8232006: Remove dead code from klassVtable
Reviewed-by: coleenp, jiangli, lfoltan
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,11 +128,6 @@ void klassVtable::compute_vtable_size_and_num_mirandas(
*vtable_length_ret = vtable_length;
int klassVtable::index_of(Method* m, int len) const {
assert(m->has_vtable_index(), "do not ask this of non-vtable methods");
return m->vtable_index();
// Copy super class's vtable to the first part (prefix) of this class's vtable,
// and return the number of entries copied. Expects that 'super' is the Java
// super class (arrays can have "array" super classes that must be skipped).
@ -169,7 +164,6 @@ void klassVtable::initialize_vtable(bool checkconstraints, TRAPS) {
// Note: Arrays can have intermediate array supers. Use java_super to skip them.
InstanceKlass* super = _klass->java_super();
int nofNewEntries = 0;
bool is_shared = _klass->is_shared();
@ -1029,15 +1023,6 @@ void klassVtable::dump_vtable() {
// CDS/RedefineClasses support - clear vtables so they can be reinitialized
void klassVtable::clear_vtable() {
for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) table()[i].clear();
bool klassVtable::is_initialized() {
return _length == 0 || table()[0].method() != NULL;
// Itable code
@ -1468,31 +1453,6 @@ void klassItable::setup_itable_offset_table(InstanceKlass* klass) {
// inverse to itable_index
Method* klassItable::method_for_itable_index(InstanceKlass* intf, int itable_index) {
assert(intf->is_interface(), "sanity check");
assert(intf->verify_itable_index(itable_index), "");
Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(intf)->methods();
if (itable_index < 0 || itable_index >= method_count_for_interface(intf))
return NULL; // help caller defend against bad indices
int index = itable_index;
Method* m = methods->at(index);
int index2 = -1;
while (!m->has_itable_index() ||
(index2 = m->itable_index()) != itable_index) {
assert(index2 < itable_index, "monotonic");
if (++index == methods->length())
return NULL;
m = methods->at(index);
assert(m->itable_index() == itable_index, "correct inverse");
return m;
void klassVtable::verify(outputStream* st, bool forced) {
// make sure table is initialized
if (!Universe::is_fully_initialized()) return;
@ -48,13 +48,6 @@ class klassVtable {
int _verify_count; // to make verify faster
// Ordering important, so greater_than (>) can be used as an merge operator.
enum AccessType {
acc_private = 0,
acc_package_private = 1,
acc_publicprotected = 2
klassVtable(Klass* klass, void* base, int length) : _klass(klass) {
_tableOffset = (address)base - (address)klass; _length = length;
@ -66,22 +59,12 @@ class klassVtable {
int length() const { return _length; }
inline Method* method_at(int i) const;
inline Method* unchecked_method_at(int i) const;
inline Method** adr_method_at(int i) const;
// searching; all methods return -1 if not found
int index_of(Method* m) const { return index_of(m, _length); }
int index_of_miranda(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature);
void initialize_vtable(bool checkconstraints, TRAPS); // initialize vtable of a new klass
// CDS/RedefineClasses support - clear vtables so they can be reinitialized
// at dump time. Clearing gives us an easy way to tell if the vtable has
// already been reinitialized at dump time (see dump.cpp). Vtables can
// be initialized at run time by RedefineClasses so dumping the right order
// is necessary.
void clear_vtable();
bool is_initialized();
// computes vtable length (in words) and the number of miranda methods
static void compute_vtable_size_and_num_mirandas(int* vtable_length,
int* num_new_mirandas,
@ -125,7 +108,6 @@ class klassVtable {
void copy_vtable_to(vtableEntry* start);
int initialize_from_super(Klass* super);
int index_of(Method* m, int len) const; // same as index_of, but search only up to len
void put_method_at(Method* m, int index);
static bool needs_new_vtable_entry(const methodHandle& m,
const Klass* super,
@ -223,12 +205,6 @@ inline Method* klassVtable::unchecked_method_at(int i) const {
return table()[i].method();
inline Method** klassVtable::adr_method_at(int i) const {
// Allow one past the last entry to be referenced; useful for loop bounds.
assert(i >= 0 && i <= _length, "index out of bounds");
return (Method**)(address(table() + i) + vtableEntry::method_offset_in_bytes());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class klassItable;
class itableMethodEntry;
@ -333,9 +309,6 @@ class klassItable {
static int compute_itable_size(Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces);
static void setup_itable_offset_table(InstanceKlass* klass);
// Resolving of method to index
static Method* method_for_itable_index(InstanceKlass* klass, int itable_index);
// Debugging/Statistics
static void print_statistics() PRODUCT_RETURN;
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