourceMark rm;
// Make sure we don't run with background compilation
BackgroundCompilation = false;
if (ReplaySuppressInitializers > 2) {
// ReplaySuppressInitializers > 2 means that we want to allow

@ -1455,8 +1455,7 @@ void ClassLoader::compile_the_world() {
HandleMark hm(THREAD);
ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
// Make sure we don't run with background compilation
BackgroundCompilation = false;
// Find bootstrap loader
Handle system_class_loader (THREAD, SystemDictionary::java_system_loader());
// Iterate over all bootstrap class path entries

@ -2563,7 +2563,8 @@ static methodHandle unpack_method_and_appendix(Handle mname,
return empty;
methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(Symbol* name,
methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(KlassHandle klass,
Symbol* name,
Symbol* signature,
KlassHandle accessing_klass,
Handle *appendix_result,
@ -2574,7 +2575,6 @@ methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(Symbol* name,
Handle method_type =
SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_type(signature, accessing_klass, CHECK_(empty));
KlassHandle mh_klass = SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass();
int ref_kind = JVM_REF_invokeVirtual;
Handle name_str = StringTable::intern(name, CHECK_(empty));
objArrayHandle appendix_box = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Object_klass(), 1, CHECK_(empty));
@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@ methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(Symbol* name,
JavaCallArguments args;

@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ class SymbolPropertyTable;
/* support for dynamic typing; it's OK if these are NULL in earlier JDKs */ \
do_klass(DirectMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle, Opt ) \
do_klass(MethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, Pre ) \
do_klass(VarHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_VarHandle, Pre ) \
do_klass(MemberName_klass, java_lang_invoke_MemberName, Pre ) \
do_klass(MethodHandleNatives_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives, Pre ) \
do_klass(LambdaForm_klass, java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm, Opt ) \
@ -518,7 +519,8 @@ public:
// JSR 292
// find a java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invoke* method for a given signature
// (asks Java to compute it if necessary, except in a compiler thread)
static methodHandle find_method_handle_invoker(Symbol* name,
static methodHandle find_method_handle_invoker(KlassHandle klass,
Symbol* name,
Symbol* signature,
KlassHandle accessing_klass,
Handle *appendix_result,

@ -592,9 +592,6 @@ bool vmIntrinsics::is_disabled_by_flags(const methodHandle& method) {
case vmIntrinsics::_putLong_raw:
case vmIntrinsics::_putFloat_raw:
case vmIntrinsics::_putDouble_raw:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedObject:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedLong:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedInt:
case vmIntrinsics::_getAndAddInt:
case vmIntrinsics::_getAndAddLong:
case vmIntrinsics::_getAndSetInt:

@ -289,6 +289,7 @@
template(java_lang_invoke_MutableCallSite, "java/lang/invoke/MutableCallSite") \
template(java_lang_invoke_VolatileCallSite, "java/lang/invoke/VolatileCallSite") \
template(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle") \
template(java_lang_invoke_VarHandle, "java/lang/invoke/VarHandle") \
template(java_lang_invoke_MethodType, "java/lang/invoke/MethodType") \
template(java_lang_invoke_MethodType_signature, "Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;") \
template(java_lang_invoke_MemberName_signature, "Ljava/lang/invoke/MemberName;") \
@ -655,7 +656,7 @@
/* JVMTI/java.lang.instrument support and VM Attach mechanism */ \
template(jdk_internal_module_Modules, "jdk/internal/module/Modules") \
template(sun_misc_VMSupport, "sun/misc/VMSupport") \
template(jdk_internal_vm_VMSupport, "jdk/internal/vm/VMSupport") \
template(transformedByAgent_name, "transformedByAgent") \
template(transformedByAgent_signature, "(Ljava/lang/reflect/Module;)V") \
template(appendToClassPathForInstrumentation_name, "appendToClassPathForInstrumentation") \
@ -1329,16 +1330,6 @@
do_intrinsic(_weakCompareAndSwapIntAcquire, jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe, weakCompareAndSwapIntAcquire_name, compareAndSwapInt_signature, F_R) \
do_intrinsic(_weakCompareAndSwapIntRelease, jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe, weakCompareAndSwapIntRelease_name, compareAndSwapInt_signature, F_R) \
do_intrinsic(_putOrderedObject, jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe, putOrderedObject_name, putOrderedObject_signature, F_RN) \
do_name( putOrderedObject_name, "putOrderedObject") \
do_alias( putOrderedObject_signature, /*(LObject;JLObject;)V*/ putObject_signature) \
do_intrinsic(_putOrderedLong, jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe, putOrderedLong_name, putOrderedLong_signature, F_RN) \
do_name( putOrderedLong_name, "putOrderedLong") \
do_alias( putOrderedLong_signature, /*(Ljava/lang/Object;JJ)V*/ putLong_signature) \
do_intrinsic(_putOrderedInt, jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe, putOrderedInt_name, putOrderedInt_signature, F_RN) \
do_name( putOrderedInt_name, "putOrderedInt") \
do_alias( putOrderedInt_signature, /*(Ljava/lang/Object;JI)V*/ putInt_signature) \
do_intrinsic(_getAndAddInt, jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe, getAndAddInt_name, getAndAddInt_signature, F_R) \
do_name( getAndAddInt_name, "getAndAddInt") \
do_signature(getAndAddInt_signature, "(Ljava/lang/Object;JI)I" ) \

@ -530,7 +530,6 @@ const char* nmethod::compile_kind() const {
void nmethod::init_defaults() {
_state = in_use;
_unloading_clock = 0;
_marked_for_reclamation = 0;
_has_flushed_dependencies = 0;
_has_unsafe_access = 0;
_has_method_handle_invokes = 0;
@ -1332,8 +1331,19 @@ void nmethod::make_unloaded(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, oop cause) {
// Unlink the osr method, so we do not look this up again
if (is_osr_method()) {
// Invalidate the osr nmethod only once
if (is_in_use()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (method() != NULL) {
// Make sure osr nmethod is invalidated, i.e. not on the list
bool found = method()->method_holder()->remove_osr_nmethod(this);
assert(!found, "osr nmethod should have been invalidated");
// If _method is already NULL the Method* is about to be unloaded,
// so we don't have to break the cycle. Note that it is possible to
// have the Method* live here, in case we unload the nmethod because
@ -1387,8 +1397,9 @@ void nmethod::make_unloaded(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, oop cause) {
void nmethod::invalidate_osr_method() {
assert(_entry_bci != InvocationEntryBci, "wrong kind of nmethod");
// Remove from list of active nmethods
if (method() != NULL)
if (method() != NULL) {
void nmethod::log_state_change() const {
@ -1436,8 +1447,9 @@ bool nmethod::make_not_entrant_or_zombie(unsigned int state) {
// invalidate osr nmethod before acquiring the patching lock since
// they both acquire leaf locks and we don't want a deadlock.
// This logic is equivalent to the logic below for patching the
// verified entry point of regular methods.
if (is_osr_method()) {
// verified entry point of regular methods. We check that the
// nmethod is in use to ensure that it is invalidated only once.
if (is_osr_method() && is_in_use()) {
// this effectively makes the osr nmethod not entrant
@ -1503,13 +1515,21 @@ bool nmethod::make_not_entrant_or_zombie(unsigned int state) {
} // leave critical region under Patching_lock
#ifdef ASSERT
if (is_osr_method() && method() != NULL) {
// Make sure osr nmethod is invalidated, i.e. not on the list
bool found = method()->method_holder()->remove_osr_nmethod(this);
assert(!found, "osr nmethod should have been invalidated");
// When the nmethod becomes zombie it is no longer alive so the
// dependencies must be flushed. nmethods in the not_entrant
// state will be flushed later when the transition to zombie
// happens or they get unloaded.
if (state == zombie) {
// Flushing dependecies must be done before any possible
// Flushing dependencies must be done before any possible
// safepoint can sneak in, otherwise the oops used by the
// dependency logic could have become stale.
MutexLockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
@ -1525,7 +1545,7 @@ bool nmethod::make_not_entrant_or_zombie(unsigned int state) {
// zombie only - if a JVMTI agent has enabled the CompiledMethodUnload
// event and it hasn't already been reported for this nmethod then
// report it now. The event may have been reported earilier if the GC
// report it now. The event may have been reported earlier if the GC
// marked it for unloading). JvmtiDeferredEventQueue support means
// we no longer go to a safepoint here.
@ -1553,18 +1573,18 @@ bool nmethod::make_not_entrant_or_zombie(unsigned int state) {
void nmethod::flush() {
// Note that there are no valid oops in the nmethod anymore.
assert(is_zombie() || (is_osr_method() && is_unloaded()), "must be a zombie method");
assert(is_marked_for_reclamation() || (is_osr_method() && is_unloaded()), "must be marked for reclamation");
assert(!is_osr_method() || is_unloaded() || is_zombie(),
"osr nmethod must be unloaded or zombie before flushing");
assert(is_zombie() || is_osr_method(), "must be a zombie method");
assert (!is_locked_by_vm(), "locked methods shouldn't be flushed");
// completely deallocate this method
Events::log(JavaThread::current(), "flushing nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(this));
if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
tty->print_cr("*flushing nmethod %3d/" INTPTR_FORMAT ". Live blobs:" UINT32_FORMAT
tty->print_cr("*flushing %s nmethod %3d/" INTPTR_FORMAT ". Live blobs:" UINT32_FORMAT
"/Free CodeCache:" SIZE_FORMAT "Kb",
_compile_id, p2i(this), CodeCache::blob_count(),
is_osr_method() ? "osr" : "",_compile_id, p2i(this), CodeCache::blob_count(),
@ -2916,10 +2936,7 @@ void nmethod::print() const {
tty->print("((nmethod*) " INTPTR_FORMAT ") ", p2i(this));
tty->print(" for method " INTPTR_FORMAT , p2i(method()));
tty->print(" { ");
if (is_in_use()) tty->print("in_use ");
if (is_not_entrant()) tty->print("not_entrant ");
if (is_zombie()) tty->print("zombie ");
if (is_unloaded()) tty->print("unloaded ");
tty->print_cr("%s ", state());
if (on_scavenge_root_list()) tty->print("scavenge_root ");

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -188,8 +188,6 @@ class nmethod : public CodeBlob {
// protected by CodeCache_lock
bool _has_flushed_dependencies; // Used for maintenance of dependencies (CodeCache_lock)
bool _marked_for_reclamation; // Used by NMethodSweeper (set only by sweeper)
enum MarkForDeoptimizationStatus {
@ -207,7 +205,7 @@ class nmethod : public CodeBlob {
unsigned int _has_wide_vectors:1; // Preserve wide vectors at safepoints
// Protected by Patching_lock
volatile unsigned char _state; // {alive, not_entrant, zombie, unloaded}
volatile unsigned char _state; // {in_use, not_entrant, zombie, unloaded}
volatile unsigned char _unloading_clock; // Incremented after GC unloaded/cleaned the nmethod
@ -438,7 +436,20 @@ class nmethod : public CodeBlob {
bool is_alive() const { return _state == in_use || _state == not_entrant; }
bool is_not_entrant() const { return _state == not_entrant; }
bool is_zombie() const { return _state == zombie; }
bool is_unloaded() const { return _state == unloaded; }
bool is_unloaded() const { return _state == unloaded; }
// returns a string version of the nmethod state
const char* state() const {
switch(_state) {
case in_use: return "in use";
case not_entrant: return "not_entrant";
case zombie: return "zombie";
case unloaded: return "unloaded";
fatal("unexpected nmethod state: %d", _state);
return NULL;
// rtm state accessing and manipulating
@ -490,9 +501,6 @@ class nmethod : public CodeBlob {
_has_flushed_dependencies = 1;
bool is_marked_for_reclamation() const { return _marked_for_reclamation; }
void mark_for_reclamation() { _marked_for_reclamation = 1; }
bool has_unsafe_access() const { return _has_unsafe_access; }
void set_has_unsafe_access(bool z) { _has_unsafe_access = z; }

@ -773,7 +773,8 @@ void CompileBroker::init_compiler_sweeper_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_
#endif // !ZERO && !SHARK
// Initialize the compilation queue
if (c2_compiler_count > 0) {
_c2_compile_queue = new CompileQueue("C2 compile queue");
const char* name = JVMCI_ONLY(UseJVMCICompiler ? "JVMCI compile queue" :) "C2 compile queue";
_c2_compile_queue = new CompileQueue(name);
if (c1_compiler_count > 0) {
@ -1169,7 +1170,8 @@ nmethod* CompileBroker::compile_method(const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci,
return NULL;
compile_method_base(method, osr_bci, comp_level, hot_method, hot_count, comment, !directive->BackgroundCompilationOption, THREAD);
bool is_blocking = !directive->BackgroundCompilationOption || CompileTheWorld || ReplayCompiles;
compile_method_base(method, osr_bci, comp_level, hot_method, hot_count, comment, is_blocking, THREAD);
// return requested nmethod
@ -1649,6 +1651,10 @@ void CompileBroker::init_compiler_thread_log() {
tty->print_cr("Opening compilation log %s", file_name);
CompileLog* log = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) CompileLog(file_name, fp, thread_id);
if (log == NULL) {
if (xtty != NULL) {

@ -90,10 +90,16 @@ void CallInfo::set_virtual(KlassHandle resolved_klass,
void CallInfo::set_handle(const methodHandle& resolved_method,
Handle resolved_appendix,
Handle resolved_method_type, TRAPS) {
set_handle(SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass(), resolved_method, resolved_appendix, resolved_method_type, CHECK);
void CallInfo::set_handle(KlassHandle resolved_klass,
const methodHandle& resolved_method,
Handle resolved_appendix,
Handle resolved_method_type, TRAPS) {
if (resolved_method.is_null()) {
THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "resolved method is null");
KlassHandle resolved_klass = SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass();
assert(resolved_method->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_invokeBasic ||
"linkMethod must return one of these");
@ -433,7 +439,8 @@ methodHandle LinkResolver::lookup_polymorphic_method(
vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid), klass->external_name(),
name->as_C_string(), full_signature->as_C_string());
if (klass() == SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass() &&
if ((klass() == SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass() ||
klass() == SystemDictionary::VarHandle_klass()) &&
iid != vmIntrinsics::_none) {
if (MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_intrinsic(iid)) {
// Most of these do not need an up-call to Java to resolve, so can be done anywhere.
@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ methodHandle LinkResolver::lookup_polymorphic_method(
Handle appendix;
Handle method_type;
methodHandle result = SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(
@ -1561,13 +1569,15 @@ void LinkResolver::resolve_handle_call(CallInfo& result,
const LinkInfo& link_info,
// JSR 292: this must be an implicitly generated method MethodHandle.invokeExact(*...) or similar
assert(link_info.resolved_klass()() == SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass(), "");
KlassHandle resolved_klass = link_info.resolved_klass();
assert(resolved_klass() == SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass() ||
resolved_klass() == SystemDictionary::VarHandle_klass(), "");
assert(MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_name(, "");
Handle resolved_appendix;
Handle resolved_method_type;
methodHandle resolved_method = lookup_polymorphic_method(link_info,
&resolved_appendix, &resolved_method_type, CHECK);
result.set_handle(resolved_method, resolved_appendix, resolved_method_type, CHECK);
result.set_handle(resolved_klass, resolved_method, resolved_appendix, resolved_method_type, CHECK);
static void wrap_invokedynamic_exception(TRAPS) {

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ class CallInfo : public StackObj {
int vtable_index, TRAPS);
void set_handle(const methodHandle& resolved_method,
Handle resolved_appendix, Handle resolved_method_type, TRAPS);
void set_handle(KlassHandle resolved_klass,
const methodHandle& resolved_method,
Handle resolved_appendix, Handle resolved_method_type, TRAPS);
void set_common(KlassHandle resolved_klass, KlassHandle selected_klass,
const methodHandle& resolved_method,
const methodHandle& selected_method,

@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ void Rewriter::compute_index_maps() {
if (_pool->symbol_at(i) == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle())
if (_pool->symbol_at(i) == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() ||
_pool->symbol_at(i) == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle()) {
saw_mh_symbol = true;
@ -200,6 +202,12 @@ void Rewriter::maybe_rewrite_invokehandle(address opc, int cp_index, int cache_i
// we may need a resolved_refs entry for the appendix
add_invokedynamic_resolved_references_entries(cp_index, cache_index);
status = +1;
} else if (_pool->klass_ref_at_noresolve(cp_index) == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle() &&
_pool->name_ref_at(cp_index))) {
// we may need a resolved_refs entry for the appendix
add_invokedynamic_resolved_references_entries(cp_index, cache_index);
status = +1;
} else {
status = -1;

@ -177,7 +177,13 @@ OopMap* CodeInstaller::create_oop_map(Handle debug_info, TRAPS) {
return map;
Metadata* CodeInstaller::record_metadata_reference(Handle constant, TRAPS) {
void* CodeInstaller::record_metadata_reference(Handle constant, TRAPS) {
* This method needs to return a raw (untyped) pointer, since the value of a pointer to the base
* class is in general not equal to the pointer of the subclass. When patching metaspace pointers,
* the compiler expects a direct pointer to the subclass (Klass*, Method* or Symbol*), not a
* pointer to the base class (Metadata* or MetaspaceObj*).
oop obj = HotSpotMetaspaceConstantImpl::metaspaceObject(constant);
if (obj->is_a(HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl::klass())) {
Klass* klass = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl::javaClass(obj));
@ -191,6 +197,11 @@ Metadata* CodeInstaller::record_metadata_reference(Handle constant, TRAPS) {
int index = _oop_recorder->find_index(method);
TRACE_jvmci_3("metadata[%d of %d] = %s", index, _oop_recorder->metadata_count(), method->name()->as_C_string());
return method;
} else if (obj->is_a(HotSpotSymbol::klass())) {
Symbol* symbol = (Symbol*) (address) HotSpotSymbol::pointer(obj);
assert(!HotSpotMetaspaceConstantImpl::compressed(constant), "unexpected compressed symbol pointer %s @ " INTPTR_FORMAT, symbol->as_C_string(), p2i(symbol));
TRACE_jvmci_3("symbol = %s", symbol->as_C_string());
return symbol;
} else {
JVMCI_ERROR_NULL("unexpected metadata reference for constant of type %s", obj->klass()->signature_name());
@ -706,7 +717,7 @@ JVMCIEnv::CodeInstallResult CodeInstaller::initialize_buffer(CodeBuffer& buffer,
JVMCI_ERROR_OK("unexpected compressed Klass* in 32-bit mode");
} else {
*((Metadata**) dest) = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK_OK);
*((void**) dest) = record_metadata_reference(constant, CHECK_OK);
} else if (constant->is_a(HotSpotObjectConstantImpl::klass())) {
Handle obj = HotSpotObjectConstantImpl::object(constant);

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ protected:
ScopeValue* get_scope_value(Handle value, BasicType type, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, ScopeValue* &second, TRAPS);
MonitorValue* get_monitor_value(Handle value, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS);
Metadata* record_metadata_reference(Handle constant, TRAPS);
void* record_metadata_reference(Handle constant, TRAPS);
#ifdef _LP64
narrowKlass record_narrow_metadata_reference(Handle constant, TRAPS);

@ -448,7 +448,10 @@ C2V_END
C2V_VMENTRY(jboolean, canInlineMethod,(JNIEnv *, jobject, jobject jvmci_method))
methodHandle method = CompilerToVM::asMethod(jvmci_method);
return !method->is_not_compilable() && !CompilerOracle::should_not_inline(method) && !method->dont_inline();
// In hosted mode ignore the not_compilable flags since they are never set by
// the JVMCI compiler.
bool is_compilable = UseJVMCICompiler ? !method->is_not_compilable(CompLevel_full_optimization) : true;
return is_compilable && !CompilerOracle::should_not_inline(method) && !method->dont_inline();
C2V_VMENTRY(jboolean, shouldInlineMethod,(JNIEnv *, jobject, jobject jvmci_method))
@ -1048,6 +1051,11 @@ C2V_VMENTRY(jobject, getSymbol, (JNIEnv*, jobject, jlong symbol))
return JNIHandles::make_local(THREAD, sym());
C2V_VMENTRY(jlong, lookupSymbol, (JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject string))
Symbol* symbol = java_lang_String::as_symbol_or_null(JNIHandles::resolve(string));
return (jlong) symbol;
bool matches(jobjectArray methods, Method* method) {
objArrayOop methods_oop = (objArrayOop) JNIHandles::resolve(methods);
@ -1475,6 +1483,7 @@ JNINativeMethod CompilerToVM::methods[] = {
{CC"isMature", CC"("METASPACE_METHOD_DATA")Z", FN_PTR(isMature)},
{CC"hasCompiledCodeForOSR", CC"("HS_RESOLVED_METHOD"II)Z", FN_PTR(hasCompiledCodeForOSR)},
{CC"getSymbol", CC"(J)"STRING, FN_PTR(getSymbol)},
{CC"lookupSymbol", CC"("STRING")J", FN_PTR(lookupSymbol)},
{CC"materializeVirtualObjects", CC"("HS_STACK_FRAME_REF"Z)V", FN_PTR(materializeVirtualObjects)},
{CC"shouldDebugNonSafepoints", CC"()Z", FN_PTR(shouldDebugNonSafepoints)},

@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ class JVMCIJavaClasses : AllStatic {
start_class(HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl) \
long_field(HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl, metaspaceMethod) \
end_class \
start_class(HotSpotSymbol) \
long_field(HotSpotSymbol, pointer) \
end_class \
start_class(InstalledCode) \
long_field(InstalledCode, address) \
long_field(InstalledCode, entryPoint) \

@ -363,20 +363,6 @@ address JVMCIRuntime::exception_handler_for_pc(JavaThread* thread) {
return continuation;
JRT_ENTRY(void, JVMCIRuntime::create_null_exception(JavaThread* thread))
SharedRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(thread, vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException());
JRT_ENTRY(void, JVMCIRuntime::create_out_of_bounds_exception(JavaThread* thread, jint index))
char message[jintAsStringSize];
sprintf(message, "%d", index);
SharedRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(thread, vmSymbols::java_lang_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(), message);
JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC(void, JVMCIRuntime::monitorenter(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock))
IF_TRACE_jvmci_3 {
char type[O_BUFLEN];
@ -438,6 +424,21 @@ JRT_LEAF(void, JVMCIRuntime::monitorexit(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* obj, Basic
JRT_ENTRY(void, JVMCIRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(JavaThread* thread, Symbol* name, const char* message))
SharedRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(thread, name, message);
JRT_ENTRY(void, JVMCIRuntime::throw_klass_external_name_exception(JavaThread* thread, Symbol* exception, Klass* klass))
ResourceMark rm(thread);
SharedRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(thread, exception, klass->external_name());
JRT_ENTRY(void, JVMCIRuntime::throw_class_cast_exception(JavaThread* thread, Symbol* exception, Klass* caster_klass, Klass* target_klass))
ResourceMark rm(thread);
const char* message = SharedRuntime::generate_class_cast_message(caster_klass, target_klass);
SharedRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(thread, exception, message);
JRT_LEAF(void, JVMCIRuntime::log_object(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* obj, bool as_string, bool newline))
ttyLocker ttyl;
@ -800,12 +801,9 @@ void JVMCIRuntime::shutdown(TRAPS) {
bool JVMCIRuntime::treat_as_trivial(Method* method) {
if (_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_initialized) {
oop loader = method->method_holder()->class_loader();
if (loader == NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < _trivial_prefixes_count; i++) {
if (method->method_holder()->name()->starts_with(_trivial_prefixes[i])) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < _trivial_prefixes_count; i++) {
if (method->method_holder()->name()->starts_with(_trivial_prefixes[i])) {
return true;

@ -141,8 +141,6 @@ class JVMCIRuntime: public AllStatic {
static address exception_handler_for_pc(JavaThread* thread);
static void monitorenter(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock);
static void monitorexit (JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock);
static void create_null_exception(JavaThread* thread);
static void create_out_of_bounds_exception(JavaThread* thread, jint index);
static void vm_error(JavaThread* thread, jlong where, jlong format, jlong value);
static oopDesc* load_and_clear_exception(JavaThread* thread);
static void log_printf(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* format, jlong v1, jlong v2, jlong v3);
@ -157,6 +155,12 @@ class JVMCIRuntime: public AllStatic {
static jboolean validate_object(JavaThread* thread, oopDesc* parent, oopDesc* child);
static void new_store_pre_barrier(JavaThread* thread);
// used to throw exceptions from compiled JVMCI code
static void throw_and_post_jvmti_exception(JavaThread* thread, Symbol* exception, const char* message);
// helper methods to throw exception with complex messages
static void throw_klass_external_name_exception(JavaThread* thread, Symbol* exception, Klass* klass);
static void throw_class_cast_exception(JavaThread* thread, Symbol* exception, Klass* caster_klass, Klass* target_klass);
// Test only function
static int test_deoptimize_call_int(JavaThread* thread, int value);

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
do_klass(HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext_klass, jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext, Jvmci) \
do_klass(HotSpotJVMCIRuntime_klass, jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime, Jvmci) \
do_klass(HotSpotSpeculationLog_klass, jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotSpeculationLog, Jvmci) \
do_klass(HotSpotSymbol_klass, jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotSymbol, Jvmci) \
do_klass(Assumptions_ConcreteMethod_klass, jdk_vm_ci_meta_Assumptions_ConcreteMethod, Jvmci) \
do_klass(Assumptions_NoFinalizableSubclass_klass, jdk_vm_ci_meta_Assumptions_NoFinalizableSubclass, Jvmci) \
do_klass(Assumptions_ConcreteSubtype_klass, jdk_vm_ci_meta_Assumptions_ConcreteSubtype, Jvmci) \

@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
nonstatic_field(Klass, _super_check_offset, juint) \
nonstatic_field(Klass, _subklass, Klass*) \
nonstatic_field(Klass, _layout_helper, jint) \
nonstatic_field(Klass, _name, Symbol*) \
nonstatic_field(Klass, _prototype_header, markOop) \
nonstatic_field(Klass, _next_sibling, Klass*) \
nonstatic_field(Klass, _java_mirror, oop) \
@ -551,8 +552,9 @@
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::exception_handler_for_pc) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::monitorenter) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::monitorexit) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::create_null_exception) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::create_out_of_bounds_exception) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::throw_and_post_jvmti_exception) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::throw_klass_external_name_exception) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::throw_class_cast_exception) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::log_primitive) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::log_object) \
declare_function(JVMCIRuntime::log_printf) \

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
template(jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext, "jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext") \
template(jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime, "jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/HotSpotJVMCIRuntime") \
template(jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotSpeculationLog, "jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/HotSpotSpeculationLog") \
template(jdk_vm_ci_hotspot_HotSpotSymbol, "jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/HotSpotSymbol") \
template(jdk_vm_ci_meta_JavaConstant, "jdk/vm/ci/meta/JavaConstant") \
template(jdk_vm_ci_meta_PrimitiveConstant, "jdk/vm/ci/meta/PrimitiveConstant") \
template(jdk_vm_ci_meta_RawConstant, "jdk/vm/ci/meta/RawConstant") \

@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
class VirtualSpaceNode;
const size_t metadata_chunk_initialize = 0xf7f7f7f7;
size_t Metachunk::object_alignment() {
// Must align pointers and sizes to 8,
// so that 64 bit types get correctly aligned.
@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ Metachunk::Metachunk(size_t word_size,
_top = initial_top();
#ifdef ASSERT
size_t data_word_size = pointer_delta(end(),
@ -98,12 +91,12 @@ void Metachunk::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
#ifndef PRODUCT
void Metachunk::mangle() {
// Mangle the payload of the chunk and not the links that
void Metachunk::mangle(juint word_value) {
// Overwrite the payload of the chunk and not the links that
// maintain list of chunks.
HeapWord* start = (HeapWord*)(bottom() + overhead());
HeapWord* start = (HeapWord*)initial_top();
size_t size = word_size() - overhead();
Copy::fill_to_words(start, size, metadata_chunk_initialize);
Copy::fill_to_words(start, size, word_value);
#endif // PRODUCT

@ -145,7 +145,9 @@ class Metachunk : public Metabase<Metachunk> {
bool contains(const void* ptr) { return bottom() <= ptr && ptr < _top; }
NOT_PRODUCT(void mangle();)
#ifndef PRODUCT
void mangle(juint word_value);
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void verify();

@ -811,11 +811,6 @@ void VirtualSpaceNode::verify_container_count() {
BlockFreelist::BlockFreelist() : _dictionary(new BlockTreeDictionary()) {}
BlockFreelist::~BlockFreelist() {
LogHandle(gc, metaspace, freelist) log;
if (log.is_trace()) {
ResourceMark rm;
delete _dictionary;
@ -2145,6 +2140,7 @@ void ChunkManager::return_chunks(ChunkIndex index, Metachunk* chunks) {
// by the call to return_chunk_at_head();
Metachunk* next = cur->next();
cur = next;
@ -2169,11 +2165,9 @@ SpaceManager::~SpaceManager() {
log.trace("~SpaceManager(): " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(this));
ResourceMark rm;
// Do not mangle freed Metachunks. The chunk size inside Metachunks
// is during the freeing of a VirtualSpaceNodes.
// Have to update before the chunks_in_use lists are emptied
// below.
@ -2206,9 +2200,8 @@ SpaceManager::~SpaceManager() {
Metachunk* humongous_chunks = chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
while (humongous_chunks != NULL) {
#ifdef ASSERT
log.trace(PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ", p2i(humongous_chunks), humongous_chunks->word_size());
assert(humongous_chunks->word_size() == (size_t)
@ -2527,7 +2520,7 @@ void SpaceManager::mangle_freed_chunks() {
for (Metachunk* curr = chunks_in_use(index);
curr != NULL;
curr = curr->next()) {

@ -2614,8 +2614,8 @@ void InstanceKlass::add_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n) {
void InstanceKlass::remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n) {
// Remove osr nmethod from the list. Return true if found and removed.
bool InstanceKlass::remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n) {
// This is a short non-blocking critical region, so the no safepoint check is ok.
MutexLockerEx ml(OsrList_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
assert(n->is_osr_method(), "wrong kind of nmethod");
@ -2624,6 +2624,7 @@ void InstanceKlass::remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n) {
int max_level = CompLevel_none; // Find the max comp level excluding n
Method* m = n->method();
// Search for match
bool found = false;
while(cur != NULL && cur != n) {
if (TieredCompilation && m == cur->method()) {
// Find max level before n
@ -2634,6 +2635,7 @@ void InstanceKlass::remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n) {
nmethod* next = NULL;
if (cur == n) {
found = true;
next = cur->osr_link();
if (last == NULL) {
// Remove first element
@ -2654,6 +2656,7 @@ void InstanceKlass::remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n) {
return found;
int InstanceKlass::mark_osr_nmethods(const Method* m) {

@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ public:
nmethod* osr_nmethods_head() const { return _osr_nmethods_head; };
void set_osr_nmethods_head(nmethod* h) { _osr_nmethods_head = h; };
void add_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
void remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
bool remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
int mark_osr_nmethods(const Method* m);
nmethod* lookup_osr_nmethod(const Method* m, int bci, int level, bool match_level) const;

@ -1351,11 +1351,16 @@ void Method::init_intrinsic_id() {
// ditto for method and signature:
vmSymbols::SID name_id = vmSymbols::find_sid(name());
if (klass_id != vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle)
&& name_id == vmSymbols::NO_SID)
&& klass_id != vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(java_lang_invoke_VarHandle)
&& name_id == vmSymbols::NO_SID) {
vmSymbols::SID sig_id = vmSymbols::find_sid(signature());
if (klass_id != vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle)
&& sig_id == vmSymbols::NO_SID) return;
&& klass_id != vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(java_lang_invoke_VarHandle)
&& sig_id == vmSymbols::NO_SID) {
jshort flags = access_flags().as_short();
vmIntrinsics::ID id = vmIntrinsics::find_id(klass_id, name_id, sig_id, flags);
@ -1383,8 +1388,9 @@ void Method::init_intrinsic_id() {
// Signature-polymorphic methods: MethodHandle.invoke*, InvokeDynamic.*.
// Signature-polymorphic methods: MethodHandle.invoke*, InvokeDynamic.*., VarHandle
case vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle):
case vmSymbols::VM_SYMBOL_ENUM_NAME(java_lang_invoke_VarHandle):
if (!is_native()) break;
id = MethodHandles::signature_polymorphic_name_id(method_holder(), name());
if (is_static() != MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_static(id))

@ -595,26 +595,26 @@
product(bool, BlockLayoutRotateLoops, true, \
"Allow back branches to be fall throughs in the block layour") \
develop(bool, InlineReflectionGetCallerClass, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineReflectionGetCallerClass, true, \
"inline sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(), known to be " \
"part of base library DLL") \
develop(bool, InlineObjectCopy, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineObjectCopy, true, \
"inline Object.clone and Arrays.copyOf[Range] intrinsics") \
develop(bool, SpecialStringCompareTo, true, \
diagnostic(bool, SpecialStringCompareTo, true, \
"special version of string compareTo") \
develop(bool, SpecialStringIndexOf, true, \
diagnostic(bool, SpecialStringIndexOf, true, \
"special version of string indexOf") \
develop(bool, SpecialStringEquals, true, \
diagnostic(bool, SpecialStringEquals, true, \
"special version of string equals") \
develop(bool, SpecialArraysEquals, true, \
diagnostic(bool, SpecialArraysEquals, true, \
"special version of Arrays.equals(char[],char[])") \
product(bool, SpecialEncodeISOArray, true, \
diagnostic(bool, SpecialEncodeISOArray, true, \
"special version of ISO_8859_1$Encoder.encodeISOArray") \
develop(bool, BailoutToInterpreterForThrows, false, \
@ -716,22 +716,22 @@
diagnostic(bool, OptimizeExpensiveOps, true, \
"Find best control for expensive operations") \
product(bool, UseMathExactIntrinsics, true, \
diagnostic(bool, UseMathExactIntrinsics, true, \
"Enables intrinsification of various java.lang.Math functions") \
product(bool, UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic, false, \
"Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.multiplyToLen()") \
product(bool, UseSquareToLenIntrinsic, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseSquareToLenIntrinsic, false, \
"Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.squareToLen()") \
product(bool, UseMulAddIntrinsic, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseMulAddIntrinsic, false, \
"Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.mulAdd()") \
product(bool, UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic, false, \
"Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply()") \
product(bool, UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic, false, \
"Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.montgomerySquare()") \
product(bool, UseTypeSpeculation, true, \

@ -484,9 +484,6 @@ bool C2Compiler::is_intrinsic_supported(const methodHandle& method, bool is_virt
case vmIntrinsics::_putCharUnaligned:
case vmIntrinsics::_putIntUnaligned:
case vmIntrinsics::_putLongUnaligned:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedObject:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedInt:
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedLong:
case vmIntrinsics::_loadFence:
case vmIntrinsics::_storeFence:
case vmIntrinsics::_fullFence:

@ -621,10 +621,6 @@ bool LibraryCallKit::try_to_inline(int predicate) {
case vmIntrinsics::_putIntUnaligned: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, is_store, T_INT, Relaxed, true);
case vmIntrinsics::_putLongUnaligned: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, is_store, T_LONG, Relaxed, true);
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedObject: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, is_store, T_OBJECT, Release, false);
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedInt: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, is_store, T_INT, Release, false);
case vmIntrinsics::_putOrderedLong: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, is_store, T_LONG, Release, false);
case vmIntrinsics::_getObjectAcquire: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, !is_store, T_OBJECT, Acquire, false);
case vmIntrinsics::_getBooleanAcquire: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, !is_store, T_BOOLEAN, Acquire, false);
case vmIntrinsics::_getByteAcquire: return inline_unsafe_access(!is_native_ptr, !is_store, T_BYTE, Acquire, false);

@ -1453,20 +1453,14 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::do_unroll( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new, bool ad
Node *opaq = NULL;
if (adjust_min_trip) { // If not maximally unrolling, need adjustment
// Search for zero-trip guard.
assert( loop_head->is_main_loop(), "" );
assert( ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue || ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse, "" );
Node *iff = ctrl->in(0);
assert( iff->Opcode() == Op_If, "" );
Node *bol = iff->in(1);
assert( bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool, "" );
Node *cmp = bol->in(1);
assert( cmp->Opcode() == Op_CmpI, "" );
opaq = cmp->in(2);
// Occasionally it's possible for a zero-trip guard Opaque1 node to be
// optimized away and then another round of loop opts attempted.
// We can not optimize this particular loop in that case.
if (opaq->Opcode() != Op_Opaque1)
return; // Cannot find zero-trip guard! Bail out!
// Check the shape of the graph at the loop entry. If an inappropriate
// graph shape is encountered, the compiler bails out loop unrolling;
// compilation of the method will still succeed.
if (!is_canonical_main_loop_entry(loop_head)) {
opaq = ctrl->in(0)->in(1)->in(1)->in(2);
// Zero-trip test uses an 'opaque' node which is not shared.
assert(opaq->outcnt() == 1 && opaq->in(1) == limit, "");
@ -2109,7 +2103,6 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::do_range_check( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new ) {
assert(RangeCheckElimination, "");
CountedLoopNode *cl = loop->_head->as_CountedLoop();
assert(cl->is_main_loop(), "");
// protect against stride not being a constant
if (!cl->stride_is_con())
@ -2121,20 +2114,17 @@ void PhaseIdealLoop::do_range_check( IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new ) {
// to not ever trip end tests
Node *main_limit = cl->limit();
// Check graph shape. Cannot optimize a loop if zero-trip
// Opaque1 node is optimized away and then another round
// of loop opts attempted.
if (!is_canonical_main_loop_entry(cl)) {
// Need to find the main-loop zero-trip guard
Node *ctrl = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
assert(ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue || ctrl->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse, "");
Node *iffm = ctrl->in(0);
assert(iffm->Opcode() == Op_If, "");
Node *bolzm = iffm->in(1);
assert(bolzm->Opcode() == Op_Bool, "");
Node *cmpzm = bolzm->in(1);
assert(cmpzm->is_Cmp(), "");
Node *opqzm = cmpzm->in(2);
// Can not optimize a loop if zero-trip Opaque1 node is optimized
// away and then another round of loop opts attempted.
if (opqzm->Opcode() != Op_Opaque1)
Node *opqzm = iffm->in(1)->in(1)->in(2);
assert(opqzm->in(1) == main_limit, "do not understand situation");
// Find the pre-loop limit; we will expand its iterations to

@ -3275,6 +3275,41 @@ Node* PhaseIdealLoop::compute_lca_of_uses(Node* n, Node* early, bool verify) {
return LCA;
// Check the shape of the graph at the loop entry. In some cases,
// the shape of the graph does not match the shape outlined below.
// That is caused by the Opaque1 node "protecting" the shape of
// the graph being removed by, for example, the IGVN performed
// in PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize().
// After the Opaque1 node has been removed, optimizations (e.g., split-if,
// loop unswitching, and IGVN, or a combination of them) can freely change
// the graph's shape. As a result, the graph shape outlined below cannot
// be guaranteed anymore.
bool PhaseIdealLoop::is_canonical_main_loop_entry(CountedLoopNode* cl) {
assert(cl->is_main_loop(), "check should be applied to main loops");
Node* ctrl = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
if (ctrl == NULL || (!ctrl->is_IfTrue() && !ctrl->is_IfFalse())) {
return false;
Node* iffm = ctrl->in(0);
if (iffm == NULL || !iffm->is_If()) {
return false;
Node* bolzm = iffm->in(1);
if (bolzm == NULL || !bolzm->is_Bool()) {
return false;
Node* cmpzm = bolzm->in(1);
if (cmpzm == NULL || !cmpzm->is_Cmp()) {
return false;
Node* opqzm = cmpzm->in(2);
if (opqzm == NULL || opqzm->Opcode() != Op_Opaque1) {
return false;
return true;
// Compute latest legal control.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::get_late_ctrl( Node *n, Node *early ) {

@ -656,6 +656,9 @@ class PhaseIdealLoop : public PhaseTransform {
bool cast_incr_before_loop(Node* incr, Node* ctrl, Node* loop);
static bool is_canonical_main_loop_entry(CountedLoopNode* cl);
bool has_node( Node* n ) const {
guarantee(n != NULL, "No Node.");
return _nodes[n->_idx] != NULL;

@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ void LoadNode::dump_spec(outputStream *st) const {
// standard dump does this in Verbose and WizardMode
st->print(" #"); _type->dump_on(st);
if (!_depends_only_on_test) {
if (!depends_only_on_test()) {
st->print(" (does not depend only on test)");
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ Node* LoadNode::can_see_arraycopy_value(Node* st, PhaseTransform* phase) const {
// load depends on the tests that validate the arraycopy
ld->as_Load()->_depends_only_on_test = Pinned;
ld->as_Load()->_control_dependency = Pinned;
return ld;
return NULL;
@ -1118,6 +1118,44 @@ Node* LoadNode::Identity(PhaseGVN* phase) {
return this;
// Construct an equivalent unsigned load.
Node* LoadNode::convert_to_unsigned_load(PhaseGVN& gvn) {
BasicType bt = T_ILLEGAL;
const Type* rt = NULL;
switch (Opcode()) {
case Op_LoadUB: return this;
case Op_LoadUS: return this;
case Op_LoadB: bt = T_BOOLEAN; rt = TypeInt::UBYTE; break;
case Op_LoadS: bt = T_CHAR; rt = TypeInt::CHAR; break;
assert(false, "no unsigned variant: %s", Name());
return NULL;
return LoadNode::make(gvn, in(MemNode::Control), in(MemNode::Memory), in(MemNode::Address),
raw_adr_type(), rt, bt, _mo, _control_dependency,
is_unaligned_access(), is_mismatched_access());
// Construct an equivalent signed load.
Node* LoadNode::convert_to_signed_load(PhaseGVN& gvn) {
BasicType bt = T_ILLEGAL;
const Type* rt = NULL;
switch (Opcode()) {
case Op_LoadUB: bt = T_BYTE; rt = TypeInt::BYTE; break;
case Op_LoadUS: bt = T_SHORT; rt = TypeInt::SHORT; break;
case Op_LoadB: // fall through
case Op_LoadS: // fall through
case Op_LoadI: // fall through
case Op_LoadL: return this;
assert(false, "no signed variant: %s", Name());
return NULL;
return LoadNode::make(gvn, in(MemNode::Control), in(MemNode::Memory), in(MemNode::Address),
raw_adr_type(), rt, bt, _mo, _control_dependency,
is_unaligned_access(), is_mismatched_access());
// We're loading from an object which has autobox behaviour.
// If this object is result of a valueOf call we'll have a phi
// merging a newly allocated object and a load from the cache.
@ -1582,7 +1620,7 @@ LoadNode::load_array_final_field(const TypeKlassPtr *tkls,
return NULL;
static bool is_mismatched_access(ciConstant con, BasicType loadbt) {
static ciConstant check_mismatched_access(ciConstant con, BasicType loadbt, bool is_unsigned) {
BasicType conbt = con.basic_type();
switch (conbt) {
case T_BOOLEAN: conbt = T_BYTE; break;
@ -1594,23 +1632,40 @@ static bool is_mismatched_access(ciConstant con, BasicType loadbt) {
case T_ARRAY: loadbt = T_OBJECT; break;
case T_ADDRESS: loadbt = T_OBJECT; break;
return (conbt != loadbt);
if (conbt == loadbt) {
if (is_unsigned && conbt == T_BYTE) {
// LoadB (T_BYTE) with a small mask (<=8-bit) is converted to LoadUB (T_BYTE).
return ciConstant(T_INT, con.as_int() & 0xFF);
} else {
return con;
if (conbt == T_SHORT && loadbt == T_CHAR) {
// LoadS (T_SHORT) with a small mask (<=16-bit) is converted to LoadUS (T_CHAR).
return ciConstant(T_INT, con.as_int() & 0xFFFF);
return ciConstant(); // T_ILLEGAL
// Try to constant-fold a stable array element.
static const Type* fold_stable_ary_elem(const TypeAryPtr* ary, int off, BasicType loadbt) {
static const Type* fold_stable_ary_elem(const TypeAryPtr* ary, int off, bool is_unsigned_load, BasicType loadbt) {
assert(ary->const_oop(), "array should be constant");
assert(ary->is_stable(), "array should be stable");
// Decode the results of GraphKit::array_element_address.
ciArray* aobj = ary->const_oop()->as_array();
ciConstant con = aobj->element_value_by_offset(off);
if (con.basic_type() != T_ILLEGAL && !con.is_null_or_zero()) {
bool is_mismatched = is_mismatched_access(con, loadbt);
assert(!is_mismatched, "conbt=%s; loadbt=%s", type2name(con.basic_type()), type2name(loadbt));
ciConstant element_value = aobj->element_value_by_offset(off);
if (element_value.basic_type() == T_ILLEGAL) {
return NULL; // wrong offset
ciConstant con = check_mismatched_access(element_value, loadbt, is_unsigned_load);
assert(con.basic_type() != T_ILLEGAL, "elembt=%s; loadbt=%s; unsigned=%d",
type2name(element_value.basic_type()), type2name(loadbt), is_unsigned_load);
if (con.basic_type() != T_ILLEGAL && // not a mismatched access
!con.is_null_or_zero()) { // not a default value
const Type* con_type = Type::make_from_constant(con);
// Guard against erroneous constant folding.
if (!is_mismatched && con_type != NULL) {
if (con_type != NULL) {
if (con_type->isa_aryptr()) {
// Join with the array element type, in case it is also stable.
int dim = ary->stable_dimension();
@ -1662,7 +1717,7 @@ const Type* LoadNode::Value(PhaseGVN* phase) const {
if (FoldStableValues && !is_mismatched_access() && ary->is_stable() && ary->const_oop() != NULL) {
// Make sure the reference is not into the header and the offset is constant
if (off_beyond_header && adr->is_AddP() && off != Type::OffsetBot) {
const Type* con_type = fold_stable_ary_elem(ary, off, memory_type());
const Type* con_type = fold_stable_ary_elem(ary, off, is_unsigned(), memory_type());
if (con_type != NULL) {
return con_type;

@ -148,9 +148,8 @@ public:
class LoadNode : public MemNode {
// Some loads (from unsafe) should be pinned: they don't depend only
// on the dominating test. The boolean field _depends_only_on_test
// below records whether that node depends only on the dominating
// test.
// on the dominating test. The field _control_dependency below records
// whether that node depends only on the dominating test.
// Methods used to build LoadNodes pass an argument of type enum
// ControlDependency instead of a boolean because those methods
// typically have multiple boolean parameters with default values:
@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ public:
// LoadNode::hash() doesn't take the _depends_only_on_test field
// LoadNode::hash() doesn't take the _control_dependency field
// into account: If the graph already has a non-pinned LoadNode and
// we add a pinned LoadNode with the same inputs, it's safe for GVN
// to replace the pinned LoadNode with the non-pinned LoadNode,
@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ private:
// pinned LoadNode and we add a non pinned LoadNode with the same
// inputs, it's safe (but suboptimal) for GVN to replace the
// non-pinned LoadNode by the pinned LoadNode.
bool _depends_only_on_test;
ControlDependency _control_dependency;
// On platforms with weak memory ordering (e.g., PPC, Ia64) we distinguish
// loads that can be reordered, and such requiring acquire semantics to
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ protected:
LoadNode(Node *c, Node *mem, Node *adr, const TypePtr* at, const Type *rt, MemOrd mo, ControlDependency control_dependency)
: MemNode(c,mem,adr,at), _type(rt), _mo(mo), _depends_only_on_test(control_dependency == DependsOnlyOnTest) {
: MemNode(c,mem,adr,at), _type(rt), _mo(mo), _control_dependency(control_dependency) {
inline bool is_unordered() const { return !is_acquire(); }
@ -198,6 +197,10 @@ public:
assert(_mo == unordered || _mo == acquire, "unexpected");
return _mo == acquire;
inline bool is_unsigned() const {
int lop = Opcode();
return (lop == Op_LoadUB) || (lop == Op_LoadUS);
// Polymorphic factory method:
static Node* make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node *c, Node *mem, Node *adr,
@ -252,6 +255,9 @@ public:
// Check if the load's memory input is a Phi node with the same control.
bool is_instance_field_load_with_local_phi(Node* ctrl);
Node* convert_to_unsigned_load(PhaseGVN& gvn);
Node* convert_to_signed_load(PhaseGVN& gvn);
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
@ -274,7 +280,9 @@ protected:
// which produce results (new raw memory state) inside of loops preventing all
// manner of other optimizations). Basically, it's ugly but so is the alternative.
// See comment in macro.cpp, around line 125 expand_allocate_common().
virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const { return adr_type() != TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM && _depends_only_on_test; }
virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const {
return adr_type() != TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM && _control_dependency == DependsOnlyOnTest;

@ -483,11 +483,7 @@ Node *AndINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
if (can_reshape &&
load->outcnt() == 1 && load->unique_out() == this) {
if (lop == Op_LoadS && (mask & 0xFFFF0000) == 0 ) {
Node *ldus = new LoadUSNode(load->in(MemNode::Control),
TypeInt::CHAR, MemNode::unordered);
Node* ldus = load->as_Load()->convert_to_unsigned_load(*phase);
ldus = phase->transform(ldus);
return new AndINode(ldus, phase->intcon(mask & 0xFFFF));
@ -495,11 +491,7 @@ Node *AndINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
// Masking sign bits off of a Byte? Do an unsigned byte load plus
// an and.
if (lop == Op_LoadB && (mask & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0) {
Node* ldub = new LoadUBNode(load->in(MemNode::Control),
TypeInt::UBYTE, MemNode::unordered);
Node* ldub = load->as_Load()->convert_to_unsigned_load(*phase);
ldub = phase->transform(ldub);
return new AndINode(ldub, phase->intcon(mask));
@ -934,11 +926,7 @@ Node *RShiftINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
ld->Opcode() == Op_LoadUS &&
ld->outcnt() == 1 && ld->unique_out() == shl)
// Replace zero-extension-load with sign-extension-load
return new LoadSNode( ld->in(MemNode::Control),
ld->adr_type(), TypeInt::SHORT,
return ld->as_Load()->convert_to_signed_load(*phase);
// Check for "(byte[i] <<24)>>24" which simply sign-extends

@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ uint PhaseChaitin::split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::SpillType spill_type, Node *def,
Node* clone_node(Node* def, Block *b, Compile* C) {
if (def->needs_anti_dependence_check()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (Verbose) {
if (PrintOpto && WizardMode) {
tty->print_cr("RA attempts to clone node with anti_dependence:");
def->dump(-1); tty->cr();
tty->print_cr("into block:");

@ -3074,21 +3074,13 @@ void SuperWord::align_initial_loop_index(MemNode* align_to_ref) {
// Find pre loop end from main loop. Returns null if none.
CountedLoopEndNode* SuperWord::get_pre_loop_end(CountedLoopNode* cl) {
Node* ctrl = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
if (!ctrl->is_IfTrue() && !ctrl->is_IfFalse()) return NULL;
Node* iffm = ctrl->in(0);
if (!iffm->is_If()) return NULL;
Node* bolzm = iffm->in(1);
if (!bolzm->is_Bool()) return NULL;
Node* cmpzm = bolzm->in(1);
if (!cmpzm->is_Cmp()) return NULL;
Node* opqzm = cmpzm->in(2);
// Can not optimize a loop if zero-trip Opaque1 node is optimized
// away and then another round of loop opts attempted.
if (opqzm->Opcode() != Op_Opaque1) {
// The loop cannot be optimized if the graph shape at
// the loop entry is inappropriate.
if (!PhaseIdealLoop::is_canonical_main_loop_entry(cl)) {
return NULL;
Node* p_f = iffm->in(0);
Node* p_f = cl->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)->in(0)->in(0);
if (!p_f->is_IfFalse()) return NULL;
if (!p_f->in(0)->is_CountedLoopEnd()) return NULL;
CountedLoopEndNode* pre_end = p_f->in(0)->as_CountedLoopEnd();

@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ oop MethodHandles::init_field_MemberName(Handle mname, fieldDescriptor& fd, bool
// JVM 2.9 Special Methods:
// A method is signature polymorphic if and only if all of the following conditions hold :
// * It is declared in the java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle class.
// * It is declared in the java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle/VarHandle classes.
// * It has a single formal parameter of type Object[].
// * It has a return type of Object.
// * It has a return type of Object for a polymorphic return type, otherwise a fixed return type.
// * It has the ACC_VARARGS and ACC_NATIVE flags set.
bool MethodHandles::is_method_handle_invoke_name(Klass* klass, Symbol* name) {
if (klass == NULL)
@ -328,14 +328,36 @@ bool MethodHandles::is_method_handle_invoke_name(Klass* klass, Symbol* name) {
// The following test will fail spuriously during bootstrap of MethodHandle itself:
// if (klass != SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass())
// Test the name instead:
if (klass->name() != vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle())
if (klass->name() != vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() &&
klass->name() != vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle()) {
return false;
// Look up signature polymorphic method with polymorphic return type
Symbol* poly_sig = vmSymbols::object_array_object_signature();
Method* m = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->find_method(name, poly_sig);
if (m == NULL) return false;
int flags = m->access_flags().as_int();
return (flags & required) == required;
InstanceKlass* iklass = InstanceKlass::cast(klass);
Method* m = iklass->find_method(name, poly_sig);
if (m != NULL) {
int flags = m->access_flags().as_int();
if ((flags & required) == required) {
return true;
// Look up signature polymorphic method with non-polymorphic (non Object) return type
int me;
int ms = iklass->find_method_by_name(name, &me);
if (ms == -1) return false;
for (; ms < me; ms++) {
Method* m = iklass->methods()->at(ms);
int flags = m->access_flags().as_int();
if ((flags & required) == required && ArgumentCount(m->signature()).size() == 1) {
return true;
return false;
@ -395,8 +417,16 @@ vmIntrinsics::ID MethodHandles::signature_polymorphic_name_id(Symbol* name) {
// Cover the case of invokeExact and any future variants of invokeFoo.
Klass* mh_klass = SystemDictionary::well_known_klass(
SystemDictionary::WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(MethodHandle_klass) );
if (mh_klass != NULL && is_method_handle_invoke_name(mh_klass, name))
if (mh_klass != NULL && is_method_handle_invoke_name(mh_klass, name)) {
return vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric;
// Cover the case of methods on VarHandle.
Klass* vh_klass = SystemDictionary::well_known_klass(
SystemDictionary::WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(VarHandle_klass) );
if (vh_klass != NULL && is_method_handle_invoke_name(vh_klass, name)) {
return vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric;
// Note: The pseudo-intrinsic _compiledLambdaForm is never linked against.
// Instead it is used to mark lambda forms bound to invokehandle or invokedynamic.
@ -405,7 +435,8 @@ vmIntrinsics::ID MethodHandles::signature_polymorphic_name_id(Symbol* name) {
vmIntrinsics::ID MethodHandles::signature_polymorphic_name_id(Klass* klass, Symbol* name) {
if (klass != NULL &&
klass->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle()) {
(klass->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() ||
klass->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle())) {
vmIntrinsics::ID iid = signature_polymorphic_name_id(name);
if (iid != vmIntrinsics::_none)
return iid;
@ -1197,10 +1228,10 @@ JVM_ENTRY(jobject, MHN_resolve_Mem(JNIEnv *env, jobject igcls, jobject mname_jh,
THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "obsolete MemberName format");
if ((flags & ALL_KINDS) == IS_FIELD) {
THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodError(), "field resolution failed");
THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchFieldError(), "field resolution failed");
} else if ((flags & ALL_KINDS) == IS_METHOD ||
THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchFieldError(), "method resolution failed");
THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodError(), "method resolution failed");
} else {
THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_LinkageError(), "resolution failed");

@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ class MethodHandles: AllStatic {
iid <= vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface);
static bool has_member_arg(Symbol* klass, Symbol* name) {
if ((klass == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle()) &&
if ((klass == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle() ||
klass == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_VarHandle()) &&
is_signature_polymorphic_name(name)) {
vmIntrinsics::ID iid = signature_polymorphic_name_id(name);
return has_member_arg(iid);

@ -378,44 +378,6 @@ DEFINE_GETSETOOP_VOLATILE(jlong, Long);
// The non-intrinsified versions of setOrdered just use setVolatile
UNSAFE_ENTRY(void, Unsafe_SetOrderedInt(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jint x)) {
SET_FIELD_VOLATILE(obj, offset, jint, x);
UNSAFE_ENTRY(void, Unsafe_SetOrderedObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jobject x_h)) {
oop x = JNIHandles::resolve(x_h);
oop p = JNIHandles::resolve(obj);
void* addr = index_oop_from_field_offset_long(p, offset);
if (UseCompressedOops) {
oop_store((narrowOop*)addr, x);
} else {
oop_store((oop*)addr, x);
UNSAFE_ENTRY(void, Unsafe_SetOrderedLong(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jlong x)) {
SET_FIELD_VOLATILE(obj, offset, jlong, x);
// Keep old code for platforms which may not have atomic long (8 bytes) instructions
if (VM_Version::supports_cx8()) {
SET_FIELD_VOLATILE(obj, offset, jlong, x);
} else {
Handle p(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(obj));
jlong* addr = (jlong*)(index_oop_from_field_offset_long(p(), offset));
MutexLockerEx mu(UnsafeJlong_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
Atomic::store(x, addr);
UNSAFE_LEAF(void, Unsafe_LoadFence(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe)) {
@ -1230,9 +1192,6 @@ static JNINativeMethod jdk_internal_misc_Unsafe_methods[] = {
{CC "compareAndExchangeIntVolatile", CC "(" OBJ "J""I""I"")I", FN_PTR(Unsafe_CompareAndExchangeInt)},
{CC "compareAndExchangeLongVolatile", CC "(" OBJ "J""J""J"")J", FN_PTR(Unsafe_CompareAndExchangeLong)},
{CC "putOrderedObject", CC "(" OBJ "J" OBJ ")V", FN_PTR(Unsafe_SetOrderedObject)},
{CC "putOrderedInt", CC "(" OBJ "JI)V", FN_PTR(Unsafe_SetOrderedInt)},
{CC "putOrderedLong", CC "(" OBJ "JJ)V", FN_PTR(Unsafe_SetOrderedLong)},
{CC "park", CC "(ZJ)V", FN_PTR(Unsafe_Park)},
{CC "unpark", CC "(" OBJ ")V", FN_PTR(Unsafe_Unpark)},

@ -2550,6 +2550,13 @@ bool Arguments::check_vm_args_consistency() {
warning("Reserved Stack Area not supported on this platform");
if (BackgroundCompilation && (CompileTheWorld || ReplayCompiles)) {
if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(BackgroundCompilation)) {
warning("BackgroundCompilation disabled due to CompileTheWorld or ReplayCompiles options.");
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, BackgroundCompilation, false);
return status;

@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ public:
"Control whether SHA instructions can be used " \
"on SPARC, on ARM and on x86") \
product(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for GHASH versions of crypto") \
product(size_t, LargePageSizeInBytes, 0, \
@ -797,27 +797,27 @@ public:
product(bool, UseInlineCaches, true, \
"Use Inline Caches for virtual calls ") \
develop(bool, InlineArrayCopy, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineArrayCopy, true, \
"Inline arraycopy native that is known to be part of " \
"base library DLL") \
develop(bool, InlineObjectHash, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineObjectHash, true, \
"Inline Object::hashCode() native that is known to be part " \
"of base library DLL") \
develop(bool, InlineNatives, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineNatives, true, \
"Inline natives that are known to be part of base library DLL") \
develop(bool, InlineMathNatives, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineMathNatives, true, \
"Inline SinD, CosD, etc.") \
develop(bool, InlineClassNatives, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineClassNatives, true, \
"Inline Class.isInstance, etc") \
develop(bool, InlineThreadNatives, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineThreadNatives, true, \
"Inline Thread.currentThread, etc") \
develop(bool, InlineUnsafeOps, true, \
diagnostic(bool, InlineUnsafeOps, true, \
"Inline memory ops (native methods) from Unsafe") \
product(bool, CriticalJNINatives, true, \
@ -826,34 +826,34 @@ public:
notproduct(bool, StressCriticalJNINatives, false, \
"Exercise register saving code in critical natives") \
product(bool, UseAESIntrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseAESIntrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for AES versions of crypto") \
product(bool, UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for the paralleled version of AES/CTR crypto") \
product(bool, UseSHA1Intrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseSHA1Intrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA-1 crypto hash function. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false, \
"Use intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions. " \
"Requires that UseSHA is enabled.") \
product(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false, \
"use intrinsics for") \
product(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false, \
"use intrinsics for") \
product(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false, \
"use intrinsics for") \
product(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false, \
diagnostic(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false, \
"Enables intrinsification of ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatch()") \
diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "", \

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ volatile bool NMethodSweeper::_force_sweep = false;// Indicates if w
volatile int NMethodSweeper::_bytes_changed = 0; // Counts the total nmethod size if the nmethod changed from:
// 1) alive -> not_entrant
// 2) not_entrant -> zombie
// 3) zombie -> marked_for_reclamation
int NMethodSweeper::_hotness_counter_reset_val = 0;
long NMethodSweeper::_total_nof_methods_reclaimed = 0; // Accumulated nof methods flushed
@ -355,8 +354,8 @@ void NMethodSweeper::possibly_sweep() {
bool forced = _force_sweep;
// Force stack scanning if there is only 10% free space in the code cache.
// We force stack scanning only non-profiled code heap gets full, since critical
// allocation go to the non-profiled heap and we must be make sure that there is
// We force stack scanning only if the non-profiled code heap gets full, since critical
// allocations go to the non-profiled heap and we must be make sure that there is
// enough space.
double free_percent = 1 / CodeCache::reverse_free_ratio(CodeBlobType::MethodNonProfiled) * 100;
if (free_percent <= StartAggressiveSweepingAt) {
@ -397,7 +396,6 @@ void NMethodSweeper::sweep_code_cache() {
int flushed_count = 0;
int zombified_count = 0;
int marked_for_reclamation_count = 0;
int flushed_c2_count = 0;
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
@ -423,22 +421,27 @@ void NMethodSweeper::sweep_code_cache() {
// Now ready to process nmethod and give up CodeCache_lock
MutexUnlockerEx mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
// Save information before potentially flushing the nmethod
int size = nm->total_size();
bool is_c2_method = nm->is_compiled_by_c2();
bool is_osr = nm->is_osr_method();
int compile_id = nm->compile_id();
intptr_t address = p2i(nm);
const char* state_before = nm->state();
const char* state_after = "";
MethodStateChange type = process_nmethod(nm);
switch (type) {
case Flushed:
state_after = "flushed";
freed_memory += size;
if (is_c2_method) {
case MarkedForReclamation:
case MadeZombie:
state_after = "made zombie";
case None:
@ -446,7 +449,11 @@ void NMethodSweeper::sweep_code_cache() {
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose && type != None) {
tty->print_cr("### %s nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (%s) %s", is_osr ? "osr" : "", compile_id, address, state_before, state_after);
@ -473,7 +480,6 @@ void NMethodSweeper::sweep_code_cache() {
@ -533,7 +539,7 @@ class NMethodMarker: public StackObj {
NMethodMarker(nmethod* nm) {
JavaThread* current = JavaThread::current();
assert (current->is_Code_cache_sweeper_thread(), "Must be");
_thread = (CodeCacheSweeperThread*)JavaThread::current();
_thread = (CodeCacheSweeperThread*)current;
if (!nm->is_zombie() && !nm->is_unloaded()) {
// Only expose live nmethods for scanning
@ -545,6 +551,10 @@ class NMethodMarker: public StackObj {
void NMethodSweeper::release_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
// Make sure the released nmethod is no longer referenced by the sweeper thread
CodeCacheSweeperThread* thread = (CodeCacheSweeperThread*)JavaThread::current();
// Clean up any CompiledICHolders
ResourceMark rm;
@ -575,7 +585,7 @@ NMethodSweeper::MethodStateChange NMethodSweeper::process_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
if (nm->is_locked_by_vm()) {
// But still remember to clean-up inline caches for alive nmethods
if (nm->is_alive()) {
// Clean inline caches that point to zombie/non-entrant methods
// Clean inline caches that point to zombie/non-entrant/unloaded nmethods
MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
@ -584,47 +594,41 @@ NMethodSweeper::MethodStateChange NMethodSweeper::process_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
if (nm->is_zombie()) {
// If it is the first time we see nmethod then we mark it. Otherwise,
// we reclaim it. When we have seen a zombie method twice, we know that
// there are no inline caches that refer to it.
if (nm->is_marked_for_reclamation()) {
assert(!nm->is_locked_by_vm(), "must not flush locked nmethods");
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (marked for reclamation) being flushed", nm->compile_id(), p2i(nm));
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = Flushed;
} else {
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (zombie) being marked for reclamation", nm->compile_id(), p2i(nm));
// Keep track of code cache state change
_bytes_changed += nm->total_size();
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = MarkedForReclamation;
// All inline caches that referred to this nmethod were cleaned in the
// previous sweeper cycle. Now flush the nmethod from the code cache.
assert(!nm->is_locked_by_vm(), "must not flush locked nmethods");
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = Flushed;
} else if (nm->is_not_entrant()) {
// If there are no current activations of this method on the
// stack we can safely convert it to a zombie method
if (nm->can_convert_to_zombie()) {
// Clear ICStubs to prevent back patching stubs of zombie or unloaded
// Clear ICStubs to prevent back patching stubs of zombie or flushed
// nmethods during the next safepoint (see ICStub::finalize).
MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (not entrant) being made zombie", nm->compile_id(), p2i(nm));
// Code cache state change is tracked in make_zombie()
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = MadeZombie;
assert(nm->is_zombie(), "nmethod must be zombie");
// The nmethod may have been locked by JVMTI after being made zombie (see
// JvmtiDeferredEvent::compiled_method_unload_event()). If so, we cannot
// flush the osr nmethod directly but have to wait for a later sweeper cycle.
if (nm->is_osr_method() && !nm->is_locked_by_vm()) {
// No inline caches will ever point to osr methods, so we can just remove it.
// Make sure that we unregistered the nmethod with the heap and flushed all
// dependencies before removing the nmethod (done in make_zombie()).
assert(nm->is_zombie(), "nmethod must be unregistered");
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = Flushed;
} else {
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = MadeZombie;
assert(nm->is_zombie(), "nmethod must be zombie");
} else {
// Still alive, clean up its inline caches
MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
@ -632,9 +636,13 @@ NMethodSweeper::MethodStateChange NMethodSweeper::process_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
} else if (nm->is_unloaded()) {
// Unloaded code, just make it a zombie
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
tty->print_cr("### Nmethod %3d/" PTR_FORMAT " (unloaded) being made zombie", nm->compile_id(), p2i(nm));
// Code is unloaded, so there are no activations on the stack.
// Convert the nmethod to zombie or flush it directly in the OSR case.
// Clean ICs of unloaded nmethods as well because they may reference other
// unloaded nmethods that may be flushed earlier in the sweeper cycle.
MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
if (nm->is_osr_method()) {
@ -643,12 +651,6 @@ NMethodSweeper::MethodStateChange NMethodSweeper::process_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
assert(result == None, "sanity");
result = Flushed;
} else {
// Clean ICs of unloaded nmethods as well because they may reference other
// unloaded nmethods that may be flushed earlier in the sweeper cycle.
MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
// Code cache state change is tracked in make_zombie()
@ -657,7 +659,7 @@ NMethodSweeper::MethodStateChange NMethodSweeper::process_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
} else {
// Clean-up all inline caches that point to zombie/non-reentrant methods
// Clean inline caches that point to zombie/non-entrant/unloaded nmethods
MutexLocker cl(CompiledIC_lock);
@ -668,10 +670,10 @@ NMethodSweeper::MethodStateChange NMethodSweeper::process_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
void NMethodSweeper::possibly_flush(nmethod* nm) {
if (UseCodeCacheFlushing) {
if (!nm->is_locked_by_vm() && !nm->is_osr_method() && !nm->is_native_method()) {
if (!nm->is_locked_by_vm() && !nm->is_native_method()) {
bool make_not_entrant = false;
// Do not make native methods and OSR-methods not-entrant
// Do not make native methods not-entrant
// Get the initial value of the hotness counter. This value depends on the
// ReservedCodeCacheSize

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ class WhiteBox;
// and sweep_code_cache() cannot execute at the same time.
// To reclaim memory, nmethods are first marked as 'not-entrant'. Methods can
// be made not-entrant by (i) the sweeper, (ii) deoptimization, (iii) dependency
// invalidation, and (iv) being replaced be a different method version (tiered
// compilation). Not-entrant nmethod cannot be called by Java threads, but they
// can still be active on the stack. To ensure that active nmethod are not reclaimed,
// invalidation, and (iv) being replaced by a different method version (tiered
// compilation). Not-entrant nmethods cannot be called by Java threads, but they
// can still be active on the stack. To ensure that active nmethods are not reclaimed,
// we have to wait until the next marking phase has completed. If a not-entrant
// nmethod was NOT marked as active, it can be converted to 'zombie' state. To safely
// remove the nmethod, all inline caches (IC) that point to the the nmethod must be
// remove the nmethod, all inline caches (IC) that point to the nmethod must be
// cleared. After that, the nmethod can be evicted from the code cache. Each nmethod's
// state change happens during separate sweeps. It may take at least 3 sweeps before an
// nmethod's space is freed.
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ class NMethodSweeper : public AllStatic {
enum MethodStateChange {
static long _traversals; // Stack scan count, also sweep ID.
@ -76,7 +75,6 @@ class NMethodSweeper : public AllStatic {
static volatile int _bytes_changed; // Counts the total nmethod size if the nmethod changed from:
// 1) alive -> not_entrant
// 2) not_entrant -> zombie
// 3) zombie -> marked_for_reclamation
// Stat counters
static long _total_nof_methods_reclaimed; // Accumulated nof methods flushed
static long _total_nof_c2_methods_reclaimed; // Accumulated nof C2-compiled methods flushed

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ volatile bool AttachListener::_initialized;
// Implementation of "properties" command.
// Invokes sun.misc.VMSupport.serializePropertiesToByteArray to serialize
// Invokes VMSupport.serializePropertiesToByteArray to serialize
// the system properties into a byte array.
static Klass* load_and_initialize_klass(Symbol* sh, TRAPS) {
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ static jint get_properties(AttachOperation* op, outputStream* out, Symbol* seria
Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
HandleMark hm;
// load sun.misc.VMSupport
Symbol* klass = vmSymbols::sun_misc_VMSupport();
// load VMSupport
Symbol* klass = vmSymbols::jdk_internal_vm_VMSupport();
Klass* k = load_and_initialize_klass(klass, THREAD);
java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, out);

@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ int JVMTIAgentLoadDCmd::num_arguments() {
void PrintSystemPropertiesDCmd::execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS) {
// load sun.misc.VMSupport
Symbol* klass = vmSymbols::sun_misc_VMSupport();
// load VMSupport
Symbol* klass = vmSymbols::jdk_internal_vm_VMSupport();
Klass* k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(klass, true, CHECK);
instanceKlassHandle ik (THREAD, k);
if (ik->should_be_initialized()) {

@ -550,7 +550,6 @@ Declares a structure type that can be used in other events.
<value type="INTEGER" field="sweepIndex" label="Sweep Index" relation="SWEEP_ID"/>
<value type="UINT" field="sweptCount" label="Methods Swept"/>
<value type="UINT" field="flushedCount" label="Methods Flushed"/>
<value type="UINT" field="markedCount" label="Methods Reclaimed"/>
<value type="UINT" field="zombifiedCount" label="Methods Zombified"/>

@ -1056,6 +1056,7 @@ const int badHandleValue = 0xBC; // value used to zap
const int badResourceValue = 0xAB; // value used to zap resource area
const int freeBlockPad = 0xBA; // value used to pad freed blocks.
const int uninitBlockPad = 0xF1; // value used to zap newly malloc'd blocks.
const juint uninitMetaWordVal= 0xf7f7f7f7; // value used to zap newly allocated metachunk
const intptr_t badJNIHandleVal = (intptr_t) UCONST64(0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE); // value used to zap jni handle area
const juint badHeapWordVal = 0xBAADBABE; // value used to zap heap after GC
const juint badMetaWordVal = 0xBAADFADE; // value used to zap metadata heap after GC

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ needs_jdk = \
serviceability/attach/ \
serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/ \
serviceability/dcmd/vm/ \
# JRE adds further tests to compact3
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ needs_g1gc = \
gc/metaspace/ \
gc/metaspace/ \
gc/startup_warnings/ \
hotspot_native_sanity = \
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ hotspot_compiler_1 = \
-compiler/c2/6792161 \
-compiler/c2/7070134 \
hotspot_compiler_2 = \
compiler/classUnloading/ \
compiler/codecache/ \
@ -284,8 +284,9 @@ hotspot_compiler_2 = \
compiler/interpreter/ \
compiler/jvmci/ \
-compiler/codegen/7184394 \
-compiler/codecache/stress \
hotspot_compiler_3 = \
compiler/intrinsics/ \
compiler/jsr292/ \
@ -370,4 +371,4 @@ not_needs_nashorn = \
hotspot_tmtools = \

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.CompileOnlyTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.CompileOnlyTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.CompileOnlyTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.ExcludeTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.ExcludeTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.ExcludeTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.LogTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.LogTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.LogTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile;

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.PrintTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.PrintTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile.PrintTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commandfile;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commands.CompileOnlyTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commands.CompileOnlyTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commands.CompileOnlyTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commands;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commands.ExcludeTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commands.ExcludeTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commands.ExcludeTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commands;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commands.LogTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commands.LogTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commands.LogTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commands;

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.commands.PrintTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.commands.PrintTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.commands.PrintTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.commands;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.directives.CompileOnlyTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.directives.CompileOnlyTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.directives.CompileOnlyTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.directives;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.directives.ExcludeTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.directives.ExcludeTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.directives.ExcludeTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.directives;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.directives.LogTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.directives.LogTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.directives.LogTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.directives;

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.directives.PrintTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.directives.PrintTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.directives.PrintTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.directives;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddAndRemoveTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddAndRemoveTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddAndRemoveTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddCompileOnlyTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddCompileOnlyTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddCompileOnlyTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddExcludeTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddExcludeTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddExcludeTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd;

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddLogTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddLogTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddLogTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd;

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddPrintAssemblyTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddPrintAssemblyTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.AddPrintAssemblyTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd;

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
* @build compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.ClearDirectivesFileStackTest
* pool.sub.* pool.subpack.* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* compiler.testlibrary.CompilerUtils compiler.compilercontrol.share.actions.*
* @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* @run driver ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
* sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission
* @run main/othervm compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.ClearDirectivesFileStackTest
* @run driver compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd.ClearDirectivesFileStackTest
package compiler.compilercontrol.jcmd;

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