7159266: [macosx] ApplicationDelegate should not be set in the headless mode

Don't install ApplicationDelegate in headless mode

Reviewed-by: art, serb
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Petrov 2013-10-09 15:34:53 +04:00
parent c7b9274feb
commit 8b7ad3288c

View File

@ -312,15 +312,17 @@ AWT_ASSERT_APPKIT_THREAD;
if (verbose) AWT_DEBUG_LOG(@"got out of the AppKit startup mutex");
// Don't set the delegate until the NSApplication has been created and
// its finishLaunching has initialized it.
// ApplicationDelegate is the support code for com.apple.eawt.
[ThreadUtilities performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES block:^(){
id<NSApplicationDelegate> delegate = [ApplicationDelegate sharedDelegate];
if (delegate != nil) {
if (!headless) {
// Don't set the delegate until the NSApplication has been created and
// its finishLaunching has initialized it.
// ApplicationDelegate is the support code for com.apple.eawt.
[ThreadUtilities performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES block:^(){
id<NSApplicationDelegate> delegate = [ApplicationDelegate sharedDelegate];
if (delegate != nil) {
- (void)starter:(NSArray*)args {