8005126: [parfait] - XRBackendNative.c Integer overflow

Reviewed-by: prr, vadim
This commit is contained in:
Johnny Chen 2013-07-24 13:05:03 -07:00
parent ae6e0e250d
commit a79be71e3a

@ -112,6 +112,25 @@ static
* X protocol uses (u_int16)length to specify the length in 4 bytes quantities
* of the whole request. Both XRenderFillRectangles() and XFillRectangles()
* have provisions to fragment into several requests if the number of rectangles
* plus the current x request does not fit into 65535*4 bytes. While
* XRenderCreateLinearGradient() and XRenderCreateRadialGradient() have
* provisions to gracefully degrade if the resulting request would exceed
* 65535*4 bytes.
* Below, we define a cap of 65535*4 bytes for the maximum X request payload
* allowed for Non-(XRenderFillRectangles() or XFillRectangles()) API calls,
* just to be conservative. This is offset by the size of our maximum x*Req
* type in this compilation unit, which is xRenderCreateRadiaGradientReq.
* Note that sizeof(xRenderCreateRadiaGradientReq) = 36
#define MAX_PAYLOAD (262140u - 36u)
#define MAXUINT (0xffffffffu)
static jboolean IsXRenderAvailable(jboolean verbose) {
void *xrenderlib;
@ -410,6 +429,10 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRenderRectanglesNative
if (rectCnt <= 256) {
xRects = &sRects[0];
} else {
if (MAXUINT / sizeof(XRectangle) < (unsigned)rectCnt) {
/* rectCnt too big, integer overflow */
xRects = (XRectangle *) malloc(sizeof(XRectangle) * rectCnt);
if (xRects == NULL) {
@ -466,6 +489,12 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRCreateLinearGradientPaintNative
XFixed *stops;
XLinearGradient grad;
if (MAX_PAYLOAD / (sizeof(XRenderColor) + sizeof(XFixed))
< (unsigned)numStops) {
/* numStops too big, payload overflow */
return -1;
if ((pixels = (jshort *)
(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, pixelsArray, NULL)) == NULL) {
return -1;
@ -486,6 +515,18 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRCreateLinearGradientPaintNative
colors = (XRenderColor *) malloc(numStops * sizeof(XRenderColor));
stops = (XFixed *) malloc(numStops * sizeof(XFixed));
if (colors == NULL || stops == NULL) {
if (colors != NULL) {
if (stops != NULL) {
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, pixelsArray, pixels, JNI_ABORT);
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, fractionsArray, fractions, JNI_ABORT);
return -1;
for (i=0; i < numStops; i++) {
stops[i] = XDoubleToFixed(fractions[i]);
colors[i].alpha = pixels[i*4 + 0];
@ -533,6 +574,11 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRCreateRadialGradientPaintNative
XFixed *stops;
XRadialGradient grad;
if (MAX_PAYLOAD / (sizeof(XRenderColor) + sizeof(XFixed))
< (unsigned)numStops) {
/* numStops too big, payload overflow */
return -1;
if ((pixels =
(jshort *)(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, pixelsArray, NULL)) == NULL) {
@ -556,6 +602,18 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRCreateRadialGradientPaintNative
colors = (XRenderColor *) malloc(numStops * sizeof(XRenderColor));
stops = (XFixed *) malloc(numStops * sizeof(XFixed));
if (colors == NULL || stops == NULL) {
if (colors != NULL) {
if (stops != NULL) {
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, pixelsArray, pixels, JNI_ABORT);
(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, fractionsArray, fractions, JNI_ABORT);
return -1;
for (i=0; i < numStops; i++) {
stops[i] = XDoubleToFixed(fractions[i]);
colors[i].alpha = pixels[i*4 + 0];
@ -714,6 +772,12 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRAddGlyphsNative
unsigned char *pixelData;
int i;
if (MAX_PAYLOAD / (sizeof(XGlyphInfo) + sizeof(Glyph))
< (unsigned)glyphCnt) {
/* glyphCnt too big, payload overflow */
XGlyphInfo *xginfo = (XGlyphInfo *) malloc(sizeof(XGlyphInfo) * glyphCnt);
Glyph *gid = (Glyph *) malloc(sizeof(Glyph) * glyphCnt);
@ -776,6 +840,11 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL
(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint glyphSet, jintArray gidArray, jint glyphCnt) {
if (MAX_PAYLOAD / sizeof(Glyph) < (unsigned)glyphCnt) {
/* glyphCnt too big, payload overflow */
/* The glyph ids are 32 bit but may be stored in a 64 bit long on
* a 64 bit architecture. So optimise the 32 bit case to avoid
* extra stack or heap allocations by directly referencing the
@ -846,6 +915,15 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_XRenderCompositeTextNative
unsigned int sids[256];
int charCnt = 0;
if ((MAX_PAYLOAD / sizeof(XGlyphElt32) < (unsigned)eltCnt)
|| (MAX_PAYLOAD / sizeof(unsigned int) < (unsigned)glyphCnt)
|| ((MAX_PAYLOAD - sizeof(XGlyphElt32)*(unsigned)eltCnt) /
sizeof(unsigned int) < (unsigned)glyphCnt))
/* (eltCnt, glyphCnt) too big, payload overflow */
if (eltCnt <= 24) {
xelts = &selts[0];
}else {
@ -944,6 +1022,11 @@ Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendNative_GCRectanglesNative
if (rectCnt <= 256) {
xRects = &sRects[0];
} else {
if (MAXUINT / sizeof(XRectangle) < (unsigned)rectCnt) {
/* rectCnt too big, integer overflow */
xRects = (XRectangle *) malloc(sizeof(XRectangle) * rectCnt);
if (xRects == NULL) {