set java thread stack size\n\
+\ -Xprof output cpu profiling data\n\
+\ -Xfuture enable strictest checks, anticipating future default\n\
+\ -Xrs reduce use of OS signals by Java/VM (see documentation)\n\
+\ -Xcheck:jni perform additional checks for JNI functions\n\
+\ -Xshare:off do not attempt to use shared class data\n\
+\ -Xshare:auto use shared class data if possible (default)\n\
+\ -Xshare:on require using shared class data, otherwise fail.\n\n\
+The -X options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.\n
+ Error: Could not find main class {0}
+ Error: Main method is not {0} in class {1}, please define the main method as:\n\
+\ public static void main(String[] args)
+ Error: Main method must return a value of type void in class {0}, please \n\
+ define the main method as:\n\
+\ public static void main(String[] args)
+ Error: Main method not found in class {0}, please define the main method as:\n\
+\ public static void main(String[] args)
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/management/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/management/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f050faf7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/management/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# Localizations for Level names. For the US locale
+# these are the same as the non-localized level name.
+agent.err.error = Erro
+agent.err.exception = Exce\u00e7\u00e3o lan\u00e7ada pelo agente
+agent.err.warning = Aviso
+agent.err.configfile.notfound = Arquivo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o encontrado
+agent.err.configfile.failed = Falha ao ler o arquivo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o
+agent.err.configfile.closed.failed = Falha ao fechar o arquivo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o
+agent.err.configfile.access.denied = Acesso negado ao arquivo de configura\u00e7\u00e3o
+agent.err.exportaddress.failed = Falha na exporta\u00e7\u00e3o do endere\u00e7o do conector JMX para o buffer de instrumenta\u00e7\u00e3o
+agent.err.agentclass.notfound = Classe do agente de gerenciamento n\u00e3o encontrada
+agent.err.agentclass.failed = Classe do agente de gerenciamento falha
+agent.err.premain.notfound = premain(String) n\u00e3o existe na classe do agente
+agent.err.agentclass.access.denied = Acesso negado a premain(String)
+agent.err.invalid.agentclass = Valor inv\u00e1lido da propriedade
+agent.err.invalid.jmxremote.port = N\u00famero inv\u00e1lido de
+agent.err.file.not.set = Arquivo n\u00e3o especificado
+agent.err.file.not.readable = Arquivo ileg\u00edvel = Falha ao ler o arquivo
+agent.err.file.not.found = Arquivo n\u00e3o encontrado
+agent.err.file.access.not.restricted = O acesso de leitura do arquivo deve ser limitado
+agent.err.password.file.notset = O arquivo de senha n\u00e3o est\u00e1 especificado, mas
+agent.err.password.file.not.readable = Arquivo de senha ileg\u00edvel = Falha ao ler o arquivo de senha
+agent.err.password.file.notfound = Arquivo de senha n\u00e3o encontrado
+agent.err.password.file.access.notrestricted = O acesso de leitura do arquivo de senha deve ser limitado
+agent.err.access.file.notset = O arquivo de acesso n\u00e3o est\u00e1 especificado, mas
+agent.err.access.file.not.readable = Arquivo de acesso ileg\u00edvel = Falha ao ler o arquivo de acesso
+agent.err.access.file.notfound = Arquivo de acesso n\u00e3o encontrado
+ = Erro de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o do servidor do conector JMX
+agent.err.invalid.option = Op\u00e7\u00e3o especificada inv\u00e1lida
+agent.err.invalid.snmp.port = N\u00famero inv\u00e1lido de
+agent.err.invalid.snmp.trap.port = N\u00famero inv\u00e1lido de
+agent.err.unknown.snmp.interface = Interface SNMP desconhecida
+agent.err.acl.file.notset = N\u00e3o h\u00e1 nenhum arquivo ACL SNMP especificado, mas
+agent.err.acl.file.notfound = Arquivo ACL SNMP n\u00e3o encontrado
+agent.err.acl.file.not.readable = Arquivo ACL SNMP ileg\u00edvel = Falha ao ler o arquivo ACL SNMP
+agent.err.acl.file.access.notrestricted = O acesso de leitura do arquivo de senha deve ser limitado
+agent.err.snmp.adaptor.start.failed = Falha ao iniciar o adaptador SNMP com endere\u00e7o
+agent.err.snmp.mib.init.failed = Falha ao inicializar o MIB SNMP com erro
+jmxremote.ConnectorBootstrap.initialize = Iniciando o servidor do conector JMX:
+jmxremote.ConnectorBootstrap.initialize.noAuthentication = Sem autentica\u00e7\u00e3o
+jmxremote.ConnectorBootstrap.initialize.ready = Conector JMX pronto em: {0}
+jmxremote.ConnectorBootstrap.initialize.password.readonly = O acesso de leitura do arquivo de senha deve ser limitado: {0}
+jmxremote.ConnectorBootstrap.initialize.file.readonly = O acesso de leitura do arquivo deve ser limitado: {0}
+jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.processing = Processando ACL
+jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.adding = Adicionando destino: {0}
+jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.starting = Iniciando o servidor do adaptador:
+jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.initialize1 = Adaptador pronto.
+jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.initialize2 = Adaptador SNMP pronto em: {0}:{1}
+jmxremote.AdaptorBootstrap.getTargetList.terminate = conclu\u00eddo {0}
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b90fc942acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+package sun.misc.resources;
+ * This class represents the ResourceBundle
+ * for sun.misc.
+ *
+ * @author Michael Colburn
+ * @version 1.5, 11/17/05
+ */
+public class Messages_pt_BR extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
+ /**
+ * Returns the contents of this ResourceBundle
+ *
+ * @return the contents of this ResourceBundle
+ */
+ public Object[][] getContents() {
+ return contents;
+ }
+ private static final Object[][] contents = {
+ { "optpkg.versionerror", "ERRO: formato de vers\u00e3o inv\u00e1lido usado no arquivo jar {0}. Verifique a documenta\u00e7\u00e3o para obter o formato de vers\u00e3o suportado." },
+ { "optpkg.attributeerror", "ERRO: o atributo de manifesto JAR {0} necess\u00e1rio n\u00e3o est\u00e1 definido no arquivo JAR {1}." },
+ { "optpkg.attributeserror", "ERRO: alguns atributos de manifesto JAR necess\u00e1rios n\u00e3o est\u00e3o definidos no arquivo JAR {0}." }
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/print/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/print/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..216c4b168e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/print/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+border.chromaticity=Apar\u00eancia da cor
+border.jobattributes=Atributos do trabalho\u00eddia
+border.printrange=Intervalo de impress\u00e3o
+border.printservice=Servi\u00e7o de impress\u00e3o
+checkbox.jobsheets=P\u00e1gina com cabe\u00e7alho
+checkbox.printtofile=Imprimir em arquivo
+dialog.pstitle=Configurar p\u00e1gina
+dialog.overwrite=Este arquivo j\u00e1 existe. Deseja substituir o arquivo existente?
+dialog.owtitle=Imprimir em arquivo
+dialog.printtofile=Imprimir em arquivo
+dialog.noprintermsg=Nenhum servi\u00e7o de impress\u00e3o encontrado.
+dialog.writeerror=N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel gravar no arquivo:
+label.jobname=Nome do trabalho:
+label.numcopies=N\u00famero de c\u00f3pias:
+label.username=Nome de usu\u00e1rio:
+radiobutton.oneside=Um lado
+radiobutton.revlandscape=Paisagem invertida
+radiobutton.revportrait=Retrato invertido
+radiobutton.tumble=Duplex horizontal
+# The vkMnemonics correspond with the constants defined in KeyEvent, eg
+# 65 = KeyEvent.VK_A
+tab.pagesetup=Configurar p\u00e1gina
+error.pagerange=Intervalo de p\u00e1ginas inv\u00e1lido; insira novamente os valores (por exemplo, 1-3,5,7-10)
+error.destination=Nome de arquivo inv\u00e1lido; tente novamente
+# The following keys match the Strings returned by MediaSizeName.toString()
+# (in some cases the space character is replaced by '-' and the pound
+# character is replaced with 'n')
+iso-4a0=4A0 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-2a0=2A0 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a0=A0 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a1=A1 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a2=A2 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a3=A3 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a4=A4 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a5=A5 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a6=A6 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a7=A7 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a8=A8 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a9=A9 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-a10=A10 (ISO/DIN & JIS)
+iso-b0=B0 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b1=B1 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b2=B2 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b3=B3 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b4=B4 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b5=B5 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b6=B6 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b7=B7 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b8=B8 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b9=B9 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-b10=B10 (ISO/DIN)
+jis-b0=B0 (JIS)
+jis-b1=B1 (JIS)
+jis-b2=B2 (JIS)
+jis-b3=B3 (JIS)
+jis-b4=B4 (JIS)
+jis-b5=B5 (JIS)
+jis-b6=B6 (JIS)
+jis-b7=B7 (JIS)
+jis-b8=B8 (JIS)
+jis-b9=B9 (JIS)
+jis-b10=B10 (JIS)
+iso-c0=C0 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c1=C1 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c2=C2 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c3=C3 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c4=C4 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c5=C5 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c6=C6 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c7=C7 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c8=C8 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c9=C9 (ISO/DIN)
+iso-c10=C10 (ISO/DIN)
+japanese-postcard=Cart\u00e3o-postal (JIS)
+oufuko-postcard=Cart\u00e3o-postal (JIS)
+a=Engenharia A
+b=Engenharia B
+c=Engenharia C
+d=Engenharia D
+e=Engenharia E
+iso-designated-long=Longo designado ISO
+italian-envelope=Envelope italiano
+italy-envelope=Envelope italiano
+invite-envelope=Envelope de convite
+monarch-envelope=Envelope monarca
+personal-envelope=Envelope personalizado
+na-number-9-envelope=Envelope n\u00ba 9
+na-number-10-envelope=Envelope n\u00ba 10
+na-number-11-envelope=Envelope n\u00ba 11
+na-number-12-envelope=Envelope n\u00ba 12
+na-number-14-envelope=Envelope n\u00ba 14
+na-6x9-envelope=Envelope 6x9
+na-7x9-envelope=Envelope 6x7
+na-9x11-envelope=Envelope 9x11
+na-9x12-envelope=Envelope 9x12
+na-10x13-envelope=Envelope 10x15
+na-10x14-envelope=Envelope 10x15
+na-10x15-envelope=Envelope 10x15
+na-5x7=Papel 5" x 7"
+na-8x10=Papel 8" x 10"
+# The following keys match the Strings returned by MediaTray.toString()
+auto-select=Selecionar automaticamente
+large-capacity=Grande capacidade
+# Add the additional standard bins defined by win32
+Manual-Envelope=Envelope manual
+Automatic-Feeder=Alimentador autom\u00e1tico
+Tractor-Feeder=Alimentador por tracionador
+Small-Format=Formato pequeno
+Large-Format=Formato grande
+Form-Source=Fonte do formul\u00e1rio
+# The following keys match the Strings returned by
+# PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.toString()
+accepting-jobs=Aceitando trabalhos
+not-accepting-jobs=N\u00e3o aceitando trabalhos
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f1673a3dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+rmiregistry.usage=Uso: {0} \n\nem que inclui:\n -J passa o argumento para o int\u00e9rprete de java
+rmiregistry.port.badnumber=o argumento da porta, {0}, n\u00e3o \u00e9 um n\u00famero.
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
index d92ba227ab7..a01e5fbda07 100644
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ rmic.usage=Usage: {0} \
\n -bootclasspath Override location of bootstrap class files\
\n -extdirs Override location of installed extensions\
\n -d Specify where to place generated class files\
-\n -J Pass argument to the java interpreter
+\n -J Pass argument to the java interpreter\
# Generic Messages
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
index a47d866f1b1..5261d0d36e8 100644
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ rmic.usage=\u4f7f\u3044\u65b9: {0} \
\n -bootclasspath \u30d6\u30fc\u30c8\u30b9\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30d7\u30af\u30e9\u30b9\u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u306e\u4f4d\u7f6e\u3092\u7f6e\u304d\u63db\u3048\u308b\
\n -extdirs \u30a4\u30f3\u30b9\u30c8\u30fc\u30eb\u6e08\u307f\u62e1\u5f35\u6a5f\u80fd\u306e\u4f4d\u7f6e\u3092\u7f6e\u304d\u63db\u3048\u308b\
\n -d \u751f\u6210\u3055\u308c\u305f\u30af\u30e9\u30b9\u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u3092\u683c\u7d0d\u3059\u308b\u4f4d\u7f6e\u3092\u6307\u5b9a\u3059\u308b\
-\n -J java \u30a4\u30f3\u30bf\u30d7\u30ea\u30bf\u306b\u5f15\u6570\u3092\u6e21\u3059
+\n -J java \u30a4\u30f3\u30bf\u30d7\u30ea\u30bf\u306b\u5f15\u6570\u3092\u6e21\u3059\
# Generic Messages
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
index 0792dbc4724..7112eaeb8df 100644
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/rmic/resources/
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ rmic.usage=\u7528\u6cd5\uff1a{0} <\u9009\u9879> <\u7c7b\u540d\u79f0>\
\n -bootclasspath <\u8def\u5f84> \u8986\u76d6\u5f15\u5bfc\u7c7b\u6587\u4ef6\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\
\n -extdirs <\u8def\u5f84> \u8986\u76d6\u5b89\u88c5\u7684\u6269\u5c55\u76ee\u5f55\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\
\n -d <\u76ee\u5f55> \u6307\u5b9a\u5b58\u653e\u751f\u6210\u7684\u7c7b\u6587\u4ef6\u7684\u4f4d\u7f6e\
-\n -J <\u8fd0\u884c\u65f6\u6807\u5fd7> \u5411 java \u89e3\u91ca\u7a0b\u5e8f\u4f20\u9012\u53c2\u6570
+\n -J <\u8fd0\u884c\u65f6\u6807\u5fd7> \u5411 java \u89e3\u91ca\u7a0b\u5e8f\u4f20\u9012\u53c2\u6570\
# Generic Messages
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/resources/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..781b28588bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+# or visit if you need additional information or have any
+# questions.
+# "rmid", inetd", and "wait" should not be translated.
+rmid.syntax.exec.invalid=rmid foi iniciado de inetd com um status inv\u00e1lido (deve estar em espera)
+# "rmid" and "inetd" should not be translated.
+rmid.syntax.port.badarg=a porta n\u00e3o pode ser especificada se rmid for iniciado de inetd
+# "port" here refers to a TCP port for the server to listen on.
+rmid.syntax.port.badnumber=a porta n\u00e3o \u00e9 um n\u00famero
+# "-port" should not be translated, because it's part of command syntax.
+rmid.syntax.port.missing=a op\u00e7\u00e3o -port requer argumento
+# "-log" should not be translated, because it's part of command syntax.
+rmid.syntax.log.missing=a op\u00e7\u00e3o -log requer argumento
+# "-log" should not be translated, because it's part of command syntax.
+rmid.syntax.log.required=op\u00e7\u00e3o -log necess\u00e1ria
+# {0} = the (string) illegal argument in question
+rmid.syntax.illegal.option=op\u00e7\u00e3o ilegal: {0}
+# {0} = the (string) reason text that came with a thrown exception
+# "Activation.main" should not be translated, because it's a codepoint
+rmid.unexpected.exception=Activation.main: ocorreu uma exce\u00e7\u00e3o: {0}
+# "java.home" should not be translated, because it's a property name
+# "ActivatorImpl" should not be translated, because it's a codepoint n\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel localizar java.home
+# "rmid" should not be translated\u00e7\u00e3o de rmid com canal legado
+# "Activation.main" should not be translated, because it's a codepoint
+rmid.exec.policy.invalid=Activation.main: classe de pol\u00edtica de execu\u00e7\u00e3o inv\u00e1lida
+# "rmid" should not be translated
+rmid.exec.policy.exception=rmid: a tentativa de obter a pol\u00edtica de execu\u00e7\u00e3o gera:
+# "rmid" should not be translated
+rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: executando "{0}"
+# "rmid" should not be translated grupo de ativa\u00e7\u00e3o inativo: {0}
+# "Activation.main", "sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy", "ExecPermission" and
+# "ExecOptionPermission" should not be translated, since they refer to
+# class/permission names.
+rmid.exec.perms.inadequate=Activation.main: aviso: propriedade do sistema sun.rmi.activation.execPolicy\nn\u00e3o registrada e nenhuma ExecPermission/ExecOptionPermission\nconcedida; as tentativas de ativa\u00e7\u00e3o seguintes podem falhar devido a verifica\u00e7\u00f5es mal sucedidas da permiss\u00e3o\nExecPermission/ExecOptionPermission. Para obter\ndocumenta\u00e7\u00e3o sobre como configurar a seguran\u00e7a rmid, conculte:\n\n\n\n
+# "rmid", "-port", "-log", "-stop", "-C" and "-J" should not be translated,
+# because they are syntax
+rmid.usage=Uso: {0} \n\nem que inclui:\n -port especifica a porta que rmid usar\u00e1\n -log especifica o diret\u00f3rio no qual o rmid grava o registro\n -stop para a chamada atual de rmid (para a porta especificada)\n -C passa o argumento para cada processo filho (grupo de ativa\u00e7\u00e3o)\n -J passa o argumento para o int\u00e9rprete de java\n
+# This means "The currently running activation daemon has been shut down,
+# and is about to exit".
+rmid.daemon.shutdown=encerramento do daemon de ativa\u00e7\u00e3o
+# "rmid" should not be translated\nrmid: (AVISO) reiniciar grupo gera:
+# "rmid" should not be translated
+rmid.restart.service.warning=\nrmid: (AVISO) reiniciar servi\u00e7o gera:
+# "rmid" should not be translated
+rmid.log.update.warning=\nrmid: (AVISO) registrar atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o gera:
+# "rmid" should not be translated
+rmid.log.snapshot.warning=\nrmid: (GRAVE) registrar instant\u00e2neo gera:
+# "rmid" should not be translated
+rmid.log.recover.warning=\nrmid: (AVISO) {0}: ignorando registro durante a recupera\u00e7\u00e3o:
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..91e6e130732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * This class represents the ResourceBundle
+ * for the following packages:
+ *
+ *
+ * -
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @version 1.6, 01/23/01
+ */
+public class AuthResources_pt_BR extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
+ private static final Object[][] contents = {
+ // NT principals
+ {"invalid null input: value", "entrada nula inv\u00e1lida: {0}"},
+ {"NTDomainPrincipal: name", "NTDomainPrincipal: {0}"},
+ {"NTNumericCredential: name", "NTNumericCredential: {0}"},
+ {"Invalid NTSid value", "Valor de NTSid inv\u00e1lido"},
+ {"NTSid: name", "NTSid: {0}"},
+ {"NTSidDomainPrincipal: name", "NTSidDomainPrincipal: {0}"},
+ {"NTSidGroupPrincipal: name", "NTSidGroupPrincipal: {0}"},
+ {"NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal: name", "NTSidPrimaryGroupPrincipal: {0}"},
+ {"NTSidUserPrincipal: name", "NTSidUserPrincipal: {0}"},
+ {"NTUserPrincipal: name", "NTUserPrincipal: {0}"},
+ // UnixPrincipals
+ {"UnixNumericGroupPrincipal [Primary Group]: name",
+ "UnixNumericGroupPrincipal [grupo principal]: {0}"},
+ {"UnixNumericGroupPrincipal [Supplementary Group]: name",
+ "UnixNumericGroupPrincipal [grupo complement\u00e1rio]: {0}"},
+ {"UnixNumericUserPrincipal: name", "UnixNumericUserPrincipal: {0}"},
+ {"UnixPrincipal: name", "UnixPrincipal: {0}"},
+ //
+ {"Unable to properly expand config", "N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel expandir corretamente {0}"},
+ {"extra_config (No such file or directory)",
+ "{0} (tal arquivo ou diret\u00f3rio n\u00e3o existe)"},
+ {"Unable to locate a login configuration",
+ "N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel localizar uma configura\u00e7\u00e3o de logon"},
+ {"Configuration Error:\n\tInvalid control flag, flag",
+ "Erro de configura\u00e7\u00e3o:\n\tSinalizador de controle inv\u00e1lido, {0}"},
+ {"Configuration Error:\n\tCan not specify multiple entries for appName",
+ "Erro de configura\u00e7\u00e3o:\n\tN\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel especificar v\u00e1rias entradas para {0}"},
+ {"Configuration Error:\n\texpected [expect], read [end of file]",
+ "Erro de configura\u00e7\u00e3o:\n\tesperado [{0}], lido [fim do arquivo]"},
+ {"Configuration Error:\n\tLine line: expected [expect], found [value]",
+ "Erro de configura\u00e7\u00e3o:\n\tlinha {0}: esperado [{1}], encontrado [{2}]"},
+ {"Configuration Error:\n\tLine line: expected [expect]",
+ "Erro de configura\u00e7\u00e3o:\n\tlinha {0}: esperado [{1}]"},
+ {"Configuration Error:\n\tLine line: system property [value] expanded to empty value",
+ "Erro de configura\u00e7\u00e3o:\n\tlinha {0}: propriedade do sistema [{1}] expandida para valor vazio"},
+ //
+ {"username: ","nome de usu\u00e1rio: "},
+ {"password: ","senha: "},
+ //
+ {"Please enter keystore information",
+ "Insira as informa\u00e7\u00f5es do armazenamento de chaves"},
+ {"Keystore alias: ","Alias do armazenamento de chaves: "},
+ {"Keystore password: ","Senha do armazenamento de chaves: "},
+ {"Private key password (optional): ",
+ "Senha da chave privada (opcional): "},
+ //
+ {"Kerberos username [[defUsername]]: ",
+ "Nome de usu\u00e1rio de Kerberos [{0}]: "},
+ {"Kerberos password for [username]: ",
+ "Senha de Kerberos de {0}: "},
+ //
+ {": error parsing ", ": erro ao analisar "},
+ {": ", ": "},
+ {": error adding Permission ", ": erro ao adicionar permiss\u00e3o "},
+ {" ", " "},
+ {": error adding Entry ", ": erro ao adicionar entrada "},
+ {"(", "("},
+ {")", ")"},
+ {"attempt to add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection",
+ "tentativa de adicionar uma permiss\u00e3o ao um PermissionCollection de somente leitura"},
+ //
+ {"expected keystore type", "tipo de armazenamento de chaves esperado"},
+ {"can not specify Principal with a ",
+ "n\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel especificar um principal com uma "},
+ {"wildcard class without a wildcard name",
+ "de coringa sem um nome de coringa"},
+ {"expected codeBase or SignedBy", "CodeBase ou SignedBy esperado"},
+ {"only Principal-based grant entries permitted",
+ "somente \u00e9 permitido conceder entradas com base no principal"},
+ {"expected permission entry", "entrada de permiss\u00e3o esperada"},
+ {"number ", "n\u00famero "},
+ {"expected ", "esperado "},
+ {", read end of file", ", fim de arquivo lido"},
+ {"expected ';', read end of file", "esperado ';', fim de arquivo lido"},
+ {"line ", "linha "},
+ {": expected '", ": esperado '"},
+ {"', found '", "', encontrado '"},
+ {"'", "'"},
+ // SolarisPrincipals
+ {"SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal [Primary Group]: ",
+ "SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal [grupo principal]: "},
+ {"SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal [Supplementary Group]: ",
+ "SolarisNumericGroupPrincipal [grupo complement\u00e1rio]: "},
+ {"SolarisNumericUserPrincipal: ",
+ "SolarisNumericUserPrincipal: "},
+ {"SolarisPrincipal: ", "SolarisPrincipal: "},
+ {"provided null name", "nome nulo fornecido"}
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the contents of this ResourceBundle
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return the contents of this ResourceBundle
+ */
+ public Object[][] getContents() {
+ return contents;
+ }
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
index c9000d33256..a3acbdbf443 100644
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"keytool error: ", "erreur keytool : "},
{"Illegal option: ", "Option non valide : "},
{"Try keytool -help","Essayez keytool -help"},
- {"Command option needs an argument.", "L'option de commande {0} requiert un argument."},
+ {"Command option needs an argument.", "L''option de commande {0} requiert un argument."},
{"Warning: Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified value.",
- "Avertissement\u00a0: Les mots de passe store et key distincts ne sont pas pris en charge pour les keystores PKCS12. La valeur {0} sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e par l'utilisateur est ignor\u00e9e."},
+ "Avertissement\u00a0: Les mots de passe store et key distincts ne sont pas pris en charge pour les keystores PKCS12. La valeur {0} sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e par l''utilisateur est ignor\u00e9e."},
{"-keystore must be NONE if -storetype is {0}",
"-keystore doit \u00eatre d\u00e9fini sur NONE si -storetype est {0}"},
{"Too may retries, program terminated",
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
"La validit\u00e9 doit \u00eatre sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 z\u00e9ro"},
{"provName not a provider", "{0} n''est pas un fournisseur"},
{"Usage error: no command provided", "Erreur d'utilisation\u00a0: aucune commande fournie"},
- {"Usage error, is not a legal command", "Erreur d'utilisation, {0} n'est pas une commande valide"},
+ {"Usage error, is not a legal command", "Erreur d''utilisation, {0} n''est pas une commande valide"},
{"Source keystore file exists, but is empty: ", "Le fichier du keystore source existe, mais il est vide\u00a0: "},
{"Please specify -srckeystore", "veuillez sp\u00e9cifier -srckeystore"},
{"Must not specify both -v and -rfc with 'list' command",
@@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"Unknown Entry Type", "Type d'entr\u00e9e inconnu"},
{"Too many failures. Alias not changed", "Trop d'erreurs. Alias non modifi\u00e9"},
{"Entry for alias successfully imported.",
- "L'entr\u00e9e de l'alias {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9e."},
- {"Entry for alias not imported.", "L'entr\u00e9e de l'alias {0} n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9e."},
+ "L''entr\u00e9e de l''alias {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9e."},
+ {"Entry for alias not imported.", "L''entr\u00e9e de l''alias {0} n''a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9e."},
{"Problem importing entry for alias : .\nEntry for alias not imported.",
- "Probl\u00e8me lors de l'importation de l'entr\u00e9e de l'alias {0}\u00a0: {1}.\nL'entr\u00e9e de l'alias {0} n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9e."},
+ "Probl\u00e8me lors de l''importation de l''entr\u00e9e de l''alias {0}\u00a0: {1}.\nL''entr\u00e9e de l''alias {0} n''a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 import\u00e9e."},
{"Import command completed: entries successfully imported, entries failed or cancelled",
- "Commande d'importation ex\u00e9cut\u00e9e\u00a0: {0} entr\u00e9es import\u00e9es, \u00e9chec ou annulation de {1} entr\u00e9es"},
+ "Commande d''importation ex\u00e9cut\u00e9e\u00a0: {0} entr\u00e9es import\u00e9es, \u00e9chec ou annulation de {1} entr\u00e9es"},
{"Warning: Overwriting existing alias in destination keystore",
- "Avertissement\u00a0: L'alias existant {0} est \u00e9cras\u00e9 dans le keystore de destination"},
+ "Avertissement\u00a0: L''alias existant {0} est \u00e9cras\u00e9 dans le keystore de destination"},
{"Existing entry alias exists, overwrite? [no]: ",
- "L'alias d'entr\u00e9e {0} existe d\u00e9j\u00e0, voulez-vous l'\u00e9craser\u00a0? [non]\u00a0: "},
+ "L''alias d''entr\u00e9e {0} existe d\u00e9j\u00e0, voulez-vous l''\u00e9craser\u00a0? [non]\u00a0: "},
{"Too many failures - try later", "Trop d'erreurs - r\u00e9essayez plus tard"},
{"Certification request stored in file ",
"Demande de certification enregistr\u00e9e dans le fichier <{0}>"},
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"alias, keyStore.getCreationDate(alias), ",
"{0}, {1,date}, "},
{"alias, ", "{0}, "},
- {"Entry type: ", "Type d'entr\u00e9e\u00a0: {0}"},
+ {"Entry type: ", "Type d''entr\u00e9e\u00a0: {0}"},
{"Certificate chain length: ", "Longueur de cha\u00eene du certificat : "},
{"Certificate[(i + 1)]:", "Certificat[{0,number,integer}]:"},
{"Certificate fingerprint (MD5): ", "Empreinte du certificat (MD5) : "},
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"\t(RETURN if same as for )",
"\t(appuyez sur Entr\u00e9e si le r\u00e9sultat est identique \u00e0 <{0}>)"},
{"*PATTERN* printX509Cert",
- "Propri\u00e9taire\u00a0: {0}\n\u00c9metteur\u00a0: {1}\nNum\u00e9ro de s\u00e9rie\u00a0: {2}\nValide du\u00a0: {3} au\u00a0: {4}\nEmpreintes du certificat\u00a0:\n\t MD5\u00a0: {5}\n\t SHA1\u00a0: {6}\n\t Nom de l'algorithme de signature\u00a0: {7}\n\t Version\u00a0: {8}"},
+ "Propri\u00e9taire\u00a0: {0}\n\u00c9metteur\u00a0: {1}\nNum\u00e9ro de s\u00e9rie\u00a0: {2}\nValide du\u00a0: {3} au\u00a0: {4}\nEmpreintes du certificat\u00a0:\n\t MD5\u00a0: {5}\n\t SHA1\u00a0: {6}\n\t Nom de l''algorithme de signature\u00a0: {7}\n\t Version\u00a0: {8}"},
{"What is your first and last name?",
"Quels sont vos pr\u00e9nom et nom ?"},
{"What is the name of your organizational unit?",
@@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"y", "o"},
{" [defaultValue]: ", " [{0}] : "},
{"Alias has no key",
- "L'alias <{0}> n'est associ\u00e9 \u00e0 aucune cl\u00e9"},
+ "L''alias <{0}> n''est associ\u00e9 \u00e0 aucune cl\u00e9"},
{"Alias references an entry type that is not a private key entry. The -keyclone command only supports cloning of private key entries",
- "L'entr\u00e9e \u00e0 laquelle l'alias <{0}> fait r\u00e9f\u00e9rence n'est pas une entr\u00e9e de type cl\u00e9 priv\u00e9e. La commande -keyclone prend uniquement en charge le clonage des cl\u00e9s priv\u00e9es"},
+ "L''entr\u00e9e \u00e0 laquelle l''alias <{0}> fait r\u00e9f\u00e9rence n''est pas une entr\u00e9e de type cl\u00e9 priv\u00e9e. La commande -keyclone prend uniquement en charge le clonage des cl\u00e9s priv\u00e9es"},
{"***************** WARNING WARNING WARNING *****************",
"***************** A V E R T I S S E M E N T *****************"},
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"KeyStore", "KeyStore"},
{"Policy File:", "Fichier de r\u00e8gles :"},
{"Could not open policy file: policyFile: e.toString()",
- "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de strat\u00e9gie\u00a0: {0}: {1}"},
+ "Impossible d''ouvrir le fichier de strat\u00e9gie\u00a0: {0}: {1}"},
{"Policy Tool", "Policy Tool"},
{"Errors have occurred while opening the policy configuration. View the Warning Log for more information.",
"Des erreurs se sont produites \u00e0 l'ouverture de la configuration de r\u00e8gles. Consultez le journal des avertissements pour obtenir des informations."},
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ public class Resources_fr extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"Save Changes", "Enregistrer les changements"},
{"No Policy Entry selected", "Aucune r\u00e8gle s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e"},
{"Unable to open KeyStore: ex.toString()",
- "Impossible d'ouvrir le keystore\u00a0: {0}"},
+ "Impossible d''ouvrir le keystore\u00a0: {0}"},
{"No principal selected", "Aucun principal s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9"},
{"No permission selected", "Aucune permission s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e"},
{"name", "nom"},
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
index 4d296010e21..840e97a167c 100644
--- a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public class Resources_it extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"keytool error: ", "Errore keytool: "},
{"Illegal option: ", "Opzione non valida: "},
{"Try keytool -help","Provare keytool -help"},
- {"Command option needs an argument.", "\u00c8 necessario specificare un argomento per l'opzione di comando {0}."},
+ {"Command option needs an argument.", "\u00c8 necessario specificare un argomento per l''opzione di comando {0}."},
{"Warning: Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified value.",
- "Avviso: non sono supportate password diverse di chiave e di archivio per i KeyStore PKCS12. Il valore {0} specificato dall'utente verr\u00e0 ignorato."},
+ "Avviso: non sono supportate password diverse di chiave e di archivio per i KeyStore PKCS12. Il valore {0} specificato dall''utente verr\u00e0 ignorato."},
{"-keystore must be NONE if -storetype is {0}",
"Se -storetype \u00e8 impostato su {0}, -keystore deve essere impostato su NONE"},
{"Too may retries, program terminated",
@@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ public class Resources_it extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"Unknown Entry Type", "Tipo di voce sconosciuto"},
{"Too many failures. Alias not changed", "Si sono verificati troppi errori. L'alias non \u00e8 stato modificato."},
{"Entry for alias successfully imported.",
- "La voce dell'alias {0} \u00e8 stata importata."},
- {"Entry for alias not imported.", "La voce dell'alias {0} non \u00e8 stata importata."},
+ "La voce dell''alias {0} \u00e8 stata importata."},
+ {"Entry for alias not imported.", "La voce dell''alias {0} non \u00e8 stata importata."},
{"Problem importing entry for alias : .\nEntry for alias not imported.",
- "Si \u00e8 verificato un problema durante l'importazione della voce dell'alias {0}: {1}.\nLa voce dell'alias {0} non \u00e8 stata importata."},
+ "Si \u00e8 verificato un problema durante l''importazione della voce dell''alias {0}: {1}.\nLa voce dell''alias {0} non \u00e8 stata importata."},
{"Import command completed: entries successfully imported, entries failed or cancelled",
"Importazione completata: {0} voci importate, {1} voci non importate o annullate"},
{"Warning: Overwriting existing alias in destination keystore",
- "Avviso: sovrascrittura in corso dell'alias {0} nel file keystore di destinazione"},
+ "Avviso: sovrascrittura in corso dell''alias {0} nel file keystore di destinazione"},
{"Existing entry alias exists, overwrite? [no]: ",
- "La voce dell'alias {0} esiste gi\u00e0. Sovrascrivere? [no]: "},
+ "La voce dell''alias {0} esiste gi\u00e0. Sovrascrivere? [no]: "},
{"Too many failures - try later", "Troppi errori - riprovare"},
{"Certification request stored in file ",
"La richiesta di certificazione \u00e8 memorizzata nel file <{0}>"},
@@ -232,9 +232,9 @@ public class Resources_it extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"y", "s"},
{" [defaultValue]: ", " [{0}]: "},
{"Alias has no key",
- "All'alias <{0}> non \u00e8 associata alcuna chiave"},
+ "All''alias <{0}> non \u00e8 associata alcuna chiave"},
{"Alias references an entry type that is not a private key entry. The -keyclone command only supports cloning of private key entries",
- "L'alias <{0}> fa riferimento a un tipo di voce che non \u00e8 una voce di chiave privata. Il comando -keyclone supporta solo la duplicazione delle voci di chiave private."},
+ "L''alias <{0}> fa riferimento a un tipo di voce che non \u00e8 una voce di chiave privata. Il comando -keyclone supporta solo la duplicazione delle voci di chiave private."},
{"***************** WARNING WARNING WARNING *****************",
"***************** AVVISO AVVISO AVVISO *****************"},
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public class Resources_it extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
{"n", "n"},
{"Wrong answer, try again", "Risposta errata, riprovare"},
{"Secret key not generated, alias already exists",
- "La chiave segreta non \u00e8 stata generata; l'alias <{0}> esiste gi\u00e0"},
+ "La chiave segreta non \u00e8 stata generata; l''alias <{0}> esiste gi\u00e0"},
{"Please provide -keysize for secret key generation",
"Specificare il valore -keysize per la generazione della chiave segreta"},
{"keytool usage:\n", "utilizzo keytool:\n"},
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ public class Resources_it extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
// policytool
{"Warning: A public key for alias 'signers[i]' does not exist. Make sure a KeyStore is properly configured.",
- "Avviso: non esiste una chiave pubblica per l'alias {0}. Verificare che il KeyStore sia configurato correttamente."},
+ "Avviso: non esiste una chiave pubblica per l''alias {0}. Verificare che il KeyStore sia configurato correttamente."},
{"Warning: Class not found: class", "Avviso: Classe non trovata: {0}"},
{"Warning: Invalid argument(s) for constructor: arg",
"Avviso: argomento o argomenti non validi per il costruttore {0}"},
diff --git a/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..847a4ae582a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jdk/src/share/classes/sun/security/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2001, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
+ * or visit if you need additional information or have any
+ * questions.
+ */
+ * This class represents the ResourceBundle
+ * for and
+ *
+ * @version 1.33, 12/06/05
+ */
+public class Resources_pt_BR extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
+ private static final Object[][] contents = {
+ // shared (from jarsigner)
+ {" ", " "},
+ {" ", " "},
+ {" ", " "},
+ {", ", ", "},
+ // shared (from keytool)
+ {"\n", "\n"},
+ {"*******************************************",
+ "*******************************************"},
+ {"*******************************************\n\n",
+ "*******************************************\n\n"},
+ // keytool
+ {"keytool error: ", "erro de keytool: "},
+ {"Illegal option: ", "Op\u00e7\u00e3o ilegal: "},
+ {"Try keytool -help","Tentar keytool -help"},
+ {"Command option needs an argument.", "A op\u00e7\u00e3o de comando {0} precisa de um argumento."},
+ {"Warning: Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified value.",
+ "Aviso: senhas de chave e de armazenamento diferentes n\u00e3o suportadas para KeyStores PKCS12. Ignorando valor {0} especificado pelo usu\u00e1rio."},
+ {"-keystore must be NONE if -storetype is {0}",
+ "-keystore deve ser NONE se -storetype for {0}"},
+ {"Too may retries, program terminated",
+ "N\u00famero de tentativas excedido, programa finalizado"},
+ {"-storepasswd and -keypasswd commands not supported if -storetype is {0}",
+ "comandos -storepasswd e -keypasswd n\u00e3o suportados se -storetype for {0}"},
+ {"-keypasswd commands not supported if -storetype is PKCS12",
+ "comandos -keypasswd n\u00e3o suportados se -storetype for PKCS12"},
+ {"-keypass and -new can not be specified if -storetype is {0}",
+ "-keypass e -new n\u00e3o podem ser especificados se -storetype for {0}"},
+ {"if -protected is specified, then -storepass, -keypass, and -new must not be specified",
+ "se -protected estiver especificado, ent\u00e3o -storepass, -keypass e -new n\u00e3o devem ser especificados"},
+ {"if -srcprotected is specified, then -srcstorepass and -srckeypass must not be specified",
+ "se -srcprotected estiver especificado, ent\u00e3o -srcstorepass e -srckeypass n\u00e3o devem ser especificados"},
+ {"if keystore is not password protected, then -storepass, -keypass, and -new must not be specified",
+ "se o armazenamento de chaves n\u00e3o estiver protegido por senha, ent\u00e3o -storepass, -keypass e -new n\u00e3o devem ser especificados"},
+ {"if source keystore is not password protected, then -srcstorepass and -srckeypass must not be specified",
+ "se o armazenamento de chaves de origem n\u00e3o estiver protegido por senha, ent\u00e3o -srcstorepass e -srckeypass n\u00e3o devem ser especificados"},
+ {"Validity must be greater than zero",
+ "A validade deve ser maior do que zero"},
+ {"provName not a provider", "{0} n\u00e3o \u00e9 um fornecedor"},
+ {"Usage error: no command provided", "Erro de uso: nenhum comando fornecido"},
+ {"Usage error, is not a legal command", "Erro de uso, {0} n\u00e3o \u00e9 um comando legal"},
+ {"Source keystore file exists, but is empty: ", "O arquivo de armazenamento de chaves de origem existe, mas est\u00e1 vazio: "},
+ {"Please specify -srckeystore", "Especifique -srckeystore"},
+ {"Must not specify both -v and -rfc with 'list' command",
+ "N\u00e3o devem ser especificados -v e -rfc com o comando 'list'"},
+ {"Key password must be at least 6 characters",
+ "A senha da chave deve ter como m\u00ednimo 6 caracteres"},
+ {"New password must be at least 6 characters",
+ "A nova senha deve ter como m\u00ednimo 6 caracteres"},
+ {"Keystore file exists, but is empty: ",
+ "O arquivo de armazenamento de chaves existe, mas est\u00e1 vazio: "},
+ {"Keystore file does not exist: ",
+ "O arquivo de armazenamento de chaves n\u00e3o existe. "},
+ {"Must specify destination alias", "Deve ser especificado um alias de destino"},
+ {"Must specify alias", "Deve ser especificado um alias"},
+ {"Keystore password must be at least 6 characters",
+ "A senha do armazenamento de chaves deve ter como m\u00ednimo 6 caracteres"},
+ {"Enter keystore password: ", "Insira a senha do armazenamento de chaves: "},
+ {"Enter source keystore password: ", "Insira a senha do armazenamento de chaves de origem: "},
+ {"Enter destination keystore password: ", "Insira a senha do armazenamento de chaves de destino: "},
+ {"Keystore password is too short - must be at least 6 characters",
+ "A senha do armazenamento de chaves \u00e9 muito curta - deve ter como m\u00ednimo 6 caracteres"},
+ {"Unknown Entry Type", "Tipo de entrada desconhecido"},
+ {"Too many failures. Alias not changed", "Excesso de falhas. Alias n\u00e3o alterado"},
+ {"Entry for alias successfully imported.",
+ "Entrada do alias {0} importada com \u00eaxito."},
+ {"Entry for alias not imported.", "Entrada do alias {0} n\u00e3o importada."},
+ {"Problem importing entry for alias : .\nEntry for alias not imported.",
+ "Problema ao importar a entrada do {0}: {1}.\nEntrada do alias {0} n\u00e3o importada."},
+ {"Import command completed: entries successfully imported, entries failed or cancelled",
+ "Comando de importa\u00e7\u00e3o conclu\u00eddo: {0} entradas importadas com \u00eaxito, {1} entradas falhas ou canceladas"},
+ {"Warning: Overwriting existing alias in destination keystore",
+ "Aviso: substitui\u00e7\u00e3o de alias {0} existente no armazenamento de chaves de destino"},
+ {"Existing entry alias exists, overwrite? [no]: ",
+ "Entrada j\u00e1 existente no alias {0}, substituir? [n\u00e3o]: "},
+ {"Too many failures - try later", "Excesso de falhas - tentar mais tarde"},
+ {"Certification request stored in file ",
+ "Solicita\u00e7\u00e3o de certificado armazenada no arquivo <{0}>"},
+ {"Submit this to your CA", "Enviar \u00e0 CA"},
+ {"if alias not specified, destalias, srckeypass, and destkeypass must not be specified",
+ "se o alias n\u00e3o estiver especificado, destalias, srckeypass e destkeypass n\u00e3o devem ser especificados"},
+ {"Certificate stored in file ",
+ "Certificado armazenado no arquivo <{0}>"},
+ {"Certificate reply was installed in keystore",
+ "Resposta do certificado foi instalada no armazenamento de chaves"},
+ {"Certificate reply was not installed in keystore",
+ "Resposta do certificado n\u00e3o foi instalada no armazenamento de chaves"},
+ {"Certificate was added to keystore",
+ "O certificado foi adicionado ao armazenamento de chaves"},
+ {"Certificate was not added to keystore",
+ "O certificado n\u00e3o foi adicionado ao armazenamento de chaves"},
+ {"[Storing ksfname]", "[Armazenando {0}]"},
+ {"alias has no public key (certificate)",
+ "{0} n\u00e3o possui chave p\u00fablica (certificado)"},
+ {"Cannot derive signature algorithm",
+ "N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel obter algoritmo de assinatura"},
+ {"Alias does not exist",
+ "O alias <{0}> n\u00e3o existe"},
+ {"Alias has no certificate",
+ "O alias <{0}> n\u00e3o possui certificado"},
+ {"Key pair not generated, alias already exists",
+ "Par de chaves n\u00e3o gerado, o alias <{0}> j\u00e1 existe"},
+ {"Cannot derive signature algorithm",
+ "N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel obter algoritmo de assinatura"},
+ {"Generating keysize bit keyAlgName key pair and self-signed certificate (sigAlgName) with a validity of validality days\n\tfor: x500Name",
+ "Gerando o par de chaves {1} de {0} bit e o certificado autoassinado ({2}) com uma validade de {3} dias\n\tpara: {4}"},
+ {"Enter key password for ", "Inserir a senha da chave de <{0}>"},
+ {"\t(RETURN if same as keystore password): ",
+ "\t(RETURN se for igual \u00e0 senha do armazenamento de chaves): "},
+ {"Key password is too short - must be at least 6 characters",
+ "A senha da chave \u00e9 muito curta - deve ter como m\u00ednimo 6 caracteres"},
+ {"Too many failures - key not added to keystore",
+ "Excesso de falhas - chave n\u00e3o adicionada ao armazenamento de chaves"},
+ {"Destination alias already exists",
+ "O alias de destino <{0}> j\u00e1 existe"},
+ {"Password is too short - must be at least 6 characters",
+ "A senha \u00e9 muito curta - deve ter como m\u00ednimo 6 caracteres"},
+ {"Too many failures. Key entry not cloned",
+ "Excesso de falhas. Entrada da chave n\u00e3o clonada"},
+ {"key password for ", "senha da chave de <{0}>"},
+ {"Keystore entry for already exists",
+ "A entrada do armazenamento de chaves de <{0}> j\u00e1 existe"},
+ {"Creating keystore entry for ...",
+ "Criando entrada do armazenamento de chaves para <{0}> ..."},
+ {"No entries from identity database added",
+ "Nenhuma entrada adicionada do banco de dados de identidades"},
+ {"Alias name: alias", "Nome do alias: {0}"},
+ {"Creation date: keyStore.getCreationDate(alias)",
+ "Data de cria\u00e7\u00e3o: {0,data}"},
+ {"alias, keyStore.getCreationDate(alias), ",
+ "{0}, {1,data}, "},
+ {"alias, ", "{0}, "},
+ {"Entry type: ", "Tipo de entrada: {0}"},
+ {"Certificate chain length: ", "Comprimento da cadeia de certificados: "},
+ {"Certificate[(i + 1)]:", "Certificado[{0,n\u00famero,inteiro}]:"},
+ {"Certificate fingerprint (MD5): ", "Fingerprint (MD5) do certificado: "},
+ {"Entry type: trustedCertEntry\n", "Tipo de entrada: trustedCertEntry\n"},
+ {"trustedCertEntry,", "trustedCertEntry,"},
+ {"Keystore type: ", "Tipo de armazenamento de chaves: "},
+ {"Keystore provider: ", "Fornecedor de armazenamento de chaves: "},
+ {"Your keystore contains keyStore.size() entry",
+ "Seu armazenamento de chaves cont\u00e9m {0,n\u00famero,inteiro} entrada"},
+ {"Your keystore contains keyStore.size() entries",
+ "Seu armazenamento de chaves cont\u00e9m {0,n\u00famero,inteiro} entradas"},
+ {"Failed to parse input", "Falha ao analisar a entrada"},
+ {"Empty input", "Entrada vazia"},
+ {"Not X.509 certificate", "N\u00e3o \u00e9 um certificado X.509"},
+ {"Cannot derive signature algorithm",
+ "N\u00e3o \u00e9 poss\u00edvel obter algoritmo de assinatura"},
+ {"alias has no public key", "{0} n\u00e3o possui chave p\u00fablica"},
+ {"alias has no X.509 certificate", "{0} n\u00e3o possui certificado X.509"},
+ {"New certificate (self-signed):", "Novo certificado (autoassinado):"},
+ {"Reply has no certificates", "A resposta n\u00e3o possui certificado"},
+ {"Certificate not imported, alias already exists",
+ "Certificado n\u00e3o importado, o alias <{0}> j\u00e1 existe"},
+ {"Input not an X.509 certificate", "A entrada n\u00e3o \u00e9 um certificado X.509"},
+ {"Certificate already exists in keystore under alias ",
+ "O certificado j\u00e1 existe no armazenamento de chaves no alias <{0}>"},
+ {"Do you still want to add it? [no]: ",
+ "Ainda deseja adicion\u00e1-lo? [n\u00e3o]: "},
+ {"Certificate already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias ",
+ "O certificado j\u00e1 existe no armazenamento de chaves de CA em todo o sistema no alias <{0}>"},
+ {"Do you still want to add it to your own keystore? [no]: ",
+ "Ainda deseja adicion\u00e1-lo ao seu pr\u00f3prio armazenamento de chaves? [n\u00e3o]: "},
+ {"Trust this certificate? [no]: ", "Confiar neste certificado? [n\u00e3o]: "},
+ {"YES", "SIM"},
+ {"New prompt: ", "Nova {0}: "},
+ {"Passwords must differ", "As senhas devem ser diferentes"},
+ {"Re-enter new prompt: ", "Insira novamente a nova {0}: "},
+ {"Re-enter new password: ", "Insira novamente a nova senha: "},
+ {"They don't match. Try again", "Elas n\u00e3o correspondem. Tente novamente"},
+ {"Enter prompt alias name: ", "Insira o nome do alias {0}: "},
+ {"Enter new alias name\t(RETURN to cancel import for this entry): ",
+ "Insira o novo nome do alias\t(RETURN para cancelar a importa\u00e7\u00e3o desta entrada): "},
+ {"Enter alias name: ", "Insira o nome do alias: "},
+ {"\t(RETURN if same as for )",
+ "\t(RETURN se for igual ao de <{0}>)"},
+ {"*PATTERN* printX509Cert",
+ "Propriet\u00e1rio: {0}\nEmissor: {1}\nN\u00famero de s\u00e9rie: {2}\nV\u00e1lido de: {3} a: {4}\nFingerprints do certificado:\n\t MD5: {5}\n\t SHA1: {6}\n\t Nome do algoritmo de assinatura: {7}\n\t Vers\u00e3o: {8}"},
+ {"What is your first and last name?",
+ "Qual \u00e9 o seu nome e o seu sobrenome?"},
+ {"What is the name of your organizational unit?",
+ "Qual \u00e9 o nome da sua unidade organizacional?"},
+ {"What is the name of your organization?",
+ "Qual \u00e9 o nome da sua empresa?"},
+ {"What is the name of your City or Locality?",
+ "Qual \u00e9 o nome da sua cidade ou localidade?"},
+ {"What is the name of your State or Province?",
+ "Qual \u00e9 o nome do seu estado ou munic\u00edpio?"},
+ {"What is the two-letter country code for this unit?",
+ "Quais s\u00e3o as duas letras do c\u00f3digo do pa\u00eds desta unidade?"},
+ {"Is correct?", "{0} \u00e9 correto?"},
+ {"no", "n\u00e3o"},
+ {"yes", "sim"},
+ {"y", "s"},
+ {" [defaultValue]: ", " [{0}]: "},
+ {"Alias has no key",
+ "O alias <{0}> n\u00e3o possui chave"},
+ {"Alias references an entry type that is not a private key entry. The -keyclone command only supports cloning of private key entries",
+ "O alias <{0}> faz refer\u00eancia a um tipo de entrada que n\u00e3o \u00e9 uma entrada de chave privada. O comando -keyclone oferece suporte somente \u00e0 clonagem de entradas de chave privada"},
+ {"***************** WARNING WARNING WARNING *****************",
+ "***************** AVISO AVISO AVISO *****************"},
+ // Translators of the following 5 pairs, ATTENTION:
+ // the next 5 string pairs are meant to be combined into 2 paragraphs,
+ // 1+3+4 and 2+3+5. make sure your translation also does.
+ {"* The integrity of the information stored in your keystore *",
+ "* A integridade das informa\u00e7\u00f5es armazenadas no seu armazenamento de chaves *"},
+ {"* The integrity of the information stored in the srckeystore*",
+ "* A integridade das informa\u00e7\u00f5es armazenadas no srckeystore*"},
+ {"* has NOT been verified! In order to verify its integrity, *",
+ "* N\u00c3O foi verificada! Para verificar a integridade destas informa\u00e7\u00f5es, *"},
+ {"* you must provide your keystore password. *",
+ "* voc\u00ea deve fornecer a senha do seu armazenamento de chaves. *"},
+ {"* you must provide the srckeystore password. *",
+ "* voc\u00ea deve fornecer a senha do srckeystore. *"},
+ {"Certificate reply does not contain public key for ",
+ "A resposta do certificado n\u00e3o cont\u00e9m a chave p\u00fablica de <{0}>"},
+ {"Incomplete certificate chain in reply",
+ "Cadeia de certificados incompleta na resposta"},
+ {"Certificate chain in reply does not verify: ",
+ "A cadeia de certificados da resposta n\u00e3o verifica: "},
+ {"Top-level certificate in reply:\n",
+ "Certificado de n\u00edvel superior na resposta:\n"},
+ {"... is not trusted. ", "... n\u00e3o \u00e9 confi\u00e1vel. "},
+ {"Install reply anyway? [no]: ", "Instalar resposta assim mesmo? [n\u00e3o]: "},
+ {"NO", "N\u00c3O"},
+ {"Public keys in reply and keystore don't match",
+ "As chaves p\u00fablicas da resposta e do armazenamento de chaves n\u00e3o correspondem"},
+ {"Certificate reply and certificate in keystore are identical",
+ "O certificado da resposta e o certificado do armazenamento de chaves s\u00e3o id\u00eanticos"},
+ {"Failed to establish chain from reply",
+ "Falha ao estabelecer a cadeia a partir da resposta"},
+ {"n", "n"},
+ {"Wrong answer, try again", "Resposta errada, tente novamente"},
+ {"Secret key not generated, alias already exists",
+ "Chave secreta n\u00e3o gerada, o alias <{0}> j\u00e1 existe"},
+ {"Please provide -keysize for secret key generation",
+ "Forne\u00e7a o -keysize para a gera\u00e7\u00e3o da chave secreta"},
+ {"keytool usage:\n", "uso de keytool:\n"},
+ {"Extensions: ", "Extens\u00f5es: "},
+ {"-certreq [-v] [-protected]",
+ "-certreq [-v] [-protected]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ] [-sigalg ]",
+ "\t [-alias ] [-sigalg ]"},
+ {"\t [-file ] [-keypass ]",
+ "\t [-file ] [-keypass ]"},
+ {"\t [-keystore ] [-storepass ]",
+ "\t [-keystore ] [-storepass ]"},
+ {"\t [-storetype ] [-providername ]",
+ "\t [-storetype ] [-providername ]"},
+ {"\t [-providerclass [-providerarg ]] ...",
+ "\t [-providerclass [-providerarg ]] ..."},
+ {"\t [-providerpath ]",
+ "\t [-providerpath ]"},
+ {"-delete [-v] [-protected] -alias ",
+ "-delete [-v] [-protected] -alias "},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ //{"-export [-v] [-rfc] [-protected]",
+ // "-export [-v] [-rfc] [-protected]"},
+ {"-exportcert [-v] [-rfc] [-protected]",
+ "-exportcert [-v] [-rfc] [-protected]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ] [-file ]",
+ "\t [-alias ] [-file ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ //{"-genkey [-v] [-protected]",
+ // "-genkey [-v] [-protected]"},
+ {"-genkeypair [-v] [-protected]",
+ "-genkeypair [-v] [-protected]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ]", "\t [-alias ]"},
+ {"\t [-keyalg ] [-keysize ]",
+ "\t [-keyalg ] [-keysize ]"},
+ {"\t [-sigalg ] [-dname ]",
+ "\t [-sigalg ] [-dname ]"},
+ {"\t [-validity ] [-keypass ]",
+ "\t [-validity ] [-keypass ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-genseckey [-v] [-protected]",
+ "-genseckey [-v] [-protected]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-help", "-help"},
+ //{"-identitydb [-v] [-protected]",
+ // "-identitydb [-v] [-protected]"},
+ //{"\t [-file ]", "\t [-file ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ //{"-import [-v] [-noprompt] [-trustcacerts] [-protected]",
+ // "-import [-v] [-noprompt] [-trustcacerts] [-protected]"},
+ {"-importcert [-v] [-noprompt] [-trustcacerts] [-protected]",
+ "-importcert [-v] [-noprompt] [-trustcacerts] [-protected]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ]", "\t [-alias ]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ] [-keypass ]",
+ "\t [-alias ] [-keypass ]"},
+ {"\t [-file ] [-keypass ]",
+ "\t [-file ] [-keypass ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-importkeystore [-v] ",
+ "-importkeystore [-v] "},
+ {"\t [-srckeystore ] [-destkeystore ]",
+ "\t [-srckeystore ] [-destkeystore ]"},
+ {"\t [-srcstoretype ] [-deststoretype ]",
+ "\t [-srcstoretype ] [-deststoretype ]"},
+ {"\t [-srcprotected] [-destprotected]",
+ "\t [-srcprotected] [-destprotected]"},
+ {"\t [-srcstorepass ] [-deststorepass ]",
+ "\t [-srcstorepass ] [-deststorepass ]"},
+ {"\t [-srcprovidername ]\n\t [-destprovidername ]", // line too long, split to 2
+ "\t [-srcprovidername ]\n\t [-destprovidername ]"},
+ {"\t [-srcalias [-destalias ]",
+ "\t [-srcalias [-destalias ]"},
+ {"\t [-srckeypass ] [-destkeypass ]]",
+ "\t [-srckeypass ] [-destkeypass ]]"},
+ {"\t [-noprompt]", "\t [-noprompt]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-changealias [-v] [-protected] -alias -destalias ",
+ "-changealias [-v] [-protected] -alias -destalias "},
+ {"\t [-keypass ]", "\t [-keypass ]"},
+ //{"-keyclone [-v] [-protected]",
+ // "-keyclone [-v] [-protected]"},
+ //{"\t [-alias ] -dest ",
+ // "\t [-alias ] -dest "},
+ //{"\t [-keypass ] [-new ]",
+ // "\t [-keypass ] [-new ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-keypasswd [-v] [-alias ]",
+ "-keypasswd [-v] [-alias ]"},
+ {"\t [-keypass ] [-new ]",
+ "\t [-keypass ] [-new ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-list [-v | -rfc] [-protected]",
+ "-list [-v | -rfc] [-protected]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ]", "\t [-alias ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-printcert [-v] [-file ]",
+ "-printcert [-v] [-file ]"},
+ //{"-selfcert [-v] [-protected]",
+ // "-selfcert [-v] [-protected]"},
+ {"\t [-alias ]", "\t [-alias ]"},
+ //{"\t [-dname ] [-validity ]",
+ // "\t [-dname ] [-validity ]"},
+ //{"\t [-keypass ] [-sigalg ]",
+ // "\t [-keypass ] [-sigalg ]"},
+ /** rest is same as -certreq starting from -keystore **/
+ {"-storepasswd [-v] [-new ]",
+ "-storepasswd [-v] [-new