8268826: Cleanup Override in Context-Specific Deserialization Filters
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, bchristi
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Status.*;
import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.TRACE;
import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.DEBUG;
import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.ERROR;
* Filter classes, array lengths, and graph metrics during deserialization.
@ -308,10 +309,12 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
* <li>Otherwise, return {@code otherStatus}.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Example, to create a filter that will allow any class loaded from the platform classloader.
* Example, to create a filter that will allow any class loaded from the platform
* or bootstrap classloaders.
* <pre><code>
* ObjectInputFilter f = allowFilter(cl -> cl.getClassLoader() == ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader()
* || cl.getClassLoader() == null, Status.UNDECIDED);
* ObjectInputFilter f
* = allowFilter(cl -> cl.getClassLoader() == ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader() ||
* cl.getClassLoader() == null, Status.UNDECIDED);
* </code></pre>
* @param predicate a predicate to test a non-null Class
@ -527,23 +530,17 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
* The syntax for the property value is the same as for the
* {@link #createFilter(String) createFilter} method.
* <p> If only `jdk.serialFilter` is set and not `jdk.serialFilterFactory` the builtin
* filter factory, compatible with previous versions, is set and can not be replaced,
* see below to override the builtin filter factory.
* <p>
* If the Java virtual machine is started with the system property
* {@systemProperty jdk.serialFilterFactory} or the {@link java.security.Security} property
* of the same name, its value names the class to configure the JVM-wide deserialization
* filter factory or the special value `OVERRIDE`.
* filter factory.
* If the system property is not defined, and the {@link java.security.Security} property
* {@code jdk.serialFilterFactory} is defined then it is used to configure the filter factory.
* If the value is `OVERRIDE`, the filter factory can be set by the application before
* the first deserialization using {@link Config#setSerialFilterFactory(BinaryOperator)};
* If it remains unset, the filter factory is a builtin filter factory compatible
* with previous versions.
* <p>If not `OVERRIDE`, the class must be public, must have a public zero-argument constructor, implement the
* <p>The class must be public, must have a public zero-argument constructor, implement the
* {@link BinaryOperator {@literal BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter>}} interface, provide its implementation and
* be accessible via the {@linkplain ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader() application class loader}.
* If the filter factory constructor is not invoked successfully, an {@link ExceptionInInitializerError}
@ -579,11 +576,6 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
private static final String SERIAL_FILTER_FACTORY_PROPNAME = "jdk.serialFilterFactory";
* The property name to enable tracing of filters.
private static final String SERIAL_FILTER_TRACE_PROPNAME = "jdk.serialFilterTrace";
* Current static filter.
@ -599,34 +591,30 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
* Boolean to indicate that the filter factory can not be set or replaced.
* - an ObjectInputStream has already been created using the current filter factory
* - has been set on the command line
* - jdk.serialFilter is set and jdk.serialFilterFactory is unset, the builtin can not be replaced
* @see Config#setSerialFilterFactory(BinaryOperator)
private static final AtomicBoolean filterFactoryNoReplace = new AtomicBoolean();
* Debug: Logger
* Debug and Trace Logger
private static final System.Logger configLog;
* True when tracing of filters is enabled.
private static final boolean traceFilters;
static {
* Initialize the configuration containing the filter factory, static filter, and logger.
* <ul>
* <li>The logger is created.
* <li>The property 'jdk.serialFilter" is read, either as a system property or a security property,
* and if set, defines the configured static JVM-wide filter and is logged.
* <li>The property jdk.serialFilterFactory is read, either as a system property or a security property,
* and if set, defines the initial filter factory and is logged.
* <li>The property jdk.serialFilterTrace, is read, and if set enables tracing of filters.
* <li>If either property is defined or tracing is enabled, the logger is created.
* </ul>
// Initialize the logger.
configLog = System.getLogger("java.io.serialization");
// Get the values of the system properties, if they are defined
String factoryClassName = StaticProperty.jdkSerialFilterFactory();
if (factoryClassName == null) {
@ -642,12 +630,6 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
traceFilters = GetBooleanAction.privilegedGetProperty(SERIAL_FILTER_TRACE_PROPNAME);
// Initialize the logger if either filter factory or filter property is set
configLog = (filterString != null || factoryClassName != null || traceFilters)
? System.getLogger("java.io.serialization") : null;
// Initialize the static filter if the jdk.serialFilter is present
ObjectInputFilter filter = null;
if (filterString != null) {
@ -656,7 +638,7 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
try {
filter = createFilter(filterString);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
"Error configuring filter: {0}", re);
@ -664,45 +646,32 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
// Initialize the filter factory if the jdk.serialFilterFactory is defined
// otherwise use the builtin filter factory.
if (factoryClassName == null || "OVERRIDE".equals(factoryClassName)) {
if (factoryClassName == null) {
serialFilterFactory = new BuiltinFilterFactory();
if (serialFilter != null && factoryClassName == null) {
// Ensure backward compatibility, unless factory is explicitly allowed to override
// Do not allow factory to be overridden by Config.setSerialFilterFactory
} else {
"Creating deserialization filter factory for {0}", factoryClassName);
try {
// Load using the system class loader, the named class may be an application class.
// The static initialization of the class or constructor may create a race
// if either calls Config.setSerialFilterFactory; the command line configured
// Class should not be overridden.
// Cause Config.setSerialFilterFactory to throw {@link IllegalStateException}
// if Config.setSerialFilterFactory is called as a side effect of the
// static initialization of the class or constructor.
Class<?> factoryClass = Class.forName(factoryClassName, true,
BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter> f =
BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter> factory =
factoryClass.getConstructor().newInstance(new Object[0]);
if (serialFilterFactory != null) {
// Init cycle if Config.setSerialFilterFactory called from class initialization
"FilterFactory provided on the command line can not be overridden");
// Do not continue if configuration not initialized
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(
"FilterFactory provided on the command line can not be overridden");
serialFilterFactory = f;
"Creating deserialization filter factory for {0}", factoryClassName);
serialFilterFactory = factory;
} catch (RuntimeException | ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException |
IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
"Error configuring filter factory", ex);
Throwable th = (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException ite) ? ite.getCause() : ex;
"Error configuring filter factory: {0}", (Object)th);
// Do not continue if configuration not initialized
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(
"FilterFactory configuration: jdk.serialFilterFactory: " + ex.getMessage());
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(th);
// Setup shared secrets for RegistryImpl to use.
@ -719,9 +688,7 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
* Logger for filter actions.
private static void traceFilter(String msg, Object... args) {
if (traceFilters && configLog != null) {
configLog.log(TRACE, msg, args);
configLog.log(TRACE, msg, args);
@ -840,12 +807,14 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
if (sm != null) {
if (serialFilterFactory == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Serial filter factory initialization incomplete");
if (filterFactoryNoReplace.getAndSet(true)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot replace filter factory: " +
final String msg = serialFilterFactory != null
? serialFilterFactory.getClass().getName()
: "initialization incomplete";
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot replace filter factory: " + msg);
"Setting deserialization filter factory to {0}", filterFactory.getClass().getName());
serialFilterFactory = filterFactory;
@ -1163,7 +1132,7 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
if (!checkComponentType) {
// As revised; do not check the component type for arrays
traceFilter("Pattern array class: {0}, filter: {1}", clazz, this);
traceFilter("Pattern filter array class: {0}, filter: {1}", clazz, this);
return Status.UNDECIDED;
do {
@ -1174,7 +1143,7 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
if (clazz.isPrimitive()) {
// Primitive types are undecided; let someone else decide
traceFilter("Pattern UNDECIDED, primitive class: {0}, filter: {1}", clazz, this);
traceFilter("Pattern filter UNDECIDED, primitive class: {0}, filter: {1}", clazz, this);
} else {
// Find any filter that allowed or rejected the class
@ -1184,7 +1153,7 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
.filter(p -> p != Status.UNDECIDED)
Status s = status.orElse(Status.UNDECIDED);
traceFilter("Pattern {0}, class: {1}, filter: {2}", s, cl, this);
traceFilter("Pattern filter {0}, class: {1}, filter: {2}", s, cl, this);
return s;
@ -1283,18 +1252,18 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
public ObjectInputFilter.Status checkInput(FilterInfo info) {
Status firstStatus = Objects.requireNonNull(first.checkInput(info), "status");
if (REJECTED.equals(firstStatus)) {
traceFilter("MergeFilter REJECT first: {0}, filter: {1}",
traceFilter("MergeFilter REJECTED first: {0}, filter: {1}",
firstStatus, this);
return REJECTED;
Status secondStatus = Objects.requireNonNull(second.checkInput(info), "other status");
if (REJECTED.equals(secondStatus)) {
traceFilter("MergeFilter REJECT {0}, {1}, filter: {2}",
traceFilter("MergeFilter REJECTED {0}, {1}, filter: {2}",
firstStatus, secondStatus, this);
return REJECTED;
if (ALLOWED.equals(firstStatus) || ALLOWED.equals(secondStatus)) {
traceFilter("MergeFilter ALLOW either: {0}, {1}, filter: {2}",
traceFilter("MergeFilter ALLOWED either: {0}, {1}, filter: {2}",
firstStatus, secondStatus, this);
return ALLOWED;
@ -1332,7 +1301,6 @@ public interface ObjectInputFilter {
Class<?> clazz = info.serialClass();
if (clazz == null || !UNDECIDED.equals(status))
return status;
status = REJECTED;
// Find the base component type
while (clazz.isArray()) {
clazz = clazz.getComponentType();
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public final class StaticProperty {
* in this method. The caller of this method should take care to ensure
* that the returned property is not made accessible to untrusted code.</strong>
* @return the {@code user.name} system property
* @return the {@code jdk.serialFilterFactory} system property
public static String jdkSerialFilterFactory() {
@ -980,14 +980,12 @@ jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy=\
# Deserialization system-wide filter factory
# Deserialization JVM-wide filter factory
# A filter factory class name is used to configure the system-wide filter factory.
# The filter factory value "OVERRIDE" in combination with setting "jdk.serialFilter"
# indicates that the builtin filter factory can be overridden by the application.
# A filter factory class name is used to configure the JVM-wide filter factory.
# The class must be public, must have a public zero-argument constructor, implement the
# java.util.stream.BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter> interface, provide its implementation and
# be accessible via the application class loader.
# java.util.function.BinaryOperator<java.io.ObjectInputFilter> interface, provide its
# implementation and be accessible via the application class loader.
# A builtin filter factory is used if no filter factory is defined.
# See java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Config for more information.
@ -997,7 +995,7 @@ jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy=\
# Deserialization system-wide filter
# Deserialization JVM-wide filter
# A filter, if configured, is used by the filter factory to provide the filter used by
# java.io.ObjectInputStream during deserialization to check the contents of the stream.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ public class FilterWithSecurityManagerTest {
ObjectInputFilter filter;
public void setup() throws Exception {
setSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager() != null;
Object toDeserialized = Long.MAX_VALUE;
@ -65,7 +66,8 @@ public class FilterWithSecurityManagerTest {
* Test that setting process-wide filter is checked by security manager.
public void testGlobalFilter() throws Exception {
public void testGlobalFilter() {
ObjectInputFilter global = ObjectInputFilter.Config.getSerialFilter();
try {
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ public class FilterWithSecurityManagerTest {
* Test that setting specific filter is checked by security manager.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testGlobalFilter" })
public void testSpecificFilter() throws Exception {
try (ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais)) {
@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ public class GlobalFilterTest {
* If there is no security manager then setting it should work.
static void setGlobalFilter() {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
ObjectInputFilter filter = new SerialFilterTest.Validator();
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ import static java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED;
import static java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Status.UNDECIDED;
/* @test
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterTrace=true SerialFactoryExample
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFactoryExample$FilterInThread -Djdk.serialFilterTrace=true SerialFactoryExample
* @run testng/othervm SerialFactoryExample
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFactoryExample$FilterInThread SerialFactoryExample
* @summary Test SerialFactoryExample
@ -599,19 +599,28 @@ public class SerialFactoryExample {
* Apply the predicate to the class being deserialized, if the class is non-null
* and if it returns {@code true}, return the requested status. Otherwise, return UNDECIDED.
* Returns a filter that returns {@code ifTrueStatus} or the {@code ifFalseStatus}
* based on the predicate of the {@code non-null} class and {@code UNDECIDED}
* if the class is {@code null}.
* @param info the FilterInfo
* @return the status of applying the predicate, otherwise {@code UNDECIDED}
* @return a filter that returns {@code ifTrueStatus} or the {@code ifFalseStatus}
* based on the predicate of the {@code non-null} class and {@code UNDECIDED}
* if the class is {@code null}
public ObjectInputFilter.Status checkInput(FilterInfo info) {
Class<?> clazz = info.serialClass();
return (clazz != null && predicate.test(clazz)) ? ifTrueStatus : ifFalseStatus;
Status status = (clazz == null) ? UNDECIDED
: (predicate.test(clazz)) ? ifTrueStatus : ifFalseStatus;
return status;
* Return a String describing the filter, its predicate, and true and false status values.
* @return a String describing the filter, its predicate, and true and false status values.
public String toString() {
return "predicate(" + predicate + ")";
return "predicate(" + predicate + ", ifTrue: " + ifTrueStatus + ", ifFalse:" + ifFalseStatus+ ")";
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.io.ObjectInputFilter;
import java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Config;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
/* @test
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=ForcedError_NoSuchClass SerialFactoryFaults
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFactoryFaults$NoPublicConstructor SerialFactoryFaults
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFactoryFaults$ConstructorThrows SerialFactoryFaults
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFactoryFaults$FactorySetsFactory SerialFactoryFaults
* @summary Check cases where the Filter Factory initialization from properties fails
public class SerialFactoryFaults {
static {
// Enable logging
System.getProperty("test.src", ".") + "/logging.properties");
public void initFaultTest() {
String factoryName = System.getProperty("jdk.serialFilterFactory");
ExceptionInInitializerError ex = Assert.expectThrows(ExceptionInInitializerError.class,
() -> Config.getSerialFilterFactory());
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (factoryName.equals("ForcedError_NoSuchClass")) {
ClassNotFoundException.class, "wrong exception");
} else if (factoryName.equals("SerialFactoryFaults$NoPublicConstructor")) {
NoSuchMethodException.class, "wrong exception");
} else if (factoryName.equals("SerialFactoryFaults$ConstructorThrows")) {
IllegalStateException.class, "wrong exception");
} else if (factoryName.equals("SerialFactoryFaults$FactorySetsFactory")) {
IllegalStateException.class, "wrong exception");
"Cannot replace filter factory: initialization incomplete",
"wrong message");
} else {
Assert.fail("No test for filter factory: " + factoryName);
* Test factory that does not have the required public no-arg constructor.
public static final class NoPublicConstructor
implements BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter> {
private NoPublicConstructor() {
public ObjectInputFilter apply(ObjectInputFilter curr, ObjectInputFilter next) {
throw new RuntimeException("NYI");
* Test factory that has a constructor that throws a runtime exception.
public static final class ConstructorThrows
implements BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter> {
public ConstructorThrows() {
throw new IllegalStateException("SerialFactoryFaults$ConstructorThrows");
public ObjectInputFilter apply(ObjectInputFilter curr, ObjectInputFilter next) {
throw new RuntimeException("NYI");
* Test factory that has a constructor tries to set the filter factory.
public static final class FactorySetsFactory
implements BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter> {
public FactorySetsFactory() {
public ObjectInputFilter apply(ObjectInputFilter curr, ObjectInputFilter next) {
throw new RuntimeException("NYI");
@ -43,17 +43,16 @@ import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
/* @test
* @build SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilter="*" -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=OVERRIDE SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFilterFactoryTest$PropertyFilterFactory SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFilterFactoryTest$NotMyFilterFactory SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFilterFactoryTest$PropertyFilterFactory
* -Djava.util.logging.config.file=${test.src}/logging.properties SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=SerialFilterFactoryTest$NotMyFilterFactory
* -Djava.util.logging.config.file=${test.src}/logging.properties SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm/policy=security.policy
* -Djava.security.properties=${test.src}/java.security-extra-factory
* -Djava.security.debug=properties SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm/fail -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=ForcedError_NoSuchClass SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm/policy=security.policy SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @run testng/othervm/policy=security.policy.without.globalFilter SerialFilterFactoryTest
* @summary Test Context-specific Deserialization Filters
@ -121,6 +120,7 @@ public class SerialFilterFactoryTest {
* Returns true if serialFilter actions are ok, either no SM or SM has serialFilter Permission
private static boolean hasFilterPerm() {
boolean hasSerialPerm = true;
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ public class SerialFilterFactoryTest {
* Try to set it again, the second should throw.
void testSecondSetShouldThrow() {
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
// Skip test when running with SM
@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ public class SerialFilterFactoryTest {
* @throws ClassNotFoundException for class not found (should not occur)
void testCase(MyFilterFactory dynFilterFactory, Validator dynFilter, Validator streamFilter)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ public class SerialFilterFactoryTest {
// Test that if the property jdk-serialFilterFactory is set, then initial factory has the same classname
void testPropertyFilterFactory() {
if (jdkSerialFilterFactoryProp != null && !jdkSerialFilterFactoryProp.equals("OVERRIDE")) {
if (jdkSerialFilterFactoryProp != null) {
Assert.assertEquals(jdkSerialFilterFactory.getClass().getName(), jdkSerialFilterFactoryProp,
"jdk.serialFilterFactory property classname mismatch");
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ import static java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED;
import static java.io.ObjectInputFilter.Status.UNDECIDED;
/* @test
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterTrace=true SerialFilterFunctionTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djava.util.logging.config.file=${test.src}/logging.properties
* SerialFilterFunctionTest
* @summary ObjectInputFilter.Config Function Tests
@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
/* @test
* @bug 8234836
* @build SerialFilterTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialFilterTrace=true SerialFilterTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialSetFilterAfterRead=true -Djdk.serialFilterTrace=true SerialFilterTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djava.util.logging.config.file=${test.src}/logging.properties
* SerialFilterTest
* @run testng/othervm -Djdk.serialSetFilterAfterRead=true SerialFilterTest
* @summary Test ObjectInputFilters using Builtin Filter Factory
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# disabled till JDK-8219408 is fixed
# Allow substitution of ${test.src}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Deserialization Input Filter Factory
# See conf/security/java.security for pattern synatx
# See conf/security/java.security for pattern syntax
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Enable logging of all serialization levels to the console
handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = ALL
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%3$s %4$s %5$s %6$s%n
java.io.serialization.level = ALL
Reference in New Issue
Block a user