8051680: (ref) unnecessary process_soft_ref_reconsider
Reviewed-by: kbarrett, tschatzl
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,14 +81,6 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::enable_discovery(bool check_no_refs) {
#endif // ASSERT
// Someone could have modified the value of the static
// field in the j.l.r.SoftReference class that holds the
// soft reference timestamp clock using reflection or
// Unsafe between GCs. Unconditionally update the static
// field in ReferenceProcessor here so that we use the new
// value during reference discovery.
_soft_ref_timestamp_clock = java_lang_ref_SoftReference::clock();
_discovering_refs = true;
@ -156,8 +148,6 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::update_soft_ref_master_clock() {
// We need a monotonically non-decreasing time in ms but
// os::javaTimeMillis() does not guarantee monotonicity.
jlong now = os::javaTimeNanos() / NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC;
jlong soft_ref_clock = java_lang_ref_SoftReference::clock();
assert(soft_ref_clock == _soft_ref_timestamp_clock, "soft ref clocks out of sync");
if (now < _soft_ref_timestamp_clock) {
@ -201,26 +191,11 @@ ReferenceProcessorStats ReferenceProcessor::process_discovered_references(RefPro
// Stop treating discovered references specially.
// If discovery was concurrent, someone could have modified
// the value of the static field in the j.l.r.SoftReference
// class that holds the soft reference timestamp clock using
// reflection or Unsafe between when discovery was enabled and
// now. Unconditionally update the static field in ReferenceProcessor
// here so that we use the new value during processing of the
// discovered soft refs.
_soft_ref_timestamp_clock = java_lang_ref_SoftReference::clock();
ReferenceProcessorStats stats(total_count(_discoveredSoftRefs),
RefProcTotalPhaseTimesTracker tt(RefPhase1, &phase_times);
process_soft_ref_reconsider(proxy_task, phase_times);
@ -329,37 +304,6 @@ inline void log_enqueued_ref(const DiscoveredListIterator& iter, const char* rea
assert(oopDesc::is_oop(iter.obj()), "Adding a bad reference");
size_t ReferenceProcessor::process_soft_ref_reconsider_work(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
ReferencePolicy* policy,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
VoidClosure* complete_gc) {
assert(policy != NULL, "Must have a non-NULL policy");
DiscoveredListIterator iter(refs_list, keep_alive, is_alive);
// Decide which softly reachable refs should be kept alive.
while (iter.has_next()) {
iter.load_ptrs(DEBUG_ONLY(!discovery_is_atomic() /* allow_null_referent */));
bool referent_is_dead = (iter.referent() != NULL) && !iter.is_referent_alive();
if (referent_is_dead &&
!policy->should_clear_reference(iter.obj(), _soft_ref_timestamp_clock)) {
log_dropped_ref(iter, "by policy");
// Remove Reference object from list
// keep the referent around
} else {
// Close the reachable set
log_develop_trace(gc, ref)(" Dropped " SIZE_FORMAT " dead Refs out of " SIZE_FORMAT " discovered Refs by policy, from list " INTPTR_FORMAT,
iter.removed(), iter.processed(), p2i(&refs_list));
return iter.removed();
size_t ReferenceProcessor::process_soft_weak_final_refs_work(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
@ -508,34 +452,6 @@ size_t ReferenceProcessor::total_reference_count(ReferenceType type) const {
class RefProcPhase1Task : public RefProcTask {
RefProcPhase1Task(ReferenceProcessor& ref_processor,
ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes* phase_times,
ReferencePolicy* policy)
: RefProcTask(ref_processor,
_policy(policy) { }
void rp_work(uint worker_id,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
VoidClosure* complete_gc) override {
ResourceMark rm;
RefProcSubPhasesWorkerTimeTracker tt(ReferenceProcessor::SoftRefSubPhase1, _phase_times, tracker_id(worker_id));
size_t const removed = _ref_processor.process_soft_ref_reconsider_work(_ref_processor._discoveredSoftRefs[worker_id],
_phase_times->add_ref_cleared(REF_SOFT, removed);
ReferencePolicy* _policy;
class RefProcPhase2Task: public RefProcTask {
void run_phase2(uint worker_id,
DiscoveredList list[],
@ -791,38 +707,6 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::run_task(RefProcTask& task, RefProcProxyTask& proxy_tas
void ReferenceProcessor::process_soft_ref_reconsider(RefProcProxyTask& proxy_task,
ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes& phase_times) {
size_t const num_soft_refs = total_count(_discoveredSoftRefs);
phase_times.set_ref_discovered(REF_SOFT, num_soft_refs);
if (num_soft_refs == 0) {
log_debug(gc, ref)("Skipped phase 1 of Reference Processing: no references");
if (_current_soft_ref_policy == NULL) {
log_debug(gc, ref)("Skipped phase 1 of Reference Processing: no policy");
RefProcMTDegreeAdjuster a(this, RefPhase1, num_soft_refs);
if (processing_is_mt()) {
RefProcBalanceQueuesTimeTracker tt(RefPhase1, &phase_times);
RefProcPhaseTimeTracker tt(RefPhase1, &phase_times);
log_reflist("Phase 1 Soft before", _discoveredSoftRefs, _max_num_queues);
RefProcPhase1Task phase1(*this, &phase_times, _current_soft_ref_policy);
run_task(phase1, proxy_task, true);
log_reflist("Phase 1 Soft after", _discoveredSoftRefs, _max_num_queues);
void ReferenceProcessor::process_soft_weak_final_refs(RefProcProxyTask& proxy_task,
ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes& phase_times) {
@ -1305,8 +1189,8 @@ uint RefProcMTDegreeAdjuster::ergo_proc_thread_count(size_t ref_count,
bool RefProcMTDegreeAdjuster::use_max_threads(RefProcPhases phase) const {
// Even a small number of references in either of those cases could produce large amounts of work.
return (phase == ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase1 || phase == ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase3);
// Even a small number of references in this phase could produce large amounts of work.
return phase == ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase3;
RefProcMTDegreeAdjuster::RefProcMTDegreeAdjuster(ReferenceProcessor* rp,
@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ public:
// straightforward manner in a general, non-generational, non-contiguous generation
// (or heap) setting.
class ReferenceProcessor : public ReferenceDiscoverer {
friend class RefProcPhase1Task;
friend class RefProcPhase2Task;
friend class RefProcPhase3Task;
friend class RefProcPhase4Task;
@ -168,7 +167,6 @@ public:
// Names of sub-phases of reference processing. Indicates the type of the reference
// processed and the associated phase number at the end.
enum RefProcSubPhases {
@ -179,7 +177,6 @@ public:
// Main phases of reference processing.
enum RefProcPhases {
@ -237,10 +234,6 @@ private:
void run_task(RefProcTask& task, RefProcProxyTask& proxy_task, bool marks_oops_alive);
// Phase 1: Re-evaluate soft ref policy.
void process_soft_ref_reconsider(RefProcProxyTask& proxy_task,
ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes& phase_times);
// Phase 2: Drop Soft/Weak/Final references with a NULL or live referent, and clear
// and enqueue non-Final references.
void process_soft_weak_final_refs(RefProcProxyTask& proxy_task,
@ -257,15 +250,6 @@ private:
// Work methods used by the process_* methods. All methods return the number of
// removed elements.
// (SoftReferences only) Traverse the list and remove any SoftReferences whose
// referents are not alive, but that should be kept alive for policy reasons.
// Keep alive the transitive closure of all such referents.
size_t process_soft_ref_reconsider_work(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
ReferencePolicy* policy,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
VoidClosure* complete_gc);
// Traverse the list and remove any Refs whose referents are alive,
// or NULL if discovery is not atomic. Enqueue and clear the reference for
// others if do_enqueue_and_clear is set.
@ -36,16 +36,15 @@
#define ASSERT_REF_TYPE(ref_type) assert((ref_type) >= REF_SOFT && (ref_type) <= REF_PHANTOM, \
"Invariant (%d)", (int)ref_type)
#define ASSERT_PHASE(phase) assert((phase) >= ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase1 && \
#define ASSERT_PHASE(phase) assert((phase) >= ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase2 && \
(phase) < ReferenceProcessor::RefPhaseMax, \
"Invariant (%d)", (int)phase);
#define ASSERT_SUB_PHASE(phase) assert((phase) >= ReferenceProcessor::SoftRefSubPhase1 && \
#define ASSERT_SUB_PHASE(phase) assert((phase) >= ReferenceProcessor::SoftRefSubPhase2 && \
(phase) < ReferenceProcessor::RefSubPhaseMax, \
"Invariant (%d)", (int)phase);
static const char* SubPhasesParWorkTitle[ReferenceProcessor::RefSubPhaseMax] = {
"SoftRef (ms):",
"SoftRef (ms):",
"WeakRef (ms):",
"FinalRef (ms):",
@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ static const char* SubPhasesParWorkTitle[ReferenceProcessor::RefSubPhaseMax] = {
static const char* Phase2ParWorkTitle = "Total (ms):";
static const char* SubPhasesSerWorkTitle[ReferenceProcessor::RefSubPhaseMax] = {
@ -69,7 +67,6 @@ static const char* Phase2SerWorkTitle = "Total:";
static const char* Indents[6] = {"", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "};
static const char* PhaseNames[ReferenceProcessor::RefPhaseMax] = {
"Reconsider SoftReferences",
"Notify Soft/WeakReferences",
"Notify and keep alive finalizable",
"Notify PhantomReferences"
@ -275,7 +272,6 @@ void ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::print_all_references(uint base_indent, bool p
uint next_indent = base_indent + 1;
print_phase(ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase1, next_indent);
print_phase(ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase2, next_indent);
print_phase(ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase3, next_indent);
print_phase(ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase4, next_indent);
@ -329,9 +325,6 @@ void ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::print_phase(ReferenceProcessor::RefProcPhases
switch (phase) {
case ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase1:
print_sub_phase(&ls, ReferenceProcessor::SoftRefSubPhase1, indent + 1);
case ReferenceProcessor::RefPhase2:
print_sub_phase(&ls, ReferenceProcessor::SoftRefSubPhase2, indent + 1);
print_sub_phase(&ls, ReferenceProcessor::WeakRefSubPhase2, indent + 1);
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public class TestPrintReferences {
static final String finalReference = "FinalReference";
static final String phantomReference = "PhantomReference";
static final String phaseReconsiderSoftReferences = "Reconsider SoftReferences";
static final String phaseNotifySoftWeakReferences = "Notify Soft/WeakReferences";
static final String phaseNotifyKeepAliveFinalizer = "Notify and keep alive finalizable";
static final String phaseNotifyPhantomReferences = "Notify PhantomReferences";
@ -137,7 +136,6 @@ public class TestPrintReferences {
final boolean p = parallelRefProcEnabled;
String phase1Regex = gcLogTimeRegex + phaseRegex(phaseReconsiderSoftReferences) + balanceRegex + subphaseRegex("SoftRef", p);
String phase2Regex = gcLogTimeRegex + phaseRegex(phaseNotifySoftWeakReferences) +
balanceRegex +
subphaseRegex("SoftRef", p) +
@ -148,7 +146,6 @@ public class TestPrintReferences {
String phase4Regex = gcLogTimeRegex + phaseRegex(phaseNotifyPhantomReferences) + balanceRegex + subphaseRegex("PhantomRef", p);
output.shouldMatch(totalRegex +
phase1Regex +
phase2Regex +
phase3Regex +
@ -220,14 +217,14 @@ public class TestPrintReferences {
private static void checkTrimmedLogValue() {
BigDecimal refProcTime = getTimeValue(referenceProcessing, 0);
BigDecimal sumOfSubPhasesTime = getTimeValue(phaseReconsiderSoftReferences, 2);
BigDecimal sumOfSubPhasesTime = BigDecimal.ZERO;
sumOfSubPhasesTime = sumOfSubPhasesTime.add(getTimeValue(phaseNotifySoftWeakReferences, 2));
sumOfSubPhasesTime = sumOfSubPhasesTime.add(getTimeValue(phaseNotifyKeepAliveFinalizer, 2));
sumOfSubPhasesTime = sumOfSubPhasesTime.add(getTimeValue(phaseNotifyPhantomReferences, 2));
// If there are 4 phases, we should allow 0.2 tolerance.
final BigDecimal toleranceFor4SubPhases = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.2);
if (!greaterThanOrApproximatelyEqual(refProcTime, sumOfSubPhasesTime, toleranceFor4SubPhases)) {
// If there are 3 phases, we should allow 0.2 tolerance.
final BigDecimal toleranceFor3SubPhases = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.2);
if (!greaterThanOrApproximatelyEqual(refProcTime, sumOfSubPhasesTime, toleranceFor3SubPhases)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Reference Processing time(" + refProcTime + "ms) is less than the sum("
+ sumOfSubPhasesTime + "ms) of each phases");
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