8201608: fix broken links in javax/sql/rowset/package.html and javax/sql/rowset/spi/package.html
Reviewed-by: rriggs, psandoz
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC <code>RowSet</code>
* implementations. This package contains interfaces and classes
* that a standard <code>RowSet</code> implementation either implements or extends.
* <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="#pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a>
* <li><a href="#stdrowset">2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions</a>
* <li><a href="#impl">3.0 Implementer's Guide</a>
* <li><a href="#relspec">4.0 Related Specifications</a>
* <li><a href="#reldocs">5.0 Related Documentation</a>
* </ul>
* <h3><a id="pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a></h3>
* This package specifies five standard JDBC <code>RowSet</code> interfaces.
* All five extend the
* <a href="{@docRoot}/java.sql/javax/sql/RowSet.html">RowSet</a> interface described in the JDBC 3.0
* specification. It is anticipated that additional definitions
* of more specialized JDBC <code>RowSet</code> types will emerge as this technology
* matures. Future definitions <i>should</i> be specified as subinterfaces using
* inheritance similar to the way it is used in this specification.
* <p>
* <i>Note:</i> The interface definitions provided in this package form the basis for
* all compliant JDBC <code>RowSet</code> implementations. Vendors and more advanced
* developers who intend to provide their own compliant <code>RowSet</code> implementations
* should pay particular attention to the assertions detailed in specification
* interfaces.
* <h3><a id="stdrowset">2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions</a></h3>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="JdbcRowSet.html"><b><code>JdbcRowSet</code></b></a> - A wrapper around
* a <code>ResultSet</code> object that makes it possible to use the result set as a
* JavaBeans™ component. Thus,
* a <code>JdbcRowSet</code> object can be a Bean that any tool
* makes available for assembling an application as part of a component based
* architecture. A <code>JdbcRowSet</code> object is a connected <code>RowSet</code>
* object, that is, it
* <b>must</b> continually maintain its connection to its data source using a JDBC
* technology-enabled driver ("JDBC driver"). In addition, a <code>JdbcRowSet</code>
* object provides a fully updatable and scrollable tabular
* data structure as defined in the JDBC 3.0 specification.
* <li><a href="CachedRowSet.html">
* <b><code>CachedRowSet</code>™</b></a>
* - A <code>CachedRowSet</code> object is a JavaBeans™
* component that is scrollable, updatable, serializable, and generally disconnected from
* the source of its data. A <code>CachedRowSet</code> object
* typically contains rows from a result set, but it can also contain rows from any
* file with a tabular format, such as a spreadsheet. <code>CachedRowSet</code> implementations
* <b>must</b> use the <code>SyncFactory</code> to manage and obtain pluggable
* <code>SyncProvider</code> objects to provide synchronization between the
* disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object and the originating data source.
* Typically a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation relies upon a JDBC
* driver to obtain connectivity to a particular data source.
* Further details on this mechanism are discussed in the <a
* href="spi/package-summary.html"><code>javax.sql.rowset.spi</code></a> package
* specification.
* <li><a href="WebRowSet.html"><b><code>WebRowSet</code></b></a> - A
* <code>WebRowSet</code> object is an extension of <code>CachedRowSet</code>
* that can read and write a <code>RowSet</code> object in a well formed XML format.
* This class calls an <a href="spi/XmlReader.html"><code>XmlReader</code></a> object
* (an extension of the <a href="{@docRoot}/java.sql/javax/sql/RowSetReader.html"><code>RowSetReader</code></a>
* interface) to read a rowset in XML format. It calls an
* <a href="spi/XmlWriter.html"><code>XmlWriter</code></a> object (an extension of the
* <a href="{@docRoot}/java.sql/javax/sql/RowSetWriter.html"><code>RowSetWriter</code></a> interface)
* to write a rowset in XML format. The reader and writer required by
* <code>WebRowSet</code> objects are provided by the
* <code>SyncFactory</code> in the form of <code>SyncProvider</code>
* implementations. In order to ensure well formed XML usage, a standard generic XML
* Schema is defined and published at
* <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd">
* <code>http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd</code></a>.
* <li><a href="FilteredRowSet.html"><b><code>FilteredRowSet</code></b></a> - A
* <code>FilteredRowSet</code> object provides filtering functionality in a programmatic
* and extensible way. There are many instances when a <code>RowSet</code> <code>object</code>
* has a need to provide filtering in its contents without sacrificing the disconnected
* environment, thus saving the expense of having to create a connection to the data source.
* Solutions to this need vary from providing heavyweight full scale
* SQL query abilities, to portable components, to more lightweight
* approaches. A <code>FilteredRowSet</code> object consumes
* an implementation of the <a href="Predicate.html"><code>Predicate</code></a>
* interface, which <b>may</b> define a filter at run time. In turn, a
* <code>FilteredRowSet</code> object is tasked with enforcing the set filter for both
* inbound and outbound read and write operations. That is, all filters can be
* considered as bi-directional. No standard filters are defined;
* however, sufficient mechanics are specified to permit any required filter to be
* implemented.
* <li><a href="JoinRowSet.html"><b><code>JoinRowSet</code></b></a> - The <code>JoinRowSet</code>
* interface describes a mechanism by which relationships can be established between
* two or more standard <code>RowSet</code> implementations. Any number of <code>RowSet</code>
* objects can be added to a <code>JoinRowSet</code> object provided the <code>RowSet</code>objects
* can be related in a SQL <code>JOIN</code> like fashion. By definition, the SQL <code>JOIN</code>
* statement is used to combine the data contained in two (<i>or more</i>) relational
* database tables based upon a common attribute. By establishing and then enforcing
* column matches, a <code>JoinRowSet</code> object establishes relationships between
* <code>RowSet</code> instances without the need to touch the originating data source.
* </ul>
* <h3><a id="impl">3.0 Implementer's Guide</a></h3>
* Compliant implementations of JDBC <code>RowSet</code> Implementations
* <b>must</b> follow the assertions described in this specification. In accordance
* with the terms of the <a href="http://www.jcp.org">Java Community Process</a>, a
* Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) can be licensed to ensure compatibility with the
* specification. The following paragraphs outline a number of starting points for
* implementers of the standard JDBC <code>RowSet</code> definitions. Implementers
* should also consult the <i>Implementer's Guide</i> in the <a
* href="spi/package-summary.html">javax.sql.rowset.spi</a> package for guidelines
* on <a href="spi/SyncProvider.html"><code>SyncProvider</code></a> implementations.
* <ul>
* <li><b>3.1 Constructor</b>
* <p>
* All <code>RowSet</code> implementations <strong>must</strong> provide a
* no-argument constructor.
* </li>
* <li><b>3.2 Role of the <code>BaseRowSet</code> Class</b>
* <p>
* A compliant JDBC <code>RowSet</code> implementation <b>must</b> implement one or more
* standard interfaces specified in this package and <b>may</b> extend the
* <a href="BaseRowSet.html"><code>BaseRowSet</code></a> abstract class. For example, a
* <code>CachedRowSet</code> implementation must implement the <code>CachedRowSet</code>
* interface and extend the <code>BaseRowSet</code> abstract class. The
* <code>BaseRowSet</code> class provides the standard architecture on which all
* <code>RowSet</code> implementations should be built, regardless of whether the
* <code>RowSet</code> objects exist in a connected or disconnected environment.
* The <code>BaseRowSet</code> abstract class provides any <code>RowSet</code> implementation
* with its base functionality, including property manipulation and event notification
* that is fully compliant with <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans">JavaBeans</a>
* component requirements. As an example, all implementations provided in the
* reference implementations (contained in the <code>com.sun.rowset</code> package) use
* the <code>BaseRowSet</code> class as a basis for their implementations.
* <P>
* The following table illustrates the features that the <code>BaseRowSet</code>
* abstract class provides.
* <blockquote>
* <table class="striped" style="vertical-align:top; width:75%">
* <caption>Features in <code>BaseRowSet</code></caption>
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th scope="col">Feature</th>
* <th scope="col">Details</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <th scope="row">Properties</th>
* <td>Provides standard JavaBeans property manipulation
* mechanisms to allow applications to get and set <code>RowSet</code> command and
* property values. Refer to the documentation of the <code>javax.sql.RowSet</code>
* interface (available in the JDBC 3.0 specification) for more details on
* the standard <code>RowSet</code> properties.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th scope="row">Event notification</th>
* <td>Provides standard JavaBeans event notifications
* to registered event listeners. Refer to the documentation of <code>javax.sql.RowSetEvent</code>
* interface (available in the JDBC 3.0 specification) for
* more details on how to register and handle standard RowSet events generated
* by compliant implementations.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th scope="row">Setters for a RowSet object's command</th>
* <td>Provides a complete set of setter methods
* for setting RowSet command parameters.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th scope="row">Streams</th>
* <td>Provides fields for storing of stream instances
* in addition to providing a set of constants for stream type designation.</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* </blockquote>
* <li><b>3.3 Connected RowSet Requirements</b>
* <p>
* The <code>JdbcRowSet</code> describes a <code>RowSet</code> object that <b>must</b> always
* be connected to the originating data source. Implementations of the <code>JdbcRowSet</code>
* should ensure that this connection is provided solely by a JDBC driver.
* Furthermore, <code>RowSet</code> objects that are implementations of the
* <code>JdbcRowSet</code> interface and are therefore operating in a connected environment
* do not use the <code>SyncFactory</code> to obtain a <code>RowSetReader</code> object
* or a <code>RowSetWriter</code> object. They can safely rely on the JDBC driver to
* supply their needs by virtue of the presence of an underlying updatable and scrollable
* <code>ResultSet</code> implementation.
* <li>
* <b>3.4 Disconnected RowSet Requirements</b>
* <p>
* A disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object, such as a <code>CachedRowSet</code> object,
* <b>should</b> delegate
* connection management to a <code>SyncProvider</code> object provided by the
* <code>SyncFactory</code>. To ensure fully disconnected semantics, all
* disconnected <code>RowSet</code> objects <b>must</b> ensure
* that the original connection made to the data source to populate the <code>RowSet</code>
* object is closed to permit the garbage collector to recover and release resources. The
* <code>SyncProvider</code> object ensures that the critical JDBC properties are
* maintained in order to re-establish a connection to the data source when a
* synchronization is required. A disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object should
* therefore ensure that no
* extraneous references remain on the <code>Connection</code> object.
* <li><b>3.5 Role of RowSetMetaDataImpl</b>
* <p>
* The <code>RowsetMetaDataImpl</code> class is a utility class that provides an implementation of the
* <a href="{@docRoot}/java.sql/javax/sql/RowSetMetaData.html">RowSetMetaData</a> interface, supplying standard setter
* method implementations for metadata for both connected and disconnected
* <code>RowSet</code> objects. All implementations are free to use this standard
* implementation but are not required to do so.
* <li><b>3.6 RowSetWarning Class</b>
* <p>
* The <code>RowSetWarning</code> class provides warnings that can be set
* on <code>RowSet</code> implementations.
* Similar to <a href="{@docRoot}/java.sql/java/sql/SQLWarning.html">SQLWarning</a> objects,
* <code>RowSetWarning</code> objects are silently chained to the object whose method
* caused the warning to be thrown. All <code>RowSet</code> implementations <b>should</b>
* ensure that this chaining occurs if a warning is generated and also ensure that the
* warnings are available via the <code>getRowSetWarnings</code> method defined in either
* the <code>JdbcRowSet</code> interface or the <code>CachedRowSet</code> interface.
* After a warning has been retrieved with one of the
* <code>getRowSetWarnings</code> methods, the <code>RowSetWarning</code> method
* <code>getNextWarning</code> can be called on it to retrieve any warnings that might
* be chained on it. If a warning is returned, <code>getNextWarning</code> can be called
* on it, and so on until there are no more warnings.
* <li><b>3.7 The Joinable Interface</b>
* <P>
* The <code>Joinable</code> interface provides both connected and disconnected
* <code>RowSet</code> objects with the capability to be added to a
* <code>JoinRowSet</code> object in an SQL <code>JOIN</code> operation.
* A <code>RowSet</code> object that has implemented the <code>Joinable</code>
* interface can set a match column, retrieve a match column, or unset a match column.
* A <code>JoinRowSet</code> object can then use the <code>RowSet</code> object's
* match column as a basis for adding the <code>RowSet</code> object.
* </li>
* <li><b>3.8 The RowSetFactory Interface</b>
* <p>
* A <code>RowSetFactory</code> implementation <strong>must</strong>
* be provided.
* </li>
* </ul>
* <h3><a id="relspec">4.0 Related Specifications</a></h3>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=221">JDBC 4.3 Specification</a>
* <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema">XML Schema</a>
* </ul>
* <h3><a id="reldocs">5.0 Related Documentation</a></h3>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/basics/rowset.html">
* JDBC RowSet Tutorial</a>
package javax.sql.rowset;
@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
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<title>javax.sql.rowset Package</title>
<!-- Description clause -->
Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC <code>RowSet</code>
implementations. This package contains interfaces and classes
that a standard <code>RowSet</code> implementation either implements or extends.
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<li><a href="#pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a>
<li><a href="#stdrowset">2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions</a>
<li><a href="#impl">3.0 Implementer's Guide</a>
<li><a href="#relspec">4.0 Related Specifications</a>
<li><a href="#reldocs">5.0 Related Documentation</a>
<h3><a id="pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a></h3>
This package specifies five standard JDBC <code>RowSet</code> interfaces.
All five extend the
<a href="../RowSet.html">RowSet</a> interface described in the JDBC 3.0
specification. It is anticipated that additional definitions
of more specialized JDBC <code>RowSet</code> types will emerge as this technology
matures. Future definitions <i>should</i> be specified as subinterfaces using
inheritance similar to the way it is used in this specification.
<i>Note:</i> The interface definitions provided in this package form the basis for
all compliant JDBC <code>RowSet</code> implementations. Vendors and more advanced
developers who intend to provide their own compliant <code>RowSet</code> implementations
should pay particular attention to the assertions detailed in specification
<h3><a id="stdrowset">2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions</a></h3>
<li><a href="JdbcRowSet.html"><b><code>JdbcRowSet</code></b></a> - A wrapper around
a <code>ResultSet</code> object that makes it possible to use the result set as a
JavaBeans™ component. Thus,
a <code>JdbcRowSet</code> object can be a Bean that any tool
makes available for assembling an application as part of a component based
architecture. A <code>JdbcRowSet</code> object is a connected <code>RowSet</code>
object, that is, it
<b>must</b> continually maintain its connection to its data source using a JDBC
technology-enabled driver ("JDBC driver"). In addition, a <code>JdbcRowSet</code>
object provides a fully updatable and scrollable tabular
data structure as defined in the JDBC 3.0 specification.
<li><a href="CachedRowSet.html">
- A <code>CachedRowSet</code> object is a JavaBeans™
component that is scrollable, updatable, serializable, and generally disconnected from
the source of its data. A <code>CachedRowSet</code> object
typically contains rows from a result set, but it can also contain rows from any
file with a tabular format, such as a spreadsheet. <code>CachedRowSet</code> implementations
<b>must</b> use the <code>SyncFactory</code> to manage and obtain pluggable
<code>SyncProvider</code> objects to provide synchronization between the
disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object and the originating data source.
Typically a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation relies upon a JDBC
driver to obtain connectivity to a particular data source.
Further details on this mechanism are discussed in the <a
href="spi/package-summary.html"><code>javax.sql.rowset.spi</code></a> package
<li><a href="WebRowSet.html"><b><code>WebRowSet</code></b></a> - A
<code>WebRowSet</code> object is an extension of <code>CachedRowSet</code>
that can read and write a <code>RowSet</code> object in a well formed XML format.
This class calls an <a href="spi/XmlReader.html"><code>XmlReader</code></a> object
(an extension of the <a href="../RowSetReader.html"><code>RowSetReader</code></a>
interface) to read a rowset in XML format. It calls an
<a href="spi/XmlWriter.html"><code>XmlWriter</code></a> object (an extension of the
<a href="../RowSetWriter.html"><code>RowSetWriter</code></a> interface)
to write a rowset in XML format. The reader and writer required by
<code>WebRowSet</code> objects are provided by the
<code>SyncFactory</code> in the form of <code>SyncProvider</code>
implementations. In order to ensure well formed XML usage, a standard generic XML
Schema is defined and published at
<a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd">
<li><a href="FilteredRowSet.html"><b><code>FilteredRowSet</code></b></a> - A
<code>FilteredRowSet</code> object provides filtering functionality in a programmatic
and extensible way. There are many instances when a <code>RowSet</code> <code>object</code>
has a need to provide filtering in its contents without sacrificing the disconnected
environment, thus saving the expense of having to create a connection to the data source.
Solutions to this need vary from providing heavyweight full scale
SQL query abilities, to portable components, to more lightweight
approaches. A <code>FilteredRowSet</code> object consumes
an implementation of the <a href="Predicate.html"><code>Predicate</code></a>
interface, which <b>may</b> define a filter at run time. In turn, a
<code>FilteredRowSet</code> object is tasked with enforcing the set filter for both
inbound and outbound read and write operations. That is, all filters can be
considered as bi-directional. No standard filters are defined;
however, sufficient mechanics are specified to permit any required filter to be
<li><a href="JoinRowSet.html"><b><code>JoinRowSet</code></b></a> - The <code>JoinRowSet</code>
interface describes a mechanism by which relationships can be established between
two or more standard <code>RowSet</code> implementations. Any number of <code>RowSet</code>
objects can be added to a <code>JoinRowSet</code> object provided the <code>RowSet</code>objects
can be related in a SQL <code>JOIN</code> like fashion. By definition, the SQL <code>JOIN</code>
statement is used to combine the data contained in two (<i>or more</i>) relational
database tables based upon a common attribute. By establishing and then enforcing
column matches, a <code>JoinRowSet</code> object establishes relationships between
<code>RowSet</code> instances without the need to touch the originating data source.
<h3><a id="impl">3.0 Implementer's Guide</a></h3>
Compliant implementations of JDBC <code>RowSet</code> Implementations
<b>must</b> follow the assertions described in this specification. In accordance
with the terms of the <a href="http://www.jcp.org">Java Community Process</a>, a
Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) can be licensed to ensure compatibility with the
specification. The following paragraphs outline a number of starting points for
implementers of the standard JDBC <code>RowSet</code> definitions. Implementers
should also consult the <i>Implementer's Guide</i> in the <a
href="spi/package-summary.html">javax.sql.rowset.spi</a> package for guidelines
on <a href="spi/SyncProvider.html"><code>SyncProvider</code></a> implementations.
<li><b>3.1 Constructor</b>
All <code>RowSet</code> implementations <strong>must</strong> provide a
no-argument constructor.
<li><b>3.2 Role of the <code>BaseRowSet</code> Class</b>
A compliant JDBC <code>RowSet</code> implementation <b>must</b> implement one or more
standard interfaces specified in this package and <b>may</b> extend the
<a href="BaseRowSet.html"><code>BaseRowSet</code></a> abstract class. For example, a
<code>CachedRowSet</code> implementation must implement the <code>CachedRowSet</code>
interface and extend the <code>BaseRowSet</code> abstract class. The
<code>BaseRowSet</code> class provides the standard architecture on which all
<code>RowSet</code> implementations should be built, regardless of whether the
<code>RowSet</code> objects exist in a connected or disconnected environment.
The <code>BaseRowSet</code> abstract class provides any <code>RowSet</code> implementation
with its base functionality, including property manipulation and event notification
that is fully compliant with <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans">JavaBeans</a>
component requirements. As an example, all implementations provided in the
reference implementations (contained in the <code>com.sun.rowset</code> package) use
the <code>BaseRowSet</code> class as a basis for their implementations.
The following table illustrates the features that the <code>BaseRowSet</code>
abstract class provides.
<table class="striped" style="vertical-align:top; width:75%">
<caption>Features in <code>BaseRowSet</code></caption>
<th scope="col">Feature</th>
<th scope="col">Details</th>
<th scope="row">Properties</th>
<td>Provides standard JavaBeans property manipulation
mechanisms to allow applications to get and set <code>RowSet</code> command and
property values. Refer to the documentation of the <code>javax.sql.RowSet</code>
interface (available in the JDBC 3.0 specification) for more details on
the standard <code>RowSet</code> properties.</td>
<th scope="row">Event notification</th>
<td>Provides standard JavaBeans event notifications
to registered event listeners. Refer to the documentation of <code>javax.sql.RowSetEvent</code>
interface (available in the JDBC 3.0 specification) for
more details on how to register and handle standard RowSet events generated
by compliant implementations.</td>
<th scope="row">Setters for a RowSet object's command</th>
<td>Provides a complete set of setter methods
for setting RowSet command parameters.</td>
<th scope="row">Streams</th>
<td>Provides fields for storing of stream instances
in addition to providing a set of constants for stream type designation.</td>
<li><b>3.3 Connected RowSet Requirements</b>
The <code>JdbcRowSet</code> describes a <code>RowSet</code> object that <b>must</b> always
be connected to the originating data source. Implementations of the <code>JdbcRowSet</code>
should ensure that this connection is provided solely by a JDBC driver.
Furthermore, <code>RowSet</code> objects that are implementations of the
<code>JdbcRowSet</code> interface and are therefore operating in a connected environment
do not use the <code>SyncFactory</code> to obtain a <code>RowSetReader</code> object
or a <code>RowSetWriter</code> object. They can safely rely on the JDBC driver to
supply their needs by virtue of the presence of an underlying updatable and scrollable
<code>ResultSet</code> implementation.
<b>3.4 Disconnected RowSet Requirements</b>
A disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object, such as a <code>CachedRowSet</code> object,
<b>should</b> delegate
connection management to a <code>SyncProvider</code> object provided by the
<code>SyncFactory</code>. To ensure fully disconnected semantics, all
disconnected <code>RowSet</code> objects <b>must</b> ensure
that the original connection made to the data source to populate the <code>RowSet</code>
object is closed to permit the garbage collector to recover and release resources. The
<code>SyncProvider</code> object ensures that the critical JDBC properties are
maintained in order to re-establish a connection to the data source when a
synchronization is required. A disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object should
therefore ensure that no
extraneous references remain on the <code>Connection</code> object.
<li><b>3.5 Role of RowSetMetaDataImpl</b>
The <code>RowsetMetaDataImpl</code> class is a utility class that provides an implementation of the
<a href="../RowSetMetaData.html">RowSetMetaData</a> interface, supplying standard setter
method implementations for metadata for both connected and disconnected
<code>RowSet</code> objects. All implementations are free to use this standard
implementation but are not required to do so.
<li><b>3.6 RowSetWarning Class</b>
The <code>RowSetWarning</code> class provides warnings that can be set
on <code>RowSet</code> implementations.
Similar to <a href="../../../java/sql/SQLWarning.html">SQLWarning</a> objects,
<code>RowSetWarning</code> objects are silently chained to the object whose method
caused the warning to be thrown. All <code>RowSet</code> implementations <b>should</b>
ensure that this chaining occurs if a warning is generated and also ensure that the
warnings are available via the <code>getRowSetWarnings</code> method defined in either
the <code>JdbcRowSet</code> interface or the <code>CachedRowSet</code> interface.
After a warning has been retrieved with one of the
<code>getRowSetWarnings</code> methods, the <code>RowSetWarning</code> method
<code>getNextWarning</code> can be called on it to retrieve any warnings that might
be chained on it. If a warning is returned, <code>getNextWarning</code> can be called
on it, and so on until there are no more warnings.
<li><b>3.7 The Joinable Interface</b>
The <code>Joinable</code> interface provides both connected and disconnected
<code>RowSet</code> objects with the capability to be added to a
<code>JoinRowSet</code> object in an SQL <code>JOIN</code> operation.
A <code>RowSet</code> object that has implemented the <code>Joinable</code>
interface can set a match column, retrieve a match column, or unset a match column.
A <code>JoinRowSet</code> object can then use the <code>RowSet</code> object's
match column as a basis for adding the <code>RowSet</code> object.
<li><b>3.8 The RowSetFactory Interface</b>
A <code>RowSetFactory</code> implementation <strong>must</strong>
be provided.
<h3><a id="relspec">4.0 Related Specifications</a></h3>
<li><a href="https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=221">JDBC 4.3 Specification</a>
<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema">XML Schema</a>
<h3><a id="reldocs">5.0 Related Documentation</a></h3>
<li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/basics/rowset.html">
JDBC RowSet Tutorial</a>
@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* The standard classes and interfaces that a third party vendor has to
* use in its implementation of a synchronization provider. These classes and
* interfaces are referred to as the Service Provider Interface (SPI). To make it possible
* for a <code>RowSet</code> object to use an implementation, the vendor must register
* it with the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton. (See the class comment for
* <code>SyncProvider</code> for a full explanation of the registration process and
* the naming convention to be used.)
* <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="#pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a>
* <li><a href="#arch">2.0 Service Provider Architecture</a>
* <li><a href="#impl">3.0 Implementer's Guide</a>
* <li><a href="#resolving">4.0 Resolving Synchronization Conflicts</a>
* <li><a href="#relspec">5.0 Related Specifications</a>
* <li><a href="#reldocs">6.0 Related Documentation</a>
* </ul>
* <h3><a id="pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a></h3>
* <P>
* The following classes and interfaces make up the <code>javax.sql.rowset.spi</code>
* package:
* <UL>
* <LI><code>SyncFactory</code>
* <LI><code>SyncProvider</code>
* <LI><code>SyncFactoryException</code>
* <LI><code>SyncProviderException</code>
* <LI><code>SyncResolver</code>
* <LI><code>XmlReader</code>
* <LI><code>XmlWriter</code>
* <LI><code>TransactionalWriter</code>
* </UL>
* The following interfaces, in the <code>javax.sql</code> package, are also part of the SPI:
* <UL>
* <LI><code>RowSetReader</code>
* <LI><code>RowSetWriter</code>
* </UL>
* <P>
* A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation provides a disconnected <code>RowSet</code>
* object with the mechanisms for reading data into it and for writing data that has been
* modified in it
* back to the underlying data source. A <i>reader</i>, a <code>RowSetReader</code> or
* <code>XMLReader</code> object, reads data into a <code>RowSet</code> object when the
* <code>CachedRowSet</code> methods <code>execute</code> or <code>populate</code>
* are called. A <i>writer</i>, a <code>RowSetWriter</code> or <code>XMLWriter</code>
* object, writes changes back to the underlying data source when the
* <code>CachedRowSet</code> method <code>acceptChanges</code> is called.
* <P>
* The process of writing changes in a <code>RowSet</code> object to its data source
* is known as <i>synchronization</i>. The <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation that a
* <code>RowSet</code> object is using determines the level of synchronization that the
* <code>RowSet</code> object's writer uses. The various levels of synchronization are
* referred to as <i>grades</i>.
* <P>
* The lower grades of synchronization are
* known as <i>optimistic</i> concurrency levels because they optimistically
* assume that there will be no conflicts or very few conflicts. A conflict exists when
* the same data modified in the <code>RowSet</code> object has also been modified
* in the data source. Using the optimistic concurrency model means that if there
* is a conflict, modifications to either the data source or the <code>RowSet</code>
* object will be lost.
* <P>
* Higher grades of synchronization are called <i>pessimistic</i> because they assume
* that others will be accessing the data source and making modifications. These
* grades set varying levels of locks to increase the chances that no conflicts
* occur.
* <P>
* The lowest level of synchronization is simply writing any changes made to the
* <code>RowSet</code> object to its underlying data source. The writer does
* nothing to check for conflicts.
* If there is a conflict and the data
* source values are overwritten, the changes other parties have made by to the data
* source are lost.
* <P>
* The <code>RIXMLProvider</code> implementation uses the lowest level
* of synchronization and just writes <code>RowSet</code> changes to the data source.
* <P>
* For the next level up, the
* writer checks to see if there are any conflicts, and if there are,
* it does not write anything to the data source. The problem with this concurrency
* level is that if another party has modified the corresponding data in the data source
* since the <code>RowSet</code> object got its data,
* the changes made to the <code>RowSet</code> object are lost. The
* <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code> implementation uses this level of synchronization.
* <P>
* At higher levels of synchronization, referred to as pessimistic concurrency,
* the writer take steps to avoid conflicts by setting locks. Setting locks
* can vary from setting a lock on a single row to setting a lock on a table
* or the entire data source. The level of synchronization is therefore a tradeoff
* between the ability of users to access the data source concurrently and the ability
* of the writer to keep the data in the <code>RowSet</code> object and its data source
* synchronized.
* <P>
* It is a requirement that all disconnected <code>RowSet</code> objects
* (<code>CachedRowSet</code>, <code>FilteredRowSet</code>, <code>JoinRowSet</code>,
* and <code>WebRowSet</code> objects) obtain their <code>SyncProvider</code> objects
* from the <code>SyncFactory</code> mechanism.
* <P>
* The reference implementation (RI) provides two synchronization providers.
* <UL>
* <LI><b><code>RIOptimisticProvider</code></b> <br>
* The default provider that the <code>SyncFactory</code> instance will
* supply to a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object when no provider
* implementation is specified.<BR>
* This synchronization provider uses an optimistic concurrency model,
* assuming that there will be few conflicts among users
* who are accessing the same data in a database. It avoids
* using locks; rather, it checks to see if there is a conflict
* before trying to synchronize the <code>RowSet</code> object and the
* data source. If there is a conflict, it does nothing, meaning that
* changes to the <code>RowSet</code> object are not persisted to the data
* source.
* <LI><B><code>RIXMLProvider</code></B> <BR>
* A synchronization provider that can be used with a
* <code>WebRowSet</code> object, which is a rowset that can be written
* in XML format or read from XML format. The
* <code>RIXMLProvider</code> implementation does no checking at all for
* conflicts and simply writes any updated data in the
* <code>WebRowSet</code> object to the underlying data source.
* <code>WebRowSet</code> objects use this provider when they are
* dealing with XML data.
* </UL>
* These <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations
* are bundled with the reference implementation, which makes them always available to
* <code>RowSet</code> implementations.
* <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations make themselves available by being
* registered with the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton. When a <code>RowSet</code>
* object requests a provider, by specifying it in the constructor or as an argument to the
* <code>CachedRowSet</code> method <code>setSyncProvider</code>,
* the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton
* checks to see if the requested provider has been registered with it.
* If it has, the <code>SyncFactory</code> creates an instance of it and passes it to the
* requesting <code>RowSet</code> object.
* If the <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation that is specified has not been registered,
* the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton causes a <code>SyncFactoryException</code> object
* to be thrown. If no provider is specified,
* the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton will create an instance of the default
* provider implementation, <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code>,
* and pass it to the requesting <code>RowSet</code> object.
* <P>
* If a <code>WebRowSet</code> object does not specify a provider in its constructor, the
* <code>SyncFactory</code> will give it an instance of <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code>.
* However, the constructor for <code>WebRowSet</code> is implemented to set the provider
* to the <code>RIXMLProvider</code>, which reads and writes a <code>RowSet</code> object
* in XML format.
* <P>
* See the <a href="SyncProvider.html">SyncProvider</a> class
* specification for further details.
* <p>
* Vendors may develop a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation with any one of the possible
* levels of synchronization, thus giving <code>RowSet</code> objects a choice of
* synchronization mechanisms.
* <h3><a id="arch">2.0 Service Provider Interface Architecture</a></h3>
* <b>2.1 Overview</b>
* <p>
* The Service Provider Interface provides a pluggable mechanism by which
* <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations can be registered and then generated when
* required. The lazy reference mechanism employed by the <code>SyncFactory</code> limits
* unnecessary resource consumption by not creating an instance until it is
* required by a disconnected
* <code>RowSet</code> object. The <code>SyncFactory</code> class also provides
* a standard API to configure logging options and streams that <b>may</b> be provided
* by a particular <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation.
* <p>
* <b>2.2 Registering with the <code>SyncFactory</code></b>
* <p>
* A third party <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation must be registered with the
* <code>SyncFactory</code> in order for a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
* to obtain it and thereby use its <code>javax.sql.RowSetReader</code> and
* <code>javax.sql.RowSetWriter</code>
* implementations. The following registration mechanisms are available to all
* <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations:
* <ul>
* <li><b>System properties</b> - Properties set at the command line. These
* properties are set at run time and apply system-wide per invocation of the Java
* application. See the section <a href="#reldocs">"Related Documentation"</a>
* further related information.
* <li><b>Property Files</b> - Properties specified in a standard property file.
* This can be specified using a System Property or by modifying a standard
* property file located in the platform run-time. The
* reference implementation of this technology includes a standard property
* file than can be edited to add additional <code>SyncProvider</code> objects.
* <li><b>JNDI Context</b> - Available providers can be registered on a JNDI
* context. The <code>SyncFactory</code> will attempt to load <code>SyncProvider</code>
* objects bound to the context and register them with the factory. This
* context must be supplied to the <code>SyncFactory</code> for the mechanism to
* function correctly.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Details on how to specify the system properties or properties in a property file
* and how to configure the JNDI Context are explained in detail in the
* <a href="SyncFactory.html"><code>SyncFactory</code></a> class description.
* <p>
* <b>2.3 SyncFactory Provider Instance Generation Policies</b>
* <p>
* The <code>SyncFactory</code> generates a requested <code>SyncProvider</code>
* object if the provider has been correctly registered. The
* following policies are adhered to when either a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
* is instantiated with a specified <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation or is
* reconfigured at runtime with an alternative <code>SyncProvider</code> object.
* <ul>
* <li> If a <code>SyncProvider</code> object is specified and the <code>SyncFactory</code>
* contains <i>no</i> reference to the provider, a <code>SyncFactoryException</code> is
* thrown.
* <li> If a <code>SyncProvider</code> object is specified and the <code>SyncFactory</code>
* contains a reference to the provider, the requested provider is supplied.
* <li> If no <code>SyncProvider</code> object is specified, the reference
* implementation provider <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code> is supplied.
* </ul>
* <p>
* These policies are explored in more detail in the <a href="SyncFactory.html">
* <code>SyncFactory</code></a> class.
* <h3><a id="impl">3.0 SyncProvider Implementer's Guide</a></h3>
* <b>3.1 Requirements</b>
* <p>
* A compliant <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation that is fully pluggable
* into the <code>SyncFactory</code> <b>must</b> extend and implement all
* abstract methods in the <a href="SyncProvider.html"><code>SyncProvider</code></a>
* class. In addition, an implementation <b>must</b> determine the
* grade, locking and updatable view capabilities defined in the
* <code>SyncProvider</code> class definition. One or more of the
* <code>SyncProvider</code> description criteria <b>must</b> be supported. It
* is expected that vendor implementations will offer a range of grade, locking, and
* updatable view capabilities.
* <p>
* Furthermore, the <code>SyncProvider</code> naming convention <b>must</b> be followed as
* detailed in the <a href="SyncProvider.html"><code>SyncProvider</code></a> class
* description.
* <p>
* <b>3.2 Grades</b>
* <p>
* JSR 114 defines a set of grades to describe the quality of synchronization
* a <code>SyncProvider</code> object can offer a disconnected <code>RowSet</code>
* object. These grades are listed from the lowest quality of service to the highest.
* <ul>
* <li><b>GRADE_NONE</b> - No synchronization with the originating data source is
* provided. A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade will simply
* attempt to write any data that has changed in the <code>RowSet</code> object to the
*underlying data source, overwriting whatever is there. No attempt is made to compare
* original values with current values to see if there is a conflict. The
* <code>RIXMLProvider</code> is implemented with this grade.
* <li><b>GRADE_CHECK_MODIFIED_AT_COMMIT</b> - A low grade of optimistic synchronization.
* A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade
* will check for conflicts in rows that have changed between the last synchronization
* and the current synchronization under way. Any changes in the originating data source
* that have been modified will not be reflected in the disconnected <code>RowSet</code>
* object. If there are no conflicts, changes in the <code>RowSet</code> object will be
* written to the data source. If there are conflicts, no changes are written.
* The <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code> implementation uses this grade.
* <li><b>GRADE_CHECK_ALL_AT_COMMIT</b> - A high grade of optimistic synchronization.
* A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade
* will check all rows, including rows that have not changed in the disconnected
* <code>RowSet</code> object. In this way, any changes to rows in the underlying
* data source will be reflected in the disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
* when the synchronization finishes successfully.
* <li><b>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_MODIFIED</b> - A pessimistic grade of synchronization.
* <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations returning this grade will lock
* the row in the originating data source that corresponds to the row being changed
* in the <code>RowSet</code> object to reduce the possibility of other
* processes modifying the same data in the data source.
* <li><b>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED</b> - A higher pessimistic synchronization grade.
* A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade will lock
* the entire view and/or table affected by the original query used to
* populate a <code>RowSet</code> object.
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>3.3 Locks</b>
* <p>
* JSR 114 defines a set of constants that specify whether any locks have been
* placed on a <code>RowSet</code> object's underlying data source and, if so,
* on which constructs the locks are placed. These locks will remain on the data
* source while the <code>RowSet</code> object is disconnected from the data source.
* <P>
* These constants <b>should</b> be considered complementary to the
* grade constants. The default setting for the majority of grade settings requires
* that no data source locks remain when a <code>RowSet</code> object is disconnected
* from its data source.
* The grades <code>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_MODIFIED</code> and
* <code>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED</code> allow a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
* to have a fine-grained control over the degree of locking.
* <ul>
* <li><b>DATASOURCE_NO_LOCK</b> - No locks remain on the originating data source.
* This is the default lock setting for all <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations
* unless otherwise directed by a <code>RowSet</code> object.
* <li><b>DATASOURCE_ROW_LOCK</b> - A lock is placed on the rows that are touched by
* the original SQL query used to populate the <code>RowSet</code> object.
* <li><b>DATASOURCE_TABLE_LOCK</b> - A lock is placed on all tables that are touched
* by the query that was used to populate the <code>RowSet</code> object.
* A lock is placed on the entire data source that is used by the <code>RowSet</code>
* object.
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>3.4 Updatable Views</b>
* <p>
* A <code>RowSet</code> object may be populated with data from an SQL <code>VIEW</code>.
* The following constants indicate whether a <code>SyncProvider</code> object can
* update data in the table or tables from which the <code>VIEW</code> was derived.
* <ul>
* Indicates that a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation supports synchronization
* to the table or tables from which the SQL <code>VIEW</code> used to populate
* a <code>RowSet</code> object is derived.
* Indicates that a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation does <b>not</b> support
* synchronization to the table or tables from which the SQL <code>VIEW</code>
* used to populate a <code>RowSet</code> object is derived.
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>3.5 Usage of <code>SyncProvider</code> Grading and Locking</b>
* <p>
* In the example below, the reference <code>CachedRowSetImpl</code> implementation
* reconfigures its current <code>SyncProvider</code> object by calling the
* <code>setSyncProvider</code> method.<br>
* <PRE>
* CachedRowSetImpl crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
* crs.setSyncProvider("com.foo.bar.HASyncProvider");
* </PRE>
* An application can retrieve the <code>SyncProvider</code> object currently in use
* by a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object. It can also retrieve the
* grade of synchronization with which the provider was implemented and the degree of
* locking currently in use. In addition, an application has the flexibility to set
* the degree of locking to be used, which can increase the possibilities for successful
* synchronization. These operation are shown in the following code fragment.
* <PRE>
* SyncProvider sync = crs.getSyncProvider();
* switch (sync.getProviderGrade()) {
* case: SyncProvider.GRADE_CHECK_ALL_AT_COMMIT
* //A high grade of optimistic synchronization
* break;
* //A low grade of optimistic synchronization
* break;
* case: SyncProvider.GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED
* // A pessimistic synchronization grade
* break;
* // A pessimistic synchronization grade
* break;
* case: SyncProvider.GRADE_NONE
* // No synchronization with the originating data source provided
* break;
* }
* switch (sync.getDataSourcLock() {
* case: SyncProvider.DATASOURCE_DB_LOCK
* // A lock is placed on the entire datasource that is used by the
* // <code>RowSet</code> object
* break;
* case: SyncProvider.DATASOURCE_NO_LOCK
* // No locks remain on the originating data source.
* break;
* case: SyncProvider.DATASOURCE_ROW_LOCK
* // A lock is placed on the rows that are touched by the original
* // SQL statement used to populate
* // the RowSet object that is using the SyncProvider
* break;
* // A lock is placed on all tables that are touched by the original
* // SQL statement used to populated
* // the RowSet object that is using the SyncProvider
* break;
* </PRE>
* It is also possible using the static utility method in the
* <code>SyncFactory</code> class to determine the list of <code>SyncProvider</code>
* implementations currently registered with the <code>SyncFactory</code>.
* <pre>
* Enumeration e = SyncFactory.getRegisteredProviders();
* </pre>
* <h3><a id="resolving">4.0 Resolving Synchronization Conflicts</a></h3>
* The interface <code>SyncResolver</code> provides a way for an application to
* decide manually what to do when a conflict occurs. When the <code>CachedRowSet</code>
* method <code>acceptChanges</code> finishes and has detected one or more conflicts,
* it throws a <code>SyncProviderException</code> object. An application can
* catch the exception and
* have it retrieve a <code>SyncResolver</code> object by calling the method
* <code>SyncProviderException.getSyncResolver()</code>.
* <P>
* A <code>SyncResolver</code> object, which is a special kind of
* <code>CachedRowSet</code> object or
* a <code>JdbcRowSet</code> object that has implemented the <code>SyncResolver</code>
* interface, examines the conflicts row by row. It is a duplicate of the
* <code>RowSet</code> object being synchronized except that it contains only the data
* from the data source this is causing a conflict. All of the other column values are
* set to <code>null</code>. To navigate from one conflict value to another, a
* <code>SyncResolver</code> object provides the methods <code>nextConflict</code> and
* <code>previousConflict</code>.
* <P>
* The <code>SyncResolver</code> interface also
* provides methods for doing the following:
* <UL>
* <LI>finding out whether the conflict involved an update, a delete, or an insert
* <LI>getting the value in the data source that caused the conflict
* <LI>setting the value that should be in the data source if it needs to be changed
* or setting the value that should be in the <code>RowSet</code> object if it needs
* to be changed
* </UL>
* <P>
* When the <code>CachedRowSet</code> method <code>acceptChanges</code> is called, it
* delegates to the <code>RowSet</code> object's <code>SyncProvider</code> object.
* How the writer provided by that <code>SyncProvider</code> object is implemented
* determines what level (grade) of checking for conflicts will be done. After all
* checking for conflicts is completed and one or more conflicts has been found, the method
* <code>acceptChanges</code> throws a <code>SyncProviderException</code> object. The
* application can catch the exception and use it to obtain a <code>SyncResolver</code> object.
* <P>
* The application can then use <code>SyncResolver</code> methods to get information
* about each conflict and decide what to do. If the application logic or the user
* decides that a value in the <code>RowSet</code> object should be the one to
* persist, the application or user can overwrite the data source value with it.
* <P>
* The comment for the <code>SyncResolver</code> interface has more detail.
* <h3><a id="relspec">5.0 Related Specifications</a></h3>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/jndi/tutorial/index.html">JNDI</a>
* <li><a href="{@docRoot}/java.logging/java/util/logging/package-summary.html">Java Logging
* APIs</a>
* </ul>
* <h3><a id="reldocs">6.0 Related Documentation</a></h3>
* <ul>
* <li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/">DataSource for JDBC
* Connections</a>
* </ul>
package javax.sql.rowset.spi;
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The standard classes and interfaces that a third party vendor has to
use in its implementation of a synchronization provider. These classes and
interfaces are referred to as the Service Provider Interface (SPI). To make it possible
for a <code>RowSet</code> object to use an implementation, the vendor must register
it with the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton. (See the class comment for
<code>SyncProvider</code> for a full explanation of the registration process and
the naming convention to be used.)
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<li><a href="#pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a>
<li><a href="#arch">2.0 Service Provider Architecture</a>
<li><a href="#impl">3.0 Implementer's Guide</a>
<li><a href="#resolving">4.0 Resolving Synchronization Conflicts</a>
<li><a href="#relspec">5.0 Related Specifications</a>
<li><a href="#reldocs">6.0 Related Documentation</a>
<h3><a id="pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a></h3>
The following classes and interfaces make up the <code>javax.sql.rowset.spi</code>
The following interfaces, in the <code>javax.sql</code> package, are also part of the SPI:
A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation provides a disconnected <code>RowSet</code>
object with the mechanisms for reading data into it and for writing data that has been
modified in it
back to the underlying data source. A <i>reader</i>, a <code>RowSetReader</code> or
<code>XMLReader</code> object, reads data into a <code>RowSet</code> object when the
<code>CachedRowSet</code> methods <code>execute</code> or <code>populate</code>
are called. A <i>writer</i>, a <code>RowSetWriter</code> or <code>XMLWriter</code>
object, writes changes back to the underlying data source when the
<code>CachedRowSet</code> method <code>acceptChanges</code> is called.
The process of writing changes in a <code>RowSet</code> object to its data source
is known as <i>synchronization</i>. The <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation that a
<code>RowSet</code> object is using determines the level of synchronization that the
<code>RowSet</code> object's writer uses. The various levels of synchronization are
referred to as <i>grades</i>.
The lower grades of synchronization are
known as <i>optimistic</i> concurrency levels because they optimistically
assume that there will be no conflicts or very few conflicts. A conflict exists when
the same data modified in the <code>RowSet</code> object has also been modified
in the data source. Using the optimistic concurrency model means that if there
is a conflict, modifications to either the data source or the <code>RowSet</code>
object will be lost.
Higher grades of synchronization are called <i>pessimistic</i> because they assume
that others will be accessing the data source and making modifications. These
grades set varying levels of locks to increase the chances that no conflicts
The lowest level of synchronization is simply writing any changes made to the
<code>RowSet</code> object to its underlying data source. The writer does
nothing to check for conflicts.
If there is a conflict and the data
source values are overwritten, the changes other parties have made by to the data
source are lost.
The <code>RIXMLProvider</code> implementation uses the lowest level
of synchronization and just writes <code>RowSet</code> changes to the data source.
For the next level up, the
writer checks to see if there are any conflicts, and if there are,
it does not write anything to the data source. The problem with this concurrency
level is that if another party has modified the corresponding data in the data source
since the <code>RowSet</code> object got its data,
the changes made to the <code>RowSet</code> object are lost. The
<code>RIOptimisticProvider</code> implementation uses this level of synchronization.
At higher levels of synchronization, referred to as pessimistic concurrency,
the writer take steps to avoid conflicts by setting locks. Setting locks
can vary from setting a lock on a single row to setting a lock on a table
or the entire data source. The level of synchronization is therefore a tradeoff
between the ability of users to access the data source concurrently and the ability
of the writer to keep the data in the <code>RowSet</code> object and its data source
It is a requirement that all disconnected <code>RowSet</code> objects
(<code>CachedRowSet</code>, <code>FilteredRowSet</code>, <code>JoinRowSet</code>,
and <code>WebRowSet</code> objects) obtain their <code>SyncProvider</code> objects
from the <code>SyncFactory</code> mechanism.
The reference implementation (RI) provides two synchronization providers.
<LI><b><code>RIOptimisticProvider</code></b> <br>
The default provider that the <code>SyncFactory</code> instance will
supply to a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object when no provider
implementation is specified.<BR>
This synchronization provider uses an optimistic concurrency model,
assuming that there will be few conflicts among users
who are accessing the same data in a database. It avoids
using locks; rather, it checks to see if there is a conflict
before trying to synchronize the <code>RowSet</code> object and the
data source. If there is a conflict, it does nothing, meaning that
changes to the <code>RowSet</code> object are not persisted to the data
<LI><B><code>RIXMLProvider</code></B> <BR>
A synchronization provider that can be used with a
<code>WebRowSet</code> object, which is a rowset that can be written
in XML format or read from XML format. The
<code>RIXMLProvider</code> implementation does no checking at all for
conflicts and simply writes any updated data in the
<code>WebRowSet</code> object to the underlying data source.
<code>WebRowSet</code> objects use this provider when they are
dealing with XML data.
These <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations
are bundled with the reference implementation, which makes them always available to
<code>RowSet</code> implementations.
<code>SyncProvider</code> implementations make themselves available by being
registered with the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton. When a <code>RowSet</code>
object requests a provider, by specifying it in the constructor or as an argument to the
<code>CachedRowSet</code> method <code>setSyncProvider</code>,
the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton
checks to see if the requested provider has been registered with it.
If it has, the <code>SyncFactory</code> creates an instance of it and passes it to the
requesting <code>RowSet</code> object.
If the <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation that is specified has not been registered,
the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton causes a <code>SyncFactoryException</code> object
to be thrown. If no provider is specified,
the <code>SyncFactory</code> singleton will create an instance of the default
provider implementation, <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code>,
and pass it to the requesting <code>RowSet</code> object.
If a <code>WebRowSet</code> object does not specify a provider in its constructor, the
<code>SyncFactory</code> will give it an instance of <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code>.
However, the constructor for <code>WebRowSet</code> is implemented to set the provider
to the <code>RIXMLProvider</code>, which reads and writes a <code>RowSet</code> object
in XML format.
See the <a href="SyncProvider.html">SyncProvider</a> class
specification for further details.
Vendors may develop a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation with any one of the possible
levels of synchronization, thus giving <code>RowSet</code> objects a choice of
synchronization mechanisms.
<h3><a id="arch">2.0 Service Provider Interface Architecture</a></h3>
<b>2.1 Overview</b>
The Service Provider Interface provides a pluggable mechanism by which
<code>SyncProvider</code> implementations can be registered and then generated when
required. The lazy reference mechanism employed by the <code>SyncFactory</code> limits
unnecessary resource consumption by not creating an instance until it is
required by a disconnected
<code>RowSet</code> object. The <code>SyncFactory</code> class also provides
a standard API to configure logging options and streams that <b>may</b> be provided
by a particular <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation.
<b>2.2 Registering with the <code>SyncFactory</code></b>
A third party <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation must be registered with the
<code>SyncFactory</code> in order for a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
to obtain it and thereby use its <code>javax.sql.RowSetReader</code> and
implementations. The following registration mechanisms are available to all
<code>SyncProvider</code> implementations:
<li><b>System properties</b> - Properties set at the command line. These
properties are set at run time and apply system-wide per invocation of the Java
application. See the section <a href="#reldocs">"Related Documentation"</a>
further related information.
<li><b>Property Files</b> - Properties specified in a standard property file.
This can be specified using a System Property or by modifying a standard
property file located in the platform run-time. The
reference implementation of this technology includes a standard property
file than can be edited to add additional <code>SyncProvider</code> objects.
<li><b>JNDI Context</b> - Available providers can be registered on a JNDI
context. The <code>SyncFactory</code> will attempt to load <code>SyncProvider</code>
objects bound to the context and register them with the factory. This
context must be supplied to the <code>SyncFactory</code> for the mechanism to
function correctly.
Details on how to specify the system properties or properties in a property file
and how to configure the JNDI Context are explained in detail in the
<a href="SyncFactory.html"><code>SyncFactory</code></a> class description.
<b>2.3 SyncFactory Provider Instance Generation Policies</b>
The <code>SyncFactory</code> generates a requested <code>SyncProvider</code>
object if the provider has been correctly registered. The
following policies are adhered to when either a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
is instantiated with a specified <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation or is
reconfigured at runtime with an alternative <code>SyncProvider</code> object.
<li> If a <code>SyncProvider</code> object is specified and the <code>SyncFactory</code>
contains <i>no</i> reference to the provider, a <code>SyncFactoryException</code> is
<li> If a <code>SyncProvider</code> object is specified and the <code>SyncFactory</code>
contains a reference to the provider, the requested provider is supplied.
<li> If no <code>SyncProvider</code> object is specified, the reference
implementation provider <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code> is supplied.
These policies are explored in more detail in the <a href="SyncFactory.html">
<code>SyncFactory</code></a> class.
<h3><a id="impl">3.0 SyncProvider Implementer's Guide</a></h3>
<b>3.1 Requirements</b>
A compliant <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation that is fully pluggable
into the <code>SyncFactory</code> <b>must</b> extend and implement all
abstract methods in the <a href="SyncProvider.html"><code>SyncProvider</code></a>
class. In addition, an implementation <b>must</b> determine the
grade, locking and updatable view capabilities defined in the
<code>SyncProvider</code> class definition. One or more of the
<code>SyncProvider</code> description criteria <b>must</b> be supported. It
is expected that vendor implementations will offer a range of grade, locking, and
updatable view capabilities.
Furthermore, the <code>SyncProvider</code> naming convention <b>must</b> be followed as
detailed in the <a href="SyncProvider.html"><code>SyncProvider</code></a> class
<b>3.2 Grades</b>
JSR 114 defines a set of grades to describe the quality of synchronization
a <code>SyncProvider</code> object can offer a disconnected <code>RowSet</code>
object. These grades are listed from the lowest quality of service to the highest.
<li><b>GRADE_NONE</b> - No synchronization with the originating data source is
provided. A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade will simply
attempt to write any data that has changed in the <code>RowSet</code> object to the
underlying data source, overwriting whatever is there. No attempt is made to compare
original values with current values to see if there is a conflict. The
<code>RIXMLProvider</code> is implemented with this grade.
<li><b>GRADE_CHECK_MODIFIED_AT_COMMIT</b> - A low grade of optimistic synchronization.
A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade
will check for conflicts in rows that have changed between the last synchronization
and the current synchronization under way. Any changes in the originating data source
that have been modified will not be reflected in the disconnected <code>RowSet</code>
object. If there are no conflicts, changes in the <code>RowSet</code> object will be
written to the data source. If there are conflicts, no changes are written.
The <code>RIOptimisticProvider</code> implementation uses this grade.
<li><b>GRADE_CHECK_ALL_AT_COMMIT</b> - A high grade of optimistic synchronization.
A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade
will check all rows, including rows that have not changed in the disconnected
<code>RowSet</code> object. In this way, any changes to rows in the underlying
data source will be reflected in the disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
when the synchronization finishes successfully.
<li><b>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_MODIFIED</b> - A pessimistic grade of synchronization.
<code>SyncProvider</code> implementations returning this grade will lock
the row in the originating data source that corresponds to the row being changed
in the <code>RowSet</code> object to reduce the possibility of other
processes modifying the same data in the data source.
<li><b>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED</b> - A higher pessimistic synchronization grade.
A <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation returning this grade will lock
the entire view and/or table affected by the original query used to
populate a <code>RowSet</code> object.
<b>3.3 Locks</b>
JSR 114 defines a set of constants that specify whether any locks have been
placed on a <code>RowSet</code> object's underlying data source and, if so,
on which constructs the locks are placed. These locks will remain on the data
source while the <code>RowSet</code> object is disconnected from the data source.
These constants <b>should</b> be considered complementary to the
grade constants. The default setting for the majority of grade settings requires
that no data source locks remain when a <code>RowSet</code> object is disconnected
from its data source.
The grades <code>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_MODIFIED</code> and
<code>GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED</code> allow a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object
to have a fine-grained control over the degree of locking.
<li><b>DATASOURCE_NO_LOCK</b> - No locks remain on the originating data source.
This is the default lock setting for all <code>SyncProvider</code> implementations
unless otherwise directed by a <code>RowSet</code> object.
<li><b>DATASOURCE_ROW_LOCK</b> - A lock is placed on the rows that are touched by
the original SQL query used to populate the <code>RowSet</code> object.
<li><b>DATASOURCE_TABLE_LOCK</b> - A lock is placed on all tables that are touched
by the query that was used to populate the <code>RowSet</code> object.
A lock is placed on the entire data source that is used by the <code>RowSet</code>
<b>3.4 Updatable Views</b>
A <code>RowSet</code> object may be populated with data from an SQL <code>VIEW</code>.
The following constants indicate whether a <code>SyncProvider</code> object can
update data in the table or tables from which the <code>VIEW</code> was derived.
Indicates that a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation supports synchronization
to the table or tables from which the SQL <code>VIEW</code> used to populate
a <code>RowSet</code> object is derived.
Indicates that a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation does <b>not</b> support
synchronization to the table or tables from which the SQL <code>VIEW</code>
used to populate a <code>RowSet</code> object is derived.
<b>3.5 Usage of <code>SyncProvider</code> Grading and Locking</b>
In the example below, the reference <code>CachedRowSetImpl</code> implementation
reconfigures its current <code>SyncProvider</code> object by calling the
<code>setSyncProvider</code> method.<br>
CachedRowSetImpl crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
An application can retrieve the <code>SyncProvider</code> object currently in use
by a disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object. It can also retrieve the
grade of synchronization with which the provider was implemented and the degree of
locking currently in use. In addition, an application has the flexibility to set
the degree of locking to be used, which can increase the possibilities for successful
synchronization. These operation are shown in the following code fragment.
SyncProvider sync = crs.getSyncProvider();
switch (sync.getProviderGrade()) {
//A high grade of optimistic synchronization
//A low grade of optimistic synchronization
// A pessimistic synchronization grade
// A pessimistic synchronization grade
case: SyncProvider.GRADE_NONE
// No synchronization with the originating data source provided
switch (sync.getDataSourcLock() {
case: SyncProvider.DATASOURCE_DB_LOCK
// A lock is placed on the entire datasource that is used by the
// <code>RowSet</code> object
case: SyncProvider.DATASOURCE_NO_LOCK
// No locks remain on the originating data source.
case: SyncProvider.DATASOURCE_ROW_LOCK
// A lock is placed on the rows that are touched by the original
// SQL statement used to populate
// the RowSet object that is using the SyncProvider
// A lock is placed on all tables that are touched by the original
// SQL statement used to populated
// the RowSet object that is using the SyncProvider
It is also possible using the static utility method in the
<code>SyncFactory</code> class to determine the list of <code>SyncProvider</code>
implementations currently registered with the <code>SyncFactory</code>.
Enumeration e = SyncFactory.getRegisteredProviders();
<h3><a id="resolving">4.0 Resolving Synchronization Conflicts</a></h3>
The interface <code>SyncResolver</code> provides a way for an application to
decide manually what to do when a conflict occurs. When the <code>CachedRowSet</code>
method <code>acceptChanges</code> finishes and has detected one or more conflicts,
it throws a <code>SyncProviderException</code> object. An application can
catch the exception and
have it retrieve a <code>SyncResolver</code> object by calling the method
A <code>SyncResolver</code> object, which is a special kind of
<code>CachedRowSet</code> object or
a <code>JdbcRowSet</code> object that has implemented the <code>SyncResolver</code>
interface, examines the conflicts row by row. It is a duplicate of the
<code>RowSet</code> object being synchronized except that it contains only the data
from the data source this is causing a conflict. All of the other column values are
set to <code>null</code>. To navigate from one conflict value to another, a
<code>SyncResolver</code> object provides the methods <code>nextConflict</code> and
The <code>SyncResolver</code> interface also
provides methods for doing the following:
<LI>finding out whether the conflict involved an update, a delete, or an insert
<LI>getting the value in the data source that caused the conflict
<LI>setting the value that should be in the data source if it needs to be changed
or setting the value that should be in the <code>RowSet</code> object if it needs
to be changed
When the <code>CachedRowSet</code> method <code>acceptChanges</code> is called, it
delegates to the <code>RowSet</code> object's <code>SyncProvider</code> object.
How the writer provided by that <code>SyncProvider</code> object is implemented
determines what level (grade) of checking for conflicts will be done. After all
checking for conflicts is completed and one or more conflicts has been found, the method
<code>acceptChanges</code> throws a <code>SyncProviderException</code> object. The
application can catch the exception and use it to obtain a <code>SyncResolver</code> object.
The application can then use <code>SyncResolver</code> methods to get information
about each conflict and decide what to do. If the application logic or the user
decides that a value in the <code>RowSet</code> object should be the one to
persist, the application or user can overwrite the data source value with it.
The comment for the <code>SyncResolver</code> interface has more detail.
<h3><a id="relspec">5.0 Related Specifications</a></h3>
<li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/jndi/tutorial/index.html">JNDI</a>
<li><a href="{@docRoot}/java/util/logging/package-summary.html">Java Logging
<h3><a id="reldocs">6.0 Related Documentation</a></h3>
<li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/">DataSource for JDBC
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