8325485: IncrementInstructions.of(int, int) is not storing the args

Reviewed-by: liach, jlahoda
This commit is contained in:
Adam Sotona 2024-04-09 11:08:10 +00:00
parent b9331cd25c
commit 8907eda779
4 changed files with 407 additions and 395 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ public abstract sealed class AbstractInstruction
public int constant() {
return 0;
return constant;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
* @test
* @bug 8325485
* @summary Testing ClassFile on small Corpus.
* @build helpers.* testdata.*
* @run junit/othervm/timeout=480 -Djunit.jupiter.execution.parallel.enabled=true CorpusTest

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ public record ClassRecord(
int hash(int from, int length) {
int result = 1;
for (int i = from; i < length; i++) {
for (int i = from; i < from + length; i++) {
int elementHash = (codeToIndexMap[i] ^ (codeToIndexMap[i] >>> 32));
result = 31 * result + elementHash;
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ public record ClassRecord(
yield local.slot();
else {
yield code.hash(p[0] + 1, ins.sizeInBytes());
yield code.hash(p[0] + 1, ins.sizeInBytes() - 1);

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -69,394 +69,15 @@ class RebuildingTransformation {
for (var me : mm) {
switch (me) {
case AccessFlags af -> mb.withFlags(af.flagsMask());
case CodeModel com -> mb.withCode(cb -> cb.transforming(CodeStackTracker.of(), cob -> {
var labels = new HashMap<Label, Label>();
for (var coe : com) {
switch (coe) {
case ArrayLoadInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case ByteType -> cob.baload();
case ShortType -> cob.saload();
case IntType -> cob.iaload();
case FloatType -> cob.faload();
case LongType -> cob.laload();
case DoubleType -> cob.daload();
case ReferenceType -> cob.aaload();
case CharType -> cob.caload();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case ArrayStoreInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case ByteType -> cob.bastore();
case ShortType -> cob.sastore();
case IntType -> cob.iastore();
case FloatType -> cob.fastore();
case LongType -> cob.lastore();
case DoubleType -> cob.dastore();
case ReferenceType -> cob.aastore();
case CharType -> cob.castore();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case BranchInstruction i -> {
var target = labels.computeIfAbsent(i.target(), l -> cob.newLabel());
switch (i.opcode()) {
case GOTO -> cob.goto_(target);
case GOTO_W -> cob.goto_w(target);
case IF_ACMPEQ -> cob.if_acmpeq(target);
case IF_ACMPNE -> cob.if_acmpne(target);
case IF_ICMPEQ -> cob.if_icmpeq(target);
case IF_ICMPGE -> cob.if_icmpge(target);
case IF_ICMPGT -> cob.if_icmpgt(target);
case IF_ICMPLE -> cob.if_icmple(target);
case IF_ICMPLT -> cob.if_icmplt(target);
case IF_ICMPNE -> cob.if_icmpne(target);
case IFNONNULL -> cob.if_nonnull(target);
case IFNULL -> cob.if_null(target);
case IFEQ -> cob.ifeq(target);
case IFGE -> cob.ifge(target);
case IFGT -> cob.ifgt(target);
case IFLE -> cob.ifle(target);
case IFLT -> cob.iflt(target);
case IFNE -> cob.ifne(target);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case ConstantInstruction i -> {
if (i.constantValue() == null)
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.aconst_null();
else cob.constantInstruction(null);
else switch (i.constantValue()) {
case Integer iVal -> {
if (iVal == 1 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_1();
else if (iVal == 2 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_2();
else if (iVal == 3 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_3();
else if (iVal == 4 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_4();
else if (iVal == 5 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_5();
else if (iVal == -1 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_m1();
else if (iVal >= -128 && iVal <= 127 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.bipush(iVal);
else if (iVal >= -32768 && iVal <= 32767 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.sipush(iVal);
else cob.constantInstruction(iVal);
case Long lVal -> {
if (lVal == 0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.lconst_0();
else if (lVal == 1 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.lconst_1();
else cob.constantInstruction(lVal);
case Float fVal -> {
if (fVal == 0.0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.fconst_0();
else if (fVal == 1.0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.fconst_1();
else if (fVal == 2.0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.fconst_2();
else cob.constantInstruction(fVal);
case Double dVal -> {
if (dVal == 0.0d && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.dconst_0();
else if (dVal == 1.0d && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.dconst_1();
else cob.constantInstruction(dVal);
default -> cob.constantInstruction(i.constantValue());
case ConvertInstruction i -> {
switch (i.fromType()) {
case DoubleType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case FloatType -> cob.d2f();
case IntType -> cob.d2i();
case LongType -> cob.d2l();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case FloatType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case DoubleType -> cob.f2d();
case IntType -> cob.f2i();
case LongType -> cob.f2l();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case IntType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case ByteType -> cob.i2b();
case CharType -> cob.i2c();
case DoubleType -> cob.i2d();
case FloatType -> cob.i2f();
case LongType -> cob.i2l();
case ShortType -> cob.i2s();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case LongType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case DoubleType -> cob.l2d();
case FloatType -> cob.l2f();
case IntType -> cob.l2i();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction i ->
cob.with(DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction.of(i.opcode(), labels.computeIfAbsent(i.target(), l -> cob.newLabel())));
case DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction i ->
cob.with(DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction.of(i.opcode(), i.slot()));
case FieldInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case GETFIELD -> cob.getfield(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case GETSTATIC -> cob.getstatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case PUTFIELD -> cob.putfield(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case PUTSTATIC -> cob.putstatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case GETFIELD -> cob.getfield(i.field());
case GETSTATIC -> cob.getstatic(i.field());
case PUTFIELD -> cob.putfield(i.field());
case PUTSTATIC -> cob.putstatic(i.field());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case InvokeDynamicInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.invokedynamic(i.invokedynamic().asSymbol());
else cob.invokedynamic(i.invokedynamic());
case InvokeInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
if (i.isInterface()) {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKEINTERFACE -> cob.invokeinterface(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol(), true);
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol(), true);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case INVOKEVIRTUAL -> cob.invokevirtual(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.method()) {
case InterfaceMethodRefEntry en -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKEINTERFACE -> cob.invokeinterface(en);
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(en);
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(en);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case MethodRefEntry en -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(en);
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(en);
case INVOKEVIRTUAL -> cob.invokevirtual(en);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case LoadInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case IntType -> cob.iload(i.slot());
case FloatType -> cob.fload(i.slot());
case LongType -> cob.lload(i.slot());
case DoubleType -> cob.dload(i.slot());
case ReferenceType -> cob.aload(i.slot());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case StoreInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case IntType -> cob.istore(i.slot());
case FloatType -> cob.fstore(i.slot());
case LongType -> cob.lstore(i.slot());
case DoubleType -> cob.dstore(i.slot());
case ReferenceType -> cob.astore(i.slot());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case IncrementInstruction i ->
cob.iinc(i.slot(), i.constant());
case LookupSwitchInstruction i ->
cob.lookupswitch(labels.computeIfAbsent(i.defaultTarget(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
i.cases().stream().map(sc ->
SwitchCase.of(sc.caseValue(), labels.computeIfAbsent(sc.target(), l -> cob.newLabel()))).toList());
case MonitorInstruction i -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case MONITORENTER -> cob.monitorenter();
case MONITOREXIT -> cob.monitorexit();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case NewMultiArrayInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
cob.multianewarray(i.arrayType().asSymbol(), i.dimensions());
} else {
cob.multianewarray(i.arrayType(), i.dimensions());
case NewObjectInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
case NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction i ->
case NewReferenceArrayInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
case NopInstruction i ->
case OperatorInstruction i -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case IADD -> cob.iadd();
case LADD -> cob.ladd();
case FADD -> cob.fadd();
case DADD -> cob.dadd();
case ISUB -> cob.isub();
case LSUB -> cob.lsub();
case FSUB -> cob.fsub();
case DSUB -> cob.dsub();
case IMUL -> cob.imul();
case LMUL -> cob.lmul();
case FMUL -> cob.fmul();
case DMUL -> cob.dmul();
case IDIV -> cob.idiv();
case LDIV -> cob.ldiv();
case FDIV -> cob.fdiv();
case DDIV -> cob.ddiv();
case IREM -> cob.irem();
case LREM -> cob.lrem();
case FREM -> cob.frem();
case DREM -> cob.drem();
case INEG -> cob.ineg();
case LNEG -> cob.lneg();
case FNEG -> cob.fneg();
case DNEG -> cob.dneg();
case ISHL -> cob.ishl();
case LSHL -> cob.lshl();
case ISHR -> cob.ishr();
case LSHR -> cob.lshr();
case IUSHR -> cob.iushr();
case LUSHR -> cob.lushr();
case IAND -> cob.iand();
case LAND -> cob.land();
case IOR -> cob.ior();
case LOR -> cob.lor();
case IXOR -> cob.ixor();
case LXOR -> cob.lxor();
case LCMP -> cob.lcmp();
case FCMPL -> cob.fcmpl();
case FCMPG -> cob.fcmpg();
case DCMPL -> cob.dcmpl();
case DCMPG -> cob.dcmpg();
case ARRAYLENGTH -> cob.arraylength();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case ReturnInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case IntType -> cob.ireturn();
case FloatType -> cob.freturn();
case LongType -> cob.lreturn();
case DoubleType -> cob.dreturn();
case ReferenceType -> cob.areturn();
case VoidType -> cob.return_();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case StackInstruction i -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case POP -> cob.pop();
case POP2 -> cob.pop2();
case DUP -> cob.dup();
case DUP_X1 -> cob.dup_x1();
case DUP_X2 -> cob.dup_x2();
case DUP2 -> cob.dup2();
case DUP2_X1 -> cob.dup2_x1();
case DUP2_X2 -> cob.dup2_x2();
case SWAP -> cob.swap();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case TableSwitchInstruction i ->
cob.tableswitch(i.lowValue(), i.highValue(),
labels.computeIfAbsent(i.defaultTarget(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
i.cases().stream().map(sc ->
SwitchCase.of(sc.caseValue(), labels.computeIfAbsent(sc.target(), l -> cob.newLabel()))).toList());
case ThrowInstruction i -> cob.athrow();
case TypeCheckInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case CHECKCAST -> cob.checkcast(i.type().asSymbol());
case INSTANCEOF -> cob.instanceof_(i.type().asSymbol());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case CHECKCAST -> cob.checkcast(i.type());
case INSTANCEOF -> cob.instanceof_(i.type());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case CharacterRange pi ->
cob.characterRange(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.startScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.endScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
pi.characterRangeStart(), pi.characterRangeEnd(), pi.flags());
case ExceptionCatch pi ->
catchType -> cob.exceptionCatch(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryStart(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryEnd(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.handler(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
() -> cob.exceptionCatchAll(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryStart(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryEnd(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.handler(), l -> cob.newLabel())));
case LabelTarget pi ->
cob.labelBinding(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.label(), l -> cob.newLabel()));
case LineNumber pi ->
case LocalVariable pi ->
cob.localVariable(pi.slot(), pi.name().stringValue(), pi.typeSymbol(),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.startScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.endScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()));
case LocalVariableType pi ->
cob.localVariableType(pi.slot(), pi.name().stringValue(),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.startScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.endScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()));
case RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute a ->
cob.with(RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute.of(transformTypeAnnotations(a.annotations(), cob, labels)));
case RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute a ->
cob.with(RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute.of(transformTypeAnnotations(a.annotations(), cob, labels)));
case StackMapTableAttribute a ->
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected StackMapTableAttribute here");
case CustomAttribute a ->
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected custom attribute: " + a.attributeName());
com.findAttribute(Attributes.STACK_MAP_TABLE).ifPresent(smta ->
cob.with(StackMapTableAttribute.of(smta.entries().stream().map(fr ->
StackMapFrameInfo.of(labels.computeIfAbsent(fr.target(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
transformFrameTypeInfos(fr.locals(), cob, labels),
transformFrameTypeInfos(fr.stack(), cob, labels))).toList())));
case CodeModel com -> mb.withCode(cob1 ->
cob1.transforming(CodeStackTracker.of(), cob2 ->
// second pass transforms unbound to unbound instructions
cob2.transforming(new CodeRebuildingTransform(), cob3 ->
// first pass transforms bound to unbound instructions
cob3.transforming(new CodeRebuildingTransform(), cob4 -> {
case AnnotationDefaultAttribute a -> mb.with(AnnotationDefaultAttribute.of(transformAnnotationValue(a.defaultValue())));
case DeprecatedAttribute a -> mb.with(DeprecatedAttribute.of());
case ExceptionsAttribute a -> mb.with(ExceptionsAttribute.ofSymbols(a.exceptions().stream().map(ClassEntry::asSymbol).toArray(ClassDesc[]::new)));
@ -589,4 +210,394 @@ class RebuildingTransformation {
static class CodeRebuildingTransform implements CodeTransform {
final HashMap<Label, Label> labels = new HashMap<>();
public void accept(CodeBuilder cob, CodeElement coe) {
switch (coe) {
case ArrayLoadInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case ByteType -> cob.baload();
case ShortType -> cob.saload();
case IntType -> cob.iaload();
case FloatType -> cob.faload();
case LongType -> cob.laload();
case DoubleType -> cob.daload();
case ReferenceType -> cob.aaload();
case CharType -> cob.caload();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case ArrayStoreInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case ByteType -> cob.bastore();
case ShortType -> cob.sastore();
case IntType -> cob.iastore();
case FloatType -> cob.fastore();
case LongType -> cob.lastore();
case DoubleType -> cob.dastore();
case ReferenceType -> cob.aastore();
case CharType -> cob.castore();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case BranchInstruction i -> {
var target = labels.computeIfAbsent(i.target(), l -> cob.newLabel());
switch (i.opcode()) {
case GOTO -> cob.goto_(target);
case GOTO_W -> cob.goto_w(target);
case IF_ACMPEQ -> cob.if_acmpeq(target);
case IF_ACMPNE -> cob.if_acmpne(target);
case IF_ICMPEQ -> cob.if_icmpeq(target);
case IF_ICMPGE -> cob.if_icmpge(target);
case IF_ICMPGT -> cob.if_icmpgt(target);
case IF_ICMPLE -> cob.if_icmple(target);
case IF_ICMPLT -> cob.if_icmplt(target);
case IF_ICMPNE -> cob.if_icmpne(target);
case IFNONNULL -> cob.if_nonnull(target);
case IFNULL -> cob.if_null(target);
case IFEQ -> cob.ifeq(target);
case IFGE -> cob.ifge(target);
case IFGT -> cob.ifgt(target);
case IFLE -> cob.ifle(target);
case IFLT -> cob.iflt(target);
case IFNE -> cob.ifne(target);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case ConstantInstruction i -> {
if (i.constantValue() == null)
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.aconst_null();
else cob.constantInstruction(null);
else switch (i.constantValue()) {
case Integer iVal -> {
if (iVal == 1 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_1();
else if (iVal == 2 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_2();
else if (iVal == 3 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_3();
else if (iVal == 4 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_4();
else if (iVal == 5 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_5();
else if (iVal == -1 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.iconst_m1();
else if (iVal >= -128 && iVal <= 127 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.bipush(iVal);
else if (iVal >= -32768 && iVal <= 32767 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.sipush(iVal);
else cob.constantInstruction(iVal);
case Long lVal -> {
if (lVal == 0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.lconst_0();
else if (lVal == 1 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.lconst_1();
else cob.constantInstruction(lVal);
case Float fVal -> {
if (fVal == 0.0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.fconst_0();
else if (fVal == 1.0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.fconst_1();
else if (fVal == 2.0 && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.fconst_2();
else cob.constantInstruction(fVal);
case Double dVal -> {
if (dVal == 0.0d && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.dconst_0();
else if (dVal == 1.0d && pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.dconst_1();
else cob.constantInstruction(dVal);
default -> cob.constantInstruction(i.constantValue());
case ConvertInstruction i -> {
switch (i.fromType()) {
case DoubleType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case FloatType -> cob.d2f();
case IntType -> cob.d2i();
case LongType -> cob.d2l();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case FloatType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case DoubleType -> cob.f2d();
case IntType -> cob.f2i();
case LongType -> cob.f2l();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case IntType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case ByteType -> cob.i2b();
case CharType -> cob.i2c();
case DoubleType -> cob.i2d();
case FloatType -> cob.i2f();
case LongType -> cob.i2l();
case ShortType -> cob.i2s();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case LongType -> {
switch (i.toType()) {
case DoubleType -> cob.l2d();
case FloatType -> cob.l2f();
case IntType -> cob.l2i();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction i ->
cob.with(DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction.of(i.opcode(), labels.computeIfAbsent(i.target(), l -> cob.newLabel())));
case DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction i ->
cob.with(DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction.of(i.opcode(), i.slot()));
case FieldInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case GETFIELD -> cob.getfield(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case GETSTATIC -> cob.getstatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case PUTFIELD -> cob.putfield(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case PUTSTATIC -> cob.putstatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case GETFIELD -> cob.getfield(i.field());
case GETSTATIC -> cob.getstatic(i.field());
case PUTFIELD -> cob.putfield(i.field());
case PUTSTATIC -> cob.putstatic(i.field());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case InvokeDynamicInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) cob.invokedynamic(i.invokedynamic().asSymbol());
else cob.invokedynamic(i.invokedynamic());
case InvokeInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
if (i.isInterface()) {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKEINTERFACE -> cob.invokeinterface(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol(), true);
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol(), true);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
case INVOKEVIRTUAL -> cob.invokevirtual(i.owner().asSymbol(), i.name().stringValue(), i.typeSymbol());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.method()) {
case InterfaceMethodRefEntry en -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKEINTERFACE -> cob.invokeinterface(en);
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(en);
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(en);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case MethodRefEntry en -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case INVOKESPECIAL -> cob.invokespecial(en);
case INVOKESTATIC -> cob.invokestatic(en);
case INVOKEVIRTUAL -> cob.invokevirtual(en);
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case LoadInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case IntType -> cob.iload(i.slot());
case FloatType -> cob.fload(i.slot());
case LongType -> cob.lload(i.slot());
case DoubleType -> cob.dload(i.slot());
case ReferenceType -> cob.aload(i.slot());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case StoreInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case IntType -> cob.istore(i.slot());
case FloatType -> cob.fstore(i.slot());
case LongType -> cob.lstore(i.slot());
case DoubleType -> cob.dstore(i.slot());
case ReferenceType -> cob.astore(i.slot());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case IncrementInstruction i ->
cob.iinc(i.slot(), i.constant());
case LookupSwitchInstruction i ->
cob.lookupswitch(labels.computeIfAbsent(i.defaultTarget(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
i.cases().stream().map(sc ->
SwitchCase.of(sc.caseValue(), labels.computeIfAbsent(sc.target(), l -> cob.newLabel()))).toList());
case MonitorInstruction i -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case MONITORENTER -> cob.monitorenter();
case MONITOREXIT -> cob.monitorexit();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case NewMultiArrayInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
cob.multianewarray(i.arrayType().asSymbol(), i.dimensions());
} else {
cob.multianewarray(i.arrayType(), i.dimensions());
case NewObjectInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
case NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction i ->
case NewReferenceArrayInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
} else {
case NopInstruction i ->
case OperatorInstruction i -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case IADD -> cob.iadd();
case LADD -> cob.ladd();
case FADD -> cob.fadd();
case DADD -> cob.dadd();
case ISUB -> cob.isub();
case LSUB -> cob.lsub();
case FSUB -> cob.fsub();
case DSUB -> cob.dsub();
case IMUL -> cob.imul();
case LMUL -> cob.lmul();
case FMUL -> cob.fmul();
case DMUL -> cob.dmul();
case IDIV -> cob.idiv();
case LDIV -> cob.ldiv();
case FDIV -> cob.fdiv();
case DDIV -> cob.ddiv();
case IREM -> cob.irem();
case LREM -> cob.lrem();
case FREM -> cob.frem();
case DREM -> cob.drem();
case INEG -> cob.ineg();
case LNEG -> cob.lneg();
case FNEG -> cob.fneg();
case DNEG -> cob.dneg();
case ISHL -> cob.ishl();
case LSHL -> cob.lshl();
case ISHR -> cob.ishr();
case LSHR -> cob.lshr();
case IUSHR -> cob.iushr();
case LUSHR -> cob.lushr();
case IAND -> cob.iand();
case LAND -> cob.land();
case IOR -> cob.ior();
case LOR -> cob.lor();
case IXOR -> cob.ixor();
case LXOR -> cob.lxor();
case LCMP -> cob.lcmp();
case FCMPL -> cob.fcmpl();
case FCMPG -> cob.fcmpg();
case DCMPL -> cob.dcmpl();
case DCMPG -> cob.dcmpg();
case ARRAYLENGTH -> cob.arraylength();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case ReturnInstruction i -> {
switch (i.typeKind()) {
case IntType -> cob.ireturn();
case FloatType -> cob.freturn();
case LongType -> cob.lreturn();
case DoubleType -> cob.dreturn();
case ReferenceType -> cob.areturn();
case VoidType -> cob.return_();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case StackInstruction i -> {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case POP -> cob.pop();
case POP2 -> cob.pop2();
case DUP -> cob.dup();
case DUP_X1 -> cob.dup_x1();
case DUP_X2 -> cob.dup_x2();
case DUP2 -> cob.dup2();
case DUP2_X1 -> cob.dup2_x1();
case DUP2_X2 -> cob.dup2_x2();
case SWAP -> cob.swap();
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case TableSwitchInstruction i ->
cob.tableswitch(i.lowValue(), i.highValue(),
labels.computeIfAbsent(i.defaultTarget(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
i.cases().stream().map(sc ->
SwitchCase.of(sc.caseValue(), labels.computeIfAbsent(sc.target(), l -> cob.newLabel()))).toList());
case ThrowInstruction i -> cob.athrow();
case TypeCheckInstruction i -> {
if (pathSwitch.nextBoolean()) {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case CHECKCAST -> cob.checkcast(i.type().asSymbol());
case INSTANCEOF -> cob.instanceof_(i.type().asSymbol());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
} else {
switch (i.opcode()) {
case CHECKCAST -> cob.checkcast(i.type());
case INSTANCEOF -> cob.instanceof_(i.type());
default -> throw new AssertionError("Should not reach here");
case CharacterRange pi ->
cob.characterRange(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.startScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.endScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
pi.characterRangeStart(), pi.characterRangeEnd(), pi.flags());
case ExceptionCatch pi ->
catchType -> cob.exceptionCatch(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryStart(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryEnd(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.handler(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
() -> cob.exceptionCatchAll(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryStart(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.tryEnd(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.handler(), l -> cob.newLabel())));
case LabelTarget pi ->
cob.labelBinding(labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.label(), l -> cob.newLabel()));
case LineNumber pi ->
case LocalVariable pi ->
cob.localVariable(pi.slot(), pi.name().stringValue(), pi.typeSymbol(),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.startScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.endScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()));
case LocalVariableType pi ->
cob.localVariableType(pi.slot(), pi.name().stringValue(),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.startScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
labels.computeIfAbsent(pi.endScope(), l -> cob.newLabel()));
case RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute a ->
cob.with(RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute.of(transformTypeAnnotations(a.annotations(), cob, labels)));
case RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute a ->
cob.with(RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute.of(transformTypeAnnotations(a.annotations(), cob, labels)));
case StackMapTableAttribute a ->
cob.with(StackMapTableAttribute.of(a.entries().stream().map(fr ->
StackMapFrameInfo.of(labels.computeIfAbsent(fr.target(), l -> cob.newLabel()),
transformFrameTypeInfos(fr.locals(), cob, labels),
transformFrameTypeInfos(fr.stack(), cob, labels))).toList()));
case CustomAttribute a ->
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected custom attribute: " + a.attributeName());