8300517: Refactor VisibleMemberTable (method members)

Reviewed-by: jjg
This commit is contained in:
Pavel Rappo 2023-03-13 20:53:52 +00:00
parent a8f662ecb2
commit 7bbc5e0efb
13 changed files with 533 additions and 314 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -79,10 +79,13 @@
* </dd>
* <dt><a id="included"></a>Included</dt>
* <dd>An element is considered to be <em>included</em>, if it is
* <em>specified</em> if it contains a <em>specified</em> element,
* or it is enclosed in a <em>specified</em> element, and is <em>selected</em>.
* Included elements will be documented.
* <dd>An element is considered to be <em>included</em>, if it is <em>selected</em> and any of the following is true:
* <ul>
* <li>the element is <em>specified</em>, or
* <li>the element contains a <em>specified</em> element, or
* <li>the element is enclosed in a <em>specified</em> element.
* </ul>
* Included elements will be documented.
* </dd>
* </dl>

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@ -289,23 +289,30 @@ public class HtmlDocletWriter {
* @param dl the content to which the method information will be added
private void addMethodInfo(ExecutableElement method, Content dl) {
TypeElement enclosing = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(method);
List<? extends TypeMirror> intfacs = enclosing.getInterfaces();
ExecutableElement overriddenMethod = utils.overriddenMethod(method);
VisibleMemberTable vmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(enclosing);
// Check whether there is any implementation or overridden info to be
// printed. If no overridden or implementation info needs to be
// printed, do not print this section.
if ((!intfacs.isEmpty()
&& !vmt.getImplementedMethods(method).isEmpty())
|| overriddenMethod != null) {
MethodWriterImpl.addImplementsInfo(this, method, dl);
if (overriddenMethod != null) {
var enclosing = (TypeElement) method.getEnclosingElement();
var overrideInfo = utils.overriddenMethod(method);
var enclosingVmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(enclosing);
var implementedMethods = enclosingVmt.getImplementedMethods(method);
if ((!enclosing.getInterfaces().isEmpty()
&& !implementedMethods.isEmpty())
|| overrideInfo != null) {
// TODO note that if there are any overridden interface methods throughout the
// hierarchy, !enclosingVmt.getImplementedMethods(method).isEmpty(), their information
// will be printed if *any* of the below is true:
// * the enclosing has _directly_ implemented interfaces
// * the overridden method is not null
// If both are false, the information will not be printed: there will be no
// "Specified by" documentation. The examples of that can be seen in documentation
// for these methods:
// * ForkJoinPool.execute(java.lang.Runnable)
// This is a long-standing bug, which must be fixed separately: JDK-8302316
MethodWriterImpl.addImplementsInfo(this, method, implementedMethods, dl);
if (overrideInfo != null) {

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.formats.html;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
@ -293,26 +294,28 @@ public class MethodWriterImpl extends AbstractExecutableMemberWriter
* Adds "implements" information for a method (if appropriate)
* into a definition list.
* @param writer the writer for the method
* @param method the method
* @param dl the definition list
* @param writer the writer for the method
* @param method the method
* @param methods implemented methods
* @param dl the definition list
protected static void addImplementsInfo(HtmlDocletWriter writer,
ExecutableElement method,
Collection<ExecutableElement> methods,
Content dl) {
Utils utils = writer.utils;
if (utils.isStatic(method) || writer.options.noComment()) {
if (writer.options.noComment()) {
Contents contents = writer.contents;
VisibleMemberTable vmt = writer.configuration
var enclosing = (TypeElement) method.getEnclosingElement();
VisibleMemberTable vmt = writer.configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(enclosing);
SortedSet<ExecutableElement> implementedMethods =
new TreeSet<>(utils.comparators.makeOverrideUseComparator());
for (ExecutableElement implementedMeth : implementedMethods) {
TypeMirror intfac = vmt.getImplementedMethodHolder(method, implementedMeth);
intfac = utils.getDeclaredType(utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(method), intfac);
intfac = utils.getDeclaredType(enclosing, intfac);
Content intfaclink = writer.getLink(new HtmlLinkInfo(
writer.configuration, HtmlLinkInfo.Kind.LINK_TYPE_PARAMS_AND_BOUNDS, intfac));
var codeIntfacLink = HtmlTree.CODE(intfaclink);

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@ -573,8 +573,9 @@ public class TagletWriterImpl extends TagletWriter {
VisibleMemberTable vmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(containing);
overriddenMethod = vmt.getOverriddenMethod((ExecutableElement)refMem);
if (overriddenMethod != null)
if (overriddenMethod != null) {
containing = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(overriddenMethod);
if (refSignature.trim().startsWith("#") &&
! (utils.isPublic(containing) || utils.isLinkable(containing))) {

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@ -194,74 +194,6 @@ public class WorkArounds {
return elementUtils.getTypeElement(className);
// TODO: need to re-implement this using j.l.m. correctly!, this has
// implications on testInterface, the note here is that javac's supertype
// does the right thing returning Parameters in scope.
* Returns the closest superclass (not the superinterface) that contains
* a method that is both:
* - overridden by the specified method, and
* - is not itself a *simple* override
* If no such class can be found, returns null.
* If the specified method belongs to an interface, the only considered
* superclass is java.lang.Object no matter how many other interfaces
* that interface extends.
public DeclaredType overriddenType(ExecutableElement method) {
if (utils.isStatic(method)) {
return null;
MethodSymbol sym = (MethodSymbol) method;
ClassSymbol origin = (ClassSymbol) sym.owner;
for (Type t = javacTypes.supertype(origin.type);
t = javacTypes.supertype(t)) {
ClassSymbol c = (ClassSymbol) t.tsym;
for (Symbol sym2 : c.members().getSymbolsByName(sym.name)) {
if (sym.overrides(sym2, origin, javacTypes, true)) {
// Ignore those methods that may be a simple override
// and allow the real API method to be found.
if (utils.isSimpleOverride((MethodSymbol)sym2)) {
assert t.hasTag(TypeTag.CLASS) && !t.isInterface();
return (Type.ClassType) t;
return null;
// TODO: the method jx.l.m.Elements::overrides does not check
// the return type, see JDK-8174840 until that is resolved,
// use a copy of the same method, with a return type check.
// Note: the rider.overrides call in this method *must* be consistent
// with the call in overrideType(....), the method above.
public boolean overrides(ExecutableElement e1, ExecutableElement e2, TypeElement cls) {
MethodSymbol rider = (MethodSymbol)e1;
MethodSymbol ridee = (MethodSymbol)e2;
ClassSymbol origin = (ClassSymbol)cls;
return rider.name == ridee.name &&
// not reflexive as per JLS
rider != ridee &&
// we don't care if ridee is static, though that wouldn't
// compile
!rider.isStatic() &&
// Symbol.overrides assumes the following
ridee.isMemberOf(origin, javacTypes) &&
// check access, signatures and check return types
rider.overrides(ridee, origin, javacTypes, true);
// TODO: jx.l.m ?
public Location getLocationForModule(ModuleElement mdle) {
ModuleSymbol msym = (ModuleSymbol)mdle;

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@ -184,63 +184,6 @@ public class Utils {
return getSymbol("java.lang.FunctionalInterface");
* Search for the given method in the given class.
* @param te Class to search into.
* @param method Method to be searched.
* @return Method found, null otherwise.
public ExecutableElement findMethod(TypeElement te, ExecutableElement method) {
for (ExecutableElement m : getMethods(te)) {
if (executableMembersEqual(method, m)) {
return m;
return null;
* Test whether a class is a subclass of another class.
* @param t1 the candidate subclass
* @param t2 the candidate superclass
* @return true if t1 is a superclass of t2
public boolean isSubclassOf(TypeElement t1, TypeElement t2) {
return typeUtils.isSubtype(typeUtils.erasure(t1.asType()), typeUtils.erasure(t2.asType()));
* @param e1 the first method to compare.
* @param e2 the second method to compare.
* @return true if member1 overrides/hides or is overridden/hidden by member2.
public boolean executableMembersEqual(ExecutableElement e1, ExecutableElement e2) {
// TODO: investigate if Elements.hides(..) will work here.
if (isStatic(e1) && isStatic(e2)) {
List<? extends VariableElement> parameters1 = e1.getParameters();
List<? extends VariableElement> parameters2 = e2.getParameters();
if (e1.getSimpleName().equals(e2.getSimpleName()) &&
parameters1.size() == parameters2.size()) {
for (int j = 0; j < parameters1.size(); j++) {
VariableElement v1 = parameters1.get(j);
VariableElement v2 = parameters2.get(j);
if (!typeUtils.isSameType(v1.asType(), v2.asType())) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
} else {
return elementUtils.overrides(e1, e2, getEnclosingTypeElement(e1)) ||
elementUtils.overrides(e2, e1, getEnclosingTypeElement(e2)) ||
* According to <cite>The Java Language Specification</cite>,
* all the outer classes and static inner classes are core classes.
@ -332,8 +275,19 @@ public class Utils {
return e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.FINAL);
* A contemporary JLS term for "package private" or "default access" is
* "package access". For example: "a member is declared with package
* access" or "a member has package access".
* This is to avoid confusion with unrelated _default_ methods which
* appeared in JDK 8.
public boolean isPackagePrivate(Element e) {
return !(isPublic(e) || isPrivate(e) || isProtected(e));
var m = e.getModifiers();
return !m.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)
&& !m.contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)
&& !m.contains(Modifier.PRIVATE);
public boolean isPrivate(Element e) {
@ -422,10 +376,6 @@ public class Utils {
.compareTo(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8) >= 0;
public boolean isNoType(TypeMirror t) {
return t.getKind() == NONE;
public boolean isUndocumentedEnclosure(TypeElement enclosingTypeElement) {
return (isPackagePrivate(enclosingTypeElement) || isPrivate(enclosingTypeElement)
|| hasHiddenTag(enclosingTypeElement))
@ -659,6 +609,14 @@ public class Utils {
* The record is used to pass the method along with the type where that method is visible.
* Passing the type explicitly allows to preserve a complete type information, including
* parameterization.
public record OverrideInfo(ExecutableElement overriddenMethod,
DeclaredType overriddenMethodOwner) { }
* Returns the closest superclass (not the superinterface) that contains
* a method that is both:
@ -672,43 +630,29 @@ public class Utils {
* superclass is java.lang.Object no matter how many other interfaces
* that interface extends.
public DeclaredType overriddenType(ExecutableElement method) {
return configuration.workArounds.overriddenType(method);
private TypeMirror getType(TypeMirror t) {
return (isNoType(t)) ? getObjectType() : t;
public TypeMirror getSuperType(TypeElement te) {
TypeMirror t = te.getSuperclass();
return getType(t);
public ExecutableElement overriddenMethod(ExecutableElement method) {
if (isStatic(method)) {
return null;
final TypeElement origin = getEnclosingTypeElement(method);
for (TypeMirror t = getSuperType(origin);
t.getKind() == DECLARED;
t = getSuperType(asTypeElement(t))) {
TypeElement te = asTypeElement(t);
if (te == null) {
public OverrideInfo overriddenMethod(ExecutableElement method) {
var t = method.getEnclosingElement().asType();
// in this context, consider java.lang.Object to be the superclass of an interface
while (true) {
var supertypes = typeUtils.directSupertypes(t);
if (supertypes.isEmpty()) {
// reached the top of the hierarchy
assert typeUtils.isSameType(getObjectType(), t);
return null;
t = supertypes.get(0);
// if non-empty, the first element is always the superclass
var te = (TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) t).asElement();
assert te.getKind().isClass();
VisibleMemberTable vmt = configuration.getVisibleMemberTable(te);
for (Element e : vmt.getMembers(VisibleMemberTable.Kind.METHODS)) {
ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement)e;
if (configuration.workArounds.overrides(method, ee, origin) &&
var ee = (ExecutableElement) e;
if (elementUtils.overrides(method, ee, (TypeElement) method.getEnclosingElement()) &&
!isSimpleOverride(ee)) {
return ee;
return new OverrideInfo(ee, (DeclaredType) t);
if (typeUtils.isSameType(t, getObjectType()))
return null;
return null;
public SortedSet<TypeElement> getTypeElementsAsSortedSet(Iterable<TypeElement> typeElements) {
@ -1062,17 +1006,6 @@ public class Utils {
public TypeElement getSuperClass(TypeElement te) {
if (checkType(te)) {
return null;
TypeMirror superclass = te.getSuperclass();
if (isNoType(superclass) && isClass(te)) {
superclass = getObjectType();
return asTypeElement(superclass);
private boolean checkType(TypeElement te) {
return isInterface(te) || typeUtils.isSameType(te.asType(), getObjectType());
@ -1092,28 +1025,25 @@ public class Utils {
* be found.
public TypeMirror getFirstVisibleSuperClass(TypeMirror type) {
List<? extends TypeMirror> superTypes = typeUtils.directSupertypes(type);
TypeMirror superType = superTypes.isEmpty() ? getObjectType() : superTypes.get(0);
TypeElement superClass = asTypeElement(superType);
// skip "hidden" classes
while ((superClass != null && hasHiddenTag(superClass))
|| (superClass != null && !isPublic(superClass) && !isLinkable(superClass))) {
TypeMirror supersuperType = superClass.getSuperclass();
TypeElement supersuperClass = asTypeElement(supersuperType);
if (supersuperClass == null
|| supersuperClass.getQualifiedName().equals(superClass.getQualifiedName())) {
// TODO: this computation should be eventually delegated to VisibleMemberTable
Set<TypeElement> alreadySeen = null;
// create a set iff assertions are enabled, to assert that no class
// appears more than once in a superclass hierarchy
assert (alreadySeen = new HashSet<>()) != null;
for (var t = type; ;) {
var supertypes = typeUtils.directSupertypes(t);
if (supertypes.isEmpty()) { // end of hierarchy
return null;
t = supertypes.get(0); // if non-empty, the first element is always the superclass
var te = asTypeElement(t);
assert alreadySeen.add(te); // it should be the first time we see `te`
if (!hasHiddenTag(te) && (isPublic(te) || isLinkable(te))) {
return t;
superType = supersuperType;
superClass = supersuperClass;
if (typeUtils.isSameType(type, superType)) {
return null;
return superType;
* Given a class, return the closest visible superclass.
@ -2454,10 +2384,21 @@ public class Utils {
public ModuleElement containingModule(Element e) {
// TODO: remove this short-circuit after JDK-8302545 has been fixed
// or --ignore-source-errors has been removed
if (e.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE
&& e.getEnclosingElement() == null) {
return null;
return elementUtils.getModuleOf(e);
public PackageElement containingPackage(Element e) {
// TODO: remove this short-circuit after JDK-8302545 has been fixed
// or --ignore-source-errors has been removed
if (e.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE) {
return (PackageElement) e;
return elementUtils.getPackageOf(e);
@ -2801,7 +2742,10 @@ public class Utils {
private DocFinder newDocFinder() {
return new DocFinder(this::overriddenMethod, this::implementedMethods);
return new DocFinder(e -> {
var i = overriddenMethod(e);
return i == null ? null : i.overriddenMethod();
}, this::implementedMethods);
private Iterable<ExecutableElement> implementedMethods(ExecutableElement originalMethod, ExecutableElement m) {

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@ -141,7 +141,12 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
/** The class or interface described by this table. */
private final TypeElement te;
* The superclass of {@link #te} or null if {@code te} is an
* interface or {@code java.lang.Object}.
private final TypeElement parent;
private final BaseConfiguration config;
@ -149,15 +154,36 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
private final Utils utils;
private final VisibleMemberCache mcache;
private final List<VisibleMemberTable> allSuperclasses;
* Tables for direct and indirect superclasses.
* Tables for superclasses must be unique: no class can appear multiple
* times in the inheritance hierarchy for some other class.
private final Set<VisibleMemberTable> allSuperclasses;
* Tables for direct and indirect superinterfaces.
* Tables for superinterfaces might not be unique (i.e. an interface
* may be added from different lineages).
private final List<VisibleMemberTable> allSuperinterfaces;
private final List<VisibleMemberTable> parents;
* Tables for direct superclass and direct superinterfaces.
* The position of a table for the superclass in the list is unspecified.
private final Set<VisibleMemberTable> parents;
private Map<Kind, List<Element>> visibleMembers;
private final Map<ExecutableElement, PropertyMembers> propertyMap = new HashMap<>();
// Keeps track of method overrides
private final Map<ExecutableElement, OverriddenMethodInfo> overriddenMethodTable
// FIXME: Figure out why it is one-one and not one-to-many.
* Maps a method m declared in {@code te} to a visible method m' in a
* {@code te}'s supertype such that m overrides m'.
private final Map<ExecutableElement, OverrideInfo> overriddenMethodTable
= new LinkedHashMap<>();
protected VisibleMemberTable(TypeElement typeElement, BaseConfiguration configuration,
@ -166,11 +192,11 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
utils = configuration.utils;
options = configuration.getOptions();
te = typeElement;
parent = utils.getSuperClass(te);
parent = (TypeElement) utils.typeUtils.asElement(te.getSuperclass());
this.mcache = mcache;
allSuperclasses = new ArrayList<>();
allSuperclasses = new LinkedHashSet<>();
allSuperinterfaces = new ArrayList<>();
parents = new ArrayList<>();
parents = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private void ensureInitialized() {
@ -185,12 +211,12 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
List<VisibleMemberTable> getAllSuperclasses() {
private Set<VisibleMemberTable> getAllSuperclasses() {
return allSuperclasses;
List<VisibleMemberTable> getAllSuperinterfaces() {
private List<VisibleMemberTable> getAllSuperinterfaces() {
return allSuperinterfaces;
@ -227,7 +253,6 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
public List<Element> getVisibleMembers(Kind kind, Predicate<Element> p) {
return visibleMembers.getOrDefault(kind, List.of()).stream()
@ -261,17 +286,26 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
* Returns the overridden method, if it is simply overriding or the
* method is a member of a package private type, this method is
* primarily used to determine the location of a possible comment.
* Returns the method overridden by the provided method, or {@code null}.
* Sometimes it's not possible to link to a method that a link, linkplain,
* or see tag mentions. This is because the method is a "simple override"
* and, thus, has no useful documentation, or because the method is
* declared in a type that has package access and, thus, has no visible
* documentation.
* Call this method to determine if any of the above is the case. If the
* call returns a method element, link to that method element instead of
* the provided method.
* @param e the method to check
* @return the method found or null
* @return the method found or {@code null}
public ExecutableElement getOverriddenMethod(ExecutableElement e) {
// TODO: consider possible ambiguities: multiple overridden methods
OverriddenMethodInfo found = overriddenMethodTable.get(e);
assert !overriddenMethodTable.containsKey(null);
OverrideInfo found = overriddenMethodTable.get(e);
if (found != null
&& (found.simpleOverride || utils.isUndocumentedEnclosure(utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(e)))) {
return found.overriddenMethod;
@ -285,7 +319,7 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
* @param e the method to check
public boolean isNotSimpleOverride(ExecutableElement e) {
private boolean isNotSimpleOverride(ExecutableElement e) {
var info = overriddenMethodTable.get(e);
@ -411,7 +445,8 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
if (intfc != null) {
VisibleMemberTable vmt = mcache.getVisibleMemberTable(intfc);
boolean added = parents.add(vmt);
assert added; // no duplicates
@ -419,10 +454,12 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
if (parent != null) {
VisibleMemberTable vmt = mcache.getVisibleMemberTable(parent);
assert Collections.disjoint(allSuperclasses, vmt.getAllSuperclasses()); // no duplicates
// Add direct superinterfaces of a superclass, if any.
// Add direct and indirect superinterfaces of a superclass.
boolean added = parents.add(vmt);
assert added; // no duplicates
@ -469,10 +506,10 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
private boolean allowInheritedMembers(Element e, Kind kind, LocalMemberTable lmt) {
return isInherited(e) && !isMemberHidden(e, kind, lmt);
return isAccessible(e) && !isMemberHidden(e, kind, lmt);
private boolean isInherited(Element e) {
private boolean isAccessible(Element e) {
if (utils.isPrivate(e))
return false;
@ -516,75 +553,127 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
visibleMembers.put(kind, list);
// This method computes data structures related to method members
// of a class or an interface.
// TODO The computation is performed manually, by applying JLS rules.
// While jdk.javadoc does need custom and specialized data structures,
// this method does not feel DRY. It should be possible to improve
// it by delegating some, if not most, of the JLS wrestling to
// javax.lang.model. For example, while it cannot help us get the
// structures, such as overriddenMethodTable, javax.lang.model can
// help us get all method members of a class or an interface t by calling
// ElementFilter.methodsIn(Elements.getAllMembers(t)).
private void computeVisibleMethods(LocalMemberTable lmt) {
Set<Element> inheritedMethods = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// parentMethods is a union of visible methods from all parents.
// It is used to figure out which methods this type should inherit.
// Inherited methods are those parent methods that remain after all
// methods that cannot be inherited are eliminated.
Set<Element> parentMethods = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (var p : parents) {
// Lists of visible methods from different parents may share some
// methods. These are the methods that the parents inherited from
// their common ancestor.
// Such methods won't result in duplicates in parentMethods as we
// purposefully don't track duplicates.
// FIXME: add a test to assert the order (LinkedHashSet)
// overriddenByTable maps an ancestor (grandparent and above) method
// to parent methods that override it:
// key
// : a method overridden by one or more parent methods
// value
// : a list of parent methods that override the key
Map<ExecutableElement, List<ExecutableElement>> overriddenByTable = new HashMap<>();
for (VisibleMemberTable pvmt : parents) {
for (var p : parents) {
// Merge the lineage overrides into local table
pvmt.overriddenMethodTable.forEach((method, methodInfo) -> {
p.overriddenMethodTable.forEach((method, methodInfo) -> {
if (!methodInfo.simpleOverride) { // consider only real overrides
List<ExecutableElement> list = overriddenByTable.computeIfAbsent(methodInfo.overriddenMethod,
var list = overriddenByTable.computeIfAbsent(methodInfo.overriddenMethod,
k -> new ArrayList<>());
// Filter out inherited methods that:
// a. cannot be overridden (private instance members)
// b. are overridden and should not be visible in this type
// c. are hidden in the type being considered
// see allowInheritedMethod, which performs the above actions
// filter out methods that aren't inherited
// nb. This statement has side effects that can initialize
// members of the overriddenMethodTable field, so it must be
// evaluated eagerly with toList().
List<Element> inheritedMethodsList = inheritedMethods.stream()
List<Element> inheritedMethods = parentMethods.stream()
.filter(e -> allowInheritedMethod((ExecutableElement) e, overriddenByTable, lmt))
// Filter out the local methods, that do not override or simply
// overrides a super method, or those methods that should not
// be visible.
Predicate<ExecutableElement> isVisible = m -> {
OverriddenMethodInfo p = overriddenMethodTable.getOrDefault(m, null);
return p == null || !p.simpleOverride;
// filter out "simple overrides" from local methods
Predicate<ExecutableElement> nonSimpleOverride = m -> {
OverrideInfo i = overriddenMethodTable.get(m);
return i == null || !i.simpleOverride;
Stream<ExecutableElement> localStream = lmt.getOrderedMembers(Kind.METHODS)
.map(m -> (ExecutableElement)m)
// Merge the above list and stream, making sure the local methods precede the others
// Final filtration of elements
List<Element> list = Stream.concat(localStream, inheritedMethodsList.stream())
// FIXME add a test to assert the order or remove that part of the comment above ^
List<Element> list = Stream.concat(localStream, inheritedMethods.stream())
visibleMembers.put(Kind.METHODS, list);
// Copy over overridden tables from the lineage, and finish up.
// copy over overridden tables from the lineage
for (VisibleMemberTable pvmt : parents) {
// a key in overriddenMethodTable is a method _declared_ in the respective parent;
// no two _different_ parents can share a declared method, by definition;
// if parents in the list are different (i.e. the list of parents doesn't contain duplicates),
// then no keys are equal and thus no replace happens
// if the list of parents contains duplicates, values for the equal keys are equal,
// so no harm if they are replaced in the map
assert putAllIsNonReplacing(overriddenMethodTable, pvmt.overriddenMethodTable);
boolean isEnclosureInterface(Element e) {
TypeElement enclosing = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(e);
return utils.isPlainInterface(enclosing);
private static <K, V> boolean putAllIsNonReplacing(Map<K, V> dst, Map<K, V> src) {
for (var e : src.entrySet()) {
if (dst.containsKey(e.getKey())
&& !Objects.equals(dst.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue())) {
return false;
return true;
boolean allowInheritedMethod(ExecutableElement inheritedMethod,
Map<ExecutableElement, List<ExecutableElement>> overriddenByTable,
LocalMemberTable lmt) {
if (!isInherited(inheritedMethod))
private boolean allowInheritedMethod(ExecutableElement inheritedMethod,
Map<ExecutableElement, List<ExecutableElement>> overriddenByTable,
LocalMemberTable lmt) {
// JLS 8.4.8: A class does not inherit private or static methods from
// its superinterface types.
// JLS 9.4.1: An interface does not inherit private or static methods
// from its superinterfaces.
// JLS 8.4.8: m is public, protected, or declared with package access
// in the same package as C
// JLS 9.4: A method in the body of an interface declaration may be
// declared public or private. If no access modifier is given, the
// method is implicitly public.
if (!isAccessible(inheritedMethod))
return false;
final boolean haveStatic = utils.isStatic(inheritedMethod);
final boolean inInterface = isEnclosureInterface(inheritedMethod);
final boolean inInterface = isDeclaredInInterface(inheritedMethod);
// Static methods in interfaces are never documented.
// Static interface methods are never inherited (JLS 8.4.8 and 9.1.3)
if (haveStatic && inInterface) {
return false;
@ -601,7 +690,7 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
List<ExecutableElement> list = overriddenByTable.get(inheritedMethod);
if (list != null) {
boolean found = list.stream()
if (found)
return false;
@ -610,11 +699,12 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
Elements elementUtils = config.docEnv.getElementUtils();
// Check the local methods in this type.
// List contains overloads and probably something else, but one match is enough, hence short-circuiting
List<Element> lMethods = lmt.getMembers(inheritedMethod, Kind.METHODS);
for (Element le : lMethods) {
ExecutableElement lMethod = (ExecutableElement) le;
// Ignore private methods or those methods marked with
// a "hidden" tag.
// a "hidden" tag. // FIXME I cannot see where @hidden is ignored
if (utils.isPrivate(lMethod))
@ -628,11 +718,16 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
if (elementUtils.overrides(lMethod, inheritedMethod,
utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(lMethod))) {
assert utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(lMethod).equals(te);
// Disallow package-private super methods to leak in
TypeElement encl = utils.getEnclosingTypeElement(inheritedMethod);
if (utils.isUndocumentedEnclosure(encl)) {
// is simpleOverride=false here to force to be used because
// it cannot be linked to, because package-private?
l -> new OverriddenMethodInfo(inheritedMethod, false));
l -> new OverrideInfo(inheritedMethod, false));
return false;
@ -644,13 +739,17 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
&& !overridingSignatureChanged(lMethod, inheritedMethod)
&& !overriddenByTable.containsKey(inheritedMethod);
l -> new OverriddenMethodInfo(inheritedMethod, simpleOverride));
l -> new OverrideInfo(inheritedMethod, simpleOverride));
return simpleOverride;
return true;
private boolean isDeclaredInInterface(ExecutableElement e) {
return e.getEnclosingElement().getKind() == ElementKind.INTERFACE;
// Check whether the signature of an overriding method has any changes worth
// being documented compared to the overridden method.
private boolean overridingSignatureChanged(ExecutableElement method, ExecutableElement overriddenMethod) {
@ -736,9 +835,9 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
* This class encapsulates the details of local members, orderedMembers
* This class encapsulates the details of local members. orderedMembers
* contains the members in the declaration order, additionally a
* HashMap is maintained for performance optimization to lookup
* HashMap is maintained for performance optimization to look up
* members. As a future enhancement is perhaps to consolidate the ordering
* into a Map, capturing the insertion order, thereby eliminating an
* ordered list.
@ -754,7 +853,7 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
LocalMemberTable() {
orderedMembers = new EnumMap<>(Kind.class);
memberMap = new EnumMap<>(Kind.class);
// elements directly declared by te
List<? extends Element> elements = te.getEnclosedElements();
for (Element e : elements) {
if (options.noDeprecated() && utils.isDeprecated(e)) {
@ -783,7 +882,7 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
addMember(e, Kind.CONSTRUCTORS);
addMember(e, Kind.CONSTRUCTORS);
addMember(e, Kind.ENUM_CONSTANTS);
@ -854,8 +953,8 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
record PropertyMembers(ExecutableElement propertyMethod, VariableElement field,
ExecutableElement getter, ExecutableElement setter) { }
private record PropertyMembers(ExecutableElement propertyMethod, VariableElement field,
ExecutableElement getter, ExecutableElement setter) { }
* JavaFX convention notes.
@ -988,23 +1087,34 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
private class ImplementedMethods {
private final Map<ExecutableElement, TypeMirror> interfaces = new HashMap<>();
private final LinkedHashSet<ExecutableElement> methods = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Map<ExecutableElement, TypeMirror> interfaces = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public ImplementedMethods(ExecutableElement method) {
// ExecutableElement.getEnclosingElement() returns "the class or
// interface defining the executable", which has to be TypeElement
TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) method.getEnclosingElement();
Set<TypeMirror> intfacs = utils.getAllInterfaces(typeElement);
for (TypeMirror interfaceType : intfacs) {
// TODO: this method also finds static methods which are pseudo-inherited;
// this needs to be fixed
ExecutableElement found = utils.findMethod(utils.asTypeElement(interfaceType), method);
if (found != null && !methods.contains(found)) {
interfaces.put(found, interfaceType);
public ImplementedMethods(ExecutableElement implementer) {
var typeElement = (TypeElement) implementer.getEnclosingElement();
for (TypeMirror i : utils.getAllInterfaces(typeElement)) {
TypeElement dst = utils.asTypeElement(i); // a type element to look an implemented method in
ExecutableElement implemented = findImplementedMethod(dst, implementer);
if (implemented == null) {
var prev = interfaces.put(implemented, i);
// no two type elements declare the same method
assert prev == null;
// dst can be generic, while i might be parameterized; but they
// must the same type element. For example, if dst is Set<T>,
// then i is Set<String>
assert Objects.equals(((DeclaredType) i).asElement(), dst);
private ExecutableElement findImplementedMethod(TypeElement te, ExecutableElement implementer) {
var typeElement = (TypeElement) implementer.getEnclosingElement();
for (var m : utils.getMethods(te)) {
if (utils.elementUtils.overrides(implementer, m, typeElement)) {
return m;
return null;
@ -1020,7 +1130,7 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
* @return a collection of implemented methods
Collection<ExecutableElement> getImplementedMethods() {
return methods;
return interfaces.keySet();
TypeMirror getMethodHolder(ExecutableElement ee) {
@ -1028,7 +1138,35 @@ public class VisibleMemberTable {
private record OverriddenMethodInfo(ExecutableElement overriddenMethod,
boolean simpleOverride) {
* (Here "override" used as a noun, not a verb, for a short and descriptive
* name. Sadly, we cannot use "Override" as a complete name because a clash
* with @java.lang.Override would make it inconvenient.)
* Used to provide additional attributes to the otherwise boolean
* "overrides(a, b)" relationship.
* Overriding method could be a key in a map and an instance of this
* record could be the value.
private record OverrideInfo(ExecutableElement overriddenMethod,
boolean simpleOverride) {
@Override // for debugging
public String toString() {
return overriddenMethod.getEnclosingElement()
+ "::" + overriddenMethod + ", simple=" + simpleOverride;
public int hashCode() {
return te.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof VisibleMemberTable other))
return false;
return te.equals(other.te);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public class ToolOptions {
private boolean verbose;
* Argument for command-line option {@code -xclasses}.
* Argument for command-line option {@code -Xclasses}.
* If true, names on the command line that would normally be
* treated as package names are treated as class names instead.
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ public class ToolOptions {
* Argument for command-line option {@code -xclasses}.
* Argument for command-line option {@code -Xclasses}.
* If true, names on the command line that would normally be
* treated as package names are treated as class names instead.

View File

@ -144,6 +144,16 @@ public class TestInterface extends JavadocTester {
<section class="detail" id="staticMethod()">
<div class="member-signature"><span class="modifiers">public static</span>&nbsp;\
<span class="return-type">void</span>&nbsp;<span class="element-name">staticMethod</span\
checkOutput("pkg/ClassWithStaticMembers.html", false,
<section class="detail" id="staticMethod()">
@ -286,4 +296,59 @@ public class TestInterface extends JavadocTester {
- Interface in <a href="pkg2/package-summary.html">pkg2</a></dt>
public void test3() {
javadoc("-d", "out-3",
"--no-platform-links", // disable links to simplify output matching
"-sourcepath", testSrc,
checkOutput("pkg3/I.html", true,
<section class="detail" id="hashCode()">
<div class="member-signature"><span class="return-type">\
int</span>&nbsp;<span class="element-name">hashCode</span>()</div>
<dl class="notes">
<dd><code>hashCode</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Object</code></dd>
<section class="detail" id="equals(java.lang.Object)">
<div class="member-signature"><span class="return-type">\
boolean</span>&nbsp;<span class="element-name">equals</span>\
<wbr><span class="parameters">(java.lang.Object&nbsp;obj)</span></div>
<dl class="notes">
<dd><code>equals</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Object</code></dd>
<section class="detail" id="toString()">
<div class="member-signature"><span class="return-type">\
java.lang.String</span>&nbsp;<span class="element-name">toString</span>()</div>
<dl class="notes">
<dd><code>toString</code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;<code>java.lang.Object</code></dd>
<section class="detail" id="clone()">
<div class="member-signature"><span class="return-type">\
java.lang.Object</span>&nbsp;<span class="element-name">clone</span>()</div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package pkg3;
public interface I {
int hashCode();
boolean equals(Object obj);
String toString();
// No matter what your IDE might show you, from JLS it follows that
// the "clone" (as well as currently deprecated "finalize") method cannot
// be overridden by an interface method in the same way "hashCode", "equals"
// and "toString" can. This is because "clone" is not public.
Object clone();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -49,15 +49,7 @@ public class TestBadOverride extends JavadocTester {
javadoc("-d", "out",
"-sourcepath", testSrc,
checkOutput("pkg4/Foo.html", true,
<section class="detail" id="toString()">
<div class="member-signature"><span class="modifiers">public</span>&nbsp;<span c\
lass="return-type">void</span>&nbsp;<span class="element-name">toString</span>()</div>
<div class="block">Why can't I do this ?</div>
// explicitly configure "no crash" check, which is the main interest of this test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 4318787
* @library /tools/lib ../../lib
* @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
* @build toolbox.ToolBox javadoc.tester.*
* @run main TestSpecifiedBy
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import javadoc.tester.JavadocTester;
import toolbox.ToolBox;
public class TestSpecifiedBy extends JavadocTester {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
new TestSpecifiedBy().runTests();
private final ToolBox tb = new ToolBox();
public void test(Path base) throws Exception {
Path src = base.resolve("src");
tb.writeJavaFiles(src, """
package pkg;
public abstract class A {
public abstract void m();
""", """
package pkg;
public class B extends A {
public void m() { }
""", """
package pkg;
public abstract class C extends A {
public void m() { }
""", """
package pkg;
public abstract class D extends A {
public abstract void m();
javadoc("-d", base.resolve("out").toString(),
"-sourcepath", src.toString(),
// check that the terminology for an overridden abstract method of an
// abstract class is the same as that of an overridden interface method;
// no matter who the overrider is, the overridden method should be
// listed under "Specified by", not "Overrides"
for (var f : List.of("pkg/B.html", "pkg/C.html", "pkg/D.html"))
checkOutput(f, true,
<dl class="notes">
<dt>Specified by:</dt>
<dd><code><a href="A.html#m()">m</a></code>&nbsp;in class&nbsp;\
<code><a href="A.html" title="class in pkg">A</a></code></dd>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
* @test
* @bug 8175219 8268582
* @summary test --ignore-errors works correctly
* @summary test --ignore-source-errors works correctly
* @modules
* jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.api
* jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool