8284367: JQuery UI upgrade from 1.12.1 to 1.13.1
Reviewed-by: jjg
This commit is contained in:
@ -314,19 +314,7 @@ public class HtmlDoclet extends AbstractDoclet {
List<String> files = Arrays.asList(
DocFile f;
for (String file : files) {
DocPath filePath = DocPaths.SCRIPT_DIR.resolve(file);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ a.ui-button:active,
.ui-button.ui-state-active:hover {
/* Overrides the color of selection used in jQuery UI */
background: #F8981D;
border: 1px solid #F8981D;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
/*! jQuery UI - v1.12.1 - 2018-12-06
/*! jQuery UI - v1.13.1 - 2022-05-12
* http://jqueryui.com
* Includes: core.css, autocomplete.css, menu.css, theme.css
* To view and modify this theme, visit http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/?scope=&folderName=custom-theme&bgImgOpacityError=95&bgImgOpacityHighlight=55&bgImgOpacityActive=65&bgImgOpacityHover=75&bgImgOpacityDefault=75&bgImgOpacityContent=75&bgImgOpacityHeader=75&cornerRadiusShadow=8px&offsetLeftShadow=-8px&offsetTopShadow=-8px&thicknessShadow=8px&opacityShadow=30&bgImgOpacityShadow=0&bgTextureShadow=flat&bgColorShadow=%23aaaaaa&opacityOverlay=30&bgImgOpacityOverlay=0&bgTextureOverlay=flat&bgColorOverlay=%23aaaaaa&iconColorError=%23cd0a0a&fcError=%23cd0a0a&borderColorError=%23cd0a0a&bgTextureError=glass&bgColorError=%23fef1ec&iconColorHighlight=%232e83ff&fcHighlight=%23363636&borderColorHighlight=%23fcefa1&bgTextureHighlight=glass&bgColorHighlight=%23fbf9ee&iconColorActive=%23454545&fcActive=%23212121&borderColorActive=%23aaaaaa&bgTextureActive=glass&bgColorActive=%23dadada&iconColorHover=%23454545&fcHover=%23212121&borderColorHover=%23999999&bgTextureHover=glass&bgColorHover=%23dadada&iconColorDefault=%23888888&fcDefault=%23555555&borderColorDefault=%23d3d3d3&bgTextureDefault=glass&bgColorDefault=%23e6e6e6&iconColorContent=%23222222&fcContent=%23222222&borderColorContent=%23aaaaaa&bgTextureContent=flat&bgColorContent=%23ffffff&iconColorHeader=%23222222&fcHeader=%23222222&borderColorHeader=%23aaaaaa&bgTextureHeader=highlight_soft&bgColorHeader=%23cccccc&cornerRadius=4px&fwDefault=normal&fsDefault=1.1em&ffDefault=Verdana%2CArial%2Csans-serif
* Includes: core.css, autocomplete.css, menu.css
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT */
/* Layout helpers
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
left: 0;
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
filter:Alpha(Opacity=0); /* support: IE8 */
-ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=0)"; /* support: IE8 */
.ui-front {
@ -150,433 +149,3 @@
left: auto;
right: 0;
/* Component containers
.ui-widget {
font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 1.1em;
.ui-widget .ui-widget {
font-size: 1em;
.ui-widget input,
.ui-widget select,
.ui-widget textarea,
.ui-widget button {
font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 1em;
.ui-widget.ui-widget-content {
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
.ui-widget-content {
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
background: #ffffff;
color: #222222;
.ui-widget-content a {
color: #222222;
.ui-widget-header {
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
background: #cccccc url("images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png") 50% 50% repeat-x;
color: #222222;
font-weight: bold;
.ui-widget-header a {
color: #222222;
/* Interaction states
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-default,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-default,
/* We use html here because we need a greater specificity to make sure disabled
works properly when clicked or hovered */
html .ui-button.ui-state-disabled:hover,
html .ui-button.ui-state-disabled:active {
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
background: #e6e6e6 url("images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png") 50% 50% repeat-x;
font-weight: normal;
color: #555555;
.ui-state-default a,
.ui-state-default a:link,
.ui-state-default a:visited,
.ui-button {
color: #555555;
text-decoration: none;
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-hover,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-hover,
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-focus,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-focus,
.ui-button:focus {
border: 1px solid #999999;
background: #dadada url("images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png") 50% 50% repeat-x;
font-weight: normal;
color: #212121;
.ui-state-hover a,
.ui-state-hover a:hover,
.ui-state-hover a:link,
.ui-state-hover a:visited,
.ui-state-focus a,
.ui-state-focus a:hover,
.ui-state-focus a:link,
.ui-state-focus a:visited,
a.ui-button:focus {
color: #212121;
text-decoration: none;
.ui-visual-focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 3px 1px rgb(94, 158, 214);
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-active,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-active,
.ui-button.ui-state-active:hover {
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
background: #dadada url("images/ui-bg_glass_65_dadada_1x400.png") 50% 50% repeat-x;
font-weight: normal;
color: #212121;
.ui-state-active .ui-icon-background {
border: #aaaaaa;
background-color: #212121;
.ui-state-active a,
.ui-state-active a:link,
.ui-state-active a:visited {
color: #212121;
text-decoration: none;
/* Interaction Cues
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-highlight,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-highlight {
border: 1px solid #fcefa1;
background: #fbf9ee url("images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png") 50% 50% repeat-x;
color: #363636;
.ui-state-checked {
border: 1px solid #fcefa1;
background: #fbf9ee;
.ui-state-highlight a,
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-highlight a,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-highlight a {
color: #363636;
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-error,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-error {
border: 1px solid #cd0a0a;
background: #fef1ec url("images/ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png") 50% 50% repeat-x;
color: #cd0a0a;
.ui-state-error a,
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-error a,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-error a {
color: #cd0a0a;
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-error-text,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-error-text {
color: #cd0a0a;
.ui-widget-content .ui-priority-primary,
.ui-widget-header .ui-priority-primary {
font-weight: bold;
.ui-widget-content .ui-priority-secondary,
.ui-widget-header .ui-priority-secondary {
opacity: .7;
filter:Alpha(Opacity=70); /* support: IE8 */
font-weight: normal;
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled,
.ui-widget-header .ui-state-disabled {
opacity: .35;
filter:Alpha(Opacity=35); /* support: IE8 */
background-image: none;
.ui-state-disabled .ui-icon {
filter:Alpha(Opacity=35); /* support: IE8 - See #6059 */
/* Icons
/* states and images */
.ui-icon {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
.ui-widget-content .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png");
.ui-widget-header .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png");
.ui-state-hover .ui-icon,
.ui-state-focus .ui-icon,
.ui-button:hover .ui-icon,
.ui-button:focus .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png");
.ui-state-active .ui-icon,
.ui-button:active .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png");
.ui-state-highlight .ui-icon,
.ui-button .ui-state-highlight.ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png");
.ui-state-error .ui-icon,
.ui-state-error-text .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png");
.ui-button .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png");
/* positioning */
.ui-icon-blank { background-position: 16px 16px; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-n { background-position: 0 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-ne { background-position: -16px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-e { background-position: -32px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-se { background-position: -48px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-s { background-position: -65px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-sw { background-position: -80px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-w { background-position: -96px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-1-nw { background-position: -112px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-2-n-s { background-position: -128px 0; }
.ui-icon-caret-2-e-w { background-position: -144px 0; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-n { background-position: 0 -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-ne { background-position: -16px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-e { background-position: -32px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-se { background-position: -48px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-s { background-position: -65px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-sw { background-position: -80px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-w { background-position: -96px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-1-nw { background-position: -112px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-2-n-s { background-position: -128px -16px; }
.ui-icon-triangle-2-e-w { background-position: -144px -16px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-n { background-position: 0 -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-ne { background-position: -16px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-e { background-position: -32px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-se { background-position: -48px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-s { background-position: -65px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-sw { background-position: -80px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-w { background-position: -96px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-1-nw { background-position: -112px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-2-n-s { background-position: -128px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-2-ne-sw { background-position: -144px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-2-e-w { background-position: -160px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-2-se-nw { background-position: -176px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrowstop-1-n { background-position: -192px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrowstop-1-e { background-position: -208px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrowstop-1-s { background-position: -224px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrowstop-1-w { background-position: -240px -32px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n { background-position: 1px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-ne { background-position: -16px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-e { background-position: -32px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-se { background-position: -48px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s { background-position: -64px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-sw { background-position: -80px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-w { background-position: -96px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-1-nw { background-position: -112px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s { background-position: -128px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-2-ne-sw { background-position: -144px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-2-e-w { background-position: -160px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthick-2-se-nw { background-position: -176px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-n { background-position: -192px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-e { background-position: -208px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s { background-position: -224px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-w { background-position: -240px -48px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w { background-position: 0 -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-n { background-position: -16px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-e { background-position: -32px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-s { background-position: -48px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-w { background-position: -64px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-n { background-position: -80px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-e { background-position: -96px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-s { background-position: -112px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w { background-position: -128px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-n { background-position: -144px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-e { background-position: -160px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-s { background-position: -176px -64px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-4 { background-position: 0 -80px; }
.ui-icon-arrow-4-diag { background-position: -16px -80px; }
.ui-icon-extlink { background-position: -32px -80px; }
.ui-icon-newwin { background-position: -48px -80px; }
.ui-icon-refresh { background-position: -64px -80px; }
.ui-icon-shuffle { background-position: -80px -80px; }
.ui-icon-transfer-e-w { background-position: -96px -80px; }
.ui-icon-transferthick-e-w { background-position: -112px -80px; }
.ui-icon-folder-collapsed { background-position: 0 -96px; }
.ui-icon-folder-open { background-position: -16px -96px; }
.ui-icon-document { background-position: -32px -96px; }
.ui-icon-document-b { background-position: -48px -96px; }
.ui-icon-note { background-position: -64px -96px; }
.ui-icon-mail-closed { background-position: -80px -96px; }
.ui-icon-mail-open { background-position: -96px -96px; }
.ui-icon-suitcase { background-position: -112px -96px; }
.ui-icon-comment { background-position: -128px -96px; }
.ui-icon-person { background-position: -144px -96px; }
.ui-icon-print { background-position: -160px -96px; }
.ui-icon-trash { background-position: -176px -96px; }
.ui-icon-locked { background-position: -192px -96px; }
.ui-icon-unlocked { background-position: -208px -96px; }
.ui-icon-bookmark { background-position: -224px -96px; }
.ui-icon-tag { background-position: -240px -96px; }
.ui-icon-home { background-position: 0 -112px; }
.ui-icon-flag { background-position: -16px -112px; }
.ui-icon-calendar { background-position: -32px -112px; }
.ui-icon-cart { background-position: -48px -112px; }
.ui-icon-pencil { background-position: -64px -112px; }
.ui-icon-clock { background-position: -80px -112px; }
.ui-icon-disk { background-position: -96px -112px; }
.ui-icon-calculator { background-position: -112px -112px; }
.ui-icon-zoomin { background-position: -128px -112px; }
.ui-icon-zoomout { background-position: -144px -112px; }
.ui-icon-search { background-position: -160px -112px; }
.ui-icon-wrench { background-position: -176px -112px; }
.ui-icon-gear { background-position: -192px -112px; }
.ui-icon-heart { background-position: -208px -112px; }
.ui-icon-star { background-position: -224px -112px; }
.ui-icon-link { background-position: -240px -112px; }
.ui-icon-cancel { background-position: 0 -128px; }
.ui-icon-plus { background-position: -16px -128px; }
.ui-icon-plusthick { background-position: -32px -128px; }
.ui-icon-minus { background-position: -48px -128px; }
.ui-icon-minusthick { background-position: -64px -128px; }
.ui-icon-close { background-position: -80px -128px; }
.ui-icon-closethick { background-position: -96px -128px; }
.ui-icon-key { background-position: -112px -128px; }
.ui-icon-lightbulb { background-position: -128px -128px; }
.ui-icon-scissors { background-position: -144px -128px; }
.ui-icon-clipboard { background-position: -160px -128px; }
.ui-icon-copy { background-position: -176px -128px; }
.ui-icon-contact { background-position: -192px -128px; }
.ui-icon-image { background-position: -208px -128px; }
.ui-icon-video { background-position: -224px -128px; }
.ui-icon-script { background-position: -240px -128px; }
.ui-icon-alert { background-position: 0 -144px; }
.ui-icon-info { background-position: -16px -144px; }
.ui-icon-notice { background-position: -32px -144px; }
.ui-icon-help { background-position: -48px -144px; }
.ui-icon-check { background-position: -64px -144px; }
.ui-icon-bullet { background-position: -80px -144px; }
.ui-icon-radio-on { background-position: -96px -144px; }
.ui-icon-radio-off { background-position: -112px -144px; }
.ui-icon-pin-w { background-position: -128px -144px; }
.ui-icon-pin-s { background-position: -144px -144px; }
.ui-icon-play { background-position: 0 -160px; }
.ui-icon-pause { background-position: -16px -160px; }
.ui-icon-seek-next { background-position: -32px -160px; }
.ui-icon-seek-prev { background-position: -48px -160px; }
.ui-icon-seek-end { background-position: -64px -160px; }
.ui-icon-seek-start { background-position: -80px -160px; }
/* ui-icon-seek-first is deprecated, use ui-icon-seek-start instead */
.ui-icon-seek-first { background-position: -80px -160px; }
.ui-icon-stop { background-position: -96px -160px; }
.ui-icon-eject { background-position: -112px -160px; }
.ui-icon-volume-off { background-position: -128px -160px; }
.ui-icon-volume-on { background-position: -144px -160px; }
.ui-icon-power { background-position: 0 -176px; }
.ui-icon-signal-diag { background-position: -16px -176px; }
.ui-icon-signal { background-position: -32px -176px; }
.ui-icon-battery-0 { background-position: -48px -176px; }
.ui-icon-battery-1 { background-position: -64px -176px; }
.ui-icon-battery-2 { background-position: -80px -176px; }
.ui-icon-battery-3 { background-position: -96px -176px; }
.ui-icon-circle-plus { background-position: 0 -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-minus { background-position: -16px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-close { background-position: -32px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-triangle-e { background-position: -48px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-triangle-s { background-position: -64px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-triangle-w { background-position: -80px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-triangle-n { background-position: -96px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-arrow-e { background-position: -112px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-arrow-s { background-position: -128px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-arrow-w { background-position: -144px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-arrow-n { background-position: -160px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-zoomin { background-position: -176px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-zoomout { background-position: -192px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circle-check { background-position: -208px -192px; }
.ui-icon-circlesmall-plus { background-position: 0 -208px; }
.ui-icon-circlesmall-minus { background-position: -16px -208px; }
.ui-icon-circlesmall-close { background-position: -32px -208px; }
.ui-icon-squaresmall-plus { background-position: -48px -208px; }
.ui-icon-squaresmall-minus { background-position: -64px -208px; }
.ui-icon-squaresmall-close { background-position: -80px -208px; }
.ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical { background-position: 0 -224px; }
.ui-icon-grip-dotted-horizontal { background-position: -16px -224px; }
.ui-icon-grip-solid-vertical { background-position: -32px -224px; }
.ui-icon-grip-solid-horizontal { background-position: -48px -224px; }
.ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se { background-position: -64px -224px; }
.ui-icon-grip-diagonal-se { background-position: -80px -224px; }
/* Misc visuals
/* Corner radius */
.ui-corner-tl {
border-top-left-radius: 4px;
.ui-corner-tr {
border-top-right-radius: 4px;
.ui-corner-bl {
border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
.ui-corner-br {
border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
/* Overlays */
.ui-widget-overlay {
background: #aaaaaa;
opacity: .3;
filter: Alpha(Opacity=30); /* support: IE8 */
.ui-widget-shadow {
-webkit-box-shadow: -8px -8px 8px #aaaaaa;
box-shadow: -8px -8px 8px #aaaaaa;
@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
/*! jQuery UI - v1.12.1 - 2018-12-06
/*! jQuery UI - v1.13.1 - 2022-05-12
* http://jqueryui.com
* Includes: widget.js, position.js, keycode.js, unique-id.js, widgets/autocomplete.js, widgets/menu.js
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT */
(function( factory ) {
( function( factory ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([ "jquery" ], factory );
define( [ "jquery" ], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}(function( $ ) {
} )( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
$.ui = $.ui || {};
var version = $.ui.version = "1.12.1";
var version = $.ui.version = "1.13.1";
* jQuery UI Widget 1.12.1
* jQuery UI Widget 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
@ -36,24 +39,20 @@ var version = $.ui.version = "1.12.1";
//>>demos: http://jqueryui.com/widget/
var widgetUuid = 0;
var widgetHasOwnProperty = Array.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var widgetSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
$.cleanData = ( function( orig ) {
return function( elems ) {
var events, elem, i;
for ( i = 0; ( elem = elems[ i ] ) != null; i++ ) {
try {
// Only trigger remove when necessary to save time
events = $._data( elem, "events" );
if ( events && events.remove ) {
$( elem ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
// Http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/8235
} catch ( e ) {}
// Only trigger remove when necessary to save time
events = $._data( elem, "events" );
if ( events && events.remove ) {
$( elem ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
orig( elems );
@ -75,12 +74,12 @@ $.widget = function( name, base, prototype ) {
base = $.Widget;
if ( $.isArray( prototype ) ) {
if ( Array.isArray( prototype ) ) {
prototype = $.extend.apply( null, [ {} ].concat( prototype ) );
// Create selector for plugin
$.expr[ ":" ][ fullName.toLowerCase() ] = function( elem ) {
$.expr.pseudos[ fullName.toLowerCase() ] = function( elem ) {
return !!$.data( elem, fullName );
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ $.widget = function( name, base, prototype ) {
constructor = $[ namespace ][ name ] = function( options, element ) {
// Allow instantiation without "new" keyword
if ( !this._createWidget ) {
if ( !this || !this._createWidget ) {
return new constructor( options, element );
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ $.widget = function( name, base, prototype ) {
// inheriting from
basePrototype.options = $.widget.extend( {}, basePrototype.options );
$.each( prototype, function( prop, value ) {
if ( !$.isFunction( value ) ) {
if ( typeof value !== "function" ) {
proxiedPrototype[ prop ] = value;
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ $.widget.extend = function( target ) {
for ( ; inputIndex < inputLength; inputIndex++ ) {
for ( key in input[ inputIndex ] ) {
value = input[ inputIndex ][ key ];
if ( input[ inputIndex ].hasOwnProperty( key ) && value !== undefined ) {
if ( widgetHasOwnProperty.call( input[ inputIndex ], key ) && value !== undefined ) {
// Clone objects
if ( $.isPlainObject( value ) ) {
@ -248,7 +247,8 @@ $.widget.bridge = function( name, object ) {
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
if ( !$.isFunction( instance[ options ] ) || options.charAt( 0 ) === "_" ) {
if ( typeof instance[ options ] !== "function" ||
options.charAt( 0 ) === "_" ) {
return $.error( "no such method '" + options + "' for " + name +
" widget instance" );
@ -509,12 +509,34 @@ $.Widget.prototype = {
classes: this.options.classes || {}
}, options );
function bindRemoveEvent() {
var nodesToBind = [];
options.element.each( function( _, element ) {
var isTracked = $.map( that.classesElementLookup, function( elements ) {
return elements;
} )
.some( function( elements ) {
return elements.is( element );
} );
if ( !isTracked ) {
nodesToBind.push( element );
} );
that._on( $( nodesToBind ), {
remove: "_untrackClassesElement"
} );
function processClassString( classes, checkOption ) {
var current, i;
for ( i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
current = that.classesElementLookup[ classes[ i ] ] || $();
if ( options.add ) {
current = $( $.unique( current.get().concat( options.element.get() ) ) );
current = $( $.uniqueSort( current.get().concat( options.element.get() ) ) );
} else {
current = $( current.not( options.element ).get() );
@ -526,10 +548,6 @@ $.Widget.prototype = {
this._on( options.element, {
"remove": "_untrackClassesElement"
} );
if ( options.keys ) {
processClassString( options.keys.match( /\S+/g ) || [], true );
@ -547,6 +565,8 @@ $.Widget.prototype = {
that.classesElementLookup[ key ] = $( value.not( event.target ).get() );
} );
this._off( $( event.target ) );
_removeClass: function( element, keys, extra ) {
@ -627,7 +647,7 @@ $.Widget.prototype = {
_off: function( element, eventName ) {
eventName = ( eventName || "" ).split( " " ).join( this.eventNamespace + " " ) +
element.off( eventName ).off( eventName );
element.off( eventName );
// Clear the stack to avoid memory leaks (#10056)
this.bindings = $( this.bindings.not( element ).get() );
@ -693,7 +713,7 @@ $.Widget.prototype = {
this.element.trigger( event, data );
return !( $.isFunction( callback ) &&
return !( typeof callback === "function" &&
callback.apply( this.element[ 0 ], [ event ].concat( data ) ) === false ||
event.isDefaultPrevented() );
@ -715,6 +735,8 @@ $.each( { show: "fadeIn", hide: "fadeOut" }, function( method, defaultEffect ) {
options = options || {};
if ( typeof options === "number" ) {
options = { duration: options };
} else if ( options === true ) {
options = {};
hasOptions = !$.isEmptyObject( options );
@ -744,7 +766,7 @@ var widget = $.widget;
* jQuery UI Position 1.12.1
* jQuery UI Position 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
@ -783,6 +805,10 @@ function parseCss( element, property ) {
return parseInt( $.css( element, property ), 10 ) || 0;
function isWindow( obj ) {
return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
function getDimensions( elem ) {
var raw = elem[ 0 ];
if ( raw.nodeType === 9 ) {
@ -792,7 +818,7 @@ function getDimensions( elem ) {
offset: { top: 0, left: 0 }
if ( $.isWindow( raw ) ) {
if ( isWindow( raw ) ) {
return {
width: elem.width(),
height: elem.height(),
@ -819,9 +845,9 @@ $.position = {
return cachedScrollbarWidth;
var w1, w2,
div = $( "<div " +
"style='display:block;position:absolute;width:50px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;'>" +
"<div style='height:100px;width:auto;'></div></div>" ),
div = $( "<div style=" +
"'display:block;position:absolute;width:200px;height:200px;overflow:hidden;'>" +
"<div style='height:300px;width:auto;'></div></div>" ),
innerDiv = div.children()[ 0 ];
$( "body" ).append( div );
@ -854,12 +880,12 @@ $.position = {
getWithinInfo: function( element ) {
var withinElement = $( element || window ),
isWindow = $.isWindow( withinElement[ 0 ] ),
isElemWindow = isWindow( withinElement[ 0 ] ),
isDocument = !!withinElement[ 0 ] && withinElement[ 0 ].nodeType === 9,
hasOffset = !isWindow && !isDocument;
hasOffset = !isElemWindow && !isDocument;
return {
element: withinElement,
isWindow: isWindow,
isWindow: isElemWindow,
isDocument: isDocument,
offset: hasOffset ? $( element ).offset() : { left: 0, top: 0 },
scrollLeft: withinElement.scrollLeft(),
@ -879,7 +905,12 @@ $.fn.position = function( options ) {
options = $.extend( {}, options );
var atOffset, targetWidth, targetHeight, targetOffset, basePosition, dimensions,
target = $( options.of ),
// Make sure string options are treated as CSS selectors
target = typeof options.of === "string" ?
$( document ).find( options.of ) :
$( options.of ),
within = $.position.getWithinInfo( options.within ),
scrollInfo = $.position.getScrollInfo( within ),
collision = ( options.collision || "flip" ).split( " " ),
@ -1232,7 +1263,7 @@ var position = $.ui.position;
* jQuery UI Keycode 1.12.1
* jQuery UI Keycode 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
@ -1267,7 +1298,7 @@ var keycode = $.ui.keyCode = {
* jQuery UI Unique ID 1.12.1
* jQuery UI Unique ID 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
@ -1281,7 +1312,6 @@ var keycode = $.ui.keyCode = {
//>>docs: http://api.jqueryui.com/uniqueId/
var uniqueId = $.fn.extend( {
uniqueId: ( function() {
var uuid = 0;
@ -1336,7 +1366,7 @@ var safeActiveElement = $.ui.safeActiveElement = function( document ) {
* jQuery UI Menu 1.12.1
* jQuery UI Menu 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
@ -1354,9 +1384,8 @@ var safeActiveElement = $.ui.safeActiveElement = function( document ) {
//>>css.theme: ../../themes/base/theme.css
var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
version: "1.12.1",
version: "1.13.1",
defaultElement: "<ul>",
delay: 300,
options: {
@ -1383,6 +1412,7 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
// Flag used to prevent firing of the click handler
// as the event bubbles up through nested menus
this.mouseHandled = false;
this.lastMousePosition = { x: null, y: null };
.attr( {
@ -1397,6 +1427,8 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
// them (focus should always stay on UL during navigation).
"mousedown .ui-menu-item": function( event ) {
this._activateItem( event );
"click .ui-menu-item": function( event ) {
var target = $( event.target );
@ -1426,36 +1458,15 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
"mouseenter .ui-menu-item": function( event ) {
// Ignore mouse events while typeahead is active, see #10458.
// Prevents focusing the wrong item when typeahead causes a scroll while the mouse
// is over an item in the menu
if ( this.previousFilter ) {
var actualTarget = $( event.target ).closest( ".ui-menu-item" ),
target = $( event.currentTarget );
// Ignore bubbled events on parent items, see #11641
if ( actualTarget[ 0 ] !== target[ 0 ] ) {
// Remove ui-state-active class from siblings of the newly focused menu item
// to avoid a jump caused by adjacent elements both having a class with a border
this._removeClass( target.siblings().children( ".ui-state-active" ),
null, "ui-state-active" );
this.focus( event, target );
"mouseenter .ui-menu-item": "_activateItem",
"mousemove .ui-menu-item": "_activateItem",
mouseleave: "collapseAll",
"mouseleave .ui-menu": "collapseAll",
focus: function( event, keepActiveItem ) {
// If there's already an active item, keep it active
// If not, activate the first item
var item = this.active || this.element.find( this.options.items ).eq( 0 );
var item = this.active || this._menuItems().first();
if ( !keepActiveItem ) {
this.focus( event, item );
@ -1481,7 +1492,7 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
this._on( this.document, {
click: function( event ) {
if ( this._closeOnDocumentClick( event ) ) {
this.collapseAll( event );
this.collapseAll( event, true );
// Reset the mouseHandled flag
@ -1490,6 +1501,46 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
} );
_activateItem: function( event ) {
// Ignore mouse events while typeahead is active, see #10458.
// Prevents focusing the wrong item when typeahead causes a scroll while the mouse
// is over an item in the menu
if ( this.previousFilter ) {
// If the mouse didn't actually move, but the page was scrolled, ignore the event (#9356)
if ( event.clientX === this.lastMousePosition.x &&
event.clientY === this.lastMousePosition.y ) {
this.lastMousePosition = {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
var actualTarget = $( event.target ).closest( ".ui-menu-item" ),
target = $( event.currentTarget );
// Ignore bubbled events on parent items, see #11641
if ( actualTarget[ 0 ] !== target[ 0 ] ) {
// If the item is already active, there's nothing to do
if ( target.is( ".ui-state-active" ) ) {
// Remove ui-state-active class from siblings of the newly focused menu item
// to avoid a jump caused by adjacent elements both having a class with a border
this._removeClass( target.siblings().children( ".ui-state-active" ),
null, "ui-state-active" );
this.focus( event, target );
_destroy: function() {
var items = this.element.find( ".ui-menu-item" )
.removeAttr( "role aria-disabled" ),
@ -1821,7 +1872,7 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
this._removeClass( currentMenu.find( ".ui-state-active" ), null, "ui-state-active" );
this.activeMenu = currentMenu;
}, this.delay );
}, all ? 0 : this.delay );
// With no arguments, closes the currently active menu - if nothing is active
@ -1857,11 +1908,7 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
expand: function( event ) {
var newItem = this.active &&
.children( ".ui-menu " )
.find( this.options.items )
var newItem = this.active && this._menuItems( this.active.children( ".ui-menu" ) ).first();
if ( newItem && newItem.length ) {
this._open( newItem.parent() );
@ -1889,21 +1936,27 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
return this.active && !this.active.nextAll( ".ui-menu-item" ).length;
_menuItems: function( menu ) {
return ( menu || this.element )
.find( this.options.items )
.filter( ".ui-menu-item" );
_move: function( direction, filter, event ) {
var next;
if ( this.active ) {
if ( direction === "first" || direction === "last" ) {
next = this.active
[ direction === "first" ? "prevAll" : "nextAll" ]( ".ui-menu-item" )
.eq( -1 );
} else {
next = this.active
[ direction + "All" ]( ".ui-menu-item" )
.eq( 0 );
if ( !next || !next.length || !this.active ) {
next = this.activeMenu.find( this.options.items )[ filter ]();
next = this._menuItems( this.activeMenu )[ filter ]();
this.focus( event, next );
@ -1921,7 +1974,13 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
if ( this._hasScroll() ) {
base = this.active.offset().top;
height = this.element.height();
height = this.element.innerHeight();
// jQuery 3.2 doesn't include scrollbars in innerHeight, add it back.
if ( $.fn.jquery.indexOf( "3.2." ) === 0 ) {
height += this.element[ 0 ].offsetHeight - this.element.outerHeight();
this.active.nextAll( ".ui-menu-item" ).each( function() {
item = $( this );
return item.offset().top - base - height < 0;
@ -1929,7 +1988,7 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
this.focus( event, item );
} else {
this.focus( event, this.activeMenu.find( this.options.items )
this.focus( event, this._menuItems( this.activeMenu )
[ !this.active ? "first" : "last" ]() );
@ -1945,7 +2004,13 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
if ( this._hasScroll() ) {
base = this.active.offset().top;
height = this.element.height();
height = this.element.innerHeight();
// jQuery 3.2 doesn't include scrollbars in innerHeight, add it back.
if ( $.fn.jquery.indexOf( "3.2." ) === 0 ) {
height += this.element[ 0 ].offsetHeight - this.element.outerHeight();
this.active.prevAll( ".ui-menu-item" ).each( function() {
item = $( this );
return item.offset().top - base + height > 0;
@ -1953,7 +2018,7 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
this.focus( event, item );
} else {
this.focus( event, this.activeMenu.find( this.options.items ).first() );
this.focus( event, this._menuItems( this.activeMenu ).first() );
@ -1984,14 +2049,15 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
.filter( ".ui-menu-item" )
.filter( function() {
return regex.test(
$.trim( $( this ).children( ".ui-menu-item-wrapper" ).text() ) );
$( this ).children( ".ui-menu-item-wrapper" ).text() ) );
} );
} );
* jQuery UI Autocomplete 1.12.1
* jQuery UI Autocomplete 1.13.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
@ -2009,9 +2075,8 @@ var widgetsMenu = $.widget( "ui.menu", {
//>>css.theme: ../../themes/base/theme.css
$.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
version: "1.12.1",
version: "1.13.1",
defaultElement: "<input>",
options: {
appendTo: null,
@ -2037,6 +2102,7 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
requestIndex: 0,
pending: 0,
liveRegionTimer: null,
_create: function() {
@ -2174,11 +2240,6 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
this.previous = this._value();
blur: function( event ) {
if ( this.cancelBlur ) {
delete this.cancelBlur;
clearTimeout( this.searching );
this.close( event );
this._change( event );
@ -2194,31 +2255,24 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
role: null
} )
// Support: IE 11 only, Edge <= 14
// For other browsers, we preventDefault() on the mousedown event
// to keep the dropdown from taking focus from the input. This doesn't
// work for IE/Edge, causing problems with selection and scrolling (#9638)
// Happily, IE and Edge support an "unselectable" attribute that
// prevents an element from receiving focus, exactly what we want here.
.attr( {
"unselectable": "on"
} )
.menu( "instance" );
this._addClass( this.menu.element, "ui-autocomplete", "ui-front" );
this._on( this.menu.element, {
mousedown: function( event ) {
// prevent moving focus out of the text field
// Prevent moving focus out of the text field
// IE doesn't prevent moving focus even with event.preventDefault()
// so we set a flag to know when we should ignore the blur event
this.cancelBlur = true;
this._delay( function() {
delete this.cancelBlur;
// Support: IE 8 only
// Right clicking a menu item or selecting text from the menu items will
// result in focus moving out of the input. However, we've already received
// and ignored the blur event because of the cancelBlur flag set above. So
// we restore focus to ensure that the menu closes properly based on the user's
// next actions.
if ( this.element[ 0 ] !== $.ui.safeActiveElement( this.document[ 0 ] ) ) {
this.element.trigger( "focus" );
} );
menufocus: function( event, ui ) {
var label, item;
@ -2249,9 +2303,11 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
// Announce the value in the liveRegion
label = ui.item.attr( "aria-label" ) || item.value;
if ( label && $.trim( label ).length ) {
$( "<div>" ).text( label ).appendTo( this.liveRegion );
if ( label && String.prototype.trim.call( label ).length ) {
clearTimeout( this.liveRegionTimer );
this.liveRegionTimer = this._delay( function() {
this.liveRegion.html( $( "<div>" ).text( label ) );
}, 100 );
menuselect: function( event, ui ) {
@ -2361,7 +2417,7 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
_initSource: function() {
var array, url,
that = this;
if ( $.isArray( this.options.source ) ) {
if ( Array.isArray( this.options.source ) ) {
array = this.options.source;
this.source = function( request, response ) {
response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter( array, request.term ) );
@ -2433,7 +2489,7 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
_response: function() {
var index = ++this.requestIndex;
return $.proxy( function( content ) {
return function( content ) {
if ( index === this.requestIndex ) {
this.__response( content );
@ -2442,7 +2498,7 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
if ( !this.pending ) {
this._removeClass( "ui-autocomplete-loading" );
}, this );
}.bind( this );
__response: function( content ) {
@ -2602,7 +2658,7 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
var editable = element.prop( "contentEditable" );
if ( editable === "inherit" ) {
return this._isContentEditable( element.parent() );
return this._isContentEditable( element.parent() );
return editable === "true";
@ -2646,8 +2702,10 @@ $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {
} else {
message = this.options.messages.noResults;
$( "<div>" ).text( message ).appendTo( this.liveRegion );
clearTimeout( this.liveRegionTimer );
this.liveRegionTimer = this._delay( function() {
this.liveRegion.html( $( "<div>" ).text( message ) );
}, 100 );
} );
@ -2656,4 +2714,4 @@ var widgetsAutocomplete = $.ui.autocomplete;
} );
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
* jQuery UI CSS Framework 1.12.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://api.jqueryui.com/category/theming/
/* Layout helpers
.ui-helper-hidden {
display: none;
.ui-helper-hidden-accessible {
border: 0;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
height: 1px;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
.ui-helper-reset {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
line-height: 1.3;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 100%;
list-style: none;
.ui-helper-clearfix:after {
content: "";
display: table;
border-collapse: collapse;
.ui-helper-clearfix:after {
clear: both;
.ui-helper-zfix {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
filter:Alpha(Opacity=0); /* support: IE8 */
.ui-front {
z-index: 100;
/* Interaction Cues
.ui-state-disabled {
cursor: default !important;
pointer-events: none;
/* Icons
.ui-icon {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-top: -.25em;
position: relative;
text-indent: -99999px;
overflow: hidden;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.ui-widget-icon-block {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -8px;
display: block;
/* Misc visuals
/* Overlays */
.ui-widget-overlay {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.ui-autocomplete {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
cursor: default;
.ui-menu {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
display: block;
outline: 0;
.ui-menu .ui-menu {
position: absolute;
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item {
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
/* support: IE10, see #8844 */
list-style-image: url("");
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item-wrapper {
position: relative;
padding: 3px 1em 3px .4em;
.ui-menu .ui-menu-divider {
margin: 5px 0;
height: 0;
font-size: 0;
line-height: 0;
border-width: 1px 0 0 0;
.ui-menu .ui-state-focus,
.ui-menu .ui-state-active {
margin: -1px;
/* icon support */
.ui-menu-icons {
position: relative;
.ui-menu-icons .ui-menu-item-wrapper {
padding-left: 2em;
/* left-aligned */
.ui-menu .ui-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: .2em;
margin: auto 0;
/* right-aligned */
.ui-menu .ui-menu-icon {
left: auto;
right: 0;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
/*! jQuery UI - v1.12.1 - 2018-12-06
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT */
.ui-helper-hidden{display:none}.ui-helper-hidden-accessible{border:0;clip:rect(0 0 0 0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}.ui-helper-reset{margin:0;padding:0;border:0;outline:0;line-height:1.3;text-decoration:none;font-size:100%;list-style:none}.ui-helper-clearfix:before,.ui-helper-clearfix:after{content:"";display:table;border-collapse:collapse}.ui-helper-clearfix:after{clear:both}.ui-helper-zfix{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;position:absolute;opacity:0;filter:Alpha(Opacity=0)}.ui-front{z-index:100}.ui-state-disabled{cursor:default!important;pointer-events:none}.ui-icon{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin-top:-.25em;position:relative;text-indent:-99999px;overflow:hidden;background-repeat:no-repeat}.ui-widget-icon-block{left:50%;margin-left:-8px;display:block}.ui-widget-overlay{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}.ui-autocomplete{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;cursor:default}.ui-menu{list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0;display:block;outline:0}.ui-menu .ui-menu{position:absolute}.ui-menu .ui-menu-item{margin:0;cursor:pointer;list-style-image:url("")}.ui-menu .ui-menu-item-wrapper{position:relative;padding:3px 1em 3px .4em}.ui-menu .ui-menu-divider{margin:5px 0;height:0;font-size:0;line-height:0;border-width:1px 0 0 0}.ui-menu .ui-state-focus,.ui-menu .ui-state-active{margin:-1px}.ui-menu-icons{position:relative}.ui-menu-icons .ui-menu-item-wrapper{padding-left:2em}.ui-menu .ui-icon{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:.2em;margin:auto 0}.ui-menu .ui-menu-icon{left:auto;right:0}
@ -588,9 +588,6 @@ main, nav, header, footer, section {
li.result-item {
.ui-autocomplete {
@ -603,6 +600,7 @@ li.result-item {
ul.ui-autocomplete {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
ul.ui-autocomplete li {
@ -626,6 +624,9 @@ li.ui-static-link a, li.ui-static-link a:visited {
.ui-autocomplete .result-item {
font-size: inherit;
.ui-autocomplete .result-highlight {
@ -106,9 +106,6 @@ public class DocPaths {
/** The name of the default jQuery UI javascript file. */
public static final DocPath JQUERY_UI_JS = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.min.js");
/** The name of the jQuery UI stylesheet file containing structural declarations. */
public static final DocPath JQUERY_UI_STRUCTURE_CSS = DocPath.create("jquery-ui.structure.min.css");
/** The name of the directory for legal files. */
public static final DocPath LEGAL = DocPath.create("legal");
@ -699,18 +699,6 @@ public class TestSearch extends JavadocTester {
@ -204,18 +204,6 @@ class APITest {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user