- String line;
- while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
- // skip blank and comment lines
- if (line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#') {
- continue;
- }
- StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line);
- String token = tokens.nextToken(); /* We don't use the first token. */
- token = tokens.nextToken();
- LatitudeAndLongitude location = new LatitudeAndLongitude(token);
- token = tokens.nextToken();
- mapList.put(token, location);
- }
- in.close();
- }
- /* Open zoneinfo file to write. */
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputDir + zonefile.substring(index+1));
- BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
- out.write(header1 + new Date() + header3 + zonename + header4);
- out.write(body1 + "" + zonename + "");
- LatitudeAndLongitude location = mapList.get(zonename);
- if (location != null) {
- int deg, min, sec;
- deg = location.getLatDeg();
- min = location.getLatMin();
- sec = location.getLatSec();
- if (deg < 0) {
- min = -min;
- sec = -sec;
- } else if (min < 0) {
- sec = -sec;
- }
- out.write(" " +
- "[map]");
- }
- out.write("\n\n");
- List zone = tz.getZones();
- List rule = tz.getRules();
- if (rule != null && zone != null) {
- out.write("\n" +
- "\n" +
- " " +
- "Rules
| \n" +
- "" +
- " Zone
| \n" +
- "
- }
- /* Output Rule records. */
- if (rule != null) {
- size = rule.size();
- out.write("\n" +
- "Rules\n" +
- "
\n" +
- "\n" +
- "NAME | FROM | TO | TYPE | " +
- "IN | ON | AT | SAVE | " +
- "LETTER/S | NOTES | \n
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- out.write("\n");
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(rule.get(i).getLine());
- String s;
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* RULE - truncated */
- st.nextToken();
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* NAME */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* FROM */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* TO */
- s = st.nextToken();
- if (s.equals("min") || s.equals("max")) {
- out.write("" + s + " | ");
- } else {
- out.write("" + s + " | ");
- }
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* TYPE */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* IN */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* ON */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* AT */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* SAVE */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* LETTER/S */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* NOTES */
- s = st.nextToken();
- while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
- s += " " + st.nextToken();
- }
- index = s.indexOf('#');
- out.write("" + s.substring(index+1) + " | \n");
- } else {
- out.write(" | \n");
- }
- out.write("
- }
- out.write("
- }
- /* Output Zone records. */
- if (zone != null) {
- size = zone.size();
- out.write("
\n" +
- "Zone\n" +
- "
\n" +
- "\nGMTOFF | " +
- "NOTES | \n
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- out.write("\n");
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(zone.get(i).getLine());
- String s = st.nextToken();
- if (s.equals("Zone")) { /* NAME */
- s = st.nextToken();
- s = st.nextToken();
- }
- out.write("" + s + " | "); /* GMTOFFSET */
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* RULES */
- out.write("" + st.nextToken() + " | ");
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* FORMAT */
- s = st.nextToken();
- index = s.indexOf('#');
- if (index != -1) {
- if (index != 0) {
- out.write("" + s.substring(0, index-1) +
- " | "); /* FORMAT */
- s = s.substring(index+1);
- } else {
- out.write(" | "); /* FORMAT */
- }
- while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
- s += " " + st.nextToken();
- }
- out.write(" | "); /* UNTIL */
- out.write("" + s + " | \n
\n"); /* NOTES */
- continue;
- } else {
- out.write("" + s + " | "); /* FORMAT */
- }
- }
- if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { /* UNTIL */
- s = st.nextToken();
- while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
- s += " " + st.nextToken();
- }
- index = s.indexOf('#');
- if (index != -1) {
- if (index != 0) {
- out.write("" + s.substring(0, index-1) +
- " | "); /* UNTIL */
- } else {
- out.write(" | "); /* UNTIL */
- }
- out.write("" + s.substring(index+1) +
- " | \n"); /* NOTES */
- } else {
- out.write("" + s + " | "); /* UNTIL */
- out.write(" | \n"); /* NOTES */
- }
- } else {
- out.write(" | "); /* UNTIL */
- out.write(" | \n"); /* NOTES */
- }
- out.write("\n");
- }
- out.write("
- }
- out.write(body2 + footer);
- out.close();
- fw.close();
- } catch(IOException e) {
- Main.panic("IO error: "+e.getMessage());
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Generates index.html and other top-level frame files.
- * @param Mappings
- * @return 0 if no errors, or 1 if error occurred.
- */
- int generateSrc(Mappings map) {
- try {
- int len;
- Object o[];
- String outputDir = Main.getOutputDir();
- FileWriter fw1, fw2;
- BufferedWriter out1, out2;
- /* Whether alias list exists or not. */
- Map a = map.getAliases();
- if (a == null) {
- Main.panic("Data not exist. (aliases)");
- return 1;
- }
- timezoneList.putAll(a);
- /* If outputDir doesn't end with file-separator, adds it. */
- if (!outputDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
- outputDir += File.separatorChar;
- }
- outputDir += docDir + File.separatorChar;
- File outD = new File(outputDir);
- outD.mkdirs();
- /* Creates index.html */
- fw1 = new FileWriter(outputDir + "index.html", false);
- out1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1);
- out1.write(header1 + new Date() + header2 + Main.getVersionName() +
- header4 +
- "\n" +
- "\n" +
- "\nFrame Alert\n
\n\n" +
- "\n\n" +
- "This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this\n" +
- "message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client.\n" +
- "
\n" +
- "Link toNon-frame version.\n" +
- "
\n" + footer);
- out1.close();
- fw1.close();
- /* Creates overview-frame.html */
- fw1 = new FileWriter(outputDir + "overview-frame.html", false);
- out1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1);
- out1.write(header1 + new Date() + header2 + Main.getVersionName() +
- header4 + body1 +
- "\n\n" +
- "\n" +
- "JavaTM Platform Standard Ed. | \n" +
- "
\n\n" +
- "\n\n" +
- " \n\nAll Time Zones Sorted By:\n \n" +
- " GMT offsets\n \n" +
- " Zone names\n " +
- " City names\n" +
- " \n\nContinents and Oceans\n \n");
- for (String regionKey : regionList.keySet()) {
- out1.write(" " + regionKey +
- " \n");
- fw2 = new FileWriter(outputDir + regionList.get(regionKey),
- false);
- out2 = new BufferedWriter(fw2);
- out2.write(header1 + new Date() + header3 + regionKey +
- header4 + body1 + "" +
- regionKey + "\n \n \n\n");
- boolean found = false;
- for (String timezoneKey : timezoneList.keySet()) {
- int regionIndex = timezoneKey.indexOf('/');
- if (regionIndex == -1 ||
- !regionKey.equals(timezoneKey.substring(0, regionIndex))) {
- if (found) {
- break;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- found = true;
- if (a.containsKey(timezoneKey)) {
- Object realName = a.get(timezoneKey);
- while (a.containsKey(realName)) {
- realName = a.get(realName);
- }
- out2.write(timezoneKey +
- " (alias for " + "" +
- realName + ")");
- } else {
- out2.write("" + timezoneKey +
- "");
- }
- out2.write(" \n");
- }
- out2.write(" | \n \n \n" + body2 + footer);
- out2.close();
- fw2.close();
- }
- out1.write(" | \n
\n" + body2 + footer);
- out1.close();
- fw1.close();
- /* Creates allTimeZone-frame1.html (Sorted by GMT offsets) */
- fw1 = new FileWriter(outputDir + "allTimeZone-frame1.html", false);
- out1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1);
- out1.write(header1 + new Date() + header2 + Main.getVersionName() +
- header4 + body1 +
- "Sorted by GMT offsets\n" +
- "
\n\n" + "\n" +
- "\n\n");
- List roi = map.getRawOffsetsIndex();
- List> roit = map.getRawOffsetsIndexTable();
- int index = 0;
- for (Integer offset : zonesByOffset.keySet()) {
- int off = roi.get(index);
- Set perRO = zonesByOffset.get(offset);
- if (offset == off) {
- // Merge aliases into zonesByOffset
- perRO.addAll(roit.get(index));
- }
- index++;
- for (String timezoneKey : perRO) {
- out1.write("\n(" +
- Time.toGMTFormat(offset.toString()) +
- ") | \n");
- if (a.containsKey(timezoneKey)) {
- Object realName = a.get(timezoneKey);
- while (a.containsKey(realName)) {
- realName = a.get(realName);
- }
- out1.write(timezoneKey +
- " (alias for " + "" + realName +
- ")");
- } else {
- out1.write("" + timezoneKey +
- "");
- }
- out1.write(" | \n \n");
- }
- }
- out1.write(" | \n
\n" + body2 + footer);
- out1.close();
- fw1.close();
- /* Creates allTimeZone-frame2.html (Sorted by zone names) */
- fw1 = new FileWriter(outputDir + "allTimeZone-frame2.html", false);
- out1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1);
- out1.write(header1 + new Date() + header2 + Main.getVersionName() +
- header4 + body1 +
- "Sorted by zone names\n" +
- "
\n\n" + "\n" +
- "\n\n");
- o = timezoneList.keySet().toArray();
- len = timezoneList.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- Object timezoneKey = o[i];
- if (a.containsKey(timezoneKey)) {
- Object realName = a.get(timezoneKey);
- while (a.containsKey(realName)) {
- realName = a.get(realName);
- }
- out1.write(timezoneKey +
- " (alias for " +
- "" + realName +
- ")");
- } else {
- out1.write("" + timezoneKey +
- "");
- }
- out1.write(" \n");
- }
- out1.write(" | \n
\n" + body2 + footer);
- out1.close();
- fw1.close();
- /* Creates allTimeZone-frame3.html (Sorted by city names) */
- fw1 = new FileWriter(outputDir + "allTimeZone-frame3.html", false);
- out1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1);
- out1.write(header1 + new Date() + header2 + Main.getVersionName() +
- header4 + body1 +
- "Sorted by city names\n" +
- "
\n\n" + "\n" +
- "\n\n");
- Set aliasSet = a.keySet();
- len = aliasSet.size();
- String aliasNames[] = aliasSet.toArray(new String[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- displayNameList.put(transform(aliasNames[i]),
- aliasNames[i]);
- }
- o = displayNameList.keySet().toArray();
- len = displayNameList.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- Object displayName = o[i];
- Object timezoneKey = displayNameList.get(o[i]);
- if (a.containsKey(timezoneKey)) {
- Object realName = a.get(timezoneKey);
- while (a.containsKey(realName)) {
- realName = a.get(realName);
- }
- out1.write(displayName +
- " (alias for " +
- "" + realName +
- ")");
- } else {
- out1.write("" + displayName +
- "");
- }
- out1.write(" \n");
- }
- out1.write(" | \n
\n" + body2 + footer);
- out1.close();
- fw1.close();
- /* Creates overview-summary.html */
- fw1 = new FileWriter(outputDir + "overview-summary.html", false);
- out1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1);
- out1.write(header1 + new Date() + header2 + Main.getVersionName() +
- header4 + body1 +
- "This is the list of time zones generated from " +
- Main.getVersionName() + " for Java Platform, " +
- "Standard Edition. The source code can be obtained " +
- "from ftp site " +
- "ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/. A total of " +
- len +
- " time zones and aliases are supported " +
- "in this edition. For the " +
- "format of rules and zones, refer to the zic " +
- "(zoneinfo compiler) man page on " +
- "Solaris or Linux.
\n" +
- "Note that the time zone data is not " +
- "a public interface of the Java Platform. No " +
- "applications should rely on the time zone data of " +
- "this document. Time zone names and data " +
- "may change without any prior notice.
\n" +
- body2 + footer);
- out1.close();
- fw1.close();
- } catch(IOException e) {
- Main.panic("IO error: "+e.getMessage());
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- String transform(String s) {
- int index = s.lastIndexOf("/");
- /* If the string doesn't include any delimiter, return */
- if (index == -1) {
- return s;
- }
- int lastIndex = index;
- String str = s.substring(index+1);
- do {
- index = s.substring(0, lastIndex).lastIndexOf('/');
- str += ", " + s.substring(index+1, lastIndex);
- lastIndex = index;
- } while (index > -1);
- return str;
- }
- static class LatitudeAndLongitude {
- private int latDeg, latMin, latSec, longDeg, longMin, longSec;
- LatitudeAndLongitude(String s) {
- try {
- // First of all, check the string has the correct format:
- // either +-DDMM+-DDDMM or +-DDMMSS+-DDDMMSS
- if (!s.startsWith("+") && !s.startsWith("-")) {
- Main.warning("Wrong latitude&longitude data: " + s);
- return;
- }
- int index;
- if (((index = s.lastIndexOf("+")) <= 0) &&
- ((index = s.lastIndexOf("-")) <= 0)) {
- Main.warning("Wrong latitude&longitude data: " + s);
- return;
- }
- if (index == 5) {
- latDeg = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1, 3));
- latMin = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 5));
- latSec = 0;
- } else if (index == 7) {
- latDeg = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(1, 3));
- latMin = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 5));
- latSec = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(5, 7));
- } else {
- Main.warning("Wrong latitude&longitude data: " + s);
- return;
- }
- if (s.startsWith("-")){
- latDeg = -latDeg;
- latMin = -latMin;
- latSec = -latSec;
- }
- int len = s.length();
- if (index == 5 && len == 11) {
- longDeg = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(index+1, index+4));
- longMin = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(index+4, index+6));
- longSec = 0;
- } else if (index == 7 && len == 15) {
- longDeg = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(index+1, index+4));
- longMin = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(index+4, index+6));
- longSec = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(index+6, index+8));
- } else {
- Main.warning("Wrong latitude&longitude data: " + s);
- return;
- }
- if (s.charAt(index) == '-'){
- longDeg = -longDeg;
- longMin = -longMin;
- longSec = -longSec;
- }
- } catch(Exception e) {
- Main.warning("LatitudeAndLongitude() Parse error: " + s);
- }
- }
- int getLatDeg() {
- return latDeg;
- }
- int getLatMin() {
- return latMin;
- }
- int getLatSec() {
- return latSec;
- }
- int getLongDeg() {
- return longDeg;
- }
- int getLongMin() {
- return longMin;
- }
- int getLongSec() {
- return longSec;
- }
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Main.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Main.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a91ab91fff8..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Main.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
- * Main class for the javazic time zone data compiler.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-public class Main {
- private static boolean verbose = false;
- static boolean outputDoc = false;
- private List ziFiles = new ArrayList();
- private static String zoneNamesFile = null;
- private static String versionName = "unknown";
- private static String outputDir = "zoneinfo";
- private static String mapFile = null;
- /**
- * Parses the specified arguments and sets up the variables.
- * @param argv the arguments
- */
- void processArgs(String[] argv) {
- for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
- String arg = argv[i];
- if (arg.startsWith("-h")) {
- usage();
- System.exit(0);
- } else if (arg.equals("-d")) {
- outputDir = argv[++i];
- } else if (arg.equals("-v")) {
- verbose = true;
- } else if (arg.equals("-V")) {
- versionName = argv[++i];
- } else if (arg.equals("-doc")) {
- outputDoc = true;
- } else if (arg.equals("-map")) {
- outputDoc = true;
- mapFile = argv[++i];
- } else if (arg.equals("-f")) {
- zoneNamesFile = argv[++i];
- } else if (arg.equals("-S")) {
- try {
- Zoneinfo.setYear(Integer.parseInt(argv[++i]));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- error("invalid year: " + argv[i]);
- usage();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- } else {
- boolean isStartYear = arg.equals("-s");
- if (isStartYear || arg.equals("-e")) {
- try {
- int year = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i]);
- if (isStartYear) {
- Zoneinfo.setStartYear(year);
- } else {
- Zoneinfo.setEndYear(year);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- error("invalid year: " + argv[i]);
- usage();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- } else {
- // the rest of args are zoneinfo source files
- while (i < argv.length) {
- ziFiles.add(argv[i++]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses zoneinfo source files
- */
- int compile() {
- int nFiles = ziFiles.size();
- int status = 0;
- Mappings maps = new Mappings();
- BackEnd backend = BackEnd.getBackEnd();
- for (int i = 0; i < nFiles; i++) {
- Zoneinfo frontend = Zoneinfo.parse(ziFiles.get(i));
- for (String key : frontend.getZones().keySet()) {
- info(key);
- Timezone tz = frontend.phase2(key);
- status |= backend.processZoneinfo(tz);
- }
- maps.add(frontend);
- }
- // special code for dealing with the conflicting name "MET"
- Zone.addMET();
- maps.resolve();
- status |= backend.generateSrc(maps);
- return status;
- }
- public static void main(String[] argv) {
- Main zic = new Main();
- /*
- * Parse args
- */
- zic.processArgs(argv);
- /*
- * Read target zone names
- */
- if (zoneNamesFile != null) {
- Zone.readZoneNames(zoneNamesFile);
- }
- int status = zic.compile();
- System.exit(status);
- }
- void usage() {
- System.err.println("Usage: javazic [options] file...\n"+
- " -f namefile file containing zone names\n"+
- " to be generated (ie, generating subset)\n"+
- " -d dir output directory\n"+
- " -v verbose\n"+
- " -V datavers specifies the tzdata version string\n"+
- " (eg, \"tzdata2000g\")"+
- " -S year output only SimleTimeZone data of that year\n"+
- " -s year start year (default: 1900)\n"+
- " -e year end year (default: 2037)\n"+
- " -doc generates HTML documents\n"+
- " -map mapfile generates HTML documents with map information\n"+
- " file... zoneinfo source file(s)");
- }
- /**
- * @return the output directory path name
- */
- static String getOutputDir() {
- return outputDir;
- }
- /**
- * @return the map file's path and name
- */
- static String getMapFile() {
- return mapFile;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the time zone data version string specified by the -V
- * option. If it is not specified, "unknown" is returned.
- * @return the time zone data version string
- */
- static String getVersionName() {
- return versionName;
- }
- /**
- * Prints out the specified fatal error message and calls {@link
- * java.lang.System#exit System.exit(1)}.
- * @param msg the fatal error message
- */
- static void panic(String msg) {
- printMessage("fatal error", msg);
- System.exit(1);
- }
- /**
- * Prints out the specified error message.
- * @param msg the error message
- */
- static void error(String msg) {
- printMessage("error", msg);
- }
- /**
- * Prints out the specified warning message.
- * @param msg the warning message
- */
- static void warning(String msg) {
- printMessage("warning", msg);
- }
- /**
- * Prints out the informative message.
- * @param msg the informative message
- */
- static void info(String msg) {
- if (verbose) {
- printMessage(null, msg);
- }
- }
- private static void printMessage(String type, String msg) {
- if (type != null) {
- type += ": ";
- } else {
- type = "";
- }
- System.err.println("javazic: " + type + msg);
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Mappings.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Mappings.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 885b9a091b6..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Mappings.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
- * Mappings
generates two Maps and a List which are used by
- * javazic BackEnd.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class Mappings {
- // All aliases specified by Link statements. It's alias name to
- // real name mappings.
- private Map aliases;
- private List rawOffsetsIndex;
- private List> rawOffsetsIndexTable;
- // Zone names to be excluded from rawOffset table. Those have GMT
- // offsets to change some future time.
- private List excludeList;
- /**
- * Constructor creates some necessary instances.
- */
- Mappings() {
- aliases = new TreeMap();
- rawOffsetsIndex = new LinkedList();
- rawOffsetsIndexTable = new LinkedList>();
- }
- /**
- * Generates aliases and rawOffsets tables.
- * @param zi a Zoneinfo containing Zones
- */
- void add(Zoneinfo zi) {
- Map zones = zi.getZones();
- for (String zoneName : zones.keySet()) {
- Zone zone = zones.get(zoneName);
- String zonename = zone.getName();
- int rawOffset = zone.get(zone.size()-1).getGmtOffset();
- // If the GMT offset of this Zone will change in some
- // future time, this Zone is added to the exclude list.
- boolean isExcluded = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < zone.size(); i++) {
- ZoneRec zrec = zone.get(i);
- if ((zrec.getGmtOffset() != rawOffset)
- && (zrec.getUntilTime(0) > Time.getCurrentTime())) {
- if (excludeList == null) {
- excludeList = new ArrayList();
- }
- excludeList.add(zone.getName());
- isExcluded = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!rawOffsetsIndex.contains(new Integer(rawOffset))) {
- // Find the index to insert this raw offset zones
- int n = rawOffsetsIndex.size();
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (rawOffsetsIndex.get(i) > rawOffset) {
- break;
- }
- }
- rawOffsetsIndex.add(i, rawOffset);
- Set perRawOffset = new TreeSet();
- if (!isExcluded) {
- perRawOffset.add(zonename);
- }
- rawOffsetsIndexTable.add(i, perRawOffset);
- } else if (!isExcluded) {
- int i = rawOffsetsIndex.indexOf(new Integer(rawOffset));
- Set perRawOffset = rawOffsetsIndexTable.get(i);
- perRawOffset.add(zonename);
- }
- }
- Map a = zi.getAliases();
- // If there are time zone names which refer to any of the
- // excluded zones, add those names to the excluded list.
- if (excludeList != null) {
- for (String zoneName : a.keySet()) {
- String realname = a.get(zoneName);
- if (excludeList.contains(realname)) {
- excludeList.add(zoneName);
- }
- }
- }
- aliases.putAll(a);
- }
- /**
- * Adds valid aliases to one of per-RawOffset table and removes
- * invalid aliases from aliases List. Aliases referring to
- * excluded zones are not added to a per-RawOffset table.
- */
- void resolve() {
- int index = rawOffsetsIndexTable.size();
- List toBeRemoved = new ArrayList();
- for (String key : aliases.keySet()) {
- boolean validname = false;
- for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) {
- Set perRO = rawOffsetsIndexTable.get(j);
- boolean isExcluded = (excludeList == null) ?
- false : excludeList.contains(key);
- if ((perRO.contains(aliases.get(key)) || isExcluded)
- && Zone.isTargetZone(key)) {
- validname = true;
- if (!isExcluded) {
- perRO.add(key);
- Main.info("Alias <"+key+"> added to the list.");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!validname) {
- Main.info("Alias <"+key+"> removed from the list.");
- toBeRemoved.add(key);
- }
- }
- // Remove zones, if any, from the list.
- for (String key : toBeRemoved) {
- aliases.remove(key);
- }
- // Eliminate any alias-to-alias mappings. For example, if
- // there are A->B and B->C, A->B is changed to A->C.
- Map newMap = new HashMap();
- for (String key : aliases.keySet()) {
- String realid = aliases.get(key);
- String leaf = realid;
- while (aliases.get(leaf) != null) {
- leaf = aliases.get(leaf);
- }
- if (!realid.equals(leaf)) {
- newMap.put(key, leaf);
- }
- }
- aliases.putAll(newMap);
- }
- Map getAliases() {
- return(aliases);
- }
- List getRawOffsetsIndex() {
- return(rawOffsetsIndex);
- }
- List> getRawOffsetsIndexTable() {
- return(rawOffsetsIndexTable);
- }
- List getExcludeList() {
- return excludeList;
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Month.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Month.java
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index 9e70808809f..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Month.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Month enum handles month related manipulation.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-enum Month {
- JANUARY("Jan"),
- FEBRUARY("Feb"),
- MARCH("Mar"),
- APRIL("Apr"),
- MAY("May"),
- JUNE("Jun"),
- JULY("Jul"),
- AUGUST("Aug"),
- OCTOBER("Oct"),
- NOVEMBER("Nov"),
- DECEMBER("Dec");
- private final String abbr;
- private static final Map abbreviations
- = new HashMap(12);
- static {
- for (Month m : Month.values()) {
- abbreviations.put(m.abbr, m);
- }
- }
- private Month(String abbr) {
- this.abbr = abbr;
- }
- int value() {
- return ordinal() + 1;
- }
- /**
- * Parses the specified string as a month abbreviation.
- * @param name the month abbreviation
- * @return the Month value
- */
- static Month parse(String name) {
- Month m = abbreviations.get(name);
- if (m != null) {
- return m;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param month the nunmth number (1-based)
- * @return the month name in uppercase of the specified month
- */
- static String toString(int month) {
- if (month >= JANUARY.value() && month <= DECEMBER.value()) {
- return "Calendar." + Month.values()[month - 1];
- }
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong month number: " + month);
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Rule.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Rule.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c8e97fccae2..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Rule.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- * Rule manipulates Rule records.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class Rule {
- private List list;
- private String name;
- /**
- * Constructs a Rule which consists of a Rule record list. The
- * specified name is given to this Rule.
- * @param name the Rule name
- */
- Rule(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- list = new ArrayList();
- }
- /**
- * Added a RuleRec to the Rule record list.
- */
- void add(RuleRec rec) {
- list.add(rec);
- }
- /**
- * @return the Rule name
- */
- String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Gets all rule records that cover the given year.
- *
- * @param year the year number for which the rule is applicable.
- * @return rules in List that are collated in time. If no rule is found, an empty
- * List is returned.
- */
- List getRules(int year) {
- List rules = new ArrayList(3);
- for (RuleRec rec : list) {
- if (year >= rec.getFromYear() && year <= rec.getToYear()) {
- if ((rec.isOdd() && year % 2 == 0) || (rec.isEven() && year % 2 == 1))
- continue;
- rules.add(rec);
- }
- }
- int n = rules.size();
- if (n <= 1) {
- return rules;
- }
- if (n == 2) {
- RuleRec rec1 = rules.get(0);
- RuleRec rec2 = rules.get(1);
- if (rec1.getMonthNum() > rec2.getMonthNum()) {
- rules.set(0, rec2);
- rules.set(1, rec1);
- } else if (rec1.getMonthNum() == rec2.getMonthNum()) {
- // TODO: it's not accurate to ignore time types (STD, WALL, UTC)
- long t1 = Time.getLocalTime(year, rec1.getMonth(),
- rec1.getDay(), rec1.getTime().getTime());
- long t2 = Time.getLocalTime(year, rec2.getMonth(),
- rec2.getDay(), rec2.getTime().getTime());
- if (t1 > t2) {
- rules.set(0, rec2);
- rules.set(1, rec1);
- }
- }
- return rules;
- }
- final int y = year;
- RuleRec[] recs = new RuleRec[rules.size()];
- rules.toArray(recs);
- Arrays.sort(recs, new Comparator() {
- public int compare(RuleRec r1, RuleRec r2) {
- int n = r1.getMonthNum() - r2.getMonthNum();
- if (n != 0) {
- return n;
- }
- // TODO: it's not accurate to ignore time types (STD, WALL, UTC)
- long t1 = Time.getLocalTime(y, r1.getMonth(),
- r1.getDay(), r1.getTime().getTime());
- long t2 = Time.getLocalTime(y, r2.getMonth(),
- r2.getDay(), r2.getTime().getTime());
- return (int)(t1 - t2);
- }
- public boolean equals(Object o) {
- return this == o;
- }
- });
- rules.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- rules.add(recs[i]);
- }
- return rules;
- }
- /**
- * Gets rule records that have either "max" or cover the endYear
- * value in its DST schedule.
- *
- * @return rules that contain last DST schedule. An empty
- * ArrayList is returned if no last rules are found.
- */
- List getLastRules() {
- RuleRec start = null;
- RuleRec end = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
- RuleRec rec = list.get(i);
- if (rec.isLastRule()) {
- if (rec.getSave() > 0) {
- start = rec;
- } else {
- end = rec;
- }
- }
- }
- if (start == null || end == null) {
- int endYear = Zoneinfo.getEndYear();
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
- RuleRec rec = list.get(i);
- if (endYear >= rec.getFromYear() && endYear <= rec.getToYear()) {
- if (start == null && rec.getSave() > 0) {
- start = rec;
- } else {
- if (end == null && rec.getSave() == 0) {
- end = rec;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- List r = new ArrayList(2);
- if (start == null || end == null) {
- if (start != null || end != null) {
- Main.warning("found last rules for "+name+" inconsistent.");
- }
- return r;
- }
- r.add(start);
- r.add(end);
- return r;
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/RuleDay.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/RuleDay.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce43f19fce..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/RuleDay.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
- * RuleDay class represents the value of the "ON" field. The day of
- * week values start from 1 following the {@link java.util.Calendar}
- * convention.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class RuleDay {
- private static final Map abbreviations = new HashMap(7);
- static {
- for (DayOfWeek day : DayOfWeek.values()) {
- abbreviations.put(day.getAbbr(), day);
- }
- }
- private String dayName = null;
- private DayOfWeek dow;
- private boolean lastOne = false;
- private int soonerOrLater = 0;
- private int thanDayOfMonth; // day of month (e.g., 8 for "Sun>=8")
- RuleDay() {
- }
- RuleDay(int day) {
- thanDayOfMonth = day;
- }
- int getDay() {
- return thanDayOfMonth;
- }
- /**
- * @return the day of week value (1-based)
- */
- int getDayOfWeekNum() {
- return dow.value();
- }
- /**
- * @return true if this rule day represents the last day of
- * week. (e.g., lastSun).
- */
- boolean isLast() {
- return lastOne;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if this rule day represents the day of week on or
- * later than (after) the {@link #getDay}. (e.g., Sun>=1)
- */
- boolean isLater() {
- return soonerOrLater > 0;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if this rule day represents the day of week on or
- * earlier than (before) the {@link #getDay}. (e.g., Sun<=15)
- */
- boolean isEarlier() {
- return soonerOrLater < 0;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if this rule day represents an exact day.
- */
- boolean isExact() {
- return soonerOrLater == 0;
- }
- /**
- * Parses the "ON" field and constructs a RuleDay.
- * @param day an "ON" field string (e.g., "Sun>=1")
- * @return a RuleDay representing the given "ON" field
- */
- static RuleDay parse(String day) {
- RuleDay d = new RuleDay();
- if (day.startsWith("last")) {
- d.lastOne = true;
- d.dayName = day.substring(4);
- d.dow = getDOW(d.dayName);
- } else {
- int index;
- if ((index = day.indexOf(">=")) != -1) {
- d.dayName = day.substring(0, index);
- d.dow = getDOW(d.dayName);
- d.soonerOrLater = 1; // greater or equal
- d.thanDayOfMonth = Integer.parseInt(day.substring(index+2));
- } else if ((index = day.indexOf("<=")) != -1) {
- d.dayName = day.substring(0, index);
- d.dow = getDOW(d.dayName);
- d.soonerOrLater = -1; // less or equal
- d.thanDayOfMonth = Integer.parseInt(day.substring(index+2));
- } else {
- // it should be an integer value.
- d.thanDayOfMonth = Integer.parseInt(day);
- }
- }
- return d;
- }
- /**
- * Converts this RuleDay to the SimpleTimeZone day rule.
- * @return the converted SimpleTimeZone day rule
- */
- int getDayForSimpleTimeZone() {
- if (isLast()) {
- return -1;
- }
- return isEarlier() ? -getDay() : getDay();
- }
- /**
- * Converts this RuleDay to the SimpleTimeZone day-of-week rule.
- * @return the SimpleTimeZone day-of-week rule value
- */
- int getDayOfWeekForSimpleTimeZoneInt() {
- if (isEarlier() || isLater()) {
- return -getDayOfWeekNum();
- }
- return isLast() ? getDayOfWeekNum() : 0;
- }
- /**
- * @return the string representation of the {@link
- * #getDayOfWeekForSimpleTimeZoneInt} value
- */
- String getDayOfWeekForSimpleTimeZone() {
- int d = getDayOfWeekForSimpleTimeZoneInt();
- if (d == 0) {
- return "0";
- }
- String sign = "";
- if (d < 0) {
- sign = "-";
- d = -d;
- }
- return sign + toString(d);
- }
- private static DayOfWeek getDOW(String abbr) {
- return abbreviations.get(abbr);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the specified day of week value to the day-of-week
- * name defined in {@link java.util.Calenda}.
- * @param dow 1-based day of week value
- * @return the Calendar day of week name with "Calendar." prefix.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified dow value is out of range.
- */
- static String toString(int dow) {
- if (dow >= DayOfWeek.SUNDAY.value() && dow <= DayOfWeek.SATURDAY.value()) {
- return "Calendar." + DayOfWeek.values()[dow - 1];
- }
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong Day_of_Week number: " + dow);
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/RuleRec.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/RuleRec.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 37743725729..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/RuleRec.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- * RuleRec class represents one record of the Rule set.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class RuleRec {
- private int fromYear;
- private int toYear;
- private String type;
- private Month inMonth;
- private RuleDay onDay;
- private Time atTime;
- private int save;
- private String letters;
- private String line;
- private boolean isLastRule;
- int getFromYear() {
- return fromYear;
- }
- int getToYear() {
- return toYear;
- }
- Month getMonth() {
- return inMonth;
- }
- int getMonthNum() {
- return inMonth.value();
- }
- RuleDay getDay() {
- return onDay;
- }
- Time getTime() {
- return atTime;
- }
- int getSave() {
- return save;
- }
- String getLine() {
- return line;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the line from the text file.
- * @param line the text of the line
- */
- void setLine(String line) {
- this.line = line;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the rule type is "odd".
- */
- boolean isOdd() {
- return "odd".equals(type);
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the rule type is "even".
- */
- boolean isEven() {
- return "even".equals(type);
- }
- /**
- * Determines if this rule record is the last DST schedule rule.
- *
- * @return true if this rule record has "max" as TO (year).
- */
- boolean isLastRule() {
- return isLastRule;
- }
- /**
- * Determines if the unadjusted until time of the specified ZoneRec
- * is the same as the transition time of this rule in the same
- * year as the ZoneRec until year.
- *
- * @param zrec ZoneRec to compare to
- * @param save the amount of daylight saving in milliseconds
- * @param gmtOffset the GMT offset value in milliseconds
- * @return true if the unadjusted until time is the same as rule's
- * transition time.
- */
- boolean isSameTransition(ZoneRec zrec, int save, int gmtOffset) {
- long until, transition;
- if (zrec.getUntilTime().getType() != atTime.getType()) {
- until = zrec.getLocalUntilTime(save, gmtOffset);
- transition = Time.getLocalTime(zrec.getUntilYear(),
- getMonth(),
- getDay(),
- save,
- gmtOffset,
- atTime);
- } else {
- until = zrec.getLocalUntilTime();
- transition = Time.getLocalTime(zrec.getUntilYear(),
- getMonth(),
- getDay(),
- atTime.getTime());
- }
- return until == transition;
- }
- /**
- * Parses a Rule line and returns a RuleRec object.
- *
- * @param tokens a StringTokenizer object that should contain a
- * token for the "FROM" field and the rest.
- * @return a RuleRec object.
- */
- static RuleRec parse(StringTokenizer tokens) {
- RuleRec rec = new RuleRec();
- try {
- // FROM
- String token = tokens.nextToken();
- try {
- rec.fromYear = Integer.parseInt(token);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- // it's not integer
- if ("min".equals(token) || "minimum".equals(token)) {
- rec.fromYear = Zoneinfo.getMinYear();
- } else if ("max".equals(token) || "maximum".equals(token)) {
- rec.fromYear = Zoneinfo.getMaxYear();
- } else {
- Main.panic("invalid year value: "+token);
- }
- }
- // TO
- token = tokens.nextToken();
- rec.isLastRule = false;
- try {
- rec.toYear = Integer.parseInt(token);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- // it's not integer
- if ("min".equals(token) || "minimum".equals(token)) {
- rec.fromYear = Zoneinfo.getMinYear();
- } else if ("max".equals(token) || "maximum".equals(token)) {
- rec.toYear = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- rec.isLastRule = true;
- } else if ("only".equals(token)) {
- rec.toYear = rec.fromYear;
- } else {
- Main.panic("invalid year value: "+token);
- }
- }
- // TYPE
- rec.type = tokens.nextToken();
- // IN
- rec.inMonth = Month.parse(tokens.nextToken());
- // ON
- rec.onDay = RuleDay.parse(tokens.nextToken());
- // AT
- rec.atTime = Time.parse(tokens.nextToken());
- // SAVE
- rec.save = (int) Time.parse(tokens.nextToken()).getTime();
- rec.letters = tokens.nextToken();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return rec;
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the transition time of the given year under this rule.
- * @param year the year value
- * @param gmtOffset the GMT offset value in milliseconds
- * @param save the amount of daylight save time
- * @return the transition time in milliseconds of the given year in UTC.
- */
- long getTransitionTime(int year, int gmtOffset, int save) {
- long time = Time.getLocalTime(year, getMonth(),
- getDay(), atTime.getTime());
- if (atTime.isSTD()) {
- time -= gmtOffset;
- } else if (atTime.isWall()) {
- time -= gmtOffset + save;
- }
- return time;
- }
- private static int getInt(StringTokenizer tokens) {
- String token = tokens.nextToken();
- return Integer.parseInt(token);
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Simple.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Simple.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 69c7fe783f5..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Simple.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.SortedMap;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
- * Simple
generates TimeZoneData, which had been used as internal
- * data of TimeZone before J2SDK1.3.
- * Since J2SDK1.4 doesn't need TimeZoneData, this class is for maintenance
- * of old JDK release.
- */
-class Simple extends BackEnd {
- /**
- * Zone records which are applied for given year.
- */
- private static Map lastZoneRecs = new HashMap<>();
- /**
- * Rule records which are applied for given year.
- */
- private static Map> lastRules = new TreeMap<>();
- /**
- * zone IDs sorted by their GMT offsets. If zone's GMT
- * offset will change in the future, its last known offset is
- * used.
- */
- private SortedMap> zonesByOffset = new TreeMap<>();
- /**
- * Sets last Rule records and Zone records for given timezone to
- * each Map.
- *
- * @param tz Timezone object for each zone
- * @return always 0
- */
- int processZoneinfo(Timezone tz) {
- String zonename = tz.getName();
- lastRules.put(zonename, tz.getLastRules());
- lastZoneRecs.put(zonename, tz.getLastZoneRec());
- // Populate zonesByOffset. (Zones that will change their
- // GMT offsets are also added to zonesByOffset here.)
- int lastKnownOffset = tz.getRawOffset();
- Set set = zonesByOffset.get(lastKnownOffset);
- if (set == null) {
- set = new TreeSet<>();
- zonesByOffset.put(lastKnownOffset, set);
- }
- set.add(zonename);
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Generates TimeZoneData to output SimpleTimeZone data.
- * @param map Mappings object which is generated by {@link Main#compile}.
- * @return 0 if no error occurred, otherwise 1.
- */
- int generateSrc(Mappings map) {
- try {
- File outD = new File(Main.getOutputDir());
- outD.mkdirs();
- FileWriter fw =
- new FileWriter(new File(outD, "TimeZoneData.java"), false);
- BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
- out.write("import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;\n\n");
- out.write(" static SimpleTimeZone zones[] = {\n");
- Map a = map.getAliases();
- List roi = map.getRawOffsetsIndex();
- List> roit = map.getRawOffsetsIndexTable();
- int index = 0;
- for (int offset : zonesByOffset.keySet()) {
- int o = roi.get(index);
- Set set = zonesByOffset.get(offset);
- if (offset == o) {
- // Merge aliases into zonesByOffset
- set.addAll(roit.get(index));
- }
- index++;
- for (String key : set) {
- ZoneRec zrec;
- String realname;
- List stz;
- if ((realname = a.get(key)) != null) {
- // if this alias is not targeted, ignore it.
- if (!Zone.isTargetZone(key)) {
- continue;
- }
- stz = lastRules.get(realname);
- zrec = lastZoneRecs.get(realname);
- } else {
- stz = lastRules.get(key);
- zrec = lastZoneRecs.get(key);
- }
- out.write("\t//--------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- String s = Time.toFormedString(offset);
- out.write("\tnew SimpleTimeZone(" +
- Time.toFormedString(offset) + ", \"" + key + "\"");
- if (realname != null) {
- out.write(" /* " + realname + " */");
- }
- if (stz == null) {
- out.write("),\n");
- } else {
- RuleRec rr0 = stz.get(0);
- RuleRec rr1 = stz.get(1);
- out.write(",\n\t " + Month.toString(rr0.getMonthNum()) +
- ", " + rr0.getDay().getDayForSimpleTimeZone() + ", " +
- rr0.getDay().getDayOfWeekForSimpleTimeZone() + ", " +
- Time.toFormedString((int)rr0.getTime().getTime()) + ", " +
- rr0.getTime().getTypeForSimpleTimeZone() + ",\n" +
- "\t " + Month.toString(rr1.getMonthNum()) + ", " +
- rr1.getDay().getDayForSimpleTimeZone() + ", " +
- rr1.getDay().getDayOfWeekForSimpleTimeZone() + ", " +
- Time.toFormedString((int)rr1.getTime().getTime())+ ", " +
- rr1.getTime().getTypeForSimpleTimeZone() + ",\n" +
- "\t " + Time.toFormedString(rr0.getSave()) + "),\n");
- out.write("\t// " + rr0.getLine() + "\n");
- out.write("\t// " + rr1.getLine() + "\n");
- }
- String zline = zrec.getLine();
- if (zline.indexOf("Zone") == -1) {
- zline = "Zone " + key + "\t" + zline.trim();
- }
- out.write("\t// " + zline + "\n");
- }
- }
- out.write(" };\n");
- out.close();
- fw.close();
- } catch(IOException e) {
- Main.panic("IO error: "+e.getMessage());
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Time.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Time.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 66458a0020d..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Time.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import sun.util.calendar.CalendarDate;
-import sun.util.calendar.CalendarSystem;
-import sun.util.calendar.Gregorian;
- * Time class represents the "AT" field and other time related information.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class Time {
- static final Gregorian gcal = CalendarSystem.getGregorianCalendar();
- // type is wall clock time
- private static final int WALL = 1;
- // type is standard time
- private static final int STD = 2;
- // type is UTC
- private static final int UTC = 3;
- // type of representing time
- private int type;
- /**
- * Time from the EPOCH in milliseconds
- */
- private long time;
- /**
- * Current time in milliseconds
- */
- private static final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- Time() {
- time = 0L;
- }
- Time(long time) {
- this.time = time;
- }
- void setType(int type) {
- this.type = type;
- }
- long getTime() {
- return time;
- }
- int getType() {
- return type;
- }
- static long getCurrentTime() {
- return currentTime;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the time is represented in wall-clock time.
- */
- boolean isWall() {
- return type == WALL;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the time is represented in standard time.
- */
- boolean isSTD() {
- return type == STD;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the time is represented in UTC time.
- */
- boolean isUTC() {
- return type == UTC;
- }
- /**
- * Converts the type to a string that represents the type in the
- * SimpleTimeZone time mode. (e.g., "SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME").
- * @return the converted string or null if the type is undefined.
- */
- String getTypeForSimpleTimeZone() {
- String stz = "SimpleTimeZone.";
- if (isWall()) {
- return stz+"WALL_TIME";
- }
- else if (isSTD()) {
- return stz+"STANDARD_TIME";
- }
- else if (isUTC()) {
- return stz+"UTC_TIME";
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given Gregorian calendar field values to local time.
- * Local time is represented by the amount of milliseconds from
- * January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT.
- * @param year the year value
- * @param month the Month value
- * @param day the day represented by {@link RuleDay}
- * @param save the amount of daylight time in milliseconds
- * @param gmtOffset the GMT offset in milliseconds
- * @param time the time of the day represented by {@link Time}
- * @return local time
- */
- static long getLocalTime(int year, Month month, RuleDay day, int save,
- int gmtOffset, Time time) {
- long t = time.getTime();
- if (time.isSTD())
- t = time.getTime() + save;
- else if (time.isUTC())
- t = time.getTime() + save + gmtOffset;
- return getLocalTime(year, month, day, t);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given Gregorian calendar field values to local time.
- * Local time is represented by the amount of milliseconds from
- * January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT.
- * @param year the year value
- * @param month the Month value
- * @param day the day value
- * @param time the time of the day in milliseconds
- * @return local time
- */
- static long getLocalTime(int year, Month month, int day, long time) {
- CalendarDate date = gcal.newCalendarDate(null);
- date.setDate(year, month.value(), day);
- long millis = gcal.getTime(date);
- return millis + time;
- }
- /**
- * Equivalent to getLocalTime(year, month, day, (long)time)
- * @param year the year value
- * @param month the Month value
- * @param day the day value
- * @param time the time of the day in milliseconds
- * @return local time
- */
- static long getLocalTime(int year, Month month, int day, int time) {
- return getLocalTime(year, month, day, (long)time);
- }
- /**
- * Equivalent to {@link #getLocalTime(int, Month, RuleDay, int)
- * getLocalTime(year, month, day, (int) time)}.
- * @param year the year value
- * @param month the Month value
- * @param day the day represented by {@link RuleDay}
- * @param time the time of the day represented by {@link Time}
- * @return local time
- */
- static long getLocalTime(int year, Month month, RuleDay day, long time) {
- return getLocalTime(year, month, day, (int) time);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given Gregorian calendar field values to local time.
- * Local time is represented by the amount of milliseconds from
- * January 1, 1970 0:00 GMT.
- * @param year the year value
- * @param month the Month value
- * @param day the day represented by {@link RuleDay}
- * @param time the time of the day represented by {@link Time}
- * @return local time
- */
- static long getLocalTime(int year, Month month, RuleDay day, int time) {
- CalendarDate cdate = gcal.newCalendarDate(null);
- int monthValue = month.value();
- if (day.isLast()) { // e.g., "lastSun"
- cdate.setDate(year, monthValue, 1);
- cdate.setDayOfMonth(gcal.getMonthLength(cdate));
- cdate = gcal.getNthDayOfWeek(-1, day.getDayOfWeekNum(), cdate);
- } else if (day.isLater()) { // e.g., "Sun>=1"
- cdate.setDate(year, monthValue, day.getDay());
- cdate = gcal.getNthDayOfWeek(1, day.getDayOfWeekNum(), cdate);
- } else if (day.isExact()) {
- cdate.setDate(year, monthValue, day.getDay());
- } else if (day.isEarlier()) { // e.g., "Sun<=15"
- cdate.setDate(year, monthValue, day.getDay());
- cdate = gcal.getNthDayOfWeek(-1, day.getDayOfWeekNum(), cdate);
- } else {
- Main.panic("invalid day type: " + day);
- }
- return gcal.getTime(cdate) + time;
- }
- /**
- * Parses the given "AT" field and constructs a Time object.
- * @param the "AT" field string
- * @return the Time object
- */
- static Time parse(String time) {
- int sign;
- int index = 0;
- Time tm;
- if (time.charAt(0) == '-') {
- sign = -1;
- index++;
- } else {
- sign = 1;
- }
- int val = 0;
- int num = 0;
- int countDelim = 0;
- while (index < time.length()) {
- char c = time.charAt(index++);
- if (c == ':') {
- val = val * 60 + num;
- countDelim++;
- num = 0;
- continue;
- }
- int d = Character.digit(c, 10);
- if (d == -1) {
- --index;
- break;
- }
- num = num * 10 + d;
- }
- val = val * 60 + num;
- // convert val to second
- for (; countDelim < 2; countDelim++) {
- val *= 60;
- }
- tm = new Time((long)val * 1000 * sign);
- if (index < time.length()) {
- char c = time.charAt(index++);
- if (c == 's') {
- tm.setType(Time.STD);
- } else if (c == 'u' || c == 'g' || c == 'z') {
- tm.setType(Time.UTC);
- } else if (c == 'w') {
- tm.setType(Time.WALL);
- } else {
- Main.panic("unknown time mode: "+c);
- }
- } else {
- tm.setType(Time.WALL);
- }
- return tm;
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given milliseconds string to a "[+-]hh:mm" string.
- * @param ms the milliseconds string
- */
- static String toGMTFormat(String ms) {
- long sec = Long.parseLong(ms) / 1000;
- char sign;
- if (sec < 0) {
- sign = '-';
- sec = -sec;
- } else {
- sign = '+';
- }
- return String.format((Locale)null, "%c%02d:%02d",
- sign, sec/3600, (sec%3600)/60);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given millisecond value to a string for a
- * SimpleTimeZone parameter.
- * @param ms the millisecond value
- * @return the string in a human readable form
- */
- static String toFormedString(int ms) {
- StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
- boolean minus = false;
- if (ms < 0) {
- s.append("-");
- minus = true;
- ms = -ms;
- } else if (ms == 0) {
- return "0";
- }
- int hour = ms / (60 * 60 * 1000);
- ms %= (60 * 60 * 1000);
- int minute = ms / (60 * 1000);
- if (hour != 0) {
- if (minus && minute != 0) {
- s.append("(");
- }
- s.append(Integer.toString(hour) + "*ONE_HOUR");
- }
- if (minute != 0) {
- if (hour != 0) {
- s.append("+");
- }
- s.append(Integer.toString(minute) + "*ONE_MINUTE");
- if (minus && hour != 0) {
- s.append(")");
- }
- }
- return s.toString();
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Timezone.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Timezone.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 941ea454563..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Timezone.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
- * Timezone represents all information of a single point of time to
- * generate its time zone database.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class Timezone {
- /**
- * zone name of this time zone
- */
- private String name;
- /**
- * transition time values in UTC (millisecond)
- */
- private List transitions;
- /**
- * All offset values in millisecond
- * @see sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo
- */
- private List offsets;
- /**
- * Indices of GMT offset values (both raw and raw+saving)
- * at transitions
- */
- private List gmtOffsets;
- /**
- * Indices of regular or "direct" saving time values
- * at transitions
- */
- private List dstOffsets;
- /**
- * Zone records of this time zone
- */
- private List usedZoneRecs;
- /**
- * Rule records referred to by this time zone
- */
- private List usedRuleRecs;
- /**
- * Type of DST rules in this time zone
- */
- private int dstType;
- static final int UNDEF_DST = 0; // DST type not set yet
- static final int NO_DST = 1; // never observed DST
- static final int LAST_DST = 2; // last rule ends in DST (all year round DST-only)
- static final int X_DST = 3; // used to observe DST
- static final int DST = 4; // observing DST regularly
- /**
- * Raw GMT offset of this time zone in the last rule
- */
- private int rawOffset;
- /**
- * The CRC32 value of the transitions data
- */
- private int crc32;
- /**
- * The last ZoneRec
- */
- private ZoneRec lastZoneRec;
- /**
- * The last DST rules. lastRules[0] is the DST start
- * rule. lastRules[1] is the DST end rules.
- */
- private List lastRules;
- /**
- * The amount of DST saving value (millisecond) in the last DST
- * rule.
- */
- private int lastSaving;
- /**
- * true if the raw offset will change in the future time.
- */
- private boolean willRawOffsetChange = false;
- /**
- * Constracts a Timezone object with the given zone name.
- * @param name the zone name
- */
- Timezone(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
- /**
- * @return the number of transitions
- */
- int getNTransitions() {
- if (transitions == null) {
- return 0;
- }
- return transitions.size();
- }
- /**
- * @return the zone name
- */
- String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of all rule records that have been referred to
- * by this time zone.
- * @return the rule records list
- */
- List getRules() {
- return usedRuleRecs;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of all zone records that have been referred to
- * by this time zone.
- * @return the zone records list
- */
- List getZones() {
- return usedZoneRecs;
- }
- /**
- * @return the transition table (list)
- */
- List getTransitions() {
- return transitions;
- }
- /**
- * @return the offsets list
- */
- List getOffsets() {
- return offsets;
- }
- /**
- * @return the DST saving offsets list
- */
- List getDstOffsets() {
- return dstOffsets;
- }
- /**
- * @return the GMT offsets list
- */
- List getGmtOffsets() {
- return gmtOffsets;
- }
- /**
- * @return the checksum (crc32) value of the trasition table
- */
- int getCRC32() {
- return crc32;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if the GMT offset of this time zone would change
- * after the time zone database has been generated, false, otherwise.
- */
- boolean willGMTOffsetChange() {
- return willRawOffsetChange;
- }
- /**
- * @return the last known GMT offset value in milliseconds
- */
- int getRawOffset() {
- return rawOffset;
- }
- /**
- * Sets time zone's GMT offset to offset
- * @param offset the GMT offset value in milliseconds
- */
- void setRawOffset(int offset) {
- rawOffset = offset;
- }
- /**
- * Sets time zone's GMT offset value to offset
. If
- * startTime
is future time, then the {@link
- * #willRawOffsetChange} value is set to true.
- * @param offset the GMT offset value in milliseconds
- * @param startTime the UTC time at which the GMT offset is in effective
- */
- void setRawOffset(int offset, long startTime) {
- // if this rawOffset is for the future time, let the run-time
- // look for the current GMT offset.
- if (startTime > Time.getCurrentTime()) {
- willRawOffsetChange = true;
- }
- setRawOffset(offset);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified transition information to the end of the transition table.
- * @param time the UTC time at which this transition happens
- * @param offset the total amount of the offset from GMT in milliseconds
- * @param dstOffset the amount of time in milliseconds saved at this transition
- */
- void addTransition(long time, int offset, int dstOffset) {
- if (transitions == null) {
- transitions = new ArrayList();
- offsets = new ArrayList();
- dstOffsets = new ArrayList();
- }
- transitions.add(time);
- offsets.add(offset);
- dstOffsets.add(dstOffset);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the type of historical daylight saving time
- * observation. For example, China used to observed daylight
- * saving time, but it no longer does. Then, X_DST is set to the
- * China time zone.
- * @param type the type of daylight saving time
- */
- void setDSTType(int type) {
- dstType = type;
- }
- /**
- * @return the type of historical daylight saving time
- * observation.
- */
- int getDSTType() {
- return dstType;
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified zone record to the zone records list.
- * @param rec the zone record
- */
- void addUsedRec(ZoneRec rec) {
- if (usedZoneRecs == null) {
- usedZoneRecs = new ArrayList();
- }
- usedZoneRecs.add(rec);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified rule record to the rule records list.
- * @param rec the rule record
- */
- void addUsedRec(RuleRec rec) {
- if (usedRuleRecs == null) {
- usedRuleRecs = new ArrayList();
- }
- // if the last used rec is the same as the given rec, avoid
- // putting the same rule.
- int n = usedRuleRecs.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (usedRuleRecs.get(i).equals(rec)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- usedRuleRecs.add(rec);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the last zone record for this time zone.
- * @param the last zone record
- */
- void setLastZoneRec(ZoneRec zrec) {
- lastZoneRec = zrec;
- }
- /**
- * @return the last zone record for this time zone.
- */
- ZoneRec getLastZoneRec() {
- return lastZoneRec;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the last rule records for this time zone. Those are used
- * for generating SimpleTimeZone parameters.
- * @param rules the last rule records
- */
- void setLastRules(List rules) {
- int n = rules.size();
- if (n > 0) {
- lastRules = rules;
- RuleRec rec = rules.get(0);
- int offset = rec.getSave();
- if (offset > 0) {
- setLastDSTSaving(offset);
- } else {
- System.err.println("\t No DST starting rule in the last rules.");
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return the last rule records for this time zone.
- */
- List getLastRules() {
- return lastRules;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the last daylight saving amount.
- * @param the daylight saving amount
- */
- void setLastDSTSaving(int offset) {
- lastSaving = offset;
- }
- /**
- * @return the last daylight saving amount.
- */
- int getLastDSTSaving() {
- return lastSaving;
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the CRC32 value from the transition table and sets
- * the value to crc32
- */
- void checksum() {
- if (transitions == null) {
- crc32 = 0;
- return;
- }
- Checksum sum = new Checksum();
- for (int i = 0; i < transitions.size(); i++) {
- int offset = offsets.get(i);
- // adjust back to make the transition in local time
- sum.update(transitions.get(i) + offset);
- sum.update(offset);
- sum.update(dstOffsets.get(i));
- }
- crc32 = (int)sum.getValue();
- }
- /**
- * Removes unnecessary transitions for Java time zone support.
- */
- void optimize() {
- // if there is only one offset, delete all transitions. This
- // could happen if only time zone abbreviations changed.
- if (gmtOffsets.size() == 1) {
- transitions = null;
- usedRuleRecs = null;
- setDSTType(NO_DST);
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < (transitions.size() - 2); i++) { // don't remove the last one
- if (transitions.get(i) == transitions.get(i+1)) {
- transitions.remove(i);
- offsets.remove(i);
- dstOffsets.remove(i);
- i--;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < (transitions.size() - 2); i++) { // don't remove the last one
- if (offsets.get(i) == offsets.get(i+1)
- && dstOffsets.get(i) == dstOffsets.get(i+1)) {
- transitions.remove(i+1);
- offsets.remove(i+1);
- dstOffsets.remove(i+1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the specified offset value from GMT in the GMT offsets
- * table and returns its index. The offset value includes the base
- * GMT offset and any additional daylight saving if applicable. If
- * the same value as the specified offset is already in the table,
- * its index is returned.
- * @param offset the offset value in milliseconds
- * @return the index to the offset value in the GMT offsets table.
- */
- int getOffsetIndex(int offset) {
- return getOffsetIndex(offset, 0);
- }
- /**
- * Stores the specified daylight saving value in the GMT offsets
- * table and returns its index. If the same value as the specified
- * offset is already in the table, its index is returned. If 0 is
- * specified, it's not stored in the table and -1 is returned.
- * @param offset the offset value in milliseconds
- * @return the index to the specified offset value in the GMT
- * offsets table, or -1 if 0 is specified.
- */
- int getDstOffsetIndex(int offset) {
- if (offset == 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- return getOffsetIndex(offset, 1);
- }
- private int getOffsetIndex(int offset, int index) {
- if (gmtOffsets == null) {
- gmtOffsets = new ArrayList();
- }
- for (int i = index; i < gmtOffsets.size(); i++) {
- if (offset == gmtOffsets.get(i)) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- if (gmtOffsets.size() < index) {
- gmtOffsets.add(0);
- }
- gmtOffsets.add(offset);
- return gmtOffsets.size() - 1;
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Zone.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Zone.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4e7029c15..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Zone.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- * Zone holds information corresponding to a "Zone" part of a time
- * zone definition file.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class Zone {
- // zone name (e.g., "America/Los_Angeles")
- private String name;
- // zone records
- private List list;
- // target zone names for this compilation
- private static Set targetZones;
- /**
- * Constructs a Zone with the specified zone name.
- * @param name the zone name
- */
- Zone(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- list = new ArrayList();
- }
- /**
- * Reads time zone names to be generated, called "target zone
- * name", from the specified text file and creats an internal hash
- * table to keep those names. It's assumed that one text line
- * contains a zone name or comments if it starts with
- * '#'. Comments can't follow a zone name in a single line.
- * @param fileName the text file name
- */
- static void readZoneNames(String fileName) {
- if (fileName == null) {
- return;
- }
- BufferedReader in = null;
- try {
- FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName);
- in = new BufferedReader(fr);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- Main.panic("can't open file: " + fileName);
- }
- targetZones = new HashSet();
- String line;
- try {
- while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
- line = line.trim();
- if (line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#') {
- continue;
- }
- if (!targetZones.add(line)) {
- Main.warning("duplicated target zone name: " + line);
- }
- }
- in.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- Main.panic("IO error: "+e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines whether the specified zone is one of the target zones.
- * If no target zones are specified, this method always returns
- * true for any zone name.
- * @param zoneName the zone name
- * @return true if the specified name is a target zone.
- */
- static boolean isTargetZone(String zoneName) {
- if (targetZones == null) {
- return true;
- }
- return targetZones.contains(zoneName);
- }
- /**
- * Forces to add "MET" to the target zone table. This is because
- * there is a conflict between Java zone name "WET" and Olson zone
- * name.
- */
- static void addMET() {
- if (targetZones != null) {
- targetZones.add("MET");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return the zone name
- */
- String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified zone record to the zone record list.
- */
- void add(ZoneRec rec) {
- list.add(rec);
- }
- /**
- * @param index the index at which the zone record in the list is returned.
- * @return the zone record specified by the index.
- */
- ZoneRec get(int index) {
- return list.get(index);
- }
- /**
- * @return the size of the zone record list
- */
- int size() {
- return list.size();
- }
- /**
- * Resolves the reference to a rule in each zone record.
- * @param zi the Zoneinfo object with which the rule reference is
- * resolved.
- */
- void resolve(Zoneinfo zi) {
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
- ZoneRec rec = list.get(i);
- rec.resolve(zi);
- }
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/ZoneRec.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/ZoneRec.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b175e0e93d4..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/ZoneRec.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- * ZoneRec hold information of time zone corresponding to each text
- * line of the "Zone" part.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class ZoneRec {
- private int gmtOffset;
- private String ruleName;
- private int directSave;
- private Rule ruleRef;
- private String format;
- private boolean hasUntil;
- private int untilYear;
- private Month untilMonth;
- private RuleDay untilDay;
- private Time untilTime;
- private long untilInMillis;
- private String line;
- /**
- * @return the "UNTIL" value in milliseconds
- */
- Time getUntilTime() {
- return untilTime;
- }
- /**
- * @return the GMT offset value in milliseconds
- */
- int getGmtOffset() {
- return gmtOffset;
- }
- /**
- * @return the rule name to which this zone record refers
- */
- String getRuleName() {
- return ruleName;
- }
- /**
- * @return the amount of saving time directly defined in the
- * "RULES/SAVE" field.
- */
- int getDirectSave() {
- return directSave;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if this zone record has a reference to a rule
- */
- boolean hasRuleReference() {
- return ruleRef != null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the "FORMAT" field string of this zone record. This
- * @return the "FORMAT" field
- */
- String getFormat() {
- return format;
- }
- /**
- * @return the year in the "UNTIL" field
- */
- int getUntilYear() {
- return untilYear;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the "UNTIL" field value in milliseconds from Janurary
- * 1, 1970 0:00 GMT.
- * @param currentSave the amount of daylight saving in
- * milliseconds that is used to adjust wall-clock time.
- * @return the milliseconds value of the "UNTIL" field
- */
- long getUntilTime(int currentSave) {
- if (untilTime.isWall()) {
- return untilInMillis - currentSave;
- }
- return untilInMillis;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the "UNTIL" time in milliseconds without adjusting GMT
- * offsets or daylight saving.
- * @return local "UNTIL" time in milliseconds
- */
- long getLocalUntilTime() {
- return Time.getLocalTime(untilYear,
- untilMonth,
- untilDay,
- untilTime.getTime());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the "UNTIL" time in milliseconds with adjusting GMT offsets and daylight saving.
- * @return the "UNTIL" time after the adjustment
- */
- long getLocalUntilTime(int save, int gmtOffset) {
- return Time.getLocalTime(untilYear,
- untilMonth,
- untilDay,
- save,
- gmtOffset,
- untilTime);
- }
- /**
- * @return the text line of this zone record
- */
- String getLine() {
- return line;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the specified text line to this zone record
- */
- void setLine(String line) {
- this.line = line;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if this zone record has the "UNTIL" field
- */
- boolean hasUntil() {
- return this.hasUntil;
- }
- /**
- * Adjusts the "UNTIL" time to GMT offset if this zone record has
- * it. untilTime
is not adjusted to daylight saving
- * in this method.
- */
- void adjustTime() {
- if (!hasUntil()) {
- return;
- }
- if (untilTime.isSTD() || untilTime.isWall()) {
- // adjust to gmt offset only here. adjust to real
- // wall-clock time when tracking rules
- untilInMillis -= gmtOffset;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return the reference to the Rule object
- */
- Rule getRuleRef() {
- return ruleRef;
- }
- /**
- * Resolves the reference to a Rule and adjusts its "UNTIL" time
- * to GMT offset.
- */
- void resolve(Zoneinfo zi) {
- if (ruleName != null && (!"-".equals(ruleName))) {
- ruleRef = zi.getRule(ruleName);
- }
- adjustTime();
- }
- /**
- * Parses a Zone text line that is described by a StringTokenizer.
- * @param tokens represents tokens of a Zone text line
- * @return the zone record produced by parsing the text
- */
- static ZoneRec parse(StringTokenizer tokens) {
- ZoneRec rec = new ZoneRec();
- try {
- rec.gmtOffset = (int) Time.parse(tokens.nextToken()).getTime();
- String token = tokens.nextToken();
- char c = token.charAt(0);
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- rec.directSave = (int) Time.parse(token).getTime();
- } else {
- rec.ruleName = token;
- }
- rec.format = tokens.nextToken();
- if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- rec.hasUntil = true;
- rec.untilYear = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
- if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- rec.untilMonth = Month.parse(tokens.nextToken());
- } else {
- rec.untilMonth = Month.JANUARY;
- }
- if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- rec.untilDay = RuleDay.parse(tokens.nextToken());
- } else {
- rec.untilDay = new RuleDay(1);
- }
- if (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- rec.untilTime = Time.parse(tokens.nextToken());
- } else {
- rec.untilTime = Time.parse("0:00");
- }
- rec.untilInMillis = rec.getLocalUntilTime();
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO: error reporting
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return rec;
- }
- private static void panic(String msg) {
- Main.panic(msg);
- }
diff --git a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Zoneinfo.java b/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Zoneinfo.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 129f87c57d2..00000000000
--- a/jdk/make/tools/src/build/tools/javazic/Zoneinfo.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
-package build.tools.javazic;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- * Zoneinfo provides javazic compiler front-end functionality.
- * @since 1.4
- */
-class Zoneinfo {
- private static final int minYear = 1900;
- private static final int maxYear = 2037;
- private static final long minTime = Time.getLocalTime(minYear, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0);
- private static int startYear = minYear;
- private static int endYear = maxYear;
- /**
- * True if javazic should generate a list of SimpleTimeZone
- * instances for the SimpleTimeZone-based time zone support.
- */
- static boolean isYearForTimeZoneDataSpecified = false;
- /**
- * Zone name to Zone mappings
- */
- private Map zones;
- /**
- * Rule name to Rule mappings
- */
- private Map rules;
- /**
- * Alias name to real name mappings
- */
- private Map aliases;
- /**
- * Constracts a Zoneinfo.
- */
- Zoneinfo() {
- zones = new HashMap();
- rules = new HashMap();
- aliases = new HashMap();
- }
- /**
- * Adds the given zone to the list of Zones.
- * @param zone Zone to be added to the list.
- */
- void add(Zone zone) {
- String name = zone.getName();
- zones.put(name, zone);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the given rule to the list of Rules.
- * @param rule Rule to be added to the list.
- */
- void add(Rule rule) {
- String name = rule.getName();
- rules.put(name, rule);
- }
- /**
- * Puts the specifid name pair to the alias table.
- * @param name1 an alias time zone name
- * @param name2 the real time zone of the alias name
- */
- void putAlias(String name1, String name2) {
- aliases.put(name1, name2);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the given year for SimpleTimeZone list output.
- * This method is called when the -S option is specified.
- * @param year the year for which SimpleTimeZone list should be generated
- */
- static void setYear(int year) {
- setStartYear(year);
- setEndYear(year);
- isYearForTimeZoneDataSpecified = true;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the start year.
- * @param year the start year value
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified year value is
- * smaller than the minimum year or greater than the end year.
- */
- static void setStartYear(int year) {
- if (year < minYear || year > endYear) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid start year specified: " + year);
- }
- startYear = year;
- }
- /**
- * @return the start year value
- */
- static int getStartYear() {
- return startYear;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the end year.
- * @param year the end year value
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified year value is
- * smaller than the start year or greater than the maximum year.
- */
- static void setEndYear(int year) {
- if (year < startYear || year > maxYear) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- endYear = year;
- }
- /**
- * @return the end year value
- */
- static int getEndYear() {
- return endYear;
- }
- /**
- * @return the minimum year value
- */
- static int getMinYear() {
- return minYear;
- }
- /**
- * @return the maximum year value
- */
- static int getMaxYear() {
- return maxYear;
- }
- /**
- * @return the alias table
- */
- Map getAliases() {
- return aliases;
- }
- /**
- * @return the Zone list
- */
- Map getZones() {
- return zones;
- }
- /**
- * @return a Zone specified by name.
- * @param name a zone name
- */
- Zone getZone(String name) {
- return zones.get(name);
- }
- /**
- * @return a Rule specified by name.
- * @param name a rule name
- */
- Rule getRule(String name) {
- return rules.get(name);
- }
- private static String line;
- private static int lineNum;
- /**
- * Parses the specified time zone data file and creates a Zoneinfo
- * that has all Rules, Zones and Links (aliases) information.
- * @param fname the time zone data file name
- * @return a Zoneinfo object
- */
- static Zoneinfo parse(String fname) {
- BufferedReader in = null;
- try {
- FileReader fr = new FileReader(fname);
- in = new BufferedReader(fr);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- panic("can't open file: "+fname);
- }
- Zoneinfo zi = new Zoneinfo();
- boolean continued = false;
- Zone zone = null;
- String l;
- lineNum = 0;
- try {
- while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
- lineNum++;
- // skip blank and comment lines
- if (line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#') {
- continue;
- }
- // trim trailing comments
- int rindex = line.lastIndexOf('#');
- if (rindex != -1) {
- // take the data part of the line
- l = line.substring(0, rindex);
- } else {
- l = line;
- }
- StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(l);
- if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- continue;
- }
- String token = tokens.nextToken();
- if (continued || "Zone".equals(token)) {
- if (zone == null) {
- if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- panic("syntax error: zone no more token");
- }
- token = tokens.nextToken();
- // if the zone name is in "GMT+hh" or "GMT-hh"
- // format, ignore it due to spec conflict.
- if (token.startsWith("GMT+") || token.startsWith("GMT-")) {
- continue;
- }
- zone = new Zone(token);
- } else {
- // no way to push the current token back...
- tokens = new StringTokenizer(l);
- }
- ZoneRec zrec = ZoneRec.parse(tokens);
- zrec.setLine(line);
- zone.add(zrec);
- if ((continued = zrec.hasUntil()) == false) {
- if (Zone.isTargetZone(zone.getName())) {
- // zone.resolve(zi);
- zi.add(zone);
- }
- zone = null;
- }
- } else if ("Rule".equals(token)) {
- if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
- panic("syntax error: rule no more token");
- }
- token = tokens.nextToken();
- Rule rule = zi.getRule(token);
- if (rule == null) {
- rule = new Rule(token);
- zi.add(rule);
- }
- RuleRec rrec = RuleRec.parse(tokens);
- rrec.setLine(line);
- rule.add(rrec);
- } else if ("Link".equals(token)) {
- // Link
- try {
- String name1 = tokens.nextToken();
- String name2 = tokens.nextToken();
- // if the zone name is in "GMT+hh" or "GMT-hh"
- // format, ignore it due to spec conflict with
- // custom time zones. Also, ignore "ROC" for
- // PC-ness.
- if (name2.startsWith("GMT+") || name2.startsWith("GMT-")
- || "ROC".equals(name2)) {
- continue;
- }
- zi.putAlias(name2, name1);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- panic("syntax error: no more token for Link");
- }
- }
- }
- in.close();
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- panic("IO error: " + ex.getMessage());
- }
- return zi;
- }
- /**
- * Interprets a zone and constructs a Timezone object that
- * contains enough information on GMT offsets and DST schedules to
- * generate a zone info database.
- *
- * @param zoneName the zone name for which a Timezone object is
- * constructed.
- *
- * @return a Timezone object that contains all GMT offsets and DST
- * rules information.
- */
- Timezone phase2(String zoneName) {
- Timezone tz = new Timezone(zoneName);
- Zone zone = getZone(zoneName);
- zone.resolve(this);
- // TODO: merge phase2's for the regular and SimpleTimeZone ones.
- if (isYearForTimeZoneDataSpecified) {
- ZoneRec zrec = zone.get(zone.size()-1);
- tz.setLastZoneRec(zrec);
- tz.setRawOffset(zrec.getGmtOffset());
- if (zrec.hasRuleReference()) {
- /*
- * This part assumes that the specified year is covered by
- * the rules referred to by the last zone record.
- */
- List rrecs = zrec.getRuleRef().getRules(startYear);
- if (rrecs.size() == 2) {
- // make sure that one is a start rule and the other is
- // an end rule.
- RuleRec r0 = rrecs.get(0);
- RuleRec r1 = rrecs.get(1);
- if (r0.getSave() == 0 && r1.getSave() > 0) {
- rrecs.set(0, r1);
- rrecs.set(1, r0);
- } else if (!(r0.getSave() > 0 && r1.getSave() == 0)) {
- rrecs = null;
- Main.error(zoneName + ": rules for " + startYear + " not found.");
- }
- } else {
- rrecs = null;
- }
- if (rrecs != null) {
- tz.setLastRules(rrecs);
- }
- }
- return tz;
- }
- int gmtOffset;
- int year = minYear;
- int fromYear = year;
- long fromTime = Time.getLocalTime(startYear,
- Month.JANUARY,
- 1, 0);
- // take the index 0 for the GMT offset of the last zone record
- ZoneRec zrec = zone.get(zone.size()-1);
- tz.getOffsetIndex(zrec.getGmtOffset());
- int currentSave = 0;
- boolean usedZone;
- for (int zindex = 0; zindex < zone.size(); zindex++) {
- zrec = zone.get(zindex);
- usedZone = false;
- gmtOffset = zrec.getGmtOffset();
- int stdOffset = zrec.getDirectSave();
- // If this is the last zone record, take the last rule info.
- if (!zrec.hasUntil()) {
- tz.setRawOffset(gmtOffset, fromTime);
- if (zrec.hasRuleReference()) {
- tz.setLastRules(zrec.getRuleRef().getLastRules());
- } else if (stdOffset != 0) {
- // in case the last rule is all year round DST-only
- // (Asia/Amman once announced this rule.)
- tz.setLastDSTSaving(stdOffset);
- }
- }
- if (!zrec.hasRuleReference()) {
- if (!zrec.hasUntil() || zrec.getUntilTime(stdOffset) >= fromTime) {
- tz.addTransition(fromTime,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+stdOffset),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(stdOffset));
- usedZone = true;
- }
- currentSave = stdOffset;
- // optimization in case the last rule is fixed.
- if (!zrec.hasUntil()) {
- if (tz.getNTransitions() > 0) {
- if (stdOffset == 0) {
- tz.setDSTType(Timezone.X_DST);
- } else {
- tz.setDSTType(Timezone.LAST_DST);
- }
- long time = Time.getLocalTime(maxYear,
- Month.JANUARY, 1, 0);
- time -= zrec.getGmtOffset();
- tz.addTransition(time,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+stdOffset),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(stdOffset));
- tz.addUsedRec(zrec);
- } else {
- tz.setDSTType(Timezone.NO_DST);
- }
- break;
- }
- } else {
- Rule rule = zrec.getRuleRef();
- boolean fromTimeUsed = false;
- currentSave = 0;
- year_loop:
- for (year = getMinYear(); year <= endYear; year++) {
- if (zrec.hasUntil() && year > zrec.getUntilYear()) {
- break;
- }
- List rules = rule.getRules(year);
- if (rules.size() > 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
- RuleRec rrec = rules.get(i);
- long transition = rrec.getTransitionTime(year,
- gmtOffset,
- currentSave);
- if (zrec.hasUntil()) {
- if (transition >= zrec.getUntilTime(currentSave)) {
- break year_loop;
- }
- }
- if (fromTimeUsed == false) {
- if (fromTime <= transition) {
- fromTimeUsed = true;
- if (fromTime != minTime) {
- int prevsave;
- ZoneRec prevzrec = zone.get(zindex - 1);
- // See if until time in the previous
- // ZoneRec is the same thing as the
- // local time in the next rule.
- // (examples are Asia/Ashkhabad in 1991,
- // Europe/Riga in 1989)
- if (i > 0) {
- prevsave = rules.get(i-1).getSave();
- } else {
- List prevrules = rule.getRules(year-1);
- if (prevrules.size() > 0) {
- prevsave = prevrules.get(prevrules.size()-1).getSave();
- } else {
- prevsave = 0;
- }
- }
- if (rrec.isSameTransition(prevzrec, prevsave, gmtOffset)) {
- currentSave = rrec.getSave();
- tz.addTransition(fromTime,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave));
- tz.addUsedRec(rrec);
- usedZone = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!prevzrec.hasRuleReference()
- || rule != prevzrec.getRuleRef()
- || (rule == prevzrec.getRuleRef()
- && gmtOffset != prevzrec.getGmtOffset())) {
- int save = (fromTime == transition) ? rrec.getSave() : currentSave;
- tz.addTransition(fromTime,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+save),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(save));
- tz.addUsedRec(rrec);
- usedZone = true;
- }
- } else { // fromTime == minTime
- int save = rrec.getSave();
- tz.addTransition(minTime,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(0));
- tz.addTransition(transition,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+save),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(save));
- tz.addUsedRec(rrec);
- usedZone = true;
- }
- } else if (year == fromYear && i == rules.size()-1) {
- int save = rrec.getSave();
- tz.addTransition(fromTime,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+save),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(save));
- }
- }
- currentSave = rrec.getSave();
- if (fromTime < transition) {
- tz.addTransition(transition,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave));
- tz.addUsedRec(rrec);
- usedZone = true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (year == fromYear) {
- tz.addTransition(fromTime,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave));
- fromTimeUsed = true;
- }
- if (year == endYear && !zrec.hasUntil()) {
- if (tz.getNTransitions() > 0) {
- // Assume that this Zone stopped DST
- tz.setDSTType(Timezone.X_DST);
- long time = Time.getLocalTime(maxYear, Month.JANUARY,
- 1, 0);
- time -= zrec.getGmtOffset();
- tz.addTransition(time,
- tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset),
- tz.getDstOffsetIndex(0));
- usedZone = true;
- } else {
- tz.setDSTType(Timezone.NO_DST);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (usedZone) {
- tz.addUsedRec(zrec);
- }
- if (zrec.hasUntil() && zrec.getUntilTime(currentSave) > fromTime) {
- fromTime = zrec.getUntilTime(currentSave);
- fromYear = zrec.getUntilYear();
- year = zrec.getUntilYear();
- }
- }
- if (tz.getDSTType() == Timezone.UNDEF_DST) {
- tz.setDSTType(Timezone.DST);
- }
- tz.optimize();
- tz.checksum();
- return tz;
- }
- private static void panic(String msg) {
- Main.panic(msg);
- }