8315767: InetAddress: constructing objects from BSD literal addresses
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, aefimov, michaelm, jpai
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* <p> When only one part is given, the value is stored directly in
* the network address without any byte rearrangement.
* <p> These forms support parts specified in decimal format only.
* For example, the following forms are supported by methods capable
* of parsing textual representations of IPv4 addresses:
* <p> For example, the following (decimal) forms are supported by the methods
* {@link Inet4Address#ofLiteral(String)} and {@link InetAddress#getByName(String)}
* which are capable of parsing textual representations of IPv4 addresses:
* {@snippet :
* // Dotted-decimal 'd.d.d.d' form with four part address literal
* InetAddress.getByName(""); // ==> /
@ -93,8 +93,16 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* Inet4Address.ofLiteral("02130706689"); // ==> /
* }
* <p> The above forms adhere to "strict" decimal-only syntax.
* Additionally, the {@link Inet4Address#ofPosixLiteral(String)}
* method implements a POSIX {@code inet_addr} compatible "loose"
* parsing algorithm, allowing octal and hexadecimal address segments.
* Please refer to <a href="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6943.html#section-3.1.1">
* <i>RFC 6943: Issues in Identifier Comparison for Security
* Purposes</i></a>. Aside from {@code Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral(String)}, all methods only
* support strict decimal parsing.
* <p> For methods that return a textual representation as output
* value, the first form, i.e. a dotted-quad string, is used.
* value, the first form, i.e. a dotted-quad string in strict decimal notation, is used.
* <h3> The Scope of a Multicast Address </h3>
@ -112,6 +120,8 @@ import java.util.Objects;
* RFC 2365: Administratively Scoped IP Multicast
* @spec https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc790
* RFC 790: Assigned numbers
* @spec https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6943.html#section-3.1.1
* RFC 6943: Issues in Identifier Comparison for Security Purposes
* @since 1.4
@ -180,6 +190,72 @@ class Inet4Address extends InetAddress {
return parseAddressString(ipv4AddressLiteral, true);
* Creates an {@code Inet4Address} based on the provided {@linkplain
* Inet4Address##format-posix textual representation of an IPv4 address in
* POSIX {@code inet_addr} compatible form}.
* <p> <a id="format-posix"></a> The method {@code ofPosixLiteral}
* implements <a href="https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/inet_addr.html">
* POSIX {@code inet_addr}</a> compatible parsing algorithm, allowing
* octal and hexadecimal address segments. {@code "0"} is the prefix
* for octal numbers, {@code "0x"} and {@code "0X"} are the prefixes
* for hexadecimal numbers. Non-zero address segments that start from
* non-zero digits are parsed as decimal numbers. The following
* (non-decimal) forms are supported by this method:
* {@snippet :
* // Dotted-quad 'x.x.x.x' form with four part address literal
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0177.0.0.1"); // ==> /
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x7F.0.0.1"); // ==> /
* // Dotted-triple 'x.x.x' form with three part address literal,
* // the last part is placed in the rightmost two bytes
* // of the constructed address
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0177.0.0402"); // ==> /
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x7F.0.0x102"); // ==> /
* // Dotted-double 'x.x' form with two part address literal,
* // the last part is placed in the rightmost three bytes
* // of the constructed address
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0177.0201003"); // ==> /
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x7F.0x10203"); // ==> /
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("127.66051"); // ==> /
* // Dotless 'x' form with one value that is stored directly in
* // the constructed address bytes without any rearrangement
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0100401404"); // ==> /
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x1020304"); // ==> /
* Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("16909060"); // ==> /
* }
* <p> If the provided IPv4 address literal cannot represent a
* valid IPv4 address in {@linkplain Inet4Address##format-posix
* POSIX form} an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* <p> This method doesn't block, i.e. no hostname lookup is performed.
* @apiNote
* This method produces different results compared to {@linkplain Inet4Address#ofLiteral}
* when {@code posixIPAddressLiteral} parameter contains address segments with
* leading zeroes. An address segment with a leading zero is always parsed as an octal
* number by this method, therefore {@code 0255} (octal) will be parsed as
* {@code 173} (decimal). On the other hand, {@link Inet4Address#ofLiteral
* Inet4Address.ofLiteral} ignores leading zeros, parses all numbers as decimal and produces
* {@code 255}. Where this method would parse {@code 0256.0256.0256.0256} (octal) and
* produce {@code} (decimal) in four dotted quad notation,
* {@link Inet4Address#ofLiteral Inet4Address.ofLiteral} will throw
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param posixIPAddressLiteral a textual representation of an IPv4 address.
* @return an {@link Inet4Address} object with no hostname set, and constructed
* from the provided IPv4 address literal.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code posixIPAddressLiteral} cannot be
* parsed as an IPv4 address literal.
* @throws NullPointerException if the {@code posixIPAddressLiteral} is {@code null}.
* @since 23
public static Inet4Address ofPosixLiteral(String posixIPAddressLiteral) {
return parseAddressStringPosix(posixIPAddressLiteral);
* Parses the given string as an IPv4 address literal.
* If the given {@code addressLiteral} string cannot be parsed as an IPv4 address literal
@ -212,6 +288,45 @@ class Inet4Address extends InetAddress {
return new Inet4Address(null, addrBytes);
* Parses the given string as an IPv4 address literal in
* {@linkplain Inet4Address##format-posix POSIX form.}
* <p> If the given {@code addressLiteral} string cannot be parsed as an IPv4 address literal
* in POSIX form and {@code throwIAE} is {@code false}, {@code null} is returned.
* If the given {@code addressLiteral} string cannot be parsed as an IPv4 address literal
* and {@code throwIAE} is {@code true}, an {@code IllegalArgumentException}
* is thrown.
* @apiNote
* This method produces different results compared to {@linkplain Inet4Address#parseAddressString}
* when {@code addressLiteral} parameter contains address segments with leading
* zeroes. An address segment with a leading zero is always parsed as an octal
* number by this method, therefore {@code 0255} (octal) will be parsed as
* {@code 173} (decimal). On the other hand, {@link Inet4Address#parseAddressString}
* ignores leading zeros, parses all numbers as decimal and produces {@code 255}.
* Where this method would parse {@code 0256.0256.0256.0256} (octal) and produce
* {@code} (decimal) in four dotted quad notation, {@linkplain
* Inet4Address#parseAddressString} will either throw {@code IllegalArgumentException}
* or return {@code null}, depending on the value of {@code throwIAE}.
* @param addressLiteral IPv4 address literal to parse
* @param throwIAE whether to throw {@code IllegalArgumentException} if the
* given {@code addressLiteral} string cannot be parsed as
* an IPv4 address literal.
* @return {@code Inet4Address} object constructed from the address literal;
* or {@code null} if the literal cannot be parsed as an IPv4 address
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given {@code addressLiteral} string
* cannot be parsed as an IPv4 address literal and {@code throwIAE} is {@code true}.
private static Inet4Address parseAddressStringPosix(String addressLiteral) {
byte [] parsedBytes = IPAddressUtil.parseBsdLiteralV4(addressLiteral);
if (parsedBytes == null) {
throw IPAddressUtil.invalidIpAddressLiteral(addressLiteral);
return new Inet4Address(null, parsedBytes);
* Replaces the object to be serialized with an InetAddress object.
@ -1722,6 +1722,7 @@ public sealed class InetAddress implements Serializable permits Inet4Address, In
* @throws NullPointerException if the {@code ipAddressLiteral} is {@code null}.
* @see Inet4Address#ofLiteral(String)
* @see Inet6Address#ofLiteral(String)
* @see Inet4Address#ofPosixLiteral(String)
* @since 22
public static InetAddress ofLiteral(String ipAddressLiteral) {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -666,40 +666,81 @@ public class IPAddressUtil {
* {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isBsdParsableV4(String input) {
return parseBsdLiteralV4(input) != null;
* Parse String as IPv4 address literal by following
* POSIX-style formatting rules.
* @param input a String representing an IPv4 address in POSIX format
* @return a byte array representing the IPv4 numeric address
* if input string is a parsable POSIX formatted IPv4 address literal,
* {@code null} otherwise.
public static byte[] parseBsdLiteralV4(String input) {
byte[] res = new byte[]{0,0,0,0};
int len = input.length();
if (len == 0) {
return null;
char firstSymbol = input.charAt(0);
// Check if first digit is not a decimal digit
if (parseAsciiDigit(firstSymbol, DECIMAL) == -1) {
return false;
return null;
// Last character is dot OR is not a supported digit: [0-9,A-F,a-f]
char lastSymbol = input.charAt(input.length() - 1);
char lastSymbol = input.charAt(len - 1);
if (lastSymbol == '.' || parseAsciiHexDigit(lastSymbol) == -1) {
return false;
return null;
// Parse IP address fields
CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(input);
int fieldNumber = 0;
long fieldValue = -1L;
while (charBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
long fieldValue = -1L;
fieldValue = -1L;
// Try to parse fields in all supported radixes
for (int radix : SUPPORTED_RADIXES) {
fieldValue = parseV4FieldBsd(radix, charBuffer, fieldNumber);
if (fieldValue >= 0) {
if (fieldValue < 256) {
// Store the parsed field in the byte buffer.
// If the field value is greater than 255, it can only be the last field.
// If it is not the last one, parseV4FieldBsd enforces this limit
// and returns TERMINAL_PARSE_ERROR.
res[fieldNumber] = (byte) fieldValue;
} else if (fieldValue == TERMINAL_PARSE_ERROR) {
return false;
return null;
// If field can't be parsed as one of supported radixes stop
// parsing
if (fieldValue < 0) {
return false;
return null;
return true;
// The last field value must be non-negative
if (fieldValue < 0) {
return null;
// If the last fieldValue is greater than 255 (fieldNumber < 4),
// it is written to the last (4 - (fieldNumber - 1)) octets
// in the network order
if (fieldNumber < 4) {
for (int i = 3; i >= fieldNumber - 1; --i) {
res[i] = (byte) (fieldValue & 255);
fieldValue >>= 8;
return res;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2023, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
/* @test
* @bug 8272215
* @summary Test for ofLiteral API in InetAddress classes
* @bug 8272215 8315767
* @summary Test for ofLiteral, ofPosixLiteral APIs in InetAddress classes
* @run junit/othervm -Djdk.net.hosts.file=nonExistingHostsFile.txt
* OfLiteralTest
* @run junit/othervm -Djdk.net.hosts.file=nonExistingHostsFile.txt
@ -67,11 +67,15 @@ public class OfLiteralTest {
InetAddress ofLiteralResult = switch (inetAddressClass) {
case INET_ADDRESS -> InetAddress.ofLiteral(addressLiteral);
case INET4_ADDRESS -> Inet4Address.ofLiteral(addressLiteral);
case INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX -> Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral(addressLiteral);
case INET6_ADDRESS -> Inet6Address.ofLiteral(addressLiteral);
InetAddress getByNameResult = InetAddress.getByName(addressLiteral);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedAddressBytes, ofLiteralResult.getAddress());
Assert.assertEquals(getByNameResult, ofLiteralResult);
// POSIX literals are not compatible with InetAddress.getByName()
if (inetAddressClass != InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX) {
InetAddress getByNameResult = InetAddress.getByName(addressLiteral);
Assert.assertEquals(getByNameResult, ofLiteralResult);
private static Stream<Arguments> validLiteralArguments() throws Exception {
@ -101,6 +105,33 @@ public class OfLiteralTest {
byte[] ipv6Ipv4MappedAddressExpBytes = new byte[]{
(byte) 129, (byte) 144, 52, 38};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_87_0_0_1 = new byte[]{87, 0, 0, 1};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_127_0_0_1 = new byte[]{127, 0, 0, 1};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_17_99_141_27 = new byte[]{17, 99, (byte)141, 27};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_127_8_0_1 = new byte[]{127, 8, 0, 1};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_0_0_0_42 = new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 42};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_0_0_0_34 = new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 34};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_127_0_1_2 = new byte[]{127, 0, 1, 2};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_127_1_2_3 = new byte[]{127, 1, 2, 3};
// address bytes
byte[] ipv4_255_255_255_255 = new byte[]{(byte)255, (byte)255, (byte)255, (byte)255};
Stream<Arguments> validLiterals = Stream.of(
// IPv6 address literals are parsable by Inet6Address.ofLiteral
// and InetAddress.ofLiteral methods
@ -170,7 +201,87 @@ public class OfLiteralTest {
// with leading 0 that is discarded and address
// parsed as decimal
"03735928559", ipv4ExpBytes)
"03735928559", ipv4ExpBytes),
// form:'x.x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"0127.0.0.1", ipv4_87_0_0_1),
// form:'x.x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"0177.0.0.1", ipv4_127_0_0_1),
// form:'x.x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0s treated as octal segment prefixes
"0177.0000.0000.0001", ipv4_127_0_0_1),
// form:'x.x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"", ipv4_127_8_0_1),
// form:'x.x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"0377.0377.0377.0377", ipv4_255_255_255_255),
// form:'x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0s treated as octal segment prefixes
"0177.0.0402", ipv4_127_0_1_2),
// form:'x.x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0x treated as hexadecimal segment prefixes
"0x7F.0.0x102", ipv4_127_0_1_2),
// form:'x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0s treated as octal segment prefixes
"0177.0201003", ipv4_127_1_2_3),
// form:'x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0x treated as hexadecimal prefixes
"0x7F.0x10203", ipv4_127_1_2_3),
// form:'x.x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// without prefixes treated as decimal
"127.66051", ipv4_127_1_2_3),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"017700000001", ipv4_127_0_0_1),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"02130706433", ipv4_17_99_141_27),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"037777777777", ipv4_255_255_255_255),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0x treated as hex prefix
"0x1020304", oneToFourAddressExpBytes),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0x treated as hex prefix
"0xFFFFFFFF", ipv4_255_255_255_255),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// without leading 0 treated as decimal
"2130706433", ipv4_127_0_0_1),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// without leading 0 treated as decimal
"42", ipv4_0_0_0_42),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"0100401404", oneToFourAddressExpBytes),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// without prefixes treated as decimal
"16909060", oneToFourAddressExpBytes),
// form:'x' method:InetAddress.ofPosixLiteral -
// with leading 0 treated as octal segment prefix
"042", ipv4_0_0_0_34)
// Generate addresses for loopback and wildcard address test cases
@ -251,7 +362,18 @@ public class OfLiteralTest {
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET_ADDRESS, "0x1.2.3.4"),
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS, "1.2.0x3.4"),
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET_ADDRESS, "0xFFFFFFFF"),
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS, "0xFFFFFFFF")
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS, "0xFFFFFFFF"),
// invalid IPv4 literals in POSIX/BSD form
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, "0x100.1.2.3"), // 0x100 is too large
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, ""),
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, ""), // 8, 9 are invalid octals
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, ""),
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, "048"),
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, ""), // empty
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, "0x1FFFFFFFF"), // 2^33 - 1 is too large
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, "0x100000000"), // 2^32 is too large
Arguments.of(InetAddressClass.INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX, "040000000000")
// Construct arguments for a test case with IPv6-scoped address with scope-id
// specified as a string with non-existing network interface name
@ -297,6 +419,7 @@ public class OfLiteralTest {
return switch (inetAddressClass) {
case INET_ADDRESS -> () -> InetAddress.ofLiteral(input);
case INET4_ADDRESS -> () -> Inet4Address.ofLiteral(input);
case INET4_ADDRESS_POSIX -> () -> Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral(input);
case INET6_ADDRESS -> () -> Inet6Address.ofLiteral(input);
@ -304,6 +427,7 @@ public class OfLiteralTest {
enum InetAddressClass {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user