8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
8274467: TestZoneInfo310.java fails with tzdata2021b 8274468: TimeZoneTest.java fails with tzdata2021b Reviewed-by: rriggs, iris, coffeys
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
@ -53,9 +53,6 @@
# Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94.
# https://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
# European-style abbreviations are commonly used along the Mediterranean.
# For sub-Saharan Africa abbreviations were less standardized.
# Previous editions of this database used WAT, CAT, SAT, and EAT
@ -176,8 +173,9 @@ Zone Africa/Ndjamena 1:00:12 - LMT 1912 # N'Djamena
Zone Africa/Abidjan -0:16:08 - LMT 1912
0:00 - GMT
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra # Ghana
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Bamako # Mali
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Banjul # Gambia
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Banjul # The Gambia
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Conakry # Guinea
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Dakar # Senegal
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Freetown # Sierra Leone
@ -404,93 +402,8 @@ Zone Africa/Cairo 2:05:09 - LMT 1900 Oct
# Gabon
# See Africa/Lagos.
# Gambia
# See Africa/Abidjan.
# The Gambia
# Ghana
# From P Chan (2020-11-20):
# Interpretation Amendment Ordinance, 1915 (No.24 of 1915) [1915-11-02]
# Ordinances of the Gold Coast, Ashanti, Northern Territories 1915, p 69-71
# https://books.google.com/books?id=ErA-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA70
# This Ordinance added "'Time' shall mean Greenwich Mean Time" to the
# Interpretation Ordinance, 1876.
# Determination of the Time Ordinance, 1919 (No. 18 of 1919) [1919-11-24]
# Ordinances of the Gold Coast, Ashanti, Northern Territories 1919, p 75-76
# https://books.google.com/books?id=MbA-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA75
# This Ordinance removed the previous definition of time and introduced DST.
# Time Determination Ordinance (Cap. 214)
# The Laws of the Gold Coast (including Togoland Under British Mandate)
# Vol. II (1937), p 2328
# https://books.google.com/books?id=Z7M-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA2328
# Revised edition of the 1919 Ordinance.
# Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1940 (No. 9 of 1940) [1940-04-06]
# Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast:
# Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1940, p 22
# https://books.google.com/books?id=1ao-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA22
# This Ordinance changed the forward transition from September to May.
# Defence (Time Determination Ordinance Amendment) Regulations, 1942
# (Regulations No. 6 of 1942) [1942-01-31, commenced on 1942-02-08]
# Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast:
# Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1942, p 48
# https://books.google.com/books?id=Das-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA48
# These regulations advanced the [standard] time by thirty minutes.
# Defence (Time Determination Ordinance Amendment (No.2)) Regulations,
# 1942 (Regulations No. 28 of 1942) [1942-04-25]
# Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast:
# Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1942, p 87
# https://books.google.com/books?id=Das-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA87
# These regulations abolished DST and changed the time to GMT+0:30.
# Defence (Revocation) (No.4) Regulations, 1945 (Regulations No. 45 of
# 1945) [1945-10-24, commenced on 1946-01-06]
# Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast:
# Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1945, p 256
# https://books.google.com/books?id=9as-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA256
# These regulations revoked the previous two sets of Regulations.
# Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1945 (No. 18 of 1945) [1946-01-06]
# Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast:
# Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1945, p 69
# https://books.google.com/books?id=9as-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA69
# This Ordinance abolished DST.
# Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1950 (No. 26 of 1950) [1950-07-22]
# Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast:
# Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1950, p 35
# https://books.google.com/books?id=e60-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA35
# This Ordinance restored DST but with thirty minutes offset.
# Time Determination Ordinance (Cap. 264)
# The Laws of the Gold Coast, Vol. V (1954), p 380
# https://books.google.com/books?id=Mqc-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA380
# Revised edition of the Time Determination Ordinance.
# Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956 (No. 21 of 1956) [1956-08-29]
# Annual Volume of the Ordinances of the Gold Coast Enacted During the
# Year 1956, p 83
# https://books.google.com/books?id=VLE-AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA83
# This Ordinance abolished DST.
Rule Ghana 1919 only - Nov 24 0:00 0:20 +0020
Rule Ghana 1920 1942 - Jan 1 2:00 0 GMT
Rule Ghana 1920 1939 - Sep 1 2:00 0:20 +0020
Rule Ghana 1940 1941 - May 1 2:00 0:20 +0020
Rule Ghana 1950 1955 - Sep 1 2:00 0:30 +0030
Rule Ghana 1951 1956 - Jan 1 2:00 0 GMT
Zone Africa/Accra -0:00:52 - LMT 1915 Nov 2
0:00 Ghana %s 1942 Feb 8
0:30 - +0030 1946 Jan 6
0:00 Ghana %s
# Guinea
# See Africa/Abidjan.
@ -755,7 +668,7 @@ Zone Indian/Mauritius 3:50:00 - LMT 1907 # Port Louis
# See Africa/Nairobi.
# Morocco
# See the 'europe' file for Spanish Morocco (Africa/Ceuta).
# See Africa/Ceuta for Spanish Morocco.
# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-05-09):
# Here is an article that Morocco plan to introduce Daylight Saving Time between
@ -1405,23 +1318,21 @@ Zone Africa/Lagos 0:13:35 - LMT 1905 Jul 1
0:13:35 - LMT 1914 Jan 1
0:30 - +0030 1919 Sep 1
1:00 - WAT
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Bangui # Central African Republic
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Brazzaville # Rep. of the Congo
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Douala # Cameroon
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Kinshasa # Dem. Rep. of the Congo (west)
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Libreville # Gabon
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Luanda # Angola
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Malabo # Equatorial Guinea
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Niamey # Niger
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Porto-Novo # Benin
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Bangui # Central African Republic
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Brazzaville # Rep. of the Congo
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Douala # Cameroon
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Kinshasa # Dem. Rep. of the Congo (west)
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Libreville # Gabon
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Luanda # Angola
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Malabo # Equatorial Guinea
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Niamey # Niger
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Porto-Novo # Benin
# Réunion
Zone Indian/Reunion 3:41:52 - LMT 1911 Jun # Saint-Denis
4:00 - +04
# Crozet Islands also observes Réunion time; see the 'antarctica' file.
# Scattered Islands (Îles Éparses) administered from Réunion are as follows.
# The following information about them is taken from
# Îles Éparses (<http://www.outre-mer.gouv.fr/domtom/ile.htm>, 1997-07-22,
@ -1513,8 +1424,8 @@ Rule SA 1943 1944 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00 0 -
Zone Africa/Johannesburg 1:52:00 - LMT 1892 Feb 8
1:30 - SAST 1903 Mar
2:00 SA SAST
Link Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Maseru # Lesotho
Link Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Mbabane # Eswatini
Link Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Maseru # Lesotho
Link Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Mbabane # Eswatini
# Marion and Prince Edward Is
# scientific station since 1947
@ -1550,12 +1461,13 @@ Zone Africa/Khartoum 2:10:08 - LMT 1931
3:00 - EAT 2017 Nov 1
2:00 - CAT
# South Sudan
# From Steffen Thorsen (2021-01-18):
# "South Sudan will change its time zone by setting the clock back 1
# hour on February 1, 2021...."
# from https://eyeradio.org/south-sudan-adopts-new-time-zone-makuei/
# South Sudan
Zone Africa/Juba 2:06:28 - LMT 1931
2:00 Sudan CA%sT 2000 Jan 15 12:00
@ -1660,7 +1572,7 @@ Rule Tunisia 2005 only - Sep 30 1:00s 0 -
Rule Tunisia 2006 2008 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
Rule Tunisia 2006 2008 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
# See Europe/Paris for PMT-related transitions.
# See Europe/Paris commentary for PMT-related transitions.
Zone Africa/Tunis 0:40:44 - LMT 1881 May 12
0:09:21 - PMT 1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Zone Antarctica/Mawson 0 - -00 1954 Feb 13
# Alfred Faure, Possession Island, Crozet Islands, -462551+0515152, since 1964;
# sealing & whaling stations operated variously 1802/1911+;
# see Indian/Reunion.
# see Asia/Dubai.
# Martin-de-Viviès, Amsterdam Island, -374105+0773155, since 1950
# Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen Islands, -492110+0701303, since 1951;
@ -185,17 +185,7 @@ Zone Indian/Kerguelen 0 - -00 1950 # Port-aux-Français
5:00 - +05
# year-round base in the main continent
# Dumont d'Urville, Île des Pétrels, -6640+14001, since 1956-11
# <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumont_d'Urville_Station> (2005-12-05)
# Another base at Port-Martin, 50km east, began operation in 1947.
# It was destroyed by fire on 1952-01-14.
Zone Antarctica/DumontDUrville 0 - -00 1947
10:00 - +10 1952 Jan 14
0 - -00 1956 Nov
10:00 - +10
# Dumont d'Urville - see Pacific/Port_Moresby.
# France & Italy - year-round base
# Concordia, -750600+1232000, since 2005
@ -211,20 +201,7 @@ Zone Antarctica/DumontDUrville 0 - -00 1947
# Zuchelli, Terra Nova Bay, -744140+1640647, since 1986
# Japan - year-round bases
# Syowa (also known as Showa), -690022+0393524, since 1957
# From Hideyuki Suzuki (1999-02-06):
# In all Japanese stations, +0300 is used as the standard time.
# Syowa station, which is the first antarctic station of Japan,
# was established on 1957-01-29. Since Syowa station is still the main
# station of Japan, it's appropriate for the principal location.
Zone Antarctica/Syowa 0 - -00 1957 Jan 29
3:00 - +03
# See:
# NIPR Antarctic Research Activities (1999-08-17)
# http://www.nipr.ac.jp/english/ara01.html
# See Asia/Riyadh.
# S Korea - year-round base
# Jang Bogo, Terra Nova Bay, -743700+1641205 since 2014
@ -57,9 +57,6 @@
# Byalokoz EL. New Counting of Time in Russia since July 1, 1919.
# (See the 'europe' file for a fuller citation.)
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
# The following alphabetic abbreviations appear in these tables
# (corrections are welcome):
# std dst
@ -2257,6 +2254,14 @@ Zone Asia/Tokyo 9:18:59 - LMT 1887 Dec 31 15:00u
# From Paul Eggert (2013-12-11):
# As Steffen suggested, consider the past 21-month experiment to be DST.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2021-09-24):
# The Jordanian Government announced yesterday that they will start DST
# in February instead of March:
# https://petra.gov.jo/Include/InnerPage.jsp?ID=37683&lang=en&name=en_news (English)
# https://petra.gov.jo/Include/InnerPage.jsp?ID=189969&lang=ar&name=news (Arabic)
# From the Arabic version, it seems to say it would be at midnight
# (assume 24:00) on the last Thursday in February, starting from 2022.
Rule Jordan 1973 only - Jun 6 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Jordan 1973 1975 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
@ -2287,8 +2292,9 @@ Rule Jordan 2004 only - Oct 15 0:00s 0 -
Rule Jordan 2005 only - Sep lastFri 0:00s 0 -
Rule Jordan 2006 2011 - Oct lastFri 0:00s 0 -
Rule Jordan 2013 only - Dec 20 0:00 0 -
Rule Jordan 2014 max - Mar lastThu 24:00 1:00 S
Rule Jordan 2014 2021 - Mar lastThu 24:00 1:00 S
Rule Jordan 2014 max - Oct lastFri 0:00s 0 -
Rule Jordan 2022 max - Feb lastThu 24:00 1:00 S
Zone Asia/Amman 2:23:44 - LMT 1931
2:00 Jordan EE%sT
@ -2763,7 +2769,8 @@ Rule NBorneo 1935 1941 - Dec 14 0:00 0 -
# peninsular Malaysia
# taken from Mok Ly Yng (2003-10-30)
# http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/timezone.html
# https://web.archive.org/web/20190822231045/http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~mathelmr/teaching/timezone.html
# This agrees with Singapore since 1905-06-01.
Zone Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 6:46:46 - LMT 1901 Jan 1
6:55:25 - SMT 1905 Jun 1 # Singapore M.T.
@ -3523,6 +3530,12 @@ Zone Asia/Hebron 2:20:23 - LMT 1900 Oct
# influence of the sources. There is no current abbreviation for DST,
# so use "PDT", the usual American style.
# From P Chan (2021-05-10):
# Here's a fairly comprehensive article in Japanese:
# https://wiki.suikawiki.org/n/Philippine%20Time
# From Paul Eggert (2021-05-10):
# The info in the Japanese table has not been absorbed (yet) below.
Rule Phil 1936 only - Nov 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Phil 1937 only - Feb 1 0:00 0 S
@ -3589,12 +3602,13 @@ Link Asia/Qatar Asia/Bahrain
Zone Asia/Riyadh 3:06:52 - LMT 1947 Mar 14
3:00 - +03
Link Asia/Riyadh Antarctica/Syowa
Link Asia/Riyadh Asia/Aden # Yemen
Link Asia/Riyadh Asia/Kuwait
# Singapore
# taken from Mok Ly Yng (2003-10-30)
# http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/timezone.html
# https://web.archive.org/web/20190822231045/http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~mathelmr/teaching/timezone.html
Zone Asia/Singapore 6:55:25 - LMT 1901 Jan 1
6:55:25 - SMT 1905 Jun 1 # Singapore M.T.
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Link Pacific/Guam Pacific/Saipan # N Mariana Is
Zone Pacific/Tarawa 11:32:04 - LMT 1901 # Bairiki
12:00 - +12
Zone Pacific/Enderbury -11:24:20 - LMT 1901
Zone Pacific/Kanton 0 - -00 1937 Aug 31
-12:00 - -12 1979 Oct
-11:00 - -11 1994 Dec 31
13:00 - +13
@ -620,13 +620,46 @@ Link Pacific/Auckland Antarctica/McMurdo
# was probably like Pacific/Auckland
# Cook Is
# From Shanks & Pottenger:
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2021-03-24):
# In 1899 the Cook Islands celebrated Christmas twice to correct the calendar.
# According to the old books, missionaries were unaware of
# the International Date line, when they came from Sydney.
# Thus the Cook Islands were one day ahead....
# http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-KloDisc-t1-body-d18.html
# ... Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1900
# https://atojs.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/atojs?a=d&d=AJHR1900-I.
# (page 20)
# From Michael Deckers (2021-03-24):
# ... in the Cook Island Act of 1915-10-11, online at
# http://www.paclii.org/ck/legis/ck-nz_act/cia1915132/
# "651. The hour of the day shall in each of the islands included in the
# Cook Islands be determined in accordance with the meridian of that island."
# so that local (mean?) time was still used in Rarotonga (and Niue) in 1915.
# This was changed in the Cook Island Amendment Act of 1952-10-16 ...
# http://www.paclii.org/ck/legis/ck-nz_act/ciaa1952212/
# "651 (1) The hour of the day in each of the islands included in the Cook
# Islands, other than Niue, shall be determined as if each island were
# situated on the meridian one hundred and fifty-seven degrees thirty minutes
# West of Greenwich. (2) The hour of the day in the Island of Niue shall be
# determined as if that island were situated on the meridian one hundred and
# seventy degrees West of Greenwich."
# This act does not state when it takes effect, so one has to assume it
# applies since 1952-10-16. But there is the possibility that the act just
# legalized prior existing practice, as we had seen with the Guernsey law of
# 1913-06-18 for the switch in 1909-04-19.
# From Paul Eggert (2021-03-24):
# Transitions after 1952 are from Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule Cook 1978 only - Nov 12 0:00 0:30 -
Rule Cook 1979 1991 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
Rule Cook 1979 1990 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 -
Zone Pacific/Rarotonga -10:39:04 - LMT 1901 # Avarua
Zone Pacific/Rarotonga 13:20:56 - LMT 1899 Dec 26 # Avarua
-10:39:04 - LMT 1952 Oct 16
-10:30 - -1030 1978 Nov 12
-10:00 Cook -10/-0930
@ -634,10 +667,18 @@ Zone Pacific/Rarotonga -10:39:04 - LMT 1901 # Avarua
# Niue
# See Pacific/Raratonga comments for 1952 transition.
# From Tim Parenti (2021-09-13):
# Consecutive contemporaneous editions of The Air Almanac listed -11:20 for
# Niue as of Apr 1964 but -11 as of Aug 1964:
# Apr 1964: https://books.google.com/books?id=_1So677Y5vUC&pg=SL1-PA23
# Aug 1964: https://books.google.com/books?id=MbJloqd-zyUC&pg=SL1-PA23
# Without greater specificity, guess 1964-07-01 for this transition.
Zone Pacific/Niue -11:19:40 - LMT 1901 # Alofi
-11:20 - -1120 1951
-11:30 - -1130 1978 Oct 1
Zone Pacific/Niue -11:19:40 - LMT 1952 Oct 16 # Alofi
-11:20 - -1120 1964 Jul
-11:00 - -11
# Norfolk
@ -661,6 +702,7 @@ Zone Pacific/Palau -15:02:04 - LMT 1844 Dec 31 # Koror
Zone Pacific/Port_Moresby 9:48:40 - LMT 1880
9:48:32 - PMMT 1895 # Port Moresby Mean Time
10:00 - +10
Link Pacific/Port_Moresby Antarctica/DumontDUrville
# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-13):
# Base the Bougainville entry on the Arawa-Kieta region, which appears to have
@ -765,13 +807,17 @@ Link Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Midway # in US minor outlying islands
# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-08):
# That web page currently lists transitions for 2012/3 and 2013/4.
# Assume the pattern instituted in 2012 will continue indefinitely.
# From Geoffrey D. Bennett (2021-09-20):
# https://www.mcil.gov.ws/storage/2021/09/MCIL-Scan_20210920_120553.pdf
# DST has been cancelled for this year.
Rule WS 2010 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 1 -
Rule WS 2011 only - Apr Sat>=1 4:00 0 -
Rule WS 2011 only - Sep lastSat 3:00 1 -
Rule WS 2012 max - Apr Sun>=1 4:00 0 -
Rule WS 2012 max - Sep lastSun 3:00 1 -
Rule WS 2012 2021 - Apr Sun>=1 4:00 0 -
Rule WS 2012 2020 - Sep lastSun 3:00 1 -
Zone Pacific/Apia 12:33:04 - LMT 1892 Jul 5
-11:26:56 - LMT 1911
@ -818,8 +864,8 @@ Rule Tonga 2001 2002 - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 -
Rule Tonga 2016 only - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 -
Rule Tonga 2017 only - Jan Sun>=15 3:00 0 -
Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:20 - LMT 1901
12:20 - +1220 1941
Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:12 - LMT 1945 Sep 10
12:20 - +1220 1961
13:00 - +13 1999
13:00 Tonga +13/+14
@ -1761,6 +1807,23 @@ Zone Pacific/Wallis 12:15:20 - LMT 1901
# One source for this is page 202 of: Bartky IR. One Time Fits All:
# The Campaigns for Global Uniformity (2007).
# Kanton
# From Paul Eggert (2021-05-27):
# Kiribati's +13 timezone is represented by Kanton, its only populated
# island. (It was formerly spelled "Canton", but Gilbertese lacks "C".)
# Kanton was settled on 1937-08-31 by two British radio operators
# <https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1937v02/d94>;
# Americans came the next year and built an airfield, partly to
# establish airline service and perhaps partly anticipating the
# next war. Aside from the war, the airfield was used by commercial
# airlines until long-range jets became standard; although currently
# for emergency use only, China says it is considering rebuilding the
# airfield for high-end niche tourism. Kanton has about two dozen
# people, caretakers who rotate in from the rest of Kiribati in 2-5
# year shifts, and who use some of the leftover structures
# <http://pipa.neaq.org/2012/06/images-of-kanton-island.html>.
# Kwajalein
# From an AP article (1993-08-22):
@ -2044,6 +2107,17 @@ Zone Pacific/Wallis 12:15:20 - LMT 1901
# Tonga
# From Paul Eggert (2021-03-04):
# In 1943 "The standard time kept is 12 hrs. 19 min. 12 sec. fast
# on Greenwich mean time." according to the Admiralty's Hydrographic
# Dept., Pacific Islands Pilot, Vol. II, 7th ed., 1943, p 360.
# From Michael Deckers (2021-03-03):
# [Ian R Bartky: "One Time Fits All: The Campaigns for Global Uniformity".
# Stanford University Press. 2007. p. 255]:
# On 10 September 1945 Tonga adopted a standard time 12 hours,
# 20 minutes in advance of Greenwich.
# From Paul Eggert (1996-01-22):
# Today's _Wall Street Journal_ (p 1) reports that "Tonga has been plotting
# to sneak ahead of [New Zealanders] by introducing daylight-saving time."
@ -2072,9 +2146,26 @@ Zone Pacific/Wallis 12:15:20 - LMT 1901
# The Crown Prince, presented an unanswerable argument: "Remember that
# on the World Day of Prayer, you would be the first people on Earth
# to say your prayers in the morning."
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger say the transition was on 1968-10-01; go with Mundell.
# From Tim Parenti (2021-09-13), per Paul Eggert (2006-03-22) and Michael
# Deckers (2021-03-03):
# Mundell places the transition from +12:20 to +13 in 1941, while Shanks &
# Pottenger say the transition was on 1968-10-01.
# The Air Almanac published contemporaneous tables of standard times,
# which listed +12:20 as of Nov 1960 and +13 as of Mar 1961:
# Nov 1960: https://books.google.com/books?id=bVgtWM6kPZUC&pg=SL1-PA19
# Mar 1961: https://books.google.com/books?id=W2nItAul4g0C&pg=SL1-PA19
# (Thanks to P Chan for pointing us toward these sources.)
# This agrees with Bartky, who writes that "since 1961 [Tonga's] official time
# has been thirteen hours in advance of Greenwich time" (p. 202) and further
# writes in an endnote that this was because "the legislation was amended" on
# 1960-10-19. (p. 255)
# Without greater specificity, presume that Bartky and the Air Almanac point to
# a 1961-01-01 transition, as Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV was still Crown Prince in
# 1961 and this still jives with the gist of Mundell's telling, and go with
# this over Shanks & Pottenger.
# From Eric Ulevik (1999-05-03):
# Tonga's director of tourism, who is also secretary of the National Millennium
@ -26,8 +26,10 @@
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
# This file provides links between current names for timezones
# and their old names. Many names changed in late 1993.
# This file provides links from old or merged timezone names to current ones.
# Many names changed in late 1993. Several of these names are
# also present in the file 'backzone', which has data important only
# for pre-1970 timestamps and so is out of scope for tzdb proper.
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Asmera
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ Link America/Argentina/Catamarca America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia
Link America/Adak America/Atka
Link America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires America/Buenos_Aires
Link America/Argentina/Catamarca America/Catamarca
Link America/Atikokan America/Coral_Harbour
Link America/Panama America/Coral_Harbour
Link America/Argentina/Cordoba America/Cordoba
Link America/Tijuana America/Ensenada
Link America/Indiana/Indianapolis America/Fort_Wayne
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ Link America/Rio_Branco America/Porto_Acre
Link America/Argentina/Cordoba America/Rosario
Link America/Tijuana America/Santa_Isabel
Link America/Denver America/Shiprock
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Virgin
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Virgin
Link Pacific/Auckland Antarctica/South_Pole
Link Asia/Ashgabat Asia/Ashkhabad
Link Asia/Kolkata Asia/Calcutta
@ -126,6 +128,7 @@ Link Pacific/Auckland NZ
Link Pacific/Chatham NZ-CHAT
Link America/Denver Navajo
Link Asia/Shanghai PRC
Link Pacific/Kanton Pacific/Enderbury
Link Pacific/Honolulu Pacific/Johnston
Link Pacific/Pohnpei Pacific/Ponape
Link Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Samoa
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
# 0:00 GMT BST BDST Greenwich, British Summer
# 0:00 GMT IST Greenwich, Irish Summer
# 0:00 WET WEST WEMT Western Europe
# 0:19:32.13 AMT* NST* Amsterdam, Netherlands Summer (1835-1937)
# 1:00 BST British Standard (1968-1971)
# 1:00 IST GMT Irish Standard (1968-) with winter DST
# 1:00 CET CEST CEMT Central Europe
@ -1823,6 +1822,10 @@ Zone Europe/Rome 0:49:56 - LMT 1866 Dec 12
1:00 Italy CE%sT 1980
1:00 EU CE%sT
# Kosovo
# See Europe/Belgrade.
Link Europe/Rome Europe/Vatican
Link Europe/Rome Europe/San_Marino
@ -2173,6 +2176,10 @@ Zone Europe/Monaco 0:29:32 - LMT 1892 Jun 1
# The data entries before 1945 are taken from
# https://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~gent0113/wettijd/wettijd.htm
# From Paul Eggert (2021-05-09):
# I invented the abbreviations AMT for Amsterdam Mean Time and NST for
# Netherlands Summer Time, used in the Netherlands from 1835 to 1937.
Rule Neth 1916 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 NST # Netherlands Summer Time
Rule Neth 1916 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 AMT # Amsterdam Mean Time
@ -2399,12 +2406,10 @@ Rule Port 1943 1945 - Aug Sat>=25 22:00s 1:00 S
Rule Port 1944 1945 - Apr Sat>=21 22:00s 2:00 M
Rule Port 1946 only - Apr Sat>=1 23:00s 1:00 S
Rule Port 1946 only - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
Rule Port 1947 1949 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
Rule Port 1947 1949 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
# Shanks & Pottenger say DST was observed in 1950; go with Whitman.
# Whitman says DST was not observed in 1950; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
# Whitman gives Oct lastSun for 1952 on; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule Port 1951 1965 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
Rule Port 1951 1965 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
Rule Port 1947 1965 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
Rule Port 1947 1965 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
Rule Port 1977 only - Mar 27 0:00s 1:00 S
Rule Port 1977 only - Sep 25 0:00s 0 -
Rule Port 1978 1979 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00s 1:00 S
@ -3706,6 +3711,9 @@ Zone Atlantic/Canary -1:01:36 - LMT 1922 Mar # Las Palmas de Gran C.
# Source: The newspaper "Dagens Nyheter", 1916-10-01, page 7 upper left.
# An extra-special abbreviation style is SET for Swedish Time (svensk
# normaltid) 1879-1899, 3° west of the Stockholm Observatory.
Zone Europe/Stockholm 1:12:12 - LMT 1879 Jan 1
1:00:14 - SET 1900 Jan 1 # Swedish Time
@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ Leap 2016 Dec 31 23:59:60 + S
# Any additional leap seconds will come after this.
# This Expires line is commented out for now,
# so that pre-2020a zic implementations do not reject this file.
#Expires 2021 Dec 28 00:00:00
#Expires 2022 Jun 28 00:00:00
# POSIX timestamps for the data in this file:
#updated 1467936000 (2016-07-08 00:00:00 UTC)
#expires 1640649600 (2021-12-28 00:00:00 UTC)
#expires 1656374400 (2022-06-28 00:00:00 UTC)
# Updated through IERS Bulletin C61
# File expires on: 28 December 2021
# Updated through IERS Bulletin C62
# File expires on: 28 June 2022
@ -752,7 +752,11 @@ Zone America/Adak 12:13:22 - LMT 1867 Oct 19 12:44:35
-11:00 US B%sT 1983 Oct 30 2:00
-10:00 US AH%sT 1983 Nov 30
-10:00 US H%sT
# The following switches don't quite make our 1970 cutoff.
# The following switches don't make our 1970 cutoff.
# Kiska observed Tokyo date and time during Japanese occupation from
# 1942-06-06 to 1943-07-29, and similarly for Attu from 1942-06-07 to
# 1943-05-29 (all dates American). Both islands are now uninhabited.
# Shanks writes that part of southwest Alaska (e.g. Aniak)
# switched from -11:00 to -10:00 on 1968-09-22 at 02:00,
@ -848,6 +852,8 @@ Zone America/Phoenix -7:28:18 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 11:31:42
-7:00 - MST 1967
-7:00 US M%sT 1968 Mar 21
-7:00 - MST
Link America/Phoenix America/Creston
# From Arthur David Olson (1988-02-13):
# A writer from the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.,
# notes in private correspondence dated 1987-12-28 that "Presently, only the
@ -1616,24 +1622,7 @@ Zone America/Moncton -4:19:08 - LMT 1883 Dec 9
# From Paul Eggert (2020-01-10):
# See America/Toronto for most of Quebec, including Montreal.
# See America/Halifax for the Îles de la Madeleine and the Listuguj reserve.
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) also write that Quebec east of the -63
# meridian is supposed to observe AST, but residents as far east as
# Natashquan use EST/EDT, and residents east of Natashquan use AST.
# The Quebec department of justice writes in
# "The situation in Minganie and Basse-Côte-Nord"
# https://www.justice.gouv.qc.ca/en/department/ministre/functions-and-responsabilities/legal-time-in-quebec/the-situation-in-minganie-and-basse-cote-nord/
# that the coastal strip from just east of Natashquan to Blanc-Sablon
# observes Atlantic standard time all year round.
# This common practice was codified into law as of 2007; see Legal Time Act,
# CQLR c T-5.1 <http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/ShowDoc/cs/T-5.1>.
# For lack of better info, guess this practice began around 1970, contra to
# Shanks & Pottenger who have this region observing AST/ADT.
Zone America/Blanc-Sablon -3:48:28 - LMT 1884
-4:00 Canada A%sT 1970
-4:00 - AST
# See America/Puerto_Rico for east of Natashquan.
# Ontario
@ -1672,54 +1661,6 @@ Zone America/Blanc-Sablon -3:48:28 - LMT 1884
# time became a comic failure in Orillia. Toronto Star 2017-07-08.
# https://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2017/07/08/bold-attempt-at-daylight-saving-time-became-a-comic-failure-in-orillia.html
# From Paul Eggert (1997-10-17):
# Mark Brader writes that an article in the 1997-10-14 Toronto Star
# says that Atikokan, Ontario currently does not observe DST,
# but will vote on 11-10 whether to use EST/EDT.
# He also writes that the Ontario Time Act (1990, Chapter T.9)
# http://www.gov.on.ca/MBS/english/publications/statregs/conttext.html
# says that Ontario east of 90W uses EST/EDT, and west of 90W uses CST/CDT.
# Officially Atikokan is therefore on CST/CDT, and most likely this report
# concerns a non-official time observed as a matter of local practice.
# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Atikokan, Pickle Lake, and
# New Osnaburgh observe CST all year, that Big Trout Lake observes
# CST/CDT, and that Upsala and Shebandowan observe EST/EDT, all in
# violation of the official Ontario rules.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-07-09):
# Chris Walton (2006-07-06) mentioned an article by Stephanie MacLellan in the
# 2005-07-21 Chronicle-Journal, which said:
# The clocks in Atikokan stay set on standard time year-round.
# This means they spend about half the time on central time and
# the other half on eastern time.
# For the most part, the system works, Mayor Dennis Brown said.
# "The majority of businesses in Atikokan deal more with Eastern
# Canada, but there are some that deal with Western Canada," he
# said. "I don't see any changes happening here."
# Walton also writes "Supposedly Pickle Lake and Mishkeegogamang
# [New Osnaburgh] follow the same practice."
# From Garry McKinnon (2006-07-14) via Chris Walton:
# I chatted with a member of my board who has an outstanding memory
# and a long history in Atikokan (and in the telecom industry) and he
# can say for certain that Atikokan has been practicing the current
# time keeping since 1952, at least.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-07-17):
# Shanks & Pottenger say that Atikokan has agreed with Rainy River
# ever since standard time was introduced, but the information from
# McKinnon sounds more authoritative. For now, assume that Atikokan
# switched to EST immediately after WWII era daylight saving time
# ended. This matches the old (less-populous) America/Coral_Harbour
# entry since our cutoff date of 1970, so we can move
# America/Coral_Harbour to the 'backward' file.
# From Mark Brader (2010-03-06):
# Currently the database has:
@ -1850,6 +1791,7 @@ Zone America/Toronto -5:17:32 - LMT 1895
-5:00 Canada E%sT 1946
-5:00 Toronto E%sT 1974
-5:00 Canada E%sT
Link America/Toronto America/Nassau
Zone America/Thunder_Bay -5:57:00 - LMT 1895
-6:00 - CST 1910
-5:00 - EST 1942
@ -1865,11 +1807,7 @@ Zone America/Rainy_River -6:18:16 - LMT 1895
-6:00 Canada C%sT 1940 Sep 29
-6:00 1:00 CDT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
-6:00 Canada C%sT
Zone America/Atikokan -6:06:28 - LMT 1895
-6:00 Canada C%sT 1940 Sep 29
-6:00 1:00 CDT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
-6:00 Canada C%sT 1945 Sep 30 2:00
-5:00 - EST
# For Atikokan see America/Panama.
# Manitoba
@ -2060,60 +1998,6 @@ Zone America/Edmonton -7:33:52 - LMT 1906 Sep
# Shanks & Pottenger write that since 1970 most of this region has
# been like Vancouver.
# Dawson Creek uses MST. Much of east BC is like Edmonton.
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Creston is like Dawson Creek.
# It seems though that (re: Creston) is not entirely correct:
# From Chris Walton (2011-12-01):
# There are two areas within the Canadian province of British Columbia
# that do not currently observe daylight saving:
# a) The Creston Valley (includes the town of Creston and surrounding area)
# b) The eastern half of the Peace River Regional District
# (includes the cities of Dawson Creek and Fort St. John)
# Earlier this year I stumbled across a detailed article about the time
# keeping history of Creston; it was written by Tammy Hardwick who is the
# manager of the Creston & District Museum. The article was written in May 2009.
# http://www.ilovecreston.com/?p=articles&t=spec&ar=260
# According to the article, Creston has not changed its clocks since June 1918.
# i.e. Creston has been stuck on UT-7 for 93 years.
# Dawson Creek, on the other hand, changed its clocks as recently as April 1972.
# Unfortunately the exact date for the time change in June 1918 remains
# unknown and will be difficult to ascertain. I e-mailed Tammy a few months
# ago to ask if Sunday June 2 was a reasonable guess. She said it was just
# as plausible as any other date (in June). She also said that after writing
# the article she had discovered another time change in 1916; this is the
# subject of another article which she wrote in October 2010.
# http://www.creston.museum.bc.ca/index.php?module=comments&uop=view_comment&cm+id=56
# Here is a summary of the three clock change events in Creston's history:
# 1. 1884 or 1885: adoption of Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7)
# Exact date unknown
# 2. Oct 1916: switch to Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
# Exact date in October unknown; Sunday October 1 is a reasonable guess.
# 3. June 1918: switch to Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7)
# Exact date in June unknown; Sunday June 2 is a reasonable guess.
# note 1:
# On Oct 27/1918 when daylight saving ended in the rest of Canada,
# Creston did not change its clocks.
# note 2:
# During WWII when the Federal Government legislated a mandatory clock change,
# Creston did not oblige.
# note 3:
# There is no guarantee that Creston will remain on Mountain Standard Time
# (UTC-7) forever.
# The subject was debated at least once this year by the town Council.
# http://www.bclocalnews.com/kootenay_rockies/crestonvalleyadvance/news/116760809.html
# During a period WWII, summer time (Daylight saying) was mandatory in Canada.
# In Creston, that was handled by shifting the area to PST (-8:00) then applying
# summer time to cause the offset to be -7:00, the same as it had been before
# the change. It can be argued that the timezone abbreviation during this
# period should be PDT rather than MST, but that doesn't seem important enough
# (to anyone) to further complicate the rules.
# The transition dates (and times) are guesses.
# From Matt Johnson (2015-09-21):
# Fort Nelson, BC, Canada will cancel DST this year. So while previously they
@ -2167,10 +2051,7 @@ Zone America/Fort_Nelson -8:10:47 - LMT 1884
-8:00 Vanc P%sT 1987
-8:00 Canada P%sT 2015 Mar 8 2:00
-7:00 - MST
Zone America/Creston -7:46:04 - LMT 1884
-7:00 - MST 1916 Oct 1
-8:00 - PST 1918 Jun 2
-7:00 - MST
# For Creston see America/Phoenix.
# Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon
@ -2952,64 +2833,61 @@ Zone America/Tijuana -7:48:04 - LMT 1922 Jan 1 0:11:56
# Anguilla
# Antigua and Barbuda
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Bahamas
# For 1899 Milne gives -5:09:29.5; round that.
# From P Chan (2020-11-27, corrected on 2020-12-02):
# There were two periods of DST observed in 1942-1945: 1942-05-01
# midnight to 1944-12-31 midnight and 1945-02-01 to 1945-10-17 midnight.
# "midnight" should mean 24:00 from the context.
# War Time Order 1942 [1942-05-01] and War Time (No. 2) Order 1942 [1942-09-29]
# Appendix to the Statutes of 7 George VI. and the Year 1942. p 34, 43
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5rlNAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA3-PA34
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5rlNAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA3-PA43
# War Time Order 1943 [1943-03-31] and War Time Order 1944 [1943-12-29]
# Appendix to the Statutes of 8 George VI. and the Year 1943. p 9-10, 28-29
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5rlNAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA4-PA9
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5rlNAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA4-PA28
# War Time Order 1945 [1945-01-31] and the Order which revoke War Time Order
# 1945 [1945-10-16] Appendix to the Statutes of 9 George VI. and the Year
# 1945. p 160, 247-248
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5rlNAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA6-PA160
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5rlNAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA6-PA247
# From Sue Williams (2006-12-07):
# The Bahamas announced about a month ago that they plan to change their DST
# rules to sync with the U.S. starting in 2007....
# http://www.jonesbahamas.com/?c=45&a=10412
# The Bahamas
# See America/Toronto.
Rule Bahamas 1942 only - May 1 24:00 1:00 W
Rule Bahamas 1944 only - Dec 31 24:00 0 S
Rule Bahamas 1945 only - Feb 1 0:00 1:00 W
Rule Bahamas 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
Rule Bahamas 1945 only - Oct 17 24:00 0 S
Rule Bahamas 1964 1975 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
Rule Bahamas 1964 1975 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
Zone America/Nassau -5:09:30 - LMT 1912 Mar 2
-5:00 Bahamas E%sT 1976
-5:00 US E%sT
# Barbados
# For 1899 Milne gives -3:58:29.2; round that.
# From P Chan (2020-12-09 and 2020-12-11):
# Standard time of GMT-4 was adopted in 1911.
# Definition of Time Act, 1911 (1911-7) [1911-08-28]
# 1912, Laws of Barbados (5 v.), OCLC Number: 919801291, Vol. 4, Image No. 522
# 1944, Laws of Barbados (5 v.), OCLC Number: 84548697, Vol. 4, Image No. 122
# http://llmc.com/browse.aspx?type=2&coll=85&div=297
# DST was observed in 1942-44.
# Defence (Daylight Saving) Regulations, 1942, 1942-04-13
# Defence (Daylight Saving) (Repeal) Regulations, 1942, 1942-08-22
# Defence (Daylight Saving) Regulations, 1943, 1943-04-16
# Defence (Daylight Saving) (Repeal) Regulations, 1943, 1943-09-01
# Defence (Daylight Saving) Regulations, 1944, 1944-03-21
# [Defence (Daylight Saving) (Amendment) Regulations 1944, 1944-03-28]
# Defence (Daylight Saving) (Repeal) Regulations, 1944, 1944-08-30
# 1914-, Subsidiary Legis., Annual Vols. OCLC Number: 226290591
# 1942: Image Nos. 527-528, 555-556
# 1943: Image Nos. 178-179, 198
# 1944: Image Nos. 113-115, 129
# http://llmc.com/titledescfull.aspx?type=2&coll=85&div=297&set=98437
# From Tim Parenti (2021-02-20):
# The transitions below are derived from P Chan's sources, except that the 1977
# through 1980 transitions are from Shanks & Pottenger since we have no better
# data there. Of particular note, the 1944 DST regulation only advanced the
# time to "exactly three and a half hours later than Greenwich mean time", as
# opposed to "three hours" in the 1942 and 1943 regulations.
Rule Barb 1942 only - Apr 19 5:00u 1:00 D
Rule Barb 1942 only - Aug 31 6:00u 0 S
Rule Barb 1943 only - May 2 5:00u 1:00 D
Rule Barb 1943 only - Sep 5 6:00u 0 S
Rule Barb 1944 only - Apr 10 5:00u 0:30 -
Rule Barb 1944 only - Sep 10 6:00u 0 S
Rule Barb 1977 only - Jun 12 2:00 1:00 D
Rule Barb 1977 1978 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00 0 S
Rule Barb 1978 1980 - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 1:00 D
Rule Barb 1979 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
Rule Barb 1980 only - Sep 25 2:00 0 S
Zone America/Barbados -3:58:29 - LMT 1924 # Bridgetown
-3:58:29 - BMT 1932 # Bridgetown Mean Time
Zone America/Barbados -3:58:29 - LMT 1911 Aug 28 # Bridgetown
-4:00 Barb A%sT 1944
-4:00 Barb AST/-0330 1945
-4:00 Barb A%sT
# Belize
@ -3171,6 +3049,9 @@ Zone Atlantic/Bermuda -4:19:18 - LMT 1890 # Hamilton
-4:00 Canada A%sT 1976
-4:00 US A%sT
# Caribbean Netherlands
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Cayman Is
# See America/Panama.
@ -3399,7 +3280,7 @@ Zone America/Havana -5:29:28 - LMT 1890
-5:00 Cuba C%sT
# Dominica
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Dominican Republic
@ -3451,7 +3332,7 @@ Zone America/El_Salvador -5:56:48 - LMT 1921 # San Salvador
# Guadeloupe
# St Barthélemy
# St Martin (French part)
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Guatemala
@ -3638,7 +3519,7 @@ Zone America/Martinique -4:04:20 - LMT 1890 # Fort-de-France
-4:00 - AST
# Montserrat
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Nicaragua
@ -3710,6 +3591,7 @@ Zone America/Managua -5:45:08 - LMT 1890
Zone America/Panama -5:18:08 - LMT 1890
-5:19:36 - CMT 1908 Apr 22 # Colón Mean Time
-5:00 - EST
Link America/Panama America/Atikokan
Link America/Panama America/Cayman
# Puerto Rico
@ -3719,10 +3601,29 @@ Zone America/Puerto_Rico -4:24:25 - LMT 1899 Mar 28 12:00 # San Juan
-4:00 - AST 1942 May 3
-4:00 US A%sT 1946
-4:00 - AST
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Anguilla
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Antigua
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Aruba
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Curacao
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Blanc-Sablon # Quebec (Lower North Shore)
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Dominica
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Grenada
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Guadeloupe
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Kralendijk # Caribbean Netherlands
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Lower_Princes # Sint Maarten
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Marigot # St Martin (French part)
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Montserrat
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Port_of_Spain # Trinidad & Tobago
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/St_Barthelemy # St Barthélemy
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/St_Kitts # St Kitts & Nevis
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/St_Lucia
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/St_Thomas # Virgin Islands (US)
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/St_Vincent
Link America/Puerto_Rico America/Tortola # Virgin Islands (UK)
# St Kitts-Nevis
# St Lucia
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# St Pierre and Miquelon
# There are too many St Pierres elsewhere, so we'll use 'Miquelon'.
@ -3733,7 +3634,10 @@ Zone America/Miquelon -3:44:40 - LMT 1911 May 15 # St Pierre
-3:00 Canada -03/-02
# St Vincent and the Grenadines
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Sint Maarten
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Turks and Caicos
@ -3804,8 +3708,8 @@ Zone America/Grand_Turk -4:44:32 - LMT 1890
-5:00 US E%sT
# British Virgin Is
# Virgin Is
# See America/Port_of_Spain.
# US Virgin Is
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Local Variables:
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ Zone America/Argentina/Ushuaia -4:33:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
-3:00 - -03
# Aruba
Link America/Curacao America/Aruba
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Bolivia
@ -1392,35 +1392,14 @@ Zone America/Bogota -4:56:16 - LMT 1884 Mar 13
# no information; probably like America/Bogota
# Curaçao
# Milne gives 4:35:46.9 for Curaçao mean time; round to nearest.
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger say that The Bottom and Philipsburg have been at
# -4:00 since standard time was introduced on 1912-03-02; and that
# Kralendijk and Rincon used Kralendijk Mean Time (-4:33:08) from
# 1912-02-02 to 1965-01-01. The former is dubious, since S&P also say
# Saba Island has been like Curaçao.
# This all predates our 1970 cutoff, though.
# By July 2007 Curaçao and St Maarten are planned to become
# associated states within the Netherlands, much like Aruba;
# Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius would become directly part of the
# Netherlands as Kingdom Islands. This won't affect their time zones
# though, as far as we know.
Zone America/Curacao -4:35:47 - LMT 1912 Feb 12 # Willemstad
-4:30 - -0430 1965
-4:00 - AST
# From Arthur David Olson (2011-06-15):
# use links for places with new iso3166 codes.
# The name "Lower Prince's Quarter" is both longer than fourteen characters
# and contains an apostrophe; use "Lower_Princes" below.
Link America/Curacao America/Lower_Princes # Sint Maarten
Link America/Curacao America/Kralendijk # Caribbean Netherlands
# and contains an apostrophe; use "Lower_Princes"....
# From Paul Eggert (2021-09-29):
# These backward-compatibility links now are in the 'northamerica' file.
# Ecuador
@ -1563,11 +1542,40 @@ Zone America/Cayenne -3:29:20 - LMT 1911 Jul
-3:00 - -03
# Guyana
# From P Chan (2020-11-27):
# https://books.google.com/books?id=5-5CAQAAMAAJ&pg=SA1-PA547
# The Official Gazette of British Guiana. (New Series.) Vol. XL. July to
# December, 1915, p 1547, lists as several notes:
# "Local Mean Time 3 hours 52 mins. 39 secs. slow of Greenwich Mean Time
# (Georgetown.) From 1st August, 1911, British Guiana Standard Mean Time 4
# hours slow of Greenwich Mean Time, by notice in Official Gazette on 1st July,
# 1911. From 1st March, 1915, British Guiana Standard Mean Time 3 hours 45
# mins. 0 secs. slow of Greenwich Mean Time, by notice in Official Gazette on
# 23rd January, 1915."
# https://parliament.gov.gy/documents/acts/10923-act_no._27_of_1975_-_interpretation_and_general_clauses_(amendment)_act_1975.pdf
# Interpretation and general clauses (Amendment) Act 1975 (Act No. 27 of 1975)
# [dated 1975-07-31]
# "This Act...shall come into operation on 1st August, 1975."
# "...where any expression of time occurs...the time referred to shall signify
# the standard time of Guyana which shall be three hours behind Greenwich Mean
# Time."
# Circular No. 10/1992 dated 1992-03-20
# https://dps.gov.gy/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1992-03-20-Circular-010.pdf
# "...cabinet has decided that with effect from Sunday 29th March, 1992, Guyana
# Standard Time would be re-established at 01:00 hours by adjusting the hands
# of the clock back to 24:00 hours."
# Legislated in the Interpretation and general clauses (Amendment) Act 1992
# (Act No. 6 of 1992) [passed 1992-03-27, published 1992-04-18]
# https://parliament.gov.gy/documents/acts/5885-6_of_1992_interpretation_and_general_clauses_(amendment)_act_1992.pdf
Zone America/Guyana -3:52:40 - LMT 1915 Mar # Georgetown
-3:45 - -0345 1975 Jul 31
-3:00 - -03 1991
# IATA SSIM (1996-06) says -4:00. Assume a 1991 switch.
Zone America/Guyana -3:52:39 - LMT 1911 Aug 1 # Georgetown
-4:00 - -04 1915 Mar 1
-3:45 - -0345 1975 Aug 1
-3:00 - -03 1992 Mar 29 1:00
-4:00 - -04
# Paraguay
@ -1708,24 +1716,7 @@ Zone America/Paramaribo -3:40:40 - LMT 1911
-3:00 - -03
# Trinidad and Tobago
Zone America/Port_of_Spain -4:06:04 - LMT 1912 Mar 2
-4:00 - AST
# These all agree with Trinidad and Tobago since 1970.
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Anguilla
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Antigua
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Dominica
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Grenada
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Guadeloupe
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Marigot # St Martin (French part)
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Montserrat
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Barthelemy # St Barthélemy
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Kitts # St Kitts & Nevis
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Lucia
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Thomas # Virgin Islands (US)
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Vincent
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Tortola # Virgin Islands (UK)
# See America/Puerto_Rico.
# Uruguay
# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
# From Paul Eggert (2018-06-27):
# From Paul Eggert (2021-09-20):
# This file is intended as a backward-compatibility aid for older programs.
# New programs should use zone1970.tab. This file is like zone1970.tab (see
# zone1970.tab's comments), but with the following additional restrictions:
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
# clocks have agreed since 1970; this is a narrower definition than
# that of zone1970.tab.
# Unlike zone1970.tab, a row's third column can be a Link from
# 'backward' instead of a Zone.
# This table is intended as an aid for users, to help them select timezones
# appropriate for their practical needs. It is not intended to take or
# endorse any position on legal or territorial claims.
@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ KE -0117+03649 Africa/Nairobi
KG +4254+07436 Asia/Bishkek
KH +1133+10455 Asia/Phnom_Penh
KI +0125+17300 Pacific/Tarawa Gilbert Islands
KI -0308-17105 Pacific/Enderbury Phoenix Islands
KI -0247-17143 Pacific/Kanton Phoenix Islands
KI +0152-15720 Pacific/Kiritimati Line Islands
KM -1141+04316 Indian/Comoro
KN +1718-06243 America/St_Kitts
@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ TK -0922-17114 Pacific/Fakaofo
TL -0833+12535 Asia/Dili
TM +3757+05823 Asia/Ashgabat
TN +3648+01011 Africa/Tunis
TO -2110-17510 Pacific/Tongatapu
TO -210800-1751200 Pacific/Tongatapu
TR +4101+02858 Europe/Istanbul
TT +1039-06131 America/Port_of_Spain
TV -0831+17913 Pacific/Funafuti
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ public final class ZoneInfoFile {
// ZoneRulesBuilder adjusts < 0 case (-1, for last, don't have
// "<=" case yet) to positive value if not February (it appears
// we don't have February cutoff in tzdata table yet)
// Ideally, if JSR310 can just pass in the nagative and
// Ideally, if JSR310 can just pass in the negative and
// we can then pass in the dom = -1, dow > 0 into ZoneInfo
// hacking, assume the >=24 is the result of ZRB optimization for
@ -894,12 +894,12 @@ public final class ZoneInfoFile {
// A simple/raw version of j.t.ZoneOffsetTransitionRule
// timeEndOfDay is included in secondOfDay as "86,400" secs.
private static class ZoneOffsetTransitionRule {
private final int month;
private final byte dom;
private final int dow;
private final int secondOfDay;
private final boolean timeEndOfDay;
private final int timeDefinition;
private final int standardOffset;
private final int offsetBefore;
@ -917,7 +917,6 @@ public final class ZoneInfoFile {
this.dom = (byte)(((data & (63 << 22)) >>> 22) - 32);
this.dow = dowByte == 0 ? -1 : dowByte;
this.secondOfDay = timeByte == 31 ? in.readInt() : timeByte * 3600;
this.timeEndOfDay = timeByte == 24;
this.timeDefinition = (data & (3 << 12)) >>> 12;
this.standardOffset = stdByte == 255 ? in.readInt() : (stdByte - 128) * 900;
@ -938,9 +937,6 @@ public final class ZoneInfoFile {
epochDay = nextOrSame(epochDay, dow);
if (timeEndOfDay) {
epochDay += 1;
int difference = 0;
switch (timeDefinition) {
case 0: // UTC
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
* @test
* @bug 4028006 4044013 4096694 4107276 4107570 4112869 4130885 7039469 7126465 7158483
* 8008577 8077685 8098547 8133321 8138716 8148446 8151876 8159684 8166875 8181157
* 8228469
* 8228469 8274407
* @modules java.base/sun.util.resources
* @library /java/text/testlib
* @summary test TimeZone
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public class TimeZoneTest extends IntlTest
public void TestShortZoneIDs() throws Exception {
ZoneDescriptor[] JDK_116_REFERENCE_LIST = {
new ZoneDescriptor("MIT", 780, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("MIT", 780, false), // Samoa no longer observes DST starting 2021b
new ZoneDescriptor("HST", -600, false),
new ZoneDescriptor("AST", -540, true),
new ZoneDescriptor("PST", -480, true),
Reference in New Issue
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