8334872: BigEndian: java/lang/invoke/condy Tests failing since JDK-8294960

Reviewed-by: redestad
This commit is contained in:
Adam Sotona 2024-06-26 09:09:13 +00:00
parent e1390056c9
commit 7f6804ceb6

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import java.lang.classfile.attribute.SourceFileAttribute;
import java.lang.constant.ClassDesc;
import java.lang.constant.MethodTypeDesc;
import java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType;
import java.lang.invoke.InnerClassLambdaMetafactory.MethodBody;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import jdk.internal.constant.MethodTypeDescImpl;
@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ abstract class ClassSpecializer<T,K,S extends ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesDat
private static final ClassDesc CD_LambdaForm = ReferenceClassDescImpl.ofValidated("Ljava/lang/invoke/LambdaForm;");
private static final ClassDesc CD_BoundMethodHandle = ReferenceClassDescImpl.ofValidated("Ljava/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle;");
private static final Consumer<FieldBuilder> STATIC_FIELD_FLAGS = new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory.FieldFlags(ACC_STATIC);
private static final Consumer<FieldBuilder> FINAL_FIELD_FLAGS = new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory.FieldFlags(ACC_FINAL);
private final Class<T> topClass;
private final Class<K> keyType;
@ -613,198 +617,220 @@ abstract class ClassSpecializer<T,K,S extends ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesDat
byte[] generateConcreteSpeciesCodeFile(String className0, ClassSpecializer<T,K,S>.SpeciesData speciesData) {
final ClassDesc classDesc = ClassDesc.of(className0);
final ClassDesc superClassDesc = classDesc(speciesData.deriveSuperClass());
return ClassFile.of().build(classDesc, clb -> {
clb.withFlags(ACC_FINAL | ACC_SUPER)
return ClassFile.of().build(classDesc, new Consumer<ClassBuilder>() {
public void accept(ClassBuilder clb) {
clb.withFlags(ACC_FINAL | ACC_SUPER)
// emit static types and BMH_SPECIES fields
.withField(sdFieldName, CD_SPECIES_DATA, ACC_STATIC);
// emit static types and BMH_SPECIES fields
// handy holder for dealing with groups of typed values (ctor arguments and fields)
class Var {
final int index;
final String name;
final Class<?> type;
final ClassDesc desc;
final BasicType basicType;
final int slotIndex;
Var(int index, int slotIndex) {
this.index = index;
this.slotIndex = slotIndex;
name = null; type = null; desc = null;
basicType = BasicType.V_TYPE;
Var(String name, Class<?> type, Var prev) {
int slotIndex = prev.nextSlotIndex();
int index = prev.nextIndex();
if (name == null) name = "x";
if (name.endsWith("#"))
name = name.substring(0, name.length()-1) + index;
this.index = index;
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.desc = classDesc(type);
this.basicType = BasicType.basicType(type);
this.slotIndex = slotIndex;
Var lastOf(List<Var> vars) {
int n = vars.size();
return (n == 0 ? this : vars.get(n-1));
<X> List<Var> fromTypes(List<X> types) {
Var prev = this;
ArrayList<Var> result = new ArrayList<>(types.size());
int i = 0;
for (X x : types) {
String vn = name;
Class<?> vt;
if (x instanceof Class<?> cl) {
vt = cl;
// make the names friendlier if debugging
assert((vn = vn + "_" + (i++)) != null);
} else {
Var v = (Var) x;
vn = v.name;
vt = v.type;
prev = new Var(vn, vt, prev);
// handy holder for dealing with groups of typed values (ctor arguments and fields)
class Var {
final int index;
final String name;
final Class<?> type;
final ClassDesc desc;
final BasicType basicType;
final int slotIndex;
Var(int index, int slotIndex) {
this.index = index;
this.slotIndex = slotIndex;
name = null; type = null; desc = null;
basicType = BasicType.V_TYPE;
return result;
int slotSize() { return basicType.basicTypeSlots(); }
int nextIndex() { return index + (slotSize() == 0 ? 0 : 1); }
int nextSlotIndex() { return slotIndex >= 0 ? slotIndex + slotSize() : slotIndex; }
boolean isInHeap() { return slotIndex < 0; }
void emitLoadInstruction(CodeBuilder cob) {
cob.loadLocal(basicType.btKind, slotIndex);
final Var NO_THIS = new Var(0, 0),
AFTER_THIS = new Var(0, 1),
IN_HEAP = new Var(0, -1);
// figure out the field types
final List<Class<?>> fieldTypes = speciesData.fieldTypes();
final List<Var> fields = new ArrayList<>(fieldTypes.size());
Var nextF = IN_HEAP;
for (Class<?> ft : fieldTypes) {
String fn = chooseFieldName(ft, nextF.nextIndex());
nextF = new Var(fn, ft, nextF);
// emit bound argument fields
for (Var field : fields) {
clb.withField(field.name, field.desc, ACC_FINAL);
// emit implementation of speciesData()
cob -> cob.getstatic(classDesc, sdFieldName, CD_SPECIES_DATA)
// figure out the constructor arguments
MethodType superCtorType = ClassSpecializer.this.baseConstructorType();
MethodType thisCtorType = superCtorType.appendParameterTypes(fieldTypes);
// emit constructor
clb.withMethodBody(INIT_NAME, methodDesc(thisCtorType), ACC_PRIVATE, cob -> {
cob.aload(0); // this
final List<Var> ctorArgs = AFTER_THIS.fromTypes(superCtorType.parameterList());
for (Var ca : ctorArgs) {
// super(ca...)
cob.invokespecial(superClassDesc, INIT_NAME, methodDesc(superCtorType));
// store down fields
Var lastFV = AFTER_THIS.lastOf(ctorArgs);
for (Var f : fields) {
// this.argL1 = argL1
cob.aload(0); // this
lastFV = new Var(f.name, f.type, lastFV);
cob.putfield(classDesc, f.name, f.desc);
// emit make() ...factory method wrapping constructor
MethodType ftryType = thisCtorType.changeReturnType(topClass());
clb.withMethodBody("make", methodDesc(ftryType), ACC_STATIC, cob -> {
// make instance
// load factory method arguments: ctarg... and arg...
for (Var v : NO_THIS.fromTypes(ftryType.parameterList())) {
// finally, invoke the constructor and return
cob.invokespecial(classDesc, INIT_NAME, methodDesc(thisCtorType))
// For each transform, emit the customized override of the transform method.
// This method mixes together some incoming arguments (from the transform's
// static type signature) with the field types themselves, and passes
// the resulting mish-mosh of values to a method handle produced by
// the species itself. (Typically this method handle is the factory
// method of this species or a related one.)
for (int i = 0; i < TRANSFORM_NAMES.size(); i++) {
final int whichtm = i;
final String TNAME = TRANSFORM_NAMES.get(whichtm);
final MethodType TTYPE = TRANSFORM_TYPES.get(whichtm);
final int TMODS = TRANSFORM_MODS.get(whichtm);
clb.withMethod(TNAME, methodDesc(TTYPE), (TMODS & ACC_PPP) | ACC_FINAL, mb -> {
.withCode(cob -> {
// return a call to the corresponding "transform helper", something like this:
// MY_SPECIES.transformHelper(whichtm).invokeBasic(ctarg, ..., argL0, ..., xarg)
cob.getstatic(classDesc, sdFieldName, CD_SPECIES_DATA)
.invokevirtual(CD_SPECIES_DATA, "transformHelper", MTD_TRANFORM_HELPER);
List<Var> targs = AFTER_THIS.fromTypes(TTYPE.parameterList());
List<Var> tfields = new ArrayList<>(fields);
// mix them up and load them for the transform helper:
List<Var> helperArgs = speciesData.deriveTransformHelperArguments(transformMethods.get(whichtm), whichtm, targs, tfields);
ClassDesc[] helperTypes = new ClassDesc[helperArgs.size()];
for (int hi = 0; hi < helperTypes.length; hi++) {
Var ha = helperArgs.get(hi);
helperTypes[hi] = ha.basicType.basicTypeWrapper().basicClassDescriptor();
if (ha.isInHeap()) {
cob.getfield(classDesc, ha.name, ha.desc);
Var(String name, Class<?> type, Var prev) {
int slotIndex = prev.nextSlotIndex();
int index = prev.nextIndex();
if (name == null) name = "x";
if (name.endsWith("#"))
name = name.substring(0, name.length()-1) + index;
this.index = index;
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.desc = classDesc(type);
this.basicType = BasicType.basicType(type);
this.slotIndex = slotIndex;
Var lastOf(List<Var> vars) {
int n = vars.size();
return (n == 0 ? this : vars.get(n-1));
<X> List<Var> fromTypes(List<X> types) {
Var prev = this;
ArrayList<Var> result = new ArrayList<>(types.size());
int i = 0;
for (X x : types) {
String vn = name;
Class<?> vt;
if (x instanceof Class<?> cl) {
vt = cl;
// make the names friendlier if debugging
assert((vn = vn + "_" + (i++)) != null);
} else {
Var v = (Var) x;
vn = v.name;
vt = v.type;
prev = new Var(vn, vt, prev);
return result;
// jump into the helper (which is probably a factory method)
final Class<?> rtype = TTYPE.returnType();
if (!rtype.isPrimitive()) {
cob.invokevirtual(CD_MethodHandle, "invokeBasic", MethodTypeDescImpl.ofValidated(CD_Object, helperTypes))
} else {
throw newInternalError("NYI: transform of type "+rtype);
int slotSize() { return basicType.basicTypeSlots(); }
int nextIndex() { return index + (slotSize() == 0 ? 0 : 1); }
int nextSlotIndex() { return slotIndex >= 0 ? slotIndex + slotSize() : slotIndex; }
boolean isInHeap() { return slotIndex < 0; }
void emitLoadInstruction(CodeBuilder cob) {
cob.loadLocal(basicType.btKind, slotIndex);
final Var NO_THIS = new Var(0, 0),
AFTER_THIS = new Var(0, 1),
IN_HEAP = new Var(0, -1);
// figure out the field types
final List<Class<?>> fieldTypes = speciesData.fieldTypes();
final List<Var> fields = new ArrayList<>(fieldTypes.size());
Var nextF = IN_HEAP;
for (Class<?> ft : fieldTypes) {
String fn = chooseFieldName(ft, nextF.nextIndex());
nextF = new Var(fn, ft, nextF);
// emit bound argument fields
for (Var field : fields) {
clb.withField(field.name, field.desc, FINAL_FIELD_FLAGS);
// emit implementation of speciesData()
new MethodBody(new Consumer<CodeBuilder>() {
public void accept(CodeBuilder cob) {
cob.getstatic(classDesc, sdFieldName, CD_SPECIES_DATA)
// figure out the constructor arguments
MethodType superCtorType = ClassSpecializer.this.baseConstructorType();
MethodType thisCtorType = superCtorType.appendParameterTypes(fieldTypes);
// emit constructor
clb.withMethod(INIT_NAME, methodDesc(thisCtorType), ACC_PRIVATE,
new MethodBody(new Consumer<CodeBuilder>() {
public void accept(CodeBuilder cob) {
cob.aload(0); // this
final List<Var> ctorArgs = AFTER_THIS.fromTypes(superCtorType.parameterList());
for (Var ca : ctorArgs) {
// super(ca...)
cob.invokespecial(superClassDesc, INIT_NAME, methodDesc(superCtorType));
// store down fields
Var lastFV = AFTER_THIS.lastOf(ctorArgs);
for (Var f : fields) {
// this.argL1 = argL1
cob.aload(0); // this
lastFV = new Var(f.name, f.type, lastFV);
cob.putfield(classDesc, f.name, f.desc);
// emit make() ...factory method wrapping constructor
MethodType ftryType = thisCtorType.changeReturnType(topClass());
clb.withMethod("make", methodDesc(ftryType), ACC_STATIC,
new MethodBody(new Consumer<CodeBuilder>() {
public void accept(CodeBuilder cob) {
// make instance
// load factory method arguments: ctarg... and arg...
for (Var v : NO_THIS.fromTypes(ftryType.parameterList())) {
// finally, invoke the constructor and return
cob.invokespecial(classDesc, INIT_NAME, methodDesc(thisCtorType))
// For each transform, emit the customized override of the transform method.
// This method mixes together some incoming arguments (from the transform's
// static type signature) with the field types themselves, and passes
// the resulting mish-mosh of values to a method handle produced by
// the species itself. (Typically this method handle is the factory
// method of this species or a related one.)
for (int i = 0; i < TRANSFORM_NAMES.size(); i++) {
final int whichtm = i;
final String TNAME = TRANSFORM_NAMES.get(whichtm);
final MethodType TTYPE = TRANSFORM_TYPES.get(whichtm);
final int TMODS = TRANSFORM_MODS.get(whichtm);
clb.withMethod(TNAME, methodDesc(TTYPE), (TMODS & ACC_PPP) | ACC_FINAL, new Consumer<MethodBuilder>() {
public void accept(MethodBuilder mb) {
.withCode(new Consumer<CodeBuilder>() {
public void accept(CodeBuilder cob) {
// return a call to the corresponding "transform helper", something like this:
// MY_SPECIES.transformHelper(whichtm).invokeBasic(ctarg, ..., argL0, ..., xarg)
cob.getstatic(classDesc, sdFieldName, CD_SPECIES_DATA)
.invokevirtual(CD_SPECIES_DATA, "transformHelper", MTD_TRANFORM_HELPER);
List<Var> targs = AFTER_THIS.fromTypes(TTYPE.parameterList());
List<Var> tfields = new ArrayList<>(fields);
// mix them up and load them for the transform helper:
List<Var> helperArgs = speciesData.deriveTransformHelperArguments(transformMethods.get(whichtm), whichtm, targs, tfields);
ClassDesc[] helperTypes = new ClassDesc[helperArgs.size()];
for (int hi = 0; hi < helperTypes.length; hi++) {
Var ha = helperArgs.get(hi);
helperTypes[hi] = ha.basicType.basicTypeWrapper().basicClassDescriptor();
if (ha.isInHeap()) {
cob.getfield(classDesc, ha.name, ha.desc);
} else {
// jump into the helper (which is probably a factory method)
final Class<?> rtype = TTYPE.returnType();
if (!rtype.isPrimitive()) {
cob.invokevirtual(CD_MethodHandle, "invokeBasic", MethodTypeDescImpl.ofValidated(CD_Object, helperTypes))
} else {
throw newInternalError("NYI: transform of type "+rtype);