8329644: Discuss expected visitor evolution patterns in javax.lang.model.util

Reviewed-by: prappo, jlahoda, jjg
This commit is contained in:
Joe Darcy 2024-04-19 19:00:17 +00:00
parent b704e91241
commit c1dd82b4d2
10 changed files with 289 additions and 1 deletions

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
* @param <R> the return type of this visitor's methods
* @param <P> the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor6

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* methods. Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
* additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="AbstractElementVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see AbstractElementVisitor6

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* methods. Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
* additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="AbstractTypeVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see AbstractTypeVisitor6

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* methods. Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
* additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="ElementKindVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see ElementKindVisitor6

@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* methods. Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
* additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="ElementScanner6.html#note_for_subclasses"><strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see ElementScanner6
* @see ElementScanner7

@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* @param <R> the return type of this visitor's methods
* @param <P> the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* @param <P> the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods. Use {@code Void}
* for visitors that do not need an additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="SimpleElementVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see SimpleElementVisitor6

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* methods. Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
* additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="SimpleTypeVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see SimpleTypeVisitor6

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ import static javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.*;
* methods. Use {@code Void} for visitors that do not need an
* additional parameter.
* @see <a href="package-summary.html#expectedEvolution">
* <strong>Expected visitor evolution</strong></a>
* @see <a href="TypeKindVisitor6.html#note_for_subclasses">
* <strong>Compatibility note for subclasses</strong></a>
* @see TypeKindVisitor6

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -35,6 +35,276 @@
* <p> Unless otherwise specified, methods in this package will throw
* a {@code NullPointerException} if given a {@code null} argument.
* @apiNote
* <h2 id=expectedEvolution>Expected visitor evolution</h2>
* As the Java programming language evolves, the visitor interfaces of
* the language model also evolve as do the concrete visitors in this
* package. A <a href="https://openjdk.org/jeps/12">preview language
* feature</a> in JDK <i>N</i> may have API elements added in the set
* of visitors for the preview language level. Such new elements are
* marked as reflective preview API. Any existing methods whose
* specification is updated to support the preview feature are
* <em>not</em> marked as preview.
* <p>The remainder of this note will show two examples of the API
* changes in the model and visitors that can be added to support a
* language feature. The examples will use additions to the elements
* portion of the language model, but the updates to visitors for
* types or annotation values would be analogous.
* Two distinct cases are:
* <ul>
* <li>the preview language construct has a corresponding new modeling
* interface and a concomitant new kind constant, such as a new {@link
* javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind} constant
* <li>the preview language construct only triggers the introduction
* of a new kind <em>without</em> a new modeling interface
* </ul>
* If a preview language feature is withdrawn rather than evolving to
* a permanent platform feature, the API elements associated with the
* feature are expected to be removed. The examples below outline the
* API changes expected when a preview feature becomes a permanent
* feature.
* <h3 id=topLevelLangConstruct>Adding visitor support for a
* top-level language construct</h3>
* Consider a new language feature, preview feature 1, in JDK <i>N</i>. This
* feature has a top-level element interface to model it:
* <pre>
* package javax.lang.model.element;
* /**
* * Represents a preview feature 1.
* *
* * &commat;since N
* *&sol;
* public interface PreviewFeature1Element extends Element {
* // Methods to retrieve information specific to the preview feature...
* }
* </pre>
* A new element kind would also be introduced to model such a feature:
* <pre>
* // Sample diff of ElementKind.java
* + /**
* + * A preview feature 1.
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* </pre>
* A {@code default} method is added to {@code ElementVisitor} to accommodate the new construct:
* <pre>
* // Sample diff for ElementVisitor.java
* + /**
* + * Visits a preview feature 1.
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec The default implementation visits a {&commat;code
* + * PreviewFeature1Element} by calling {&commat;code visitUnknown(e, p)}.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e the element to visit
* + * &commat;param p a visitor-specified parameter
* + * &commat;return a visitor-specified result
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + default R visitPreviewFeature1(PreviewFeature1Element e, P p) {
* + return visitUnknown(e, p);
* + }
* </pre>
* Given the {@code default} method on the visitor interface, the
* preview visitor classes need to override this method and take an
* action appropriate for the visitor's semantics:
* <pre>
* // Sample diff for AbstractElementVisitorPreview.java
* // Re-abstract visitPreviewFeature1.
* + /**
* + * {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec Visits a {&commat;code PreviewFeature1Element} in a manner
* + * defined by a subclass.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;param p {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;return a visitor-specified result
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + @Override
* + public abstract R visitPreviewFeature1(PreviewFeature1Element e, P p);
* // Sample diff for ElementKindVisitorPreview.java
* // Take the default action for a preview feature 1.
* +
* + /**
* + * {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec This implementation calls {&commat;code defaultAction}.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;param p {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;return the result of {&commat;code defaultAction}
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + @Override
* + public R visitPreviewFeature1(PreviewFeature1Element e, P p) {
* + return defaultAction(e, p);
* + }
* // Sample diff for ElementScannerPreview.java
* // Scan the enclosed elements of a preview feature 1.
* +
* + /**
* + * {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec This implementation scans the enclosed elements.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;param p {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;return {&commat;inheritDoc ElementScanner6}
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + @Override
* + public R visitPreviewFeature1(PreviewFeature1Element e, P p) {
* + return scan(e.getEnclosedElements(), p);
* + }
* // Sample diff for SimpleElementVisitorPreview.java
* // Take the default action for a preview feature 1.
* + /**
* + * {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec Visits a {&commat;code PreviewFeature1Element} by calling
* + * {@code defaultAction}.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;param p {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;return {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + @Override
* + public R visitPreviewFeature1(PreviewFeature1Element e, P p) {
* + return defaultAction(e, p);
* + }
* </pre>
* When preview feature 1 exits preview in JDK (<i>N+k</i>), a set of
* visitors for language level (<i>N+k</i>) would be added. The
* methods operating over the feature would be moved from the preview
* visitors to the new language level (<i>N+k</i>) visitors. Each
* preview visitor would then have its direct superclass changed to
* the new corresponding (<i>N+k</i>) visitor.
* <h3 id=newKindLangConstruct>Adding visitor support for a language
* construct that is a new kind of an existing construct</h3>
* Consider a new language feature, preview feature 2, in JDK
* <i>N</i>. This feature has a new element kind <em>without</em> a
* new top-level element interface needed to model it. Concretely,
* assume a preview feature 2 is a new kind of variable; the changes
* would be analogous if the feature were a new kind of executable
* instead or new kind of another existing top-level construct. In
* that case, the API changes are more limited:
* <pre>
* // Sample diff for ElementKind.java
* + /**
* + * A preview feature 2.
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* ...
* // Update existing methods as needed
* public boolean isVariable() {
* return switch(this) {
* default -> false;
* };
* }
* </pre>
* The kind visitors need support for the new variety of element:
* <pre>
* // Update visitVariable in ElementKindVisitor6:
* ...
* * &commat;implSpec This implementation dispatches to the visit method for
* * the specific {&commat;linkplain ElementKind kind} of variable, {&commat;code
* * ENUM_CONSTANT}, {&commat;code EXCEPTION_PARAMETER}, {&commat;code FIELD},
* - * {&commat;code LOCAL_VARIABLE}, {&commat;code PARAMETER}, or {&commat;code RESOURCE_VARIABLE}.
* + * {&commat;code LOCAL_VARIABLE}, {&commat;code PARAMETER}, {&commat;code RESOURCE_VARIABLE},
* + * or {&commat;code PREVIEW_FEATURE_2}.
* *
* * &commat;param e {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* * &commat;param p {&commat;inheritDoc ElementVisitor}
* * &commat;return the result of the kind-specific visit method
* *&sol;
* &commat;Override
* public R visitVariable(VariableElement e, P p) {
* ...
* return visitVariableAsBindingVariable(e, p);
* + return visitVariableAsPreviewFeature2(e, p);
* +
* default:
* throw new AssertionError("Bad kind " + k + " for VariableElement" + e);
* ...
* + /**
* + * Visits a {&commat;code PREVIEW_FEATURE_2} variable element.
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec This implementation calls {&commat;code visitUnknown}.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e the element to visit
* + * &commat;param p a visitor-specified parameter
* + * &commat;return the result of {&commat;code visitUnknown}
* + *
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + public R visitVariableAsPreviewFeature2(VariableElement e, P p) {
* + return visitUnknown(e, p);
* + }
* </pre>
* The preview element kind visitor in turn overrides {@code
* visitVariableAsPreviewFeature2}:
* <pre>
* // Sample diff for ElementKindVisitorPreview:
* + /**
* + * {&commat;inheritDoc ElementKindVisitor6}
* + *
* + * &commat;implSpec This implementation calls {&commat;code defaultAction}.
* + *
* + * &commat;param e {&commat;inheritDoc ElementKindVisitor6}
* + * &commat;param p {&commat;inheritDoc ElementKindVisitor6}
* + * &commat;return the result of {&commat;code defaultAction}
* + *
* + * &commat;since N
* + *&sol;
* + @Override
* + public R visitVariableAsPreviewFeature2(VariableElement e, P p) {
* + return defaultAction(e, p);
* + }
* </pre>
* As in the case where a new interface is introduced, when preview
* feature 2 exits preview in JDK (<i>N+k</i>), a set of visitors for
* language level (<i>N+k</i>) would be added. The methods operating
* over the new feature in the kind visitors would be moved from the
* preview visitors to new language level (<i>N+k</i>) visitors. Each
* preview visitor would then have its direct superclass changed to
* the new corresponding (<i>N+k</i>) visitor.
* @since 1.6
* @see <a href="https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=269">