8186465: Each j.l.Reference elapsed time log is incorrect

Fixed wrongly referencing variable and updated regression test to compare each elapsed time vs. sum of those

Reviewed-by: stefank, tschatzl
This commit is contained in:
Sangheon Kim 2017-09-28 12:13:57 -07:00
parent 38378b4f12
commit c56b6c1c4f
2 changed files with 121 additions and 31 deletions

@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::~ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes() {
double ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::ref_proc_time_ms(ReferenceType ref_type) const {
return _par_phase_time_ms[ref_type_2_index(ref_type)];
return _ref_proc_time_ms[ref_type_2_index(ref_type)];
void ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::set_ref_proc_time_ms(ReferenceType ref_type,

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
* @test TestPrintReferences
* @bug 8136991 8186402
* @bug 8136991 8186402 8186465
* @summary Validate the reference processing logging
* @key gc
* @library /test/lib
@ -36,36 +36,58 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
public class TestPrintReferences {
static String output;
static final String doubleRegex = "[0-9]+[.,][0-9]+";
static final String referenceProcessing = "Reference Processing";
static final String softReference = "SoftReference";
static final String weakReference = "WeakReference";
static final String finalReference = "FinalReference";
static final String phantomReference = "PhantomReference";
static final String phase1 = "Phase1";
static final String phase2 = "Phase2";
static final String phase3 = "Phase3";
static final String gcLogTimeRegex = ".* GC\\([0-9]+\\) ";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ProcessBuilder pb_enabled = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder("-Xlog:gc+phases+ref=debug",
// Explicit thread setting is required to avoid using only 1 thread
OutputAnalyzer output = new OutputAnalyzer(pb_enabled.start());
String indent_4 = " ";
String indent_6 = " ";
String indent_8 = " ";
String gcLogTimeRegex = ".* GC\\([0-9]+\\) ";
static String indent(int count) {
return " {" + count + "}";
// Find the first Reference Processing log and check its format.
public static void checkLogFormat(OutputAnalyzer output) {
String countRegex = "[0-9]+";
String timeRegex = "[0-9]+[.,][0-9]+ms";
String totalRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_4 + "Reference Processing: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String balanceRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_8 + "Balance queues: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String softRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_6 + "SoftReference: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String weakRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_6 + "WeakReference: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String finalRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_6 + "FinalReference: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String phantomRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_6 + "PhantomReference: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String refDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_8 + "Phase2: " + timeRegex + "\n" +
gcLogTimeRegex + indent_8 + "Phase3: " + timeRegex + "\n" +
gcLogTimeRegex + indent_8 + "Discovered: " + countRegex + "\n" +
gcLogTimeRegex + indent_8 + "Cleared: " + countRegex + "\n";
String softRefDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_8 + "Phase1: " + timeRegex + "\n" + refDetailRegex;
String enqueueRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_4 + "Reference Enqueuing: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String enqueueDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent_6 + "Reference Counts: Soft: " + countRegex +
String timeRegex = doubleRegex + "ms";
String totalRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(4) + referenceProcessing + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
String balanceRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Balance queues: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String softRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + softReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
String weakRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + weakReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
String finalRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + finalReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
String phantomRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + phantomReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
String refDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase2 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" +
gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase3 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" +
gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Discovered: " + countRegex + "\n" +
gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Cleared: " + countRegex + "\n";
String softRefDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase1 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" + refDetailRegex;
String enqueueRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(4) + "Reference Enqueuing: " + timeRegex + "\n";
String enqueueDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + "Reference Counts: Soft: " + countRegex +
" Weak: " + countRegex + " Final: " + countRegex + " Phantom: " + countRegex + "\n";
output.shouldMatch(/* Total Reference processing time */
@ -83,22 +105,90 @@ public class TestPrintReferences {
/* Enqueued Stats */
// After getting time value, update 'output' for next use.
public static double getTimeValue(String name, int indentCount) {
// Pattern of 'name', 'value' and some extra strings.
String patternString = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(indentCount) + name + ": " + "(" + doubleRegex + ")";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(patternString).matcher(output);
if (!m.find()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find time log for " + patternString);
String match = m.group();
String value = m.group(1);
double result = Double.parseDouble(value);
int index = output.indexOf(match);
if (index != -1) {
output = output.substring(index, output.length());
return result;
// Reference log is printing 1 decimal place of elapsed time.
// So sum of each sub-phases could be slightly larger than the enclosing phase in some cases.
// As the maximum of sub-phases is 3, allow 0.1 of TOLERANCE.
// e.g. Actual value: SoftReference(5.55) = phase1(1.85) + phase2(1.85) + phase3(1.85)
// Log value: SoftReference(5.6) = phase1(1.9) + phase2(1.9) + phase3(1.9)
// When checked: 5.6 < 5.7 (sum of phase1~3)
public static boolean approximatelyEqual(double a, double b) {
final double TOLERANCE = 0.1;
return Math.abs(a - b) <= TOLERANCE;
// Return false, if 'total' is larger and not approximately equal to 'refTime'.
public static boolean compare(double refTime, double total) {
return (refTime < total) && (!approximatelyEqual(refTime, total));
public static double checkRefTime(String refType) {
double refTime = getTimeValue(refType, 2);
double total = 0.0;
if (softReference.equals(refType)) {
total += getTimeValue(phase1, 4);
total += getTimeValue(phase2, 4);
total += getTimeValue(phase3, 4);
if (compare(refTime, total)) {
throw new RuntimeException(refType +" time(" + refTime +
"ms) is less than the sum(" + total + "ms) of each phases");
return refTime;
// Find the first concurrent Reference Processing log and compare sub-time vs. total.
public static void checkLogValue(OutputAnalyzer out) {
output = out.getStdout();
double refProcTime = getTimeValue(referenceProcessing, 0);
double total = 0.0;
total += checkRefTime(softReference);
total += checkRefTime(weakReference);
total += checkRefTime(finalReference);
total += checkRefTime(phantomReference);
if (compare(refProcTime, total)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Reference Processing time(" + refProcTime + "ms) is less than the sum("
+ total + "ms) of each phases");
static class GCTest {
static final int M = 1024 * 1024;
static final int SIZE = 512 * 1024;
static Object[] dummy = new Object[SIZE];
public static void main(String [] args) {
ArrayList arrSoftRefs = new ArrayList();
// Populate to triger GC and then Reference related logs will be printed.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
byte[] tmp = new byte[M];
arrSoftRefs.add(new SoftReference(tmp));
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
dummy[i] = new SoftReference<>(new Object());