6955292: Workaround ant 1.7.1 package-info.java issue in ant scripts

6940241: Change jaxp/jaxws so that the http downloads are not done by default
6960333: Add make level ALLOW_DOWNLOADS=true option

Reviewed-by: darcy, ramap
This commit is contained in:
Kelly O'Hair 2010-06-17 17:19:58 -07:00
parent 8cc0b7c935
commit 70d13b11e3
5 changed files with 70 additions and 6 deletions

@ -55,9 +55,36 @@
<drop-import name="jaxws_src"/>
<drop-import name="jaf_src"/>
<!-- <drop-import name="jaxws_tests"/> -->
<!-- Fail and print helpful messages if source does not exist. -->
<target name="-src-help">
<fail message="${failed.url.src.message}">
<available file="${jaxws_src.src.dir}" type="dir"/>
<available file="${jaf_src.src.dir}" type="dir"/>
<istrue value="${allow.downloads}"/>
<fail message="${failed.nourl.src.message}">
<available file="${jaxws_src.src.dir}" type="dir"/>
<available file="${jaf_src.src.dir}" type="dir"/>
<!-- Special build area preparation. -->
<target name="-drop-build-prep" depends="init, -init-src-dirs">
<!-- Special build area setup. -->
<target name="-drop-build-setup" depends="init, -init-src-dirs">
<mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${build.classes.dir}">
<fileset dir="${primary.src.dir}"
@ -99,7 +126,7 @@
<!-- Source directory selection. -->
<target name="-init-src-dirs"
depends="init, -use-drop">
depends="init, -use-drop,-src-help">
<echo message="Using primary.src.dir=${primary.src.dir}"/>
<pathconvert property="src.list.id" refid="src.dir.id"/>
<echo message="Using src.dir.id=${src.list.id}"/>

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
<target name="-@DROP@-url-should-be-used" unless="@DROP@.url.should.be.used">
<condition property="@DROP@.url.should.be.used">
<istrue value="${allow.downloads}"/>
<isset property="@DROP@.master.bundle.copy.exists"/>

@ -104,4 +104,24 @@ sanity.info= Sanity Settings:${line.separator}\
# Failure messages when source cannot be found on the file system
ERROR: Cannot find source for project ${ant.project.name}.\
HINT: Try setting drops.dir to indicate where the bundles can be found, \
or try setting the ant property allow.downloads=true to download the bundle from the URL.\
e.g. ant -Dallow.downloads=true -OR- ant -Ddrops.dir=some_directory \
# Failure message when source cannot be downloaded
ERROR: Cannot find source for project ${ant.project.name}.\
HINT: Try setting drops.dir to indicate where the bundles can be found, \
or try checking the URL with your browser.\
e.g. ant -Ddrops.dir=some_directory \

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@
javac.debug - true or false for debug classfiles
javac.target - classfile version target
javac.source - source version
drops.dir - directory that holds source drop bundles
allow.download - permit downloads from public url (default is false)
(used if bundles not found in drops.dir)
Run 'make help' for help using the Makefile.
<!-- Mac is special, need to downgrade these before build.properties. -->
@ -106,13 +111,17 @@
<jar file="${dist.classes.jar}" basedir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<target name="-build-prep"
depends="init, -init-src-dirs, -drop-build-prep">
<target name="-build-setup"
depends="init, -init-src-dirs, -drop-build-setup">
<!-- Build (compilation) of sources to class files. -->
<target name="build"
depends="init, -init-src-dirs, -build-prep">
depends="compile, -build-setup">
<target name="compile"
depends="init, -init-src-dirs">
<mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>

@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ else
# If downloads are allowed
ifeq ($(ALLOW_DOWNLOADS),true)
ANT_OPTIONS += -Dallow.downloads=true
# Figure out the platform we are using
_SYSTEM_UNAME := $(shell uname)
@ -159,6 +164,8 @@ help:
@echo " $(ANT_TARGETS)"
@echo " "
@echo " Environment or command line variables (all optional):"
$(call helpenvline, ALT_DROPS_DIR,\
"Directory that contains the drop source bundles i.e. drops.dir")
$(call helpenvline, ALT_BOOTDIR,\
"JAVA_HOME to use when running ant")
$(call helpenvline, ALT_LANGTOOLS_DIST,\