8273881: Metaspace: test repeated deallocations

Reviewed-by: dholmes, shade
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Stuefe 2021-10-11 15:48:10 +00:00
parent 3f01d03a10
commit 83c3771929

@ -739,3 +739,50 @@ TEST_VM(metaspace, MetaspaceArena_growth_boot_nc_not_inplace) {
word_size_for_level(CHUNK_LEVEL_4M), false);
// Test that repeated allocation-deallocation cycles with the same block size
// do not increase metaspace usage after the initial allocation (the deallocated
// block should be reused by the next allocation).
static void test_repeatedly_allocate_and_deallocate(bool is_topmost) {
if (Settings::handle_deallocations()) {
// Test various sizes, including (important) the max. possible block size = 1 root chunk
for (size_t blocksize = Metaspace::max_allocation_word_size(); blocksize >= 1; blocksize /= 2) {
size_t used1 = 0, used2 = 0, committed1 = 0, committed2 = 0;
MetaWord* p = NULL, *p2 = NULL;
MetaspaceGtestContext context;
MetaspaceArenaTestHelper helper(context, Metaspace::StandardMetaspaceType, false);
// First allocation
helper.allocate_from_arena_with_tests_expect_success(&p, blocksize);
if (!is_topmost) {
// another one on top, size does not matter.
// Measure
helper.usage_numbers_with_test(&used1, &committed1, NULL);
// Dealloc, alloc several times with the same size.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
helper.deallocate_with_tests(p, blocksize);
helper.allocate_from_arena_with_tests_expect_success(&p2, blocksize);
// We should get the same pointer back.
EXPECT_EQ(p2, p);
// Measure again
helper.usage_numbers_with_test(&used2, &committed2, NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(used2, used1);
EXPECT_EQ(committed1, committed2);
TEST_VM(metaspace, MetaspaceArena_test_repeatedly_allocate_and_deallocate_top_allocation) {
TEST_VM(metaspace, MetaspaceArena_test_repeatedly_allocate_and_deallocate_nontop_allocation) {