7159455: Nimbus scrollbar rendering glitch with xrender enabled on i945GM
Reviewed-by: prr, bae
This commit is contained in:
@ -225,6 +225,9 @@ class XRPMScaledBlit extends ScaledBlit {
* @author Clemens Eisserer
class XRPMTransformedBlit extends TransformBlit {
final Rectangle compositeBounds = new Rectangle();
final double[] srcCoords = new double[8];
final double[] dstCoords = new double[8];
public XRPMTransformedBlit(SurfaceType srcType, SurfaceType dstType) {
super(srcType, CompositeType.AnyAlpha, dstType);
@ -235,61 +238,68 @@ class XRPMTransformedBlit extends TransformBlit {
* method is functionally equal to: Shape shp =
* xform.createTransformedShape(rect); Rectangle bounds = shp.getBounds();
* but performs significantly better.
* Returns true if the destination shape is parallel to x/y axis
public Rectangle getCompositeBounds(AffineTransform tr, int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height) {
double[] compBounds = new double[8];
compBounds[0] = dstx;
compBounds[1] = dsty;
compBounds[2] = dstx + width;
compBounds[3] = dsty;
compBounds[4] = dstx + width;
compBounds[5] = dsty + height;
compBounds[6] = dstx;
compBounds[7] = dsty + height;
protected boolean adjustCompositeBounds(AffineTransform tr, int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height) {
srcCoords[0] = dstx;
srcCoords[1] = dsty;
srcCoords[2] = dstx + width;
srcCoords[3] = dsty;
srcCoords[4] = dstx + width;
srcCoords[5] = dsty + height;
srcCoords[6] = dstx;
srcCoords[7] = dsty + height;
tr.transform(compBounds, 0, compBounds, 0, 4);
tr.transform(srcCoords, 0, dstCoords, 0, 4);
double minX = Math.min(compBounds[0], Math.min(compBounds[2], Math.min(compBounds[4], compBounds[6])));
double minY = Math.min(compBounds[1], Math.min(compBounds[3], Math.min(compBounds[5], compBounds[7])));
double maxX = Math.max(compBounds[0], Math.max(compBounds[2], Math.max(compBounds[4], compBounds[6])));
double maxY = Math.max(compBounds[1], Math.max(compBounds[3], Math.max(compBounds[5], compBounds[7])));
double minX = Math.min(dstCoords[0], Math.min(dstCoords[2], Math.min(dstCoords[4], dstCoords[6])));
double minY = Math.min(dstCoords[1], Math.min(dstCoords[3], Math.min(dstCoords[5], dstCoords[7])));
double maxX = Math.max(dstCoords[0], Math.max(dstCoords[2], Math.max(dstCoords[4], dstCoords[6])));
double maxY = Math.max(dstCoords[1], Math.max(dstCoords[3], Math.max(dstCoords[5], dstCoords[7])));
minX = Math.floor(minX);
minY = Math.floor(minY);
maxX = Math.ceil(maxX);
maxY = Math.ceil(maxY);
minX = Math.round(minX);
minY = Math.round(minY);
maxX = Math.round(maxX);
maxY = Math.round(maxY);
return new Rectangle((int) minX, (int) minY, (int) (maxX - minX), (int) (maxY - minY));
compositeBounds.x = (int) minX;
compositeBounds.y = (int) minY;
compositeBounds.width = (int) (maxX - minX);
compositeBounds.height = (int) (maxY - minY);
boolean is0or180 = (dstCoords[1] == dstCoords[3]) && (dstCoords[2] == dstCoords[4]);
boolean is90or270 = (dstCoords[0] == dstCoords[2]) && (dstCoords[3] == dstCoords[5]);
return is0or180 || is90or270;
public void Transform(SurfaceData src, SurfaceData dst, Composite comp, Region clip, AffineTransform xform, int hint, int srcx, int srcy,
int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height) {
public void Transform(SurfaceData src, SurfaceData dst, Composite comp, Region clip, AffineTransform xform,
int hint, int srcx, int srcy, int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height) {
try {
int filter = XRUtils.ATransOpToXRQuality(hint);
XRSurfaceData x11sdDst = (XRSurfaceData) dst;
x11sdDst.validateAsDestination(null, clip);
XRSurfaceData x11sdSrc = (XRSurfaceData) src;
int filter = XRUtils.ATransOpToXRQuality(hint);
boolean isAxisAligned = adjustCompositeBounds(xform, dstx, dsty, width, height);
x11sdDst.validateAsDestination(null, clip);
x11sdDst.maskBuffer.validateCompositeState(comp, null, null, null);
Rectangle bounds = getCompositeBounds(xform, dstx, dsty, width, height);
AffineTransform trx = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance((-bounds.x), (-bounds.y));
AffineTransform trx = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-compositeBounds.x, -compositeBounds.y);
AffineTransform maskTX = (AffineTransform) trx.clone();
trx.translate(-srcx, -srcy);
try {
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
System.err.println("Reseted to identity!");
boolean omitMask = isMaskOmittable(trx, comp, filter);
boolean omitMask = (filter == XRUtils.FAST)
|| (isAxisAligned && ((AlphaComposite) comp).getAlpha() == 1.0f);
if (!omitMask) {
XRMaskImage mask = x11sdSrc.maskBuffer.getMaskImage();
@ -297,33 +307,17 @@ class XRPMTransformedBlit extends TransformBlit {
x11sdSrc.validateAsSource(trx, XRUtils.RepeatPad, filter);
int maskPicture = mask.prepareBlitMask(x11sdDst, maskTX, width, height);
x11sdDst.maskBuffer.con.renderComposite(XRCompositeManager.getInstance(x11sdSrc).getCompRule(), x11sdSrc.picture, maskPicture, x11sdDst.picture,
0, 0, 0, 0, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
0, 0, 0, 0, compositeBounds.x, compositeBounds.y, compositeBounds.width, compositeBounds.height);
} else {
int repeat = filter == XRUtils.FAST ? XRUtils.RepeatNone : XRUtils.RepeatPad;
x11sdSrc.validateAsSource(trx, repeat, filter);
x11sdDst.maskBuffer.compositeBlit(x11sdSrc, x11sdDst, 0, 0, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
x11sdDst.maskBuffer.compositeBlit(x11sdSrc, x11sdDst, 0, 0, compositeBounds.x, compositeBounds.y, compositeBounds.width, compositeBounds.height);
} finally {
/* TODO: Is mask ever omitable??? ... should be for 90 degree rotation and no shear, but we always need to use RepeatPad */
protected static boolean isMaskOmittable(AffineTransform trx, Composite comp, int filter) {
return (filter == XRUtils.FAST || trx.getTranslateX() == (int) trx.getTranslateX() /*
* If
* translate
* is
* integer
* only
&& trx.getTranslateY() == (int) trx.getTranslateY() && (trx.getShearX() == 0 && trx.getShearY() == 0 // Only
// 90 degree
// rotation
|| trx.getShearX() == -trx.getShearY())) && ((AlphaComposite) comp).getAlpha() == 1.0f; // No
// ExtraAlpha!=1
class XrSwToPMBlit extends Blit {
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