8302513: remove sun.awt.util.IdentityLinkedList
Reviewed-by: serb, prr, aivanov
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import sun.awt.AWTPermissions;
import sun.awt.AppContext;
import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
import sun.awt.util.IdentityArrayList;
import sun.awt.util.IdentityLinkedList;
* A Dialog is a top-level window with a title and a border
@ -1417,7 +1416,7 @@ public class Dialog extends Window {
java.util.List<Window> toBlock = new IdentityLinkedList<Window>();
java.util.List<Window> toBlock = new IdentityArrayList<Window>();
// block all windows from scope of blocking except from blockers' hierarchies
IdentityArrayList<Window> unblockedWindows = Window.getAllUnblockedWindows();
for (Window w : unblockedWindows) {
@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
package sun.awt.util;
import java.util.AbstractSequentialList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Linked list implementation of the {@code List} interface. Implements all
* optional list operations, and permits all elements (including
* {@code null}). In addition to implementing the {@code List} interface,
* the {@code IdentityLinkedList} class provides uniformly named methods to
* {@code get}, {@code remove} and {@code insert} an element at the
* beginning and end of the list. These operations allow linked lists to be
* used as a stack, {@linkplain java.util.Queue queue}, or {@linkplain Deque
* double-ended queue}. <p>
* The class implements the {@code Deque} interface, providing
* first-in-first-out queue operations for {@code add},
* {@code poll}, along with other stack and deque operations.<p>
* All of the operations perform as could be expected for a doubly-linked
* list. Operations that index into the list will traverse the list from
* the beginning or the end, whichever is closer to the specified index.<p>
* <p><strong>Note that this implementation is not synchronized.</strong>
* If multiple threads access a linked list concurrently, and at least
* one of the threads modifies the list structurally, it <i>must</i> be
* synchronized externally. (A structural modification is any operation
* that adds or deletes one or more elements; merely setting the value of
* an element is not a structural modification.) This is typically
* accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally
* encapsulates the list.
* If no such object exists, the list should be "wrapped" using the
* {@link java.util.Collections#synchronizedList Collections.synchronizedList}
* method. This is best done at creation time, to prevent accidental
* unsynchronized access to the list:<pre>
* List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new IdentityLinkedList(...));</pre>
* <p>The iterators returned by this class's {@code iterator} and
* {@code listIterator} methods are <i>fail-fast</i>: if the list is
* structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in
* any way except through the Iterator's own {@code remove} or
* {@code add} methods, the iterator will throw a {@link
* ConcurrentModificationException}. Thus, in the face of concurrent
* modification, the iterator fails quickly and cleanly, rather than
* risking arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior at an undetermined
* time in the future.
* <p>Note that the fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed
* as it is, generally speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the
* presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification. Fail-fast iterators
* throw {@code ConcurrentModificationException} on a best-effort basis.
* Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this
* exception for its correctness: <i>the fail-fast behavior of iterators
* should be used only to detect bugs.</i>
public class IdentityLinkedList<E>
extends AbstractSequentialList<E>
implements List<E>, Deque<E>
private transient Entry<E> header = new Entry<E>(null, null, null);
private transient int size = 0;
* Constructs an empty list.
public IdentityLinkedList() {
header.next = header.previous = header;
* Constructs a list containing the elements of the specified
* collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's
* iterator.
* @param c the collection whose elements are to be placed into this list
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null
public IdentityLinkedList(Collection<? extends E> c) {
* Returns the first element in this list.
* @return the first element in this list
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
public E getFirst() {
if (size==0)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return header.next.element;
* Returns the last element in this list.
* @return the last element in this list
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
public E getLast() {
if (size==0)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return header.previous.element;
* Removes and returns the first element from this list.
* @return the first element from this list
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
public E removeFirst() {
return remove(header.next);
* Removes and returns the last element from this list.
* @return the last element from this list
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
public E removeLast() {
return remove(header.previous);
* Inserts the specified element at the beginning of this list.
* @param e the element to add
public void addFirst(E e) {
addBefore(e, header.next);
* Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
* <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #add}.
* @param e the element to add
public void addLast(E e) {
addBefore(e, header);
* Returns {@code true} if this list contains the specified element.
* More formally, returns {@code true} if and only if this list contains
* at least one element {@code e} such that
* {@code o == e}.
* @param o element whose presence in this list is to be tested
* @return {@code true} if this list contains the specified element
public boolean contains(Object o) {
return indexOf(o) != -1;
* Returns the number of elements in this list.
* @return the number of elements in this list
public int size() {
return size;
* Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
* <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #addLast}.
* @param e element to be appended to this list
* @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Collection#add})
public boolean add(E e) {
addBefore(e, header);
return true;
* Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list,
* if it is present. If this list does not contain the element, it is
* unchanged. More formally, removes the element with the lowest index
* {@code i} such that {@code get(i) == o}
* (if such an element exists). Returns {@code true} if this list
* contained the specified element (or equivalently, if this list
* changed as a result of the call).
* @param o element to be removed from this list, if present
* @return {@code true} if this list contained the specified element
public boolean remove(Object o) {
for (Entry<E> e = header.next; e != header; e = e.next) {
if (o == e.element) {
return true;
return false;
* Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of
* this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified
* collection's iterator. The behavior of this operation is undefined if
* the specified collection is modified while the operation is in
* progress. (Note that this will occur if the specified collection is
* this list, and it's nonempty.)
* @param c collection containing elements to be added to this list
* @return {@code true} if this list changed as a result of the call
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
return addAll(size, c);
* Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this
* list, starting at the specified position. Shifts the element
* currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to
* the right (increases their indices). The new elements will appear
* in the list in the order that they are returned by the
* specified collection's iterator.
* @param index index at which to insert the first element
* from the specified collection
* @param c collection containing elements to be added to this list
* @return {@code true} if this list changed as a result of the call
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
if (index < 0 || index > size)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: "+index+
", Size: "+size);
Object[] a = c.toArray();
int numNew = a.length;
if (numNew==0)
return false;
Entry<E> successor = (index==size ? header : entry(index));
Entry<E> predecessor = successor.previous;
for (int i=0; i<numNew; i++) {
E tmp = (E) a[i];
Entry<E> e = new Entry<E>(tmp, successor, predecessor);
predecessor.next = e;
predecessor = e;
successor.previous = predecessor;
size += numNew;
return true;
* Removes all of the elements from this list.
public void clear() {
Entry<E> e = header.next;
while (e != header) {
Entry<E> next = e.next;
e.next = e.previous = null;
e.element = null;
e = next;
header.next = header.previous = header;
size = 0;
// Positional Access Operations
* Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
* @param index index of the element to return
* @return the element at the specified position in this list
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public E get(int index) {
return entry(index).element;
* Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the
* specified element.
* @param index index of the element to replace
* @param element element to be stored at the specified position
* @return the element previously at the specified position
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public E set(int index, E element) {
Entry<E> e = entry(index);
E oldVal = e.element;
e.element = element;
return oldVal;
* Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
* Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any
* subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
* @param index index at which the specified element is to be inserted
* @param element element to be inserted
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public void add(int index, E element) {
addBefore(element, (index==size ? header : entry(index)));
* Removes the element at the specified position in this list. Shifts any
* subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one from their indices).
* Returns the element that was removed from the list.
* @param index the index of the element to be removed
* @return the element previously at the specified position
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public E remove(int index) {
return remove(entry(index));
* Returns the indexed entry.
private Entry<E> entry(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: "+index+
", Size: "+size);
Entry<E> e = header;
if (index < (size >> 1)) {
for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++)
e = e.next;
} else {
for (int i = size; i > index; i--)
e = e.previous;
return e;
// Search Operations
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element
* in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
* More formally, returns the lowest index {@code i} such that
* {@code get(i) == o},
* or -1 if there is no such index.
* @param o element to search for
* @return the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in
* this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element
public int indexOf(Object o) {
int index = 0;
for (Entry<E> e = header.next; e != header; e = e.next) {
if (o == e.element) {
return index;
return -1;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element
* in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
* More formally, returns the highest index {@code i} such that
* {@code get(i) == o},
* or -1 if there is no such index.
* @param o element to search for
* @return the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in
* this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element
public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {
int index = size;
for (Entry<E> e = header.previous; e != header; e = e.previous) {
if (o == e.element) {
return index;
return -1;
// Queue operations.
* Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first element) of this list.
* @return the head of this list, or {@code null} if this list is empty
* @since 1.5
public E peek() {
if (size==0)
return null;
return getFirst();
* Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first element) of this list.
* @return the head of this list
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
* @since 1.5
public E element() {
return getFirst();
* Retrieves and removes the head (first element) of this list
* @return the head of this list, or {@code null} if this list is empty
* @since 1.5
public E poll() {
if (size==0)
return null;
return removeFirst();
* Retrieves and removes the head (first element) of this list.
* @return the head of this list
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
* @since 1.5
public E remove() {
return removeFirst();
* Adds the specified element as the tail (last element) of this list.
* @param e the element to add
* @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link java.util.Queue#offer})
* @since 1.5
public boolean offer(E e) {
return add(e);
// Deque operations
* Inserts the specified element at the front of this list.
* @param e the element to insert
* @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Deque#offerFirst})
* @since 1.6
public boolean offerFirst(E e) {
return true;
* Inserts the specified element at the end of this list.
* @param e the element to insert
* @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Deque#offerLast})
* @since 1.6
public boolean offerLast(E e) {
return true;
* Retrieves, but does not remove, the first element of this list,
* or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
* @return the first element of this list, or {@code null}
* if this list is empty
* @since 1.6
public E peekFirst() {
if (size==0)
return null;
return getFirst();
* Retrieves, but does not remove, the last element of this list,
* or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
* @return the last element of this list, or {@code null}
* if this list is empty
* @since 1.6
public E peekLast() {
if (size==0)
return null;
return getLast();
* Retrieves and removes the first element of this list,
* or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
* @return the first element of this list, or {@code null} if
* this list is empty
* @since 1.6
public E pollFirst() {
if (size==0)
return null;
return removeFirst();
* Retrieves and removes the last element of this list,
* or returns {@code null} if this list is empty.
* @return the last element of this list, or {@code null} if
* this list is empty
* @since 1.6
public E pollLast() {
if (size==0)
return null;
return removeLast();
* Pushes an element onto the stack represented by this list. In other
* words, inserts the element at the front of this list.
* <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #addFirst}.
* @param e the element to push
* @since 1.6
public void push(E e) {
* Pops an element from the stack represented by this list. In other
* words, removes and returns the first element of this list.
* <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #removeFirst()}.
* @return the element at the front of this list (which is the top
* of the stack represented by this list)
* @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty
* @since 1.6
public E pop() {
return removeFirst();
* Removes the first occurrence of the specified element in this
* list (when traversing the list from head to tail). If the list
* does not contain the element, it is unchanged.
* @param o element to be removed from this list, if present
* @return {@code true} if the list contained the specified element
* @since 1.6
public boolean removeFirstOccurrence(Object o) {
return remove(o);
* Removes the last occurrence of the specified element in this
* list (when traversing the list from head to tail). If the list
* does not contain the element, it is unchanged.
* @param o element to be removed from this list, if present
* @return {@code true} if the list contained the specified element
* @since 1.6
public boolean removeLastOccurrence(Object o) {
for (Entry<E> e = header.previous; e != header; e = e.previous) {
if (o == e.element) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a list-iterator of the elements in this list (in proper
* sequence), starting at the specified position in the list.
* Obeys the general contract of {@code List.listIterator(int)}.<p>
* The list-iterator is <i>fail-fast</i>: if the list is structurally
* modified at any time after the Iterator is created, in any way except
* through the list-iterator's own {@code remove} or {@code add}
* methods, the list-iterator will throw a
* {@code ConcurrentModificationException}. Thus, in the face of
* concurrent modification, the iterator fails quickly and cleanly, rather
* than risking arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior at an undetermined
* time in the future.
* @param index index of the first element to be returned from the
* list-iterator (by a call to {@code next})
* @return a ListIterator of the elements in this list (in proper
* sequence), starting at the specified position in the list
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
* @see List#listIterator(int)
public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index) {
return new ListItr(index);
private class ListItr implements ListIterator<E> {
private Entry<E> lastReturned = header;
private Entry<E> next;
private int nextIndex;
private int expectedModCount = modCount;
ListItr(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index > size)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: "+index+
", Size: "+size);
if (index < (size >> 1)) {
next = header.next;
for (nextIndex=0; nextIndex<index; nextIndex++)
next = next.next;
} else {
next = header;
for (nextIndex=size; nextIndex>index; nextIndex--)
next = next.previous;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextIndex != size;
public E next() {
if (nextIndex == size)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
lastReturned = next;
next = next.next;
return lastReturned.element;
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return nextIndex != 0;
public E previous() {
if (nextIndex == 0)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
lastReturned = next = next.previous;
return lastReturned.element;
public int nextIndex() {
return nextIndex;
public int previousIndex() {
return nextIndex-1;
public void remove() {
Entry<E> lastNext = lastReturned.next;
try {
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (next==lastReturned)
next = lastNext;
lastReturned = header;
public void set(E e) {
if (lastReturned == header)
throw new IllegalStateException();
lastReturned.element = e;
public void add(E e) {
lastReturned = header;
addBefore(e, next);
final void checkForComodification() {
if (modCount != expectedModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
private static class Entry<E> {
E element;
Entry<E> next;
Entry<E> previous;
Entry(E element, Entry<E> next, Entry<E> previous) {
this.element = element;
this.next = next;
this.previous = previous;
private Entry<E> addBefore(E e, Entry<E> entry) {
Entry<E> newEntry = new Entry<E>(e, entry, entry.previous);
newEntry.previous.next = newEntry;
newEntry.next.previous = newEntry;
return newEntry;
private E remove(Entry<E> e) {
if (e == header)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
E result = e.element;
e.previous.next = e.next;
e.next.previous = e.previous;
e.next = e.previous = null;
e.element = null;
return result;
* @since 1.6
public Iterator<E> descendingIterator() {
return new DescendingIterator();
/** Adapter to provide descending iterators via ListItr.previous */
private class DescendingIterator implements Iterator<E> {
final ListItr itr = new ListItr(size());
public boolean hasNext() {
return itr.hasPrevious();
public E next() {
return itr.previous();
public void remove() {
* Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list
* in proper sequence (from first to last element).
* <p>The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are
* maintained by this list. (In other words, this method must allocate
* a new array). The caller is thus free to modify the returned array.
* <p>This method acts as bridge between array-based and collection-based
* APIs.
* @return an array containing all of the elements in this list
* in proper sequence
public Object[] toArray() {
Object[] result = new Object[size];
int i = 0;
for (Entry<E> e = header.next; e != header; e = e.next)
result[i++] = e.element;
return result;
* Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in
* proper sequence (from first to last element); the runtime type of
* the returned array is that of the specified array. If the list fits
* in the specified array, it is returned therein. Otherwise, a new
* array is allocated with the runtime type of the specified array and
* the size of this list.
* <p>If the list fits in the specified array with room to spare (i.e.,
* the array has more elements than the list), the element in the array
* immediately following the end of the list is set to {@code null}.
* (This is useful in determining the length of the list <i>only</i> if
* the caller knows that the list does not contain any null elements.)
* <p>Like the {@link #toArray()} method, this method acts as bridge between
* array-based and collection-based APIs. Further, this method allows
* precise control over the runtime type of the output array, and may,
* under certain circumstances, be used to save allocation costs.
* <p>Suppose {@code x} is a list known to contain only strings.
* The following code can be used to dump the list into a newly
* allocated array of {@code String}:
* <pre>
* String[] y = x.toArray(new String[0]);</pre>
* Note that {@code toArray(new Object[0])} is identical in function to
* {@code toArray()}.
* @param a the array into which the elements of the list are to
* be stored, if it is big enough; otherwise, a new array of the
* same runtime type is allocated for this purpose.
* @return an array containing the elements of the list
* @throws ArrayStoreException if the runtime type of the specified array
* is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in
* this list
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified array is null
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
if (a.length < size)
a = (T[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(
a.getClass().getComponentType(), size);
int i = 0;
Object[] result = a;
for (Entry<E> e = header.next; e != header; e = e.next)
result[i++] = e.element;
if (a.length > size)
a[size] = null;
return a;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user