This commit is contained in:
Phil Race 2014-05-23 11:16:31 -07:00
commit a06fbd4beb
524 changed files with 13282 additions and 14606 deletions

@ -255,3 +255,4 @@ efe7dbc6088691757404e0c8745f894e3ca9c022 jdk9-b09
8c0bdeecd7c0f9ce3f3762a51991f755cb3a972c jdk9-b10
0809c9a4d36e6291f1c4384604c4bbf29e975722 jdk9-b11
0d1f816217dce5e72187f167cc1816080cbeb453 jdk9-b12
1a30593dcb9802faec3b6edb24d86ca088594e4e jdk9-b13

@ -255,3 +255,5 @@ db045d8faa0924b7378102d24a1a0d850c1e3834 jdk9-b08
fa13f2b926f8426876ec03e7903f3ee0ee150f2e jdk9-b10
ab55a18a95e1990a588929d5d29db3eb9985fea0 jdk9-b11
59f6350295f9681fe5956d8bc889bf341914c6cb jdk9-b12
5800456add07e1a68170a229fb5e27376f8875e5 jdk9-b13
4e3aa9723e9972623e3dafc321b368e7db7e9b3b jdk9-b14

# Finally, set some other options...
# When compiling code to be executed by the Boot JDK, force jdk7 compatibility.
BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET="-source 7 -target 7"
# When compiling code to be executed by the Boot JDK, force jdk8 compatibility.
BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET="-source 8 -target 8"

@ -26017,8 +26017,8 @@ $as_echo "$tool_specified" >&6; }
# Finally, set some other options...
# When compiling code to be executed by the Boot JDK, force jdk7 compatibility.
BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET="-source 7 -target 7"
# When compiling code to be executed by the Boot JDK, force jdk8 compatibility.
BOOT_JDK_SOURCETARGET="-source 8 -target 8"

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
@ -23,25 +22,40 @@
# questions.
# Shell script for a fast parallel forest command
# Shell script for a fast parallel forest/trees command
usage() {
echo "usage: $0 [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [-s|--sequential] [--] <command> [commands...]" > ${status_output}
echo "Environment variables which modify behaviour:"
echo " HGFOREST_QUIET : (boolean) If 'true' then standard output is redirected to /dev/null"
echo " HGFOREST_VERBOSE : (boolean) If 'true' then Mercurial asked to produce verbose output"
echo " HGFOREST_SEQUENTIAL : (boolean) If 'true' then repos are processed sequentially. Disables concurrency"
echo " HGFOREST_GLOBALOPTS : (string, must begin with space) Additional Mercurial global options"
echo " HGFOREST_REDIRECT : (file path) Redirect standard output to specified file"
echo " HGFOREST_FIFOS : (boolean) Default behaviour for FIFO detection. Does not override FIFOs disabled"
echo " HGFOREST_CONCURRENCY: (positive integer) Number of repos to process concurrently"
echo " HGFOREST_DEBUG : (boolean) If 'true' then temp files are retained"
exit 1
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
case $1 in
-h | --help )
-q | --quiet )
global_opts="${global_opts} -q"
-v | --verbose )
global_opts="${global_opts} -v"
-s | --sequential )
@ -63,39 +77,60 @@ do
# silence standard output?
if [ ${qflag} = "true" ] ; then
global_opts="${global_opts} -q"
command="$1"; shift
# verbose output?
if [ ${vflag} = "true" ] ; then
global_opts="${global_opts} -v"
usage() {
echo "usage: $0 [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [-s|--sequential] [--] <command> [commands...]" > ${status_output}
exit 1
if [ "x" = "x$command" ] ; then
# Make sure we have a command.
if [ $# -lt 1 -o -z "${1:-}" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: No command to hg supplied!"
# Check if we can use fifos for monitoring sub-process completion.
on_windows=`uname -s | egrep -ic -e 'cygwin|msys'`
if [ ${on_windows} = "1" ]; then
# cygwin has (2014-04-18) broken (single writer only) FIFOs
# msys has (2014-04-18) no FIFOs.
command="$1"; shift
# Clean out the temporary directory that stores the pid files.
rm -f -r ${tmp}
mkdir -p ${tmp}
if [ "${HGFOREST_DEBUG:-false}" = "true" ] ; then
echo "DEBUG: temp files are in: ${tmp}"
# Check if we can use fifos for monitoring sub-process completion.
echo "1" > ${tmp}/read
while read line; do
done < ${tmp}/read
rm ${tmp}/read
on_windows=`uname -s | egrep -ic -e 'cygwin|msys'`
if [ ${while_subshell} = "1" -o ${on_windows} = "1" ]; then
# cygwin has (2014-04-18) broken (single writer only) FIFOs
# msys has (2014-04-18) no FIFOs.
# older shells create a sub-shell for redirect to while
safe_interrupt () {
if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
if [ "`ls ${tmp}/*.pid`" != "" ]; then
echo "Waiting for processes ( `cat ${tmp}/*.pid | tr '\n' ' '`) to terminate nicely!" > ${status_output}
echo "Waiting for processes ( `cat ${tmp}/.*.pid ${tmp}/*.pid 2> /dev/null | tr '\n' ' '`) to terminate nicely!" > ${status_output}
sleep 1
# Pipe stderr to dev/null to silence kill, that complains when trying to kill
# a subprocess that has already exited.
@ -110,10 +145,12 @@ safe_interrupt () {
nice_exit () {
if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
if [ "`ls ${tmp}`" != "" ]; then
if [ "`ls -A ${tmp} 2> /dev/null`" != "" ]; then
rm -f -r ${tmp}
if [ "${HGFOREST_DEBUG:-false}" != "true" ] ; then
rm -f -r ${tmp}
@ -128,17 +165,20 @@ pull_default=""
if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone" ] ; then
# we must be a clone
if [ ! -f .hg/hgrc ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Need initial repository to use this script" > ${status_output}
exit 1
# the clone must know where it came from (have a default pull path).
pull_default=`hg paths default`
if [ "${pull_default}" = "" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Need initial clone with 'hg paths default' defined" > ${status_output}
exit 1
# determine which sub repos need to be cloned.
for i in ${subrepos} ; do
if [ ! -f ${i}/.hg/hgrc ] ; then
repos="${repos} ${i}"
@ -147,12 +187,15 @@ if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone
pull_default_tail=`echo ${pull_default} | sed -e 's@^.*://[^/]*/\(.*\)@\1@'`
if [ "${command_args}" != "" ] ; then
if [ -n "${command_args}" ] ; then
# if there is an "extra sources" path then reparent "extra" repos to that path
if [ "x${pull_default}" = "x${pull_default_tail}" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Need initial clone from non-local source" > ${status_output}
exit 1
# determine which extra subrepos need to be cloned.
for i in ${subrepos_extra} ; do
if [ ! -f ${i}/.hg/hgrc ] ; then
repos_extra="${repos_extra} ${i}"
@ -160,7 +203,7 @@ if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone
if [ "x${pull_default}" = "x${pull_default_tail}" ] ; then
# local source repo. Copy the extras ones that exist there.
# local source repo. Clone the "extra" subrepos that exist there.
for i in ${subrepos_extra} ; do
if [ -f ${pull_default}/${i}/.hg/hgrc -a ! -f ${i}/.hg/hgrc ] ; then
# sub-repo there in source but not here
@ -169,13 +212,17 @@ if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone
# Any repos to deal with?
if [ "${repos}" = "" -a "${repos_extra}" = "" ] ; then
echo "No repositories to process." > ${status_output}
# Repos to process concurrently. Clone does better with low concurrency.
# Process command for all of the present repos
for i in . ${subrepos} ${subrepos_extra} ; do
if [ -d ${i}/.hg ] ; then
repos="${repos} ${i}"
@ -189,6 +236,7 @@ else
# any of the repos locked?
for i in ${repos} ; do
if [ -h ${i}/.hg/store/lock -o -f ${i}/.hg/store/lock ] ; then
locked="${i} ${locked}"
@ -198,34 +246,39 @@ else
echo "ERROR: These repositories are locked: ${locked}" > ${status_output}
exit 1
# Repos to process concurrently.
# Echo out what repositories we do a command on.
echo "# Repositories: ${repos} ${repos_extra}" > ${status_output}
if [ "${command}" = "serve" ] ; then
# "serve" is run for all the repos.
# "serve" is run for all the repos as one command.
serving=`basename ${cwd}`
echo "[web]"
echo "description = $(basename $(pwd))"
echo "description = ${serving}"
echo "allow_push = *"
echo "push_ssl = False"
echo "[paths]"
for i in ${repos} ${repos_extra} ; do
for i in ${repos} ; do
if [ "${i}" != "." ] ; then
echo "/$(basename $(pwd))/${i} = ${i}"
echo "/${serving}/${i} = ${i}"
echo "/$(basename $(pwd)) = $(pwd)"
echo "/${serving} = ${cwd}"
) > ${tmp}/serve.web-conf
echo "serving root repo $(basename $(pwd))"
echo "serving root repo ${serving}" > ${status_output}
echo "hg${global_opts} serve" > ${status_output}
(PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} serve -A ${status_output} -E ${status_output} --pid-file ${tmp}/ --web-conf ${tmp}/serve.web-conf; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/ ) 2>&1 &
) 2>&1 | sed -e "s@^@serve: @" > ${status_output}
) &
@ -234,81 +287,93 @@ else
# n is the number of subprocess started or which might still be running.
if [ $have_fifos = "true" ]; then
if [ ${have_fifos} = "true" ]; then
# if we have fifos use them to detect command completion.
mkfifo ${tmp}/fifo
exec 3<>${tmp}/fifo
if [ "${sflag}" = "true" ] ; then
# force sequential
# iterate over all of the subrepos.
for i in ${repos} ${repos_extra} ; do
n=`expr ${n} '+' 1`
repopidfile=`echo ${i} | sed -e 's@./@@' -e 's@/@_@g'`
reponame=`echo ${i} | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,20\}$/ &/;ta'`
for j in $repos_extra ; do
if [ "$i" = "$j" ] ; then
# regular repo or "extra" repo?
for j in ${repos_extra} ; do
if [ "${i}" = "${j}" ] ; then
# it's an "extra"
# remove trailing slash
pull_base="`echo ${pull_base} | sed -e 's@[/]*$@@'`"
# execute the command on the subrepo
if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone" ] ; then
path="`dirname ${i}`"
if [ "${path}" != "." ] ; then
# some form of clone
parent_path="`dirname ${i}`"
if [ "${parent_path}" != "." ] ; then
while [ ! -d "${path}" ] ## nested repo, ensure containing dir exists
while [ ! -d "${parent_path}" ] ; do ## nested repo, ensure containing dir exists
if [ "${sflag}" = "true" ] ; then
# Missing parent is fatal during sequential operation.
echo "ERROR: Missing parent path: ${parent_path}" > ${status_output}
exit 1
times=`expr ${times} '+' 1`
if [ `expr ${times} '%' 10` -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "${path} still not created, waiting..." > ${status_output}
echo "${parent_path} still not created, waiting..." > ${status_output}
sleep 5
echo "hg${global_opts} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}" > ${status_output}
(PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
# run the clone command.
echo "hg${global_opts} clone ${clone_newrepo} ${i}" > ${status_output}
(PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} clone ${clone_newrepo} ${i}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
# run the command.
echo "cd ${i} && hg${global_opts} ${command} ${command_args}" > ${status_output}
cd ${i} && (PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} ${command} ${command_args}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
echo $! > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid
) 2>&1 | sed -e "s@^@${reponame}: @" > ${status_output}
if [ $have_fifos = "true" ]; then
echo "${reponame}" >&3
# tell the fifo waiter that this subprocess is done.
if [ ${have_fifos} = "true" ]; then
echo "${i}" >&3
) &
if [ $have_fifos = "true" ]; then
# check on count of running subprocesses and possibly wait for completion
if [ ${at_a_time} -lt ${n} ] ; then
# read will block until there are completed subprocesses
while read repo_done; do
n=`expr ${n} '-' 1`
if [ ${n} -lt ${at_a_time} ] ; then
# we should start more subprocesses
done <&3
if [ "${sflag}" = "true" ] ; then
# complete this task before starting another.
if [ "${sflag}" = "false" ] ; then
if [ "${have_fifos}" = "true" ]; then
# check on count of running subprocesses and possibly wait for completion
if [ ${n} -ge ${at_a_time} ] ; then
# read will block until there are completed subprocesses
while read repo_done; do
n=`expr ${n} '-' 1`
if [ ${n} -lt ${at_a_time} ] ; then
# we should start more subprocesses
done <&3
# Compare completions to starts
completed="`(ls -1 ${tmp}/*.pid.rc 2> /dev/null | wc -l) || echo 0`"
while [ ${at_a_time} -lt `expr ${n} '-' ${completed}` ] ; do
completed="`(ls -a1 ${tmp}/*.pid.rc 2> /dev/null | wc -l) || echo 0`"
while [ `expr ${n} '-' ${completed}` -ge ${at_a_time} ] ; do
# sleep a short time to give time for something to complete
sleep 1
completed="`(ls -1 ${tmp}/*.pid.rc 2> /dev/null | wc -l) || echo 0`"
completed="`(ls -a1 ${tmp}/*.pid.rc 2> /dev/null | wc -l) || echo 0`"
# complete this task before starting another.
@ -320,11 +385,12 @@ wait
# Terminate with exit 0 only if all subprocesses were successful
if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
for rc in ${tmp}/*.pid.rc ; do
rcfiles="`(ls -a ${tmp}/*.pid.rc 2> /dev/null) || echo ''`"
for rc in ${rcfiles} ; do
exit_code=`cat ${rc} | tr -d ' \n\r'`
if [ "${exit_code}" != "0" ] ; then
repo="`echo ${rc} | sed -e s@^${tmp}@@ -e 's@/*\([^/]*\)\.pid\.rc$@\1@' -e 's@_@/@g'`"
echo "WARNING: ${repo} exited abnormally ($exit_code)" > ${status_output}
repo="`echo ${rc} | sed -e 's@^'${tmp}'@@' -e 's@/*\([^/]*\)\.pid\.rc$@\1@' -e 's@_@/@g'`"
echo "WARNING: ${repo} exited abnormally (${exit_code})" > ${status_output}

@ -255,3 +255,4 @@ a4bf701ac316946c2e5e83138ad8e687da6a4b30 jdk9-b06
3bd4039dfc632fd7fc8418a25a3dcc34d1cd4019 jdk9-b10
77ea0a2503582a28e4e66be7239a49a0d1dd313f jdk9-b11
e212cdcc8c11f0ba5acf6f5ddb596c4c545a93f9 jdk9-b12
088eec4c36f4d7f250fcd19c4969bf698e3d2cdc jdk9-b13

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Properties ;
@ -44,16 +42,13 @@ import;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
@ -62,11 +57,6 @@ import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
@ -99,8 +89,6 @@ import ;
import ;
import sun.misc.JavaAWTAccess;
public abstract class ORB extends
implements Broker, TypeCodeFactory
@ -146,9 +134,9 @@ public abstract class ORB extends
// This map is needed for resolving recursive type code placeholders
// based on the unique repository id.
// XXX Should this be a WeakHashMap for GC?
private Map typeCodeMap ;
private Map<String, TypeCodeImpl> typeCodeMap;
private TypeCodeImpl[] primitiveTypeCodeConstants ;
private TypeCodeImpl[] primitiveTypeCodeConstants;
// ByteBufferPool - needed by both ORBImpl and ORBSingleton
ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool;
@ -169,16 +157,18 @@ public abstract class ORB extends
// wrapperMap maintains a table of LogWrapper instances used by
// different classes to log exceptions. The key is a StringPair
// representing LogDomain and ExceptionGroup.
private Map wrapperMap ;
private Map<StringPair, LogWrapperBase> wrapperMap;
static class Holder {
static final PresentationManager defaultPresentationManager =
private static final Map<Object, PresentationManager> pmContexts = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<Object, PresentationManager> pmContexts =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static Map staticWrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
private static Map<StringPair, LogWrapperBase> staticWrapperMap =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
protected MonitoringManager monitoringManager;
@ -245,28 +235,12 @@ public abstract class ORB extends
public static PresentationManager getPresentationManager()
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
JavaAWTAccess javaAwtAccess = sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess();
sun.misc.JavaAWTAccess javaAwtAccess = sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess();
if (sm != null && javaAwtAccess != null) {
Object appletContext;
try {
Class<?> clazz = JavaAWTAccess.class;
Method method = clazz.getMethod("getAppletContext");
appletContext = method.invoke(javaAwtAccess);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
InternalError err = new InternalError();
throw err;
final Object appletContext = javaAwtAccess.getAppletContext();
if (appletContext != null) {
synchronized (pmContexts) {
PresentationManager pm = pmContexts.get(appletContext);
if (pm == null) {
pm = setupPresentationManager();
pmContexts.put(appletContext, pm);
return pm;
return pmContexts.computeIfAbsent(appletContext,
x -> setupPresentationManager());
@ -290,13 +264,13 @@ public abstract class ORB extends
// Initialize logging first, since it is needed nearly
// everywhere (for example, in TypeCodeImpl).
wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
wrapperMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( this,
omgWrapper = OMGSystemException.get( this,
typeCodeMap = new HashMap();
typeCodeMap = new HashMap<>();
primitiveTypeCodeConstants = new TypeCodeImpl[] {
new TypeCodeImpl(this, TCKind._tk_null),
@ -363,7 +337,7 @@ public abstract class ORB extends
public synchronized TypeCodeImpl getTypeCode(String id)
return (TypeCodeImpl)typeCodeMap.get(id);
return typeCodeMap.get(id);
public MonitoringManager getMonitoringManager( ) {
@ -526,35 +500,23 @@ public abstract class ORB extends
/** get the log wrapper class (its type is dependent on the exceptionGroup) for the
* given log domain and exception group in this ORB instance.
public LogWrapperBase getLogWrapper( String logDomain,
String exceptionGroup, LogWrapperFactory factory )
public LogWrapperBase getLogWrapper(String logDomain,
String exceptionGroup, LogWrapperFactory factory)
StringPair key = new StringPair( logDomain, exceptionGroup ) ;
LogWrapperBase logWrapper = (LogWrapperBase)wrapperMap.get( key );
if (logWrapper == null) {
logWrapper = factory.create( getLogger( logDomain ) );
wrapperMap.put( key, logWrapper );
return logWrapper;
return wrapperMap.computeIfAbsent(
new StringPair(logDomain, exceptionGroup),
x -> factory.create(getLogger(logDomain)));
/** get the log wrapper class (its type is dependent on the exceptionGroup) for the
* given log domain and exception group in this ORB instance.
public static LogWrapperBase staticGetLogWrapper( String logDomain,
String exceptionGroup, LogWrapperFactory factory )
public static LogWrapperBase staticGetLogWrapper(String logDomain,
String exceptionGroup, LogWrapperFactory factory)
StringPair key = new StringPair( logDomain, exceptionGroup ) ;
LogWrapperBase logWrapper = (LogWrapperBase)staticWrapperMap.get( key );
if (logWrapper == null) {
logWrapper = factory.create( staticGetLogger( logDomain ) );
staticWrapperMap.put( key, logWrapper );
return logWrapper;
return staticWrapperMap.computeIfAbsent(
new StringPair(logDomain, exceptionGroup),
x -> factory.create(staticGetLogger(logDomain)));
// get a reference to a ByteBufferPool, a pool of NIO ByteBuffers

@ -415,3 +415,4 @@ bdc5311e1db7598589b77015119b821bf8c828bd jdk9-b05
ebc44d040cd149d2120d69fe183a3dae7840f4b4 jdk9-b10
783309c3a1a629a452673399dcfa83ef7eca94d8 jdk9-b11
1c383bb39e2849ca62cb763f4e182a29b421d60a jdk9-b12
456ad9c99133803d4e1433124c85a6fd141b9ac9 jdk9-b13

@ -34,19 +34,7 @@
#include "libproc_md.h"
#if defined(sparc) || defined(sparcv9)
If _LP64 is defined ptrace.h should be taken from /usr/include/asm-sparc64
otherwise it should be from /usr/include/asm-sparc
These two files define pt_regs structure differently
#ifdef _LP64
#include "asm-sparc64/ptrace.h"
#include "asm-sparc/ptrace.h"
#endif //sparc or sparcv9
#include <linux/ptrace.h>

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2012, 2014 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ void CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_compute_interpreter_state(Label& stack_ov
BLOCK_COMMENT("compute_interpreter_state {");
// access_flags = method->access_flags();
// TODO: PPC port: assert(4 == methodOopDesc::sz_access_flags(), "unexpected field size");
// TODO: PPC port: assert(4 == sizeof(AccessFlags), "unexpected field size");
__ lwa(access_flags, method_(access_flags));
// parameter_count = method->constMethod->size_of_parameters();
@ -419,10 +420,8 @@ void CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_compute_interpreter_state(Label& stack_ov
// TODO: PPC port: assert(2 == ConstMethod::sz_max_stack(), "unexpected field size");
__ lhz(max_stack, in_bytes(ConstMethod::max_stack_offset()), max_stack);
if (EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// Take into account 'extra_stack_entries' needed by method handles (see method.hpp).
// Take into account 'extra_stack_entries' needed by method handles (see method.hpp).
__ addi(max_stack, max_stack, Method::extra_stack_entries());
// mem_stack_limit = thread->stack_limit();
__ ld(mem_stack_limit, thread_(stack_overflow_limit));
@ -1055,7 +1054,7 @@ address CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_native_entry(void) {
"access_flags must be in a non-volatile register");
// Type check.
// TODO: PPC port: assert(4 == methodOopDesc::sz_access_flags(), "unexpected field size");
// TODO: PPC port: assert(4 == sizeof(AccessFlags), "unexpected field size");
__ lwz(access_flags, method_(access_flags));
// We don't want to reload R19_method and access_flags after calls
@ -1838,7 +1837,7 @@ address CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry(void) {
// Interpreter state fields.
const Register msg = R24_tmp4;
// MethodOop fields.
// Method fields.
const Register parameter_count = R25_tmp5;
const Register result_index = R26_tmp6;
@ -2023,7 +2022,7 @@ address CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry(void) {
__ add(R17_tos, R17_tos, parameter_count);
// Result stub address array index
// TODO: PPC port: assert(4 == methodOopDesc::sz_result_index(), "unexpected field size");
// TODO: PPC port: assert(4 == sizeof(AccessFlags), "unexpected field size");
__ lwa(result_index, method_(result_index));
__ li(msg, BytecodeInterpreter::method_resume);
@ -2709,7 +2708,7 @@ address CppInterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry(void) {
__ ld(R3_ARG1, state_(_result._osr._osr_buf));
__ mtctr(R12_scratch2);
// Load method oop, gc may move it during execution of osr'd method.
// Load method, gc may move it during execution of osr'd method.
__ ld(R22_tmp2, state_(_method));
// Load message 'call_method'.
__ li(R23_tmp3, BytecodeInterpreter::call_method);

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "code/codeCache.hpp"
// Inline functions for ppc64 frames:
// Find codeblob and set deopt_state.

@ -380,7 +380,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register Rdst, int bcp_of
if (index_size == sizeof(u2)) {
get_2_byte_integer_at_bcp(bcp_offset, Rdst, Unsigned);
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "giant index used only for JSR 292");
get_4_byte_integer_at_bcp(bcp_offset, Rdst, Signed);
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
nand(Rdst, Rdst, Rdst); // convert to plain index

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#include "assembler_ppc.inline.hpp"
#include "asm/macroAssembler.hpp"
#include "interpreter/invocationCounter.hpp"
// This file specializes the assembler with interpreter-specific macros.

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreterRuntime.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"

@ -139,32 +139,16 @@ address AbstractInterpreterGenerator::generate_slow_signature_handler() {
// Signature is in R3_RET. Signature is callee saved.
__ mr(signature, R3_RET);
// Reload method, it may have moved.
#ifdef CC_INTERP
__ ld(R19_method, state_(_method));
__ ld(R19_method, 0, target_sp);
__ ld(R19_method, _ijava_state_neg(method), R19_method);
// Get the result handler.
__ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::get_result_handler), R16_thread, R19_method);
// Reload method, it may have moved.
#ifdef CC_INTERP
__ ld(R19_method, state_(_method));
__ ld(R19_method, 0, target_sp);
__ ld(R19_method, _ijava_state_neg(method), R19_method);
Label L;
// test if static
// _access_flags._flags must be at offset 0.
// TODO PPC port: requires change in shared code.
//assert(in_bytes(AccessFlags::flags_offset()) == 0,
// "MethodOopDesc._access_flags == MethodOopDesc._access_flags._flags");
// "MethodDesc._access_flags == MethodDesc._access_flags._flags");
// _access_flags must be a 32 bit value.
assert(sizeof(AccessFlags) == 4, "wrong size");
__ lwa(R11_scratch1/*access_flags*/, method_(access_flags));

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
address JNI_FastGetField::generate_fast_get_int_field0(BasicType type) {
// we don't have fast jni accessors.
// We don't have fast jni accessors.
return (address) -1;
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ address JNI_FastGetField::generate_fast_get_int_field() {
address JNI_FastGetField::generate_fast_get_long_field() {
// we don't have fast jni accessors.
// We don't have fast jni accessors.
return (address) -1;
address JNI_FastGetField::generate_fast_get_float_field0(BasicType type) {
// e don't have fast jni accessors.
// We don't have fast jni accessors.
return (address) -1;

@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ source_hpp %{
// To keep related declarations/definitions/uses close together,
// we switch between source %{ }% and source_hpp %{ }% freely as needed.
// Returns true if Node n is followed by a MemBar node that
// Returns true if Node n is followed by a MemBar node that
// will do an acquire. If so, this node must not do the acquire
// operation.
bool followed_by_acquire(const Node *n);
@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ source %{
// Optimize load-acquire.
// Check if acquire is unnecessary due to following operation that does
// Check if acquire is unnecessary due to following operation that does
// acquire anyways.
// Walk the pattern:
@ -919,12 +919,12 @@ source %{
// Proj(ctrl) Proj(mem)
// | |
// MemBarRelease/Volatile
bool followed_by_acquire(const Node *load) {
assert(load->is_Load(), "So far implemented only for loads.");
// Find MemBarAcquire.
const Node *mba = NULL;
const Node *mba = NULL;
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = load->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
const Node *out = load->fast_out(i);
if (out->Opcode() == Op_MemBarAcquire) {
@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ bool followed_by_acquire(const Node *load) {
// Find following MemBar node.
// The following node must be reachable by control AND memory
// The following node must be reachable by control AND memory
// edge to assure no other operations are in between the two nodes.
// So first get the Proj node, mem_proj, to use it to iterate forward.
@ -1135,6 +1135,7 @@ class CallStubImpl {
// Emit call stub, compiled java to interpreter.
static void emit_trampoline_stub(MacroAssembler &_masm, int destination_toc_offset, int insts_call_instruction_offset);
// Size of call trampoline stub.
@ -2755,7 +2756,7 @@ encode %{
// inputs for new nodes
m1->add_req(NULL, n_toc);
m2->add_req(NULL, m1);
// operands for new nodes
m1->_opnds[0] = new (C) iRegPdstOper(); // dst
m1->_opnds[1] = op_src; // src
@ -2763,29 +2764,29 @@ encode %{
m2->_opnds[0] = new (C) iRegPdstOper(); // dst
m2->_opnds[1] = op_src; // src
m2->_opnds[2] = new (C) iRegLdstOper(); // base
// Initialize ins_attrib TOC fields.
m1->_const_toc_offset = -1;
m2->_const_toc_offset_hi_node = m1;
// Register allocation for new nodes.
ra_->set_pair(m1->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
ra_->set_pair(m2->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
assert(m2->bottom_type()->isa_ptr(), "must be ptr");
} else {
loadConPNode *m2 = new (C) loadConPNode();
// inputs for new nodes
m2->add_req(NULL, n_toc);
// operands for new nodes
m2->_opnds[0] = new (C) iRegPdstOper(); // dst
m2->_opnds[1] = op_src; // src
m2->_opnds[2] = new (C) iRegPdstOper(); // toc
// Register allocation for new nodes.
ra_->set_pair(m2->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
@ -2977,17 +2978,17 @@ encode %{
n_sub_base->_opnds[1] = op_crx;
n_sub_base->_opnds[2] = op_src;
n_sub_base->_bottom_type = _bottom_type;
n_shift->add_req(n_region, n_sub_base);
n_shift->_opnds[0] = op_dst;
n_shift->_opnds[1] = op_dst;
n_shift->_bottom_type = _bottom_type;
ra_->set_pair(n_shift->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
ra_->set_pair(n_compare->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(n_crx), ra_->get_reg_first(n_crx));
ra_->set_pair(n_sub_base->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
ra_->set_pair(n_move->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
@ -3064,20 +3065,20 @@ encode %{
} else {
// before Power 7
cond_add_baseNode *n_add_base = new (C) cond_add_baseNode();
n_add_base->add_req(n_region, n_compare, n_shift);
n_add_base->_opnds[0] = op_dst;
n_add_base->_opnds[1] = op_crx;
n_add_base->_opnds[2] = op_dst;
n_add_base->_bottom_type = _bottom_type;
assert(ra_->is_oop(this) == true, "A decodeN node must produce an oop!");
ra_->set_oop(n_add_base, true);
ra_->set_pair(n_shift->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
ra_->set_pair(n_compare->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(n_crx), ra_->get_reg_first(n_crx));
ra_->set_pair(n_add_base->_idx, ra_->get_reg_second(this), ra_->get_reg_first(this));
@ -3634,11 +3635,11 @@ encode %{
// Req...
for (uint i = 0; i < req(); ++i) {
// The expanded node does not need toc any more.
// Add the inline cache constant here instead. This expresses the
// Add the inline cache constant here instead. This expresses the
// register of the inline cache must be live at the call.
// Else we would have to adapt JVMState by -1.
if (i == mach_constant_base_node_input()) {
} else {
@ -3666,6 +3667,8 @@ encode %{
// Compound version of call dynamic
// Toc is only passed so that it can be used in ins_encode statement.
// In the code we have to use $constanttablebase.
enc_class enc_java_dynamic_call(method meth, iRegLdst toc) %{
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
@ -3673,14 +3676,17 @@ encode %{
Register Rtoc = (ra_) ? $constanttablebase : R2_TOC;
#if 0
int vtable_index = this->_vtable_index;
if (_vtable_index < 0) {
// Must be invalid_vtable_index, not nonvirtual_vtable_index.
assert(_vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index, "correct sentinel value");
Register ic_reg = as_Register(Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode());
AddressLiteral meta = __ allocate_metadata_address((Metadata *)Universe::non_oop_word());
// Virtual call relocation will point to ic load.
address virtual_call_meta_addr = __ pc();
__ load_const_from_method_toc(ic_reg, meta, Rtoc);
// Load a clear inline cache.
AddressLiteral empty_ic((address) Universe::non_oop_word());
__ load_const_from_method_toc(ic_reg, empty_ic, Rtoc);
// CALL to fixup routine. Fixup routine uses ScopeDesc info
// to determine who we intended to call.
__ relocate(virtual_call_Relocation::spec(virtual_call_meta_addr));
@ -3713,7 +3719,6 @@ encode %{
"Fix constant in ret_addr_offset()");
guarantee(0, "Fix handling of toc edge: messes up derived/base pairs.");
Unimplemented(); // ret_addr_offset not yet fixed. Depends on compressed oops (load klass!).
@ -5439,7 +5444,7 @@ instruct loadI_ac(iRegIdst dst, memory mem) %{
// Match loading integer and casting it to unsigned int in
// Match loading integer and casting it to unsigned int in
// long register.
// LoadI + ConvI2L + AndL 0xffffffff.
instruct loadUI2L(iRegLdst dst, memory mem, immL_32bits mask) %{
@ -6081,7 +6086,7 @@ instruct loadConNKlass_hi(iRegNdst dst, immNKlass src) %{
// This needs a match rule so that build_oop_map knows this is
// This needs a match rule so that build_oop_map knows this is
// not a narrow oop.
instruct loadConNKlass_lo(iRegNdst dst, immNKlass_NM src1, iRegNsrc src2) %{
match(Set dst src1);
@ -6705,7 +6710,7 @@ instruct cond_set_0_oop(iRegNdst dst, flagsReg crx, iRegPsrc src1) %{
ins_encode %{
// This is a Power7 instruction for which no machine description exists.
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
__ isel_0($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister, Assembler::equal, $src1$$Register);
@ -6850,7 +6855,7 @@ instruct cond_set_0_ptr(iRegPdst dst, flagsReg crx, iRegPsrc src1) %{
ins_encode %{
// This is a Power7 instruction for which no machine description exists.
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
__ isel_0($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister, Assembler::equal, $src1$$Register);
@ -7067,7 +7072,7 @@ instruct decodeNKlass_notNull_addBase_Ex(iRegPdst dst, iRegLsrc base, iRegNsrc s
n1->_bottom_type = _bottom_type;
decodeNKlass_shiftNode *n2 = new (C) decodeNKlass_shiftNode();
n2->add_req(n_region, n2);
n2->add_req(n_region, n1);
n2->_opnds[0] = op_dst;
n2->_opnds[1] = op_dst;
n2->_bottom_type = _bottom_type;
@ -7202,7 +7207,7 @@ instruct membar_volatile() %{
// inline_unsafe_load_store).
// Add this node again if we found a good solution for inline_unsafe_load_store().
// Don't forget to look at the implementation of post_store_load_barrier again,
// Don't forget to look at the implementation of post_store_load_barrier again,
// we did other fixes in that method.
//instruct unnecessary_membar_volatile() %{
// match(MemBarVolatile);
@ -7240,7 +7245,7 @@ instruct cmovI_reg_isel(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg crx, iRegIdst dst, iRegIsrc src) %{
// exists. Anyways, the scheduler should be off on Power7.
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
int cc = $cmp$$cmpcode;
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
(Assembler::Condition)(cc & 3), /*invert*/((~cc) & 8), $src$$Register);
@ -7286,7 +7291,7 @@ instruct cmovL_reg_isel(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg crx, iRegLdst dst, iRegLsrc src) %{
// exists. Anyways, the scheduler should be off on Power7.
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
int cc = $cmp$$cmpcode;
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
(Assembler::Condition)(cc & 3), /*invert*/((~cc) & 8), $src$$Register);
@ -7332,7 +7337,7 @@ instruct cmovN_reg_isel(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg crx, iRegNdst dst, iRegNsrc src) %{
// exists. Anyways, the scheduler should be off on Power7.
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
int cc = $cmp$$cmpcode;
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
(Assembler::Condition)(cc & 3), /*invert*/((~cc) & 8), $src$$Register);
@ -7379,7 +7384,7 @@ instruct cmovP_reg_isel(cmpOp cmp, flagsReg crx, iRegPdst dst, iRegPsrc src) %{
// exists. Anyways, the scheduler should be off on Power7.
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
int cc = $cmp$$cmpcode;
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
__ isel($dst$$Register, $crx$$CondRegister,
(Assembler::Condition)(cc & 3), /*invert*/((~cc) & 8), $src$$Register);
@ -7525,8 +7530,8 @@ instruct compareAndSwapI_regP_regI_regI(iRegIdst res, iRegPdst mem_ptr, iRegIsrc
ins_encode %{
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
// CmpxchgX sets CCR0 to cmpX(src1, src2) and Rres to 'true'/'false'.
__ cmpxchgw(CCR0, R0, $src1$$Register, $src2$$Register, $mem_ptr$$Register,
MacroAssembler::MemBarFenceAfter, MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_atomic_update(),
__ cmpxchgw(CCR0, R0, $src1$$Register, $src2$$Register, $mem_ptr$$Register,
MacroAssembler::MemBarFenceAfter, MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_atomic_update(),
$res$$Register, true);
@ -7932,7 +7937,23 @@ instruct subL_reg_imm16(iRegLdst dst, iRegLsrc src1, immL16 src2) %{
// Turn the sign-bit of a long into a 64-bit mask, 0x0...0 for
// positive longs and 0xF...F for negative ones.
instruct signmask64I_regI(iRegIdst dst, iRegIsrc src) %{
instruct signmask64I_regL(iRegIdst dst, iRegLsrc src) %{
// no match-rule, false predicate
effect(DEF dst, USE src);
format %{ "SRADI $dst, $src, #63" %}
ins_encode %{
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_sradi);
__ sradi($dst$$Register, $src$$Register, 0x3f);
// Turn the sign-bit of a long into a 64-bit mask, 0x0...0 for
// positive longs and 0xF...F for negative ones.
instruct signmask64L_regL(iRegLdst dst, iRegLsrc src) %{
// no match-rule, false predicate
effect(DEF dst, USE src);
@ -8896,7 +8917,7 @@ instruct andI_reg_immIpowerOf2(iRegIdst dst, iRegIsrc src1, immIpowerOf2 src2) %
ins_encode %{
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_rlwinm);
__ rlwinm($dst$$Register, $src1$$Register, 0,
__ rlwinm($dst$$Register, $src1$$Register, 0,
(31-log2_long((jlong) $src2$$constant)) & 0x1f, (31-log2_long((jlong) $src2$$constant)) & 0x1f);
@ -9622,14 +9643,14 @@ instruct cmpLTMask_reg_reg_Ex(iRegIdst dst, iRegIsrc src1, iRegIsrc src2) %{
expand %{
iRegIdst src1s;
iRegIdst src2s;
iRegIdst diff;
sxtI_reg(src1s, src1); // ensure proper sign extention
sxtI_reg(src2s, src2); // ensure proper sign extention
subI_reg_reg(diff, src1s, src2s);
iRegLdst src1s;
iRegLdst src2s;
iRegLdst diff;
convI2L_reg(src1s, src1); // Ensure proper sign extension.
convI2L_reg(src2s, src2); // Ensure proper sign extension.
subL_reg_reg(diff, src1s, src2s);
// Need to consider >=33 bit result, therefore we need signmaskL.
signmask64I_regI(dst, diff);
signmask64I_regL(dst, diff);
@ -10866,7 +10887,7 @@ instruct partialSubtypeCheck(iRegPdst result, iRegP_N2P subklass, iRegP_N2P supe
format %{ "PartialSubtypeCheck $result = ($subklass instanceOf $superklass) tmp: $tmp_klass, $tmp_arrayptr" %}
ins_encode %{
// TODO: PPC port $archOpcode(ppc64Opcode_compound);
__ check_klass_subtype_slow_path($subklass$$Register, $superklass$$Register, $tmp_arrayptr$$Register,
__ check_klass_subtype_slow_path($subklass$$Register, $superklass$$Register, $tmp_arrayptr$$Register,
$tmp_klass$$Register, NULL, $result$$Register);
@ -11181,18 +11202,18 @@ instruct minI_reg_reg_Ex(iRegIdst dst, iRegIsrc src1, iRegIsrc src2) %{
expand %{
iRegIdst src1s;
iRegIdst src2s;
iRegIdst diff;
iRegIdst sm;
iRegIdst doz; // difference or zero
sxtI_reg(src1s, src1); // Ensure proper sign extention.
sxtI_reg(src2s, src2); // Ensure proper sign extention.
subI_reg_reg(diff, src2s, src1s);
iRegLdst src1s;
iRegLdst src2s;
iRegLdst diff;
iRegLdst sm;
iRegLdst doz; // difference or zero
convI2L_reg(src1s, src1); // Ensure proper sign extension.
convI2L_reg(src2s, src2); // Ensure proper sign extension.
subL_reg_reg(diff, src2s, src1s);
// Need to consider >=33 bit result, therefore we need signmaskL.
signmask64I_regI(sm, diff);
andI_reg_reg(doz, diff, sm); // <=0
addI_reg_reg(dst, doz, src1s);
signmask64L_regL(sm, diff);
andL_reg_reg(doz, diff, sm); // <=0
addI_regL_regL(dst, doz, src1s);
@ -11201,19 +11222,18 @@ instruct maxI_reg_reg_Ex(iRegIdst dst, iRegIsrc src1, iRegIsrc src2) %{
expand %{
immI_minus1 m1 %{ -1 %}
iRegIdst src1s;
iRegIdst src2s;
iRegIdst diff;
iRegIdst sm;
iRegIdst doz; // difference or zero
sxtI_reg(src1s, src1); // Ensure proper sign extention.
sxtI_reg(src2s, src2); // Ensure proper sign extention.
subI_reg_reg(diff, src2s, src1s);
iRegLdst src1s;
iRegLdst src2s;
iRegLdst diff;
iRegLdst sm;
iRegLdst doz; // difference or zero
convI2L_reg(src1s, src1); // Ensure proper sign extension.
convI2L_reg(src2s, src2); // Ensure proper sign extension.
subL_reg_reg(diff, src2s, src1s);
// Need to consider >=33 bit result, therefore we need signmaskL.
signmask64I_regI(sm, diff);
andcI_reg_reg(doz, sm, m1, diff); // >=0
addI_reg_reg(dst, doz, src1s);
signmask64L_regL(sm, diff);
andcL_reg_reg(doz, diff, sm); // >=0
addI_regL_regL(dst, doz, src1s);

@ -81,24 +81,18 @@ address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_ArrayIndexOutOfBounds_handler(con
#if 0
// Call special ClassCastException constructor taking object to cast
// and target class as arguments.
address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_ClassCastException_verbose_handler(const char* name) {
address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_ClassCastException_verbose_handler() {
address entry = __ pc();
// Target class oop is in register R6_ARG4 by convention!
// Expression stack must be empty before entering the VM if an
// exception happened.
__ empty_expression_stack();
// Setup parameters.
// Thread will be loaded to R3_ARG1.
__ load_const_optimized(R4_ARG2, (address) name);
__ mr(R5_ARG3, R17_tos);
// R6_ARG4 contains specified class.
__ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_ClassCastException_verbose));
#ifdef ASSERT
// Target class oop is in register R5_ARG3 by convention!
__ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_ClassCastException_verbose, R17_tos, R5_ARG3));
// Above call must not return here since exception pending.
__ should_not_reach_here();
DEBUG_ONLY(__ should_not_reach_here();)
return entry;
@ -1538,14 +1532,32 @@ void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_throw_exception() {
__ stw(R0, in_bytes(JavaThread::popframe_condition_offset()), R16_thread);
// Get out of the current method and re-execute the call that called us.
__ merge_frames(/*top_frame_sp*/ R21_sender_SP, /*return_pc*/ return_pc, R11_scratch1, R12_scratch2);
__ merge_frames(/*top_frame_sp*/ R21_sender_SP, /*return_pc*/ noreg, R11_scratch1, R12_scratch2);
__ restore_interpreter_state(R11_scratch1);
__ ld(R12_scratch2, _ijava_state_neg(top_frame_sp), R11_scratch1);
__ resize_frame_absolute(R12_scratch2, R11_scratch1, R0);
__ mtlr(return_pc);
if (ProfileInterpreter) {
__ set_method_data_pointer_for_bcp();
Label L_done;
__ lbz(R11_scratch1, 0, R14_bcp);
__ cmpwi(CCR0, R11_scratch1, Bytecodes::_invokestatic);
__ bne(CCR0, L_done);
// The member name argument must be restored if _invokestatic is re-executed after a PopFrame call.
// Detect such a case in the InterpreterRuntime function and return the member name argument, or NULL.
__ ld(R4_ARG2, 0, R18_locals);
__ call_VM(R11_scratch1, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::member_name_arg_or_null),
R4_ARG2, R19_method, R14_bcp);
__ cmpdi(CCR0, R11_scratch1, 0);
__ beq(CCR0, L_done);
__ std(R11_scratch1, wordSize, R15_esp);
__ bind(L_done);
__ dispatch_next(vtos);
// end of JVMTI PopFrame support

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static void do_oop_store(InterpreterMacroAssembler* _masm,
assert_different_registers(Rtmp1, Rtmp2, Rtmp3, Rval, Rbase);
switch (barrier) {
#ifndef SERIALGC
case BarrierSet::G1SATBCT:
case BarrierSet::G1SATBCTLogging:
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ static void do_oop_store(InterpreterMacroAssembler* _masm,
__ bind(Ldone);
#endif // SERIALGC
case BarrierSet::CardTableModRef:
case BarrierSet::CardTableExtension:
@ -259,17 +259,17 @@ void TemplateTable::fconst(int value) {
switch (value) {
default: ShouldNotReachHere();
case 0: {
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&zero, R0);
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&zero, R0, true);
__ lfs(F15_ftos, simm16_offset, R11_scratch1);
case 1: {
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&one, R0);
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&one, R0, true);
__ lfs(F15_ftos, simm16_offset, R11_scratch1);
case 2: {
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&two, R0);
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&two, R0, true);
__ lfs(F15_ftos, simm16_offset, R11_scratch1);
@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ void TemplateTable::dconst(int value) {
static double one = 1.0;
switch (value) {
case 0: {
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&zero, R0);
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&zero, R0, true);
__ lfd(F15_ftos, simm16_offset, R11_scratch1);
case 1: {
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&one, R0);
int simm16_offset = __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, (address*)&one, R0, true);
__ lfd(F15_ftos, simm16_offset, R11_scratch1);
@ -3453,16 +3453,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokedynamic(int byte_no) {
Rscratch1 = R11_scratch1,
Rscratch2 = R12_scratch2;
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// We should not encounter this bytecode if !EnableInvokeDynamic.
// The verifier will stop it. However, if we get past the verifier,
// this will stop the thread in a reasonable way, without crashing the JVM.
__ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError));
// The call_VM checks for exception, so we should never return here.
__ should_not_reach_here();
prepare_invoke(byte_no, Rmethod, Rret_addr, Rscratch1, noreg, Rflags, Rscratch2);
// Profile this call.
@ -3486,12 +3476,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokehandle(int byte_no) {
Rscratch1 = R11_scratch1,
Rscratch2 = R12_scratch2;
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// Rewriter does not generate this bytecode.
__ should_not_reach_here();
prepare_invoke(byte_no, Rmethod, Rret_addr, Rscratch1, Rrecv, Rflags, Rscratch2);
__ verify_method_ptr(Rmethod);
__ null_check_throw(Rrecv, -1, Rscratch2);
@ -3728,9 +3712,9 @@ void TemplateTable::checkcast() {
transition(atos, atos);
Label Ldone, Lis_null, Lquicked, Lresolved;
Register Roffset = R5_ARG3,
Register Roffset = R6_ARG4,
RobjKlass = R4_ARG2,
RspecifiedKlass = R6_ARG4, // Generate_ClassCastException_verbose_handler will expect this register.
RspecifiedKlass = R5_ARG3, // Generate_ClassCastException_verbose_handler will read value from this register.
Rcpool = R11_scratch1,
Rtags = R12_scratch2;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -123,8 +123,13 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
fpop2_op3 = 0x35,
impdep1_op3 = 0x36,
aes3_op3 = 0x36,
alignaddr_op3 = 0x36,
faligndata_op3 = 0x36,
flog3_op3 = 0x36,
edge_op3 = 0x36,
fsrc_op3 = 0x36,
impdep2_op3 = 0x37,
stpartialf_op3 = 0x37,
jmpl_op3 = 0x38,
rett_op3 = 0x39,
trap_op3 = 0x3a,
@ -175,17 +180,23 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
enum opfs {
// selected opfs
edge8n_opf = 0x01,
fmovs_opf = 0x01,
fmovd_opf = 0x02,
fnegs_opf = 0x05,
fnegd_opf = 0x06,
alignaddr_opf = 0x18,
fadds_opf = 0x41,
faddd_opf = 0x42,
fsubs_opf = 0x45,
fsubd_opf = 0x46,
faligndata_opf = 0x48,
fmuls_opf = 0x49,
fmuld_opf = 0x4a,
fdivs_opf = 0x4d,
@ -348,6 +359,8 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
// 8x8-bit partial store
// Block initializing store
// Most-Recently-Used (MRU) BIS variant
@ -585,6 +598,9 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
// instruction only in VIS1
static void vis1_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis1(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS1"); }
// instruction only in VIS2
static void vis2_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis2(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS2"); }
// instruction only in VIS3
static void vis3_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis3(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS3"); }
@ -1164,6 +1180,20 @@ public:
inline void wrfprs( Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(6, 29, 25)); }
// VIS1 instructions
void alignaddr( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(alignaddr_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(alignaddr_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
void faligndata( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(faligndata_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(faligndata_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
void fsrc2( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fsrc_op3) | opf(0x7A - w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
void stpartialf( Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d, int ia = -1 ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(stpartialf_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2)); }
// VIS2 instructions
void edge8n( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis2_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(edge_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(edge8n_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
// VIS3 instructions
void movstosw( FloatRegister s, Register d ) { vis3_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mstosw_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S)); }

@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
// next two fns read and write Lmonitors value,
BasicObjectLock* interpreter_frame_monitors() const { return *interpreter_frame_monitors_addr(); }
void interpreter_frame_set_monitors(BasicObjectLock* monitors) { *interpreter_frame_monitors_addr() = monitors; }
BasicObjectLock* interpreter_frame_monitors() const;
void interpreter_frame_set_monitors(BasicObjectLock* monitors);
inline interpreterState get_interpreterState() const {

@ -226,6 +226,13 @@ inline Method** frame::interpreter_frame_method_addr() const {
return (Method**)sp_addr_at( Lmethod->sp_offset_in_saved_window());
inline BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitors() const {
return *interpreter_frame_monitors_addr();
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_monitors(BasicObjectLock* monitors) {
*interpreter_frame_monitors_addr() = monitors;
// Constant pool cache

@ -727,7 +727,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register temp, Register i
if (index_size == sizeof(u2)) {
get_2_byte_integer_at_bcp(bcp_offset, temp, index, Unsigned);
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "giant index used only for JSR 292");
get_4_byte_integer_at_bcp(bcp_offset, temp, index);
assert(ConstantPool::decode_invokedynamic_index(~123) == 123, "else change next line");
xor3(index, -1, index); // convert to plain index

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static bool returns_to_call_stub(address return_pc) {
enum /* platform_dependent_constants */ {
// %%%%%%%% May be able to shrink this a lot
code_size1 = 20000, // simply increase if too small (assembler will crash if too small)
code_size2 = 20000 // simply increase if too small (assembler will crash if too small)
code_size2 = 22000 // simply increase if too small (assembler will crash if too small)
class Sparc {

@ -1888,7 +1888,7 @@ void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_throw_exception() {
if (EnableInvokeDynamic) {
Label L_done;
__ ldub(Address(Lbcp, 0), G1_scratch); // Load current bytecode

@ -3209,12 +3209,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokehandle(int byte_no) {
transition(vtos, vtos);
assert(byte_no == f1_byte, "use this argument");
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// rewriter does not generate this bytecode
__ should_not_reach_here();
const Register Rret = Lscratch;
const Register G4_mtype = G4_scratch;
const Register O0_recv = O0;
@ -3240,17 +3234,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokedynamic(int byte_no) {
transition(vtos, vtos);
assert(byte_no == f1_byte, "use this argument");
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// We should not encounter this bytecode if !EnableInvokeDynamic.
// The verifier will stop it. However, if we get past the verifier,
// this will stop the thread in a reasonable way, without crashing the JVM.
__ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address,
// the call_VM checks for exception, so we should never return here.
__ should_not_reach_here();
const Register Rret = Lscratch;
const Register G4_callsite = G4_scratch;
const Register Rscratch = G3_scratch;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ void VM_Version::initialize() {
if (!has_vis1()) // Drop to 0 if no VIS1 support
UseVIS = 0;
// T2 and above should have support for AES instructions
// SPARC T4 and above should have support for AES instructions
if (has_aes()) {
if (UseVIS > 0) { // AES intrinsics use FXOR instruction which is VIS1
if (UseVIS > 2) { // AES intrinsics use MOVxTOd/MOVdTOx which are VIS3
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void VM_Version::initialize() {
} else {
if (UseAES || UseAESIntrinsics) {
warning("SPARC AES intrinsics require VIS1 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
warning("SPARC AES intrinsics require VIS3 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
if (UseAES) {

@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ void Assembler::movdqu(Address dst, XMMRegister src) {
// Move Unaligned 256bit Vector
void Assembler::vmovdqu(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src) {
assert(UseAVX, "");
assert(UseAVX > 0, "");
bool vector256 = true;
int encode = vex_prefix_and_encode(dst, xnoreg, src, VEX_SIMD_F3, vector256);
@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ void Assembler::vmovdqu(XMMRegister dst, XMMRegister src) {
void Assembler::vmovdqu(XMMRegister dst, Address src) {
assert(UseAVX, "");
assert(UseAVX > 0, "");
InstructionMark im(this);
bool vector256 = true;
vex_prefix(dst, xnoreg, src, VEX_SIMD_F3, vector256);
@ -1783,7 +1783,7 @@ void Assembler::vmovdqu(XMMRegister dst, Address src) {
void Assembler::vmovdqu(Address dst, XMMRegister src) {
assert(UseAVX, "");
assert(UseAVX > 0, "");
InstructionMark im(this);
bool vector256 = true;
// swap src<->dst for encoding

@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register reg, int bcp_off
if (index_size == sizeof(u2)) {
load_unsigned_short(reg, Address(rsi, bcp_offset));
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "giant index used only for JSR 292");
movl(reg, Address(rsi, bcp_offset));
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the

@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index,
if (index_size == sizeof(u2)) {
load_unsigned_short(index, Address(r13, bcp_offset));
} else if (index_size == sizeof(u4)) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "giant index used only for JSR 292");
movl(index, Address(r13, bcp_offset));
// Check if the secondary index definition is still ~x, otherwise
// we have to change the following assembler code to calculate the

@ -26,8 +26,14 @@
#if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(LINUX) || defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define JNIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define JNIIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define JNICALL __stdcall
typedef int jint;
typedef __int64 jlong;
// Note: please do not change these without also changing jni_md.h in the JDK
// repository
@ -50,13 +56,6 @@
typedef long long jlong;
#define JNIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define JNIIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define JNICALL __stdcall
typedef int jint;
typedef __int64 jlong;
typedef signed char jbyte;

@ -3152,10 +3152,12 @@ void MacroAssembler::fast_pow() {
// if fast computation is not possible, result is NaN. Requires
// fallback from user of this macro.
// increase precision for intermediate steps of the computation
BLOCK_COMMENT("fast_pow {");
fyl2x(); // Stack: (Y*log2(X)) ...
pow_exp_core_encoding(); // Stack: exp(X) ...
BLOCK_COMMENT("} fast_pow");
void MacroAssembler::fast_exp() {

@ -76,12 +76,7 @@ void AbstractInterpreter::layout_activation(Method* method,
#ifdef ASSERT
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// @@@ FIXME: Should we correct interpreter_frame_sender_sp in the calling sequences?
// Probably, since deoptimization doesn't work yet.
assert(caller->unextended_sp() == interpreter_frame->interpreter_frame_sender_sp(), "Frame not properly walkable");
assert(caller->sp() == interpreter_frame->sender_sp(), "Frame not properly walkable(2)");
assert(caller->sp() == interpreter_frame->sender_sp(), "Frame not properly walkable");

@ -1831,7 +1831,7 @@ void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_throw_exception() {
__ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::popframe_condition_offset()), JavaThread::popframe_inactive);
if (EnableInvokeDynamic) {
Label L_done;
const Register local0 = rdi;

@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_throw_exception() {
if (EnableInvokeDynamic) {
Label L_done;
const Register local0 = r14;

@ -3128,12 +3128,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokehandle(int byte_no) {
const Register rcx_recv = rcx;
const Register rdx_flags = rdx;
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// rewriter does not generate this bytecode
__ should_not_reach_here();
prepare_invoke(byte_no, rbx_method, rax_mtype, rcx_recv);
__ verify_method_ptr(rbx_method);
__ verify_oop(rcx_recv);
@ -3156,17 +3150,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokedynamic(int byte_no) {
transition(vtos, vtos);
assert(byte_no == f1_byte, "use this argument");
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// We should not encounter this bytecode if !EnableInvokeDynamic.
// The verifier will stop it. However, if we get past the verifier,
// this will stop the thread in a reasonable way, without crashing the JVM.
__ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address,
// the call_VM checks for exception, so we should never return here.
__ should_not_reach_here();
const Register rbx_method = rbx;
const Register rax_callsite = rax;

@ -3179,12 +3179,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokehandle(int byte_no) {
const Register rcx_recv = rcx;
const Register rdx_flags = rdx;
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// rewriter does not generate this bytecode
__ should_not_reach_here();
prepare_invoke(byte_no, rbx_method, rax_mtype, rcx_recv);
__ verify_method_ptr(rbx_method);
__ verify_oop(rcx_recv);
@ -3207,17 +3201,6 @@ void TemplateTable::invokedynamic(int byte_no) {
transition(vtos, vtos);
assert(byte_no == f1_byte, "use this argument");
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// We should not encounter this bytecode if !EnableInvokeDynamic.
// The verifier will stop it. However, if we get past the verifier,
// this will stop the thread in a reasonable way, without crashing the JVM.
__ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address,
// the call_VM checks for exception, so we should never return here.
__ should_not_reach_here();
const Register rbx_method = rbx;
const Register rax_callsite = rax;

@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ class VM_Version_StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// and check upper YMM bits after it.
VM_Version::set_avx_cpuFeatures(); // Enable temporary to pass asserts
intx saved_useavx = UseAVX;
intx saved_usesse = UseSSE;
UseAVX = 1;
UseSSE = 2;
// load value into all 32 bytes of ymm7 register
__ movl(rcx, VM_Version::ymm_test_value());
@ -292,6 +296,8 @@ class VM_Version_StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
UseAVX = saved_useavx;
UseSSE = saved_usesse;
// cpuid(0x7) Structured Extended Features

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
#include "runtime/synchronizer.hpp"

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"

@ -26,12 +26,9 @@
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_aix_ppc
# include "atomic_aix_ppc.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_aix_ppc.inline.hpp"
// System includes

@ -26,13 +26,10 @@
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/prefetch.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
#include "atomic_aix_ppc.inline.hpp"
#include "orderAccess_aix_ppc.inline.hpp"
#include "prefetch_aix_ppc.inline.hpp"
// Contains inlined functions for class Thread and ThreadLocalStorage

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"

@ -26,15 +26,9 @@
#include "runtime/atomic.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_bsd_x86
# include "orderAccess_bsd_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_bsd_zero
# include "orderAccess_bsd_zero.inline.hpp"
// System includes
#include <unistd.h>

@ -29,18 +29,12 @@
#error "This file should only be included from thread.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/prefetch.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_bsd_x86
# include "atomic_bsd_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_bsd_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_bsd_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_bsd_zero
# include "atomic_bsd_zero.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_bsd_zero.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_bsd_zero.inline.hpp"

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
@ -5271,7 +5272,6 @@ jlong os::thread_cpu_time(Thread *thread, bool user_sys_cpu_time) {
static jlong slow_thread_cpu_time(Thread *thread, bool user_sys_cpu_time) {
static bool proc_task_unchecked = true;
pid_t tid = thread->osthread()->thread_id();
char *s;
char stat[2048];
@ -5284,24 +5284,7 @@ static jlong slow_thread_cpu_time(Thread *thread, bool user_sys_cpu_time) {
long ldummy;
FILE *fp;
snprintf(proc_name, 64, "/proc/%d/stat", tid);
// The /proc/<tid>/stat aggregates per-process usage on
// new Linux kernels 2.6+ where NPTL is supported.
// The /proc/self/task/<tid>/stat still has the per-thread usage.
// See bug 6328462.
// There possibly can be cases where there is no directory
// /proc/self/task, so we check its availability.
if (proc_task_unchecked && os::Linux::is_NPTL()) {
// This is executed only once
proc_task_unchecked = false;
fp = fopen("/proc/self/task", "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
snprintf(proc_name, 64, "/proc/self/task/%d/stat", tid);
snprintf(proc_name, 64, "/proc/self/task/%d/stat", tid);
fp = fopen(proc_name, "r");
if ( fp == NULL ) return -1;
statlen = fread(stat, 1, 2047, fp);

@ -26,24 +26,9 @@
#include "runtime/atomic.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_x86
# include "orderAccess_linux_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_sparc
# include "orderAccess_linux_sparc.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_zero
# include "orderAccess_linux_zero.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_arm
# include "orderAccess_linux_arm.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_ppc
# include "orderAccess_linux_ppc.inline.hpp"
// System includes
#include <unistd.h>

@ -29,33 +29,22 @@
#error "This file should only be included from thread.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/prefetch.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_x86
# include "atomic_linux_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_linux_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_linux_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_sparc
# include "atomic_linux_sparc.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_linux_sparc.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_linux_sparc.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_zero
# include "atomic_linux_zero.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_linux_zero.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_linux_zero.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_arm
# include "atomic_linux_arm.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_linux_arm.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_linux_arm.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_linux_ppc
# include "atomic_linux_ppc.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_linux_ppc.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_linux_ppc.inline.hpp"

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"

@ -26,15 +26,9 @@
#include "runtime/atomic.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_solaris_x86
# include "orderAccess_solaris_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_solaris_sparc
# include "orderAccess_solaris_sparc.inline.hpp"
// System includes
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

@ -29,18 +29,14 @@
#error "This file should only be included from thread.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/prefetch.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_solaris_x86
# include "atomic_solaris_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_solaris_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_solaris_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_solaris_sparc
# include "atomic_solaris_sparc.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_solaris_sparc.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_solaris_sparc.inline.hpp"

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"

@ -26,12 +26,9 @@
#include "runtime/atomic.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_windows_x86
# include "orderAccess_windows_x86.inline.hpp"
inline const char* os::file_separator() { return "\\"; }
inline const char* os::line_separator() { return "\r\n"; }
inline const char* os::path_separator() { return ";"; }

@ -29,13 +29,10 @@
#error "This file should only be included from thread.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/prefetch.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadLocalStorage.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_OS_ARCH_windows_x86
# include "atomic_windows_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "orderAccess_windows_x86.inline.hpp"
# include "prefetch_windows_x86.inline.hpp"

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include "orderAccess_aix_ppc.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "vm_version_ppc.hpp"

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include "orderAccess_linux_ppc.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "vm_version_ppc.hpp"
@ -53,41 +52,41 @@ inline void Atomic::store_ptr(void* store_value, volatile void* dest) { *
inline jlong Atomic::load(volatile jlong* src) { return *src; }
machine barrier instructions:
- sync two-way memory barrier, aka fence
- lwsync orders Store|Store,
but not Store|Load
- eieio orders memory accesses for device memory (only)
- isync invalidates speculatively executed instructions
From the POWER ISA 2.06 documentation:
"[...] an isync instruction prevents the execution of
instructions following the isync until instructions
preceding the isync have completed, [...]"
From IBM's AIX assembler reference:
"The isync [...] instructions causes the processor to
refetch any instructions that might have been fetched
prior to the isync instruction. The instruction isync
causes the processor to wait for all previous instructions
to complete. Then any instructions already fetched are
discarded and instruction processing continues in the
environment established by the previous instructions."
semantic barrier instructions:
(as defined in orderAccess.hpp)
- release orders Store|Store, (maps to lwsync)
- acquire orders Load|Store, (maps to lwsync)
- fence orders Store|Store, (maps to sync)
// machine barrier instructions:
// - sync two-way memory barrier, aka fence
// - lwsync orders Store|Store,
// Load|Store,
// Load|Load,
// but not Store|Load
// - eieio orders memory accesses for device memory (only)
// - isync invalidates speculatively executed instructions
// From the POWER ISA 2.06 documentation:
// "[...] an isync instruction prevents the execution of
// instructions following the isync until instructions
// preceding the isync have completed, [...]"
// From IBM's AIX assembler reference:
// "The isync [...] instructions causes the processor to
// refetch any instructions that might have been fetched
// prior to the isync instruction. The instruction isync
// causes the processor to wait for all previous instructions
// to complete. Then any instructions already fetched are
// discarded and instruction processing continues in the
// environment established by the previous instructions."
// semantic barrier instructions:
// (as defined in orderAccess.hpp)
// - release orders Store|Store, (maps to lwsync)
// Load|Store
// - acquire orders Load|Store, (maps to lwsync)
// Load|Load
// - fence orders Store|Store, (maps to sync)
// Load|Store,
// Load|Load,
// Store|Load
#define strasm_sync "\n sync \n"
#define strasm_lwsync "\n lwsync \n"

@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ inline intptr_t Atomic::add_ptr(intptr_t add_value, volatile intptr_t* dest) {
__asm__ volatile(
"1: \n\t"
" ldx [%2], %%o2\n\t"
" add %0, %%o2, %%o3\n\t"
" add %1, %%o2, %%o3\n\t"
" casx [%2], %%o2, %%o3\n\t"
" cmp %%o2, %%o3\n\t"
" bne %%xcc, 1b\n\t"
" nop\n\t"
" add %0, %%o2, %0\n\t"
" add %1, %%o2, %0\n\t"
: "=r" (rv)
: "r" (add_value), "r" (dest)
: "memory", "o2", "o3");

@ -302,29 +302,30 @@ void os::print_register_info(outputStream *st, void *context) {
if (context == NULL) return;
ucontext_t *uc = (ucontext_t*)context;
sigcontext* sc = (sigcontext*)context;
intptr_t *sp = (intptr_t *)os::Linux::ucontext_get_sp(uc);
st->print_cr("Register to memory mapping:");
// this is only for the "general purpose" registers
st->print("G1="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G1]);
st->print("G2="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G2]);
st->print("G3="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G3]);
st->print("G4="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G4]);
st->print("G5="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G5]);
st->print("G6="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G6]);
st->print("G7="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__G7]);
st->print("G1="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G1]);
st->print("G2="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G2]);
st->print("G3="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G3]);
st->print("G4="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G4]);
st->print("G5="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G5]);
st->print("G6="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G6]);
st->print("G7="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_G7]);
st->print("O0="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O0]);
st->print("O1="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O1]);
st->print("O2="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O2]);
st->print("O3="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O3]);
st->print("O4="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O4]);
st->print("O5="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O5]);
st->print("O6="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O6]);
st->print("O7="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON__O7]);
st->print("O0="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O0]);
st->print("O1="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O1]);
st->print("O2="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O2]);
st->print("O3="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O3]);
st->print("O4="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O4]);
st->print("O5="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O5]);
st->print("O6="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O6]);
st->print("O7="); print_location(st, SIG_REGS(sc).u_regs[CON_O7]);
st->print("L0="); print_location(st, sp[L0->sp_offset_in_saved_window()]);
@ -516,7 +517,7 @@ inline static bool checkICMiss(sigcontext* uc, address* pc, address* stub) {
if (nativeInstruction_at(*pc)->is_ic_miss_trap()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
#ifdef TIERED
CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(pc);
CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(*pc);
assert(cb->is_compiled_by_c2(), "Wrong compiler");
#endif // TIERED
#endif // ASSERT

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -89,200 +89,6 @@ char *FileBuff::get_line(void) {
return retval;
// Create a new region in a FileBuff.
FileBuffRegion::FileBuffRegion( FileBuff* bufr, int soln, int ln,
int off, int len)
: _bfr(bufr), _sol(soln), _line(ln), _offset(off), _length(len) {
_next = NULL; // No chained regions
// Delete the entire linked list of buffer regions.
FileBuffRegion::~FileBuffRegion() {
if( _next ) delete _next;
// Deep copy a FileBuffRegion
FileBuffRegion *FileBuffRegion::copy() {
if( !this ) return NULL; // The empty buffer region
FileBuffRegion *br = new FileBuffRegion(_bfr,_sol,_line,_offset,_length);
if( _next ) br->_next = _next->copy();
return br;
// Merge another buffer region into this buffer region. Make overlapping areas
// become a single region. Remove (delete) the input FileBuffRegion.
// Since the buffer regions are sorted by file offset, this is a varient of a
// "sorted-merge" running in linear time.
FileBuffRegion *FileBuffRegion::merge( FileBuffRegion *br ) {
if( !br ) return this; // Merging nothing
if( !this ) return br; // Merging into nothing
assert( _bfr == br->_bfr, "" ); // Check for pointer-equivalent buffers
if( _offset < br->_offset ) { // "this" starts before "br"
if( _offset+_length < br->_offset ) { // "this" ends before "br"
if( _next ) _next->merge( br ); // Merge with remainder of list
else _next = br; // No more in this list; just append.
} else { // Regions overlap.
int l = br->_offset + br->_length - _offset;
if( l > _length ) _length = l; // Pick larger region
FileBuffRegion *nr = br->_next; // Get rest of region
br->_next = NULL; // Remove indication of rest of region
delete br; // Delete this region (it's been subsumed).
if( nr ) merge( nr ); // Merge with rest of region
} // End of if regions overlap or not.
} else { // "this" starts after "br"
if( br->_offset+br->_length < _offset ) { // "br" ends before "this"
FileBuffRegion *nr = new FileBuffRegion(_bfr,_sol,_line,_offset,_length);
nr->_next = _next; // Structure copy "this" guy to "nr"
*this = *br; // Structure copy "br" over "this".
br->_next = NULL; // Remove indication of rest of region
delete br; // Delete this region (it's been copied)
merge( nr ); // Finish merging
} else { // Regions overlap.
int l = _offset + _length - br->_offset;
if( l > _length ) _length = l; // Pick larger region
_offset = br->_offset; // Start with earlier region
_sol = br->_sol; // Also use earlier line start
_line = br->_line; // Also use earlier line
FileBuffRegion *nr = br->_next; // Get rest of region
br->_next = NULL; // Remove indication of rest of region
delete br; // Delete this region (it's been subsumed).
if( nr ) merge( nr ); // Merge with rest of region
} // End of if regions overlap or not.
return this;
static int expandtab( ostream &os, int off, char c, char fill1, char fill2 ) {
if( c == '\t' ) { // Tab?
do os << fill1; // Expand the tab; Output space
while( (++off) & 7 ); // Expand to tab stop
} else { // Normal character
os << fill2; // Display normal character
off++; // Increment "cursor" offset
return off;
// Print and highlite a region of a line. Return the amount of highliting left
// to do (i.e. highlite length minus length of line).
static int printline( ostream& os, const char *fname, int line,
const char *_sol, int skip, int len ) {
// Display the entire tab-expanded line
os << fname << ":" << line << ": ";
const char *t = strchr(_sol,'\n')+1; // End of line
int off = 0; // Cursor offset for tab expansion
const char *s = _sol; // Nice string pointer
while( t-s ) { // Display whole line
char c = *s++; // Get next character to display
off = expandtab(os,off,c,' ',c);
// Display the tab-expanded skippings before underlining.
os << fname << ":" << line << ": ";
off = 0; // Cursor offset for tab expansion
s = _sol; // Restart string pointer
// Start underlining.
if( skip != -1 ) { // The no-start-indicating flag
const char *u = _sol+skip; // Amount to skip
while( u-s ) // Display skipped part
off = expandtab(os,off,*s++,' ',' ');
os << '^'; // Start region
off++; // Moved cursor
len--; // 1 less char to do
if( *s++ == '\t' ) // Starting character is a tab?
off = expandtab(os,off,'\t','-','^');
// Long region doesn't end on this line
int llen = (int)(t-s); // Length of line, minus what's already done
if( len > llen ) { // Doing entire rest of line?
while( t-s ) // Display rest of line
off = expandtab(os,off,*s++,'-','-');
os << '\n'; // EOL
return len-llen; // Return what's not yet done.
// Region does end on this line. This code fails subtly if the region ends
// in a tab character.
int i;
for( i=1; i<len; i++ ) // Underline just what's needed
off = expandtab(os,off,*s++,'-','-');
if( i == len ) os << '^'; // Mark end of region
os << '\n'; // End of marked line
return 0; // All done
//std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, FileBuffRegion &br ) {
ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, FileBuffRegion &br ) {
if( &br == NULL ) return os; // The empty buffer region
FileBuffRegion *brp = &br; // Pointer to region
while( brp ) { // While have chained regions
brp->print(os); // Print region
brp = brp->_next; // Chain to next
return os; // Return final stream
// Print the FileBuffRegion to a stream. FileBuffRegions are printed with the
// filename and line number to the left, and complete text lines to the right.
// Selected portions (portions of a line actually in the FileBuffRegion are
// underlined. Ellipses are used for long multi-line regions.
//void FileBuffRegion::print( std::ostream& os ) {
void FileBuffRegion::print( ostream& os ) {
if( !this ) return; // Nothing to print
char *s = _bfr->get_line();
int skip = (int)(_offset - _sol); // Amount to skip to start of data
int len = printline( os, _bfr->_fp->_name, _line, s, skip, _length );
if( !len ) return; // All done; exit
// Here we require at least 2 lines
int off1 = _length - len + skip; // Length of line 1
int off2 = off1 + _sol; // Offset to start of line 2
char *s2 = _bfr->get_line(); // Start of line 2
char *s3 = strchr( s2, '\n' )+1; // Start of line 3 (unread)
if( len <= (s3-s2) ) { // It all fits on the next line
printline( os, _bfr->_fp->_name, _line+1, s2, -1, len ); // Print&underline
// Here we require at least 3 lines
int off3 = off2 + (int)(s3-s2); // Offset to start of line 3
s3 = _bfr->get_line(); // Start of line 3 (read)
const char *s4 = strchr( s3, '\n' )+1;// Start of line 4 (unread)
if( len < (s4-s3) ) { // It all fits on the next 2 lines
s2 = _bfr->get_line();
len = printline( os, _bfr->_fp->_name, _line+1, s2, -1, len ); // Line 2
s3 = _bfr->get_line();
printline( os, _bfr->_fp->_name, _line+2, s3, -1, len ); // Line 3
// Here we require at least 4 lines.
// Print only the 1st and last line, with ellipses in middle.
os << "...\n"; // The ellipses
int cline = _line+1; // Skipped 2 lines
do { // Do until find last line
len -= (int)(s3-s2); // Remove length of line
cline++; // Next line
s2 = _bfr->get_line(); // Get next line from end of this line
s3 = strchr( s2, '\n' ) + 1;// Get end of next line
} while( len > (s3-s2) ); // Repeat until last line
printline( os, _bfr->_fp->_name, cline, s2, -1, len ); // Print & underline
void FileBuff::file_error(int flag, int linenum, const char *fmt, ...)

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ class ArchDesc;
// This class defines a nicely behaved buffer of text. Entire file of text
// is read into buffer at creation, with sentinels at start and end.
class FileBuff {
friend class FileBuffRegion;
long _bufferSize; // Size of text holding buffer.
long _offset; // Expected filepointer offset.
@ -82,29 +81,4 @@ class FileBuff {
// when the pointer is valid (i.e. just obtained from getline()).
long getoff(const char* s) { return _bufoff + (long)(s - _buf); }
// A buffer region is really a region of some file, specified as a linked list
// of offsets and lengths. These regions can be merged; overlapping regions
// will coalesce.
class FileBuffRegion {
public: // Workaround dev-studio friend/private bug
FileBuffRegion *_next; // Linked list of regions sorted by offset.
FileBuff *_bfr; // The Buffer of the file
int _offset, _length; // The file area
int _sol; // Start of line where the file area starts
int _line; // First line of region
FileBuffRegion(FileBuff*, int sol, int line, int offset, int len);
FileBuffRegion *copy(); // Deep copy
FileBuffRegion *merge(FileBuffRegion*); // Merge 2 regions; delete input
void print(ostream&);
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, FileBuffRegion&);

@ -1701,6 +1701,15 @@ Values* GraphBuilder::args_list_for_profiling(ciMethod* target, int& start, bool
return NULL;
void GraphBuilder::check_args_for_profiling(Values* obj_args, int expected) {
#ifdef ASSERT
bool ignored_will_link;
ciSignature* declared_signature = NULL;
ciMethod* real_target = method()->get_method_at_bci(bci(), ignored_will_link, &declared_signature);
assert(expected == obj_args->length() || real_target->is_method_handle_intrinsic(), "missed on arg?");
// Collect arguments that we want to profile in a list
Values* GraphBuilder::collect_args_for_profiling(Values* args, ciMethod* target, bool may_have_receiver) {
int start = 0;
@ -1709,13 +1718,14 @@ Values* GraphBuilder::collect_args_for_profiling(Values* args, ciMethod* target,
return NULL;
int s = obj_args->size();
for (int i = start, j = 0; j < s; i++) {
// if called through method handle invoke, some arguments may have been popped
for (int i = start, j = 0; j < s && i < args->length(); i++) {
if (args->at(i)->type()->is_object_kind()) {
assert(s == obj_args->length(), "missed on arg?");
check_args_for_profiling(obj_args, s);
return obj_args;
@ -3847,14 +3857,7 @@ bool GraphBuilder::try_inline_full(ciMethod* callee, bool holder_known, Bytecode
#ifdef ASSERT
bool ignored_will_link;
ciSignature* declared_signature = NULL;
ciMethod* real_target = method()->get_method_at_bci(bci(), ignored_will_link, &declared_signature);
assert(s == obj_args->length() || real_target->is_method_handle_intrinsic(), "missed on arg?");
check_args_for_profiling(obj_args, s);
profile_call(callee, recv, holder_known ? callee->holder() : NULL, obj_args, true);

@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ class GraphBuilder VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
Values* args_list_for_profiling(ciMethod* target, int& start, bool may_have_receiver);
Values* collect_args_for_profiling(Values* args, ciMethod* target, bool may_have_receiver);
void check_args_for_profiling(Values* obj_args, int expected);
NOT_PRODUCT(void print_stats();)

@ -263,8 +263,7 @@ int CodeEmitInfo::interpreter_frame_size() const {
// Implementation of IR
IR::IR(Compilation* compilation, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci) :
, _num_loops(0) {
_num_loops(0) {
// setup IR fields
_compilation = compilation;
_top_scope = new IRScope(compilation, NULL, -1, method, osr_bci, true);

@ -293,7 +293,6 @@ class IR: public CompilationResourceObj {
Compilation* _compilation; // the current compilation
IRScope* _top_scope; // the root of the scope hierarchy
WordSize _locals_size; // the space required for all locals
int _num_loops; // Total number of loops
BlockList* _code; // the blocks in code generation order w/ use counts
@ -310,8 +309,6 @@ class IR: public CompilationResourceObj {
BlockBegin* start() const { return top_scope()->start(); }
BlockBegin* std_entry() const { return start()->end()->as_Base()->std_entry(); }
BlockBegin* osr_entry() const { return start()->end()->as_Base()->osr_entry(); }
WordSize locals_size() const { return _locals_size; }
int locals_size_in_words() const { return in_words(_locals_size); }
BlockList* code() const { return _code; }
int num_loops() const { return _num_loops; }
int max_stack() const { return top_scope()->max_stack(); } // expensive

@ -2636,8 +2636,10 @@ ciKlass* LIRGenerator::profile_type(ciMethodData* md, int md_base_offset, int md
// LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type() from emitting useless code
profiled_k = ciTypeEntries::with_status(result, profiled_k);
if (exact_signature_k != NULL && exact_klass != exact_signature_k) {
assert(exact_klass == NULL, "obj and signature disagree?");
// exact_klass and exact_signature_k can be both non NULL but
// different if exact_klass is loaded after the ciObject for
// exact_signature_k is created.
if (exact_klass == NULL && exact_signature_k != NULL && exact_klass != exact_signature_k) {
// sometimes the type of the signature is better than the best type
// the compiler has
exact_klass = exact_signature_k;
@ -2648,8 +2650,7 @@ ciKlass* LIRGenerator::profile_type(ciMethodData* md, int md_base_offset, int md
if (improved_klass == NULL) {
improved_klass = comp->cha_exact_type(callee_signature_k);
if (improved_klass != NULL && exact_klass != improved_klass) {
assert(exact_klass == NULL, "obj and signature disagree?");
if (exact_klass == NULL && improved_klass != NULL && exact_klass != improved_klass) {
exact_klass = exact_signature_k;

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "runtime/init.hpp"
#include "runtime/reflection.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/dtrace.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#ifdef COMPILER1

@ -181,9 +181,8 @@ bool ciObject::should_be_constant() {
if (klass() == env->String_klass() || klass() == env->Class_klass()) {
return true;
if (EnableInvokeDynamic &&
(klass()->is_subclass_of(env->MethodHandle_klass()) ||
klass()->is_subclass_of(env->CallSite_klass()))) {
if (klass()->is_subclass_of(env->MethodHandle_klass()) ||
klass()->is_subclass_of(env->CallSite_klass())) {
assert(ScavengeRootsInCode >= 1, "must be");
// We want to treat these aggressively.
return true;

@ -376,11 +376,15 @@ class CompileReplay : public StackObj {
int c = getc(_stream);
while(c != EOF) {
c = get_line(c);
if (had_error()) {
tty->print_cr("Error while parsing line %d: %s\n", line_no, _error_message);
tty->print_cr("%s", _buffer);
if (ReplayIgnoreInitErrors) {
_error_message = NULL;
} else {
@ -565,10 +569,14 @@ class CompileReplay : public StackObj {
void process_ciMethodData(TRAPS) {
Method* method = parse_method(CHECK);
if (had_error()) return;
/* jsut copied from Method, to build interpret data*/
/* just copied from Method, to build interpret data*/
if (InstanceRefKlass::owns_pending_list_lock((JavaThread*)THREAD)) {
// To be properly initialized, some profiling in the MDO needs the
// method to be rewritten (number of arguments at a call for
// instance)
// methodOopDesc::build_interpreter_method_data(method, CHECK);
// Grab a lock here to prevent multiple

@ -164,11 +164,6 @@ void ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool_entries(int length, TRAPS) {
"Class file version does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
tag, CHECK);
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
"This JVM does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
tag, CHECK);
if (tag == JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle) {
cfs->guarantee_more(4, CHECK); // ref_kind, method_index, tag/access_flags
u1 ref_kind = cfs->get_u1_fast();
@ -189,11 +184,6 @@ void ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool_entries(int length, TRAPS) {
"Class file version does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
tag, CHECK);
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) {
"This JVM does not support constant tag %u in class file %s",
tag, CHECK);
cfs->guarantee_more(5, CHECK); // bsm_index, nt, tag/access_flags
u2 bootstrap_specifier_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
u2 name_and_type_index = cfs->get_u2_fast();
@ -263,7 +253,7 @@ void ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool_entries(int length, TRAPS) {
verify_legal_utf8((unsigned char*)utf8_buffer, utf8_length, CHECK);
if (EnableInvokeDynamic && has_cp_patch_at(index)) {
if (has_cp_patch_at(index)) {
Handle patch = clear_cp_patch_at(index);
"Illegal utf8 patch at %d in class file %s",
@ -419,8 +409,7 @@ constantPoolHandle ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool(TRAPS) {
int ref_index = cp->method_handle_index_at(index);
valid_cp_range(ref_index, length) &&
valid_cp_range(ref_index, length),
"Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(ref_index);
@ -466,7 +455,7 @@ constantPoolHandle ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool(TRAPS) {
case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
int ref_index = cp->method_type_index_at(index);
check_property(valid_symbol_at(ref_index) && EnableInvokeDynamic,
"Invalid constant pool index %u in class file %s",
ref_index, CHECK_(nullHandle));
@ -492,7 +481,6 @@ constantPoolHandle ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool(TRAPS) {
if (_cp_patches != NULL) {
// need to treat this_class specially...
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
int this_class_index;
cfs->guarantee_more(8, CHECK_(nullHandle)); // flags, this_class, super_class, infs_len
@ -640,7 +628,6 @@ constantPoolHandle ClassFileParser::parse_constant_pool(TRAPS) {
void ClassFileParser::patch_constant_pool(constantPoolHandle cp, int index, Handle patch, TRAPS) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
BasicType patch_type = T_VOID;
switch (cp->tag_at(index).value()) {

@ -377,11 +377,9 @@ class ClassFileParser VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
char* skip_over_field_signature(char* signature, bool void_ok, unsigned int length, TRAPS);
bool is_anonymous() {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic || _host_klass.is_null(), "");
return _host_klass.not_null();
bool has_cp_patch_at(int index) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
assert(index >= 0, "oob");
return (_cp_patches != NULL
&& index < _cp_patches->length()
@ -404,10 +402,7 @@ class ClassFileParser VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
// constant pool construction, but in later versions they can.
// %%% Let's phase out the old is_klass_reference.
bool valid_klass_reference_at(int index) {
return _cp->is_within_bounds(index) &&
? _cp->tag_at(index).is_klass_or_reference()
: _cp->tag_at(index).is_klass_reference());
return _cp->is_within_bounds(index) && _cp->tag_at(index).is_klass_or_reference();
// Checks that the cpool index is in range and is a utf8

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "memory/iterator.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiRedefineClassesTrace.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"

@ -2646,7 +2646,7 @@ oop java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle::member(oop dmh) {
void java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle::compute_offsets() {
Klass* klass_oop = SystemDictionary::DirectMethodHandle_klass();
if (klass_oop != NULL && EnableInvokeDynamic) {
if (klass_oop != NULL) {
compute_offset(_member_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::member_name(), vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MemberName_signature());
@ -2668,18 +2668,15 @@ int java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm::_vmentry_offset;
void java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle::compute_offsets() {
Klass* klass_oop = SystemDictionary::MethodHandle_klass();
if (klass_oop != NULL && EnableInvokeDynamic) {
if (klass_oop != NULL) {
compute_offset(_type_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::type_name(), vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodType_signature());
compute_optional_offset(_form_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::form_name(), vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm_signature());
if (_form_offset == 0) {
EnableInvokeDynamic = false;
compute_offset(_form_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::form_name(), vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm_signature());
void java_lang_invoke_MemberName::compute_offsets() {
Klass* klass_oop = SystemDictionary::MemberName_klass();
if (klass_oop != NULL && EnableInvokeDynamic) {
if (klass_oop != NULL) {
compute_offset(_clazz_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::clazz_name(), vmSymbols::class_signature());
compute_offset(_name_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::name_name(), vmSymbols::string_signature());
compute_offset(_type_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::type_name(), vmSymbols::object_signature());
@ -2690,7 +2687,7 @@ void java_lang_invoke_MemberName::compute_offsets() {
void java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm::compute_offsets() {
Klass* klass_oop = SystemDictionary::LambdaForm_klass();
if (klass_oop != NULL && EnableInvokeDynamic) {
if (klass_oop != NULL) {
compute_offset(_vmentry_offset, klass_oop, vmSymbols::vmentry_name(), vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MemberName_signature());
@ -2905,7 +2902,6 @@ int java_lang_invoke_MethodType::rtype_slot_count(oop mt) {
int java_lang_invoke_CallSite::_target_offset;
void java_lang_invoke_CallSite::compute_offsets() {
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic) return;
Klass* k = SystemDictionary::CallSite_klass();
if (k != NULL) {
compute_offset(_target_offset, k, vmSymbols::target_name(), vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_signature());
@ -3296,14 +3292,12 @@ void JavaClasses::compute_offsets() {
if (EnableInvokeDynamic) {
// Initialize reflection classes. The layouts of these classes
// changed with the new reflection implementation in JDK 1.4, and

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
// add new entry to the table
void ResolutionErrorTable::add_entry(int index, unsigned int hash,
constantPoolHandle pool, int cp_index, Symbol* error)
constantPoolHandle pool, int cp_index,
Symbol* error, Symbol* message)
assert(!pool.is_null() && error != NULL, "adding NULL obj");
ResolutionErrorEntry* entry = new_entry(hash, pool(), cp_index, error);
ResolutionErrorEntry* entry = new_entry(hash, pool(), cp_index, error, message);
add_entry(index, entry);
@ -58,19 +59,26 @@ ResolutionErrorEntry* ResolutionErrorTable::find_entry(int index, unsigned int h
void ResolutionErrorEntry::set_error(Symbol* e) {
assert(e == NULL || _error == NULL, "cannot reset error");
assert(e != NULL, "must set a value");
_error = e;
if (_error != NULL) _error->increment_refcount();
void ResolutionErrorEntry::set_message(Symbol* c) {
assert(c != NULL, "must set a value");
_message = c;
// create new error entry
ResolutionErrorEntry* ResolutionErrorTable::new_entry(int hash, ConstantPool* pool,
int cp_index, Symbol* error)
int cp_index, Symbol* error,
Symbol* message)
ResolutionErrorEntry* entry = (ResolutionErrorEntry*)Hashtable<ConstantPool*, mtClass>::new_entry(hash, pool);
return entry;
@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ void ResolutionErrorTable::free_entry(ResolutionErrorEntry *entry) {
// decrement error refcount
assert(entry->error() != NULL, "error should be set");
Hashtable<ConstantPool*, mtClass>::free_entry(entry);

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ class ResolutionErrorTable : public Hashtable<ConstantPool*, mtClass> {
ResolutionErrorTable(int table_size);
ResolutionErrorEntry* new_entry(int hash, ConstantPool* pool, int cp_index, Symbol* error);
ResolutionErrorEntry* new_entry(int hash, ConstantPool* pool, int cp_index,
Symbol* error, Symbol* message);
void free_entry(ResolutionErrorEntry *entry);
ResolutionErrorEntry* bucket(int i) {
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ public:
void add_entry(int index, unsigned int hash,
constantPoolHandle pool, int which, Symbol* error);
constantPoolHandle pool, int which, Symbol* error, Symbol* message);
// find error given the constant pool and constant pool index
@ -79,10 +80,10 @@ class ResolutionErrorEntry : public HashtableEntry<ConstantPool*, mtClass> {
int _cp_index;
Symbol* _error;
Symbol* _message;
ConstantPool* pool() const { return (ConstantPool*)literal(); }
ConstantPool** pool_addr() { return (ConstantPool**)literal_addr(); }
ConstantPool* pool() const { return literal(); }
int cp_index() const { return _cp_index; }
void set_cp_index(int cp_index) { _cp_index = cp_index; }
@ -90,6 +91,9 @@ class ResolutionErrorEntry : public HashtableEntry<ConstantPool*, mtClass> {
Symbol* error() const { return _error; }
void set_error(Symbol* e);
Symbol* message() const { return _message; }
void set_message(Symbol* c);
ResolutionErrorEntry* next() const {
return (ResolutionErrorEntry*)HashtableEntry<ConstantPool*, mtClass>::next();

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "services/classLoadingService.hpp"
#include "services/threadService.hpp"
@ -172,12 +173,14 @@ Klass* SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(Symbol* class_name, Handle class_loader
KlassHandle k_h(THREAD, klass);
// can return a null klass
klass = handle_resolution_exception(class_name, class_loader, protection_domain, throw_error, k_h, THREAD);
klass = handle_resolution_exception(class_name, throw_error, k_h, THREAD);
return klass;
Klass* SystemDictionary::handle_resolution_exception(Symbol* class_name, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, bool throw_error, KlassHandle klass_h, TRAPS) {
Klass* SystemDictionary::handle_resolution_exception(Symbol* class_name,
bool throw_error,
KlassHandle klass_h, TRAPS) {
// If we have a pending exception we forward it to the caller, unless throw_error is true,
// in which case we have to check whether the pending exception is a ClassNotFoundException,
@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ Klass* SystemDictionary::resolve_super_or_fail(Symbol* child_name,
if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION || superk_h() == NULL) {
// can null superk
superk_h = KlassHandle(THREAD, handle_resolution_exception(class_name, class_loader, protection_domain, true, superk_h, THREAD));
superk_h = KlassHandle(THREAD, handle_resolution_exception(class_name, true, superk_h, THREAD));
return superk_h();
@ -971,7 +974,6 @@ Klass* SystemDictionary::parse_stream(Symbol* class_name,
if (host_klass.not_null()) {
// Create a new CLD for anonymous class, that uses the same class loader
// as the host_klass
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
guarantee(host_klass->class_loader() == class_loader(), "should be the same");
loader_data = ClassLoaderData::anonymous_class_loader_data(class_loader(), CHECK_NULL);
loader_data->record_dependency(host_klass(), CHECK_NULL);
@ -996,7 +998,6 @@ Klass* SystemDictionary::parse_stream(Symbol* class_name,
if (host_klass.not_null() && k.not_null()) {
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
// If it's anonymous, initialize it now, since nobody else will.
@ -1877,13 +1878,7 @@ void SystemDictionary::initialize_preloaded_classes(TRAPS) {
WKID jsr292_group_start = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(MethodHandle_klass);
WKID jsr292_group_end = WK_KLASS_ENUM_NAME(VolatileCallSite_klass);
initialize_wk_klasses_until(jsr292_group_start, scan, CHECK);
if (EnableInvokeDynamic) {
initialize_wk_klasses_through(jsr292_group_end, scan, CHECK);
} else {
// Skip the JSR 292 classes, if not enabled.
scan = WKID(jsr292_group_end + 1);
initialize_wk_klasses_through(jsr292_group_end, scan, CHECK);
initialize_wk_klasses_until(WKID_LIMIT, scan, CHECK);
_box_klasses[T_BOOLEAN] = WK_KLASS(Boolean_klass);
@ -2119,12 +2114,13 @@ bool SystemDictionary::add_loader_constraint(Symbol* class_name,
// Add entry to resolution error table to record the error when the first
// attempt to resolve a reference to a class has failed.
void SystemDictionary::add_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which, Symbol* error) {
void SystemDictionary::add_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which,
Symbol* error, Symbol* message) {
unsigned int hash = resolution_errors()->compute_hash(pool, which);
int index = resolution_errors()->hash_to_index(hash);
MutexLocker ml(SystemDictionary_lock, Thread::current());
resolution_errors()->add_entry(index, hash, pool, which, error);
resolution_errors()->add_entry(index, hash, pool, which, error, message);
@ -2134,13 +2130,19 @@ void SystemDictionary::delete_resolution_error(ConstantPool* pool) {
// Lookup resolution error table. Returns error if found, otherwise NULL.
Symbol* SystemDictionary::find_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which) {
Symbol* SystemDictionary::find_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which,
Symbol** message) {
unsigned int hash = resolution_errors()->compute_hash(pool, which);
int index = resolution_errors()->hash_to_index(hash);
MutexLocker ml(SystemDictionary_lock, Thread::current());
ResolutionErrorEntry* entry = resolution_errors()->find_entry(index, hash, pool, which);
return (entry != NULL) ? entry->error() : (Symbol*)NULL;
if (entry != NULL) {
*message = entry->message();
return entry->error();
} else {
return NULL;
@ -2221,7 +2223,6 @@ methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_intrinsic(vmIntrinsics::ID iid
Symbol* signature,
methodHandle empty;
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
assert(MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic(iid) &&
MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic_intrinsic(iid) &&
iid != vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric,
@ -2295,7 +2296,6 @@ methodHandle SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_invoker(Symbol* name,
Handle *method_type_result,
methodHandle empty;
assert(EnableInvokeDynamic, "");
assert(!THREAD->is_Compiler_thread(), "");
Handle method_type =
SystemDictionary::find_method_handle_type(signature, accessing_klass, CHECK_(empty));

@ -151,16 +151,16 @@ class Ticks;
/* support for dynamic typing; it's OK if these are NULL in earlier JDKs */ \
do_klass(DirectMethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle, Opt ) \
do_klass(MethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(MemberName_klass, java_lang_invoke_MemberName, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(MethodHandleNatives_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(MethodHandle_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle, Pre ) \
do_klass(MemberName_klass, java_lang_invoke_MemberName, Pre ) \
do_klass(MethodHandleNatives_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives, Pre ) \
do_klass(LambdaForm_klass, java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm, Opt ) \
do_klass(MethodType_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodType, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(BootstrapMethodError_klass, java_lang_BootstrapMethodError, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(CallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_CallSite, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(ConstantCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_ConstantCallSite, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(MutableCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_MutableCallSite, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(VolatileCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_VolatileCallSite, Pre_JSR292 ) \
do_klass(MethodType_klass, java_lang_invoke_MethodType, Pre ) \
do_klass(BootstrapMethodError_klass, java_lang_BootstrapMethodError, Pre ) \
do_klass(CallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_CallSite, Pre ) \
do_klass(ConstantCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_ConstantCallSite, Pre ) \
do_klass(MutableCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_MutableCallSite, Pre ) \
do_klass(VolatileCallSite_klass, java_lang_invoke_VolatileCallSite, Pre ) \
/* Note: MethodHandle must be first, and VolatileCallSite last in group */ \
do_klass(StringBuffer_klass, java_lang_StringBuffer, Pre ) \
@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ class SystemDictionary : AllStatic {
enum InitOption {
Pre, // preloaded; error if not present
Pre_JSR292, // preloaded if EnableInvokeDynamic
// Order is significant. Options before this point require resolve_or_fail.
// Options after this point will use resolve_or_null instead.
@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ class SystemDictionary : AllStatic {
static Klass* resolve_or_fail(Symbol* class_name, bool throw_error, TRAPS);
// handle error translation for resolve_or_null results
static Klass* handle_resolution_exception(Symbol* class_name, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, bool throw_error, KlassHandle klass_h, TRAPS);
static Klass* handle_resolution_exception(Symbol* class_name, bool throw_error, KlassHandle klass_h, TRAPS);
@ -385,7 +384,6 @@ public:
static Klass* check_klass_Pre( Klass* k) { return check_klass(k); }
static Klass* check_klass_Pre_JSR292(Klass* k) { return EnableInvokeDynamic ? check_klass(k) : k; }
static Klass* check_klass_Opt( Klass* k) { return k; }
static Klass* check_klass_Opt_Only_JDK15(Klass* k) {
assert(JDK_Version::is_gte_jdk15x_version(), "JDK 1.5 only");
@ -531,9 +529,11 @@ public:
// Record the error when the first attempt to resolve a reference from a constant
// pool entry to a class fails.
static void add_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which, Symbol* error);
static void add_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which, Symbol* error,
Symbol* message);
static void delete_resolution_error(ConstantPool* pool);
static Symbol* find_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which);
static Symbol* find_resolution_error(constantPoolHandle pool, int which,
Symbol** message);

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
# include "bytes_x86.hpp"
@ -2361,12 +2361,9 @@ void ClassVerifier::verify_invoke_instructions(
// Get referenced class type
VerificationType ref_class_type;
if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
if (!EnableInvokeDynamic ||
_klass->major_version() < Verifier::INVOKEDYNAMIC_MAJOR_VERSION) {
if (_klass->major_version() < Verifier::INVOKEDYNAMIC_MAJOR_VERSION) {
(!EnableInvokeDynamic ?
"invokedynamic instructions not enabled in this JVM" :
"invokedynamic instructions not supported by this class file version"),
"invokedynamic instructions not supported by this class file version",

@ -775,7 +775,7 @@
/* java/lang/ref/Reference */ \
do_intrinsic(_Reference_get, java_lang_ref_Reference, get_name, void_object_signature, F_R) \
/* support for com.sum.crypto.provider.AESCrypt and some of its callers */ \
/* support for com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCrypt and some of its callers */ \
do_class(com_sun_crypto_provider_aescrypt, "com/sun/crypto/provider/AESCrypt") \
do_intrinsic(_aescrypt_encryptBlock, com_sun_crypto_provider_aescrypt, encryptBlock_name, byteArray_int_byteArray_int_signature, F_R) \
do_intrinsic(_aescrypt_decryptBlock, com_sun_crypto_provider_aescrypt, decryptBlock_name, byteArray_int_byteArray_int_signature, F_R) \

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "oops/methodData.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiRedefineClassesTrace.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiImpl.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "runtime/sweeper.hpp"
#include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
@ -750,7 +751,11 @@ nmethod::nmethod(
_hotness_counter = NMethodSweeper::hotness_counter_reset_val();
if (ScavengeRootsInCode && detect_scavenge_root_oops()) {
@ -2284,13 +2289,13 @@ nmethodLocker::nmethodLocker(address pc) {
void nmethodLocker::lock_nmethod(nmethod* nm, bool zombie_ok) {
if (nm == NULL) return;
guarantee(zombie_ok || !nm->is_zombie(), "cannot lock a zombie method");
assert(zombie_ok || !nm->is_zombie(), "cannot lock a zombie method");
void nmethodLocker::unlock_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
if (nm == NULL) return;
guarantee(nm->_lock_count >= 0, "unmatched nmethod lock/unlock");
assert(nm->_lock_count >= 0, "unmatched nmethod lock/unlock");

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class nmethod : public CodeBlob {
// and is not made into a zombie. However, once the nmethod is made into
// a zombie, it will be locked one final time if CompiledMethodUnload
// event processing needs to be done.
jint _lock_count;
volatile jint _lock_count;
// not_entrant method removal. Each mark_sweep pass will update
// this mark to current sweep invocation count if it is seen on the

@ -150,9 +150,8 @@ int CompileBroker::_sum_nmethod_code_size = 0;
long CompileBroker::_peak_compilation_time = 0;
CompileQueue* CompileBroker::_c2_method_queue = NULL;
CompileQueue* CompileBroker::_c1_method_queue = NULL;
CompileTask* CompileBroker::_task_free_list = NULL;
CompileQueue* CompileBroker::_c2_compile_queue = NULL;
CompileQueue* CompileBroker::_c1_compile_queue = NULL;
GrowableArray<CompilerThread*>* CompileBroker::_compiler_threads = NULL;
@ -220,13 +219,56 @@ CompileTaskWrapper::~CompileTaskWrapper() {
// By convention, the compiling thread is responsible for
// recycling a non-blocking CompileTask.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileTask::initialize
CompileTask* CompileTask::_task_free_list = NULL;
#ifdef ASSERT
int CompileTask::_num_allocated_tasks = 0;
* Allocate a CompileTask, from the free list if possible.
CompileTask* CompileTask::allocate() {
MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
CompileTask* task = NULL;
if (_task_free_list != NULL) {
task = _task_free_list;
_task_free_list = task->next();
} else {
task = new CompileTask();
assert (_num_allocated_tasks < 10000, "Leaking compilation tasks?");
assert(task->is_free(), "Task must be free.");
return task;
* Add a task to the free list.
void CompileTask::free(CompileTask* task) {
MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
if (!task->is_free()) {
assert(!task->lock()->is_locked(), "Should not be locked when freed");
_task_free_list = task;
void CompileTask::initialize(int compile_id,
methodHandle method,
int osr_bci,
@ -284,15 +326,6 @@ void CompileTask::set_code(nmethod* nm) {
if (nm == NULL) _code_handle = NULL; // drop the handle also
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileTask::free
void CompileTask::free() {
assert(!_lock->is_locked(), "Should not be locked when freed");
void CompileTask::mark_on_stack() {
// Mark these methods as something redefine classes cannot remove.
@ -555,9 +588,12 @@ void CompileTask::log_task_done(CompileLog* log) {
// Add a CompileTask to a CompileQueue
* Add a CompileTask to a CompileQueue
void CompileQueue::add(CompileTask* task) {
assert(lock()->owned_by_self(), "must own lock");
assert(!CompileBroker::is_compilation_disabled_forever(), "Do not add task if compilation is turned off forever");
@ -579,9 +615,7 @@ void CompileQueue::add(CompileTask* task) {
// Mark the method as being in the compile queue.
if (CIPrintCompileQueue) {
if (LogCompilation && xtty != NULL) {
@ -591,14 +625,29 @@ void CompileQueue::add(CompileTask* task) {
void CompileQueue::delete_all() {
assert(lock()->owned_by_self(), "must own lock");
if (_first != NULL) {
for (CompileTask* task = _first; task != NULL; task = task->next()) {
delete task;
_first = NULL;
* Empties compilation queue by putting all compilation tasks onto
* a freelist. Furthermore, the method wakes up all threads that are
* waiting on a compilation task to finish. This can happen if background
* compilation is disabled.
void CompileQueue::free_all() {
MutexLocker mu(lock());
CompileTask* next = _first;
// Iterate over all tasks in the compile queue
while (next != NULL) {
CompileTask* current = next;
next = current->next();
// Wake up thread that blocks on the compile task.
// Put the task back on the freelist.
_first = NULL;
// Wake up all threads that block on the queue.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -691,18 +740,24 @@ void CompileQueue::mark_on_stack() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileQueue::print
#ifndef PRODUCT
* Print entire compilation queue.
void CompileQueue::print() {
tty->print_cr("Contents of %s", name());
CompileTask* task = _first;
while (task != NULL) {
task = task->next();
if (CIPrintCompileQueue) {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print_cr("Contents of %s", name());
CompileTask* task = _first;
while (task != NULL) {
task = task->next();
#endif // PRODUCT
CompilerCounters::CompilerCounters(const char* thread_name, int instance, TRAPS) {
@ -775,9 +830,6 @@ void CompileBroker::compilation_init() {
_compilers[1] = new SharkCompiler();
#endif // SHARK
// Initialize the CompileTask free list
_task_free_list = NULL;
// Start the CompilerThreads
init_compiler_threads(c1_count, c2_count);
// totalTime performance counter is always created as it is required
@ -970,11 +1022,11 @@ void CompileBroker::init_compiler_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_compiler
#endif // !ZERO && !SHARK
// Initialize the compilation queue
if (c2_compiler_count > 0) {
_c2_method_queue = new CompileQueue("C2MethodQueue", MethodCompileQueue_lock);
_c2_compile_queue = new CompileQueue("C2 CompileQueue", MethodCompileQueue_lock);
if (c1_compiler_count > 0) {
_c1_method_queue = new CompileQueue("C1MethodQueue", MethodCompileQueue_lock);
_c1_compile_queue = new CompileQueue("C1 CompileQueue", MethodCompileQueue_lock);
@ -989,7 +1041,7 @@ void CompileBroker::init_compiler_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_compiler
sprintf(name_buffer, "C2 CompilerThread%d", i);
CompilerCounters* counters = new CompilerCounters("compilerThread", i, CHECK);
// Shark and C2
CompilerThread* new_thread = make_compiler_thread(name_buffer, _c2_method_queue, counters, _compilers[1], CHECK);
CompilerThread* new_thread = make_compiler_thread(name_buffer, _c2_compile_queue, counters, _compilers[1], CHECK);
@ -998,7 +1050,7 @@ void CompileBroker::init_compiler_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_compiler
sprintf(name_buffer, "C1 CompilerThread%d", i);
CompilerCounters* counters = new CompilerCounters("compilerThread", i, CHECK);
// C1
CompilerThread* new_thread = make_compiler_thread(name_buffer, _c1_method_queue, counters, _compilers[0], CHECK);
CompilerThread* new_thread = make_compiler_thread(name_buffer, _c1_compile_queue, counters, _compilers[0], CHECK);
@ -1008,14 +1060,19 @@ void CompileBroker::init_compiler_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_compiler
// Set the methods on the stack as on_stack so that redefine classes doesn't
// reclaim them
* Set the methods on the stack as on_stack so that redefine classes doesn't
* reclaim them. This method is executed at a safepoint.
void CompileBroker::mark_on_stack() {
if (_c2_method_queue != NULL) {
assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "sanity check");
// Since we are at a safepoint, we do not need a lock to access
// the compile queues.
if (_c2_compile_queue != NULL) {
if (_c1_method_queue != NULL) {
if (_c1_compile_queue != NULL) {
@ -1031,7 +1088,7 @@ void CompileBroker::compile_method_base(methodHandle method,
const char* comment,
Thread* thread) {
// do nothing if compiler thread(s) is not available
if (!_initialized ) {
if (!_initialized) {
@ -1078,7 +1135,7 @@ void CompileBroker::compile_method_base(methodHandle method,
// If this method is already in the compile queue, then
// we do not block the current thread.
if (compilation_is_in_queue(method, osr_bci)) {
if (compilation_is_in_queue(method)) {
// We may want to decay our counter a bit here to prevent
// multiple denied requests for compilation. This is an
// open compilation policy issue. Note: The other possibility,
@ -1111,7 +1168,7 @@ void CompileBroker::compile_method_base(methodHandle method,
// Make sure the method has not slipped into the queues since
// last we checked; note that those checks were "fast bail-outs".
// Here we need to be more careful, see 14012000 below.
if (compilation_is_in_queue(method, osr_bci)) {
if (compilation_is_in_queue(method)) {
@ -1132,7 +1189,7 @@ void CompileBroker::compile_method_base(methodHandle method,
// Should this thread wait for completion of the compile?
blocking = is_compile_blocking(method, osr_bci);
blocking = is_compile_blocking();
// We will enter the compilation in the queue.
// 14012000: Note that this sets the queued_for_compile bits in
@ -1324,19 +1381,17 @@ bool CompileBroker::compilation_is_complete(methodHandle method,
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue
// See if this compilation is already requested.
// Implementation note: there is only a single "is in queue" bit
// for each method. This means that the check below is overly
// conservative in the sense that an osr compilation in the queue
// will block a normal compilation from entering the queue (and vice
// versa). This can be remedied by a full queue search to disambiguate
// cases. If it is deemed profitible, this may be done.
bool CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(methodHandle method,
int osr_bci) {
* See if this compilation is already requested.
* Implementation note: there is only a single "is in queue" bit
* for each method. This means that the check below is overly
* conservative in the sense that an osr compilation in the queue
* will block a normal compilation from entering the queue (and vice
* versa). This can be remedied by a full queue search to disambiguate
* cases. If it is deemed profitable, this may be done.
bool CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(methodHandle method) {
return method->queued_for_compilation();
@ -1416,13 +1471,11 @@ int CompileBroker::assign_compile_id(methodHandle method, int osr_bci) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileBroker::is_compile_blocking
// Should the current thread be blocked until this compilation request
// has been fulfilled?
bool CompileBroker::is_compile_blocking(methodHandle method, int osr_bci) {
* Should the current thread block until this compilation request
* has been fulfilled?
bool CompileBroker::is_compile_blocking() {
assert(!InstanceRefKlass::owns_pending_list_lock(JavaThread::current()), "possible deadlock");
return !BackgroundCompilation;
@ -1450,7 +1503,7 @@ CompileTask* CompileBroker::create_compile_task(CompileQueue* queue,
int hot_count,
const char* comment,
bool blocking) {
CompileTask* new_task = allocate_task();
CompileTask* new_task = CompileTask::allocate();
new_task->initialize(compile_id, method, osr_bci, comp_level,
hot_method, hot_count, comment,
@ -1459,75 +1512,52 @@ CompileTask* CompileBroker::create_compile_task(CompileQueue* queue,
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileBroker::allocate_task
// Allocate a CompileTask, from the free list if possible.
CompileTask* CompileBroker::allocate_task() {
MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
CompileTask* task = NULL;
if (_task_free_list != NULL) {
task = _task_free_list;
_task_free_list = task->next();
} else {
task = new CompileTask();
return task;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileBroker::free_task
// Add a task to the free list.
void CompileBroker::free_task(CompileTask* task) {
MutexLocker locker(CompileTaskAlloc_lock);
_task_free_list = task;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CompileBroker::wait_for_completion
// Wait for the given method CompileTask to complete.
* Wait for the compilation task to complete.
void CompileBroker::wait_for_completion(CompileTask* task) {
if (CIPrintCompileQueue) {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print_cr("BLOCKING FOR COMPILE");
assert(task->is_blocking(), "can only wait on blocking task");
JavaThread *thread = JavaThread::current();
JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
methodHandle method(thread, task->method());
MutexLocker waiter(task->lock(), thread);
while (!task->is_complete())
while (!task->is_complete() && !is_compilation_disabled_forever()) {
if (is_compilation_disabled_forever()) {
// It is harmless to check this status without the lock, because
// completion is a stable property (until the task object is recycled).
assert(task->is_complete(), "Compilation should have completed");
assert(task->code_handle() == NULL, "must be reset");
// By convention, the waiter is responsible for recycling a
// blocking CompileTask. Since there is only one waiter ever
// waiting on a CompileTask, we know that no one else will
// be using this CompileTask; we can free it.
// Initialize compiler thread(s) + compiler object(s). The postcondition
// of this function is that the compiler runtimes are initialized and that
//compiler threads can start compiling.
* Initialize compiler thread(s) + compiler object(s). The postcondition
* of this function is that the compiler runtimes are initialized and that
* compiler threads can start compiling.
bool CompileBroker::init_compiler_runtime() {
CompilerThread* thread = CompilerThread::current();
AbstractCompiler* comp = thread->compiler();
@ -1564,7 +1594,6 @@ bool CompileBroker::init_compiler_runtime() {
// If compiler initialization failed, no compiler thread that is specific to a
// particular compiler runtime will ever start to compile methods.
shutdown_compiler_runtime(comp, thread);
return false;
@ -1578,9 +1607,11 @@ bool CompileBroker::init_compiler_runtime() {
return true;
// If C1 and/or C2 initialization failed, we shut down all compilation.
// We do this to keep things simple. This can be changed if it ever turns out to be
// a problem.
* If C1 and/or C2 initialization failed, we shut down all compilation.
* We do this to keep things simple. This can be changed if it ever turns
* out to be a problem.
void CompileBroker::shutdown_compiler_runtime(AbstractCompiler* comp, CompilerThread* thread) {
// Free buffer blob, if allocated
if (thread->get_buffer_blob() != NULL) {
@ -1592,28 +1623,25 @@ void CompileBroker::shutdown_compiler_runtime(AbstractCompiler* comp, CompilerTh
// There are two reasons for shutting down the compiler
// 1) compiler runtime initialization failed
// 2) The code cache is full and the following flag is set: -XX:-UseCodeCacheFlushing
warning("Shutting down compiler %s (no space to run compilers)", comp->name());
warning("%s initialization failed. Shutting down all compilers", comp->name());
// Only one thread per compiler runtime object enters here
// Set state to shut down
MutexLocker mu(MethodCompileQueue_lock, thread);
CompileQueue* queue;
if (_c1_method_queue != NULL) {
queue = _c1_method_queue;
_c1_method_queue = NULL;
delete _c1_method_queue;
// Delete all queued compilation tasks to make compiler threads exit faster.
if (_c1_compile_queue != NULL) {
if (_c2_method_queue != NULL) {
queue = _c2_method_queue;
_c2_method_queue = NULL;
delete _c2_method_queue;
if (_c2_compile_queue != NULL) {
// Set flags so that we continue execution with using interpreter only.
UseCompiler = false;
UseInterpreter = true;
// We could delete compiler runtimes also. However, there are references to
// the compiler runtime(s) (e.g., nmethod::is_compiled_by_c1()) which then
// fail. This can be done later if necessary.

@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ class CompileTask : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
friend class VMStructs;
static CompileTask* _task_free_list;
#ifdef ASSERT
static int _num_allocated_tasks;
Monitor* _lock;
uint _compile_id;
Method* _method;
@ -52,7 +57,7 @@ class CompileTask : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
int _num_inlined_bytecodes;
nmethodLocker* _code_handle; // holder of eventual result
CompileTask* _next, *_prev;
bool _is_free;
// Fields used for logging why the compilation was initiated:
jlong _time_queued; // in units of os::elapsed_counter()
Method* _hot_method; // which method actually triggered this task
@ -69,7 +74,8 @@ class CompileTask : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
methodHandle hot_method, int hot_count, const char* comment,
bool is_blocking);
void free();
static CompileTask* allocate();
static void free(CompileTask* task);
int compile_id() const { return _compile_id; }
Method* method() const { return _method; }
@ -98,6 +104,8 @@ class CompileTask : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
void set_next(CompileTask* next) { _next = next; }
CompileTask* prev() const { return _prev; }
void set_prev(CompileTask* prev) { _prev = prev; }
bool is_free() const { return _is_free; }
void set_is_free(bool val) { _is_free = val; }
static void print_compilation_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
@ -213,8 +221,8 @@ class CompileQueue : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
// Redefine Classes support
void mark_on_stack();
void delete_all();
void print();
void free_all();
NOT_PRODUCT (void print();)
~CompileQueue() {
assert (is_empty(), " Compile Queue must be empty");
@ -267,9 +275,8 @@ class CompileBroker: AllStatic {
static int _last_compile_level;
static char _last_method_compiled[name_buffer_length];
static CompileQueue* _c2_method_queue;
static CompileQueue* _c1_method_queue;
static CompileTask* _task_free_list;
static CompileQueue* _c2_compile_queue;
static CompileQueue* _c1_compile_queue;
static GrowableArray<CompilerThread*>* _compiler_threads;
@ -322,7 +329,7 @@ class CompileBroker: AllStatic {
static void init_compiler_threads(int c1_compiler_count, int c2_compiler_count);
static bool compilation_is_complete (methodHandle method, int osr_bci, int comp_level);
static bool compilation_is_prohibited(methodHandle method, int osr_bci, int comp_level);
static bool is_compile_blocking (methodHandle method, int osr_bci);
static bool is_compile_blocking ();
static void preload_classes (methodHandle method, TRAPS);
static CompileTask* create_compile_task(CompileQueue* queue,
@ -334,8 +341,6 @@ class CompileBroker: AllStatic {
int hot_count,
const char* comment,
bool blocking);
static CompileTask* allocate_task();
static void free_task(CompileTask* task);
static void wait_for_completion(CompileTask* task);
static void invoke_compiler_on_method(CompileTask* task);
@ -353,8 +358,8 @@ class CompileBroker: AllStatic {
const char* comment,
Thread* thread);
static CompileQueue* compile_queue(int comp_level) {
if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return _c2_method_queue;
if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return _c1_method_queue;
if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return _c2_compile_queue;
if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return _c1_compile_queue;
return NULL;
static bool init_compiler_runtime();
@ -372,7 +377,7 @@ class CompileBroker: AllStatic {
return NULL;
static bool compilation_is_in_queue(methodHandle method, int osr_bci);
static bool compilation_is_in_queue(methodHandle method);
static int queue_size(int comp_level) {
CompileQueue *q = compile_queue(comp_level);
return q != NULL ? q->size() : 0;

@ -467,7 +467,6 @@ void OopMapSet::update_register_map(const frame *fr, RegisterMap *reg_map) {
assert(cb != NULL, "no codeblob");
// Any reg might be saved by a safepoint handler (see generate_handler_blob).
const int max_saved_on_entry_reg_count = ConcreteRegisterImpl::number_of_registers;
assert( reg_map->_update_for_id == NULL || fr->is_older(reg_map->_update_for_id),
"already updated this map; do not 'update' it twice!" );
debug_only(reg_map->_update_for_id = fr->id());
@ -477,27 +476,20 @@ void OopMapSet::update_register_map(const frame *fr, RegisterMap *reg_map) {
"include_argument_oops should already be set");
int nof_callee = 0;
oop* locs[2*max_saved_on_entry_reg_count+1];
VMReg regs[2*max_saved_on_entry_reg_count+1];
// ("+1" because max_saved_on_entry_reg_count might be zero)
// Scan through oopmap and find location of all callee-saved registers
// (we do not do update in place, since info could be overwritten)
address pc = fr->pc();
OopMap* map = cb->oop_map_for_return_address(pc);
assert(map != NULL, "no ptr map found");
DEBUG_ONLY(int nof_callee = 0;)
assert(map != NULL, " no ptr map found");
OopMapValue omv;
for(OopMapStream oms(map,OopMapValue::callee_saved_value); !oms.is_done(); {
omv = oms.current();
assert(nof_callee < 2*max_saved_on_entry_reg_count, "overflow");
regs[nof_callee] = omv.content_reg();
locs[nof_callee] = fr->oopmapreg_to_location(omv.reg(),reg_map);
for (OopMapStream oms(map, OopMapValue::callee_saved_value); !oms.is_done(); {
OopMapValue omv = oms.current();
VMReg reg = omv.content_reg();
oop* loc = fr->oopmapreg_to_location(omv.reg(), reg_map);
reg_map->set_location(reg, (address) loc);
// Check that runtime stubs save all callee-saved registers
@ -506,11 +498,6 @@ void OopMapSet::update_register_map(const frame *fr, RegisterMap *reg_map) {
(nof_callee >= SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT || nof_callee >= C_SAVED_ON_ENTRY_REG_COUNT),
"must save all");
#endif // COMPILER2
// Copy found callee-saved register to reg_map
for(int i = 0; i < nof_callee; i++) {
reg_map->set_location(regs[i], (address)locs[i]);

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void AdaptiveFreeList<Chunk>::verify_stats() const {
" coal_deaths(" SIZE_FORMAT ")"
" + count(" SSIZE_FORMAT ")",
this, size(), _allocation_stats.prev_sweep(), _allocation_stats.split_births(),
_allocation_stats.split_births(), _allocation_stats.split_deaths(),
_allocation_stats.coal_births(), _allocation_stats.split_deaths(),
_allocation_stats.coal_deaths(), count()));

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "memory/collectorPolicy.hpp"
class ConcurrentMarkSweepPolicy : public TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy {
class ConcurrentMarkSweepPolicy : public GenCollectorPolicy {
void initialize_alignments();
void initialize_generations();

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/init.hpp"
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include "runtime/globals_extension.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
#include "services/memoryService.hpp"
#include "services/runtimeService.hpp"
@ -1560,7 +1561,7 @@ bool CMSCollector::shouldConcurrentCollect() {
// this is not likely to be productive in practice because it's probably too
// late anyway.
GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
"You may want to check the correctness of the following");
if (gch->incremental_collection_will_fail(true /* consult_young */)) {
if (Verbose && PrintGCDetails) {
@ -1964,7 +1965,7 @@ void CMSCollector::decide_foreground_collection_type(
// has exceeded the threshold set by CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction,
// or if an incremental collection has failed
GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
"You may want to check the correctness of the following");
// Inform cms gen if this was due to partial collection failing.
// The CMS gen may use this fact to determine its expansion policy.

@ -223,12 +223,6 @@ void ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc) {
void ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("\"%s\" ", name());
void ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::print_all_on(outputStream* st) {
if (_cmst != NULL) {

@ -94,8 +94,6 @@ class ConcurrentMarkSweepThread: public ConcurrentGCThread {
static void threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc);
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const { print_on(tty); }
static void print_all_on(outputStream* st);
static void print_all() { print_all_on(tty); }

@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ ConcurrentG1RefineThread(ConcurrentG1Refine* cg1r, ConcurrentG1RefineThread *nex
// set name
set_name("G1 Concurrent Refinement Thread#%d", worker_id);
void ConcurrentG1RefineThread::initialize() {
@ -247,12 +250,3 @@ void ConcurrentG1RefineThread::stop() {
void ConcurrentG1RefineThread::print() const {
void ConcurrentG1RefineThread::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("\"G1 Concurrent Refinement Thread#%d\" ", _worker_id);

@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ public:
void initialize();
// Printing
void print() const;
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
// Total virtual time so far.
double vtime_accum() { return _vtime_accum; }

@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ ConcurrentMarkThread::ConcurrentMarkThread(ConcurrentMark* cm) :
_vtime_mark_accum(0.0) {
set_name("G1 Main Concurrent Mark GC Thread");
@ -322,16 +324,6 @@ void ConcurrentMarkThread::stop() {
void ConcurrentMarkThread::print() const {
void ConcurrentMarkThread::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
st->print("\"G1 Main Concurrent Mark GC Thread\" ");
void ConcurrentMarkThread::sleepBeforeNextCycle() {
// We join here because we don't want to do the "shouldConcurrentMark()"
// below while the world is otherwise stopped.

@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ class ConcurrentMarkThread: public ConcurrentGCThread {
static void makeSurrogateLockerThread(TRAPS);
static SurrogateLockerThread* slt() { return _slt; }
// Printing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print() const;
// Total virtual time so far.
double vtime_accum();
// Marking virtual time so far

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.inline.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
G1CollectedHeap* G1AllocRegion::_g1h = NULL;
HeapRegion* G1AllocRegion::_dummy_region = NULL;

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "memory/referenceProcessor.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.pcgc.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/ticks.hpp"

@ -1107,20 +1107,11 @@ public:
return _gc_time_stamp;
void reset_gc_time_stamp() {
_gc_time_stamp = 0;
// Clear the cached CSet starting regions and time stamps.
// Their validity is dependent on the GC timestamp.
inline void reset_gc_time_stamp();
void check_gc_time_stamps() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void increment_gc_time_stamp() {
inline void increment_gc_time_stamp();
// Reset the given region's GC timestamp. If it's starts humongous,
// also reset the GC timestamp of its corresponding

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1SATBCardTableModRefBS.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSet.inline.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSeq.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/taskqueue.hpp"
// Inline functions for G1CollectedHeap
@ -60,6 +61,19 @@ G1CollectedHeap::heap_region_containing(const T addr) const {
return hr;
inline void G1CollectedHeap::reset_gc_time_stamp() {
_gc_time_stamp = 0;
// Clear the cached CSet starting regions and time stamps.
// Their validity is dependent on the GC timestamp.
inline void G1CollectedHeap::increment_gc_time_stamp() {
inline void G1CollectedHeap::old_set_remove(HeapRegion* hr) {

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/satbQueue.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
G1SATBCardTableModRefBS::G1SATBCardTableModRefBS(MemRegion whole_heap,

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More