8316181: Move the fast locking implementation out of the .ad files

Reviewed-by: thartmann, rkennke, fyang
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Karlsson 2023-09-14 11:50:24 +00:00
parent 8f4dfc443b
commit b48dbf6bfa
6 changed files with 435 additions and 417 deletions

View File

@ -3816,202 +3816,6 @@ encode %{
__ br(target_reg);
enc_class aarch64_enc_fast_lock(iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegP tmp, iRegP tmp2) %{
C2_MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
Register oop = as_Register($object$$reg);
Register box = as_Register($box$$reg);
Register disp_hdr = as_Register($tmp$$reg);
Register tmp = as_Register($tmp2$$reg);
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr);
// Load markWord from object into displaced_header.
__ ldr(disp_hdr, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
__ load_klass(tmp, oop);
__ ldrw(tmp, Address(tmp, Klass::access_flags_offset()));
__ br(Assembler::NE, cont);
// Check for existing monitor
__ tbnz(disp_hdr, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value), object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
__ tst(oop, oop); // Set NE to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path. We know that oop != 0.
__ b(cont);
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Set tmp to be (markWord of object | UNLOCK_VALUE).
__ orr(tmp, disp_hdr, markWord::unlocked_value);
// Initialize the box. (Must happen before we update the object mark!)
__ str(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// Compare object markWord with an unlocked value (tmp) and if
// equal exchange the stack address of our box with object markWord.
// On failure disp_hdr contains the possibly locked markWord.
__ cmpxchg(oop, tmp, box, Assembler::xword, /*acquire*/ true,
/*release*/ true, /*weak*/ false, disp_hdr);
__ br(Assembler::EQ, cont);
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// If the compare-and-exchange succeeded, then we found an unlocked
// object, will have now locked it will continue at label cont
// Check if the owner is self by comparing the value in the
// markWord of object (disp_hdr) with the stack pointer.
__ mov(rscratch1, sp);
__ sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, rscratch1);
__ mov(tmp, (address) (~(os::vm_page_size()-1) | markWord::lock_mask_in_place));
// If condition is true we are cont and hence we can store 0 as the
// displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a recursive lock.
__ ands(tmp/*==0?*/, disp_hdr, tmp); // Sets flags for result
__ str(tmp/*==0, perhaps*/, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
__ b(cont);
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "must be");
__ lightweight_lock(oop, disp_hdr, tmp, rscratch1, no_count);
__ b(count);
// Handle existing monitor.
__ bind(object_has_monitor);
// The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner == NULL,
// otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
// Try to CAS m->owner from NULL to current thread.
__ add(tmp, disp_hdr, (in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset())-markWord::monitor_value));
__ cmpxchg(tmp, zr, rthread, Assembler::xword, /*acquire*/ true,
/*release*/ true, /*weak*/ false, rscratch1); // Sets flags for result
if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// Store a non-null value into the box to avoid looking like a re-entrant
// lock. The fast-path monitor unlock code checks for
// markWord::monitor_value so use markWord::unused_mark which has the
// relevant bit set, and also matches ObjectSynchronizer::enter.
__ mov(tmp, (address)markWord::unused_mark().value());
__ str(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
__ br(Assembler::EQ, cont); // CAS success means locking succeeded
__ cmp(rscratch1, rthread);
__ br(Assembler::NE, cont); // Check for recursive locking
// Recursive lock case
__ increment(Address(disp_hdr, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value), 1);
// flag == EQ still from the cmp above, checking if this is a reentrant lock
__ bind(cont);
// flag == EQ indicates success
// flag == NE indicates failure
__ br(Assembler::NE, no_count);
__ bind(count);
__ increment(Address(rthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()));
__ bind(no_count);
enc_class aarch64_enc_fast_unlock(iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegP tmp, iRegP tmp2) %{
C2_MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
Register oop = as_Register($object$$reg);
Register box = as_Register($box$$reg);
Register disp_hdr = as_Register($tmp$$reg);
Register tmp = as_Register($tmp2$$reg);
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr);
if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Find the lock address and load the displaced header from the stack.
__ ldr(disp_hdr, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// If the displaced header is 0, we have a recursive unlock.
__ cmp(disp_hdr, zr);
__ br(Assembler::EQ, cont);
// Handle existing monitor.
__ ldr(tmp, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
__ tbnz(tmp, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value), object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
__ tst(oop, oop); // Set NE to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path. We know that oop != 0.
__ b(cont);
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Check if it is still a light weight lock, this is is true if we
// see the stack address of the basicLock in the markWord of the
// object.
__ cmpxchg(oop, box, disp_hdr, Assembler::xword, /*acquire*/ false,
/*release*/ true, /*weak*/ false, tmp);
__ b(cont);
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "must be");
__ lightweight_unlock(oop, tmp, box, disp_hdr, no_count);
__ b(count);
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// Handle existing monitor.
__ bind(object_has_monitor);
STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::monitor_value <= INT_MAX);
__ add(tmp, tmp, -(int)markWord::monitor_value); // monitor
if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// If the owner is anonymous, we need to fix it -- in an outline stub.
Register tmp2 = disp_hdr;
__ ldr(tmp2, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
// We cannot use tbnz here, the target might be too far away and cannot
// be encoded.
__ tst(tmp2, (uint64_t)ObjectMonitor::ANONYMOUS_OWNER);
C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub* stub = new (Compile::current()->comp_arena()) C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub(tmp, tmp2);
__ br(Assembler::NE, stub->entry());
__ bind(stub->continuation());
__ ldr(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
Label notRecursive;
__ cbz(disp_hdr, notRecursive);
// Recursive lock
__ sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, 1u);
__ str(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
__ cmp(disp_hdr, disp_hdr); // Sets flags for result
__ b(cont);
__ bind(notRecursive);
__ ldr(rscratch1, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
__ ldr(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
__ orr(rscratch1, rscratch1, disp_hdr); // Will be 0 if both are 0.
__ cmp(rscratch1, zr); // Sets flags for result
__ cbnz(rscratch1, cont);
// need a release store here
__ lea(tmp, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
__ stlr(zr, tmp); // set unowned
__ bind(cont);
// flag == EQ indicates success
// flag == NE indicates failure
__ br(Assembler::NE, no_count);
__ bind(count);
__ decrement(Address(rthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()));
__ bind(no_count);
@ -16626,7 +16430,9 @@ instruct cmpFastLock(rFlagsReg cr, iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegPNoSp tmp, iRegP
ins_cost(5 * INSN_COST);
format %{ "fastlock $object,$box\t! kills $tmp,$tmp2" %}
ins_encode(aarch64_enc_fast_lock(object, box, tmp, tmp2));
ins_encode %{
__ fast_lock($object$$Register, $box$$Register, $tmp$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
@ -16639,7 +16445,9 @@ instruct cmpFastUnlock(rFlagsReg cr, iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegPNoSp tmp, iRe
ins_cost(5 * INSN_COST);
format %{ "fastunlock $object,$box\t! kills $tmp, $tmp2" %}
ins_encode(aarch64_enc_fast_unlock(object, box, tmp, tmp2));
ins_encode %{
__ fast_unlock($object$$Register, $box$$Register, $tmp$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);

View File

@ -45,6 +45,202 @@
typedef void (MacroAssembler::* chr_insn)(Register Rt, const Address &adr);
void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg, Register tmpReg,
Register tmp2Reg) {
Register oop = objectReg;
Register box = boxReg;
Register disp_hdr = tmpReg;
Register tmp = tmp2Reg;
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr);
// Load markWord from object into displaced_header.
ldr(disp_hdr, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
load_klass(tmp, oop);
ldrw(tmp, Address(tmp, Klass::access_flags_offset()));
br(Assembler::NE, cont);
// Check for existing monitor
tbnz(disp_hdr, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value), object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
tst(oop, oop); // Set NE to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path. We know that oop != 0.
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Set tmp to be (markWord of object | UNLOCK_VALUE).
orr(tmp, disp_hdr, markWord::unlocked_value);
// Initialize the box. (Must happen before we update the object mark!)
str(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// Compare object markWord with an unlocked value (tmp) and if
// equal exchange the stack address of our box with object markWord.
// On failure disp_hdr contains the possibly locked markWord.
cmpxchg(oop, tmp, box, Assembler::xword, /*acquire*/ true,
/*release*/ true, /*weak*/ false, disp_hdr);
br(Assembler::EQ, cont);
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// If the compare-and-exchange succeeded, then we found an unlocked
// object, will have now locked it will continue at label cont
// Check if the owner is self by comparing the value in the
// markWord of object (disp_hdr) with the stack pointer.
mov(rscratch1, sp);
sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, rscratch1);
mov(tmp, (address) (~(os::vm_page_size()-1) | markWord::lock_mask_in_place));
// If condition is true we are cont and hence we can store 0 as the
// displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a recursive lock.
ands(tmp/*==0?*/, disp_hdr, tmp); // Sets flags for result
str(tmp/*==0, perhaps*/, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "must be");
lightweight_lock(oop, disp_hdr, tmp, rscratch1, no_count);
// Handle existing monitor.
// The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner == NULL,
// otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
// Try to CAS m->owner from NULL to current thread.
add(tmp, disp_hdr, (in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset())-markWord::monitor_value));
cmpxchg(tmp, zr, rthread, Assembler::xword, /*acquire*/ true,
/*release*/ true, /*weak*/ false, rscratch1); // Sets flags for result
if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// Store a non-null value into the box to avoid looking like a re-entrant
// lock. The fast-path monitor unlock code checks for
// markWord::monitor_value so use markWord::unused_mark which has the
// relevant bit set, and also matches ObjectSynchronizer::enter.
mov(tmp, (address)markWord::unused_mark().value());
str(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
br(Assembler::EQ, cont); // CAS success means locking succeeded
cmp(rscratch1, rthread);
br(Assembler::NE, cont); // Check for recursive locking
// Recursive lock case
increment(Address(disp_hdr, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value), 1);
// flag == EQ still from the cmp above, checking if this is a reentrant lock
// flag == EQ indicates success
// flag == NE indicates failure
br(Assembler::NE, no_count);
increment(Address(rthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()));
void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg, Register tmpReg,
Register tmp2Reg) {
Register oop = objectReg;
Register box = boxReg;
Register disp_hdr = tmpReg;
Register tmp = tmp2Reg;
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr);
if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Find the lock address and load the displaced header from the stack.
ldr(disp_hdr, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// If the displaced header is 0, we have a recursive unlock.
cmp(disp_hdr, zr);
br(Assembler::EQ, cont);
// Handle existing monitor.
ldr(tmp, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
tbnz(tmp, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value), object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
tst(oop, oop); // Set NE to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path. We know that oop != 0.
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Check if it is still a light weight lock, this is is true if we
// see the stack address of the basicLock in the markWord of the
// object.
cmpxchg(oop, box, disp_hdr, Assembler::xword, /*acquire*/ false,
/*release*/ true, /*weak*/ false, tmp);
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "must be");
lightweight_unlock(oop, tmp, box, disp_hdr, no_count);
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// Handle existing monitor.
STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::monitor_value <= INT_MAX);
add(tmp, tmp, -(int)markWord::monitor_value); // monitor
if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// If the owner is anonymous, we need to fix it -- in an outline stub.
Register tmp2 = disp_hdr;
ldr(tmp2, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
// We cannot use tbnz here, the target might be too far away and cannot
// be encoded.
tst(tmp2, (uint64_t)ObjectMonitor::ANONYMOUS_OWNER);
C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub* stub = new (Compile::current()->comp_arena()) C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub(tmp, tmp2);
br(Assembler::NE, stub->entry());
ldr(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
Label notRecursive;
cbz(disp_hdr, notRecursive);
// Recursive lock
sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, 1u);
str(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
cmp(disp_hdr, disp_hdr); // Sets flags for result
ldr(rscratch1, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
ldr(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
orr(rscratch1, rscratch1, disp_hdr); // Will be 0 if both are 0.
cmp(rscratch1, zr); // Sets flags for result
cbnz(rscratch1, cont);
// need a release store here
lea(tmp, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
stlr(zr, tmp); // set unowned
// flag == EQ indicates success
// flag == NE indicates failure
br(Assembler::NE, no_count);
decrement(Address(rthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()));
// Search for str1 in str2 and return index or -1
// Clobbers: rscratch1, rscratch2, rflags. May also clobber v0-v1, when icnt1==-1.
void C2_MacroAssembler::string_indexof(Register str2, Register str1,

View File

@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
enum shift_kind kind = Assembler::LSL, unsigned shift = 0);
// Code used by cmpFastLock and cmpFastUnlock mach instructions in .ad file.
// See full description in macroAssembler_aarch64.cpp.
void fast_lock(Register object, Register box, Register tmp, Register tmp2);
void fast_unlock(Register object, Register box, Register tmp, Register tmp2);
void string_compare(Register str1, Register str2,
Register cnt1, Register cnt2, Register result,
Register tmp1, Register tmp2, FloatRegister vtmp1,

View File

@ -43,6 +43,223 @@
#define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg, Register tmp1Reg,
Register tmp2Reg) {
// Use cr register to indicate the fast_lock result: zero for success; non-zero for failure.
Register flag = t1;
Register oop = objectReg;
Register box = boxReg;
Register disp_hdr = tmp1Reg;
Register tmp = tmp2Reg;
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr, t0);
// Load markWord from object into displaced_header.
ld(disp_hdr, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
load_klass(flag, oop);
lwu(flag, Address(flag, Klass::access_flags_offset()));
test_bit(flag, flag, exact_log2(JVM_ACC_IS_VALUE_BASED_CLASS), tmp /* tmp */);
bnez(flag, cont, true /* is_far */);
// Check for existing monitor
test_bit(t0, disp_hdr, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value));
bnez(t0, object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Set tmp to be (markWord of object | UNLOCK_VALUE).
ori(tmp, disp_hdr, markWord::unlocked_value);
// Initialize the box. (Must happen before we update the object mark!)
sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// Compare object markWord with an unlocked value (tmp) and if
// equal exchange the stack address of our box with object markWord.
// On failure disp_hdr contains the possibly locked markWord.
cmpxchg(/*memory address*/oop, /*expected value*/tmp, /*new value*/box, Assembler::int64, Assembler::aq,
Assembler::rl, /*result*/disp_hdr);
mv(flag, zr);
beq(disp_hdr, tmp, cont); // prepare zero flag and goto cont if we won the cas
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// If the compare-and-exchange succeeded, then we found an unlocked
// object, will have now locked it will continue at label cont
// We did not see an unlocked object so try the fast recursive case.
// Check if the owner is self by comparing the value in the
// markWord of object (disp_hdr) with the stack pointer.
sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, sp);
mv(tmp, (intptr_t) (~(os::vm_page_size()-1) | (uintptr_t)markWord::lock_mask_in_place));
// If (mark & lock_mask) == 0 and mark - sp < page_size, we are stack-locking and goto cont,
// hence we can store 0 as the displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a
// recursive lock.
andr(tmp/*==0?*/, disp_hdr, tmp);
sd(tmp/*==0, perhaps*/, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
mv(flag, tmp); // we can use the value of tmp as the result here
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "");
Label slow;
lightweight_lock(oop, disp_hdr, tmp, t0, slow);
// Indicate success on completion.
mv(flag, zr);
mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path
// Handle existing monitor.
// The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner == NULL,
// otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
// Try to CAS m->owner from NULL to current thread.
add(tmp, disp_hdr, (in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value));
cmpxchg(/*memory address*/tmp, /*expected value*/zr, /*new value*/xthread, Assembler::int64, Assembler::aq,
Assembler::rl, /*result*/flag); // cas succeeds if flag == zr(expected)
if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// Store a non-null value into the box to avoid looking like a re-entrant
// lock. The fast-path monitor unlock code checks for
// markWord::monitor_value so use markWord::unused_mark which has the
// relevant bit set, and also matches ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter.
mv(tmp, (address)markWord::unused_mark().value());
sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
beqz(flag, cont); // CAS success means locking succeeded
bne(flag, xthread, cont); // Check for recursive locking
// Recursive lock case
mv(flag, zr);
increment(Address(disp_hdr, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value), 1, t0, tmp);
// zero flag indicates success
// non-zero flag indicates failure
bnez(flag, no_count);
increment(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, t0, tmp);
void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg, Register tmp1Reg,
Register tmp2Reg) {
// Use cr register to indicate the fast_unlock result: zero for success; non-zero for failure.
Register flag = t1;
Register oop = objectReg;
Register box = boxReg;
Register disp_hdr = tmp1Reg;
Register tmp = tmp2Reg;
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr, flag);
if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Find the lock address and load the displaced header from the stack.
ld(disp_hdr, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// If the displaced header is 0, we have a recursive unlock.
mv(flag, disp_hdr);
beqz(disp_hdr, cont);
// Handle existing monitor.
ld(tmp, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
test_bit(t0, tmp, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value));
bnez(t0, object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow path
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Check if it is still a light weight lock, this is true if we
// see the stack address of the basicLock in the markWord of the
// object.
cmpxchg(/*memory address*/oop, /*expected value*/box, /*new value*/disp_hdr, Assembler::int64, Assembler::relaxed,
Assembler::rl, /*result*/tmp);
xorr(flag, box, tmp); // box == tmp if cas succeeds
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "");
Label slow;
lightweight_unlock(oop, tmp, box, disp_hdr, slow);
// Indicate success on completion.
mv(flag, zr);
mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow path
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// Handle existing monitor.
STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::monitor_value <= INT_MAX);
add(tmp, tmp, -(int)markWord::monitor_value); // monitor
if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// If the owner is anonymous, we need to fix it -- in an outline stub.
Register tmp2 = disp_hdr;
ld(tmp2, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
test_bit(t0, tmp2, exact_log2(ObjectMonitor::ANONYMOUS_OWNER));
C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub* stub = new (Compile::current()->comp_arena()) C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub(tmp, tmp2);
bnez(t0, stub->entry(), /* is_far */ true);
ld(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
Label notRecursive;
beqz(disp_hdr, notRecursive); // Will be 0 if not recursive.
// Recursive lock
addi(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, -1);
sd(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
mv(flag, zr);
ld(flag, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
ld(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
orr(flag, flag, disp_hdr); // Will be 0 if both are 0.
bnez(flag, cont);
// need a release store here
la(tmp, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
membar(MacroAssembler::LoadStore | MacroAssembler::StoreStore);
sd(zr, Address(tmp)); // set unowned
// zero flag indicates success
// non-zero flag indicates failure
bnez(flag, no_count);
decrement(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, t0, tmp);
// short string
// StringUTF16.indexOfChar
// StringLatin1.indexOfChar

View File

@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
VectorRegister vrs,
bool is_latin, Label& DONE);
// Code used by cmpFastLock and cmpFastUnlock mach instructions in .ad file.
// See full description in macroAssembler_riscv.cpp.
void fast_lock(Register object, Register box, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
void fast_unlock(Register object, Register box, Register tmp1, Register tmp2);
void string_compare(Register str1, Register str2,
Register cnt1, Register cnt2, Register result,
Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3,

View File

@ -2436,223 +2436,6 @@ encode %{
// Use cr register to indicate the fast_lock result: zero for success; non-zero for failure.
enc_class riscv_enc_fast_lock(iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegPNoSp tmp1, iRegPNoSp tmp2) %{
C2_MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
Register flag = t1;
Register oop = as_Register($object$$reg);
Register box = as_Register($box$$reg);
Register disp_hdr = as_Register($tmp1$$reg);
Register tmp = as_Register($tmp2$$reg);
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr, t0);
// Load markWord from object into displaced_header.
__ ld(disp_hdr, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
__ load_klass(flag, oop);
__ lwu(flag, Address(flag, Klass::access_flags_offset()));
__ test_bit(flag, flag, exact_log2(JVM_ACC_IS_VALUE_BASED_CLASS), tmp /* tmp */);
__ bnez(flag, cont, true /* is_far */);
// Check for existing monitor
__ test_bit(t0, disp_hdr, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value));
__ bnez(t0, object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
__ mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path
__ j(cont);
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Set tmp to be (markWord of object | UNLOCK_VALUE).
__ ori(tmp, disp_hdr, markWord::unlocked_value);
// Initialize the box. (Must happen before we update the object mark!)
__ sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// Compare object markWord with an unlocked value (tmp) and if
// equal exchange the stack address of our box with object markWord.
// On failure disp_hdr contains the possibly locked markWord.
__ cmpxchg(/*memory address*/oop, /*expected value*/tmp, /*new value*/box, Assembler::int64, Assembler::aq,
Assembler::rl, /*result*/disp_hdr);
__ mv(flag, zr);
__ beq(disp_hdr, tmp, cont); // prepare zero flag and goto cont if we won the cas
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// If the compare-and-exchange succeeded, then we found an unlocked
// object, will have now locked it will continue at label cont
// We did not see an unlocked object so try the fast recursive case.
// Check if the owner is self by comparing the value in the
// markWord of object (disp_hdr) with the stack pointer.
__ sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, sp);
__ mv(tmp, (intptr_t) (~(os::vm_page_size()-1) | (uintptr_t)markWord::lock_mask_in_place));
// If (mark & lock_mask) == 0 and mark - sp < page_size, we are stack-locking and goto cont,
// hence we can store 0 as the displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a
// recursive lock.
__ andr(tmp/*==0?*/, disp_hdr, tmp);
__ sd(tmp/*==0, perhaps*/, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
__ mv(flag, tmp); // we can use the value of tmp as the result here
__ j(cont);
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "");
Label slow;
__ lightweight_lock(oop, disp_hdr, tmp, t0, slow);
// Indicate success on completion.
__ mv(flag, zr);
__ j(count);
__ bind(slow);
__ mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow-path
__ j(no_count);
// Handle existing monitor.
__ bind(object_has_monitor);
// The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner == NULL,
// otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
// Try to CAS m->owner from NULL to current thread.
__ add(tmp, disp_hdr, (in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value));
__ cmpxchg(/*memory address*/tmp, /*expected value*/zr, /*new value*/xthread, Assembler::int64, Assembler::aq,
Assembler::rl, /*result*/flag); // cas succeeds if flag == zr(expected)
if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// Store a non-null value into the box to avoid looking like a re-entrant
// lock. The fast-path monitor unlock code checks for
// markWord::monitor_value so use markWord::unused_mark which has the
// relevant bit set, and also matches ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter.
__ mv(tmp, (address)markWord::unused_mark().value());
__ sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
__ beqz(flag, cont); // CAS success means locking succeeded
__ bne(flag, xthread, cont); // Check for recursive locking
// Recursive lock case
__ mv(flag, zr);
__ increment(Address(disp_hdr, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value), 1, t0, tmp);
__ bind(cont);
// zero flag indicates success
// non-zero flag indicates failure
__ bnez(flag, no_count);
__ bind(count);
__ increment(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, t0, tmp);
__ bind(no_count);
// Use cr register to indicate the fast_unlock result: zero for success; non-zero for failure.
enc_class riscv_enc_fast_unlock(iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegPNoSp tmp1, iRegPNoSp tmp2) %{
C2_MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf);
Register flag = t1;
Register oop = as_Register($object$$reg);
Register box = as_Register($box$$reg);
Register disp_hdr = as_Register($tmp1$$reg);
Register tmp = as_Register($tmp2$$reg);
Label cont;
Label object_has_monitor;
Label count, no_count;
assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr, flag);
if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Find the lock address and load the displaced header from the stack.
__ ld(disp_hdr, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
// If the displaced header is 0, we have a recursive unlock.
__ mv(flag, disp_hdr);
__ beqz(disp_hdr, cont);
// Handle existing monitor.
__ ld(tmp, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
__ test_bit(t0, tmp, exact_log2(markWord::monitor_value));
__ bnez(t0, object_has_monitor);
if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
__ mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow path
__ j(cont);
} else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
// Check if it is still a light weight lock, this is true if we
// see the stack address of the basicLock in the markWord of the
// object.
__ cmpxchg(/*memory address*/oop, /*expected value*/box, /*new value*/disp_hdr, Assembler::int64, Assembler::relaxed,
Assembler::rl, /*result*/tmp);
__ xorr(flag, box, tmp); // box == tmp if cas succeeds
__ j(cont);
} else {
assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "");
Label slow;
__ lightweight_unlock(oop, tmp, box, disp_hdr, slow);
// Indicate success on completion.
__ mv(flag, zr);
__ j(count);
__ bind(slow);
__ mv(flag, 1); // Set non-zero flag to indicate 'failure' -> take slow path
__ j(no_count);
assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
// Handle existing monitor.
__ bind(object_has_monitor);
STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::monitor_value <= INT_MAX);
__ add(tmp, tmp, -(int)markWord::monitor_value); // monitor
if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
// If the owner is anonymous, we need to fix it -- in an outline stub.
Register tmp2 = disp_hdr;
__ ld(tmp2, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
__ test_bit(t0, tmp2, exact_log2(ObjectMonitor::ANONYMOUS_OWNER));
C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub* stub = new (Compile::current()->comp_arena()) C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub(tmp, tmp2);
__ bnez(t0, stub->entry(), /* is_far */ true);
__ bind(stub->continuation());
__ ld(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
Label notRecursive;
__ beqz(disp_hdr, notRecursive); // Will be 0 if not recursive.
// Recursive lock
__ addi(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, -1);
__ sd(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()));
__ mv(flag, zr);
__ j(cont);
__ bind(notRecursive);
__ ld(flag, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
__ ld(disp_hdr, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
__ orr(flag, flag, disp_hdr); // Will be 0 if both are 0.
__ bnez(flag, cont);
// need a release store here
__ la(tmp, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()));
__ membar(MacroAssembler::LoadStore | MacroAssembler::StoreStore);
__ sd(zr, Address(tmp)); // set unowned
__ bind(cont);
// zero flag indicates success
// non-zero flag indicates failure
__ bnez(flag, no_count);
__ bind(count);
__ decrement(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, t0, tmp);
__ bind(no_count);
// arithmetic encodings
enc_class riscv_enc_divw(iRegI dst, iRegI src1, iRegI src2) %{
@ -10416,7 +10199,9 @@ instruct cmpFastLock(rFlagsReg cr, iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegPNoSp tmp1, iReg
ins_cost(LOAD_COST * 2 + STORE_COST * 3 + ALU_COST * 6 + BRANCH_COST * 3);
format %{ "fastlock $object,$box\t! kills $tmp1,$tmp2, #@cmpFastLock" %}
ins_encode(riscv_enc_fast_lock(object, box, tmp1, tmp2));
ins_encode %{
__ fast_lock($object$$Register, $box$$Register, $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);
@ -10430,7 +10215,9 @@ instruct cmpFastUnlock(rFlagsReg cr, iRegP object, iRegP box, iRegPNoSp tmp1, iR
ins_cost(LOAD_COST * 2 + STORE_COST + ALU_COST * 2 + BRANCH_COST * 4);
format %{ "fastunlock $object,$box\t! kills $tmp1, $tmp2, #@cmpFastUnlock" %}
ins_encode(riscv_enc_fast_unlock(object, box, tmp1, tmp2));
ins_encode %{
__ fast_unlock($object$$Register, $box$$Register, $tmp1$$Register, $tmp2$$Register);