8253920: Share method trampolines in CDS dynamic archive

Reviewed-by: redestad, minqi, iklam
This commit is contained in:
Calvin Cheung 2020-10-27 16:16:01 +00:00
parent 7d41a54188
commit 84e985da4b
8 changed files with 135 additions and 102 deletions

@ -1179,19 +1179,24 @@ InstanceKlass* SystemDictionaryShared::acquire_class_for_current_thread(
return shared_klass;
static ResourceHashtable<
class LoadedUnregisteredClassesTable : public ResourceHashtable<
Symbol*, bool,
6661, // prime number
ResourceObj::C_HEAP> _loaded_unregistered_classes;
ResourceObj::C_HEAP> {};
static LoadedUnregisteredClassesTable* _loaded_unregistered_classes = NULL;
bool SystemDictionaryShared::add_unregistered_class(InstanceKlass* k, TRAPS) {
// We don't allow duplicated unregistered classes of the same name.
assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "only when dumping");
Symbol* name = k->name();
if (_loaded_unregistered_classes == NULL) {
_loaded_unregistered_classes = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtClass)LoadedUnregisteredClassesTable();
bool created = false;
_loaded_unregistered_classes.put_if_absent(name, true, &created);
_loaded_unregistered_classes->put_if_absent(name, true, &created);
if (created) {
MutexLocker mu_r(THREAD, Compile_lock); // add_to_hierarchy asserts this.
SystemDictionary::add_to_hierarchy(k, CHECK_false);

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/oopHandle.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
@ -45,6 +46,27 @@
ArchiveBuilder* ArchiveBuilder::_singleton = NULL;
intx ArchiveBuilder::_buffer_to_target_delta = 0;
class AdapterHandlerEntry;
class MethodTrampolineInfo {
address _c2i_entry_trampoline;
AdapterHandlerEntry** _adapter_trampoline;
address c2i_entry_trampoline() { return _c2i_entry_trampoline; }
AdapterHandlerEntry** adapter_trampoline() { return _adapter_trampoline; }
void set_c2i_entry_trampoline(address addr) { _c2i_entry_trampoline = addr; }
void set_adapter_trampoline(AdapterHandlerEntry** entry) { _adapter_trampoline = entry; }
class AdapterToTrampoline : public ResourceHashtable<
AdapterHandlerEntry*, MethodTrampolineInfo,
941, // prime number
ResourceObj::C_HEAP> {};
static AdapterToTrampoline* _adapter_to_trampoline = NULL;
ArchiveBuilder::OtherROAllocMark::~OtherROAllocMark() {
char* newtop = ArchiveBuilder::singleton()->_ro_region->top();
ArchiveBuilder::alloc_stats()->record_other_type(int(newtop - _oldtop), true);
@ -259,6 +281,8 @@ void ArchiveBuilder::gather_klasses_and_symbols() {
// DynamicArchiveBuilder::sort_methods()).
@ -798,3 +822,89 @@ void ArchiveBuilder::clean_up_src_obj_table() {
SrcObjTableCleaner cleaner;
void ArchiveBuilder::allocate_method_trampolines_for(InstanceKlass* ik) {
if (ik->methods() != NULL) {
for (int j = 0; j < ik->methods()->length(); j++) {
// Walk the methods in a deterministic order so that the trampolines are
// created in a deterministic order.
Method* m = ik->methods()->at(j);
AdapterHandlerEntry* ent = m->adapter(); // different methods can share the same AdapterHandlerEntry
MethodTrampolineInfo* info = _adapter_to_trampoline->get(ent);
if (info->c2i_entry_trampoline() == NULL) {
void ArchiveBuilder::allocate_method_trampolines() {
for (int i = 0; i < _klasses->length(); i++) {
Klass* k = _klasses->at(i);
if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
// Allocate MethodTrampolineInfo for all Methods that will be archived. Also
// return the total number of bytes needed by the method trampolines in the MC
// region.
size_t ArchiveBuilder::allocate_method_trampoline_info() {
size_t total = 0;
size_t each_method_bytes =
align_up(SharedRuntime::trampoline_size(), BytesPerWord) +
align_up(sizeof(AdapterHandlerEntry*), BytesPerWord);
if (_adapter_to_trampoline == NULL) {
_adapter_to_trampoline = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtClass)AdapterToTrampoline();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _klasses->length(); i++) {
Klass* k = _klasses->at(i);
if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
if (ik->methods() != NULL) {
for (int j = 0; j < ik->methods()->length(); j++) {
Method* m = ik->methods()->at(j);
AdapterHandlerEntry* ent = m->adapter(); // different methods can share the same AdapterHandlerEntry
bool is_created = false;
MethodTrampolineInfo* info = _adapter_to_trampoline->put_if_absent(ent, &is_created);
if (is_created) {
if (count == 0) {
// We have nothing to archive, but let's avoid having an empty region.
total = SharedRuntime::trampoline_size();
} else {
total = count * each_method_bytes;
return align_up(total, SharedSpaceObjectAlignment);
void ArchiveBuilder::update_method_trampolines() {
for (int i = 0; i < klasses()->length(); i++) {
Klass* k = klasses()->at(i);
if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
Array<Method*>* methods = ik->methods();
for (int j = 0; j < methods->length(); j++) {
Method* m = methods->at(j);
AdapterHandlerEntry* ent = m->adapter();
MethodTrampolineInfo* info = _adapter_to_trampoline->get(ent);
// m is the "copy" of the original Method, but its adapter() field is still valid because
// we haven't called make_klasses_shareable() yet.

@ -279,6 +279,13 @@ public:
void print_stats(int ro_all, int rw_all, int mc_all);
static intx _buffer_to_target_delta;
// Method trampolines related functions
void allocate_method_trampolines();
void allocate_method_trampolines_for(InstanceKlass* ik);
size_t allocate_method_trampoline_info();
void update_method_trampolines();

@ -93,12 +93,10 @@ public:
size_t _estimated_trampoline_bytes; // method entry trampolines
size_t estimate_archive_size();
size_t estimate_trampoline_size();
size_t estimate_class_file_size();
address reserve_space_and_init_buffer_to_target_delta();
void init_header(address addr);
void release_header();
void make_trampolines();
void sort_methods();
void sort_methods(InstanceKlass* ik) const;
void remark_pointers_for_instance_klass(InstanceKlass* k, bool should_mark) const;
@ -116,12 +114,6 @@ public:
_num_dump_regions_used = 1;
void reserve_buffers_for_trampolines() {
size_t n = _estimated_trampoline_bytes;
assert(n >= SharedRuntime::trampoline_size(), "dont want to be empty");
DynamicArchiveBuilder() : ArchiveBuilder(MetaspaceShared::misc_code_dump_space(),
@ -184,7 +176,7 @@ public:
CHeapBitMap ptrmap;
ArchivePtrMarker::initialize(&ptrmap, (address*)reserved_bottom, (address*)current_dump_space()->top());
verify_estimate_size(_estimated_trampoline_bytes, "Trampolines");
@ -221,7 +213,7 @@ public:
verify_estimate_size(_estimated_hashtable_bytes, "Hashtables");
log_info(cds)("Make classes shareable");
@ -254,7 +246,7 @@ size_t DynamicArchiveBuilder::estimate_archive_size() {
size_t dictionary_est = SystemDictionaryShared::estimate_size_for_archive();
_estimated_hashtable_bytes = symbol_table_est + dictionary_est;
_estimated_trampoline_bytes = estimate_trampoline_size();
_estimated_trampoline_bytes = allocate_method_trampoline_info();
size_t total = 0;
@ -337,54 +329,6 @@ void DynamicArchiveBuilder::release_header() {
_header = NULL;
size_t DynamicArchiveBuilder::estimate_trampoline_size() {
size_t total = 0;
size_t each_method_bytes =
align_up(SharedRuntime::trampoline_size(), BytesPerWord) +
align_up(sizeof(AdapterHandlerEntry*), BytesPerWord);
for (int i = 0; i < klasses()->length(); i++) {
Klass* k = klasses()->at(i);
if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods();
total += each_method_bytes * methods->length();
if (total == 0) {
// We have nothing to archive, but let's avoid having an empty region.
total = SharedRuntime::trampoline_size();
return align_up(total, SharedSpaceObjectAlignment);
void DynamicArchiveBuilder::make_trampolines() {
DumpRegion* mc_space = MetaspaceShared::misc_code_dump_space();
char* p = mc_space->base();
for (int i = 0; i < klasses()->length(); i++) {
Klass* k = klasses()->at(i);
if (!k->is_instance_klass()) {
InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
Array<Method*>* methods = ik->methods();
for (int j = 0; j < methods->length(); j++) {
Method* m = methods->at(j);
address c2i_entry_trampoline = (address)p;
p += SharedRuntime::trampoline_size();
assert(p >= mc_space->base() && p <= mc_space->top(), "must be");
AdapterHandlerEntry** adapter_trampoline =(AdapterHandlerEntry**)p;
p += sizeof(AdapterHandlerEntry*);
assert(p >= mc_space->base() && p <= mc_space->top(), "must be");
*adapter_trampoline = NULL;
guarantee(p <= mc_space->top(), "Estimate of trampoline size is insufficient");
void DynamicArchiveBuilder::sort_methods() {
for (int i = 0; i < klasses()->length(); i++) {

@ -770,6 +770,9 @@ void VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace::doit() {
log_info(cds)("Update method trampolines");
log_info(cds)("Make classes shareable");

@ -1107,17 +1107,9 @@ void Method::unlink_method() {
_i2i_entry = Interpreter::entry_for_cds_method(methodHandle(Thread::current(), this));
_from_interpreted_entry = _i2i_entry;
if (DynamicDumpSharedSpaces) {
assert(_from_compiled_entry != NULL, "sanity");
} else {
// TODO: Simplify the adapter trampoline allocation for static archiving.
// Remove the use of CDSAdapterHandlerEntry.
CDSAdapterHandlerEntry* cds_adapter = (CDSAdapterHandlerEntry*)adapter();
_from_compiled_entry = cds_adapter->get_c2i_entry_trampoline();
assert(*((int*)_from_compiled_entry) == 0,
"must be NULL during dump time, to be initialized at run time");
assert(_from_compiled_entry != NULL, "sanity");
assert(*((int*)_from_compiled_entry) == 0,
"must be NULL during dump time, to be initialized at run time");
if (is_native()) {
*native_function_addr() = NULL;

@ -2454,15 +2454,12 @@ class AdapterHandlerTable : public BasicHashtable<mtCode> {
: BasicHashtable<mtCode>(293, (DumpSharedSpaces ? sizeof(CDSAdapterHandlerEntry) : sizeof(AdapterHandlerEntry))) { }
: BasicHashtable<mtCode>(293, (sizeof(AdapterHandlerEntry))) { }
// Create a new entry suitable for insertion in the table
AdapterHandlerEntry* new_entry(AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint, address i2c_entry, address c2i_entry, address c2i_unverified_entry, address c2i_no_clinit_check_entry) {
AdapterHandlerEntry* entry = (AdapterHandlerEntry*)BasicHashtable<mtCode>::new_entry(fingerprint->compute_hash());
entry->init(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_unverified_entry, c2i_no_clinit_check_entry);
if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
return entry;
@ -3130,17 +3127,6 @@ void AdapterHandlerEntry::print_adapter_on(outputStream* st) const {
void CDSAdapterHandlerEntry::init() {
assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "used during dump time only");
_c2i_entry_trampoline = (address)MetaspaceShared::misc_code_space_alloc(SharedRuntime::trampoline_size());
_adapter_trampoline = (AdapterHandlerEntry**)MetaspaceShared::misc_code_space_alloc(sizeof(AdapterHandlerEntry*));
#endif // INCLUDE_CDS
#ifndef PRODUCT
void AdapterHandlerLibrary::print_statistics() {

@ -679,20 +679,6 @@ class AdapterHandlerEntry : public BasicHashtableEntry<mtCode> {
void print_adapter_on(outputStream* st) const;
// This class is used only with DumpSharedSpaces==true. It holds extra information
// that's used only during CDS dump time.
// For details, see comments around Method::link_method()
class CDSAdapterHandlerEntry: public AdapterHandlerEntry {
address _c2i_entry_trampoline; // allocated from shared spaces "MC" region
AdapterHandlerEntry** _adapter_trampoline; // allocated from shared spaces "MD" region
address get_c2i_entry_trampoline() const { return _c2i_entry_trampoline; }
AdapterHandlerEntry** get_adapter_trampoline() const { return _adapter_trampoline; }
void init() NOT_CDS_RETURN;
class AdapterHandlerLibrary: public AllStatic {
static BufferBlob* _buffer; // the temporary code buffer in CodeCache