8153930: Compiler crashed (intermittently)
Reviewed-by: redestad, alanb
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
package jdk.internal.jimage;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
@ -36,8 +37,11 @@ import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@ -47,80 +51,486 @@ import java.util.function.Consumer;
* but also compiled and delivered as part of the jrtfs.jar to support access
* to the jimage file provided by the shipped JDK by tools running on JDK 8.
public class ImageReader extends BasicImageReader {
public final class ImageReader implements AutoCloseable {
private SharedImageReader reader;
private static final int SIZE_OF_OFFSET = 4;
// Map of files opened as LITTLE_ENDIAN
private static final HashMap<Path, ImageReader> OPEN_LE_FILES
= new HashMap<>();
// Map of files opened as BIG_ENDIAN
private static final HashMap<Path, ImageReader> OPEN_BE_FILES
= new HashMap<>();
private int openCount;
// attributes of the .jimage file. jimage file does not contain
// attributes for the individual resources (yet). We use attributes
// of the jimage file itself (creation, modification, access times).
// Iniitalized lazily, see {@link #imageFileAttributes()}.
private BasicFileAttributes imageFileAttributes;
// directory management implementation
private final HashMap<String, Node> nodes;
private volatile Directory rootDir;
private Directory packagesDir;
private Directory modulesDir;
private ImageReader(Path imagePath, ByteOrder byteOrder) throws IOException {
super(imagePath, byteOrder);
this.nodes = new HashMap<>();
private ImageReader(SharedImageReader reader) {
this.reader = reader;
public static ImageReader open(Path imagePath, ByteOrder byteOrder) throws IOException {
HashMap<Path, ImageReader> openFiles = getOpenFilesMap(byteOrder);
ImageReader reader;
synchronized (openFiles) {
reader = openFiles.get(imagePath);
if (reader == null) {
reader = new ImageReader(imagePath, byteOrder);
ImageReader existingReader = openFiles.putIfAbsent(imagePath, reader);
assert (existingReader == null);
return reader;
return SharedImageReader.open(imagePath, byteOrder);
private static HashMap<Path, ImageReader> getOpenFilesMap(ByteOrder byteOrder) {
return (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? OPEN_BE_FILES : OPEN_LE_FILES;
* Opens the given file path as an image file, returning an {@code ImageReader}.
public static ImageReader open(Path imagePath) throws IOException {
return open(imagePath, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
private boolean canClose() {
HashMap<Path, ImageReader> openFiles = getOpenFilesMap(this.getByteOrder());
synchronized (openFiles) {
if (--this.openCount == 0) {
return openFiles.remove(this.getName(), this);
return false;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (canClose()) {
if (reader == null) {
throw new IOException("image file already closed");
reader = null;
// directory management interface
public Directory getRootDirectory() throws IOException {
if (reader == null) {
throw new IOException("image file closed");
return reader.getRootDirectory();
public Node findNode(String name) throws IOException {
if (reader == null) {
throw new IOException("image file closed");
return reader.findNode(name);
public byte[] getResource(Node node) throws IOException {
if (reader == null) {
throw new IOException("image file closed");
return reader.getResource(node);
public byte[] getResource(Resource rs) throws IOException {
if (reader == null) {
throw new IOException("image file closed");
return reader.getResource(rs);
public ImageHeader getHeader() {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getHeader();
public static void releaseByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer) {
public String getName() {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getName() ;
public ByteOrder getByteOrder() {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getByteOrder();
public Path getImagePath() {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getImagePath();
public ImageStringsReader getStrings() {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getStrings();
public ImageLocation findLocation(String mn, String rn) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.findLocation(mn, rn);
public ImageLocation findLocation(String name) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.findLocation(name);
public String[] getEntryNames() {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getEntryNames();
public long[] getAttributes(int offset) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getAttributes(offset);
public String getString(int offset) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getString(offset);
public byte[] getResource(String name) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getResource(name);
public byte[] getResource(ImageLocation loc) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getResource(loc);
public ByteBuffer getResourceBuffer(ImageLocation loc) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getResourceBuffer(loc);
public InputStream getResourceStream(ImageLocation loc) {
Objects.requireNonNull(reader, "image file closed");
return reader.getResourceStream(loc);
private final static class SharedImageReader extends BasicImageReader {
static final int SIZE_OF_OFFSET = Integer.BYTES;
static final Map<Path, SharedImageReader> OPEN_FILES = new HashMap<>();
// List of openers for this shared image.
final Set<ImageReader> openers;
// attributes of the .jimage file. jimage file does not contain
// attributes for the individual resources (yet). We use attributes
// of the jimage file itself (creation, modification, access times).
// Iniitalized lazily, see {@link #imageFileAttributes()}.
BasicFileAttributes imageFileAttributes;
// directory management implementation
final HashMap<String, Node> nodes;
volatile Directory rootDir;
Directory packagesDir;
Directory modulesDir;
private SharedImageReader(Path imagePath, ByteOrder byteOrder) throws IOException {
super(imagePath, byteOrder);
this.openers = new HashSet<>();
this.nodes = new HashMap<>();
public static ImageReader open(Path imagePath, ByteOrder byteOrder) throws IOException {
synchronized (OPEN_FILES) {
SharedImageReader reader = OPEN_FILES.get(imagePath);
if (reader == null) {
// Will fail with an IOException if wrong byteOrder.
reader = new SharedImageReader(imagePath, byteOrder);
OPEN_FILES.put(imagePath, reader);
} else if (reader.getByteOrder() != byteOrder) {
throw new IOException("\"" + reader.getName() + "\" is not an image file");
ImageReader image = new ImageReader(reader);
return image;
public void close(ImageReader image) throws IOException {
synchronized (OPEN_FILES) {
if (!openers.remove(image)) {
throw new IOException("image file already closed");
if (openers.isEmpty()) {
rootDir = null;
if (!OPEN_FILES.remove(this.getImagePath(), this)) {
throw new IOException("image file not found in open list");
void addOpener(ImageReader reader) {
synchronized (OPEN_FILES) {
boolean removeOpener(ImageReader reader) {
synchronized (OPEN_FILES) {
return openers.remove(reader);
// directory management interface
Directory getRootDirectory() {
return buildRootDirectory();
* Lazily build a node from a name.
synchronized Node buildNode(String name) {
Node n;
boolean isPackages = name.startsWith("/packages");
boolean isModules = !isPackages && name.startsWith("/modules");
if (!(isModules || isPackages)) {
return null;
ImageLocation loc = findLocation(name);
if (loc != null) { // A sub tree node
if (isPackages) {
n = handlePackages(name, loc);
} else { // modules sub tree
n = handleModulesSubTree(name, loc);
} else { // Asking for a resource? /modules/java.base/java/lang/Object.class
if (isModules) {
n = handleResource(name);
} else {
// Possibly ask for /packages/java.lang/java.base
// although /packages/java.base not created
n = handleModuleLink(name);
return n;
synchronized Directory buildRootDirectory() {
Directory root = rootDir; // volatile read
if (root != null) {
return root;
root = newDirectory(null, "/");
// /packages dir
packagesDir = newDirectory(root, "/packages");
// /modules dir
modulesDir = newDirectory(root, "/modules");
return rootDir = root;
* To visit sub tree resources.
interface LocationVisitor {
void visit(ImageLocation loc);
void visitLocation(ImageLocation loc, LocationVisitor visitor) {
byte[] offsets = getResource(loc);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(offsets);
IntBuffer intBuffer = buffer.asIntBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length / SIZE_OF_OFFSET; i++) {
int offset = intBuffer.get(i);
ImageLocation pkgLoc = getLocation(offset);
void visitPackageLocation(ImageLocation loc) {
// Retrieve package name
String pkgName = getBaseExt(loc);
// Content is array of offsets in Strings table
byte[] stringsOffsets = getResource(loc);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(stringsOffsets);
IntBuffer intBuffer = buffer.asIntBuffer();
// For each module, create a link node.
for (int i = 0; i < stringsOffsets.length / SIZE_OF_OFFSET; i++) {
// skip empty state, useless.
int offset = intBuffer.get(i);
String moduleName = getString(offset);
Node targetNode = findNode("/modules/" + moduleName);
if (targetNode != null) {
String pkgDirName = packagesDir.getName() + "/" + pkgName;
Directory pkgDir = (Directory) nodes.get(pkgDirName);
newLinkNode(pkgDir, pkgDir.getName() + "/" + moduleName, targetNode);
Node handlePackages(String name, ImageLocation loc) {
long size = loc.getUncompressedSize();
Node n = null;
// Only possiblities are /packages, /packages/package/module
if (name.equals("/packages")) {
visitLocation(loc, (childloc) -> {
n = packagesDir;
} else {
if (size != 0) { // children are offsets to module in StringsTable
String pkgName = getBaseExt(loc);
Directory pkgDir = newDirectory(packagesDir, packagesDir.getName() + "/" + pkgName);
n = pkgDir;
} else { // Link to module
String pkgName = loc.getParent();
String modName = getBaseExt(loc);
Node targetNode = findNode("/modules/" + modName);
if (targetNode != null) {
String pkgDirName = packagesDir.getName() + "/" + pkgName;
Directory pkgDir = (Directory) nodes.get(pkgDirName);
Node linkNode = newLinkNode(pkgDir, pkgDir.getName() + "/" + modName, targetNode);
n = linkNode;
return n;
// Asking for /packages/package/module although
// /packages/<pkg>/ not yet created, need to create it
// prior to return the link to module node.
Node handleModuleLink(String name) {
// eg: unresolved /packages/package/module
// Build /packages/package node
Node ret = null;
String radical = "/packages/";
String path = name;
if (path.startsWith(radical)) {
int start = radical.length();
int pkgEnd = path.indexOf('/', start);
if (pkgEnd != -1) {
String pkg = path.substring(start, pkgEnd);
String pkgPath = radical + pkg;
Node n = findNode(pkgPath);
// If not found means that this is a symbolic link such as:
// /packages/java.util/java.base/java/util/Vector.class
// and will be done by a retry of the filesystem
for (Node child : n.getChildren()) {
if (child.name.equals(name)) {
ret = child;
return ret;
Node handleModulesSubTree(String name, ImageLocation loc) {
Node n;
assert (name.equals(loc.getFullName()));
Directory dir = makeDirectories(name);
visitLocation(loc, (childloc) -> {
String path = childloc.getFullName();
if (path.startsWith("/modules")) { // a package
} else { // a resource
makeDirectories(childloc.buildName(true, true, false));
newResource(dir, childloc);
n = dir;
return n;
Node handleResource(String name) {
Node n = null;
String locationPath = name.substring("/modules".length());
ImageLocation resourceLoc = findLocation(locationPath);
if (resourceLoc != null) {
Directory dir = makeDirectories(resourceLoc.buildName(true, true, false));
Resource res = newResource(dir, resourceLoc);
n = res;
return n;
String getBaseExt(ImageLocation loc) {
String base = loc.getBase();
String ext = loc.getExtension();
if (ext != null && !ext.isEmpty()) {
base = base + "." + ext;
return base;
synchronized Node findNode(String name) {
Node n = nodes.get(name);
if (n == null || !n.isCompleted()) {
n = buildNode(name);
return n;
* Returns the file attributes of the image file.
BasicFileAttributes imageFileAttributes() {
BasicFileAttributes attrs = imageFileAttributes;
if (attrs == null) {
try {
Path file = getImagePath();
attrs = Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
imageFileAttributes = attrs;
return attrs;
Directory newDirectory(Directory parent, String name) {
Directory dir = Directory.create(parent, name, imageFileAttributes());
nodes.put(dir.getName(), dir);
return dir;
Resource newResource(Directory parent, ImageLocation loc) {
Resource res = Resource.create(parent, loc, imageFileAttributes());
nodes.put(res.getName(), res);
return res;
LinkNode newLinkNode(Directory dir, String name, Node link) {
LinkNode linkNode = LinkNode.create(dir, name, link);
nodes.put(linkNode.getName(), linkNode);
return linkNode;
Directory makeDirectories(String parent) {
Directory last = rootDir;
for (int offset = parent.indexOf('/', 1);
offset != -1;
offset = parent.indexOf('/', offset + 1)) {
String dir = parent.substring(0, offset);
last = makeDirectory(dir, last);
return makeDirectory(parent, last);
Directory makeDirectory(String dir, Directory last) {
Directory nextDir = (Directory) nodes.get(dir);
if (nextDir == null) {
nextDir = newDirectory(last, dir);
return nextDir;
byte[] getResource(Node node) throws IOException {
if (node.isResource()) {
return super.getResource(node.getLocation());
throw new IOException("Not a resource: " + node);
byte[] getResource(Resource rs) throws IOException {
return super.getResource(rs.getLocation());
// jimage file does not store directory structure. We build nodes
@ -389,7 +799,7 @@ public class ImageReader extends BasicImageReader {
public Node resolveLink(boolean recursive) {
return recursive && (link instanceof LinkNode)? ((LinkNode)link).resolveLink(true) : link;
return (recursive && link instanceof LinkNode) ? ((LinkNode)link).resolveLink(true) : link;
@ -397,297 +807,4 @@ public class ImageReader extends BasicImageReader {
return true;
// directory management interface
public Directory getRootDirectory() {
return buildRootDirectory();
* To visit sub tree resources.
interface LocationVisitor {
void visit(ImageLocation loc);
* Lazily build a node from a name.
private Node buildNode(String name) {
Node n;
boolean isPackages = name.startsWith("/packages");
boolean isModules = !isPackages && name.startsWith("/modules");
if (!(isModules || isPackages)) {
return null;
ImageLocation loc = findLocation(name);
if (loc != null) { // A sub tree node
if (isPackages) {
n = handlePackages(name, loc);
} else { // modules sub tree
n = handleModulesSubTree(name, loc);
} else { // Asking for a resource? /modules/java.base/java/lang/Object.class
if (isModules) {
n = handleResource(name);
} else {
// Possibly ask for /packages/java.lang/java.base
// although /packages/java.base not created
n = handleModuleLink(name);
return n;
private void visitLocation(ImageLocation loc, LocationVisitor visitor) {
byte[] offsets = getResource(loc);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(offsets);
IntBuffer intBuffer = buffer.asIntBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length / SIZE_OF_OFFSET; i++) {
int offset = intBuffer.get(i);
ImageLocation pkgLoc = getLocation(offset);
private void visitPackageLocation(ImageLocation loc) {
// Retrieve package name
String pkgName = getBaseExt(loc);
// Content is array of offsets in Strings table
byte[] stringsOffsets = getResource(loc);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(stringsOffsets);
IntBuffer intBuffer = buffer.asIntBuffer();
// For each module, create a link node.
for (int i = 0; i < stringsOffsets.length / SIZE_OF_OFFSET; i++) {
// skip empty state, useless.
int offset = intBuffer.get(i);
String moduleName = getString(offset);
Node targetNode = findNode("/modules/" + moduleName);
if (targetNode != null) {
String pkgDirName = packagesDir.getName() + "/" + pkgName;
Directory pkgDir = (Directory) nodes.get(pkgDirName);
newLinkNode(pkgDir, pkgDir.getName() + "/" + moduleName, targetNode);
private Node handlePackages(String name, ImageLocation loc) {
long size = loc.getUncompressedSize();
Node n = null;
// Only possiblities are /packages, /packages/package/module
if (name.equals("/packages")) {
visitLocation(loc, (childloc) -> {
n = packagesDir;
} else {
if (size != 0) { // children are offsets to module in StringsTable
String pkgName = getBaseExt(loc);
Directory pkgDir = newDirectory(packagesDir, packagesDir.getName() + "/" + pkgName);
n = pkgDir;
} else { // Link to module
String pkgName = loc.getParent();
String modName = getBaseExt(loc);
Node targetNode = findNode("/modules/" + modName);
if (targetNode != null) {
String pkgDirName = packagesDir.getName() + "/" + pkgName;
Directory pkgDir = (Directory) nodes.get(pkgDirName);
Node linkNode = newLinkNode(pkgDir, pkgDir.getName() + "/" + modName, targetNode);
n = linkNode;
return n;
// Asking for /packages/package/module although
// /packages/<pkg>/ not yet created, need to create it
// prior to return the link to module node.
private Node handleModuleLink(String name) {
// eg: unresolved /packages/package/module
// Build /packages/package node
Node ret = null;
String radical = "/packages/";
String path = name;
if (path.startsWith(radical)) {
int start = radical.length();
int pkgEnd = path.indexOf('/', start);
if (pkgEnd != -1) {
String pkg = path.substring(start, pkgEnd);
String pkgPath = radical + pkg;
Node n = findNode(pkgPath);
// If not found means that this is a symbolic link such as:
// /packages/java.util/java.base/java/util/Vector.class
// and will be done by a retry of the filesystem
for (Node child : n.getChildren()) {
if (child.name.equals(name)) {
ret = child;
return ret;
private Node handleModulesSubTree(String name, ImageLocation loc) {
Node n;
assert (name.equals(loc.getFullName()));
Directory dir = makeDirectories(name);
visitLocation(loc, (childloc) -> {
String path = childloc.getFullName();
if (path.startsWith("/modules")) { // a package
} else { // a resource
makeDirectories(childloc.buildName(true, true, false));
newResource(dir, childloc);
n = dir;
return n;
private Node handleResource(String name) {
Node n = null;
String locationPath = name.substring("/modules".length());
ImageLocation resourceLoc = findLocation(locationPath);
if (resourceLoc != null) {
Directory dir = makeDirectories(resourceLoc.buildName(true, true, false));
Resource res = newResource(dir, resourceLoc);
n = res;
return n;
private String getBaseExt(ImageLocation loc) {
String base = loc.getBase();
String ext = loc.getExtension();
if (ext != null && !ext.isEmpty()) {
base = base + "." + ext;
return base;
public synchronized Node findNode(String name) {
Node n = nodes.get(name);
if (n == null || !n.isCompleted()) {
n = buildNode(name);
return n;
private synchronized void clearNodes() {
rootDir = null;
* Returns the file attributes of the image file.
private BasicFileAttributes imageFileAttributes() {
BasicFileAttributes attrs = imageFileAttributes;
if (attrs == null) {
try {
Path file = getImagePath();
attrs = Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);
imageFileAttributes = attrs;
return attrs;
private Directory buildRootDirectory() {
Directory root = rootDir; // volatile read
if (root != null) {
return root;
synchronized (this) {
root = rootDir;
if (root != null) {
return root;
// FIXME no time information per resource in jimage file (yet?)
// we use file attributes of jimage itself.
// root directory
root = newDirectory(null, "/");
// /packages dir
packagesDir = newDirectory(root, "/packages");
// /modules dir
modulesDir = newDirectory(root, "/modules");
return rootDir = root;
private Directory newDirectory(Directory parent, String name) {
Directory dir = Directory.create(parent, name, imageFileAttributes());
nodes.put(dir.getName(), dir);
return dir;
private Resource newResource(Directory parent, ImageLocation loc) {
Resource res = Resource.create(parent, loc, imageFileAttributes());
nodes.put(res.getName(), res);
return res;
private LinkNode newLinkNode(Directory dir, String name, Node link) {
LinkNode linkNode = LinkNode.create(dir, name, link);
nodes.put(linkNode.getName(), linkNode);
return linkNode;
private Directory makeDirectories(String parent) {
Directory last = rootDir;
for (int offset = parent.indexOf('/', 1);
offset != -1;
offset = parent.indexOf('/', offset + 1)) {
String dir = parent.substring(0, offset);
last = makeDirectory(dir, last);
return makeDirectory(parent, last);
private Directory makeDirectory(String dir, Directory last) {
Directory nextDir = (Directory) nodes.get(dir);
if (nextDir == null) {
nextDir = newDirectory(last, dir);
return nextDir;
public byte[] getResource(Node node) throws IOException {
if (node.isResource()) {
return super.getResource(node.getLocation());
throw new IOException("Not a resource: " + node);
public byte[] getResource(Resource rs) throws IOException {
return super.getResource(rs.getLocation());
@ -299,13 +299,9 @@ class JrtFileSystem extends FileSystem {
// clean up this file system - called from finalize and close
void cleanup() throws IOException {
if (!isOpen) {
synchronized (this) {
synchronized void cleanup() throws IOException {
if (isOpen) {
isOpen = false;
// close image reader and null out
image = null;
@ -461,8 +457,8 @@ class JrtFileSystem extends FileSystem {
private Node lookup(String path) {
try {
return image.findNode(path);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
throw new InvalidPathException(path, re.toString());
} catch (RuntimeException | IOException ex) {
throw new InvalidPathException(path, ex.toString());
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import jdk.internal.jimage.ImageReader.Node;
abstract class SystemImage {
abstract Node findNode(String path);
abstract Node findNode(String path) throws IOException;
abstract byte[] getResource(Node node) throws IOException;
abstract void close() throws IOException;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ abstract class SystemImage {
return new SystemImage() {
Node findNode(String path) {
Node findNode(String path) throws IOException {
return image.findNode(path);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user