8281217: Source file launch with security manager enabled fails

Reviewed-by: sundar
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Gibbons 2022-02-23 16:49:28 +00:00
parent 35076af13a
commit 99b8ed9dbf
3 changed files with 39 additions and 41 deletions

@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.NestingKind;
@ -129,7 +127,9 @@ public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable {
try {
new Main(System.err).run(VM.getRuntimeArguments(), args);
new Main(System.err)
.run(VM.getRuntimeArguments(), args);
} catch (Fault f) {
@ -162,6 +162,19 @@ public class Main {
this.out = out;
* Checks if a security manager is present and throws an exception if so.
* @return this object
* @throws Fault if a security manager is present
private Main checkSecurityManager() throws Fault {
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
throw new Fault(Errors.SecurityManager);
return this;
* Compiles a source file, and executes the main method it contains.

@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ launcher.error=\
no path for source file
cannot use source-code launcher with a security manager enabled
# 0: string
invalid path for source file: {0}

@ -213,48 +213,22 @@ public class SourceLauncherTest extends TestRunner {
public void testPermissions(Path base) throws IOException {
// does not work on exploded image, because the default policy file assumes jrt:; skip the test
if (Files.exists(Path.of(System.getProperty("java.home")).resolve("modules"))) {
out.println("JDK using exploded modules; test skipped");
Path policyFile = base.resolve("test.policy");
Path sourceFile = base.resolve("TestPermissions.java");
"grant codeBase \"jrt:/jdk.compiler\" {\n" +
" permission java.security.AllPermission;\n" +
"};\n" +
"grant codeBase \"" + sourceFile.toUri().toURL() + "\" {\n" +
" permission java.util.PropertyPermission \"user.dir\", \"read\";\n" +
public void testSecurityManager(Path base) throws IOException {
Path sourceFile = base.resolve("HelloWorld.java");
"import java.net.URL;\n" +
"class TestPermissions {\n" +
" public static void main(String... args) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"user.dir=\" + System.getProperty(\"user.dir\"));\n" +
" try {\n" +
" System.setProperty(\"user.dir\", \"\");\n" +
" System.out.println(\"no exception\");\n" +
" System.exit(1);\n" +
" } catch (SecurityException e) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"exception: \" + e);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"class HelloWorld {\n" +
" public static void main(String... args) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"Hello World!\");\n" +
" }\n" +
String log = new JavaTask(tb)
.vmOptions("-Djava.security.manager", "-Djava.security.policy=" + policyFile)
checkEqual("stdout", log.trim(),
"user.dir=" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\n" +
"exception: java.security.AccessControlException: " +
"access denied (\"java.util.PropertyPermission\" \"user.dir\" \"write\")");
checkContains("stderr", log,
"error: cannot use source-code launcher with a security manager enabled");
public void testSystemProperty(Path base) throws IOException {
@ -710,6 +684,14 @@ public class SourceLauncherTest extends TestRunner {
void checkContains(String name, String found, String expect) {
expect = expect.replace("\n", tb.lineSeparator);
out.println(name + ": " + found);
if (!found.contains(expect)) {
error("Expected output not found: " + expect);
void checkEqual(String name, List<String> found, List<String> expect) {
out.println(name + ": " + found);
tb.checkEqual(expect, found);