From 9ff555083a1ba367ea157b8e1de28e62c1ce2f19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Weijun Wang Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 16:24:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] 8307077: Convert CRLF to LF in java.xml.crypto Reviewed-by: mullan --- .../xml/internal/security/resource/config.dtd | 146 +- .../xml/internal/security/resource/config.xml | 1364 ++++++++--------- .../resource/ | 396 ++--- .../resource/ | 400 ++--- 4 files changed, 1153 insertions(+), 1153 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.dtd b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.dtd index f57b9fabe4d..1e886bf1776 100644 --- a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.dtd +++ b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.dtd @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.xml b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.xml index bbd26a399ca..ed87c833c1e 100644 --- a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.xml +++ b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/config.xml @@ -1,682 +1,682 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ index 03a2369566c..47b867889f5 100644 --- a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ +++ b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ @@ -1,199 +1,199 @@ -# -# -# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one -# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file -# distributed with this work for additional information -# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file -# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the -# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance -# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, -# software distributed under the License is distributed on an -# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY -# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the -# specific language governing permissions and limitations -# under the License. -# -# - -algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} wurde bereits an die Klasse {1} gebunden -algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Kann URI {0} nicht f\u00fcr Klasse {1} registrieren weil sie nicht existiert -algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Klasse {0} existiert nicht -algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Kann URI {0} nicht f\u00fcr Klasse {1} registrieren weil sie nicht von {2} abgeleitet ist -algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = AlgorithmParameterSpec kann nicht f\u00fcr DSA Signaturen benutzt werden. -algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = AlgorithmParameterSpec kann nicht f\u00fcr RSA Signaturen benutzt werden. -algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = SecureRandom kann nicht f\u00fcr MAC's angewandt werden. -algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMax = HMACOutputLength darf nicht grosser als {0} sein -algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMin = HMACOutputLength darf nicht kleiner als {0} sein -algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = Die HMACOutputLength kann nur bei HMAC integrit\u00e4ts Algorithmen angegeben werden -algorithms.MissingRSAPSSParams = RSAPSSParams is a required Element for -algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar. -algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar. Original Nachricht war\: {1} -algorithms.NoSuchMap = Algorithmus URI "{0}" konnte auf keinen JCE Algorithmus gemappt werden -algorithms.NoSuchProvider = Der angegebene Provider {0} existiert nicht. Original Nachricht war\: {1} -algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = Ein \u00f6ffentlicher Schl\u00fcssel (public key) kann nur zur Verifizierung einer Signatur verwendet werden. -algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Der angegebene Schl\u00fcssel-Typ kann nicht f\u00fcr diese Operation verwendet werden. Angegeben wurde {0} aber ein {1} wird ben\u00f6tigt. -attributeValueIllegal = Das Attribut {0} hat den Wert {1} muss aber {2} sein. -c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Fehler w\u00e4hrend der Kanonisierung\: Original Nachricht war {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Unzul\u00e4ssiger NodeType {0}, NodeName lautete {1} -c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = Kein Kanonisierer mit dem URI {0} gefunden -c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException w\u00e4hrend der Kanonisierung\: Original Nachricht war {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Das Element {0} hat einen relativen Namespace: {1}="{2}" -c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException w\u00e4hrend der Kanonisierung\: Original Nachricht war {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = Das DOM Dokument unterst\u00fctzt keine Traversal {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Nicht unterst\u00fctzte Kodierung {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = Der Kanonisierer unterst\u00fctzt diese Operation nicht -c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = Die Baumstruktur wurde nicht vorbereitet f\u00fcr die Kanonisierung mit XMLUtils\#circumventBug2650(Document) -certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Das Zertifikat dard kein SubjectKeyIdentifier enthalten da es nur ein X509v{0} ist -certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Der SubjectKeyIdentifier des Zertifikates ist kein "OctetString" -certificate.noSki.null = Das Zertifikat enth\u00e4lt kein SubjectKeyIdentifier -defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Standard Namespace kann hier nicht gesetzt werden -ElementProxy.nullElement = Kann keinen ElementProxy aus einem null Argument erzeugen -empty = {0} -encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0} -encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams -encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt -encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap -encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = Das xenc\:KeySize Element fordert eine Schl\u00fcssel-L\u00e4nge von {0} bits aber der Algorithmus besitzt {1} bits -encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = Das angegebene "Nonce" ist l\u00e4nger als der verf\u00fcgbare Plaintext. -encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = Falscher Hash-Wert -encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = Falscher Start Input {0} -encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = Zu wenig Input -encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = Block abgeschnitten -encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = Im Block sind keine Daten enthalten -encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = Unbekannter Block Typ -encryption.nokey = Es ist kein verschl\u00fcsselungs Schl\u00fcssel geladen und es konnte kein Schl\u00fcssel mit Hilfe der "key resolvers" gefunden werden. -endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Leider scheint niemand unsere Installations-Anleitung zu lesen, deshalb m\u00fcssen wir es \u00fcber die Exception machen\: Du hast den "endorsing" Mechanismus vom JDK 1.4 nicht richtig angewandt. Schaue unter nach wie man das Problem l\u00f6st. -errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = Ung\u00fcltige Signatur\: Referen-Validierung fehlgeschlagen. -errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = Ung\u00fcltige Signatur\: Core Validierung fehlgeschlagen. -errorMessages.IOException = Datei oder Resource kann nicht gelesen werden. -errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen, weil der \u00f6ffentliche Schl\u00fcssel (public key) nicht verf\u00fcgbar ist. Resourcen via addResource() hinzuf\u00fcgen und erneut versuchen. -errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen, weil Resourcen nicht verf\u00fcgbar sind. Resourcen via addResource() hinzuf\u00fcgen und erneut versuchen. -errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unbekannter Algorithmus {0} -errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Funktionalit\u00e4t noch nicht implementiert. -errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verifizierung aus unbekanntem Grund fehlgeschlagen. -decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four -decoding.general = Fehler beim Decodieren -FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Methode addToDefaultFromRemote() wurde noch nicht implementiert. -FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Kein X509-Zertifikat mit Kontext {0} gefunden -FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Kein X509-Zertifikat mit IssuerName {0} und serial number {1} gefunden -FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Kein X509-Zertifikat mit SubjectName {0} gefunden -generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = Konstruktions-Element fehlt -generic.EmptyMessage = {0} -generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Leider noch nicht implementiert ;-(( = Ung\u00fcltiger Schl\u00fcssel = Unbekannter oder nicht unterst\u00fctzter Provider = Unbekannter oder nicht unterst\u00fctzter Schl\u00fcssel-Typ {0} -KeyInfo.error = Error loading Key Info -KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = Es m\u00fcssen mehrere KeyResolver registriert sein -KeyInfo.nokey = Kann keinen Schl\u00fcssel aus {0} gewinnen -KeyInfo.noKey = Kann keinen \u00f6ffentlichen Schl\u00fcssel finden -KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Ben\u00f6tige {0} keyObjects -KeyInfo.wrongUse = Dieses Objekt wird verwendet, um {0} zu gewinnen -keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = Die Klasse {1} wurde bereits registriert f\u00fcr {0} -KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Es wird ein StorageResolver ben\u00f6tigt um ein Zertifikat aus {0} zu holen -KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage Fehler in der implementierenden Klasse {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = Es wird der Typ {1} ben\u00f6tigt in der implementierenden Klasse {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject = Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0} -KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = Klasse {0} bereits registriert f\u00fcr {1} -KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error in class {0} -KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registrierungsfehler f\u00fcr Typ {0} -KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Kann kein {0} aus {1} erzeugen -namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace {0} wird bereits von einer anderen URI {1} gebraucht -notYetInitialized = Das Modul {0} ist noch nicht initialisiert -prefix.AlreadyAssigned = Sie binden den Prefix {0} an den Namespace {1} aber er ist bereits an {2} zugewiesen -signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unbekannter Kanonisierer. Kein Handler installiert f\u00fcr URI {0} -signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Ung\u00fcltige ASN.1 Kodierung der DSA Signatur -signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = Es muss zuerst XMLSignature.sign( aufgerufen werden -signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = Der "Resolver" {0} ist bei aktivierter "secure validation" nicht erlaubt -signature.Reference.NoDigestMethod = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestMethod child -signature.Reference.NoDigestValue = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestValue child -signature.signatureAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist bei aktivierter "secure validation" nicht erlaubt -signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = Das Target Attribut der SignatureProperty muss gesetzt sein -signature.tooManyReferences = Das Manifest enth\u00e4lt {0} Referenzen, bei aktivierter "secure validation" sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt -signature.tooManyTransforms = Die Referenz enth\u00e4lt {0} Transformationen, bei aktivierter "secure validation" sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt -signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = W\u00e4hrend der Transformation {0} trat eine {1} auf. -signature.Transform.ForbiddenTransform = Die Transformation {0} ist bei aktivierter "secure validation" nicht erlaubt -signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} noch nicht implementiert -signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer als URI \u00fcbergeben. Programmierfehler? -signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unbekannte Transformation. Kein Handler installiert f\u00fcr URI {0} -signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() muss positiv sein -signature.Util.NonTextNode = Keine Text Node -signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Zu viele Kind-Elemente vom Typ {0} in {1} -signature.Verification.certificateError = Zertifikatsfehler -signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. Es sind nur {1} Referenzen vorhanden -signature.Verification.internalError = Interner Fehler -signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Ung\u00fcltiger Digest Wert der Referenz {0} -signature.Verification.InvalidElement = Current Node {0} is not permitted in this location in the Signature -signature.Verification.keyStore = \u00d6ffnen des KeyStore fehlgeschlagen -signature.Verification.MissingID = Element mit der ID {0} nicht gefunden -signature.Verification.MissingResources = Kann die externe Resource {0} nicht aufl\u00f6sen -signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Mehrere Elemente mit der ID {0} gefunden -signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input Dokument enth\u00e4lt kein {0} Element mit dem Namespace {1} -signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = Die Referenz f\u00fcr den URI {0} hat keinen XMLSignatureInput erhalten. -signature.Verification.SignatureError = Signatur Fehler -signature.XMLSignatureInput.MissingConstuctor = Kann aus der Klasse {0} keinen XMLSignatureInput erzeugen -signature.XMLSignatureInput.SerializeDOM = Input mit einem DOM Dokument initialisiert. Muss mit C14N serialisiert werden -transform.Init.IllegalContextArgument = Unzul\u00e4ssiges Kontext Argument der Klasse {0}. Muss String, org.w3c.dom.NodeList oder sein. -transform.init.NotInitialized = -transform.init.wrongURI = Initialisiert mit dem falschen URI. Das sollte nie passieren. Die Transformation implementiert {0} aber {1} wurde bei der Instantiierung verwendet. -utils.Base64.IllegalBitlength = Ung\u00fcltige Byte-L\u00e4nge; Muss ein vielfaches von 4 sein -utils.resolver.noClass = Keinen Resolver f\u00fcr URI {0} und Base {1} gefunden -xml.WrongContent = Kann {0} nicht finden in {1} -xml.WrongElement = Kann kein {0} aus einem {1} Element erzeugen -xpath.funcHere.documentsDiffer = Der XPath ist nicht im selben Dokument wie der Kontext Node -xpath.funcHere.noXPathContext = Versuch einer XPath-Evaluierung welcher die Funktion here() benutzt aber der XPath ist nicht innerhalb eines ds\:XPath Elements. XPath \: {0} -signature.Transform.node = Aktuelle Node\: {0} -signature.Transform.nodeAndType = Aktuelle Node\: {0}, Typ\: {1} -signature.XMLSignatureInput.nodesetReference = Das Node-Set der Referenz konnte nicht konvertieren werden -transform.envelopedSignatureTransformNotInSignatureElement = Enveloped Transform konnte kein Signatur Element finden -Base64Decoding = Fehler bei der Decodierung -secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference = Die Referenz enth\u00e4lt {0} Transformationen. Es sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt. Die Limite kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference" erh\u00f6ht werden. -secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest = Das Manifest enh\u00e4lt {0} Referenzen. Es sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt. Die Limite kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest" erh\u00f6ht werden. -secureProcessing.DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests = Signatur-Manifests werden nicht unterst\u00fctzt. Das werfen dieser Exception kann durch das Konfigurations-Property "DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests" verhindert werden. -secureProcessing.AllowMD5Algorithm = Vom Einsatz des MD5 Algorithmus wird strengstens abgeraten. Trotzdem kann er \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "AllowMD5Algorithm" erlaubt werden. -secureProcessing.AllowNotSameDocumentReferences = Externe Referenzen gefunden. Die Verarbeitung von externen Referenzen ist standardm\u00e4ssig ausgeschaltet. Es kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "AllowNotSameDocumentReferences" aktiviert werden. -secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth = Die Maximum erlaubte Dokumenten-Tiefe von ({0}) wurde erreicht. Die Limite kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth" erh\u00f6ht werden. -secureProcessing.inputStreamLimitReached = Maximal erlaubte Anzahl bytes ({0}) erreicht. -stax.duplicateActions=Doppelte Actions sind nicht erlaubt. -stax.missingSecurityProperties = SecurityProperties darf nicht null sein\! -stax.noOutputAction = Keine ausgehenden "Actions" definiert. -stax.noKey = Kein Schl\u00fcssel geladen und es konnte kein Schl\u00fcssel gefunden werden f\u00fcr {0} -stax.keyNotFound = Schl\u00fcssel nicht gefunden. -stax.unsupportedKeyValue = Kein oder ung\u00fcltiger KeyValue. -stax.emptyReferenceURI = Referenz enth\u00e4lt kein URI Attribut. -stax.encryption.unprocessedReferences = Es wurden nicht alle Verschl\u00fcsselungs-Referenzen verarbeitet... -stax.signature.unprocessedReferences = Es wurden nicht alle Signatur-Referenzen verarbeitet... -stax.unsupportedToken = {0} nicht unterst\u00fctzt. -stax.xmlStructureSizeExceeded = Maximal erlaubte ({0}) XML-Struktur Tiefe erreicht. -stax.unexpectedXMLEvent = Unerwarteter StAX-Event\: {0} -stax.encryption.noEncAlgo = xenc\:EncryptedKey enth\u00e4lt kein xenc\:EncryptionMethod/@Algorithm. -stax.encryption.noCipherValue = EncryptedKey enth\u00e4lt kein xenc\:CipherData/xenc\:CipherValue. -stax.unsecuredMessage = Ungesicherte Nachricht. Weder ein Signatur- noch ein EncryptedData- Element wurde gefunden. -stax.signature.signedInfoMissing = SignedInfo Element fehlt. -stax.signature.signatureMethodMissing = Signature method fehlt. -stax.signature.canonicalizationMethodMissing = Signature canonicalization method fehlt. -stax.signature.signatureValueMissing = Signature value fehlt. -stax.signature.publicKeyOrCertificateMissing = Weder ein Zertifikat noch ein public-key wurde konfiguriert. -stax.encryption.encryptionKeyMissing = Kein Schl\u00fcssel f\u00fcr die Verschl\u00fcsselung wurde konfiguriert. -stax.unsupportedKeyTransp = Der public-key Algorithmus ist zu kurz um den symmetrischen Schl\u00fcssel zu verschl\u00fcsseln. -stax.recursiveKeyReference = Rekursive Schl\u00fcssel referenzierung detektiert. -stax.ecParametersNotSupported = ECParameters werden nicht unterst\u00fctzt. -stax.namedCurveMissing = NamedCurve fehlt. -stax.encryption.securePartNotFound = Part zum Verschl\u00fcsseln nicht gefunden: {0} -stax.signature.securePartNotFound = Part zum Signieren nicht gefunden: {0} -stax.multipleSignaturesNotSupported = Mehrere Signaturen werden nicht unterstützt. -stax.signature.keyNameMissing = KeyName nicht konfiguriert. -stax.keyNotFoundForName = Kein Schl\u00fcssel für Schl\u00fcsselname konfiguriert: {0} -stax.keyTypeNotSupported = Key vom Typ {0} nicht f\u00fcr einen Key-Namenssuche unterst\u00fctzt -stax.idsetbutnotgenerated = An Id attribute is specified, but Id generation is disabled +# +# +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one +# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file +# distributed with this work for additional information +# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance +# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, +# software distributed under the License is distributed on an +# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY +# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +# specific language governing permissions and limitations +# under the License. +# +# + +algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} wurde bereits an die Klasse {1} gebunden +algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Kann URI {0} nicht f\u00fcr Klasse {1} registrieren weil sie nicht existiert +algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Klasse {0} existiert nicht +algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Kann URI {0} nicht f\u00fcr Klasse {1} registrieren weil sie nicht von {2} abgeleitet ist +algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = AlgorithmParameterSpec kann nicht f\u00fcr DSA Signaturen benutzt werden. +algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = AlgorithmParameterSpec kann nicht f\u00fcr RSA Signaturen benutzt werden. +algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = SecureRandom kann nicht f\u00fcr MAC's angewandt werden. +algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMax = HMACOutputLength darf nicht grosser als {0} sein +algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMin = HMACOutputLength darf nicht kleiner als {0} sein +algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = Die HMACOutputLength kann nur bei HMAC integrit\u00e4ts Algorithmen angegeben werden +algorithms.MissingRSAPSSParams = RSAPSSParams is a required Element for +algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar. +algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist nicht verf\u00fcgbar. Original Nachricht war\: {1} +algorithms.NoSuchMap = Algorithmus URI "{0}" konnte auf keinen JCE Algorithmus gemappt werden +algorithms.NoSuchProvider = Der angegebene Provider {0} existiert nicht. Original Nachricht war\: {1} +algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = Ein \u00f6ffentlicher Schl\u00fcssel (public key) kann nur zur Verifizierung einer Signatur verwendet werden. +algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Der angegebene Schl\u00fcssel-Typ kann nicht f\u00fcr diese Operation verwendet werden. Angegeben wurde {0} aber ein {1} wird ben\u00f6tigt. +attributeValueIllegal = Das Attribut {0} hat den Wert {1} muss aber {2} sein. +c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Fehler w\u00e4hrend der Kanonisierung\: Original Nachricht war {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Unzul\u00e4ssiger NodeType {0}, NodeName lautete {1} +c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = Kein Kanonisierer mit dem URI {0} gefunden +c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException w\u00e4hrend der Kanonisierung\: Original Nachricht war {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Das Element {0} hat einen relativen Namespace: {1}="{2}" +c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException w\u00e4hrend der Kanonisierung\: Original Nachricht war {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = Das DOM Dokument unterst\u00fctzt keine Traversal {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Nicht unterst\u00fctzte Kodierung {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = Der Kanonisierer unterst\u00fctzt diese Operation nicht +c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = Die Baumstruktur wurde nicht vorbereitet f\u00fcr die Kanonisierung mit XMLUtils\#circumventBug2650(Document) +certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Das Zertifikat dard kein SubjectKeyIdentifier enthalten da es nur ein X509v{0} ist +certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Der SubjectKeyIdentifier des Zertifikates ist kein "OctetString" +certificate.noSki.null = Das Zertifikat enth\u00e4lt kein SubjectKeyIdentifier +defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Standard Namespace kann hier nicht gesetzt werden +ElementProxy.nullElement = Kann keinen ElementProxy aus einem null Argument erzeugen +empty = {0} +encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0} +encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams +encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt +encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap +encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = Das xenc\:KeySize Element fordert eine Schl\u00fcssel-L\u00e4nge von {0} bits aber der Algorithmus besitzt {1} bits +encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = Das angegebene "Nonce" ist l\u00e4nger als der verf\u00fcgbare Plaintext. +encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = Falscher Hash-Wert +encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = Falscher Start Input {0} +encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = Zu wenig Input +encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = Block abgeschnitten +encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = Im Block sind keine Daten enthalten +encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = Unbekannter Block Typ +encryption.nokey = Es ist kein verschl\u00fcsselungs Schl\u00fcssel geladen und es konnte kein Schl\u00fcssel mit Hilfe der "key resolvers" gefunden werden. +endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Leider scheint niemand unsere Installations-Anleitung zu lesen, deshalb m\u00fcssen wir es \u00fcber die Exception machen\: Du hast den "endorsing" Mechanismus vom JDK 1.4 nicht richtig angewandt. Schaue unter nach wie man das Problem l\u00f6st. +errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = Ung\u00fcltige Signatur\: Referen-Validierung fehlgeschlagen. +errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = Ung\u00fcltige Signatur\: Core Validierung fehlgeschlagen. +errorMessages.IOException = Datei oder Resource kann nicht gelesen werden. +errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen, weil der \u00f6ffentliche Schl\u00fcssel (public key) nicht verf\u00fcgbar ist. Resourcen via addResource() hinzuf\u00fcgen und erneut versuchen. +errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen, weil Resourcen nicht verf\u00fcgbar sind. Resourcen via addResource() hinzuf\u00fcgen und erneut versuchen. +errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unbekannter Algorithmus {0} +errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Funktionalit\u00e4t noch nicht implementiert. +errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verifizierung aus unbekanntem Grund fehlgeschlagen. +decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four +decoding.general = Fehler beim Decodieren +FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Methode addToDefaultFromRemote() wurde noch nicht implementiert. +FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Kein X509-Zertifikat mit Kontext {0} gefunden +FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Kein X509-Zertifikat mit IssuerName {0} und serial number {1} gefunden +FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Kein X509-Zertifikat mit SubjectName {0} gefunden +generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = Konstruktions-Element fehlt +generic.EmptyMessage = {0} +generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Leider noch nicht implementiert ;-(( = Ung\u00fcltiger Schl\u00fcssel = Unbekannter oder nicht unterst\u00fctzter Provider = Unbekannter oder nicht unterst\u00fctzter Schl\u00fcssel-Typ {0} +KeyInfo.error = Error loading Key Info +KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = Es m\u00fcssen mehrere KeyResolver registriert sein +KeyInfo.nokey = Kann keinen Schl\u00fcssel aus {0} gewinnen +KeyInfo.noKey = Kann keinen \u00f6ffentlichen Schl\u00fcssel finden +KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Ben\u00f6tige {0} keyObjects +KeyInfo.wrongUse = Dieses Objekt wird verwendet, um {0} zu gewinnen +keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = Die Klasse {1} wurde bereits registriert f\u00fcr {0} +KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Es wird ein StorageResolver ben\u00f6tigt um ein Zertifikat aus {0} zu holen +KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage Fehler in der implementierenden Klasse {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = Es wird der Typ {1} ben\u00f6tigt in der implementierenden Klasse {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject = Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0} +KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = Klasse {0} bereits registriert f\u00fcr {1} +KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error in class {0} +KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registrierungsfehler f\u00fcr Typ {0} +KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Kann kein {0} aus {1} erzeugen +namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace {0} wird bereits von einer anderen URI {1} gebraucht +notYetInitialized = Das Modul {0} ist noch nicht initialisiert +prefix.AlreadyAssigned = Sie binden den Prefix {0} an den Namespace {1} aber er ist bereits an {2} zugewiesen +signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unbekannter Kanonisierer. Kein Handler installiert f\u00fcr URI {0} +signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Ung\u00fcltige ASN.1 Kodierung der DSA Signatur +signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = Es muss zuerst XMLSignature.sign( aufgerufen werden +signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = Der "Resolver" {0} ist bei aktivierter "secure validation" nicht erlaubt +signature.Reference.NoDigestMethod = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestMethod child +signature.Reference.NoDigestValue = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestValue child +signature.signatureAlgorithm = Der Algorithmus {0} ist bei aktivierter "secure validation" nicht erlaubt +signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = Das Target Attribut der SignatureProperty muss gesetzt sein +signature.tooManyReferences = Das Manifest enth\u00e4lt {0} Referenzen, bei aktivierter "secure validation" sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt +signature.tooManyTransforms = Die Referenz enth\u00e4lt {0} Transformationen, bei aktivierter "secure validation" sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt +signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = W\u00e4hrend der Transformation {0} trat eine {1} auf. +signature.Transform.ForbiddenTransform = Die Transformation {0} ist bei aktivierter "secure validation" nicht erlaubt +signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} noch nicht implementiert +signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer als URI \u00fcbergeben. Programmierfehler? +signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unbekannte Transformation. Kein Handler installiert f\u00fcr URI {0} +signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() muss positiv sein +signature.Util.NonTextNode = Keine Text Node +signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Zu viele Kind-Elemente vom Typ {0} in {1} +signature.Verification.certificateError = Zertifikatsfehler +signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. Es sind nur {1} Referenzen vorhanden +signature.Verification.internalError = Interner Fehler +signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Ung\u00fcltiger Digest Wert der Referenz {0} +signature.Verification.InvalidElement = Current Node {0} is not permitted in this location in the Signature +signature.Verification.keyStore = \u00d6ffnen des KeyStore fehlgeschlagen +signature.Verification.MissingID = Element mit der ID {0} nicht gefunden +signature.Verification.MissingResources = Kann die externe Resource {0} nicht aufl\u00f6sen +signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Mehrere Elemente mit der ID {0} gefunden +signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input Dokument enth\u00e4lt kein {0} Element mit dem Namespace {1} +signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = Die Referenz f\u00fcr den URI {0} hat keinen XMLSignatureInput erhalten. +signature.Verification.SignatureError = Signatur Fehler +signature.XMLSignatureInput.MissingConstuctor = Kann aus der Klasse {0} keinen XMLSignatureInput erzeugen +signature.XMLSignatureInput.SerializeDOM = Input mit einem DOM Dokument initialisiert. Muss mit C14N serialisiert werden +transform.Init.IllegalContextArgument = Unzul\u00e4ssiges Kontext Argument der Klasse {0}. Muss String, org.w3c.dom.NodeList oder sein. +transform.init.NotInitialized = +transform.init.wrongURI = Initialisiert mit dem falschen URI. Das sollte nie passieren. Die Transformation implementiert {0} aber {1} wurde bei der Instantiierung verwendet. +utils.Base64.IllegalBitlength = Ung\u00fcltige Byte-L\u00e4nge; Muss ein vielfaches von 4 sein +utils.resolver.noClass = Keinen Resolver f\u00fcr URI {0} und Base {1} gefunden +xml.WrongContent = Kann {0} nicht finden in {1} +xml.WrongElement = Kann kein {0} aus einem {1} Element erzeugen +xpath.funcHere.documentsDiffer = Der XPath ist nicht im selben Dokument wie der Kontext Node +xpath.funcHere.noXPathContext = Versuch einer XPath-Evaluierung welcher die Funktion here() benutzt aber der XPath ist nicht innerhalb eines ds\:XPath Elements. XPath \: {0} +signature.Transform.node = Aktuelle Node\: {0} +signature.Transform.nodeAndType = Aktuelle Node\: {0}, Typ\: {1} +signature.XMLSignatureInput.nodesetReference = Das Node-Set der Referenz konnte nicht konvertieren werden +transform.envelopedSignatureTransformNotInSignatureElement = Enveloped Transform konnte kein Signatur Element finden +Base64Decoding = Fehler bei der Decodierung +secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference = Die Referenz enth\u00e4lt {0} Transformationen. Es sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt. Die Limite kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference" erh\u00f6ht werden. +secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest = Das Manifest enh\u00e4lt {0} Referenzen. Es sind aber maximal {1} erlaubt. Die Limite kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest" erh\u00f6ht werden. +secureProcessing.DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests = Signatur-Manifests werden nicht unterst\u00fctzt. Das werfen dieser Exception kann durch das Konfigurations-Property "DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests" verhindert werden. +secureProcessing.AllowMD5Algorithm = Vom Einsatz des MD5 Algorithmus wird strengstens abgeraten. Trotzdem kann er \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "AllowMD5Algorithm" erlaubt werden. +secureProcessing.AllowNotSameDocumentReferences = Externe Referenzen gefunden. Die Verarbeitung von externen Referenzen ist standardm\u00e4ssig ausgeschaltet. Es kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "AllowNotSameDocumentReferences" aktiviert werden. +secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth = Die Maximum erlaubte Dokumenten-Tiefe von ({0}) wurde erreicht. Die Limite kann \u00fcber das Konfigurations-Property "MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth" erh\u00f6ht werden. +secureProcessing.inputStreamLimitReached = Maximal erlaubte Anzahl bytes ({0}) erreicht. +stax.duplicateActions=Doppelte Actions sind nicht erlaubt. +stax.missingSecurityProperties = SecurityProperties darf nicht null sein\! +stax.noOutputAction = Keine ausgehenden "Actions" definiert. +stax.noKey = Kein Schl\u00fcssel geladen und es konnte kein Schl\u00fcssel gefunden werden f\u00fcr {0} +stax.keyNotFound = Schl\u00fcssel nicht gefunden. +stax.unsupportedKeyValue = Kein oder ung\u00fcltiger KeyValue. +stax.emptyReferenceURI = Referenz enth\u00e4lt kein URI Attribut. +stax.encryption.unprocessedReferences = Es wurden nicht alle Verschl\u00fcsselungs-Referenzen verarbeitet... +stax.signature.unprocessedReferences = Es wurden nicht alle Signatur-Referenzen verarbeitet... +stax.unsupportedToken = {0} nicht unterst\u00fctzt. +stax.xmlStructureSizeExceeded = Maximal erlaubte ({0}) XML-Struktur Tiefe erreicht. +stax.unexpectedXMLEvent = Unerwarteter StAX-Event\: {0} +stax.encryption.noEncAlgo = xenc\:EncryptedKey enth\u00e4lt kein xenc\:EncryptionMethod/@Algorithm. +stax.encryption.noCipherValue = EncryptedKey enth\u00e4lt kein xenc\:CipherData/xenc\:CipherValue. +stax.unsecuredMessage = Ungesicherte Nachricht. Weder ein Signatur- noch ein EncryptedData- Element wurde gefunden. +stax.signature.signedInfoMissing = SignedInfo Element fehlt. +stax.signature.signatureMethodMissing = Signature method fehlt. +stax.signature.canonicalizationMethodMissing = Signature canonicalization method fehlt. +stax.signature.signatureValueMissing = Signature value fehlt. +stax.signature.publicKeyOrCertificateMissing = Weder ein Zertifikat noch ein public-key wurde konfiguriert. +stax.encryption.encryptionKeyMissing = Kein Schl\u00fcssel f\u00fcr die Verschl\u00fcsselung wurde konfiguriert. +stax.unsupportedKeyTransp = Der public-key Algorithmus ist zu kurz um den symmetrischen Schl\u00fcssel zu verschl\u00fcsseln. +stax.recursiveKeyReference = Rekursive Schl\u00fcssel referenzierung detektiert. +stax.ecParametersNotSupported = ECParameters werden nicht unterst\u00fctzt. +stax.namedCurveMissing = NamedCurve fehlt. +stax.encryption.securePartNotFound = Part zum Verschl\u00fcsseln nicht gefunden: {0} +stax.signature.securePartNotFound = Part zum Signieren nicht gefunden: {0} +stax.multipleSignaturesNotSupported = Mehrere Signaturen werden nicht unterstützt. +stax.signature.keyNameMissing = KeyName nicht konfiguriert. +stax.keyNotFoundForName = Kein Schl\u00fcssel für Schl\u00fcsselname konfiguriert: {0} +stax.keyTypeNotSupported = Key vom Typ {0} nicht f\u00fcr einen Key-Namenssuche unterst\u00fctzt +stax.idsetbutnotgenerated = An Id attribute is specified, but Id generation is disabled stax.idgenerationdisablewithmultipleparts = Id generation must not be disabled when multiple parts need signing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ index 054372004be..db9c2d54463 100644 --- a/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ +++ b/src/java.xml.crypto/share/classes/com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/ @@ -1,200 +1,200 @@ -# -# -# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one -# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file -# distributed with this work for additional information -# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file -# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the -# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance -# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, -# software distributed under the License is distributed on an -# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY -# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the -# specific language governing permissions and limitations -# under the License. -# -# - -algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} already assigned to class {1} -algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because this class does not exist in CLASSPATH -algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Class {0} does not exist -algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because it does not extend {2} -algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating DSA signatures. -algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating RSA signatures. -algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = Sorry, but you cannot use a SecureRandom object for creating MACs. -algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMax = HMACOutputLength must not be more than {0} -algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMin = HMACOutputLength must not be less than {0} -algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = A HMACOutputLength can only be specified for HMAC integrity algorithms -algorithms.MissingRSAPSSParams = RSAPSSParams is a required Element for -algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithmNoEx = The requested algorithm {0} does not exist. -algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = The requested algorithm {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1} -algorithms.NoSuchMap = The algorithm URI "{0}" could not be mapped to a JCE algorithm -algorithms.NoSuchProvider = The specified Provider {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1} -algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = A public key can only used for verification of a signature. -algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a {0} but a {1} is needed. -attributeValueIllegal = The attribute {0} has value {1} but must be {2} -c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Exception during Canonicalization: Original Message was {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Illegal node type {0}, node name was {1} -c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = No canonicalizer found with URI {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException during Canonicalization: Original Message was {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Element {0} has a relative namespace: {1}="{2}" -c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException during Canonicalization: Original Message was {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = This DOM document does not support Traversal {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Unsupported encoding {0} -c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = This canonicalizer does not support this operation -c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = The tree has not been prepared for canonicalization using XMLUtils#circumventBug2650(Document) -certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Certificate cannot contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier because it is only X509v{0} -certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Certificates SubjectKeyIdentifier is not a OctetString -certificate.noSki.null = Certificate does not contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier -defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Default namespace cannot be set here -ElementProxy.nullElement = Cannot create an ElementProxy from a null argument -empty = {0} -encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0} -encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams -encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt -encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap -encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = The xenc:KeySize element requests a key size of {0} bit but the algorithm implements {1} bit -encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = The given nonce is longer than the available plaintext. I Cannot strip away this. -encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = data hash wrong -encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = data wrong start {0} -encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = data too short -encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = block truncated -encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = no data in block -encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = unknown block type -encryption.nokey = No Key Encryption Key loaded and cannot determine using key resolvers -endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Since it seems that nobody reads our installation notes, we must do it in the exception messages. Hope you read them. You did NOT use the endorsed mechanism from JDK 1.4 properly; look at how to solve this problem. -errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = INVALID signature -- check reference resolution. -errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = INVALID signature -- core validation failed. -errorMessages.IOException = Other file I/O and similar exceptions. -errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Cannot verify because of missing public key. Provide it via addResource and try again. -errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Cannot verify because of unresolved references. Provide it via addResource and try again. -errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unknown Algorithm {0} -errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Functionality not yet there. -errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verification failed for some other reason. -decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four -decoding.general = Error while decoding -FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Method addToDefaultFromRemote() not yet implemented. -FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Not found such a X509Certificate including context {0} -FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Not found such a X509Certificate with IssuerName {0} and serial number {1} -FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Not found such a X509Certificate including SubjectName {0} -generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = I do not have a construction Element -generic.EmptyMessage = {0} -generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Not YET implemented ;-(( = Invalid key = Unknown or unsupported provider = Unknown or unsupported key type {0} -KeyInfo.error = Error loading Key Info -KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = More than one keyResolver have to be registered -KeyInfo.nokey = Cannot get key from {0} -KeyInfo.noKey = Cannot get the public key -KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {0} keyObjects -KeyInfo.wrongUse = This object was made for getting {0} -keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = {1} class has already been registered for {0} -KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Need a StorageResolver to retrieve a Certificate from a {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage error in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = {1} type of Element is needed in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject = Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0} -KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0} -KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = {0} Class has already been registered for {1} -KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error in class {0} -KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registration error for type {0} -KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Cannot create a {0} from {1} -namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace prefix {0} already used by other URI {1} -notYetInitialized = The module {0} is not yet initialized -prefix.AlreadyAssigned = You want to assign {0} as prefix for namespace {1} but it is already assigned for {2} -signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unknown canonicalizer. No handler installed for URI {0} -signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Invalid ASN.1 encoding of the DSA signature -signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = You have to XMLSignature.sign( first -signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = It is forbidden to access resolver {0} when secure validation is enabled -signature.Reference.NoDigestMethod = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestMethod child -signature.Reference.NoDigestValue = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestValue child -signature.signatureAlgorithm = It is forbidden to use algorithm {0} when secure validation is enabled -signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = The Target attribute of the SignatureProperty must be set -signature.tooManyReferences = {0} references are contained in the Manifest, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation -signature.tooManyTransforms = {0} transforms are contained in the Reference, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation -signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = A {1} was thrown during the {0} transform -signature.Transform.ForbiddenTransform = Transform {0} is forbidden when secure validation is enabled -signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} not yet implemented -signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer as URI. Programming bug? -signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unknown transformation. No handler installed for URI {0} -signature.Transform.XPathError = Error evaluating XPath expression -signature.Transform.node = Current Node: {0} -signature.Transform.nodeAndType = Current Node: {0}, type: {1} -signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() must be positive -signature.Util.NonTextNode = Not a text node -signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Too many childs of Type {0} in {1} -signature.Verification.certificateError = Certificate error -signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. We only have {1} References -signature.Verification.internalError = Internal error -signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Invalid digest of reference {0} -signature.Verification.InvalidElement = Current Node {0} is not permitted in this location in the Signature -signature.Verification.keyStore = KeyStore error -signature.Verification.MissingID = Cannot resolve element with ID {0} -signature.Verification.MissingResources = Cannot resolve external resource {0} -signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Multiple Elements with the same ID {0} were detected -signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input document contains no {0} Element in namespace {1} -signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = The Reference for URI {0} has no XMLSignatureInput -signature.Verification.SignatureError = Signature error -signature.XMLSignatureInput.MissingConstuctor = Cannot construct a XMLSignatureInput from class {0} -signature.XMLSignatureInput.SerializeDOM = Input initialized with DOM Element. Use Canonicalization to serialize it -signature.XMLSignatureInput.nodesetReference = Unable to convert to nodeset the reference -transform.Init.IllegalContextArgument = Invalid context argument of class {0}. Must be String, org.w3c.dom.NodeList or -transform.init.NotInitialized = -transform.init.wrongURI = Initialized with wrong URI. How could this happen? We implement {0} but {1} was used during initialization -transform.envelopedSignatureTransformNotInSignatureElement = Enveloped Transform cannot find Signature element -utils.Base64.IllegalBitlength = Illegal byte length; Data to be decoded must be a multiple of 4 -Base64Decoding = Error while decoding -utils.resolver.noClass = Could not find a resolver for URI {0} and Base {1} -xml.WrongContent = Cannot find {0} in {1} -xml.WrongElement = Cannot create a {0} from a {1} element -xpath.funcHere.documentsDiffer = The XPath is not in the same document as the context node -xpath.funcHere.noXPathContext = Try to evaluate an XPath which uses the here() function but XPath is not inside an ds:XPath Element. XPath was : {0} -secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference = {0} transforms are contained in the Reference, maximum {1} are allowed. You can raise the maximum via the \"MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference\" property in the configuration. -secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest = {0} references are contained in the Manifest, maximum {1} are allowed. You can raise the maximum via the \"MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest\" property in the configuration. -secureProcessing.DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests = Signature Manifests are not supported. You can disable throwing of an exception via the \"DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests\" property in the configuration. -secureProcessing.AllowMD5Algorithm = The use of MD5 algorithm is strongly discouraged. Nonetheless can it be enabled via the \"AllowMD5Algorithm\" property in the configuration. -secureProcessing.AllowNotSameDocumentReferences = External references found. Processing of external references is disabled by default. You can enable it via the \"AllowNotSameDocumentReferences\" property in the configuration. -secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth = Maximum depth ({0}) of the XML structure reached. You can raise the maximum via the \"MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth\" property in the configuration. -secureProcessing.inputStreamLimitReached = Maximum byte count ({0}) reached. -stax.duplicateActions = Duplicate Actions are not allowed. -stax.missingSecurityProperties = SecurityProperties must not be null! -stax.noOutputAction = No outgoing actions specified. -stax.noKey = Key could not be resolved and no key was loaded for {0} -stax.keyNotFound = Key not found. -stax.unsupportedKeyValue = No or unsupported key in KeyValue. -stax.emptyReferenceURI = Reference is missing an URI attribute. -stax.encryption.unprocessedReferences = Some encryption references were not processed... -stax.signature.unprocessedReferences = Some signature references were not processed... -stax.unsupportedToken = {0} not supported. -stax.xmlStructureSizeExceeded = Maximum ({0}) allowed XML Structure size exceeded. -stax.unexpectedXMLEvent = Unexpected StAX-Event\: {0} -stax.encryption.noEncAlgo = xenc:EncryptedKey does not contain xenc:EncryptionMethod/@Algorithm. -stax.encryption.noCipherValue = EncryptedKey does not contain xenc:CipherData/xenc:CipherValue. -stax.unsecuredMessage = Unsecured message. Neither a Signature nor a EncryptedData element found. -stax.signature.signedInfoMissing = SignedInfo Element is missing. -stax.signature.signatureMethodMissing = Signature method is missing. -stax.signature.canonicalizationMethodMissing = Signature canonicalization method is missing. -stax.signature.signatureValueMissing = Signature value is missing. -stax.signature.publicKeyOrCertificateMissing = Certificate or public key not configured. -stax.encryption.encryptionKeyMissing = Key for encryption not configured. -stax.unsupportedKeyTransp = public key algorithm too weak to encrypt symmetric key. -stax.recursiveKeyReference = Recursive key reference detected. -stax.ecParametersNotSupported = ECParameters not supported. -stax.namedCurveMissing = NamedCurve is missing. -stax.encryption.securePartNotFound = Part to encrypt not found: {0} -stax.signature.securePartNotFound = Part to sign not found: {0} -stax.multipleSignaturesNotSupported = Multiple signatures are not supported. -stax.signature.keyNameMissing = KeyName not configured. -stax.keyNotFoundForName = No key configured for KeyName: {0} -stax.keyTypeNotSupported = Key of type {0} not supported for a KeyName lookup -stax.idsetbutnotgenerated = An Id attribute is specified, but Id generation is disabled -stax.idgenerationdisablewithmultipleparts = Id generation must not be disabled when multiple parts need signing +# +# +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one +# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file +# distributed with this work for additional information +# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance +# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, +# software distributed under the License is distributed on an +# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY +# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +# specific language governing permissions and limitations +# under the License. +# +# + +algorithm.alreadyRegistered = URI {0} already assigned to class {1} +algorithm.classDoesNotExist = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because this class does not exist in CLASSPATH +algorithm.ClassDoesNotExist = Class {0} does not exist +algorithm.extendsWrongClass = Cannot register URI {0} to class {1} because it does not extend {2} +algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnDSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating DSA signatures. +algorithms.CannotUseAlgorithmParameterSpecOnRSA = Sorry, but you cannot use a AlgorithmParameterSpec object for creating RSA signatures. +algorithms.CannotUseSecureRandomOnMAC = Sorry, but you cannot use a SecureRandom object for creating MACs. +algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMax = HMACOutputLength must not be more than {0} +algorithms.HMACOutputLengthMin = HMACOutputLength must not be less than {0} +algorithms.HMACOutputLengthOnlyForHMAC = A HMACOutputLength can only be specified for HMAC integrity algorithms +algorithms.MissingRSAPSSParams = RSAPSSParams is a required Element for +algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithmNoEx = The requested algorithm {0} does not exist. +algorithms.NoSuchAlgorithm = The requested algorithm {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1} +algorithms.NoSuchMap = The algorithm URI "{0}" could not be mapped to a JCE algorithm +algorithms.NoSuchProvider = The specified Provider {0} does not exist. Original Message was: {1} +algorithms.operationOnlyVerification = A public key can only used for verification of a signature. +algorithms.WrongKeyForThisOperation = Sorry, you supplied the wrong key type for this operation! You supplied a {0} but a {1} is needed. +attributeValueIllegal = The attribute {0} has value {1} but must be {2} +c14n.Canonicalizer.Exception = Exception during Canonicalization: Original Message was {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.IllegalNode = Illegal node type {0}, node name was {1} +c14n.Canonicalizer.NoSuchCanonicalizer = No canonicalizer found with URI {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.ParserConfigurationException = ParserConfigurationException during Canonicalization: Original Message was {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.RelativeNamespace = Element {0} has a relative namespace: {1}="{2}" +c14n.Canonicalizer.SAXException = SAXException during Canonicalization: Original Message was {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.TraversalNotSupported = This DOM document does not support Traversal {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedEncoding = Unsupported encoding {0} +c14n.Canonicalizer.UnsupportedOperation = This canonicalizer does not support this operation +c14n.XMLUtils.circumventBug2650forgotten = The tree has not been prepared for canonicalization using XMLUtils#circumventBug2650(Document) +certificate.noSki.lowVersion = Certificate cannot contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier because it is only X509v{0} +certificate.noSki.notOctetString = Certificates SubjectKeyIdentifier is not a OctetString +certificate.noSki.null = Certificate does not contain a SubjectKeyIdentifier +defaultNamespaceCannotBeSetHere = Default namespace cannot be set here +ElementProxy.nullElement = Cannot create an ElementProxy from a null argument +empty = {0} +encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData = encryption.algorithmCannotBeUsedForEncryptedData {0} +encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams = encryption.algorithmCannotEatInitParams +encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt = encryption.algorithmCannotEncryptDecrypt +encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap = encryption.algorithmCannotWrapUnWrap +encryption.ExplicitKeySizeMismatch = The xenc:KeySize element requests a key size of {0} bit but the algorithm implements {1} bit +encryption.nonceLongerThanDecryptedPlaintext = The given nonce is longer than the available plaintext. I Cannot strip away this. +encryption.RSAOAEP.dataHashWrong = data hash wrong +encryption.RSAOAEP.dataStartWrong = data wrong start {0} +encryption.RSAOAEP.dataTooShort = data too short +encryption.RSAPKCS15.blockTruncated = block truncated +encryption.RSAPKCS15.noDataInBlock = no data in block +encryption.RSAPKCS15.unknownBlockType = unknown block type +encryption.nokey = No Key Encryption Key loaded and cannot determine using key resolvers +endorsed.jdk1.4.0 = Since it seems that nobody reads our installation notes, we must do it in the exception messages. Hope you read them. You did NOT use the endorsed mechanism from JDK 1.4 properly; look at how to solve this problem. +errorMessages.InvalidDigestValueException = INVALID signature -- check reference resolution. +errorMessages.InvalidSignatureValueException = INVALID signature -- core validation failed. +errorMessages.IOException = Other file I/O and similar exceptions. +errorMessages.MissingKeyFailureException = Cannot verify because of missing public key. Provide it via addResource and try again. +errorMessages.MissingResourceFailureException = Cannot verify because of unresolved references. Provide it via addResource and try again. +errorMessages.NoSuchAlgorithmException = Unknown Algorithm {0} +errorMessages.NotYetImplementedException = Functionality not yet there. +errorMessages.XMLSignatureException = Verification failed for some other reason. +decoding.divisible.four = It should be divisible by four +decoding.general = Error while decoding +FileKeyStorageImpl.addToDefaultFromRemoteNotImplemented = Method addToDefaultFromRemote() not yet implemented. +FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.Context = Not found such a X509Certificate including context {0} +FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.IssNameSerNo = Not found such a X509Certificate with IssuerName {0} and serial number {1} +FileKeyStorageImpl.NoCert.SubjName = Not found such a X509Certificate including SubjectName {0} +generic.dontHaveConstructionElement = I do not have a construction Element +generic.EmptyMessage = {0} +generic.NotYetImplemented = {0} Not YET implemented ;-(( = Invalid key = Unknown or unsupported provider = Unknown or unsupported key type {0} +KeyInfo.error = Error loading Key Info +KeyInfo.needKeyResolver = More than one keyResolver have to be registered +KeyInfo.nokey = Cannot get key from {0} +KeyInfo.noKey = Cannot get the public key +KeyInfo.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {0} keyObjects +KeyInfo.wrongUse = This object was made for getting {0} +keyResolver.alreadyRegistered = {1} class has already been registered for {0} +KeyResolver.needStorageResolver = Need a StorageResolver to retrieve a Certificate from a {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.cannotGetCert = Cannot get the Certificate that include or in {1} in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.elementGeneration = Cannot make {1} element in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.getPoublicKey = Cannot get the public key from implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.InvalidElement = Cannot set (2) Element in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.keyStore = KeyStorage error in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.need.Element = {1} type of Element is needed in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongCRLElement = Cannot make CRL from {1} in implement class {0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongKeyObject = Need {1} type of KeyObject for generation Element in implement class{0} +KeyResoverSpiImpl.wrongNumberOfObject = Need {1} keyObject in implement class {0} +KeyStore.alreadyRegistered = {0} Class has already been registered for {1} +KeyStore.register = {1} type class register error in class {0} +KeyStore.registerStore.register = Registration error for type {0} +KeyValue.IllegalArgument = Cannot create a {0} from {1} +namespacePrefixAlreadyUsedByOtherURI = Namespace prefix {0} already used by other URI {1} +notYetInitialized = The module {0} is not yet initialized +prefix.AlreadyAssigned = You want to assign {0} as prefix for namespace {1} but it is already assigned for {2} +signature.Canonicalizer.UnknownCanonicalizer = Unknown canonicalizer. No handler installed for URI {0} +signature.DSA.invalidFormat = Invalid ASN.1 encoding of the DSA signature +signature.Generation.signBeforeGetValue = You have to XMLSignature.sign( first +signature.Reference.ForbiddenResolver = It is forbidden to access resolver {0} when secure validation is enabled +signature.Reference.NoDigestMethod = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestMethod child +signature.Reference.NoDigestValue = A Signature Reference Element must contain a DigestValue child +signature.signatureAlgorithm = It is forbidden to use algorithm {0} when secure validation is enabled +signature.signaturePropertyHasNoTarget = The Target attribute of the SignatureProperty must be set +signature.tooManyReferences = {0} references are contained in the Manifest, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation +signature.tooManyTransforms = {0} transforms are contained in the Reference, maximum {1} are allowed with secure validation +signature.Transform.ErrorDuringTransform = A {1} was thrown during the {0} transform +signature.Transform.ForbiddenTransform = Transform {0} is forbidden when secure validation is enabled +signature.Transform.NotYetImplemented = Transform {0} not yet implemented +signature.Transform.NullPointerTransform = Null pointer as URI. Programming bug? +signature.Transform.UnknownTransform = Unknown transformation. No handler installed for URI {0} +signature.Transform.XPathError = Error evaluating XPath expression +signature.Transform.node = Current Node: {0} +signature.Transform.nodeAndType = Current Node: {0}, type: {1} +signature.Util.BignumNonPositive = bigInteger.signum() must be positive +signature.Util.NonTextNode = Not a text node +signature.Util.TooManyChilds = Too many childs of Type {0} in {1} +signature.Verification.certificateError = Certificate error +signature.Verification.IndexOutOfBounds = Index {0} illegal. We only have {1} References +signature.Verification.internalError = Internal error +signature.Verification.InvalidDigestOrReference = Invalid digest of reference {0} +signature.Verification.InvalidElement = Current Node {0} is not permitted in this location in the Signature +signature.Verification.keyStore = KeyStore error +signature.Verification.MissingID = Cannot resolve element with ID {0} +signature.Verification.MissingResources = Cannot resolve external resource {0} +signature.Verification.MultipleIDs = Multiple Elements with the same ID {0} were detected +signature.Verification.NoSignatureElement = Input document contains no {0} Element in namespace {1} +signature.Verification.Reference.NoInput = The Reference for URI {0} has no XMLSignatureInput +signature.Verification.SignatureError = Signature error +signature.XMLSignatureInput.MissingConstuctor = Cannot construct a XMLSignatureInput from class {0} +signature.XMLSignatureInput.SerializeDOM = Input initialized with DOM Element. Use Canonicalization to serialize it +signature.XMLSignatureInput.nodesetReference = Unable to convert to nodeset the reference +transform.Init.IllegalContextArgument = Invalid context argument of class {0}. Must be String, org.w3c.dom.NodeList or +transform.init.NotInitialized = +transform.init.wrongURI = Initialized with wrong URI. How could this happen? We implement {0} but {1} was used during initialization +transform.envelopedSignatureTransformNotInSignatureElement = Enveloped Transform cannot find Signature element +utils.Base64.IllegalBitlength = Illegal byte length; Data to be decoded must be a multiple of 4 +Base64Decoding = Error while decoding +utils.resolver.noClass = Could not find a resolver for URI {0} and Base {1} +xml.WrongContent = Cannot find {0} in {1} +xml.WrongElement = Cannot create a {0} from a {1} element +xpath.funcHere.documentsDiffer = The XPath is not in the same document as the context node +xpath.funcHere.noXPathContext = Try to evaluate an XPath which uses the here() function but XPath is not inside an ds:XPath Element. XPath was : {0} +secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference = {0} transforms are contained in the Reference, maximum {1} are allowed. You can raise the maximum via the \"MaximumAllowedTransformsPerReference\" property in the configuration. +secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest = {0} references are contained in the Manifest, maximum {1} are allowed. You can raise the maximum via the \"MaximumAllowedReferencesPerManifest\" property in the configuration. +secureProcessing.DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests = Signature Manifests are not supported. You can disable throwing of an exception via the \"DoNotThrowExceptionForManifests\" property in the configuration. +secureProcessing.AllowMD5Algorithm = The use of MD5 algorithm is strongly discouraged. Nonetheless can it be enabled via the \"AllowMD5Algorithm\" property in the configuration. +secureProcessing.AllowNotSameDocumentReferences = External references found. Processing of external references is disabled by default. You can enable it via the \"AllowNotSameDocumentReferences\" property in the configuration. +secureProcessing.MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth = Maximum depth ({0}) of the XML structure reached. You can raise the maximum via the \"MaximumAllowedXMLStructureDepth\" property in the configuration. +secureProcessing.inputStreamLimitReached = Maximum byte count ({0}) reached. +stax.duplicateActions = Duplicate Actions are not allowed. +stax.missingSecurityProperties = SecurityProperties must not be null! +stax.noOutputAction = No outgoing actions specified. +stax.noKey = Key could not be resolved and no key was loaded for {0} +stax.keyNotFound = Key not found. +stax.unsupportedKeyValue = No or unsupported key in KeyValue. +stax.emptyReferenceURI = Reference is missing an URI attribute. +stax.encryption.unprocessedReferences = Some encryption references were not processed... +stax.signature.unprocessedReferences = Some signature references were not processed... +stax.unsupportedToken = {0} not supported. +stax.xmlStructureSizeExceeded = Maximum ({0}) allowed XML Structure size exceeded. +stax.unexpectedXMLEvent = Unexpected StAX-Event\: {0} +stax.encryption.noEncAlgo = xenc:EncryptedKey does not contain xenc:EncryptionMethod/@Algorithm. +stax.encryption.noCipherValue = EncryptedKey does not contain xenc:CipherData/xenc:CipherValue. +stax.unsecuredMessage = Unsecured message. Neither a Signature nor a EncryptedData element found. +stax.signature.signedInfoMissing = SignedInfo Element is missing. +stax.signature.signatureMethodMissing = Signature method is missing. +stax.signature.canonicalizationMethodMissing = Signature canonicalization method is missing. +stax.signature.signatureValueMissing = Signature value is missing. +stax.signature.publicKeyOrCertificateMissing = Certificate or public key not configured. +stax.encryption.encryptionKeyMissing = Key for encryption not configured. +stax.unsupportedKeyTransp = public key algorithm too weak to encrypt symmetric key. +stax.recursiveKeyReference = Recursive key reference detected. +stax.ecParametersNotSupported = ECParameters not supported. +stax.namedCurveMissing = NamedCurve is missing. +stax.encryption.securePartNotFound = Part to encrypt not found: {0} +stax.signature.securePartNotFound = Part to sign not found: {0} +stax.multipleSignaturesNotSupported = Multiple signatures are not supported. +stax.signature.keyNameMissing = KeyName not configured. +stax.keyNotFoundForName = No key configured for KeyName: {0} +stax.keyTypeNotSupported = Key of type {0} not supported for a KeyName lookup +stax.idsetbutnotgenerated = An Id attribute is specified, but Id generation is disabled +stax.idgenerationdisablewithmultipleparts = Id generation must not be disabled when multiple parts need signing