8205906: jdk.jfr.jcmd.TestJcmdDumpLimited fails due to erronous processing of -XX:FlightRecorderOptions
Reviewed-by: egahlin
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ void Jfr::weak_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* f) {
LeakProfiler::oops_do(is_alive, f);
bool Jfr::on_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail) {
return JfrOptionSet::parse_start_flight_recording_option(option, tail);
bool Jfr::on_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter) {
return JfrOptionSet::parse_flight_recorder_option(option, delimiter);
bool Jfr::on_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail) {
return JfrOptionSet::parse_flight_recorder_option(option, tail);
bool Jfr::on_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter) {
return JfrOptionSet::parse_start_flight_recording_option(option, delimiter);
Thread* Jfr::sampler_thread() {
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ class Jfr : AllStatic {
static void on_thread_exit(JavaThread* thread);
static void on_thread_destruct(Thread* thread);
static void on_vm_shutdown(bool exception_handler = false);
static bool on_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail);
static bool on_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail);
static bool on_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter);
static bool on_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter);
static void weak_oops_do(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* f);
static Thread* sampler_thread();
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/flags/jvmFlag.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
static bool is_disabled_on_command_line() {
static const size_t length = strlen("FlightRecorder");
@ -85,31 +86,30 @@ bool JfrRecorder::on_vm_init() {
return JfrTime::initialize();
static JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd* _startup_recording = NULL;
static GrowableArray<JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd*>* dcmd_recordings_array = NULL;
static void release_startup_recording() {
if (_startup_recording != NULL) {
delete _startup_recording;
_startup_recording = NULL;
static void release_recordings() {
if (dcmd_recordings_array != NULL) {
const int length = dcmd_recordings_array->length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
delete dcmd_recordings_array->at(i);
delete dcmd_recordings_array;
dcmd_recordings_array = NULL;
static void teardown_startup_support() {
// Parsing options here to detect errors as soon as possible
static bool parse_recording_options(const char* options, TRAPS) {
static bool parse_recording_options(const char* options, JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd* dcmd_recording, TRAPS) {
assert(options != NULL, "invariant");
if (_startup_recording != NULL) {
delete _startup_recording;
assert(dcmd_recording != NULL, "invariant");
CmdLine cmdline(options, strlen(options), true);
_startup_recording = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTracing) JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd(tty, true);
assert(_startup_recording != NULL, "invariant");
_startup_recording->parse(&cmdline, ',', THREAD);
dcmd_recording->parse(&cmdline, ',', THREAD);
java_lang_Throwable::print(PENDING_EXCEPTION, tty);
@ -119,24 +119,30 @@ static bool parse_recording_options(const char* options, TRAPS) {
static bool validate_recording_options(TRAPS) {
const GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_options = JfrOptionSet::startup_recordings();
if (startup_options == NULL) {
const GrowableArray<const char*>* options = JfrOptionSet::startup_recording_options();
if (options == NULL) {
return true;
const int length = startup_options->length();
const int length = options->length();
assert(length >= 1, "invariant");
assert(dcmd_recordings_array == NULL, "invariant");
dcmd_recordings_array = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTracing)GrowableArray<JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd*>(length, true, mtTracing);
assert(dcmd_recordings_array != NULL, "invariant");
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!parse_recording_options(startup_options->at(i), THREAD)) {
JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd* const dcmd_recording = new(ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTracing) JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd(tty, true);
assert(dcmd_recording != NULL, "invariant");
if (!parse_recording_options(options->at(i), dcmd_recording, THREAD)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool launch_recording(TRAPS) {
assert(_startup_recording != NULL, "invariant");
static bool launch_recording(JfrStartFlightRecordingDCmd* dcmd_recording, TRAPS) {
assert(dcmd_recording != NULL, "invariant");
log_trace(jfr, system)("Starting a recording");
_startup_recording->execute(DCmd_Source_Internal, Thread::current());
dcmd_recording->execute(DCmd_Source_Internal, THREAD);
log_debug(jfr, system)("Exception while starting a recording");
@ -146,31 +152,20 @@ static bool launch_recording(TRAPS) {
return true;
static bool launch_recordings(const GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_options, TRAPS) {
assert(startup_options != NULL, "invariant");
const int length = startup_options->length();
assert(length >= 1, "invariant");
if (length == 1) {
// already parsed and ready, launch it
return launch_recording(THREAD);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
parse_recording_options(startup_options->at(i), THREAD);
if (!launch_recording(THREAD)) {
return false;
static bool launch_recordings(TRAPS) {
bool result = true;
if (dcmd_recordings_array != NULL) {
const int length = dcmd_recordings_array->length();
assert(length >= 1, "invariant");
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!launch_recording(dcmd_recordings_array->at(i), THREAD)) {
result = false;
return true;
static bool startup_recordings(TRAPS) {
const GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_options = JfrOptionSet::startup_recordings();
if (startup_options == NULL) {
return true;
const bool ret = launch_recordings(startup_options, THREAD);
return ret;
return result;
static void log_jdk_jfr_module_resolution_error(TRAPS) {
@ -180,13 +175,20 @@ static void log_jdk_jfr_module_resolution_error(TRAPS) {
JfrJavaSupport::is_jdk_jfr_module_available(&stream, THREAD);
bool JfrRecorder::on_vm_start() {
if (DumpSharedSpaces && (JfrOptionSet::startup_recordings() != NULL)) {
static bool is_cds_dump_requested() {
// we will not be able to launch recordings if a cds dump is being requested
if (DumpSharedSpaces && (JfrOptionSet::startup_recording_options() != NULL)) {
warning("JFR will be disabled during CDS dumping");
return true;
const bool in_graph = JfrJavaSupport::is_jdk_jfr_module_available();
return false;
bool JfrRecorder::on_vm_start() {
if (is_cds_dump_requested()) {
return true;
Thread* const thread = Thread::current();
if (!JfrOptionSet::initialize(thread)) {
return false;
@ -194,10 +196,13 @@ bool JfrRecorder::on_vm_start() {
if (!register_jfr_dcmds()) {
return false;
if (!validate_recording_options(thread)) {
return false;
const bool in_graph = JfrJavaSupport::is_jdk_jfr_module_available();
if (in_graph) {
if (!validate_recording_options(thread)) {
return false;
if (!JfrJavaEventWriter::initialize()) {
return false;
@ -205,14 +210,17 @@ bool JfrRecorder::on_vm_start() {
return false;
if (!is_enabled()) {
return true;
if (!in_graph) {
return false;
return startup_recordings(thread);
return launch_recordings(thread);
static bool _created = false;
@ -665,59 +665,69 @@ bool JfrOptionSet::adjust_memory_options() {
return true;
static GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_recording_array = NULL;
static const char XXFlightRecorderOptions[] = "-XX:FlightRecorderOptions";
bool JfrOptionSet::parse_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail) {
bool JfrOptionSet::parse_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter) {
assert(option != NULL, "invariant");
assert(tail != NULL, "invariant");
assert(delimiter != NULL, "invariant");
assert((*option)->optionString != NULL, "invariant");
assert(strncmp((*option)->optionString, "-XX:StartFlightRecording", 24) == 0, "invariant");
const char* param_string = NULL;
if (*tail == '\0') {
// Add dummy dumponexit=false so -XX:StartFlightRecording can be used without a parameter.
assert(strncmp((*option)->optionString, XXFlightRecorderOptions, sizeof XXFlightRecorderOptions - 1) == 0, "invariant");
if (*delimiter == '\0') {
// -XX:FlightRecorderOptions without any delimiter and values
} else {
// -XX:FlightRecorderOptions[=|:]
// set delimiter to '='
*delimiter = '=';
return false;
static GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_recording_options_array = NULL;
static const char XXStartFlightRecordingOption[] = "-XX:StartFlightRecording";
bool JfrOptionSet::parse_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter) {
assert(option != NULL, "invariant");
assert(delimiter != NULL, "invariant");
assert((*option)->optionString != NULL, "invariant");
assert(strncmp((*option)->optionString, XXStartFlightRecordingOption, sizeof XXStartFlightRecordingOption - 1) == 0, "invariant");
const char* value = NULL;
if (*delimiter == '\0') {
// -XX:StartFlightRecording without any delimiter and values
// Add dummy value "dumponexit=false" so -XX:StartFlightRecording can be used without explicit values.
// The existing option->optionString points to stack memory so no need to deallocate.
const_cast<JavaVMOption*>(*option)->optionString = (char*)"-XX:StartFlightRecording=dumponexit=false";
param_string = (*option)->optionString + 25;
value = (*option)->optionString + sizeof XXStartFlightRecordingOption;
} else {
*tail = '='; // ":" -> "="
param_string = tail + 1;
// -XX:StartFlightRecording[=|:]
// set delimiter to '='
*delimiter = '=';
value = delimiter + 1;
assert(param_string != NULL, "invariant");
const size_t param_length = strlen(param_string);
assert(value != NULL, "invariant");
const size_t value_length = strlen(value);
if (startup_recording_array == NULL) {
startup_recording_array = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTracing) GrowableArray<const char*>(8, true, mtTracing);
if (startup_recording_options_array == NULL) {
startup_recording_options_array = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtTracing) GrowableArray<const char*>(8, true, mtTracing);
assert(startup_recording_array != NULL, "invariant");
char* startup_options = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, param_length + 1, mtTracing);
strncpy(startup_options, param_string, strlen(param_string) + 1);
assert(strncmp(param_string, startup_options, param_length) == 0, "invariant");
assert(startup_recording_options_array != NULL, "invariant");
char* const startup_value = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, value_length + 1, mtTracing);
strncpy(startup_value, value, value_length + 1);
assert(strncmp(startup_value, value, value_length) == 0, "invariant");
return false;
const GrowableArray<const char*>* JfrOptionSet::startup_recordings() {
return startup_recording_array;
const GrowableArray<const char*>* JfrOptionSet::startup_recording_options() {
return startup_recording_options_array;
void JfrOptionSet::release_startup_recordings() {
if (startup_recording_array != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < startup_recording_array->length(); ++i) {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, startup_recording_array->at(i));
void JfrOptionSet::release_startup_recording_options() {
if (startup_recording_options_array != NULL) {
const int length = startup_recording_options_array->length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, startup_recording_options_array->at(i));
delete startup_recording_options_array;
startup_recording_options_array = NULL;
delete startup_recording_array;
startup_recording_array = NULL;
bool JfrOptionSet::parse_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail) {
assert(option != NULL, "invariant");
assert(tail != NULL, "invariant");
assert((*option)->optionString != NULL, "invariant");
assert(strncmp((*option)->optionString, "-XX:FlightRecorderOptions", 25) == 0, "invariant");
if (tail != NULL) {
*tail = '='; // ":" -> "="
return false;
@ -78,11 +78,10 @@ class JfrOptionSet : public AllStatic {
static bool sample_protection();
DEBUG_ONLY(static void set_sample_protection(jboolean protection);)
static bool parse_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail);
static bool parse_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* tail);
static const GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_recordings();
static void release_startup_recordings();
static bool parse_flight_recorder_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter);
static bool parse_start_flight_recording_option(const JavaVMOption** option, char* delimiter);
static const GrowableArray<const char*>* startup_recording_options();
static void release_startup_recording_options();
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
* @summary The test verifies JFR.dump command
* @key jfr
* @library /test/lib /test/jdk
* @run main/othervm -XX:FlightRecorderOptions jdk.jfr.jcmd.TestJcmdDumpLimited
* @run main/othervm jdk.jfr.jcmd.TestJcmdDumpLimited
public class TestJcmdDumpLimited {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user