From 60b519aaeb570efcd735a8c6353fb589332d1056 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Hegarty
An empty authority component is permitted as long as it is * followed by a non-empty path, a query component, or a fragment @@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ public final class URI *
Otherwise the new URI's authority component is copied from * this URI, and its path is computed as follows:
* - *If the given URI's path is absolute then the new URI's path * is taken from the given URI.
The host component of a URI, if defined, will have one of the * following forms:
* - *A domain name consisting of one or more labels * separated by period characters ('.'), optionally followed by @@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ public final class URI * *
The ordering of URIs is defined as follows:
* - *Two URIs with different schemes are ordered according the * ordering of their schemes, without regard to case.
Two hierarchical URIs with identical schemes are ordered * according to the ordering of their authority components:
* - *If both authority components are server-based then the URIs * are ordered according to their user-information components; if these